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Pro Wrestling Zero - None of a Kind (0/0/0/0 Australia C-Verse)

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Love it. The cards may be the glue that hold things together but posts like the photo shoot here are what I come here to the diary board for. Anybody can talk about pitting Halloween Knight against Boo Smithson. It's the characterizations that really make a good diary and you've been doing some great ones. Keep up the good work.
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Caught up on this, really enjoying it. Like cappyboy said, the characterizations are excellent!


PWZ Halloween Horror Double Header Weekend




Night 1


Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Harry Simonson

Get a win after losing last month


#1 Contendership for the PWZ Tag Team Championship

Halloween Knight and HalloWarped vs The Apocalypse

Heel champs = face contenders


PWZ Tag Team Championship

The Strong Bads vs. X-Calibre and Blue Flea

No chance of a change here


Night 2


Dumfrey Pinn v Matt Stoppard

Win for the Boss...


Jordan James v Boo Smithson

...which is ironic, because the actual boss has yet to win.


ZEN Master Champion vs. PWZ Champion Special Attraction Match - PWZ Championship on the Line

Necromancer vs. Maurice Jackson

Jackson is your champion, other guy is a loanee

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Caught up on this, really enjoying it. Like cappyboy said, the characterizations are excellent!


It's the characterizations that really make a good diary and you've been doing some great ones. Keep up the good work.


I've been working hard on it - next month's pre-show stuff is hilarious

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Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Harry Simonson

- A E-R has the match won but can't keep his eyes open long enough to figure out how to pin Harry. Harry wins due to being able to keep his eyes open for five whole seconds!


#1 Contendership for the PWZ Tag Team Championship

Halloween Knight and HalloWarped vs The Apocalypse

- I went with the best wrestler of the bunch, Knight and Warped are better overall than the imposing Apocalypse, who really are oversized midcarders... that or Warped flashes the mongers his HalloBalls again.


PWZ Tag Team Championship

The Strong Bads vs. X-Calibre and Blue Flea

- The closest Blue Flea deserves to get to a title is if he's hit upside the head with one.


Night 2


Dumfrey Pinn v Matt Stoppard

- If Pinn gets pinned it spells the end of Pinn Industries. The Boss goes over.


Jordan James v Boo Smithson

- Hobo manhandles Bookerman.


ZEN Master Champion vs. PWZ Champion Special Attraction Match - PWZ Championship on the Line

Necromancer vs. Maurice Jackson

- The only trouble with visiting workers is the home guy rarely loses. And in this case, MoJax should go over... and hopefully his next challenger emerges.

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Night 1


Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Harry Simonson


It may be by DQ, but Simonson wins to keep SOME credibility against Pinn Enterprises.


#1 Contendership for the PWZ Tag Team Championship

Halloween Knight and HalloWarped vs The Apocalypse


I...I don't know!! I want it to be Team HalloW...but I can't see Team HalloW vs TSB...a draw...perhaps?


PWZ Tag Team Championship

The Strong Bads vs. X-Calibre and Blue Flea


If Flea wins, we riot...it's a shame X-Cal is stuck with Flea for now.


Night 2


Dumfrey Pinn v Matt Stoppard


It's not a question of 'who will win', but a question of 'how many moves will Pinn need to use'...the answer is < 5


Jordan James v Boo Smithson


As much as I hate to say it, I see a cheap win for James here...Boo will get it back later though.


ZEN Master Champion vs. PWZ Champion Special Attraction Match - PWZ Championship on the Line

Necromancer vs. Maurice Jackson


MoJax...all the way!

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Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Harry Simonson - Harry wins cleanly, despite Pinn Enterprises' best efforts, then beaten down hard.

Halloween Knight and HalloWarped vs The Apocalypse - Overall a more balanced team, more talent and better potential.

The Strong Bads vs. X-Calibre and Blue Flea - Yeah, nah.


Dumfrey Pinn v Matt Stoppard - The Boss wins in 2:48.

Jordan James v Boo Smithson - Boo proves he's great outside of a team - and his lack of charisma sparks his new character, and he gets over.

Necromancer vs. Maurice Jackson - A draw. MoJax is the "home team", and he can't lose the company's world title to another. The same goes for Necromancer, who seems like he's signed for the company; not just a loanee. He also proves a threat, not just giving ZEN's world title to PWZ immediately.

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Saturday/Sunday, Week 4, October 2013


TEWdotcom Australian Wrestling Report - PWZ Halloween Horror Results

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent




Held in front of 49 (Night 1)/52 (Night 2) people at Marv's Sports Central


Oh boy, PWZ (and Australia's) first of three double header weekends. So indy! Honestly though, we get a half year of shows in the next 3 months! I know personally that it's been hard for people to make PWZ's shows that are always on


Sunday nights, however PWZ were apparently missing a fair few people from Night 1 due to RAW/APW commitments. Also, in big PWZ news, they now have steel ringside barriers. Woo!


Night 1


Artemis Eyre-Rochester is out to open the show - a plus side of these split shows is the chance to give exposure to workers who normally wouldn't.


Artie: Plebs, I'd like your full and undivided attention - perhaps those words are a smidge too lengthy for the convict minds you possess.


Artie heelishly slows down his speech, receiving an assault of boos (not the hobo kind)


Looook, liiiisten, leeeearn. Goooood. In this very squared circle that I currently occupy, on this fine night, I face the world's least interesting person, why, the literal embodiment of genericity, a Mister Harold Simonson. Perhaps, tonight, you can learn something, chap - I'll be happy to discuss the finer points of ancient anglo-saxon fine literature, Beowulf, mayhaps, as I bounce your thick skull off of this canvas. It's for your own betterment!(D+)


I'm not even sure if betterment and genericity are words, but it was a decent promo nonetheless - his mic skills are average but Artie's execution of the snobby gimmick is truly wondrous - see, he's rubbing off on me. Artie was cut off short by Simonson's music, leading to;



Artemis Eyre-Rochester vs. Harry Simonson


Decent, lengthy opener to set the tone for the rest of the night. Artie played his cards close to his chest, running his cowardly snob schtick and working the crowd for the opening minutes, but with time to fill and time to kill, both men finally got to business in the ring. Simonson and Artie have good chemistry work really well together, honestly, and Artie's flaws (not being particularly good at any style of wrestling) were covered up very well by the experienced Simonson. After working the left leg for the majority of the match, Simonson locked in a Boston Crab for the sumbmission victory.


Harry Simonson defeated Artemis Eyre-Rochester in 15:58 by submission with a Boston Crab. (D)



Halloween Knight is out to the ring next with HalloWarped. Both have shitloads of Halloween decorations, and set up a table mid ring, complete with orange tablecloth, plastic pumpkin lights, and a pumpkin piñata.


Halloween Knight: Happy Halloween, everybody! Look, I know you guys don't really celebrate Halloween in Australia, and that's fine. But tonight's our night, ain't that right, Warp? So before our match, we're gonna throw a party. And guess who's not invited?

Both Warp and Knight start laughing and pointing to random crowd members.


Not you, not you, not you, oh... god... definitely not you! You're had enough candy for three lifetimes, chubby!


Warp and Knight mockingly dance around the ring, doing a very half-assed interpretation of the Thriller dance to a sound-a-like karaoke track, only for it to be cut off abruptly by The Apocalypse's music. Warmonger has a microphone, oh boy!



Warmonger: How bout us? Are we invited to your little party, mate?


Knight: You know what War? Actually, I think you two would be guests of honor. Step right up, have some candy, and bust out some spooky moves with us, yeah?


The Apocalypse cautiously roll into the ring.


Knight: Seriously, have some candy!


War and Hate check out the Halloween setup in the ring. War picks up the piñata and shakes it, listening for candy inside before carefully placing it back down on the table. Knight offers a bowl of candy to War and Hate. As they go to take some candy, Knight throws the bowl into their face, sending candies everywhere, then Knight and Warp unload with fists. The Apocalypse fight back - War grabs the piñata and shatters it over Knight's head, while Hatemonger suplexes Warp through the table. The Apocalypse call for a referee and Jackson Jackson quickly slides into the ring and calls for the bell.©


#1 Contendership for the PWZ Tag Team Championship

Halloween Knight and HalloWarped vs The Apocalypse


Though having just gone through a table, a quick pin on HalloWarped is only good for a two count. Warp and Knight bail out of the ring, exploiting the 20 count on the outside to recover while War and Hate grab piles of spilled bowl/piñata candies and toss them to the fans. The match finally resets nearly two minutes in. Pretty standard tag fare, mainly for the crowd's benefit - Hate gets his power moves off first on a weakened Warp, Warp and Knight hit rapid tags and rudo moves with a couple high flying moves for good measure. War gets the hot tag in, Spine Shatterers for everybody, only for Warp and Knight to blindside Warmonger. Warp keeps Hate occupied on the outside while Knight locks in the Pumpkin Patch for the submission. Boooooo says the fans. Cool pre match comedy promo/fight that got a number of pops, the piñata especially, leading into an average by the numbers tag match.


Halloween Knight and HalloWarped defeated The Apocalypse in 19:31 when Halloween Knight defeated Warmonger by submission with a Pumpkin Patch. (D)



PWZ Tag Team Championship

The Strong Bads vs. X-Calibre and Blue Flea


Well, this wasn't a pretty match by any means. TSB had a size advantage and played the big scary heels, while X and Blue did their thing, flipping around the ring as much as humanly possible. Some neat spots - X and Blue hit a stereo dive to the outside then celebrated with the fans, only for TSB to quickly get to their feet, and launch them both into the ringside barriers. X and Blue got a convincing near fall after taking DD off the apron then hitting a sweet springboard huracanrana into a 450 splash from Blue for a 2.999999 on Mason. Was all for naught though, as Mason military pressed Blue all the way to the floor (safe feet-first landing, but got a nice "oooooh" pop) then locked in a Full Nelson on X for the tapout.


Barney Mason and Damian Dastardly defeated X-Calibre and Blue Flea in 19:42 when Barney Mason defeated Blue Flea by submission with a Full Nelson. Barney Mason and Damian Dastardly make defence number 3 of their PWZ Tag Team titles. (D+)


Not a great night of action by PWZ standards, but still infinitely better than most indy shows and on par with some of the better *cough*DIW*cough*APW shows. (D+) overall.


Night 2



Dumfrey Pinn opened night two on the stick:


Dumfrey Pinn: People say to me, Capo, Boss, you're all about business. Recently, I've been relying... a little too much on my, er, useless employees to get business done, only for them to fail time and time again. I've given them the night off, so to speak, because sometimes the Boss has to take matters into his own hands. Good business is all about opportunity and hard work. Right now, I'm going to give a member of the PWZ roster the opportunity of a lifetime. Matt Stoppard, come out here.


Matt Stoppard confidently strides out of the backstage curtain, but still doesn't get a crowd pop. Poor kid.


Pinn: Matthew, you're a hungry young rookie in need of... guidance. If you beat me tonight, I offer you fifteen hundred dollars of my own hard-earned money, and a position in Pinn Enterprises. Lose, and I'll make life very hard on you.


Meh, average promo, wasn't overly heelish - was just there to set up the match. Did what it needed to do. Interesting to see Pinn take digs at his stablemates.(D)



Dumfrey Pinn vs. Matt Stoppard


Well, nobody was expecting a technical masterpiece, and Stoppard is still really green. Surprisingly, Stoppard put up a good amount of offense and refused to be Pinn-ed (lol) a number of times, lasting a lot longer than I think anyone gave him credit for. Still unable to draw any sympathy from the crowd, Pinn ended it with a mafia kick and a Boss-A-Nova.


Dumfrey Pinn defeated Matt Stoppard in 11:36 by pinfall with a Boss-A-Nova. (E)



Maurice Jackson is out to the ring.


Mojax: First up, happy Halloween! Do you like my costume? I came as 'Mojax tomorrow morning'. See, here's my PWZ title that I successfully defended against Necromancer, and I think I look, dress and smell just like me! Seriously though - Necromancer, I'm not sure if you're aware of this like Mojax and all the fans here tonight are, but I am an expert in kicking the asses of dudes dressed up in lycra skeleton outfits. I know you don't have internet in New Zealand, so I'll bring you up to speed. This belt? I won this three months ago from Halloween Knight, and beat him up for months before that - and look, let's face it, you're practically Diet Knight... or Knight Zero... or Knight Lite... heh, I like that one... all of the outfit, zero of the wrestling ability! (C-)


Short, funny and unique promo - Mojax cracks me up every time, he's come a long way from his early mic work to the super charismatic champ that the show is justifiably built around.


Jordan James vs. Boo Smithson


Short but good match, was pretty much a fast-paced technical battle the whole way through ending before it got too boring. James showed a surprising amount of fire here in his best match all year and was really on his game tonight, which doesnt happen too often, admittedly. Seven minutes in they traded finishers - James slipped out of a crossface chickenwing attempt by Boo, taking him down to the mat with a crippler crossface, Boo nearly tapped out but managed to make enough space to elbow James a couple times and roll through, wrenching the smaller James up to his feet to lock in the chickenwing for good. James made an adamant fight, trashtalking the crowd and Boo even while in the hold, but had nowhere to go and tapped.

Boo Smithson defeated Jordan James in 8:28 when by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing. (C-)



ZEN Master Champion vs. PWZ Champion Special Attraction Match - PWZ Championship on the Line

Necromancer vs. Maurice Jackson

Crowd was surprisingly hot for this one despite not really knowing who Necromancer was - the challenger entered first, taunting the crowd and claiming that he was going home a double champion tonight - only for the crowd to chant "Knight Lite" back at him. Mojax was out next to a huge pop and got straight to business, throwing his belt to the referee and rushing Necro before the bell could ring, tackling him to the mat and laying in fists. Mojax got an early shine, hitting slam after slam. He got Necro up for a powerbomb only to be countered into an impressive snap huracanrana that sent Mojax flying shoulder first between the turnbuckle pads into the ring post.


Necro smelled blood, immediately latching on to the injured shoulder with an impressive variety of unique holds and creative arm drags. Necro laid off for a second, taunting Mojax to get up only to lay in a number of stiff kicks to the shoulder. Mojax hyped himself up and hit a desperation spear with his good shoulder, then set up a rolling DDT but couldn't get the lift needed with his injury. The finish came when Necro set up for a tornado DDT out of the corner, only for Mojax to brawl his way out. They traded blows on the second rope, leading to Mojax doing a modified version of his finisher off the top rope, dumping Necro face first in a really cool looking bump. It was good for the 3 and the champ retains.


Maurice Jackson defeated Necromancer in 19:57 by pinfall with a Rolling DDT. Maurice Jackson makes defence number 2 of his PWZ Heavyweight title. ©


Much better than Night 1, with an impressive pair of matches. Mojax continues to be undisputed figurehead of PWZ, and is unable to have a bad match or cut a bad promo. Necro looked good in his outing and I hope he comes back to PWZ soon. (C-) overall for Night 2.

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Have to agree with TheEffect - I loved your more detailed reports, but can imagine that they took a lot of time, so I'm fine with these, too.


Good to see that MoJax was able to retain his Championship. With Halloween Knight and HalloWarped now reaching for the Tag Team titles, it seems like Necromancer will either stay a little longer in the PWZ.

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Loving it!


Maybe a little longer write ups but AWESOME!


Have to agree with TheEffect - I loved your more detailed reports, but can imagine that they took a lot of time, so I'm fine with these, too.


Good to see that MoJax was able to retain his Championship. With Halloween Knight and HalloWarped now reaching for the Tag Team titles, it seems like Necromancer will either stay a little longer in the PWZ.


I haven't stopped doing the longer reports entirely - I've just stripped down the minor matches instead of giving every match main event treatment. To compensate, I've shifted more focus to promos, which definitely take me longer to compose. The main event of night 2 was still in the top three or four longest matches I've written for this dynasty.


I've found this necessary as writing large chunks of text for mid card and lower matches is really draining and it's hard to write so many matches without them all ending up the same or me subconsciously re-using content. On bigger shows, like the upcoming anniversary show, the entire show will be very detailed, but for minor matches on minor events I think doing it this way is a necessary evil.


Also: I'm kinda guilty of unintentionally trying to rush through these next couple of shows since I'm keen to get more backstage and story content and get into season 2 proper. :) Big things are in the pipeline.

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As for myself, I didn't mean your match write-ups - they're good as they are and there's no need to extend them. It just feels like you cut down parts of the promos a bit - not the actual promos, but the narration around them. I could be wrong, however.


It certainly was not meant as any sort of criticism. I totally love your story and it's fine as it is, so go on like you are right now. It's awesome. (:

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PROWRESTLINGZERO.NET - Your source for everything PWZ!


Next show: PWZ Battle for Respect Double Header Weekend




Night 1


Hatemonger vs. Azazel


Harry Simonson vs. HalloWarped


'Respect' PWZ Championship Match

Dumfrey Pinn vs. Maurice Jackson


30 Minute 'Respect' Iron Man Match

Boo Smithson vs. Lanny Williams


Night 2


X-Calibre & Blue Flea vs. Pinn Enterprises (Jordan James & Artemis Eyre-Rochester)


PWZ Tag Team Championship Match

The Strong Bads vs. The Australian People's Party (Matt Stoppard & Marcus Kerr)


'Respect' No Disqualification Match

Nicky Gilbert vs. Halloween Knight


Post your predictions and comments below. The more detailed the better!


News stories:


Battle for Respect Double Header Weekend Preview


This coming weekend is all about respect! PWZ Management have left the matches in the wrestler's hands this month, who were all given the option to face anyone they choose in a 'Battle for Respect' if both parties mutually agree. Maurice Jackson and Dumfrey Pinn have 'unfinished business' with each other - their feud that kicked off at the start of the year was never resolved. The two will face each other in a match for Maurice Jackson's PWZ Championship. Lanny Williams and Boo Smithson have also challenged each other, facing off for the first time ever in a 20 Minute Iron Man Match, which looks to be one of the greatest pure wrestling matches Australia has ever hosted. The final respect match announced for this weekend is Nicky Gilbert and Halloween Knight, who will face each other in a No Disqualification Match.


Also on the card for this action packed weekend is Hatemonger vs. Azazel, Harry Simonson vs. HalloWarped in a hotly anticipated rematch from the #1 Contender's Title tournament from July this year, Pinn Enterprises' Jordan James and Artemis Eyre-Rochester who take on X-Calibre and Blue Flea in tag team action, and The Strong Bads defend their PWZ Tag Championships against one of the hottest young tag teams in Australia, Matt Stoppard and (in his PWZ Debut) Marcus Kerr, the Australian Party People, the Australian People's Party!


PWZ.NET Special Feature - Eating Clean with Barney Mason


People often ask me; Barney, how'd you get so huge? Legendary bodybuilding trainer Vince Gironda summed it up the best when he said "Bodybuilding is 80% Nutrition" - and it's true. Sure, to get a physique like mine you have to work out constantly and be genetically gifted, but without watching your diet all you efforts will be for nothing. Firstly, eat 5-6 small meals a day, and avoid processed fats and refined sugars, while trying to pack in as much protein as you can: I personally eat a Paleo diet, which is based on what humans ate 10,000 years ago. They don't call me 'Captain Caveman' for nothin'!


One of my favourite Paleo recipes is the incredibly easy to make Eggvocado.



You'll need:


1 Egg,

1 Avocado,

(Optional) Dried Chili Flakes


1.) Cut the avocado in half and remove the seed.

2.) Crack the egg into the avocado halves, evenly distributing the yolk. You can also scramble the eggs if that's your thing.

3.) Garnish with chili flakes to taste, and cook on 180 degrees Celsius/350 Fahrenheit for 15 minutes, give or take depending on how funny you like your eggs.


Simple as that. Eating well isn't hard, and it can be damn tasty. Even a couple little changes in your diet now can help transform your body from Dumfrey Pinn to Tag Team Champ.


PWZ.NET exclusive interview with Blue Flea!


By popular demand, PWZ.NET caught up with PWZ's premier high flyer Blue Flea today for an exclusive interview.


PWZ: Hey Blue, thank you for talking with us today. Tell us about you and your career so far.


Blue: I'm Blue Flea, I'm 22 and I'm from Auckland in New Zealand. Well, I started training in 2011, and graduated in from the ZEN Temple Dojo in January this year the same time PWZ opened. I was trained by Halloween Knight, and I can't think of a better trainer, looking back. I didn't think of it at the time but getting the basics taught to you over and over again is a great way to learn, and everyone who graduates from the Dojo is a great wrestler. Y'know, I always wanted to be a part of the wrestling business after watching HGC and SWF as a kid. It was something I knew I wanted to do immediately after seeing it, and here I am.


PWZ: You were originally part of the ZEN roster, but some would argue that your home is with PWZ now. Do you agree with that?


Blue: Yeah, I think so. I mean, I started out in ZEN, and I came over here with Knight, and of course, he trained me so I'll always have that connection with him - but after a couple of matches in PWZ they offered me a generous contract and wanted me to stick around. I'm probably more well known in Australia than I am back in NZ, which is really weird.


PWZ: You have a reputation for being a bit of a stoner, how do you feel about that?


Blue: It's funny you should mention that, actually. Yeah, I used to smoke every day. When it started to affect my life to the point that it was hurting the quality of my matches, PWZ management confronted me about it, and paid for a drug test, which is an incredible amount of money for a company this small, a lot more than they pay me to wrestle. When I failed the test, they confronted me about it, but instead of firing me or getting angry, they told me that they were disappointed in me and wanted me to change, telling me I was too good to let drugs control my life. Since then, I've quit drugs completely. I'll never forget that - it changed me as a person and I'll be forever loyal to PWZ for what they did for me. I know I'll never be able to repay them for what they've done for me, but I'm going to work as hard as I can to help PWZ grow and flourish.


PWZ: You've become quite popular recently since aligning yourself with The Apocalypse and by extension X-Calibre. Tell us about how your rise to stardom has affected you.


Blue: It's great to have the fans behind me. I'm glad War and Hate have taken me under their wing instead of beating me up every month, and I'm tagging with X pretty regularly now, which is really cool. It's been really fun being embraced by the crowds here, and have people know your name and ask for autographs after shows.

PWZ: What are your goals for the future?


Blue: Well, even though we were unsuccessful in winning the Tag Titles last month, I'd like to win those belts with X-Calibre! Other than that I'd like to keep wowing the crowd while doing what I love for as long as I can - I'm living my dream.

PWZ: That's great to hear. Thanks for your time!


Remember: Submit your ideas for PWZ.NET content or vote for wrestlers you want to see interviewed below!

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:o Flea is clean now?!?



Night 1


Hatemonger vs. Azazel


Hatemonger really needs a win...like desperately!


Harry Simonson vs. HalloWarped


Simonson should be too good...but this could go either way...


'Respect' PWZ Championship Match

Dumfrey Pinn vs. Maurice Jackson


MoJax wins this match...Pinn wins the race to the buffet...


20 Minute 'Respect' Iron Man Match

Boo Smithson vs. Lanny Williams


I don't care if this is wrong...I want to see Boo win this...I've always marked for Boo...and will continue to here...


Night 2


X-Calibre & Blue Flea vs. Pinn Enterprises (Jordan James & Artemis Eyre-Rochester)


Yesterday, I'd have chosen PE, but with Flea being clean, you have more faith in him. X and Flea will get another chance at TSB.


PWZ Tag Team Championship Match

The Strong Bads vs. The Australian People's Party (Matt Stoppard & Marcus Kerr)


Yay for Kerr!! But the titles should stay on TSB (unless you go for a fluke win...)


'Respect' No Disqualification Match

Nicky Gilbert vs. Halloween Knight


Now that you have two other face teams, SmithBert can get the singles pushes they deserve...and Gilbert's starts here with a huge win!

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Maurice Jackson defeated Boo Smithson, Lanny Williams and Nicky Gilbert in 19:58 when Maurice Jackson defeated Boo Smithson by pinfall with a Rolling DDT. Maurice Jackson makes defence number 2 of his PWZ Heavyweight title. ©


I'm surprised no one has mentioned this.


Hatemonger vs. Azazel - Unsure on this one. We can't have Hate looking terribly inferior to War.

Harry Simonson vs. HalloWarped - He may have lost the first battle, but the war ain't over.

Dumfrey Pinn vs. Maurice Jackson - Yeah well... why would he lose?

Boo Smithson vs. Lanny Williams - Draw by time expiry.


X-Calibre & Blue Flea vs. Pinn Enterprises (Jordan James & Artemis Eyre-Rochester) - Unless Pinn Enterprises is receiving the biggest reverse push of all time, they should win this, with Pinn dropping his match against Mojax.

The Strong Bads vs. The Australian People's Party (Matt Stoppard & Marcus Kerr) - They'll win again.

Nicky Gilbert vs. Halloween Knight - Upset of the year.

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I'm surprised no one has mentioned this.


Haha, whoops, accidentally copy pasted the post show dark match from night 1 :/ ill get right on that :p dammit, I realised now that the game has counted him as having an extra defense when it was meant to be non title. Now I have to go change everything, dammit griddle! Great eye for detail though - I'm worried with you being so observant you might see through a couple things I've planned for season 2 - don't spoil em, and PM me if you think you have ;)


And shawn: yes, he's clean. It didn't happen until January in game, but since he was being interviewed I thought I would bring it up. His drug use was known and I kept getting penalties - one of the first things I did when I had the money was get him tested and gave him a fatherly approach. His personality changed massively - he's now a 'very good' influence, is clean, and loyal to my user character.

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Haha, whoops, accidentally copy pasted the post show dark match from night 1 :/ ill get right on that :p dammit, I realised now that the game has counted him as having an extra defense when it was meant to be non title. Now I have to go change everything, dammit griddle! Great eye for detail though - I'm worried with you being so observant you might see through a couple things I've planned for season 2 - don't spoil em, and PM me if you think you have ;)


It's generally fairly easy to predict the future in Australian games as the core of solid workers is really small, and your season one has reflected that predictability, but don't take that negatively... it's just the way the games work in Australia.


And while I say that, I haven't thought too much about your plans for season two, although I have my suspicions which I won't share, haha (:



EDIT: PS love the cooking show with Barney Mason. Avocado... a great source of fat, so great for body building / working out in general. Great advice, Barney!

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Hatemonger vs. Azazel

Don't like Azazel's chances


Harry Simonson vs. HalloWarped

Simonsen is one of your main guys, don't think HalloWarped is ready to beat him yet.


Dumfrey Pinn vs. Maurice Jackson

Pinn feels a bit 'meh' to me, no way he's going over the champ


Boo Smithson vs. Lanny Williams

Champ is a face so you need strong heels to oppose him



X-Calibre & Blue Flea vs. Pinn Enterprises (Jordan James & Artemis Eyre-Rochester)

Should be an easy win here


The Strong Bads vs. The Australian People's Party (Matt Stoppard & Marcus Kerr)

Too strong and too bad


Nicky Gilbert vs. Halloween Knight

Don't wanna pick against Knight

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From the desk of Jordan James:




I'd arranged for everyone to arrive at Marv's around lunch time as I had an important announcement to make and I'd planned important things for us to do prior to the show.


James: Afternoon, everyone. I'm sure you will all be pleased to hear that three weeks ago I got the go ahead from Jackson Jackson to use the profits we've earned so far to order a brand new ring for us.


Everyone cheered and clapped.


Unfortunately it's not due to arrive until next month, but I'm sure we can all agree that steel cable ropes, a brand new free sprung frame that will be like bumping on a cloud and an extra 70 square feet of room will be amazing. Speaking of amazing, we've had an amazing ten months and now we're moving into the tail end of the 2013 season. The plan so far is to keep building towards our anniversary show next January, I have some very basic ideas for what matches I'm going to put on that card so far which I'll start putting together soon and some storyline stuff that I'll go over with some of you individually, and barring anyone breá̩͇͈̳ͫ̉̑̐͑̽̏king their neck they'll probably be what we run with.


I normally keep a lot of the business side of things to myself since it doesnt really concern you all, but we're still looking for more sponsors, and I've contacted a few recently - hopefully we can get some extra cashflow coming in as I'd love to be able to dump some money into PWZ.


We bought ringside railings for the last show as some of your faces found out but I'd like a proper entranceway done up, even if it's something basic, and if we can afford it I wouldn't mind hiring a big lighting setup from the guys RAW use for our major events - Nicky, do you think you could go undercover next week at the TV tapings and find out who they're with?


I've been looking into getting a cage as well. The fact of the matter is, we have the best wrestling in the country right now, hands down - hell, we have the best wrestling in everything but Japan and North America in my opinion, and we need to start bringing our production values up a bit. I don't want to look like the SWF, but I don't really want to look like absolute crap on our DVDs either.


All the boys murmured excitedly.

Who here is honestly happy with the crowd we're drawing at the moment?


Flea, Azazel and Matt raised their hands, realised they were the minority and stealthily dropped them.

That's what I thought. RAW draws what, ten? Fifteen thousand?




Nicky, who had personal experience working in front of said crowds, piped in.


Nicky: Yeah, but they have a stupid amount of cash, they get TV ads for free on ASN, and they can afford to hire staff who's job it is to promote their product full time... they have billboards! Billboards, dude!


James: Look, we don't have f*ckin' billboards or TV ads. But we do have 18 wrestlers who are getting paid already. You all have a choice this afternoon - you can either train in the ring and bump your ass off and be sore afterwards. And we're doing chest chops today too - just thought I'd let you know... Or- Or! You can take one hundred flyers and go across the road to the shopping centre, the restaurants at the waterfront a block over, stick em on powerpoles, I don't really give a shit; and we can promote the next show. Properly.


Everyone moved so fast they left outlines of skin particles where they used to be sitting. Yeah, I don't like chops or bumps either. I ended up in charge of the shopping centre flyer squad. Picture this -




Me, in a ring-dusted PWZ shirt and gymshorts, wearing my kickpads and boots and smelling like menthol heat rub and days old sweat;




Barney Mason, who's damn near seven feet tall and wearing a singlet, tights, kneepads and a pair of thongs (flip flops, or 'Jandals' in Halloween Knight's native Kiwi slang);




Halloween Knight in his full bodysuit with a shirt and shorts over the top;




Warmonger, having applied the white base makup for his facepaint already, looking like a 150 kilo geisha transvestite;




and Jackson Jackson, who stuck out because he's in his 60s, in a referee shirt and hanging around with the four of us.


The shit we do for this company. We gave out flyers to anyone who would take them, taped a few up in inconspicuous spots, then hit the two dollar store to stock up on random hardcore weapons for Nicky and Knight's main event for tomorrow night. So there's the five of us, laughing our asses off, testing out weapons on each other in the aisles of this store... I ended up beating Knight up with a hotplate cover, Mason nearly knocked out War with a frying pan - who stumbled into an knocked over an entire display (to be fair, the pan did look like it was aluminium, not steel... whoops) and we ended up filling a shopping trolley... cart... (or a 'Trundler' as Knight called it apparently it's a New Zealand thing?) with a bunch of assorted foreign objects, then sprinted with the trolley flailing out of control back to Marv's, still laughing at the absurdity of the entire afternoon.



When we got back, I decided to get the boys to cut some web promos before the show to get some practice in; nothing too out of the ordinary, just very basic stuff to get em used to working with a microphone. That was, until Hate came out wearing Azazel's facepaint and ring shorts and started quoting lines out of Braveheart, modified for wrestling;




Hate: You'll pin us for three, but you'll never take... our freedom! RAHHHHH!


Lanny Williams took Hate's lead, stealing one of Halloween's spare bodysuits.



Lanny: And I gotta get my recommended daily intake of calcium or these bones just fall right off my bodysuit!


All in all, a pretty damn funny afternoon - and one that resulted in us drawing our biggest crowd ever!

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Saturday/Sunday, Week 4, November 2013


TEWdotcom Australian Wrestling Report - PWZ Battle for Respect Results

by OzMonster, TEWdotcom correspondent




Held in front of 74 (Night 1)/78 (Night 2) people at Marv's Sports Central

Night 1



Maurice Jackson opens the show.


Mojax: When I first came to Pro Wrestling Zero, I came here with one goal in mind. That was to take out the biggest dog here. I might have taken that literally when I went after Dumfrey Pinn. Seven months since our last match, we've clearly taken different paths. I am now the most electrifying, satisfying, enigmatic, charismatic, all the ladies gotta have it, sweetest smelling champion in the entirety of wrestling - and you're still a blob that's done little of merit, with your two little lapdogs following you around. I feel really bad for Jordan and Artie, I really do and I know you two can hear me back there - I wonder when you two are to realise that Pinn's only bringing you down. It's symbolic, really...


Mojax stops mid promo to lean into the ring side camera.

Hey, camera guy... get my good angle. Hey, are you the same guy that edits the PWZ DVD's?

The cameraman nods and waves to the crowd.


See there's one thing I've always wanted to know, our DVD's are rated PG - how time consuming is it to censor all the offensive content on there, like Pinn's head?

Maurice pauses for laughs as the camera guy chuckles and shrugs.


Speaking of offensive, I reached an epiphany - I finally figured out why Pinn smells so bad... you know, they say you are what you eat; not true! You see, Pinn... he's what his mother ate! Delivered with the help of a double dose of laxatives, baby Dumfrey B. Bear Pinn, brought into the world weighing 25 pounds. Damn, I thought I had it bad being called Maurice... but Dumfrey? Good god, school must have been hard on you - but not as hard as tonight's match is gonna be for you, buddy. You can bring your lackeys, your cheap knock-off suits: Look Dummy, Mojax knows an Armani from a mile off, you can bring your three hundred and eighty pounds of lard to my yard, but just like last April I'll whoop your ass!(C-)


Great promo as usual. Went a bit off track and kind of buried Pinn a little with the repeated insults, but like anything MoJax does on the microphone it came across really well.



Hatemonger vs. Azazel


Hatemonger came out to the ring wearing Azazel's facepaint and mocked his entrance, which was pretty funny - Az played the upset, grumpy heel at the start and actually showed quite a bit of fire in the opening minutes, getting off quite a bit of his super flashy high flying offence, which isn't too bad, almost underrated, for someone so green... or... blue. They traded the advantage back and forth for the remainder of the match, but the inexperienced Az ran into a huge big boot that he took a backflip bump off of that sealed his fate. A double arm DDT and 3 seconds later Hate wins it.

Hatemonger defeated Azazel in 11:56 by pinfall with a Double Arm DDT. (D-)


Harry Simonson vs. HalloWarped


It was a decent match the last time these two faced each other, and it was a decent match this time. Warp had the speed advantage, and did his best to keep Simonson at bay with his kicks and by diving for the ropes every time Harry would even get close to locking in a hold. The frustration got the better of Simonson, who eventually snapped and charged Warp in the corner. Finally getting his hands on Warp, Simonson hit a sick looking snap backbreaker/reverse STO combo, then spent the remainder of the match working Warp's back. Warp landed a snap kick to the head while he was stretched across Harry's knee, and quickly tried to go for his running SSP. Simonson had the wherewithal to roll underneath and Warped hit the canvas hard with his face. Simonson locked in a Boston Crab and that was all she wrote.


Harry Simonson defeated HalloWarped in 11:54 by submission with a Boston Crab. (D)


'Respect' PWZ Championship Match

Dumfrey Pinn vs. Maurice Jackson©


The two big men started this one off with an extended test of strength sequence. Pinn definitely had the strength advantage and took control, showing some of his best heel work yet and working Mojax's left hand, slamming it to the canvas and stomping on it. Pinn laughed maniacally as he walked all over Mojax's fingers, putting all his weight down then laid in more stomps, pinning Mojax to the ground with his other boot. Pinn slowly transitioned to working the whole arm, trapping it between the ropes and laying in more knees and boots and almost getting himself disqualified a number of times.


About 10 minutes, with Mojax writing on the mat in pain, clutching his arm, Pinn's music hit to bring out Jordan and Artie. Pinn begged them both to not interfere and cost him the title, telling them that he has the match in his complete control. The entered the ring anyway, and Jackson Jackson threatened to DQ Pinn if Jordan or Artie laid a hand on MoJax. All four men argued for a bit back and forth before James and Artie turned on Pinn instead, unloading on him in the corner with fists and stomps. They'd hinted at that the last couple of months, so some people expected it, but nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition of Halloween Knight and a still hurting HalloWarped to run out to save Pinn, pulling James and Artie off and dumping them to the floor. Jackson Jackson was too confused to figure out if he should DQ anyone, so the match continued.


With the playing field evened up, MoJax laid in a bunch of one-handed offence - right handed punches, a snapmare/dropkick to the back combo then a big spear as Pinn got to his feet, leading to a double down. They both brawled up to their feet before Pinn managed to get MoJax up on his shoulders, going for the Boss-A-Nova, but MoJax wriggled his way out and hit the rolling DDT for the three count outta nowhere. Ouch, Pinn's stable breaks up and he loses his title match all in the same night. Rough.


Maurice Jackson defeated Dumfrey Pinn in 14:11 by pinfall with a Rolling DDT. Maurice Jackson makes defence number 3 of his PWZ Heavyweight title. (D+)



30 Minute 'Respect' Iron Man Match

Boo Smithson vs. Lanny Williams

This was announced as a thirty minute Iron Man match - it looks like the undercard was shorter than they had anticipated. I see why they put this ahead of the Heavyweight Title match as it was just thrilling from start to finish. Boo and Lanny shook hands as the bell rung, and got right into it, measuring each other up and circling round looking for an advantageous lock up position or mistake on their opponent's behalf. They locked up and Lanny managed to slip behind with a waistlock then took a low double-leg shoot trip from behind, then segued into a front face lock. It was incredible how much Boo and Lanny got the crowd into working something so simple - they were cheering hard for Boo to get to the ropes, or counter, or something as Lanny grimaced and tugged on the hold from above. After a good couple of minutes working the front face lock, Boo finally countered, spinning out to his side and wrenching Lanny's arm into a hammerlock, then immediately went for his trademark submission hold, the crossface chickenwing - Lanny saw through it though and immediately dropped to his knees, surprising Boo with a firemans carry takeover.


Lanny managed to work Boo into the corner, pinning him to the turnbuckle with his shoulder as he grabbed Boo's leg and wrapped it over the second rope, then laid in a pair of kicks and wrenched on it, letting go at a four count while Jackson Jackson admonished him. Lanny continued to heelishly work the leg in the corner, breaking just in time on every count before immediately going back to work. Boo finally figured out that the only way he could free his leg was to roll outside to the apron and did so, only to eat a dropkick from Lanny that sent him into the ringside barrier. The action broke down into a brawl on the outside - Lanny working Boo's knee, slamming it into the ringpost and barricade, and Boo fighting just to stay up. After eating a head smash into the production table, the ring post, then the apron, Lanny dragged Boo into the ring then set him up on the top rope facing outward. Lanny lifted Boo off of the turnbuckle into an inverted fireman's carry/torture rack, then dumped Boo headfirst into the canvas with a burning hammer to easily take the first fall.


It took a good couple of minutes for Boo to recover enough to actually start the second fall, and the bell rang at just shy of 11 minutes. The two men locked up and chain wrestled with basic holds and takedowns - at one point Lanny locked in a keylock, bending Boo backwards across his knee. Showing surprising agility for a hobo, Boo kipped up and countered the hold into a full nelson. Lanny didn't see it coming this time, and Boo transitioned lightning quick into a chickenwing for an easy tapout, tying the match up at 1-1 at just past the halfway mark. Before the bell could ring for the third fall Lanny hit a cheap dropkick to Boo's knee which allowed Lanny to take complete control again, grounding Boo with modified knee bars and toe locks. With Boo unable to get to his feet with his knee so injured and only to a sitting position at best, Lanny toyed with Boo then hit a point blank kick to the head, then locked in a figure four leglock. Boo was out cold as Jackson checked him, dropping his arm, once, twice, and almost a third time only for Boo to wake up and realise he's in a figure four with nowhere to go, and taps out at 26:20, with Lanny in the lead 2-1.


It wasn't looking too good for Boo at this stage. The crowd got heavily behind him as Jackson Jackson helped him to his feet. Boo couldn't put any weight down on his bad leg, and had to use the ropes to support himself. The bell rang for the fourth fall at just shy of 28 minutes. Lanny immediately rushed Boo as the fall started and charged Boo in the corner. Boo managed to dodge by falling straight down to the mat, being careful to protect his knee, and Lanny went through the turnbuckle pads and ate the ringpost hard, knocking him silly, and he slumped against the ropes. Boo somehow managed to pull himself up to his good foot by using the ropes, and grabbed Lanny in a sleeper hold, falling backwards and locking on a body scissor with his good leg. Lanny drifted off and Jackson checked him - Boo had the sleeper in tight. Lanny's arm dropped once, twice, three times! Boo ties the match up 2-2 with 15 seconds left on the clock. The crowd counts down the dying seconds, but neither man is able to get to his feet. The match is officially ruled a draw. It takes nearly 5 minutes for both men to get up with Jackson's help, and they shake hands after the match to a standing ovation. The match was a bit long for PWZ standards and dragged a little bit in the second fall - and both wrestlers were obviously a little gassed by the end of it. Great match though with lots of drama.

Boo Smithson drew with Lanny Williams in 30:00 when the time expired, two falls to two. ©


Good night of action overall. Undercard was a little underwhelming and the title match wasn't as good as Mojax's recent outings, but the iron man match saved it. (C-) overall for Night 1.


Night 2



X-Calibre & Blue Flea vs. Jordan James & Artemis Eyre-Rochester


The heels started off this match on the offense, dominating Blue Flea early. When the action spilled to the floor, it broke down into an all out brawl. James and Artie beat down X-Calibre and threw him over the railing in the crowd. James dragged Flea to apron while Artie cleared off the production table ringside and dragged it into position. James hoisted Flea up for a powerbomb through the table, and they teased the spot as the crowd went nuts. Flea managed to lay in fists and reverse into a huracanrana that sent James into the ringpost, then dove off the apron onto Artie to a cool pop.


The match reset at the four minute mark, and X-Calibre got a hot tag in. James and X brawled in a neutral corner, X attempted a Tornado DDT, but James countered and attempted on of his own, only for X to fight his way out and croth James on the top rope. James sold the spot to laughs, and managed to eventally pull himself to a sitting position across the turnbuckle. I think a couple of people figured out what was happening right before it actually did - X ran to the ropes, springboarded off the middle rope and twisted mid air to hit a triangle dropkick to James' back, who flipped forward off the corner headfirst through the table at ringside. Brutal spot, good lord.


With James out of the equation, X and Blue tagged in and out, working Artie two on one finally setting up for Flea's 450 leg drop off the top which was good for the pinfall. Wasn't a great match, and Jordan getting take out of the match early hurt the finish.


X-Calibre and Blue Flea defeated Jordan James & Artemis Eyre-Rochester in 7:28 when Blue Flea defeated Artemis Eyre-Rochester by pinfall with a Flea For Your Lives. (E)


After the match, however, it became apparent that something was wrong when James hadn't moved in a few minutes, and it was clear that he wasnt just selling the table spot. Jackson Jackson and Artie rolled out to ringside to try and clear what debris they could without moving James too much. Azazel and The Strong Bads came out to ringside to help out (as not to break kayfabe, I guess). The crowd sat in shocked silence, fearing the worst until James started to move his legs. Barney Mason managed to roll James up to a seated position, carefully cradling James' neck as he cried out an twitched in pain.


Once it looked like it was safe to do so all five men managed to get James up to his feet, his neck awkwardly supported on his right shoulder, and helped to walk him backstage. The crowd applauded, thankful that James could still walk, I guess. It was a very awkward bump, and it looked like he didnt manage to flip all the way over onto his back. I'm no medical expert, but hopefully nothing is broken - didn't look like there was any spinal damage, but James was obviously hurt. There was a brief intermission before the next match.



PWZ Tag Team Championship Match

The Strong Bads vs. The Australian People's Party (Matt Stoppard & Marcus Kerr)


The Australian People's Party was out first, and actually got a decent pop - The APP together are definitely better and more popular together than as their separate parts. Kerr started the match off against DD and made an impressive showing off the bat, Kerr is easily the more talented and charismatic of the two, but their interactions together are hilarious. Every time Kerr would hit a move, he and his partner would trade dance moves and banter back and forth about partying. Mason got a tag in and started to utterly dominate the smaller men. The finish came when Mason set up Kerr for a a superplex. Stoppard went up to help his partner, but ended up locked in the superplex as well. Dastardly grabbed Mason by the waist, asisting him with an very impressive feat of strength - Mason lifted both members of the Party up off the turnbuckle and hit a double superplex on the APP, while Dastardly got the assist by german suplexing his partner to add to the impact.


As all four men hit the ring there was a huge noise that sounded like a car crash, the ropes went limp and one of the turnbuckle posts collapsed onto the canvas - the impact from all four men hitting the canvas was too much for the tiny ring, and the welds holding the frame to the post had come apart. This is what we were left with, excuse my shitty phone camera:



A stunned Mason got to his feet and locked Stoppard in the Full Nelson for a quick victory. Oh boy... fun match, decent action throughout and the ring breaking was an impressive finish.


The Strong Bads defeated The Australian People's Party in 11:36 when Barney Mason defeated Matt Stoppard by submission with a Full Nelson. The Strong Bads make defence number 4 of their PWZ Tag Team titles. (D)


Jackson Jackson, X-Calibre and Blue Flea come out to the ring to see what they can do but it's obvious that the ring is beyond the scope of repair possible tonight, and the ring is unusable, sloping downwards towards the broken post and rope spaghetti criscrossing over the mat. Jackson Jackson gets a microphone and announces that the main event will be a Falls Count Anywhere match.



Nicky Gilbert makes his entrance first, and strips off his T-shirt in front of a trio of good looking girls ringside. He swings it around his head and pulls one of them up out of her seat to dance with him, then he slips his shirt onto her as she blushes. ©


'Respect' No Disqualification Match - Falls Count Anywhere

Nicky Gilbert vs. Halloween Knight


While the match was a little limited as they couldn't use the ring at all, these two managed to put on a good main event, putting weapons to good use. Knight opened up the match with his trademark chair, laying in shot after shot to Nicky. A cocky Knight toyed with Nicky, wiping his boots on his chest and face, then dragged Nicky onto a set up chair and leant him against the ringside barrier. Knight takes a running start and tried to kick Gilberts head into the barricade, but Nicky moved, making Knight croth himself over the railing at a hundred miles an hour.


Nicky dragged Knight off the railing, bashing his head into it for good measure, then dragged the set up chair into position, then taunted Knight to get up. Nicky was looking for a big running elbow, but Knight hit a drop toe hold which sent Nicky face first into the set up chair. Halloween went on a rampage, ripping one of the railings away from it's railing buddies, then slammed it right onto Nicky, crushing him between it and the ground, then laid in a whole bunch of chairshots onto the railing. Look, it didn't really make sense, since the railing was absorbing the blows entirely, but the marks loved it. Knight, realising he couldnt get a pin while Nicky was under the railing had to drag it off of him and lay it down on the floor, which gave Nicky enough time to retailiate with a DDT onto the floor.


The finish came when both Nicky and Halloween climbed onto then brawled on the apron - the one part of the ring that could still support their weight - you make do with what you can, I guess. Halloween laid in a series of kicks, sandwiching Nicky against the loose ropes. After winding up, Knight swung a big knockout kick onlt for Nicky to grab Knights leg, hit a pair of forearms to Knight's jaw to daze him, then, still holding the leg hit a Fisherman's suplex off the aprong all the way down onto the overturned railing on the floor. Ouch! That didn't look good for either of them. Nicky kept the hold locked in, and Jackson counted the pin for three.


Nicky Gilbert defeated Halloween Knight in 20:18 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. (C+)


Had the better main event out of the two nights - wow, didn't think I'd be saying that last night - and the tag title match was unintentionally entertaining. James getting injured was a bit of a blemish on an otherwise exciting weekend. I give Night 2 the same rating as the night before (C-).

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... :(


From the desk of Jordan James:




After the show, I was lying on my side backstage, my spare pair of kickpads propped under my head as a makeshift pillow and a heatpack draped over my heat rub covered neck. Outside of awkwardly taking a three course meal of rainbow pills (mostly Barney's, god knows what they were - ibuprofen, tylenol+codeine, asprin, oxycodone?) I hadn't moved since I got backstage after my match.


I'd gone over the table spot briefly that afternoon - I wanted to do something big to help Flea and X to get over as a team, and volunteered to take a table bump. The original plan was for Blue to huracanrana me through it off of the apron, but we decided that was a bit risky, going with X's dropkick instead - Lanny's idea. It should have been a routine, very safe spot - all I had to do was take a flip bump off of the outside of the second rope turnbuckle and and land flat on the table. I hesitated, scared of hurting myself, and didn't quite get the take off or rotation I needed, and hit the table vertically with my right shoulder which forcibly drove my head to the left.


The first thought I had once I actually hit the ground was 'Well, that sucked a bag of dicks' cause I thought the spot was going to look terrible. That quickly turned to "shitshitshitshit" when I suddenly felt a sharp ringing in my ears - the one you hear in movies and video games when a grenade goes off near you - and felt a warm welling pressure behind my nose and a huge drop in my stomach. Then the burning pain started in my neck, radiating down my right arm which then started to lose sensation and stopped working. The first thing I thought of is that the prayers I muttered as I stepped through the curtain had failed me, and I'd finally done the one thing I feared more than anything in the world - that I'd broken my neck and would have to be in a wheelchair the rest of my life. I tried to wiggle my toes and mercifully they worked, but I couldn't ignore the pain and the fact that I couldn't feel or move my arm or fingers, outside of the intense burning, every subtle movement of my neck sent another pulse of fiery electricity down my arm.


After the bell rung I was still lying in the wreckage of the table in disbelief of what had happened. Artie came down to help me up to my feet, until I muttered through my teeth that something was wrong. He shot a look to Jackson who rolled out of the ring, and Artie passed the message on. Jackson darted backstage and brought out whatever heels he could - like kayfabe mattered when I'm laying there with a potential broken neck, thanks Jack - mercifully Barney Mason was one of them and he quickly assessed my symptoms. Since I could move everything but my neck and my arm was the only thing that was in any serious pain, he realised it was only a 'burner' or a 'stinger' - a pretty common nerve injury to the neck/shoulder. As I was in a high panic, he reassured me that he'd had the same injury more times that he could remember playing Aussie Rules (a full contact sport without any padding where high speed collisions are common, link for any non Australian readers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlgcLrpswhg) and that I'd be fine. He helped me up, every miniscule movement of my head tripling the pain and got me to my feet. I found out pretty quickly that if I rested my head on my right shoulder and didn't twist or try to move it upright then my arm stopped hurting.


Barney set me down backstage and was really helpful, making sure I was safe and comfortable as the rest of the roster circled around me, trying to find out what had happened in worried whispers. X-Calibre hadn't even realised anything was wrong but was tripping over himself apologising when it was my fault - he barely hit me with the dropkick, and I was the one who hesitated on the bump and screwed it up and told him so. I finally managed to collect myself enough to politely ask everyone to leave me alone so I could think and be miserable.


The drugs, heat rub and heat packs had helped immensely - I could move my neck and arm around a little now without crippling pain and I hoped in a few days that I'd be back to normal - but still, to be honest, the injury scared me. Though it was nothing permanent it easily could have been, and there was a tiny seed of doubt in the back of my mind, a niggling feeling that I'd had a good run chasing my dreams for the last eleven years. Besides, I had PWZ to run, and maybe I could do a better job if I didn't have to wrestle - if I didn't have to be sore all the time... Wrestling was my drug, and though in the past I'd keep coming back and coming back, maybe this was a sign that I should hang up my boots for good.

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