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Traditions Honored

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The world of wrestling is always interesting because every continent you visit seems to have its own take on it. Here in Mexico many first think of many masked high fliers. Even so there are practitioners of other styles as well that are every bit as good as the traditional luchador most fans outside of Mexico would think of. Even more so these days people are starting to realize this with the rise of one company. South of the Border Pro Wrestling.


One of the elite three companies that included also Original Lucha Libre is Eternal and Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation, SOTBPW has broken off and taken with it many of the best talents in all of Mexico. This has left both of the other older companies scrambling to fill gaps and find a new way to keep their current and gain new viewers.


With new companies emerging to give competition this has become a critical time for both OLLIE and MPWF. OLLIE has decided to expand and add a women's division which so far seems to be doing them well. Despite losing El Leon and Campeon Jr they still have many reliable men still on their roster for the time being.


MPWF may have been hurt more overall. Not only did they lose Electrico and Mayan Idol to the new national power in Mexico, but the reliable El Bandido left the company as well to start his own promotion. While they still have some skilled wrestlers to help cover for those losses it seems Domino has looked to build for the future. How long will it be before SOTBPW lures away more talent such as Soul Taker or Magnifico? Other talents such as Spanish Superfly, Cique Jr and Luchador Original are also starting to wind down their careers.


It was time Domino brought in new talent along with a mix of veterans that can come in and make a difference while the younger prospects can be made into future stars. In the end ten new men were brought in. Five that have seen several years in the ring and get either their first real shot in a 'name' company or in a few cases it is a second chance that they shall try not to waste.


Five others have two or less years of experience in the pros, but all have the pedigree to where they may have a very bright future if they work hard. All have had family that wore a mask and now these five look to create a legacy of their own while making their family proud.


I happen to be one of these five men. Someone who has trained for a long time. Perhaps my family isn't well known compared to some, but I follow a long line of men that have been in the business. Men I will not let down. A year performing at independent shows is the experience I have, but I have the dedication and the desire to show Domino that he has not made a mistake in hiring me.


The year is 2013 and it is a new year with many new faces in MPFW. Will this be a year new stars are born and the old guard remain to help the company take on SOTBPW? Or will more stars leave and MPFW continues to slide down and have to look for other changes to stay afloat?


This....this is my story.


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Domino as far as I have seen is a rather busy man. Not only is he running MPFW, but he is also the one that books everything. He has some help with more veteran talents giving their impute, but in the end he has the final say on everything that goes down when a show happens.


How long can he manage doing both? I have no real idea. He seems to enjoy the work, but as years go by it has to get harder and harder. Losing some top talent did seem to take its toll on him from what I understand. Some of the veterans I have spoke to such as Cique Jr say he looks to have aged quite a bit due to the stress and that is why people like Luchador Original do their best to try and take the load off when they can.


I met Domino after a match where I was in a main event against Inca Jr in a losing effort. He admitted he came to the show to speak with Inca after he was finished with the match, but apparently I caught his eye as well. It was flattering to say the least. He may not have been a great in ring performer, but the man has been in the business for longer than I have been alive. I was always taught respect and I did my best to show it to him.


It turned into us setting up a meeting the next day and he left to have his meeting with Inca Jr. The next day we talked and he explained his plans for his company to an extent. Mostly he said he wanted to bring in new talent that are willing to pay their dues for a few years and then take over once some of the current stars move on and retire. Many of the younger talent are men like me I was told. Men who have had relatives in the business.


We talked for a few hours and we discussed contracts. It wasn't long until my name was signed on the dotted line and I was to told to come to a meeting at the beginning of the year where I would meet my new family. The days could not pass by fast enough and I was eager to get to that meeting. Not only to meet those like me that are getting their first big shot, but also to meet some larger names such as Soul Taker and Spanish Superfly.


Time ticked by and soon that fateful day came....

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Early January came around and it was a meeting for all current and new workers to meet and talk about the upcoming show for the month. In a little over a week there will be a show named Haga Frente Al Hangman where everyone will be working. Now is where we would get to find out where on the card we will be and who we will be face.


Among some of the idle conversations were the talk of Carlos Moreno being fired along with El Rey quitting over a squabble he had about his place on the roster after new hirings were made. I mostly got to see my first impressions of everyone and I walked away with a few thoughts. Below I have tried my best to sum up my initial thoughts of everyone.




Teadoro Nieto has been a staple on commentary for about five years now. A rather quiet man who provides colour commentary. Of all the people he seems the most relieved Carlos Moreno is gone.




Apparently I was wrong. There was one man that was more relieved. That would be Mario Serrano. He has been around for many years, but in more recent ones Carlos had started to take over. It seems loyalty won out this time and he resumes his duties as lead announcer.




Sebastian Cabrera is the referee for the company since 2004. I didn't talk to him much, but he seemed very professional if a bit quiet.




Gabriel Ortega....wow. Not only pretty, but very smart as well. Makes me wonder why she is a valet instead of getting a better paycheck with the brains she has. She seems to love the business and during our talk it came to my attention that apparently I will be one of her new clients.




Chica de Partido is another manager I met. She is actually engaged to Luis Montero Jr of OLLIE fame. Another nice girl who seems to be moving on from being manager of Cique Jr to another new hiring.


(OOC: More in next post to keep this one from getting too long)

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Angel De Mexico is considered one of the backbones of the promotion and he always seems to be one that never breaks into the main event just yet. He has held many titles with the company and seems a friendly sort.




It just seems fitting to just include my thoughts of both members of Los Asesinos. They are a new hiring that Domino apparently brought in to help out with the tag division. They play tough guys in front of crowds, but both came off as jovial types.




I won't lie. I was excited to meet Atlantis Jr. It was sad to see him take such a fall, but he seems to have handled what life has given him and now he is more fine with staying in the midcard and helping out new talents.




Chess Maniac didn't stay long. He wasn't rude or the like, but he seems like a busy guy. Apparently this is just how he normally is and I was told I would get used to it quickly.




This is the kind of man I strive to be. Always a professional and a hard worker. No one I talked to could think of a single bad thing to say about Cique Jr. He has earned the respect of everyone and has a job in MPWF for life if he wishes.




Another new hiring and another hire made to help with the tag division. His partner already worked here so it makes sense to bring in one man instead of yet another team. Diamante Azule still seems to have a bit of a language problem, but his partner is trying to help him with his Spanish.




El Hijo Del Aguila is very much in the same boat as I am along with a few others. He has only had perhaps a handful of professional matches before being brought in. Much like me he was just excited and happy to be here.




Given how important his grandfather was to the company it is no surprise that El Hijo Del Fantasma would end up in the same company his relative helped create. Of all of the new workers he might have the biggest shoes to fill.




El Toro de Oro Jr. seemed rather fun to be around. He is much the joker from what I understand and he does his best to keep those in a good mood. With the new talent coming in he is getting to find out what it is like to rise up on the card.




Fray Valiente Jr. is yet another of the newer, less experienced wrestlers brought in. While he does not have blood ties to the original he means to continue the tradition of the man that raised him. I was very pleased to hear we will get to be working together as tag partners at times.




One of the men that has stepped up his game since the departure of some of the main event stars. Genio Verde seemed very quiet for most of the party and had little to say.




A man that proves that hard work pays off. Heavy Metal Anarchy has traveled a path I hope to go. From someone that opened and lost many a match to someone on the cusp of the main event. In a few years I won't be surprised if he ends up the top babyface in MPWF.




Hellspawn 666 is a veteran worker under a relatively new mask. He is a tag team specialist that has started to push for a chance at being a singles star.




Hijo Del Mephisto is also strongly linked to the company and has become one of their top heels. Right now Domino is considering giving him a title run to see if he truely can be a star for the company for the long term.


(OOC: The last bits of thoughts/roster reveal will be in t he next post.)

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In seven years, Hijo Del Relampago has done it all. He has been a champion as a trio, a tag team and on his own. He is still young and has plenty of time to eventually insert himself into the main title picture one day. I am rooting for him.




Hombre De La Energia was one of the few to rub me the wrong way. He is one of the top heels and I have a feeling his character isn't far from how he actually is. He was rather rude to most of the young guys.




The 'veteran' of the five young hires made by Domino. He has about a year more ring experience than me and Fray do, but like the rest of us he has alot of work to do to prove himself.




A face a few of the veterans were surprised to see. Inca Jr didn't exactly leave on the best of terms. He seems a bit more humbled now and perhaps he realizes this is his last chance.




La Bestia Purpura is someone they might lump with the rest of the newer hires, but he is a bit more polished than most and has close to four years under his belt. His mentor has left him with good skills and despite playing a very crazy character he is probably one of the nicer people you'll ever meet behind the scenes.




Leon Joven was the one that got Diamante Azul a job given both have worked together before. He looks to be spending most of his days from now on as tag worker for the long haul.




Much like Cique Jr it is hard to find anyone that has beef with Luchador Original. He is getting up in years and he is the main helper when it comes to booking when Domino is being overwhelmed. I spent a long time talking with this man and listening to his stories after the party.




Perhaps the one man that got lucky over the main event talents leaving. Magnifico can be considered one of the top dogs for now. How long he can maintain that remains to be seen.




Mario Heroic seems to be more than happy to try and stick it to SOTBPW since he seems to have a bit of bad blood with how he was treated near the end. I suppose that means Domino has at least one top talent that he doesn't have to worry about leaving.




Scorpion is much like Hellspawn 666. A veteran that has decided to go under a mask and try something new. In this case it worked out well for him because Domino came calling soon after the change.




A veteran that has taken his second chance by the horns and has done all he can to impress. That is probably why Slayyer holds a title at the moment and has even kept it for quite some time. Hard work is rewarded here it would seem.




One of the men I really want to get in the ring with. Snap Dragon is someone I have always been a fan of and right now he seems to be getting a bit of a push to where he is just outside the main event. He has the talent to break into it for sure.




The man is a legend. Soul Taker might only be in MPWF still because he does have something of a bad attitude. Even so he is the main attraction and no one is going to argue he is the best wrestler in the company hands down.




An aging star that talked about retirement with a few of the other veterans. Spanish Superfly is looking to wind down his career soon and he seems to be holding off just so Domino can find a suitable replacement for him.


We all talked for several hours and people came and went. People kept dwindling away and it soon ended with me leaving with Luchador Original where we ended up at a small bar to talk about things. The man really is a well of knowledge and I feel honored to work with someone like this. I left with a slight buzz and my mind made up. I have no regrets in signing with this company and I will do my best to make sure it thrives.

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The next week or so was spent getting into the ring and working with some of the other new hires. Cique Jr and Luchador Original were around to help us out and provide veteran guidance. It also seemed we would be part of a five on five opening match that has paired us with a few veterans on both sides. Excitement is in the air and I was feeling on cloud nine when I found out one of my partners was going to be Atlantis Jr.


Off to the side when not helping us, Luchador Original was working with Domino on the rest of the card for the show. It was interesting to hear what was being discussed, but I only ever got to hear bits and pieces. If I got caught listening too much there was usually a playful slap on the back by Cique Jr. followed up by him telling me to get my head into the match.


It was tough work and we all messed up a few times. Even so through the days the 'Future Five', a name Luchador Original calls us in jest, have become rather close. We all want to help one another out and make a good first impression. No time for screwups here because if we get fired who knows how long we will have to toil away in the indies for another shot.




Main Event




Soul Taker © vs Snap Dragon


Also Featuring


Angel De Mexico vs Hellspawn 666


Los Aseninos vs Los Jovenes for the Campeones de Parejas (Currently Vacant)


Luchador Original vs Chess Maniac


Slayyer © vs Hijo Del Relampago for the Campeon de Lucha title


Hijo Del Mephisto vs Heavy Metal Anarchy vs Mario Heroic vs Genio Verde


Hombre De La Energia vs Cique Jr


Magnifico vs Spanish Superfly


Arrive Early enough and be treated to 5 vs 5 action!


El Hijo Del Aguila, El Mitico Jr, Fray Valiente Jr, Scorpion and Atlantis Jr vs Inca Jr, El Toro De Oro Jr, La Beastia Purpura, El Hijo Del Fantasma, and Hypnotiq Jr

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Mexico and Japan are the two C-Verse areas I know really little about - but this looks cool, so will be following! Predictions are pretty much guesses for now. Oh, do you mind if I make a tiny suggestion? It might be cool to show who the champions are in the title matches with something like a © after their names.


I really liked the roster round-up, by the way - effective way to introduce everyone and I already feel at least slightly less lost in the country!


Soul Taker vs Snap Dragon


Also Featuring


Angel De Mexico vs Hellspawn 666


Los Aseninos vs Los Jovenes for the Campeones de Parejas


Luchador Original vs Chess Maniac


Slayyer vs Hijo Del Relampago for the Campeon de Lucha title


Hijo Del Mephisto vs Heavy Metal Anarchy vs Mario Heroic vs Genio Verde


Hombre De La Energia vs Cique Jr


Magnifico vs Spanish Superfly


Arrive Early enough and be treated to 5 vs 5 action!


El Hijo Del Aguila, El Mitico Jr, Fray Valiente Jr, Scorpion and Atlantis Jr vs Inca Jr, El Toro De Oro Jr, La Beastia Purpura, El Hijo Del Fantasma, and Hypnotiq Jr

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Some side OOC notes.


Domino by all means still is the owner/booker at this point from an IC standpoint. Given how stingy he is about having his product changed I certainly don't see him handing such a position to a someone unproven like El Mitico Jr. As time goes on things will change of course, but I just wanted to clear that up if there was any confusion.


The lack of being able to change the product tasks me. It tasks me so! Angles are not well recieved, yet the product means fans expect storylines to follow. I found a way around it, but it feels almost like cheating.


Tag Titles were vacated because right now it was a midcard title on Upper Midcard guys that would bitch if they lost to a lesser team. May as well take the title prestige hit than deal with two angry workers.


If there are any questions about specific workers or the like feel free to ask.

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<p>I have a soft spot for MPWF. They're in a pretty tough position this year. They've lost some of their top talent, and they have to deal with SOTBPW being able to steal anyone they way. Good luck.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Soul Taker ©</strong> vs Snap Dragon</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Also Featuring</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Angel De Mexico</strong> vs Hellspawn 666</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Los Aseninos</strong> vs Los Jovenes for the Campeones de Parejas (Currently Vacant)</p><p> </p><p>

Luchador Original vs <strong>Chess Maniac</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Slayyer ©</strong> vs Hijo Del Relampago for the Campeon de Lucha title</p><p> </p><p>

Hijo Del Mephisto vs Heavy Metal Anarchy vs <strong>Mario Heroic</strong> vs Genio Verde</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hombre De La Energia</strong> vs Cique Jr</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Magnifico</strong> vs Spanish Superfly</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>El Hijo Del Aguila, El Mitico Jr, Fray Valiente Jr, Scorpion and Atlantis Jr </strong>vs Inca Jr, El Toro De Oro Jr, La Beastia Purpura, El Hijo Del Fantasma, and Hypnotiq Jr</p>

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<p>The night had finally come. For many of those in the locker area this was just another show to them. For a good group of us it is our first time to showcase what we could do to a large crowd. While MPWF have started to slide due to loss of talent do not think for a moment that means their arenas are empty. No, tonight is a sold out show of five thousand people. For some of us we are lucky to have wrestled in front of fifty people on a good night. There are alot of butterflies being felt in stomachs right about now and I am one of those guys.</p><p> </p><p>

It is no surprise that most of the new blood that have never wrestled for a bigger company like this were put out to perform a match before the entire crowd settled in. It might help ease some nerves and it does help we have some established veterans helping out. Atlantis Jr. was going over things with his team while Inca Jr was going over things with the rudos. Both had been given instructions from Domino and they were obviously the pair that were going to be keeping some sort of flow to this match and save any of the new guys that might mess things up.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>PRE SHOW</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img838/5702/frayvaliente.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img827/6730/atlantisi.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img255/3967/aguilam.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img809/8446/elmtico.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img827/1601/scorpionue.jpg</span><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>VS</strong></span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img716/9485/labestiapurpura.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img404/2530/elhijodelfantasmau.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img28/426/hypnotiq.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img138/6681/eltorodeoroalt.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img339/7258/incajr.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Fray Valiente Jr, Atlantis Jr, El Hijo Del Aguila, El Mitico Jr and Scorpion VS La Bestia Purpura, El Hijo Del Fantasma, El Toro De Oro and Inca Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

The arena was about half full when they announced the match was about to take place. The rudos were the first out to the ring and they used the advantage to attack the tecnicos when they tried to enter. Given the fact several of us are still green this match was a bit messy. The younger guys such as myself were given a bit less time so the likes of Atlantis Jr and Inca Jr could keep the crowd interested. For ten guys this match wasn't much of a long one. We all got to hit a few spots, but in the end the final minutes were several of us diving outside at one another to leave Ultra Atlantis in the ring with El Toro De Oro one on one. With everyone wiped out on the outside Ultra Atlantis picks up the win much to the delight of the crowd.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Fray Valient Jr, Atlantis Jr, El Hijo Del Aguila, El Mitico Jr and Scorpion</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 32</p><p> </p><p>

It was quite an exciting experience. Perhaps a bit of a rough debute given the fact not many of us got along of time to showcase, but I do think Domino wants to ease us into things instead of just toss us right into singles or even tag matches. It was a decent enough reception, but most of the cheers and fan reactions were centered on names that have been with MPWF for some time such as Atlantis and El Toro De Oro. Even so I was pleased with what time I got and we all got a pretty good reception in the locker room.</p><p> </p><p>

Cique Jr and Luchador Original pulled most of us rookies aside to give us tips for next time, but it was to help us better ourselves in the long run. It seems we all did enough to where we will be invited back and this is not a one and done scenario. Now that the learning inside the ring was done it was now time for us to watch and learn from the rest of the roster and see what they can do.</p><p> </p><p>

The show begins....</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img152/386/mpwf.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Mexican Premier Wrestling Federation Presents:</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">

</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:24px;">Haga Frente Al Hangman</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img824/9576/mpwfparejas.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>VS</strong><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img132/6145/diamanteazulg.jpg</span><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img17/3459/leonjoven.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Campeons De Parejas Championship: Los Asesinos vs Los Jovenes</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The fans were treated to a tag match to start to show. Not just any tag match, but one that put the currently vacant Campeones De Parejas titles on the line. Three of the men involved were all newcomers as far as MPWF goes, but they did have experience in other promotions. Los Asesinos were both part of OLLIE for awhile and Diamant Azul was in SOTBPW a few years back. The crowd responded well enough and Asesinos took control most of the match. You can tell they have been together for some time because they read one another very well. No surprise Domino brought them in to shore up his tag division and no surprise as well that he let them pick up the win and claim the belts. Los Jovenes worked well too, but it seems both are a bit rusty since it has been some time since they had teamed together. They will still work as a good tecnico team for quite some time.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner and new Campeon De Parejas</strong>: Los Asesinos</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 37</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img28/628/ngeldemxicoalt.jpg</span><strong>VS</strong><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img801/9908/hellspawn666.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Angel De Mexico vs Hellspawn 666</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The previous match did well to get the crowd into the show. This match really got the fans cheering. It does help that Angel De Mexico is a fan favorite as well as being a really good worker. Hellspawn 666 is no slouch either so when both these men were given some time they made the most of it. It was a good back and forth match between two men with a similar style which made for excitement and drew the crowd in. They popped rather loudly when Angel De Mexico scored a win with a quick rollup on a dazed Hellspawn 666.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Angel De Mexico.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 59</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img94/6849/chessmaniac.jpg</span><strong>VS</strong><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img526/8859/luchadororiginal.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Chess Maniac vs Luchador Original</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This match featured two solid midcarders that are more technical based. One would think this would be a good followup to the previous match, but something just seemed off. There were obvious mistakes on both sides that made the match a bit hard to watch. This is more something you might expect to see from younger luchadors, but both men have been wrestling for MPWF for wahile now. It seemed they just couldn't get their timing right and it took the excitement out of the crowd. It looked like they decided to hurry through to the end and Luchador Original used a modified armbar submission to put an end to a rather bad match. At least bad for two men of this calibur.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Luchador Original</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 39</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img100/6886/hijodelmephisto.jpg</span><strong>VS</strong><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img547/5691/genioverde.jpg</span><strong>VS</strong><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img266/3098/marioheroic.jpg</span><strong>VS</strong><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img10/1825/heavymetalanarchy.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Hijo Del Mephisto vs Genio Verde vs Mario Heroic vs Heavy Metal Anarchy</p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This four way match between four men that are either in the main event picture or close to it managed to get the crowd back into things. They might have gotten a better reaction, but the previous match may have hurt this one a bit because it took a good few minutes and some well done spots to finally get them full invested into what is going on in the ring. Heroic was the workhorse for most of the match and perhaps to the surprise of many Heavy Metal Anarchy perhaps got the best reaction of the group. Each man got time to showcase their abilities and it was Heavy Metal Anarchy that ended up getting blind sided by Hijo Del Mephisto who got the pin.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Hijo Del Mephisto</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 60</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img40/9503/mpwflucha.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img22/8514/slayyer.jpg</span><strong>VS</strong><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img547/6872/relampagoi.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Cameon de Lucha Match: Slayyer vs Hijo Del Relampago</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The midcard title is on the line and the veteran Slayyer was defending against Hijo Del Relampago. There was a bit of an arguement apparently between the latter and Domino that happened apparently while we were out doing the pre-show match. He really wanted the title and it seems Domino isn't realy for Slayyer to drop it just yet. It got a bit heated, but thankfully cooler heads prevailed. Even so it looked like Relampago looked a bit stiff at times when striking at Slayyer. Good thing Slayyer is quite the professional and didn't lose his cool. He went through the motions and more than likely will speak to Relampago after the match if there is any real problem. They do well to keep the crowd interested, but also give them time to recover before the next big match comes out. Slayyer retains, though he does use the ropes for leverage to get the win.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner and still Champeon De Lucha</strong>: Slayyer</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 46</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img515/5023/magnifico.jpg</span><strong>VS</strong><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img59/2802/spanishsuperfly.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Magnifico vs Spanish Superfly</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Perhaps it was Magnifico being bothered he wasn't in the main event. Perhaps it was Spanish Superfly starting to show his age. Perhaps it was something else, but these two put on a match that might have actually been outdone by the previous one. Magnifico is supposed to be one of the top dogs and he looked like he belonged more in the midcard while Spanish Superfly looked rather broken down and had trouble trying to keep up with his opponent. The result is unexpected mess that totally killed the crowd once more. I was just so surprised that two great workers were having so many problems. Magnifico wins, but by the time the match was over the boos might have been more for the overall performance and not because the rudo won. Not good at all.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Magnifico</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 44</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img198/3341/ciquejr.jpg</span><strong>VS</strong><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img855/2125/hombredelaenerga.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Cique Jr vs Hombre De La Energa</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This was the last match before the main event and I think at this point the two were instructed to just try and keep anyone from getting up and leaving. The ring work was pleasing and the two did their job, but the crowd just still looked a bit disinterested after the previous match didn't deliver as much as they had hoped. Even so Cique still looks great for his age and he wrestles as if he was still thirty-one instead of fourty-one. Total opposites to how Spanish Superfly looked. Hombre was getting good heat by the time he got the win and the two managed start to get the people more into the show once again. Then again they just might be ready for the star of the promotion to come out. The Soul Taker chants were deafening by the time it was announced the main event was next.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner</strong>: Hombre De La Energa</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong>: 50</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img837/3826/mpwfworld.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img267/5885/soultaker.jpg</span><strong>VS</strong><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img849/4362/snapdragonalt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Campeon de Herencia de Mundo: Soul Taker vs Snap Dragon</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

If Domino was worried he would have trouble finding suitable people to put on a good match with Soul Taker then his troubles had to be eased here. This is exactly what will help the company out in the long run. Snap Dragon very well might have helped catapult himself into the main event picture with his performance combined with how bad Magnifico did. These two just put on a clinic and this thirty minute match felt like it wasn't even long enough. I would even go to say these guys could have headlined a SOTBPW show with the kind of performance they gave tonight. Soul Taker retains his title after the hard fought match and the pair really put everyone else on notice in the locker room. We will all need to step up our game after that one.</p><p> </p><p>

Winner and still Campeon de Herencia de Mundo: Soul Taker</p><p> </p><p>

Rating: 78</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

After the match the fans were leaving seeming pleased while the locker room itself were cheering both Soul Taker and Snap Dragon when they came back. Domino seemed to be pleased and was hugging both of them while praising almost everyone for the effort put forth tonight. Luchador Original still seemed a bit upset with his performance and there was a slight bit of arguements between Superfly and Magnifico on who was t he one at fault, but overall the atmosphere back stage was pretty good. Tonight there is time to celebrate, but tomorrow it is back to training and preparing for the next show. I went home just thinking one thing. One day it could be me tearing down the house for the main event. It may take several years, but I will somehow do it.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Final Rating</strong></span><span style="font-size:14px;">: 69</span></p>

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<p>The month seemed to go by even faster than the last. It seems like so much happened in such a short amount of time. From finding out that beyond SOTBPW we were the top promotion in Mexico apparently. Our main event blew anything OLLIE tied out of the water. Overall it was good news that only seemed to be piled on when we found out something else not two days later.</p><p> </p><p>

Domino has been busy with alot of negotiations and it seems he scored a small television deal four an hour long taped show. It doesn't sound like much, but to get any sort of television exposure feels like a big step for us. Starting next month MPWF: Guerreros Del Anillo will begin production.</p><p> </p><p>

Training wise it has been more of the same. It isn't a bad thing since I feel most of us are starting to get a good grasp of how the company works and what is expected of us in the ring. Some of us seemed to have found certain people we look to for advice. Hypnotiq Jr was perhaps the happiest I ever seen him lately. When asked why he found out that Magnifico has started to personally train him. All around things looked to be on the upswing.</p><p> </p><p>

.....that is until a few days before the show. It seems that SOTBPW strikes again and not only snagging someone from our roster, but OLLIE as well. I remember training with Fray Valiente Jr and Luchador Original when I heard Domino from his office. He was irate and shouting on the phone. He stormed out soon after and we didn't see or hear from him until the day before the show. It was for two things. One was the mention of a new hire he was going to have show up at the show tomorrow. No name was given, but it was a surprise given the fact he seemed please with his current roster.</p><p> </p><p>

That is when he went into reasoning why. Still looking upset he let Magnifico stand up and address the locker room. It was then when he announced he signed with SOTBPW and tomorrow would be his last show. Hypnotiq Jr looked like he just ran into a brick wall when he heard that. Alot of the others fell silent and even a few left the room without saying a word. Later on we would find Marco Flores from OLLIE signed as well and it seems the need for both companies to find viable stars is becoming more important.</p><p> </p><p>

With a show going on tomorrow my mind is just racing as I try to realize that things continue to change and how much things differ just over one person leaving.</p><p> </p><p>

*****</p><p> </p><p>

MPWF Danza Del Guerrero Del Fantasma</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Campeon de Herencia de Mundo</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Soul Taker © vs Hijo Del Mephisto</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Campeon de Lucha</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Slayyer © vs Cique Jr</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Campeones de Parejas</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Los Asesinos vs Atlantis Jr and Scorpion</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Also Featuring...</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Angel De Mexico vs Magnifico</p><p> </p><p>

Mario Heroic vs Inca Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

Hellspawn 666 vs Hijo Del Relampago</p><p> </p><p>

Heavy Metal Anarchy/Luchador Original/Spanish Superfly vs Genio Verde/Hombre De La Energa/Snap Dragon</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Show</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Bully and the Beast (La Bestia Purpura/El Toro De Oro Jr) vs El Mitico Jr/Fray Valiente Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

Los Jovens vs Hypnotiq Jr/El Hijo Del Fantasma</p><p> </p><p>

??? vs Chess Maniac vs El Hijo Del Aguila</p>

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The backstage area before the show this month felt so much more different. Magnifico was off away from the rest of the roster to try and avoid problems. He and Angel De Mexico were off in a room discussing their match. It didn't help that Soul Taker decided to pull a rather childish prank on Inca Jr which caused a bit of a arguement between the two. Domino did his best to calm both sides and get them focused on the matches they have tonight.


Those of us going on before the show proper were shuffled off and told what was happening. Cique Jr and Luchador Original took care of us while Domino dealt with the planning of the show proper. Tonight I would get to team up with Fray Valiente Jr to take on La Bestia Purpura and Toro De Oro Jr. We will be on the losing side of things, but I never expected to be winning much to start anyways. We are being given seven minutes so that should be at least enough time for us all to get a few good spots in each.


We were signaled it was time and we were the first to go out. Time to warm up the crowd.







Bully and the Beast vs El Mitico Jr. and Fray Valiente Jr.


The crowd wasn't a sell out like last month from what I was told, but even so it was still a large and lively one by the time we went out. Easily half of the four thousand people that would be filing in had already made it. We kept the match simple and it ended up being me and Purpura doing most of the work. Fray still has to get a better grasp on ring psychology before he will be considered for a singles run. Toro De Oro was solid for the role he had to play and given he has seniority over the rest of us he was allowed to be the one to get the pin over Fray.


Winner: Bully and the Beast


Rating: 30







El Hijo Del Fantasma and Hypnotiq Jr. vs Los Jovenes


I think Hypnotiq is still reeling at finding out that the mentor he started to really bond with was leaving after tonight. It showed in his ring work and it was Fantasma that had to carry the team. Joven and Azul both are steady hands with some years under their belt so they did well at helping out the younger workers. Los Jovenes get a win here to help build them back up a bit so they can challenge for the Parejas titles in the future.


Winner: Los Jovenes


Rating: 26






Chess Maniac vs El Hijo Del Aguila vs Trickster


Domino did well at keeping even the locker room unsure of who was going to be the new signing. Many were thinking a more veteran presence, but instead he went to a relative unknown again. I have ran into Trickster about three months into my career. I think he will be a good fit and the crowd seemed to react well to his sneaky thief routine. Chess Maniac looked alot better than he did last month as well and he was the one that controlled the match. Aguila might have benefitted from it the most as he got to work with two pretty good workers that probably taught him a thing or two. Once again being the rookie of the group he was the one that fell prey to Chess Maniac who picks up the win.


Winner: Chess Maniac


Rating: 37

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Mexican Premier Wrestling Federation Presents:


Danza Del Guerrero Del Fantasma!








Campeon de Lucha Championship: Slayyer © vs Cique Jr


Once again the show starts off with a title on the line. The Campeon de Lucha title on the line. It ends up being a good way to start sucking the crowd in because both of these men really know their way around the ring. The only part that might have hurt the match overall was Slayyer getting a bit tired near the end. Cique Jr continues to just wow me when I get to watch him. His movements are still crisp and clean and he didn't hardly seem to be breaking a sweat by the time Slayyer got the cheap win with a handful of tights.


Winner and still Champeon de Lucha: Slayyer (Defense: 9)


Rating: 50







Angel De Mexico vs Magnifico


I will say one thing about Magnifico. He could have just left and not even appeared at this show. He could have complained about losing on the way out. Instead he agreed to help put someone over and give one last performance. It seems Domino is also putting his faith into Angel De Mexico as a new main event talent. One might think that pushing up a rudo near the top would have been a better idea, but with Verde, Energa and Mephisto being high up along with Snap Dragon lurking about it was time to see if Angel can sink or swim being one of the big names.


Both did very well and this match went on for a solid twenty-five minutes. Magnifico was pulling out all the stops when it came from taking pages out of the rudo handbook and somehow Angel kept kicking out. It would be Magnifico's own trickery that would cost him the match and Angel De Mexico had his arm raised as the crowd really started to get loud.


Winner: Angel De Mexico


Rating: 64






Hellspawn 666 vs Hijo Del Relampago


Speaking of rudos pretty high up on the card, Hellspawn 666 is another guy that could make a case to get a good push as a singles star if he continues to put on good matches. This one was to give the audience a bit of a time to recover from the last, but even so they were pretty into the match. The two were easily getting as good of a reaction as Slayyer and Cique Jr were earlier. Relampago ends up losing for the second straight show, though this time he wasn't arguing the decision. He must have a bit more respect for Hellspawn than Slayyer.


Winner: Hellspawn 666


Rating: 50









Campeones de Parejas Championship: Los Asesinos © vs Atlantis Jr and Scorpion


This match might have been the low point of the main show so far. That doesn't mean it was a bad match, but given Atlantis was the only wrestler most fans are familiar with out of the four it isn't a huge surprise that the reaction wasn't as strong as previous matches. Asesinos continue to show they work well together and they are probably going to get a decent run if they can continue to pull out matches like this. I think Domino was also testing the waters to see how Atlantis Jr and Scorpion did as a team and they probably did well enough that he might consider them sticking together. The tecnico side is a bit weak in the tag division right now with Angel De Mexico being pushed as a singles star so his team with Relampago is on hold for the forseeable future.


Winners and still Champeones de Parejas: Los Asesinos (Defense: 1)


Rating: 40






Heavy Metal Anarchy, Spanish Superfly and Luchador Original vs Genio Verde, Snap Dragon, and Hombre de la Energa


The trios match always will be a staple in the world of lucha libre. Fans are usually into such a thing and given the star power involved I really thought this might be the show stealer. It turns out I was wrong. While a good match, the Angel vs Magnifico match did alot better. The crowd was still into this, but I am starting to think last month it wasn't just bad luck now involved with Spanish Superfly and Luchador Original's matches. Both looked a bit worse for wear this match as well which meant Heavy Metal Anarchy was having to do most of the work. Genio, Snap Dragon and Energa all looked like they were at the top of their game and I think the performance of Superfly and Luchador Original caused the match to have an audible called and it ended earlier than planned when Energa took down Luchador Original and got the three count.


Winners: Genio Verde, Snap Dragon and Hombre de la Energa


Rating: 58






Inca Jr vs Mario Heroic


This match was the final one before the main event so it was the job of these two to let the crowd down gently before letting the main event blow them away. Heroic looked really good this match and even if the result was pretty much expected, the fans still enjoyed seeing Inca Jr trying to use his rudo ways to score an upset. Heroic was just too good to fall for any tricks and he scores the win in a rather short match.


Winner: Mario Heroic


Rating: 51









Campeon de Herencia de Mundo championship: Soul Taker © vs Hijo Del Mephisto


This match was almost every bit as good as last months event. Snap Dragon might be the more talented ring worker than Mephisto, but Mephisto can get the crowd more into the match. He really is starting to show he might be the top heel now with Magnifico leaving and he made sure he was out to impress Domino and help his chances at a possible title run in the future. This one went a good half hour and both men still looked like they could go longer. Soul Taker retains once again and extends his streak to ten successful defenses.


Winner and still Campeon de Herencia de Mundo: Soul Taker (Defense: 10)


Rating: 76




Once again our main event delivered big time and it sent everyone home happy. It was another solid show all around and this time there were no matches with obvious mistakes like the two we had last month. I feel bad for Spanish Superfly and Luchador Original, the latter especially. Time seems to be catching up with them and they might soon find themselves sticking to tag matches and the like to cover the fact they are starting to show alot of wear and tear.


We also have the luck of the television show now to help in showcasing talent and giving some way to develop some stories for the matches between our big shows. I am excited to see how that program turns out even if I probably won't get to be featured on it by my guess. A young man can dream. One that might become reality sooner than I realize.


Final Show Rating: 68

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Mexican Premier Wrestling Federation: Guerreros Del Anillo


Episode 1





MS: "Greetings everyone! Welcome to the first episode of Guerreros Del Anillo! I'm Mario Serrano."


TN: "And I am Teadoro Nieto! Tonight you will be teated to an hour of lucha libre action featuring new talents as well as your favorite old MPWF stars!"


MS: "For those who have never seen us before you are in for a treat. Before we get started with the action let us bring you some small clips of various members of our roster who have some words for you fans."











Soul Taker only holds the title because I allow it. My plan has been in motion and it is only a matter of time before I claim my prize!




I hope all you watching are ready for some metal! No one better underestimate me anymore!




MS: "Some interesting words. I am sure our camera man backstage must not have felt very comfortable around Hijo Del Mephisto given that laugh."


TN: "He is a very dangerous man. Thankfully he hasn't hurt anyone backstage just yet."


MS: "Yet being the key word. Now let us go to the ring for some lucha libre action!"







Fray Valiente Jr vs Inca Jr


A young rookie with some promise faces off with a veteran. Inca Jr used his experience to full advantage and controls most of the match. Fray Valiente Jr shows promise and he has heart, but he fell victim to the Aztec Axe tonight.


Winner: Inca Jr (2 straight falls)


Rating: 28






Atlantis Jr vs El Toro De Oro


The always reliable Atlantis Jr faces off with the up and comer known as El Toro De Oro. Both men give it their all, but their timing seems off and several moves are executed in a sloppy manner. I missed diver to the outside is what does El Toro De Oro in. Atlantis rolls him back in and nails the Atlantis Jam for the win.


Winner: Atlantis Jr (Two straight falls)


Rating: 32






El Hijo Del Fantasma vs Cique Jr


The ever reliable Cique Jr takes on yet another new comer. This one should have a very familiar name that will forever be linked to the company. Given how he looks in this match he represents his family well. Given time he will turn into a great talent if he keeps healthy. Cique Jr remains ever the stalwart ring warrior despite his age and much like the first match experience wins over youth.


Winner: Cique Jr (Two Straight Falls)


Rating: 33






Genio Verde vs Heavy Metal Anarchy with Chica De Partido


Genio Verde is rudo to the bone and he pulled every trick out of his book to keep the advantage over Heavy Metal Anarchy. His constant threats to go after Chica also meant HMA had his hands full and his attention was spread too thin. It allowed Genio to easily pick up the win in the end.


Winner: Genio Verde (Two Falls to One)


Rating: 50




MS: "Well it looks like we got some newcomers that look like they will make an impact one day, but today it was the veterans that all came out on top."


TN: "This is true, but in Genio Verde's case it might only be because of his cheating ways. He certainly stole that win."


MS: "Only a matter of time before things backfire, I'm sure. Thank you all for tuning in and watch us again next week!"


Final Rating: 44


OOC Notes: Ugh, talk about bomb when the two lengthy bouts are hit with bad chemistry. Took a pretty good hit from Genio being in decline for about 3 to 4 years.


The TV show format is going to be shorter and different than the events just because El Mitico Jr won't be on the show constantly. All matches unless otherwise stated are lucha libre rules so they are best of three falls.

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