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CZCW: Sweeter than Wine

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This is my first time reading a coastal zone diary and its very intriguing (sp) i do like your spin on the backstage stuff. One question are u press conferences angles that are part of ur show?




Clark alexander vs mikey james

Donnie j vs masked cougar

Zone out vs hernandez n jameson

Matthew keith vs frankie perez

Al coleman vs matt sparrow

Jake idol v marc speed


Question for honey or cliff

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All the press conferences, podcasts and all that are not run as parts of the show. They are, however, "canon" in this diary, meaning anything that you read in one of them "happened" in this universe.


If you (or anyone else) has a question you want a character to address, feel free to ask. I don't have any question and answer narratives scheduled for a couple months, but I can probably work it in within a day or so.


Also, I have a question for all you guys: what should the reward be for winning the guessing contest? Truthfully, I'm about a year ahead in the sim, so any booking prizes would probably not be put into effect for a long while. Any other suggestions?

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It's CZCW Radioactive, live from a sold out Grissom Auditorium in beautiful Southern California! Our announcers are Cliff Anderson, the Guru, and Honey Golightly.




Donnie J vs. Masked Cougar


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Masked Cougar defeated Donnie J in 16:06 by pinfall with a Cougar Pounce.

Two CZCW mainstays go at it here, with the Cougar coming out on top. Donnie J,


Al Coleman vs. Matt Sparrow


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Matt Sparrow defeated Al Coleman in 10:17 by pinfall with a Bird Brain Buster.

The Birdman defeats the struggling Coleman. Al hasn’t had a victory in a long while. Will he



Matthew Keith vs. Frankie Perez


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Frankie Perez defeated Matthew Keith in 10:40 by submission with a P-Clutch.

Good, quick match here between two good competitors. The action was seamless and fluid. There was nary a dull moment. If these two wrestlers stick around in the Coastal Zone, the fans are going to see a number of great matchups in the future.



Jake Idol vs. Marc Speed


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Marc Speed defeated Jake Idol in 15:38 by submission with a Cross Armbreaker.

Jake Idol is the kind of wrestler that Marc Speed hates. Idol had no answer to the devastating arm whips and holds that Speed was dishing out. Speed picked up the win with his patented Armbreaker.



Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship

Zone Out vs. Hernandez & Jameson


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Hernandez & Jameson defeated Zone Out in 24:35 when Mainstream Hernandez defeated Fox Mask by pinfall with a Super Kick. Hernandez & Jameson make defense number 6 of their Coastal Zone Tag Team titles.

Great defense here by the champions! Remmy Skye and Fox Mask are two pillars of the Coastal Zone, but Hernandez and Jameson used their superior chemistry and teamwork to come away with the victory. Fox and Remmy tried to isolate Jameson, and it worked for a while, but you can only keep a good team down for so long.



Honey Golightly is in the ring, and out comes Matthew Keith. Golightly asks Keith how he plans to recover to from his loss tonight. Keith gives her a look up and down, and says that he will come back from this loss. It is just another step up the ladder for him, for the next time he faces Perez, he will that much more knowledgeable about him and all the CZCW in general. Keith insists that his time is coming.



Coastal Zone Championship

Clark Alexander vs. Mikey James


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Mikey James defeated Clark Alexander in 25:34 by pinfall with a Scything Side Kick. Mikey James makes defense number 8 of his Coastal Zone Championship title.

Alexander may have spent time in the big leagues, but James was the bigger man tonight! Alexander was accompanied by the only person he can trust, his sister Heather Halo, but she couldn’t stop Mikey and his martial arts mastery. James had a great first half of the year, and if he keeps having matches like this, the second half will be promising as well.






Here are the all time totals for the Prediction Contest:

Jaded: 19-24 total, 79%

Midnightnick: 21/31 total, 68%

MichiganHero 4/6, 23/32 total, 73% (your past scores have had an error, this is correct)

3rdStringPG: 12/14 total, 86%

Boltinho 4/6, 21/26 total, 81%

Shadowsong: 4/6, 14/19 total, 74%

Bigjondalegend: 4/6, 67%


I'll post the card today for Friday's event, CZCW Surf Slam:

Nicolas Lopez vs. Mikey James for the Coastal Zone Championship

Donnie J vs. Matthew Keith

Fox Mask vs. Matt Sparrow

Clark Alexander vs. Remmy Skye

Marc Speed and Rich & Famous vs. Frankie Perez and Hernandez & Jameson

Going Coastal vs. Youthful Aggression

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“So when are you bringing me in? Is there room at the announce table for one more?”


“No, it’s too crowded as it is,” Honey replied. “Besides, Sara, I thought you were out of the business.”


Sara Silver smiled. Sara had been the lead color commentator for “Babes of Sin City”, Honey’s old promotion. She also was Honey’s best friend. The two were out for brunch, sipping mimosas. “Out of the business, on hiatus, whatever. I don’t even want to come back. Yet.”


“How about when you want back in, we’ll make sure you find a place,” Honey told her.


“But how is it going? Do you like it? I head Cliff Anderson is an easy going guy.”


“Cliff is great. He lets me do anything I want, except for starting negative relationships with other companies.”


“Things are heating up out here, aren’t they? IPW, GSW. Didn’t they open a promotion in Hawaii?”


“Yeah,” Honey answered, “Enforcer Roberts opened it. We won’t really compete with them, but I hear they want some of our guys.”


“Enforcer Roberts, huh? He’s pretty big time for a small Hawaiian promotion?”


“I guess he’s retiring there and he wants to get a head start. Business will be gangbusters for him there if he can get a good wrestler or two. We might invite him to the COTT if he gets big enough.”


“Look at you, Honey, you sound so professional! Like you’ve been in the business for years. I mean REALLY in the business, not just putting on strip shows in a wrestling ring.” Sara smirked.


“Oh stop it! We were more legitimate than that. At least at the end of the run.”


“Who owns the name and rights to Babes of Sin City? You don’t anymore, right?”


“No, the bank does,” Honey replied. “Shouldn’t be too difficult to buy it back though. Business is doing great, so we might be able to buy it back as an investment in case we want to start a women’s division.”


“Ooo, Honey, is that in the cards?” Sara asked.


“No, probably not ever. But you never know.”


“I guess you don’t.”




I’m happy to say that this diary now passed the Bechdel test.


Be sure to check the last post for the card for the next sure, and be sure to get your predictions in. I should have the show up by around 8 a.m. EST on Friday morning.


I watched The Bachelor two nights ago, and I’ve been reading infinitywpi’s “Welcome To The Reinvention”, and I've been inspired to do a little preview of the upcoming few months.



A slow decent for a big name in CZCW!

A special one-off tag team reunion!

A new member of the COTT!

A new enemy (or three) for the Coastal Zone!

A day that will become known as Black Monday!


Best friends become rivals!

A shocking departure!

A title finally changes hands!


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It’s CZCW Surf Slam, live from Grissom Auditorium in beautiful Southern California! Our announcers are Cliff Anderson, the Guru, and Honey Golightly.


Clark Alexander vs. Remmy Skye


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Remmy Skye defeated Clark Alexander in 13:20 by pinfall with a Skye Diver.

Great chemistry between Skye and Alexander here. Remmy is great at being a laid back, relaxed dude while still turning it on the ring when that bell rings. Alexander has seemed to take another step back, losing on two shows in a row.



Marc Speed and Rich & Famous vs. Frankie Perez and Hernandez & Jameson


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Frankie Perez and Hernandez & Jameson defeated Marc Speed and Rich And Famous in 18:11 when Frankie Perez defeated Jake Idol by submission with a P-Clutch.

The surging Frankie Perez teams with the tag champions for this win. Speed could not get along with the flashy team of Rich & Famous, especially after having to fight Idol last show, and it cost them the match. Then again, at this point, would any three men from the Coastal Zone match up against Jameson, Hernandez and Perez?



Fox Mask vs. Matt Sparrow


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Fox Mask defeated Matt Sparrow in 15:45 by pinfall with a Fox Hunter.

These two have a natural chemistry here, but didn’t really put on a great match. Fox scored the pinfall after losing to the tag champs last time, gaining back some of the momentum he has lost.



Going Coastal vs. Youthful Aggression


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Going Coastal defeated Youthful Aggression in 8:36 when California Love Machine defeated Ernest Youngman by pinfall with a LAX Departure.

Youthfaul Agression has a lot of talent, but they can’t seem to bring it all together here to win. The other young team on the roster, CLM and Frankie-Boy, AKA Going Coastal, come up with a victory here.



Donnie J vs. Matthew Keith


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Donnie J defeated Matthew Keith in 18:13 by pinfall with a Death On Miami Beach.

Keith’s big words were just talk last time, as Donnie J serves up a victory here. This event is called Surf Slam, and the match rightfully ended with J’s Death On Miami Beach. Keith should have stayed out of the water.


Coastal Zone Championship

Nicolas Lopez vs. Mikey James


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Mikey James defeated Nicolas Lopez in 27:22 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. During the match we also had Masked Cougar distract James. Mikey James makes defence number 9 of his Coastal Zone Championship title.

In this COTT Initiative matchup, Mikey James successfully defended his Coastal Zone Championship against visiting OLLIE Champion Nicolas Lopez. Lopez isn’t the most well know wrestler in the Zone, but he put on a good match. The most surprising part of this contest, however, was Masked Cougar making an appearance. As you may remember, Cougar lost to James in May in what he claims was a disputable call. Cougar seems to want a rematch with James and a shot at winning his title.






MidnightNick: 4/6, 25/37 total, 68%

MichiganHero:3/6, 26/38 total, 68%

Shadowsong:4/6, 18/25 total, 72%

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Honey checked her clipboard one more time. She glanced over at the camera man to check for the red light. It was on. The lights were up, and it was time.


CZCW.com Exclusive with Masked Cougar


You may be wondering why I was out at the ring for Mikey James’ match last night. The reason? Redemption. At “Welcome to the Coastal Zone,” I had Mikey James on the ropes. The match, and the Coastal Zone Championship, was mine for the taking. But I failed. Did I get caught in a surprise cradle? Yes. Was there a fast count? Probably. Did James have my tights? Maybe. But I’m not saying those are my excuses. He did what he had to do to beat me. Just like I am going to do what I have to do to beat him. That’s right James, I am challenging you to a rematch. One on one, in the main event at Reach for the Sky: Masked Cougar versus Mikey James in a Ladder Match for the Coastal Zone Championship. I know you James. I know you are a fighting champion, so I know you will accept. In the mean time? How about a tag match: you and your tag partner versus me and mine. I’m a man on a mission, Mikey, and that mission is to become champion.

“Great job Coug! I think you nailed it,” Honey told him.


“Thanks. I’m really feeling good about this storyline. Did you send my tag partner the contract yet?”




Coming soon: CZCW Battle on the Beach!

The Cali Dragons vs. Masked Cougar and ???

Clark Alexander vs. Donnie J

Shoot Club vs. Zone Out

Ernest Youngman vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

KC Glenn vs. Matthew Keith

Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs. Kirk Jameson

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It's the last Monday in July, and you know what that means? It's time for CZCW Battle on the Beach! Cliff, Honey and Guru are at the announce table.





Clark Alexander vs. Donnie J


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Donnie J defeated Clark Alexander in 12:02 by pinfall with a Death On Miami Beach.

Another ocean themed show, and another Death On Miami Beach. This time Alexander was Donnie J’s victim, giving him revenge for Clark’s first win in the Coastal Zone earlier this year.



Frankie-Boy Fernandes vs. Kirk Jameson


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Kirk Jameson defeated Frankie-Boy Fernandes in 12:56 by pinfall.

One half of the Tag Team Champions, Kirk Jameson got a little momentum going in his way in this singles match. Could it be that Jameson is the backbone of his team? Or did he just have a good night against average competition?


Shoot Club vs. Zone Out


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Zone Out defeated Shoot Club in 15:50 when Remmy Skye defeated Marc Speed by pinfall with a Skye Diver.

Fox Mask and Remmy Skye come up big in tag team action. Al Coleman looked on as Fox and Skye isolated Speed. Once Coleman got the tag, Zone Out was in such a groove that he stood no chance. A tag back to the tired Speed resulted in a quick finish.



Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Ernest Youngman vs. Air Attack Weasel


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Air Attack Weasel defeated Ernest Youngman in 9:04 by pinfall with an Air Attack Ace. Air Attack Weasel makes defence number 6 of his Coastal Zone Xtreme title.

Weasel with a clean title defense. He seems to be getting a hang out of “Coastal Rules;” he is consistently using the entire arena to his advantage without getting himself disqualified. If he keeps this up, he might be Xtreme Champion for a long while.



KC Glenn vs. Matthew Keith


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Matthew Keith defeated KC Glenn in 12:26 by submission with a Proton Lock.

Matthew Keith gets himself back on the winning track. KC Glenn has a lot of promise in the ring, but he isn’t there yet. Keith really locked in the Proton Lock, and he released it long after the bell had rung.




Mainstream Hernandez is in the ring with Honey Golightly and a microphone. Hernandez says he loves being part of the Coastal Zone Tag Champions. He issues an open challenge to anyone who thinks they can defeat them at the next event.


The Cali Dragons vs. The Lords of Xtreme (Masked Cougar and Snap Dragon)


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Cali Dragons defeated The Lords Of Xtreme in 29:41 when Frankie Perez defeated Snap Dragon by submission with a P-Clutch.

Snap Dragon returns for one match to help out his old tag team partner, but he can’t get the job done. It took almost the whole match before we saw Cougar and James in the ring, fighting each other. The crowd was ready to see these two go at it. Perez and Dragon were the legal men as the match went down, but James and Cougar brawled on the floor. Cougar had the upperhand, but failed to realize that Perez had Snap Dragon trapped in the P-Clutch.



58 Overall


Midnightnick: 5/6, 30/43 total, 70%

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We are going to try something new this time. Since I am so far ahead in the sim, I'm going to post a quick narrative today, and post the next show tomorrow. I'll still be really far ahead, but this will help that a little.


COTT Press Release:

The Confederation of the Territories is proud to announce that it has accepted a new member. Lethal Ring, based out of Hawaii and run by “Enforcer” Phillip Roberts, is the newest member of the COTT. Expect plenty of talent trades between Lethal Ring and the other COTT members in upcoming months.


Next time:

Masked Cougar vs. Frankie Perez

EDIT:The match is not for the Coastal Zone Championship

Donnie J and Air Attack Weasel vs. Hernandez & Jameson for the Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship

Clark Alexander vs. Fox Mask

Jackpot Jordan vs. Remmy Skye

Shoot Club vs. Youthful Aggression

Flash Sparrow vs. Going Coastal

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Masked Cougar vs. Frankie Perez

EDIT:The match is not for the Coastal Zone Championship

Donnie J and Air Attack Weasel vs. Hernandez & Jameson for the Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship

Clark Alexander vs. Fox Mask

Jackpot Jordan vs. Remmy Skye

Shoot Club vs. Youthful Aggression

Flash Sparrow vs. Going Coastal

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CZCW Wave of Fury: coming to you live from Grissom Auditorium in front of a sold out crowd! Clliff Anderson, the Guru, and Honey Golightly are at the announce table.



Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship

Donnie J and Air Attack Weasel vs. Hernandez & Jameson


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Hernandez & Jameson defeated Donnie J and Air Attack Weasel in 15:56 when Mainstream Hernandez defeated Donnie J by pinfall with an Apparition #14. Hernandez & Jameson make defence number 7 of their Coastal Zone Tag Team titles.

This one came about because of Air Attack Weasel’s big head; he figured that since he had been a singles champion so long, he deserved a shot at the tag team titles. Donnie J, Coastal Zone fan favorite, volunteered to team with him, much to the Weasel’s dismay. The team did not work out well. The two could not stay on the same page in the ring, and the champions prospered.



Shoot Club vs. Youthful Aggression


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Shoot Club defeated Youthful Aggression in 8:59 when Marc Speed defeated KC Glenn by submission with a Cross Armbreaker.

A rare win for Al Coleman, although Marc Speed did get the decision. Glenn and Youngman keep turning out good matches, but they can’t get over the hump and get a victory.



Jackpot Jordan vs. Remmy Skye


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Remmy Skye defeated Jackpot Jordan in 17:30 by pinfall with a Skye Diver.

High flying Remmy Skye soars to a victory over Jackpot Jordan. Jordan got his offense in early, gaining a quick upper hand. Skye fought back, hitting his high octane moves. Jordan made a final push, but Skye knocked him down and out and hit his Skye Diver.


Flash Sparrow vs. Going Coastal


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Flash Sparrow defeated Going Coastal in 12:07 when The American Flash defeated Frankie-Boy Fernandes by pinfall with a High Velocity Senton.

Going Coastal did not show up for this one today. Flash Sparrow had their way with the former tag team champions. GC are going to be a good team if they can hang around the Zone, but they have to be more prepared if they want to compete today.




Clark Alexander vs. Fox Mask


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Fox Mask defeated Clark Alexander in 16:38 by pinfall with a Fox Hunter.

Fox Mask and Clark Alexander are good opponents, and they put together a good match. Fox Mask proved the be the better competitor tonight, and he came away with the win. Alexander has lost three in a row, and will look to get back on track in his next match.


Frankie Perez vs. Masked Cougar


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Masked Cougar defeated Frankie Perez in 26:30 by pinfall with a Cougar Pounce. The finish saw Mikey James take over as referee after the original official was knocked out.

Interesting match up here. Frankie and Cougar fought back and forth, trading blow for blow. Perez dodged a dropkick that knocked Pee-Wee Germaine out of the ring. The two went back and forth, until Perez managed to lock in the P-Clutch. Out comes Mikey James in an referee shirt, ready to call the match in favor of his friend and tag partner. Cougar, however, grabbed the ropes, making James force Perez to break the hold. As Perez protested, Cougar snuck up and his the Cougar Pounce. A frustrated James counted the pinfall, giving Cougar the win and some momentum heading into his title match at Reach for the Sky.





Prediction Contest:

Midnightnick:6/6, 36/49 total, 73%

MichiganHero: 4/6, 30/44 total, 68%

Shadowsong: 4/6, 22/31 total, 71%


We have a normal narrative tomorrow, and a show on Wednesday. The story tomorrow is pretty significant backstage, so don't miss it. I may decide to put Wednesday's card later this afternoon, so keep your eyes peeled just in case.

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Match Listing for Reach for the Sky:

Masked Cougar vs. Mikey James for the Coastal Zone Championship

Donnie J vs. Frankie Perez vs. Remmy Skye vs. Marc Speed to be the Coastal Zone Championship Number One Contender

Matthew Keith vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Fox Mask vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Al Coleman vs. Kirk Jameson

Going Coastal vs. Hell Monkey & Dragón vs. Rich and Famous

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Masked Cougar vs. Mikey James for the Coastal Zone Championship

Donnie J vs. Frankie Perez vs. Remmy Skye vs. Marc Speed to be the Coastal Zone Championship Number One Contender

Matthew Keith vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Fox Mask vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Al Coleman vs. Kirk Jameson

Going Coastal vs. Hell Monkey & Dragón vs. Rich and Famous

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Masked Cougar vs. Mikey James for the Coastal Zone Championship

Donnie J vs. Frankie Perez vs. Remmy Skye vs. Marc Speed to be the Coastal Zone Championship Number One Contender

Matthew Keith vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Fox Mask vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Al Coleman vs. Kirk Jameson

Going Coastal vs. Hell Monkey & Dragón vs. Rich and Famous

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Masked Cougar vs. Mikey James for the Coastal Zone Championship

Donnie J vs. Frankie Perez vs. Remmy Skye vs. Marc Speed to be the Coastal Zone Championship Number One Contender

Matthew Keith vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Fox Mask vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Al Coleman vs. Kirk Jameson

Going Coastal vs. Hell Monkey & Dragón vs. Rich and Famous

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Ring! Ring! Honey was startled by her phone. She looked at the clock. Ring! Ring! She rolled over and grabbed her cell.


“Hello?” She did her best to sound awake.


“Hey Honey. I knew you would be awake,” said the voice on the other line.


“What’s up, Cliff?”


“Have you been keeping track of IPW and GSW? They have been putting on good shows.”


“Not as good as ours, but yeah, they have been doing alright.” She rubbed her eyes.


“They are catching up, Honey,” Cliff said with in a serious tone. “If we don’t make some changes, we will be on the losing end of the West Coast War.”


“Okay, what are you thinking?” She knew what she wanted to do. She wanted to do it months ago, but Cliff wouldn’t let her. “What do you suggest we do?”


“Well Honey, I already did it. I made some calls last night and let it be known that CZCW is hostile to any independent promotion that runs shows on the West Coast.”


“That’s GSW and IPW, but AAA too? Wow Cliff, I didn’t think you would go that far.”


“We have to do what is right for us. Also, we need a talent upgrade. There are guys who haven’t been used in months collecting paychecks from us.”


“Waylon, both guys from Notorius...” she added.


“Get rid of Midnight Prowler too. His beef with Sparrow isn’t good for the locker room. How is Coleman doing?”


“No issues as of late. Want me to keep him?”


“He can put over the new talent you are bringing in. They don’t have to start at the top of the card, but they should look like they belong there. You know what I mean?”


“I do. How many people should I sign?”


“First off, sign the kid from the academy. Simon Waves, right? Then sign three more. Have another a few more ready to go in case we lose someone. We have to stay on top.”


“Sounds like a plan Cliff. I’ll talk to you later.” Honey looked up at the clock. It was 9:45. She rolled out of bed. After a quick stretch, she put on her robe and walked into her office. She flipped through the Rolodex until she found the number.


Ring. Ring. “Hello, Greg? This is Honey Golightly of CZCW...”

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It's time for some Coastal Zone action! It's CZCW Reach for the Sky, live from a sold out Grissom Auditorium. Clliff Anderson, the Guru, and Honey Golightly are at the announce table.





Fox Mask vs. Mainstream Hernandez


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Fox Mask defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 16:15 by pinfall with a Fox Hunter.

Fox Mask for the win to start the night off! Zone Out hasn’t been able to beat the champs in tag action, but in one on one competition Fox can do it. Hernandez is a good competitor, but he is better when part of a team.


Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Matthew Keith vs. Air Attack Weasel


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Matthew Keith defeated Air Attack Weasel in 10:51 by disqualification.

Weasel lived up to his name here. This match was for Weasel’s title, but the belt doesn’t change hands on a DQ finish. Keith was the better competitor here, so a wild chair shot ended the contest without a new champ.




Al Coleman vs. Kirk Jameson


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Kirk Jameson defeated Al Coleman in 16:06 by pinfall.

Kirk Jameson was able to get a victory when his partner can’t. Coleman was gassed by the end of this one. Jameson drop kicked the hell of out Coleman to setup the pinfall.



Going Coastal vs. Hell Monkey & Dragón vs. Rich and Famous


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Hell Monkey & Dragón defeated Going Coastal and Rich And Famous in 16:25; the order of elimination was Rich And Famous first, and then Going Coastal.

Hell Monkey and Dragón Del Arco debut with a big win in this tag elimination match. Dragón fights in a lucha libre style, while Hell Monkey has a definite Japanese feel to his moveset. California Love Machine scored the pinfall over Jake Idol, but it was Dragón who capitalized on the tired CLM to win.



Coastal Zone Championship Number One Contender’s Match

Donnie J vs. Frankie Perez vs. Remmy Skye vs. Marc Speed


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Frankie Perez defeated Donnie J, Remmy Skye and Marc Speed in 22:39 when Frankie Perez defeated Remmy Skye by submission with a P-Clutch.

Frankie Perez pulls it off to become the new number one contender for his tag partner Mikey James’ strap! Lots of fun action in this one. Good back and forth between all four competitors here, as none of them seemed to be ahead of the pack until the very end. Speed had Donnie J in the Cross Armbreaker outside the ring, and Donnie couldn’t take anymore, but Perez’s P-Clutch was locked in within the ring, earning him the win.



Coastal Zone Championship

Masked Cougar vs. Mikey James


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Mikey James defeated Masked Cougar in a Ladder match in 26:07 when Mikey James retrieved the item. Mikey James makes defence number 10 of his Coastal Zone Championship title.


Mikey James again retains his CZCW Championship! Great all around action here. The ladder came into play early and often, with a good mix of using it as a weapon and using it to jump off of. The best spot and the ending of the match came when Cougar climbed the ladder the final time. As he reached for the belt, James set up an adjacent ladder. James knocked over Cougar's ladder, but Cougar managed to grab the belt and dangle above the ring. James delivered a series of devastating kicks to Cougar's midsection, then head. Cougar couldn't stand the attacks and felt to ground, leaving the belt hanging. The belt was just out of James' reach, so James jumped and grabbed his championship. He unstrapped the belt and fell to ground, winning the match and retaining.



Midnightnick: 3/6, 39/55 total, 71%

MichiganHero: 5/6, 35/50 total, 70%

Shadowsong: 3/6, 25/37 total, 68%

Close race here fellows. Keep it up!

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