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Pro Wrestling Zero - None of a Kind (0/0/0/0 Australia C-Verse)

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OOC: Damn this was a hell of a post, I'm going to do my best to make them shorter, for both of our sakes...


Sunday, Week 2, July 2013


TEWdotcom Australian Wrestling Report - PWZ Downward Spiral Results

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent





Held in front of 51 people at Marv's Sports Central


Another month, another PWZ show - lucky me! I didn't really know what to expect for this show since a couple of matches had been announced as surprises, and it's a little hard to predict the results in your head pre-show when you have no idea who's actually wrestling. Not complaining though, I like surprises, and I'm excited to see who ??? and ??? are, and who the team of ??? are, since they have a shot at the tag titles tonight - assuming a tag match happens. Still, there's a few rookies on the card I haven't seen before but I've heard good things, and I love watching workers I know nothing about cause I care more about the result rather than going into smark mode and thinking "oh yeah, they wont have X drop the title" etc. Anyway, let's get down to business:




Warmonger and Hatemonger open the show, and surprisingly Warmonger hasn't Spine Shattered anyone yet. Warmonger gets his hands on a microphone from the announcer table, then calls Blue Flea out to the ring, since y'know, Warmonger has to Spine Shatter someone.


Flea timidly makes his way out to the ring, but can barely bring himself to get onto the apron, let alone inside the ropes with Warmonger. The crowd get behind Flea a little bit, encouraging him to get in there with the two huge facepainted warriors. Flea finally steps through the ropes and backs himself into a corner, shaking in his boots. Warmonger addresses him.


Warmonger: Ah, little Blue. You're probably wondering why I called you out here, mate - is that right?


Warmonger extends the microphone to Flea, who flinches, thinking War was going to hit him.


Flea: Uh-


Warmonger snaps the mic back quickly, making Flea flinch again.


Warmonger: I don't care what you wonder, I'm not a dream journal you muppet - but I'm glad you came out, and I'm glad you're standing less than a metre away from me.


Warmonger stares down a terrified Flea, then grabs Flea and lifts for what looks like a Spine Shatterer, but instead of planting him, Warmonger pats Flea on the back instead then sets him down on his feet.


Warmonger: Y'know what? That takes balls. Knowing you, they're probably as blue as your hair, but I admire that even though I've beaten the sh- *beat* the snot out of you for close to half a year, you still come out here to confront me. You're a good kid. Coincidentally, we need a third wheel tonight for our match - you in?


Warmonger and Hatemonger extend their hands and Flea, still visibly shaken, shakes hands with both of them to a big pop from the crowd. Apparently Flea will be their mystery partner for the upcoming match. (C+)



The celebration is quickly cut off by Pinn Enterprises, who have microphones. They proceed to taunt The Apocalypse;


Artemis Eyre-Rochester: Look, I'm terribly sorry to have to intrude on the frankfurter festival that you're throwing in the squared circle, but there's events of greater consequence that must be addressed.


Dumfrey Pinn: Like introducing our new business and tag team partner. Bienvenido a la famiglia...


Jordan James' music hits, revealing him as the new member of Pinn Enterprises to a chorus of boos. Pinn Enterprises all slide into the ring together and the match is on! (D+)


The Apocalypse (Warmonger and Hatemonger) and Blue Flea vs. Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Artemis Eyre-Rochester and Jordan James)


Pinn Enterprises jumped the Apocalypse and Flea right on the bell, laying in fists and forearms before clearing the ring with a trio of clotheslines sending War, Hate and Flea over the top ropes to the floor. The match broke down on the outside, with Jackson Jackson losing control of the match and unable to count anyone out as there's no specified legal men. After some back and forth brawling on the outside the match spilled back into the ring and the match finally got underway proper, with Pinn Enterprises working on Blue Flea for the majority of the match. Hate finally got a hot tag and took James and Artie out, only to meet his match in Pinn. The two big men fought back and forth with Pinn getting the advantage and a convincing near fall after hitting the Boss-A-Nova out of nowhere. Once War tagged in it was game over for Pinn Enterprises, with War hitting a pair of Spine Shatterers on James and Pinn - Flea went up top and hit a very cool 450 splash onto both of them for good measure, which actually got a great pop from the crowd. Pinn and James roll to the outside, leaving Artie as the legal man in the ring. One more Spine Shatterer gets Warmonger the three count for the win. Solid and fun opener, and a face turn from Flea who finally got a chance to shine a little, even if he spent most of the match getting beat up.


Blue Flea and The Apocalypse defeated Pinn Enterprises in 12:21 when Warmonger defeated Artemis Eyre-Rochester by pinfall with a Spine Shatterer. (D-)



Maurice Jackson is out next, mic at the ready;


Mojax: Halloween Knight... I don't know if you feel like maybe I didn't deserve a shot at your title. Maybe I'm not on your level yet. Or maybe you're just a little worried that I was going to beat you last month. Maybe you're a coward who has to rely on nutshots to keep your title, and maybe that's your thing. I'm not going to judge. What I am going to do, no matter how many times you get yourself DQ'd by assaulting the Mojewels, is beat you pillar to post the same way I did last month. And you know what? There's two things you can do when Mojax beats your ass down - nothing or like it. There's no maybes there mate, that's a certainty - you know, I know, the guy up the back eating his hotdog...


Mojax points to a chubby guy at the back, who marks out, mouth full of hotdog bun...


Mojax: ...and everyone else here knows I can beat you, and I would have if Jackson Jackson wasn't there to call the match and save your skeleton lookin' ass out there last month. Look, tonight if you want to get yourself DQ'd again cause you know you can't hang with the Mojax, that's fine by me, really - just gives me another chance to slap you silly next time round.(D+)



Azazel vs. Matt Stoppard

While I was excited for this one, the crowd was dead and had no idea who either of the wrestlers were. The fact that the match wasn't that great didn't help things either, with a couple of blown spots/miscommunications, it was obvious both of these guys are really green. It picked up a bit towards the end, with Stoppard hitting a neat suicide dive that sent him and Azazel into the front row, and a highly choreographed counter chain that led to Stoppard eating a superkick to the jaw and going down, only to get back up to his feet then eat a cool Azazel knee press from the top that was good for the 3. Both guys have a decent look and charisma, and if they can get a little more experience and the crowd behind them I can see 'em going places. Till then they're probably better off being put with vets or in tag action.


Azazel defeated Matt Stoppard in 7:43 by pinfall with a Double Knee Press. (F)


Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert are out next for their open challenge. Nicky grabs a mic.


Nicky Gilbert: Tonight, my main man Boo and I will potentially be in action. Ladies, be prepared to get wet. Hell, guys: be prepared to get wet! Hell, that old lady in the front row over there will once get wet one more time! That old guy over there's gonna have a heart attack; the dead will rise just to catch a glimpse of the two men who have something that is long, something that is huge, something that is thick, and something that all the ladies want to touch. That's right, it's the PWZ Tag Team Championship belts! If there's anyone in the back who thinks they can take us on, then get out here!


There's quite a long, huge, thick silence where nothing happens. Then, Damian Dastardly walks through the curtain and grabs a second micropohone.


Damian Dastardly: Long, huge and thick? That's the best you got? The only thing that's long is going to be my title reign when I take those pretty gold belts off of ya. Thick? Your little hobo partner is the definition. And huge? Your ego. I'm accepting your challenge, you insolent little whelps. Allow me to introduce to you: The Strong Bads!



Ominous music hits, and some big guy (Barney Mason, apparently) walks out and stands behind Double D.


Damian Dastardly: The Strong Bads are going to take PWZ by storm. Barney Mason's gonna kill you both, then we're gonna take your titles!

Nicky Gilbert (and a few fans): What the hell is with the name? Isn't that off of some web cartoon?


Damian Dastardly: They're a tag team from 1983's Tag Team Wrestling on the NES. I thought you'd know that. It's the perfect name! He's strong an-


Boo Smithson, taking the microphone and getting the biggest pop of the night: And y-y-you're bad?


Damian Dastardly: Yes, I'm bad. Wait... Evil bad, not bad bad. Dammit, Barney, sic 'em!©


Tag Team Championship Match - Open Challenge

Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert vs. The Strong Bads (Barney Mason and Damian Dastardly)


The crowd was still super hot from the pre match promo and were right behind Boo and Nicky from the get go. Nicky and Barney started the match off, with Barney showing some impressive strength. Mason works a very very old-school style, but it works since he looks like he's, well, from a 1983 videogame, and 6'6". After a pair of huge slams, Barney tagged DD in while Nicky played the babyface in peril. Boo kept trying to climb into the ring only to be stopped by the referee while the heels played dirty in their corner with rope chokes, eye rakes and double team stomps in the turnbuckle. With the crowd solidly behind Nicky, he managed to fight out of a Barney Mason side headlock and hit a huge back suplex on the big man, buying Nicky enough time to tag Boo in. Boo cleans up DD off the apron then goes to work on Mason, chaining a grounded front facelock into a rear waistlock as the huge Mason fights his way to his feet. Mason tries to fight his way out with brute strength, trying to pry Boo's hands apart, but Boo's holds are unbreakable, technical master he is. Suddenly, Mason rushes onto the heel corner and dives towards the bottom rope as Dastardly pulls the turnbuckle pad to the side - Boo, with his waistlock still locked in, is slingshotted hard face first into the steel turnbuckle. Jackson Jackson, on the other side of the ring misses the blatant cheating as his line of sight was blocked - to Jackson it just looked like Boo hit the corner padding, and he even calls it out to the crowd that it was clean. Barney grabs the barely conscious Boo and locks in a Full Nelson, where he throws Boo's body around like a rag doll. Nicky tries to dive in to break the hold but is tackled by DD as Boo taps out. We have new champions!


The Strong Bads defeated Smithson & Gilbert in 7:45 when Barney Mason defeated Boo Smithson by submission with a Full Nelson after blatantly cheating. Damian Dastardly and Barney Mason win the PWZ Tag Team titles. (D)



#1 Contendership Tournament - 20 Minute Time Limit

Harry Simonson vs. Hallowarped

The show moved along very quickly, not giving the crowd a chance to complain about the tag title upset. Was probably a good thing, cause there were a few drunk guys in the front row who looked like they were going to riot. Simonson entered first to a decent pop, then HalloWarped and Halloween Knight followed. Apparently Knight is going to be ringside for this one to offer moral support to his protege. The match started with a technical showcase that lead to a standoff. Simonson extended his hand for a handshake only for Warp to kick it away and take down Simonson with a side headlock takedown. Simonson locks in a grounded head scissors, forcing Warped to break the headlock, then Warped twists out onto his feet and rolls onto Simonson, leading to a cool series of near falls. Knight jumped on the apron, distracting Simonson enough for him to hesitate charging Warped in the corner, which gave Warped enough time to recover and counter Simonson's rush with a superkick. Warped went up top, looking for a flying huracanrana, only for Simonson to counter into a sick elevated single leg crab for the submission victory.


Harry Simonson defeated HalloWarped in 11:41 by submission with a Boston Crab after blatantly cheating. During the match we also had Halloween Knight distract Simonson. (D+)



After helping HalloWarped limp to the back, Halloween Knight gets on the microphone.


Halloween Knight: Maurice Jackson. Mojax. Whatever you or these fans or these idiots on the internet want to call you; let me get one thing very, very, crystalline clear for you. I am not a coward. No, not at all. Cowards run from their problems - I'm not cowardly, Maury... no not cowardly, just sick. I'm sick enough to want my problems coming back for more and more. I'm sick of this company, I'm sick of wrestling here, and I'm sick of coming back to Australia every month to defend my title in this piss pile - but it's worth it to rub it all in your faces. I'm sick enough to emasculate you by hitting you in the balls - what are you or PWZ or any of these drunk neckbeards or their partners with a questionable second X chromosome in the crowd gonna do about it? You either keep facing me, month after month, or the new number one contender when you can't cut it, whoever... I don't really care, or PWZ strip this title off of me, but everyone will know deep down that the belt is mine, and that I've never been pinned for it. So yes, Maury, I'm sick enough to keep letting you think you can win, only to embarrass you by crushing billions and billions of tiny Maurices right as you think you're about to take this belt off me, and I'm going to keep doing it until someone stops me! ©



#1 Contendership Tournament - 20 Minute Time Limit

X-Calibre vs. Lanny Williams

This match started off fast and furious, with both wrestlers going balls to the wall in the opening minutes. X got a very very convincing near fall off of a springboard corkscrew moonsault, which led to Lanny snapping and grounding X, working hard on his left leg. The finish came when X ran up the corner for a springboard, only for Lanny to rush up behind X and hit a massive release German superplex. X over rotates and lands on his feet but immediately dropped to the canvas, clutching his already weakened knee and crying out in pain. Not passing up something served on a silver platter, Lanny cockily locks in a figure four leglock for an easy tap out victory, only to keep it locked in after the bell rings, taunting X and the fans at ringside, and yelling out that this is what he's going to do to Simonson, then whoever the champion is, and won't stop until the belt is his. X, at this point has passed out from the pain, and Jackson Jackson struggles to break the leg lock up. Finally Lanny relents, releases the hold and spits on X before making his way backstage. Nicky Gilbert and Hatemonger hit the ring and help an obviously hurt X up to his feet, then assist him with walking backstage.


Lanny Williams defeated X-Calibre in 11:38 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. (D)



PWZ Championship Rematch

Halloween Knight© vs. Maurice Jackson

The crowd was absolutely ready to blow the top off of Marv's in the leadup to this match. When Mojax's music hit I think a couple people passed out from marking too hard - he's seriously getting over. Mojax did a few laps of the ring and poses for photos with fans before rolling in and allowing Jackson Jackson to check his gear for any foreign objects. Knight's out next and gets pelted with beer cans and balled up napkins, basking in the heat and posing with the PWZ title, and scaring the shit out of a tired little toddler who'd lost interest in the show at ringside, which got quite a laugh and even more heel heat.


Knight rolled into the ring and handed the belt to Jackson Jackson, and gets this one finally underway. After a long staredown and a good couple minutes of feeling out, the two wrestlers finally lock up, with an angry Mojax taking the early match with a series of impressive slams, showing off his strength. Halloween bails to the outside and grabs his trademark chair from under the ring, leading to Jackson Jackson warning Knight that if he uses it he'll be disqualified. Defeated, Knight slides the chair under the turnbuckle pads and rolls back in to lock up with Mojax a second time. Any time it looks like Knight is getting the upper hand, Mojax fights back with more and more raw power, tossing the smaller Knight around like a rag doll.


Mojax eventually works Knight into a corner and starts laying in huge forearms, much to the crowd's delight - they're out for Knight's blood. Knight starts to fight back for the umpteenth time, and shoves Mojax out of the corner, right into Jackson Jackson, who goes down hard. Knight quickly grabs his chair from earlier and opens up hard on Mojax, delivering chairshot after chairshot to his head and back. As the referee comes to, Knight places the chair in Mojax's hand, then takes a spectacular bump. Jackson Jackson gets to his feet, sees both men KOed and a chair in Mojax's hand, and calls for a DQ.


Yet another dirty finish, but the action leading up to it was phenomenal. Knight and Mojax work so well together, and the heat from the crowd felt more like 5,000 people than 50. Knight's just amazing at getting under everyone's skin, and Mojax makes you want to like him. Their interactions with the crowd were pure artistry - an easily the best Australian match of the year so far.


Halloween Knight defeated Maurice Jackson in 19:58 by Disqualification. Halloween Knight makes defence number 2 of his PWZ Heavyweight title. (B-/72!!!)


Pretty good show overall. The undercard kinda dragged a little bit but was decent, but the main event made me feel like a kid again - like watching a Rip Chord or Sam Strong match as an 8 year old and being so excited. I'll give the show a © overall.



After the show Jordan James came out the ring with a microphone and a briefcase.


Jordan James: On behalf of Pro Wrestling Zero, I'd like to thank each and every one of you for coming out tonight and being a part of our biggest attendance ever. I'd like to also apologise for the result of the main event. I've been informed that, while his disqualification will remain official, Maurice Jackson will have a rematch with Halloween Knight next month at Wrestlepocalypse, our biggest event of the year so far. To ensure that the match is unquestionably fair - it'll be a no disqulification match, and the belt will be suspended 15 feet above the ring, reachable only by a ladder. You know what that means - we have a double ladder match main event at Wrestlepocalypse, so don't miss out!


Don't get ready to leave just yet, folks, I have one more announcement to make. In this briefcase is five hundred dollars. As a special treat for all of the fans here tonight - and just you guys, this won't be taped for DVD or for the internet, we're having an over the top rope elimination battle royal. Winner gets this briefcase. Get out here boys! (D+)


Bonus Match - 15 man $500 battle royal

Entire PWZ roster excluding Lanny Williams, Maurice Jackson and Halloween Knight

Oh boy, this was a surprise, and I'm sorry you missed it if you're reading this and weren't at the show. Was incredibly fun. The ring quickly filled up and everyone started brawling. The smaller guys were quickly eliminated; Flea was out first via Harry Simonson, then had Matt Stoppard thrown on top of him on the outside, also by Simonson. Azazel was dumped outside next by Harry (Triple kill!), only to start brawling with Flea and Matt on the outside. Artie and X-Calibre were out next, eliminating each other. In a funny spot, War and Hate ganged up on Dumfrey Pinn only for Jordan James to scream at them to stop hitting his boss, only for War (completely deadpan) to nonchalantly pick James up and toss him over the top rope, then go back to beating down Pinn.


Barney Mason started to get some momentum, going on an elimination spree; first Nicky, then Hatemonger after Hate eliminated Damian Dastardly, only for Warmonger to eliminate Mason. Warmonger, the only big man left, then turned to face everyone else, only to find they'd all turned on him, seeing him as the biggest threat, and united to eliminate Warmonger working together. That left us with our final four, Pinn, Harry, HalloWarped and Boo Smithson. Meanwhile, on the outside, as more and more wrestlers got eliminated, it turned into an all in free for all hardcore brawl on the outside, which prompted Matt Stoppard to climb up the turnbuckle and dive on the other 10 brawling wrestlers at ringside with a huge splash, taking a couple of them down. Not to be outdone, Azazel went up next and hit an awesome moonsault, taking him, Warmonger and Artie into the front row. Blue Flea went up last, and, in a showstealing move, hit a 450 into the pile of wrestlers, taking everyone still standing down and out.


Back in the ring, Boo and Harry teamed up unofficially, and started going to work on Pinn and Warped. They made short work of HalloWarped, playing to the crowd and trashtalking, only for Simonsonto be taken by surprise by Pinn from behind, and it's enough for the elimination, leaving us with just Boo and Pinn. Boo tries to keep Pinn locked up in holds, but, in a comical spot, on attempting a rear waistlock Boo realises Pinn is too fat for Boo's arms to reach around him. Pinn turns around, facepalms at Boo and hits a kick to the groin. Pinn gets Boo up on his shoulders for the Boss-A-Nova and dumps Boo over the top rope, but Boo hangs on to Pinn's arm and locks in a very legit-looking triangle choke.


Picture this; Boo's lying on the apron. Pinn's leaning precariously over the top rope and Boo has his arm and throat locked up. Pinn struggles to escape the hold, but as he starts to get choked out, he goes limp, and Boo pulls with all his might, sending Pinn's enormous frame down to the outside with a dull thud. Boo wins the battle royal! The crowd cheers, giving Boo a standing ovation, which doubles in intensity as he's presented with the $500 briefcase.


Boo Smithson won a battle royal in 24:12. The other members of the 'final four' were Dumfrey Pinn, Harry Simonson and HalloWarped, with Dumfrey Pinn being the final elimination. Harry Simonson got the most eliminations over the course of the match. (D+)


The bonus match at the end of the show was decent and very very exciting for the crowd, who ate it up - it was good to feel like we were watching something special as a reward for being loyal and that PWZ was giving us some extra value for money. I'd love to see more things like this in the future, though I get the feeling it was a one off. I caught up with Boo after the show - he actually did win 500 bucks, how bout that - wonder if that made him feel better about dropping the titles, haha? Wrestlepocalypse next month is looking HUGE - I got my hands on a flyer after the show (with Mojax vs. Halloween Knight III already advertised on it, liars!) and found out War and Hate are next in line for a tag title shot? Interesting. I scanned the flyer, it's attached below. I'm sure PWZ will announce the rest of the matches for next month on their website. Keep your eyes peeled!


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Haha, yeah - I think they were originally called Big & Dastardly in game, and in the process of writing this I was playing NES wrestling games and got reminded of the origin of the name and it just fit so damn well... I was originally going to have them come out in masks but couldn't find ones that looked right.
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Haha, thank you for finding it! Someone linked it to me like a couple years ago, and I've always thought it was hilarious. I couldn't think of anything for Nicky's promo at 3 in the morning and it was one of the last things on the show I had to finish so I tried to type it out from memory since it fit Nicky's character (he has the highest sex appeal in the CornellVerse outside of Champagne Lover afaik) - I didnt realise it was Drew McIntyre!
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Haha, thank you for finding it! Someone linked it to me like a couple years ago, and I've always thought it was hilarious. I couldn't think of anything for Nicky's promo at 3 in the morning and it was one of the last things on the show I had to finish so I tried to type it out from memory since it fit Nicky's character (he has the highest sex appeal in the CornellVerse outside of Champagne Lover afaik) - I didnt realise it was Drew McIntyre!


His stuff from ICW is quite funny. They have a blooper reel from about the same time and he is funny in that as well. Glad to see Old Drew is appreciated elsewhere, other than in Scotland. :p

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I word of advice.

Write shorter matches.

4300 words for 51 fans is monstrous.


It was a very fun show, but I skipped to the final paragraph of each match to read the finish. I did read all the promos and angles.


You can quickly sum most of your matches and if you get a great one (like HKnight/MoJax II - then give it details.)

Otherwise you're going to burn yourself out and that would be a shame.

Plus, if you read over your comments, most people enjoy the character development moreso than the matches. People enjoy the matches, but if you're going to shorten things somewhere, start there.


For example.

Warmonger, Hatemonger and Blue Flea vs. Pinn, A E-R and James

Blue Flea bumped like a blue-balled pinball, as he does, until he made a hot tag to Warmonger. Flea genuinely pleased at the face pop he received. It wasn't long before A E-R found himself on the wrong end of a Spine Shatterer. (D)


Short, sweet, tells the story.

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EDIT: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=833903&postcount=43 <--- Here's a post from my first PWZ Dynasty in Canada... Check out the main event, haha. :p


I word of advice.

Write shorter matches.

4300 words for 51 fans is monstrous.


It was a very fun show, but I skipped to the final paragraph of each match to read the finish. I did read all the promos and angles.


You can quickly sum most of your matches and if you get a great one (like HKnight/MoJax II - then give it details.)

Otherwise you're going to burn yourself out and that would be a shame.

Plus, if you read over your comments, most people enjoy the character development moreso than the matches. People enjoy the matches, but if you're going to shorten things somewhere, start there.


For example.

Warmonger, Hatemonger and Blue Flea vs. Pinn, A E-R and James

Blue Flea bumped like a blue-balled pinball, as he does, until he made a hot tag to Warmonger. Flea genuinely pleased at the face pop he received. It wasn't long before A E-R found himself on the wrong end of a Spine Shatterer. (D)


Short, sweet, tells the story.


I agree 100%. I took a couple of days off before writing this and I think the problem was I had creative diarrhea and had the urge to type far too much content. :) I actually made an effort to keep the matches under 180 words (4 lines in notepad in 1080p resolution) but the only one that was actually shorter than that was the Azazel/Stoppard match. Is that one still too long cause I could probably aim for 100 instead (which is still twice as long as your example).


I dunno, if it were up to me, since I used to wrestle I'd write the matches out move for move...




I'll definitely shift more towards a concise style, and I'll probably need to as I bring more and more talent in (who will need mic time) in season 2.

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That was one hell of a show! Although I'm sad to see Boo and Nicky losing the tag team titles, it certainly was a huge surprise. Great promo of Nicky before the match, and a fantastic Main Event.


Personally, I love your match reports and I'm definitely not getting sick of reading them. That said, if they take you too long, no one's gonna blame you for cutting them down a bit. Just ensure that you maintain their quality and everything will be fine.


Just have to say one more time that I absolutely love this dynasty.

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Just have to say one more time that I absolutely love this dynasty.


Thank you :)


Interesting that Barney Mason is getting such a push -- yeah, he has a great look, but isn't he kind of terrible?


Even without 'protecting' him in tag matches, he's in pretty good company in the tag ranks - Damian's actually becoming a very good worker (I play with fog of war on, so I didn't realise till about now) and pretty much everyone they will face in that division are all pretty skilled, especially Boo and Nicky.


Barney will learn and get over fast, and at least he's consistent - in 6 months of matches (up to where my save is) he hasn't pulled less than a D-, which is pretty good considering.

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That makes sense -- I guess I just think in terms of more performance-based feds. And larger feds too -- it doesn't matter if you can get a guy to 60-70 overness easily in TCW, for example, because they already have a bunch of guys that over, and some of them can even wrestle. But with a promotion the size of PWZ and star quality like Barney's, you can actually get a guy over enough that his overness alone makes him viable.


As far as developing skills goes... well, you've played more TEW13 than I have, I'm sure.

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next show: PWZ Wrestlepocalypse




PWZ Championship Ladder Match

Halloween Knight© vs. Maurice Jackson


#1 Contendership Tournament Final Ladder Match

Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams


X-Calibre, Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert vs. Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Artiemis Eyre-Rochester & Jordan James)


Hallowarped vs. Matt Stoppard


Blue Flea vs. Azazel


PWZ Tag Team Championship Match

The Apocalypse (Warmonger & Hatemonger) vs. The Strong Bads (Damian Dastardly & Barney Mason)


Post your predictions and comments below. The more detailed the better!


News stories:


(Even more) PWZ Championship Controversy - settled once and for all at Wrestlepocalypse!


Spoiling what would have been another fantastic match by blatantly cheating then managing to trick referee Jackson Jackson into disqualifying his opponent, PWZ Champion Halloween Knight has been given an ultimatum by PWZ Management - defend the title in a no disqualification ladder match, or be fired from the company. In addition, any interference on Knight's behalf in said Ladder match, and the match and title will be immediately awarded to Maurice Jackson. Some have said the Knight may rebel and leave with the title or no-show Wrestlepocalypse, but PWZ Management flatly denied that would be a problem, stating; "Titles are replacable, and cost less than Knight's appearance fee. Making a mockery of the product PWZ promotes is worth far more than either." Harsh, but necessary words. Will Knight show up and play fairly? Only time will tell.


Pinn Enterprises making trouble backstage - Trios match signed


Despite losing their trios match at Downward Spiral, Pinn Enterprises were overheard backstage mocking former tag team champions Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert over their recent tag title loss. Smithson and Gilbert appealed to PWZ management, offering to delay their scheduled rematch with PWZ Tag Champions The Strong Bads to instead wrestle a trios match against Pinn Enterprises, with X-Calibre as their partner. PWZ Management accepted, and the trios match has been made official for Wrestlepocalypse's already stacked card.


Shock tag team title change!


In a massive upset victory, Damian Dastardly and Barney Mason defeated Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert to become the new PWZ Tag Team Champions. As the former champions have elected to delay their scheduled match, The Strong Bads, as Damian Dastardly and Barney Mason are now known will defend their titles against de facto contenders The Apocalypse at Wrestlepocalypse.

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So who are the Strong Bads going to feud against -- some kind of Rick Stantz and Richie Fox tag team?


They still have unfinished business with Boo and Nicky, and there's a new tag team that will be debuting soon, as well as one that's already on the roster.


Unfortunately at this promotion size I can't really afford to have dedicated tag teams. I hit Small size the show before my season finale in January, tripling my sponsor money, so for Season 2/2014 there'll be a much more diverse roster.


Without giving too much away, with the stupid amount of cash coming in I'm planning on having two 8 man singles divisions, and a 5-6 team tag division + a few jobbers/managers etc. - nearly a 40 person roster compared to the 18 I have now.

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Halloween Knight© vs. Maurice Jackson - Knight wins cleanly (for once) to prove that he truly is a force to be reckoned with.

Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams - Let's go with Lanny this time.

X-Calibre, Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert vs. Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Artiemis Eyre-Rochester & Jordan James) - Actual stable vs. tag team + luchador in drag.

Hallowarped vs. Matt Stoppard - Sure, why not?

Blue Flea vs. Azazel - Blue Flea sucks, Azazel sucks less.

The Apocalypse (Warmonger & Hatemonger) vs. The Strong Bads (Damian Dastardly & Barney Mason) - I want the 'lypse to win, but I can't see the title just changing hands almost every show.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Belton" data-cite="Belton" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35176" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I agree 100%. I took a couple of days off before writing this and I think the problem was I had creative diarrhea and had the urge to type far too much content. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> I actually made an effort to keep the matches under 180 words (4 lines in notepad in 1080p resolution) but the only one that was actually shorter than that was the Azazel/Stoppard match. Is that one still too long cause I could probably aim for 100 instead (which is still twice as long as your example).<p> </p><p> I dunno, if it were up to me, since I used to wrestle I'd write the matches out move for move... </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> From the story you've setup of a reporter writting an indy fan blog, probably doing some traveling and covering multiple small feds, I can't imagine he'd spend more than a few sentances on the majority of the undercard matches, reserving the longer write-ups you've got here for Main Events, Semi-Mains, and title matches. I'd prefer to see the majority of the matches drastically cut in service of still getting a long write-up of the final one or two matches on the card, and continued detail on the angles.</p><p> </p><p> Edit: Then I thought about some of the blogs out there and people will write 10,000 words on anything, so maybe that first point is suspect. I still stand by my second comment though.</p>
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<p>PWZ Championship Ladder Match</p><p>

<strong>Halloween Knight©</strong> vs. Maurice Jackson - Not the time for Mojax.</p><p> </p><p>

#1 Contendership Tournament Final Ladder Match</p><p>

Harry Simonson vs. <strong>Lanny Williams</strong> It's <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Vader</span> Lanny Time!</p><p>


X-Calibre, Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert</strong> vs. Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Artiemis Eyre-Rochester & Jordan James) much as I hate to say it, Boo and Nicky need the momentum going into their rematch. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hallowarped </strong>vs. Matt Stoppard - Probably going to end up this way, but not sure. </p><p> </p><p>

Blue Flea vs. <strong>Azazel</strong> - Blue Flea is in this match. There is only one outcome. </p><p> </p><p>

PWZ Tag Team Championship Match</p><p>

The Apocalypse (Warmonger & Hatemonger) vs. <strong>The Strong Bads (Damian Dastardly & Barney Mason)</strong> - Can't drop the titles with no defences, and besides, they need to beat Bo and Nicky a second time to prove their salt.</p>

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<p>PWZ Championship Ladder Match</p><p>

Halloween Knight© vs. <strong>Maurice Jackson</strong></p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;">Don't know why, but I'm with MoJax on this one. He's got great chemistry with Halloween Knight, that's for sure, and as Knight will be disqualified and the title will be taken from him if there's an interference, I could imagine that you don't want to give him a "clean" win, but to go on displaying him as a cheating ****.</span></p><p> </p><p>

#1 Contendership Tournament Final Ladder Match</p><p>

Harry Simonson vs. <strong>Lanny Williams</strong></p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;">Necessarily. If MoJax wins the title, he has to face a heel. Plus, Lanny probably finally deserves a title shot.</span></p><p> </p><p>

X-Calibre, Boo Smithson and Nicky Gilbert vs. <strong>Pinn Enterprises</strong> (Dumfrey Pinn, Artiemis Eyre-Rochester & Jordan James)</p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;">I'm totally with Boo, since he's such a nice person, but I'm expecting a dirty win for Pinn Enterprises. Both teams need some momentum and you probably won't want a clean victory over your newly grown stable.</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hallowarped</strong> vs. Matt Stoppard</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Blue Flea</strong> vs. Azazel</p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;">He's got his face turn and he's probably gonna win this thing.</span></p><p> </p><p>

PWZ Tag Team Championship Match</p><p>

The Apocalypse (Warmonger & Hatemonger) vs. <strong>The Strong Bads</strong> (Damian Dastardly & Barney Mason)</p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;">I just can't imagine that you make them lose their titles on their first defence. Probably would destroy the momentum they built by winning them.</span></p>

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