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Bad Boys of Australia: God Help Us All

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Hey, Voeltzwagon! (by the way, how did you come up with that name?)


Since I absolutely love the Australian wrestling scene in TEW '13, it would be irresponsible to not read your dynasty. And so I did over the last few days, and I have to say that I definitely like it. It's a nice concept, your shows are interesting and well-written, you've got some nice characters built up so far - although I don't agree with your portrayal of Vortex, but that's personal preference - and I really enjoy the arguments between Big Daddy Horne and Septimus Stubbs and the display of the first-mentioned as a pretty naive, foolish big man.


I hope you'll go on with your story, despite mentioned changes in real life, and I'm certainly gonna follow it.


Thanks for the kind words. Funny thing about Vortex is he is based off a guy that I traveled with when doing a few small shows in the northeast Kentucky region. Dressed in black, wore a mask around his face when he came out. He was a bit bulkier and more of a typical brawler, but that was the kind of actions he had. usually tried to creep out those he was in the ring with and harass staff when he could. Just something that stuck in my head even after ten or so years since I last saw him.


As for Voeltzwagon? Last name is Voeltz and most people pronounce it close to Volks so it turned into my nickname for the better part of my life.

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Thanks for the kind words. Funny thing about Vortex is he is based off a guy that I traveled with when doing a few small shows in the northeast Kentucky region. Dressed in black, wore a mask around his face when he came out. He was a bit bulkier and more of a typical brawler, but that was the kind of actions he had. usually tried to creep out those he was in the ring with and harass staff when he could. Just something that stuck in my head even after ten or so years since I last saw him.


As for Voeltzwagon? Last name is Voeltz and most people pronounce it close to Volks so it turned into my nickname for the better part of my life.

Well, that's a nice story - and as you seemingly have a high opinion of him (since he only lost... one time?), I'm fine with him being presented like this.


Ah, that's funny - I'm coming from Germany, and lived the most part of my life so far close to Wolfsburg, where Volkswagen has been founded xD

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Bad Boys of Australia: Close to the Edge


Laird Lounge


42 Attendees


The crowd is about at the same as it has been the past few months and there doesn't seem to be any new changes to how things are set up right now from the looks of it. There were two dark matches held. The first included Australian Devil vs Killer B of ZEN 'fame'. It is unknown if he was hired or if he was on a tryout match or even on loan from ZEN. Vortex also was in action defeating Matt Stoppard.


Nothing of note happened during the match, but before the show proper was about to start a very irate Septimus Stubbs could be heard arguing with someone in back. While it is unknown who drew his ire, fans could certainly hear his shouting.


"I said one hour before the pre show, mate. What part of that request did you not ****ing understand you ****ing shitlick?! Now I gotta change things around and you are lucky I don't just ****ing f-"


Whatever it was it seems he was dragged away out of earshot before he could finish.






The show starts with Septimus Stubbs coming out. It is hard to tell if his pissy attitude is part of the act or him actually still being mad. Then again it is hard to tell if he is anything but always mad in the first place. It seems whatever was happening earlier isn't being addressed in this case as he grabs the mic and goes into the ring.


Septimus Stubbs: "****ing congratulations, Frankie. I don't know how you did and I am not happy you did it, but you got this far. Far enough that you even get yourself a title shot tonight. I actually hope you win."


He gives a bit of a wry grin as his brow twitches slightly.


Septimus Stubbs: "Not because I think you deserve it, but because I want to take it away from you. I want you to feel happy just for a moment so I can pull that ****ing rug out from under you. So good luck, mate. I can care less if either of you nutlickers win. I will just come for that title myself soon enough. And just if you two think I am too old to be a threat? Let me remind you of who I am tonight."


Rating: 28






Septimus Stubbs vs Reed Buckfield


Reed never got much of a chance to even get in the ring. Septimus tore into him and started to beat him down. The problem is the fact no one really cared enough for Reed to really try to cheer him on and most people sat silent as Septimus destroyed the youngster then put him away with a Stubby Piledriver.


Winner: Septimus Stubbs


Rating: 13






Australian Youth Semi-Final: Azazel vs Dexter Mattell with Ceri Dordevich


Many seem surprised that Azazel made it to the semi-final and many are even more surprised when he is actually pushing Dexter to the limit. The usual cocky fighter actually is having to work to get any sort of advantage against the high flying warrior. It takes some well timed distraction by Ceri to allow Dexter to sneak in a low blow when no one is looking to take control of the match. He nails a few suplex variations to ground Azazel then locks on the STF for the win.


Winner: Dexter Mattell


Rating: 20






After the match Dexter grabs the microphone instead of leaving and that cockiness comes back as he leans a bit on Ceri as he speaks.


Dexter: "Here we are again. Me winning another match and now one step closer to gold. Not the gold I want, but the gold I will make famous. The gold I will hold for years on end until they take it away from me. Who has a chance out of the winner of the other match? I already beaten Matty once and I don't worry about any of those masked retards from ZEN."


Ceri reaches to pull the microphone over to speak into it herself.


Ceri: "You souldn't call Hallowarped such a thing. That is an insult to retards to be compared to someone from that roster!"


They both share a laugh and Dexter pulls the mic back to himself.


Dexter: "It doesn't in the end. You two have a ball trying to think your win has a meaning. Next month when the finals come around. It will be me that is holding the gold around his waist."


Rating: 40






Harley Principal vs Sulphur with Taniko Jo


Jo doesn't seem to happy about this match. Probably because with Big Daddy Horne gone Harley Principal is really the only guy that comes close to matching the size of her monster. As scary as both meen look they really have no reason to be in the ring together.


Harley is at least competent, but not enough to really carry Sulphur beyond his expectations. The two brutes beat on one another for quite some time before falling outside of the ring. They battle through the crowd, but neither ever get back into the ring by the time the referee counts to twenty.


Winner: Draw


Rating: 15






Even after the bell the two continue to fight. Neither can seem to gain the upper hand and Taniko Jo is screaming at Sulphur to stop as staff reluctantly come out and try to break up the fight. Even other wrestlers come out to try and peel both men apart and finally put an end to the brawl.


Rating: 48






Adrian McGhee vs Marcus Kerr


McGhee is still seeking his first singles win and it looks like he still will be at this point. Marcus seems to be more than the biker can handle and the tough guy finds himself in a situation where he has to tap out after getting caught up by Marcus Kerr applying a Cattle Mutilation on Adrian. Marcus gets to show he has some submission tricks up his sleeve and Adrian gets another loss.


Winner: Marcus Kerr


Rating: 14






Switchblade vs Jester with Vortex


Probably the two most well known names on the roster due to their previous affiliations go at it in what turns out to be the best match held by the company so far. While not great by standards of bigger companies, this one turns out to be a good one of the small crowd gathered. Switchblade does his best to tame Jester, but also he has the problem with Vortex who is crawling about the outside of the ring. Even if he isn't getting involved it is enough of a distraction to often give Joker the advantage.


Despite that it seems Switchblade is too tenacious of a fighter and he starts to mount a comeback with some big moves of his own. It is enough that it causes Vortex to start to crawl into the ring which draws the attention away from the ref and even Switchblade as the latter dropkicks him off the ring apron. As he gets up he is met with Jester nailing him in the side of the head with what looks like brass knuckles which are quickly hidden. Switchblade seems knocked out cold as Jester picks up the win and celebrates with his 'brother' Vortex.


Winner: Jester


Rating: 31






Australian Youth Semi-Final: Matty Wills with Rose Wills vs Hallowarped


Wills has a big challenge against the ever dangerous Hallowarped who looks to do well in representing ZEN in this tournament and continue onto the finals. It looks like he has things well in hand too because the match starts off with him easily dominating the young Wills. Too much to the point it maybe makes him a bit too cocky in thinking he has an easy win.


He misses a nice moonsault because he took too long to mess with the crowd and it is just what Matty needs as he attempts to take advantage of that mistake. Even so it is somewhat short lived and Hallowarped gets back in control. The two battle a bit and it is a high cross-body that is Hallowarped's undoing. The momentum carries him over to where Matty rolls through and ends up on top. Hallowarped is so stunned he can't kick out before the three count.


Winner: Matty Wills


Rating: 25






Francis Burke and Melissa Abernathy come out and it looks like the champ is ready for another hard fought title defense. In this case it seems like he has something on his mind, though and he reaches to take the microphone as he gets in the ring.


Francis Burke: "I am unsure what happened last month, but the three that attacked me should act like the grown men that they are. Rheur, I beat you fair and square and if you feel like the numbers game is how to get revenge then you are worse than some rookies I have met. You should change your name to Reggie Tate Sr. if you are going to act in such a manner."


The usual happy Francis seems irritated and does his best to keep his cool.


Francis Burke: "If you want a rematch either ask me or earn it. I am not going to run from a fight. Me and Frankie already made an agreement. You three even show your face we are going to go right at you. You will not get the jump on us again!"


Rating: 32








Bad Boys of Australia National Championship: Francis Burke with Melissa Abernathy vs Frankie Robertson


Frankie has had a tough path to even get a chance at the title after fighting the likes of Sulphur, Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne himself. Even so he has endured and all the hard work finally pays off, but will it be a contest without interference? Rheur or The Drifters have not been seen tonight and it seems both competitors often check to make sure no one is about to try and jump in. Even Melissa seems to be on lookout while also trying to cheer on her man.


The two are evenly matched and Francis has the edge with speed, but Frankie seems to be stronger. Neither ever really gets a clear advantage and the momentum shifts often. The match does hit a snag once Michael Rheur does finally stalk out and stands among the crowd. He says nothing nor tries to slip into the ring, but it is an obvious distraction for both men as they try to wrestle one another and keep their guard up.


Rheur starts to make his move, but Frankie is quick to stifle the attempt as he drops Burke to go after the veteran. They are tangling some when Burke recovers and dropkicks Frankie from behind. The impact sends Rheur to the floor and stuns Frankie enough to where Burke hits him with the Flying Flip Neckbreaker and get the pin.


Winner: Francis Burke (Defenses: 6)


Rating: 28




Burke takes his title and eyes Rheur warily as he exits and he tries to actually help Frankie. Frankie has recovered enough to realize he was blindsided and he starts to argue. The pair argue to the back as Rheur recovers and gets in the ring. Soon after Mercenary, Sinner and another man in a business suit and glasses emerge to join him in the ring. The man in the suit grabs the mic on his way.




Suited man: "Before you stands three men that have been in this business for many years. Men that have bled for the fans. Have broken their own bones for fans. Men who deserve so much more than what they have gotten."


He looks to the three which stand tall in the ring with hands behind their backs. The suited man smiles and he turns back to address the crowd.


Suited man: "That is why I am here. I sat back and saw as Mister Rheur was denied a title and how The Drifters were given a loss because a referee thought they were being too violent against a pair of kids who thought they were wrestlers. I'm Pete Moriarty and I will now represent these veterans and make sure they get a fair shake. I cannot sit by and watch as people such as Francis Burke or Frankie Robertson via for a title when these men all deserve it so much more. Mark this day down. This is when Moriarty's Men start their crusade!"


Pete laughs as the other three all nod and stay at attention until he motions for them to follow. Soon the four men leave and the show ends.


Rating: 40




- Can Pete Moriarty make a splash and lead any of his new clients to gold?


- Who will be the first Australian Youth champion?


- Trouble in Paradise? Is Frankie going to forgive Francis? Is Francis wrong for what he did?


Final Rating: 31

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Big Harv's Big Waffle House


Early October, Late evening




Several empty plates surround the ever hungry Big Daddy Horne as syrup covered hands fiddle with some money he is counting to pay for some more food and tab. Septimus Stubbs is nursing another beer as he just looks his usual dour self.


"I think we need to change things up a bit, mate. Not alot, but I feel if we perhaps just did a few things differently we are better off in the long run."


"Huh? Why do you say that? You gonna finally put the title on Sulphur?"


".....for ****'s sake, mate. can we put that to rest? When He can go more than six minutes without looking like he is about to keel over I might consider it."


"So why do you want to change now? we have been doing pretty well still. I have to say even the flippy floppers from ZEN have been good for business."


"I think it can be better, mate. We got guys that can actually put on decent matches, but we get the people caring more about seeing how angry Sulphur is or how cocky Dexter is. That is good and all, but I think we need to get people more into the matches while not taking too much away from the other stuff."


The big man furrows his brow and he just nods. It is uncertain if all of this is fully getting to him at the moment, but he at least is attempting to act like it is.


"Well as long as it is a big change that is fine."


"It will do us good, mate. We got the big show planned for December and I even got one of the other companies on board along with ZEN. Now if I can get the last guy to break down this can be interesting. Then we got a one year anniversary in January. Still thinking of what to do there, mate."


"One year. Did you ever think we would get to the point we would be talking about an anniversary?"


"Oh **** no. I figured we would be closed by now. We somehow did it, mate. We actually are getting something of a draw and people are buying our shows on demand and on DVD. I figured if I was going to have any work this year I would be floundering about doing my own shows or maybe even working for The Comedian."


"Well lets keep going. To good fortune."


He raises a hand for a high five and Septimus leans away.


"**** no, mate. Go wash yer hands first."

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Headline: A New Champion. Perhaps Two?


The little promotion that could, Bad Boys of Australia, look to crown their first Australian Youth champion at their upcoming show which is titled Bring the Pain. It seems aptly named as Francis Burke might just be feeling pain as he must defend his title against the monsterous Sulphur. Many other competitors are trying to prove their worth to get a future shot as well. Michael Rheur, Switchblade and Frankie Robertson meet to see perhaps who will be the next man to get a shot at the winner of that night's main event. Another man in the hunt is Harley Principal who looks to win again and seems to want a piece of Sulphur as well as the two massive men didn't manage to find who is the more dominant force. All in all it seems like the small promotion looks to gain more momentum and create waves.


Bad Boys of Australia: Bring the Pain


Australian National Championship


Francis Burke © vs Sulphur


Australian Youth Final


Matty Wills vs Dexter Mattell


Three Way Dance


Frankie Robertson vs Michael Rheur vs Switchblade




The Drifters vs The Australian People's Party


Also on the Card


Septimus Stubbs vs Harley Principal


Heaven and Hell vs Jester and Vortex

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I do apologize for lack of sub headlines in the acticles as of late. Brain has just been running a bit low on creativity on that department with how busy I have been. I know it isn't a huge deal, but I know people enjoyed alot of those and I am sure sooner than later they will make their return.
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Australian National Championship

Francis Burke © vs Sulphur

Sulphur isn´t going to get the title, not if you want to have above F+ ratings.


Australian Youth Final


Matty Wills vs Dexter Mattell

Could go either way but I think Mattell is still better from these two.


Three Way Dance


Frankie Robertson vs Michael Rheur vs Switchblade

Tough one. Rheur is the only heel here and probably the logical choice if we consider who would be getting title shot next but I just see him weakest of these three so I go with Robertson instead.




The Drifters vs The Australian People's Party

Drifters are doing more at the moment.


Also on the Card


Septimus Stubbs vs Harley Principal

Principal has been pretty strong so far and I expect that to continue.


Heaven and Hell vs Jester and Vortex

Better team.

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Australian National Championship

Francis Burke © vs Sulphur

See Zergons pick for why i will be wrong, but come on Sulphur you can do it!!!!!

Australian Youth Final

Matty Wills vs Dexter Mattell


Three Way Dance

Frankie Robertson vs Michael Rheur vs Switchblade



The Drifters vs The Australian People's Party


Also on the Card


Septimus Stubbs vs Harley Principal


Heaven and Hell vs Jester and Vortex

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Australian National Championship


Francis Burke © vs Sulphur


Australian Youth Final


Matty Wills vs Dexter Mattell


Three Way Dance


Frankie Robertson vs Michael Rheur vs Switchblade




The Drifters vs The Australian People's Party


Also on the Card


Septimus Stubbs vs Harley Principal


Heaven and Hell vs Jester and Vortex

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Australian National Championship


Francis Burke © vs Sulphur


Australian Youth Final


Matty Wills vs Dexter Mattell


Three Way Dance


Frankie Robertson vs Michael Rheur vs Switchblade




The Drifters vs The Australian People's Party


Also on the Card


Septimus Stubbs vs Harley Principal


Heaven and Hell vs Jester and Vortex

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Bad Boys of Australia: Bring the Pain


Laird Lounge


47 Attending


The usual crowd has shuffled in and gathered around the ring for another month of action. London Platten is in his nice suit once again and ready to announce as well as fuss with the music for the wrestlers on the laptop that sits near him. There seems to be no incidents in the back either because Septimus isn't raising hell to where he can be heard. Or maybe he is sedated or tied up.


The fans are treated to a quick dark match between Reed Buckfield and Adrian McGhee. Adrian finally gets his first win, but the poor guy gets it when it is still a bit sparse of people. Gotta start somewhere, though.






The Australian People's Party vs The Drifters with Pete Moriarty


The Drifters look to get revenge to their loss from a few months back. Then again they won the war because they only lost from being so brutal. They seem to pick up just where they left off, but when they get a bit too rough Pete actually starts to yell at them to settle down so they aren't disqualified again. They seem to listen and for the most part Stoppard is kept isolated from his partner. When Kerr does manage to get tagged in he couldn't do much anyways. The Drifters are just too big and too experienced as a team for the People's Party to have a chance. Stoppard is tossed to the outside and then Kerr is taken down by Sinner and Mercenary when they perform a Redemption Bomb on him.


Winners: The Drifters


Rating: 23






Harley Principal vs Septimus Stubbs


These guys are good brawlers and that is exactly what this is. There is no real technical aspects to the match and both men just unload kicks and punches on one another. They are close to being counted out a few times and they end up in the crowd a few times as well. When they finally do get back in the ring Sulphur emerges without Taniko Jo and slowly starts to walk down to the ring.


Harley notices, but doesn't let it distract him too much. Not like he has much chance to look that way since Septimus is managing to hold his own. Sulphur finally looks to get involved and he starts to lurch towards the ring. Harley pushes Septimus off and turns about to clock the big man who stumbles off the apron and tries to regain his footing. Harley turns back around in time to take a huge punch to the jaw and then Septimus manages to heft him up for the Stubby Piledriver. A handful of Harley's tights also helps him keep the big man down for three.


Winner: Septimus Stubbs


Rating: 30






Stubbs is quick to escape the ring and Harley looks rather irate. He starts to give chase, but once he rolls out of the ring he is met by Sulphur. The two begin to battle once again and it takes a few guys from back as well as Taniko Jo coming out to get the two to finally seperate. Harley just keeps yelling at Sulphur as he is pulled away. Alot of naughty words are used.


Rating: 55 (?!?!?!?!)




Australian Youth Title Match




Dexter Mattell with Ceri Dordevich vs Matty Wills with Rose Wills


The pair have faced before, but the match was a bit more one sided and much shorter. These two have pulled off perhaps the best match for the company to date. It is much more of an even fight this time around since Rose wasn't at ringside the first time the two met. She manages to nullify interference from Ceri and it allows Matty to concentrate more on Dexter.


They switch holds and exchange moves for a good chunk of the bout. Neither man can seem to gain control for long before the other manages to reverse or escape from something. Dexter has to rely on his cleverness more as the match goes on and he only has a slight bit more experience than Matty it is enough to help him. He plays possum after being nailed with a big dropkick and when Matty looks to go up top Dexter pops up quickly and bounces off the ropes to make Matty lose his balance. He lands in the ring awkwardly and Dexter pounces and locks on the STF. Matty fights, but he is not close enough to get to the rope and has to tap out.


Winner and New Australian Youth Champion: Dexter Mattell


Rating: 35






An excited Ceri grabs the belt and microphone before getting in the ring and hugging her man. The winded youth gets that cocky smile of his as he twirls Ceri around then takes both title and microphone. The former is raised up high as he laughs a bit and begins to speak into the mic.


Dexter Mattell: "Get used to seeing me with this. I told you before and I will say it once more. I will not lose this title, ever. I am the best this company has to offer and I proved it tonight. I will prove it every night I get in this ring. Bring on the challengers!"


Ceri is still cheering and she leans in to speak as well.


Ceri Dordevich: "Baby, you got yourself some gold. Now to get even more of it!"


Dexter Mattell: "That is right. Francis Burke will be next. Just mark my words. Then I will have both titles and you will all have to finally admit that I was right. You will have to admit I am the best!"


Rating: 39






Vortex and Jester vs Heaven and Hell


Heaven and Hell continue to gel as a team and are looking better each time they come out and perform together. Jester really helps keep things together in this match as well. He is by far the best worker in the ring among the four. The other three are good enough to keep things from falling apart and even Australian Devil manages to avoid botching anything this time around. As odd as the pair is, Jester and Vortex end up being too much for Heaven and Hell. When they aren't double teaming, the member out of the ring is doing their best to distract and creep out both Azazel and Australian Devil. Vortex eventually comes around the corner and tugs down Azazel's tights to give everyone a full moon and he gives Vortex chase while tugging things back up. It distracts his partner enough that he is clubbed from behind and then nailed by a Punchline from Jester. He gets the pin and Vortex slips back into the ring to celebrate with his brother as both cackle.


Winners: Vortex and Jester


Rating: 29






Pete Moriarty comes out with Michael Rheur. The businessman has a serious look on his face as well as his client. He takes the microphone on the way to the ring and he waits until the fans settle down with their heckling.


Pete Moriarty: "Now that you have that out of your system I will like to show you the new number one contender for the title that Francis Burke is currently sullying. Here is a man that has been a professional longer than some of you have been alive. This is a man that doesn't need to say anything. This is a man that lets his work do the talking."


A few people start to chant 'boring' which causes the brow of Pete to twitch a bit.


Pete: "Call it what you want. I call it efficiency. This man can take a body apart with his bare hands and doesn't need fancy flips or scars all over him from barbwire and other sorts of savagery. Michael Rheur is who your children should strive to be like. Someone that is always professional. Someone that is reliable. Tonight he faces two other men, but it doesn't matter how many get involved. Tonight the professional will win. Tonight the veteran shows the kids that he is the one they should look up to."


He exits the ring and Rheur remains as he waits for his opponents.


Rating: 28






Michael Rheur with Pete Moriarty vs Switchblade vs Frankie Robertson


Switchblade and Frankie give eachother a fist bump before the match gets under way. They are opponents tonight, but it might be bad news for Rheur if they decide to work together. And that is just what happens at the start. Moriarty is furious and shouts at the two men that beat on his client before tossing Rheur out of the ring. Rheur attempts to recover as Frankie and Switchblade begin to go at one another.


Where Matty and Dexter looked to be the match of the night, these three actually top it. It does help all three men have been around for a few years so they have very solid skills all around. It helps Switchblade and Frankie are pretty well liked too given the reaction. The fans are a bit split on who they want to see win between the two.


Rheur inserts himself back into the match once it looks like Frankie is starting to get an advantage. He grabs Frankie from behind and delivers a mighty German Suplex before going to work on Switchblade now that Frankie seems out of it for a bit. His attempts to get Switchblade to tap fail and eventually Frankie recovers to go after Rheur. Switchblade rolls out of the ring and nurses the leg that Rheur was working over as Frankie starts to go on a roll as he beats on Rheur.


Pete starts jaw jacking at Frankie and he tries his best to distract. It is enough that Frankie falters and Rheur capitalizes. He knocks Frankie down then applies the Munich Stretch. Switchblade tries to get in the ring to break things up, but Pete grabs him by the bad leg and tugs on it, pulling him off the apron and onto the floor while the ref is paying attention to Rheur and Frankie. As much as Robertson tries to resist he is fading fast and has to tap out.


Pete climbs in the ring to celebrate with Rheur and the manager gives the weakened Frankie a kick to the ribs before the two leave.


Winner: Michael Rheur


Rating: 36






National Championship Match




Francis Burke with Melissa Abernathy vs Sulphur with Taniko Jo


A rematch from when Burke first won the title he still currently holds. It is slightly less sloppy, but not by much. It is a typical Sulphur match that Francies does his best to try and help out the big man and make him look good. Even then after a few minutes of domination the big man is already looking a bit winded when Francis starts to make his comeback. Taniko tries to interfere, but Melissa comes around and the two start to get in a bit of a catfight. Referee attempts to break it up and while he is distracted Harley Principal comes charging in and slips in the ring. Francis staggers away and Harley nails a big clothesline on Sulphur that takes the big man down. He grins and gives a thumbs up to Francis and quickly gets out of the ring and escapes before the referee even knows he was there. Sulphur starts to get up, but when he is kneeling Francis grabs him and hits the Flying Flip Neckbreaker. He seems reluctant to pin, but does so. Francis retains again, but once again it took someone else to help him get the monster down.


Winner and still National Champion: Francis Burke


Rating: 21 (E- for a Sulphur match!?)






As Francis celebrates Pete Moriarty and Michael Rheur emerge and stand outside the ring. Both have a smirk and golf clap as the champ looks their way warily while moving to put Melissa behind him just in case. Pete points to the belt and then motions to Rheur who just nods and then points to Francis. The two then turn and leave without incident.


Rating: 36




- Interference seems to be flavor of the month.


- Can Francis really beat Sulphur on his own?


- Who will come out on top between Harley and Sulphur? What will it take for there to be a winner for certain?


- Sulphur can have singles matches over F+. Mind Blown



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From the Blog of Ross Stewart


Hey Wrestleholics,


I know this is more something that is fun for me to do and I don't have many readers. As you know I have been a fan of the business and the past year I have done what I can to get noticed and offered some sort of role with a company. It has been a long year of doing anything I could get. I have been all over Australia and New Zealand doing several small shows and if I was lucky I might break even after travel expenses. Needless to say I wasn't quitting my day job.


Now I begin a new chapter. As of this November I will be working for Bad Boys of Australia alongside London Platten! London has been with them from the start and his commentary on digital and DVD releases of the promotion's shows have gotten high praise. Now I get to share the desk with him and do what I love. Of course I can't quit my day job still, but to have a chance to have regular appearances has me giddy.


Just think of it, boys and girls. I may only have a few readers now, but perhaps one day I might be working for RAW or APW and you all can talk about how I got my start with the first promotion that decided to have some faith in me. Bad Boys of Australia here I come!

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These little thoughts you write down after your shows are quite entertaining and often make me grin. I like them.


It seems like there are hard times coming for Francis, 'cause Rheur and his prick of a manager probably will leave no remedy untried to get his title.

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These little thoughts you write down after your shows are quite entertaining and often make me grin. I like them.


It seems like there are hard times coming for Francis, 'cause Rheur and his prick of a manager probably will leave no remedy untried to get his title.


Always fun to write those. Mostly just little things that come to mind once I am done with the write up and I take a moment to reflect on the grades some things pulled. Was legit surprised that Harley and Sulphur managed to pull out a C- and finally starting to get slightly better grades do to the small product change. Only took 10 shows to finally get a D- :D


Of course that part is mostly because as a rule for myself I am only hiring unemployed guys. Some surprise names are starting to become available so it should be an interesting next few months. Some new faces, a special December surprise and then the anniversary show in January.

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Just a small update on how guesses are looking as we go into the final two shows of year one.


Jaded: 3/4 (75%)


Jingo: 36.5/50 (73%)


GriddleCakes: 28/38 (74%)


borman_48: 5/8 (56%)


MichiganHero: 8/10 (80%)


Zergon: 43.5/52 (84%)


Belton: 1/4 (25%)


Beeker: 22/32 (69%)


Rare Kuma: 2/4 (50%)


Shawn Waters: 4/6 (67%)


Still not fully set on prizes so anyone that has an idea that I didn't mention previously feel free to either send it via message or post on this thread.

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Taboo Tad's Shrimp Shack


Later October, Early evening




Several empty beer bottles line the table as it seems both Big Daddy Horne and Septimus have had their share to the point they are both start to slur a bit when they speak. It is almost scary that both seem in good spirits instead of Septimus being in his usual dour mood.


"I never imagined. Who knew we could get those two?"


"**** me, mate. I don't know how they agreed to join us! I was thinking it was some prank, but they both were actually looking for work and they agreed on the amount I offered them."


Big Daddy Horne grins wide and he raises a hand to motion for a waiter to bring two more drinks.


"That other one still surprises me. You didn't seem too keen last time I mentioned the name."


"I guess I had a moment of weakness, that and he apparently Comedian ****ed him over. Given how Comedian has been a bit of a twat waffle about helping us I only could oblige hiring someone that he pissed off."


"Can we at least give this one the title?"


"Fu.....you know what. **** it. We will see what happens. I like Francis, but we are getting some people that might be better off with it. Rheur got the experience too so we can go that way. We are starting to look like a real promotion, mate. I never woulda thought."


"Hah! And you probably never thought of pulling off what you have planned in December either!"


"Well let us not celebrate yet. I am not done with the deal yet."


"More celebration! Bring us some whiskey!"


"Oh **** me."

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Bad Boys of Australia: New Faces! New Champion?


Attempts to keep signings under wraps did not work for at least two new names for the promotion. Recent free agents Alyx Macquarie and Devilfish have both confirmed they have signed with the Western Australian promotion run by Big Daddy Horne. Alyx has been off the radar for about three months due to issues he had with APW management and Devilfish recently had a falling out with ZEN owner Halloween Knight which left the fan favorite without a job.


These two are among a small group of signings for Bad Boys of Australia that gives some name value to the promotion. We have yet to confirm who else has signed at the moment and are looking into who else you might see in the near future. Both confirmed signings are already being promoted for November's show which is being titled Ambition.


Michael Rheur also gets another attempt at Francis Burke and his National Championship title this month. This time Rheur has friends in new manage Pete Moriarty and The Drifters. Will this be enough to finally dethrone the first champion of the promotion? Dexter Mattell will also defend his newly won Australian Youth title against Marcus Kerr. Below are the matches scheduled for the show.


Bad Boys of Australia: Ambition


National Championship Match


Francis Burke with Melissa Abernathy © vs Michael Rheur with Pete Moriarty


Australian Youth title Match


Dexter Mattell © with Ceri Dordevich vs Marcus Kerr


First Blood!


Sulphur with Taniko Jo vs Harley Principal


Also in Action


Alyx Macquarie vs Septimus Stubbs


Devilfish vs Adrian McGhee


Frankie Robertson and Swichblade vs Jester and Vortex

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National Championship Match

Francis Burke with Melissa Abernathy © vs Michael Rheur with Pete Moriarty

I just can´t see Rheur getting the belt as in my opinion there are better options in your roster.


Australian Youth title Match


Dexter Mattell © with Ceri Dordevich vs Marcus Kerr

Mattell isn´t losing the title this quickly.


First Blood!


Sulphur with Taniko Jo vs Harley Principal

As far as I know Harley is more talented, then again is there anyone who isn´t more talented than Sulphur?


Also in Action


Alyx Macquarie vs Septimus Stubbs

Debut win.


Devilfish vs Adrian McGhee

Another debut win.

Frankie Robertson and Swichblade vs Jester and Vortex

I like all four guys but faces are higher on the ladders.

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National Championship Match


Francis Burke with Melissa Abernathy © vs Michael Rheur with Pete Moriarty


Burke keeps it warm while Alyx freaking Macquarie builds some momentum.


Australian Youth title Match


Dexter Mattell © with Ceri Dordevich vs Marcus Kerr


Kerr is good...but not this good.


First Blood!


Sulphur with Taniko Jo vs Harley Principal


Just a guess...this one could go either way.


Also in Action


Alyx Macquarie vs Septimus Stubbs


Stubby welcomes the newcomer to the promotion...by taking the fall.


Devilfish vs Adrian McGhee


You can't have a big name face signing lose in the first match!


Frankie Robertson and Swichblade vs Jester and Vortex


Robertson and Switch are much more interesting, imo.

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National Championship Match


Francis Burke with Melissa Abernathy © vs Michael Rheur with Pete Moriarty

- Outside assistance combined with new incoming over faces helps reinvigorate the top of the card. Burke's had a good run, but this sets up some new challengers.


Australian Youth title Match


Dexter Mattell © with Ceri Dordevich vs Marcus Kerr

- I can't see Mattell dropping the title in his first defence.


First Blood!


Sulphur with Taniko Jo vs Harley Principal

- Harley just has way more... ability than Sulphur and he's big enough to be BDH approved.


Alyx Macquarie vs Septimus Stubbs

- New debut so the booker wants to make him look good.


Devilfish vs Adrian McGhee

- See above PLUS, McGhee isn't nearly the talent Booker Stubby is.


Frankie Robertson and Swichblade vs Jester and Vortex

- I like the Jester/Vortex combo better, I suspect the faces are more over however.

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