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Pro Wrestling Zero - None of a Kind (0/0/0/0 Australia C-Verse)

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OOC: If you're reading this diary, and I know heaps of you are, I'd like to say thankyou! Also, I'd appreciate it immensely (you have no idea how much) if you're not predicting matches then you should, and if that's not your thing at least just leave me a little comment, even something as little as "This is Cool!" brightens my day and makes me want to keep writing. (Though please, feel free to leave me novellas of how I could improve my booking, who you want to see in PWZ, what you want to see more of, things you'd like me to change or add etc.) Cheers!





I'll introduce myself - I'm Jordan James. If you're one of the 30 people who know me from watching my matches in Australia, then welcome. A little about me for the rest of you - I debuted in 2002 in Aussie Rules Wrestling after lying about my age - I was 13 at the time. By 2007, I was a hot young prospect - an 18 year old with 5 years of experience and a young veteran but hadn't ever escaped from the midcard. In my first big break, I was booked to win the ARW title from Debonair David Peterson, but during the match previously unknown health issues caught up with me - I passed out after a routine bump-and-feed spot and ended up in hospital for a month. It was time to dial back my career and focus on going to University and getting a 9-5 job instead of wrestling, but I still worked sporadic indie one-off shows for charities or helped out friends' feds to stop myself from getting rusty. By 2009 I caught the wrestling bug again and was part of the founding roster for DIW. I honestly couldnt handle being there - the drunken crowds and drunken workers got to me, and I asked for my release after three shows. Another 4 years later and I hadn't even thought about wrestling, I was essentially out of the business for good.


...And that's when I bumped Jackson Jackson on a cruise ship. We recognized each other from back in the day, and soon got to drinking and talking - how the booking in this country made no sense, politics meant more than kayfabe, how over lucha libre had become in Australia due to ZEN's influence and how nobody was exploiting it, we went on and on. By the time we'd got back to land, we'd decided to both re-enter the business - not as a washed up retired wrestler and an aging referee, but as head booker and owner of a new wrestling company. Something that'd be ours, devoid of politics, devoid of the sleaze that had plagued Australian wrestling for the last decade. It was a chance for us to do something right for once, and give back to the business we loved.


Jackson had a nest egg from running fashion shows (don't ask) and put up (just) enough money to buy APW's ancient training ring - it reeked of blood, sweat and vomit and threatened to cave in at the middle at any second, but it'd do for now - and a trio of title belts. In return he was owner, head referee and took (care of) the money; I'd call all the shots backstage. And so here we are - 2013 is going to be one hell of a ride.






Pro Wrestling Zero




0 Pop./0 Prestige/0 Momentum/0 Cash

Based in: Queensland, Eastern Australia



Jackson Jackson


Head Booker:

Jordan James




Key: Traditional

Heavy: Mainstream, Lucha Libre

Medium: Modern

Match Intensity/Danger: 20/40%

PWZ Roster:




Harry Simonson (ME)

Nicky Gilbert (UC)

Marice Jackson (UC)

Boo Smithson (MC)

Hatemonger (MC)

Warmonger (MC)




Artemis Eyre-Rochester (ME)

Lanny Williams (ME)

Debonair David Peterson (ME)

Halloween Knight (UC)

Dumfrey Pinn (MC)

Jordan James (MC)



Jackson Jackson




PWZ Heavyweight



PWZ Tag Team









Next Card: PWZ Debut Show - Sunday, Week 2, January 2013


8 man tournament for the PWZ title featuring Artemis Eyre-Rochester, Boo Smithson, Dumfrey Pinn, Halloween Knight, Harry Simonson, Jordan James, Maurice Jackson and Nicky Gilbert


Debonair David Peterson & Lanny Williams vs. The Apocalypse (Hatemonger and Warmonger) for the PWZ Tag Team Championship.


Predictions (with reasoning) and comments welcome. :D

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Amazing how much 11 grand a month in sponsorship money and 9 in negotiation gets you, huh? :) My user character is pretty average, 20 overness across AU and 50 in technical/performance/ent, give or take. It's good, I'm not a great worker compared to the vets on the roster or a great talker, but save myself having to pay a 12th wrestler.


I'll have a couple news stories and the debut card written up later today or tomorrow.

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8 man tournament for the PWZ title featuring Artemis Eyre-Rochester, Boo Smithson, Dumfrey Pinn, Halloween Knight, Harry Simonson, Jordan James, Maurice Jackson and Nicky Gilbert


Debonair David Peterson & Lanny Williams vs. The Apocalypse (Hatemonger and Warmonger) for the PWZ Tag Team Championship.

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Wednesday, Week 1, 2013


TEWdotcom Australian Indy report - Artemis Eyre-Rochester to leave RAW?




We don't normally talk about RAW in this section of the site, but: In a shock move today, Artemis Eyre-Rochester turned down a RAW-exclusive contract extension today and quit the company, leaving what many think is a sure thing for the talented youngster for the upstart promotion Pro Wrestling Zero. While it's true that Rochester had only been used to a limited capacity in RAW (having never appeared on TV for the promotion) it seems crazy to leave and seek greener pastures elsewhere. When approached for comment, though, it seemed he'd been unhappy for a long time, telling our senior Australian editor: "I'm not the kind to not ever be the focus of a show I'm on." This would most likely be the case in the smaller promotions he's looking to work for, PWZ being, perhaps, the first of many.

ZEN and PWZ begin partnership




While on the topic of Pro Wrestling Zero: since signing with PWZ earlier in the week, ZEN owner Halloween Knight and PWZ owner Jackson Jackson have clearly been talking, and released mirrored statements on their websites announcing a mutual working agreement. As the two promotions have similar styles it opens the doors for Kiwi workers to get exposure to the hot Australian scene and vice-versa.

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From the desk of Jordan James:




Putting this first show together over the last two weeks has been doing my head in. It's bad enough trying to get everyone organised - the venue, the truck for the ring, writing up contracts - but just making sure I can even get everyone here on the same day is harder still. A lot of the boys are booked elsewhere and I've had to move the show twice, first from this Friday night, to Saturday night, and now it's a matinée on Sunday. In a pub (Marv's Sports Central) before anyone's drunk yet, on a Sunday afternoon. I can't wait to see who turns up, I really can't.


Worse still, I'd finally got to the venue, shook hands with everyone that arrived, and helped the boys set up the ring - I hear a massive commotion from behind the makeshift backstage curtain. I recognized one of the voices, I'd known Debonair David Peterson for 10 years now, and probably been present for every backstage argument he'd been a part of - hell, I'd been the target of two or three. If there's one thing I've learnt in that time, I know that it's never DDP's fault, it's everyone elses for getting sucked into his abrasive personality. If you simply ignore him, he respects you instead and leaves you alone.


I ran through the curtain to find a visibly tired fresh-off-the-plane-from-NZ Halloween Knight and Jackson Jackson holding DDP and one of the Mongerer's apart - I'd learn later that it was Hatemonger (he's the one with the beard, not the goatee) that had taken issue with DDP constantly repeating that he was a veteran and carrying the company over and over again.




We finally peeled the two apart and settled Hate down so I could talk to them both.



Jordan James: This is exactly the reason why I started PWZ - to get away from this backstage political bullsh*t. Dave, don't make me regret bringing you in here - I know how to deal with your crap but the rest of the roster don't. Yeah, we know you've been around nearly two decades, but so have Boo and Lanny. You can learn from them.



I pointed to Boo Smithson, a 15 year veteran who was sitting over in the corner of the backstage area almost in tears. He hated confrontation, and was one of the nicest people you'd ever meet. He'd give you the wardrobe off of his back if you asked. Lanny Williams, DDP's tag partner who broke into the business with him 18 years ago, was standing behind DDP and nodded in agreeance. I could see it annoyed Peterson that I was comparing him negatively to the (slightly) nicer Williams, but in hindsight it'd probably make him worse. I continued, pointing to Hate;


James: You, whichever one you are, I don't want to see this happen again. Seriously. Don't fall for this kind of behaviour. Now, I'm going to keep you both on the card, and I'm going to have your match go ahead as planned. I'm working a match tonight too, putting the whole show together on top of that and I really don't need this shit. Avoid each other for the rest of the night, and talk to me separately, I'll be putting your match together later.




Debonair David Peterson: There won't even be a match later! I shouldnt have to carry these-


Lanny grabbed DDP at this point to shut him up and dragged him outside for a smoke. I know he'd cool down eventually, but I could just tell that this was gonna bring everyone's mood down. I probably could have handled it better, but I can't ignore this kind of thing.

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Sunday, Week 2, 2013


TEWdotcom Australian Indy Report - PWZ Debut Show Results

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent




I just got home from the PWZ show at Marv's Sports Central. There wasn't much of a turnout - I think I counted 13 other people that werent me, not counting the bar staff or the potato chip vending machine that was in charge of catering. It was a pretty basic setup, a curtain divided the backstage half of the room from the ring half, and a local band opened the show, didnt catch their name.


Their ring looked kinda shoddy, sinking in the middle with chipped paint everywhere. I tried to figure out what color it was originally but it was hard to tell - it had been painted green, red and now mostly black at different points. I think someone mentioned after the show it was an old APW ring, but they'd done it up with a new black canvas and apron and purple ropes. They had a table set up next to the ring before the show with the title belts on it - they look really well made, and Mrs. OzMonster and I joked that they are probably each worth more than the ring. Preshow they did a Puro style tournament opening where they got all 8 guys in the tournament to take a photo with the belt and about 3 of us threw in streamers. You get what you can I guess. Anyway... I've blabbed enough. Onto the the show!



NZ favourite Halloween Knight opened the show with a solid heel promo, briefly running down everyone in the title tournament before simultaneously ripping hard and putting over Harry Simonson, saying that while Simonson the only decent threat here, Knight is simply better. They're probably setting up a feud down the line. (D)




Jordan James vs. Maurice Jackson - PWZ Heavyweight Championship Tournament Quarter Final


The opening match was a short comedy bout between PWZ booker Jordan James and Maurice Jackson. MJ was working a practical joker gimmick for the younger fans that was actually kinda funny. They started the match with a handshake, but MJ had one of those Joy Buzzer handshake gag things that give you an electric shock, and it was all downhill from there. Average match, too short to be anything good.


Maurice Jackson defeated Jordan James in 4:55 with a Spinebuster. (D-)




Right after the bell sounded, Artemis Eyre-Rochester (I think I'm getting that name right - I'm going to call him Artie, like the strongest man in the world from Pete & Pete, anyone remember that show? - from now on) somehow got his hands on a live microphone and cut a promo on James as he lay selling in the ring, saying that he was ashamed of James and that he's glad he's out of the tournament. Artie cuts a decent promo. (D)




Halloween Knight vs. Nicky Gilbert PWZ Heavyweight Championship Tournament Quarter Final

This match was a solid technical bout, with Gilbert trying to keep Knight grounded by working the leg, and Knight doing his best to outfox Gilbert with his lucha moves. Knight's representing ZEN well, and Gilbert's a very solid prospect for the future with a good look - I've seen him in RAW, and it was good to have someone on the show with a bit of TV star power. Was a hard bout to predict the winner for, but Knight advances in the tournament.


Halloween Knight defeated Nicky Gilbert in 8:05 with a Hurracanrana. (D)




In what seems to be a recurring theme, Artie came out for another promo, gloating that Gilbert's another one out of the tournament. Artie started a semi-shoot rant about how he'd left the biggest fed in the country where he wasnt respected to come here to PWZ and dominate. Amazing promo, one of the highlights of the show, and the crowd ate up Artie's emotion while talking about RAW. (C-)




Harry Simonson vs. Dumfrey Pinn PWZ Heavyweight Championship Tournament Quarter Final


This was a match I was surprised to see this early. I, like many others had these two pencilled in as potential winners of the tournament, so it's weird to see them in the first round. Was actually quite a solid, if not basic match, but the crowd just didnt feel it. The biggest pop of the match actually came right before the finish - around the 10 minute mark, Pinn began to dominate, but stopped dead in his tracks and started ...scratching himself. Yeah, I said the same thing. It all made sense when Maurice Jackson came out to ringside with a can of itching powder. I'm pretty sure it was a can of pepsi with paper around it saying itching powder, but I digress. Pinn was furious and started yelling at Jackson, who jumped up on the apron, pointed to Pinn's crotch, then flicked Pinn on the nose when he looked down, causing him to stumble back into a single leg boston crab from Simonson for the tapout victory. This match was mainly here to start a feud between Pinn and Jackson, I'm guessing.


Harry Simonson defeated Dumfrey Pinn with a Single Leg Boston Crab in 10:15 following intereference by Maurice Jackson. (D-)




Maurice Jackson got on the mic right away and started taunting Pinn over his loss. Decent promo. (D)




Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Boo Smithson PWZ Heavyweight Championship Tournament Quarter Final

Finally a chance to see Artie in action after talking so much trash the whole night. The match revolved around Boo just wanting to wrestle while Artie darted in, out and around the ring cowardly. While it told a story, there wasn't a lot of actual action, and Artie got the win via pulling the tights.

Artemis Eyre-Rochester defeated Boo Smithson via dirty pin in 7:50. (D)




Dumfrey Pinn came to the ring after a change of clothes, and vowed to get revenge on Jackson. Wasn't a good promo, and the crowd turned on it. Just not Pinn's night.(E+)




Halloween Knight vs. Maurice Jackson PWZ Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi Final


Crowd instantly warmed back up for this one. Was a great match, with Jackson playing the fun, joker face he'd been playing all night, and threatening to cover Knight in itching powder every time Knight got the upper hand, and Knight selling that he didnt want to end up like Pinn. The wrestling itself was actually very good and this was MOTN so far, with Jackson's stiff brawling overpowering Knight's Lucha style. It got a little spotty at the end, with both guys going all out - Knight's incredibly talented, countering a test of strength late in the match by standing up on Jackson's shoulders, hands still locked, leaping to the ropes, ran the top rope tightrope-style into a twisting hurracanrana pin for the win.

Halloween Knight defeated Maurice Jackson in 12:05 by pinfall. (D+)




Continuing tonight's theme, Artie cut a third promo, this time on Boo Smithson. This one didnt work as well, as his promos were funnier when he hadn't actually wrestled yet. He was quickly cut off by Harry Simonson, leading into their semi final match. (D)




Harry Simonson vs. Artemis Eyre-Rochester PWZ Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi Final


Simonson had Artie on the back foot the whole match, tying him in knots. The crowd loved seeing Artie get shut up for the first time all night. Artie could have sold the offense he was taking a little better - the crowd would be far more into his matches that way. Once Simonson locked in the single leg crab, it was all over.

Harry Simonson defeated Artemis Eyre-Rochester in 11:55 by submission. (D-)




Hatemonger came to the ring, microphone in hand. He's not too convincing on the mic and reminds me of a robot when he talks. A loud, angry, gravelly voiced robot. He cut a promo on Lanny Williams and DDP, then introduced his (larger) tag partner, Warmonger in an attempt to intimidate.


It worked well - Warmonger looked like a legitimate threat, but I'd keep Hate away from the mic if it were me. (D)




Peterson & Williams vs. The Apocalypse (Hatemonger and Warmonger) for the PWZ Tag Team Championship


Basic tag match, with Williams and War going at it to start off. The opening action was good, but it fell apart once Hate got tagged in and took a bunch of offense. War came in for the hot tag, but his momentum was cut off with a low blow from DDP while Lanny was distracting the referee. Williams took the opportunity to get a pin on Hate to capture the titles.


Peterson and Williams defeated The Apocalypse for the PWZ Tag Team Championship in 19:50 when Lanny Williams pinned Hatemonger. (D-)

After the match, a furious Warmonger rushed the ring and began to brutally dominate DDP and Lanny 1-on-2. Really made Warmonger look good and cushioned some of the blow from losing. War and Hate celebrated afterward. (D)




Main Event: Harry Simonson vs Halloween Knight PWZ Heavyweight Championship Tournament Grand Final for the PWZ Heavyweight Championship

Absolutely fantastic match - one of the best workers in Australia vs. easily the best worker in New Zealand. The crowd obviously got quite behind the hometown boy in Simonson and the match was a technical showcase I havent seen for a long time in Aussie wrestling. They started small, trading chain wrestling and double dropkick standoffs before Simonson locked in a single leg crab for a false finish. They traded dominance for the next 10 minutes before a beautifully orchestrated finishing sequence - they teased a superplex before Knight pushed Simonson off the top for a painful looking bump. Knight coaxed the crow into a frenzy while Simonson recovered, and as he got to his feet Knight jumped off the top for a hurracanrana - only to be caught and countered into a single leg crab attempt. Knight managed to escape, pushing Simonson away, and rolling back to his feet. Knight attempted a standing hurracanrana, only for Simonson to roll through into another crab for the finish. Brilliant match, and Australian MOTY contender so far, even if we're only a week in.


Harry Simonson defeated Halloween Knight in 21:00 by submission. Harry Simonson captures the PWZ Heavyweight title. (C-)




After the match Halloween Knight limped to his feet, shook hands with Simonson and cut a promo as the entire roster walked out to surround the ring. I video'd it, so I'll type it here verbatim.

Halloween Knight: Firstly, even though I don't like any of you or your stupid country, I'd still like to thank everyone for coming out. Boo me if you like, but I have something I need to say. Harry, that was one hell of a match. Though you didn't deserve to win at any point, you still did, and I respect you for that. Next time, though, you won't be so lucky. Next show, mate, I'd like to do this all again. You and I for the PWZ Heavyweight title. In a rematch. What do you reckon?


Simonson nodded in acceptance, and the crowd cheered.


HK: Just keep in mind though, all you stinkin Aussies; next time that belt is coming back to New Zealand with me! Be scared! (D+)



All up it was a solid show with a brilliant main event. A lot better than I was expecting of a new fed, to be honest. I give the show overall a D+.

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From the desk of Jordan James:




I missed a lot of the matches tonight as it's hard to watch when I'm on the card and need to run things backstage. I did manage to catch the main event and I heard Artie's fantastic promo as I was getting changed out of my gear (the boys were raving about it too!) and I was really happy with both of those.


At about 4PM, once we'd broken the ring down and the fans had gotten settled into the bar, I shouted us all a couple cartons of beer to celebrate. (Pure Blondes, if you're curious.) After we'd all settled down a little I clanged a pair of empty bottles together and called for everyone's attention.


Jordan James: Good work tonight, lads. Artie, your promo was great. I see big things for you here if you keep that up. Halloween, mate, your work tonight was really solid. A lot of the guys here would be smart to watch your matches closely, you can all learn a lot from them, myself included. And Harry... I don't even have words for you mate. Just brilliant, brilliant work. To work three matches tonight, and for the main to be that good? I don't know what to say, you're superhuman. But now... a toast.


Everyone raised their beer bottles in unison as I started to speak, I didnt quite know what to say, so I adapted it on the fly from an old toast I knew;


James: Here's to PWZ. Here's to the matches we've had, and the matches we've lost. Here's to giving it our all, no matter the cost. Here's to winning, and titles, and all that good stuff. Here's to loving wrestling, and that being enough. Here's to all of you, and here's to me. Wrestlers forever we'll always be. But should we ever disagree? F*ck you all, heres to me!

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I love the Aussie scene, so will definitely be reading this. Hoping to see some of Australia's fabulous tag teams make their way into the fed to challenge the new champions!


When I get the money! Managed to turn a profit of $22 this month :/


That being said, I appreciate being able to actually have tag teams in a 0/0/0/0 this year :) I'll be putting some teams together to see what sticks in the interim, and I have some big plans for ZEN down the road, assuming nothing weird happens.


Just a couple quick questions for anybody else reading - anything I can improve on so far?


The first show write up was always going to be a big'un, and I might trim the next few shows down a bit.


Do you like the random indy fan report style, or would you guys prefer straight recaps? more insider stuff? more backstage stuff? more promo detail? more match detail? Less of anything? Any formatting issues or changes you'd like to see? Let me know!

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Next Card: PWZ Payback! - Saturday, Week 1, February 2013




Rematch for the PWZ Heavyweight Title

Halloween Knight vs Harry Simonson


Lucha Rules Match for the PWZ Tag Team Championship (2/3 falls, if a wrestler is ejected from the ring, no tag is needed)

Debonair David Peterson & Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert


Maurice Jackson vs. Artemis Eyre-Rochester


Jordan James vs. Hatemonger


Interpromotional Matches


Dumfrey Pinn vs. Blue Flea (ZEN)


Damian Dastardly (ZEN) vs. Warmonger


Predictions (with reasoning) and comments welcome.

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From the desk of Jordan James:




I'd just gotten off the phone with Halloween to see if he'd arrived home safe after the show. I remember first starting out in my early years and how exciting it was to work in other feds - it's an experience that you can't really get any other way, and it's a good way to improve your skills.


On that note, I'd asked Halloween if he had any new trainees he'd like to bring over next show, and he brought up two names - Blue Flea, a tiny rookie spot monkey who'd only had one match, and Damian Dastardly, who he said reminded him a lot of Artie, and had only had 2 matches under his belt. I told him that they sounded fine after quickly watching a (frankly, kinda bad) match they had together at the last ZEN show and that I'd match em up with our more experienced vets - in return, I'd send over the Apocalypse for a match in ZEN.


It was win/win really, I get to fill the card with a couple cheap rookies and they earn valuable experience. War and Hate didnt seem to mind either, since it was an extra payday for them down the line.

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Rematch for the PWZ Heavyweight Title

Halloween Knight vs Harry Simonson


Lucha Rules Match for the PWZ Tag Team Championship (2/3 falls, if a wrestler is ejected from the ring, no tag is needed)

Debonair David Peterson & Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert


Maurice Jackson vs. Artemis Eyre-Rochester


Jordan James vs. Hatemonger


Interpromotional Matches


Dumfrey Pinn vs. Blue Flea (ZEN)


Damian Dastardly (ZEN) vs. Warmonger

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Halloween Knight vs Harry Simonson - Can't see the title changing hands this easily

Debonair David Peterson & Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert - Same again, plus the higher pushes of DDP & Williams

Maurice Jackson vs. Artemis Eyre-Rochester

Jordan James vs. Hatemonger - Hate to win w/interference from War

Dumfrey Pinn vs. Blue Flea (ZEN)

Damian Dastardly (ZEN) vs. Warmonger - Warmonger is worth getting over

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Halloween Knight vs Harry Simonson -

Debonair David Peterson & Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert

Maurice Jackson vs. Artemis Eyre-Rochester

Jordan James vs. Hatemonger

Dumfrey Pinn vs. Blue Flea (ZEN)

Damian Dastardly (ZEN) vs. Warmonger

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From the desk of Jordan James:




Alright, so, our first show had gone off without out (much of) a hitch, and I was keen to do it all again. It's odd how the nerves I had pre-show while setting up at the debut had all but disappeared this time round. I was now almost robotic, checking off mental lists.


The booking sheet copies taped up on the wall backstage? Check.

Made sure to get send Jackson to pick up the ZEN guys? Check.

Ring up and holding together? Check.

Everyone taken their warm up bumps, including me? Check.


My back still hurt and my ears were still ringing, but that's a necessary evil of being in the ring. You never truly get used to it. The reflexes were there, your brain still braces your mind to force itself to throw yourself to the hard canvas, your lungs seize up to keep whatever wind in you can... Your back forgets sometimes when you haven't been in the ring for a few months... years... It felt like every other show I'd ever done.


Weird how some things never change: I came back from the 7-11 down the road with a big bag of cold Red Bulls - an old tradition and unhealthy habit I'd picked up in ARW, which probably led to my other health issues, but whatever, on with the story - and DDP was up to his old shit. This time, he'd been picking on Artie, physically, flicking his ears or whatever he did nowadays, and Artie had flipped his shit, throwing a chair at him. Again, it was up to me to break it up, and this time I wasn't so nice about it. He was making us look like shit in front of the ZEN guys... Knight I didn't mind last time, he runs feds, he knows what it's like, but it really made us look terrible in front of the ZEN guys. I dragged DDP outside to have a long, angry talk to him about how he needs to be more professional, again, but it fell on deaf ears as usual.


Back inside, I introduced myself to the ZEN guys properly - we'd done our bumps at different times and hadn't really bumped into each other yet, pun intended.


I sized them both up. Damian Dastardly was just as described - good looking young dude, looked just as he did on the video - he had a warm smile and shook my hand eagerly and thanked me for the payday.


Blue Flea looked... well... frankly, terrible. He smelled and looked like a tiny, pale, stoner... with cancer. He shook my hand, sleepily said hello and went back to putting his boots on. I went to the liberty of shortening his match a little.


Still, I was happy with em both. They were cheap, and they'd do - and if they sucked I didnt have to have em back! But honestly? I was hoping they were the first of many to come.

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OOC: Thanks for reading guys! Means a lot, like I said before, anything you want me to add or change let me know. Thanks to everyone who got their predictions in!


TEWdotcom Australian Indy Report - PWZ Payback Results

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent


Held in front of 16 people at Marv's Sports Central


So I thought I'd turn this into a regular thing. I got an email from Jordan James himself offering me free entrance to PWZ events for life if I kept doing show reports. Works for me!



Interpromotional Match - Damian Dastardly (ZEN) vs. Warmonger


Not a bad opener, the crowd were into it, but the in ring action wasnt fantastic, with a few blown spots here and there, Dastardly looked a bit lost and War refused to sell - dunno if that's cause he NEVER does, or if he was pissed. Who knows? I've only seen one of double D's matches, his debut from ZEN last year - and he's still really green. I love Warmonger a whole lot and he's going to be so over soon since the crowd dig him, but he really needs to work with someone a bit better than this. I do rip on him a bit, but Dastardly has a heck of an upside - he's a natural performer with a good look, charisma and mannerisms, and just needs experience more than anything, can't expect much from someone who's flown 3 hours, then has to get his ass kicked by one of the biggest men in the fed.

Warmonger defeated Damian Dastardly in 8:17 by pinfall with a Spine Shatterer. (D-)


Interpromotional Match - Dumfrey Pinn vs. Blue Flea (ZEN)


Ouch. I was kinda looking forward to this one - Flea came out blazed as fuuu- er... 'under the influence' but made up for it by taking some very sick looking bumps. Wasn't terrible, and was good as squashes go - Pinn's enormous and Flea's a human punching bag.


Dumfrey Pinn defeated Blue Flea in 3:25 by pinfall with a Boss-A-Nova. (E-)


Halloween Knight came to the ring for an interview in which he taunted Harry Simonson. Yes, I taped it.



Halloween Knight: You know, I've spent some time reading up the last few weeks about how Hairy Boremonson is the best wrestler in the country - and I think our match last month proved that without a doubt. It's true, he really is the best wrestler in Australia... When I'm not here. Tonight, the real best wrestler in Australia is gonna take the prettiest belt in Australia and back home to the best Pumpkin Patch in the best country in the world. Harry, mate, be scared! (D)


Jordan James vs. Hatemonger


Crowd was really into this one, though I can't say I blame them after the last match. Wasnt bad - Hate and Jordan work really well together, I'd go so far as to say they'd have some good matches down the line if they worked on telling a story instead of just doing spot after spot like they did tonight.

Hatemonger defeated Jordan James in 8:16 by pinfall with a Double Arm DDT. (E)


Maurice Jackson (or Mojax, as the kids call him nowadays) was out to the ring next, where he ripped on Dumfrey Pinn.



Mojax: Hey Dumf. Hey Dumf. Hey Dumf. I was backstage for your match before, and I got to say I was really relieved afterwards. Not that your matches aren't the time of the show where Mojax and everyone else in the building goes for a pee break... Not that you won, no no... cause I did really believe you could beat someone a tenth of your size... I was relieved that you didn't eat Blue Flea! You're already pretty big as you are mate, and if you packed on another 50 kilos you'd explode! And lucky you got it over quickly, you had to get back to the catering table ASAP before you started to burn any calories! Speaking of calories.. how bout you start on the Mojax diet? All you gotta do is be awesome - like me - all the time and the weight just drops off! (D+)


Not a bad promo. Mojax has a pretty effortless delivery and the kids love his jokes. Can't wait for him and Pinn to actually face off. Right after he finished, Artemis Eyre-Rochester came out, leading to...




Maurice Jackson vs. Artemis Eyre-Rochester


Crowd was still hot after the promo, and this match (finally) delivered in the wrestling department. It was mostly an entertainment match, with Artie spending a lot of time working the fans on the outside and selling that he was too scared of Mojax's size. There was a funny spot where Mojax pulled out a whoopie cushion, inflated it and beat it over the head of Artie one fart at a time. The finish came when Dumfrey Pinn interefered in the match, he stood on the apron holding a chair - Mojax reversed an Irish whip sending Artie crashing facefirst into the steel and that was good enough for the win.

Maurice Jackson defeated Artemis Eyre-Rochester in 12:14 by pinfall with a rollup. (D-)



Peterson & Williams are in the ring, ready for their next match. Out of nowhere, Warmonger hits the ring and attacks. Warmonger gets the upper hand early but a few members of the roster hit the ring and pull him away before he can do too much damage. (D-)



Lucha Rules Match for the PWZ Tag Team Championship (2/3 falls, if a wrestler is ejected from the ring, no tag is needed)

Debonair David Peterson & Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert

Solid match as I'd expect from all four of the participants. Gilbert's actually a lot better than I think most people give him credit for, he just needs the opportunity to shine. It started out slowly after the pre-match run in, with Smithson and Gilbert easily picking up the first fall. DDP and Williams got their momentum back and double teamed Boo, sending him to the outside. Gilbert made the bad decision to enter the ring alone as the legal man and took a brutal looking double team clothesline for fall #2. The match reset around the 9 minute mark, but broke down into DDP and Gilbert brawling in the crowd, and Lanny showing his dominance over Boo one-on-one, making him tap out for the win.


Peterson & Williams defeated Smithson & Gilbert in 12:08 by two falls to one after losing the first, with the final fall happening when Lanny Williams defeated Boo Smithson by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. Peterson & Williams make defence number 1 of their PWZ Tag titles. (D+)


Rematch for the PWZ Heavyweight Title - Halloween Knight vs Harry Simonson


Myself and everyone else here had been looking forward to this one all night - they started it the same way as their previous match, with neither worker getting the upper hand, chain wrestling back and forth. This time around they kicked it into gear a little earlier (since they hadn't had to work 2 matches each beforehand like last show) and the crowd started to become unglued - they weren't expecting a big match last time, but now they knew what these two were capable of. They traded stiff kicks back and forth for what seemed like forever till Knight got the advantage, unleashing a sick-looking combination - two stiff knees to the midsection into a driveby savate kick that sent Simonson sprawling to the ropes. On the rebound, Knight managed to get Simonson up for a powerbomb,(!) stalled, then dumped Simonson hard onto the turnbuckle pads. Simonson was slow to get to his feet, then ate a hurrancana for one of the closest two counts I've ever seen. Seeing that this wasn't enough Knight went to the top rope for a senton bomb, but missed when Simonson rolled away at the last second. They both stayed down till 9 then traded punches on their knees until with a burst of adrenaline Simonson unleashed a huge forarm sending Knight backwards to the canvas, then sinched in a single, then a double leg crab for the win.

Harry Simonson defeated Halloween Knight in 19:41 by submission with a Boston Crab. Harry Simonson makes defence number 1 of his PWZ Heavyweight title. ©


Great show, easily topped PWZ's first effort. Was incredible to see what Simonson and Knight can do when they're fresh. Overall I give the show a (C-)



OOC: Grats to everyone who made predictions, Jaded and Griddlecakes got all 6 matches, Midnightnick got 5, and We Are APW got 4.

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From the desk of Jordan James:




I was lying, exhausted and barely able to move on the floor backstage during the main event of Payback. I can remember thinking that I'm still not in any fit physical state to do this, even once a month for 8 minutes. I'd been there for a solid hour since my match ended - still in my tights that were covered in Hatemonger's facepaint from where I'd been a bit liberal with knees to the face.


Our match wasn't good, or anywhere as good as what was happening in the ring right now judging from the sound of the crowd and the ring crying out shudders and creaks of-



Aaand that was a top rope bump. My back knowingly twitched in sympathy. So yes, our match wasn't fantastic, but I really liked working with Hatemonger - after I collapsed through the curtain on the floor backstage he mentioned he noticed it too, we just knew what the other guy was doing at any given point. We didn't blow any spots, but good god were we both gassed by the end - next time we'll take it easier and tell more of a story, I think we were both too keen on getting carried away beating the snot out of each other.



And there went the bell. Harry had gone over, judging from the music, so everything had gone to plan. I just hoped nobody was injured. I motioned for Hate and War to give me a hand up. They silently complained about having to put their beers down but I winced and flexed my hands, flashing them puppy dog eyes and they relented. I got to my feet right as Halloween stumbled through, his bodysuit drenched in sweat, his right leg covered in white powdered god-knows-what.

Jordan James: How'd it go?

He answered me between labored breaths and selling his back for real.

Halloween Knight: Yeah... ungh... yeah bru... was choice, hey. ****in'... best match I've had in a year.


Harry burst through the curtain, followed by Boo, Lanny and Mojax, who'd milled around at the bar watching the main. All four of em scrambled around Halloween as if he'd been shot.


Harry Simonson: Shit mate, are you ok? You put your foot through one of the roof panels... then when you landed, shit... I felt the world move and not in a good way - that ring is brutal!

Halloween nodded, assuring us all that he'd be fine. I was glad, because now all I had to worry about was replacing the square foot of chipboard in the roof I'd have to replace - and maybe a new ring. The guys were right, it really did suck to bump on. All the guys that had just come through the curtain started gushing about the match now that their fears were laid to rest.


Lanny Williams: Christ, I've had some barnburners in my time, but that was phenomenal. I didnt know how you'd manage to top last show, but god damn... we really have the best wrestling in the whole country right now.

Nicky and Boo nodded, both very differently. I think Boo might have sneezed instead of nodding, and Nicky nodded with his whole body. Not important, right, I know... Lanny was right though - looking back at the tape that match was unreal. Yes, the ceiling is too low, yes our ring is harder than the wooden floor around it, yes I have to replace a panel of said ceiling with what little cash we have - thank god it wasn't a light - but the most important that was that for all of us, PWZ was something special. It didn't need years of history like APW, it didn't need the blood, beer and **** the world attitude of DIW, it didn't need millions of dollars and thousands of fans thrown at it to make it special. All it needed was the best wrestlers in the country working the best matches they could, working their guts out because they believe in this company. PWZ was their home.

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Next Card: PWZ Breakdown - Sunday, Week 3, March 2013



PWZ Heavyweight Championship Match

Dumfrey Pinn vs Harry Simonson


Halloween Knight vs. Boo Smithson


PWZ Tag Team Championship Match

The Masters (DDP and Williams) vs. The Apocalypse


Maurice Jackson vs. Jordan James


Nicky Gilbert vs. Artemis Eyre-Rochester


Predictions (with reasoning) and comments welcome.

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Dumfrey Pinn vs Harry Simonson - Harry's still the best wrestler you've got, he keeps the title for at least one more show

Halloween Knight vs. Boo Smithson - Both great, but Knight's a star, why push a bum like Boo?

The Masters (DDP and Williams) vs. The Apocalypse - Better wrestlers, more popular, plus I want to see more kayfabe dickhead DDP

Maurice Jackson vs. Jordan James - Jackson's a star, there's nothing else to say

Nicky Gilbert vs. Artemis Eyre-Rochester - Difficult, I'd say Gilbert due to star potential... why not push him now?

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Sorry lads, just a brief update - diary's still happening, life's been a bit hectic over new years. :) Writing should be back in full swing this weekend. I'm at August in-game right now, and about to run a huge show - the July main event got a B- so I'm trying to top that!


I was initally thinking of doing a quarterly report where I reassess the card, update everyone on the pushes/hirings/firings/finanaces yadda yadda, but I might do it 6 monthly, after the Season Finale at the anniversary show in January, and the Mid year finale in August since at this size everythings very volatile in regards to overness and cash.


Big news: I reluctantly had to cut a main eventer from the roster a couple months ago. It might be obvious :p

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PWZ Heavyweight Championship Match

Dumfrey Pinn vs Harry Simonson - he's number 1, not sure why he'd lose it.


Halloween Knight vs. Boo Smithson - keep the top heel over.


PWZ Tag Team Championship Match

The Masters (DDP and Williams) vs. The Apocalypse - I have no idea. Shenanigans!


Maurice Jackson vs. Jordan James - Mojax!


Nicky Gilbert vs. Artemis Eyre-Rochester - Not sure what's going on with this guy yet, but he's RAW and should have some popularity.


Predictions (with reasoning) and comments welcome. - I demand (TM We Are APW) after each mention of "Mojax".


Yeah, Harry's #1, and Halloween continues to be my top heel, even now. I still dunno what's happening with Nicky either - RAW have used him ONCE on a show in what, 7 months... He's done some dark matches but hasn't gotten any popularity from it.


And yes, I really should, Mojax was your idea!


Dumfrey Pinn vs Harry Simonson - Harry's still the best wrestler you've got, he keeps the title for at least one more show

Halloween Knight vs. Boo Smithson - Both great, but Knight's a star, why push a bum like Boo?

The Masters (DDP and Williams) vs. The Apocalypse - Better wrestlers, more popular, plus I want to see more kayfabe dickhead DDP

Maurice Jackson vs. Jordan James - Jackson's a star, there's nothing else to say

Nicky Gilbert vs. Artemis Eyre-Rochester - Difficult, I'd say Gilbert due to star potential... why not push him now?


Harry and Boo are my best wrestlers, no questions asked... Boo's a bum in appearance only! :p Heh, DDP... about him... And good call on Mojax and Nicky, they keep getting called out on the ingame website as people PWZ are going to push, apparently.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Saturday, Week 3, March 2013</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TEWdotcom Australian Indy Report - PWZ Breakdown Results</strong></p><p><strong>

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/FCjtj.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Held in front of 14 people at Marv's Sports Central</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Hey guys, me again as usual and as always here with another live show report from PWZ. Seems like ages since I last posted, but I think it's because there's a been a 5 week gap, or maybe because I'm a few days behind with the report. Heh.</p><p> </p><p>

Anyway, on to business;</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/im5Vd.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/OuTW7.jpg</span> </p><p><strong>

Nicky Gilbert vs. Artemis Eyre-Rochester </strong></p><p> </p><p>

I'm glad they opened the show with this one, Nicky and Artie work a crowd so well due to their prior experience in RAW. Nicky especially is one of my favourites. Both men traded spots back and forth, mostly hyping the audience with sets of three moves, calling them out one by one to the crowd a-la ten punches in the corner (they did that too) with Artie bailing to the outside every time he took any offence much to the crowd's delight. A high point in the match was when Artie smacked Nicky with a brootal~ sounding chop on the outside, and Magic Mike lookalike Nicky went sailing into my missus and her girlfriend. They loved it! The finish came when Artie slapped Nicky silly in the middle of the ring, only for Nicky to go into a rage and destroy him with a Fisherman that was good for the 3.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nicky Gilbert defeated Artemis Eyre-Rochester in 11:54 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. (D)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/B2SA4.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Maurice Jackson comes to the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mojax:</strong> <span style="color:#A0522D;">So, uh... Dumpy, I hear you have a... biiiiiiiig match tonight, right? Suits you, chubby!</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;">

For real though, I don't understand - you beat the snot out of the tiniest wrestler in the southern hemisphere, props for that, bee tee dubyah, but then you get a Heavy...Heavyweight... haha... title shot out of it? Totally seems fair.</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;">

My point is, I've been training with Harry for these last few weeks, we've been hitting the gym harder than you hit KFC Ultimate Burger Meals, and you really don't have a chance. Harry's the best wrestler in Australia, hands down, and you're the jiggliest. So... all the best with that, I guess. I'll be watching closely.</span> <strong>(D-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Mojax is cut off by Jordan James' music, leading to:</p><p> </p><p>


Maurice Jackson vs. Jordan James</strong></p><p> </p><p>

James dived into the ring at full speed, slid under the bottom rope, and started WHALING on (a still fully clothed) Mojax before Jackson Jackson could reach the ring for the bell. James rolled Mojax into the corner and laid the boots in hard before hitting a sliding dropkick to send Mojax to the floor. Hot start so far. Mojax finally recovers at a count of eleven (PWZ do 20 counts, lucha rules and all that - I like it because it gives the workers more stuff to do on the floor) and manages to get his dress shirt off. </p><p> </p><p>

With the match reset, Mojax and James lock up, which lead into Mojax taking control with a stiff knee into a suplex, and then dominating the rest of the match. The finish came when James managed a desperate crossface attempt only for Mojax to somersault out of the hold, drag James into a facelock, and drop him with the Rolling DDT that was good for the fall. </p><p> </p><p>


Maurice Jackson defeated Jordan James in 7:46 by pinfall with a Rolling DDT. (D)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>PWZ Tag Team Championship Match</strong></p><p><strong>

The Masters (DDP and Williams) vs. The Apocalypse</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The third match was a rematch from the debut show. This time around it was a better match - Hate in particular improved a great deal since the first matchup, getting the crowd behind him as the heels worked him over. After what seemed like forever, Hate finally got the hot tag, leading to Warmonger throwing Lanny over the top rope in a neat spot, then absolutely annihilating DDP with a Spine Shatterer, but it was only good for 2.99999. Warmonger continued the assault by dragging DDP to the outside and flinging him so hard into the ringpost that the ring turned like 3 degrees. Utterly brutal, Warmonger has a fire under his ass recently and I'm digging it. </p><p> </p><p>

The match reset with Lanny and Warmonger duking it out in the centre of the ring. Lanny got a quick advantage with an odd looking leglock, forcing War to get to the ropes and tag out. An exhausted Hate took some stiff punches from Lanny, only to be whipped into the Master's corner. DDP tags in, the Masters hit a double suplex, Lanny rushes War and spears him through the ropes, taking both men to the outside, while DDP hits his finisher on Hate for the 3 count. </p><p> </p><p>

All in all a solid match. I'm really enjoying Warmonger's work at the moment, he's very very intense in and out of the ring and scares the crap out of my kids, though they still cheer for him. DDP and Lanny are solid as always, and Hate's getting there.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Masters defeated The Apocalypse in 19:42 when Debonair David Peterson defeated Hatemonger by pinfall with a Hangman's Neckbreaker. The Masters make defence number 2 of their PWZ Tag Team titles. (D)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/BZjwx.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Dumfrey Pinn hits the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pinn:</strong> <span style="color:#006400;">So I had to sit backstage and listen to your little pissing fest before on the microphone, and I realised what it all comes down to. You're all talk, you come out here in your pink shirts and your shiny shorts and you think you're top shit, but you're nothing more than a washed up tall kid who couldn't succeed at rugby, so you tried wrestling instead.</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

You can come out here and talk about fitness and diet, but it doesn't mean shit mate. It all comes down to audacity. Whether it's in life, in ...business, or in wrestling some people can cut it, and some people can't. You're one of those people, a flaky, insecure maggot who works out and talks a big game to cover it up. I'm none of that, mate. I've seen and done some shit you wouldn't believe... all you're gonna see is stars after I'm done with ya. Audacity... yeah... that's the reason why I'm successful. That's the reason why I drive fancy cars, drive fancy women, and why I'm...</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">

...the...</span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#006400;">


</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Not a bad promo really, Mr. Pinn can talk, for sure, but Mojax is definitely more over, especially with the kids. Interesting feud so far.</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Halloween Knight vs. Boo Smithson</strong></p><p> </p><p>

This one was destined to be fantastic before it started. You have Boo, the best technician in the southern hemisphere versus the best wrestler from NZ, one on one.</p><p> </p><p>

The match was very, very good. Boo took the early advantage, tying Halloween up in so many knots that I think there was skull prints in the sweat on the canvas where his mask had been rubbed into it repeatedly. Boo's just phenomenal - transitioning from hold to hold on the fly. Halloween finally got himself free, ran over Boo with a high knee lift, then a leaping DDT for a nearfall. </p><p> </p><p>

Boo staggered up to his feet as Knight taunted him. Knight landed a flurry of stiff kicks then a flying headscissors that sent Boo to the outside. Boo slowly got up only to be hit with a huge corkscrew plancha on the floor. Both men got back into the ring by the 13 count and Knight started attacking Boo's left arm with a set of kicks, armdrags, and a grounded keylock. Boo managed to get to his feet, fireman's takeover his way out of the armlock, Knight kipped up and landed a brutal enziguri out of nowhere, then locked in a Pumpkin Patch for the win. Great match. Not quite on the level of Simonson and Knight vs. the roof paneling, but very close.</p><p> </p><p>


Halloween Knight defeated Boo Smithson in 20:05 by submission with a Pumpkin Patch. (C-)</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>PWZ Heavyweight Championship Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Dumfrey Pinn vs Harry Simonson</strong></p><p> </p><p>

From the outset, Simonson was in control of the action after scoring with a dropkick off the bell that took Pinn by surprise. Pinn came back after countering a suplex into big splash for a nearfall. Pinn trapped Simonson in the corner, tried to follow with ten corner punches, but Simonson countered with a running powerbomb.</p><p> </p><p>

At 9:30, Simonson hit a DDT for a two count. Pinn recovered, then came back with an endless flurry of chops in the corner, drawing a reprimand from the ref. Simonson then popped Pinn with a kick to the face, then tried a springboard splash, but Pinn caught him and hit a beautiful fallaway slam.</p><p> </p><p>

Pinn taunted Simonson to get up, then charged in only to run into a double clothesline that sent both men to the canvas and then to the outside. After both men got the wind back in the sails, the match continue back in the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

Pinn got a good lead after a big running knee, and got Simonson up on his shoulders for the Boss-A-Nova. Suddenly, Mojax ran out to the ring, distracting Pinn enough for Simonson to roll down his back, schoolboy Pinn, and segue into a Boston Crab for the tapout. Not bad at all.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Harry Simonson defeated Dumfrey Pinn in 19:41 by submission with a Boston Crab. During the match we also saw Maurice Jackson run in and attack Pinn, and Halloween Knight also attack Simonson. Harry Simonson makes defence number 2 of his PWZ Heavyweight title. (D+)</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Good show as always, not as good as the last show as the main event dragged a bit, but still very good. MOTN was definitely Halloween and Boo, a great technical contest and a way for Halloween to get his groove back for another rumored shot at the belt. Liking the Pinn/Mojax feud a lot, and loved that he cost Dumfrey the belt, should lead to some heated words next show. Overall? A <strong>D+</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>OOC: If you're reading this diary, and I know heaps of you are, I'd like to say thankyou! Also, I'd appreciate it immensely (you have no idea how much) if you're not predicting matches then you should, and if that's not your thing at least just leave me a little comment, even something as little as "This is Cool!" brightens my day and makes me want to keep writing. (Though please, feel free to leave me novellas of how I could improve my booking, who you want to see in PWZ, what you want to see more of, things you'd like me to change or add etc.) Cheers! </strong><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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