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Pro Wrestling Zero - None of a Kind (0/0/0/0 Australia C-Verse)

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You mixed up Hallowarped's picture with Halloween Knight.


Loved the show!


Ugh, I do that so goddamn often! They're in a list, right next to each other and both start with the same 4 letters. I might change it so I have to look for Warp/Knight instead, but then I'll probably end up mixing up warmonger with Hallowarped...

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next show: PWZ Inception 2014




La Muerte Negra vs. X-Calibre


PWZ Momentum Championship Match

Pat Rigsby vs Francis Burke


PWZ Tag Team Championship Match

The Strong Bads© vs. The Apocalypse vs. The Australian People's Party


Sir Artie vs. Nicky Gilbert


Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams


PwZ Heavyweight Championship Match


Maurice Jackson© vs. Halloween Knight


wekka and shawn waters both pulled 100% this week.




Beeker - 2

phoxy - 1

wekka - 2

shawn waters - 2

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La Muerte Negra vs. X-Calibre


PWZ Momentum Championship Match

Pat Rigsby vs Francis Burke


PWZ Tag Team Championship Match

The Strong Bads© vs. The Apocalypse vs. The Australian People's Party


Sir Artie vs. Nicky Gilbert


Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams


PwZ Heavyweight Championship Match


Maurice Jackson© vs. Halloween Knight

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La Muerte Negra vs. X-Calibre

- LMN's big push continues. X-Cal gets X-communicated back to Z-en.


PWZ Momentum Championship Match

Pat Rigsby vs Francis Burke

- This is a total guess, based simply because Voeltz has Burke as his champ and you would want to do something different.


PWZ Tag Team Championship Match

The Strong Bads© vs. The Apocalypse vs. The Australian People's Party

- The StrongBads are a bit of an conundrum for me. They're WAY better than either other team but they're bordering on becoming Division Killers, having them lose here without eating the pin is an option but I really don't want APP or APPocalypse to hold the gold.


Sir Artie vs. Nicky Gilbert

- I'm monocle for life! Pip pip ol' chap. According to the Marquessa of Canterbury's Rules and Regulations thou shalt be succumbing to my superior sportsmanship.


Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams

- Bitterereerererererer Lanny might be my favourite person in Season 2.


PwZ Heavyweight Championship Match


Maurice Jackson© vs. Halloween Knight

- I can't vote against my creation HK. See, when sebsplex made the GDS verse, I supplied an intentionally very bad character called Death Dealer. His 'gimmick' was he wanted to learn the ropes of the wrestling business but he was a very savvy "real life" businessman. Then sebs gave him the La Parka render and he became the owner of ZEN in the CVerse. Still. Go HK!


Also... damn you wekka and waters... I want to win this thing. I don't want a flipping triangle title match for it! So do your jobs and job! :D

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La Muerte Negra vs. X-Calibre


His push continues.!


PWZ Momentum Championship Match

Pat Rigsby vs Francis Burke


Rigsby is a beast!


PWZ Tag Team Championship Match

The Strong Bads© vs. The Apocalypse vs. The Australian People's Party


I'm loving their reign and I don't want it to end, especially when neither team has really been built up as a threat. (Warmonger is a singles threat, Hate is a jobber)


Sir Artie vs. Nicky Gilbert


To build him up for a feud with Jackson


Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams


This one will go to Lanny...and hopefully lead to three heels (LMN, Artie, Lanny) all trying to stop the unstoppable Maurice Jackson...they'll fail of course.


PwZ Heavyweight Championship Match


Maurice Jackson© vs. Halloween Knight


MoJax ain't ready to hand over his title.




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Sunday, Week 4, February 2014


TEWdotcom Australian Wrestling Report - PWZ Inception 2014 Results

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent



Held in front of 252 people at Marv's Sports Central


First big show of the year from PWZ. Not quite a sell out crowd as the last two weekly shows have been (the fans can only go to so many shows) but still a respectable turnout. Let's get right into it!



La Muerte Negra vs. X-Calibre


LMN got the jump on X when the lights went out and he emerged from under the ring. Good action back and forth from both competitors. LMN pushed his early advantage and got a nearfall off of a big running STO. X fought back, using his springboard offense and speed to take LMN down repeatedly. Looking for a finish, X went for a springboard moonsault press only for LMN to sidestep and spray X in black mist as he was upside down in mid air - it happened too fast that the referee and most of the crowd missed it till X started selling. LMN grabbed a blinded X and dumped him on his head with the Exploder, and it was good for a 3.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, La Muerte Negra defeated X-Calibre in 11:53 by pinfall with an Exploder.(D-)


PWZ Momentum Championship Match

Pat Rigsby vs Francis Burke

Another decent match, with the crowd finally embracing these two rookies, but they are lopsided more towards hating Rigsby than liking Burke. Fast high flying offense from Burke to start the match off, though it was a little sloppy. Burke was cut off after a few minutes by a Rigsby slap to the face, then Rigsby kept Burke grounded, working the arm for the majority of the match, leading to Rigsby taking the first fall after a superplex. Burke took the next with a flying flip neckbreaker. The finish came when after Burke went to the top, looking for another flying flip neckbreaker, then hit it on Rigsby. Rigsby backflipped with the move, landing with his full weight on top of his smaller opponent, and quickly switched into an armbar for a quick tapout. Rigsby is the first PWZ Momentum Champion!


Pat Rigsby defeated Francis Burke in two straight falls in 12:22 by submission with an Arm Bar. Pat Rigsby wins the PWZ Momentum title. (E+)



PWZ Tag Team Championship Match

The Strong Bads© vs. The Apocalypse vs. The Australian People's Party


Entertaining bout that was announced beforehand as being held under elimination rules, with 2 legal men in the ring at any one time. Complicated, spotty action to start the match with Dastardly and the APP carrying the majority of the opening minutes. Kerr sent DD flying to ringside with a headscissors, and Barney jumped in as the legal man, dominating both members of the APP with his immense strength. A fed up Warmonger finally entered the match when Stoppard was clotheslined to the floor. Typical big man brawling between Barney and War/Hate slowed the middle of the match down. Hate finally got one over on Mason, hitting a double arm DDT. Mason rolled to the outside to sell, and Hatemonger taunted him from the ring. Kerr, seeing a golden opportunity, slid into the ring as the legal man and rolled up Hate from behind for a 3 count, eliminating The Apocalypse. Damian Dastardly taunted War and Hate as they left the ring, and a furious Warmonger dragged Dastardly off the apron and delivered a Spine Shatterer to him on the ringside floor. Hatemonger tossed a still KOed Mason back into the ring, and The APP went to opposite corners and hit a beautiful splash/legdrop combo from the top that was good for the 3. The Australian People's Party are the new PWZ Tag Team Champions!


The Australian People's Party defeated The Strong Bads and The Apocalypse in 18:10; the order of elimination was The Apocalypse first, and then The Strong Bads. The Australian People's Party win the PWZ Tag Team titles. (D)



Sir Artie vs. Nicky Gilbert


Very fun match with a hot crowd. Gilbert, who's been away from PWZ for 6 weeks was looking very refreshed and hadn't missed a beat with the fans, as over as ever. Artie chants from the crowd as he demanded to be called by his proper name instead of the fan-made moniker. Artie threw a tantrum, and Gilbert quickly worked him from pillar to post, dishing out big power moves and dusting his hands clean with each one, then flirted with the ladies in the audience. A sneaky Artie fetched his cane from his corner and laid in a sneaky shot from behind Nicky and the referee. Artie then took over, pulling Nicky's hair with every move and generally making a right mess. Nicky fought back but it wasnt enough, the cane shot taking it's toll, and Sir Artie hits the Brat Packer for a three.


Artemis Eyre-Rochester defeated Nicky Gilbert in 11:51 by pinfall with a Brat Packer.(C-)


Maurice Jackson cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Halloween Knight.

Maurice Jackson: Knight, we've had some great battles in Season 1, and if I remember correctly - now don't get me wrong, the ol' noggin aint what it used to be - but I'm pretty damn sure I whopped your skeleton lookin' ass every time we got in the ring together. You know it - deep down you know it - and I know you know it, that every night you sit at home on your sheep farm in New Zealand: ah, who am I kidding, the whole damn country is a sheep farm, and you sit there and you look in the mirror and you stare at yourself and say "I can't do it, I just can't beat him!" And your mummy hears you from upstairs and she beats on the basement door with a broom and tells you to shut the damn hell up or she wont feed you. So even though you sit there, and you wish someone, anyone would throw you down some stale crackers, anything, cause you're skin and bones: you know that you're right. You just can't do it. Every time you've been in the ring with me, I've won, either through disqualifications when you run home with your tail between your bony little knees, or by pinning you for one, two, three. Tonight's gonna be no different - I've had this belt for so long now there's damn dust settling around it on my mantlepiece, and it's gonna stay that way for a long time to come!


Good MoJax promo as always, and there were a few scattered chuckles at the thought of Knight living downstairs at his mother's sheep farm. Did what it needed to to set up tonight's main event. (C-)



Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams

Brilliant match from these two as always, easily the two best all-rounder veterans of Australian wrestling. The two men last met in June, and this was a highly anticipated rematch. High-speed, high-intensity technical mat wrestling masterclass as these two showed what they could do, but was sadly cut short by the 15 minute time limit. An exhausted Lanny and Harry surprisingly shook hands in a mutual show of respect afterward, and they both recived a standing ovation from the crowd in attendance, who appreciated the workrate and effort put forth by the two competitiors.


Harry Simonson drew with Lanny Williams in 15:00 when the time limit expired.©


PWZ Heavyweight Championship Match

Maurice Jackson© vs. Halloween Knight


While most would be hard pressed to top the semi-main event, Knight and Jackson managed to do so. The two have fantastic chemistry together and read each other like a book, leading to some very interesting, very smooth improvised spots that wouldn't be out of place in a hollywood blockbuster action movie. Knight showed much more fire than he had in their previous matches, using less lucha moves and working more of a stiffer japanese style, while the larger Mojax stuck to what he does best, huge power moves mixed with his trademark flashy brawling and tackles. Back and forth to start, with nobody getting the one-up till a solid headkick from Knight that led to a nearfall and fed into a big no-hands twisting suicide dive over the top rope that sent both men down in the entranceway. Once both had recovered, Knight continued his offence, locking in a Pumpkin Patch. Mojax fought to escape it for close to a minute as the crowd erupted cheering him on, but eventually had to tap for the first fall. Once the match restarted, Mojax hit a spear out of nowhere for the second fall. Mojax rolled to the apron, selling the submission, and got to his feet, ducking under and ramming Knight as he ran in, then Mojax sailed over the top with a slingshot shoulder block for a 2 count. Mojax set up the spear, hit it, then dragged Knight up for the Rolling DDT for the final nail in the coffin, getting the 3.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Maurice Jackson defeated Halloween Knight in two falls to one in 17:34 by pinfall with a Rolling DDT. Maurice Jackson makes defence number 6 of his PWZ Heavyweight title. (C+)

Great show packed with action from start to finish, and probably PWZ's second best show of all time behind the amazing Wrestlepocalypse last year (which coincidentally had a very similar card). Inception's undercard probably had the edge though, making it a better all-round show. I give it a ©.

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next Monthly Show: PWZ On The Line


News stories:


Inception Report


In what critics are calling one of the best Australian indy wrestling cards ever, Maurice Jackson defended the PWZ Championship against Halloween Knight in a another classic match, Lanny Williams and Harry Simonson tore the house down in an amazing fifteen minute draw, and PWZ has new champions in The Australian People's Party (Tag Team Champions) and Pat Rigsby (Momentum Champion) among other huge matches. If you missed any of the action, you're out of luck but there'll be a brief recap on Cyberslam! this week.


New Momentum Champion Pat Rigsby Makes a statement!


Pat Rigsby has been extremely vocal about his success so far in PWZ. After winning the PWZ Momentum Championship, Rigsby had this to say in an exclusive video backstage at Inception.


This company has stupid rules and regulations - they've handicapped me by banning my finishing move, yet still... still... I beat the crap out of some of the worst this company has to offer - and I even made the monster Warmonger tap. Everyone's talking like I've done something special - for your run of the mill rookie it might be but look at me and then look at the competition I've been up against. To be honest, I really couldn't possibly care less about this belt. I've been in this business six years, and this scrap metal here I won was my key to PWZ and my real goal, the PWZ Championship. I reached an agreement with PWZ Management - if I vacate the Momentum title, and I will next week on Cyberslam!; I get a shot at Maurice Jackson's PWZ Belt and finally some decent competition. I already have a warm up match scheduled for this Thursday night against Boo Smithson, but the week after I'm cashing in that shot and then becoming PWZ Champion.


Confident words from Mr. Rigsby. More on this as it develops.


PWZ.NET Special Feature - Warmonger Interview


PWZ.NET sat down with Warmonger today for an exclusive interview.


PWZ: How are you feeling today?


Warmonger: How do you think I feel? We lost to a pair of kids. I'm happy for the Australian People's Party, and glad The Strong Bads got what was coming to them, but I'm annoyed it wasn't The Apocalypse against The Party instead. That would have been a great match.


PWZ: The Apocalypse is always billed and considered one of PWZ's top tag teams despite never being Tag Team Champions. Why do you think that is?


Warmonger: What the hell kind of question is that? Are you seriously asking me this? "Why aren't you good enough to get the Tag Team Champions?"... You really want to know!? At Inception, just like every other time we're in the ring together, Hatemonger couldn't get the job done. We've never been Tag Team champions - and do you know who's fault that is? Hatemongers. Do you realise that I haven't once been pinned in a PWZ tag match? Like always, it's been me who always gets the job done. It was ME that had to defend PWZ from the ZEN takeover... it was ME who rallied together the best of a bad lot in Blue Flea and X-Calibre - it was ME who made them. I'm sick to death of all these new rookies treating me with disrespect and worse, you faux-journalists doing the exact same shit. Maybe it's time for me to... Ugh... Hate, I'm sorry: I didn't mean that. We've been best friends for 10 years since we broke into the business together - we'll get there one day. As for you idiots? This interview is over. I'm done.


We apologize for the interview being cut short, but emotions run high in this business and somebody has to ask the tough questions (we didn't think they were that bad!) We'll try to reschedule an interview in the future.


On The Line Preview


PWZ's next monthly supercard is On The Line. As with some other great events on the PWZ Calendar, the matches at On The Line are made between the competitors with one crucial difference: In every match, someone has something to lose. Whether it's their hair, their championships, their masks or their employment, wagers are made between the wrestlers, then they wage war on each other. If you're a gambler, this is the show for you! While no matches have been formally announced, we expect some serious bets to be made by the PWZ roster in an effort to get the matches they want, and PWZ Management has informed us here at PWZ.NET that at the very least every PWZ Title will be on the line!


Remember, the only way to see this amazing card is in person - so book your tickets today!


Meet the PWZ Announcing team


Despite the fantastic action PWZ's Cyberslam! delivers week in and week out, PWZ.NET (and a lot of fans, judging from our email inbox!) have noticed that Cyberslam! is missing a certain... something. While our live crowd is always incredibly loud, Cyberslam! is still a little bit quiet. PWZ Management has heard your (and our) pleas, and has employed the amazing talents of Merv Matera and Ceri Dordevich (who took a payrise over any loyalty to former client Dexter Mattell - we here PWZ.NET can't say we blame her). Due to a scheduling issue, Matera will make his commentary debut the week after next, with a special one-time-only appearance this week by veteran ZEN announcer Sparky Sparks (if that is his real name).


A little about these two:


Merv Matera might be familiar to National Rugby League fans as an announcer for Saturday afternoon games, and is also a panelist on the ASN's Footy Show. Merv is also a massive wrestling fan (who can blame him) and brings a vast knowledge of wrestling, experience, name recognition and his trademark voice to the announcing table.



Ceri Dordevich should be familiar to PWZ fans due to her brief stint as Dexter Mattell's valet. Having worked all over the country as a manager, Ceri Dordevich brings her encyclopaediac knowledge of professional wrestling and unmistakable wit and humor to the PWZ commentary team.

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next show: PWZ Cyberslam!




The Caped Crusaders vs. The Rising Suns II


Boo Smithson vs. Pat Rigsby


Nicky Gilbert vs. Halloween Knight


Surprise - wekka and shawn waters both tied this week.



Beeker - 2

phoxy - 1

wekka - 3

shawn waters - 3

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Thursday, Week 1, March 2014

PWZ Cyberslam Report by Trip0lar


Attendance: 300

Commentators: Sparky Sparks and Ceri Dordevich


We're taken from the opening titles to a short highlight reel of Inception, mainly focusing on the undercard matches - footage from the main event title bout is notably absent. We're also shown the last five minutes of Simonson and Williams' brilliant time limit draw. (D-)


The Rising Suns II defeated The Coloured Insects in 11:35 when Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi defeated White Wasp by pinfall with an Inverted Piledriver. (E)


What you'd expect from these two teams. Basic tag action with lots of high flying. FUYU looked good here and planted Wasp on his head for the win. Hard. Dutch DeRue did some funny work ringside, trying to bark orders to his Japanese clients not in Japanese, but in basic English with a Japanese accent. It didn't work.


We're shown a recap of the Maurice Jackson vs. Halloween Knight main event from Inception. Makes sense why it wasn't included in the opening video.(D)



Momentum Champion Pat Rigsby cuts a promo, vacating the belt, hyping up his upcoming match with Boo Smithson, and challenging PWZ Heavyweight Champion Maurice Jackson for a match next week.


Pat Rigsby: There's been a lot of talk about the Momentum title, so I'll clear the air. I've reached an agreement with PWZ Management where I vacate this belt so the rookies can fight over it, and I get a title shot for the PWZ Heavyweight belt, joining the Heavyweight Division in the process. This belt is officially vacated, and I've been told that there'll be a match to determine the #2 contender, who will go on to wrestle Francis Burke for the belt. With the formalities out of the way: Tonight I face Boo Smithson in a warmup match. Next week, Maurice Jackson, bring yourself and the PWZ title to Cyberslam so that I can have some decent competition for once. Then, I'll beat you for the Heavyweight title to prove to you, the boys in the back, management and you stupid paying fans that I am the rightful champion of PWZ.(E)


Boo Smithson defeated Pat Rigsby by disqualification in 15:51.(D+)


Good match, these two really click and put on an amazing technical showcase. Frustrated with not being able to make Boo tap, Rigsby delivered an illegal piledriver, disqualifying himself. Ceri Dordevich noted on commentary that Rigsby will likely be suspended for up to a month as a result. Boo was unconscious as a result of the assault and had to be stretchered backstage.



In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Nicky Gilbert defeated Halloween Knight in 17:34 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. (C-)


Phenomenal main event and a fantastic match between these two workers. Sparks (who's openly homosexual) spent a good deal of time on commentary swooning over Nicky, which was humourous, and Dordevich unleashed a barrage of bone and skeleton related puns while backing Knight. Gilbert continues to impress and is going to be a megastar one day. Great action throughout and a very hot crowd that ate up the action, solidly behind Nicky who celebrated with the fans as the show signed off.

Good show overall. After a rocky start with so many rapid fire debuts and unknown rookies, Cyberslam is settling into it's current format of recap videos, promos, and a big marquee match or two like Gilbert/Knight. The addition of a commentary team is a great change, though Merv Matera will be the play by play man in the future, as he had some business to finish up before he signed on with PWZ. Might be better structured next week with less focus on Inception (though what was shown was amazing) and we can get 4 or 5 full length matches. Overall: (D+)

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


News stories:


Pat Rigsby Suspended!


After vacating the Momentum Championship and announcing his intention to join the Heavyweight Division after being granted a Heavyweight Title shot by PWZ Management, Pat Rigsby had a match with Boo Smithson. During the match, an obviously frustrated Rigsby let his temper get the best of him and delivered his trademark move, a vicious piledriver to Smithson. Piledrivers are banned in PWZ for safety reasons, and Rigsby was immediately disqualified. PWZ.NET has also been informed that Rigsby has been suspended for 28 days without pay, with the option to return to action after three weeks as a consequence of his actions. In a controversial decision, PWZ have decided to honor Rigsby's Heavyweight Title shot at a later date - but now need to find a new contender for Maurice Jackson's Heavyweight Title. PWZ.NET wish Boo Smithson all the best in his recovery after sustaining a serious concussion as a result of the piledriver, and we're told that there is no permanent damage; Boo is recovering at home.


Next show: PWZ Cyberslam!

Marcus Kerr vs. FUYU


Dumfrey Pinn vs. Surfer Dude Lucas


Non-Title Match

The Apocalypse vs. The Strong Bads


#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Heavyweight Championship - No Time Limit

Lanny Williams vs. Harry Simonson

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...no predictions? :(


I'm a 'Muricann, so you post at like 2 am for me. ;)


Marcus Kerr vs. FUYU - Because i like him.


Dumfrey Pinn vs. Surfer Dude Lucas - Dunno if I'm right, but you seem to be big on pushing your young guys, so I'll take a shot.


Non-Title Match

The Apocalypse vs. The Strong Bads - The Apocalypse need to stay rlevant and a loss here shouldn't hurt the Strong Bads too much.


#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Heavyweight Championship - No Time Limit

Lanny Williams vs. Harry Simonson - Lanny! Lanny! Lanny!

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Marcus Kerr vs. FUYU


Dumfrey Pinn vs. Surfer Dude Lucas


Non-Title Match

The Apocalypse vs. The Strong Bads


#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Heavyweight Championship - No Time Limit

Lanny Williams vs. Harry Simonson

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I'm a 'Muricann, so you post at like 2 am for me. ;)


Marcus Kerr vs. FUYU - Because i like him.


Dumfrey Pinn vs. Surfer Dude Lucas - Dunno if I'm right, but you seem to be big on pushing your young guys, so I'll take a shot.


Non-Title Match

The Apocalypse vs. The Strong Bads - The Apocalypse need to stay rlevant and a loss here shouldn't hurt the Strong Bads too much.


#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Heavyweight Championship - No Time Limit

Lanny Williams vs. Harry Simonson - Lanny! Lanny! Lanny!


Eh, just like Lanny, this Diary's audience is on time decline. :( Show should be up pronto.

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I'll probably never be around to predict on a Sunday, FYI...but it's Monday now, so t's all good! (Catching up on missed dynasties >>> Uni :p)


Marcus Kerr vs. FUYU


The two best workers of their respective teams...I'll go with Kerr since I don't know if FUYU has enough overness to go over here.


Dumfrey Pinn vs. Surfer Dude Lucas


I'd love for Lucas to go on a losing streak, just to piss Lanny off even more (plus I'm not the biggest SDL fan)


Non-Title Match

The Apocalypse vs. The Strong Bads


Guessing this is leading to either a Mason or 'Monger turn. Not sure who is turning though...I'll give the Apocalypse the victory though, since DD and BM both need to go solo.


#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Heavyweight Championship - No Time Limit

Lanny Williams vs. Harry Simonson


Might be another draw to set up a triple threat, but I see Lanny winning so he can leak some overness to MoJax before he jobs his way down the card.

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The Rigsby storyline really confuses me. I can only guess that something backstage happened between him winning the Momentum Title and him then abdicating it? If it's all storyline I don't follow - give him the title, abdicate before defending, then suspend him for 28 days for a piledriver, even though the Rising Suns II won their bout with a piledriver.


Real life has kept me busy, but I've not forgotten about PWZ.


Marcus Kerr vs. FUYU

- Because he can use a piledriver.


Dumfrey Pinn vs. Surfer Dude Lucas

- Pinn gets the pin.

Non-Title Match

The Apocalypse vs. The Strong Bads

- I thought the APP had the belts. I'm still picking the Strong Bads so they can have their rematch.


#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Heavyweight Championship - No Time Limit

Lanny Williams vs. Harry Simonson

- Lanny, oh Lanny, why so bitter?

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I'll probably never be around to predict on a Sunday, FYI...but it's Monday now, so t's all good! (Catching up on missed dynasties >>> Uni :p)


Marcus Kerr vs. FUYU


The two best workers of their respective teams...I'll go with Kerr since I don't know if FUYU has enough overness to go over here.


Dumfrey Pinn vs. Surfer Dude Lucas


I'd love for Lucas to go on a losing streak, just to piss Lanny off even more (plus I'm not the biggest SDL fan)


Non-Title Match

The Apocalypse vs. The Strong Bads


Guessing this is leading to either a Mason or 'Monger turn. Not sure who is turning though...I'll give the Apocalypse the victory though, since DD and BM both need to go solo.


#1 Contendership Match for the PWZ Heavyweight Championship - No Time Limit

Lanny Williams vs. Harry Simonson


Might be another draw to set up a triple threat, but I see Lanny winning so he can leak some overness to MoJax before he jobs his way down the card.


Good call on the tag match, who will it be? And... I'll make sure there's a winner in the main event. :)


The Rigsby storyline really confuses me. I can only guess that something backstage happened between him winning the Momentum Title and him then abdicating it? If it's all storyline I don't follow - give him the title, abdicate before defending, then suspend him for 28 days for a piledriver, even though the Rising Suns II won their bout with a piledriver.


See, I had in my head that an inverted Piledriver (which is a stupid name for it... what are you gonna do, drop them feet first?) was a Schwein/Celtic Cross/White Noise/Kryptonite Krunch (which makes sense for a strong style wrestler - and it's something I'd allow rulewise as the victim isn't driven headfirst) but apparently it's also what Owen Hart's piledriver is called... which seems very old school for Fuyu's moveset. I'll definitely rename it and retcon it if need be but it's not something that slipped through the cracks: I checked everyone's moveset beforehand in case something like this came up, and had to give Rigsby a new moveset. :)


The Momentum title situation was detailed in the news post at the start of the month and addressed somewhat in his promo, but might not have been 100% clear, you're right; As the most experienced of the rookies (a 6 year vet) Pat believes he doesn't belong in the Momentum Division and that's most of the reason he trounced through the competition. He cut a deal with Management to get a shot at Maurice Jackson's title (who Rigsby sees as his equal), but he had to vacate his belt to do so, as he moved up a division.


Now he's gone and gotten himself suspended. It's ok, this storyline will make sense soon.


The Apocalypse vs. The Strong Bads

- I thought the APP had the belts. I'm still picking the Strong Bads so they can have their rematch.


Yes, that one's my bad. It's still technically a non-title match, haha. Thanks for calling out all my mistakes, I actually do appreciate it. How do you like the abridged weekly show format?

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