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Pro Wrestling Zero - None of a Kind (0/0/0/0 Australia C-Verse)

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OOC:Thanks Griddle, and cheers! If I ever need an assistant booker, I think you're first in line. :)


From the desk of Jordan James:




Another month, another show went past that I was completely proud of, and I actually got to watch the two main events live instead of on someone's phone or whatever after the show. I honestly thought they were great, and I can say without a doubt that we have the best wrestlers in the country right now. They might not be as famous as the RAW crew (other than Nicky, of course) but god damn, there's no better wrestling in Australia right now. We're all workrate, cause we all love PWZ.


All of us except DDP, who was up to his usual shit as always, unleashing a big, angry monologue right at Artie's face which snapped me out of my daze. For the second time in as many months, I had to go and sort it out.


James: Seriously, Dave, again? The **** happened this time? Artie hasn't talked to you all night, what's the problem?

DDP ignored me, and continued his rant.


DDP: It's a ****ing respect thing you little shit, you can't just go around using my gimmick - I've been using it for nearly 20 years and you think you can just ****in walk in here and take it from me to get a rub from the legacy I built? Get ****ed!

Artie shrugged and no-sold whatever DDP was on about, which made him even angrier, kicking over a bench into the roller door we loaded the ring through, which shuddered and roared from the impact, alerting half of Australia that DDP was mad as usual.


James: What are you on about? What'd he do?


DDP: My finisher! This little shit thinks it's ok to steal my finisher, and then his other ****in mate from the big league wankfest can no sell it and only get a one, just to rub it in!

James: A neckbreaker? Seriously? It's a generi-


DDP: Are you seriously gonna take his ****in' side on this?


James: Look, your neckbreaker is over because it's yours, and in kayfabe it's always used as a finisher, I mean... Harry uses a single leg crab for gods sake, that's not a beleivable finish for anyone BUT him, it's a damn resthold for everyone else!

DDP: I don't give a shit! He used it in the opening match when he knew damn well I was going to use it to win my match later... look, it's even written on the run sheet-


DDP pointed to the sheet on the wall, where, yes, I had typed the finish out. He'd have a point if his finisher wasn't a neckbreaker. I grabbed the envelope with his pay in it, folded another $100 note into his hand, and told him to drop it and go. It's not what I wanted to do at all and sets a bad example for the other boys, but I trusted Artie not to tell and I knew he was thankful that I defused the situation. I'd have to do something about Dave and soon, bribing him helps, but it's expensive. He's really bringing the whole company down with his attitude, one person at a time.


Now that I had got all of that sorted, I went back to daydreaming about PWZ and how much I enjoyed my match with Mojax - I see big things for him down the track. I had a talk with him and Harry after the show as we were having beers outside. Harry was still in his gear, elbows scuffed, chest covered with handprints, outlined in bloody welts where his skin had split open after a series of brutal chops from Pinn.

Jordan James: Absolutely fantastic matches tonight lads, honestly.

Harry: Thanks.

Mojax: Yeah mate, cheers. How's your guts? Sorry about that knee, I felt like a dick afterwards.

James: Nah, it's fine really. I think the DDT hurt more, landed right on the top of my head. You should be apologising to Harry for those chops, I think you hit a nerve with Pinny over his weight.


Harry laughed as Maurice looked a little guilty.


Harry: Nah, nah it's fine. It was my idea to use that in the promo.


James: It was?


Harry: Yeah, I've been helping Maurice here with his in ring stuff and his promos... I'm not good at talking cause of nerves but I can come up with decent ideas. Been helping him in the ring too, and we've been hitting the gym up 3 nights a week. And we drive out to the APW shows together too, hard to keep kayfabe when they keep making us wrestle each other - I had to put a towel over him in the back seat last week.

James: You're gonna turn him into a mini version of you. Not that I mind.


Harry: Yeah, guess I'm taking you under my wing, right mate?


Mojax: Yeah, I guess you could say that.


Boo came out to join us.


Boo: H-h-hey guys. G-good match tonight Harry.


Harry: Haha, you can talk mate, you stole the show out there!


James: Yeah, no kidding. Have a good night guys, I'm off.


I shook hands with all 3 of them and got in my car to leave. As I drove off all I could think about was how I was going to deal with DDP, and how I was going to set up our website - Boo had been on my case all day and night about it, how he wanted us all to do online promos (where he'd actually be able to cut one, he turns into jello if he has to speak in front of people, to the point where Lanny ribbed him in APW by shoving a mic in his face while he was selling and he walked out of the match, getting counted out) and kayfabe news/hype stuff. He had a point, we really weren't using it, and nearly every other fed was. I'm sure you'll see some posts on there soon.

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I don't know enough about the Australian scene to make predictions really, but this is one of the three dynasties I'm keeping my eye on. I'm amazed at how well you can book your main events at such a small level. I'm playing a regional fed and I struggle to get Ds.
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Yeah, I've been watching some other diaries of quad 0 feds and people are getting E+ main events which I don't really understand. I'm not actually sure what it is that's making them so good - I actually manage a B-/72 in the next handful of shows, and one of the workers isn't even a good wrestler (they did have good chemistry though).


My mains follow a standard formula - hot storyline beforehand, and just victor/slow build/scripted notes unless both workers have high psychology at which point I'll let them call it in the ring. Lanny Williams is my road agent and Pinn is the agent for Lanny's matches. If they're both in the same match I'll just go down the pecking order to Harry, then Warmonger and so on.


Outside of that I think it's all just luck and managing the crowd. You need them very warm but not hot right before the main. The wrestling industry and economy are terrible right now, I think it's C+ and F+ respectively, so it's not that, and my product isn't trending.


I'm equal performance/popularity, if that's any help.


Now I want scotch, damn your username. :p Thanks for reading and I hope you get into the Aussie scene, it's my favourite in TEW especially after 2010.


...And not just because I'm Australian and wish I could work in the C-Verse instead of the real world Aussie scene, which sucks. :p

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I'm enjoying this... far more than I expected.

I'd ditch DDP, but he does add that dose of entitled veteran who never quite made it that I like... especially getting pissed over a neckbreaker. :)

Can you do me a favour though... I get colour coding for character's voices, but Boo and... Harry maybe... are really hard on my eyes. They are too light.


Also, I'd prefer the formatting to not be centred, but I can deal with it as is.


I'm looking forward to hearing more of the lower card voices being fleshed out.

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Yeah, DDP's someone I like writing for, but he's such a massive drain on my locker room, dropping it by 5% just by being there and an additional 5% more every show because he's in an argument. Every show.


You're right about the formatting in the last post in particular - I posted it from my iPad and it looked alright there, but looking at it on my monitor I feel like clawing my eyes out. The centering works fine for shows since there's a lot of text and it's filled out, imo, but when there's a lot of short dialogue you don't know where your eyes are meant to go next. I'll fix it.


Thanks for your input, and thank you very much for reading and enjoying this so far. Speaking of lower card guys, I've written ahead a couple of months in advance (since I have this habit of getting behind if I don't) and there's definitely a lot more fleshing out of the lower card - they're not fantastic speakers, so it made more sense for me to do internet magazine-style interviews with them all. You'll learn, for example, that Artemis Eyre-Rochester (god, I hate his name) is actually an insecure former tag worker dumped on his own in a new company, and is struggling to find his feet in singles matches - and doesn't like being a heel, it just happens because he's so used to tagging out that he comes off as a coward when he bails out, and so on. :)


I've received some absolutely fantastic advice from some of who I see as the 'Main Eventers' on this board in the dynasty world (they know who they are, I won't call them out and have more people bug them) and I'll be applying it all very soon.


Edit: Forgot to mention - nearly everything DDP does is based on a couple of people I used to be in indies with. I may or may not have been chewed out for using other people's generic moves. I don't see writing about it as cheating, I see it as 'sharing'. :p

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!




News stories:




Massive Main Event Match!


After winning what some are calling a classic for the ages, Halloween Knight is now again the number one contender according to the PWZ board of directors. To this end, he will face Harry Simonson for the third time in as many months in what may be his final shot at the championship at Reach for the Sky in April. To ensure a definitive end to this hotly contested feud, the match has been given a stipulation - the belt will be hanging 12 feet above the ring reachable only by a ladder, with the first contender to unhook it becoming the new PWZ Heavyweight champion. When reached for comment, reigning champion Harry Simonson stated "I'm ready for whatever Knight can throw at me. He is a very threatening talent, but I've beaten him twice before, and I'll happily do it again, even if it means I have to overcome my fear of heights."




Exclusive Tag Team Interview!


PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET were given the opportunity today to interview the newest and perhaps most talented tag team in PWZ, the team of Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert.


PWZ: How did you two decide to team up?


Gilbert: Well, I've been watching Boo closely in his matches, and he's the most talented wrestler I think I have ever seen. I wanted to learn from him.


Boo: It's mutual. I have trouble getting the crowd behind me when I wrestle and to be honest it's a bit demoralizing. Nicky's good at that so I'm hoping he can show me how to be more... exciting?


PWZ: I hear that you're booked against Lanny Williams and Debonair David Peterson for the tag titles again at the next show. Was this suprising?


Gilbert: Not at all really. There's a lack of tag teams, and that's part of the reason we teamed up as well. It'd be a fantastic start to our tag careers if we won the titles!


PWZ: All the best and good luck in your next match!




NZ Invasion?


PWZ.NET has received news that Halloween Knight, PWZ's resident Kiwi, is bringing over more of his compatriots from PWZ sister federation ZEN that will appear in the coming months. We've seen Blue Flea and Damian Dastardly already, and while it's always a good thing to have new blood in PWZ rings, some PWZ wrestlers have expressed concern that the New Zealanders might have ulterior motives. There have been whispers backstage that the ZEN wrestlers are looking to make an impact, and potenitally 'invading' PWZ. More to follow as we hear it.




Warmonger on the Warpath (no pun intended!)


We here at PWZ.NET have noticed it, and we're sure you fans have as well - Warmonger is angrier than ever recently. We managed to catch him at a public appearance recently, and asked what the deal was! Warmonger told us; "I'm sick to death of people who don't respect PWZ or it's fans - and I'm going to take them all out one by one. I think I got the message across to DDP when I wrapped him around the ringpost at the last show, he'll be the first of many. Halloween Knight is next - I've heard he's bringing his little Kiwi buddies over with him too - and here's a word of warning. If you show up at PWZ I'll be watching you very, very closely. If I think you don't belong in PWZ, I'll remove you. Understand? Good."


Scary, scary words, from a scary, scary man.





Next show: PWZ Reach for the Sky!




Ladder Match for the PWZ Championship

Harry Simonson© vs. Halloween Knight


Tag Team Championship Match

The Masters© vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert


Maurice Jackson vs. Dumfrey Pinn


Interpromotional Matches:


Hatemonger vs. Hallowarped(ZEN)


Jordan James vs. Blue Flea (ZEN)


Warmonger vs Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Damian Dastardly (ZEN)


Post your predictions and comments below. The more detailed the better!

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Harry Simonson© vs. Halloween Knight - Halloween Knight would be more suited to this type of match... but we're only four months in.

The Masters© vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert - The Masters vs. New Tag Team. Come on, they're called The Masters for a reason.

Maurice Jackson vs. Dumfrey Pinn - With a dirty pinfall or a DQ. Or maybe a Double DQ.

Hatemonger vs. Hallowarped(ZEN) - A good chance to get Hate over at the expense of someone else.

Jordan James vs. Blue Flea (ZEN) - No idea to be honest.

Warmonger vs Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Damian Dastardly (ZEN) - You're pushing like Warmonger like mad, so I can't see it stopping now.

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Ladder Match for the PWZ Championship

Harry Simonson© vs. Halloween Knight

- I'm wrong, but I have to go with the character lovingly stolen from one I created for sebsplex's glorious GDSverse. Plus... the LaParkaness = instachair to Simonson's heeeed.


Tag Team Championship Match

The Masters© vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert

- DDP goes a step too far and loses his title to the hobo from Hobart... and Boo.


Maurice Jackson vs. Dumfrey Pinn

- Double DQ to draw this out a while longer.


Interpromotional Matches:


Hatemonger vs. Hallowarped(ZEN)

- Hatemonger didn't get a blurp in the last Zero Day Times.


Jordan James vs. Blue Flea (ZEN)

- Because Blue Flea sucks the pooch. No, he does. He's a flea, and fleas live on dogs and drink their blood. He's also a crappy wrestler.


Warmonger vs Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Damian Dastardly (ZEN)

- He got a write up, the writer doesn't like writing out A E-R and Dastardly hasn't grown in his handlebar moustachio... yet.

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Sunday, Week 4, April 2013


TEWdotcom Australian Indy Report - PWZ Reach for the Sky Results

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent




Held in front of 34 people at Marv's Sports Central


Surprised at the turnout, looked like an average Brady Bunch sized crowd until about 20 extra people showed up halfway through the opener. Not much to say before this one, honestly, but I know some of you have been asking me for pictures so you can all see the PWZ setup/atmosphere/attendance yadda yadda. I think I've mentioned before (maybe not here in these show reports, but in forums etc. that it's quite a cosy setup, and that's being nice about it. PWZ have their shows in one of the 2 fuction rooms in Marvs, and they had to move to the one with the higher ceiling (the one where most non-promotion Independent shows are held) as opposed to the main bar area which holds about 300 that APW and DIW use.


PWZ have a pretty strong no-picture policy, punishable by death via a Warmonger Spine Shatterer, but I managed to secretly take then OK this one with Jordan (James). Ozmonster exclusive~! It's taken at the start of the main event before they hoisted the belt up ( It's still on Harry's waist). Backstage curtain on the left - I'm standing at the entrance to the sports bar. And I think the door to the right is the toilets (I don't know, since I never go for bathroom breaks cause PWZ is so exciting... Ok, I'm lying, I pee during intermission aka Blue Flea matches.)




Warmonger vs Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Damian Dastardly (ZEN)


Not a great opener. Warmonger was on fire as usual, lighting up both smaller guys with huge chops and slams. Artie played chicken the whole time which kinda took away from the match. Dastardly is improving and I can see him being a star for ZEN or PWZ down the road if they choose to sign him. But yes, basic opening contest with Warmonger essentially squashing Dastardly like in their first encounter. It was really there to lead into the next segment, which I've detailed below.


Warmonger defeated Artemis Eyre-Rochester and Damian Dastardly in 8:37 when Warmonger defeated Damian Dastardly by pinfall with a Spine Shatterer. E+


After the match, Artie bails backstage. Dastardly was selling in the center of the ring after taking a huge Spine Shatterer, but Warmonger was hanging around the ring. War raised his hand up in the air, clearly showing the crowd four fingers - a little confusing, but it made sense later in the show. War picked up Dastardly and threw him to the outside, rolled out himself, and grabbed an empty folding chair from the ringside audience. Damian slowly got to his feet, and stumbled backward into the ringpost, slumped against it, dazed. Warmonger rushed towards Dastardly and swung with full force, sandwiching the Kiwi's head between the chair and the post.


Warmonger raised his hand again, and slowly folded one of his four fingers down symbolically. First there were four, now there were three. Crazy segment, I'm (still) a little concerned for Dastardly, that chairshot was crazy. (C-)


Jordan James vs. Blue Flea (ZEN)


Oh boy, not much to say here. This match consisted of three moves total - a clothesline from James that Flea took a twisting flip bump on, a bulldog that Flea took on the top of his head, a hiptoss that Flea 450 splash bumped. I'm not sure what the purpose of the match was other than to make James look good or to show how many ridiculous bumps Flea can take. Was mercilessly over quickly though.

Jordan James defeated Blue Flea in 3:22 by submission with a Crossface. (E-)



...Uh oh, here comes Warmonger again. He enters the ring, scares James off with a glare, and tosses Flea to the apron. He motions for Flea to get up - Flea gets to his feet and runs along the apron towards Warmonger, who's still inside the ring ropes. War unleashes a hard clothesline to Flea over the top rope that was audible 3 suburbs over. Flea is hit so hard that he essentially does a shooting star press bump... face first... from the apron... onto a wooden floor. I don't have words for how crazy that was, and it happened a metre away from me. Warmonger knocks another one off his list, we're now down to two. I was still trying to figure out who the next two would be. (C-)



Hatemonger w/ Warmonger vs. Hallowarped(ZEN)


Finally, a not-awful match. Pretty basic stuff, honestly. I haven't seen HalloWarped before, but he's apparently Halloween Knight's top student and protege so I was keen to see what he could do. He's not amazing, but solid and works a very similar style to his mentor. Warmonger did some good work at ringside, honestly - the interaction between him being intimidating and HalloWarped being super cocky after every lucha move was pretty decent, actually. The finish was out of nowhere - Hate whipped Warped to the ropes, and on the rebound Warped hit this crazy fast headscissors into a standing corckscrem moonsault, which is apparently his finisher. Impressive, but Warped's a little green at this point in his career - though I can see him going places very quickly.


HalloWarped defeated Hatemonger in 9:07 by pinfall with a Warp Speed. (D-)


Ah, we found out who number 2 is - right at the end of the match Warmonger rolled in, hit Warped from behind as he was celebrating, then laid him out with a Spine Shatterer. We're down to one. ©



Maurice Jackson vs. Dumfrey Pinn


Finally, finally these two face off. Was honestly a lot longer and a lot better than I expected - with the right opponent, Mojax really shines, and likewise for Pinn. Mojax is still at an early point in his career, but good God, I had no idea Pinn was such a masterful technicial wrestler when we wants to be. He's no Boo but he makes basic holds look very painful, and looks great doing em cause he's so big. Crowd were very hot for this match, myself included.


The two reached a standstill at the 16 minute mark, and started trading big punches and chops back and forth. Pinn could chop a tattoo off, I swear. Mojax got the advantage, and went for the rolling DDT. Pinn countered by dropping Mojax balls first on the top rope. After a length comedy spot where Pinn jostled the top rope around while Mojax writhed in agony, Pinn grabbed Jackson off the top across his shoulders, looking for the Boss-A-Nova, only for Mojax to wriggle out and hit the Rolling DDT for the 3.


Maurice Jackson defeated Dumfrey Pinn in 20:14 by pinfall with a Rolling DDT. (D)



Tag Team Championship Match

The Masters© vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert


I was interested to see how Smithson and Gilbert work as a team, and was surpised to see them in a title match in their first match together. Boo and Lanny started off, dazzling the crowd with some of the most fluid chain wrestling I've ever seen. After 5 minutes of there being no clear winner (and the crowd eating it up) Lanny makes the tag to DDP, where the Masters take the advantage with a double clothesline and a double DDT. Boo gets worked over, leading into a hot tag on Gilbert, who cleans house. Gilbert and DDP eventually end up going back and forth with an entertaining series of nearfalls. The match breaks down near the end and Jackson Jackson loses control of all four men. With Lanny and Nicky the legal men, DDP and Lanny double team Boo while Nicky goes up to the top rope and leaps off, connecting with the other 3 wrestlers and leading to a quadruple-down spot.


DDP and Boo are the first up, and DDP eats a spear, putting him out of commission. Boo gets back to his feet only to have his legs swept out from him by Lanny. Lanny locks in the figure four on Boo and it looks like it's over, only for Gilbert to kip up and kick Lanny square in the face, forcing him to release the hold. Gilbert drags Lanny up to his feet and hits a fisherman's suplex for the pin. DDP crawls over to break the pin, selling his stomach, but Boo manages to grab his ankle and DDP falls short by a centimetre as Williams is pinned for 3. We have new champions!


Smithson & Gilbert defeated The Masters in 20:20 when Nicky Gilbert defeated Lanny Williams by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. Smithson & Gilbert win the PWZ Tag Team titles.©


Ladder Match for the PWZ Championship

Harry Simonson© vs. Halloween Knight


Just... wow, this was phenomenal... truly phenomenal. Both men started out slowly, leaving the ladders outside for the first ten minutes while they showed off why they are the two best wrestlers in the southern hemisphere - I'm really not sure how they keep topping themselves, it's scary. I'd like to describe the holds but it's too fast for me to keep track, I'm sure someone will do a move-by-move breakdown of the DVD when it comes out, because these two were putting on a seminar on how to wrestle.


Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, the ladders got involved. Two spots out in my mind - a ladder was set up on the top rope, and a second in the opposite corner, standing upright. Knight rushes Harry, who grabs Knight by the legs and sends him flying up into the air over Simonson's head. Knight somehow, by some miracle, manages to land his feet on the rungs of the ladder, maintains his balance, then hits a hurricanrana on Simonson as he turns around that sends the Aussie flying across the ring facefirst into the upright ladder in the opposite corner, busting Simonson open. The other came when Simonson stopped Knight halfway up the ladder, pulled one of Knights legs between the rungs, and hit a ladder assisted single leg crab that left Knight flailing and tapping out upside down. Great spots.


Following the crab spot, Halloween was left trapped upside down by his leg. Seeing an opportunity Harry begins to scale the ladder.




Just as Simonson hits the second highest rung, just in reach of the belt, a battered and bruised Blue Flea, Damian Dastardly, and HalloWarped hit the ring, looking extremely worse for wear. Blue and Damian grab one of Simonson's feet each and pull him down to the canvas. Simonson fights them off and gets the upper hand, but is slowly overwhelmed 2 on 1. Meanwhile, HalloWarped has freed his mentor from the ladder trap. Warped joins the assault on Simonson as Knight carefully makes his way up the ladder, his leg still obviously hurting. (legitimately, by the looks) Warped, Flea and Dastardly manage to drag a battered Simonson to the outside and stand over him, victorious. Meanwhile, Knight unhooks the belt, winning the match and becoming the new Champion. The crowd erupts in anger at the interference and the unfair finish.


Halloween Knight defeated Harry Simonson in a Ladder match in 19:39 when Halloween Knight retrieved the item. The match also had a lot of interference: Blue Flea targeted Simonson, HalloWarped attacked Simonson, and finally Damian Dastardly interfered against Simonson.Halloween Knight wins the PWZ Heavyweight title. ©



And then, out of nowhere, Warmonger sprints out to the ring and begins to dismantle the ZEN wrestlers. Blue Flea gets thrown into a row of empty seats, Dastardly gets sent careening into the ring steps and Warped eats a hard Irish whip into a ladder that was left bridged across the apron and the er... ringbell and production... I dunno what to call it... table sending everything flying.


Knight manages to get back down from the top of the ladder, and is met by Warmonger in the center of the ring. Knight uses his brand new title as a weapon and swings it at Warmonger, who no-sells, and swipes the belt of Knights hand to the mat. War hits a pair of stiff forarms and drags Knight out to the apron. From there, he lifts Knight up and hits a Spine Shatterer onto and through the bridged ladder! Knight hits with enough force that the ladder bends, warps and breaks under his weight, leaving him completely demolished. Warmonger raises his hand, and folds the final finger down. Knight may be the new champion, but a point has been made.(C-)


Good lord. Utterly amazing show, best one I can remember going to in the last 12 months. We have three new champions in PWZ tonight, and an absolutely unstoppable killing maching in Warmonger - not to mention the enormous fallout this will cause on the PWZ landscape. This ZEN storyline has changed everything. C overall, easily.

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Fixed, and thank you!


It's from an indy fed in the UK called Rebel Pro Wrestling. I would have used some shots from my matches here but they're not really suitable (6 sided ring, wrestlers too close to the camera/not ambiguous enough, crowd much larger than 17, yadda yadda), but it's a similar setup with just a curtain as the entranceway, no barrier around the ring and wooden floors... I had to do quite a bit of photoshop kung fu on the pic I did use, like recoloring the ropes, making the ref look older and not have long hair, recolor Halloween Knight and Simonson, add Simonson's belt, the aprons, adding the backstage curtain, cutting around people and so on. :p The more I look at it, the less I like the apron, and there's a couple of bits where I accidentally smudged colors here and there, but it's amazing how closely it fit with what I had in my head.


BigPapa42 mentioned that in C-Verse and 0/0/0/0 feds it's hard to know what the atmosphere of the fed is like since you can't see it. Everyone knows what a WWE show looks like, or a TNA show, or 1997 WCW, or RoH and so on... The C-Verse isn't so bad because it's very well defined in game and there's usually a few or more diaries floating about that tend to all agree on a similar theme. To that end, since this is a local fed with no prior lore, I tried to flesh things out a bit more, and that picture's pretty much it. It will be easier to characterize the audience/commentators/entrances and other stuff once the fed is a little bigger, has a TV show etc. etc.

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From the desk of Jordan James:




I'm going to tell you all a story, one I've been asked about many times - the infamous "Ice Incident" that happened after our April show.:


After tonight's show I was sick to my guts with worry about everyone's health. Since we couldn't really break kayfabe, we had to have Jackson Jackson and the ZEN guys all help themselves back to the locker room, and nearly all of us waited backstage with bated breath to see if everyone was okay - especially the ZEN guys, who'd really taken some ridiculous bumps tonight on ladders and chairs and wooden floors.



Flea and Dastardly got to the back first, not looking much more worse for wear than since their matches - I'd seen Dastardly limp backstage as I was making my entrance, and he seemed okay, with that big goofy grin he always wears. Flea's chest had swelled to Dolly Parton proportions, but I talked to both of them and they were fine - Warmonger's clothesline to Flea was (necessarily) stiff, and Dastardly copped a stray fist in the brawl. Harry followed shortly after and grabbed a towel to stop the bleeding. ...Oh god, our sponsors are gonna kill us. I talked to him right away:


James: You better not have blad-

Harry knew what I was going to say as he wiped his face down.




Harry: It was hardway, shit happens... and I'm fine, thanks for asking.




Halloween and Hallowarped came through right afterwards, helped by Jackson Jackson. Hallowarped was fine, just beat up, but Knight collapsed on a bench and it was apparent he was in a world of hurt. Warmonger was beside himself trying to apologize, but Knight gave him a very weak thumbs up. I couldn't bear to see Warmonger shaking uncontrollably with self-inflicted worry so I sent him to get ice for Knight's back. Warped and I managed to get a barely moving Knight out of the top half of his bodysuit to get a look at his back. Thankfully, it was better than I had expected - just some large rung-sized bloody welts and a couple of minor scrapes. I wouldn't want it to be me, but it didnt look like anything was broken and Knight wouldn't need stitches, just ice, beer and some tylenol - we had beer and pain pills, but no ice yet - Dammit Warmonger! After a few minutes, once we'd gotten Knight settled and he could move a little, we left the kiwis together and I left to track down some ice - Dammit Warmonger! - with Jackson.


As soon as we stepped out the door to go outside the first thing we heard was a massive commotion. A huge circle of workers (Warmonger - Dammit! and 2 large bags of party ice included) were piled up outside, with DDP and Nicky Gilbert in the center. DDP had been drinking, made obvious by the fact he was louder than even he was normally - and the hipflask in his hand.





I hadn't realised Dave would be so upset about losing what is essentially a midcard title to midcarders - I was gearing him up for a singles push, but... not now. He was drunk enough to speak what was on his mind, and obviously booking was a sticking point. Nicky tried to defend himself:




Nicky: Look mate, I'm sorry, we can dr-


DDP shoved Nicky hard, sending him to the ashphalt.






What happened next was a blur - Warmonger, quite legitimately the strongest man in Australia - and possibly all of wrestling - dropped both his ice bags - dammit -, spilling them everywhere, grabbed DDP by the neck, lifted him up 2 feet off the ground and slammed him into the side of the building hard enough to knock him out.


And that, PWZ smarks, is the story of the "Ice incident". You're welcome. Needless to say, David James Peterson is no longer employed by PWZ, nor will he ever be again.


P.S. Halloween Knight never did get any ice that night. His back is fine.

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Has Damien Dastardly always had the fur on the top of his lip or is it a new thing? :p


I dunno, Beeker gave me the idea, and I'm running with it.


DDP actually stopped being a mega douchebag in my game... he isn't actually a negative influence anymore. Maybe I humbled him or he's just feeling good about himself.


He did in this game too, after I fired him.

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Been absolutely loving this diary. I'm a big fan of hole in the wall indies like this. So miss the days they were able to get into syndication.


But let me tell you what I would have done to Peterson in one of my games. Of course, I play with money enough to run weekly shows so I have more resources to put into a plan like this. But if he pulls this stunt on my watch, before I fire him, I devote a whole show to letting every single worker on the roster have their turn at burying him. From Harry Simonson and Warmonger all the way down to Blue Flea and then the finale would be Jordan James burying him in the post-show. I've done this a few times in my training games. Only really vindictive move in my arsenal. And usually I don't have the fire the guy. He gets so mad he storms out. In the rare case the guy didn't storm out, then yes. He was summarily fired after the mass burial. I'm usually a nice guy as booker but piss me off bad enough and often enough, I will destroy you.

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Been absolutely loving this diary. I'm a big fan of hole in the wall indies like this. So miss the days they were able to get into syndication.


Yeah, I love it because it's exactly the same as when I was wrestling, and prior to that exactly the same as the tiny shows I'd go and see in youth clubs and halls.


But let me tell you what I would have done to Peterson in one of my games. Of course, I play with money enough to run weekly shows so I have more resources to put into a plan like this. But if he pulls this stunt on my watch, before I fire him, I devote a whole show to letting every single worker on the roster have their turn at burying him. From Harry Simonson and Warmonger all the way down to Blue Flea and then the finale would be Jordan James burying him in the post-show. I've done this a few times in my training games. Only really vindictive move in my arsenal. And usually I don't have the fire the guy. He gets so mad he storms out. In the rare case the guy didn't storm out, then yes. He was summarily fired after the mass burial. I'm usually a nice guy as booker but piss me off bad enough and often enough, I will destroy you.


If this weren't a dynasty game and I was making more than 20 dollars on a good month, I'd have done it. :p I'm at small in game right now at the start of 2014 and thinking about doing weekly shows. I did a couple of double headers in October-December where I split the shows in half to try and get a bit more income coming in, so I think it's doable, especially with small sponsorship and cheaper workers.


I'm a nice booker though, I'm trying my darndest to unlock motivational speeches right now. :)

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next show: PWZ International Invasion!




Elimination Trios Match: Team Australia(PWZ) vs. Team NZ(ZEN)

Harry Simonson, Maurice Jackson & Warmonger vs. Halloween Knight, Hallowarped and X-Calibre


Tag Team Championship Match

Dumfrey Pinn & Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert©


Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Blue Flea (ZEN)


Hatemonger vs. Jordan James vs. Damian Dastardly (ZEN)


Post your predictions and comments below. The more detailed the better!




News stories:


The International Invasion has begun!


As speculated last month and certainly confirmed at the conclusion to Reach for the Sky, ZEN's international invasion is underway. In an effort to counter said invasion, PWZ management has proposed a set of matches determined to test the mettle of the Kiwi invasion force. Will it have the desired effect? Or prove that New Zealand is the superior wrestling country?

Team Australia and Team NZ members revealed!


While it was obvious that Harry Simonson and PWZ Champion Halloween Knight would be leading their respective national teams, the wrestlers that will fill the remaining slots were not that obvious. PWZ.NET was able to reach both team captains for comment. Simonson, on Team Australia: "I had to find two of the best wrestlers in the country, and two men I knew could beat whatever ZEN decide to throw at us. The decision was easy; it's public knowledge now that Maurice Jackson is my protege and training partner, so picking him was a natural decision. He's also 6'5" and an ex-rugby player who has beaten the New Zealand rugby side countless times - I don't think this will be much different. My second choice was also ridiculously easy, especially after the events of last show. Warmonger is the living definition of human wrecking ball, and demonstrated that last show when he utterly destroyed the cowardly ZEN wrestlers one by one."


When we contacted Halloween Knight about his team: "I don't want to give too much away about why I chose these two, nor do I really think your shitty website deserves to know; but it's not going to matter who knows since we'll dominate anyway. You saw what Hallowarped was capable of at Reach for the Sky, so he's a shoe-in, and I'm bringing along some fresh blood for the third spot, the fastest rising star in New Zealand, the mean green springboard machine, X-Calibre. Team Australia have less than a snowballs chance in hell of winning - we're taking over PWZ, and that's final!"


Debonair David Peterson gone from PWZ, Masters replacement named!


Big news today - apparently Debonair David Peterson has walked out on PWZ. Details are blurry and we may not ever find out what happened behind closed doors, but it involved two bags of ice, apparently - it makes as much sense to us here at PWZ.NET as it does to you all at home. The simple fact is that DDP is sadly gone and PWZ Management have confirmed that he will not be coming back, but wish him all the best for the future.


Unfortunately for former PWZ Tag Team Champion Lanny Williams, he is left without a partner. As a former champion, Williams also has a clause in his contract that he can challenge the new champions in a rematch. In an attempt to rectify this situation, PWZ Management have decided that Williams may choose a new partner to challenge for the titles, and PWZ.NET has been told that Williams has chosen Dumfrey Pinn as Peterson's replacement. The new team will face Smithson and Gilbert for the Tag Titles at the next PWZ event.




Artemis Eyre-Rochester Interview






PWZ.NET was thrilled today to get the chance to talk to one of PWZ's most charismatic young stars, Artemis-Eyre Rochester, or 'Artie' for short.


PWZ: Artie - good to finally catch up with you. Tell us a little about yourself and how you got into wrestling.


Artie: I'm not sure if I'm allowed to talk about this on here, but; I debuted in Revolution Australian Wrestling in 2009, just after they opened - they trained me. For the first few years I was a tag team wrestler, and I had great success there. By the time 2012 rolled around, my partner and I had some differences, and as a result RAW had trouble putting me in matches as a solo competitor, and they had pulled me from television shows. When I heard about PWZ opening up I thought that it was a place that would suit me better, one where I could have more matches against better opponents and feel like I was important to them - I felt more like a number in RAW.


PWZ: How do you feel about your PWZ career so far?


Artie: Honestly I haven't been very successful; I managed to defeat Boo Smithson in my debut match, which was a big deal for me, but I haven't won a match since. Like I said I'm a former tag wrestler and it's hard to adapt to one-on-one matches without a partner there and I think that's the biggest challenge I face. That's part of the reason you'll see me bail out of the ring so often. The PWZ fans seem to think I'm some kind of dirty coward and have turned on me for that, but honestly it's just a part of who I am, and if they dont like it, they can stick what they think of me where the sun don't shine Other than that, I really like PWZ, and I'm very happy to be here.


PWZ: Who would you most like to face in the ring?


Artie: This might sound like a bit of a throwaway answer since I'm actually facing him at the next PWZ event, but Blue Flea sticks out as someone I wouldn't mind facing - simply for the fact he's smaller than me and I can try out some moves I don't normally get the chance to since I'm pretty small myself. I would love to get back into tag team wrestling and take on the new champions, since I know I can beat Boo and I've beaten Nicky a few times when we were both on the RAW roster.


PWZ: What are your goals for 2013?


Artie: Adapt to singles wrestling and become a star. That's really all there is to it.


PWZ: Thanks for taking the time to chat with us. All the best for 2013.

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Harry Simonson, Maurice Jackson & Warmonger vs. Halloween Knight, Hallowarped and X-Calibre - Gotta let the good guys win!

Dumfrey Pinn & Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert© - These guys seem the real deal and it allows you to free up Williams for singles work.

Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Blue Flea (ZEN) - Just going by the interview, this seems about right.

Hatemonger vs. Jordan James vs. Damian Dastardly (ZEN) - Gotta have a Kiwi win something!

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I so *HATE* GDS's 30 seconds before being logged out. So amateur hour.

Please, can I do this again. Joy.




Harry Simonson, Maurice Jackson & Warmonger vs. Halloween Knight, Hallowarped and X-Calibre

- I hate X-Calibre's mask and therefore him. However for an Invasion to succeed the invaders need to look strong. (To see how not to do this, go rewatch WWE's inVasion angle). So MoJax gets distracted by Pinn OR Warmonger gets overzealous in his righteous Kiwi beatdowns.


Tag Team Championship Match

Dumfrey Pinn & Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert©

- Williams is a pro. Pinn has issues with MoJax. And I can't see Belton hotshotting the title in back to back months. BooBert for the win!


Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Blue Flea (ZEN)

- This means Belton must decide if it's Artemis-Eyre Rochester or Artemis Erye-Rochester! Or rename him Artemis Rochester-Eyre - A.R.E. for short. A.R.E. having fun? !We A.R.E. winning! See you all at the merchandise tables.


Hatemonger vs. Jordan James vs. Damian Dastardly (ZEN)

- If I'm wrong on the main event. Then this will be the only chance that ZEN has of even a minimal bit of an invasion. An... inv so to speak.


The more detailed the better - Except for Beeker. Beeker... just bold them from here on out. :p

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I so *HATE* GDS's 30 seconds before being logged out. So amateur hour.

Please, can I do this again. Joy...


...I hate X-Calibre's mask and therefore him...


...A.R.E. for short. A.R.E. having fun? !We A.R.E. winning! See you all at the merchandise tables...


The more detailed the better - Except for Beeker. Beeker... just bold them from here on out. :p


I'm not sure what you mean about the 30 seconds thing; I'm permanently logged in; but the internet is always somewhere where shit goes wrong, so before I click post I select all, and copy it to the clipboard - ctrl-A, then ctrl-C so that if anything screws up I can just paste it into a new reply and do it again.


I hate his mask too, I may have to do something about it cause it makes me want to book him like a jobber, when he's apparently a breakout star according to the internet and my creative team.


I also need to do something about Artie's name since in PWZ his character is more of a plucky loner underdog that a rich snob tag team jerk - I did steal your moustache idea, so maybe I might do something with Artie as well.


Harry Simonson, Maurice Jackson & Warmonger vs. Halloween Knight, Hallowarped and X-Calibre - Gotta let the good guys win!

Dumfrey Pinn & Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert© - These guys seem the real deal and it allows you to free up Williams for singles work.

Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Blue Flea (ZEN) - Just going by the interview, this seems about right.

Hatemonger vs. Jordan James vs. Damian Dastardly (ZEN) - Gotta have a Kiwi win something!


I just looked at the show results again (already written) and I realise how one-sided the angle seemed, whoops. Might have to rewrite a little.

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From the desk of Jordan James:




I rocked up to Marv's at around 2PM, a good 5 hours before showtime. The ring truck had already arrived and Marv had unlocked the roller door for it, and I was surprised to see all the ZEN guys, Harry and Maurice were all there early and setting up the ring. I dropped my gear bag off backstage and went through the curtain to help the boys tighten the ropes. Everyone said hey, but Knight was jumping around like a little kid on Christmas and he started talking to me first as he tightened the turnbuckles with a steel crank.


Knight: Hey mate, we got an early flight in, and thought we'd help set up, hope you don't mind. You still doing tryouts for all the guys today?


Ah, that must have been what he was so excited about. I'd promised him that I'd let all the ZEN guys have tryouts this afternoon and if they impressed me I'd actually sign them to a contract like Knight instead of just bringing them over on loan. I nodded, but it turns out that wasn't what he was so excited about.


Knight: Check under the ring, notice anything?


Confused, I did what I was told and lifted up the apron. The first thing I noticed was there were chains under the ring, something I'd seen before to tighten the ring ropes by pulling the bottom of the ringposts inward (in turn pushing the top of the post backwards which pulls the ropes tight) but as our ring was a solid frame we didnt have any.


James: You put chains underneath? The ropes are fine already...


Knight: Nah mate, look in the middle!

I looked underneath again, and there it was; a short post with a flat plate on the top and bottom, and a spring on top of it in the dead centre of the ring. The chains I'd seen before were not to tighten the ropes, but instead to hold the mechanism in place. A spring! I hadn't even thought about using one since our ring was freesprung and was naturally flexible in the middle, but as it had aged it had sagged in the middle and gotten harder and harder nearly to the point where the wooden floor on the outside hurt less to bump on. At least the floor outside was flat!


Knight: Try it out!


Curious, I rolled into the ring and took as big of a somersault bump as I could. It was heavenly compared to what I'd gotten used to over the last four months. It still hurt, of course, but it was immensely better. I lay there post bump and Knight leaned over me.


Knight: Whatcha think?


James: It's amazing. Seriously.


Knight: Yeah I had it lying around back home from one of our old rings. You can have it, cause frankly I'm sick to ****ing death of bumping in this piece of shit.


All of us chuckled. We knew this ring too well.


Once we had the ropes tightened, I figured it was a good a time as any to have these ZEN tryouts - it'd make it a lot easier to put most if not all of 'em on contract and always have them available to me. I put Flea up against Harry; X-Cal, the new guy, against Knight, and HalloWarped vs Damian Dastardly.


Flea actually impressed me for once! He's normally pretty bad but when he's not in front of a crowd and trying to bump his face off, with the right opponent he's not bad. X-Cal and Knight was phenomenal, X-Cal's got some great potential, but it's a shame he's gonna be a heel since he's from NZ, his face stuff in this match was great and he uses the ropes for springboard as if that's what they're actually meant for. Damian and Warped was decent too, they'd obviously faced each other before back home and it was a solid match - Damian's character makes me laugh so hard, he's so stupidly cocky but the opposite outside the ring.


I printed them all out contracts and had them sign on the spot. They'd be getting the same amount Knight was paying em plus airfares, and that sounded damn good to me. And that was that. While I'd lost one of our biggest stars, I'd gained four new full time workers who were now part of the biggest angle in the company. Times are good.

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