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CZCW: Sweeter than Wine

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CZCW Acid Test, Coming Soon!


The Cali Dragons vs. Philip “Enforcer” Roberts and Masked Cougar

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Donnie J

Greg Black vs. Marc Speed

Matt Sparrow vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Matthew Keith and the American Flash vs. Zone Out

Clark Alexander and Jonnie Perez vs. Hell Monkey & Dragón

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Percentage wise, you are in the lead, but we'll have to have a minimum number of guesses to crown a winner. I still don't have a prize panned, so if anyone has any ideas...


Any way of getting a full list of predictors and scores?


The Cali Dragons vs. Philip “Enforcer” Roberts and Masked Cougar

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Donnie J

Greg Black vs. Marc Speed

Matt Sparrow vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Matthew Keith and the American Flash vs. Zone Out

Clark Alexander and Jonnie Perez vs. Hell Monkey & Dragón

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The Cali Dragons vs. Philip “Enforcer” Roberts and Masked Cougar

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Donnie J

Greg Black vs. Marc Speed

Matt Sparrow vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Matthew Keith and the American Flash vs. Zone Out

Clark Alexander and Jonnie Perez vs. Hell Monkey & Dragón

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You have had a good first half of the year

You are just putting on shows what are your hoals to get tv n ppv?

Do u mind if my predictions are just wimners its alot of typing tp do from a cell phone?


Thank you. You can go ahead and just write the winners if you prefer. If I may make a suggestion, just quote my post and delete the losers.


At this point, I really didn't have a goal for getting on TV. I will say that I am very far ahead in the save, and now I'm thinking about getting on television so I can sign people to written contracts. I'm not rushing that though. I really like only having to do at most two shows a month.

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The Cali Dragons vs. Philip “Enforcer” Roberts and Masked Cougar

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Donnie J

Greg Black vs. Marc Speed

Matt Sparrow vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Matthew Keith and the American Flash vs. Zone Out

Clark Alexander and Jonnie Perez vs. Hell Monkey & Dragón

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Now that we have gotten to know the owner and booker of CZCW, we will spend more time getting to know the wrestlers.


CZCW.com Exclusive!


Frankie Perez is alone, backstage. He raise his head.


"What does it mean for me to be the number one contender for the Coastal Zone Championship? More than you know. When Mikey James and I first joined forces to become the Cali Dragon, we had one goal in mind: being the best. Now, Mikey can say that he is the best. And if it's not me, I'm glad it's him. But it should be me. There is no one I want to beat for the championship more than him. That's why I am challenging him at Showdown at Sundown. No gimmicks, just two men, nay, two friends battling it out over who is best. Get yourself ready, Mikey. I'm coming for you."

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CZCW Acid Test, live from the Gorski Ballroom! That’s right, the Coastal Zone is moving on up! Cliff Anderson, the Guru and Honey Golightly are at the announce table to call the action in front of 3,133 fans (the most ever for a CZCW show).


(Edit: Whoops, that's not Honey! Oh well.)


Greg Black vs. Marc Speed


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Greg Black defeated Marc Speed in 15:34 by pinfall with a Fade To Black.

The CZCW debut for Greg Black ends with his hand in the air. After spending his formative years as part of a tag team, Greg seems determined to go it alone in the Coastal Zone. Speed was overmatched by the superior talent.



Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Matt Sparrow vs. Air Attack Weasel


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Air Attack Weasel defeated Matt Sparrow in 12:55 by disqualification.

Weasel being Weasel. After a referee bumb, AAW grabbed a chair to make things interesting. A few shots to Sparrow looked like it would be the end, but instead of waking the ref, Weasel gloated. A groggy Sparrow rose to his feet, grabbing the chair and hitting the champ just as the ref came too. Weasel retains.



Matthew Keith and the American Flash vs. Zone Out


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Zone Out defeated Matthew Keith and The American Flash in 17:04 when Fox Mask defeated The American Flash by pinfall with a Fox Hunter.

With Matt Sparrow getting a singles title shot, the American Flash needed a partner to face Zone Out. Matthew Keith, always one to try to prove himself against the big boys, volunteered. Keith held his own, but Flash wasn’t so lucky. Instead of sticking around to help his partner, Keith left Flash to the wolves, err, Fox.



Clark Alexander and Jonnie Perez vs. Hell Monkey & Dragón


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Hell Monkey & Dragón defeated Clark Alexander and Jonnie Perez in 8:38 when Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr defeated Jonnie Perez by pinfall with a Dragón Driver '07.

Wild match here. Alexander and Perez had a leg up on the relative newcomers Hell Monkey and Dragón Del Arco. Perez was on the top rope above a prone Dragón, but the opportunist Hell Monkey ran along the apron and pushed Perez from the tunrnbuckle onto the announce table. Jonnie was able to return to his feet, but his head was not in it after that crazy bump.



Mainstream Hernandez vs. Donnie J


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Donnie J defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 13:49 by pinfall with a Death On Miami Beach.

Fun match here between fan favortie Donnie J and tag champion Mainstream Hernandez. The champs have not been as successful in singles competition as they have together, but they both are great competitors. Donnie J showed the fans why he has been at the top of the card for so long.



The Cali Dragons vs. Philip “Enforcer” Roberts and Masked Cougar


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, The Cali Dragons defeated Phillip Roberts and Masked Cougar in 24:49 when Mikey James defeated Masked Cougar by pinfall with a Scything Side Kick.

Thanks to the Confederation of the Territories, Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling can bring fans great matchups like this. While Frankie Perez and Mikey James may have a match against each other for the Coastal Zone Championship in a few weeks, but they looked like a good team tonight. Enforcer Roberts, on loan from Lethal Ring, put on a good match, and was over with the crowd, but popularity isn’t what wins matches in the Coastal Zone. James scored the pinfall over Cougar after his devastating Scything Side Kick.






MichiganHero: 5/6, 40/56 total, 71%

3rdStringPG: 4/6, 16/20 total, 80%

Shadowsong: 5/6, 30/43 total, 70%


I'm going to be out of town on Sunday, so we are going to do something different. We are going to have a regular show tomorrow (Saturday), then we are going to take Sunday off, and we are going to have another show on Monday. From there we will run a regular schedule for the rest of the week.


Tomorrow's card for Hardcore Halloween:

Mikey James vs. Masked Cougar in a Casket Match for the Coastal Zone Championship

Tables Elimination Match: Fox Mask vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Remmy Skye vs. Marc Speed

Clark Alexander vs. Greg Black

Hell Monkey vs. Donnie J

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Matthew Keith

Simon Waves vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Al Coleman vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr

Flash Sparrow vs. Youthful Aggression

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Honey Golightly looks different this show. :p


Tomorrow's card for Hardcore Halloween:

Mikey James vs. Masked Cougar in a Casket Match for the Coastal Zone Championship

Tables Elimination Match: Fox Mask vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Remmy Skye vs. Marc Speed

Clark Alexander vs. Greg Black

Hell Monkey vs. Donnie J

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Matthew Keith

Simon Waves vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Al Coleman vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr

Flash Sparrow vs. Youthful Aggression

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Mikey James vs. Masked Cougar in a Casket Match for the Coastal Zone Championship

Tables Elimination Match: Fox Mask vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Remmy Skye vs. Marc Speed

Clark Alexander vs. Greg Black

Hell Monkey vs. Donnie J

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Matthew Keith

Simon Waves vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Al Coleman vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr

Flash Sparrow vs. Youthful Aggression

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Mikey James vs. Masked Cougar in a Casket Match for the Coastal Zone Championship

Tables Elimination Match: Fox Mask vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Remmy Skye vs. Marc Speed

Clark Alexander vs. Greg Black

Hell Monkey vs. Donnie J

Mainstream Hernandez vs. Matthew Keith

Simon Waves vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Al Coleman vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr

Flash Sparrow vs. Youthful Aggression

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I hope you are wearing a helmet, because it's CZCW Hardcore Halloween, live from the Gorski Ballroom! There are 3,325 screaming fans to see the action. Cliff Anderson, the Guru and Honey Golightly have the call.




Hell Monkey vs. Donnie J

http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y240/BigBen5/CZCW/HellMonkey.jpg VS.http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y240/BigBen5/CZCW/DonnieJ_alt3.jpg

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Donnie J defeated Hell Monkey in 14:46 by pinfall with a Death On Miami Beach.

How do you beat a wrestler who claims to be from Hell? One move at a time. Donnie J hit one move after another to take down Hell Monkey, making his singles debut in the Zone.



Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Simon Waves vs. Air Attack Weasel


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Air Attack Weasel defeated Simon Waves in 9:16 by pinfall with a Plop Goes The Weasel. Air Attack Weasel makes defence number 7 of his Coastal Zone Xtreme title.

He may have not won the match, but Waves earned some respect in his first real professional match, against the Xtreme Champion no less. Weasel gets a clean victory, but not without some effort.



Al Coleman vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr defeated Al Coleman in 15:37 by pinfall with a Dragón Driver '07.

Dragón wins his first singles match in the Zone over the always slumping Al Coleman. Dragón had some good offensive maneuvers. Coleman is an athlete, but he couldn’t stand up to the lucha libre style of Dragón.



Flash Sparrow vs. Youthful Aggression


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Flash Sparrow defeated Youthful Aggression in 6:37 when The American Flash defeated Ernest Youngman by pinfall with a High Velocity Senton.

A quick contest results in a win for Flash Sparrow. Matt Sparrow was more than happy to come back to his partner after his title shot last night, and the two shined against Glenn and Youngman.



Mainstream Hernandez vs. Matthew Keith


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Mainstream Hernandez defeated Matthew Keith in 16:25 by pinfall with a Super Kick.

Now this was a match! Great combination of technical prowess and aerial action between Hernandez and Keith. The back and forth between these two was great. If they stick around, it will be a treat to see these men in the ring together in the future.



Clark Alexander vs. Greg Black


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Greg Black defeated Clark Alexander in 13:28 by pinfall with a Fade To Black.

Greg Black continues his rise through the Coastal Zone with a win over the struggling Clark Alexander. Alexander hasn’t been able to buy a victory in recent months. On the other hand, Black showed why he is one of the top talents in the indies today.



Tables Elimination Match

Fox Mask vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Remmy Skye vs. Marc Speed


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Fox Mask defeated Remmy Skye, Marc Speed and Kirk Jameson in a Table match in 19:21; the order of elimination was Marc Speed first, then Remmy Skye, and finally Kirk Jameson.

What is Hardcore Halloween without a tables match? The first eliminations came from missteps: Speed was set to superplex Jameson through a table, but Jameson countered and pushed Speed back through one. A few moments later, Skye was set to hit the Skye Flyer onto Fox, who was laying on a table. Fox moved at the last moment, and Skye eliminated himself. Jameson and Fox battled back and forth, with a few near misses. The match ended when Jameson was too tired and too hurt to dodge a spear through a table in the corner of the ring.


Casket Match for the Coastal Zone Championship

Masked Cougar vs. Mikey James


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Mikey James defeated Masked Cougar in a Casket match in 27:23 when Masked Cougar was trapped after a distraction from Frankie Perez. Mikey James makes defence number 11 of his Coastal Zone Championship title.

Just when you thought the night could not get any better, it does. Great match between Cougar and James. Cougar scratched and clawed his way out of casket twice before throwing James in. Before he could close the lid, Frankie Perez ran from out of the crowd and over the barricade. Cougar kept him away, but by the time he turned back around, James was out of the casket and waiting to hit the Scything Side Kick. It knocked Cougar into the casket and gave James the win. James, happy at the win but upset that he didn’t do it alone, asked Perez why? All Perez said was, “Because I don’t want to face him. I want to face you!”





Prediction Contest:

Midnightnick: 5/8, 44/63 total, 70%

MichiganHero: 4/8, 44/64 total, 69%

3rdStringPG: 5/8, 21/28 total, 75%


CZCW Showdown at Sundown, coming Monday:

Greg Black vs. Matthew Keith

Al Coleman vs. Ernest Youngman

Going Coastal vs. Hell Monkey & Dragón

KC Glenn vs. Donnie J

Fox Mask, Hernandez & Jameson vs. Marc Speed, Clark Alexander, and Air Attack Weasel

Frankie Perez vs. Mikey James for the Coastal Zone Championship

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Greg Black vs. Matthew Keith

Al Coleman vs. Ernest Youngman

Going Coastal vs. Hell Monkey & Dragón

KC Glenn vs. Donnie J

Fox Mask, Hernandez & Jameson vs. Marc Speed, Clark Alexander, and Air Attack Weasel

Frankie Perez vs. Mikey James for the Coastal Zone Championship

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Greg Black vs. Matthew Keith

Al Coleman vs. Ernest Youngman

Going Coastal vs. Hell Monkey & Dragón

KC Glenn vs. Donnie J

Fox Mask, Hernandez & Jameson vs. Marc Speed, Clark Alexander, and Air Attack Weasel

Frankie Perez vs. Mikey James for the Coastal Zone Championship

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CZCW Showdown at Sundown is live from the Gorski Ballroom! It's the third Monday of November in 2013, and the year is winding down, but the action is heating up in the Coastal Zone. Cliff Anderson, the Guru, and Honey Golightly have all the action.





Greg Black vs. Matthew Keith


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Greg Black defeated Matthew Keith in 15:38 by pinfall with a Fade To Black.

Wow, what a match! Greg Black and Matthew Keith set the bar high in this opening contest. Black wins his second match in a row while Keith drops another close one. Black will be rocketing to the top of the card in no time if he keeps up this place.



Al Coleman vs. Ernest Youngman


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Ernest Youngman defeated Al Coleman in 7:41 by pinfall.

Ernest Youngman gets a rare win over Al Coleman. Coleman was not happy about the outcome of the match, and was openly frustrated at it’s conclusion. Youngman, on the other hand, was thrilled to have a win in the Coastal Zone.



Going Coastal vs. Hell Monkey & Dragón


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Hell Monkey & Dragón defeated Going Coastal in 11:52 when Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr defeated Frankie-Boy Fernandes by pinfall with a Dragón Driver '07.

Good teamwork between Monkey and Dragón over the younger team of Going Coastal. Hell Monkey has experience fighting all over the world, and he makes sure to use it when he is in the ring. Going Coastal has a lot of potential, but it takes more than potential to win a match.



KC Glenn vs. Donnie J


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Donnie J defeated KC Glenn in 15:51 by pinfall with a Death On Miami Beach.

KC Glenn could not get a singles victory like his tag partner Youngman did tonight. Donnie J is more experienced and better equipped to fighting high up on the card while KC Glenn is not. Donnie buried Glenn in the sand for the win.



Fox Mask, Hernandez & Jameson vs. Marc Speed, Clark Alexander, and Air Attack Weasel


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Fox Mask and Hernandez & Jameson defeated Marc Speed, Clark Alexander and Air Attack Weasel in 17:43 when Fox Mask defeated Air Attack Weasel by pinfall with a Fox Hunter.

CZCW has always had a strong connection to lucha libre, so a three on three, or trios match is never out of the question in the Coastal Zone. Fox Mask and the tag champs proved to be the better team, but almost by default. Marc Speed is a true, no non-sense kind of fighter, while Clark is a loner. Weasel is just that: a weasel. The tag champs didn't miss a beat in the ring, working over Clark Alexander like nothing. The action continued when Weasel got in the ring, but momentum shifted for Marc Speed. Speed seemed to be the only one who had an answer to the opposing attacks. It wasn't until Weasel came back in that Fox and friends had an upper hand and gained the win (while Hernandez and Speed fought outside).



Coastal Zone Championship

Frankie Perez vs. Mikey James


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Mikey James defeated Frankie Perez in 29:51 by pinfall with a Scything Side Kick. During the match we also had Masked Cougar distract James. Mikey James makes defense number 12 of his Coastal Zone Championship title.

Is this the greatest match we have ever seen in the Coastal Zone? Two best friends, Frankie Perez and Mikey James gave it all in the ring for James’ title. These wrestlers know each other as well as any two wrestlers can. They know the counters to their moves, they know their strengths and weaknesses, and they know how much fight the other has. What they didn’t know was that Masked Cougar would be making an appearance at ringside. Cougar showed up long enough to yell that he should be in the title match, which may be true. James and Perez weren’t having any of it, and they stopped beating each other long enough to get rid of him. As the match progressed Perez and James traded shot for shot, blow for blow. Perez looked to hit the Scything Side Kick, but James ducked his own move. James, in turn, tried the P-Clutch, but Perez flipped him on his back and the match continued. Perez climbed the top rope, hoping that with one last ditch effort, he could knock James down and out. James saw this and got up just in time to hit his finishing maneuver on Perez as he flew into the air. James retains in an all time Coastal Zone classic.




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Prediction Contest results with one card in 2013 to go:

Jaded: 5/6, 24/30 total, 80%

Midnightnick: 44/63 total, 70%

MichiganHero: 44/64 total, 69%

3rdStringPG: 5/6, 26/34 total, 76%

Boltinho: 21/26 total, 81%

Shadowsong: 5/6, 35/49 total, 71%

Bigjondalegend: 4/6 total, 67%


Wednesday is the last show of 2013, so the winner will be announced then. I've decided that in order to win, you must have guess on at least 6 of the cards for 2013. Jaded and 3rdStringPG, you must guess on the next one to be eligible. The two that are italicized above don't meet the minimum requirements.


What do you win? Since I run the show so far in advance, I have decided that the winner will get to see the results of any card of their choice from 2014 early. Want to see the first card of the year before anyone else? Great. Want to see the last card of the year, just to see how different CZCW is? We can do that too. Either way, you get a look into the future and a jump start on the prediction contest for the next 12 months.


What's the catch? There always is a catch. First off, the winner will be notified on Wednesday. They must have their choice of card to me by Friday. Secondly, no spoiling for anyone else. In fact, you aren't even allowed to tell anyone which card you picked.


Why is this the prize? Why not something better? Good question. This is my first diary, so I don't know of any better prizes except for winning the chance to be a guest booker. And since I am so far ahead in the save (currently in April 2015), it doesn't make much sense for you to book a match that I won't be able to post for another month. So this is prize for now. If I think of something better (doubtful), or one of you guys think of something better (maybe), this is all we got.


I'll get the card up this afternoon, then we will have a narrative tomorrow, and the last show of the year on Wednesday. Thanks for reading everyone!

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CZCW Christmas Cage Chaos

Cage Match: Masked Cougar vs. Frankie Perez vs. Mikey James for the Coastal Zone Championship

Number One Contender Match: Greg Black vs. Fox Mask vs. Donnie J vs. Remmy Skye

Clark Alexander and Simon Waves vs. Hernandez & Jameson for the Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship

Jonnie Perez vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Dragón Del Arco vs. Matthew Keith

Al Coleman vs. Hell Monkey


Get your picks in before Wednesday morning!

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Cage Match: Masked Cougar vs. Frankie Perez vs. Mikey James for the Coastal Zone Championship


Mikey James has had a good run with the belt. I think it's about time for him to drop it, and few are more deserving than Masked Cougar.


Number One Contender Match: Greg Black vs. Fox Mask vs. Donnie J vs. Remmy Skye


He's on a role and if Masked Cougar fails to win to title and I think Greg Black could do it.


Clark Alexander and Simon Waves vs. Hernandez & Jameson for the Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship


Simon Waves is a jobber.


Jonnie Perez vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship


Dragón Del Arco vs. Matthew Keith


Al Coleman vs. Hell Monkey


Al Coleman's losing streak continues.

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Cage Match: Masked Cougar vs. Frankie Perez vs. Mikey James for the Coastal Zone Championship

Number One Contender Match: Greg Black vs. Fox Mask vs. Donnie J vs. Remmy Skye

Clark Alexander and Simon Waves vs. Hernandez & Jameson for the Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship

Jonnie Perez vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Dragón Del Arco vs. Matthew Keith

Al Coleman vs. Hell Monkey

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Is CZCW better than TCW?

By Chet Perkins, for TEW.com


Last week, Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling put on their annual Showdown at Sundown even at the Gorski Ballroom in Southern California. The opener between Sam Keith’s son Matthew and SWF castoff Groucho Bling (now using his real name, Greg Black), was the best match the promotion has had in months, if not years. The final match between champion Mikey James and challenger Frankie Perez was better. Some are saying it is the best match ever for the promotion; that's high praise for a company that has had Rocky Golden, Sammy Bach, Ultimate Phoenix and Troy Tornado in the ring for them. Overall, the show was amazing for the small time San Diego based promotion. Some have even said that CZCW is putting out a better product than Tommy Cornell’s Total Championship Wrestling. So, is the Coastal Zone better than TCW?


CZCW shouldn’t even be able to compete. Up until recently, they have only been running shows in the 2,000 seat Grissom Arena. Some seats were obstructed view. The "entrance ramp" was a curtain blocking a tunnel. In the locker room, pipes leaked and lights flickered. But things are changing. “We are just putting the finishing touches on the new Arena at the Coastal Resort, which will be a 5,000 seat auditorium here in San Diego,” says Cliff Anderson, owner and lead announcer of the Coastal Zone. “We owned a bit of land for our dojo, and thankfully there was room for expansion. Construction started in the spring, and we are in the process of moving all our operations over there. It’s really a one stop shop for us: arena, our dojo, offices, training facilities, the whole works.”


So does this small time promotion rise above the rest on the ever competitive West Coast? By getting the best booker out there that you have never heard of. “It’s a really exciting time for us,” says Honey Golightly, head booker of the Zone. “I’ve been here over a year, and the guys have really come together and made my job easy. It’s a lot different than what was happening for me at this time last year.”


It couldn’t be anymore different from where Golightly was. Golightly was the owner and head booker of Babes of Sin City. After a failed attempt to get a television deal, Honey closed the promotion last November. “It was an interesting time for me, to say the least. BSC has started more as a part burlesque, part avande garde, part stage show set in a wrestling ring. As we evolved to a more classic wrestling show, I began to love the sport more and more.”


“She certainly had a reputation before she got here,” says Fox Mask, longtime Coasal Zone star. “I said the guys that if she was going to make me dance around the pole, then I was leaving,” Fox laughed. Instead of pole dancing and foam matches, we got more of the high flying the action the Zone is famous for, but better.


“Since we were in the same region, I was going up against her every month in regional battles. I made an effort to watch her tapes every month,” says Anderson. “I saw the changes she made towards the end, and I believed she could go places if she had the right roster. And I was right. She can book a killer show, and she always is looking for people who can fit into the Coastal Zone style.” But does she book a better show than TCW? “Haha, not yet. Give her a couple years, and we’ll see.”


Let’s not kid ourselves here. TCW can put on the best matches in the world on any given night; CZCW cannot. “Realistically, it might be a few years before we see another match like Frankie and Mikey put on. And that’s okay,” says Anderson. “ I know that if our guys are doing well, they won’t be here for long. That’s a good thing. That makes me happy.”


“I want them to do well so that they can move on and make a lot of money and be the stars they should be,” Honey adds. “Every promotion has lost top wrestlers. The trick is figuring out who is going to take their place. You never know who will be ready for their chance at stardom. Or redemption.”



Get your picks in for the prediction contest! Here is card again for anyone who is too lazy to scroll up:

CZCW Christmas Cage Chaos

Cage Match: Masked Cougar vs. Frankie Perez vs. Mikey James for the Coastal Zone Championship

Number One Contender Match: Greg Black vs. Fox Mask vs. Donnie J vs. Remmy Skye

Clark Alexander and Simon Waves vs. Hernandez & Jameson for the Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship

Jonnie Perez vs. Air Attack Weasel for the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Dragón Del Arco vs. Matthew Keith

Al Coleman vs. Hell Monkey

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