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Bad Boys of Australia: God Help Us All

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Bad Boys of Australia: Ambition


Liard Lounge


49 Attending


The crowd is still around the same size it has been for a few months, but given the economy at the moment it is nice to at least have the same size crowd instead of a shrinking one. Two matches were held before the taping proper. Some to allow Ross Steward and London Platten get a chance to try and work off one another before recording their audio as well as provide some entertainment for those that arrived early for the show.


It is about halfway through the second match when a irate Septimus Stubbs can be heard shouting once again. 'You son of a bitch. Two times in three months!? Get yourself a ****ing watch you twat waffle. I had to change ****ing things about because I didn't know yo-' He gets dragged far enough away to where the rest of the conversation can't be heard. Looks like whoever was in trouble last time did the exact same thing.






Septimus Stubbs vs Alyx Macquarie


Septimus comes out and he still doesn't look too happy. It is a subtle difference for when he is playing the part and a time like this when the mannerisms are a tad different and even the facial expression has a more serious look to it. Alyx comes out with the Australian flag on his shoulders as he gets a rather good reception from the crowd.


He isn't allowed to get in the ring on his own and Septimus attacks Alyx while he is coming through the ropes. The bell rings and Stubbs starts to beat the younger wrestler from corner to corner. It looks like he is having to really concentrate on not being too stiff with his strikes. Whoever has him annoyed is messing with his performance, but at the same time makes the bout a bit more realistic.


Alyx does finally manage to start fighting back and he starts using some technical skills to keep Septimus in check. The wiley veteran starts to find ways to break free, though and he actually seems to surprise Alyx a few times when he manages to find a way to escape the hold. A thumb to the eye that the referee doesn't see allows Stubbs to pick up Alyx and hit him with the Stubby Piledriver and get a surprise win. He doesn't linger around long to relish in it. He is making a quick motion to get backstage once more. Alyx gets up and he bows to the crowd who cheer him even in defeat.


Winner: Septimus Stubbs


Rating: 36






Sulphur comes out with Taniko Jo leading the way. She plucks one of the microphones up on the way into the ring and she poses with her monster a few moments and takes in the boos.


Taniko Jo: "Keep it up. Taniko Jo and Sulphur actually like it. Just like how Sulphur is going to like making Harley Principal bloody. And don't you worry. The result is already decided. Taniko Jo has a plan and a flawless one. You will regret costing Sulphur from getting the title, Harley. Tonight will be one you will never forget. Taniko Jo will make sure of that."


She laughs a bit and she pats Sulphur on the back a few times before she climbs out the ring as Harley makes his entrance.


Rating: 49






Sulphur with Taniko Jo vs Harley Principal


Harley quickly dives into the ring and doesn't even fully get to his feet as he starts swinging at Sulphur. The two big men fight and Harley actually has Sulphur staggering back before a big shoulder block actually takes the monster off his feet. Harley quickly starts to tear into the downed Sulphur and while carrying on outside Taniko Jo stumbles and goes down, prompting the ref to go check on her as she acts like her ankle is hurt. While distracted that allows for another brutish man to slip in.




Someone yells out from the crowd 'BOB!' as the massive Bob Shrunkle has some knuckles on one hand. He reaches to pull Harley off Sulphur and when he turns about he is clocked hard across the face then a second blow to the forehead busts him open as Bob lumbers back out of the ring while Sulphur recovers. Taniko suddenly hops to her feet and she points towards the action in the ring. The referee turns about to see the bloody Harley and he quickly calls for the bell.


Winner: Sulphur


Rating: 18






Sulphur starts to kick the downed Harley and Taniko waves for Bob to get back in the ring. The two big men lift up Harley as Taniko gets in the ring. She slaps Harley hard across the face then the two giants deliver a double chokeslam on Harley before the group leaves with Taniko looking all too pleased. It looks like she found herself another monster.


Rating: 54






Switchblade and Frankie Robertson vs Jester and Vortex


Switchblade and Frankie were actually announced as Rough and Tumble so it seems maybe they look to become a regular team. Jester and Vortex slink their way to the ring, and Vortex stops at the table to stare at London and Ross. He looks almost jealous and actually seems bothered by London's new broadcast partner. During the match he continues to glare back towards Ross which means Jester having to carry the load for the most part to start.


It isn't exactly an easy load to carry as he has a hard time with the constant tags of the other team. Frankie and Switchblade work well together where once Jester tags Vortex he has to pull him into the ring and tear his attention away from Ross and London. Vortex does manage to do well, but he is constantly distracted and tries to get out of the ring only to be stopped by Jester. Switchblade finally dropkicks Vortex from behind and sends him into Jester. A quick tag and the dazed Vortex is grabbed by Frankie Robertson and the dragon sleeper gets locked in. Vortex is forced to tap after wiggling about for awhile.


Winners: Rough and Tumble


Rating: 36


Even in defeat Vortex attempts to go after Ross and London, but Jester picks him up and carries him to the back.






Dexter and Ceri come out with Ceri cradling the title as if she won it. Dexter doesn't seem to mind as the pair get in the ring and he has the microphone in hand to gloat to the booing fans.


Dexter Mattell: "I see familiar faces. Those that witnessed greatness. Those who saw me become the Australian Youth champion. A title I will keep for a very long time. Look at who else we have here. Who is going to take it from me? That's right. No one!"


Ceri eases her grip on the title finally so she can hand it to Dexter who puts it over a shoulder. She takes the mic and idly strokes at Dexter's chest with her free hand.


Ceri Dordevich: "I see so many jealous people now that he has the title. One of them is Marcus Kerr who really thinks he can snag the title away from my man. I don't know how you got the shot, Marcus, but last time we checked you couldn't even get out of the first round. Why should we even worry about you?"


Dexter nods in agreement as he takes the mic back and slips an arm around Ceri.


Dexter Mattell: "Sit back and relax, everyone. Watch greatness at its best as I defeat Kerr. He is lucky in one way. He gets to be the first of many notches to my title reign!"


Rating: 38




Australian Youth Championship




Marcus doesn't seem like he is sold on Dexter has this match in hand already. Instead he gets the early advantage with his speed and high flying moves. Dexter is forced to slip out of the ring and into the arms of Ceri who comforts him and tries to calm him down. Marcus teases a dive and Dexter actually tries to jump into Ceri's arms, but she doesn't catch him and instead runs for her life so not to be caught.


An annoyed Dexter rushes back in the ring and he gets caught again with another chain of moves from Kerr, but he does finally drop to the mat and roll out of an attempted cross body which allows him to start gaining control for the first time in the match. He starts to dismantle Kerr and keep him grounded as he works over the neck and back to soften him up. Eventually he locks on the STF in the middle of the ring and Kerr is forced to tap.


Winner and Still Champion: Dexter Mattell (Defenses: 1)


Rating: 32






Devilfish vs Adrian McGhee


Devilfish is by far the most popular man this evening among the crowd. He gets a good amount of cheers. Not only that he goes against someone like Adrian McGhee and pretty much pulls off the best match the promotion has ever had. His high flying combined with the fact he was willing to sell some of Adrian's offense without overly doing meant the crowd was totally eating up everything. A good debute and honestly a good performance from Adrian as well who ends up taking the fall to probably the biggest star of the company now.


Winner: Devilfish


Rating: 42






After celebrating some Devilfish asks for a microphone and he addresses the crowd.


Devilfish: "Hey duders! There is a new fish in this ocean. Perhaps not the biggest in size, but the biggest in fight."


He flexes one of his small arms and he nods some as he laughs.


Devilfish: "Anyways, I just want to say thank you for the cheers and stuff. That was pretty awesome. I already like this company and I hope to see your faces again!"


He gets out of the ring afterwards and slaps hands with people before leaving.


Rating: 38






Australian National Title




Francis Burke with Melissa Abernathy vs Michael Rheur with Pete Moriarty


Rheur looks confident as does Burke who is all smiles compared to the stone faced veteran. Pete Moriarty doesn't look too happy this evening and he isn't as active when moving around the ring while trying to coach Rheur. It almost seems like he doesn't even want to be at ringside in ways.


This confrontation ends up being much better than the last one. Rheur looks more into it and Burke is on the top of his game. Their styles clash a bit, but in ways work to highlight their specialty. Burke obviously wants to keep the pace fast and frantic while Rheur is trying to keep Burke grounded and use his various painful submission holds to wear the younger competitor down.


Rheur just can't seem to keep Burke down for an extended period of time and he is getting worn down trying to keep up with the pace. He even looks towards Pete a few times as if expecting something, but instead Moriarty looks away and just leaves Rheur to handle things on his own. He soon falls victim to the Flying Flip Neckbreaker and Francis Burke retains once more as Pete quickly leaves the ringside area.


Winner and Still Champion: Francis Burke (Defenses: 8)


Rating: 35




- Harley got beat up pretty bad. Will he be back and if so will he be after his attackers?


- The work rate of matches is improving and the crowd seems to be warming up slightly longer ones.


- What is with Pete Moriarty? Is he already disowning his clients?


- Who will be after Francis and his title next?


Overall Rating: 40

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><em>Headline: Bad Boys of Australia Creating Waves</em></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

Ambition was a well named show it would seem, because Septimus Stubbs and Big Daddy Horne are certainly showing that after their latest show was announced. Building off what has been dubbed their best show to date comes something that has been a year in the making. It started with the friendship between BBoA and ZEN and more recently a working agreement with APW, but the the wheeling and dealing has allowed Bad Boys of Australia to host their new trios tournament at their next show which is titled Baddest of the Bad.</p><p> </p><p>

The tournament will host six teams from BBoA, but also ZEN and APW are sending out some of their own names to compete for the honer of being the Baddest Boys of Australia tournament winner. Francis Burke will also be defending his National Championship title against an unkown opponent as the co main event. Bad Boys of Australia continues to gain momentum and popularity as they are close to finishing out their first year of business and they look to do it in grand style. Below are the list of teams competing as well as the two singles matches that have been announced for the card.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Bad Boys of Australia: Baddest of the Bad</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">8 Team Tournament to crown The Baddest Boys of Australia trio</span></strong>:</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Team Zen</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Halloween Knight, Necromancer, Massacre</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Team APW</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Motty Karuda, Cole Taylor, Boo Smithson</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Family</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Jester, Vortex, ???</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Wreckless Youth</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Matty Wills, Marcus Kerr, Matt Stoppard</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Moriarty's Men</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Michael Rheur, Sinner, Mercenary</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Working Class Heroes</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Frankie Robertson, Switchblade, Alyx Macquarie</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Death From Above</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Azazel, Australian Devil, Reed Buckfield</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Taniko's Alliance</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Bob Shrunkle, Sulphur, Dexter Mattell</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">National Championship Match</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Francis Burke © vs ???</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>#1 Contenders Match</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Septimus Stubbs vs Devilfish</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

It shall be interesting to see how things pan out not only in the ring, but also in the backstage area. Jester and Devilfish both had a falling out with ZEN over the past year and it is known that Jester holds a bit of a grudge as well as Devilfish being on non-speaking terms with Halloween Knight. Septimus Stubbs is known to not take backstage incidents well so maybe things will go well just because no one wants to feel the wrath of BBoA's head booker. Perth Web Wrestling will have one of our reporters there to take photos and cover the event.</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">8 Team Tournament to crown The Baddest Boys of Australia trio</span></strong>:</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Team Zen</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Halloween Knight, Necromancer, Massacre</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Team APW</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Motty Karuda, Cole Taylor, Boo Smithson</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Family</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Jester, Vortex, ???</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Wreckless Youth</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Matty Wills, Marcus Kerr, Matt Stoppard</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Moriarty's Men</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Michael Rheur, Sinner, Mercenary</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Working Class Heroes</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Frankie Robertson, Switchblade, Alyx Macquarie</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Death From Above</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Azazel, Australian Devil, Reed Buckfield</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Taniko's Alliance</span></em></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Bob Shrunkle, Sulphur, Dexter Mattell</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">National Championship Match</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Francis Burke</strong> © vs ???</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>#1 Contenders Match</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Septimus Stubbs</strong> vs Devilfish</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Xendarii" data-cite="Xendarii" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35175" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Nice show - and seeing Alyx Macquarie and Devilfish in your company is great, since I really like them and obviously hope they can go far in BBoA!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I was really surprised to see both as unemployed when I was looking at a signing or two to freshen up the roster. Both ended up with a hate on for the owners of their respective companies almost at the same time and were released within a week of one another. Australia has been a bit crazy in this game from what I can tell compared to some of the other games I have run. Probably after this last show I will put in a little OOC year in review to show what the other companies have been doing and such. There are other decently big names I would love to have, but they clash with BDH's goals. Even so to get Alyx and Devilfish like that has already greatly improved shows as you can see.</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Bad Boys of Australia: Baddest of the Bad</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">8 Team Tournament to crown The Baddest Boys of Australia trio</span></strong>:</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Team Zen</span></em></p><p>


Halloween Knight, Necromancer, Massacre</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Probably the most well rounded team in regard to overness/skills.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">National Championship Match</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Francis Burke ©</strong> vs ???</p><p>


Burke's pretty good, unless you've brought in someone much better...</em></p><p><em>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>#1 Contenders Match</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Septimus Stubbs vs <strong>Devilfish</strong></p><p>


Big push for your new talented signing.</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Devilfish is an amazing signing, I passed on him simply because my main event scene is too packed, and he's expensive to boot. Interesting to see how your trios tournament goes, mine's a couple of months away but as far as I can tell my teams will be vastly different (and half of them wont be from Australia <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> ) How close to small are you?</p>

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<p>I might hit small after this next show. If not by then I think the anniversary show in January should be enough. I should be making a good amount of money that I might start running additional shows once I do hit small and maybe have 18ish a year instead of 12.</p><p> </p><p>

The trios thing is something that also popped into my head back when I started doing worker exchanges with ZEN early in the game. I got APW on board, but I was sad to see DIW wasn't up for such a thing. I knew RAW would have nothing to do with me, but to have all the other companies competing would have been neat. I thought of going out of Australia as well, but given the size and how Septimus is personality wise I just don't see that being something that made sense for them.</p><p> </p><p>

Even so I am pleased at what I got and perhaps in the future it might expand to international companies sending people over as well. That might be more towards when (if) they reach regional since I am looking at making the trio tournament one of the biggest events of the calendar year along with the anniversary show and one in the middle of the summer which might turn into something like the DeColt Wrestlefestival.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Voeltzwagon" data-cite="Voeltzwagon" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35175" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I might hit small after this next show. If not by then I think the anniversary show in January should be enough. I should be making a good amount of money that I might start running additional shows once I do hit small and maybe have 18ish a year instead of 12.<p> </p><p> The trios thing is something that also popped into my head back when I started doing worker exchanges with ZEN early in the game. I got APW on board, but I was sad to see DIW wasn't up for such a thing. I knew RAW would have nothing to do with me, but to have all the other companies competing would have been neat. I thought of going out of Australia as well, but given the size and how Septimus is personality wise I just don't see that being something that made sense for them.</p><p> </p><p> Even so I am pleased at what I got and perhaps in the future it might expand to international companies sending people over as well. That might be more towards when (if) they reach regional since I am looking at making the trio tournament one of the biggest events of the calendar year along with the anniversary show and one in the middle of the summer which might turn into something like the DeColt Wrestlefestival.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I say run as many shows as you can afford (assuming you have a few thousand saved in case something goes wrong). Yeah, I got the trios idea from when I originally brought the ZEN guys in (I even had a Team PWZ/ZEN trios match) but had no money to actually do the tournament at the time. Funnily enough, RAW is probably the only company that will do business with me (outside of ZEN, ofc) as since I've been pummeling APW and DIW into submission for the last 6 months in battles they're both kinda mad at me.</p>
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<p>DIW has been really strange in my game. I think it is going to put itself out of business just by alienating any workers that they can hire. I have seen at least three big hiring sprees followed by a mass firing spree afterwards. Their overall show ratings are tanking because they either lost all their main eventers to APW and RAW or they fired them during the purges. Now that I got some star power and I slight changed the product I see BBoA surpassing them in the next year with ease.</p><p> </p><p>

RAW has just been quiet actually. No real hirings or firings. They just keep a steady string of shows going that keep them on top of the heap. APW is no real threat and ZEN is just off doing their own thing in NZ and not making much of a fuss other than losing Devilfish as their top babyface. It looks like Pumpkin Jack has moved up to take that spot now. It should actually be fun doing the end of the year write up. I am interested to see just how different things are panning out between our games after one year.</p>

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<p>DIW still manage to grow despite taking big hits from APW and PWZ, they're sitting at about 22 popularity in March '14. No big changes to their roster really. I'm not too far behind them and will probably catch them this year, but they're still a threat. I win on prestige though - if I wanted to be a dick I'd declare war, buy out all their workers and clash with them.... but I won't for now.</p><p> </p><p>

ZEN got, well... massive. They're just inside regional (30ish pop) in my save and just doing what the usually do. Devil/HK are their top two guys, and have put on some C+ matches together for them. they get crowds in the neighbourhood of 900 at the moment.</p><p> </p><p>

APW are... not really going anywhere. Since they've only held shows in Eastern Australia, they lost all their popularity in the other regions (except for the 17% spillover) and are just hovering in the D/45 range, unable to climb much further. They have a similar roster to PWZ, with Lanny/Maurice involved in their top two C level matches. They signed Warmonger after I got him over. They pull 2000 people week to week.</p><p> </p><p>

RAW are very very slowly growing, possibly hitting national (I altered the Importance a little before the game started so it was possible, copying Europe's settings) by the end of 2015? They're had 5 matches in the B- range all involving Montgomery Croft, and funnily enough, he's actually in their 15 top matches of all time.</p>

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Love the addition of Bob Shrunkle. He's a good guy backstage and he can surprise you. In the best game I've had with him, Bob started off the henchman in my Bob Casey/Ted Brady war and over time the natural flow of the game had him build up to the point he could overthrow Brady and become the mastermind trying to eliminate Casey in his own right. So I'd watch out if I'm Taniko Jo. If Bob ever tires of being her backup, Sulphur's in trouble. Bob's good enough and big enough to take him out. Even if he is a blob.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="cappyboy" data-cite="cappyboy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35175" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Love the addition of Bob Shrunkle. He's a good guy backstage and he can surprise you. In the best game I've had with him, Bob started off the henchman in my Bob Casey/Ted Brady war and over time the natural flow of the game had him build up to the point he could overthrow Brady and become the mastermind trying to eliminate Casey in his own right. So I'd watch out if I'm Taniko Jo. If Bob ever tires of being her backup, Sulphur's in trouble. Bob's good enough and big enough to take him out. Even if he is a blob.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Bob has always kinda been a staple for me in most Aussie games I have played in 2010. Especially liked him in a DIW game I had going on. He got snatched up by DIW before I had the money for him in this game, but I got lucky and The Comedian pissed him off enough that he walked out on the promotion. Now if only he can rub off on Sulphur a bit. One could hope.</p>
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<p>Team Zen</p><p>

Halloween Knight, Necromancer, Massacre</p><p> </p><p>

Team APW</p><p>

Motty Karuda, Cole Taylor, Boo Smithson</p><p> </p><p>

The Family</p><p>

Jester, Vortex, ???</p><p> </p><p>

Wreckless Youth</p><p>

Matty Wills, Marcus Kerr, Matt Stoppard</p><p> </p><p>

Moriarty's Men</p><p>

Michael Rheur, Sinner, Mercenary</p><p> </p><p>

Working Class Heroes</p><p>

<strong>Frankie Robertson, Switchblade, Alyx Macquarie</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Death From Above</p><p>

Azazel, Australian Devil, Reed Buckfield</p><p> </p><p>

Taniko's Alliance</p><p>

Bob Shrunkle, Sulphur, Dexter Mattell</p><p>

<em>Some good teams here and I like ZEN´s team most but I doubt that an outsider team will win so I go with Working Class Heroes instead as it includes some of your top guys.</em></p><p> </p><p>

National Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>Francis Burke ©</strong> vs ???</p><p>

<em>I actually could see a title change happening here but with most of your top guys being elsewhere in the card it´s likely a new guy and new guy winning the main belt in his first match is always little bit double edged sword as it would make your roster looking little bit weak.</em></p><p> </p><p>

#1 Contenders Match</p><p>

Septimus Stubbs vs <strong>Devilfish</strong></p><p>

<em>Ok, so since I have Burke retaining Stubbs would be better option but I just like Devilfish and you have been running some face vs. face matches earlier too so I figured it´s possible.</em></p>

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Moriarty's Men


Michael Rheur, Sinner, Mercenary

- I just feel these guys need it the most. Otherwise Moriarty is anything but, more like the Moriarty to Inspector Gadget, not Sherlock Holmes. And I think it'll be a BBoA team to win it.


National Championship Match


Francis Burke © vs ???

- I never bet against ??? although I'd be surprised if Burke loses the belt. Introducing a big new threat could be a fun way to make people take notice.


#1 Contenders Match


Septimus Stubbs vs Devilfish

- Stubbs bitches out someone backstage preshow, even dragging them through the curtain on his way to the ring before jobbing to the newest devilish Bad Boy Fish.

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Big Daddy Horne's House


Early December, Late evening.




A surprisingly clean house for a man that often comes off as slobbish. The living room has a few empty beer bottles as well as shot glasses on the coffee table that is in between a couch and a lounge chair. Big Daddy Horne rocks gently in the chair while Septimus is sprawled on the couch staring upwards and looking like his usual dour self.


"Two out of three months. He keeps ****ing up and acts like it isn't a big deal. I have had to switch shows and it has killed the push I had planned. If it happens again he is fired."


"Aren't you being a bit hard? He was just showing up late is all."


"**** that. Everyone else has always been on time. Why give him leeway? You start doing that then others see weakness. I ain't weak. I may be getting old, but I will remain the stubborn old dickhead until I get out of this business."


"Well if he does it again and you fire him, what about his part in the tournament?"


"I don't want to think about it. I got things set up, but **** if I don't have a backup plan now. One person, mate. This just shows how one bad signing can **** up a locker room."


"Maybe I should talk to him?"


"No good, mate. If you are nice with em he thinks he can just go to you when he ****s up and I lay into him. You hired me for this so let me deal with it, mate."


The big man yawns and slumps down some in his seat, too tired to reach for his half empty bottle of beer as he closes his eyes.


"You going to crash here tonight? Shouldn't be going home after that much to drink."


"Yer right. Just slap me awake early. I gotta make some calls and perhaps line up a replacement if ****head there screws up again."

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Bad Boys of Australia: Baddest of the Bad


Laird Lounge


48 Attending


The crowd hasn't increased, but by far the setup is the most professional things have looked for the company. Looks like they went out of their way to spend some money to give themselves an actual entrance ramp for all the performers to come through as well as a rather nice looking announce desk for London and Ross to sit at. There are three camera men looking to film everything and while the people get settled in they get some entertainment with a dark match won by Adrian McGhee.


Things then take a turn and there is shouting heard. Once again it is Septimus Stubbs that can be heard echoing from the back. 'Three ****ing times in four months? AND YOU MESSED WITH OUR BIGGEST SHOW?! GET THE **** OUT! IF I SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN I WILL REMOVE IT!'.


There is no sound of him being dragged away. Instead there is some shuffling being heard out back as Septimus Stubbs comes out not looking happy. He reaches to take one of the wireless mics and he looks around the crowd.


Septimus Stubbs: "This is not part of the show. This is me coming out to address an issue to all those gathered tonight. I know we are still a very small company. We don't have the funs that RAW or APW have. We don't have the flashiness that alot of the members of ZEN offer. We don't even have the blood and beer that DIW brings to the table.


Even so there is one thing that I take pride in. This is a business and no matter what size or what promotion everyone should learn to be professional. You can not get along with people. I know there are people that don't like eachother in back right now. You know what? They ****ing just avoid one another and act professional.


Since starting this promotion this has been a good place to work for everyone. We all have a time for when we show up. What are jobs are when we are not in the ring and what we do after the show is over. Not one damn complaint and misbehavior....until recently.


Being on time is an important thing. That allows for last minute adjustments and time to go over everything that is being done. I am not going to bore you with exact details, but showing up late when you are being paid can get you fired no matter what your job is. That being said the show has been adjusted as a few in the past. This will not be the issue anymore. Pete Moriarty, you worthless ****. I am saying this into a camera and I will make sure this part is an 'extra' on our DVD release. Get the hell out of this business. You have no heart and you have no balls to admit you were wrong. You will never work for this company again."


He sets the mic down and the fans actually cheer as Septimus composes himself and marches to the back so the show proper can begin.








Soon after Septimus leaves and the lights dim as ominous music plays. Team ZEN soon emerge to a mixed reaction as they mock some of the fans and even make a small kid cry before looking pleased and getting in the ring. Necromancer and Massacre stand in a corner while Halloween Knight picks up a mic and addresses the crowd.


Halloween Knight: "This company doesn't know the meaning of the word fear. They may have some monsters, but nothing can compare to our group. We are the ones that send a shiver down your spine. We are the ones that go bump in the night. When you die the last vision you will see would be true fear. It will be a vision of us!"


He motions to his colleagues and he lets out a dark laugh.


Halloween Knight: "Tonight we invade and no one will be safe. APW, Bad Boys....it doesn't matter. Tonight we conquer all. Tonight is a night you will all remember us. We are F.E.A.R!"


Rating: 40






Quarterfinal 1: Team ZEN vs Death From Above


The high flying trio of Australian Devil, Azazel and Reed Buckfield try to use their speed to its fullest advantage. The problem is Necromancer is just as fast and Halloween Knight keeps up with them pretty well too. They also are more experienced and pick apart the younger team rather easily. Reed is isolated from his team mates and he is taken apart by Massacre who finally comes in and easily overpowers Reed. He then takes in Halloween Knight before going to take out Heaven and Hell. Knight locks on the Pumpkin Patch and Reed is forced to tap.


Winner: Team ZEN


Rating: 35






Quarterfinal 2: Working Class Heroes vs Rheur's Rebels


The name for Moriarty's Mercenaries has been changed for obvious reasons and he is also obviously nowhere to be seen. The lack of manager doesn't seem to hurt either. Sinner and Mercenary have worked together for a long time and Rheur has been around a good long time so he knows how to handle himself and work with the pair quite well. Frankie, Alyx and Switchblade are a bit less cohesive, but do try their best to work as a team. Frankie and Switchblade are still trying to get used to tagging together where Alyx is still rather new and has not worked as a team mate for either man before.


It leads to Rheur's team getting the early advantage through good old trickery and team work. Franky takes a majority of the beating from all three men and he does his best several times to try and fight free and get a tag. His chance finally comes when he takes out Sinner after a mistake by the big man and he rolls over to the corner to tag in Switchblade. The ring fills with all six men soon and they start each nailing one another with their finishers only to have Rheur get distracted trying to put Switchblade away by locking on his finishing submission only to eat a Super Kick to the face from Alyx. Alyx makes the pin and the ref counts to three before either one of The Drifters can make the save.


Winners: Working Class Heroes


Rating: 30






Team APW comes out next and they are exchanging pleasantries with the fans before getting in the ring. Cole Taylor stops to grab himself a microphone before he gets in the ring with his partners.


Cole Taylor: "Hey there party people! We are team APW and we are pretty excited to be here. Sure we are used to the big crowds and such, but that doesn't mean we are going to slack off just because we are visiting a smaller promotion."


Motty soon grabs the mic himself and he nods in agreement with Cole as he grins.


Motty Kuroda: "No way we would do that. We are going to represent APW with pride and we are going to take the title of Baddest Boys of Australia!"


He looks to pass the mic to Boo who ends up looking horrified as he quickly raises his hands and waves them about. Cole and Motty laugh at that and Cole gets the mic back.


Cole Taylor: "Fair enough, Boo. We know you want to win too. Time for APW pride to win out tonight!"


Rating: 28






Quarterfinal 3: Team APW vs Taniko's Alliance


APW gets perhaps the most intimidating challenge of the first round. Shrunkle gets his first BBoA in ring action as he teams with fellow monster Sulphur. It looks like Dexter Mattell saw a good thing and jumped on board adding a rather devious and oppurtunistic mind to go with the brutes. Taniko and Bob also seem as if they have worked together for years instead of being a new pairing. Just the body language and the way the two react to one another really adds something to the match.


It is no surprise that APW have some trouble with the team as well. Sulphur and Bob are both larger than any other member of the guest trio. Dexter mostly tags in when there is someone ripe for the picking and if they start to deliver any sort of offense he is quick to tag in one of his larger partners. Boo Smithson is also the workhorse of this match. He spends the majority of his time directing the others and taking the biggest bumps while showing that he is perhaps one of the best ring workers here tonight.


Some bad timing between Bob and Sulphur give the APW team the opening they need. They manage to dump both men out of the ring after a botched double team and Dexter is caught up in a group beatdown that involves him eating both Motty and Cole's finishers before having to tap out to Boo who locks Dexter into the Crossface Chickenwing.


Winners: Team APW


Rating: 35






Jester and Vortex soon emerge after things have been cleaned up after the last match. Vortex is carrying a crowbar and is dancing a bit around Jester who is wheeling out a rather large, wooden crate that has several 'Dangerous Goods' labels on it. Ross and London seem spared from the usual unwanted attention they seem to draw from Vortex who seems more intent on petting the box once it is set up near ringside.


Vortex: "Brother~ Brother~ Brother~"


Jester just finally takes the crowbar and he looks about before laughing madly and he starts to work at opening the crate.


Jester: "Yes, of course. The family grows again."




Eventually the top is pulled off the crate and emerging from it is a emotionless looking man in a mask and shades. Jester's old partner from ZEN, Eraser, emerges and steps out of the crate before snapping to attention and just stands there as both Vortex and Jester dance around him.


Jester and Vortex: "Now the family takes over tonight~"


Rating: 24






Quarterfinal 4: The Family vs Wreckless Youth


This ends up being the longest of the four first round matches. Not that The Family are dragging it out with their usual antics, but Wreckless Youth are just being plucky and tenacious, perhaps surprising the odd trio with their teamwork and attitude. Eraser is such a stark contrast to Jester and Vortex too. While they are unpredictable and very animated, he almost acts liked a robot that works in a slower, more methodical pace. It seems him and Jester still make quite the duo despite not being together as a team for close to two years.


As much as Matty, Matt and Marc try, they can't just seem to keep momentum on their side for long. Each comeback is eventually quashed and they soon just run out of energy. Jester ends the match when he nails Matt Stoppard with The Punchline and he gets the pin while Eraser and Vortex keep Marc and Matty busy.


Winners: The Family


Rating: 29






A rather energetic Devilfish emerges and starts to slap hands with the fans and joke with them for a bit. Once in the ring he asks for a microphone so he can speak to everyone.


Devilfish: "Hey, duders! Seeing these opening matches makes me kinda bummed that I couldn't get on a team. What does have me stoked is the fact I got a match tonight against one bad duder named Septimus Stubbs. Hey, Stubby. I might be small, but I know what it is like to be a champion and I like Francis Burke. I think it would be pretty swass to take him on for the title. So come on, duder. Get out here. Lets see who gets a shot at him!"


His attitude and seemingly carefree attitude really gets the crowd worked up.


Rating: 41






Devilfish vs Septimus Stubbs


This is a case of two vastly different styles complimenting one another. Devilfish is rather small so the high impact moves delivered by Septimus look especially brutal while the veteran still has enough in the tank that he can work with the quick and flashy offense that Devilfish displays. It is a back and forth affair with both men getting in a good amount of offense to show off their skills. Septimus might just be a bit too slow in the end and as much as he tries to keep up with the younger, faster Devilfish he starts to look like he is getting worn down trying to go the same pace. A few mistakes late in the match lead him being locked into a rather complex looking submission hold that he cannot escape.


Winner: Devilfish


Rating: 40






Semifinal 1: Team ZEN vs Team APW


The first of the two semifinal matches pits the two visiting companies against one another. It ends up being an intriguing matchup and could via for being the contest of the night. Good for the company in some terms, but also bad when the best match involves no one that is a regular for the company.


All six men look to still have plenty of gas in the tank and none are slowed by the fact they had a match earlier in the night. There is a good blend of styles too as there are high flying spots along with good technical skills displayed as well as good old fashioned brawling.


ZEN may have the advantage just on how devious both Necromancer and Halloween Knight truely are. They manipulate and trick the various APW members to make mistakes and those mistakes ultimately lead to Motty Karoda being locked into the Pumpkin Patch and is forced to tap while Massacre and Necromancer keep Motty's partners tied up outside.


Winners: Team ZEN


Rating: 48






Semifinal 2: Working Class Heroes vs The Family


The Family may look a bit worn down just due to having the least amount of rest between matches combined with being in one of the longest matches so far tonight. Not a good combo when dealing with a relatively fresh team of Frankie, Switchblade and Alyx. Even so the oddities use their weird tricks to keep themselves in the match and they use frequent tags when they can to avoid anyone wearing down too much.


A leap to the outside costs Vortex late in the match and he misses his intended target of Switchblade who quickly managed to get out of the way. The rest of both teams are still sprawled on the outside at that point and Switchblade only has to roll Vortex in and nail him with a Sliced Bread #2 to make sure the strange wrestler stays down. Jester just narrowly misses making the save as the ref's hand comes down for the third time.


Winners: Working Class Heroes


Rating: 35






The champ emerges with Melissa at his side. He seems all smiles and looks confident despite the fact he will be facing an unknown opponent this evening. After some exchanges with the fans he takes a mic and gets in the ring. He holds up the title then lets Melissa hold onto it as he talks to the crowd.


Francis Burke: "Wow, almost one year already? Man, what a wild ride. To still hold this title really has been the high point of my career. I have had this baby since March and not once have I looked back. It has not been an easy road and I doubt it is going to get any easier tonight. I don't know who I am going against, but don't expect me to be easy pickings."


He moves over to lean on the ring ropes as he looks towards the entranceway. He smiles and with his free hand makes a 'come on' motion.


Francis Burke: "I look to finish the year as champ and next year will only get better. I know who I will face if I win tonight and I look forward to it. I want to wrestle Devilfish which only strengthens my desire to win tonight. So come on out and let me see what roadblock I face!"


Rating: 38








Australian National Championship:


Francis Burke with Melissa Abernathy vs Cyanide


Maybe it should not be such a surprise to see the final member of F.E.A.R coming to the ring. It looks like he hitched a ride with his fellow stable members and looks to help add to their success tonight. It could be quite the blow if the group could capture the company's main title as well as being crowned winners of the tournament.


Francis doesn't look phased and once the match starts the crowd is treated to a rather good match. By far this has been the best title match on the year and alot of it has to go to the fact Francis and Cyanide seem to work so well together. Each spot seems to be executed in a way as if these two have had several matches together instead of being their first time in the ring together.


Many times through the long match it looks like Cyanide was finally going to dethrone the champ who narrowly escapes several painful holds and resists tapping out several times. It leads to a mounting frustration that Cyanide displays and causes him to make mistakes. Mistakes that cause him to be surprised by the nimbleness of Francis Burke who manages to slip out of a move and hit his Flying Flip Neckbreaker out of nowhere. He may look beat to hell and out of gas, but Francis moves on to his desired match against Devilfish at the anniversary show.


Winner and still Champion: Francis Burke (Defenses: 9)


Rating: 42






Baddest Boys of Australia Final:


Working Class Heroes vs Team ZEN


The moment of truth arrives as three of the company's best face off against the dangerous team from ZEN. Both didn't have the easiest of paths and there seems to be a bit of wear and tear show on both sides. It is a slow start as both teams feel one another out and don't want to make any early mistakes that will cost them.


After a few minutes of that things start to get chaotic rather quickly. Several non tags are being made and the ref loses control a few times as both teams fill the ring again and again to mix it up. When things finally get undercontrol some underhanded tactics from Necromancer leaves him with the upper hand against Frankie Robertson.


ZEN begins to dismantle their prey and using their heelish ways to distract the ref and coax the other members into the ring as they make quick tags and continue to dominate Frankie. If anything has been learned this year, though, is that Frankie is damn hard to keep down. The beatings the man can endure is pretty crazy. He seems to get a burst of adrenaline too that allows him to finally fight free from the ZEN corner and take out Massacre before managing to dive and tag in Alyx.


Things break down again and the ref is too distracted. Halloween Knight takes this time to pull out what looks like a pair of knuckles and he looks to use it to get himself a cheap win. He just fails to notice Alyx nearby and he turns about right into a superkick. The ref finally has everyone else out of the ring when he turns about and spots Alyx falling on top of Knight. Massacre and Necromancer are too far away to get back in and make the save this time around. Working Class Heroes win!


Baddest Boys of Australia Winners: Working Class Heroes


Rating: 49


ZEN slink off to lick their wounds as the small group of fans get to celebrate with the winners of the tournament.




- What is next for Rheur and The Drifters now with Moriarty Gone?


- Francis and Devilfish is set. Can it lead to being the best match the company has had yet?


- This was by far the best show the company has done due to APW and ZEN helping out. Will this get them more fans in the long run?


Final Rating: 46

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2013 Year In Review


Mostly just giving the info on the Australian scene. If people are curious about other things going on I can look into it for you.


Noteable Deaths:


El Patron 72

El Aguila Americana 71


No surprises really. No Kenny Deaths happened and nothing drug related. Just two legends passing away due to age.


New Promotions:


Lethal Ring: Owner: Steve Flash, Booker: Terry Smith


PWMAX: Owner:Findlay O'Farraday, Booker: Silver Shark


No surprises here either. The are the usual promotions that opened. Lethal Ring is doing just fine while PWMAX might be out of business early 2014.


Australian Wrestler Retirements:


Max Langstrom


Big Daddy Horne


Drifting Dom Drago


A few retirements, but none are surprising. Expecting to see more of these the upcoming year.


Australian Companies


Bad Boys of Australia


Prestige: 2


Momentum: 27


Ranking: 43rd


Main Eventers: Alyx Macquarie, Devilfish, Francis Burke, Eraser, Frankie Robertson, Switchblade and Septimus Stubbs


Notable Singings: Alyx Macquarie, Jester, Devilfish


Still local, but bordering on small. Probably will reach it by Febuary, March at the latest. Francis Burke has become the breakout star of the names signed. Frankie Robertson and Dexter Mattell have both done well too.


Australian Pro Wrestling


Prestige: 26


Momentum: 58


Ranking: 22nd


Main Eventers: Alexander Banks, Lanny Williams, Lone Shark, Nathan McKenzie, Scottie Hamstead, Spiffy Stan Standish


Notable signings for year: Dumfrey Pinn, Warmonger


Nothing major going on. Pinn and Warmonger were the only real big additions to the roster while Alyx was their only loss. They look to be staying regional for a long long time.


Deep Impact Wrestling


Prestige: 9


Momentum: 44


Ranking: 35th


Main Eventers: Milton Hittlespitz, The Comedian, Tombstone, Trehawke Phillips


Notable Signings: Blaze Maximum, Vance Sturt, Trehawke Phillips, Dazzler, Fuzzy Freeman


The strangest company so far this game. They going on a hiring spree only to fire several talents about two months later. Very little of the original roster remains. Most haven't signed elsewhere. Several unemployed workers also with a 2 or 3 month tenure listed under they working history now. They are going nowhere and look to remain at small for a long while.


Revolution Australian Wrestling


Prestige: 59


Momentum: 66


Ranking: 15th


Main Eventers: Captain Wrestling II, Kerry Wayne, Loxley Robbins, Luke Steele, Montgomery Croft, Rhamel Goode


Notable Signings: None


RAW has not changed at all over the year as far as the roster goes. They haven't fired anyone while also not picking up any new faces at the same time. They are Cult still, but if they continue doing well I can see them being National in a few years.


ZEN: Art of Wrestling


Prestige: 16


Momentum: 49


Ranking: 34th


Main Eventers: Halloween Knight, Necromancer, Vertigo, X-Calibre


Notable signings: None


Devilfish and Jester were their main losses. CWA walked on them too. The former being a big hit since he was part of half of their top ten matches. Right now it is Three of the four main eventers carrying the company, I am sure you can guess what one isn't, and they will be regional soon. I expect to see some signings when that happens.


Notable Free Agents


Angus McMiller, CWA, Hatemonger, Mayhem Mulhoney, Wez Dobberly, Vaughan, Big Rig, Diesel Dan


Mostly ex DIW members all over the place. APW only lost Alyx due to him hating James J. McMinister. No losses for RAW. Jester and CWA have beef with Cyanide while Devilfish left due to beef with Halloween Knight. Obviously all of those guys didn't end up unemployed for long.


Chemistry Notes


Adrian McGhee has Great chemistry when fighting Harley Principal


Azazel and Australian Devil have Great team chemistry


Big Daddy Horne and Sulphur have poor team chesmistry


Bob Shrunkle has Pretty Good chemistry when being managed by Taniko Jo


Dexter Mattell has Good chemistry when fighting Azazel


Francis Burke has Great chemistry when fighting Cyanide


Francis Burke has Poor chemistry when fighting Pink Spider


Matty Wills has Great chemistry when being managed by Rose Wills


Pleased with most of these results. Heaven and Hell really made me happy because those two really aren't great enough for a singles push. Of course it was a sad day to see BDH and Sulphur didn't work well together.

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So here are the final tallies after the first year. Thanks for all who were guessing and hope you enjoyed the shows.


Jaded: 3/4 (75%)


Jingo: 37.5/53 (71%)


GriddleCakes: 28/38 (74%) Percentage Winner


borman_48: 5/8 (56%)


MichiganHero: 8/10 (80%)


Zergon: 50.5/61 (83%) Overall Winner


Belton: 3/7 (43%)


Beeker: 25/41 (61%)


Rare Kuma: 2/4 (50%)


Shawn Waters: 8/12 (67%)


Zergon would have won both prizes obviously, but as stated before I was going to take the second best percentage with a minimum of four shows guessed. That leave GriddleCakes as the percentage winner so congrats to both of you guys. If you want you can message me for your choice of what you want. If it is a worker hire I will provide a list of those unemployed that do not clash with my owner goals.




Hiring of one worker of winner's choice.


Push of a worker or tag team of winner's choice. What sort of push they get is up to me, but they will at least be a focal point in a storyline.


An interview with a worker of choice. Ask whatever questions you want and an article will be made up with the responses of said worker.


If there is an idea you like and want to run it by me I am fine with that too. If there is a worker that debutes during the year you want signed you can hold onto your choice as well and use it once they are available.

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Headline: New Year. New Signings for Bad Boys of Australia


After a rather successful first year the Bad Boys of Australia look to celebrate their one year anniversary. It is reported this time there will be no visitors from ZEN or APW as they want to showcase their own talent for this show and start working on new feuds.


There is also word that a few new names have been signed. While we are Perth Web Wrestling have not gotten all the details we do know a few faces will debute that night. So far the only confirmed name we have is Felix Harding who we managed to get to confirm when we called him. It seems speculations are they moved towards a few more young names to add, but also another veteran or two will be coming in as well.


It is also announced that the company is looking to shift their schedule about and add a few more shows this year as well as add more themed events to see how well the crowd reacts to them. The first month they hope to try the dual events will be in March.


Below is the confirmed card for A Bad Boy Anniversary:


National Championship Match


Francis Burke © vs Devilfish


Australian Youth Championship


Dexter Mattell © vs Matt Stoppard


Also in Action


Sulphur and Bob Shrunkle vs Harley Principal and ???


Swithblade vs Septimus Stubbs


Michael Rheur vs Felix Harding


Frankie Robertson vs Eraser


Adrian McGhee vs Marcus Kerr


Alyx Macquarie vs Vortex

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National Championship Match


Francis Burke © vs Devilfish

Burke has done well as a champ but I figure that it´s time for someone else to hold the main belt and Devilfish looks like a good option to me.


Australian Youth Championship


Dexter Mattell © vs Matt Stoppard

Too early for a title change.


Also in Action


Sulphur and Bob Shrunkle vs Harley Principal and ???

I go with mystery man.


Swithblade vs Septimus Stubbs

Could go either way so I´m just picking who I like more.


Michael Rheur vs Felix Harding

Rheur is doing decently so far and might challenge the belt again one day so might as well keep him strong.


Frankie Robertson vs Eraser

Robertson is one of your top stars and as much as I like Eraser (and whole Family) he isn´t all that skilled and while he is listed as main eventer in your review post I´m little sceptical if he manages to hold that spot for long.


Adrian McGhee vs Marcus Kerr

McGhee is just another jobber.


Alyx Macquarie vs Vortex

Macquarie is just the bigger name right now.

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National Championship Match

Francis Burke © vs Devilfish


Australian Youth Championship

Dexter Mattell © vs Matt Stoppard


Also in Action


Sulphur and Bob Shrunkle vs Harley Principal and ???


Swithblade vs Septimus Stubbs


Michael Rheur vs Felix Harding


Frankie Robertson vs Eraser


Adrian McGhee vs Marcus Kerr

Alyx Macquarie vs Vortex

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Bad Boys of Australia: A Bad Boy Anniversary


Laird Lounge


66 Attending


The show was heavily promoted by the small company, but it was a very modest increase in the size of the crowd. There seems to be no problems backstage this time around too as Septimus Stubbs cannot be heard shouting for the first time in a few months as the pre show matches are being taped. The set is also a bit less professional looking as it was last time. It seems they were using rented equipment and decided not to invest in it for a second month in a row.


Once it looks like no one else will be coming in the ringside area is cleaned up and the two cameramen get in place to record while London and Ross get ready to start their announcing duties.






Dexter and Ceri both come out to open the show. It also seems the crowd isn't going to be allowed to go a show without hearing the young couple gloat because Dexter grabs a microphone on the way to the ring and he starts to circle about to address the crowd.


Dexter: "Australian People's Party. I must say if they are a party they are a very shitty one. I already beat one and now I have to take on the other? What makes him think he can take this title? Marcus Kerr wasn't good enough and you won't be good enough, Matt Stoppard."


A pleased looking Ceri leans over to speak as well. She is all smiles and she is cradling Dexter's title.


Ceri: "Not a single chance in hell you can take this from him, Stoppard. The reign of greatness continues tonight."


Dexter: "That is right. It is going to take more than some wannabe punk rocker to take this. I don't think there is anyone in Australia that has a chance. Come on and try your hand, Stoppard. You just aren't going to beat greatness."


Rating: 37




Australian Youth Championship




Dexter Mattell with Ceri Dordevich vs Matt Stoppard


Stoppard starts off on the attack, but a tug of the tights that leads to a trip allows Dexter to get back into control. Matt never fully recovers after that and Mattell shows perhaps a more vicious side that the crowd hasn't really seen before. It is almost like he is toying with the other young wrestler for a few minutes before finally locking on the STF and getting Matt to tap.


Winner and Still Champion: Dexter Mattell (Defenses: 2)


Rating: 30






Marcus Kerr vs Adrian McGhee


It seems Kerr didn't come out to support his partner because his own match was up next. The match starts out a bit of a stalemate as both Adrian and Marcus seem to be able to find a way to counter one another. After about two minutes they both back off and seem to try and start the match anew. Marcus finally starts to get the upperhand and he starts using his speed to keep Adrian off balance.


Marcus goes for a senton that Adrian manages to roll out from under in time. He starts to go in the offense with a rather brutal set of punches and kicks. He whips Marcus hard into the corner then nails him with a big Yakuza kick that almost takes the young man's head off. Adrian makes a throat cutting motion and he hefts up Marcus and nails him with a brainbuster before getting the pin.


Winner: Adrian McGhee


Rating: 24






The massive duo comes out with Taniko Jo who leads her two monsters towards the ring. Sulphur climbs in and Bob stays on the outside as he waits for Taniko to grab a microphone. He then hefts her up to get her onto the apron where she struts some and looks rather smug.


Taniko Jo: "First Taniko Jo gets Sulphur. Now Taniko Jo has another monster in Bob Shrunkle. If not for that little man Dexter Mattell we would be the ones that won the trios tournament. No need to worry a bout that now, though. Harley Principal is a fool that wants piece of both men. I hope you found a good one to help you."


She gently strokes at the cheek of Bob before moving to slip a arm around Sulphur and lean on him. Both men just look like they are about ready to just tear apart the first person they can get their hands on.


Taniko Jo: "Don't worry, Harley. Taniko's men will put you back into the hospital along with whoever you managed to get to help you. That is unless you already have le-"


It looks like she doesn't get to finish as music starts to hit and Harley comes out with his partner. It's Hatemonger! Taniko Jo actually looks a bit worried as she scrambles out of the ring and both Sulphur and Bob look like they aren't backing down.


Rating: 53






Meat Miracle with Taniko Jo vs Harley Principal and Hatemonger


All four men are soon in the ring and brawling. The referee can't seem to get control of the match at all and he only finally allows the bell to be rung when Sulphur and Hatemonger go out through the ropes and outside. Harley and Bob continue to fight in the ring for a bit and finally things start to turn a bit more organized.


Hatemonger also must be too used to teaming with Warmonger after all these years because he has a hard time really keeping his timing right with Harley. It is a bit sloppy and it sort of takes away from the match. Things break down again once the heels try to double team Harley and everything spills outside as the four men brawl around ringside and back through the crowd. None get back in before Wayne counts to twenty.


Winner: Double Countout


Rating: 26






The four continue to fight with one another as Taniko Jo shouts at her men and order them about. It seems neither are listening and are trading punches with Harley and Hatemonger. Staff start to come out along with some of the other wrestlers and they work at getting the four men seperated and stop the chaos.


Rating: 50






Michael Rheur vs Felix Harding


Rheur seems to be on his own again. Both members of The Drifters are nowhere to be seen and for obvious reasons Pete Moriarty isn't around. It doesn't mean he is any less dangerous. Felix is quick to find that out in his debute match with the company.


The bitter veteran goes on the attack and he starts to work over the back of Felix as he tries to prepare to lock in the Munich Stretch. Felix does surprise him when he bounces off the ropes and delivers a low dropkick to take the legs out from under Rheur. Felix starts to get a few moves in, but a thumb to the eye takes care of that. Rheur takes back over and he never lets Felix surprise him again. He locks on the Munich Stretch and the newest Bad Boy member has to submit.


Winner: Michael Rheur


Rating: 33






Frankie Robertson vs Eraser


Frankie is looking to start out the year strong fresh off being one of the winners of last month's tournament. Eraser was one of the opponents that he faced in the semi-finals of that tournament and might be looking for revenge. Jester has also come out to observe and possibly do more.


Eraser seems very different than his fellow Family members in that he shows no real emotion or easily distracted like Jester or Vortex can be at times. London and Ross have to be relieved that he doesn't seem infatuated with them either. Eraser looks to just have one thing on his mind. To take apart a man like Frankie Robertson.


The two brawl and aside from a few distractions Joker doesn't really get too involved. He skulks about the ring and occasionally shouts something that sounds like gibberish at Eraser who doesn't look to be paying attention. It is a drawn out battle that neither men ever really gets an extended advantage over the other. As both men start to wear down Frankie does start to gain momentum, but Jester jumping on the apron distracts him once more and he looks to take out the troublemaker.


Jester jumps off the apron and he cackles as Frankie swings wildly and misses. He turns right about and Eraser kicks him in the gut and nails him with the Rub Out. He covers Frankie and gets the win as Jester slips in the ring afterwards and jumps around the victorious Eraser.


Winner: Eraser


Rating: 37






Septimus Stubbs vs Switchblade


Much like the last match this one isn't a match involving much in the way of finesse. Both men like to brawl and that is exactly what they do. Switchblade does have youth on his side and it seems overall more energy, but Septimus is not above cheating and he does that several times to keep himself from being overwhelmed by Switchblade.


Another lengthy match that sees Septimus slowly getting more and more wore out which is allowing Switchblade to get the advantage. Septimus does get grappled at one point and he grabs the ref with a hand and pulls him over. While Wayne is attempting to get free he fails to see Septimus nail Switchblade in the groin. Septimus lets go of Wayne and quickly picks up Swichblade to deliver the Stubby Piledriver. It does not look like a good start for the tournament winners so far.


Winner: Septimus Stubbs


Rating: 34






Alyx Macquarie vs Vortex


Vortex is out on his own and given he is being unattended he starts to stalk towards Ross and London. The announcers are saved, though. Alyx Macquarie comes out and he takes out Vortex. He picks up the strange wrestler and carries him into the ring. Vortex recovers by the time Alyx gets in and hits him with a dropkick.


Alyx falls victim to the speed and surprising technical prowess of Vortex and it looks like the championship trio could start out the year all on the losing end. Vortex looks to be setting him up to finish him off, but out of nowhere Alyx breaks out a Super Kick and nearly takes the head off Vortex. The youth is out cold and Alyx manages to get out of this match with a win.


Winner: Alyx Macquarie


Rating: 43






The main event is right around the corner and both competitors come out. Devilfish works the crowd on his way to the ring and gets inside. Francis Burke does much the same as he gives Melissa a hug and lets her take the title before climbing in. The two men stare eachother down, but both seem to be smiling. After the introductions and the title being shown off the pair shake hands and seem to wish eachother luck as the fans cheer.


Rating: 40




Australian National Championship Match






Devilfish vs Francis Burke with Melissa Abernathy


The crowd is actually a bit split and Francis Burke looks to build on a very successful 2013. Devilfish knows what it is like to hold the big title of a company and looks to show he can hold gold once more.


The pace starts off slow as they feel one another out and it starts to build slowly as they try to get one over on their opponent. Francis manages even to keep up with the rather speedy Devilfish and the crowd is treated to some high flying moves and some crazy dives. One particular highlight is Devilfish leaping outside from the top turnbuckle and doing a 630 before landing on a surprised Burke.


Both men barely make it back in before Wayne gets to twenty and they start to go at it again. Both men obviously are slowing down as minutes tick by and the bout continues onwards. It is turning into a game of who can outlast who and both men seem to try and conserve their energy at first, but then start to go all out to deliver that one move that can put the other away. Devilfish seems to do just that as he locks in an octopus hold on Burke near the center of the ring. Burke is shaking his head no when suddenly the bell rings.


Devilfish thinks he has won and Francis just seems confused saying he didn't give up. It is soon announced that they had reached the time limit. Both of them are slack jawed and the fans are actually annoyed while shouting 'Five more minutes!' over and over. It seems they do not get what they want. Francis is given the belt and Devilfish looks annoyed still. Even so the two hug and they seem to leave the ring on good terms.


Winner: Time Limit Draw


Rating: 47





- Match quality keeps improving. Shows are getting better ratings than DIW the past two months and are catching up with ZEN.


- Harley may have an ally, but can he and Hatemonger take down the impressive duo of Bob Shrunkle and Sulphur?


- Will Devilfish get a rematch? Or will someone else get a shot at Burke now?


Final Rating: 46

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Headline: Departures from Bad Boys of Australia


Soon after the finish of the successful Bad Boy Anniversary show it was found out The Drifters are no longer part of the company. A team that looked to make waves when it teamed with Michael Rheur to form a stable under the leadership of Pete Moriarty made it look as if the veterans were going to get a serious push.


Backstage issues seemed to cause that push to be derailed and Pete Moriarty was fired and the team of The Drifters and Michael Rheur were quickly eliminated from the trios tournament that evening. The pair made a pre show appearance at the anniversary show and decided to ask for their release. They left on good terms, but at the time Mercenary said they just needed time to consider what to do next in their career and may return one day.


Their seems to have been replacements already in order to keep the tag division viable in case tag titles will be added. It is unknown what team was hired, but they will be making their first appearance in Febuary's Culture Shock. Below is the card. All matches are subject to change.


Bad Boys of Australia: Culture Shock


National Championship Match


Francis Burke © vs Septimus Stubbs


Australian Youth Championship


Dexter Mattell vs Felix Harding


Also Featuring


Alyx Macquarie vs ???


Bob Shrunkle vs Harley Principal


Michael Rheur vs Frankie Robertson


Eraser vs Devilfish


Australian People's Party vs ???

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