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Thursday, Week 2, March 2014

PWZ Cyberslam Report by Trip0lar


Attendance: 300

Commentators: Merv Matera and Ceri Dordevich



Merv Matera and Ceri Dordevich open the show on camera, addressing the Pat Rigsby situation from last week. As suspected, Rigsby has been suspended for one month as a result of his illegal piledriver on Boo Smithson, who is currently recovering at home. Matera stresses that Rigsby still has his title shot down the line, but as Rigsby was the current #1 contender to the Heavyweight title, PWZ is left without a contender for the next monthly show and that tonight, two PWZ greats, Harry Simonson and Lanny Williams will face off one on one to determine the new #1 contender to Maurice Jackson's title at On The Line.


The camera cuts to the ring where Lanny Williams in holding a microphone, segueing nicely into the first segment.


Lanny Williams: It's probably no secret to any of you that I've been pretty pissed off lately. The reason? The blatant disrespect in the PWZ locker room. I know I shouldn't air my dirty laundry out here, but this is an important point I need to make: Tonight I face a man I respect because he respects me. Harry Simonson, you and I are unquestionably the best wrestlers in the country, and the greatest matches of my career have been against you - then you shook my hand afterwards. I hope tonight is another amazing match, and may the best man win.

Lanny pauses to think, and the crowd aren't quite sure whether to boo him. He then gives them a reason to.


Should I win tonight, I'll then go on to face a man I don't respect. A kid, a rookie... a 'dual sport superstar'. What a crock of shit. Yeah, Maurice, you're a good rugby player, we know - you won't shut up about it. But you should have stuck to rugby. You know what pisses me off? I live and breathe this business, kid. Then you stroll in here, fresh off a rugby premiership and get every opportunity in the world. Yeah, you've done well, I admit that - but you're honestly a paper-thin, egotistical piece of shit. You've beaten me twice, and when you get backstage, what do you do? Not once have you said "Thank you Lanny for allowing me to work with you in the ring. Thank you for giving me the honor of facing a 20 year veteran like yourself. Thank you for making me a star."


Lanny is showered in boos as he tears the fans' hero to shreds.


See what it really boils down to mate is that if it weren't for people like me, there wouldn't be a wrestling business for you to walk into. And christ, am I sick of it. People like me built this business on our blood, sweat and tears, living out of our cars, eating nothing but baked beans and training seven days a week against anyone we could, and you think you can just walk in here and treat us all like shit because you're the champ? Hell no, kid, that's not how it works. I don't care who wins tonight - Harry or I are gonna beat some discipline into you!


Lanny might not be the best talker in the world, but he's very convincing - you can tell there's some legitimacy to his annoyance at Jackson. Decent promo. (D-)


Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi defeated Marcus Kerr in 11:41 by pinfall with a Kamikaze Krash.


FUYU and Kerr last wrestled in a tag match last month, and now they face off in singles competition. FUYU is coming into his own and looks like he could be a very good wrestler with some experience. Not a great match but decent with lots of high flying and stiff kicks. Merv and Ceri also mentioned on commentary that there's also a new referee. (Ed: Apparently it's Wels Farmer of Australian Independent show fame) It was weird to see a PWZ bout without Jackson Jackson reffing.(E+)



Dumfrey Pinn defeated Surfer Dude Lucas in 11:46 by pinfall with a Boss-A-Nova.


Awkward match, with Lucas in control the entire time. Crowd were into it but the two wrestlers weren't having a good night by the looks of things. Pinn ducked a spinning backfist that would have meant certain victory and quickly hit the Boss-A-Nova for a three count out of nowhere. (E+)


After the match, Pinn quickly grabs a microphone while Lucas is laid out and calls out for help from backstage. Two large men wearing balaclavas hit the ring and drag Lucas to the floor. One of the men grabs a steel chair while the other pins Lucas' wrist against the ringpost. The man with the chair unleashes a wicked chairshot to Lucas' hand, sandwiching it between the chair and the ringpost. Pinn pulls two folded wads of notes from out of his trunks and hands them to the two men and congratulates them on a job well done. Lucas sells a broken hand at ringside, which is quickly iced by medical staff as he is escorted backstage. (D)



The Strong Bads defeated the Apocalypse in 17:35 when Barney Mason defeated Hatemonger by submission with a Full Nelson.


Decent match from these 4 tag division mainstays. They have clashed a few times before and this was more of the same, with Hatemonger taking the brunt of the offence with quick tags between the heel team. War and Barney had their usual big man strength contest with typical (yet entertainingly charismatic) spots, shoulder charges, test of strength, the usual. The finish came when the match broke down with War and DD on the outside, and Barney locked in the Full Nelson on Hatemonger, who tapped out.(D-)

After the match, Warmonger was -livid-. He cleared the ring of TSB, who scurried backstage, and confronted Hatemonger, shoving him and yelling about how terrible a partner he is and that he's holding the team back. Hate tried to apologize only to eat a huge clothesline from War. War dragged an injured, begging Hate to the floor, furiously ripped a ringside barricade out of it's supports and slammed it on top of Hate, then pulled Hate out from under it to deliver a Spine Shatterer right on top of the steel barricade!


War backed away, half in shock of what he'd just done as medical staff and the face half of the locker room poured out to help Hate. Hate eventually got lifted onto a stretcher as security staff held War back. Once Hate was secured, War went on the assault again, throwing staff and wrestler alike out of the way to get to Hate. War wheeled Hate back to ringside and ascended the apron. The fans, wrestlers and staff pleaded with War to stop, but it was to no avail - War launched himself of of the apron and connected with a huge splash onto Hate and the stretcher, which collapsed flat under the immense weight. War rose to his feet, selling his stomach, then coldly walked backstage. The medical staff, now in the clear, tended to Hate at ringside as the announcers sold deep concern for what had just happened.©



In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Lanny Williams defeated Harry Simonson in 17:50 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.


It took a few minutes to clear the ring and wheel Hate out on a second stretcher, all of which was recorded for the webcast. The cameras panned the crowd who were all still in shock at what had just happened. Once everything was cleared it was time for the main event. Merv Matera noted that there was no time limit on this match as a result of so many Simonson/Williams bouts ending in draws, and that PWZ needs a concrete #1 contender to it's main belt, so there'd be no stopping the match till there is a definitive winner. Good action the whole way through but it definitely wasn't at the same level as their previous bouts, as both men lacked their usual fire in the ring. After an epic back and forth battle, Lanny rolled through on a Simonson half crab attempt and locked in a figure 4 leglock for the submission victory. Williams is the #1 contender to the PWZ Heavyweight Championship - which is acknowledged with a brief pop-in banner. (D+)


Much more solid show structure this week as predicted, with a promo opener, two decent undercard matches, a big semi main with an extremely hot angle and shocking turn from Warmonger, and a marquee main event - all on a free webcast. This makes MoJax v Williams III official for the end of the month. Maybe this time Lanny can be victorious. Obvious big news is Warmonger going heel, which, while teased ever so slightly at the start of the month on PWZ's website came as a big surprise to me and everyone in the live audience. The assault on Hate was beyond brutal, and I'm concerned for how dangerous those bumps were, especially the Spine Shatterer to the stretcher. Pinn's paid lackeys breaking Lucas' hand is an interesting turn, maybe as a way to take some power out of his deadly backfist, but it remains to see how many weeks Lucas is out selling for. Not bad: (D+)

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Hell, you really have to make up for a lot of unread shows and stuff after being away for just about a week. However, you've done well, and I expected no less. I surely was no opponent of your full-length Cyberslam reports, but those shorter versions are fine, too, and they, of course, got the advantage of being written and read quicker.


Warmonger's turn on his former tag team partner was a HUGE shock for me, although I've seen it coming after reading his interview. However, I always liked his character and I'm curious about how the next show with his involvement will run. Great work, as always (and it's a shame that your diary probably won't win the monthly award, as it really deservers it).

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See, I had in my head that an inverted Piledriver (which is a stupid name for it... what are you gonna do, drop them feet first?) was a Schwein/Celtic Cross/White Noise/Kryptonite Krunch (which makes sense for a strong style wrestler - and it's something I'd allow rulewise as the victim isn't driven headfirst) but apparently it's also what Owen Hart's piledriver is called... which seems very old school for Fuyu's moveset. I'll definitely rename it and retcon it if need be but it's not something that slipped through the cracks: I checked everyone's moveset beforehand in case something like this came up, and had to give Rigsby a new moveset.


Now I get it. It struck me so obviously because I watched Owen Hart from his Stampede days so to me it seemed like... odd. But the FUYU Driver is a fine addition to his strong style arsenal.

And you're right, really, an inverted piledriver would also go by the name of... setting the opponent down on their feet. Feel the fear!


The Momentum title situation was detailed in the news post at the start of the month and addressed somewhat in his promo, but might not have been 100% clear, you're right; As the most experienced of the rookies (a 6 year vet) Pat believes he doesn't belong in the Momentum Division and that's most of the reason he trounced through the competition. He cut a deal with Management to get a shot at Maurice Jackson's title (who Rigsby sees as his equal), but he had to vacate his belt to do so, as he moved up a division.


I remembered he was an angry 'rookie'. I suppose my viewpoint was for the prestige of the belt. How prestigious can it be if the initial champion refuses to defend it and trades it in for a match to earn a shot at the big belt.

Your explanation clears that up. The storyline jumbled on me.


Thanks for calling out all my mistakes, I actually do appreciate it. How do you like the abridged weekly show format?


I like it. I know Xen enjoyed the longer write-ups but for me I like the distinction between the two. Cyberslam focuses on angles and promos letting wrestlers flesh out their characters and become known to the audiences. Workrate is for the Big Month End (Dark) Show.

I also dig the format of the undercard with (at least) on marquee match-up to hook the fans.


So all in all, I like the new flavour of Cyberslam.


And how old school... figure four trumps half-crab! As it should be. (I find the half-crab to be very weak as a finisher).


Finally as soon as War said he would be BFFs with Hate it was just a matter of time before the Apocalypse was spine-shattered.

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next show: PWZ Cyberslam!




Non Title Match

Australian People's Party vs. Half and Half


Winner to face Francis Burke for the PWZ Momentum Championship at On The Line

Demarcus Lee vs. Vortex


X-Calibre vs. Dumfrey Pinn


Non Title Match

Maurice Jackson vs. Sir Artie


wekka and Beeker both tied this week.



Beeker - 3

phoxy - 1

wekka - 4

shawn waters - 3

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Non Title Match

Australian People's Party vs. Half and Half


Winner to face Francis Burke for the PWZ Momentum Championship at On The Line

Demarcus Lee vs. Vortex


X-Calibre vs. Dumfrey Pinn


Non Title Match

Maurice Jackson vs. Sir Artie

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Non Title Match

Australian People's Party vs. Half and Half


Winner to face Francis Burke for the PWZ Momentum Championship at On The Line

Demarcus Lee vs. Vortex


X-Calibre vs. Dumfrey Pinn


Non Title Match

Maurice Jackson vs. Sir Artie (Via Shenanigans)

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Australian People's Party vs. Half and Half

- Now THIS is a non-title match! That the champs still win.


Winner to face Francis Burke for the PWZ Momentum Championship at On The Line

Demarcus Lee vs. Vortex

- I love Vortex but... rematch from their first round match-up.


X-Calibre vs. Dumfrey Pinn

- Pinn keeps up his momentum with his new masked men and 'Corporation'.


Non Title Match

Maurice Jackson vs. Sir Artie

- I want to pick Sir Artie but he's not there yet, I will say this, he loses by DQ when his pearl handled walking stick 'accidentally collides with the frontal cortex of his lummox of opposition.' "Why the oaf near tarnished the polish! Heathen."

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Non Title Match

Australian People's Party vs. Half and Half


Winner to face Francis Burke for the PWZ Momentum Championship at On The Line

Demarcus Lee vs. Vortex


X-Calibre vs. Dumfrey Pinn


Non Title Match

Maurice Jackson vs. Sir Artie

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PWZ has come to terms on the release of Hatemonger as of Thursday, Week 2, March 2014. We wish Hatemonger the best in all future endeavors.


Thursday, Week 3, March 2014

PWZ Cyberslam Report by Trip0lar


Attendance: 300

Commentators: Merv Matera and Ceri Dordevich


After the opening titles, we're taken straight to the ring, where X-Calibre paces, agitated. He asks a member of the production crew for a microphone.



X-Calibre: Three weeks ago, at Inception, I stepped in the ring to face someone who's made 2013 a living hell for me. I spent most of January stitching my face back together, and then stitching my mask back together. And three weeks ago was my chance for retribution - but I was unsuccessful. Sean... La Muerte Negra, I know you're back there watching this on the monitors, or can at least hear me, so come out here!


There's a lengthy silence where nothing happens, and the crowd (and X-Calibre) get restless. X-Calibre shrugs, and starts to leave the ring, only for the lights to cut out and La Muerte appear behind him as the flicker back on.



X jumps a little in surprise as he turns around, then composes himself.


X-Calibre: Look, you might think this is over between you and me, you attacked me in January, attacked me again, goaded me into a match, then beat me only by damn near blinding me with whatever that inky shit is you spit in my eyes. That's not alright with me, and I'm sure it's not alright with everyone else here.


The crowd rumbles in agreeance.


X-Calibre: So, I've given up on you playing fair: but I want another chance on equal footing. I want a match with you at the end on the month at On The Line.

X-Calibre shoves the microphone into Muerte's chest, demonstrating that he's clearly not afraid. Muerte snatches the microphone and sells making a decision before speaking.


La Muerte Negra: No.


X-Calibre visibly deflates - then composes himself and starts yelling. It's not audible as he's off-microphone.

La Muerte Negra: A dilemma: both want something. You? A match. Me? Snuff you out for good.


Put your mask on the line.


A shocked X-Calibre is taken aback by the proposal. He looks around to the audience, hand over his mouth in deep thought. Even in the low-quality stream you can hear and see people begging X-Calibre not to do it. After selling the decision for what seems like forever, X-Calibre snatches the microphone back. PWZ really should invest in a second microphone.

X-Calibre: No. No... I know you better than you think I do. You think you're this brilliant, mysterious mastermind, speaking in riddles, playing with the lights - but you know what, I'm smarter than you. No, I won't put my mask on the line. I don't want the match that badly. I know you thought I would, but the fact of the matter is: you want to unmask me more than I want a rematch. I can see it in the way you compose yourself - and deep down, under that mask, I can barely see your eyes: and I can see it in them too. We're more alike than you think. I want to end you just as badly - without your mask, you're nothing. You're just a cocky rookie under there, hiding. But... I'll do you the biggest favor anyone is ever going to do for you: I'll put this mask on the line. The mask I've worn for six years. But with one caveat: you put yours on the line as well. One of us walks out of there with our mask, the other walks away, changed forever.


Speak of the devil, one of the production crew manages to find a wired microphone and hands it to Muerte.


La Muerte Negra: Foolish, yet fair. Beat you before. Do it again. Mascara contra mascara. Mask versus mask. The end of X-Calibre. ...I agree.


X-Calibre extends his hand for a shake, but Muerte kicks his hand away and rolls out of the ring in one fluid movement, retreating backstage, pointing to X-Calibre and motioning unmasking him. Ceri and Merv welcome everyone to the show and hype the big news of the opening segment, ending with Merv receiving word from backstage that the match is official. It'll be La Muerte Negra vs X-Calibre at On The Line, Mask vs. Mask. (D-)



The Australian People's Party defeated Half and Half in 11:50 when Marcus Kerr defeated HalloWarped by pinfall.

Decent, fast paced high flying match between these two teams. Stoppard took a heck of a beatdown, finally rolling outside to make Kerr the legal man, who cleaned house. The APP hit a beatiful combination moonsault/legdrop from opposite corners for the win.(E+)


Demarcus Lee defeated Vortex in 5:44 by pinfall with a Snap Back.

This was essentially a squash - Vortex simply couldnt handle Lee's intense street inspired brawling, and succumbed to Lee's Neckbreaker finisher for an easy victory to advance to On The Line. Merv and Ceri hyped Demarcus Lee vs. Francis Burke in two weeks for the Momentum title.(E-)


A music video is shown to promote ZEN's top babyface, Devilfish, who will be live on Cyberslam next week. There's a short highlight reel of his moves, and a very brief promo where he promises to "make hell and bring waves - or was that the other way around?".(E+)


Dumfrey Pinn is out to the ring for a promo.

Pinn: My first order of business today is to extend my condolences to one Surfer Dude Lucas, who accidentally and unfortunately suffered a serious hand injury last week on Cyberslam. I truly wish you the best in your recovery, mate, and I hope you'll be back soon, though I hear it isn't likely. What a shame-



Lucas' music hits, and he emerges in street clothes with a microphone, his left wrist in a cast.


Lucas: Hey thanks, dude! You knew I'd knock you out if you gave me the chance, so you paid off two thugs to break my hittin' hand. Look, life comes however it wants and I'm pretty chill with what happens bro, but that was pretty dog of you. I realise I have a broken wrist and all, and I've been advised not to compete for six to eight weeks, but I'd like a rematch, and soon.

Pinn: You might think I'm evil, and would like to take advantage of you in your current state; but I'm a man of honor. I couldn't wrestle you so soon after your accident last week.


Lucas: You paid those guys off!


Pinn: I don't know what you think you saw, and maybe you should lay off the bongs, but I'm still not going to wrestle you when you're injured. That would be unfair.

Lucas: Are you kidding me? Wow... I know you have a match tonight, and I know you have business to attend to next week... Are you a betting man, Pinn?


Pinn: I have the odd punt every now and then on the races... what does this have to do with anything?

Lucas: Well, I want a rematch - and let's make it interesting. Let's have it at On The Line, and bet something, only fitting. You wrestle me with a broken wrist, so you have the advantage.


Pinn: If you really want to do this... Look, I've beaten you when you're 100%. You think it's gonna be any harder for me to beat you now? Shit, kid... if you beat me with a broken wrist, I'll leave PWZ forever.


Lucas: Well, I'm not gonna go that far, bro, since I'm injured. How bout, if you win, I shave my head?


Pinn: Oh, this is great. I get to have the easiest match of my career and shave your head afterwards? Where do I sign up? You're on, kid!


Lucas: Then it's settled: You and me at On The Line, Hair vs Career.


X-Calibre's music hits, and he's out to the ring - segueing into tonight semi-main event. Lucas joins Merv and Ceri and commentary table for this bout.(D)


X-Calibre defeated Dumfrey Pinn in 12:19 by pinfall with a Springboard 460.

Lucas was comedy gold on commentary, spending most of the match ripping into Pinn about his weight and putting over X-Calibre interspresed with flirting with Ceri, who flatly refused his advances. Pinn took the early advantage until X-Calibre got a head of steam and unleashed a flurry of high flying offence. One of Pinn's masked thugs ran out to the ring to save Pinn, only to get cut off by Lucas who delivered a vicious spinning backfist with his cast that send the big man down. Pinn managed to roll away from a springboard moonsault, and X-Calibre ate the canvas. Pinn leant over the top rope, abusing Lucas, distracting him long enough for X-Calbre to roll him up for the 3 count. Merv noted on commentary that the cast on Lucas' wrist makes his backfist even more dangerous than it is already. (E+)



Maurice Jackson defeated Artemis Eyre-Rochester in 17:34 by pinfall with a Rolling DDT onto a tophat.

Above average match with a very hot crowd. Jackson used his size to dominate the early goings but was unable to keep the slippery faux-Brit down for more than a two. Artie hit a lowblow with with his leg when Jackson attempted a backdrop suplex and Wels Farmer, the rookie referee, missed it completely. While Farmer tended to Mojax, Artie fetched his cane from the corner and ran at Mojax, looking for a big overhead caneshot, but Mojax countered by ducking and hitting a massive spear. Mojax grabbed Artie's tophat from his corner and set it down mid-ring, picked Artie up then hit a Rolling DDT right onto the tophat, squashing it flat. It was good for a three count. Ceri lamented the death of the tophat on commentary. Fun match.(D+)


Decent show overall. Not quite as good as the last two weeks' shows as it was a little promo heavy and the opening matches were somewhat lacking. Lots of story progression, setting up 3 big matches at On The Line, with X-Calibre vs. Muerte mask vs. mask, Pinn vs Lucas PWZ Career vs Hair, and Burke vs. Lee for the vacant Momentum title. Looking forward to seeing Devilfish in action next week too. Overall a (D).

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La Muerte Negro is a stroke of genius.


You don't know the half of it. While I know what the ending of his story is, I'm lucky that the middle writes itself. :)


Edit: I want to keep it spoiler free, if anyone figures out Muerte (and if you do, immense respect) please PM me, don't post it here.

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next show: PWZ Cyberslam!




Matty Wills vs. Brodie Lachlan


SubUrban Legend vs. Dexter Mattell


Francis Burke vs. Caleb


Devilfish vs. La Muerte Negra


Harry Simonson vs. Warmonger


Xendarii, wekka and Beeker tied this week.



Beeker - 4

phoxy - 1

wekka - 5

shawn waters - 3

Xendarii -1

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Matty Wills vs. Brodie Lachlan

- He has a twin sister, and I vaguely recognize his name.


SubUrban Legend vs. Dexter Mattell

- He's a legend dammit! Sure, Dexter might be a serial killer, but he's not a legendary serial killer... yet.


Francis Burke vs. Caleb

- Burke builds momentum.


Devilfish vs. La Muerte Negra

- Double DQ/Count out. I think Belton wants to keep both strong, this allows interference from X-Cal while keeping both LMN(OP) and Devilfish looking good.


Harry Simonson vs. Warmonger

- Kept looking strong after his heel turn. Warmonger gets ANGRY~!

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Matty Wills vs. Brodie Lachlan


SubUrban Legend vs. Dexter Mattell


Francis Burke vs. Caleb


Devilfish vs. La Muerte Negra- I see this being a no contest of some sort. Can't kill Negra's momentum and can't stop Devilfish's before he even gets started.


Harry Simonson vs. Warmonger

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Sorry - been a big, big couple weeks for me - starting University, and Starcraft expansion/Simcity 5/new Warcraft raid have been taking up all my free time. Cyberslam will be up by the weekend, and then onto On The Line. Woo!
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Thursday, Week 3, March 2014

PWZ Cyberslam Report by Trip0lar


Attendance: 275

Commentators: Merv Matera and Ceri Dordevich



La Muerte Negra is in the ring to open the show. He cuts a promo hyping his Mask vs. Mask versus X-Calibre at Inception.


La Muerte Negra: Three days, can't wait. Peel your face off, tear your skin. Like Christmas. Then you'll leave forever, blow away like meaningless dust. Sunday, X-Calibre dies forever. Then... then all is right with the world - my vengeance complete.


Short, sweet, chilling promo from LMN to further hype his upcoming match. Good stuff.(D)



Brodie Lachlan defeated Matty Wills in 5:58 by submission with an Ankle Lock.


Not terrible. Crowd wasn't behind Matty as a face, but it wasn't for lack of trying on his twin sister's part. Rose did well. Lachlan had great heel heat though, and picks up his second straight win in PWZ, something he's yet to do in RAW.(E)


Boo Smithson makes his way out to the ring in a soft cervical collar, selling Pat Rigsby's devastating illegal piledriver from three weeks ago. Ceri and Merv not that Rigsby has been suspended for the last 3 weeks, then talk about Boo's fortitude and note that Boo has been training hard to make his return to the ring. The crowd start a "welcome back" chant, and Boo nervously appreciates the praise.


The celebration is cut short by Pat Rigsby, who emerges from a side door of the building and snatches a microphone from the production table.


Pat Rigsby: No, no, no... don't even think about cutting this microphone off - I'm no longer suspended. After an appeal to PWZ management, I'm back on the active roster. My 21 days is up, sound guy... How's your neck, Boo? Still feeling it?


Boo, who is renowned for being incredibly gentle, showing little anger even when he's trying to make opponents tap out get visibly angry, and yells at Pat off-microphone.


Rigsby: Yeah, I thought you'd feel that way. Does it make you angry, Boo? Are you... mad?


Boo starts to stomp about, shaking the ring beneath him, and unleashes a wookie-like hobo roar.


Rigsby: Y'know, I enjoyed dropping you right on your head three weeks back. Savored it, even. PWZ wants to ban my finisher, but I'll do it anyway. And I'm going to do it again. Speaking of which, how about a rematch so I can piledrive you again - I really did enjoy those three weeks off.


Boo, even as angry as he is, shakes his head no, then winces in pain from moving his injured neck.

Rigsby: Hmm... seems we have a problem. I want to drop you on your hairy, fat head, and you don't want to let me. I have a question for you, Boo... do you want the PWZ Heavyweight title?


Boo snaps out of his hobo rage, trying to process the unusual question. Unable to nod his head for a yes, he gives a thumbs up instead.


Rigsby: I thought you did. How about this: I still have my PWZ Heavyweight Title shot. I'll put my shot up for grabs. Beat me, and you can challenge for the PWZ Heavyweight title in my place. On one condition: you wrestle me this Sunday, in an unsanctioned match. What do you say?


Boo tugs at his beard, agonizing over the decision. He raises a fist, silencing the crowd, then slowly raises his thumb, signalling his acceptance of the challenge.


Rigsby: I thought you'd see things my way. I hope you don't miss walking too much after I break your neck. See you at On The Line.


Rigsby slinked backstage, dusting off his hands, happy with the arrangement. Merv and Ceri put over what a big deal this match is and it's implications as Boo celebrated with the fans. Kind of an awkward segment, but it did what it needed to: set up Rigsby vs. Boo at On The Line for Rigsby's PWZ Title shot. If it's unsanctioned, I'm assuming that would also mean Rigsby's piledriver is legal.(E)



SubUrban Legend defeated Dexter Mattell in 6:29 by pinfall with a Legend Killer.


This was Dexter's first match since splitting from Ceri. Funny opening, with Mattell thrusting to taunt Legend, and Legend mocking his dance before unleashing a very neat b-boy head spin. Below average action with a lot of awkward, blown spots, but Legend did well getting the crowd behing him, getting the win after a big comeback.(E-)


Legend continues to dance in the ring to celebrate his victory. Warmonger sprints out to the ring and slides in behind Legend, and signals for his finisher. Legend, caught in the moment, continues to dance with his eyes shut, and turns toward Warmonger. Legend drops down into a split then bounces back up to his feet, opening his eyes, then immediately backs away once he realizes Warmonger is in the ring with him. Legend scrambles and jumps over the top rope, but Warmonger grabs his boot, drags him to the center of the ring and hits the Spine Shatterer. Merv Matera comments that Warmonger is unstoppable and one of the strongest, most dangerous men in the world, and sells concern over Legend's wellbeing. Ceri stifles a giggle and says she's grateful someone stopped Legend's stupid dancing.(C-)



Francis Burke defeated Caleb in 6:07 by pinfall with a Flying Flip Neckbreaker.


Francis Burke's warm up match for On The Line was little more than a squash to make him look good. Caleb bumps really well, and, since he's so much smaller than Burke (or most people, for that matter) we got to see some of Burke's power moves, which he normally doesn't get to use. (E)


La Muerte Negra defeated Devilfish in 11:50 by pinfall with an Exploder.


Devilfish makes his PWZ debut in this bout. Great back and forth action from these two talented workers, and the crowd were definitely behind the Fish. Another big victory for La Muerte Negra, who's undefeated in PWZ so far and is riding an enormous wave (sorry, Devilfish) of momentum heading into his Mask vs. Mask match at On The Line.(D)


Warmonger defeated Harry Simonson in 18:16 by pinfall with a Spine Shatterer.


Above average main event. Warmonger's heel turn has given him a huge surge in popularity - he's much more convincing as a heel and is white hot. It also opens up a batch of fresh matchups as he tears his way through the faces on the roster. This is his first big marquee match as a heel and boy, did he deliver: War's a very underrated talent and is impressive in singles competition, especially given the calibre of his opponent. Started slow with some stiff brawling back and forth, but Warmonger's strength proved the determining factor. Notably, Harry looked like he was working through an injury and didnt perform to his full potential so I hope to see a rematch between these two soon. (D+)


Good show again this week with a solid push towards On The Line. I won't be attending, but I'm sure someone (I'm looking at you, OzMonster) will be able to put a report on(the)line for us. Overall? (D+)

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Yes, you. The person reading this right now. You've clicked on my diary, and scrolled over this post. I want, no, I need you to make predictions - this is a show with massive consequences, and I want you to be a part of it.


I don't care if you're a first time reader; (oh, I barely know any of these people! - whatever, do a quick scroll through the last couple shows and get a general idea!)

A long time reader that doesn't normally/never vote(s); (just do it!!!)

Not registered on this forum; (You really should be, it's amazing!)

Or a regular voter.


Please, I implore you: put your votes in and get some discussion going. The only reason this diary is alive is because of you guys! Predict, then speculate and talk amongst yourselves! Even if you're just stopping by for whatever reason, say something! Why does LMN hate X-Calibre so much? What happens if X or LMN lose their masks? Will their true identities be revealed? Is Sean 'Major' Damij a stupid name? Does it have any significance or is it a black herring? Will we have a bald Lucas? Or no more Pinn? Will Boo be able to walk on Monday? If he wins the title shot, will he then go on to win the title? Or will Pat be the next PWZ champ? Can Lanny finally get the title? Are the APP a flash in the pan, or will TSB get their titles back? What is the Knight/Gilbert stipulation, and what does it have to do with exchange rates, rain, and TWENTY? Start talking, and you'll find out all these answers (and more) when I get around to posting the show!





PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next show: PWZ On The Line




For the Vacant PWZ Momentum Championship

Francis Burke vs. Demarcus Lee


Career vs. Hair Match

Dumfrey Pinn vs. Surfer Dude Lucas


Mask vs. Mask Match

La Muerte Negra vs. X-Calibre


PWZ Tag Team Championship

The Australian People's Party© vs. The Strong Bads


Unsanctioned Match (win by pinfall/submission only, no DQ, illegal moves allowed)

Pat Rigsby's PWZ Heavyweight Title shot on the line

Pat Rigsby vs. Boo Smithson


Stipulation TBA

Halloween Knight vs. Nicky Gilbert


PWZ Heavyweight Championship

Maurice Jackson© vs. Lanny Williams


Beeker wins this week.



Beeker - 5

phoxy - 1

wekka - 5

shawn waters - 3

Xendarii -1

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For the Vacant PWZ Momentum Championship

Francis Burke vs. Demarcus Lee


Career vs. Hair Match

Dumfrey Pinn vs. Surfer Dude Lucas


Mask vs. Mask Match

La Muerte Negra vs. X-Calibre


PWZ Tag Team Championship

The Australian People's Party© vs. The Strong Bads


Unsanctioned Match (win by pinfall/submission only, no DQ, illegal moves allowed)

Pat Rigsby's PWZ Heavyweight Title shot on the line

Pat Rigsby vs. Boo Smithson


Stipulation TBA

Halloween Knight vs. Nicky Gilbert


PWZ Heavyweight Championship

Maurice Jackson© vs. Lanny Williams

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For the Vacant PWZ Momentum Championship

Francis Burke vs. Demarcus Lee


Burke's been on roll and is slightly more interesting than Lee.


Career vs. Hair Match

Dumfrey Pinn vs. Surfer Dude Lucas


I don't wanna see Pinn go...but I feel like he's gotten stale...


Mask vs. Mask Match

La Muerte Negra vs. X-Calibre


X-Cal gets the shock win, which finally gives him that boost into the upper portion of the roster. LMN deals with personal issues.


PWZ Tag Team Championship

The Australian People's Party© vs. The Strong Bads


DD needs to go solo...they were awesome while they lasted though.


Unsanctioned Match (win by pinfall/submission only, no DQ, illegal moves allowed)

Pat Rigsby's PWZ Heavyweight Title shot on the line

Pat Rigsby vs. Boo Smithson


Boo wins due to Rigsby's arrogance...but Pat wont take the loss quietly.


Stipulation TBA

Halloween Knight vs. Nicky Gilbert


Knights awesome, but his role really is to boost your other stars and occasionally fit in to the ME when needed.


PWZ Heavyweight Championship

Maurice Jackson© vs. Lanny Williams


While I'd love for Lanny to win, he's just too old to have a significant reign.

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