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Grinding for a 3/1000 drop rate weapon. Gungnir Lance, btw, from Odin in FFIII on Android. Yes, I can steal one, BUT DAMMIT HE'S GOING TO DROP THE OTHER ONE!


Also I can defeat him in two turns, assuming I successfully steal on turn one. So yeah.


Edit: **** it, this isn't the perfect save. Besides, Gungnir/Magic is better than Gung/Gung anyway. Use slot two from here forward, me. DON'T OVERWRITE SAVE ONE. OR...do, I guess. /shrug


USPW American Wrestling


Rick Law/Eddie Peak vs. Chris Caulfield/Freddie Datsun


Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson


James Justice vs. Tyson Baine


Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex




Champion and Peak Argue!


Baine Destroys Enygma!

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Jeremy Stone, NOTBPW


As this is the first show after Big City Brawl, we need to reconcile the aftermath of that event.


Sean McFly defended against Steve DeColt's brother. How aggressive is Steve going to be, having scouted the champion even more from that match? Tamara McFly and Tim Westybrook are both champions rolling through their competition, while the Tag Team Champions have to reconcile the fact that one of them, Jared Johnson, has duties for his Unlimited Action title.


All that in 2 hours.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling


NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title:

Jared Johnson© vs. Mark Griffin vs. Omar Brown


NOTBPW Television Title:

Tim Westybrook© vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Sean McFly/Tamara McFly vs. Steve DeColt/Luchadora Original


John Maverick vs. Duane Stone

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Alex DeColt, CGC


4C is going to be disappointed when we re-sign Donte Dunn on a Written contract. Other than that, nothing noteworthy; we're two days from Elimination 11. This is going to be big.




We are currently 13 wrestlers over our quote. I'd like to cut that back to single digits. Granted, we have two people on loan, so really I just need to cut back about 3 to be happy.


I already have a short list:


  • Ryan Powell: I know this "confirms" the rumor that our booking committee has no confidence in him. Perhaps we should have utilized him more some five years ago. However, looking at him now, he's got a bad attitude and isn't very good. I might be able to take the loss of cutting him directly in February; if not, he's got another year of pretty much nothing ahead of him.
  • Nathan Black and Warren Technique: Not that either of them are bad, but I think they'd do better in North of the Border or...anywhere else, really.


That would be precisely three; there are other people on the bubble, but I think the above three are "guaranteed" to be gone soon.

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Ryu Kajahara, WEXXV


I am a god. I am untouchable. I am indestructible.


This I have said before, and the world once again provides ample evidence that, at least for this January, we are the immortal soul of Japan.


This is truth: for one month, for this first series of battles, we bested Richard Eisen and his Supreme Wrestling Federation at every turn.


He attacked Japan, declaring war on Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods. We declared war. He attempted to attack us, and we deflected his every move. Like those of Aikido mastery, like the taijiquan masters before us, we repelled his assault.


To this day, we are truth. In perpetuity, we shall forever be remembered as the small, insignificant company that stood against the giant that is, that ws, Richard Eisen.


For all my insanity, my non-existent leadership, paltry diplomacy, horrid negotiation, in this I was right. I motivate my troops, my creativity should not have been questioned.


We are gods, if only for this moment. We few, we brothers, we friends. Stay with me, and in life or death, you shall be remembered.


This I offer to you as reparation for your scars given freely to this company so that we might survive for one more day.

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Ryu Kajahara, WEXXV


Ah, yes, the business side of things. The part about which I do not care.


More wrestlers and managers and sundry staff have handed in their resignations due to working for SWF. I will barely be over my quota, possibly, after they leave.


Press Release:

WEXXV Signings!


Strong Style Yoemon for $870/$640.

Gesshin Nishihara for $1,510/$1,150.

Tatsui Saji for $360/$280.

Koin Momotani for $320/$250.

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Jeff Nova, 21CW


Best of British Wrestling is tomorrow; that's not when Dark Angel is dropping the title. That will be at Steel Cage Challenge in a few more days.




Aside from a little lackluster selling, British Samurai brings the performance skills that made Ring of Fire famous-and by extension, a good takeover by me.


We've split again, a bit; it's now just a simmering tension, but the point is that after putting pen to paper, he made himself quite clear that he didn't totally forgive me.




So let's see how I handle that for the next two shows.


Press Release:

21CW Signings!


British Samurai for $12,450 written.

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2 questions for you guys:


1. Anybody reading?

2. Does anyone derive even ironic humor or joy or something from the videos of the big shows? I can easily not do them; it'd be less work.

3. Does anyone legitimately like the vids? If you, you got problems.

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A random lol now and then would let me know people care. OR PREDICTIONS COME ON I HAVE A BAZILLION SHOWS!


But seriously, yeah, I never check how many views it has so I don't know if people read it. /shrug


Also, no one's jumped on the conversation topics that I thought would be obvious. Of course, given that when I re-read stuff, I have no idea what's going on...


Jeff Nova bares all!


Well, not really. Not exactly. Not...so maybe I didn't make the title, eh?


Point is, action-hero Jeff Nova, king of the Britons, recently had a tyrannical triade of...titillation...in an interview with our website:


Alright, go ahead and edit the hell out of this if you want. Lots of stuff to say here, so if you want to make me look like a jack-***, go ahead. Fans know what I'm about, anyway.


...can't be racist. What does that even mean, anyway? Ethnicity apparently is all down to style, but race is...how people are different, right? So what the hell is it to be racist?


...point. My point is that Richard Eisen, he's not racist. Sure, Remo had a short little reign, Frehley's down on his luck again. But are you really telling me that Richard Eisen, RICHARD ****ING EISEN, wouldn't push a bag of **** if it would make him money?


Yeah, of course. What? ...would be big money. Have been big money, I guess, would be the phrasing, as Nemesis is kind of old now, right? Bit past DaVE and that whole incident, right? But if people wanted this big invasion thing, if that wasn't years late...


The issue is twofold: first, people are morons. Tell me, what is African Earthquake? ...no, how would you describe him? ...point is, look. The guy was Doctor Insane. Now? Now he's reinvented himself. And I know that has nothing to do with skin color or anything, but it's the fact that people, they're defined by their skills, and in part by their looks. ...no, he's not black. Unless "black" means color of skin, and if we're allowing "dark brown" to get extremized into "black". Yeah, not a word. I know.


African Earthquake is African. Ghana, more precisely. Not African-American. And by the way, what the **** does "African" mean? He's from Ghana. Not Burkina Faso, not Egypt-yeah, EGYPT IS IN AFRICA. GOOD ****ING JOB.




PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING IS A MERITOCRACY! God, when will you guys get it? Yes, nepotism, politics, all that ****. I'm not saying racism or sexism or whatever doesn't slip in, but it's about making money. Main eventers, the big bucks, have to earn it. However they do, they earn it.


Yeah, yeah, womens divisions. How is it...preference. It's about preference. High-flying action? Can't get above the midweights. Don't want to piss off the censors? Probably don't want man-on-woman violence...about trends. About the populace. Women drew more, everyone would use them...I don't want to. Simple of it, doesn't fit with my vision. Could it? Sure. But Isles are the most populous of female wrestlers, so **** it.

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USPW American Wrestling




The Nation of Filth vs. Painful Procedure vs. Natural Storm vs. Savage Fury


The Nation is set to take the tag ranks by storm, and they start their debut with a dominant win over some lesser teams. And the tag champions. Unfortunate, that last part, but The Towers and The Dream Team are both inappropriate opponents.

-Curious; Grunt was rather plain as a "Punt", but Stink? Perfect.



The show opens with Nicky Champion and Tyson Baine finding each other backstage. Before they can truly clash, Alicia Strong, Eddie Peak, Jumbo Jackson, James Justice, Shane Sneer, and Peter Valentine break them up.

-Three storyline boosts from one segment. This is intelligent booking, kids.



Eddie Peak/Rick Law vs. Hardcore Everyman


If Caulfield and Datsun are going to be teaming regularly, I might as well have them work against quality opponents, right?


As I've noted elsewhere, Eddie Peak and Rick Law were brought over from TCW for me to help get more popular. Putting them over my team, albeit in an open match, is the start of that. I have much more interest in pushing Peak, as does Tommy. Rick...he was a bit off tonight. Let's see if he can pull it together later.

-Rick has the better gimmick; Eddie improved from the match.



Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson


Enygma's out of the title picture at the moment, and he seems to be playing the +1 for the babies. Odd, given who he is, the controversy surrounding him, but consider that Nicky's cleanly taken the top babyface spot. Do I need the established Enygma at the top of the card? No. Feeding him (albeit in another open match) to my secondary heel is good business.

-Jackson's lacking in stamina.

-Enygma should bounce back in...3 months. Still has a lot to offer, even with my match analysis.



Nicky Champion vs. T-Rex


Good match before this, good match before that, but Nicky has to take top billing. Secondary, true, but he's getting put up against Baine at the Pay-Per-View. I needed a good heel to feed to him. Can't be Peak; Peak has to get popular. Can't be Tyson, for obvious reasons, and shouldn't really be Jackson-aside from him working earlier, secondary heel is important. So I give him one of the weaker members of the Sneer Corporation.


Nicky can't cover for T-Rex, yet, and Rex needs a lot of covering. Also, I had Nicky go over strongly.

-Yeah...T-Rex needs a lot of work.



It's not Enygma's night; a Tyson Baine beatdown caps off a string of momentum losses.



James Justice vs. Tyson Baine


Unsurpsingly, I had Justice take the fall here. Unfortunately, both men are aging; while their skills are not noticeably dropping or anything, it's true that their stamina is none too stellar. I would have loved to have this even match have a quicker pace.

-Baine gets a touch of a performance boost.

-Who the hell has Tyson's gimmick?



Nicky and Eddie have a debate; I see why Tommy's having problems with Peak, now. Poor improvising with decent improvising means that Nicky carried this to something pretty good; point is, this shows Eddie's not ready for the big-time. And Nicky is.





10-man battle royale.

Peter Valentine won, with Andre Jones, Man Mountain Cahill, and Giant Redwood being the last eliminations (Jones was the last). Cahill had the most eliminations.


Other guys were Atlas, Casey Valentine, Darryl Devine, Elijah Harris, Hollywood Brett Starr, and Philippe LaGrenier.

-Casey, Brett, Mountain have great gimmicks; Elijah and Philippe do not.




Overall: http://i1275.photobucket.com/albums/y443/Eidenhoek/USPWshow3_zpsbe5ff86b.jpg

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Jeremy Stone, before television taping (is it taped?)


I want to make a note of my thoughts on this card before the results roll in, and I will then compare them to my thoughts after the show. A prediction, if you will, and a look into my booking psyche. Of course, Jeremy, as you're the one reading this, I suppose this is really just going to showcase your brilliance or stupidity. Regardless:


  • Omar Brown winning the Unlimited Action Title-as is expected, I imagine-sets up champion-versus-champion with his perennial babyface counterpart, Tim Westybrook. Hopefully they will not have developed terrible chemistry over the years, as regardless of the match outcome, they're going to fight. A lot.
  • Speaking of Tim, putting him against Bloodstone is...well, now that I look at it, this is probably viewed as very stupid by some of the more "smarkish" fans. Admittedly, with a product like ours, I imagine that's a lot of people. My point is that there's no winning in this scenario: Johnny sure as hell doesn't need the belt, and he sure as hell isn't dropping a loss to Tim. Bloodstone's running high right now; Tim could use a boost, sure, but that's not the way to do it. And a draw...not going to happen. Booked myself into a corner here.
  • Similarly, this multi-gender match is either brilliant or terrible; if there's chemistry, or if the guys pull the women to something great, this is going to be the boost that the division needs. If the womens' lack of popularity-for that matter, their relative lack of skill-pulls the match down too much, I just killed the momentum of our title stars. Bit of a risk, eh?
  • Can Duane Stone keep the streak alive? His past three matches have all been A quality; Maverick might be quite a bit less popular than some, but he is one of the more solid men on the roster. With a company like ours, where the ringwork is what makes a match, I have to believe it's possible. On that note, since it's obvious Duane won't be scoring high-class matches the whole year, I do think this still could be a great bid for wrestler of the year for him, regardless.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling


NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title:

Jared Johnson© vs. Mark Griffin vs. Omar Brown


Mark Griffin is here to take the fall, that much everyone already knows. The question was whether or not Jared was going to get the pin.


Turns out that Omar Brown actually cannot go all out, while his competitors can. Weird. In a sense, aside from the man's skill, right now there's no point to having him in the ring at all.


Which then makes his submission victory via Anaconda Vice perhaps a bit troubling for me.

-Johnson's still rocking plenty of positives.

-Mark looks to be a fantastic enhancement talent; he's not terrible in the ring is what I mean. Give him some years, give him a title.



Sean McFly/Tamara McFly vs. Steve DeColt/Luchadora Original


Steve and Sean looked good in the even match, while the heels were the ones to visibly improve.


It was a successful experiment; the match was not as good as Sean/Steve will be (I hope), but it would hardly have been out-of-place backing up a main event level match. Because I would rather have Steve and Sean seem relatively-even, the match ends in a draw as the referee loses control of everyone.


I'll make note of the womens' popularity gains later.

-No noticeable chemistry; also, Craig Prince tells me Steve had good psychology. DeColt. NOT SEAN MCFLY. I don't know what even.



NOTBPW Television Title:

Tim Westybrook© vs. Johnny Bloodstone


The short version? Bloodstone wins via submission and is now hampered with a belt beneath him.


The long version? Pretty good chemistry means this almost met the previous match. Along with Westybrook's charisma, (and, of course, Johnny's charisma, star quality, and recent good run at the top) I shouldn't feel too bad about this one. Aside from the title thing, of course.

-Tim needs to learn some consistency.



Steve DeColt did some good improvising as he ran down Sean McFly. With a better gimmick, I think he might be more popularity than me by now. Actually, after tonight, he might just have passed me. Thankfully.



John Maverick vs. Duane Stone


This match saddened me.


While not bad, certainly, it does break my brother's recent run of A-rated matches. As the main event, also, it does not quite deliver to the level that people have come to expect of us.


Then again, this is only television. Also, John Maverick is not a main eventer. He has the raw skills for it, and he will be one soon, but not just yet.


Thus we have the submission specialist tasting Alabaster Agony as my brother continues to run at the top.

-I do think I want to run this match a few more times; Maverick and Duane have good gimmicks, and John just...he's a great performer. As is Duane, but John's not at the top, remember?



Overall: http://i1275.photobucket.com/albums/y443/Eidenhoek/notbpwshow3ithink_zps809e82a5.jpg

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Richard Eisen, SWF


I gathered everyone-yes, all two-hundred-some employees or contractors or whatever the **** they are-in a large conference room. I had to have a podium, a microphone...essentially this was a presenation. A mandatory pep talk. Essentially.


Richard: I am Richard Eisen. I am the owner and acting booker for Supreme Wrestling Federation. Every decision must be okayed by me. You know this, I hope, but I want to make those facts perfectly clear. As it turns out, some of you apparently don't recognize my superiority.


A few coughs from the crowd; awkwardness filled the air.


Richard: Some of you think that I don't notice sabotague. Perhaps an instance here or there, yes. But since when, since when, were we unable to capitalize on the weaknesses of our enemies? Since when did we fail EVERY TIME WE TRIED ANYTHING? That, that is far too obvious. And now is my turn to act. React, let us say. You struck first, struck multiple times. Now?


Forty years of business had hardened my emotions. Still, I felt the brimming anger start to bubble to the surface.


Richard: Let me begin the culling of the herd. Any names I say, you are immediately dismissed from the company. We begin with...




Press Release:

SWF Firings?!


Steve Frehley

Des Davids

Jungle Lord


Robbie Retro

John Greed

American Machine

BJ O'Neill

Shane Stones


It is reported that this cost the company $1,724,436 in contract payouts.

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Richard Eisen, SWF


Back to work.


Marc DuBois got picked up by CZCW. Another company on which to declare war; "The Big Three" black-balled him from the industry; while I do not know how Tommy or Sam will deal with this, I am far from lenient. Obviously.


ULLW has hired some more people; I choose not to care, as I already have the roster I need (or will, after today perhaps).


DIW has stopped attempting to hire Reggie Tate. Note: The Comedian appears to not be an idiot.




Press Release:

SWF Signings!


Haranobu Kobayashi for $1,520 developmental.

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Yeah, it's "United Little League Wrestling," USPW's developmental company.


Speaking of, for some strange reason, (/cough) no company will let SWF be their parent. I'm genuinely not sure why; if MAW is in an alliance, for example, would they not accept? ZEN, a company I went to often in 2010, has shunted not just Eisen's advances.




I remember something important happening on Tommy's screen, so I should probably get on that.

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Tommy Cornell, TCW


Sam needs to straighten up. Stars, Stripes, and Slams appears to be his last legitimate attempt at a solidly-rated show; it thus is the last opportunity to mitigate damage from Richard's superior product.


While I am on that note, though, I see that Mr. Stone gave a lackluster performance last night as well. Granted, the show was still quite good, but it was markedly worse than their recent work. This is...I suppose good, yes, that they are stunted in their growth to the United States. We do not need a fourth player in this war, much less an exceptional new entrant.




I see much growth in roster size from developmental companies (coincidentally, NOTBPW's and USPW's). That is good for the industry as a whole.




Wait, what?


How the...why? I think I need to email Richard.


To: Richard Eisen

Subject: Out of respect I write


Dear Richard,


You and I, I hope, have at least a begrudging respect for each other. I know that I do respect you, Richard, in spite of how I left your company. True, I want to become the biggest company in the world-and by extension, I would love to see you fall-but I do not want to achieve success by route of your lost mind.


It is quite possible that I do not understand what Steve, Valiant...what everyone did to bother you. Perhaps this is a massive drug sting-and speaking of, I assume you are displeased with CZCW, as am I-and thus your actions are warranted. Perhaps this is a prank gone wrong, or...my point is, without the information that you have, I do not know whether or not you have made a sound decision.


From the outside-and that is where I want to stay-you look insane, Richard. If you have yet to notice this, consider my words a wakeup call. If you already know how the world views you, then this email is irrelevant.


Regardless, Richard, I do have to thank you for the talent you have just made free agents. Hopefully I am not entering into some grand trap of yours. If I am...understand that you have just ruined the careers of some hundred or so of this business' elite. That is unconscionable.


-Tommy Cornell




And Enygma is ours, for now. Nice.


Press Release:

TCW Signings!


Jana Marie Bowen for $2,230 written

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Sam Strong, USPW


That would explain the fans, then.




Arnold has expanded the roster. Good.




Tommy left me American Machine, Des Davids, John Greed, Robbie Retro, and BJ O'Neill. He's the big brother, so he gets first pick. Great to see Davids back, though. Don't know what's wrong with Richard, and to be honest, it's not my business to care.




We pulled a 3.08, up from 3.06. I think that is good; I think we can stay above 3.00. I hope.


The Titans are now an officially-contracted team; excellent! They will replace The Cold Warriors soon, I believe. Perhaps Savage Fury in some time? Perhaps.




Press Release:

USPW Signings!


Devastating Don for $1,610 developmental.

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