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Sam Strong, USPW


Ah, I see that we cannot get anyone to increase size to "Giant" status, not for trying. No one can bulk up to that level. I need to replace Bruce in a ful-time capacity, so I have sent out some feelers, as the saying goes. Don would be one such individual, but he is in development currently.




We have a double-header of sorts coming up. Pay-Per-iew followd tomorrow (from that day) by American Wrestling. Tommy told me that I need to put forth my best show soon, or SWF is going to "stomp the ruddy water out of me." I think is what he said.


I'll forgive the man for trying to tell me how to run a company.

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Jeremy Stone, NOTBPW


Tamara McFly has a[sic] Extreme Bed Head for five days. Fortunately, our show is in six days. I hope any lingering damage will not damage her head too much, as she's currently our top female (which, given she has the title, makes sense).




Eric Tyler joined us. YES. We lost JMB to TCW. Unfortunate.




We pulled 1.69; 1.75 would be worthy of a better show, so I agree with the fans for once.

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Alex DeColt, CGC


USPW made an offer to Prometheus.




"Oh no, there's no way we can compete with that kind of money."




So that's one problem out of the way. Good start to my morning...




****, Tamara going down is bad. Don't know how bad it is, but an Extreme Bed Head doesn't sound too serious. Hopefully she'll be back before Jeremy's next show.




Title Bout Wrestling is up soon, but IT'S ELIMINATION TIMEtomorrow!!!!!!!!




I dropped our television main events to 20 minutes minimum. PPV is still 35, but I'm realizing-and changing based off my realization-that we need more matches on the telly if I'm going to take us to National.

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Ryu Kajahara, WEXXV


Press Release:

Ryu Kajahara's Response to Eisen's Recent Actions and Misfortunes


People called me insane, that I was a madman, that I would never win against the giant that is Richard Eisen.


HOW CAN YOU DENY ME THIS DAY?! I am a god, and he is the Satan his culture so adores! We are driving him back to the hell from whence he came! Rejoice!


And technically I am a Buddhist or Taoist or something, so I suppose I do not actually care. But ignore that. Focus on the fact that Richard Eisen will not be in the industry come 2014.


Press Release:

WEXXV Signings!


Toshiyuki Komiya for $890/$680. A rookie emergency announcer, by the way. 18. 68 announcing and entertainment in the 50s. ****. Yes. **** YES **** YES **** YES! Pic suggestions? He's a heavyweight.

Yuko Okui for $320/$250.

Yosai Mizuno for $610/$470.

Utemaro Nakatoni $380/$290.

Yoson Nakata for $800/$610.

Gonkuro Nakanishi for $260/$200.

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Tristram Day, RAW


Interesting. Richard is either going to fail miserably or be more formidable than anyone could imagine.


No matter. We have the power in Australia, and that is all the network cares about. Now to continue re-signing workers.


On that note, perhaps I can get a stipend to create a developmental territory...

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Jeff Nova, 21CW


**** it, Phoebe's in the target of SWF. Fortunately I got a better offer for her, and I get the added bonus of her relationship still helping me backstage. And being cheaper, that too.




Tonight is Best of British, and Steel Cage Challenge is in...three days, counting tonight. GUESS WHEN DARK ANGEL WILL LOSE?

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21CW Best of British Wrestling


Ring of Fire #1 Contender Title:

Submission Match

Walter Morgan© vs. Merle O'Curle


MOSC Blood & Beer Title:

Coal Miner Glove Match

Danny Patterson© vs. Keith Adams


21st Century Tag Team Titles:

Igor Ivanoff/Ivan Ivanoff vs. Leo Price/Leigh Burton


Adam Matravers vs. Stevie Stoat


Dark Angel vs. Jonathan Faust

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Ring of Fire #1 Contender Title:

Submission Match

Walter Morgan© vs. Merle O'Curle


MOSC Blood & Beer Title:

Coal Miner Glove Match

Danny Patterson© vs. Keith Adams


21st Century Tag Team Titles:

Igor Ivanoff/Ivan Ivanoff vs. Leo Price/Leigh Burton

Adam Matravers vs. Stevie Stoat


Dark Angel vs. Jonathan Faust


Who does Dark Angel take as a protege DAYS BEFORE ABANDONING HIM FOREVER? Leigh Burton


Who is being a general jerk backstage and I'ma have to punch him? I want yo to punch Highlands Warriors son. Bastard deserves it!

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<p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">I just realized that Geoff Peterson and Jeffery McPeterson are totally the same person.</span></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Jeff Nova, 21CW</span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

In a cruel practical joke, Dark Angel took Sifu under his wing as a protege. Sifu is oddly flashy for his character and certainly could use some of Angel's ridiculous psychology.</p><p> </p><p>

Oh right, the joke: DARK ANGEL IS LEAVING IN THREE DAYS. Four days. After Steel Cage Challenge. I've stopped caring about the details.</p><p> </p><p>

~~~</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Walking into the locker room, (admittedly, there is a small womens' locker room, with all...8 of our ladies in it. So not </em><em><strong>the</strong></em><em> locker room, technically.) I found the person with which I needed to have a conversation.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nova:</strong> Just checking in, kids; got a half hour until the dark matches, so now would be the time to wrap up your stretching or smoking or whatever the hell it is you chaps do. Oh, and a few notes...Adam, Jonathan, yes we're building to a match. Logical opponents that are re-treads of last week notwithstanding. Pre-emptive apology if that hurts either of you. And...extraneous details...do your best...oh, Balder, Brickhouse...there you are, got a few things I need to go over and I'd rather not take up everyone's time. If you would follow me...</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Into the hallway we went.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nova:</strong> Alright Mr. Balde, I've been hearing a bit too much about this "attitude" you have. I'm not-no, let me finish-I'm not saying you <em>do</em> have an attitude, just that I've heard as such from a number of people. So here's the deal: if, <em>if</em> you're walking around here like you're a big deal, you aren't. Two years ago you graduated, or thereabouts I suppose, and you're pretty popular for a rookie. But you haven't proven yourself to me. Yet.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Brickhouse tried to intimidate me a little, I think; he's a lot larger than I am, though I've press slammed about one-and-a-half of him before.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nova:</strong> You got an attitude problem, fix it. You don't? Just try to take notice of how you act around people. Maybe be a bit more subdued, a bit less outgoing, because maybe your humour is being misunderstood. Don't know, and don't care. Right now, anyway. So this isn't really a "punishment," per-se, as I haven't much evidence of a "crime." But...look, you want to get pushed? Be nice. Don't be a jerk. Don't disappoint me.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Balder:</strong> <strong>"This is a complete waste of time."</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nova:</strong> Back to whatever you were doing, then.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Balder is annoyed in general, specifically "angry with how I handled that incident."</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

He's about to be angry I kicked his ass out of the company he crosses me again.</em></p>

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As a little pre-show warmup thing, (still tinkering with the order of certain things, certain gimmicks-though not too much scumming on that-and matches, I need to kill...UEW, I think) moving a battle royal to the pre-show and putting a marked better 1v1 in its place still gave me the same outcome.


Also, I discover that three people (if I can keep them straight) can call in the ring! And I forget to look at old shows for notes, as quite a few people are put in positions that I already won't know work.Your mother over the dinner table is not such an example, Trebek.

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21CW Best of British Wrestling




30-Man Battle Royal:


Gotta list them somewhere, aye?

Alton Vicious, Bam Bam Johansson, Beast Bantam, Bedlam, Brickhouse Balder, Bulldog Jack, BW Eddie, Dwayne Dark, Harley Neill, Hercules Johansson, Hugh de Aske, Jeffery McPeterson, Joe Simpson, Kashmir Singh, Kelvin Badberry, Matthew Macks, Michael Gregory, Michael X, Nate Manchester, Neville Jones, Nigel Svensson, Nightmare, Oleg Dorosklov, Petey Barnes, Ricky Storm, Riddick Jordan, Sifu, UK Dragon, Viktor Beskov, and Yuri Iliakov.


Few notes on this match:

I wanted UK Dragon to win for reasons that I hope are obvious. Nightmare would have none of that; I understand his anger, in that he and...I think Harley Neill are both the most popular midcarders. And, of course, Nightmare is terribly over-hyped.


Because I did not want to anger him, my notes to [uppercut] Bailey were to have Nightmare be the last elimination and Neill to be a finalist. I also wanted Oleg Dorosklov, a guy I need to use more-his technical sans-chain-wrestling skill is rivalled by...Jeremy Stone (retired), Sean McFly, Walter Morgan, and...I think that's it-to have the most eliminations.


Everything went to plan, aside from Nightmare winning. Neill was last, Oleg got the most elims, and Sifu somehow got to the final four.




Yeah...Bailey's on the drink, methinks.


Oh, I wanted the match called in the ring, as I wanted to find out who among this group could legitimately call a match. Hint: not many.


Also, Brickhouse got buried. Little pissed at that, he was. How about NEXT TIME DON'T MOCK ME AFTER I LET YOU OFF, ARSE-HAT. Yes, he's the second hot prospect we have. Good for him.

-Bam Bam, Beast, Hercules, Hugh, Nigel!, Oleg, UK Dragon all had good gimmick debuts (Nigel being a perfect Machine).

-Conversely, Kashmir Singh as a "Fabulous Heel" appears to be just slightly off the mark. And as much as Nigel is a machine, Macks is not a Degenerate.

-Biggest learned was Hugh, though we had quite a lot (obviously).

-At the moment, don't push these people: Alton Vicious, Bam Bam, Brickhouse (surprise), Bulldog (do drink with him), BW Eddie, Dwayne, Harley (old), Hercules, Jeffery, Joe, Kelvin, Matthew, Michael (both), Nate, Neville, Nightmare, Petey, Riddick, Viktor.

-Guys who can call: Beast Bantam, Kashmir Singh, UK Dragon. Great.



21st Century Tag Team Titles:

The Ivanoff Brothers© vs. The Pride


Bit of a lack of psychology in this one; it appears Burton's the weak point for his team. Rephrasing that, Leo Price probably deserves a bit better than this. Admittedly, given that he and Joss Thompson are the same person after, say, a kegger or three, probably does not help the "booking staff" much.


Wanted some open work, nothing to really elevate anyone. Ivanoffs are pretty good, solid enough team; they need scripting, they need work, but they have experience. Core of the midcard division and all that bollocks.


Leo won't take the fall (in my eyes; I'm sure he would if asked), so Burton has to be the guinea of the group. Psychology all over the place, but still a fantastic match for the guys, given their popularity.

-Leo's improving.

-Babyfaces have passable gimmicks; heels do not. Ironic, given I said they were stable, aye?



Absolutely Flawless vs. The Shooters vs. The Defense Force


1. First team is a lie. Good gimmicks, but definitely not flawless in the ring.

2. Henderson plays a good gypsy. Hey, I don't have anything against the Romanies. I'd put some little amusement implying I'd like to dance with some of the more alluring females, but that's rather a bit beneath me.

2.5. Google "Attractive Romanies". There's a calf feeding from its mother. I mean cattle, idiots. Amusing.

3. Even though everyone in the match contributed well, this was notably worse than our opener. Curious.


The Defense Force, unsurprisingly, take it, but not after Jay B/Buff Martinez interference. Isn't there a Barcelona Bull out there for Martinez to feud with, or am I imagining some sort of...manga? Anime? Dammit, who the hell turned me onto some sort of Eastern works of whatever?


-Billy and Lance are not liked by the crowd.



Hot Stuff continue their match attackc after the match-better seen than written-and leave the winners down. Better than the match, quite.


-Pit Bull Brown has some good morale, I hear. Why?



Ring Of Fire #1 Contender Title: Submission Match:

Walter Morgan© vs. Merle O'Curle


Huh. A dud. Not for the content, of course; had to script it for Walter, but these two I believe had to be the heart of Samurai's old company. Morgan is...he's a technician, aye, more than a wrestler. His problem, I guess. Merle traded sheer technical acumen for far, far better ringwork.


Yet Walter's first title defense fell on deaf ears, I guess. Or...watching ears, I should say. To make the joke, that is. I'm a humourist now.


-Walter's got a poor gimmick; his opponent had a good one.

-Both have good chemistry with...I don't know. Not facing each other, so...being pushed? Working with similarly-sized workers? Elefino, as the kids say. ****ing kids.



MOSC Blood & Beer Title: Coal Miner's Glove Match:

Danny Patterson© vs. Keith Adams


Supposed to be a squash. Patterson wins, he's dominant, and I script it to make sure it's on Bailey to make things flow.


Not a good squash, apparently. Too long, mayhaps? Point is, Keith learned a little rumble, aye, and Danny keeps the belt.



Joss Thompson vs. Daniel Black Francis


The bloody ****? Go out there, call it, do your best. And the opener beat these two?


Maybe DBF can't cut it (wait for the pun), as he seemed off. A Clean Cutter (ha!), however, ends it for him just past ten, so...maybe we forget about him?


-Joss has nerves going this fast, while DBF has some pleasure in...facing larger guys? Being pushed?

-Joss is the one whose gimmick I should care...about which I should care. Ruddy Queen's English.



Dark Angel vs. Jonathan Faust


I checked my records and was surprised with the lackluster nature of this match. Then I remembered a few things:


1. Four minutes long.

2. Jonathan dominates the quick match, decisively ending the called competition.

3. Stoat, Cornell, Thompson, Jones, and Cooper interfered on Dark Angel.


Yah, that'll do it, methinks.


-Faust all the way, Faust to the top.



Joss called out Angel, leading to Edward, Phillip, and Kevin beating him down.




I wonder why I am booking this?


-Joss apparently taught some entertainment to a few guys.

-Edward has a lackluster gimmick that someone else has...

-Jones should probably lose the manager.



Adam Matravers vs. Stevie Stoat


****ing finally. Not fantastic, but I think about near their last week match. Good nightcap for the show. I think I might be a touch drunk, lass. Perhaps.


Had a DQ finish, here; Jonathan whacked Adam o'er the 'ead wi' a chair late in the thirteenth-nay, the sixteenth, lad-for the disqualication. Disqualficator. Discus-match.





Faust and Matravers faced off in the ring. Myself, Highland Warrior, Adam's girl (who he should drop for a match or two, just to test if she's more harm than good), Stoat, Beauchamp, and Kathleen Lee broke it up. Good booking.





10-Man Battle Royal:


Had some fun with Dark Angel; shed the psychology!


Dark Angel, Edward Cornell, Harry Wilson, Joey Beauchamp, K'Lee Hawkins, Luke Cool, Phillip Cooper, Rolling Johnny Stones, Wade Orson, and War Machine.


Hawkins got the most knocks, with Angel, him, and Stones being the final three. Four, rather, with Harry Wilson, who picked up the win.


-Harry, Hawkins, Luke, Wade, and War Machine should not call a match. Free data!

**** I bombed my title storyline SAVESCUM TIME ****. Move the battle royal to the pre-show. To note: Nigel Svensson pulled a 55 with his Machine gimmick this time. WAY TO GO CREATIVE FREEDOM. And Adam told me to drop Phoebe. YAY!



BLOODY ****!

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Richard Eisen, SWF

Breast feud ever would be Emma Evans and Emma Chase over who is "Easy" Emma. Or the "Easiest," I suppose.

I almost forgot why I hated CZCW so much. Marc DuBois. More on that later.


What's actually important-rather, "important,"-is that ULLW...United...Sam's developmental territory, whatever it is. It's Regional now. Not that that matters at all, really, but it's only going to be part of this ever-expanding roster of the world. The "employed people" roster. Contracted. Whatever.




Right, so, why Marc? Why the animosity?


It's not just the drugs, or the sex, or the rock and roll. Or the getting arrested that one time.


Or the attitude.


Or that ****ing stupid-ass look he has all the time.


Not just that. I could take any of those things individually. Hell, some of the guys-Scott, of course, but we've had others-that I've had the past, say, decade or so have many of those attributes.


And while I checked the roster, an aside here. A tangent. How the **** is Dark Angel 24.2% fatigued? What the **** did Nova do?


Right, back to Marc. The problem is that I was pushing him in spite of all that. I knew he had an attitude since the Randy Bumfhole nonsense. He wins some titles, he's going up, and...he drops the ball. He dropped it every ****ing time. Can't have that.


Most recent...was it pot? Whatever the **** it was I fired his ass for, it's the last straw. It's me not giving a **** when he doesn't give a ****, so very clearly.


And what's great? Nobody who matters will take him. Not me, not Tommy, not Sam. We all agreed-for once, yes, we agreed-that he's out. He's blackballed. And while Tommy and Sam are probably looking for their testes, I actually had enough to go to war with the company that broke our little agreement. So that's the Coastal Zone; didn't have a problem with them, but they had to go and be an idiot.


Like Marc.


Happy now?




Press Release:

SWF Signings!


Britney Hollywood for $1,800 developmental.

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Tommy Cornell, TCW

Rebelde Loco + I think some Ultimate Muscle character, btw, is who I was thinking of with the "Barcelona Bull" thing.

Ah, so Richard went to war with Cliff over Marc. Curious that PSW hasn't incurred the same wrath, given that they just signed him. Perhaps Richard does not have him on their "shortlist", so to speak.




High Concept are now officially reunited.




Two more shows before Malice. Start the year off rather quickly, yes? 'Tis the company I wish to surpass Richard.




Press Release:

TCW Signings!


Samoan Machine for $3,320 developmental.


Yes, we are hiring his brother, hopefully soon.

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Sam Strong, USPW


Westberry is good enough to push to Regional; that's good enough for me!


Running Wolf getting a push? Hm...he's popular enough for a developmental "main event" title I suppose.




Stars, Stripes, and Slams! better kill Tommy and Richard; it's going against both of them.

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Nah, not him.


btw, finishing up part one of 3rdStringPG's KP Avatar trilogy thing whatever, so yeah. Note: Big Smack Scott is a very bad influence, which is better than a number of people (like Peter Valentine).

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Jeremy Stone, NOTBPW


There is something to be said for scheduling your Pay-Per-View event in the middle of the month. True, plenty to be said against it: when you want to break from the old year, much harder to do that with only a couple of weeks until you have to go big. Monthly progression makes less sense, as you have to switch from the calendar year to your own booking year. And fiscally, that doesn't match.


But the good thing is that you go out early. It means that I've already put my best effort, and I can wait on, say, Richard Eisen to go after me. I've done my best; no stress on the roster trying to beat the biggest guy in the business. One could say that I set the pace, and that would be true if I was directly competing with anyone.


The truth is, and I know I'd get flak for this if I made this a public statement, but the truth is that dad was right. You don't have to be bigger than Canada to matter. We've put on the match or show of the year many times; we've consistently put in a bid, top ten let's say, every year. Every year. We have accolades. We have recognition. We don't need to be, nor beat, SWF.




Press Release:

NOTBPW Signings!


Quentin Queen for 1,670 developmental.

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CGC Elimination XI


3v3 Elimination Bout:

Brett Fraser/Vin Tanner/Pistol Pete Hall vs. Zeus Maximillion/Stevie Grayson/Jacob Jett


CGC Canadian Championship:

2/3 Falls

Christian Price© vs. Trent Shaffer


3v3 Elimination Bout:

Nate Johnson/Bobby Thomas/Dan DaLay vs. Thrill Seeker/Shane Nelson/Joey Poison


Eddie Chandler/Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Jack DeColt/Ricky DeColt


CGC World Championship:

Alex DeColt© vs. ???




Alex DeColt and ??? Argue!


Deeley Saves? Chandler from Jack and Ricky DeColt!


Gargantuan Destroys Hotstuff Marie!


Jack DeColt and Maverick Have A Face Off!

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Ryu Kajahara, WEXXV


For once, I think I can at least understand Mr. Eisen's actions. I hear rumor of the distasteful display of Marc DuBois in his company; I fear for PSW, in the sense that I am sure they are next in the list of his quarry.


Granted, given his lack of success in the hunt, I need not actually fear for anyone.


Press Release:

WEXXV Signings!


Nyoko Toshitala for $1,080/$820.

Tsunayoshi Yamamoto for $1,020/$780.

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