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Worker pop and their age

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<p>Man...clearly I hadn't been paying enough attention to my roster's popularity.</p><p> </p><p>

I'd be willing to bet this is a huge reason for why my older guys started putting on much worse matches as time progressed, as opposed to when I first signed them.</p><p> </p><p>

I really don't think age should play any factor at all in popularity/overness. If their abilities start rapidly declining and they start having terrible matches and losing popularity as a result, that's a totally different thing...and something I would actually appreciate in the game, as added depth.</p><p> </p><p>

But the idea of guys losing popularity in angles? That's not right...</p><p> </p><p>

Hell, at the height of Vince McMahon vs. Steve Austin in the 90's, they were something like 55 and 35 respectively...and it was arguably the most over storyline in all of wrestling. Under the current game mechanics (pre patch, presumably) Vince McMahon would've lost like 50 popularity during the 2 year feud...</p><p> </p><p>

I sincerely hope today's tweak has helped to address this. I see this as a HUGE problem. Popularity, particularly resulting from angles, should be exempt from time decline (imo).</p>

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At the same time that I'm excited to see this mechanic in action, it worries me because my favorite fed to play is WCW. I'm glad to see however that the penalties have been reduced slightly, because as much as I want to see some card shifting going on (tbh, the last game of WCW 2001 on 2010 that I played was stopped because I saw this announced and it fed directly into a problem I was having by not having open spots at the top of the card for young guys) I also hope that it won't make it even MORE difficult to make it through those first few shows with the old guys until people are built up!


So as I'm understanding in regards to my game of choice, someone like a Ric Flair who is still putting on good matches will be okay to gain or maintain overness, just not someone like Jim Duggan who's just putting people over. Right?

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