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Pro Wrestling Zero - None of a Kind (0/0/0/0 Australia C-Verse)

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Sunday, Week 4, May 2013


TEWdotcom Australian Indy Report - PWZ International Invasion Results

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent




Held in front of 32 people at Marv's Sports Central


Really excited about this show - I know PWZ have planted the seeds prior to this by having ZEN workers on their show - it's no secret the two companies work closely together and there's some great matchups between the two feds. Also, there's barely any way to see NZ workers (or lucha libre) live outside of PWZ or flying to New Zealand/Mexico, so there's that too. The storyline heading into this event is top notch, especially with the end of the last shows brutal ladder match and title change, Warmonger being unstoppable - the heat for the main event tonight is second to none.


We open the show with Halloween Knight in the ring, cutting a promo;




Halloween Knight: I've heard what you've all been saying, read what you've all been posting online, I know you're all worried, and for good reason. In less than two hours, PWZ will be no more. After we win our match tonight PWZ will be property of New Zealand. New Zealand Pro Wrestling has a nice ring to it, don't you all think?


Theres some of you here that cling blindly to the hope that we might lose. I think you all forget what happened four weeks ago at Reach for the Sky when I proved that I'm the best wrestler in Australia by taking this pretty silver belt from Harry Simonson. You're forgetting when Hallowarped dominated Hatemongerer and beat him cleanly in this very ring. In fact...


Knight scuffs at the canvas with his boot, the continues;


I think there's some of his facepaint still here. You're all forgetting that not only that we have a trump card in X-Calibre, one of the finest young workers in New Zealand on our side tonight.


Some drunk guy over at the bar who's a PWZ regular yells out "You're forgetting when Warmonger beat the shit out of ya!" Not gonna lie, everyone in the audience laughed.


Very funny dickhead - notice how he only ever jumps one of us after a match when we're exhausted? Tonight he's forced into a match with us and it doesn't look good for him bro, so shut your drunk mouth and go home. Taxi! Team Australia haven't got shit on us, the match will be over in 9 seconds, that's how long we'll need to eliminate them if you can't count, and judging from oldmate over at the bar there, none of you can. Just remember to keep an eye out for New Zealand Pro Wrestling flyers next week. I don't really want any of you there, but hey, money is money.


Great promo, shows exactly why Knight is the top heel in PWZ at the moment. (C-)



Hatemonger vs. Jordan James vs. Damian Dastardly (ZEN)


The opening match was an odd one, as crowd was confused as to whether they were meant to boo James or Dastardly, so they decided to do neither. James has dropped some weight and got a haircut, though he's still using his suit and sunglasses entrance gimmicks. Pretty standard match, decent action but the dead crowd hurt it. The finish came when, after the two Aussies teamed up on Dastardly, James turned on Hate and unleashed a flurry of forearms and kicks that sent the big man through the ropes to the outside, only to taunt the crowd and stumble backward into a Dastardly rollup. Damian pulls the tights and gets the 3 count.

Damian Dastardly defeated Jordan James and Hatemonger in 11:50 when Damian Dastardly defeated Jordan James by pinfall with a rollup. (D)



Suddenly, Warmonger hits the ring and nearly sends Dastardly through it with a Spine Shatterer. Love these assaults, Warmonger always looks fantastic when he crushes people. ©



Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Blue Flea (ZEN)


This was... bad. I hate to be "That guy" but Blue Flea really can't cut it in the ring. He takes some fantastic bumps but always seems spaced out or high in his matches, and they suffer. Poor Artie can't catch a break, and he mercilessly hit his finsher after dominating Flea the entire match.


Artemis Eyre-Rochester defeated Blue Flea in 8:20 by pinfall with a Brat Packer. (E)


And Warmonger's music hits again, maybe to punish Flea for being terrible. Not much to it, a very very stiff Spine Shatterer mid ring. Flea hits the ring so hard that he bounces a good metre in the air and barrel rolls 360 degrees. (C-)



Tag Team Championship Match

Dumfrey Pinn & Lanny Williams vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert©


Finally something decent on the card. This match was unreal, both teams were fantastic in the ring! Pinn and Williams entered separately and the crowd were all over them straight away. Pinn stole some guy's can of VB and drank half of it, and Lanny picked on two young kids ringside who were taunting him. They get some great heat. The crowd went nuts for the champs when they made their entrance, and there was no messing around - the match started with all four men ringside, brawling back and forth.


Boo and Lanny fought their way into the ring to become the legal men, and Jackson Jackson rung the bell to get us underway. The match had similar psychology to their last encounter, with Boo and Lanny wowing the crowd with technical work and Dumfrey and Nicky providing the entertainment. Pinn and Nicky tag in - Pinn gets the advantage and whips Nicky into Lanny's waiting boot over the top rope, then makes the tag. Both heels double team Nicky - Boo protests and tried to enter the ring but the referee holds him back and they argue at length while Pinn and Williams go to town with nut shots and rope eye gouges. The referee finally turns around and ejects Pinn to the apron.


Lanny continues to take advantage of the cheating from before and goes for a very choke-looking chinlock. While the referee is distracted trying to make sure Lanny's hold is a clean one, Pinn removes the turnbuckle pad in their corner. Boo sees this and drops down to the floor and runs around to Pinn's side of the ring, pulling him from the apron to the floor.


Lanny goes for a whip into the exposed buckle, but Nicky reverses, sending Lanny into the steel rope loop instead. Lanny stumbles backwards into a desperation fisherman's suplex and bridges for the pin. Dumfrey and Boo are still brawling on the floor and don't see the pin being made. It's good for a 3 and Gilbert and Smithson retain! Excellent, excellent match. Both teams really 'get it' between the ropes and everyone knew their place and did their spots flawlessly. Helps that the crowd were ready to riot if Pinn and Lanny won after all their cheating, too!


Smithson & Gilbert defeated Dumfrey Pinn and Lanny Williams in 19:42 when Nicky Gilbert defeated Dumfrey Pinn by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. Smithson & Gilbert make defence number 1 of their PWZ Tag Team titles. ©



Elimination Trios Match: Team Australia(PWZ) vs. Team NZ(ZEN)

Harry Simonson, Maurice Jackson & Warmonger vs. Halloween Knight, Hallowarped and X-Calibre

Team NZ are out first to massive massive heat. Quite a few people told them to **** off back to their country, which was met with responses of "This is our country now!" and the like. Team Oz come out to a great pop and all 6 men start brawling in the ring right away. Team Oz get an advantage and hit synchronized spears mid ring. Neat spot. Knight and X manage to roll out of the ring leaving Hallowarped alone 1v3. Mojax is first, hitting his Rolling DDT finisher, Warmonger pulls Warp up and hits a Spine Shatterer, the Simonson locks in a single leg crab for the instant tapout.


X and Knight finally get to their feet at ringside and realise what just happened. They're too shocked to notice Simonson running at them and delivering a very cool plancha onto both of them - I didn't even know Simonson could fly, how bout that. Mojax rolls out, grabs X out of the pile of bodies, and throws him into the ring to the Waiting Warmonger. One Spine Shatterer and three seconds later and X is eliminated.


Knight manages to get to his feet on the outside and takes Mojax and Simonson on 2 on 1. A stiff high kick to Mojax takes him down first, and Simonson rushes Knight, only for him to leapfrog over Simonson, turn around and hit a German suplex on the wooden floor! Knight rolls into the ring and stares down a furious Warmonger. With Knights partners eliminated and Warmongers out cold on the outside, they lock up 1 on 1.


War gets to work straight away, hitting a hard headbutt, and Knight stumbles backward into the corner. Warmonger sets up a charging splash, stomping his feet in time with the crowd's clapping, but Knight moves out of the way when War charges in and he eats the turnbuckle hard. As he bounces backwards out of the corner, Knight rolls up Warmonger, the referee dives in to make the count, and Knight sees the opportunity to both pull the tights and puts his feet on the ropes as Jackson Jackson is wildly out of position. It's good for the three count and Warmonger is PISSED. Knight bails from the ring as Jackson talks Warmonger down and makes it obvious he'll disqualify team Australia if Warmonger doesn't leave the ring. He angrily makes his way backstage, flipping chairs over as he does.


Meanwhile, Knight drags a lifeless Jackson into the ring and locks in the Pumpkin Patch. Mojax comes around and tries to crawl to the ropes but has nowhere to go and taps out a split second before Simonson can make the save. Simonson dives into the ring and pulls Knight off of Mojax by his legs, then locks in the Single Leg Crab. After a valiant effort to escape the hold, Knight taps out when he cant reach the ropes and Team Australia wins!


Warmonger, Harry Simonson and Maurice Jackson defeated Halloween Knight, HalloWarped and X-Calibre in an Elimination match in 19:59; HalloWarped was eliminated first, then X-Calibre, then Warmonger, then Maurice Jackson, and finally Halloween Knight. (D)


After the match, X-Calibre, HalloWarped, Damian Dastardly and Blue Flea all hit the ring at once and start to unload on Simonson, whipping him into a corner and then landing a sequence of running clotheslines one man at a time. With Simonson dispatched, Blue Flea bails to the outside and grabs chairs from under the ring, throwing them to his teammates. The rest of Team NZ then go to work on Mojax, who's still injured in the ring after submitting. They lay in stomps and chairshots to Mojax, going above and beyond a beatdown, but are cut off as Warmonger's music hits and the crowd go nuts. Warmonger dives into the ring, followed shortly by Hatemonger, Smithson and Gilbert. Halloween Knight has recovered by this point and gets to his feet, favouring his left leg. The end of the show breaks down into a huge back and forth 5v4 brawl with some neat spots, but the numbers game and many chairshots win out in the end for Team NZ. With six of Australia's finest laid out at their feet Team NZ pose in the centre of the ring to close the show. They hoist Knight up on their shoulders who taunts with the PWZ title, daring anyone to come and get it back from him. (C-)


Not a bad show really. The Tag Title match was very very good, I'd say it was on par with the Ladder Match from last month which are both PWZ match of the year contenders. I know I say that nearly every show, but really everyone here is improving so fast and the crowd are getting behind absolutely everyone, and every show there's someone or another just going all out to try and top the MOTY list. Seriously. The undercard wasn't great, and the main event was a bit off with so many eliminations in a short amount of time and the finish coming out of nowhere, but still good. I give the show a D+.

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I'm not sure what you mean about the 30 seconds thing; I'm permanently logged in; but the internet is always some]where where shit goes wrong, so before I click post I select all, and copy it to the clipboard - ctrl-A, then ctrl-C so that if anything screws up I can just paste it into a new reply and do it again.


I get logged out after a certain time and I always forget to copy my predictions so when they disappear it irks me. I was raging at the board technical specs, not you.


I hate his mask too, I may have to do something about it cause it makes me want to book him like a jobber, when he's apparently a breakout star according to the internet and my creative team.


He looks like he should be some playmate for my nieces' doll collection, or some sort of Sailor Moon extra.


I also need to do something about Artie's name since in PWZ his character is more of a plucky loner underdog that a rich snob tag team jerk - I did steal your moustache idea, so maybe I might do something with Artie as well.


You wanted details, I gave you some. Dastardly is way better with that moustache.

As for A E-R... give him a monacle and a tophat maybe. Make him into an entitled lord from 19th Century England. Here to visit the penal colony on his grande tour of the British Empire. Tut-tut. M'lady!


Fun write-up.

I didn't hate the main event - which is pretty high praise as I feared it would be an Aussie Walkover. The elimination stip worked to make ZEN appear like threats, especially with the closing angle.


Great tag match. I don't think you'll miss DDP much with DP there to pick up the slack in a rotund way.

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I get logged out after a certain time and I always forget to copy my predictions so when they disappear it irks me. I was raging at the board technical specs, not you.


I never thought you were, I was just wondering what you meant about getting logged out. That's kinda weird that it does that to you.


He looks like he should be some playmate for my nieces' doll collection, or some sort of Sailor Moon extra.


I agree 100%. I'll try and do something to change it, cause I'm not a fan of it either.


You wanted details, I gave you some. Dastardly is way better with that moustache.

As for A E-R... give him a monacle and a tophat maybe. Make him into an entitled lord from 19th Century England. Here to visit the penal colony on his grande tour of the British Empire. Tut-tut. M'lady!


Haha, that's fantastic - I hadn't even remotely considered using any Anti-Australian gimmicks (obviously the inter-country rivalry is one, kind of) like that one, and I love love love the idea. I might reboot him in Season 2/2014.


Fun write-up.

I didn't hate the main event - which is pretty high praise as I feared it would be an Aussie Walkover. The elimination stip worked to make ZEN appear like threats, especially with the closing angle.


I did have to rewrite it as it was a little Aussie-biased. I did want to book it evenly but to be honest at this point nobody is really on Halloween and Simonson's level, especially not the ZEN guys, who are essentially jobbers. Warmonger's booked to be a monster but is only a Midcarder (still) so I think the way it was booked and written made sense.


Great tag match. I don't think you'll miss DDP much with DP there to pick up the slack in a rotund way.


I'm actually a bit shocked that that match rated so highly. (64/C, same as the Ladder main event from the show before) and I'm kicking myself for not making it the main. Logical booking and hot storylines means that the 6 man should be the main, but in perfect show theory having 4 low midcarders stinking the last match up doesn't really work.


Unfortunately, DP and Lanny have poor chemistry as a team (probably would have been a B- if they did!) and after a loss like that they'd probably want to stay apart anyway. ;) Thanks again for the feedback mate, definitely taking it all in and I appreciate it heaps.


@TheEffect: I can only find one in my imgur folder (these alts are oooooold and none of them are on my current computer) so here it is:




Tempted to put a goatee on him and Walter White it up a bit. Heh. The worst part is, I COMPLETELY forget who I based his original render on, so making new alts of him is very difficult.

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Haha how come? I've done a few alts up to use later on in the dynasty in case I lose my hair or something like that, I could dig around and find them for ya?


Yes please!


Sorry I love his renders and would love to use him for my private games :)


If that's okay obviously?

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Yes please!


Sorry I love his renders and would love to use him for my private games :)


If that's okay obviously?


It feels a little dirty but sure. :p


Nah, knock yourself out :D I made it so I wouldn't have to use one of the default avatars in an old TEW 2008/10(?) dynasty. There might be more to come in this diary if I ever get around to making more alts, but it's a pain in the butt using photoshop to splice random worker pictures together since I don't have the original renders I used for him (which I'm thinking aren't part of the default data).

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I'm really enjoying this dynasty, and am kind of kicking myself for never really messing with Oz scene. Keep up the great work! :)


Cheers mate. I may be a little biased as an Australian, but honestly in 2013 it's one of the most balanced and fun regions in the entire C-Verse (the other being Mexico). You have massive pay per view and TV powerhouse RAW, APW right on the tipping point of being the next big thing down under, ZEN is one of my favourite promotions in the game by far with so many bright, colourful and hilarious characters and themes, and the gritty DIW, born out of beer, blood and hatred towards APW and RAW.


When you compare it (and Mexico) to, say, 21CW's monopoly of the UK, Europe's awkward and tiny promotions and the super crowded Japanese and US/Canadian scenes they really come into their own as fun places to play.


Mexico has the advantage of having a larger worker pool to draw from, of course, but I like Australia's microcosm of not-great workers as it adds a bit of a challenge.

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Mexico has the advantage of having a larger worker pool to draw from, of course, but I like Australia's microcosm of not-great workers as it adds a bit of a challenge.


There's also the ridiculous challenge (if playing as APW) of having the definition of vindictive, James J. McMinister, as your boss. Belushi and Stantz left the company because of him. If he develops relationships, they're generally negative (I had to lose APW's biggest star, Nathan McKenzie, due to a hatred developed between the two) and he refuses to alter APW's inexplicable hardcore-ish product.


Also, in TEW 2000 and whatever, when APW was the only company in Australia, the biggest star in Australia, The Comedian, refused to sign for you because he hates McMinister.


Still, APW remain my favourite promotion to work due to the "it's just too easy" nature of choosing RAW, and my natural dislike for DIW.

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There's also the ridiculous challenge (if playing as APW) of having the definition of vindictive, James J. McMinister, as your boss. Belushi and Stantz left the company because of him. If he develops relationships, they're generally negative (I had to lose APW's biggest star, Nathan McKenzie, due to a hatred developed between the two) and he refuses to alter APW's inexplicable hardcore-ish product.


Also, in TEW 2000 and whatever, when APW was the only company in Australia, the biggest star in Australia, The Comedian, refused to sign for you because he hates McMinister.


Still, APW remain my favourite promotion to work due to the "it's just too easy" nature of choosing RAW, and my natural dislike for DIW.


I have noticed McMinister always does seem to generate negative relationships and is a horrible person, but so is Blake Belushi - you gotta remember he broke up with Stephanie Drucker at the same time he left for RAW. :)


Yeah, I don't really get their product either, but I have to say it is very 'Australian' - like all Aussie sports half the fun is the possibility of someone getting their head smashed in. :)

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next show: PWZ Desolation




PWZ Championship Match

Halloween Knight© vs. Maurice Jackson


#1 Contendership Match - 20 Minute Time Limit

Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams


Tag Team Championship Match

Dumfrey Pinn & Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert©


Warmonger vs. HalloWarped


Handicap Match

Hatemonger vs. Blue Flea & Damian Dastardly


Jordan James vs. X-Calibre


Post your predictions and comments below. The more detailed the better!


News stories:


Maurice Jackson title shot!


We've been informed here that after the particularly harsh beatdown on Maurice Jackson by Team New Zealand at the conclusion of last month's event that Maurice Jackson has challenged Halloween Knight for the PWZ Championship. With no #1 contender at the present time due to the Simonson/Williams situation (more on that below) and a title that needs defending, PWZ Management has granted Maurice Jackson #1 Contendership, and "Mojax" and Knight will face off for the PWZ Championship this month!


Massive Interview with Team NZ!


PWZ.NET sat down today with all five members of Team New Zealand for an exclusive interview.

PWZ: Even though you were unsuccessful in your trios match against Team Australia at the last show, you unquestionably made a statement at the conclusion of the event.


Halloween Knight: Our loss was merely a setback.


X-Calibre: It was hardly a fair match, they had the home team advantage. To answer your question; we'll no longer stay an official team nor represent our home company of ZEN.


PWZ: What's next for Team New Zealand?


X-Calibre: Team New Zealand served it's purpose: We made ourselves known by destroying most of the PWZ roster at the conclusion of last month's match, and now it's time for all of us to break out on our own. We will still be watching each other's backs though, so keep that in mind.


Hallowarped: I know that I personally will be entering the singles division in an effort to carve a legacy for myself - I'm wrestling against Warmonger this month.

X-Calibre: So will I - I'm taking on Jordan James. A singles win for either of us will go a long way in building momentum - that way, should - God forbid - Halloween Knight lose his title, one of us will be ready to take it back home to New Zealand.


Damian Dastardly: I'm going to do what I do best. Be undecidedly eeeevil with no sign of slowing down. So evil, in fact, that Hatemonger wants to be the facepainted pretend superhero that he is, and take on both myself and my villainous little lacky here, Blue Flea, in a handicap match. How can we possibly lose!?


PWZ: Knight, what are your thoughts on Maurice Jackson?


Halloween Knight: He's angry because we went 'a little too far' after our match last month? Ha! Then challenges me? For MY title? Double Ha! I'll show him too far!

PWZ: And your thoughts on Warmonger?


Halloween Knight: He's a bully like any other. I see a weak, scared little man hiding under all that facepaint.


HalloWarped: Yeah, he's a cowardly bully outside the ring, and a terrible wrestler in it. I'll make an example of Warmonger in our match - he's nothing on an even playing field.


Flea: Uh... um... heh, haha... Can you guys imagine if Warmonger wasn't wearing... like... facepaint... but that was his real face?


(At this point, Blue Flea burst out laughing. For over a minute. It was super awkward.)


PWZ: We'll uh... we'll leave you there. Thanks for your time.


Massive #1 Contendership match - the exclusive full story!


It hasn't been a good couple of months for Lanny Williams. Williams first lost the tag team belts and his tag team partner in April, then lost his rematch with substitute partner Dumfrey Pinn in what many are heralding as one of the greatest PWZ matches so far. PWZ management has informed us that after many requests over the course of the previous month that Lanny Williams be allowed to compete in PWZ's singles division that his wish has been granted. In what may be a huge opportunity, per long time rival Harry Simonson's request, Williams has been paired against the former champion and current contender in Simonson in a #1 Contendership match for the PWZ Championship at the next show, with the added stipulation that the match may last only 20 minutes. In the case of a draw, both men will be relegated to the bottom of the contendership ladder. Both men will have to face each other and the clock in a desperate race for a shot at the PWZ Championship in July.


Simonson had this to say;


"It may seem like I'm being cocky by putting my #1 Contendership on the line, and many are saying that Lanny Williams doesn't deserve this chance. But in all honesty, in the years and years I've been wrestling, there's only one wrestler in Australia who pushes me to the limit every time we face each other, and that's Lanny Williams. A year ago we faced each other in APW, and Williams beat me in one of the best matches I've been in. Putting my contendership on the line was the only way I could secure a chance at wrestling Lanny again in PWZ, and that's why I'm doing this. Call me stupid, call me cocky, call me crazy, but it's something I have to do for myself."


Williams, on the other hand, was far more confident in his chances;


"Harry Simonson isn't the brightest spark - he's doing me an enormous favour by letting me catapult my way right towards the PWZ Championship. I'll squash him in three minutes, who needs twenty? Then, next month, I'll have the PWZ Championship around my waist - Maurice Jackson, Halloween Knight - I couldn't possibly care less about the result of your match this month, cause I'm taking the title off of one of you. When you're lying flat on your back, staring up at the lights on the roof, after I've torn every tendon in your knee, dislocated your kneecap, pain coursing through every nerve of your body as I stand over you, the new PWZ Champion - you'll have Harry Simonson and his stupid quest for redemption to thank. So will I."


Pinn Enterprises on the Rise


After having what many have been calling one of the best tag matches of the year, there have been whispers that Dumfrey Pinn, now partnerless, might have greater success in the tag ranks in PWZ. We contacted him earlier today regarding this topic, and Pinn stated;


"I agree from the bottom of my heart that the greatest success I could have in the wrestling ring would be in a tag team. Il capo ha bisogno di lottatori- uh I... apologise - I said to myself: The boss needs wrestlers. Wrestlers that won't flake at the first loss. Wrestlers who are loyal and... not afraid to get their mitts dirty. Il primo dei lottatori? My new tag team partner, Artemis Eyre-Rochester. Young, hungry, and a tag team natural. And more importantly, a man with a price. He'll be the first of many to come. Mark my words."


With the only other tag team in PWZ currently tied up in other matches, and a pair of tag belts that need defending, current Tag Champions Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert will face Pinn Enterprises at the next show. Here's to another barn burner!


New talent incoming!


We've been notified here at PWZ.NET that PWZ has been looking to supplement their already growing roster with some fresh blood. PWZ scouts were in attendance at a recent independently produced wrestling event, and PWZ Management have informed us that they have been looking at a number of young talents that, if appropriate deals can be met, are likely to debut in the second half of the year.

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Halloween Knight© vs. Maurice Jackson - Difficult to predict, but I'd say Knight holds onto it.

Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams - I'd say Harry wins, then it's the Face of Australia v The Face of NZ at the top of the card... unless Mojax wins...

Dumfrey Pinn & Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert© - Again hard to say, but I'd say Smithbert hold onto the titles for a bit longer.

Warmonger vs. HalloWarped - Warmonger deserves to be pushed to the moon.

Hatemonger vs. Blue Flea & Damian Dastardly - The 'mongers are a great team to push, if only for War.

Jordan James vs. X-Calibre - I don't know how good a worker Jordan James is, but X-Calibre is a future star.



Oh, and not really a fan of the purple website. Preferred just reading the quote boxes

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Halloween Knight©vs. Maurice Jackson - I'm expecting a nice long reign for Knight.

Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams - While I'm a big fan of heel vs. heel feuds, I'm going to say that I'm mostlikely an anomaly. (I mean, aside from being a female wrestling nerd).

Dumfrey Pinn & Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert© - Tough call, but I expect the champs to retain. Feud in the making? Hoping to see an increase in the tag division soon, though.

Warmonger vs. HalloWarped - Don't see the Hero of Oz doing the job.

Hatemonger vs. Blue Flea & Damian Dastardly - Damian deserves a push, and maybe Flea won't be terrible in a 2 on 1?

Jordan James vs. X-Calibre - Who else can you job out night in and night out with no complaints?

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Halloween Knight© vs. Maurice Jackson - Difficult to predict, but I'd say Knight holds onto it.

Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams - I'd say Harry wins, then it's the Face of Australia v The Face of NZ at the top of the card... unless Mojax wins...

Dumfrey Pinn & Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert© - Again hard to say, but I'd say Smithbert hold onto the titles for a bit longer.

Warmonger vs. HalloWarped - Warmonger deserves to be pushed to the moon.

Hatemonger vs. Blue Flea & Damian Dastardly - The 'mongers are a great team to push, if only for War.

Jordan James vs. X-Calibre - I don't know how good a worker Jordan James is, but X-Calibre is a future star.



Oh, and not really a fan of the purple website. Preferred just reading the quote boxes


It wasn't meant to be a replacement for the current format, I was just trying some new stuff out in photoshop. :)


Halloween Knight©vs. Maurice Jackson - I'm expecting a nice long reign for Knight.

Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams - While I'm a big fan of heel vs. heel feuds, I'm going to say that I'm mostlikely an anomaly. (I mean, aside from being a female wrestling nerd).

Dumfrey Pinn & Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert© - Tough call, but I expect the champs to retain. Feud in the making? Hoping to see an increase in the tag division soon, though.

Warmonger vs. HalloWarped - Don't see the Hero of Oz doing the job.

Hatemonger vs. Blue Flea & Damian Dastardly - Damian deserves a push, and maybe Flea won't be terrible in a 2 on 1?

Jordan James vs. X-Calibre - Who else can you job out night in and night out with no complaints?


Haha, unfortunately I think I'm going to be stuck as a jobber for the entirety of this diary. :/ There's new blood coming to the tag division very soon, and how can I resist pushing double D?

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PWZEN Championship Match

Halloween Knight© vs. Maurice Jackson

- I can't see Knight dropping his new PWZEN title this quickly. It doesn't make sense from a storyline perspective or a quality match perspective. Shennanniganns may occur, but Knight walks out with the belt.


#1 Contendership Match - 20 Minute Time Limit

Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams

- I'd like for this to be Williams, but I think it makes sense to give Simonson another shot at the title. Good match between the best workers in a traditional face/heel arrangement... for now. Williams dives for a hot tag but realizes he's solo and loses the match then.


Tag Team Championship Match

Dumfrey Pinn & Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Boo Smithson & Nicky Gilbert©

- A E-R won't be winning until he reaches season 2... and Pinn continues to audition new talent. Plus Boo'bert are too good to lose the straps this soon. Even if the chemistry isn't good.


Warmonger vs. HalloWarped

- Silling Warmonger... steel chairs are not for using DURING the match. DQ win for Warped, while 'monger continues to look like a midcard monster.


Handicap Match

Hatemonger vs. Blue Flea & Damian Dastardly

- It has Blue Flea in it. He only exists to be squashed.


Jordan James vs. X-Calibre

- Until X-Calibre debuts a new mask, he X-its the ring with losses.

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http://i.imgur.com/qCnvb.jpg this one? This was what I was leaning towards


I would go for mask 2 - Earflaps make it better... if less aerodynamic.

Then 4 - only I'd add a massive X to the forehead so all shall know this is X... calibre. If you wanted to get creative a couple of gunshot holes in the mask to show the calibre of weapon he uses.

Then 3.


But that's just me.

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