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SWF: A view from the top

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The year 2013 is now upon us. And over the years many of said this is the year of the demise of Supreme Wrestling Federation. But here we still stand. They said this about us back in 1972 when I first opened this company. And yet we still stand. They said this about us when Micky Starr lost to Corporal Doom, When Sam Strong first won, and lost the world title. And we are still here. They said we are too angle heavy, to risqué, to add your own criticism here. But we are still here, and the world leader.



Men who have worked for me in the past are leading their currant companies hell bent to destroy what I have created and flourished for half my life. Men like Tommy Cornell and TCW. For the better part of 5 years, I cannot shake this man. I have beaten him year after year in rating, buy rates, merchandise sales, but he remains a thorn in my side. Sam Strong and his USPW. A man, who helped make us supreme for almost a decade, now seems just as determined to break us, as he did to help make us.



I could be bitter. I could be waiting for them to destroy us. On the other hand, I could wait them out and hope we can outlast them. However, I am Richard Eisen. And I make the rules. So I am choosing option four. They think they can catch me. Let’s see them attain a higher level than where I am at now.



I pick up my phone and dial for Peter Michaels to bring his staff to my office now. Peter Michaels gathered his staff and was in my office with a very puzzled look on his face. He asks me whets up. I tell him I have a few objectives to accomplish this year. 1. I want to run a PPV in Canada sometime this year. 2. I want to be able to run a PPV from Mexico either this year or next at the latest. 3. Prepare for a woman’s division. 4. Scrap the plans for Supreme challenge. Peter stops me and asks me if I’m on crack? He and his staff have been working hard to the build up leading to Supreme Challenge. And to change now could put the build up and the shows reputation at risk. I assure him it won’t and after naming who I want headling that show I can already see the wheels in motion.



Peter tells me running a PPV show in Canada is a great idea and we should not have a problem. Mexico on the other hand is going to take a lot of work. Why Mexico? He asks. I tell him it is because we are behind the times and demographically its one of the fastest growing markets. I want to be in a position to corner the market. I also tell him to begin the search for some Latin workers and make the plans to do some tours thru the area.



Women’s division is Peter’s next obstacle. Its already tough enough to fit the roster we have. Now I have to try to make room for more. I explain to Pete that in the near future we will be bumping up Supreme TV to 2 hours. Also I am thinking very hard on bringing Uprising back to help build up our next generation of stars. I want 2013 to be the year we finally pull away from the pack. No more worrying about TCW. No more looking over my shoulder for USPW. We know that they are there. But they will never again be looked at as our competition. Peter we got alot of work ahead for us in the coming months. Lets get started on this today.

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Champions and Rosters


Roster of Champions



SWF World Heavyweight Champion

Steve Frehley

Won from Rich Money in July 2012

Total Defences 5




SWF North American Title

Eric Eisen

Won from Angry Gilmore in January 2013

Total Defences 0



SWF World Tag Team Champions

The All-Americans

Won from The Pain Alliance in March 2012

Total Defences 8




Main Event


Christian Faith

Jack Bruce

Lobster Warrior

Marat Khoklov


Rich Money

Steve Frehley




Upper Midcard


Angry Gilmore

Brandon James

Des Davids

Eric Eisen

Joe Sexy


Squeeky McClean






American Machine

Big Smack Scott

Captian Atomic


James Prudence

John Greed

Jungle Lord

Kurt Laramee

Marc Dubois

Paul Huntingdon

Randy Bumfhole

Robbie Retro

Zimmy Bumfhole



Lower Midcard


Bart Biggins

Bret Biggins


Huey Cannonball

Jefferson Stardust

Marshall Dillon



Openers and Enhancement talent


Bob Casey

Brandon Idol

Lassana Makutsi

Silver Tiger

Spencer Spade

Tempest Appleby

Thomas Morgan




Tag Teams


Hero Squad= Captian Atomic and Jungle Lord

Quadruple B= Bret and Bart Biggins

The All-Americans= American Machine and Des Davids

The Amazing Bumfholes= Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole

The Awesomeness= Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust

The Pain Alliance= Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott

The Platinum Blondes= F.A.G. and James Prudence





The Chase Agency= Emma Chase, Brandon James, Rogue, and Paul Huntingdon.


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top 5 companies and title holders


Top 5 companies and title holders




#2 TCW



All Action Title= Edd Stone

International= Aaron Andrew

World Heavyweight= Wolf Hawkins

World Tag Team= American Buffalo and Texas Pete







National = Java

Televison = Tribal Warrior

Womens = Melody

World = Nicky Champion

Tag Team = DC Rayne and Eddie Howard






Championship = Mikey James

Tag Team= California Love Machine and Frankie Boy Fernandez

Xtreme = Air Attack Weasel





#5 PSW



Championship = Madman Boone

National = Teddy Powell

Tag Team = Ash Cambell Nelson Callum

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TEW.Com news



News article about Champagne Lover. He was featured on the show ‘Funny Money’. The show featured many of the top paid athletes in the world. With is pay being over 70k a month from two jobs, excluding endorsement deals, movie deals, and merchandise sales, he is well above the curve as far as highest paid wrestlers in perhaps the world.



Jungle Lord appeared on a local radio station in the Midsouth and he hyped up the SWF TV show coming to area. He was very proud of himself being ranked 96 in the power 500 rankings listed on TEW.com in 2012. He thinks this year he could do even better. He also let it slip that he tends to get alittle more nervous the higher he gets.



CZCW Revolution was held in Grissom Auditorium and was sold out with 2,000 people attending the event. The card featured eight tough matches. Two title defenses were made as Weasel defended his CZCW Coastal Zone Xtreme title against Love Machine and The Flash. The night also saw Mikey James defend his Costal Zone Championship against Matt Sparrow. But the match of the night perhaps was when The Masked Cougar defeated Remmy Sky.



PSW Disposable Heroes was held in Pennsylvania Park. Teddy Park defended his PSW National title against The Wolverine. The night also saw Madman Boone in the Main Event retaining his PSW Championship against Ash Cambell. Greg Black perhaps stole the nights show when he defeated Mathew Keith.



First Show will be up later tonight. I plan on doing some kind of world reporting, plus some backstory and or office dealings as well every week.
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Wk 1 Thursday January 2013

Supreme TV

Clover Fields

15,000 (Sold out)



Opening Video






We find Steve Frehley in the ring with the SWF World Heavyweight title slung over his shoulder.


Steve Frehley: We are two weeks away from When Hell Freezes Over. (pauses for a moment) You know that’s a great name for that PPV. You see when I blew my knee out a few years ago they said it would be when hell freezes over I would be getting back in the ring competing, yet alone win another world title. (cheers) Nobody, and I mean nobody can, or ever will, out hustle me.


Christian Faith’s music hits and the crowd get louder than they were. As Faith comes out to make his way down to ringside. Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Jerry Eisen welcome us to the show. Faith gets into the ring and asks for a microphone for himself.


Christian Faith: You know kid, your right. You came storming right back after your injury and set the world on fire. (Cheers as Frehley is shaking his head in agreance.) But you see, you have something I want. And something I have faith in doing for the 5th time.


Remo’s music hits and the cheer feast turns into a choir of boos.


Remo: If you two boys are done playing grab ass I got something important to say. (crowd boos) Shut up you idiots. (crowd is all over him now) Don’t know if you two remember something or not. But I use to be a world champion as well. And I know I can out gun either of you two on any given night. And I will……..


GONG! The lights go out.


Jerry Eisen: This can only mean one thing.


Duane Fry: Vengeance.


Peter Michaels: By gawd Vengeance is indeed in the house ladies and gentlemen.


GONG! Lights come back on and Vengeance is between Remo to onside, Faith and Frehley on the other. He is standing between them with chain in hand. The four men begin to posture against one another looking for opportunities but yet being defensive.


Peter Michaels: This is going to erupt any moment now.


The SWF Jumbotron crackles to life and Richard Eisen is on screen.

Richard Eisen: Hold up you four. I know you want to get your hands on one another before Hell Freezes Over. But I can’t do that. (Boos) I know that disappoints the crowd in Clover Fields. However, I do have some great news for you. You will indeed see these four men in action tonight. (Cheers) Infact all four men will be in the same match tonight. (Louder Cheers) In tag action. Christian Faith and Remo will face the team of Vengeance and Steve Frehley. (Cheers)


Peter Michaels: Wow what an incredible announcement.


Duane Fry: What a way to open the New Year.


The four men stare at one another; nobody seems to be happy with their announced teammates. Let along with the announcement of tonight’s match.


Richard Eisen: Now get out of my ring.


More stare down action as the four men begin to withdraw as we fade to commercial.



***Commercial Break***



Robbie Retro VS Squeeky McClean


Robbie was announced first and he came out to a nice ovation from the fans. Retro is in the ring and begins to dance for the fans.


Jerry Eisen: I can dig it.


Duane and Peter in unison: You would.


Before Robbie can finish his dance moves McClean’s music hits and of course, the cheers turn to boos quickly. McClean just marches right down to the ring and rolls in. He demands a microphone.


Squeeky McClean: You see, this is everything I hate in this sport today. (Boos) Instead of seeing true wrestling in its finest, you are instead brain washed into cheering for buffoons like, (points at Robbie)


Robbie goes to grab for the microphone but is clocked with it instead.


Peter Michaels: And I guess we are going to have a match anyways here.


Duane Frye: Anything to stop that disco dancing.


Jerry Eisen: Hey now.


Squeeky begins with a few well placed reverse knife edge chops that begin to take the starch out of Robbie. Running clothesline by McClean and a cover gets him a quick one count but Robbie kicks out early.


Peter Michaels: Gotta do more than that to put it away.


McClean then applies a nerve pinch. While holding onto it begins to yell at the fans in the front row.


Duane Frye: I think Mr. McClean better pay attention to the task at hand and not worry what the fans say or think.


Peter Michaels: Indeed.


Robbie gets back to a vertical base and tries to punch his way out but Squeeky grabs a hand full of hair and pulls his man down. Darren Smith admonishes McClean who is proclaiming innocence. Body scissors now being applied as McClean is all smiles again. A few moments pass as Smith checks in several times if Robbie wants to quit. McClean releases the hold and pulls Robbie up only to fire him hard into the corner.


Peter Michaels: People in car wrecks have dealt with whiplash like that.


Duane Frye: Squeeky McClean is all business tonight.


McClean reaches down and pulls Robbie up and fires him into the corner again, this time just alittle bit harder than the first one. McClean is very proud of himself but the fans are booing him anyways. Robbie is down on the mat as McClean goes for a splash. Robbie moves at the last second causing McClean to miss.


Jerry Eisen: Come on Robbie!


The fans come alive as Robbie begins to pound away on McClean. Now it Robbie who fires McClean into the corner. Squeeky bounces out and is fired into the other side hard into the corner again.


Peter Michaels: We might have an upset in the making here.


A third time has McClean in trouble as he is sitting in the corner in pain. Robbie begins to shuck and jive as the fans are clearly behind him. Robbie charges into the corner for a big boot but McClean moves causing Robbie to miss and have his leg extended out above the corner. McClean turns around and grabs Robbie’s head and pull landing a vicious inverted neck breaker. Seizing the moment McClean locks on his McClean McMount and Robbie is tapping quickly.


Peter Michaels: What a great match. Robbie perhaps took just a hare to long there.


Duane Frye: Pin the person first, and then celebrate. Robbie has to learn to do that soon.


Jerry Eisen: What a real downer dudes.


Peter Michaels: Seriously, you need meds Jerry.




*** Commercial Break***



Lobster Warrior VS Rogue W/ Emma Chase, Brandon James, and Paul Huntingdon.


We come out of commercial break and find Lobster Warrior finishing something that was entertaining the fans during the break. The relative good mood was quickly changed when Emma Chase’s Agency came out all in unison. Lobby has a very determined look about him now, as he knows this is serious now. Brandon is close to Emma almost acting like a bodyguard in a sense as Paul Huntingdon joins the broadcast both. Paul tells us to relax as The Agency is only down here to ensure fairness for Rogue. Peter Michaels thinks they are up to no good.


The match overall turns out to be a decent one as Lobby holds his own against the odds. However, every time he begins to get some momentum somebody from the Agency would get involved and cause Lobby to become distracted long enough for Rogue to pull a cheap shot to stop his advances.


The SWF Jumbotron again comes to life as we find Valiant and Jack Bruce on screen. Valiant issues a challenge to the Agency to face off against them in a three way battle at When Hell Freezes Over. Bruce follows up with you know it’s Showtime don’t ya? This causes Emma to huddle with James and Huntingdon for a response while Rogue and Lobster Warrior are going at it in the ring. Warrior comes out ahead finally with some kicks to the back of the leg of Rogue. Dropkick to the knee by Lobby sends Rogue down to the mat. Scorpion Deathlock is applied by Lobby as Emma sees what is going on.


Emma goes to pull the ref away as Brandon James rolls into the ring on the other side. Rogue begins to tap as the ref and Emma are yelling at one another. Lobby doesn’t see Brandon roll into the ring and goes to get the ref back into the match. Brandon with a running clothesline on Lobby from behind drops him. James begins to kick away on Lobby as the ref finally turns around and see James stomping on Warrior. He calls for the bell disqualifying Rogue.


The Agency does not seem to care as Paul Huntingdon and followed by Rogue begin to beat down on Lobby. Referee Ric Young tries to restore some order but he gets pushed aside as the three continue their assault. The crowd comes to life as Jack Bruce and Valiant come charging from backstage. Emma sees the two coming and calls for a retreat just in the nick of time. The Agency makes a slow retreat wanting none of Jack Bruce and Valiant tonight despite several taunts and motioning by the two for them to come back.



***Commercial Break***



SWF Tag Team Title Match

The All-Americans © VS Enforcer Roberts and Marc DuBois


All four men are in the ring as the final ring announcements are made. Enforcer Roberts and American Machine are starting for their prospective teams. The two begin to trade blows right away and it’s quickly apparent that American Machine is the better puncher as he has Robert’s leg all rubbery after the short exchange. American Machine goes to charge Roberts but a drop toehold on him by Roberts causes his head to bounce awkwardly into the turnbuckle. Machine is busted open as he goes to tag in Des Davids. Roberts tags in Dubois. Referee Darren Smith calls for medical staff as we cut to a quick commercial.



***Commercial Break***



We come out of the break and the staff are still attending to American Machine to treat the bleeding. It is apparently coming from the nose as he perhaps may have broken it after hitting the turnbuckle. In the mean time, Roberts and Dubois have taken control of the match.


Slingshot suplex by Roberts and he goes for a pin but only gets a one count. The always tough Enforcer Roberts pulls up Des and fires him into the turnbuckle. Roberts chases in shortly after hitting a clothesline that crumples David to the mat. Roberts points at Dubois to get ready as he pulls up Des and hit’s a hotshot on him. Roberts tags to Dubois who goes for a basement drop kick. Des moves out of the way causing him to miss, pulls himself up, and goes into a three-point stance.


As Dubois collects himself, Enforcer Roberts begins to creep into the ring. Machine pushes off the staff, runs behind Roberts, and pulls him out of the ring. Dubois finally gets to his feet and Quarterback sack from Des gets the win.



***Commercial Break***



SWF North American Title Match

Angry Gilmore © VS Joe Sexy


We are back from commercial and find Eric Eisen has joined the broadcast booth. Joe Sexy is already in the ring as Angry Gilmore is announced. Angry Gilmore comes out to a very nice pop from the crowd.


Duane Frye: As we await Angry Gilmore to get in the ring for what looks like to be a great match.


Peter Michaels: These two men use to be tag team partners and they are set for battle tonight.


Eric Eisen: Joe Sexy carried the team anyway. I hope it ends in a draw tonight.


Peter Michaels: Why is that Eric? I know you are signed to face the winner tonight. At least you would know whom you are facing.


Eric Eisen: I would rather take joy in beating the snot out of Angry Gilmore than facing Joe Sexy.


Angry Gilmore rolls in the ring and eyes Eric Eisen as he holds up the North American Title in the air.


Eric Eisen: Only for days Angry. You had better be more worried about Joe than me, you bald headed mule.


Angry Gilmore shows off his North American Title again to the fans as they applaud. Joe Sexy takes exception to this and spins Angry around. Joe begins to yell at Angry and you can slightly hear his sayings. He tells Gilmore he is better looking than he is. And he let Angry take all of the accolades for their former team when they were together. Tonight he will show the world he is the better wrestler. Angry just swats him away and continues to show off his title.


Eric Eisen: See, this man is so full of himself.


Jerry Eisen: Who? Joe?


Eric Eisen: No my half baked brother. Gilmore.


Joe has seen enough, spins around Angry, and slaps Gilmore across the face. Gilmore takes a step back to rub his face, and then with a mighty heave he shoves Joe to the mat. Ric Young steps in between the two and calls for the bell.


Peter Michaels: Tensions are high here tonight.


The two go to lock up and Joe with a quick kick to the gut followed by a snap suplex. Joe goes for a quick cover and Angry kicks out at one and a half.


Duane Fry: Going to take a lot more than that to beat this man.


Eric Eisen: Not much more, Angry is so outclassed here he almost loses in the opening minutes of the match.


Joe mounts Angry and begins to unload several shots onto Gilmore as the crowd begins to boo. Ric Young finally gets Joe off of Gilmore. Sexy Joe is loving the crowd reaction goes back to work on Gilmore by stepping on his face with his boots.


Eric Eisen: Come on Joe. Great work.


Peter Michaels: Are you kidding me? What a lack of class the Joe Sexy is.


Eric Eisen: He has more class in his pinky finger than everybody here at this table, myself excluded of course.


Joe bounces off the ropes and struts before landing a fist onto Gilmore’s face. Cover by Joe and he gets a two count. Joe gets up and is in the face of Young. He demands Young count right 1,2,3 that simple.


Eric Eisen: You tell him Joe.


Just those few seconds is all it took for Gilmore to get to his feet and spins Joe around. Angry with a hard right, Joe counters with one of his own. Another shot by Gilmore, another, yet another. Joe is rocking back and forth. Angry Gilmore steps away, begins to rub his face, and looks like he is firing himself up.


Duane Frye: Classic Gilmore here.


Gilmore goes to put Joe down but a rake of the eyes stops him.


Eric Eisen: Great counter to those illegal punches.


Joe goes for a One Night Stand (Twisting neck breaker) but Angry shoves him off. Belly to Belly Suplex by Gilmore. Joe bounces back up and is sent down again by another belly to belly. Joe is a lot slower now as Gilmore waits. Snap Suplex by Gilmore who then jumps back up and looks around to the fans as they come alive. He points to the top turnbuckle and rushes over to it.


Peter Michaels: This can mean only one thing.


Duane Frye: Eric, where are you going?


Eric has removed his headgear and goes over to the turnbuckle where Angry is perched. Eric tries to get Gilmore off of the turnbuckle but is kicked in the face sending him tumbling down to the floor mat. SKY EYE ELBOW! Angry with a hook of the leg and cover,1,,,,,2,,,,,,,,3!


Eric is beside himself as Gilmore is announced as the winner. Gilmore has his title and shows it to Eric to irritate him so more. Eric slinks up the ramp way as Peter and Duane talk what a good win tonight for Gilmore.




We are taken to back stage where Rich Money is talking to some backstage people. Emma Chase, Brandon James, Rogue, and Paul Huntington are walking past Money. Rich starts to chuckle a bit as the group walks past him shortly. The group pauses and heads back to Rich as the people he was talking to scatter.


Rich Money: Problem boys?


Emma Chase: What’s so funny? The only thing I see is so funny is a tired old rich moneybag is still sulking around backstage.


Brandon James, Rogue and Paul surround Rich.


Rich Money: I said boys, not tramps. You could not handle Valiant, let alone Bruce. What chance do you have against me? You do not want any part of me. Because unlike you four, I’m …..


Before he can say anything else, the three men begin to pummel Money. He fights back as best as he can but the three quickly over power him. Brandon sends Money hard into the wall and he off. Rich goes to swing but Rogue hit’s a lung blower (Back Cracker from Carlito).


Emma Chase: Now that’s, Money.


The group walks away as we are shown Rich Money, barely moving and in pain as backstage staff arrive.



***Commercial Break***



A video package is shown featuring highlights of Christian Faith, Remo, Steve Frehley, and Vengeance delivering and taking various blows through out the last few years. We come out of the video package and find a split screen of Faith, Remo, and Steve Frehley making their final preparations for the next match.


Peter Michaels: And our main event is next folks.



***Commercial Break***



Christian Faith and Remo VS Steve Frehley and Vengeance.


The crowd goes into a frenzy as each man is announced. They come out individually except for Vengeance. Vengeance is announced twice but does not appear. The match is being officiated by Ric Young.


Peter Michaels: Where is Vengeance?


Duane Frye: Can we see if anybody knows where Vengeance is?


The match is ordered to go on minus the missing Vengeance. Faith and Remo tag in and out on various occasions but you can just feel the tension in the air between these two. But the work just effectively enough to keep Steve Frehley down for most of the match. Remo just pounds on Steve with clubbing shots to the back of Steve’s neck that drops him to his knees. Remo grabs Steve’s arm and yanks him.


Peter Michaels: Rise and Shine by Remo.


Duane Frye: This is usually followed by…


And before he can finish Remo has Steve hoisted in the air for a huge press slam.


Peter Michaels: What an incredible display of power by Remo.


Duane Frye: I don’t think I have ever seen him lift a man as heavy as Steve with such ease.


Peter Michaels: The world champion is in some real trouble here.


Remo looks around and makes a slit throat motion as he begins to stalk Steve. Faith blindly tags himself in as Remo was circling. Remo is very mad and begins to yell at Faith, who yells back. A shove by Remo and a return shove by Faith. Ric Young goes to separate the two but gets tossed to the mat by both Faith and Remo. Steve Frehley has gotten to his feet and drops to a three point stance.


Peter Michaels: Faith and Remo had better watch out.


Duane Frye: Here it comes.


And right at that moment Frehley uncoils a huge Dark Destroyer Spear with such a blow that sends Faith and Remo tumbling out of the ring. Steve is fired up and bangs on his chest as he marches around the ring. Remo and Faith have gotten to their feet and begin to fire away at one another. Remo with a DDT out of nowhere sends Faith to the floor.


Peter Michaels: OH no!


Remo grabs a chair and is about to hit Faith with it. GONG! The lights go out. We hear the chair shots. Then we hear a commotion in the ring. Peter Michaels and Duane Frye are wondering what is going on. This has to be Vengeance. GONG! The lights come back on and we find Vengeance is indeed in the ring as he has his chain wrapped around Steve Frehley’s neck.


Peter Michaels: Dear god we need some help down here.


Vengeance pulls Steve head in and quickly delivers a Skull Krusher! We end the show as Vengeance is standing above everybody surveying his destruction of his future opponents in two weeks. We fade out to silence after hearing the boos.

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Well written first show - keep up the good work! Out of interest, are you planning on sharing the grades the segments get?



Thank you Jaded. That means alot to me. Yes I will be giving grades but it will be in the form of like tew.com news write up. Kind of like what I had going into the first card but more discriptive.


Basically what I'll have is some kind of news reporting on how my world is going. Card write up. Then some kind of office interaction of some kind. Might be weeks where I only get two out of the three. Just depends on what is going on.


I liked writing this one up. Hope to keep you and the rest entertained with it. But the PPV might be alot more discriptive in the matches. I entend to float around. If I think it serves the story more I will write out the match. If not I'll shorten it up.


On a side note. I also entend to not keep to a scedule. I tried that and got preasured by myself to put out shows before I was ready. Or I wrote up a bunch of cards and tried to keep a bank of shows so I could post them as needed. This to I failed because I would lose focus. This time I will be posting a show only if it truely is ready. Hope you all enjoy it.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TEW.Com</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

SWF were in Clover Fields to a sell out crowd. Seems as if the mast majority enjoyed the show. Let us look back at some of the action.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Steve Frehley, Christian Faith, Remo, and Vengeance trade words in the ring, sports entertainment style. Usual opening of show. Good results. Rate it a B.</p><p> </p><p>

Richard Eisen came on the SWF Jumbotron out of nowhere and books a tag team match that will see Christian Faith and Remo against Steve Frehley and Vengeance. It’s been awhile since we have seen old man Eisen. But he still has enough in him to deliver a B- rating.</p><p> </p><p>

Squeeky McClean defeated Robbie Retro in 7:52 by submission. McClean looks a little better than he has as of late. Retro is the usual squash victim but even he had his moments. Rate this one a C-</p><p> </p><p>

Lobster Warrior defeated Rogue in 8:18 when Rogue was disqualified when Brandon James ran in and attacked Lobster Warrior. During the match, we also saw Paul Huntingdon distract Lobby. I think Emma Chase’s Agency is going to have a great year in 2013. Warrior as usual put on a stellar performance. Rated this one a solid B.</p><p> </p><p>

Brandon James, Rogue and Paul Huntingdon are attacking lobster Warrior in the ring. Seeing the assault, Bruce and Valiant come running in and fight all three of them off, saving Lobby from a serious beating. Bruce and Valiant are looking great here and it served its purpose. B-</p><p> </p><p>

The All-Americans defeated Enforcer Roberts and Marc DuBois in 8:18 when Des Davids defeated Enforcer Roberts by pinfall with a Quarterback Sack. The All-Americans make defence number 9 of their SWF World Tag Team titles. No word yet if American Machine’s bleeding if it was a work or a shoot. Either way a nice C+</p><p> </p><p>

Angry Gilmore defeated Joe Sexy in 8:23 by pinfall. During the match, we also had Eric Eisen distract Gilmore. Angry Gilmore makes defence number 2 of his SWF North American title. Gilmore and Sexy do great work in the ring. Plus Eric Eisen playing a pain in the rear heel always helps as well. Rated it a B.</p><p> </p><p>

Brandon James, Rogue, and Paul Huntingdon attack Rich Money backstage, and leave him down and out. Rich Money over the last couple of months seems to have lost his focus. However, helps put over Emma Chase’s boys. Rate it a B-.</p><p> </p><p>

A video plays hyping Faith and Remo vs. Frehley and Vengeance. Nobody puts together better video highlights than Supreme Wrestling Federation. This one actually gave me goose bumps. Rate it a B+</p><p> </p><p>

Christian Faith and Remo drew with Steve Frehley and Vengeance in 16:04 when the match descended into chaos. Frehley and Faith came out a little weak on this one I think. All and all a nice Main Event. Rated it a B-.</p><p> </p><p>

Christian Faith, Remo and Steve Frehley are in the ring. Out of nowhere, Vengeance hits the ring and attacks. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves all three workers destroyed. Vengeance is looking dominate again. Could we be seeing a new champion soon? Rate it a B+</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

TCW were in New England at the Mayor Street Arena to an almost capacity crowd. And we are treated to our first title change this year. Edd Stone beat Flying Fox to win the TCW All Action title. Performance of the night was perhaps the Wolf Hawkins and Joshua Taylor match. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

USPW’s show was held at the Plum Park. And from most accounts was a good one. Match of the night belongs to Nicky Champion as he has proven to be a good champion for Sam Strong’s USPW. Nicky retains his USPW World belt against the always-dangerous Tyson Bain. Sam has really been pushing the women as of late as four of them appeared on the show. Sam’s daughter Alicia faced off with Tiffany Jade. We also got to see the girls in a brawl as Raven Robinson went at it with Belle Bryden backstage.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

QAW news. A rumor has been leaked out about a potential Jillian Jarvis and Miss Mexico vs. Foxxy LaRue and Danielle Sweethart is going to be a focal point for them in 2013. It is their hope this will draw more attention for them.</p>

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<p>Phillip Roberts, better know as Enforcer Roberts is in my office. He apologizes profusely about breaking Dean’s nose. I assure him it is a forgotten thing. Accidents happen, it was a fluke. Roberts even went so far as to talk to Dean himself to ensure no hard feelings. I put Roberts at ease by saying I havn;t heard Dean talking about any kind of retrubution. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Phillip Roberts:</strong> Well if Im not getting fired. And I’m not being punished. Why am I here boss?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Richard Eisen:</strong> Two things really. You know I have a lot of respect for you right?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Phillip Roberts:</strong> I do sir.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Richard Eisen:</strong> And you know I have always liked the way you train the new guys by giving them all kinds of pointers.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Phillip Roberts:</strong> I know, that’s why you entrust me with the university. But what are you getting at?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Richard Eisen:</strong> Well, I got word from Professor Nero he is thinking about taking on another job somehere. No he aint leaving us either. We will call it a, scouting trip perhaps. Anyway, he needs somebody to train the kids in Rhode Island. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Phillip Roberts:</strong> I can do that. Be my pleasure boss.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Richard Eisen:</strong> Good, because I already told him you will be going. Besides that he has some kid, Spade I think his name is, Nero wants me to take a look at him. So your going down, he is coming up. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Phillip Roberts:</strong> No problem. When do I leave?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Richard Eisen:</strong> Remember when I said there are two things? </p><p> </p><p>

Roberts with a puzzled look.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Phillip Roberts:</strong> Yeah.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Richard Eisen:</strong> Get with Jen the receptionist about your travel arrangements. And by the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!</p><p> </p><p>

That being said half the office workers, along with Peter Michaels, Eric and Jerry, and host of other come out with a Birthday cake being wheeled in while signing. Roberts is stunned but it’s a good time for everybody. </p><p> </p><p>

A few moments pass and my cell phone goes off telling me I have a text.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frm: Pro NERO</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Contract signed from Naess. Braun is nervous. Will be envolved at nxt show. Roberts arriving soon?</strong></p><p> </p><p>

I respond </p><p> </p><p>

Yes on Roberts soon. Celebrating Birthday right now. On way tomorrow. Keep an eye on any potential there.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

PSW, Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. From the ashes of DAVE. How desperate am I here? But Nero always seems to pull out diamonds from crap. I’ll trust him if he says he has a hunch.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Wk 2 Tuesday January 2013</strong></p><p><strong>

Supreme TV </strong></p><p><strong>

Plum Park</strong></p><p><strong>

15,000 (Sold out)</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

***Opening Video***</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

***Pyro***</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Hello ladies and gentlemen. And welcome to another great night of SWF action. We are live from Plum Park. Joining me as always is Duane Frye and Jerry Eisen.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Thank you Peter. We are just days away from When Hell Freezes Over. And if you haven’t called North America Prime Select yet, you had better place your order today.</p><p> </p><p>

Rich Money’s music hits.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> I was wondering how long it was going to take for this to happen.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> And he don’t look to happy either.</p><p> </p><p>

Rich Money walks directly to the broadcast table and grabs a mic before rolling into the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rich Money:</strong> Emma, get your fat *** out here. Bring your monkeys with you as well. (Pause and no response) I am not leaving **** to there is pay back for what you did last week. You see tonight I play the part of debt collector.</p><p> </p><p>

Jack Bruce’s music hits and out he comes with Valiant with him as well. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rich Money:</strong> Oh hell no. I aint got time for you two mouth breathers tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

Jack Bruce and Valiant roll into the ring and Jack is motioning for Rich to cool down.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack Bruce:</strong> Relax moneybags. I aint here to fight you tonight. You see you have the same problem with Emma as we do. The difference is we have been fighting her for the last couple of months while you have been off doing what. (Bruce is looking around as Rich is just glaring at him and Valiant)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack Bruce:</strong> But now we are days from Showtime baby. And even though we don’t trust you. We need somebody who has the same hatred for her as we do. So what do you say moneybags? Is it Showtime or what? </p><p> </p><p>

Jack looks at Rich and has his hands gesturing for the fans to come alive. Valiant is behind Bruce and motions as well. Money begins to pace back and forth. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Come on Rich. Put your ego aside and agree to this. You know you want to.</p><p> </p><p>

Rich looks around to the crowd and he has this smirk on his face. He goes to answer.</p><p> </p><p>

The Chase Agency’s music hits and the crowd who was cheering begins to boo instead. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Emma Chase:</strong> Who was money last week Rich? You know I half want you to team with those two idiots just to watch how long it would take you three to implode right in front of our eyes.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rich Money:</strong> I can’t stand you. (points at Valiant) I hate you (points at Bruce) But I hate you even more (points at Emma) I will get my hands your boys one way or another. As far as you, two numb nuts,</p><p> </p><p>

He looks in Jack Bruce and Valiant’s direction, pauses for a moment as the crowd hinges on his answer. He does not say a word as he drops the mic and rolls out of the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jerry Eisen:</strong> Is that a yes or no? Does anybody know?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> I don’t think so. Why doesn’t he just drop his ego and accept the offer. I have to believe he wants to agree to it.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Oh, to listen to what is going on in Rich’s head right now.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> We will be right back folks.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>***Commercial Break***</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Lobster Warrior VS Marc DuBois</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

We come back from commercial and both men are in the ring. Lobby is wrapping up entertaining the fans he starts to take off his gear. Marc attacks him and begins to club away with forearm shots and kicks. Marc puts Lobby down with a Enzuigiri Kick.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> The young man from Canada really doing a number here.</p><p>

Duane Frye: This would truly be a huge upset if Marc can continue this.</p><p> </p><p>

Marc works on Lobster Warriors knee with a knee pull followed with elbows to the inside of knee. The crowd tries to get behind Lobster Warrior. Marc goes for a figure four but Lobby kicks him away. Dubois comes charging back but is stopped in his tracks with a Lobster Pinch. Quickly Marc responds with a eye gouge.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Effective but illegal counter there by Dubois.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> I cannot believe your condoning this.</p><p> </p><p>

Marc by this time has grabbed Lobby and tossed him out of the ring under the top ropes. Marc wipes his hands as if they have gotten dirty and the crowd begins to boo him. Marc bounces off the ropes and goes for a running Plancha Dive.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Oh my, did you see that?</p><p> </p><p>

Lobster Warrior caught Marc as he was coming down with a thrust kick that sends Marc backwards in a heap. Warrior rolls Marc in the ring and follows in. Warrior with a cover,1,,,,,,2, kick out by Marc.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> I do not know how much the young man has after that thrust kick just moments earlier.</p><p> </p><p>

Video is played as we get a couple of looks from different angles as Marc was coming down from the Plancha Dive and being thrust kicked. Meanwhile while the video is player Lobby has performed a Belly to Belly Suplex followed with a knee drop and another cover,1,,,,2,,,,kick out again by Marc. Lobby isn’t fazed by it and signals to the crowd.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jerry Eisen:</strong> Lobster Trap! I love this move.</p><p> </p><p>

Jerry called it has Lobby sends Marc over and hits with his Lobster Trap. (Fisherman Suplex) 1,,,2,,,,,,3!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Lobster Warrior is celebrating in the ring. Lobby climbs up each turnbuckle to salute his fans. Remo comes from out back and runs into the ring. The crowd tries to warn Lobby about him but by the time he see him it’s too late. Remo grabs Lobby and chucks him over with a mighty power slam. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Oh, come on. The Crustation One has done nothing to you Remo. Why?</p><p> </p><p>

Remo stands above Lobby looking at him with an intense stare. He reaches down and pulls up the tired and battered Warrior. Remo picks up Lobby with two hands around his throat and lifts him up. He begins to yell at Lobby before tossing him backwards. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> This is totally uncalled for.</p><p> </p><p>

Remo demands a microphone.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Remo:</strong> Let this be a warning for Faith, Frehley, and Vengeance. You three will be facing this sheer destructive power this Thursday. You see I am here for the big fat checks and titles. Not to make friends. I will go through anybody that is stopping me from achieving my goal. (fans boo) Yeah, go ahead and boo. Boo the bad guy. You know when I look out there I don’t see fans. I don’t even see people. I see dollar signs and free money. (fans boo louder) You see this Sunday, I will be the new SWF Heavyweight Champion. And there aint anything you can do about it. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Cold hearted individual this Remo is.</p><p> </p><p>

Lobby has struggled to get to his feet as Remo drops the microphone. He stalks Lobby then BOOM! Remo Buster as we fade to commercial as he is staring at his prey with a angry look on his face.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>***Commercial Break***</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Quadruple B VS The Amazing Bumfholes</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The Biggens Brothers are in the ring as we come out of commercial. The Amazing Bumfhole’s are announced and they receive a nice ovation from the crowd. Randy and Zimmy slap hands with some of the fans on their way down to the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Two teams of brothers facing off here tonight. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Both teams are four time winners of the SWF Tag Team Titles so this should be a good one here.</p><p> </p><p>

Randy and Zimmy look at each other and both dive into the ring at the same time. Bart and Bret attack them immediately. But it’s only for a few moments as The Bumfhole Brothers turn the tables on the Quad B’s. Randy and Zimmy fire Bret and Bart into one another causing them to collide and stumble back. And then in unison The Bumfhole’s dropkick The Quad B’s into opposite corners. After some punching both of the Biggen brothers get pulled out and are dropped with leaping DDT’s. Randy and Zimmy cover and get the quick pinfall win.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Wow, I am impressed. I would have thought that would have been a longer match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Folks we talk a lot about the Main Event for When Hell Freezes Over. But we really do have some great matches lined up. Angry Gilmore defends his SWF North American Title against a man we will see in action later tonight, Eric Eisen.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jerry Eisen:</strong> He make family functions awkward.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> We can also confirm there will be a six man tag match, we just don’t who is going to participate. Emma Chase’s Agency will be squaring off with Jack Bruce and Valiant. We don’t know who their tag partner will be however. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> We will be back after these messages.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>***Commercial Break***</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Marshall Dillon VS Squeeky McClean</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

We come back from commercial and Marshall Dillon is in the ring as Squeeky McClean’s name is announced and his music hits. The fans boo as McClean makes his way out. He has a look of disdain on his face on seeing whom he is facing.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> McClean is not making any new friends here in the new year.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> And this surprises you how?</p><p> </p><p>

McClean walks around to the broadcast table and pulls a microphone before entering the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Squeeky McClean:</strong> Last week it was a dancing idiot. This week I face a dumb hick from backwards ville USA. When will you people see I need better competition? When..</p><p> </p><p>

Marshall Dillon snags the microphone away.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Marshall Dillon:</strong> Now just hold on there partner. I might be from Dallas…..</p><p> </p><p>

McClean with a thrust kick before he can finish.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Squeeky McClean:</strong> Did I say you could talk? Don’t ever put you hands on my microphone again?</p><p> </p><p>

McClean begins to rub Marshall’s face into the mat. Darren Smith gets McClean to back off only for McClean to go around Smith to stomp away on Dillon. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Come on McClean. Let the young man up.</p><p> </p><p>

McClean pulls up Dillon only to put him down again with a twisting neck breaker. McClean covers Dillon,1,,2,,McClean pulls up Dillon before Smith can count to three. McClean is smiling at Smith and is shaking his head no.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> I absolutely hate it when he does that. One of these days, he is going to do that and be caught with his pants down.</p><p> </p><p>

Squeeky is stalking Dillon. McClean grabs both of Dillion’s legs and turn him over facing the mat. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Oh here it comes.</p><p> </p><p>

McClean lifts Dillon by his legs and begins twirling his man around, he leans forward and hit’s the Stain Removal. McClean wipes his hands and leans over putting one hand on Dillon as Smith makes the count.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> He is really getting on my nerves tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> We will be right back after this commercial break.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>*** Commercial Break***</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Captain Atomic VS Eric Eisen</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

We come back from commercial and Captain Atomic is already in the ring. Out next is Eric Eisen. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> This man could be the next SWF North American champion.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jerry Eisen:</strong> Normally I would be proud of that. But my brother is just plain weird sometimes.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> That’s calling the kettle black isn’t it?</p><p> </p><p>

Eric takes his time to get into the ring. Eric gets checked out by Referee Shane Stones and we are ready for action. Captain Atomic begins to fire himself up before locking up with Eric who immediately backs away and ducks under the ropes. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Give me a break.</p><p> </p><p>

Eric motions for Shane to back off Captain Atomic. Again they go to tie up and again Eric backs up and ducks under the ropes. The crowd begins to pour on the boos. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> You still think he is the next North American champion Duane?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> I do. But will admit maybe his head isn’t into it tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

Captain Atomic has had enough and grabs a hold of Eric to pull him back in. Rake of the eyes by Eric. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jerry Eisen:</strong> I think that was the game plan all along.</p><p> </p><p>

Eric with some elbow to the back of Captain Atomic’s neck followed by a whip into the ropes. Eric hit’s a beautiful leg lariat that takes down to the mat.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> He does have the talent. However, I still say he has no heart.</p><p> </p><p>

Eric hit’s a fist drop and goes for a cover. Captain Atomic kicks out before Stones can drop down to count. Eric is to his feet first and bounces off the ropes to hit Atomic with a running dropkick.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> He still has some speed. People forget that and he is able to catch his opponents off guard sometimes. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Wait a minute who is this coming down? Is that Gilmore?</p><p> </p><p>

We see Angry Gilmore come out with a chair in one hand and the SWF North American title in the other one. As the camera crew gets close enough to Gilmore, he can be heard saying, you came down last week to scout me. I’m coming down to scout you. Eric Eisen is non to pleased. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> This could get interesting quickly.</p><p> </p><p>

Eric pauses before going back to work on Atomic. Eric hit’s a few shots before bouncing off the ropes again for another dropkick. This one doesn’t seem to have the steam behind it and Atomic fires himself up again. Eric backs off as Captain Atomic grabs his head and fires Eric into the corner. Captain follows him in and hit’s a corner clothesline. The force of the blow shakes the ropes as Eisen falls face first into the mat.</p><p> </p><p>

Angry Gilmore applauds as Captain Atomic now has the momentum in his favor. Atomic reaches down and pulls up Eric to fire him into the ropes, big backdrop by Captain Atomic.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Great elevation there as Eric is really going to feel that later tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

Captain drops down for a three point stance. He waits patently for Eric to get to his feet. The crowd begins to sense we could have an upset here as Eric stumbles to his feet. Captain unleashes and goes for a shoulder tackle but Eric dodges it and pushes him forward. Atomic misses Eric and goes shoulder first into the steel ring post.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Oh, that’s not good. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> When you come in that hard and fast, it is possible if you miss your target you can break a shoulder if you’re not careful.</p><p> </p><p>

Eric shakes of the earlier blows and see Angry Gilmore. Gilmore wants to get into the ring you can just feel it but does not do so. Eric Eisen tells Stones to watch Gilmore, which distracts the ref for a moment. Eisen reaches down in his trunks for something, pulls out Captain Atomic, and hits him with a right hook that drops Atomic to the mat.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> What was that?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> What ever it was, it just knocked Atomic out cold.</p><p> </p><p>

Eric positions himself where he can see Gilmore. He drops down and covers Atomic for the pin with a smile on his face. Stones counts the three count and proclaims Eric the winner. Angry Gilmore gets up from his chair and holds up the title saying he won’t be so easy to beat. Eric taps his wrist saying its only matter of time.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The scene shifts to the back where Ana Garcia is backstage with Christian Faith and Steve Frehley.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ana Garcia:</strong> I know you two are days away from fighting one another. But please let’s keep this cordial. Gentlemen, your thoughts going into the match up?</p><p> </p><p>

Steve Frehley and Faith lock eyes. There is an intensity that can be felt across the screen. Faith answers first.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Christian Faith:</strong> You know Steve, I really do not hate you man. It’s nothing personal as they say. You are a great champion, and you have over come the odds to become the World Heavyweight champion. (Frehley is shaking his head in agreeance) But I have been in these types of matches before. I don’t have to pin you to become champion. I can pin Remo, or I could pin Vengeance. Let’s face the facts..</p><p> </p><p>

Steve Frehley grabs the mic.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Frehley:</strong> The fact of the matter is this. We have a lot of respect for one another. But once again, I have to prove myself repeatedly. The fact is not only do I have to face you, but also two other rough and tumble people. In a match where I can lose this belt, by not winning the match. I may respect you. But you had better be sure of one thing. I am coming for a fight.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Christian Faith:</strong> Good, you had better be. Because I will be raising all kinds of hell in that ring. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Frehley:</strong> I wouldn’t want it any other way.</p><p> </p><p>

The two shake hands but hold on to each other, as they look into one another eyes. The both let go and walk away. The screen behind Anna Garcia starts to fizzle out. She looks back and is startled and she leaves in a hurry. We find out what startled her as we see Vengeance looking on with a menacing look on his face. Fade to commercial.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>***Commercial Break***</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Jack Bruce and Valiant VS Brandon James and Paul Huntingdon w/ Emma Chase</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

It’s Showtime! As Jack Bruce’s music hits and the crowd jumps alive. Bruce and Valiant come out at the same time.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> This could be a very explosive match with just days before When Hell Freezes Over.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Jack Bruce and Valiant over the last couple of weeks have really seemed too bonded.</p><p> </p><p>

Valiant and Bruce are in the ring and have microphones.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Valiant:</strong> Ladies and Gentlemen. Are you ready for the Main Eventer? (Crowd responds yes) The Show Stopper? (Again yes)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack Bruce:</strong> We said are you ready for SHOWTIME? (YES! Responds the crowd) Well then,,,,,,,</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Emma Chase:</strong> No! We don’t have time for that. (boo) The Chase Agency has plans to close down Showtime for good at When Hell Freezes Over. (Boo) But tonight…</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack Bruce:</strong> Tonight you shut the hell up. Bring your boys up to the front row for the showtime ass kicking show. Featuring my foot in your mouth. Now bring them boys, we will bring the pain.</p><p> </p><p>

Brandon James and Paul Huntingdon come out and get into the ring. Both teams are ready to go and it takes everything in Ric Young’s ability to keep control of the match. Jack Bruce and Paul Huntingdon start out for their perspective teams. Early on in the match Jack and Paul, demonstrate some great teamwork as they begin to work on Paul. They keep him isolated and use quick tags working on Paul’s arm. </p><p> </p><p>

Jack Bruce is in and slams Paul on the mat. In quick succession he hit’s a elbow drop, leg drop, and follows with a big splash.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Welcome to NY! Wow has been awhile since we have seen that one.</p><p> </p><p>

Jack with a cover,1,,,,2,,,, Brandon with a kick to the back of Bruce’s head stops the pinfall. Bruce tags in Valiant who goes for a single arm DDT. No wait reversal and its Paul with a single arm ddt instead. Valiant is dragged over to the corner and now it is Brandon James who finally gets in. He lands stop after stomp on Paul just taking the stuffing out of him. James fires Valiant into the corner who then bounces out and gets lifted in the air by Brandon with a raised chokehold. James drops Valiant at the four count. Young is warning James as Valiant stumbles to the ropes. Madman clothesline by James sends Valiant out of the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> This could be dangerous situation here.</p><p> </p><p>

Jack Bruce rushes over to protect Valiant as Brandon and Huntingdon try to get Valiant but Bruce blocks their moves. Young orders Bruce and Huntingdon back to their corners. Unfortunately this allows Brandon to get back to work on Valiant. Brandon grabs a hold of Valiant and drives him into the ring apron. Emma Chase yells for Valiant to just lie down. Brandon takes his time, picks up Valiant, and goes for a suplex. </p><p> </p><p>

No Valiant fights back with some hard shots stunning Brandon long enough to ram him into the steel post. Both men roll into the ring as they try to tag each other partners in. Brandon tags Huntingdon. Bruce is tagged in by Valiant. Bruce comes out like a house on fire. Rights, lefts, another right drops Paul. Brandon comes back and Bruce sends him out ring with a big clothesline. Huntingdon comes at Bruce. Two right hands stagger Paul. Bruce with a quick little jig, left hook.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Another vintage move by Bruce with a Jack Bruce Flurry.</p><p> </p><p>

Bruce goes for a cover,1,,,,,2,,,kick out by Huntingdon. Rogue comes from backstage and tosses a blackjack to Emma has he gets Young’s attention. Jack see Rogue and pushes him off of the mat. Rogue goes to get back into the ring but is blocked by Young. Emma tosses the blackjack into the ring but Bruce catches it instead. Whack! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Goodnight Mr. Huntingdon.</p><p> </p><p>

Rogue is upset. Emma Chase is livid as Bruce covers Huntingdon. And this one is over. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Looks like things backfired there for the Chase Agency.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Rogue grabs a chair and waffles Bruce with it. Brandon gets into the ring and starts beating on Valiant. Lung Blower by Rogue on Jack. Brandon with a Brandon Bomb on Valiant. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Things do not look good here.</p><p> </p><p>

Rich Money’s music hits.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> No way.</p><p> </p><p>

Rich runs down to the ring. Chop block on Huntingdon by Rich. Brandon rushes at Rich but he uses his momentum against him and tosses him over the top rope. Rogue drill Rich with a left. Rich fires one himself, back and forth, they go but eventually Rich wins the war of punches. Right hook by Rich spins Rogue around. Rich with a field goal low blow drops Rogue and he rolls out of the ring gingerly. Jack Bruce gets to his feet and stumbles backwards into Rich Money. The two turn around and eyeball one another. Eventually Jack Bruce extends his hand but Rich does not take it and rolls out of the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Ok I do not understand. Is he or is he not on the team?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duane Frye:</strong> I guess we will find out later at When Hell Freezes Over.</p><p> </p><p>

Jack Bruce checks in on Valiant as he as a look of bewilderment as Rich walks away with no emotion what so ever. More questions than answers it looks like as we come to the close of the show.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><pre class="ipsCode">I hope everybody has a great Christmas. Will be doing a different layout for When Hell Freezes Over. I am half way done writing that one and will be post a preview of it in a few days. Merry Christmas everybody.</pre><div></div><p></p>

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SWF was in Plum Park Tuesday night with their TV show Supreme TV. With a sell out crowd of 15,000 in attendance. The feedback was pretty positive. Let’s take a look at the action that went on that night.



Rich Money calls out Chase Agency. Jack Bruce and Valiant come out instead. They are trying to recruit Money to join them against The Agency for a 3 way dance. Emma Chase comes out as well. Rich walks away leaving us hanging. Rated it a B


Lobster Warrior defeated Marc DuBois in 8:04 by pinfall with a Lobster Trap. Great contest that had a lot of action. Rate it a B-


Lobster Warrior is in the ring. Out of nowhere, Remo hits the ring and attacks. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves Lobby completely destroyed. Remo with promo at the end. Rate it a B+


The Amazing Bumfhole’s defeated Quadruple B in 6:08 when Zimmy Bumfhole defeated Bart Biggins by pinfall. Rate it a C


A video airs hyping Christian Faith, Remo, Steve Frehley, and Vengeance. Not sure if was commercial or actually a hype package that the SWF do before going to commercial. Leaving this one unrated.


Squeeky McClean defeated Marshall Dillon in 5:50 by pinfall with a Stain Removal. Squeeky is trying to make a name for his self this year. But how can you not take notice to a man named Squeeky? Rated a C


Eric Eisen defeated Captain Atomic in 7:36 by pinfall after. Match was pretty good as Captain Atomic almost pulled an upset. During the match we also had Angry Gilmore distract Eric Eisen. Rated: B


Christian Faith and Steve Frehley talk backstage while being watched by Vengeance. Rated B+


Jack Bruce and Valiant defeated Brandon James and Paul Huntingdon in 15:58 when Jack Bruce defeated Paul Huntingdon by pinfall after using a foreign object. During the match we also saw Rogue distract Bruce, and also distract Valiant. Rated: B


Valiant and Jack Bruce are being attacked by Brandon James, Rogue and Paul Huntingdon in the ring. Seeing the assault, Money came running in and fought all three of them off, saving Valiant and Bruce from a serious beating. Bruce made a handshake attempt but Rich again walks away. Felt it could have done better. Rate it a B-


The whole show I would grade a solid B. Officially the TV Rating was higher this week than last. Sources say it was 12.73 compared to 12.28 from last week,



TCW was in also in town and the sold out as well. The show had 6 matches with the best match saw Rocky Golden, Joey Minnesota, and RDJ defeat the team of Tommy Cornell, Eddie Peak, and G. Rahn in the main event. The card also saw Aaron Andrews retains his TCW International title against Rick Law. Ratings however were down compared to last week’s numbers. This week drew 6.77 compared to 7.14 from the week before.


Duke Hazzard new colour man for MAW was announced to have signed a PPA contract for Sam Keith’s organization.


Also in a strange bit of news. Is Professor Nero on his way out of the SWF and RIPW? Unnamed sources confirmed that Nero has signed on to the hardcore federation in an unknown capacity.


Silver Tiger has apparently left OLLIE and has signed with SWF. No word yet if it’s developmental deal or if he will be a member of the main roster yet.




SWF When Hell Freezes Over Preview


Angry Gilmore © Vs Eric Eisen for the SWF North American Title

The All Americans ( C) VS The Hero Squad VS The Pain Alliance for the SWF Tag Titles

15 man battle royal, Partial list of participants, Marat Kharkov, Lobster Warrior, Squeeky McClean and Bumfhole Brothers.

Brandon James, Rogue, and Paul Huntingdon VS Jack Bruce, Valiant, Rich Money?

Christian Faith VS Remo VS Steve Frehley © VS Vengeance for the SWF World Heavyweight Title.

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I just get off the phone with Gene Innis Program Director for C.A.N.N. Negotiating a show increase when there is a knock on the door. I yell out “come in!” Jerry is there and I can also make out Peter Michaels behind him.


Jerry Eisen: Hi Dad.


Me: Son, What can I do for you today?


Jerry Eisen: Dad. I am not one to complain, you know this. But I’m hearing you are taking me off of Supreme TV. Any truth to that?


Me: Not going to lie to you son I am. The last couple of weeks you’ve been kind of lost in the shuffle on Supreme so I think we need to make a change. Thinking hard on just doing a two man booth for awhile.


Jerry Eisen: Can’t question that dad, been in a funk as of late. Don’t know what it is but I just have had trouble trying to add anything to the announce table. But to hear it second hand, that’s just not right.


Me: Your right son, for that I am sorry. But let me tell you this first hand. When, and its not an if, but when I bring back Uprising, I want you to be the lead announcer. In the mean time get with Peter later today because I have some spots for you at the PPV.


Jerry Eisen: Thanks dad, yeah it looks like he has some contracts to look over. Anybody I know?


Me: Perhaps, we will discuss it later. Get out of the office for lunch boy. Clear your head. Snap out of this funk as well. You’re an Eisen, we don’t get into funks. Then check in with Peter like I said.


Jerry Eisen: Yes sir.


Jerry gets up from his seat and opens the door.


Peter Michaels: You got time boss?


Peter and Jerry nod their heads at each other as Peter comes in.


Me: Take a seat Peter. These who I think they are?


Peter Michaels: Yes sir. Some I get, others not so sure of.


Me: Anything special I should be aware of?


Peter Michaels: No sir, pretty standard stuff. No competes, house shows, the normal contracts. Your serious on the ladies?


Me: I am. These are just the first crop. Already notified Professor and Phillips to prepare for them. Nero isn’t keen on it. But that’s when he does his best work when he is against an idea. Fro Sure sign?


Peter Michaels: Yes sir, the same day Thomas signed as well.


Me: Good. Send Fro Sure to RIPW. I want to see what he can do. Thomas keep on the main roster. He has earned a spot. Just gonna be a shame for him to be a jobber. That’s one I will always wish I had signed years ago.


Peter Michaels: Why job him? He could still be a solid midcard attraction.


Me: to many others on the stove right now. Not enough time. Besides that don’t think he has the body to with stand long term investment. His use, is to train people here on the roster. His experience is in valuable on the lower end of the roster. Hope it rubs off. Oh where are my plans for Canada at?


Peter Michaels: Venue has been booked, mobile camera crew already notified and will be in place. Marketing has been canvassing the area for the last couple of weeks. Travel plans are being finalized as we speak.


Me: Mexico?


Peter Michaels: We will be in place first week of next month. Again venue has been booked, Marketing as been canvassing the area.


Me: Very well Pete. Now give me what we have in place for the PPV.




Card will be up sometime tomorrow if anybody wishes to make predictions
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You've put a lot of work in to this bad boy, and I think your witing is very good. People love the shiny thoug, and you ay want tonsider adding pictures o graphics with all the text to increase feedback. Some folks find that much text alone to be daunting.


Just a idea though, I think what you are doing is great and I will keep on reading regardless.

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Wk 2 Thursday January 2013

When Hell Freezes Over

Garden Park Fields




Video package welcomes us to When Hell Freezes Over. The video showcases several events that have led to the PPV. Rogue turn on Valiant leading to the Emma Chase Agency being formed and their war on Valiant. Jack Bruce helping Valiant to help balance the sides. And Rich Money becoming something of a wild card as of late. Which side is he on? Angry Gilmore being sneaked attacked by Eric Eisen injuring his knee this has required arthroscopic surgery. Gilmore as suffered no ill effects but is still driven to avenge himself against Eric Eisen. And finally with the announcement of the four way battle for the SWF Heavyweight Title the video shows the exploits of three of the former champions, Faith, Remo, and Vengeance. Along with the highlights of Steve Frehley.







Peter Michaels: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the wonderful Garden Park Fields in Arizona. And this is the first PPV of 2013. Hello everybody I’m Peter Michaels.


Ana Garcia: And I’m Ana Garcia, and welcome to Hell!


Peter Michaels: Actually it’s When Hell Freezes Over. And what an exciting night of action we have for you tonight.


Ana Garcia: We have three, count em three title matches in store for you tonight. The Tag Team Titles will be on the line as the reigning SWF Tag Team champions, The All Americans are set to defend against The Hero Squad and The Pain Alliance in a three way tag team battle.


Peter Michaels: That should be a great contest. Also in store for you, The SWF North American Title will be defended tonight as Angry Gilmore is set to defend against the man who put him on the disabled list two months ago, Eric Eisen.


Ana Garcia: You can almost feel the tension when you say those two names together. Also tonight we will see a 15 man battle royal.


Peter Michaels: Anything can happen in those, and they usually do. But we cap off tonight’s card with a four man battle for the SWF World Heavyweight Title. Steve Frehley has a tough match tonight as he squares off against three former world champions. Christian Faith, Remo, and Vengeance.


Ana Garcia: That’s anybody match right there.


Peter Michaels: It should be a real barn burner to say the least. As we get ready for our first match tonight. I am being told Jerry Eisen is backstage with one of our contestants for tonight’s main event, Jerry.



Scene shifts to backstage


Jerry Eisen: Thank you Peter. With me at this time is one of the former,,,,

Remo barges into the scene and snags the microphone away:


Remo: Look chump, I’m not a former champion. I am the NEXT SWF WORLD CHAMPION. And I will be addressed as such. Those other people in the ring with me tonight are cannon fodder. Faith, I’ll break you in half boy. Vengeance, you have felt the pain I can bring can’t ya? And that leaves me with one Steve Frehley. You can’t beat me on your best night son.


Jerry Eisen: So you’re confident your going to win tonight’s match?


Remo: Confident? You so called experts say I have a 25% percent chance. I am going to show you its them who has a 100% chance of failure. Now get out of my way.


With that he pushes past Jerry and out of the screen.


Jerry Eisen: Well there you have it. I’d say he is fired up and ready to go.



The scene shifts again and another video package is shown featuring what has led up to the Angry Gilmore Vs Eric Eisen match.



SWF North American Title

Angry Gilmore © VS Eric Eisen



* Eric Eisen was announced first. Angry Gilmore was second.

* Eric tries to jump Gilmore as he was entering the ring. But Gilmore fights him off even dumping him out of the ring with a series of knife edge chops followed with a palm thrust.

* Gilmore is chomping at the bit to get his hands on Eric Eisen.

* Eric Eisen cowers away avoiding any tie up with Angry Gilmore.

* Gilmore has had enough of Eric’s delay in the match. Starts laying some thunderous chops on Eric.

* Gilmore with various version suplexs gets him several near falls.

* Gilmore with a standing senton lands awkwardly perhaps tweaking his knee and begins to limp a little.

* Eric Eisen avoids being in an Indian deathlock by kicking away and scurrying out of the ring.

* Gilmore rolls outs and lays some more chops on Eric.

* Gilmore goes to whip Eric into the steel steps but get reversed instead.

* Gilmore shakes off the effects of the steps but gets dropped kicked in the knee by Eric.

* Action returns back into the ring as Eric stalks Gilmore and kicks on Gilmore’s knee.

* Gilmore is limping badly as he trying to keep his injured leg away from Eric.

* Dropkick by Eisen drops the champ again followed by a knee breaker. Eisen nearly gets a pin on a 2 count.

* Gilmore with a Sleeper hold out of nowhere puts Eric down.

* Gilmore tries to get to the top turnbuckle but his leg gives out and he crumples to the mat.

* Eric Eisen seizes the moment and locks on an elevated leg lock.

* Gilmore does not tap but clearly is in trouble. He succumbs to the pain and blacks out.

* Ric Young, the Referee for the match has no other choice but to call for the bell on Gilmore’s behalf.



Peter Michaels: I don’t believe it. We have a new North American Champion!


Ana Garcia: I don’t think that’s right. Angry did not quit. He should still be the champion.


Peter Michaels: I think Ric made the right call. There is no telling how much damage has been done to the knee.



Ric Young raises the hand of Eric Eisen and hands him the title before going to check on Gilmore. Eisen is parading around the ring while holding up the SWF North American title in the air. The fans are not happy. Eisen stops and looks at Gilmore who has woke up but clearly is still in pain. Eric’s face lights up.


Peter Michaels: Dear god, no Eric. No! This ain’t right.


Peter’s voice is not heard in the ring as Eric begins nailing Gilmore’s knee with the North American Championship belt. Ric Young finally is able to pull of Eric and orders him out of the ring. Eric Eisen is very proud of himself. Garbage begins to be thrown in the direction of Eisen as the crowd is far from happy on this turn of events.


Peter Michaels: Eric, you are a sick individual. What have you done Eric?


Ana Garcia: Maybe you are right Peter. Perhaps there is a lot of damage to that knee. And a lot more after taking those repeated shots by the North American title. Who knows how damage has been done.


Peter Michaels: Folks while we wait for medical staff to attend to Angry Gilmore, I am told Jerry Eisen, Who I might add is a better human being that Eric is. Is backstage now with Christian Faith.



Scene shifts to backstage.


Jerry Eisen: Thanks you Peter. Joining me now is the four time SWF World Heavyweight champion, Christian Faith.


Faith walks into the scene.


Jerry Eisen: Christian, we heard from Remo earlier and he sounds very confident he will win tonight’s contest between you and the others tonight. Your thoughts if you would?


Christian Faith: My thoughts? (Shakes his head) My thought is this. I have been raising hell in this company for how many years?


Jerry Eisen: I believe twenty,,,


Christian Faith: Don’t answer that. Look its simple. I am focused on one thing tonight. And that’s becoming the five time world champion. I have gone through these matches before. I know what it takes to win. And I don’t care who I pin to do it either. Big bad smelly Remo, or the evil demented Vengeance, or even you Frehley. The Leap of Faith doesn’t matter. I hit it on any of you and its lights out, 1,2,3! That simple.



SWF Tag Team Championship

Three way tag team elimination

The All Americans © VS The Hero Squad VS The Pain Alliance.


* The Pain Alliance was named first followed by The Hero Squad. Before the champs were in the ring there was already pushing and shoving going on.

* The All Americans received a nice ovation as they entered the ring and held their title above their heads.

* Kurt and Big Smack Scott take offense and drill the champions from behind.

* Hero Squad begins to come to the aid of the champions and battle with The Pain Alliance.

* Captain Atomic sends Kurt Laramee out of the ring with a clothesline followed by Jungle Lord sending out Big Smack Scott with one as well.

* Hero Squad and All Americans face off with one another but no blows are exchanged as Darren Smith intervenes and gets the match settled down.

* Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott take control by getting the other teams out of the ring and fighting outside of the ring instead.

* Snake Eyes on the Guard Rail by Scott on both Des Davids and American Machine puts the out of action for most of the match. Laramee is worked over by Captain Atomic and Jungle Lord as this was happening.

* Captain Atomic is brawling with Kurt Laramee when Big Smack Scott draws Darren Smith’s attention long enough for Kurt to pull out a set of brass knuckle and use it.

* Hero Squad is eliminated as The All Americans come storming back into the match.

* Big Smack Scott with a low blow to Des Davids shuts him down.


* Total mess now as The Hero Squad come back in saying Kurt used brass knuckles.

* Darren Smith gets The Hero Squad out of the ring and Kurt Laramee has his attention to them.

* American Machine rolls Davids out of the ring and comes in while Darren still has his attention on getting The Hero Squad out.

* Machine drops down and hit’s a three point stance on Big Smack. To get the win.



Peter Michaels: Winners, and still SWF Tag Team Champions, The All Americans.


Ana Garcia: Some trickery by the champs however.


Peter Michaels: Like it was any better when Kurt and Scott was cheating their way to keep control?


Ana Garcia: I didn’t say that. But right is right, wrong is wrong. I have to call them as I see it.


Peter Michaels: I understand we are ready for our big 15 man battle royal.


Ana Garcia: And its up next so let the introductions begin.



15 Man Battle Royal

Everest, F.A.G., James Prudence, Joe Sexy, John Greed, Lobster Warrior, Marat Khoklov, Marc Dubois, Marshall Dillon, Randy Bumfhole, Robbie Retro, Silver Tiger, Spencer Spade, Squeeky McClean, and Zimmy Bumfhole.



* Everybody tries to gang up on Khoklov early. But the big man turns the tables and everybody back off as Robbie Retro, Spencer Spade, and Zimmy Bumfhole are quickly tossed out by the big man.


*Everest and Marat battle on Squeeky McClean tosses out Marshall Dillon.


* Randy Bumfhole and Lobster Warrior team up and take out F.A.G. and James Prudence.


* There goes Everest by Khoklov.


* Joe Sexy and John Greed dumps out Silver Tiger.


*Marc Dubois dumps Joe Sexy and John Greed.


* Lobster Warrior and Randy Bumfhole team up and have Marat rocking.


* Squeeky McClean high fives Marc Dubois then dumps him out of the ring.


* Final Four Squeeky McClean, Randy Bumfhole, Lobster Warrior, and Marat Khoklov.


* Lobby holds his own as he takes on Marat. Randy is in trouble against Squeeky McClean. Out goes Randy.


* Squeeky McClean goes over to dump out Lobby but Marat double crosses Squeeky and dumps them both out of the ring.


* Marat stands in the middle of the ring with his hands held high as he is declared the winner.



Peter Michaels: Wow Marat is just a monster. If he applied himself he would be a world champion.


Ana Garcia: Perhaps, but some impressive showings by some people, Lobby for one he really hung tough against the big man.


Peter Michaels: And not to mention Randy Bumfhole as well.


Ana Garcia: Silver Tiger as well. He may not have gotten to the final four but to outlast a few of the bigger names out there really showed me something.


Peter Michaels: Jerry Eisen is backstage with the SWF World Champion, Steve Frehley. Jerry.



Seen shifts to backstage where Steve Frehley is pacing back and forth.


Jerry Eisen: Ladies and gentlemen, Steve Frehley.


Steve Frehley: I heard from Remo earlier. I have also heard from Faith. And the silence from Vengeance is the loudest it ever can be. It’s nice to know that so many people are after me and this title. I’m not gonna go on a tirade. Not going to get myself worked up. I’m not going to be hard to find boys. I’m the one with the championship. And that’s how I am going out as well. Want it? Come take it, if you can.


With that Frehley walks away.



Brandon James, Rogue, and Paul Huntingdon w/Emma Chase VS Jack Bruce, Valiant, and Rich Money?


* The Chase Agency came out as one unit. They storm the ring and get the crowd into it early. Emma gets on the microphone and says there is no way Rich Money will ever join Jack Bruce on anything.

* Out next is Jack Bruce and Valiant. But they don’t enter the ring. Jack pulls out a microphone of his own and asks us if we are ready for Showtime? The crowd answers with a loud yes. He tells us that he and Money did have a long talk last night. And he thinks the two has buried the hatchet. So with out further ado. Rich Money, ITS SHOWTIME!

* Money comes out to his music and joins Bruce and Valiant. He is all smiles and even high fives some fans on his way down.

* Jack Bruce, Rich Money and Valiant look at each other and storm the ring in unison. They weather the storm and eventually take over the ring clearing The Agency out as the crowd comes alive.

* Valiant and Rogue start out for their teams. And Rouge sucker punches Valiant and begins to lay some clubbing blows to the back of Valiant.

* Valiant fights back with some punches but gets taken down with a knee to the gut and Rogue goes back to work on Valiant.

* Rogue with a whip into the ropes for a backdrop, kick by Valiant followed with a spine buster.

* Valiant with a tag to Jack Bruce and he comes out laying chops onto Rogue.

* Bruce fires Valiant into the ropes, Paul Huntingdon blind tags in, Bruce goes for a backdrop but he gets kicked in the head. Valiant hold Bruce for Paul to lay a clothesline on Bruce.

* Paul mounts Bruce and just pummels him with big right hands.

* Paul tags to Brandon while holding onto Bruce. Brandon with a stiff right hand.

* Brandon tags in Paul H. and he starts to punch on Bruce.

* Bruce fights back but loses the battle as he gets beat down.

* Paul Huntingdon taunts Valiant and Rich Money. They start to come in but Ric Young the referee backs them down allowing The Emma chase agency to get in some cheap shots onto Bruce. Cover by Paul Huntingdon gets a 2 count.

* Brandon James goes to work after being tagged in.

* Bruce again starts to fight back but eats an elbow to the face. Brandon tags back Paul Huntingdon.

* Paul drops an elbow and nearly gets a near fall.

* Bruce again fights back and wallops Paul with a shot that stuns him. Paul bounces into the wrong corner and gets punched by Valiant, then Rich. He comes out of the corner and a big backdrop on him by Bruce and both men are down.

* Paul tags in rogue to stop Bruce from tagging out. Big Enzuigiri kick by Bruce and both men are down.

* Paul tags Brandon, Bruce tags Rich.

* Rich firing off shots drops Brandon, in comes Paul, he is dropped..

* Rich fire Brandon into the ropes kick to the stomach and he signals for the Money in the Bank.

* Rogue with a clothesline from nowhere.

* All six men are in the ring and begin to fight it out. Brandon James brings in a chair and gets stopped by Rich who spine busters him onto the chair.

* Rich tosses out Brandon James. Valiant with a madman clothesline and he takes out Rogue.

* Rich tags to Bruce and signals for him for the New York Minute. CRASH! Down goes Paul, Bruce with a cover and the win.





Peter Michaels: Big win for Team Valiant tonight.


Ana Garcia: And a huge setback for The Chase Agency. Really thought they would pull off a win tonight.


Peter Michaels: Dear god what is he doing?


With that said Rich Money has the same chair he used to spine buster Brandon James with. He clocks Bruce in the back of the head dropping him immediately. Valiant rushes over as Money rolls out of the ring. He can be heard saying” Told you I can’t stand you!’ as he makes his way backstage.


Peter Michaels: What in the hell is that! What in the hell is Money’s problem!


Ana Garcia: Looks like Bruce has been busted open.


We see Jack Bruce sitting up as Valiant is tending to him before medical staff can arrive. Blood is dripping down his forehead as we cut to a video package featuring the Main Event.



SWF World Heavyweight Championship.

Christian Faith VS Remo VS Steve Frehley © VS Vengeance



* Christian Faith comes out first and he is wearing the same vest he wore when he last won the championship back in 04.

* Remo is out next and he charges down the ring. He and Faith go at it immediately as Darren Smith calls for the bell to start the match.

* The lights flicker off and on and Vengeance is out next he walks down to ringside as Faith and Remo are still hammering on one another.

* Vengeance with a double handed choke bomb on Faith.

* Vengeance tosses out Faith. Remo and Vengeance now exchange blows, Remo with a whip but reversal by Vengeance and he uses Remo’s momentum and tosses him out of the ring.

* Frehley is out next. And Vengeance rolls out of the ring and goes to fight the champion on the ramp leading to the ring.

* The two trade blows outside of the ring as Remo and Faith are back in the ring going at it.

* Frehley is pulling Vengeance back to the ring, but stops to slam Vengeance into the steel steps.

* Remo has won his exchange with Faith and boots him out of the ring as Vengeance with a throat thrust stalls Frehley.

* Now Vengeance is laying various brutal shots to everybody now.

* Everybody is involved now as Vengeance and Remo square off as well as Faith and Frehley are battling each other outside of the ring.

* Frehley slams Faith’s head across the steel barricade surrounding the ring.

* Vengeance and Frehley are in the ring now as Remo and Faith go at each other again.

* Somewhere along the line Faith has lost is jacket and Frehley is now using it to choke Vengeance with it.

* Frehley has Vengeance in the corner and is ramming his shoulder repeatedly into Vengeance’s midsection. Frehley pulls Vengeance out and fires him into the ropes, misses with a clothesline but Vengeance hits his.

* Vengeance with a leg drop on Frehley and a cover but Frehley kicks out at two.

* Frehley and Vengeance trading blows and Vengeance is tossed into the ropes into a twisting power slam. Frehley is mounted above Vengeance is punching him with a series of hits. Frehley goes for the pin but Remo pulls him off before the ref can count.

* Now its Faith VS Vengeance and Remo VS Frehley as all for men are battling.

* Vengeance and Faith have spilled out of the ring; Remo is tossed out by Frehley.

* Vengeance is chocking Faith with a cable, Remo starts choking Vengeance with a cable as well. Frehley with a clubbing shot to the back of Remo.

* Faith picks up a microphone and hits Vengeance with it, now he hits Remo with it, can’t forget Frehley so he gets some as well.

* All four men get into the ring and begin to fight one another.

* Vengeance has Frehley in trouble and goes to the top turnbuckle for a flying clothes line but Remo rushes over and clubs Vengeance causing him to be in an awkward position doing the splits on the top ropes.

* Remo is caught between Faith and Frehley as they are using Remo as a human punching bag. Double clothesline by Faith and Frehley takes Remo off his feet.

* Faith and Frehley trade blows, then counter each others moves but Faith manages to get Frehley into the corner hard and LEAP OF FAITH! He covers no Vengeance pulls Faith off causing Faith to be nutted by the steel corner.

* Remo works over Frehley as Vengeance joins in as well.

* Faith is back in and he is taken out by Remo and Vengeance with a double clothesline.

* Vengeance tosses in a chair and it looks like Remo is about to slam Frehley on top of it but Frehley battles back and gets out through the back door.

* Faith now with a chair of his own. Whack to the back of Remo drops him. Faith turns around and is clubbed with the first chair by Vengeance he tosses the chair and goes to cover. Frehley is up and he uses the chair on the back of Vengeance. Frehley with the cover and the win as the crowd goes wild.



Peter Michaels: What a huge win for Frehley tonight.


Ana Garcia: And a great match to boot. It could have been anybody’s match there at the end.


Steve Frehley has been climbing the turnbuckles saluting his fans while holding on to the SWF World title.


Peter Michaels: Wait a minute we got some movement here.


Vengeance has gotten to his feet and rushes over to Frehley’s side where he is still standing.


Peter Michaels: OH MY GOD!


With that said Vengeance just delivered a Super Choke Slam off the top rope send Frehley down into a heap.


Peter Michaels: This man just will not stay down.


Vengeance has gotten a chair and hits Faith with it. Remo has gotten to his feet now and he is stumbling only to be dropped by the chair as well.


Ana Garcia: Somebody has got to stop this.


Vengeance has positioned the chair in the middle of the ring and beats on Frehley some more with his hands.


Peter Michaels: Dear god stop this. Stop this now!


Sit out power bomb by Vengeance on top of the chair and Frehley curls up almost into a fetal position. We come to the end of the show as Vengeance stares at the carnage he has caused. The lights go out for a few moments and come back on. Bodies everywhere but no Vengeance as medical staff and agents come from the back. The last images we see are the staff attending to the broken bodies of Faith, Remo, and Frehley.

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TEW.com news




Remo had an interview hyping his upcoming battle with Christian Faith, Steve Frehley and Vengeance. Standard opening interview. Remo looks really jacked and ready to blow a blood vessel at anytime. Give it a solid B


A video plays hyping Angry Gilmore vs. Eric Eisen. Another great video package put together by the boys at Supreme HQ. Rate it a B-


Eric Eisen defeated Angry Gilmore in 16:23 by stoppage when Angry Gilmore was injured and could not continue. Eric Eisen wins the SWF North American title. You could almost here the knee being wrecked on this one. Eric Eisen has learned a very dangerous hold. Rate this match a B


The match is over, and Angry Gilmore is left down. Eric Eisen is celebrating, but then stops and sees his opponent still on the ground. He attacks, and beats him into the canvas. The vicious shots by Eric. Really nicely done. Rate it a B-


Christian Faith had an interview hyping his upcoming battle with Remo, Steve Frehley and Vengeance. Didn’t have the intensity of Remo’s earlier interview. But when was the last time Faith did a bad promo? Rate it a B


The All-Americans defeated Hero Squad and The Pain Alliance in 7:45; the order of elimination was Hero Squad first, and then The Pain Alliance. The All-Americans make defence number 10 of their SWF World Tag Team titles. Seemed very forced. The combination just didn’t click for me. The Pain Alliance actually did better than I thought they would, just something I can’t put my finger on. Rate it a D+


Marat Khoklov won a battle royal in 9:54. The other members of the 'final four' were Lobster Warrior, Squeeky McClean and Randy Bumfhole, with Lobster Warrior being the final elimination. Marat Khoklov got the most eliminations over the course of the match. Predictable ending perhaps but a fun battle royal. Rate it a B-


Steve Frehley had an interview hyping his upcoming battle with Christian Faith, Remo and Vengeance. Simple and to the point. I really hope this match don’t let me down. Rate this a B.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Jack Bruce, Valiant and Rich Money defeated The Chase Agency (Brandon James, Rogue and Paul Huntingdon) in 16:29 when Jack Bruce defeated Paul Huntingdon by pinfall with a New York Minute. Great match. Would have like to seen Valiant involved a lot more. Bruce did an incredible job. Money as well as he really sold the idea he was on the same page. Rate it a B-


After the match, Rich Money attacks Jack Bruce, turning on his now former partner. Really short and to the point. Shock value Id say it was an A. But length makes it really hard to grade.


Hype Video of main event. Masterfully done as usual. I really have no idea who is going to win this match. Leaning towards Vengeance, but way to close to call it. Rate it a B+


In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Steve Frehley defeated Christian Faith, Remo and Vengeance in 20:26 when Steve Frehley defeated Vengeance by pinfall. Steve Frehley makes defence number 5 of his SWF World Heavyweight title. What a great match this was. Carnage everywhere.

Rate it a B


Steve Frehley is celebrating his hard fought win, when Vengeance arises and attacks him, Faith and Remo. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves all three workers completely destroyed. I am really scared of this man at times. Just when you think its over with him, boom he rises up and is able to lay out anybody and everybody. What a sick, sit out power bomb on the chair. Rate it a B+


Over all I must give this show a nice solid B rating. Looks like they did a nice PPV number as well. Rough estimates put the show at 3.20 buys. A nice number but I am sure that will rise.



Major developments out of USPW last night. Mick Muscles and Peter Valentine apparently have turned baby face for the company. A spokesman for the #3 ranked promotion noted the company was heel heavy and wanted to balance out things. But that’s not all, Nicky Champion who as been the company face for since winning the USPW World Title turned heel after his brutal match with Enygma that saw him retain his title.


News out of the TCW camp. A leaked report of the planned storylines has been released. Rocky Golden and Danny Fonzarelli are set to battle Wolf Hawkins and Troy Tornado over the next few months. RDJ will be in a program with Bryan Vessey. Joey Minnesota is going to be locked into a program with Tommy Cornell. And Eddie Peak is going against Benny Benson and Josh Taylor. Be kind of interesting if it’s three man story or if it will evolve.


Miguel Rivera apparently has walked out after what is reported as an explosive exit from CZCW. No further information was given. An unnamed source close to the organization reports the shock move was made by Rivera over his lack of a push from the company.


NYCW held their Rush Hour event last night at The Ministry. It sold out with 1,000 people in attendance. The Masked Mauler retained his Tristate Regional title against Tennessee William. Also Roger Cage retained his Empire Title from Black Hat Bailey. The night also saw the emergence of a new tag team for the company. Bulldozer Smith and The Whistler have formed a team called Demolition.

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Wk 3 Tuesday 2013

Supreme TV

The Dust Bowl




Video highlights from When Hell Freezes Over. Eric Eisen making Angry Gilmore pass out and winning the SWF North American Title. Marat winning the battle royal. Rich Money turning on Jack Bruce. And match highlights from the four way battle between Faith, Remo, Frehley, and Vengeance are featured.



***Opening Video***




Peter Michael: Hello everybody and welcome to Supreme TV. Joining me as usual is Duane Frye. If you missed When Hell Freezes Over you missed a very exciting night of action.


Duane Frye: Indeed you did. But if you did miss the show North America Prime Select will be offering replays of the event all week long.


Peter Michael: We have a new North American champion as Eric Eisen beat Angry Gilmore for the title.


Duane Frye: Eric has come up with a very good elevated leg lock that is very painful. Angry Gilmore did not quit, but it was obvious to the ref he was in no condition to continue on.


Peter Michaels: And how about the match for the SWF World Heavyweight title?


Duane Frye: Brutal match. Is there anybody who can put down Vengeance? I mean longer for just a few seconds.


Jack Bruce’s music hits and the crowd goes wild. Jack comes out but doesn’t look to happy.


Peter Michaels: The Flamboyant One looks like he is all business tonight.


Duane Frye: Can you really blame him.


Jack walks down to the ring with a very stoic look on his face. He rolls into the ring and pulls out a microphone.


Jack Bruce: No Showtime tonight folks. (Crowd boos) You know I have been in this business a long time. And me and Rich have had more than our share of run ins. (Crowd begins to boo after Rich’s name was said) I should of known not to trust you. Valiant told me, hell everybody in the back told me not to trust you. (With each word you can see the anger building inside of him. Each word gets a little more meaning) No! THE HELL WITH THIS! (Crowd begins to stir) RICH MONEY I AM DONE WITH YOU! (Crowd is alive) GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE RIGHT ****ING NOW!


Peter Michaels: I don’t know if Rich is even in the building tonight.


Duane Frye: I would stay away if I was him. Don’t think I have ever seen Bruce this mad before.


The SWF Jumbotron comes to life as we see Rich Money dressed in his business attire looking at the floor with a smirk on his face. The crowd begins to boo and after a couple of second he looks up.


Rich Money: You know Bruce you really should calm down. I told you coming into this I hated you. So it really should not have been a surprise.


Jack Bruce: Surprise? How about I surprise you with one hell of a *** beating. (Crowd cheers)


Rich Money: It was simple. I had to get my hands on Emma Chase’s boys one way or another. I lived up to my end of the deal. We teamed up, we kicked their ***. And after the transaction was done we went back to our usual and in your case, pathetic lifes. (Crowd begins to boo)




We now see why the crowd was booing for as long as they have Rich Money comes from behind Bruce and kick him with a field goal low blow that drops Bruce.


Peter Michaels: I didn’t see him till it was too late. Rich just came from behind me through the crowd.


Rich Money stands above Bruce and is pointing at him yelling something. Money in the bank from Rich (three German suplex) Rich is on all fours right in Bruce’s face yelling at him.


Peter Michaels: Diffently no love lost here between these two.


Duane Frye: And it’s a shame too, because then they are on the same page it truly is something magical.


Money flips off Bruce as he rolls out of the ring. He is half way up the ramp way when Bruce has gotten to his senses and struggles to his feet. Bruce stumbles a bit to catch the second rope as he stares at Rich. Money stares right back with that smirk of his before walking to the back. Fade to commercial.



***Commercial Break***



Remo VS Thomas Morgan



* Morgan is in the ring as Peter tells us he is a newcomer in the SWF. Duane Frye tells us Thomas is a ring veteran of the Indies and this is his first big break into a major federation.

* Remo is out next he still has some battle scars from When Hell Freezes Over.

* Remo with a European uppercut that stuns Thomas long enough for Remo to club him several times to his head and neck.

* Thomas retreats into the corner and Remo begins to ram his shoulder into Thomas’s midsection several times.

* Remo fires Thomas into the opposite corner with such force he flips upside down caught in a Tree of Wow situation. Remo of course stomps away at him as Shane Stones tries to get Remo to stop.

* Lumbar Puncture (Double underhook back breaker) followed by The Destroyer (S.T.O.) for the win.



***Commercial Break***



Peter Michaels: Welcome back folks. This next tag match has been requested from both teams.


Duane Frye: The Pain Alliance feels it was Jungle Lord and Captain Atomics’ fault for them not winning the tag belts.



The Hero Squad VS The Pain Alliance



* Kurt and Scott start beating on The Hero Squad as they enter the ring.

* Order is stored and its Kurt and Scott who keep Captain Atomic isolated. The Pain Alliance members choke Atomic using the ropes and bare hands while conducting quick tags.

* Kurt Laramee went for a power slam after whipping Captain into the ropes. Atomic blocks the move and hit’s DDT. Both men are down.

* Kurt tags in Big Smack Scott and he comes rushing in to try and stop the tag. Just in the nick of time does Captain tag in Jungle Lord who leaps over the ropes and begins to lay some thunderous chops on Scott.

* Discus clothesline by Jungle Lord takes down Kurt and he rolls out of the ring. Big Smack Scott with a knee stops Jungle Lord’s attacks however.

* Scott throws Jungle Lord out of the ring. No wait Jungle Lord grabs the ropes as Scott plays to the crowd thinking Jack is out of the ring. He turns around and it’s Scott who is thrown out of the ring.

* The action is outside of the ring as all four men are beating on each other. Scott grabs a chair and right in view of the ref, Shane Stones, crashes the chair on Jungle Lord. Stones calls for the bell and rules the match over vie DQ on Big Smack Scott.

* With Jungle Lord down its only time before Scott uses the same chair on Captain Atomic and puts him down with it as well. The Pain Alliance walks up the ramp way getting into it with several fans along the way.


Peter Michaels: I don’t think this one is over yet?


Duane Frye: Me neither there is a lot of bad blood between these two team. We will have to see where it goes next.


Peter Michaels: I am told Jerry Eisen is backstage with the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley.


Scene shifts to backstage where Jerry and Steve are, Frehley is all smiles as he loosing Jerry’s tie a bit. Steve is heard telling Jerry that he is always so tight, relax man.


Jerry Eisen: Ladies and Gentlemen, Steve Frehley.


Steve Frehley: All the talk, and all of the grumbling, and he I still stand champion.


Jerry Eisen: Congratulations on a huge win against the other 3 former champions by the way.


Steve Frehley: Thanks Jerry. Faith it is always an honor going against you. Win lose or draw I always know where I stand with you. Remo, you’re big and bad, and I am sure we are going to bump heads again. That leaves me with one man. Vengeance (Crowd boos) I hit you with everything I had behind that chair shot. And it took you out for just a few seconds. You’re Hannibal Lector, Ivan the Terrible, and some kind of demon rolled up into one package. But I don’t back down from anybody. Including you. You want some? I’m not hard to find, I’m the one with the big shiny belt. (Holds up the belt as he says it.) Come get it if you think you can.



***Commercial Break***



Everest and John Greed VS The Amazing Bumfholes



* The Bumfholes keep it a fast paced match with several dropkicks that nets them a few near falls.

* Zimmy has John Greed in an arm wringer.

* John Greed reveres it and has an arm wringer on Zimmy now. Oh my, a back kick by Greed while holding onto Zimmy floors him.

* Tag to Everest and Greed tells him to finish it.

* Everest with a splash gets a two count.

* Everest fires Zimmy into the corner and goes for a reverse avalanche. Zimmy moves out of the way causing Everest to give himself whiplash.

* Randy and Zimmy double team Everest as John Greed walks off in disgust.

* Randy has Everest draped over his shoulder but can’t budge him and it looks like he might collapse at anytime. Zimmy with a kick to Everest’s head and down he goes for a whiplash slam. Randy with a cover and the win.


Duane Frye: Guess Everest needs to pick better tag partners.


Peter Michaels: Looks like it as the Bumfhole Brothers pull out another win this week. We will be back after these messages.



F.A.G. Productions


Frederique Antonio Garcia



Frederique Antonio Garcia: 2013, another year born. Another year of exploits. A year of, liberation. Liberation from the glamour of Frehley. MMM (rubs himself) that nice, glisting, gold belt, longing to be held, by its masters hands. Or Eric Eisen, and that colorful, (breathes in while closes his eyes) belt. I could have it both ways. (Laughs a little) 2013, can be so much, so much more than climatic endings. 2013, a year that you will never, ever forget the name, Frederique, Antonio, Garcia.



***Commercial Break***



Peter Michaels: What in the heck was that?


Duane Frye: A commercial break.


Peter Michaels: No, before that. F.A.G, Productions?


Duane Frye: Oh that, I’m trying to get that out of my head. Thanks for reminding me Peter.


Peter Michaels: I’ve been called worse.



The Quadruple B’s VS Lobster Warrior and Silver Tiger.



* The Quad B’s wait for their opponents.

* The team of Warrior and Tiger are announced and the come out together with Lobby’s music. They get half way down the ramp way and look at each other, and then charge the ring.

* Brief fisticuffs but Warrior and Tiger quickly have the advantage.

* Lobster Warrior with a Lobster Pinch. (Nerve hold)

* Silver Tiger hits two kicks to the thigh of Bart, and then backs up and hit’s a rolling kick taking Bart down.

* Lobster Warrior with a Lobster Trap on Bret and this one is over pretty quickly.


Peter Michaels: Nice win for the warrior from the deep end and the youngster there.


Duane Frye: The Quad B’s have got start to pick up the win or soon they will be a forgotten team.


Peter Michaels: Indeed. They use to be in the same echelon as The Bumfholes and The All Americans. Those three teams really tore up the tag team divisions.


Duane Frye: Can’t forget The Hero Squad or the rising of The Pain Alliance as of late.


Peter Michaels: A lot of good young tag teams here in the SWF. That is for sure.



Scene shifts to a very dark room, you can hear chain links rattling. After a few seconds Vengeance appears.


I am the fire that curses my soul. I am the man who sinned and fell. I am the demon that spawns from hell. I feel my destiny throughout my pain. I see the darkness that causes the deepest fears. Yet I cannot stop this darkness that causes so many tears. But I will seek vengeance, so heed my call. And I will never stop, until the demons fall. My soul is lost, my spirit is vengeful. So care of my warning and be careful. For when I come for you, it is no use to fight.


And with that said he back up back into the darkness he came from, the only sounds you hear are the chain links rattling again.



***Commercial Break***



Peter Michaels: That Vengeance really creeps me out.


Duane Frye: Not as much as the Garcia video earlier in the show.


Peter Michaels: Will you stop talking about that?


Duane Frye: I need a drink or two after tonight’s show.


Peter Michaels: I see Rogue is getting ready for our next match. Wonder if Jerry can get a word in with him.



Scene shifts to backstage where Rogue and Emma Chase is getting ready for his match.


Jerry Eisen: Rogue, can I get a word in with you.


Rogue: Losers. I am surrounded by losers. Valiant, he was a loser. (Crowd boos) I had to carry his worthless ass when we were tagging together. He is a cancer. I mean come on it drove Jack Bruce and Rich Money to begin fighting again.


Jerry Eisen: Well you did attack Rich Money. And Valiant’s team did win at When Hell Freezes Over?


Rogue: Look stupid. Rich is old news ok? It was a matter of pride; we handled it like men do. It’s over and that’s that. Valiant is another story. Valiant, you only wish you had half the talent I have. And sooner or later I will get my hands on you.


Jerry Eisen: One more question if I may?


Rogue: No! You may not. Now get out of my way I have a match to win.


Rogue storms off. Emma eyes up Jerry and snickers before walking away out of the scene.



Rogue w/ Emma Chase VS Robbie Retro



* Robbie Retro is introduced first. He comes out and does his dancing gig to get the crowd going.

* Rogue’s music hits as he cuts off the dancing gig of Retro drawing the cheap heat.

* Rogue is pointing at Retro but Robbie isn’t backing down tonight and looks ready for a fight.

* The two go at it right from the start and Robbie is actually holding his own against Rogue.

* Emma distracts Robbie long enough for Rogue to come up behind Retro and hit a Lung Blower on him for a quick two count.

* An arm wringer followed with an abdominal stretch as Rogue is working on Robbie wearing him down.

* Rogue drops down for a back drop to early and Retro catches him with a knee to the face and follows with a series of punches.

* Body slam by Retro and he looks to the crowd who are now cheering him on.

* Rogue gets up and spins Retro around, pushes his head down and catches Retro with a knee to the face; Rogue follows it with a neck break and covers quickly for the win.


Peter Michaels: And just like that, it’s over. Robbie you have got to learn my man.


Duane Frye: Oh this is going to get a lot uglier for him.


Emma Chase motions for the rest of the Agency to come out. Brandon James and Paul Huntingdon come from out back and begin to beat on Robbie. Rogue calls for Brandon to go for the Brandon Bomb. Brandon hoists Robbie up and bombs away! The trio is having a good time and it looks like another one is going to be delivered.


Peter Michaels: This just makes me sick. Hey wait is that?


And no faster can he say it out come Valiant wielding a steel chair. Paul Huntingdon rolls out and Valiant drops him with a shot from the chair. Valiant goes into the ring and Brandon James with a big kick knocks the chair right out of Valiant’s hands. Brandon flexes and yells at Valiant, but he doesn’t flinch, Valiant snatches up Brandon, boom V-Split! (Swinging Uranage)


Duane Frye: Oh my what power by Valiant.


Rogue is stunned by the shear force Valiant used on Brandon James. He along with many people did not think anybody could pick up James with ease like that. Emma yells for him to get out of there which he does. Valiant motions for him to come back and settle this now. Rogue doesn’t want any part of that and retreats to the backstage.



*** Commercial Break***



Peter Michaels: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. What a main event we have in store for you tonight.


Duane Frye: That’s right Peter, the newly crowned SWF North American Champion; Eric Eisen is set to make his first title defense right here The Dust Bowl. He is set to defend against the living legend, Christian Faith.


Peter Michaels: He might be in a bad mood tonight so this could be a measure of payback on Eric after he injured Angry Gilmore at When Hell Freezes Over PPV.


Duane Frye: Jerry you back there man?



Scene shifts to backstage where Jerry Eisen and Christian Faith are backstage. Before Jerry can say anything Faith takes the microphone away.


Christian Faith: In a bad mood? No. I’m not in a bad mood. I didn’t win the match at Hell Freezes Over so why should I be mad? There is no use to sitting here crying, (crowd chants what?) moaning (what), pissing (what) about what is done. Now after seeing what Eric Eisen did to Angry Gilmore. Now that’s something to be pissed about. (Cheers) And since we are here in The Dust Bowl tonight. (Massive pop) I say I’m gonna dust myself off. And dust you off as well. I have faith, (What) I said I have Faith, I’m gonna kick your ass tonight Eisen.


Faith hands the microphone back to Jerry and walks away.


Peter Michaels: And that match is coming next.




*** Commercial Break***



SWF North American Title

Christian Faith VS Eric Eisen ©



* Eric Eisen is announced and he is all smiles as he gloats he has put Angry Gilmore out of action. Tonight he might just do the same to Faith.

* Faith’s music hits and he come out to a massive pop. He marches right down to ringside with no fan interaction. All eyes on Eisen it appears.

* Faith and Eisen go right at it before the bell rings trading blows.

* Faith throws Eisen into the corner and begins to stomp a mud hole in Eisen with a series of stomps.

* Another whip into the corner and Faith now is bouncing Essen’s head off of the turnbuckle pad ten times to the delight of the fans.

* Eisen begs off of Faith who is just on a terror right now blasting him in the head with elbows. Machine Gun Faith Hammers Peter Michaels calls out.

* Gutwrench power bomb by Faith and a cover gets him a two count.

* Faith pauses for a moment playing to the fans and Eisen rolls him up by holding on to Faith tights for a 1 count.

* Faith charges at Eisen who uses Faith’s momentum and hot shots him across the top rope catching Faith’s throat and snapping his head back.

* Faith rolls out of the ring to collect himself. Eisen runs against the ropes and hits big time running plancha dive on to Faith.

* Eisen stomps on Faith’s knee. The pulls him up and fires Faith across the steel steps causing Faith to stumble and possibly causing him to hurt the knee more.

* Eisen rolls Faith back into the ring goes for a quick cover only gets a one count.

* Eisen goes for that new elevated leg lock but Fait kicks him off.

* Neck breaker by Eisen is reversed by Faith and he lands one instead.

* Both men are down. As Referee Darren Smith gets to the count of 6 does Eisen get to his feet. He stumbles to the corner as Faith gets to his.

* Leap of Faith, no Eisen sees it coming and bails out of the ring.

* Eisen and Faith are out of the ring blasting one another. Eisen with a quick thumb to the eye.

* Eisen with a chair now and waffles Faith with it. Ding Ding Ding! Smith rules the contest over via Disqualification.



Peter Michaels: What a cowardly way to keep your title Eisen.


Duane Frye: Cowardly maybe, effective none the less.


Peter Michaels: You’re condoning this?


Duane Frye: Didn’t say that. Eisen felt he couldn’t beat Faith tonight. Faith has to pin him, not the other way around. Why risk it?


Peter Michaels: Surprised at that response Duane. Folks that’s all the time we have tonight. Goodnight everybody.


The show fades as Eisen has the North American title and begins to walk up the ramp way. Faith has gotten to his feet and gives chase but Eisen is faster than him and he hightails it out.

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TEW.com News


It is being reported on the SWF website that Angry Gilmore will be out an extended period of time. He has under gone knee surgery to repair the MCL and to scope out and repair the meniscus in his knee. It is not know how long it will be before his return to the ring.


SWF Supreme TV review. SWF was in The Dust Bowl for its weekly TV show. Sold out crowd of 15,000 people showed up. Think this may have been their best show to date. Let’s take a look back at what happened?


Video highlights of Hell Freezes Over. Great video and nice way to open the show. Rate it a B+


Jack Bruce is in the ring, talking. Rich Money showed up on the Jumbotron, while Bruce thought Rich was backstage Rich Money attacked him from behind. Looks like we are lined up for Bruce and Money once again. Rated it an A.


Remo defeated Thomas Morgan in 5:39 by pinfall with a Lumbar Puncture. Remo really looked like a monster out there as he steamrolled to an easy win. Rate it a C.


Hero Squad defeated The Pain Alliance in 8:06 when Kurt Laramee was disqualified while fighting Jungle Lord. Much better than I thought it would be. We could be seeing a budding feud in the making.

Rate it a C.


Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee attack Captain Atomic and Jungle Lord leaving them beat down. Rate it a C+.


Steve Frehley had an interview about Vengeance. Frehley is starting to click now. His big win at When Hell Freezes Over and now he is doing decent work on the stick. Still needs something but nice segment anyway. Rate it a B


The Amazing Bumfholes defeated Everest and John Greed in 6:20 when Randy Bumfhole defeated Everest by pinfall with a Bumfhole Buster. Surprised that Randy was able to hold on to Everest for as long as he did. Nicely done. Action wise so so contest. Rate it a C.


Frederique Antonio Garcia cuts a backstage promo. Creepy. That’s all I can say. Rate it a C


Lobster Warrior and Silver Tiger defeated Quadruple B in 8:24 when Lobster Warrior defeated Brett Biggins by pinfall with a Lobster Trap. Nice work by the Biggins Brothers. Got a little more glimpse out of Silver Tiger. Rate it a C+


Vengeance cuts a promo on Steve Frehley. Creepy Version 2. Rate it a B+


Rogue has an interview in which he taunts Valiant. Rogue has come along ways from where he was two years ago. Really starting to fit in. Rate it a B


Rogue defeated Robbie Retro in 7:47 by pinfall with a Crashing On. Really no doubt about the income but was entertaining to watch. Rate it a B.


Robbie Retro was in the ring when he was attacked by Rogue, Brandon James and Paul Huntingdon. Valiant came running down and slid into the ring to save Retro. Came off a little flat but still effective.

Rate it a C+.


Christian Faith cuts a promo on Eric Eisen. Faith has always been golden on the mic. Something’s never change. Rate it a B+.


Christian Faith defeated Eric Eisen in 16:15 by disqualification. Fun TV match. Eisen sure looked to take beating for awhile. Rate it a B


Overall I think the show grades out at a B+. With the SWF pushing their product in new places outside of the country. Starting to think they are becoming an international company. They will have to walk a fine line but they do seem poised in taking on new areas to work from.



TCW held there show as well. Feature 5 great matches for the night. Rocky Golden beat Troy Tornado and Bryan Vessey won against Joshua Taylor as being the two best matches. Joel Bryant beat Jay Chord and The Freedom Fighters won their match against the Machines were also very good.


The USPW sold out The Theator of Dream with 10,000 people in attendance. The match of the night was when Enygma beat Nicky Champion via DQ.


SWF held a larger than normal house show at the G Davis Coliseum. Partial lists of the matches included are as follows.


Lobster Warrior took on Joe Sexy

The Awesomeness took on the Quad B’s

Captain Atomic took on Marc Dubois

Christian Faith took on Rogue

Steve Frehley and Jack Bruce took on the team of Remo and Rich Money.


No decisions were made public and we are trying to get a hold of any of the fans that attended the show for results.


GSW has been growing over the last few months. Even if they are still considered a small company, they are apparently putting on decent shows as of late. Not is all good news however as Fro Sho has left the company and has signed a deal with The SWF. He dropped the GSW American title to Aces High. Latino Fear is apparently out of the company as well. He got into a huge argument with management on booking decisions.


Ricky Dale Johnson was on a talk radio program promoting upcoming TCW event and his history in the business. RDJ was very thankful of TCW, back then it was HGC, by picking him up after TWL’s collapse back in 96. He still gets nervous before every match especially when he is high on the card. He was asked if one day he would ever consider moving to the SWF. He responded he has always been leery of going to the company, never rule out anything but as of right now he would not consider a move.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Wk 4 Tuesday 2013</strong></p><p><strong> Supreme TV</strong></p><p><strong> Illinois State Park</strong></p><p><strong> 15,000</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Opening Video</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> ***Pyro***</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> We come out of the video and find Jack Bruce in the ring with microphone ready and very upset.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jack Bruce:</strong> Well, well, well. Think you have a leg up on me do you moneybags? (Crowd Boos) You think your little stunt last week was going to keep the Flamboyant One quite? (Boo) You should know me better than that moneybags. You know that I can whip your ass faster than a New York minute. (cheers) NOW GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE NOW! (Crowd comes alive)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> He is obviously still mad about last weeks attack.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> That’s an under statement.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jack Bruce:</strong> Come on moneybags. You can’t stand me remember? You hate me remember? You still have all of those pinned up emotions from the entire ass kicking’s you received from me all of these years. (Cheers) So come on out and cleanse the soul.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> I do not think he is coming out.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Yeah, it looks like Bruce is ready for him. Don’t think Rich Money wants any part of Bruce when he is like this.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jack Bruce:</strong> Playing coward tonight are we? (boo) One way or another I will be getting my hands on you. I know you’re here. I seen the limo moneybags. So I guess I’ll be looking back there for you since you won’t come out here.</p><p> </p><p> With that, he drops the microphone and plays to the crowd before rolling out of the ring.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michael:</strong> I hope he finds Money and gives him a dose of his own medicine. Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another edition of Supreme TV. I am your host Peter Michaels and joining me tonight is my usual cohort Duane Frye:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> That is right Peter, and what an exciting night we have for you tonight in the Illinois State Park. But first, we can confirm that the first match for the Nothing to Lose PPV has been signed.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> That’s right folks, we will see Steve Frehley defend the SWF World Heavyweight championship against, Vengeance.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Jack Bruce the entire time was walking up the ramp way slapping hands up the ramp way. He is up to the top and turns around for one final salute. When Rich Money comes out and hits Bruce from behind with an elbow to the back of the skull.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Oh dear god. Really Rich? You can’t just go eyeball to eyeball with another man?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> This could get ugly fast.</p><p> </p><p> Rich Money with a set of brass knuckles on pulls up Bruce’s head up then hits him with the knucks. The blow opens up Bruce. Rich stands above the fallen Bruce and has that devilish smirk on his face. (The crowd is all over him) Money pulls up Bruce and looks like he is teasing about throwing Bruce off the ramp way.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> No, no, no. Somebody has to stop this.</p><p> </p><p> Valiant and Christian Faith are the first to come to the aid of Bruce. (Cheers) Money backs off immediately and points his fingers at Faith and Valiant to stay out of his business.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Thank god, help arrived.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Well you call out the devil; you might want to expect the devil to come if you challenge him.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michael:</strong> What is wrong with you? It seems this year you are condoning a lot.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Pete, I got to call em as I see them bud. I’m not condoning anything. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> We will be right back after these messages.</p><p> </p><p> We see Valiant checking on Bruce as Faith stands guard for the medical staff to attend to Jack Bruce.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>*** Commercial Break***</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Welcome back. Rich Money has been escorted out of the building after his assault on Jack Bruce earlier tonight. Jack has been rushed to ER to evaluate him further as a precautionary measure.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Seems we have people dropping left and right here in 2013. First Angry Gilmore, now possibly Jack Bruce.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Lets get ready for our first match of the night.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35034" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Brandon Idol VS Vengeance</strong><p> </p><p> * Idol is in the ring as Vengeance’s name and music hits.</p><p> * Vengeance makes his entrance, slow, methodical, to ensure, fear, for, his, opponent.</p><p> * Vengeance goes to work on Idol immediately and drives his man into the corner.</p><p> * Vengeance wails away on Idol with several punches, and then begins to stomp away on Idol. </p><p> * Boot choke in the corner by Vengeance and Referee Shane Stones gets Vengeance off eventually.</p><p> * Six Feet Under by Vengeance has he choke slams Idol off the second rope.</p><p> * The beat down continues as Vengeance is beating Idol to the point where Stones stops the match and rules Idol can not continue.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> I don’t think Vengeance is done just yet.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> It’s almost as if he is sending Frehley a message.</p><p> </p><p> Vengeance continues his beat down as Stones is doing his best to stop it. Vengeance gets his chain in the corner. That’s it, Steve Frehley comes running out from out back and the crowd eats it up. Vengeance sees him coming and with a motion, the lights go out.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> What the hell? I hate when he does that.</p><p> </p><p> And just like that, the lights come back on, as Vengeance is nowhere to be found. Steve Frehley looks around and keeps his guard up as Stones attends to Idol.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>*** Commercial Break***</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35034" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Everest VS Huey Cannonball W/ Jefferson Stardust</strong><p> </p><p> * We come out of commercial break and Huey and Jefferson are in the ring as Everest is announced.</p><p> * We get a tie up and Everest muscles his man into the corner. Almost get a clean break but Everest begins to club Huey in the corner with shot after shot.</p><p> * Jefferson Stardust grabs hold of Everest’s leg and Huey makes a comeback and is punching on Everest. </p><p> * Huey with some kicks on the legs weakens Everest a bit. But a mighty shove by the big man sends him across the ring.</p><p> * Everest climbs out of the ring and goes to confront Jefferson but a Plancha dive by Huey takes him out.</p><p> * Everybody is down and begins to get to their feet but its Everest up first. Snake eyes by Everest on Huey across the steel barricade.</p><p> * Everest rolls Huey into the ring Mountain Mover (Crucifix Powerbomb) gets the win.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>*** Commercial Break ***</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Welcome back folks. Last week we decided to add a special show that toured in Canada last week. Looks like the fans and our superstars had a great time in doing that. Let’s take a look,</p><p> </p><p> Video plays showing us lots of fans and their excitement of a SWF Event being in their town. Faith and Bruce are shown interacting with the fans during autograph sessions and Lobster Warrior and Joe Sexy about to lock up. But mostly what the fans had to say. Everybody was excited and thought it was a great event.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> I hear we are going to Mexico next month.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> That should be a fun trip as well.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The Emma Chase Agency’s music hits and the good mood sours among the fans.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michael:</strong> Oh great what does he want?</p><p> </p><p> Rogue pops out from the backstage and he is dressed in business attire carrying a bag with him as well. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Wonder what is in the bag?</p><p> </p><p> Rogue climbs up the steps and climbs into the ring. He pulls a microphone out.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rogue:</strong> I am here by myself, at the better judgment of my manager Emma Chase. (Crowd boos) Look, I understand why you boo me. Really I do. (Boos get louder) However, I am here for one thing. And that is winning championships. I am a former. SWF North American Champion, a former World Tag Team champion. In addition, I have been stuck in this war with Valiant for the better part of two years. I am tired of it. I need to move on from this man. Now what I carry with me tonight is history. A history that I no longer wish to remember. It is the past. Look at what I bring for you Valiant. </p><p> </p><p> He reaches into the bag and pull out a set of trunks that they wore together when him and Valiant were a team and when they won the SWF Tag belts.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rogue:</strong> You remember these don’t you?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> They were a good team but you double crossed Valiant.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Shh.</p><p> </p><p> Rogue pulls out various other memorabilia.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rogue:</strong> All this is yours Valiant. I just want to give these to you and be done with this. Nothing more. Nothing less. </p><p> </p><p> Valiant’s music plays and the crowd pops as he comes from backstage.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Oh here we go. </p><p> </p><p> Valiant comes into the ring and looks at all the things Rogue has brought. Valiant begins to circle Rogue and pulls out his own mic.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Valiant:</strong> I will never be done with you, until you have paid for what you have done. The friends you have hurt and the fans that you have stuck a knife in their heart, each time. We have a lot of history between us. And a lot more coming.</p><p> </p><p> More circling between the two as Rogue keeps his distance.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rogue:</strong> Look man, I ain’t fighting you …..</p><p> </p><p> Valiant grabs a hold of Rogue’s tie and pull him forward.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Valiant:</strong> I’m tired of you and you’re talking, and your hiding. Tonight is payback time.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rogue:</strong> Fine you want a fight. You got one.</p><p> </p><p> Rogue throws his mic down, Valiant throws his down as well. Rogue backs off and begins to unbutton shirt after removing his jacket.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michael:</strong> Business is about to pick up now.</p><p> </p><p> Rogue goes back to circling Valiant and pauses a second as the fans are getting into this now. Rogue rolls out of the ring drawing the ire of the fans.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Come on Rogue, one of these days you are going to have to face this man.</p><p> </p><p> Rogue is walking around the ring shaking his head no. Valiant has had enough and goes out after him. A few shots by Valiant and he bounces Rogues head off the ring apron. Valiant tosses in Rogue and rolls in after him. Rogue gets to his feet first and starts stomping away on Valiant.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Let him up and let’s see if you can do it then big man.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> I was afraid this would happen.</p><p> </p><p> Emma Chase and the rest of the Agency come out from backstage. Brandon starts to jog down. Christian Faith comes down as well but he clock Paul Huntingdon and tosses him into the barricade. Emma shrieks and it gets Brandon James’s attention who turns around to confront Faith. </p><p> </p><p> Valiant begins to fight his way back with Rogue as Faith flips off Brandon before kicking him in the stomach and delivering a gutwrech power bomb on him. Emma calls for a retreat as Brandon and Huntingdon retreat back up the ramp. Valiant goes for his V-Split but Rogue pushes him off and bails out of the ring. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> We will be right back folks.</p><p> </p><p> We leave the scene as Faith and Rogue are begging for Emma and her boys to come back but don’t as they continue to retreat backstage.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>*** Commercial Break ***</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35034" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Captain Atomic Vs Frederique Antonio Garcia </strong><p> </p><p> * Captain Atomic announced first. Michaels tells us yes he is a tag team man but you forget sometimes he is a good singles wrestler as well.</p><p> * Frederique Antonio Garcia is announced next and immediately makes gestures of innuendo with the fans and Atomic. Garcia gets in the ring and blows a kiss to Captain Atomic takes him out of his game for a moment.</p><p> * They go to lock up and it’s Atomic who shoves Garcia away. </p><p> * Garcia with a slap. But Atomic answers back with a over hand right and a clothesline taking Garcia down.</p><p> * Garcia is hit in the face with a knee. Captain Atomic with suplex and a leg drop and gets a near fall.</p><p> * Both men to their feet and Garcia hit’s a face plant. As Atomic is stumbling around stunned Garcia with a drop kick sends him down. Garcia with a cover and gets a two count.</p><p> * Garcia with a reverse chin lock as he taunts everybody by blowing kisses.</p><p> * Atomic fights to get back to a vertical base, elbow to the midsection and a clothesline by Atomic. Another one takes Garcia to the mat.</p><p> * Garcia is picked up by Atomic and is sent back down with a Samoan drop. </p><p> * Atomic goes for another Samoan drop but Garcia with a quick rake of the eyes stops it.</p><p> * Garcia pulls out a pink thong and goes to do something with it but Ric Young intervenes and takes it away. He is a little sickened by it and turns his back.</p><p> * Low blow by Garcia and a roll up gets the win.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> mmm, Ok.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Now what is this freak doing?</p><p> </p><p> While Captain Atomic is still in pain buckled over Garcia is standing above him gyrating and doing anything he can to make you throw up. He drops down to all fours and blows Atomic a kiss as he slides out the ring.</p><p> </p><p> The scene shifts as we see Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott watching from the monitor. They are laughing until they see the camera crew is there. Both men shove the cameraman aside before walking away.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>*** Commercial Break ***</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> We come back from commercial and greeted by Lobster Warrior.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Lobby:</strong> Have no fear, there is a crustation near. Relax citizens; it is I Lobster Warrior here to take on the injustice of the SWF. Later tonight, I face off with the evil villain known as Remo. You think your going to have an easy time with me? Whatzupwitdat? Be forewarned Remo. This lobster bites back. And he is looking to take a bite out of you.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> Ha Ha. Lobster Warrior always up for the good fight.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> He had better be ready for a fight because he sure as heck is getting one later tonight.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35034" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>SWF Tag Team Title</strong><p><strong> The All-Americans © VS James Prudence and John Greed</strong></p><p> </p><p> * James and Greed works over American Machine. </p><p> * The two send out Machine over the ropes and its James Prudence with a plancha dive.</p><p> * Back in the ring the action goes and Machine fights his way back and tags in Des Davids.</p><p> * Davids continues to work over James Prudence. Bodyslam followed with an elbow drop gets him a two count.</p><p> * Machine gets tagged back in and goes for a running bulldog but James pushes off and causes Machine to crash into the corner. </p><p> * Prudence and Greed go to quick tags and quick strikes on Machine.</p><p> * Prudence with an Enzuigiri but misses. Allowing time for Machine to tag back in Des Davids. Prudence tags in Greed.</p><p> * Quarterback Sack by Des Davids to pick up the win.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>*** Commercial Break ***</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35034" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Joe Sexy and Squeeky McClean VS The Bumfholes</strong><p> </p><p> * Squeeky gets on the microphone and tells us it’s a real honor to tag with a fine upstanding man such as Joe. He is very confident the team will win tonight.</p><p> * Joe Sexy and Randy lock up. Joe pushes Randy into the corner and starts to pose. </p><p> * Randy after some nifty moves locks in an armbar.</p><p> * Joe hit’s a running knee lift and tags in Squeeky. Randy tags in Zimmy.</p><p> * Squeeky and Zimmy brawl with each other, Zimmy is tossed into the ropes, leapfrog by Zimmy, and another one. Powerslam by Squeeky.</p><p> * A running corner clothesline by Squeeky misses and it allows Randy to tag in.</p><p> * Randy with a series of dropkicks disorientates Squeeky. </p><p> * Randy charges at Squeeky but he uses Randy’s momentum and tosses him out of the ring.</p><p> * Squeeky begins to stalk Randy on the outside of the ring. Randy with some chops but its Squeeky who rams Randy back first into the ring post.</p><p> * Squeeky tosses in Randy and tags in Joe. Joe with a snap suplex and covers with one foot on Randy. Kick out almost immediately.</p><p> * Joe chokes Randy with the ropes. </p><p> * Joe with a backdrop attempt but gets kicked in the face by Randy.</p><p> * Randy tags in Zimmy, Squeeky tagged in by Joe.</p><p> * Zimmy and Squeeky trade blows but Headbutt by Squeeky and a kick to the gut stops the exchange.</p><p> * Squeeky rolls up Zimmy and has his feet in the ropes for extra leverage picks up the win.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Randy and Zimmy protest with referee Ric Young about the loss and Squeeky’s feet being in the ropes as Squeeky McClean and Joe Sexy celebrate as they go up the ramp way together.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michael:</strong> Yeah be proud of that win boys. You cheated.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> It’s only cheating if you are caught.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> (shakes his head) Speaking of cheaters, I am told Eric Eisen is backstage with some words.</p><p> </p><p> Scene shifts to backstage and Eric Eisen is holding the SWF North American title draped over his shoulder. There is a clean cut, but tough black man standing behind him.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Eric Eisen:</strong> I knew when I won this title it was not going to be easy. I also knew that when I injured Angry Gilmore there were going to be a lot of mad individuals. But you idiots out there have it made it impossible to go on with daily life. I have been threaten 24 hours a day. I have received death threats. So I am, Your North American Champion, was forced to hire a bodyguard. What a disgrace you people are. But mark my words. I don’t need a bodyguard in that ring. I am, and always will be, a Eisen. And your not. </p><p> </p><p> Scene shifts again as we see Remo walking backstage getting ready for his match.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michael:</strong> Oh here we go. Remo Vs Lobster Warrior. And it’s next after these commercial messages.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>*** Commercial Break ***</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35034" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Lobster Warrior Vs Remo</strong><p> </p><p> * Lobster Warrior was out first followed by Remo.</p><p> * Warrior goes right at with Remo trading shot for shot. </p><p> * Remo with sheer power pushes Warrior across the ring and starts hitting clubbing blows on Warrior</p><p> * Remo starts choking Warrior in the corner with his boot across lobby’s throat.</p><p> * Warrior begins to fight back and ties Remo up in the ropes laying several chops and a European uppercut.</p><p> * Remo rolls out of the ring to collect himself but Lobby doesn’t allow him to long outside and hit’s a baseball slide to Remo.</p><p> * Remo catches Warrior as he was attempting a body press and dumps him with an over the head fall away slam.</p><p> * Remo fires Warrior into the steel steps. Then fires him into the steel post.</p><p> * Remo rolls Warrior into the ring, scoop slam and a pin attempt gets a two count.</p><p> * Remo smashes Lobby’s head into the turnbuckle then hit’s a thunderous sideslam.</p><p> * Remo still in control pulls up Warrior and slaps him. Warrior with a sleeper hold on Remo.</p><p> * After a few moments Remo gets Warrior off of his back but gets hit with a couple of running clotheslines.</p><p> * Remo with a discus clothesline and a pin attempt for two.</p><p> * Warrior with a drop toe hold causing Remo’s head to catch the second turnbuckle is stunned long enough for an octopus hold. </p><p> * A few moments pass and Remo gets out of the hold and trades blows with Warrior.</p><p> * Warrior puts Remo on his knees with a lobster pinch. </p><p> * Remo gets to a vertical base and fights his way out of the Lobster pinch. Hit and Run attempt by Remo but Warrior blocks it and goes right back to the lobster pinch.</p><p> * Warrior now manages to get Remo over with the lobster trap but referee Ric Young was in the wrong position and takes the brunt of Remo’s weight.</p><p> * Warrior checks in on Ric Young. </p><p> * Remo hit’s the Destroyer on Warrior as the groggy Ric Young slowly counts the three count.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Remo rolls out of the ring knowing Warrior gave it his all and almost beat him tonight.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> What a great match that was.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> Lobby did a great job and had Remo in trouble. However, in the end it was Remo with the win.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> That is all the time we have tonight everybody, I’m Peter Michaels.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Frye:</strong> And I am Duane Frye:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Both:</strong> Goodnight everybody.</p>
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I rarely make the rounds during the TV schedule. However, I had decided on this one I would go. Walking through the aisle ways I am checking on the various sound system checks, lighting, and various other functions going on prior to the show. I see Jack Bruce and Peter Michaels huddled together. Remo is stretching to loosen himself up. Garcia is putting on his makeup. Everybody is busy.


Then I hear it. The sounds of bodies scurrying around right after some shouts. I along with several other workers fight our way into the locker room. Big Smack Scott and John Greed are being held back. Kurt Laramee, Des Davids, and Everest are holding Scott back. Squeeky McClean is holding back Greed. Both of them are yelling at one another.


I asked who started it. And it is unanimous on the instigator. I yell at Scott to join me out in the hallway. I tell him I don’t care what was said or done. Over the years I have taken a lot of heat for keeping him on the roster, now that I have him involved with something, this is the payback I receive. He tries to speak but I cut him off. I have had enough of the romper room kiddy games that come with having Scott on my roster. Anymore bull**** and pack your bags. Scott tries to plead his case and again I cut him off. I tell him he will not have the final say on this. I will no get out of my face. Kurt had snuck out with out me knowing and Scott started to get antsy. Kurt grabs Scott and pulls him away.


Through out the night I pull random people off to the side and ask if this is a nightly thing with these flair ups? I am told yeah and no. Not just Scott, but Everest flies off the handle every now and then as well. Marc Dubois is known to kick up the dust as well. However, there is a sense there are more but nobody is willing to say it.


Guess I have to go on the road now and hold everybody’s hand. Grown ups can’t be grown ups. Why the hell do I have road agents for? I send out word for Chief Two Eagles, Marcus McKing, and Runaway Train to come see me before the end of the night.







Eric Eisen's bodyguard = Primus Allen?


No, afraid not. Probably a better choice than I have right now. Clue, he is on the front page. I updated the roster last week.

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In the ring, Jack Bruce calls out Rich Money and challenges Him to a match. However, Rich Money does not respond and Bruce is left unanswered. Bruce looks good and it appeared to me it was genuine. Almost like he wasn’t on a script. Refreshing really. Rate it an A.


Jack Bruce is heading back down the aisle. As he reaches the stage Rich Money, who came out of nowhere, attacks him. Money proceeds to beat down Bruce on the stage. Valiant and Faith make the save. Pretty standard but very effective. Again, the crowd ate it up. Rate it another A.


Vengeance defeated Brendan Idol in 6:06 when Vengeance beat up Brendan Idol so badly that the referee had to stop the match. Vengeance is a monster in the ring and just utterly decimates Idol. Rate it a C+


Vengeance is not done beating on Idol. Steve Frehley comes out from the back, hits the ring, and cleans house, saving Idol. Got the obligatory Champion challenger face off. Well sort of. Rate it an A.


Everest defeated Huey Cannonball in 5:49 by pinfall after using a foreign object. During the match, we also had Jefferson Stardust distract Everest. Huey did some nice work, but I could not get into the match. Looked like the crowd did not either. Rate it a D.


Rogue comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, before eventually being interrupted by Valiant. They have a big argument, going back and forth on the microphone. Rate it a B.


Valiant is being attacked, three-on-one, by Rogue, Brandon James and Paul Huntingdon in the ring. Seeing the assault, Christian Faith comes running in and fights all three of them off, saving Valiant from a serious beating. Rather saw this coming after it developed. Crowd got into it but not so much me. Rate it a B-.


Frederique Antonio Garcia defeated Captain Atomic in 8:24 by pinfall after hitting a low blow. Way better than expected match. Rate it a B-


After the match, Frederique Antonio Garcia celebrates in the ring. He takes the celebration excessively far, heeling it up and going entirely overboard. Ok, had a good match. Now your back to being creepy. Rate it a B-


The Pain Alliance watching. What are these two up to? Rate it a C.


Lobster Warrior had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Remo. Warrior looks like he is ready for a fight. I hope it is a good one and not a train wreck. Rate it a B.


The All-Americans defeated James Prudence and John Greed in 8:17 when Des Davids defeated James Prudence by pinfall with a Quarterback Sack. The All-Americans make defence number 11 of their SWF World Tag Team titles. Better match than I expected. Des Davids is really looking good. Rate it a B-


Joe Sexy and Squeeky McClean defeated The Amazing Bumfholes in 8:01 when Squeeky McClean defeated Zimmy Bumfhole by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. Again another good match. Joe and Squeeky are getting up there in age but hung with the younger Bumfholes. Rate it a B.


Eric Eisen reveals a bodyguard and is crying about death threats and such. Good for you, when and if Angry Gilmore comes back there will be hell to pay. Rate it a C.


Remo defeated Lobster Warrior in 17:53 by pinfall. Phenomenal match I thought. Rate it a B.



The USPW were in The Gardens on North Dakota for their Stars, Stripes, and Slams PPV. Sold out the 30,000-seat arena. The event saw three title defenses on the night. Melody retains her Women’s title by defeating Belle Bryden in a good match. Java retained his TV title Petr Novak. And Nicky Champion retained by defeating Enygma. Everybody thought it was a good show and early numbers suggest a buy rate of 1.45.



TCW held their TV show in the Clover fields. Lack luster show as I felt USPW’s event was far better. Aaron Andrews defended his TCW International title against Jay Chord. The match of the night was the time limit draw between Troy Tornado and Joey Minnesota.

USPW held their TV show in Utah Park Reservation to a nearly sold out event. 13,414 saw a decent night of action. Tribal Warrior defended his TV title against Charlie Thatcher in a lack luster match. Enygma bounced back from losing to Nicky Champion at the USPW PPV, and won against Tyson Baine. The star of the night belonged to Nicky Champion as he lost to Chris Caulfield.


In a shock move, GSW with their growth signed a few more workers the most notable one is Roger Cage has been inked to a PPA deal. The Guru was also signed as well.



MAW Rip Chord Invitational won by Cameron Vessey. He wrestled Casey Valentine for that honor. MAW has seen a reemergence from the company as of late with many in attendance saying MAW is doing better than most. Including many of the bigger companies out there today. Sam Keith must be proud.

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Supreme TV Taping WK 1 Feb.


Wk 1 Tuesday February 2013

Supreme TV

The Clover Fields






We are in the parking deck of The Clover Fields. Rich Money’s limo pulls into the parking area. Out of no where before the driver can even get out Jack Bruce is there with a sledgehammer busting out windows screaming for Rich. Rich comes from behind and clubs Jack from behind which forces Bruce to drop the sledgehammer. The brawl is on as security and other personal arrive and finally get the two separated. We come back to the beat up Limo and the driver finally sits up. He says he doesn’t get paid enough for this.


*** Opening Video***


*** Pyro***



Peter Michaels: What a way to start the show. Hello everybody and welcome to Supreme TV. I’m Peter Michaels.


Duane Frye: And I’m Duane Frye.


Peter Michaels: I am told we have some announcements later tonight regarding Nothing To Lose.


Duane Frye: But first, let’s get ready for our first match tonight.



Silver Tiger VS Squeeky McClean


* Squeeky complains about facing another cartoon character, but Silver Tiger doesn’t fall for it and starts kicking the legs of McClean.

* Tiger has McClean stunned and hits with a rolling wheel kick that sends Squeeky stumbling out of the ring.

* Silver Tiger begins to run and goes for a running plancha dive. But Squeeky uses Tigers momentum and drops him across the steel barricade.

* McClean climbs the ring apron and drops an elbow on the already hurt Silver Tiger.

* Squeeky rolls in Tiger and goes for a cover but Tiger kicks out at two. McClean starts to slap the back of Tigers head as McClean gets to his feet.

* Drop kick by Tiger followed by some kicks to the legs.

* Silver Tiger goes for a Rana pinfall but Squeeky counters and hit’s his Stain Removal (Pancake Facebuster) for the win.



Duane Frye: Excellent counter by McClean to pick up the win against the up and comer Silver Tiger.


Peter Michaels: I hate to give the devil his due but I am going to agree with you on that one. I am told that Steve Frehley has some words for us backstage.


Scene shifts to backstage where Frehley is standing there with the SWF World Title.


Steve Frehley: Ever since winning this title last year. I have faced a lot of big and bad dudes. But the one who I am facing in just a few weeks, yeah you Vengeance. (Pauses) I don’t fear you. I respect you but I do not fear anybody. I have worked my ass of to regain this. (Holds up the World Title as the crowd cheers)

I have seen the depths of hell…


Before anything else is said some lights begins to pop and crack, then the lights begin to fall over as there are several electrical explosions. The screen goes black and then comes to life. Vengeance’s face appears.


Vengeance: You think you know hell. I am the tortured soul that is hell. I am not coming for the SWF World Title. I am coming for you. (His face is zoomed in now as we see a very demented looking Vengeance) I am coming for your soul.


That said the screen goes black again and we come to see Frehley in shock. There are still lights that are down and not working as backstage hands try to clean up. Frehley has a very confused look on his face.


Steve Frehley: I’m not a hard man to find Vengeance. I’m the one with the title. (Again holds up the SWF World Belt)



*** Commercial Break***



Peter Michaels: Man the build up to Nothing To Lose is really building up now.


Duane Frye: And don’t forget that we have an announcement late tonight concerning that PPV.


Peter Michaels: We do know that Steve Frehley will be defending the SWF World Title against Vengeance.


Duane Frye: Let’s get ready for our next match.



Frederique Antonio Garcia VS Jefferson Stardust W/ Huey Cannonball


* Jefferson Stardust is announced first and he comes out. Joining him is his tag team partner Huey Cannonball.

* Out next is Frederique Antonio Garcia. He comes out very slowly and milks the heat for as long as he can before getting into the ring.

* Garcia blows some kisses towards Huey and Jefferson.

* Jefferson is little shaken up as nobody is really sure if it’s an act or if it’s real anymore.

* Tie up and it’s Jefferson who has the advantage and get Garcia in the corner, a few reverses and now it’s Garcia who has his man in the corner. No clean break as Garcia waffles Jefferson.

* Jefferson fights his way back and is about to go for a swinging neck breaker but Garcia counters out and hits his That’s a Wrap (Seated face plant) for the win.


The match is over and Frederique Antonio Garcia starts to gyrate and rub himself but before he can get too far into it Huey Cannonball chases him off.



Peter Michaels: He is really a strange individual.


Duane Frye: Yeah but he is dangerous. He brings a lot of mind games with his but can back them up as well.


Peter Michaels: I am pleased to announce that by the end of the night two more matches will be made official for the Nothing to Lose PPV.


Duane Frye: One of those will be decided later tonight has Eric Eisen, the reigning SWF North American Champion will be taking on the winner of the Des Davids and Paul Huntingdon match later.


Peter Michaels: And it has been signed, sealed and delivered. Rogue and Valiant are going to be going one on one at Nothing to Lose.


Duane Frye: But is it every truly one on one?



***Commercial Break***



We come out of the commercial and find the entire Emma Chase Agency on screen.


Emma Chase: I hear a lot of talk that my Agency does have the clout we use to. My boys are getting screwed over by the higher ups of this organization. They are holding us back. We are the elite of the elite and we should be having title matches instead of getting passed by. Valiant you wanted a match with Rogue; you sure as hell got one.


Brandon James: I’m sick and tired of hearing about Valiant this, Valiant that. When Rogue gets done kicking your ass. I hope there is just enough left for me to finish.


Paul Huntingdon: After tonight, I will become the new #1 contender to the North American title. Eric, it’s not personal. Its business. Besides that, you know we bring a little more prestige to that title than you ever could.


Rogue: I would be done with you by now Valiant if it wasn’t for Jack Bruce watching your back. Now we got Christian Faith sticking his old crippled nose into our business. You have got to be the luckiest man in the world Valiant. You have everybody drinking the punch. I stopped doing that years ago when I woke up and realized the man that you are. Everything so black and white with you, isn’t it? Well the world isn’t black or white. In your case boy scout, it will be black and blue.


Emma Chase: and now for our newest acquisition. Marc DeBois. Mr. Dubois if you would please.


Marc Dubois: I want to thank The Agency in seeing the light and finally signing the one and only cant miss prospect in the SWF. All of you so called superstars, you better watch out, because DuBois and the Agency are best thing going right now. And it’s only a matter of time before all of the gold around here belongs to the Agency.



*** Commercial Break ***


Jerry Eisen: Jerry Eisen here folks. Tensions are running high with the up and coming Nothing To Lose PPV. But tensions are always high, especially in the Tag Division. One of those teams; it appears to be heading into a war with the Pain Alliance. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present, The Hero Squad.


Captain Atomic and Jungle Lord come into the scene. Caption Atomic stands in a powerful pose, as Jungle Lord is pacing back and forth.


Jerry Eisen: Thanks for joining me tonight.


Captain Atomic: No problem citizen Eisen.


Jerry Eisen: Gentlemen if you would please, what are your plans in the year 2013?


Captain Atomic: There are a lot of good teams here in the SWF. We plan on fighting the good fight and perhaps earning a shot at the pinnacle of the division, the SWF Tag Team Belts. Now along the way there are great teams, teams like the Bumpfholes, and Quad B’s. But at the top are The All Americans, who are fine champions. And it would be an honor to face them and fight the good fight for those belts.


Jerry Eisen: The road to those belts is along road indeed. But in all journeys there are some obstacles wouldn’t you agree.


Captain Atomic: Obstacles like The Pain Alliance?


Jerry Eisen: Exactly.


Jungle Lord stops pacing and grabs the mic.


Jungle Lord: Let me tell you sumthing about dem pain boys. Bruda, I know you two like to work out and stay in shape. I also know you like to cause trouble when ever you can. But Bruda, you made trouble with the wrong team. And we specialize in stopping trouble. And when ever there is trouble,


Captain Atomic: The Hero Squad is very near.


Atomic and Jack shake hands and walk off leaving Jerry behind.


Jerry Eisen: And there you have it folks. We will be right back after these messages.



*** Commercial Break ***



Peter Michaels: Welcome back folks. With the lineup at Nothing to Lose filling up quickly, there are still a lot of matches to be added. And some big names as well.


Remo’s music hits and it draws the ire of the fans. He makes his way down to the ring, slowly and deliberately.


Duane Frye: He doesn’t look happy either.


Peter Michaels: Does he ever?



Remo: Clover Fields, the butt crack of America. (Crowd boos) Shut your filthy mouths, a former world champion is talking. (Nope, more boos as Remo shakes his head in disgust) Whatever, you losers ain’t worth it. I was just moments away from regaining my world title back at When Hell Freezes Over. (Crowd chants “Whatever”) And an old, washed up, wrinkled out dust fart ruined that with a chair shot. (Again Whatever chant) I am talking about one Christian Faith. (Crowd cheers) Yeah it figures you would chant his name. (Faith, Faith, Faith begins the chant) I have a lot of unfinished business with you. And seeing I don’t have anything set in stone for Nothing To Lose…


Before he can answer Faith’s music hits and the crowd roars as Faith comes out.


Peter Michaels: Looks like things are about to get hotter around here.


Christian Faith: Dust fart? Butt crack? Are you serious? Look here cue ball. (Cue ball, cue ball chants the crowd.) If you wanted a match with me, all you had to do is ask.


Remo: I don’t ask, I tell you that I want one. I am greatness. I am the man who is better than you Faith.


Christian Faith: Better? I doubt that. Balder, yes. (Cue ball chants pick up again)


Remo: You a funny guy Faith. But that’s all you anymore, a funny guy. Your time is past. Your yesterday’s news. I spit on you, and everything that you have accomplished. I will beat your ass at Nothing To Lose.


Christian Faith: Well then I got two words for you. Stay healthy.


Faith is about to leave when Remo yells out.


Remo: Don’t leave yet Faith. Thanks for that advice. But you see greatness don’t need advise. I got some for you however. GET READY!


The two men give each other icy looks as we head to commercial.



*** Commercial Break***



Joe Sexy VS Lobster Warrior


* Lobster Warrior comes out to a good pop from the fans as Joe Sexy is waiting in the ring.

* They lock up and Joe with the advantage gets Lobby into the corner.

* Clean break but Joe Sexy taunts Lobster Warrior.

* Joe with a hammerlock, couple of reverses and Lobster Warrior lands with a dropkick.

* Joe Sexy rolls out of the ring to clear his head. But Warrior is quickly out and follows him.

* A quick exchange of blows and Lobster Warrior charges but misses with a clothesline.

* Joe goes back to work on the arm and fires Warrior shoulder first into the steel steps. Joe follows it by slamming Lobby’s head onto the announce table.

* Joe gets into it with some fans ringside as Warrior rolls into the ring.

* Joe goes in after him and is greeted with stomps by Lobby.

* Joe Sexy and Lobster Warrior trade blows. But it’s Warrior who comes out ahead with a European uppercut. Another one staggers Joe.

* Joe holds onto the ropes to keep from going down. Another uppercut by Warrior and Joe tumbles out of the ring again.

* Commercial Break

* Back from the break and Joe Sexy is back in charge as he is working on Lobby’s arm.

* Lobby tries to fight back but Joe kicks Warrior in the gut. Or was it a low kick? Inside cradle by Sexy and it gets a two count.

* Joe is blatantly choking Lobby.

* Joe with a nerve pinch on Lobby, eventually he forces a break as he gets to the ropes.

* Running knee lift by Sexy and another cover but only gets a two count.

* Joe right back with the nerve pinch.

* Lobby gets back to a vertical base and fights his way out of the nerve pinch.

* Two European clotheslines and a belly to belly suplex by Lobby bring the crowd back to life.

* With Lobby shaking some feeling back into his arm Joe goes to the ring apron. Lobby was quicker however and brings him back in with a suplex.

* Lobby signals for the Lobster Trap.

* Joe fights it off and goes for The One Night Stand. Lobby blocks it and hit’s the Lobster Trap for the win.



Peter Michaels: What a great match that was. Lobby with a hard fought win tonight.


Duane Frye: And another great one coming up next, right after these commercial messages.


Peter Michaels: Hey that’s my line.


Duane Frye: Sorry thought I was paid by the word there for a second.



*** Commercial Break ***



#1 Contender match for the SWF North American Title.

Des Davids W/ American Machine Vs Paul Huntingdon W/ Emma Chase


* The finger pointing and the words fly pretty fast right from the start.

* The bell rings and the two lock up. Des with a quick whip into the corner sends Huntingdon hard.

* They go to lock up again but it’s Paul Huntingdon with a quick kick to the gut and it’s him this time that fires Des Davids into the corner.

* Des charges at Paul but gets taken out with a leg lariat by Huntingdon.

* Paul gets Des back into the corner and hits with two quick kicks followed by a leaping kick to the back of Des’s head. Des falls to the mat and Paul with a cover gets only a two count.

* Knee drop followed with a rear chinlock by Paul as Emma yells for Des to give up. Machine pounds on the mat to get the fans behind Des.

* Des begins to stir, then tries to fight back but Paul rakes the eyes and takes Des back to the mat with a slam and a quick cover but Des kicks out almost immediately.

* Seated dropkick by Paul and another pin attempt gets a two count.

* Paul goes right back to the rear chinlock but Des fight back. Des is about to comeback but Emma distracts Ric Young the referee for the match and Paul yanks the hair of Des and right back down he goes back into the chinlock.

* Des again mounts a comeback but this time before Emma can distract anybody American Machine chases her off. Des with some elbow shots gets out of the hold and hit’s an implant DDT on Paul. Des is sucking in air and is in no condition to cover as Paul rolls out of the ring.

* Here comes Emma’s boys minus Rogue, no wait here come Faith and Valiant as well as a wild melee ensues.

* Paul goes back into the ring as Des is still hunched over sucking in air. Wow, discuss clothesline by Des takes Huntingdon’s head off.

* Des drops down into the three point stance. He waits, BOOM! He hit’s the Quarterback Sack, hooks the leg and gets the three count.



After the match Des is declared the new number one contender for the SWF North American Belt. He earns the right to challenge Eric Eisen at Nothing To Lose. American Machine, Christian Faith, and Valiant huddle around Des celebrating with him. Valiant looks for a microphone.


Valiant: We are on to you Emma. You have been playing the same tired games for the last couple of year. And no matter how many people you may sign, there are going to be more of the people who you have screwed over the last year. Now I am in a fighting mood tonight. And I know none of you Agency Boys are gonna accept this. But I hear of one guy tonight who is looking for a fight. Faith, no offense, but REMO. I want you tonight.



Faith and the rest of us are shocked by this.


Peter Michaels: Does he really want to do this?


Duane Frye: Guess we will find out, right after these messages.


Peter Michaels: Twice you have done that.



*** Commercial Break***



We come back from commercial and Remo has apparently answered the challenge.



Remo VS Valiant


* Remo and Valiant lock up and Remo pushes and shoves Valiant into the corner. We get a clean break but Remo has a smirk on his face.

* They go to tie up again but Valiant drops down and takes Remo off his feet with a drop toehold.

* Valiant goes for a rear chinlock but Remo gets to his feet and takes Valiant into the corner.

* Remo with a punch flurry in the corner and Valiant goes down.

* Remo still has Valiant in the corner and is ramming his shoulder into him.

* Valiant reverses Remo now in the corner and starts wailing away on him. Big Enzuigiri kick stuns Remo long enough for corner high knee.

* Remo comes of the second rope, but Valiant catches Remo just right and uses his momentum for an atomic knee drop.

* Valiant with a leg drop followed with a quick snap elbow drop covers for a two count.

* Valiant goes to climb up the top turnbuckle but Remo catches him and crotches him on the top rope.

* Remo with a Headbutt while Valiant is on the ropes and he goes tumbling out to the floor as we go to commercial.

* Back from the break and both men are in the ring. They take each other out with a double clothesline.

* Valiant to his feet first and dumps Remo out of the ring. Valiant climbs onto to the ring apron and hit’s an ax handle off of the apron.

* Valiant tosses Remo back into the ring, rolls in as well and drops down to a three point stance. PATRIOT MISSLE! Valiant with a cover, Remo kicks out.

* Valiant goes for an electric chair drop but Remo counters out, he then applies a facelock, grabs Valiant’s arm, hits two quick knees into Valiant’s gut, then hoists Valiant over with a single arm suplex. HIT AND RUN!

* Remo fires himself up and goes for a pancake but Valiant counter out and hit’s a twisting neck breaker.

* Valiant again goes to the top rope and leaps but Remo catches him in mid air and sends Valiant down with a throw down spine buster, Remo covers and Valiant just barely kicks out.

* Remo with a power bomb and again covers. Valiant again kicks out at two.

* Remo is arguing with referee Ric Young as Valiant drops to a three point stance. The crowd begins to boo as Rogue strolls down to ringside. Valiant sees him; Remo turns around as Valiant pounces for the Patriot Missile. Remo uses Valiant’s momentum and tosses him into the corner.

* Valiant stumbles out and into a REMO BUSTER! Remo with a cover,1,,,2,,,,,3!



Peter Michaels: What a hell of a match that was but that no good Rogue distracted Valiant.


Duane Frye: I don’t think this is over yet.


Rogue is in the ring now as he drops to all fours and begins to yell at Valiant. Remo is in the corner just watching.


Duane Frye: Valiant has to be tired after that match. I don’t know how much of a fight he can put up if Rogue attacks.


Peter Michaels: I think we are about to find out.


Emma Chase has her boys back out and all of them begin to stomp on Valiant. Remo even joins in. Here comes Christian Faith and Lobster Warrior. Faith goes right for Remo and the two pound away on each other. Lobster Warrior is getting beat on by The Agency as Jack Bruce and a host of other workers and SWF officials swarm the ring.


Peter Michaels: Total pandemonium here tonight.


Duane Frye: I for one like a good brawl, but this is ridiculous. Glad some order is going to be restored.


Peter Michaels: That’s all the time we have for tonight. Goodnight everybody.


We fade out as officials are trying their best to keep everybody away. Trash is being thrown as the fans are still clamoring for bloodshed.

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TEW.com News


Jack Bruce beating the crap out of the limo and brawl with Rich Money. When ever these two get together as of late it’s like gold. May have been done a thousand times before but it still works with these two. Rate it an A+


Squeeky McClean defeated Silver Tiger in 7:52 by pinfall with a Stain Removal. Nice match as Silver Tiger pulled some very good moves. Rate it a D+ however. The crowd just doesn’t know him that well. But give it time.


Steve Frehley and Vengeance segment. I really hope this match delivers. Because what is leading up to it really has been good. Rate it a B+.


Frederique Antonio Garcia defeated Jefferson Stardust in 7:42 by pinfall with a That’s a Wrap! Garcia came out looking dangerous. But there is something to Jefferson Stardust and Huey Cannonball. I can hope these two get pushed sometime soon. Rate it a B-


Frederique Antonio Garcia celebrates in the ring. He just creeps me out when he does this. Rate it a C.


Rogue, Brandon James, and Paul Huntingdon are interviewed by Emma Chase, where they launch a verbal attack against Valiant, Christian Faith, and Jack Bruce. Also introduce Marc Dubois into the group. Everyone in the Agency gets time on the stick. I thought coming into the year they could be on to big things. Been kind of stuck in the mud as of late. Let’s see how they do. Rate it a B-.


Jerry Eisen with his guests Jungle Lord and Captain Atomic. Quirky interview segment. Not really sure where these are going. Rate it a C+


In the ring, Remo calls out Christian Faith and challenges Him to a match. Faith responds, and accepts the challenge. Fans really got into with this one. Hope this is real, because I think it would be a great match up. Rate it a B


Lobster Warrior defeated Joe Sexy in 15:57 by pinfall with a Lobster Trap. Very good match. Warrior and his silly gimmick still impress the crowd. Joe Sexy was very good as well. Crowd really got into it. Rate it a B.


Des Davids defeated Paul Huntingdon in 8:25 by pinfall with a Quarterback Sack. The match also had a lot of interference: American Machine distracted Huntingdon, Valiant distracted Huntingdon, Brandon James distracted Davids, and finally Marc DuBois distracted Davids. Cluster **** at the end but still a good match. Rate it a B-


Valiant challenges Remo to a match. Valiant fed off of the energy of the crowd and it was received nicely. Rate it a B.


Remo defeated Valiant in 15:38 by pinfall following interference from Rogue. Thought this was going to be a quick pin match, but boy was I wrong. Very grueling match between these two. Have to think this is one of the best matches of the year I thought. Rate it a B. Well if it was a great match why a B? Because I’m stingy like that.


Valiant and Rogue are in the ring, as The Agency and come down and with the help of Remo begins to beat on Valiant. Christian Faith and Lobster Warrior come down and do their best but it turns into a full scale brawl. Eventually a number of officials and other wrestlers have to hit the ring and pull them apart before they kill each other. Maybe it was just being a great show overall, but this one fell flat to me. The crowd ate it up however. Rate it a C+


Overall give the show a B+ rating. TV Ratings put it at a 12.93 share, SWF’s best rated show so far this year.



TCW went to Utah to a nearly packed crowd of 12,401 in attendance. The show was pretty good and the crowd walked away happy. Texas Buffalo retained their tag team titles against the team of Mighty Mo and Tana. Also Aaron Andrews retained his TCW International Title against Edd Stone. Troy Tornado went over Rocky Golden. But the match of the night belonged to Wolf Hawkins as he beat Freddy Huggins. I give it an overall rating of a B-. TV Rating looks to be around the 9.92 range.


USPW held two events; the first was their TV show, American Wrestling. Probably the first time in a very long time that a major wrestling company held a show in Puerto Rico. They did well too as they drew in over 21,000. The match of the night was when Tyson Bain defeated Enygma.


The USPW then stayed in Puerto Rico for their Red, White, and Blue PPV event. It also drew over 21,000.

This show was a little lack luster however. Most of the matches I would not eve grade a C at best. Strong TV Show, but poor PPV. But Rate for the PPV was 1.14.


SWF went on a tour in Mexico and it seemed like the vast majority enjoyed each stop. Steve Frehley defended the SWF World Title against Brandon James. Eric Eisen defended the SWF North American Title in a three way battle against Rogue and Valiant. Silver Tiger was in several matches during the tour and almost pulled several upsets during the tour.

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