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Pro Wrestling Zero - None of a Kind (0/0/0/0 Australia C-Verse)

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Next show: PWZ Cyberslam!




Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Vortex vs. Caleb


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Pat Rigsby vs. Surfer Dude Lucas


Winner is entered into 3 Way Elimination Tag Team Championship Match at Inception

The Apocalypse vs. Half and Half


#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Championship

Halloween Knight vs. Boo Smithson

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Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Vortex vs. Caleb


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Pat Rigsby vs. Surfer Dude Lucas


Winner is entered into 3 Way Elimination Tag Team Championship Match at Inception

The Apocalypse vs. Half and Half


#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Championship

Halloween Knight vs. Boo Smithson

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Thursday, Week 2, February 2014


TEWdotcom Australian Wrestling Report - PWZ Cyberslam! Results

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent




We have a cold open, no video packages this week as Halloween Knight comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and addresses Boo Smithson.



Halloween Knight: Boo, my man, tonight we face off to see who will go on to face Maurice Jackson for a title shot at PWZ's next major show, Inception. It's been, what... a good seven months since I held the belt last, and a good... well... never since you've had the title-


Knight is cut off by Boo's music. Boo comes out and stands in the entranceway, arms crossed.


Knight: Ah, the man, the myth, the bum, my boy Boo. Look, Boo, as a former champion I'm going to make a concession for you to even things up a bit, cause frankly if you do win, I think it'd be funny to watch Mojax slap that filthy beard off of your face - so to give you a chance tonight I propose this: You go backstage, find a suitable rookie back there to partner up with, and I'll do the same. We'll face off in a tag match: whoever wins will be the number one contender!


Boo ponders and strokes his beard momentarily, silently looking around the crowd for an idea of what to do. The crowd chants 'Please say yes! Please say yes!' and Boo relents, nods enthusiastically and lets out a hobo-roar, apparently meaning that it's on like Donkey Kong.


Knight: Good, good. Now get to looking, you filthy, fat blob, and have a shower while you're there!

Boo frowns at being insulted, then grunts energetically and marches backstage.(D)

Basic setup promo for later in the night. So: It'll be Knight and a partner vs. Boo and a partner. If Knights team wins, he's the number one contender and vice versa. Seems like a good way to get two rookies a decent rub and avoid giving out such a massive match on a free internet show.



We cut to a very distorted and static filled video, where a barely visible La Muerte Negro cuts a promo in a dark room.


La Muerte Negra: Pro Wrestling Zero - apt a name. Not much can stop Muerte here. Cleanse it. Cleanse it all. C̨̺̬̤͇͙̥͖ͣ͜orrupt. Live cò̶̧̰̰͈͖rruption. He's there every day. He's still across ocean, licking wounds. Wasp squashed, pesky bug. Make statement. Ca̼̻̥̮̫͙͛͗́̕͞n't be stopped. I look in mirror, Sean's not home. Gone, gone away. Never there. Who's next? Reveal h̗͇͉̦̫̖̑ͅim for the coward he is. Won't stop till he's gone forever. Simonson first. Next week.


Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Vortex vs. Caleb


Double debut from both of these two, who we've only seen in their video promos from last week's show. They both have an inset promo over their entrances, with stats and a brief introduction. Vortex vows to 'bring the weird' to PWZ, while Caleb wants to 'bring the pain'. Ugh. The match wasn't much better, with the crowd dead and the action a bit sleepy. Vortex has a very interesting character, and comes across as genuinely crazy, clawing at his face or playing with his hair every time he delivered a move, and doing his best to get the crowd into his match through it. Caleb (who is tiny, and wouldn't be out of place in a minis division in Mexico) spent most of the match screaming at everything, and licking his lips and smiling with glee whenever he locked in a hold. After some pretty basic action, but nothing terrible, Vortex hit a decent dropkick after whipping Caleb into the ropes, then dragged Caleb to the corner for a tornado DDT off of the top that got a nice pop. It was good for a three and Vortex rolled out of the ring and sat on some big dude's lap in the front row to celebrate.

Vortex defeated Caleb in 6:14 by pinfall with a Swinging DDT.(E-)



We're taken to a video of Boo Smithson walking backstage. He hears something coming from one of the locker rooms and turns the corner to find SubUrban Legend, practicing his rapping accompanied by a boombox. Distracted by the big hobo entering the room, he stops abruptly and pauses the tape.


SubUrban Legend: Aw, man! You cut off my flow!

Boo: S-s-sorry. I thought it sounded g-good...

SubUrban Legend: A rap fan, hey? How about you have a try?


Legend hits play on the boombox and Boo smiles nervously and hesitates, before breaking out into a surprisingly decent yet awkward rap:



The wrest-a-ling hobo

Got a beard like a wizard

and in the ring I'm like... YOLO.


Legend cracks up, stumbling over himself in laughing fits as he pauses the tape.

Legend: Well, you need a little work... but I can see you doing a verse on one of my mixtapes...


The video fades out at that point. Kinda funny promo, but Boo's very, very awkward any time he speaks, though his stutter is noticably gone when he rapped. Was mainly there as a bit of comedy and to set up Boo and Legend teaming up later tonight.(E+)



Momentum Tournament Quarter Final

Pat Rigsby vs. Surfer Dude Lucas


More inset promos, with Lucas coming across as a total surf rat, almost stoner like with a thick accent, and the cold Rigsby no-selling the promo by saying silent and just staring into the camera while he cracked his knuckles. Their attitudes carried to the ring, with an unimpressed Rigsby taking Lucas to school in the ring, unleashing a bunch of belly to belly suplexes and tying him in knots. Lucas showed impressive fire midway through the match as the crowd coaxed him into a comeback, hitting a typical 80s face five-move-combo of a clothesline, scoop slam, atomic drop, backdrop and legdrop. Rigsby kicks out of a nearfall and hits a swinging side axehandle to the gut to take control again. Rigsby goes for his piledriver finisher and gets Lucas up, but Jackson warns him that it'll be an instant DQ. Rigsby sets Lucas down, whos seizes the opportunity to lash out with his famous backfist that knocked Lanny out last week. Rigsby scouts it, flinches backwards and ducks underneath. From behind, Rigsby grabs Lucas' arm and steps over with a spinning armbar, and after a brief struggle Lucas taps out.


Pat Rigsby defeated Surfer Dude Lucas in 14:20 by submission with an Arm Bar. (E-)


Halloween Knight is walking backstage, and approaches a brown haired rookie from behind, who's practicing cutting promos into a mirror and is in his own world. We're treated to a couple funny catchphrase attempts which aren't good at all, and Knight has had enough, leaning in close and saying "WooOOooohhHooo" a la a 1950s horror movie, causing the rookie to jump a good two feet in the air and turn aroudn to face Knight and the camera. The rookie is revealed to be an obviously shaken Brodie Lachlan, of RAW jobber fame, lost for words.


Halloween Knight: Boo! Heh... you, pretty young rookie, how would you like for Halloween Knight to make you a star?


Brodie Lachlan: The hell are you talking about, you B grade horror-movie reject? I'm a star already! Look at me!


Knight: You're a little star, shining brightly all alone here backstage. Why aren't you out there in the ring being famous?


Brodie: I'm not booked. PWZ obviously can't afford someone of my stature. And if they could, there's quite a void of competition - who can take on the boy wonder Brodie Lachlan?


Knight: Well, if the little star wants to shine bright, you could always be my partner tonight. If you help me win, and I go on to beat Maurice Jackson for the PWZ Heavyweight Title, you'll be first in line for a shot.

Brodie, internally conflicted, scrunches up his face, visually tossing his two options back and forth like a tennis match spectator, then finally makes a decision.


Brodie: Fine.

Knight grabs Brodies face with his gloved hands and smushes it up, dragging him by his head to the camera so that his smushed face takes up most of the shot.


Knight: Look at him! Look at this marvelous son of a gun! This is my partner!

Knight shoves Brodie roughly out of the shot and comes in really close to the camera, so that all you can really make out it one of his eyes as the camera struggles to auto-focus and expose.

Knight: Boo, Afroboy, look out - tonight's match just got spooooooky.


Knight shoves the camera man, who spills backward. And we're left with Knight's skeleton-print legs walking off screen, with a confused and scared Brodie Lachlan wondering what the hell he's gotten himself into. (C-)

Another funny promo - Knight's excellent as always, being a little (okay, a lot) unstable, and Brodie Lachlan is a very cocky heel in PWZ opposed to the plucky RAW underdog who can't seem to win. Given some microphone time here too was a good move, he's a surprising good talker to boot. Fun segment all up, and more setup for tonight's main event. Apparently it'll be Knight/Lachlan vs. Boo/Legend later on tonight.



We're taken to a video, with the words "Earlier Today" in the lower right corner. Whoever filming is following Warmonger backstage, asking him about his match tonight. Warmonger stops walking suddenly, and the camera pans back to show a locker room doorway. Azazel is inside, boasting to some rookies about how he's going to beat the Apocalypse tonight, and that Warmonger's a fat pile of [CENSORED]. Warmonger quickly rounds the corner and tackles Azazel, slamming him into a wall, then grabs a large plastic trashcan as the rookies scatter. Warmonger throws the bin as hard as he can, bouncing it off of Azazel's head clear across the other side of the room, then throws Azazel headfirst into the wall a second time for good measure, laying him out.©



Winner is entered into 3 Way Elimination Tag Team Championship Match at Inception

The Apocalypse vs. Half and Half


Stock-standard tag match, full of familiar faces. The crowd were very solidly behind the Apocalypse as expected. Azazel humourously had his head bandaged after todays assault, and half of the bandage had been dyed blue to match his facepaint. As a result, HalloWarped had to work most of the match on his own, getting bumped all over the ring like a beer pong ball at a frat party. After an extended beatdown, Apocalypse dumped HalloWarped out of the ring, then chased Azazel off of the apron. Azazel tried to run backstage, but Warmonger yelled at montioned to the crowd to stop him. A few guys got up out of their seats and made an impromptu wall across the entranceway while laughing their asses off - giving War and Hate enough time to catch up with Azazel and throw him back into the ring. Big slam from Hatemonger, who teases a pin only to pull Azazel up at two. He tosses Azazel to Warmonger who picks him up for a Spine Shatterer, only to hesitate and nod to Hate. War leans Azazel backward, suspending him horizontally above the ring, and Hatemonger goes up to the top rope, before leaping off across Azazel, crushing him underneath his weight with a Spinebuster/Splash combo. The Apocalypse both pile on top of Azazel for a double pin - it could have been a 30 count, but 3 was enough for the win.


The Apocalypse defeated Half and Half in 13:47 when Warmonger defeated Azazel by pinfall with an Apocalypse Nowish. (D)



#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Championship - Knight and Smithson have elected to recruit tag partners.

Halloween Knight & Brodie Lachlan vs. Boo Smithson & SubUrban Legend


The second tag match of the night opened with Knight and Lachlan out first, verbally berating the crowd. Next out was Boo and Legend, who performed a short rap hyping up their chances as they entered to a a great reaction. Knight and former student Legend started this one off, showing off their ZEN-inspired offence with an impressive sequence of lucha moves. Knight popped Legend hard with a tiltawhirl backbreaker, and held him there as Lachlan hit a slingshot legdrop. Knight bailed out and the two rookies were the legal men. Decent heat for these two as the most over rookies in PWZ - Lachlan is commonly on RAW TV as a jobber, and Legend's one of the top faces in ZEN. Extended beatdown by Lachlan following up on Knights setup until Legend manages to roll to the floor, making Boo the legal man.


The fast paced action continues with Boo taking Lachlan down to the mat and keeping him there, leading to some funny comments from Lachlan who cockily narrates the action: "Aaand I'm going to reverse this... now!" Interference from Knight to help Lachlan escape the ring with Boo staying in control with Lachlan grounded. The action breaks down into a four way brawl after interference from both sides. Boo get knocked out of the ring, gets dived on by Brodie, as they both get up Legend and Knight both follow suit sending all four to the floor.


Legend and Knight brawl back to the ring and after a sweet, very fast sequence of moves, Legend takes Knight down with a superb spinning kick, then goes to the top. Legend taunts and dances on the top rope to a great pop, then takes flight with a leg drop, landing hard ass-first as Knight rolls out of the way. Legend's screaming at the pain in his rear gets uproarious laughter, which is quickly shut down as Knight locks in the Pumpkin Patch. Boo tries to make the save by rolling into the ring, but Lachlan grabs onto both of his legs. The show finishes with Knight celebrating his #1 Contendership, getting lifted up on Lachlans shoulders to a chorus of boos. This marks Lachlans first ever victory, funnily enough.


Brodie Lachlan and Halloween Knight defeated Boo Smithson and SubUrban Legend in 18:16 when Halloween Knight defeated SubUrban Legend by submission with a Pumpkin Patch. (D+)


This was a much better show than last weeks, and it seems PWZ are finding their feet in this format. Entertaining segments from Boo and Knight (when is Boo going to get the title, seriously? He's the hardest worker in the company!) and Lachlan and Legend were made to look very good inserted in the main event scene. Five more debuts tonight with more Momentum Tournament action with at roughly the same standard as last week - doesnt help that the crowd doesnt quite know who everyone is yet - I'm sure that will change as we settle into season 2. Surprised Pat Rigsby got the win over Lucas, especially after last weeks shock victory. Tag Team match was very good, and the bin segment was hilarious. The main event was actually pretty decent despite Knight and Boo not actually coming to blows all that much. Legend and Lachlan are future stars, and getting the rub in this match was a great way to debut them. I'm liking this format a bit more with undercard rookie matches, a tag match semi-main and a marquee main event with PWZ upper carders, intersperesed with promos - I wouldn't mind seeing this continue. Not the best show from PWZ, but definitely better than last week and better than some PWZ events from last year. I give this a (D+) overall.

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next show: PWZ Cyberslam!




Momentum Tournament Semi Final

Demarcus Lee vs. Francis Burke


The Strong Bads vs. The Coloured Insects/The Caped Crusaders (Blue Flea and White Wasp)


Pat Rigsby vs. Warmonger


La Muerte Negra vs. Harry Simonson


Winners for this week are wekka and shawn waters, bringing our tally to:

Beeker - 1

wekka - 1

shawn waters - 1

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Momentum Tournament Semi Final

Demarcus Lee vs. Francis Burke

- Bring on the Burke! Not even James knows how Lee won his first match.


The Strong Bads vs. The Coloured Insects/The Caped Crusaders (Blue Flea and White Wasp)

- The StrongBads turn the Coloured Insects in the Squashed Bugs.


Pat Rigsby vs. Warmonger

- Every booking instinct I have says go with War... but... on these webisodes it seems the unknowns have the advantage. This should further piss Lanny off. I think that's the real point of these shows now.


La Muerte Negra vs. Harry Simonson

- The power of the mask emerges... Mayan Idol books a trip to Austria by mistake to defeat this vile defiled fallen god-mask.

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Momentum Tournament Semi Final

Demarcus Lee vs. Francis Burke - Guessing again

The Strong Bads vs. The Coloured Insects/The Caped Crusaders (Blue Flea and White Wasp) - Strong Bads ftw.

Pat Rigsby vs. Warmonger - Warmonger getting the win makes sense, but more likely going to go with Rigsby to build momentum for his next match.


La Muerte Negra vs. Harry Simonson - La Muerte Negra needs it more.

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Very nice show. It's a shame that Boo once again doesn't get a chance on the title - I still hope that'll change eventually.




Momentum Tournament Semi Final

Demarcus Lee vs. Francis Burke

50/50 there, probably. I'm with Lee, though I don't exactly know why.


The Strong Bads vs. The Coloured Insects/The Caped Crusaders (Blue Flea and White Wasp)

Well - a loss against Blue Flea would be a major de-push, wouldn't it?


Pat Rigsby vs. Warmonger

Although Rigsby has got some momentum on his side after his surprising victory against the Surfer Dude, Warmonger's simply too dangerous for him.


La Muerte Negra vs. Harry Simonson

That HAS to be a DQ finish. None of the both of them should get a clean victory (it would do major damage to the guy on the losing side) and when it comes to an unfair finish, La Muerte Negra certainly is the one to make for it.

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Very nice show. It's a shame that Boo once again doesn't get a chance on the title - I still hope that'll change eventually.


Soon. :)


Just wanted to say I am loving this dynasty. Keep up the good work!


Thanks a bunch, hope you continue to love it! :D


The power of the mask emerges... Mayan Idol books a trip to Austria by mistake to defeat this vile defiled fallen god-mask.


If he wasn't 'too big' for PWZ I would...

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From the desk of Jordan James:




The first two Cyberslam!s, while not being the greatest shows we've ever held, were a commercial success, to the point we had 250 people try to book tickets early (not counting people who just turn up) and as a result had to move the show out of the Dojo and back to the main room of Marv's Sports Central (which held 300) at the last minute.


The boys had mixed feelings about the shows - some felt that the weaker weekly shows cheapened the sterling reputation PWZ had built as putting on the best wrestling in the southern hemisphere (though hopefully that would be rectified when we held our next 'big' monthly show, Inception) while others were annoyed at not being booked every week (missing out on pay) or having to put over new talent. Lanny especially still wasn't on speaking terms with me after having to wrestle Lucas then losing to him, blaming me. Harry, on the other hand, had been making fast friends; as Maurice, his former protege, had surpassed him, he'd moved on to moulding Demarcus Lee (of all people) into his image. Little Caleb had also made a name for himself in the locker room by being able to impersonate nearly anybody - his MoJax is perfect.


Backstage stuff aside, we were making money and growing quickly, drawing 200 the last two weeks and potentially looking at selling out Marv's tonight. At this rate, if nothing major happened to the company or anyone involved, we might even be able to get a TV deal for Season 3 and become the #2 promotion in Australia... I can dream, I guess...


UPDATED (6:57 PM): We sold out Marv's! There's officially 300 through the door + kids under 12 (who get in for free). Show starts in a couple minutes!

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OOC: Let me know how you thought the show went by commenting below! If I'm going to put out content that you want to read I need your feedback! :D

Thursday, Week 3, February 2014


TEWdotcom Australian Wrestling Report - PWZ Cyberslam! Results

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent




Held in front of 300 people (sell out) at Marv's Sports Central


Cold open again this week as Harry Simonson comes down to the ring with a microphone.



Harry Simonson: So I got a call from PWZ Management in the middle of my scheduled vacation time for them to kindly inform me that I have match tonight. While I'm not terribly excited that I had to jump on a plane and fly up here a week early, I'm not one to back down from a fight, especially not one against La Muerte Negra. Look, I've seen this crap before: rookie takes on a character just to get noticed, hypes themselves up on the internet, maybe jumps someone after they've just lost a match, gets a big head and then challenges one of the best wrestlers in the country. Sound familiar? I'm sorry, while it might seem cool or edgy to be doing what you're doing, I'm afraid you've bitten off a bit more than you can chew.


The lights flicker and shut off, and the video feed starts to lag and distort. When the lights turn back on and the feed clears up La Muerte Negra is in the ring behind Simonson. Was he hiding under the ring the whole time? LMN snatches the microphone from Simonson.




La Muerte Negra: You're mistaken. Can chew as much as I like. A character? No. Wore the mask and it changed me. Becoming more like it day by day. Wasp was first, you next. Him... won't stop till he's gone, out of PWZ forever. Out of my life!


Simonson: Whatever, kid, you can pay people to mess with the lights, Yoda talk and keep this character going all you want, but the only thing that's gonna be out of PWZ forever is you in about an hour from now. Just in case you don't understand: Make you tap, I will.

The crowd laughs as Simonson drops the microphone and rolls out of the ring. Typical opening promo to hype tonights main event. LMN just keeps getting weirder and weirder - I wonder who 'he' is... sounds like someone on the roster - probably setting up for a feud down the line. (D)


Francis Burke is backstage to cut a promo.


Francis Burke: Five years! Five long years I've been traveling the country, crashing on couches and now I've finally hit the big time. I won in my debut and I have you guys to thank - here's to two more wins and becoming the first ever PWZ Momentum Champion! (E)


Well, it was what it was.


Momentum Tournament Semi Final

Francis Burke vs. Demarcus Lee


No inset promos this week since Burke already got some, but we're right into the action, skipping the entrances. Drawn out bout with not a great deal of moves, with Lee's roughneck brawling dominating early. Lee goes for the Snap Back (reverse diamond cutter), but Burke counters by backflipping onto his feet, taking Lee down, then a standing moonsault gets a nearfall. Basic action with Burke taking control in the second half. Lee reverses a whip, and Burke runs up the corner, twists and hits his finisher for the three. Burke advances to the final at Inception!


Francis Burke defeated Demarcus Lee in 11:40 by pinfall with a Flying Flip Neckbreaker.(E-)



We're taken to a backstage video of Tag Champions Barney Mason and Damian Dastardly. Damian and Barney hold their redesigned belts, with Mason looking tough and Damian looking... confused.


Damian Dastardly: I don't even recognize these anymore, Barn! So apparently, in our extended time off from PWZ, the geniuses upstairs have decided to redesign our belts, then force us to defend them in a 3 way tag match! So beating every team under the sun wasn't enough, hmm? Now we have to face The Australian Piercing Parlor and The Crockalypse?


Damian sighs.


Damian: Truth be told, we've enjoyed the time off, even evil needs a break - but we had to come back early, and I mean we just haaaad to when we heard of the forces of good that have infected Pro Wrestling Zero while we've been away. Blue Flea, White Wasp - I know better than anybody that it's fun to dress up in capes, but to fight crime in PWZ? To combat eeeevil? Nuh uh. Not on our watch! You might be faster than a speeding bullet, but I've got your Kryptonite right here!


Damian pats Barney on the back.


Barney Mason: White Wasp? Blue Flea? The hell kinda names are those? Are you caped crusaders or coloured insects? Endoskeleton, exoskeleton, they're all the same - I'm still gonna break your necks!


Damian: Necks? Er... Whats the plural for thorax?


The cameraman cuts in and informs Damian that it's 'thoraces'.

Damian: Thoraces? Whatever! They're gonna get broke! We're gonna send you two blooper-heroes back to your damn hive where you belong! (D+)


Funny promo hyping up the Tag Title match at Inception, and tonights match - Damian just gets better and better on the microphone, and it's rubbing off on Mason.



The Strong Bads vs. The Coloured Insects/The Caped Crusaders (Blue Flea and White Wasp)


Long, extended squash, with TSB dominating with their greater size and cockily pulling up shoulders at two to drag this one out. Great heel heat on TSB throughout, but it was too one sided to really go anywhere. White took the beatdown, and a Blue Flea hot tag spot when Wasp finally rolled out of the ring was aborted quickly with a Dastardly superkick. Funny spot with Mason hoisting Wasp above his head in a gorilla press, and Damian shouting "It's a bird, it's a plane!" as Wasp got dumped hard. Mason ended with a Full Nelson on Wasp, tossing him around with the hold locked on for an instant tapout. Mason kept the hold locked on to the point that even Dastardly had to step in to actually get him to stop.


The Strong Bads defeated The Coloured Insects in 11:44 when Barney Mason defeated White Wasp by submission with a Full Nelson. (E)



We're taken back earlier today via video, which opens with Warmonger in the ring teaching some of the younger wrestlers reversals from a headlock. An impatient Pat Rigsby leans against the ropes, obviously bored, and Warmonger calls him out on it.


Warmonger: I'm sorry, mate, is there a problem?


Pat Rigsby: I'm just not sure why I'm here - pretty sure I've been wrestling nearly as long as you have... mate. I learnt this shit six years ago, and I'm not sure why you wanted me here.


Warmonger: Maybe to teach you some discipline and respect, something you obviously have shit all of.


Pat Rigsby shoves Warmonger, who shoves back ten times as hard sending Rigsby sailing over the top rope to the floor.


Pat: Yeah, this is a waste of time. Have fun learning from this fat old piece of shit, kids. You'd think after a decade of wrestling he'd be half decent.


Warmonger is left in the ring seething as Rigsby walks backstage.(C-)


White-hot segment to lead us in to tonights match, giving us a bit of backstory.


Pat Rigsby vs. Warmonger


Good action to start this one off, with War's powerful plodding brawling against Rigsbys ground and pound/submission offence. Rigsby worker the arm early, while Warmonger tossed Rigsby around the ring like a rag doll. The finish came when Warmonger went for the Spine Shatterer, but Rigsby countered by jumping with the lift and wrapping his legs around Warmonger's arm, trapping him in his patented Arm Bar. Warmonger impressively lifted Rigsby up to waist height while locked in the hold and slammed Rigsby down on the canvas hard. It wasn't enough to break the hold, and War eventually tapped out. Rigsby bailed out and mocked the crowd as he escaped backstage. Not a bad match at all, and another surprising win for Rigsby - who is coming across as a machine-like cold as ice heel.

Pat Rigsby defeated Warmonger in 11:31 by pinfall with an Arm Bar. (D-)


La Muerte Negra vs. Harry Simonson


After the entrances, Simonson insists that the referee check LMN's gear for foreign objects. After a thorough patdown the bell rings and we're underway. Fantastic action right off the bat with incredibly smooth technical wrestling to kick this off, leading to a set of standoffs culminating in a double dropkick spot. They tie up again after a feeling out and Simonson takes advantage with kicks to the knee, a kneedrop to the leg then a legbar which LMN struggles to escape from. After settling into a rest hold after the fast action of the start, Simonson gets frustrated that he's not really forcing a submission and drags LMN around the ring, using the ring to further work LMN's leg, draping it over the bottom rope and putting weight on it, dragging LMN halfway out of the ring and slamming his leg down hard on the apron, then wraps it around the ring post multiple times and laying in more kicks, almost getting himself counted out in the process.


Simonson continues the offence back in the ring, hitting a trio of suplexes out of frustration before going back to the leg, backing LMN into the corner and wrapping his knee around the second rope. LMN lashes back, shoving Harry into the referee who goes down, then spits black mist into Simonson's eyes. LMN hits his finisher, the vertical wristclutch exploder into the turnbuckle, and Simonson lands horribly, folded upside down in a ball against the bottom rope. LMN drags Simonson to the centre of the ring but the referee is down. Annoyed, LMN goes on offence as the referee recovers, hitting the ropes and delivering a huge STO, a chokeslam backbreaker and a senton splash, that only gets a two as the referee slowly comes around. LMN taunts Simonson to get to his feet, and runs in as he gets to his feet, but Simonson counters with a stiff clothesline that sends LMN inside out leading to a lengthy double down.


Both men are up at 8 and a half, and Simonson shoots low for a takedown, grabbing LMN's leg for a single leg crab. Simonson steps over to try and get some leverage to flip LMN over, but LMN hits forearm blows to Harry's ribs. LMN reaches between Harry's legs and grabs his left wrist, freeing his leg, and pops up to his feet, grabbing Harry around the head and snapping backwards with another wristclutch exploder and goes for the pin. LMN gets a 3 count to huge heel heat with a shock victory, and celebrates mid ring by raising his hand, causing the lights to flicker and the video feed to abruptly cut to static to end the show.

La Muerte Negra defeated Harry Simonson in 19:30 by pinfall with an Exploder. (D)

Decent show, not quite as good as last week's star studded show/main event but a decent match from Rigsby/Warmonger (with a great set up video) and a good main event - the workrate was top notch, but the crowd weren't so into it as they aren't quite behind LMN as a heel yet, which probably changed after his showing tonight. For a rookie, Muerte wrestles like he's been in the ring for a decade and has a brilliant grasp of what makes a match tick. It will be interesting to see where PWZ takes this, with the Momentum tournament wrapping up (Rigsby/Vortex is next week, I assume) and most of the matches set in stone for Inception. I give this weeks Cyberslam a (D) overall.

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Hey. Clean sweep for me. I think! Go me!


What I'd like to see is a different presentation from your monthly events.

If anything I feel you have too much in the weekly Cyberslam show. I'd recommend recapping the promos and summing up the matches in under five sentences. And before the rest of the board says "I like the length." I'm not saying why Belton is writing is bad, but it reads the same as the monthly shows. I'd like the TV(net) ones to be short and tight and be more barebones.


A good idea might be to glance at Dragonmack's TPW thread, he runs Ontario (big) shows and Quebec (small) shows - they're similar but the Quebec shows are nearly bullet point form since the crowd isn't above 50.


For instance

Angle: This match was set up when Pat Rigsby mocked Warmonger's 'training credentials' at the morning rookie class.


Match: Rigsby vs. Warmonger

This match stems from Rigsby and Warmonger coming to blows at the training session and War tossing Pat over the top rope, out the ring and out of the dojo...


Promo: Simonson called out LMN for being a kid desperate for attention and trying to do it with a hokey-spooky-demonic gimmick. Simonson was not impressed nor scared and that's how we got our main event tonight.

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Hey. Clean sweep for me. I think! Go me!


What I'd like to see is a different presentation from your monthly events.

If anything I feel you have too much in the weekly Cyberslam show. I'd recommend recapping the promos and summing up the matches in under five sentences. And before the rest of the board says "I like the length." I'm not saying why Belton is writing is bad, but it reads the same as the monthly shows. I'd like the TV(net) ones to be short and tight and be more barebones.


A good idea might be to glance at Dragonmack's TPW thread, he runs Ontario (big) shows and Quebec (small) shows - they're similar but the Quebec shows are nearly bullet point form since the crowd isn't above 50.


For instance

Angle: This match was set up when Pat Rigsby mocked Warmonger's 'training credentials' at the morning rookie class.


Match: Rigsby vs. Warmonger

This match stems from Rigsby and Warmonger coming to blows at the training session and War tossing Pat over the top rope, out the ring and out of the dojo...


Promo: Simonson called out LMN for being a kid desperate for attention and trying to do it with a hokey-spooky-demonic gimmick. Simonson was not impressed nor scared and that's how we got our main event tonight.


You make a very good point, and I really appreciate your feedback. When I was planning out season 2, I wanted a way to do some more short form and long form storytelling, while growing the company as quickly as possible. I had initially considered just doing a recap style as stated above, but ran into the same problem I had in season 1, where there just weren't enough shows for me to tell the stories how I wanted to.


I do love the style you used above and I might segue into it as writing the bigger shows is a little taxing (at least the matches). The reason I decided on doing the longer Cyberslam reports was because of an old-school mindset that I book with, where the free Internet shows (ala local TV in the old NWA territories) are just there to sell the big shows (which weren't broadcast). The Cyberslams aren't 'minor' shows by any stretch (and draw higher attendances than my monthlies...), but rather an old-school collection of promos, feature/marquee matches (like the Boo/Knight tag match) to build towards the big shows (NXT is doing a similar thing at the moment, where they have 4 weeks of tapings where nothing much happens other than furthering storylines featuring the odd guests, but then have matches like Orton vs. Big E for the title at their live events). Think of them as my RAW as opposed to my Superstars/Main Event.


All said and done, I'm not discounting your ideas at all, and I agree that they could afford to be trimmed a little (Or a lot in the match department, definitely - you're right on that one, and I really like the way you set those out!). So, as a compromise: since my monthly shows have at most one angle, I want to keep the full angles on Cyberslam there for storytelling purposes, but yes, since the matches aren't really important compared to the monthly shows I'll be bullet pointing them. Thanks again!

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next show: PWZ Cyberslam!




HalloWarped vs. Matty Wills


Momentum Tournament Semi Final

Pat Rigsby vs. Vortex


La Muerte Negra vs. Marcus Kerr


Sir Artie vs. X-Calibre


PWZ Champion Maurice Jackson makes an appearance.


Beeker and phoxy both scored 100% this week, congratulations!


Beeker - 2

phoxy - 1

wekka - 1

shawn waters - 1

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HalloWarped vs. Matty Wills


You might go Wills for the upset, but I see Warped taking it this time.


Momentum Tournament Semi Final

Pat Rigsby vs. Vortex


Rigsby has been built up as a total bad ass...it doesn't stop here.


La Muerte Negra vs. Marcus Kerr


Same as above with Negra...Kerr is just a jobber at this point.


Sir Artie vs. X-Calibre


The man who will one day present Pro Wrestling Zero with a champion of class will take this.

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<p>Well, I guess you managed to book your shows more unpredictable for me. Dammit. Anyways, as always very enjoyable to read and LMN certainly scored an upset victory over Harry Simonson. It'll be interesting to see how that affects the overness of the latter, but if it hasn't been before, it's now for sure that you've got great plans for LMN.</p><p> </p><p>

-----</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>HalloWarped</strong> vs. Matty Wills</p><p> </p><p>

Momentum Tournament Semi Final</p><p>

<strong>Pat Rigsby</strong> vs. Vortex</p><p>

My heart beats for Vortex, but you built up Rigsby so nicely that he probably won't lose this match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>La Muerte Negra</strong> vs. Marcus Kerr</p><p>

Either a clean or a disqualification victory (maybe?), but I can't see him lose this one.</p><p> </p><p>

Sir Artie vs. <strong>X-Calibre</strong></p>

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<p><strong>HalloWarped</strong> vs. Matty Wills</p><p> </p><p>

Momentum Tournament Semi Final</p><p>

<strong>Pat Rigsby </strong>vs. Vortex</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>La Muerte Negra</strong> vs. Marcus Kerr</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sir Artie</strong> vs. X-Calibre</p><p> </p><p>

The main event is certainly tough to call as both have potential to do big things this year, but I had to go with the revamped gimmick.</p>

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<p><strong>HalloWarped</strong> vs. Matty Will</p><p>

<em>- A narrow victory for HW, as he is only half-distracted by Matty's twin due to his half mask. </em></p><p> </p><p>

Momentum Tournament Semi Final</p><p>

Pat Rigsby vs. <strong>Vortex</strong></p><p>

<em>- My Theory of Infuriating Lanny at work here. This means that... Vortex is better than Rigsby who is better than Surfer Dude who is better than Lanny. EVERYBODY wins... except Lanny.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>La Muerte Negra</strong> vs. Marcus Kerr</p><p>

<em>- Party's over for Marcus. Meanwhile Mayan Idol wanders into Croatia looking for the demonic mask.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sir Artie</strong> vs. X-Calibre</p><p>

<em>- because I've always hated X-Cal's mask (the new one is better but I hold grudges) and Sir Artie wears a monocle! Also, I think it should be Sir Artemis as it behooves him to bestow a more splendiferious moniker to accentuate thine monocle!</em></p><p> </p><p>

PWZ Champion Maurice Jackson makes an appearance</p><p>

<em>- MoJax announces he's leaving wrestling to make an extended run on Neighbours as... the black neighbour!</em></p>

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<p>HalloWarped vs. <strong>Matty Wills</strong> - For no other reason that i want him to win. </p><p> </p><p>

Momentum Tournament Semi Final</p><p>

<strong>Pat Rigsby</strong> vs. Vortex - Rigsby has the momentum. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>La Muerte Negra</strong> vs. Marcus Kerr - Kerr is going to get over in tag competition, but this is going to be a squash, I'm afraid.... </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sir Artie</strong> vs. X-Calibre - Sir Artie is going to win! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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(Apologies for the full-length Cyberslam write up, it was already written before Beeker made the suggestion to bullet point the weekly matches)




Thursday, Week 2, February 2014


TEWdotcom Australian Wrestling Report - PWZ Cyberslam! Results

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent



Held in front of 300 people at Marv's Sports Central


Another week, another weekly show. We're at Marv's again where the camera pans across the capacity crowd and the opening credits hit.



After the opening sequence, we're taken to the ring, where we see Ceri Dordevich and Dexter Mattell. The camera pans backwards to reveal Dumfrey Pinn standing with them.


Pinn: You're all probably too stupid to remember my convincing win at Zeroversary 4 weeks ago, but in the time since there's been an influx of potential 'employees' to PWZ, and Pinn Enterprises are hiring. I've been watching Cyberslam every week and to be honest only one of these rookies stood out, and that's the man to my right here, Dexter Mattell.


Dex puts his hands on the back of his head and provocatively thrusts, greased up as ever.


Ceri: Yes, you heard that right, my client, Dexter Mattell, is the newest addition to Pinn Enter-


Pinn: That's not what I said, Cherry. He'll have a 'job interview' with me tonight. It's no big secret that I have unfinished business with one Maurice Jackson...


Pinn pauses, nodding his head disapprovingly as the crowd cheers the mention of the champion.


Pinn: And I have something to say to you, 'Champ'...


Pinn is cut off by Surfer Dude Lucas' music, who slaps the fan's hands as he marches down the entranceway and slides to the ring.

Pinn: Who are you, and what do you want?

Lucas: For someone who watches Cyberslam every week, bro, you should probably know that...

Pinn: Don't be a smartass. Lucas, right? Again, what do you want? I paid for this promo time; I didn't pay for some idiot to come out here and interrupt me.


Lucas: You just need to like, chill out, man. You can spend as much dosh as you want buddy, but look, nobody here cares.


The crowd cheer in agreeance.


Ceri: You can't just come out here and tell us what to do! Hmph!


Lucas: Easy, babe; how bout instead of stressing over these two dropkicks you and me sneak off to catch a wave or two? I give killer lessons!


Dex has had enough of Lucas flirting with his manager and shoves him in the chest. Lucas shoves back, sending the very oily Dex into Pinn. The collision leaves a big oily discolouration on Pinn's business suit.


Pinn: You little shit! I'm gonna kill you!


Pinn throws his microphone down and decks Lucas with a clothesline, then Pinn and Dex lay in stomps as Ceri bails out of the ring. Maurice Jackson's music hits and the Champ is in the building! The crowd come unglued as MoJax dives into the ring for the save, smacking Pinn with the championship, sending him flying out of the ring then folding Dex in half with a massive spear. MoJax helps Lucas to his feet and raises his hand high as a hurt Dex and Pinn (and Ceri, who's beside herself) swear vengeance from ringside. Entertaining opening segment and aligning Dex and Lucas with the two bigger stars will do them good.(D)


HalloWarped vs. Matty Wills


We start this one with Matty already in the ring, talking strategy with his sister on the apron. HalloWarped makes his entrance and dives straight at Matty as the bell rings. Not a great match but more of a spotfest, with the crowd lapping it up. After a bump and feed spot, Matty bailed to the outside just to take a diving plancha from HalloWarped, who was showing good fire. As Matty was rolled back into the ring, Rose jumped up onto the apron, distracting the referee long enough for HalloWarped to hit a low blow and his running shooting star press for the 3 count.


HalloWarped defeated Matty Wills in 5:39 by pinfall with a Warp Speed. (D-)


Maurice Jackson and Surfer Dude Lucas are backstage.


Maurice Jackson: Hot damn, it's MoJax on Cyberslam: it's good to be back! Yes, the champ is in the building tonight, and yes, he unleashed the damn beast on the oily dancing monkey and his chubby puppet master. Pinn, Dex, it seems we have a problem, and one that has an easy solution: You had a problem with me to bein with, Pinn, and your greasy little friend there just had to shove ol' Lucas around. Here's an idea: How bout you two shut your damn traps and lace up your boots instead - I didn't come here for nothin' and guess what, there's two of us and two of you. Hey Lucas, how bout tonight we have a tag match, playa?

Surfer Dude Lucas: A tag match would be sweet, bro!


Mojax: Hell yes! Let me break it down for you! The man, the myth, the Mojax and the tidal warrior, smooth as glass, get outta line and he'll knock you on your ass - Surfer Dude Lucas, master of the kockout blow, the spinning backfist... against the deep fried doughnut bitch Dexter Mattell and the Lard Yard Dumfrey Pinn... It'll be one for the ages! Pinn, Dex... Show up, or don't... I really dont care, but we'll be out in that ring waiting for you!


Mile a minute promo. Entertaining with some funny lines but a bit shallow, and Lucas isn't too great on the mic, coming across as a bit robotic and nervous. Mojax is great as always. I guess it's Pinn/Mattell vs. Jackson/Lucas later tonight? (D)


There's a brief burst of static, and we cut to La Muerte Negra, who's sitting alone in a darkened room.


La Muerte Negra: Finally tonight. Waited too long. Another chance. Vengeance! He's here, can sense it. His life now, hell on earth. Not long now, angry, reckless. Loses composure. Risks it all. Snuffed out for good. Soon.(D)



In a neat segue we cut to Muerte's opponent tonight, Marcus Kerr and manager Lori, who are backstage.


Lori: La Muerrrrrte Negra: I gotta say one thing - I'm a huge fan of yours, dude! You should be, like, a horror movie director or something... M. Negra Shyamalan! Speaking of shocking twists... tonight Marcus Kerr is gonna beat you, one... two... three!

Eh, both of these segments waaay too short to really go anywhere - I blame the packed card and long opening segment. Just basic setup for LMN/Kerr. (E)


Sir Artie vs. X-Calibre

Artie's back after over a month off, and has debuted a new character that's far more snobby and sinister - and finally has a tophat/monocle. Dashing! X-Calibre is also out with a new mask as Muerte did a number on his old one. Big crowd reaction for X-Calibre, who's been away since the anniversary show as well and has seemingly become more over since he's been gone. Artie extends for a handshake as the bell rings, but pulls away and dismisses the uncouth luchador instead, turning away disrespectfully. X-Calibre won't take that, and hits a dropkick that sends Artie's hat and monocle into the crowd as he goes down. X-Cal hit a series of springboard moves and Artie bailed to the outside, talking down to the crowd. X-Cal faked out a dive to the outside when Artie had it scouted, floating over to the apron, but Artie swept X's legs out and he ate the side of the ring hard. Artie went on offence, cleaning his boots on X's mask after each takedown and just generally being a dick. Artie got into a heated argument with a fan at ringside, who had some great ideas for what Artie could do with his tophat, and X-Calibre had time to recover, hitting a neat reverse huracanrana to take control again. The lights went out, and when they come back up X-Calibre is laid out, his mask and face covered in black ink. A stunned Artie rolls over for the cover and it's good for 3.


Artemis Eyre-Rochester defeated X-Calibre in 12:28 by pinfall with a Brat Packer.(E+)


We're taken backstage where an unmasked X-Calibre, back to the camera, is washing his eyes out in the sink.


X-Calibre: I'm going to kill him, I swear to God above, I don't deserve this shit. Why me? What have I done?!


X-Calibre dunks his head into the sink again, and clumsily fumbles around for the tap, turning it on harder.


X-Calibre: What is this crap, and why won't it come out of my eyes?! F***!


Wrenching the tap off angrily and putting his mask back on, X-Calibre turns to face the camera.


X-Calibre: And what do you want? Sean, La Muerto, whatever the hell your name is now, I don't really care - you've gotta cut this shit out. Look, I get that you have to make an impact when you debut, but you went too far then - at Zeroversary you tore my mask to pieces and left me with stitches in my head. Sean Damij... Major... whatever - I'm a nice guy, and I knew what you were trying to do: I think you went a bit far but I let it slide: I was a hungry rookie once like you and I know what it's like to get carried away. I admire what you've done in PWZ so far... three straight victories, and I respect that, but to keep doing this to me? Costing me my match tonight then nearly blinding me... Jesus, you're going too far! Why have you singled me out over anyone else on the roster? Christ, kid, you're in for it. I don't know if you're watching this, or if PWZ management is, but God dammit, this Sunday I want to take you on one on one - no interference, no sneak attacks, just you and me in the ring so I can humble you and show you what an idiot you are. Make it happen, Sean... Negra... whatever, PWZ management... this needs to happen. I'm asking you - Austin "X" Calibre is begging you, damn it! Do it, so I can put this rookie in his place!

Oh wow, a promo from X-Calibre. X did get a little lost in the middle there, but he has a knack of making these promos seem very genuine: I'm assuming this sets up their match at Inception this weekend. It's a bit late to be making this match official three days out from the event, but I guess it's a feud that's been brewing since last month's attack. Not bad. (D)



Momentum Tournament Semi Final

Pat Rigsby vs. Vortex


Vortex showed some good offense early. The bout dragged in the middle when Vortex went for his finisher, the tornado DDT from the corner, but Rigsby countered by tossing Vortex all the way to the ringside floor opver the top rope. Vortex bumped chest first on the apron (seems to be a recurring thing tonight) before jumping backward into the ringside barrier. Safe bump, really ('cept for Vortex's knees) but it looked impressive, and got a loud 'ooh' from the crowd. The referee checked on Vortex and decided he wasn't injured, so started a long twenty count. Vortex was on the outside for a good two minutes all up, it was like watching a commercial break at a TV taping. It was mainly downhill from there, with a release german and an Armbar good for the submission victory. Pat Rigsby advances to Inception.

Pat Rigsby defeated Vortex in 12:15 by submission with an Arm Bar. (E)


La Muerte Negra vs. Marcus Kerr

Not a bad match really, and the crowd were hot throughout. Lori was at ringside, cheering Kerr on. Kerr started out well, hitting a slick series of cruiserweight moves (boy, Kerr can work) but was unable to take LMN off of his feet for more than a second. LMN turned the match around with a jab to the throat, sending Kerr sputtering down to one knee. Muerte took advantage and dominated with his now-patented offence, mainly working the back (and throat, when he was able). Kerr managed to counter a cactus clothesline by ducking and lifting Muerte up and over to the apron, then hit a dropkick, sending LMN to the floor missing Lori by inches. Kerr follows up with a huge no-hands somersault plancha that leaves him in the front row and slams LMN into the barrier. Lori helps and exhauster Kerr back over the railing and onto his back in the ring to try for a countout victory, but Muerte is up and in at 11. Kerr hits a snap DDT, taking Muerte down again, then slowly goes to the top rope. LMN kips up and runs up the corner, delivering a beautiful avalanche exploder that nearly sends Kerr into the opposite turnbuckle. Muerte crawls over and covers and it's good for the three.


La Muerte Negra defeated Marcus Kerr in 11:48 by pinfall with an Exploder.(D-)


Maurice Jackson & Surfer Dude Lucas vs. Dumfrey Pinn & Dexter Mattell

The sellout crowd of 300 plus was making heaps of noise for this one, excited to see the PWZ Champion in action in a bonus unadvertised match. Mojax and SDL were out first, and after teasing no-showing, Dex, Pinn and Ceri were out to the ring. Pinn was in no mood to actually wrestle, so Dex started us off against Lucas. Not great action to start us off between the two rookies, who traded some basic holds and punches as Ceri and Mojax tried to get the crowd behind their respective wrestlers. SDL, being the bigger man eventually pushed his power advantage and took control, and after a couple of huge slams set up for his finishing angled slam, but the (literally) slippery Dex managed to slide out of the back and tag in Pinn, who looked unimpressed so far. Lucas and Pinn faced off and worked surprising well together - Lucas being just a little bit faster and a little bit bigger got under Pinn's skin.


With Ceri distracting the referee, the experienced Pinn hit a thumb to the eye with perfect timing and started to dominate Lucas with a series of splashes in the corner, crushing him under his massive weight. A tired Pinn left Lucas slumped against the turnbuckle as Dex rolled in to continue the beatdown. When Lucas finally managed to get the heels off of him via a well planted, oily chop to Dex and a knee to Pinn's jolly belly, he bailed from the ring, and MoJax dived into the ring for a hot tag, hitting clotheslines and a series of power moves on Dex, finishing up with his second spear of the night.


Pinn, who had been recovering on the outside, blindsided Mojax by tripping him when he went to hit the ropes on a splash, dragging him to the outside by his legs and throwing him face first into the ringpost. Lucas jumped into the ring as the legal man, kicking Dex to the outside and challenging Pinn to come and fight him one on one. Pinn rolls into the ring and they trade blows, with Pinn coming out on top. Pinn hits his finisher, the Boss-A-Nova, and instead of going for the pin he throws Lucas into the corner, laying in fist after fist and brutal looking running hip check that crushes Lucas' head against Pinn and the corner. With Dex and Mojax out cold at ringside, Pinn drags Lucas up to his feet and lifts Lucas up by his chin, then spits in his face. Pinn backs up, looking for another bit running splash in the corner. As he comes in, Lucas ducks, turns and BAM! stiff spinning backfist to Pinn's face! Pinn stumbles, wobbles, then crashes down to the canvas, unconscious. An exhausted Lucas slumps forward for the pin, and it's good for 3!


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Maurice Jackson and Surfer Dude Lucas defeated Dumfrey Pinn and Dexter Mattell in 16:16 when Surfer Dude Lucas defeated Dumfrey Pinn by pinfall with a Spinning Back Fist.(D)


Decent show all round. Nothing too special but did some last minute set up for Inception while elevating some more of the rookies to the main event scene. I give this show a (D) overall. Inception's in 3 days - see you there!

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