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Apr. 5 - Dothan, AL - Dothan Civic Center - Att: 3,206


Apr. 6 - Birmingham, AL - Boutwell Auditorium - Att: 4,962


RESULTS (Same in each city):


UWL WORLD TITLE: Roddy Piper (WC) def. Rip Oliver (TVC) via submission with the Ankle Lock (Oliver's TV Title was not on the line)


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Hall & Nash © of The Firm fought Lord Humongous & Missing Link to a No Contest


Arn Anderson, Lex Luger & Ken Patera def. Rick Rude, David Schultz & Dusty Rhodes of The Firm via pinfall when Patera pinned Rude with the Full Nelson Slam


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © def. Mad Maxine via pinfall with the Tornado DDT


Wahoo McDaniel def. Buzz Sawyer via pinfall with the Big Chop


DDP def. 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin via pinfall with the Diamond Cutter


* Both shows were near capacity houses.

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It's the final confrontation between UWL World Champion Roddy Piper and his former best friend and challenger Wahoo McDaniel as they get ready for their title tilt at 'Spring Mayhem'!




- UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari and Madusa also have one final showdown before their World Title match at 'Spring Mayhem'! Can Madusa do what no one else has been able to do and end Tina's 26-month undefeated streak and 14-month Women's World Title reign in five days?!


- Fallout from last week's vicious assault on Lord Humongous and Missing Link at the hands of David Schultz and Rick Rude of The Firm


- 6-Man Tag: David Schultz, Rick Rude & Dusty Rhodes of The Firm vs. The Nasty Boys & Lex Luger


- Ken Patera vs. 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin


- An interview with the challenger for the President's Championship at 'Spring Mayhem': 'Bad Boy' Brunzell


- The final 'Spring Mayhem' PPV update




Ep. 116 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show opened cold with mgr. Gary Hart standing in the ring with mic in hand. Crowd was booing.


GH: "In case you all have forgotten who I am, the name's Gary Hart. I'm the manager of Greg Valentine. As you know, Mr. Valentine is currently serving a 60-day suspension. I'm here to tell you that on April 23rd, Greg Valentine will make his triumphant return to the UWL. During his time away, he has been re-focusing his efforts. He has been training hard to keep in ring shape. He will be back and he will be better than ever. He's determined to fight his way back to the top. And Greg Valentine will get back to the top. He's proven himself to be the best before and he will prove it again. With that said, in two weeks, things are gonna start returning to normal here in the UWL. Because Greg Valentine will be the man once more.")


(Announcers talked about Hart's first appearance in six weeks and his message about Greg Valentine returning in two weeks. Welcomed viewers to the 'Countdown To Spring Mayhem' edition of 'Slam!'. Hyped coming up on the program: The final confrontation between UWL World Champion Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel before their match at 'Spring Mayhem'; the final confrontation between UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari and Madusa before their match at 'Spring Mayhem'; 6-Man Tag: David Schultz, Rick Rude & Dusty Rhodes of The Firm vs. Lex Luger & The Nasty Boys; Ron Garvin vs. Ken Patera; Pres. Watts is here; a look at the Confessional Match between Father Dutch and DDP at 'Spring Mayhem'; Arn Anderson wrestles; President's Champion Rick Steiner sees action; an i'view w/ 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; the final 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update; and more!)


(Video footage aired from last week of Watts making the TV Title Match: Rip Oliver © vs. Hugh Morrus for 'Spring Mayhem'.


VIDEO (edited):


After the match: After Oliver had his hand raised in victory and was preparing to leave the ring, Pres. Watts came out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. Fair ovation for Watts.


Watts: "Rip, before you leave the ring, I have an announcement to make that concerns you. At 'Spring Mayhem' you will be defending the TV Title. The man you'll be facing in 12 days has scored some impressive victories here on 'Slam!' recently. And you know him very well. Your opponent in the TV Title match at 'Spring Mayhem' is...Hugh Morrus!"


Crowd popped as Morrus came out on the entrance stage.


Rip took the r.a. mic from r.a. Lee Marshall.


RO: "If you think you caught me by suprise there, Watts, you didn't. I knew the day would eventually come when me and Hugh would cross paths with the TV Title on the line. Hugh, when we were tag team partners, I carried the team. That eight month World Tag Team Title reign we had, that was all because of me. At 'Spring Mayhem' nothing changes. When our match is over you'll still be a man who is incapable of winning a championship without me carrying your carcass on my back. I'm gonna show everyone that without me, Hugh can't get the job done."


Hugh took Watts' mic.


HM: "Rip! I may not have won a championship since our team broke up last year! But I have had pretty good success on my own since the split! I haven't forgotten the shoddy way you treated me when we were a tag team, Rip! I carry that chip on my shoulder every day! And the way I'm finally gonna get rid of that chip is by beating you and becoming the new TV Champion at 'Spring Mayhem'!"


Crowd cheered as Oliver and Hugh glared at each other from a distance as the segement ended.)


Match 1

Hugh Morrus vs. Derrick Dukes


(Hugh came to the ring to a solid ovation


Dukes gave Hugh a bit of a battle before Hugh took control and finished off Dukes with his moonsault finisher to score the 1...2...3!


WINNER: Hugh - Pinfall - Moonsault - 3:24)


(After the match: Ring Announcer Lee Marshall interviewed Hugh Morrus.


Asked about the TV Title match with Rip Oliver coming up at 'Spring Mayhem'.


HM: "For eight months in 2011 and 2012, Rip Oliver and myself were the UWL World Tag Team Champions. At some point during our reign, Rip got it in his head that he was carrying our team; he was the sole reason we were the champions. Rip decided to start verbally and physically abusing me. He waged a psychological war against me and it worked. Being run down and hit frequently by Rip when he was supposed to be my tag team partner and ally destroyed me. I had become, in my mind, nothing. I was one-half of the World Tag Team Champions and yet I believed I was unworthy and had zero to do with our success. Rip grinded me down. But then one day, not long after we lost the titles, I had a confrontation with Rip. It led to me re-discovering who I was. Hugh Morrus re-claimed his dignity and sense of purpose. Since that time, me and Rip have had some wild matches against one another. But we've never faced each other in a match with a championship on the line.


"The stakes have never been this big in a match between us. And I can think of no better way to really show Rip that I am my own man and can stand on my own than to beat him and become the new UWL TV Champion at 'Spring..."


Out on the entrance stage walked Rip Oliver. He was in street clothes and had the title slung over his shoulder and was carrying a mic. He was strongly booed.


RO: "Hold on there, Hugh. First of all, I was 100% responsible for our success as a tag team for all that time when we were partners. I made us the best. I made us the World Tag Team Champions. You were just along for the ride. Since we've split up, you haven't won a single championship, Hugh. You can't even win a title on one of those pro wrestling video games. And you're not gonna win the TV Title in real life at 'Spring Mayhem', either. It's time to face reality, Hugh. You may be your own man, as you like to say. But that doesn't mean you're a champion. I'm a champion. This belt says so. You haven't proven that you can be a champion on your own. I carried our team on my shoulders. You got a belt because of me. Without help, Hugh, you can't win any gold. And since you don't have someone you can piggyback on to victory this Sunday, you're going to remain title-less."


HM: "Rip! I have every intention of proving to everyone that I can be a champion on my own! And I'm gonna do it by beating you at 'Spring Mayhem' and becoming the new TV Champion!"


Usual long-distance staredown as the fans cheered and the segment came to a close.)


(Announcers discussed the confrontation between Rip and Hugh. Hyped their TV Title Match at 'Spring Mayhem' this Sunday. Hyped coming up on the program: The final confrontation between UWL World Champion Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel before their match at 'Spring Mayhem'; the final confrontation between UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari and Madusa before their match at 'Spring Mayhem'; 6-Man Tag: David Schultz, Rick Rude & Dusty Rhodes of The Firm vs. Lex Luger & The Nasty Boys; Ron Garvin vs. Ken Patera; a look at the Confessional Match between Father Dutch and DDP at 'Spring Mayhem'; Arn Anderson wrestles; President's Champion Rick Steiner sees action; an i'view w/ 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; the final 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update; and more! Said Pres. Watts is here next!)


(Video aired for the 'Extenze Presents: Spring Mayhem' PPV - Sunday - Apr. 14 - Rio Rancho, NM - Santa Ana Star Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(In-ring: 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a.system and Pres. Watts came to the ring with mic in hand. He received a modest ovation coming out.


BW: "I want everybody to take a look at this video from last week."


Video footage aired of Schultz and Rude sneak attacking Lord Humongous and Missing Link with weapons as they made their way to the ring. Schultz used a kendo stick and Rude used a 2x4 and the pair brutally beat down Lord and Link. To add insult to in jury, Schultz left Lord laying with the Redneck Death Drop and Rude laid waste to Link with the Rude Awakening before Hugh Morrus and Lex Luger made the save.


BW: "I need David Schultz and Rick Rude of The Firm to come to ring."


After a brief pause, Schultz and Rude, in their ring attire, came to the ring to the usual mixed crowd reaction. Both had mics.


Rude: "Watts! Whatever you've got to say to us better be important because we were getting ready for our match later tonight!"


BW: "It's real important, Rick. But before I get to what I've got to say...could Lord Humongous, the Missing Link and Dark Journey come down."


Crowd popped as the music-only version of 'Breaking The Law' blared over the p.a. system. Out came Lord, Link and Journey to a strong positive response. Once at ringside, Link slammed his head into the ring post three times and Lord got on the apron, looked at Schultz and Rude, pounded his chest and then pointed at the pair. Lord climbed over the top rope into the ring, Link got in and Journey followed. Journey had a mic. The two sides were glaring at each other.


BW: "For the last few weeks, the situation between you guys has clearly been escalating. It boiled over last week. So, I've decided that you're gonna have a match with each other. At 'Spring Mayhem', it's gonna be David Schultz and Rick Rude vs. Lord Humongous and the Missing Link!"


Crowd cheered and both sides seemed pleased with the news.


BW: "And, Schultz and Rude, since you guys like to use weapons, it's gonna be a Street Fight!"


More crowd cheering.


DS: "That's great, man! A street fight is right up our alley! We get to use weapons on these guys! It can't get any better than that for us!"


Journey: "You two attacked the men that I manage in a most cowardly way last week. You may think you really accomplished something. But the only thing you did was make Lord Humongous and Missing Link very mad. That's not good for you, believe me. At 'Spring Mayhem', Lord and Link will get to use weapons, too. There will be no suprise sneak attack this time. Rude and Schultz, you guys may regret getting involved in a match of this nature with these two men."


Rude: "Dark Journey. I could tell last week that you wanted the 'Ravishing One'. I saw it in your eyes. You can act like you don't want to feel my pulsating, manly passion all over your coco body. But you want it...bad. As for the match, these two...things...that you manage are the ones walking into a very bad situation. We beat them down real bad. And in a match with all kinds of weapons that can be used legally, the beating they get is gonna be even worse than what they got from us last week."


Journey: "First of all, Mr. Rude, I'll admit that you have a great body. Some other time, I may have wanted a man like you to take me. But the rest of you is just plain ugly and that's a real turn-off for me. You're ugly inside. My men, they might not be much to look at. They're tough and can be mean and nasty when they have to. But inside, they are beautiful human beings..."


DS: "Human beings?! Lady, I think you need your head examined! You manage a couple of psychos! Lord Humongous runs around wearing a hockey goalie mask like he just stepped out of a slasher film! And Missing Link, we're still trying to figure out what the hell he is! He may have the body of a human! But he acts like someone that might have walked off the pages of Darwin's 'Origin of Species' or something! One thing I will agree with, though, is that he's missing quite a few evolutionary links! He's off-the-charts freaky!


"We're not scared of Team Bizarro here! They've messed in Firm business and at 'Spring Mayhem' in five days they're gonna feel our wrath in the cruelest, most unforgiving way possible! Hell, Link here will probably try to eat some of the weapons or stick 'em up his nose or God knows what! Look at him right now! He's gnawing on the turnbuckle!"


Journey looked over and Link was indeed chomping away on the top buckle. Journey went over and led Link back to paying attention to what was going on.


Rude: "Couple of real winners you've got there, Dark Journey. As for your remarks about me being ugly inside, who cares?! Look at me! A lot of women could care less about what's on a guy's inside! That's something ugly people look at because they've got nothing to offer on the outside! You and me, babe, we look good. And that's far more important to beautiful people than whether or not someone has some ghostly beautiful spirit. It's what's on the outside that counts. It's not about love. It's about lust. Pure and simple lust.


"When we clash with your men at 'Spring Mayhem' in five days, what's on the inside won't even matter! Because we're gonna pound the outsides of Lord Humongous and the Missing Link into submission with whatever weapons we can get our hands on!"


Journey: "You may look at us as 'Beauty and the Beast', but these men might just ugly you guys up real bad this Sunday. And when all is said and done, they'll still be two of the most beautiful human beings I know."


BW: "Let's get ready to hook 'em up at 'Spring Mayhem' this Sunday!"


Crowd cheered as the two sides glared at each other before Journey led her men out of the ring and back up the aisle.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making a Street Fight: Schultz & Rude vs. Lord & Link for 'Spring Mayhem' this Sunday. Hyped coming up on the program: The final confrontation between UWL World Champion Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel before their match at 'Spring Mayhem'; the final confrontation between UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari and Madusa before their match at 'Spring Mayhem'; 6-Man Tag: David Schultz, Rick Rude & Dusty Rhodes of The Firm vs. Lex Luger & The Nasty Boys; Ron Garvin vs. Ken Patera; a look at the Confessional Match between Father Dutch and DDP at 'Spring Mayhem'; Arn Anderson wrestles; an i'view w/ 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; the final 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update; and more! Said President's Champion Rick Steiner sees action next!)


Match 2 (Non-Title)

Rick Steiner © vs. Pat Rose


(Steiner came to the ring to 'Welcome To The Jungle' and a strong ovation. Steiner was wearing the title around his waist. Steiner barked on his way to the ring and then ran around ringside barking and the fans barked back.


Steiner had his way with Rose. As the match was going on, shot aired of 'Bad Boy' Brunzell, in his derby hat, watching on a monitor backstage and writing down notes.


Steiner finished Rose off with the 'Steiner Driver' (aka, Death Valley Driver) to score the pinfall victory.


WINNER: Steiner - Pinfall - Steiner Driver - 2:06)


(After the match: Lee Marshall i'viewed Steiner. Asked about defending the President's Championship at 'Spring Mayhem' this Sunday.


RS: "Woof! Woof! Woof!"


Crowd barked back.


RS: "Lee, I've seen this 'Bad Boy' Brunzell! He used to be such a nice boy when he was a member of the Killer Bees! Now, he claims to be a bad boy! His mother must be really ashamed of what he's trying to become!"


LM: "Trying to become?"


RS: "Yeah! He doesn't seem to grasp the fundamentals of being a real bad boy! He never cusses! He always uses substitute words like darn, fudge, gosh. I've seen him at bars when we're on the road and he drinks Shirley Temples! As a matter of fact, one night I saw him get puke sick from drinking too many Shirley Temples! Guess he OD'd on the little marichino cherries they put in the drink! His bad boy ways can be pretty comical! He claims that holding hands is getting to third base where he comes from and that it gives you a reputation!


"But, one thing I do know is that Brunzell can wrestle! I think he should just concentrate on his wrestling instead of trying to act like something he's not! I don't take 'Bad Boy' Brunzell lightly! If I let my guard down against this guy for just a split-second at 'Spring Mayhem'...BAM!...he might pull off the victory and become the new President's Champion! So, if 'Bad Boy' is backstage listening to this...just do what you do best which is wrestle and leave the bad boy act at home! Woof! Woof! Woof!"


Crowd barked back as Steiner ran around in the ring and then left and barked and slapped hands while heading back up the aisle.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Apr. 26 - Jackson, MS - MS Coliseum; Sat. - Apr. 27 - Biloxi, MS - MS Coast Coliseum; Fri. - May 10 - Johnson City, TN - Freedom Hall; Sat. - May 11 - Jackson, TN - Oman Arena; Fri. - May 17 - Frankfort, KY - Frankfort Convention Center; Sat. - May 18 - Bowling Green, KY - Anderson Arena. More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


(Announcers intro'd a video looking at the Confessional match coming up between DDP and Father Dutch at 'Spring Mayhem'.




Video opened chronicling the DDP-Father Dutch feud leading up to last week where a wheel was spun and the type of match that came up on it was the match that FD and DDP will square off in at 'Spring Mayhem'. The Confessional match came up. Interviews from last week were then replayed.


Larry Nelson: "Father Dutch and Dallas Page! You will be battling it out in the Confessional match! Dallas Page, what do you think of the result?"


DDP: "I say bring it on, brother! Father Dutch! I couldn't think of a more appropriate kind of match for us to have at 'Spring Mayhem'! I'm on a crusade to kick your self-righteous ass! And I can think of no better way to do it than by shoving you in that confessional! Maybe then you'll see the error of your ways and get some positive religion!"


Nelson then held the mic in Dutch's direction.


FD: "Dallas Page! Sinner! I am the epitome of righteousness in the UWL! I am the guiding light to glory! You're so laden with sins that the best thing that could happen to you is an unrelenting beating at my hands! I can save you, Dallas! But you must suffer for that privilege! And when I put you in that confessional and lock the door, it needs to be you that has a come-to-Jesus moment!"


Video then showed a black and white camera shot panning around a confessional. Video then aired from the violent, bloody Confessional match fought between Wahoo McDaniel and Father Dutch at 'Thunderstruck' in 2012.


A quick-hitting video montage' of the DDP-Father Dutch feud and more violent footage from the Confessional match at 'Thunderstruck' 2012 aired as the following edited sound-bytes from a previous DDP-FD confrontation were spoken over the footage.


FD: "You shed blood because of the sins you committed against us! And I saw it in a vision while fasting and praying in my prayer closet, more of your blood will be shed by OUR hands! Page, you have crossed a line in which redemption for you will be painful, grueling and without mercy!"


DDP: "Father Dutch! You want a holy war with DDP! Well, you have got one! I felt every blow of your chain-wrapped fist, man! And I'm gonna carry this anger, righteous anger, into my crusade against you!"


Still pics aired of Father Dutch and DDP with a pic of a confessional in the background. The confessional was surrounded by the aura of a white light. The white light then turned blood red as a narrator's voice then spoke.


Narrator (Orson Welles-like voice): "Father Dutch vs. 'Diamond' Dallas Page! The Confessional Match! LIVE! At the 'Spring Mayhem' pay-per-view this Sunday, April 14th at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific! Order now!"


Video then faded to black.)


(Announcers discussed the Confessional match coming up at 'Spring Mayhem' this Sunday on PPV. Hyped coming up on the program: The final confrontation between UWL World Champion Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel before their match at 'Spring Mayhem'; the final confrontation between UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari and Madusa before their match at 'Spring Mayhem'; 6-Man Tag: David Schultz, Rick Rude & Dusty Rhodes of The Firm vs. Lex Luger & The Nasty Boys; Ron Garvin vs. Ken Patera; Arn Anderson wrestles; the final 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update; and more! Said an i'view w/ 'Bad Boy' Brunzell is next!)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall i'viewed 'Bad Boy' Brunzell.


'Bad Boys' by the Miami Sound Machine played over the p.a. system.


Brunzell came out to fairly strong boos. He was wearing his derby hat, black t-shirt with 'Bad Boy' written across the front, blue jeans and black tennis shoes. He was carrying a card in one hand and a felt bag in the other. As Brunzell made his way to the ring, video aired of Brunzell winning the 8-man Battle Royal last week to earn the President's Championship shot at 'Spring Mayhem'.


In the ring, Brunzell was walking around with his hands covering his ears to drown out the chants of 'Jim'. Brunzell was picked up by a mic.


BBB: "Quit it, please! Stop it!"


Chants continued and Brunzell stomped around the ring a little more before things pretty much calmed down.


LM: "'Bad Boy' Brunzell, you've got your first shot at a championship as a bad boy..."


BBB: "People! It's 'Bad Boy' Brunzell! 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'!"


'Jim' chants picked up again. Brunzell backed away from the mic. Crowd now mainly booing. Things then calmed down again.


BBB: "Lee, before we discuss my title match with Rick Steiner at 'Spring Mayhem', I have a couple of things I want to show you. First, this card is from my mother. While she is not proud of me transforming from her little Jimby-Bimby to a full-fledged bad boy, she is excited to see me get a chance to win a championship. Look, it's right here in the card."


Brunzell handed the card to Lee Marshall. Marshall scanned the card.


LM: "Indeed it does say that. Hmmm... There's teddy bears, gummi bears and a rainbow on the front of the card. Real bad boy stuff."


BBB: "Teddy bears are bad. My mom's starting to come around to the bad boy path I've chosen to walk down."


LM: "Wait! There's also a p.s. at the bottom of the card!"


BBB: "No! You don't need to read..."


Brunzell grabbed for the card but Marshall turned away from Brunzell.


LM: "It says: 'Jimby-Bimby, have you learned to bathe on your own yet or do you still need assistance when taking a bath?' Hahahahaha!"


Brunzell was not happy and finally ripped the card away from Marshall.


BBB: "You didn't have to read that last part, Marhsall."


LM: "I'm really sorry, 'Bad Boy'. It's just that...heh heh...I'm sorry... Hahahaha!"


BBB: "Stop it! Now! You...you butthole!"


Marshall now laughing harder.


LM: "OK! OK! I just thought...hahahaha...that bad boys knew how to shower properly...hahahaha!"


BBB: "I have a chance to become the President's Champion this Sunday! Why don't we talk about that! And besides, I don't shower, I take baths!"


LM: "This is too much! Take baths! Hahahaha!"


Marshall now doubled over with laughter as Brunzell looked on and stewed.


LM: "Alright. Heh heh. What are your...heh heh...thoughts going into the President's Championship match at 'Spring May'...hahahahaha...'Spring Mayhem'?"


BBB: "Thank you for asking me about the match, Lee. Now, let me show you and everyone what's in the bag."


Brunzell reached in the bag and pulled out a championship belt made out of purple construction paper. It said 'President's Champion' where the centerpiece would be on a normal title belt and on the sides were stickers of the U.S. Presidential seal.


LM (laughing): "What's that?!"


BBB: "My mom also made me a replica President's Championship belt. She said it would be good practice to wear this so I can prepare for this Sunday when I win the real thing. I need you to help me put it on. That scotch tape on the back holds the belt together."


Marshall, trying desperately to keep from exploding with laughter, helped Brunzell put the belt on. Brunzell then started walking around the ring with his contruction paper belt on like he was the champ. Crowd was mainly booing and some started chanting 'Jim'. Marshall lost it and walked over to the corner and buried his head in the top buckle. His body was shaking. 'Jim' chants got to Brunzell again. Brunzell stomped over and ripped the mic away from Marshall. Marshall looked up and had to start wiping the tears from his eyes because he was laughing so hard.


BBB: "Why don't you just get the fudge out of the ring!"


Marshall shook his head in agreement and left the ring and went to the floor. Marshall was laughing so hard that his knees were weak and he had to place his arm on the apron to hold himself up.


BBB: "You people, and that includes you, Marshall, who are laughing at me and disrespecting me tonight won't be laughing this Sunday when the 'Bad Boy' becomes the new President's Champion! Then you'll start taking me seriously! To heck with you all!"


Brunzell threw down the mic and stormed out of the ring. Chants of 'Jim' picked up and Brunzell stomped to the back with his hands over his ears and his contruction paper title still firmly around his waist. Camera caught a shot of Marshall no laying on the floor and kicking because he was laughing harder now than he had before.)


(Announcers discussed the Brunzell i'view. Hyped coming up on the program: The final confrontation between UWL World Champion Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel before their match at 'Spring Mayhem'; the final confrontation between UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari and Madusa before their match at 'Spring Mayhem'; 6-Man Tag: David Schultz, Rick Rude & Dusty Rhodes of The Firm vs. Lex Luger & The Nasty Boys; Ron Garvin vs. Ken Patera; the final 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update; and more! Said Arn Anderson wrestles next!)


(Video aired chronicling the Dusty-Arn feud. Announcers hyped their match for 'Spring Mayhem' this Sunday on PPV.)


Match 3

Arn Anderson vs. Barry Horowitz


(Arn got a strong ovation coming to the ring.


Horowitz jumped Arn as Arn stepped into the ring. Ref called for the bell. Horowitz briefly pounded on Arn and then went to whip Arn into the ropes but Arn reversed and caught Horowitz coming off with the spinebuster. Crowd popped as Arn made the throat-slashing gesture. Arn picked up Horowitz and blasted Horowitz with the gourdbuster. Arn covered Horowitz and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and then raised Arn's hand in victory.


WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - Gourdbuster - :24)


(After the match: Arn was facing away from the entrance aisle. Dusty Rhodes, in his ring attire, came to the ring with mic in hand. Dusty got in the ring and came up behind Arn and shoved Arn in the shoulder. Arn spun around and was ready to fight.


DR: "Whoa, daddy! I didn't come out here to fight you tonight! There'll be plenty of fightin' between us at 'Spring Mayhem'! I just came out here to wish you the best of luck in our match!"


Dusty extended his hand to Arn. Arn looked at it but didn't return Dusty's gesture. Arn looked leerily at Dusty.


DR: "Come on, Arn. It's me...'Stardust'. You know and I know we're gonna have another great match with each other. The fans always get their money's worth when we wrestle. I'm out here to show respect to one of my most worthy adversaries ever. Shake my hand, Arn. C'mon."


Dusty extended his hand again. Arn cautiously shook it and then looked to let go and turn to walk away but Dusty wouldn't let go of Arn's hand and Dusty pulled Arn close to him.


DR: "Arn, when I wished you luck, I did that because you're gonna need all the luck in the world to beat me, brother!"


Dusty was holding the mic up between them.


AA: "Dusty, I'm not gonna need luck to beat you. I'm gonna win at 'Spring Mayhem' because I'll be the better man in the ring that night, plain and simple. Now, you'll be letting go of my hand."


Dusty slowly released his grasp from Arn's hand. The two briefly locked eyes before Dusty got a smirking smile on his face and then Dusty turned and left the ring and headed to the back as Arn looked on.)


(Announcers discussed the confrontation between Dusty and Arn and hyped their match for this Sunday at 'Spring Mayhem'. Hyped still to come: The final confrontation between UWL World Champion Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel before their match at 'Spring Mayhem'; 6-Man Tag: David Schultz, Rick Rude & Dusty Rhodes of The Firm vs. Lex Luger & The Nasty Boys; Ron Garvin vs. Ken Patera; the final 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update; and more! Said the final confrontation between UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari and Madusa was coming up!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Lex Luger & The Nasty Boys.


Asked Luger about the match tonight and his match with Ted DiBiase at 'Spring Mayhem' where there must be a winner and all members of The Firm are barred from ringside.


Lex: "At 'Spring Mayhem', Ted DiBiase, there is finally gonna be a clear-cut winner in a match between you and me! All your Firm associates are banned from ringside! You can't call on your thugs to interfere in our match when you get into trouble! And because of that, when you get into a bind in our match, no one is gonna be able to help you! You're gonna have to win this battle in the war between The Firm and the UWL all on your own! Can you do it?! Can you win this match on your own skill, Ted?! I cant wait for Sunday! Because if I get you up in the rack, there will be no escape for you until you submit!


"As for tonight, I've got two of the most dangerous wrestlers in our sport in the Nasty Boys on my side! David Schultz, Rick Rude and Dusty Rhodes! You'd better be prepared for one helluva battle as the UWL looks to gain a big victory!"


Sags: "Hall and Nash! You guys have five more days to enjoy being the World Tag Team Champions! Me and Knobs have beaten you guys once already! And we're confident that the result will be the same at 'Spring Mayhem'! Prepare for war, boys! Prepare for war!


"Six man tag team match coming up tonight! We love having Lex Luger on our side because he's a tough, power wrestler...and he can hold his alcohol with the best of 'em! Rhodes, Schultz and Rude think they're part of the elite in pro wrestling because they're with The Firm! But we intend to show them up close and personal like that we love tangling with snotty, arrogant jackasses who think they're better than everyone else! You guys better get ready for a trip to Nasty-ville!"


Knobs: "Five days is all that stands between us and making the World Tag Team Titles property of the Nastys! Hall and Nash! We've already got plans for those titles! When we win 'em, we're gonna splatter paint over those belts and make them truly nasty! You guys may be big and tough! But we're wild and crazy as well as big and tough! You guys are gonna have your hands full of nastiness at 'Spring Mayhem'!


"I love war! Wars are fought over ideals! And one of things we're fighting for is to keep they party going for the Nasty Boys and every wrestler on the UWL roster! The Firm threatens our hard-partying way of life! And hard-partying is the American way! And if The Firm thinks they're gonna put a damper on our wild party ways, they better think again! Give us partying or give us death!")'


(Video aired chronicling the feud between UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari and Madusa.)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall stood center ring with mic in hand.


LM: "Ladies and Gentlemen! Would please welcome the woman who will challenge for the UWL Women's World Title at 'Spring Mayhem' this Sunday...Madusa!"


Madusa came out to the song 'American Woman'. She got a strong ovation. She was in a red, white and blue tight tank top, jeans and black shoes. Madusa slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring and, once in the ring, walked around and saluted the crowd.


LM: "And now, introducing her opponent. She is the reigning UWL Women's World Champion and has never lost a match since arriving in the UWL over two years ago...Tina Ferrari!"


'Invincible' by Pat Benatar played over the p.a. system. Crowd booing started to build and escalated to a high-pitched level when Ferrari walked out on the entrance stage. She was dressed differently than normal. The sexy, skimpy dresses, tiara and heels were replaced by a black turtle neck top, black slacks and black shoes. Ferrari had the title cradled in her left arm and was carrying a small box in her right hand. Ferrari got in the ring and greeted the booing crowd by hoisting the title over her head and strutting around the ring showing the belt off to the crowd. Ferrari then walked over and held the belt up in Madusa's face. Tina laughed while holding the belt in the challenger's face and then re-cradled the belt in her left arm.


Crowd buzzing.


LM: "Tina Ferrari and Madusa. This Sunday, wow, the match between you two is gonna be the biggest women's match in the history of the UWL. Tina, everything is on the line for you at 'Spring Mayhem'. The undefeated streak. The 14-month Women's World Title reign. You lose to Madusa, everything you've worked for..."


Tina: "Memo to Lee Marshall! I'm not losing this Sunday to Madusa! My undefeated streak and Women's World Title run are gonna remain intact! I have no doubt that Madusa's gonna give me a fight! But, Tina Ferrari's the best thing going today and don't anyone ever forget it! I have that one thing that no other wrestler, male or female, has! And that is the spirit of Mildred Burke residing within me!


"Every single thing that I've said I would do since I arrived in the UWL I've done! And I'm gonna be buried with this belt because no one, not even Madusa, is gonna beat me for it!"


Madusa: "Tina, I have been promising these fans for several weeks now that the next time I get you in match, I'm gonna end your World Title reign and undefeated streak. I am standing by that promise today. I am very committed to what I've promised these fans I would do. You've had a great run, Tina. No one can ever take that away from you. But it's all coming to an end this Sunday."


Tina: "Ya know, Maddy. That was a great speech. It really was. But it's gonna go down as one of the most inaccurate speeches in the history of this sport! You should just be happy getting the Women's World Title shot at 'Spring Mayhem'! That's as good as it's gonna get for you, dear! Neither you nor anybody else is taking this title off of me...ever! Am I clear?!"


Madusa: "Loud and clear, Tina! I have made a promise and I will honor that promise! You're going down at 'Spring Mayhem'!"


Tina: "Oh, Madusa. (Sings here.) Promises, promises. You knew you'd never keep. (Stops singing.) A little Naked Eyes there for you. Not only am I a great wrestler; but I could have been a big-time rock singer filling up arenas all over the world.


"Now, I have here in my hand a gift for you, Madusa."


Tina held out the small box she brought to the ring for Madusa to take.


Madusa: "What is it?"


Tina: "Take it and open it."


Tina shook the box in Madusa's face and Madusa angrily snatched it out of Tina's hand. Madusa then cautiously opened the box and looked at its contents.


Madusa: "It's a ring. What's this for?"


Tina: "Take it out of the box."


Madusa pulled the ring out of the box and looked at it.


Madusa: "This ring, it's broken."


Tina: "Well, how very observant of you, Madusa. You see, it's a promise ring. A broken promise ring. Get it?! It represents the promise you're going to break to all these fans out here at 'Spring Mayhem' when you lose to me!"


Madusa angrily threw the ring at Tina.


Madusa: "Tina! I am going to be the one who sends your whole empire crashing down! After 'Spring Mayhem', you're no longer gonna be undefeated and you're no longer gonna be the UWL Women's World Champion! That's a promise and I will keep it!"


Crowd cheered as Madusa tuned to leave the ring but Tina dropped the belt, spun Madusa around, kicked Madusa in the gut and nailed Madusa with a tornado DDT. Madusa laid out in the ring. Tina picked up the title and stood over Madusa. A scowling Tina raised the title high over her head with one hand as the fans booed lustily.)


(Announcers discussed the Tina-Madusa confrontation and Tina laying out Madusa with a tornando DDT. Hyped the UWL Women's World Title match between the two for 'Spring Mayhem'. Hyped still to come: The final confrontation between UWL World Champion Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel before their match at 'Spring Mayhem'; 6-Man Tag: David Schultz, Rick Rude & Dusty Rhodes of The Firm vs. Lex Luger & The Nasty Boys; Ron Garvin vs. Ken Patera; the final 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update; and more!)


(Announcers then intro'd video chronicling the Ken Patera-'Superstar' Graham feud. Footage featured Graham using a foreign object to pin Rick Steiner and win the President's Championship and Patera coming to the ring after the match and grabbing the weapon out of Graham's tights and showing it to the ref and the ref re-starting the match and Steiner winning and retaining the title; Graham and Patera having a confrontation the following week and Graham challenging Patera to a Bench Press Challenge and Patera upping the stakes by suggesting each wrestler put up $50K of his own money with the winner of the Bench Press Challenge getting it all; Pres. Watts making the $100K Winner-Take-All Bench Press Challenge; highlights from the Bench Press Challenge where Patera and Graham matched each other lift-for-lift and then Graham blinding Patera with chalk the men put on their hands to lift and then Graham slamming Patera's head into the weights on one side of the lift bar and rendering Patera a bloody mess and Graham and Wizard taking off with the money that was sitting in briefcases on a table in the bench press area; and Pres. Watts ordering the money returned and making the $100K Winner-Take-All match between the two for 'Spring Mayhem' last week and Graham and Patera engaging in a war of words.


After the feud highlights aired, video aired of pre-recorded comments by Patera, Graham and Graham's mgr. Grand Wizard.




Wizard and Graham were standing in front of a black curtain, each with mic in hand. Graham was wearing his 'I AM A PROFESSIONAL!' t-shirt and Wizard was in his usual tie-dyed tux, gold turban, white shoes and holding his gold-tipped cane.


GW: "This Sunday at 'Spring Mayhem', Ken Patera, you're gonna get a lesson in pro wrestling 101 from the 'Superstar'! He's gonna punish you and then he's gonna beat you! And we'll be $100,000 dollars richer by the end of the match! You didn't beat him in the Bench Press Challenge and you're not beating him in a wrestling match!"


Graham: "See what it says on this t-shirt, jack?! It says that I'm a professional! I am the prototype of what a professional wrestler should be! And Ken Patera's gonna find that out at 'Spring Mayhem'! I'm gonna take you to the woodshed, man! I'm not gonna let $100 grand slip through my hands! Nothing was settled in the Bench Press Challenge! But everything's gonna be settled in five short days!"


Picture flipped and Patera appeared. He was in street clothes and standing in front of a wall.


KP: "'Superstar' Graham! You attacked me during our Bench Press Challenge for one reason! And that reason was you we're about to lose! You thought you could just steal the money and nothing would be done to you and that slimy priss manager of yours! This Sunday, justice will be served at 'Spring Mayhem'! And I will receive the $100,000 dollars I should've gotten a couple of weeks ago! I'll see you guys in Rio Rancho, New Mexico!")


(Announcers then hyped the Winner-Take-All $100K Match: Patera vs. Graham at 'Spring Mayhem' this Sunday.)


(Announcers then hyped still to come: The final confrontation between UWL World Champion Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel before their match at 'Spring Mayhem'; 6-Man Tag: David Schultz, Rick Rude & Dusty Rhodes of The Firm vs. Lex Luger & The Nasty Boys; the final 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update; and more! Said Ken Patera vs. 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin was next!)


Match 4

Ken Patera vs. 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin


(Garvin came to the ring in black and red tights and boots and had a white towel draped around his neck. He was pretty strongly booed coming to the ring.


Patera came to the ring in his black singlet with 'KP' in white lettering on the front and black boots with 'KP' on the outside of each boot. He received a solid ovation.


Solid match between two veterans. They engaged in a see-saw battle. Garvin had not been able to try and hit his knockout punch and Patera locked Garvin in the full nelson in preparation to deliver the full nelson slam but Garvin escaped Patera's grasp by driving the back of his boot into Patera's groin. Garvin performed the Garvin stomp on Patera during the match as well.


At the end of the match, Garvin was on the offensive. Garvin worked over Patera a little and then whipped Patera into the ropes and looked to catch Patera coming off with a clothesline but Patera came ducked the move and came back and dropped Garvin with the Russian Hammer. Crowd popped. Patera circled around behind Garvin as Garvin made his way to his feet. Patera moved in and tried to lock Garvin the full nelson but Garvin struggled to keep Patera from locking his fingers and Garvin escaped the hold. Garvin spun around and caught Patera with a couple of gut punches. Garvin then popped Patera some European uppercuts to the jaw that stunned Patera. Garvin whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera coming off with a knee to the gut. Patera crashed to the mat. Garvin loaded up his right hand and prepared to knockout Patera and end the match. Patera made it to his feet and turned and Garvin went for the knockout punch but Patera ducked the move. Garvin turned around just as Patera hit the ropes and came off and blasted Garvin with a flying forearmm shiver to the side of the head. Garvin crashed to the mat. As the stunned Garvin started to get to his feet, Patera moved in and locked Garvin in the full nelson, held it for a couple of seconds and then nailed Garvin with the full nelson slam. Patera covered Garvin and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and the ref went over and raised Patera's hand in victory as the fans cheered.


WINNER: Patera - Pinfall - Full Nelson Slam - 8:15)


(After the match: As Patera was about to leave the ring, Graham and mgr. the Grand Wizard made their way out on the entrance stage. Graham had a mic. Fans modestly booed their appearance.


Graham: "Ken Patera! Let me fill you in on a little something, jack! What you just did in that ring right now...you're not doing that to me at 'Spring Mayhem'! The 'Superstar' and the Grand Wizard are gonna be $100,000 bucks richer this Sunday!"


Graham then pointed at himself in RVD-like fashion as Patera looked on from the ring.)


(Announcers discussed Patera defeating Garvin and Graham coming out and having a final say before their match at 'Spring Mayhem'. Hyped still to come: The final confrontation between UWL World Champion Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel before their match at 'Spring Mayhem'; the final 'Spring Mayhem' PPV Update; and more! Said the 6-man tag was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 4-7 thru 4-13.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Rick Steiner (President's Champion)


2 - Wahoo McDaniel


3 - Rip Oliver (TV Champion)


4 - Hugh Morrus


5 - 'Bad Boy' Brunzell


* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed The Firm. All except DiBiase were in their ring attire. Ted was in a zoot suit. :p Hall and Nash had the belts around their waists.


Nelson asked Director DiBiase about his match with Lex Luger at 'Spring Mayhem' and the 6-man tag coming up in just minutes.


Ted: "Lex Luger. There must be a winner between us this Sunday at 'Spring Mayhem'. I'm sure you're very confident heading into our match. You seem to think that because the rest of The Firm is barred from ringside that I'll have trouble defeating you. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. As I've said before...No Firm...No problem.


"As for the six man tag match tonight, well, David Schultz, Rick Rude and Dusty Rhodes know that I have the greatest confidence in them that they'll get the job done. A win tonight over Lex Luger and the Nasty Boys will be a big win for The Firm in our war with the UWL. We continue to battle each other. And the battles will rage on until that glorious day when The Firm wins the war and takes complete control of the UWL. Hahahaha!"


Nelson then asked Hall and Nash about defending the World Tag Team Titles this Sunday at 'Spring Mayhem' against the Nasty Boys.


Hall: "Yo! Nasty Boys! See these titles, man?! They're staying around these waists after our match at 'Spring Mayhem'! Championship matches take on an extra importance for The Firm! These tag team titles are the first step in our plan of winning all the championships here in the UWL! When we talk about winning all the gold, we intend to one day own all the belts at once! These titles aren't going anywhere! And the Nastys won't feel too much like partying after 'Big Sexy' and the 'Bad Guy' get through with them!"


Nash: "Well said, Scott, my boy!"


Hall: "Hey, man. Don't call me 'my boy'. Gives me the creeps. Too Jim Barnett-ish."


Nash: "Sorry about that, my good man! Sunday will see a battle for the ages in the war between The Firm and the UWL! Nasty Boys vs. World Tag Champs Hall and Nash! This thing promises to get really wild! More wild than Jim Barnett in a room full of well-paid University of Kentucky football players! Sags and Knobs! You guys are more than a little bit off upstairs! You can be quite dangerous at times! But Hall and I are part of the elite, aka, The Firm! It is our absolute duty to retain these tag team titles at 'Spring Mayhem'! And that's just what we're gonna do! No matter how ugly the match may get!"


Nelson asked Rude and Schultz for their comments.


Schultz: "Larry Nelson! I'll tell ya what I think! This is gonna be a fight! Both sides are gonna go at each other and show no mercy! It's all part of the war! That's all there is to it! War is hell! And both sides are gonna be bringin' some hell with 'em to the ring!"


Rude: "Both sides may be bringing some hell to the ring tonight! And this Sunday in our Street Fight, the team of Rude and Schultz is gonna rain some hell down on the heads of Lord Humongous and Missing Link! And, after that match, I'm gonna go over to their manager Dark Journey, put the moves on her as only I can, and then kiss her on those wet, moist, sweet chocolate lips of hers!"


Nelson then turned to Rhodes.


DR: "There's not much more that I can say about the match coming up tonight. These men have said all that needs to be said. We'll let our actions do our talking for us in that ring. And Arn, I'll see you this Sunday.")


Match 5

Schultz, Rude & Rhodes (w/ DiBiase) vs. Lex Luger & The Nasty Boys


(Nastys and Luger came to the ring to a strong ovation.


Schultz, Rude, Rhodes & Ted came out to the usual Firm mixed crowd reaction.


Match was a slugfest as was expected. Match broke down on a couple of occasions with all six men brawling in the ring and the ref having to restore order.


At the end of the match, Sags and Schultz were the two legal men in the ring. Schultz was on the offensive and went to whip Sags into the ropes but Sags reversed and caught Schultz coming off with a brutal side slam. Sags covered Schultz and hooked the leg. 1...2... Rude came in and broke up the pin try with a stomp to the back of Sags' head. Knobs hit the ring and started fighting with Rude. Rhodes came in to help Rude but was intercepted by Luger. Knobs had nailed Rude with some punches and then nailed Rude with a running clothesline that took both men over the top rope down to the floor. Luger had nailed Rhodes with a forearm smash to the head. Dusty crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and dropped to the floor and Luger followed Rhodes out. Ref distracted by the chaos.


DiBiase ran over and grabbed an empty steel chair from next to the timekeeper's table. Sags had bodyslammed Schultz. Ref still distracted by the brawling on the floor and trying to get the combatants back to their respective corners. Sags then ran and hit the ropes and DiBiase, from the floor, blasted Sags with a chair shot to the back. Schultz had gotten to his feet as Sags stumbled forward. Schultz caught Sags and blasted Sags with the Redneck Death Drop. Schultz covered Sags as DiBiase got the ref's attention. Ref turned and saw Schultz covering Sags and counted. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Fighting petered out on the floor. DiBiase jubilantly climbed into the ring and congratulated Schultz as Rude and Rhodes made their way back into the ring. Luger and Knobs wondered what happened and checked on Sags. The victorious trio and their Director made their way back up the aisle to more boos than cheers.


WINNER: Schultz, Rude & Rhodes - Pinfall - Schultz pinned Sags with the Redneck Death Drop - 11:24)


(Announcers discussed Schultz, Rude and Rhodes defeating Luger and the Nastys thanks to some outside help from Ted DiBiase. Hyped still to come: The final confrontation between UWL World Champion Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel before their title match at 'Spring Mayhem'.)




Announcers ran down the complete card:


UWL WORLD TITLE: Roddy Piper © vs. Wahoo McDaniel


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © vs. Madusa


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Hall & Nash © (The Firm) vs. The Nasty Boys


A FEUD RE-IGNITED: Arn Anderson vs. Dusty Rhodes (The Firm)


$100,000 WINNER-TAKE-ALL: 'Superstar' Graham vs. Ken Patera




TV TITLE: Rip Oliver © vs. Hugh Morrus


STREET FIGHT: David Schultz & Rick Rude (The Firm) vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link




PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Rick Steiner © vs. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell


JUST SIGNED: 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin vs. Buzz Sawyer




'Extenze presents: Spring Mayhem' - This Sunday - Apr. 14 - Rio Rnacho, NM - Santa Ana Star Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers said the Piper-Wahoo confrontation was next!)


(Video aired from last week of Wahoo sneak attacking Piper as Piper walked to the ring for an interview and Wahoo bloodied Piper with a head shot to the ring post and then Wahoo sat the battered Piper up on a chair in the ring and knocked Roddy out of the chair with a running clothesline that left Piper in a bloody heap.)


(In-ring: Final confrontation before 'Spring Mayhem'.


Wahoo and JJ Dillon came to the ring to loud boos. JJ was in a suit. Wahoo was in a black blazer with white shirt unbuttoned at the collar, slacks and dress shoes. Both men had mics. Announcers noted Race wasn't with them.


After a brief pause, bagpipe music filled the arena. Fans erupted as Piper, in street clothes, came out on the entrance stage. Piper was cradling the title in his left arm and had a mic in his right hand. Piper stared down at Wahoo and JJ briefly from the stage and then charged towards the ring. Piper aggressively slid into the ring and popped to his feet and Wahoo and JJ backed up as the fans cheered.


Piper defiantly raised the World Title in the air with his left hand as fans grew louder.


RP: "Wahoo! Last week was a wake-up call for me! When you Pearl Harbored me and opened me up by slamming my head into the post and then, to add insult to injury, placed me on a chair in the ring and knocked me out of it, you roused the slumbering beast inside of ol' 'Hot Rod'! So now, I am here to tell you, Wahoo, that you're in for one helluva fight this Sunday at 'Spring Mayhem'! I am going to fight you like a rabid dog, mister!


"I was so stunned and disillusioned when you turned on me that it ripped my insides out! But now, there's acceptance! And with acceptance of the reailty of the situation comes anger! And with anger comes the desire for retribution! And your retribution is coming at 'Spring Mayhem'! My World Title defenses are usually business related ventures! Sure, I might have some major differences with my opponent! But I must be a professional at all times because this is what I do for a living! However on Sunday, things become real personal between me and you, Wahoo! You were my best friend! That's no more! Now, all that's left is a fight!"


WM: "You're right, Roddy! All that's left is a fight! That fight's at 'Spring Mayhem' and it's a fight I'm gonna win! Cry me a river about our past friendship! That's done! I'm glad you finally came to the realization that it's over! Things promise to get really volatile this Sunday! I've had to fight all my life to get what I wanted! Our World Title match will be no different! I know it's gonna be tough! But I deserve another run as the UWL World Champion! And I'm managed by the man who has managed men to six championship reigns here in the UWL! JJ, this Sunday is gonna be championship reign lucky number seven for you!"


JJ: "Thank you, Wahoo, for those uplifting words. It truly is fitting that this would be the seventh championship reign that I've managed in the UWL. To manage the World Champion again...the thought of it gives me goose pimples. This is going to be..."


RP: "JJ. Where's Harley?"


JJ: "Harley's not here because this situation doesn't concern him. Why are you even bringing him up? This is about Wahoo McDaniel challenging you for the World Title. This has nothing to do with Harley Race!"


RP: "Ahhhh... Is there some dissension in the ranks of JJ Dillon Enterprises?"


JJ: "There are no problems in JJ Dillon Enterprises! Things have never been better!"


WM: "Roddy, I'm the man you need to be worried about! Harley's not even relevant to this discussion! This is about you and me and how you're going to deal with being the former UWL World Champion after 'Spring Mayhem'!"


RP: "Putting the cart before the horse, are we?! I have never been more determined to win a match in my life! I don't know and you don't know what's gonna happen this Sunday! This will be a fierce battle because it's so damned personal! I am filled with so much angry energy right now that I don't know if I can control myself standing right here in front of you, Wahoo! I just..."


WM: "You want to give these fans a little taste of what they're gonna see at 'Spring Mayhem' right now, Roddy?! Let's go!"


Crowd buzzing as Wahoo took off his blazer and handed it and his mic to JJ. Piper placed the belt and his mic in the corner under the buckles. JJ went out on the apron.


Piper and Wahoo came out and circled one another with their fists raised. Piper threw a couple of jabs at Wahoo but couldn't connect. After the two circled each other a little more, Wahoo suddenly stopped and walked out of the ring and dropped to the floor with JJ following suit. Wahoo took the mic from JJ as Piper looked on from the ring. Crowd booing.


WM: "Roddy, I'm not giving these fans out here anything for free! If you people want to see me beat up Roddy Piper and become the new UWL World Champion, you'll have to pay to see it this Sunday!"


Crowd booed loudly as Wahoo looked up from the floor at Piper as Piper looked down at Wahoo.)


(Video then aired chronicling the Wahoo-Piper feud and the final video hyping 'Spring Mayhem' played.)




Dark Match (Special World Class Championship Wrestling 6-Man Tag)

Gino Hernandez, Chris Adams & Iceman Parsons vs. Michael Hayes, Buddy Roberts & Jimmy Garvin

(WINNER: Hernandez, Adams & Parsons - Pinfall - Hernandez pinned Roberts with a Flying Bodypress - 17:39)

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Will this be the day that Tina Ferrari's 14-month Women's World Title reign and 26-month undefeated streak come to an abrupt end?!

Find out this Sunday!


'Spring Mayhem' will be posted Sunday, Apr. 14.

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I just wanna say that the actions of Bill Watts are borderline PIRACY! Everyone saw that Ken Patera was clearly scared to lift that next weight. He knew he would be exposed as a fraud. When he saw The Superstar psyching himself up prepared to lift 1000 pounds if need be, he threw chalk in his own eyes and acted like it was Graham.


Superstar will prevail and win his money back...."your fault, my fault, San Andreas Fault" Graham will beat Patera.


in other matches:

I'm going with Piper to retain despite JJ's best efforts.

Ferrari, Arn Anderson to best Rhodes - and the Firm's action to ensure the feud continues. The Firm will prevail in the tag team matches. Oliver, Steiner Sawyer

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Brian Blair vs. Lars Anderson

(WINNER: Blair - Pinfall - Codebreaker - 7:09)




(Show opened with a special video built around the UWL World Title Match: Piper © vs. Wahoo; UWL Women's World Title Natch: Tina Ferrari © vs. Madusa; Arn Anderson vs. Dusty Rhodes; Street Fight: Rude & Schultz vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link; and the UWL World Tag Team Title Match: Hall & Nash © vs. Nasty Boys.)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers to 'Spring Mayhem'. Hyped for the show: UWL World Title Match; UWL Women's World Title Match; Dusty vs. Arn; UWL World Tag Team Title match; Confessional Match: Father Dutch vs. DDP; and the $100,000 Winner-Take-All Match: 'Sperstar' Graham vs. Ken Patera. Then sent it to the ring.)


Match 1 (Street Fight)

David Schultz & Rick Rude (The Firm) vs. Lord Humongous & The Missing Link (w/ mgr. Dark Journey)


(Camera panned around the ringside barricade showing all sorts of different weapons that could be used during the match. Weapons included: steel chairs, 2x4, kendo stick, a table, shovel, TV monitor, a ladder, etc.


Schultz and Rude came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction to the strains of 'Money' by Pink Floyd. DiBiase was not with them.


After a brief pause, music-only version of 'Breaking The Law' blared over the p.a. system. Fans exploded as Lord, Link and Journey made their way out on the entrance stage.


Lord and Link charged to the ring. Lord and Link hit the ring and were immediately attacked by Schultz and Rude. Lord and Link fought back and the two sides exchanged blows and Lord and Link were able to get the upper hand. Link drove Shcultz from the ring with a series of brutal headbutts that sent Schultz staggering and tumbling between the top and middle rope to the floor. Lord manhandled Rude and then hoisted Rude in the air in the gorilla press position. Schultz made it to his feet on the floor and Lord airmailed Rude from the ring down on top of Schultz. Crowd popped. Rude and Schultz down and hurting on the floor.


This was mainly a match of violent weapons usage. Only a couple of pin attempts and one brief submission attempt during the match (Lord locked Schultz in the Texas Cloverleaf until Rude made the save).


Lord and Link dominated early but Rude and Schultz were able to fight their way back into the match. During the match, several of the available weapons were used. Schultz smashed Lord in the back with the TV monitor. Rude used the kendo stick on both Lord and Link. Link wrested the chair away from Rude and bashed Rude multiple times across the back with it. Lord dropped Schultz with a brutal kendo shot to the head that rendered Schultz bloody. Rude placed the garbage can over Link out on the floor and Rude started pummeling the metal can leaving Link in a daze. Schultz got chair shots in on Lord. Schultz beat Link with the kendo stick. Link hit Rude with the top half of the ring steps. Rude bloodied. Lord rammed the ladder into Schultz on the floor. At one point, Rude rammed Link's head into the ring post. A lot of good that did as Link then beat his own head on the post multiple times and it had no effect. Shultz grabbed a camera out of one of the cameraman's hands and smashed it into Lord's chest out on the floor. Rude and Schultz stunned Lord with dual chairshots to the head (the con-chair-to), but Lord stayed on his feet. Link strangled Schultz with one of the technical cables out on the floor. In the ring, Lord threw Rude into a table that was standing upright in the corner. Rude broke the table.


Also during the match, Rude made a couple of suggestive gestures in Dark Journey's direction.


At the end of the match, Schultz and Lord were fighting in the ring and Rude and Link were fighting on the floor. A table had been set up earlier on the floor but had not been used as a weapon. Link staggered Rude on the floor with a series of headbutts then hoisted Rude up for the high angle spinebuster but Rude deadweighted the move, dropped to his feet with Link's head between his legs and Rude hoisted Link up and powerbombed Link through the table on the floor. Link laid out. Crowd into the match. Lord had gotten the advantage on Schultz in the ring and Rude climbed back in the ring and attacked Lord from behind. Rude and Schultz were beating on Lord but Lord fought back and nailed the pair with devastating punches and then butted Rude's and Schultz's heads together. Schultz crashed to the mat and rolled out on the apron and dropped to his feet on the floor. Rude had fallen back into the corner. Lord worked over Rude in the ring as Schultz went over and grabbed the ring bell off the timekeeper's table. Timekeeper tried to hold onto the bell but Schultz shoved him down and took the bell and climbed into the ring. Lord had whipped Rude into the ropes and caught him coming off with a vicious clothesline that dropped Rude. Schultz came up behind Lord and smashed him twice in the upper back with the bell. Lord crashed to the mat like he was dead. Link still down on the floor.


Schultz tossed the bell aside. Crowd buzzing. Rude recovered and looked out and saw Dark Journey on the floor. Rude left the ring and started slowly walking in Journey's direction. Journey panicked and made the typical face miscue of getting into the ring. Rude followed. Journey backed into a corner as Rude moved in on her. Schultz was standing behind Rude looking on. Rude placed his hands behind his head and suggestively gyrated his hips. Journey scared. Rude grabbed Journey by the arms and was saying something to her. Link recovered on the floor. Lord sat up in the ring like Michael Myers in a horror movie and turned and looked and saw what was going on. Link hit the ring and attacked Schultz from behind and started battering Schultz with headbutts. Rude let go of Journey and turned around and was caught by the throat by Lord. Lord chokeslammed Rude. Crowd roaring. Link had dazed Schultz with the headbutts and Schultz was staggering around like he was drunk in the ring. Journey bailed from the ring back down to the floor. Lord hoisted Rude in the air in the gorilla press position. Link grabbed the stunned Schultz and hoisted him up for the high angle spinebuster (aka, Alabama Slam). Lord dropped Rude behind him face first to the mat as Link high angle slammed Schultz. Lord then hit the ropes and came off and nailed Rude with a diving splash to the back. Link covered Schultz and Lord rolled Rude over and covered Rude. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Fans celebrating the victory. Journey now felt safe to get in the ring as the ref raised Lord's hand in victory. Ref then went over to raise Link's hand in victory but Link was hesitant to give the ref his hand. Journey talked to Link and Link then cautiously extended his hand to be raised by the ref.


Lord and Link left the ring and dropped to the floor and Journey climbed out on the apron and jumped into Lord's arms and Lord caught her at the hips and lowered her to her feet on the floor. The victorious trio then made their way to the back as fans cheered their unorthodox heroes.


WINNER: Lord & Link - Dual Pinfall - Link pinned Schultz with the High Angle Spinebuster/Lord pinned Rude with the Diving Splash to the Back - 12:11)


(Announcers discussed Lord and Link defeating Rude and Schultz in the Street Fight.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Apr. 26 - Jackson, MS - MS Coliseum; Sat. - Apr. 27 - Biloxi, MS - MS Coast Coliseum; Fri. - May 10 - Johnson City, TN - Freedom Hall; Sat. - May 11 - Jackson, TN - Oman Arena; Fri. - May 17 - Frankfort, KY - Frankfort Convention Center; Sat. - May 18 - Bowling Green, KY - Anderson Arena. More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


(Announcers then intro'd video of Gary Hart's message to the UWL and its fans that aired on last Tuesday's 'Slam!'.




Mgr. Gary Hart was standing in the ring with mic in hand. Crowd was booing.


GH: "In case you all have forgotten who I am, the name's Gary Hart. I'm the manager of Greg Valentine. As you know, Mr. Valentine is currently serving a 60-day suspension. I'm here to tell you that on April 23rd, Greg Valentine will make his triumphant return to the UWL. During his time away, he has been re-focusing his efforts. He has been training hard to keep in ring shape. He will be back and he will be better than ever. He's determined to fight his way back to the top. And Greg Valentine will get back to the top. He's proven himself to be the best before and he will prove it again. With that said, in two weeks, things are gonna start returning to normal here in the UWL. Because Greg Valentine will be the man once again.")


(Announcers discussed Hart's message. Said the President's Championship match was next!)


Match 2 (President's Championship)

Rick Steiner © vs. 'Bad Boy' Brunzell


('Bad Boys' by the Miami Sound Machine played over the p.a. system. Brunzell came out and got booed pretty strongly. Brunzell was wearing his derby hat, black t-shirt with 'Bad Boy' written on the front in white lettering, black tights with 'Bad Boy' written across the back, black and white boots with 'BBB' on the outside of each boot and the construction paper President's Championship practice belt his mother had made for him that Brunzell had debuted on last week's 'Slam!'


Brunzell got in the ring and took the r.a. mic from guest ring announcer Gary Michael Capetta.


BBB: "Tonight! I shed my practice belt for the real thing when I beat Rick Steiner and become the new President's Champion!"


Crowd started chanting 'Jim! Jim!' at Brunzell.


BBB: "Please stop it! I'm 'Bad Boy' Brunzell now! 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'!"


Brunzell then covered his ears and walked over into the corner.


'Welcome To The Jungle' blasted over the p.a. system and the crowd popped as President's Champion Rick Steiner came to the ring. Steiner was barking and slapping hands with fans. Steiner then ran around the ring barking and slapped more hands as the fans barked back. Steiner then got in the ring and ran around barking some more and the fans continued to bark at him.


Ref took the President's Championship and held it up for all the fans to see. While the ref was walking around showing the belt, Brunzell took off his belt and shadowed the ref and held up his construction paper title for all to view as well. Just as the ref was about to hand the real title off to Capetta, Brunzell went to hand his contruction paper title to the ref. Ref looked at the belt and Brunzell for a moment and then took the title and handed both to Capetta. Capetta, on the ring apron, looked at the faux belt and started laughing.


Mic picked up Brunzell.


BBB: "Don't laugh at me, Capetta! My mom put a lot of love into making that practice belt!"


Capetta was still laughing as he dropped back down to the floor with the belts.


Ref called both men to the middle of the ring and laid down the ground rules and patted each man down. Ref then sent each man to their neutral corners.


Ref called for the bell.


Brunzell charged out of the corner and went to clothesline Steiner but Steiner ducked the over and repsonded by dropping Brunzell with a Steiner Line. Brunzell got to his feet and Steiner popped Brunzell with a second Steiner Line. Brunzell got up and Steiner repeated the move a third time. Brunzell went down near the ropes and rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor. Brunzell angrily pounded the ring apron with open hands and then started walking around at ringside. Fans started chanting 'Jim!' again and Brunzell responded by yelling at the crowd. Brunzell zeroed in on a couple of the chanters at ringside. Steiner left the ring and Brunzell turned around and Steiner hoisted Brunzell across his shoulders. Steiner walked back up the ring steps and dumped Brunzell back in the ring. Brunzell got up as Steiner got in the ring. Brunzell started begging off and backing up. Brunzell backed himself into a corner. Steiner grabbed Brunzell by the hair and pulled him out of the corner. Steiner suplexed Brunzell and dropped a rapid-fire series of elbows on Brunzell and then went for the pin. 1...2... Brunzell kicked out.


Steiner pulled Brunzell up, whipped Brunzell into the corner and followed Brunzell in and popped Brunzell with another Steiner Line. Brunzell staggered out of the corner and Steiner nailed Brunzell with a bulldog. Steiner went for the cover again. 1...2... Brunzell kicked out. Both men got to their feet and Steiner nailed Brunzell with some punches to the head, whipped Brunzell into the ropes, caught Brunzell coming off in the belly-to-belly position and nailed Brunzell with an overhead suplex. Brunzell got to his knees and moved into the corner. Steiner reached down to grab Brunzell but Brunzell stunned Steiner with a headbutt to the groin. Steiner backed away holding his jewels. Brunzell got up and moved in and caught Steiner with some punches, whipped Steiner into the ropes and caught Steiner coming off with a flying dropkick. Steiner down. Brunzell grabbed Steiner's legs and flipped over on top of Steiner for the pin try. 1...2... Steiner kicked out. Brunzell got up as Steiner got to all fours and Brunzell kicked Steiner in the ribs a few times.


Brunzell then picked up Steiner and bodyslammed him into position for a turnbuckle move. Brunzell went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a frog splash on Steiner. Brunzell bounced off of Steiner and then quickly covered him. 1...2...2-1/2... Steiner kicked out. Crowd buzzing. Brunzell briefly played to the crowd and the fans booed. Brunzell moved in and nailed Steiner with a few more punches as Steiner got up. Brunzell then stunned Steiner with a trio of brutal roundhouse kicks into the ribs he'd hurt earlier. Steiner went down holding his ribs. Brunzell went out on the apron, turned to the crowd and shouted: 'Yeah!' Crowd booed. Brunzell once again mounted the top buckle as a hurting Steiner got to his feet. Brunzell came off with a double sledge attempt but Steiner instead popped Brunzell with a Steiner Line. Brunzell crashed to the mat. Steiner holding his ribs and in great pain. Brunzell made it to his feet and moved in on Steiner and Steiner, fighting through the pain, hoisted Brunzell across his shoulders and blasted Brunzell with the 'Steiner Driver' (aka, Death Valley Driver). Steiner covered Brunzell and, wincing, hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered.


Steiner made it to his feet and grabbed at his ribs again as the ref had words for guest r.a. capetta and took the belt. Ref handed Steiner the belt and raised the champ's hand in victory.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 4 minutes, 57 seconds, your winner...and STILL President's Champion...Rick Steiner!"


Steiner left the ring with his title slung over his shoulder and painfully made his way back up the aisle.


Brunzell recovered in the ring and made it to his feet. Brunzell was deflated. The ref went over and handed Brunzell his construction paper title. Brunzell took it and defiantly hoisted it in the air as the fans booed and the announcers were laughing about it. The defeated Brunzell left the ring and was clutching his practice belt close to his chest as the fans chanted 'Jim!' as Brunzell made his way back up the aisle.


WINNER: Steiner - Pinfall - Steiner Driver - 4:57)


(Announcers discussed Steiner retaining the President's Championship against Brunzell. Said Dusty Rhodes vs. Arn Anderson was next.)


(Ad aired for 'Extenze'.)


Match 3

Arn Anderson vs. Dusty Rhodes (The Firm)


(Arn came to the ring to a strong ovation.


Dusty came to the ring alone to a mixed crowd reaction. He was wearing his top hat, black satin ring jacket with 'Dusty' written in cursive in red lettering across the back and cowboy-style wrestling boots.


Ref called for the bell and the two men came out of their corners and circled one another. Dusty swung at Arn and missed and Arn came back with a jab on Dusty. Dusty then swung at Arn and Arn avoided the punch again and nailed Dusty with another jab that stunned Dusty. Arn then popped Dusty with a series of punches as the fans cheered. Arn whipped Dusty into the ropes and caught Dusty coming off with his spinebuster. Arn for the cover. 1...2... Dusty kicked out. As Dusty got up, Arn caught Dusty with a left to the gut and whipped Dusty into the buckles. Arn charged in but Dusty moved out of the way and Arn slammed front-first into the buckles. Arn turned around and was greeted by a series of punches from Dusty. Arn staggered out next to the ropes. Dusty whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn coming off with an elbow to the chest. Arn went down. Dusty hit the ropes and came off and caught Arn with a running elbow smash. Dusty for the cover. 1... Arn got a shoulder up. Dusty grabbed Arn by the hair and popped Arn with a series of head shots and then pulled Arn to his feet. Dusty locked Arn in a side headlock. Arn tried to free himself from Dusty's grasp but couldn't do so. Finally, Arn was able to shove Dusty off. Dusty hit the ropes and came off and Arn dropped down to the mat and Dusty jumped over Arn. Dusty hit the opposite ropes and came back and Arn popped up and went to clothesline Dusty but Dusty ducked the move and came back and caught Arn with a flying bodypress. Dusty covered Arn. 1...2... Arn kicked out.


Dusty got to his feet and Arn got up and was bent over and Dusty moved in and nailed Arn with a knee-lift to the chest. Arn snapped back and crashed to the mat. Arn hurting. Dusty pulled Arn up and raked Arn's eyes across the top rope. Ref reprimanded Dusty. Arn grabbing at his eyes. Dusty moved in on Arn and nailed Arn in the head with a bionic elbow. Dusty then methodically raised his arm to perform the move once more but Arn suddenly grabbed Dusty around the waist and nailed Dusty with an inverted atomic drop. Dusty crashed to the mat and Arn dropped to his knees and rubbed his eyes some more to clear up his vision. Dusty got to his feet and charged at Arn and Arn backdropped Dusty to the mat. Arn still feeling the effects of the eye rake. Dusty got up again and charged at Arn and Arn kicked Dusty in the gut and nailed Dusty with a DDT. Crowd popped as Arn went for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-1/2... Dusty kicked out. Arn grabbed Dusty by the hair and started pulling Dusty to his feet when Dusty stunned Arn with a knee to the gut. Dusty then fired away on Arn with a rapid-fire series of bionic elbows to the head and then Dusty reared back and clocked Arn with a swinging double sledge to the side of the face. Arn fell back through the top and middle rope out onto the apron. Dusty reached out the the ropes and grabbed Arn in a front facelock and pulled Arn over the middle rope and blasted Arn with a draping DDT. Now Arn is hurting from the DDT. Dusty dropped an elbow on Arn and went for the cover. 1...2... Arn kicked out.


Dusty got up and put the boots to Arn and then pulled Arn up and pressed Arn's throat across the top rope and blatantly started choking Arn on the rope right in front of the ref. Ref counting. Dusty broke the illegal hold at the count of four and then choked Arn on the top rope again, once again breaking the illegal hold at the count of four. Arn hanging limp on the top rope. Dusty then grabbed the top rope and snapped it back and Arn crashed to the mat. Dusty then grabbed Arn and started pulling him up when Arn stunned Dusty with a jawbreaker to the top of the head. The move stunned Dusty. Arn then caught Dusty in a small package. 1...2...2-3/4... Dusty kicked out. Crowd groaned. The two men got up and Arn nailed Dusty with some punches and then went to whip Dusty into the ropes but Dusty reversed and caught Arn coming off with a side slam. Dusty for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Arn kicked out. Dusty grabbed Arn and hoisted Arn up for a suplex but Arn wriggled free from Dusty's grasp, dropped down behind Dusty and ran Dusty into the ropes and rolled Dusty up from behind. Arn heeled up and grabbed a handful of Dusty's tights during the count. 1...2...2-7/8... Dusty kicked Arn off. Crowd on a roller coaster ride.


Both men to their feet. Arn moved in and went to punch Dusty but Dusty avoided the punch and then nailed Arn with a punch and a rapid-fire series of bionic elbows. Dusty then grabbed the stunned Arn and hoisted him up and nailed Arn with the 'Stardust Driver' (aka, inverted piledriver) near the ropes. Dusty went for the cover. 1...2... Arn got his foot on the bottom rope. Dusty snapped Arn up and went to whip Arn into the ropes but Arn reversed and caught Dusty coming off with a second spinebuster. Crowd erupted as Arn made the throat-slitting gesture. Arn grabbed the dazed Dusty, hoisted him up and blasted Dusty with the gourdbuster. Arn covered Dusty and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd popped as the ref called for the bell. Ref raised the victorious Arn's hand in victory and Arn left to a strong ovation from the crowd.


WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - Gourdbuster - 9:19)


(Announcers discussed Arn beating Rhodes. Said the World Tag Team Title match was coming up!)


(Ad aired for UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling - Tuesdays - FX - 9:30pm E/P)


Match 4 (UWL World Tag Team Titles)

Hall & Nash © vs. The Nasty Boys


(Nastys came to the ring first to a good ovation.


Hall & Nash came to the ring to the usual mixed crowd reaction. They had the titles around their waists.


Short match with back-and-forth action. Nastys came close to winning the titles on a couple of occasions but couldn't finish off Hall and Nash. One of the highlights was Knobs rubbing Nash's face in his arm pit.


At the end of the match, Knobs and Nash were the legal men in the ring. Nash was on the offensive and had worked over Knobs. Nash whipped Knobs into the buckles and Nash moved in and blasted Knobs with a series of elbow strikes to the side of the head. Knobs staggered out of the corner next to the ropes. Nash backed up and charged at Knobs and went to kick Knobs in the face but Knobs moved and Nash crotched himself on the top rope. With Knobs down on his knees in the ring, Sags ran around on the apron to where Nash was and started shaking the top rope. Nash now really in pain. Nash gingerly climbed back in the ring as Hall droped to the floor and ran over and grabbed Sags by the legs and yanked Sags down to the floor. Sags and Hall started slugging it out at ringside. Ref came over by the ropes to try and order the two men back to their respective corners. Knobs had recovered and staggered Nash with a series of punches and kicks. In the melee' on the floor, Hall had reached in the ring and grabbed the ref's ankle and the ref crashed to the mat and Hall dragged the ref to the floor. Ref started arguing with Hall when Sags jumped Hall and they continued to fight on the floor. Ref trying to break them up.


Knobs went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off and nailed Nash with a double sledge to the top of the head. Nash dazed but not down. Ref still on the floor trying to get control of Hall and Sags. Knobs picked up the giant Nash and bodyslammed him into position for another turnbuckle move. Knobs mounted the middle buckle facing the crowd and came off with a slingshot splash. Nash looked dead. Sags and Hall still batlling on the floor with the ref trying to get them back to their corners. Knobs covered Nash briefly but realized there was no ref. As Knobs got up, David Schultz, with kendo stick in hand, came charging to the ring. Schultz hit the ring and came up behind Knobs and bashed him across the back with the kendo stick. Knobs spun around and Schultz clocked him over the head with the stick. Knobs went down. Schultz fled the scene. Ref had gotten control of the situation on the floor and both men were starting back towards their respective corners just as Nash jack-knife powerbombed Knobs. Ref back in the ring as Nash covered Knobs and hooked the leg. Sags tried to climb in to break up the pin try but Hall charged over and grabbed Sags by the legs. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell.


Ref then went over and had words with and took the belts from guest r.a. Capetta. Ref handed Hall and Nash the titles and raised their hands in victory.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 7 minutes, 8 seconds, your winners...and STILL UWL World Tag Team Champions...Hall and Nash!"


Mixed crowd reaction as the victorious Hall and Nash left the ring. The pair hoisted their titles in the air when they were at ringside and then headed to the back as Sags checked on Knobs in the ring.


WINNER: Hall & Nash - Pinfall - Nash pinned Knobs with the Jack-Knife Powerbomb - 7:08)


(Announcers discussed Hall & Nash retaining the tag team titles thanks to outside help from fellow Firm-ite David Schultz.)


(Announcers then intro'd a video of the next UWL PPV.




'Deja Vu Presents: Thunderstruck' - Sunday - June 9 - Seattle, WA - Key Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, Apr. 27 @ 10am PST!)


(Video aired chronicling the DDP-Father Dutch feud leading to their Confessional match.)


Match 5 (Confessional Match)

Father Dutch vs. DDP


(Shot of the confessional sitting in the middle of the aisleway.


Announcers pointed out that to win the match, a wrestler must shove his opponent into the confessor's side of the confessional and close and lock the door behind him.


Music-only version of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' played over the p.a. system and out came DDP to a solid ovation. DDP walked past the confessional and, while still in the aisle, made the diamond sign over his head.


Father Dutch didn't wait for his intro and charged down the aisle past the confessional and attacked DDP from behind.


Ref called for the bell to start the match. Father Dutch pounded DDP with a series of forearm smashes to the back. FD then grabbed DDP and rammed his head into the aisleway barricade. DDP staggered off to ringside. FD popped DDP with some punches and then threw DDP hard into the ring steps. DDP down next to the steps. FD snapped DDP up and whipped DDP into the ringside barricade. FD charged at DDP and DDP bent down and backdropped FD over the barricade into the ringside seating area. Crowd popped. DDP climbed over the barricade as FD got to his feet on the floor. DDP tackled FD to the floor and started pounding FD with head shots. DDP picked FD up and went to blast FD with the Diamond Cutter but FD shoved DDP off. FD went to hit DDP but DDP blocked the punch and nailed FD with a series of jabs and then popped FD with a discus clothesline. FD crashed into the third row of ringside seats. FD laying over three seats. DDP started nailing FD with another series of punches while FD was lounging on the seats. DDP pulled FD up by the hair, walked FD over and threw FD back over the barricade and into the ringside area. DDP climbed over the barricade and kicked FD in the gut just as FD was getting to his feet. DDP then grabbed FD in a side headlock and went to ram the top of FD's head into the ring post but FD shoved DDP off and DDP slammed head first into the post. DDP went down next to the ring as Father Dutch regained his bearings. FD pulled DDP up by the hair and DDP was now bleeding.


FD violently threw DDP into the ringside barricade. DDP in a heap next to the barricade. FD put the boots to DDP and then reached under the ring apron and brandished a 2x4 and pounded the hell out of DDP with it. FD snapped DDP up and walked DDP over by the entrance aisle and threw DDP into the aisle. DDP went down a few feet from the confessional. As DDP got up, FD nailed DDP with a few punches and then slammed DDP's head into the aisleway barricade. DDP leaned next to the barricade as FD opened the door on the confessor's side of the confessional. FD kicked DDP in the gut and then tried to shove DDP in the confessional but DDP put up strong resistance and wouldn't go in. DDP then caught FD with a couple of elbows to the chest that knocked FD back. FD and DDP then engaged in a punch exchange that DDP got the better of. DDP grabbed the staggered FD and went to shove him in the confessional. DDP got FD into the confessional and went to shut the door but FD was able to resist DDP closing the door and push his way out of the confessional. FD swung wildly at DDP and missed and DDP grabbed FD around the waist and and rammed FD back first into the barricade. FD hurting. DDP then whipped FD into the opposite barricade. FD now in a bad way. DDP popped FD with some punches and then grabbed FD and tried to stuff him in the confessional again. DDP got FD part of the way in but FD was able to wrest control of the door and slam it in DDP's face. DDP stumbled back against the barricade.


FD reached into his pocket and brandished his small chain and wrapped it around his right fist. FD stunned DDP with a series of chain-laden punches to the head. DDP on wobbly leg street. FD grabbed DDP and, after a brief struggle, FD managed to shove DDP into the confessional. FD closed the door. Just before FD was about to lock the door, FD yelled:


FD: "Prepare to go to hell! Sinner!"


WHAM!...DDP powered open the door. The door slammed into FD's head. FD stumbled back and crashed to the floor as the fans cheered. As DDP reached down and started to pick up the now bleeding FD, Grog came charging down the aisle and nailed DDP with a clothesline from behind. DDP went down. FD still on the floor. Grog grabbed DDP by the hair and pulled DDP up.DDP started firing away on Grog with punches. DDP grabbed the staggered Grog and sent Grog crashing into the aisleway barricade. Grog down in a heap. DDP briefly looked down at the out-of-it Grog and then made his way over and reached down to pull up FD. FD dead-weighted DDP so DDP started dragging FD to the confessional. DDP struggled as FD was fighting him on every step. Suddenly, a man dressed like a Mormon missionary in black tie, white short-sleeve dress shirt, black dress pants and black shoes came down the aisle.


Stack: "Hey! That's Jim Neidhart! What the..."


Neidhart had FD's 18-inch solid wood crucifix with him. Neidhart came up on DDP and smashed DDP from behind with the crucifix. DDP collapsed on the floor. FD made his way to his feet and he and Neidhart briefly embraced as Neidhart laughed that sinister 'Hahaha' of his. FD then grabbed the semi-conscious DDP and dragged him over and shoved DDP into the confessional as Neidhart held the door open. FD then slammed the confessional door and locked it. Ref called for the bell as fans booed. Ref then raised the bloody FD's hand in victory as Neidhart wildly applauded. Grog, now recovered, joined the winning FD and Neidhart. The three huddled for a brief prayer on the floor before heading back up the aisle as UWL security came out to check on DDP.


WINNER: Father Dutch - Shoved DDP into the Confessional and locked the door - 10:12)


(Announcers discussed FD defeating DDP in the Confessional match thanks to outside help from Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart. Said they have no idea what the conection is between Neidhart and FD. Hyped still to come: UWL World Title Match: Piper © vs. Wahoo; UWL Women's World Title Match: Ferrari © vs. Madusa; There Must Be A Winner: Lex Luger vs. Ted DiBiase; TV Title Match: Rip Oliver © vs. Hugh Morrus. Said the $100,000 Winner-Take-All Match: Graham vs. Patera was next!)


(Video aired chronicling the Graham-Patera feud.)


Match 6 ($100,000 Winner-Take-All)

'Superstar' Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. Ken Patera


(Shot of the two briefcases containing the money sitting on a table at ringside and guarded by a security guard.


'California Dreamin' played over the p.a. system and Graham and Wizard made their way to the ring to strong boos. Graham was in his tie-dyed ring attire and his 'I AM A PROFESSIONAL' t-shirt. Wizard was in his usual tie-dyed tux, gold tuban, sunglasses, white shoes and carrying his gold-tipped cane.


Graham walked over and looked at the cases and pointed at himself and said 'Mine!' before getting in the ring.


Once in the ring, Graham struck some bodybuilder poses and then flexed and kissed his biceps as more boos fell on him.


Ken Patera then came to the ring to a solid ovation.


Ref called for the bell.


Graham and Patera came out of their corners and circled each other. Graham then suddenly flexed his biceps and started strutting in the ring. The two then circled one another again and this time Patera suddenly flexed his biceps and strutted. Graham went to attack Patera but Patera avoided the assault and came back firing away with punches on Graham. Patera whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with a big clothesline that dropped Graham. Patera then grabbed Graham as Graham was getting up and hoisted Graham up on his shoulder and nailed Graham with a running powerslam. Patera for the cover. 1...2... Graham kicked out. Patera whipped Graham into the buckles and charged in looking to nail Graham with a running shoulder block but Graham moved and Patera slammed shoulder first into the ring post and spilled out of the ring to the floor. Graham went to go out after Patera but the ref stopped Graham and ordered him back. Ref started the 20-count on Patera. As the ref counted, Graham decided to ignore the ref and go out on the apron as Patera made it to his feet. Graham jumped off the apron and went to nail Patera with a double sledge to the head but Patera caught Graham with a gut shot instead. Graham holding his gut. Patera then nailed Graham with more punches as the Grand Wizard came charging up behind Patera to hit him with his cane but Patera moved out of the way at the last second and Wizard blasted Graham over the head with the cane. Fans popped. Graham staggered but not down. Patera then grabbed Wizard and slammed Graham's and Wizard's heads together. Wizard crashed to the floor.Patera then threw Graham into the ring. Patera climbed in the ring and greeted Graham with more punches then whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with a double sledge to the chest. Patera for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2... Graham kicked out.


Patera then snapped up Graham, whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with a military press slam. Graham not in a good way. Patera backed up next to the ropes and was preparing to hit Graham with the Russian Hammer. But the Wizard, now recovered, nailed Patera in the small of the back with the gold tip of his cane. Patera grabbing at the small of his back. Graham to his feet moved in and blasted Patera with kicks and punches of his own. Graham whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera coming off with a stiff heel kick to the chest. Patera crashed to the mat. Graham then picked up Patera and nailed Patera with a backbreaker across the knee and placed Patera in position for a turnbuckle move. Graham went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a knee drop on Patera's chest. Graham maneuvered Patera around and went for the cover and hooked the leg as Graham's feet were sticking well out underneath the bottom rope. 1...2... Patera got a shoulder up. Graham went for the cover again and this time placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage. 1...2... Ref saw Graham's feet on the ropes and ordered a break. Graham got to his feet and kicked Patera as Patera was getting up. Graham whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera coming off with a flying shoulder tackle. Patera hit the mat. Patera hurting. Graham pulled Patera up off the mat and hoisted Patera in the air in the military press position and dropped Patera throat first across the top rope. Patera snapped back and crashed on the mat once again. Graham for the cover. 1...2... Patera kicked out. Graham then whipped Patera into the buckles and came in with a big clothesline that stunned Patera. Patera still on his feet. Graham then started choking Patera in the corner with his boot. Ref counting. Graham broke the illegal move at the count of four. Graham moved Patera out of the corner and whipped Patera into the ropes and looked to catch Patera coming off with a clothesline but the two men instead clotheslined each other to the mat.


Both men laying on the mat. Wizard reached under the ring and brandished a steel chair and slid it into the ring as Graham was recovering. Graham to his feet went over and grabbed the chair off the mat. Ref ordered Graham not to use the chair but Graham ignored the ref. Patera was making his way to his feet next to the ropes. Graham methodically moved in on Patera and went to bash Patera over the head with the chair but Patera moved and the chair hit the top rope and bounced back and struck Graham in the face. Graham staggered backwards and dropped the chair. Patera charged at Graham and nailed him with the Russian Hammer. Patera then moved behind Graham as Graham started to get to his feet and caught Graham in the full nelson. Patera then nailed Graham with his full nelson slam. Patera covered Graham and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd popped as the ref called for the bell. Ref raised Patera's hand in victory in the ring.


Security guard handed the briefcases to guest r.a. Capetta on the floor. Wizard came up behind Capetta and hit him in the back with his cane. Capetta went down and dropped the cases as Wizard picked them up and looked to abscond with them. Patera looked on from the ring as Wizard ran back up the aisle to the back. A few seconds later, Wizard backed out on the entrance stage as Lord Humongous stalked him. Patera left the ring and got in the aisle. Wizard backed down the ramp and was backing up in the aisle when he bumped into Patera. Wizard turned around and saw it was Patera. Wizard gulped hard as Patera just glared at him. Wizard meekly gave Patera the cases and then Wizard took off running around the side of the stage and disappearing. Crowd cheered as Patera walked back up the aisle to the stage and turned and held the cases high in the air as fans cheered before the victor made it to the back.


WINNER: Patera - Pinfall - Full Nelson Slam - 7:14)


(Announcers discussed Patera defeating Graham and winning the $100K. Said the TV Title match was next!)


(Video aired chronicling the history of Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus from their days as a tag team to their break-up and feud since.)


Match 7 (TV Title)

Rip Oliver © vs. Hugh Morrus


(Morrus came to the ring first to a good ovation.


Oliver came out to mainly boos but also had a small core of supporters in the crowd. He had the TV Title around his waist.


Ref took the title from Oliver and held it up for all to see. Ref then handed the belt off to guest r.a. Capetta and then called both men to the middle of the ring. Ref laid down the ground rules and patted each man down. Ref then sent each man to their neutral corners.


Ref called for bell.


Rip and Hugh came out and tore into each other with punches. Rip got the best of the punch exchange and whipped Hugh into the ropes and looked to catch Hugh coming off with a clothesline but Hugh ducked the move and came back and blasted Rip with a flying double forearm smash. Rip crashed to the mat. As Rip got up, Hugh hit Rip with a dropkick that sent Rip crashing into the buckles. Hugh moved in and mounted the middle buckle over Rip and started popping Rip with punches to the head. Rip grabbed Hugh and nailed Hugh with a running inverted atomic drop. Hugh crashed to the mat. Rip grabbed Hugh's legs, jumped up and dropped his feet on Hugh's groin. Hugh not loving life at the moment. Hugh rolled over near the ropes and Rip grabbed the top rope and proceeded to drive a series of knees into Hugh's back. Rip reached down and grabbed Hugh by the hair and Rip dragged his boot laces across Hugh's eye and face. Hugh still down and hurting. Rip pulled Hugh to his feet next to the ropes. Rip popped Hugh with a series of European uppercuts and then whipped Hugh into the ropes and caught Hugh coming off with an elbow to he chest. Hugh crashed to the mat. Rip then snapped up Hugh and nailed Hugh with a gutwrench suplex. Rip covered Hugh. 1...2... Hugh kicked out. Rip grabbed Hugh and went to suplex Hugh but Hugh twice blocked the move and suplexed Rip. Both men down.


Rip and Hugh made it to their feet and Rip kneed Hugh in the gut and went to whip Hugh into the ropes but Hugh reversed and caught Rip coming off with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Crowd popped. Hugh covered Rip. 1...2... Rip kicked out. Hugh got to his feet and caught Rip as he was getting up and popped Rip with a snap suplex. Hugh then hit the ropes and came off with a diving splash but Rip got his knees up and Hugh slammed into them. Rip made it to his feet as Hugh was holding his gut. Rip put the boots to Hugh and then wasted no time hoisting Hugh up and dropping Hugh gut-first across his knee. Hugh in great pain as Rip rolled up Hugh for the cover. Rip grabbed a handful of tights as the ref counted. 1...2...2-1/2... Hugh got a shoulder up. Rip went for the pin again still holding the tights. 1...2...2-3/4... Hugh kicked out. Rip started to pull Hugh up and Hugh caught Rip with a couple of punches to the ribs. Hugh got to his feet and nailed Rip with a few more punches and then whipped Rip into the ropes and bent over looking to catch Rip coming off with a backdrop but Rip leapfrogged Hugh, spun around and nailed Hugh with a sitout rear mat slam. The back of Hugh's head slammed into the mat. Rip then backed up and assumed the position as a stunned Hugh made it to his feet not too far from the ropes. When Hugh got to his feet...WHAM!...Rip slaughtered Hugh with a devastating superkick. Hugh stumbled backwards and fell through the top and middle rope down to the floor. Ref started counting. Oliver left the ring. Rip grabbed Hugh up off the floor and drove Hugh back-first into the ring apron. Hugh in a world of hurt. Rip popped Hugh with some punches and threw Hugh back into the ring. The dazed hugh got to his feet in the ring and Oliver mounted the top buckle and came off with a forearm smash to Hugh's back. Hugh stumbled forward and went down.


Rip grabbed Hugh and whipped Hugh into the ropes and caught Hugh coming off with a high knee to the chest. Hugh back down. Rip went for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-7/8... Hugh kicked out. Crowd buzzing. Rip snapped Hugh up, whipped Hugh into the ropes and looked to catch Hugh coming off with a clothesline but Hugh ducked the move and came back and stunned Rip with a flying headbutt to the chest. Rip and Hugh both crashed to the mat. Both men made it to their feet at the same time. Rip moved towards Hugh and Hugh stunned Rip with a kick to the gut. Hugh then bodyslammed Rip into positon for a turnbuckle move. Hugh mounted the top buckle. Crowd now on its feet. Hugh came off with a moonsault but Rip moved out of the way and Hugh crashed to the mat. Both men down again. Both men made it to their feet. Hugh was facing away from Rip. Rip came up behind Hugh and nailed him with a series of forearm smashes to the upper back. Rip then bent down and picked Hugh up on his shoulders. Rip backed up to nail Hugh with an electric chair slam but Hugh suddenly stunned Rip with a brief flurry of punches to the side of Rip's head. Hugh then caught Rip in the victory roll for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans erupted into one of their loudest pops of the night so far.


Ref went over and took the title and had a few words for guest r.a. Capetta. Ref went over, handed Hugh the belt and raised the ecstatic Hugh's hand in victory. Hugh became emotional as he hoisted the belt in the air as the fans cheered.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 8 minutes, 21 seconds...your winner...and NEW UWL TV Champion...Hugh Morrus!"


More crowd cheering as the cameras then caught a shot of a defeated Rip walking back up the aisle. Rip looked back at the ring and shook his head in disbelief before heading to the back as Hugh went and stood on the middle buckle of all four corners and hoisted the belt in the air.


WINNER: Hugh - Pinfall - Victory Roll - 8:21)


(Announcers discussed Hugh defeating Rip Oliver and winning the TV Title from his former tag team partner. Said There Must Be A Winner: Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger was coming up. Then sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson was standing in the UWL interview area with six women.


LN: "I am standing here with Mad Maxine, Queen Kong, Wendi Richter, Ashley Cartier, Jackie Gayda and Nicole Bass. These six women all have one thing in common. They have wrestled reigning UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari and were unable to score that one victory that would end Tina's undefeated streak or World Title reign.


"Ashley Cartier, you're all here for one reason tonight. And that reason is?"


Ash: "Larry, we're all here tonight to show our support for Madusa and see her do what we couldn't do...and that's beat Tina Ferrari!"


The girls cheered.


Ash: "Tina's undefeated streak and title reign have gone on long enough! She's often taken shortcuts to keep her streak intact! But all things must come to an end! Madusa, girl, we're behind you 100%! We believe you're the one who will end Tina's run! Tina hasn't lost a match in the 26 months that she's been here! Her World Title reign stands at 14 months! No one likes her! We need a Women's World Champion we can be proud of and that's Madusa!"


LN: "Wendi Richter! You've had some close calls with Tina, but Tina always escaped with the victory! No question that you want to see Tina beaten tonight!"


WR: "That's right, Larry! It makes me sick to see Tina Ferrari come out week-after-week and talk about how great she is and how she'll be buried with the Women's Title! Madusa is the hope of every female wrestler out there! She's got a lot of support! And we know she's not gonna let us down tonight!"


LN: "Mad Maxine! You've had many battles with Tina Ferrari over the last two years! Ferrari did some really low things to you in the past; such as sabotaging your motorcycle and causing you to crash and miss a match with her! What are your thoughts going into this?!"


Max: "I want Tina Ferrari to lose so bad I can taste it! She needs to be brought back to reality! She needs to learn a lesson in humility! And that's only going to happen to Tina Ferrari when she loses a match! Because when she loses, she'll lose everything! And as Wendi said, Madusa's fighting this match for all us who have ever laced up a pair of boots and stepped in the ring with that snake Ferrari!"


LN: "Alright, ladies! Let's get back to... Hold on! Queen Kong has something to say!"




(Video aired chronicling the DiBiase-Luger situation.)


Match 8 (There must be a winner! All members of The Firm barred from ringside!)

Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger


(Luger came to the ring to a strong ovation. Luger slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.


DiBiase came to the ring to the song 'Money' and received the usual mixed crowd reax for a Firm member.


Ref called for the bell.


Luger and DiBiase came out and circled each other and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. The two struggled for the advantage and Luger was able to drive DiBiase into the corner to force a break. The two broke and DiBiase raised his hands to show he wasn't going to do anything. DiBiase carefully moved out of the corner. He and Luger locked up in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and DiBiase was able to drive a knee into Luger's gut. DiBiase whipped Luger into the ropes and caught Luger coming off with an arm drag. Luger got up and DiBiase caught Luger with some head shots and then whipped Luger into the ropes and caught Luger coming off with a hip toss. As Luger got up, DiBiase caught Luger with a forearm shiver to the side of the face. Ted whipped Luger into the ropes and took Luger down with a leg dive takedown. Ted then locked Luger in the STF. Luger struggled briefly not to submit but was able to fight his way close enough to the ropes to force a break in the hold by getting his hand on the bottom rope. Luger had rolled out on the apron and the ref ordered DiBiase to stand back. As Luger got to his feet on the apron, DiBiase caught Luger with a head shot and then tried to suplex Luger back into the ring. Luger twice blocked the move and instead suplexed DiBiase from the ring to the floor. Crowd cheered. Luger dropped to the floor. As DiBiase got up, Luger nailed DiBiase with a clothesline that drove DiBiase back don to the ground. Luger snapped DiBiase up and threw him into the ringside barricade. DiBiase leaned back against the barricade. Luger moved in and popped DiBiase with punches. Luger then quickly climbed back in the ring to break the ref's 20-count and then climbed out on the apron. Luger jumped off the apron and went to nail DiBiase with a forearm smash to the head but DiBiase moved and Lex slammed front first into the barricade. Luger was leaned over the barricade and DiBiase came over and pounded on Luger's back. DiBiase then whipped Luger shoulder first into the ring post. Luger went down to his knees on the floor.


DiBiase rolled in and out of the ring to break up the ref's 20-count. DiBiase came up behind Luger and caught Luger in the Billon Dollar Dream sleeper (aka, Million Dollar Dream). Luger struggled in the hold but was able to lunge forward and force DiBiase off of him. DiBiase slammed head first into the ring steps. DiBiase down. Luger grabbed DiBiase and threw him back in the ring. Luger followed. As Luger bent down to pull DiBiase up, DiBiase stunned Luger with an open-hand thrust to the throat. Luger staggered back grabbing his throat. DiBiase whipped Luger into the ropes and looked to catch Luger coming off with an elbow to the chest but Luger ducked the move and came back and nailed DiBiase with a forearm smash to the head. DiBiase crashed to the mat. Luger for the cover. 1...2... DiBiase kicked out. DiBiase and Luger got up and DiBiase was facing away from Luger. Luger came up behind DiBiase and bashed him with a couple of two-fisted backsmashes. DiBiase staggering around the ring. Luger grabbed DiBiase around the waist and rammed DiBiase back first into the buckles. DiBiase hurting. Luger flailed away on DiBiase with punches. DiBiase on dazed street. Luger pulled DiBiase out of the corner and prepared to nail DiBiase with a piledriver but DiBiase twice blocked the move and backdropped Luger to the mat. Luger down and DiBiase on his knees. Both men made it to their feet. Luger charged at DiBiase and went to nail Ted with a clothesline but DiBiase fell out of the way and Luger accidentally pulverized the ref. Ref crashed to the mat and was rolling around near the ropes in great pain. DiBiase came up behind Luger and drove a knee into Luger's back.


Luger fell forward into the buckles. DiBiase nailed Luger with a couple of punches to the ribs and then rammed Luger's head into the top buckle. Luger staggered out of the of the corner and DiBiase whipped Luger into the ropes and caught Luger coming off with a clothesline. Luger crashed to the mat. DiBiase then bodyslammed Luger into position for a turnbuckle move. Ref still down for match storyline purposes. DiBiase mounted the middle buckle facing the crowd and came off with his diving back elbow smash. DiBiase then went out on the apron and pulled a fingerless black glove out of his tights and climbed to the top buckle. Luger still down. DiBiase attempted to nail Luger with a fist drop from the top buckle but Luger rolled out of the way and DiBiase slammed his fist hard into the match. Crowd buzzing. DiBiase on his knees. Luger getting to his feet. DiBiase got up and was able to stun Luger with a kick to the gut. DiBiase then went to whip Luger into the ropes but Luger reversed and sent DiBiase into the ropes and caught Ted coming off with a powerslam. Most of the crowd popped. Luger signaled it was time for the rack and yelled: 'Yeah!' Luger hoisted DiBiase up into the rack. Still, no Firm members came to DiBiase's aid. Suddenly, a man came out from under the ring on the side Luger was facing away from. The man was in jeans, tennis shoes and wearing a t-shirt with 'Hell's Kitchen' written on it.


Pedicino: "Oh my god! It's Adrian Adonis!"


Adonis climbed into the ring and came up behind Luger and nailed Luger with a double sledge to the lower back. Luger dropped DiBiase and Luger dropped to his knees. Adonis then grabbed Luger and stunned Luger with the reverse STO. Adonis then bolted the ring and left through the crowd. DiBiase got up and grabbed the dazed Luger in the full nelson and hit Luger with the Billion Dollar Blaster (aka, Skull Crushing Finale). Ref was regaining his senses and DiBiase dragged him over. DiBiase covered Luger and hooked the leg. 1.....2.....3! Groggy ref called for the bell. A victorious DiBiase got to his feet with a sly sneer on his face as the ref raised his hand in victory. Luger just laid out in the ring, a dazed and disoriented mess. DiBiase headed back up the aisle to a mixed crowd reax.


WINNER: DiBiase - Pinfall - Billion Dollar Blaster - 9:35)


(Announcers discussed DiBiase defeating Luger thanks to outside interference from Adrian Adonis. They wondered if Adonis attacked Luger on behalf of DiBiase. Hyped still to come: UWL Women's World Title Match: Tina Ferrari © vs. Madusa; and 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin vs. Buzz Sawyer. Said the UWL World Title Match: Roddy Piper © vs. Wahoo McDaniel was coming up!)


(Video aired chronicling the friendship between Piper and Wahoo and Wahoo turning on Piper and Wahoo joining with JJ Dillon Enterprises and the fallout leading to this match.)


Match 9 (Main Event #1: UWL World Title)

Roddy Piper © vs. Wahoo McDaniel (w/ JJ Dillon)


(Wahoo and JJ came to the ring to ear-splitting boos. Wahoo was in his wrestling attire and headdress. Dillon was in his suit.


Bagpipe music then filled the arena and out came World Champion Roddy Piper to a roaring ovation. Piper was in his kilt, t-shirt and ring boots with the title around his waist.


Piper got in the ring and acknowledged the crowd.


After the ring intro's by guest r.a. Gary Michael Capetta, the ref took the title from Piper and walked to all four sides of the ring holding the belt in the air for all to see. Ref handed the belt off to Capetta and then called Piper and Wahoo out to the middle of the ring. JJ came out with Wahoo. As Piper and Wahoo stared each other down, ref laid down the ground rules and patted each man down and then sent each man to their respective neutral corners. JJ climbed out on the apron and gave Wahoo some last second intructions.


Ref called for the bell and it was on...


Crowd buzzing as Wahoo and Roddy came out of their corners and circled one another. Piper got the crowd into it right away by stunning Wahoo with a hard right jab to the jaw. Wahoo quickly shook off the shot and the two continued to circle one another. Piper took another jab at Wahoo and this time Wahoo evaded the punch and came back and stunned Piper with a chest chop. Wahoo was able to move in and catch Piper with a series of chest chops. Piper staggered. Wahoo kicked Piper in the gut and then caught Piper with a double underhook suplex. Wahoo then nailed Piper with a knee drop to the head. Piper hurting rolled over and grabbed his head. Wahoo grabbed Piper from behind in a rear chinlock. Piper in the sit-up position. Wahoo cinched up on the hold and drove his knee into Piper's back. After keeping Piper locked in the hold for a several seconds, Wahoo let go and then blasted Piper with a series of rapid-fire punches to the side of the head. Wahoo grabbed Piper in a side headlock as Piper got to his knees. Piper made it to his feet and tried to get out of the hold but failed to do so. Piper tried to push Wahoo off but Wahoo held onto the hold. Finally, after some more struggle, Piper countered with a belly-to-back suplex. The men made their way to their feet. Wahoo moved in and went to chop Piper but Piper ducked the chop and came back and started firing away on Wahoo with a series of boxing-style head and body punches that drove Wahoo into the corner. Piper then grabbed Wahoo in a side headlock and nailed Wahoo with a running bulldog. Piper covered Wahoo. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. Piper grabbed Wahoo and started pulling him up by the hair when Wahoo grabbed Piper by the waist and rammed Piper back-first into the corner. Wahoo then laid into Piper with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks. Piper hurting in the corner. Wahoo then blasted Piper with a series of chest chops and then popped Piper with a couple of chops to the head for good measure.


Wahoo whipped Piper into the opposite buckles and charged in looking to nail Piper with a running big splash but Piper moved and Wahoo crashed front first into the buckles. Piper, still feeling the effects of the blocks and chops, was slow in dropping down and rolling Wahoo up from behind for the pin try. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. Wahoo got to his feet facing away from Piper and Piper caught Wahoo in the sleeper hold. Crowd popped. Wahoo struggling not to submit or pass out. Piper with the hold firmly locked in as Wahoo tried desperately to escape the hold. Wahoo started inching towards the ropes but started weakening. Wahoo getting weaker but still moving little-by-litte to the ropes. Wahoo started to go limp. Ref went over and raised Wahoo's hand. It dropped by Wahoo's side. Ref raised Wahoo's hand again and it dropped by Wahoo's side once more. Just as the ref was about to raise Wahoo's hand a third time, Wahoo lunged forward and toppled through the top and middle rope with Piper still holding him in the sleeper. The two men fell out of the ring and were laying on the floor. Piper no longer had Wahoo in the sleeper. Ref started the 20-count. Wahoo made it to his feet as Piper made it up to a knee. Wahoo moved in and thumbed Piper in the eye. Wahoo grabbed Piper and threw him against the ringside barricade. Piper still on his feet as Wahoo moved in and laid into Piper with a vicious series of chops. Piper hunched over grabbing his chest next to the barricade. A fan with no manners held out a pen and piece of paper for Piper to sign. Wahoo got back in the ring and started having words with the ref.


Ref had his back turned to Piper on the floor as Wahoo engaged him in the ring. Piper extricated himself from the barricade and started walking in one direction on the floor. JJ pulled a foreign objext out of his pocket and concealed it in his hand. JJ came up behind Piper, spun Piper around and blasted Piper with his foreign object-laden right hand. Piper crashed to the floor. JJ quickly put the object back in his pocket as the fans booed and JJ acted like he had done nothing. Wahoo quit arguing with the ref and left the ring. Wahoo grabbed the stunned Piper and threw him back into the ring. As a dazed Piper slowly made his way to his feet, Wahoo mounted the top buckle. Piper got up and turned around and Wahoo went for his chop to the head but Piper instead caught Wahoo with a gut punch. Piper, still feeling the effects of the foreign object shot, moved in and nailed Wahoo with some punches and then whipped Wahoo into the ropes and looked to catch Wahoo coming off with a clothesline but Wahoo ducked the move and came back and caught Piper with a flying crossbody. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2... Piper kicked out. Both men got to their feet and Wahoo moved in with a blistering series of chops on the champ that drove Piper into the ropes. Piper had his right arm hanging over the rope so the ref ordered Wahoo to step back. Once again, Wahoo distracted the ref with verbiage. This allowed JJ to sneak over, reach into the ring and pull Piper's legs out from under him. Ref turned and saw the downed Piper as JJ stood back with his arms crossed like he did nothing. Piper got up next to the ropes and Wahoo charged over and drove a knee into Piper's side and Piper fell through the ropes down to the floor.


Wahoo ignored the ref's orders to stay in the ring. As Piper got to his feet on the floor, Wahoo came off the apron and nailed Piper with a chop to the top of the head. Piper staggered. Wahoo then grabbed Piper and slammed Piper's head into the ring post. Piper stumbled forward and went down face first. Ref counting. Wahoo got back in the ring and had words with the ref, thus breaking the ref's 20-count. Piper got to his knees next to the apron. He was now bleeding. Wahoo left the ring and went out on the apron and stomped Piper in the head. Piper toppled over grabbing his head. Wahoo grabbed Piper and slammed Piper's head into the ringside barricade twice. Piper not in a good way. Wahoo then whipped Piper into another side of the barricade. Wahoo reached under the ring and grabbed a steel chair. Ref counting. Announcers said the ref is giving these guys a little more leeway than usual because the fans want to see a clear winner. Wahoo moved in on Piper and raised the chair up to face level when Piper kicked the chair into Wahoo's face. Wahoo staggered backwards and dropped the chair. Piper moved in on Wahoo and started popping Wahoo with head and body punches and then repaid Wahoo by blistering Wahoo's chest with a series of chops of his own. Crowd loved it. Piper quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 20-count. Piper went after Wahoo and Wahoo caught Piper with a chest chop. Piper hit Wahoo with a punch. The two then engaged in a punch-chop exchange on the floor. Wahoo got the better of it and went to whip Piper into the ring post but Piper reversed and sent Wahoo at the post. Wahoo's head slammed into the post. Wahoo went down. Crowd buzzing. JJ came over to check on the downed Wahoo. Piper quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 20-count.


Piper walked in the direction of Wahoo and JJ. Wahoo still down. JJ saw Piper coming and got up and started to back off and beg off. Piper stepped over the prone Wahoo and his target was clearly JJ. As Piper methodically stalked the cowering JJ, Wahoo made it to his feet. The Chief was now also wearing the crimson mask. Wahoo came up behind Piper and popped Piper with a running clothesline to the back of the neck. Piper went down. Wahoo grabbed Piper and threw Piper back in the ring. Wahoo got back in and started to pull Piper up when Piper started nailing Wahoo with punches to the gut that stunned Wahoo. Piper then whipped Wahoo into the ropes and looked to catch Wahoo comng off with a dropkick but Wahoo grabbed the top rope and held on as Piper crashed to the mat. Piper down on his back and hurting. Wahoo grabbed Piper by the legs and struggled to turn Piper over. Piper put up a tough resistance but Wahoo eventually succeeded in turning Piper over into the Boston Crab. Piper struggling in the hold. Ref asked Piper if he submitted and Piper vigorously shook his head 'no'. Piper started inching his way towards the ropes but Wahoo kept the hold locked in. Piper moved close enough to get his hand on the bottom rope but as soon as Piper touched it, Wahoo was able to maneuver away from the ropes with Piper still locked in the hold. Wahoo tightened up on the Crab. Piper fighting with everything he had not to submit. Piper again started inching his way towards the ropes. Piper was almost within reach of the ropes when he raised his hand to tap out. Piper didn't tap and, after a little more fight, was able to move close enough to the ropes to grab the bottom rope and force a break in the hold. Wahoo let Piper out of the hold. Piper laying on his gut by the ropes. Wahoo decided to grab the top rope and stand on his former best friend's back. Ref counted and broke the illegal move at the count of four. Wahoo then dropped an elbow into the small of Piper's back. Piper hurting big-time.


Piper reached out and grabbed the bottom rope and the ref ordered Wahoo back as Piper slowly made it to his feet. Announcers stated that after being in the Boston Crab for a long time, followed by Wahoo standing on his back and dropping an elbow into the small of his back, Piper's back could be damaged and it could affect the outcome of this match. As Piper got up, Wahoo moved in and nailed Piper with an uncontested series of chops. Wahoo then whipped Piper into the ropes and looked to catch Piper coming off with an elbow to the chest but Piper ducked the move and came back and blasted Wahoo with a spear. Crowd exploded. Both men down. Piper's back clearly bothering him. Ref started the 20-count. As the count grew, Piper started stirring and crawled slowly in Wahoo's direction. Wahoo still down. Piper covered Wahoo. 1...2...2-1/2... Wahoo kicked out. Piper rolled over and was grabbing at the small of his back. Wahoo made it to his feet first and went over and stomped on Piper's back as Piper was trying to get up. Piper went back down to the mat and since his bottom leg was under the rope, ref ordered Wahoo back again. When Piper got to his feet, Wahoo moved in and locked Piper in the abdominal stretch, a move that also does no favors for the back. Wahoo locked Piper in the painful hold and Piper wouldn't give up. Wahoo was near the ropes and as the ref checked on Piper, Wahoo grabbed the top rope for extra leverage, thus making the hold all the more painful. Ref looked over just as Wahoo removed his hand from the top rope so the ref didn't catch it. When the ref went back to checking on Piper, Wahoo once again grabbed the top rope. Crowd yelling for the ref to look at Wahoo. Ref looked at Wahoo and once again Wahoo let go of the top rope just before the ref looked over. When the ref went back to checking on Piper, Wahoo grabbed the top rope again. Same story, ref didn't catch Wahoo doing anything illegal.


After a little more time in the hold, Piper started to wriggle free from Wahoo and was able to escape the hold and hip toss Wahoo in the process. Piper fell back against the ropes and was holding the small of his back. Wahoo got to his feet as Piper moved away from the ropes. Wahoo went to chop Piper and Piper ducked the chop, reached down and pulled Wahoo's legs out from under him. Piper then grabbed Wahoo's left leg and tried to turn Wahoo over into the ankle lock. After a struggle, Piper finally turned Wahoo over and had Wahoo locked in the ankle lock. Crowd popped. Piper clearly in pain maintaining the hold. Wahoo fought to get to the ropes. Wahoo battled and was able to get close enough to the ropes and went to place his hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold, but Piper yanked Wahoo away from the rope while still maintaining the hold. Unfortunately for Piper, dragging Wahoo away from the ropes proved costly. Piper let out a painful noise and then let go of the hold and stumbled back against the ropes. A hobbled Wahoo made it to his feet in the ring. Wahoo moved in on Piper and blasted Piper with a chop. Piper fired back with a punch that connected but then Piper winced in pain and grabbed at the small of his back and staggered away from Wahoo. Wahoo moved in behind Piper and nailed Piper with a brutal series of forearms to the lower back. Piper stumbled forward into the turnbuckles. Wahoo grabbed Piper's head and slammed it into the top buckle three straight times. Piper spun around in the corner. Wahoo nailed Piper with a rapid-fire series of shoulder blocks. The force of the blocks drove Piper's back hard into the buckles. Announcers wondered if it was time for the ref to stop the match. Piper in bad shape in the corner. Wahoo decided it was time to go for the kill. He battered Piper with another round of chops, pulled Piper out of the corner, whipped Piper into the ropes and caught Piper coming off with his big chop finisher. Piper crashed to the mat. Crowd rose to its feet in unison as Wahoo covered Piper and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-9/10... Piper barely got a shoulder up. Crowd buzzing. JJ in disbelief at ringside.


Wahoo picked Piper up and went to bodyslam Piper but Piper caught Wahoo in a small package instead. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. Piper not recovering quickly from anything anymore in the match. Wahoo got to his feet first and grabbed Piper as Piper was getting up and nailed Piper with a series of gut shots. Wahoo then stole a page out of the Ole Anderson handbook and nailed Piper with a hammerlock bodyslam. Piper in even more pain. Wahoo went for the cover again. 1...2...2-1/2... Again, Piper barely escaped defeat. Wahoo grabbed Piper and went to suplex the ailing champ, but Piper twice blocked the move and instead nailed Wahoo with a DDT. Wahoo down near the ropes. Piper slowly covered Wahoo. 1...2... JJ snuck over and placed Wahoo's foot on the bottom rope and called the ref's attention to it. Crowd in an uproar. Ref saw the foot on the rope and ordered a break. A pained Piper made it to his feet and Wahoo rolled out on the apron. Piper went to go after Wahoo but the ref stopped him and ordered him back as Wahoo made it to his feet. Piper came over by the ropes and Wahoo leaned through the ropes and caught Piper with a couple of shoulder blocks to the gut that backed Piper up in the ring. Wahoo moved in and struck Piper with a couple of chops. Piper mustered everything he had to punch Wahoo. That punch stunned Wahoo and Piper pulled something up from deep within and started firing away on Wahoo with a blistering series of head and body boxing-style punches. Piper then poked the staggered Wahoo in the eyes. Wahoo spun around and Piper grabbed Wahoo in the sleeper for the second time in the match. JJ jumped up on the apron on the opposite side of the ring and distracted the ref. Ref ordered JJ off the apron but JJ argued with the ref. Wahoo fighting in the hold but starting to give out.


With the ref distracted, Harley Race, in street clothes, came charging to the ring. He had knux on his right hand. Race got in the ring and went to nail Piper with the knux but Piper saw Race out of the corner of his eye, let go of Wahoo, blocked Race's punch try and fired away on Race with a series of head shots and then threw Race over the top rope. Race crashed to the floor as fans roared. With Wahoo still down and hurting, Piper went over to JJ, punched JJ in the face and then grabbed JJ by the back of the head and slammed JJ's head into the ring bolt that connects the turnbuckle to the ring post. JJ crashed to the floor. Fans going wild. Wahoo recovered and came up behind Piper and nailed Piper with a double sledge to the back. Piper spun around and Wahoo popped Piper with another series of chops. Wahoo then whipped the stunned Piper into the buckles. Wahoo then nailed Piper with a running big splash. Piper's back took another hit. Wahoo then whipped Piper into the opposite buckles and repeated the move. Piper now in really bad shape and practically limp in the corner. Shot of a now bloody JJ standing on wobbly legs on the floor. Wahoo then went for the kill. He backed up into the opposite corner. Crowd standing. Wahoo charged out of the corner and went to nail Piper with a third running big splash but Piper charged out of the corner and blasted Wahoo with the spear instead. Crowd exploded like a bomb. Piper covered Wahoo and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell.


Crowd roaring. Ref went over and talked with guest r.a. Capetta and took the UWL World Title. Piper still on his knees next to Wahoo. Shot of a defeated and dejected JJ at ringside with blood now not only on his face, but on the front of his suit as well.


Piper slowly got to his feet and the ref handed Piper the World Title and raised Piper's hand in victory.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 32 minutes, 26 seconds...your winner...and STILL UWL Wolrd Champion...'Rowdy' Roddy Piper!"


More cheers from the crowd. Wahoo now on his feet and clearly deflated by the loss. Piper, title slung over his shoulder, looked at Wahoo. The pair locked eyes. Piper moved towards Wahoo. The two looked at each other a little more and then Piper extended his hand to shake Wahoo's. Wahoo looked at Piper's extended hand and then looked at Piper and then Wahoo slowly flipped Piper the bird and turned and left the ring and met the bloody JJ at ringside and the two made their way back up the aisle as Harley followed behind at a distance. Piper then raised the belt in the air with one hand as the fans cheered. Piper then left the ring and made his way back up the aisle.


WINNER: Piper - Pinfall - Spear - 32:26)


(Announcers discussed Piper retaining the UWL World Title against Wahoo in a roller coaster ride of a match. Hyped still to come: UWL Women's World Title: Tina © vs. Madusa. Said 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin vs. Buzz Sawyer was coming up!)


(Video re-aired for the 'Deja Vu Presents: Thunderstruck' PPV - Sunday - June 9 - Seattle, WA - Key Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, Apr. 27 @ 10am PST!)


Match 10

'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin vs. Buzz Sawyer


(Sawyer came to the ring to the song 'Delirious' by ZZ Top. Very little response from the crowd as they were burned out from the previous match. Sawyer slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring and got in the ring and ran around barking.


'Bounty Hunter' Garvin came to the ring to entrance music for the first time since he arrived. The song was 'Dirty Deeds' by AC/DC. Garvin was wearing black and red tights, black and red boots and had a white towel draped around his neck. Garvin also got very little response from the burned out crowd.


Ann. Pedicino: "Steve, Garvin's new entrance music has the line in it: 'Dirty deeds done dirt cheap'. Ron Garvin does nothing 'dirt cheap'."


Ref called for the bell.


The two men came out of their corners and Sawyer stunned Garvin with dropkick. Garvin crashed to the mat. Garvin got to his feet and Buzz swept Garvin's leg with his hand and Garvin went down again. Garvin got up and Buzz swept Garvin's leg with his hand again and Garvin went down. Garvin got to his feet and carefully sized up Buzz. The two circled each other and Garvin lunged at Buzz but Buzz evaded Garvin and then caught Garvin with a kick to the gut. Buzz then whipped Garvin into the ropes and looked to catch Garvin with a clothesline coming off but Garvin ducked the move and came back and pulverized Buzz with a flying lariat. Buzz crashed to the mat. Garvin then popped Buzz with the most feared move in wrestling, the Garvin Stomp. Garvin then went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Buzz got to his feet. When Buzz turned around, Garvin came off the top buckle and caught Buzz with a sunset flip. Garvin for the pin. 1...2... Buzz kicked out. Buzz then quickly grabbed Garvin's legs and flipped over on top of Garvin for the pin try. 1...2... Garvin kicked out. The two men got to their feet and Garvin went to punch Buzz but Buzz blocked the punch try and fired back with a brief flurry of punches of his own and whipped Garvin into the ropes and caught Garvin coming off with a flying shoulder tackle. Garvin crashed to the mat. Buzz then got up and dropped an elbow smash on Garvin and then positioned Garvin for a turnbuckle move. Buzz went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a big elbow that connected. Buzz for the cover. 1...2... Garvin kicked out again. Buzz grabbed Garvin and hoisted Garvin across his shoulders in the fireman's carry position in an attempt to nail Garvin with the Buzz Saw (aka, Attitude Adjustment) but Garvin wriggled free from Buzz's grasp and dropped down behind Buzz and stunned Buzz with the back stabber. Buzz down. Garvin loaded his right fist and stood at the ready, bouncing around on the balls of his feet. Buzz made it to his feet, turned around...WHAM!...Garvin blasted Buzz with his patented knockout punch. Buzz crumpled to the mat. Garvin covered Buzz and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Not much response from the crowd either way. Garvin had his hand raised in victory and then Garvin blew on his fist like a gunfighter blows the smoke off a gun barrel.


WINNER: Garvin - Pinfall - KO Punch - 2:49)


(Announcers discussed Garvin winning. Said the UWL Women's World Title match was next!)


(Another ad aired for 'Extenze'.)


(Video aired chronicling Tina's undefeated streak and Women's World Title reign and her current feud with Madusa where Madusa has promised she would defeat Tina and end Tina's undefeated streak and title reign. Video closed with footage from last week of Tina laying out Madusa with a tornado DDT and then defiantly standing over the downed Madusa and holding the title aloft.)


Match 11 (Main Event #2: UWL Women's World Title Match)

Tina Ferrari © vs. Madusa


('American Woman' played over the p.a. system and out came Madusa to a strong ovation. She was wearing a gold and white singlet and gold and white boots. She slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.


After a brief pause, 'Invincible' by Pat Benatar played over the p.a. system and out came UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari. She was wearing a silver and black Ric Flair-style flowing robe and her trademark tiara. She was strongly booed but also had a small legion of fans.


Guest r.a. Capetta was standing center ring with mic in hand. The house lights went down and Madusa, Tina and Capetta each had a spotlight on them.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! This is the second main event of the evening and is scheduled for one fall with a 60-minute time limit! It is for the UWL Women's World Championship!"


Crowd cheered.


Capetta: "This match has been sanctioned by the UWL Championship Committee!


"Introducing first, the challenger! She hails from Minneapolis, Minnesota! Weighing in at 150 pounds...Madusa!"


Madusa stepped forward and acknowledged the crowd with a wave as the fans cheered.


Capetta: "And her opponent! She hails from Inglewood, California! Weighing in at 135 pounds...she is the reigning UWL Women's World Champion...Tina Ferrari!"


Ferrari opened her robe revealing the Women's World Title around her waist and then spun around in a circle as most fans booed her lustily.


Ref went over and took the belt from Tina and walked to all four sides of the ring holding up the belt for all to see. Ref then called each woman out to the middle of the ring. Tina was wearing a silver and black leg-length tights and silver and black boots. The words 'Queen of the Ring' and a silver crown were embroidered across the back. Tina and Madusa stared at each other as the ref laid down the ground rules and then patted each woman down. Ref then sent each women to their corners.


Crowd started chanting 'Madusa! Madusa!' as the ref called for the bell.


The women came out of their corners and circled each other and then engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Madusa threw Tina off and Tina crashed to the mat. Tina got to her feet and once again engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up with Madusa and Madusa threw Tina off again. Tina went down again and got up. The two started circling each other once more when Madusa moved on Tina and Tina backed off and left the ring and dropped to the floor as the crowd booed. Tina walking around on the floor. Ref ordered Madusa to stand back. Ref started counting. Tina continued walking on the floor. Tina turned and had words for heckling fans at ringside. Madusa ran over and mounted the top buckle and when Tina turned around, Madusa caught Tina with flying bodypress on the floor. Tina and Madusa crashed to the floor as the fans popped. Madusa got up and grabbed Tina and threw Tina back into the ring. Madusa got back into the ring as Tina was getting to her feet. Madusa moved in, kicked Tina in the gut and popped Tina with a swinging neckbreaker. Madusa for the cover. 1...2... Tina kicked out. Madusa grabbed Tina and nailed Tina with a side suplex. Madusa then went for a standing leg drop but Tina rolled out of the way and Madusa crashed to the mat. Tina got to her feet as Madusa got up bent over and Tina nailed Madusa with a running knee lift to the chest. Madusa went back down. Tina then got down on top of Madusa and popped Madusa in the head with some punches and then started beating the back of Madusa's head on the mat. Tina picked Madusa up and bodyslammed Madusa into position for a turnbuckle move. Tina went out and mounted the top buckle and came off with a frog splash that connected. Tina bounced off of Madusa and crawled over and covered the challenger for the pin try. 1...2... Madusa kicked out.


As Madusa got up, Tina caught Madusa with a few punches to the head and then draped Madusa's head over the top rope and went out on the apron. Tina grabbed Madusa by the hair and dropped down to the floor thus yanking Madusa's throat across the top rope. Madusa snapped back in the ring and went down. Tina then climbed back on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Madusa made it to her feet. When Madusa got up, Tina caught Madusa with Madusa's own move, the flying crossbody. The momentum carried Tina through the move and Madusa was on top of Tina and went for the pin. 1... Tina kicked out. Tina screamed as Madusa pulled Tina up by the hair and started wildly yanking on Tina's hair. Madusa then slammed Tina's head into the top buckle. Tina spun around in the corner and was greeted with a series of stiff kicks into the side of the ribs. Tina staggered out of the corner holding her ribs. Madusa whipped Tina into the ropes and caught Tina coming off with a vicious spin kick. Tina crashed to the mat. Madusa for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2... Tina kicked out. Madusa snapped Tina up and nailed her with a snap suplex. Madusa then went out on the apron and hurtled herself over the top rope and attempted to nail Tina with a swan dive but Tina got her knees up and Madusa crashed into them. Both women down. Tina got to her feet first as Madusa got to her knees. Tina moved in and kicked Madusa in the side of the head. Tina then grabbed Madusa, whipped Madusa into the ropes and caught Madusa coming off with a kick to the gut. Tina then nailed Madusa with a fisherman suplex into a bridgeout for the pin try. 1...2... Madusa kicked out.


Tina got up and kicked Madusa in the side of the ribs a couple of times as Madusa was on her hands and knees. Tina grabbed Madusa, whipped Madusa into the ropes and looked to nail Madusa coming off with a clothesline but Madusa ducked the move and came back and nailed Tina with a flying forearm shiver to the side of the head. Tina toppled to the mat. Tina got to her feet and Madusa dropped her again with a dropkick to the left knee. Madusa then grabbed the downed Tina's left leg, yelled 'Now, we got to school!' and locked Tina in the figure four. Crowd buzzing as Tina struggled not to give in. Tina desperately tried to scoot closer to the ropes. Tina appeared to almost tap out but didn't do it and fought close enough to get her hand on the bottom rope and force a break in the hold. Tina made it to her feet and Madusa moved in with a series of punches and then whipped Tina into the ropes and bent down looking to catch Tina coming off with a backdrop but Tina instead kicked Madusa in the chest. Madusa shot up, grabbed her chest and stumbled back and Tina dropped Madusa with a clothesline. Tina rolled up Madusa and was holding a handful of tights as she went for the pin. 1...2... Madusa got a shoulder up and Tina re-applied the pin try while still holding the tights. 1...2..2-1/2... Madusa kicked Tina off. Tina got up as Madusa was getting up. Tina moved in on Madusa and Madusa suddenly uncoiled and tackled Tina to the mat. Madusa started popping Tina in the head with punches and then repaid Tina by slamming the back of Tina's head repeatedly on the mat as the fans cheered. Madusa got up off of Tina and Tina got up facing away from Madusa. Madusa took advantage and popped Tina with a Russian legsweep. Tina down. Madusa went out on the ring apron and climbed to the top buckle as Tina got to her feet. Madusa went to hit Tina with the missle dropkick but Tina fell out of the way and Madusa crashed to the mat. Both women down, Tina only briefly. Tina walked over and stomped on the downed Madusa and then grabbed Madusa and placed Madusa's head between her legs. Tina failed in her first try to hoist Madusa up. But, on the second try, Tina was successful and blasted Madusa with a piledriver. Tina's fans cheered. Tina covered Madusa and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-7/8... Madusa kicked out. Crowd popped.


Tina grabbed Madusa and whipped Madusa into the buckles. Tina charged in on Madusa but Madusa charged out of the corner and flattened Tina with a clothesline. Tina crashed to the mat and so did Madusa. Both women down. The two women slowly made it to their feet with Tina facing away from Madusa. Madusa moved in behind Tina, grabbed Tina around the waist and hit Tina with her German suplex into a bridgeout finisher. Crowd rose to its feet as Madusa went for the win. 1...2...2-9/10... Tina barely kicked out. Crowd groaned. Madusa reached down and started to pull Tina up when Tina suddenly grabbed Madusa in a front facelock and, in one fluid move, blasted Madusa with her tornado DDT finisher. Both women down. Crowd buzzing. Tina slowly shook out the effects of the match and crawled over and covered Madusa and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-7/8... Madusa kicked out. Crowd roared. Tina grabbed Madusa, whipped Madusa into the ropes and bent down looking to catch Madusa coming off with a backdrop but instead, Madusa caught Tina in a front facelock and nailed Tina with Tina's own finisher, the tornado DDT. Madusa covered Tina and hooked the leg as the crowd counted along. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell.


Crowd erupted in a super loud roar! Pyro went off above the ring and on the entrance stage.


Ref went over and took the title from Capetta and spoke to him for a moment.


Ref handed Madusa the belt and raised her hand in victory as the crowd kept cheering.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 13 minutes, 10 seconds, your winner...and NEW UWL Women's World Champion...Madusa!"


Crowd kept roaring for the new champ. Camera caught a shot of a defeated Tina making her way back up the aisle. She was holding the back of her neck and had a look on her face that was a combination of stunned disbelief and painful grimaces. The undefeated streak. The title reign. All gone in three seconds.


Madusa clutched the belt close to her chest as Nicole Bass, Jackie Gayda, Queen Kong, Mad Maxine, Ashley Cartier and Wendi Richter all came to the ring to congratulate Madusa. Madusa was hugged by all the girls who had tried and failed to end Tina's run in the past. Cartier raised Madusa's hand in the air once more victoriously as the cheers didn't stop. Queen Kong then hoisted Madusa up on her shoulders and walked around the ring as Madusa held up the belt from on high as more pyro went off.


Announcers hyped 'Slam!' for Tuesday night on FX as the PPV ended with the crowd chanting Madusa's name as she was still being carried around on Kong's shoulders.


WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - Tornado DDT - 13:10)


(Video re-aired for the 'Thunderstruck' PPV on June 9.)




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It's the fallout from 'Spring Mayhem'!


- The first interview with new UWL Women's World Champion Madusa


- Pres. Watts confronts Firm Director Ted DiBiase about Adrian Adonis's interference in DiBiase's match with Lex Luger at 'Spring Mayhem'! Was Adonis acting on behalf of The Firm?! Or was Adonis acting on his own?!


- Ken Patera vs. David Schultz of The Firm


- The first interview with Wahoo McDaniel and manager JJ Dillon after Wahoo's quest for the UWL World Title against former best friend Roddy Piper at 'Spring Mayhem'


- DDP vs. 'Superstar' Graham


- An interview with Father Dutch, Grog and the newest member of Father Dutch's congregation, Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart


- Rip Oliver vs. Buzz Sawyer




Ep. 117 of 'Slam!' will be posted Tuesday or Wednesday.

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(Pics from the 'Spring Mayhem' PPV of the UWL Women's World Title match where Madusa defeated Tina Ferrari to win the title and the UWL World Title match between Wahoo and Roddy Piper aired to open the show.)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers. Discussed history being made at 'Spring Mayhem' when Madusa defeated Tina Ferrari to end Tina's 26-month undefeated streak and 14-month UWL Women's World Title reign. Said Tina Ferrari was scheduled to appear tonight, but she was so devastated by the loss that she has refused to be on the program. Also discussed Piper successfully defending the UWL World Title against former best friend Wahoo McDaniel at 'Spring Mayhem' in a hard fought, bloody battle.


Hyped for tonight's program: Main Event: David Schultz (The Firm) vs. Ken Patera; an i'view w/ new Women's World Champ Madusa; Wahoo McDaniel is here; a special post-match interview with UWL World Champ Roddy Piper which took place after his match with Wahoo at 'Spring Mayhem'; Rip Oliver vs. Buzz Sawyer; 'Superstar' Graham vs. DDP; Pres. Watts will confront Firm Director Ted DiBiase after the controversial finish to the DiBiase-Luger match at 'Spring Mayhem'; Father Dutch, Grog and Jim Neidhart are here; and more!)


Match 1

Lex Luger vs. 'Iron' Mike Sharpe


(Luger came to the ring to a solid ovation.


Crusty veteran Sharpe gave Luger a battle before Luger forced Sharpe to submit to the torture rack.


WINNER: Luger - Submission - Torture Rack - 3:42)


(After the match: Lee Marshall i'viewed Luger. Asked about Adonis attacking him and costing him the match with DiBiase at 'Spring Mayhem'.


Lex: "Lee, the question remains. Did Adonis attack me on his own and if so, why? If he attacked me on behalf of Ted DiBiase then the answer is obvious; Adrian Adonis is the newest member of The Firm. But either way, Adonis, if you wanted to get my attention, you've got it, completely. You want a match with me? Then let's do it!"


Crowd cheered Luger.)


(Announcers discussed Luger challenging Adonis to a match. The only question that remains to be answered is, is Adonis doing this on his own or will he fight Luger as a member of The Firm. Hyped still to come: Main Event: David Schultz (The Firm) vs. Ken Patera; an i'view w/ new Women's World Champ Madusa; Wahoo McDaniel is here; a special post-match interview with UWL World Champ Roddy Piper which took place after his match with Wahoo at 'Spring Mayhem'; Rip Oliver vs. Buzz Sawyer; 'Superstar' Graham vs. DDP; Pres. Watts will confront Firm Director Ted DiBiase after the controversial finish to the DiBiase-Luger match at 'Spring Mayhem'; and more! Said Father Dutch, Grog and...Jim Neidhart are here next!)


(In-ring: Marshall iviewed FD, Grog and Neidhart.


Gregorian chants filled the arena as Father Dutch, in his priest's attire, the masked Grog and Neidhart, in his Mormon missionary-style attire of a white short sleeve dress shirt, black tie, black pants and black shoes came to the ring to fairly strong boos.


While making their way to the ring, pics aired from the FD-DDP Confessional match at 'Spring Mayhem'. Pics showed Neidhart interfering and bashing DDP in the head with FD's wooden crucifix and costing DDP the match.


LM: "Father Dutch, what is Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart doing with you?! Is he a member of your congregation?!"


FD: "Brother James is indeed the newest member of my congregation. He wanted the truth and found it by watching me for months here on 'Slam!'. Brother James contacted me and said he wanted to get involved in my church and I welcomed him with open arms. And I must say that he carried out his first missionary action beautifully. Dallas Page is a mucho grande sinner! Hopefully, what happened to him in our Confessional match at 'Spering Mayhem' will set him on the path of true repentance! Page was warned that for him to mend his ways for the better, he would have to be harshly punished before he can be sent down the path of righteousness! I hope you learned a lesson on Sunday, Page! Because if you didn't...well...more relentless, merciless punishment is headed your way, sinner!"


LM: "Jim Neidhart. I have to say that I never thought of you as a very religious man. I've seen you out partying in the past and your actions appeared to be anything but holy."


Jim: "Lee Marshall! (Neidhart stroked his goatee.) I was indeed a man who lived a wild life! I loved the booze, the drugs and chasing the girls! But it got to a point where that way of life was meaningless! I asked myself what I was doing with my life! Is having a good time all there is to this existence?! Then one night I turned on 'Slam!' and saw Father Dutch! I was hooked! I had to tune in every week just to see him! The more I listened to him and saw him in action, I knew this was the man who had the answers! Hahahaha! I had to talk with him! I wanted more spiritual truth! Father Dutch has saved me from a life of decadence! The very first church service of his I attended, a congregant dozed off in the front row! Father Dutch showed his commitment to the truth and saving the lost by leaving the pulpit, walking down to the sleeping congregant and punching him right in the face to wake him up! The congregant fell out of his chair and Father Dutch then kicked him a few times and told the congregant to sit in his chair and pay attention to his words of wisdom! The congregant did as he was told! That's true brotherly love in action!


"Father Ducth is a man of word and deed! His faith fires him up to reach out and save the lost! His church services are never boring! His is a hands on ministry! It's not like all these other namby-pamby churches that are around, where the preacher preaches some silly, gobbledy-gook, feel good sermon that is completely devoid of any meat and truth! Father Dutch drives the message of the faith home loud and clear! A true believer must be a man of talk AND action!" (Neidhart made a fist and punched his open hand.)


LM: "I'm really scared right now..."


Jim: "You don't have to be scared, Lee! Just give yourself over to Father Dutch and the truth and all will be well for you! Hahahaha!" (Niedhart again stroked his goatee.)


LM: "Father Dutch, if I may... What are you doing?! What's wrong with Farther Dutch?!"


Father Dutch was shaking and his eyes were rolling up in his head.


Jim: "He's having a vision! You're gonna love this! When Father Dutch has a vision...that means a really deep truth is about to come spewing out of his mouth!"


Father Dutch stopped shaking and rolling his eyes up in his head.


FD: "I just had the most wonderful vision. Brother James! The Almighty has laid it upon me to tell you that your name is to be changed because you're new man!"


Jim: "You mean like when God changed Jacob's name to Israel?!" (Strokes goatee.)


FD: "Yes! Brother Jim, from this moment forward, your new name will be...The Sacred Anvil! You are to be an enforcer for the Lord!"


Jim: "Halle-frickin'-lujah! Thank you, Father Dutch! Where would I be without you?!"


FD: "Probably in Hell, Anvil!"


Jim: "But not now! Not with you as my guiding light! Hahahaha!"


FD: "Amen, brother! Amen!"


FD then blessed both Grog and the newly named Sacred Anvil and the trio then left the ring and headed back up the aisle to boos.)


(Video aired for the 'Deja Vu Presents: Thunderstruck' PPV - Sunday - June 9 - Seattle, WA - Key Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, Apr. 27 @ 10am PST!)


(Pics aired of Hugh Morrus defeating Rip Oliver to win the UWL TV Title at 'Spring Mayhem'. Said PPV replays were available.)


Match 2

Rip Oliver vs. Buzz Sawyer


(An angry Oliver made his way to the ring to boos.


Sawyer came to the ring to the song 'Delirious' by ZZ Top. Sawyer got a decent ovation coming to the ring. Sawyer slapped and bit fans' hands as he made his way down the aisle. Once in the ring, Sawyer started running around and barking as the crowd barked back.


Oliver attacked Sawyer as Sawyer was running around in the ring. Ref called for the bell to start the match.


Oliver wrestled angry and took the majority of the match. He look a lot of his frustration at losing the TV Title out on Sawyer.


At the end of the match, Oliver was on the offensive. Oliver had worked Sawyer over and then nailed Sawyer with a rear sitout mat slam. Back of Sawyer's head slammed into the canvas. Oliver then assumed the position and waited for Sawyer to get to his feet. Buzz got to his feet and Oliver moved in and looked to nail Sawyer with his superkick finisher but Sawyer blocked the kick and caught Rip's leg. Sawyer held the leg and laid into Oliver with a series of punches to the head. Sawyer then hoisted the dazed Oliver over his shoulders and blasted Oliver with his Buzz Saw (aka, Attitude Adjustment) finisher. Sawyer covered Oliver and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised Sawyer's hand in victory as the fans cheered.


WINNER: Sawyer - Pinfall - Buzz Saw - 7:15)


(Announcers discussed Sawyer beating Oliver. Hyped still to come: Main Event: David Schultz (The Firm) vs. Ken Patera; Wahoo McDaniel is here; a special post-match interview with UWL World Champ Roddy Piper which took place after his match with Wahoo at 'Spring Mayhem'; 'Superstar' Graham vs. DDP; Pres. Watts will confront Firm Director Ted DiBiase after the controversial finish to the DiBiase-Luger match at 'Spring Mayhem'; and more! Said an i'view with new UWL Women's World Champ Madusa was next!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Apr. 26 - Jackson, MS - MS Coliseum; Sat. - Apr. 27 - Biloxi, MS - MS Coast Coliseum; Fri. - May 10 - Johnson City, TN - Freedom Hall; Sat. - May 11 - Jackson, TN - Oman Arena; Fri. - May 17 - Frankfort, KY - Frankfort Convention Center; Sat. - May 18 - Bowling Green, KY - Anderson Arena. More info: visit uwlslam.com!)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall i'viewed new UWL Women's World Champ Madusa.


Madusa came to the ring to the song 'American Woman'. She was in street clothes and had the title slung over her shoulder. Madusa got a strong ovation coming to the ring and slapped hands with fans along the way.


As Madusa made her way down the aisle, more pics aired of Madusa defeating Tina Ferrari to win the Women's WT at 'Spring Mayhem'. Announcers said that PPV replays were available.


Madusa soaked in the crowd response and chants of 'Madusa! Madusa!'.


LM: "First of all, let me congratulate you, Madusa, on being the woman who ended both Tina Ferrari's undefeated streak and World Title reign!"


More crowd cheers.


Mad: "Thank you, Lee. On Sunday, I had to give 150% to beat Tina Ferrari. It was the toughest match I've ever had in my career. Tina, I still don't like you. But I have to tip my proverbial hat to you. You were undefeated for 26 months. You were the UWL Women's World Champion for 14 months. You took on every challenge and you succeeded at every single one of them. People, including me, have to respect that.


"But for the last few months, I made a promise to myself and all these fans out here that I would be the one to end it all for Tina Ferrari. I couldn't let these people down. It all had to end one day. And it ended on April 14th, 2013, at 'Spring Mayhem'."


LM: "Madusa, Tina Ferrari is now in the position of challenger. She was supposed to be on the program tonight, but is so devastated by the loss to you that she refused to appear. You know as well as I do that when she gets over this loss, even though the undefeated streak is over and she can't get that back, she will do whatever it takes to re-claim the Women's World Title. You could be facing an even more dangerous Ferrari in the future. What are your thoughts on that?"


Mad: "We need to keep in mind that Tina, as the former champion, has a re-match clause in her contract. It's a no-brainer that she will trigger that clause. The only thing I can do is be prepared for when that time comes. It won't be easy. No one ever said it would be. I know she's gonna come after me with her claws out. The only question is when, not if, the re-match will happen. I will be ready. And I know Tina will do whatever she thinks she has to do to become the UWL Women's World Champion again. She will stoop to the lowest levels of Hell if she has to to try and re-claim the title."


LM: "There are obviously other women wrestlers out there who sat up and took notice when you won the title on Sunday. We've heard of women wrestlers contacting the UWL about coming in and challenging you for the title. What does that mean to you?"


Mad: "I have to admit that I haven't given it much thought up to now. For the last two days, I've been savoring this win. You want some time to emjoy a hard earned reward. And I'm gonna take a little more time to enjoy it before getting back to work. I'll start thinking about the coming challenge from Tina Ferrari and challenges down the road from other female wrestlers soon enough. When you're a champion, a lot of people want to be where you are. You're now the hunted and not one of the hunters. It becomes a totally different situation and you have to change your mindset from being a challenger to being champion. If I can't do that, then I won't be the Women's World Champion for very long. I developed a very strong hunter's mindset when chasing Tina for the title and the result of that rests here on my shoulder. Now, I will develop an equally strong champion's mindset so I can be the UWL Women's World Champion for a long time."


LM: "Let's hear it for new UWL Women's World Champion, Madusa!"


Crowd cheered some more as Madusa went and stood on two middle buckles and held the title high in the air with both hands as the cheers continued before she left the ring.)


(Announcers discussed the Madusa interview. Hyped still to come: Main Event: David Schultz (The Firm) vs. Ken Patera; Wahoo McDaniel is here; 'Superstar' Graham vs. DDP; Pres. Watts will confront Firm Director Ted DiBiase after the controversial finish to the DiBiase-Luger match at 'Spring Mayhem'; and more! Said a special post-match interview with UWL World Champ Roddy Piper which took place after his match with Wahoo at 'Spring Mayhem' was next!)


(Announcers intro'd video of an interview with UWL Wolrd Champion Roddy Piper after his victory over Wahoo at 'Spring Mayhem'.




Larry Nelson was standing with Roddy Piper in the locker room. Larry was sober. Piper was still in his ring gear and had cleaned up his bloody head and was wearing a white bandage to cover up the cut. Piper had the title slung over his shoulder.


LN: "I'm standing here with UWL World Champion Roddy Piper after his hard fought victory over former best friend Wahoo McDaniel at 'Spring Mayhem'. Roddy, what's going through your mind right now after a very brutal and bloody match?"


RP: "Larry, I knew going in that this match would be one of the hardest of my career. Wahoo and I were good friends for a long time and we knew what each of us could do in that ring quite well. We beat the hell out of each other just like I thought would happen. I'm glad I won. But there's a sadness in this victory for me. I had a job to do in between those ropes. But having to beat a guy who was like a brother to me like that...it was hard, man. Real hard. Wahoo believed that by turning his back on me and siding with JJ Dillon would bring him another World Title reign. Now that Wahoo has failed, I wonder what he's thinking right now. JJ didn't take him to the promised land like he said he was going to.


"I would have given Wahoo a World Title shot if he would have just asked me. I would have gone to President Watts and the UWL Championship Committee and demanded the match be made between us. No matter what would've happened we could have remained friends. If Wahoo would have beaten me under the right circumstances, I would have been more than happy for him. But I was determined to not let him beat me and win the belt under these circumstances. I couldn't let him and his ego-maniacal manager bask in victory. Too much was on the line here.


"Most title matches are fought for strictly professional reasons. This one wasn't. It was very personal. Wahoo, if you see this, brother, I hope you'll take the time to reflect on what's happened. JJ's not taking you anywhere. He's just using you to try and get what he wants. For him, it's all about is it good for JJ. Once he thinks that you can't get the job done for him, he'll discard you and look for someone else that he thinks can get him what he wants. I'm open to talking with Wahoo and re-storing our friendship. But that's up to him."


LN: "Roddy, thank you for your time.")


RP: "Thank you.")


(Announcers discussed the Piper interview. Hyped still to come: Main Event: David Schultz (The Firm) vs. Ken Patera; Wahoo McDaniel is here; 'Superstar' Graham vs. DDP; and more! Said Pres. Watts will confront Firm Director Ted DiBiase after the controversial finish to the DiBiase-Luger match at 'Spring Mayhem' next!)


(Pics aired from the DiBiase-Luger match at 'Spring Mayhem'. All members of The Firm were barred from ringside. Pics showed Adrian Adonis coming out from under the ring after the ref had been knocked senseless and costing Luger the match and Adonis taking off through the crowd. Announcers pointed out that it's still unclear if Adonis attacked Luger on his own or if he attacked Luger on behalf of DiBiase.)


(In-ring: 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system. Out came Pres. Watts to the ring with mic in hand. Modest crowd reaction.


Watts got in the ring and walked around for a moment before speaking.


BW: "Ted DiBiase! Get down to this ring...NOW!"


After a brief pause, DiBiase, Hall and Nash of The Firm came to the ring to the strains of the song 'Money'. Hall and Nash were in street clothes and had the tag titles slung over their shoulders. DiBiase was in a suit and carrying a clipboard. The trio came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction. Once in the ring, Hall and Nash strutted around holding the titles in the air. Ted had a mic. Nash took the mic from DiBiase.


Nash: "Before this goes any further! I have to ask, where are the Nasty Boys tonight, huh?! Where are they?! They're not here because they're losers! They're ashamed to show their ugly faces because they couldn't beat Hall and Nash when it counted at 'Spring Mayhem'! We're still the tag team champions like we said we would be! Nice try, boys! But, like your girlfriends say to you every night, you didnt get the job done!"


BW: "Are you through, Kevin?"


Hall: "Hey! I got something to say, man! The Nasty Boys bragged about a big party they were gonna have after they beat us and won the tag team titles at 'Spring Mayhem'?! From what I heard, they had their party, but it was more like a funeral than a wild, fun time! And that's fitting! Because the Nasty Boys were buried by Hall and Nash of The Firm on Sunday!"


BW: "Scott, thank you for that obnoxious public service announcement. Ted DiBiase, you're the man I want to talk to."


Ted: "Go ahead and talk, Watts. Talk all you want. It doesn't change the fact that I beat Lex Luger on Sunday. As I said last week, no Firm, no problem! I showed everyone that I could beat Luger without outside help from other members of the group!"


BW: "Ted, I have two words for you...Adrian Adonis. Since Adrian Adonis interfered on your behalf and cost Luger the match, it's obvious that Adonis is the newest member of The Firm. Because of that, I'm reversing the decision..."


Ted: "Hold it right there, Watts! Adrian Adonis is not a member of The Firm! The stipulation for my match with Luger at 'Spring Mayhem' clearly stated that all other members of The Firm were barred from ringside, correct?!"


BW: "That's right."


Ted: "If Adrian Adonis is not a member of The Firm, then how was the stipulation violated?!"


BW: "The stipulation wouldn't have been violated in that case. But what was Adonis doing hiding under the ring and only coming out when you were wrestling Luger?"


Ted: "Why don't you ask him?"


BW: "Adonis isn't here tonight. He's..."


Adonis came out from under the ring and was booed. He was wearing a New York Yankees' cap, open black leather jacket, a t-shirt with 'Hell's Kitchen' written on it, jeans and tennis shoes. Adonis got in the ring and walked around as the parties in the ring looked at him.


BW: "Adrian, I'm gonna get right to the point. Why were you hiding under the ring at 'Spring Mayhem' and why did you attack Lex Luger?"


Adonis took Ted's mic.


Adrian: "Hello to you, too, President Watts. I want to state publicly for the record that I decided to attack Luger because I wanted to!"


BW: "Because you wanted to? What the hell does that mean?!"


Adrian: "It means I did it because I could."


BW: "So, you didn't attack Lex Luger at the behest of Ted DiBiase? Is that what you're telling me?"


Adrian: "I just told you why I did it. That's all there is to it."


BW: "This doesn't even make any sense. Somehow, you were able to sneak under the ring and wait until Lex Luger wrestled Ted DiBiase at 'Spring Mayhem' so you could attack Luger. This is mind-boggling to say the least."


Adrian: "That's my story and I'm sticking to it."


BW: "This... This is without a doubt one..."


Adonis handed Ted the mic.


Ted: "President Watts, if I may interrupt you for a second. I have here in my hand a contract. Adrian Adonis, you sign this contract and you are the newest member of The Firm!"


BW: "Wait a minute!"


Ted held the mic up for Adonis to speak.


Adrian: "Mr. DiBiase, I humbly accept your gracious offer."


DiBiase handed Adrian a pen and the clipboard with the contract on it. Adonis quickly signed the contract and handed it back to DiBiase.


Ted: "Adrian Adonis! You are now officially a member of The Firm! Welcome to the elite! Hahahaha!"


Adrian shook DiBiase's hand and then there were hugs and high fives from Hall and Nash. Watts was furious.


BW: "Ted! This is bullshit! You were in cahoots with Adonis at 'Spring Mayhem'!"


Ted: "Prove it!"


BW: "This is an absolute outrage! I know you, Ted! You and Adonis were in contact before Sunday! I know the way your mind works!"


Ted: "Let me refresh your memory, Bill! You said all other members of The Firm were banned from ringside during my match with Luger! Adrian Adonis was not a member of The Firm...on Sunday, was he?! Hahahaha!"


Hall, Nash and Adonis joined in the laughter as Watts was furious as 'Money' played over the p.a. system and the four Firm members celebrated their newest addition as a livid Watts could only look on.)


(Announcers talked about The Firm signing Adonis tonight and DiBiase pulling a fast one on Pres. Watts and Watts being unable to do anything but seeth. Then sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Ken Patera.


Asked about tonight's match with David Schultz.


KP: "First of all, let me say that 'Superstar' Graham and the Grand Wizard learned that crime indeed does not pay at 'Spring Mayhem'! It's great to have $50,000 bucks of Graham's money now sitting my bank account.


"Yet another chapter in the war between the UWL and The Firm is written tonight! David Schultz! This promises to be a bare-knuckle brawl between you and me! I expect no mercy nor will I be granting you any! The hatred I have for The Firm! The determination I have to do my part in destroying The Firm is a thirst that can only be fully quenched when the UWL wins this war and The Firm is gone from the UWL! Schultz, I intend to take a few precious sips from the victory cup when I beat you tonight!")


Match 3

DDP vs. 'Superstar' Graham (w/ Grand Wizard)


('California Dreamin' played over the p.a. system and Graham and Grand Wizard made their way to the ring. Graham was wearing his 'I AM A PROFESSIONAL!' t-shirt, tie-dyed, leg-length tights and yellow boots. Wizard was in his usual tie-dyed tux, gold turban, sunglasses, white shoes and carrying his gold-tipped walking cane. Crowd booed their appearance.


Once in the ring, Graham struck a couple of bodybuilder poses and then kissed his biceps.


After a brief pause, the music-only version of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' poured out of the p.a. system. DDP came out to a solid ovation. DDP slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.


Once in the ring, DDP made the Diamond sign and then did the 'Bang!' gesture.


Match was a back-and-forth battle between these two. Wizard never interfered. Some exciting near falls during the affair. Graham took a couple of shortcuts during the match that gave him brief advantages.


At the end of the match, DDP was on the offensive. DDP whipped Graham into the buckles and DDP charged in but Graham caught DDP with a boot to the face. DDP staggered backwards. Graham moved out of the corner and blasted DDP with a couple of head shots, whipped DDP into the ropes and caught DDP coming off with a savate kick that sent DDP crashing to the mat. Graham then backed up against the ropes and waited for DDP to get to his feet. DDP made it to his feet and Graham went to nail him with his big running clothesline but DDP ducked the move. Graham turned around and DDP stunned Graham with the Diamond Cutter. DDP covered Graham and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd cheered as the ref then raised DDP's hand in victory.


WINNER: DDP - Pinfall - Diamond Cutter - 9:17)


(Announcers discussed DDP defeating Graham. Hyped still to come: Main Event: David Schultz (The Firm) vs. Ken Patera. Said Wahoo McDaniel was coming up.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed David Schultz.


Asked about tonight's match with Ken Patera.


DS: "I heard Ken Patera out here a few minutes ago goin' on about how this match is gonna be a brawl and he's gonna drink from some sort of victory sippy cup or somethin' after he beats me tonight! That's not gonna happen! The only thing that's gonna happen in my match with Ken Patera tonight is that I'm gonna deliver a major league ass-whompin' to that boy and I'm scorin' another win for The Firm in our war with the UWL!")


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 4-14 thru 4-20.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Rick Steiner (President's Champion)


2 - Wahoo McDaniel


3 - Rip Oliver


4 - Lex Luger


5 - Hugh Morrus (TV Champion)


* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


(In-ring: Wahoo McDaniel, JJ Dillon and Harley Race made their way to the ring.


Each had a mic and they were strongly booed. Wahoo and Harley were in street clothes and JJ was in a suit.


The three men got in the ring and took in the negative crowd reaction for a moment before speaking.


JJ: "There is no question that Sunday at 'Spring Mayhem' was a day of great disappointment. I really thought Wahoo was going to beat Roddy Piper and become the new UWL World Champion. As you can tell by the lack of the World Title in Wahoo's hands, that didn't happen. But, I want everyone to know that JJ Dillon Enterprises will be back! When the unexpected happens like it did on Sunday, you take a step back, study the match video, fix the things that need fixing and then go out and win the next time! And there will be a next time for Wahoo McDaniel against Roddy Piper!"


Crowd booed. The boos got even louder when Wahoo stepped up to speak.


WM: "Anyone who watched the match between me and Roddy Piper at 'Spring Mayhem' knows...they know...that I should have won the match! I beat Roddy Piper from pillar-to-post! I had him on the brink of defeat! Victory should have been mine and would have been mine...had someone done their job!"


Wahoo turned and glared at Harley. Race seemed taken aback by Wahoo's statement.


HR: "What are you talking about?! You're the one who got pinned, Wahoo!"


WM: "Harley! You had a job to do in the match and you botched it! I can't believe you are an 8-time World Champion! You can't seem to handle the simplest duties handed to you!"


Race and Wahoo then got nose-to-nose with each other and were having words off-mic when JJ stepped in to separate the pair.


JJ: "Harley! Go stand in the corner!"


HR: "What?!"


JJ: "You heard me, Harley! Go stand in the corner...now!"


Race glared at JJ and Wahoo stepped in front of JJ and pointed for Race to go stand in the corner.


HR: "JJ!!!"


JJ: "Just do it, Harley!"


Race looked on in disbelief and then Race, after a brief staredown with Wahoo, did as he was told and went and stood against the buckles.


JJ: "Don't anyone read anything into this. This is just a minor flare-up of no importance. People can get on each other's nerves sometimes. Things in JJ Dillon Enterprises are just fine. Wahoo, please continue."


WM: "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I should have beaten Roddy Piper! I should be standing here before you today the UWL World Champion for a second time! I am the uncrowned champion! But mark my words! I will be wearing the crown again...and soon! And JJ Dillon is the man who will guide me to the top!


"I saw Roddy's interview earlier tonight. Roddy says he'd like to talk with me to see if we can mend our broken friendship. Well, Roddy Piper can stick it! Those days are in the rearview mirror and we'll never be friends again! The only thing I want from Roddy Piper now is the UWL World Title!"


Crowd booed as Wahoo and JJ turned to leave the ring. Harley started to walk out of the corner and JJ put up his hand for Harley to stop. Wahoo and then JJ left the ring and headed back up the aisle together as Race momentarily stood in the ring in a state of disbelief. Race then left the ring and followed several feet behind JJ and Wahoo to the back.)


(Announcers discussed the interview and Wahoo and Harley butting heads and Dillon's shoddy treatment of Harley since he signed Wahoo.


Pedicino: "Steve, I can't believe I'm witnessing this! Harley Race...the man's an 8-time World Heavyweight Champion! And for JJ Dillon, and now Wahoo McDaniel, to treat him like he's some rookie just breaking in, well, it's absurd and appalling!"


Stack: "Ever since JJ signed Wahoo, he's treated Harley like the red-headed stepchild of the group. Like you, I can't believe that JJ would treat a man with a resume' in this sport like Harley Race has like some lowly nobody. It's absolutely outrageous. A really sticky situation seems to be brewing in JJ Dillon Enterprises with JJ and Wahoo on one side and Harley on the other despite JJ's pronouncements that nothing's wrong. I see this ending badly. Very badly."


Said Patera vs. David Schultz (The Firm) was coming up!)


(Announcers then hyped for next week on 'Slam!'


BREAKING: Former UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari will make an appearance!


PLUS! Greg Valentine returns from his 60-day suspension!




'Slam!' - Tuesdays - FX - 9:30pm E/P)


Match 4

Ken Patera vs. David Schultz (w/ DiBiase)


(Ken Patera came to the ring first to a solid ovation. Hand slaps with fans on the way to the ring.


'Money' played over the p.a. system and Schultz came to the ring with DiBiase. Mixed crowd reax.


It was indeed a brawl between these two and the action spilled to the floor on a couple of occasions. During the match, DiBiase assaulted Patera out on the floor while Schultz distracted the ref. Mainly just a fight with little wrestling.


At the end of the match, Patera and Schultz were battling it out. Schultz had just come off the top buckle and nailed Patera with an elbow to the head. Patera crashed to the mat. Schultz grabbed Patera and whipped Patera into the ropes and looked to catch Patera coming off with a clothesline but Patera ducked the move and came back and dropped Schultz with the Russian Hammer. Crowd popped. DiBiase jumped up on the apron. Ref went over and ordered DiBiase down. DiBiase argued with the ref. Patera went over and had words with DiBiase. Hall and Nash, carrying their tag titles, came charging down to ringside and were preparing to enter the ring when Lex Luger and DDP came charging down the aisle and fought with Hall and Nash. The pair dropped their title belts. As Luger and DDP slugged it out on the floor with Hall and Nash, Rick Rude came down and joined in the fray. This freed up Hall. DiBiase went to punch Patera but Patera blocked the punch and sent DiBiase crashing to the floor with a punch of his own to DiBiase's head. Hall grabbed one of the title belts off the floor.


DDP and Luger brawling with Nash and Rude at ringside. Hall tossed the tag title belt to Schultz in the ring. Hall then ran over and jumped up on the apron where Ted had been standing. Ref ordered Hall off the apron but Hall argued with the ref. Patera turned to grab Schultz but Schultz instead blasted Patera with a belt shot to the face. Patera crashed to the mat. Nash and Rude fought to the back with DDP and Luger. Hall suddenly dropped off the apron to the floor as Schultz tossed the belt out of the ring. Ref turned and saw Schultz grabbing Patera and nailing Patera with the Redneck Death Drop (aka, Scorpion Death Drop). Schultz covered Patera and didn't bother hooking the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Hall helped DiBiase to his feet on the floor. Ref went over and raised Schultz's hand in victory. Shot of a dazed DiBiase rasing his hands victoriously on the floor as the program faded to black.


WINNER: Schultz - Pinfall - Redneck Death Drop - 10:26)




Dark Match

Rick Steiner (PC), Hugh Morrus (TVC) & Lex Luger vs. Hall & Nash (WTTC) & Rick Rude

(WINNER: Team Steiner - Pinfall - Steiner pinned Rude with the 'Steiner Driver' (aka, Death Valley Driver) - 16:21)

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Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine returns from his 60-day suspension!What will he say?!




- Former UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari, now over the shock of losing the Women's World Title and her 26-month undefeated streak in the UWL, makes her first public appearance since 'Spring Mayhem'


- Wahoo McDaniel & Harley Race vs. Lord Humongous & The Missing Link


- David Schultz of The Firm vs. Lex Luger


- The in-ring debut of The Sacred Anvil


- The Firm makes an appearance


- Scott Hall of The Firm vs. Ken Patera


- An interview with 'Bad Boy' Brunzell




Ep. 118 of 'Slam!' will be posted on Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers and then ran down the program: Greg Valentine returns from his 60-day suspension; Lord Humongous & Missing Link vs. Harley Race & Wahoo McDaniel (w/ JJ Dillon); former UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari makes her first appearance since losing the title and her undefeated streak at 'Spring Mayhem'; David Schultz vs. Lex Luger; Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall; the in-ring debut of The Sacred Anvil; an i'view with 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; an i'view with DDP; and more!)


Match 1 (Non-Title)

Rick Steiner (PC) vs. Gene Anderson


(Gene came to the ring alone and to fairly strong boos.


Steiner came to the ring to the song 'Welcome To The Jungle' and got a good ovation. He was wearing the title. Steiner barked and slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring and then ran around the ring slapping more hands and barking some more as the fans barked back. Steiner got in the ring and started to continue his pre-match act when he was attacked before the bell by Gene.


Ref called for the bell.


Gene took the match early but Steiner fought his way back into the battle and gained brief control before it became a see-saw affair.


At the end of the match, Steiner had whipped Gene into the corner and mounted the middle buckle and started popping Gene in the head with punches when Gene grabbed Steiner and stunned the champ with an inverted atomic drop. Rick down. Gene then grabbed Steiner's legs and turned Steiner over into his finisher, the sharpshooter. Steiner struggled to try and get to the ropes. It appeared Steiner was going to tap out at one point but he didn't give in. Steiner then finally reached the ropes and draped his arm over the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Gene got up and put the boots to the downed Steiner and then snapped Rick up, nailed Rick with a couple of body shots and then whipped Rick into the ropes and caught Rick coming off with an elbow to the chest. Rick crashed down to the mat. Gene bent down to pick Steiner up when Steiner stunned Gene by catching him in the guillotine choke. Gene was only in the potentially lethal hold for a few seconds before tapping out. Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered. Ref raised Steiner's hand in victory and handed him the President's Championship.


WINNER: Steiner - Submission - Guillotine Choke - 7:39)


(After the match: Lee Marshall i'viewed Steiner in the ring.


LM: "Rick Steiner! Wow! I gotta tell ya! I was suprised to see you use that move! I've never seen you use it before!"


RS: "Lee! The move is called the guillotine choke! It's another move I've added to my repe...repe...rep...ah!...arsenal! Woof! Woof! Woof!"


Crowd barked back.


LM: "It's a devastating hold. One that's used by many cage fighters. Gene Anderson obviously tapped out quickly to avoid serious injury."


RS: "It is a move that can cut off the blood flow to the brain! Some people have told me that they think the blood flow to my brain was cut off a long time ago! Oh well! Here I am! The President's Champion! Woof! Woof! Woof!"


Steiner bolted the ring and slapped hands and barked heading back up the aisle and the fans barked back.)


(Announcers discussed Steiner defeating Gene Anderson in a good match to start the show. Hyped still to come: Greg Valentine returns from his 60-day suspension; Lord Humongous & Missing Link vs. Harley Race & Wahoo McDaniel (w/ JJ Dillon); former UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari makes an appearance since losing the title and her undefeated streak at 'Spring Mayhem'; David Schultz vs. Lex Luger; Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall; the in-ring debut of The Sacred Anvil; an i'view with 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; an i'view with DDP; and more! Said The Firm is here next!)


(Announcers intro'd video from last week where Pres. Watts confronted Firm Director Ted DiBiase about Adrian Adonis attacking Lex Luger during their match at 'Spring Mayhem' and Adonis costing Luger the match.


VIDEO (edited):


Ted: "Go ahead and talk, Watts. Talk all you want. It doesn't change the fact that I beat Lex Luger on Sunday. As I said last week, no Firm, no problem! I showed everyone that I could beat Luger without outside help from other members of the group!"


BW: "Ted, I have two words for you...Adrian Adonis. Since Adrian Adonis interfered on your behalf and cost Luger the match, it's obvious that Adonis is the newest member of The Firm. Because of that, I'm reversing the decision..."


Ted: "Hold it right there, Watts! Adrian Adonis is not a member of The Firm! The stipulation for my match with Luger at 'Spring Mayhem' clearly stated that all other members of The Firm were barred from ringside, correct?!"


BW: "That's right."


Ted: "If Adrian Adonis is not a member of The Firm, then how was the stipulation violated?!"


BW: "The stipulation wouldn't have been violated in that case. But what was Adonis doing hiding under the ring and only coming out when you were wrestling Luger?"


Ted: "Why don't you ask him?"


Adonis came out from under the ring.


BW: "Adrian, I'm gonna get right to the point. Why were you hiding under the ring and why did you attack Lex Luger at 'Spring Mayhem'?"


Adrian: "I want to state publicly for the record that I decided to attack Luger because I wanted to!"


BW: "Because you wanted to?!"


Adrian: "It means I did it because I could."


BW: "This doesn't even make any sense. Somehow, you were able to sneak under the ring and wait until Lex Luger wrestled Ted DiBiase at 'Spring Mayhem' so you could attack Luger. This is mind-boggling to say the least."


Ted: "President Watts, if I may interrupt you for a second. I have here in my hand a contract. Adrian Adonis, you sign this contract and you are the newest member of The Firm!"


BW: "Wait a minute!"


Adrian: "Mr. DiBiase, I humbly accept your gracious offer."


DiBiase handed Adrian a pen and the clipboard with the contract on it. Adonis quickly signed the contract and handed it back to DiBiase.


Ted: "Adrian Adonis! You are now officially a member of The Firm! Welcome to the elite! Hahahaha!"


Adrian shook DiBiase's hand and then there were hugs and high fives from Hall and Nash. Watts was furious.


BW: "Ted! You were in cahoots with Adonis at 'Spring Mayhem'!"


Ted: "Prove it!"


BW: "This is an absolute outrage! I know you, Ted! You and Adonis were in contact before Sunday! I know the way your mind works!"


Ted: "Let me refresh your memory, Bill! You said all other members of The Firm were banned from ringside during my match with Luger! Adrian Adonis was not a member of The Firm...on Sunday, was he?! Hahahaha!"


Hall, Nash and Adonis joined in the laughter as Watts was furious as 'Money' played over the p.a. system and the four Firm members celebrated their newest addition as Watts could only look on.)


(In-ring: 'Money' by Pink Floyd played over the p.a. system and all seven members of The Firm came to the ring. Schultz and Hall were in their ring attire, DiBiase was in a suit and Rhodes, Rude and Nash were in casual street attire. Adonis was wearing his 'Hell's Kitchen' t-shirt, leather jacket, NY Yankees' cap, jeans and tennis shoes. All had mics. Hall and Nash had the tag belts slung over their shoulders. They received a mixed crowd reax.


Schultz: "Last week, it was Ken Patera of the UWL that fell victim to 'Dr. D'! This week, Lex Luger gets to be my next victim! And another big win will have been scored by The Firm in our war against the UWL!"


Hall: "Hey yo! I am truly gonna be honored later tonight, man! Because I'm the chosen one who gets to beat Ken Patera! Patera couldn't beat David Schultz last week! He's not beating me tonight! And he's gonna get his ass handed to him every time he steps into the ring with other members of The Firm in the future! Things are really starting to break our way in this war right now! A few weeks ago, the UWL was riding high against us! They had things going their way! But now...hey...The Firm has the upper hand!"


Rhodes: "I stand here tonight with the elite of our sport! Not 'sports entertainment'! Our sport, which is professional wrestling! Schultz and Hall are gonna win tonight! 'Stardust' has no doubt about that, daddy! The Firm is gonna further cement their position in this war with the UWL! We are moving towards a time when we will start establishing our dominance! And once that happens, well, it will be like that Elite 8 game between Duke and Louisville a few weeks ago! Louisville was the better team! They had the superior talent! But underdog Duke hung with them to well into the second half! And then Louisville asserted their dominance and wound up routing Duke by 22 points! That's what we have here! The UWL wrestlers are the underdogs as they face the elite in The Firm! Recently, they fired off a good run against us! But you can feel it in the air! The Firm, like Louisville, is starting to assert their superioritay! And I am proud to say that I am going to do my part to make sure The Firm wins this war and we rule!"


Nash: "Just have a quick message for all the UWL tag teams out there! We'll be taking your names and kicking all of your asses while defending these titles at arenas all across this country in the weeks and months ahead! Thank you!"


Rude: "Let it be known that the 'Ravishing One' is on the lookout for UWL dragons to slay! I am setting my sights on all the singles titles here! All men's champions have been put on notice! Rick Rude is gonna do his part for The Firm and win a championship for the good of the organization! One day, we'll hold all the men's championships! And then, we'll make our open power-play for the biggest title of all! And that's as the ones who hold all the power in the UWL!"


Adonis: "It is great to be in the company of great men! I'm Adrian Adonis! And I'm proud to be the newest member of the only organization to be part of in wrestling, The Firm! I got a phone call a few weeks back from Director Ted DiBiase! He said that he'd always admired my toughness! He said I reminded him of a street fighter but with great wrestling skill! It's obvious that Mr. DiBiase knows talent! I am tough! I grew up in Hell's Kitchen in New York! You have to be tough to survive there, boys and girls! If you're weak in Hell's Kitchen, you won't survive! You will get your ass kicked again and again!


"Lex Luger! He's a pretty boy! Comes out here showing off his muscles and pretty white teeth! He'd be great as a model for 'Muscle & Fitness' magazine! But I don't respect pretty boys! Luger, he wouldn't last five minutes in Hell's Kitchen! He makes me sick! Lex Luger made the big mistake of tangling with Director DiBiase! When you mess with one member of The Firm...then you're messing with all members of The Firm! Luger paid a heavy price for his stupidity at 'Spring Mayhem'! Now, he says he wants a match with me! Luger! I'll fight you anytime, anywhere, and show you why a guy from Hell's Kitchen is far tougher than a Florida pretty boy!"


Ted: "Adrian, it is truly an honor to have you as a member of The Firm! I know this man's background in this sport! I know what Adrian can bring to the table for our organization! He is outstanding in the ring! And he is one tough son-of-a-bitch! Luger! You tangle with the bull known as Adrian Adonis, mark my words, you'll get the horns, pal! Hahahaha!"


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out walked Pres. Watts on the entrance stage. He had a mic. Not much response for Bill.


Ted: "Still seething from being outsmarted by me last week, President Watts?!"


Watts: "I have to say that you stunned me last week, Ted. And I would be lying if I didn't say that I was still a little pissed about it. I knew that you had to be working behind the scenes with Adonis leading up to 'Spring Mayhem'. Tonight, as we've heard, that's been openly admitted. But, we all have to move on."


Ted: "I have to admit that it's nice to hear you say that I'm a superior thinker to you, Watts! Hahahaha!"


Watts: "Yeah. Whatever. I came out here tonight because I have a message to deliver to David Schultz. The UWL Championship Committee has decided that since David Schultz beat Ken Patera last week, albeit under controversial circumstances, if Schultz beats Lex Luger tonight, he will face Roddy Piper in a UWL World Title match right here on 'Slam!' next Tuesday."


Crowd buzzing.


Ted: "Finally! The Firm is getting it's just due! President Watts! You just go ahead and print up those contracts! That UWL World Title match is going to happen next week and a big piece of the puzzle will be put into place when we seize control of the big gold belt! It will be a gigantic leap forward for us in our war with the UWL! Once we win the World Title, the clock will be on the verge of striking midnight for the UWL as it was! Because it won't be long after that that taking total control of this company will be in our grasp and we will usher in the era of The Firm here in the UWL!"


Schultz: "President Watts! You tell Roddy Piper not to damage the World Title between now and next Tuesday! Because I want that belt to be in perfect condition when I win it!"


'Money' played over the p.a. system as members of The Firm talked in the ring and Watts looked on from the entrance stage.)


(Announcers discussed Pres. Watts coming out and stating that if Schultz wins tonight he gets a UWL World Title shot against Roddy Piper next week. Hyped still to come: Greg Valentine returns from his 60-day suspension; Lord Humongous & Missing Link vs. Harley Race & Wahoo McDaniel (w/ JJ Dillon); former UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari makes an appearance since losing the title and her undefeated streak at 'Spring Mayhem'; David Schultz vs. Lex Luger; Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall; an i'view with 'Bad Boy' Brunzell; an i'view with DDP; and more! Said the in-ring debut of the Sacred Anvil was next!)


(Video aired for the 'Deja Vu Presents: Thunderstruck' PPV - Sunday - June 9 - Seattle, WA - Key Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale this Saturday, Apr. 27 @ 10am PST!)


(Video aired from last week where Father Dutch gave a new name to his newest congregant Jim Neidhart.




FD: "I just had the most wonderful vision. Brother James! The Almighty has laid it upon me to tell you that your name is to be changed because you're a new man!"


Jim: "You mean like when God changed Jacob's name to Israel?!" (Neidhart strokes goatee.)


FD: "Yes! Brother Jim, from this moment forward, your new name will be...The Sacred Anvil! You are to be an enforcer for the Lord!"


Jim: "Halle-frickin'-lujah! Thank you, Father Dutch!)


Match 2

The Sacred Anvil (w/ Father Dutch & Grog) vs. Norman Smiley


(Gregorian chants filled the arena and Sacred Anvil, Father Dutch & Grog came to the ring to loud boos.


The Sacred Anvil wore tights similar to those he wore in the Hart Foundation, only these were white, silver and black with black boots. On the back of his tights right in the middle of the back was a golden anvil surrounded by a white light. His black boots had the same design on the outside of each one. Grog was in his usual silver and black mask and silver and black leg-length tights with silver crosses on the outside of the legs and black boots and Father Dutch was in his usual priest's attire.


The Sacred Anvil basically destroyed Smiley with some power moves and finished Smiley off with the forward fireman's carry slam (aka, Wasteland). Anvil covered Smiley and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell.


Father Dutch and Grog got in the ring and Father Dutch pulled a vial of holy water out of a small black bag and sprinkled some on the downed Smiley and then blessed Smiley. Father Dutch then took the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall and stood over Smiley.


FD: "Norman Smiley. Your sins are now forgiven."


WINNER: Anvil - Pinfall - Forward Fireman's Carry Slam - 2:07)


(After the match: Lee Marshall interviewed Father Dutch and Sacred Anvil.


LN: "Sacred Anvil, that was quite an impressive debut. Do you have a name for your finisher?"


SA: "It was impressive because righteousness is on my side thanks to his spokesman here on earth, Father Dutch! As for the finisher, I've been fasting and praying and asking the Lord to give me a proper name for it since I am his enforcer! But the Lord hasn't spoken to me about it yet! But He will! I know it! Because I am doing his work!"


LN: "Father Dutch, what say you?"


FD: "Well done, Sacred Anvil. Well done my faithful congregant. He just showed the sinner Norman Smiley that the path to righteouness is a rough road. I hope that Smiley will think about the beating he took tonight and come to the knowledge of truth and turn from his wicked ways.


"One man who apparently has yet to turn from his wicked ways is Dallas Page! Page, there is still hope for you! The beating you took in our confessional match at 'Spring Mayhem' was the first step you had to take on the road to righteousness! Your path to redemption is still a long and painful one! But, you can be salvaged! Open your eyes to the truth contained in Father Dutch!"


Gregorian chants played as the trio left the ring and headed back up the aisle to more boos.)


(Announcers discussed the Sacred Anvil winning his UWL debut in impressive fashion. Hyped still to come: Greg Valentine returns from his 60-day suspension; Lord Humongous & Missing Link vs. Harley Race & Wahoo McDaniel (w/ JJ Dillon); former UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari makes an appearance since losing the title and her undefeated streak at 'Spring Mayhem'; David Schultz vs. Lex Luger; Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall; an i'view with DDP; and more! Said an i'view with 'Bad Boy' Brunzell was next!)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed 'Bad Boy' Brunzell.


'Bad Boys' by the Miami Sound machine played over the p.a. system and out came Brunzell to fairly solid boos. Brunzell was wearing his black derby hat, a black t-shirt with 'Bad Boy' in white lettering on the front, blue jeans and penny loafers. He also had the construction paper practice belt that his mother made him before his match for the President's Championship at 'Spring Mayhem' slung over his shoulder.


When Brunzell stepped into the ring, crowd started chanting 'Jim! Jim!'


BBB: "Stop it! All of you! Cut it out! I mean it! I'll come down there and start kicking posteriors in these brand new penny loafers my mom sent me the other day!"


'Jim' chants continued and Brunzell covered his ears as he stood in the ring. Brunzell uncovered his ears and the chants continued and he covered them again.


BBB (with ears still covered): "My name is 'Bad Boy' Brunzell! 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'!"


LM: "'Bad Boy', we need to get on with the interview."


Chants started to die down and Brunzell finally uncovered his ears.


LM: "Well, 'Bad Boy', unfortunately for you, you were unable to win the President's Championship at 'Spring Mayhem'. But I notice that you still have the construction paper practice belt your mother gave you. What is the deal with that?"


BBB: "First off, Lee Marshall, if you laugh at me once during this interview then I'm leaving. You show this bad boy some respect this time. Got me?"


LM: "Understood."


BBB: "Well..."


LM: "Well what?"


BBB: "Aren't you going to apologize for laughing so hard at me a couple of weeks ago?"


LM: "I can't do that."


BBB: "Why not?"


LM: "Because I'll start laughing."


BBB: "Don't let me catch you laughing during this interview or it's over! These people want to hear what this bad boy has to say!"


Marshall had to put his hand over his mouth and turn away from Brunzell.


BBB: "Are you laughing at me?! I just saw your shoulders shake a little bit! Look at me, dag nabit!"


Marshall had to briefly compose himself and then turned around.


LM: "I'm not laughing. Just had to stifle a cough."


BBB: "I bet."


LM: "OK. 'Bad Boy', could you please tell us why have that construction paper practice belt with you?"


BBB: "Since I didn't win the President's Championship, I've decided to declare this belt an official title in the UWL!"


Brunzell held the title up in front of him.


BBB: "As you can see, I've placed a sticker across the centerpiece of the belt. And in fine point black Sharpie marker, the most expensive there is, I have written 'Bad Boy Championship'! What better person to be the first holder of the 'Bad Boy Championship' than the premiere bad boy in wrestling...me!"


LM: "Have you gotten clearance from the UWL Championship Committee to defend that title here officially?"


BBB: "No, I haven't. But who wouldn't want to win a championship that makes you a bad boy?"


LM: "I see the strap is made of only the finest construction paper. Where did your mother get that paper from? Paris? London? New York? Rite-Aid?"


BBB: "Are you insulting the 'Bad Boy Championship', Marshall?! I'll have you know it took my mom 20 minutes to make this belt!"


Marshall covered his mouth again and turned away from Brunzell.


BBB: "Don't laugh or I'm hittin' the bricks!"


Pres. Watts walked out on the entrance stage unannounced. He had a mic. Very little response to Watts.


BW: "'Bad Boy' Brunzell, I was listening to what you were saying about creating a new title. In most cases, I wouldn't allow a title created by a wrestler to be defended in the UWL. But in this case I'll make an exception. Next week on 'Slam!', you're gonna have your first defense of that title. And the man you will be defending it againt is...Brain Blair! Let's get ready to hook 'em up for the 'Bad Boy Championship'! Hahahaha!"


Marshall could no longer contain himself and burst out laughing. Brunzell saw Marshall laughing and went over and grabbed the mic out of Marshall's hands as Marshall fell against the ropes from laughing so hard.


BBB: "Next week, no one's gonna be laughing when I take Brian Blair down and retain this title that was made by the loving hands of my mom! Lee Marshall! You can go to H-e-double hockey sticks, mister!"


Marshall really lost it and fell on the mat and started pounding his fist on the mat because he was laughing so hard. Brunzell angrily threw down the mic and went and stood on the middle buckle and hoisted his construction paper title in the air and then left the ring and stalked back up the aisle as the fans started chanting 'Jim' at him again.)


(Announcers discussed Watts allowing Brunzell to defend his construction paper title on next week's 'Slam!' against former tag partner Brian Blair. Hyped still to come: Greg Valentine returns from his 60-day suspension; former UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari makes an appearance since losing the title and her undefeated streak at 'Spring Mayhem'; David Schultz vs. Lex Luger; Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall; an i'view with DDP; and more! Said Wahoo & Harley vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Apr. 26 - Jakson, MS - MS Coliseum; Sat. - Apr. 27 - Biloxi, MS - MS Coast Coliseum; Fri. - May 10 - Johnson City, TN - Freedom Hall; Sat. - May 11 - Jackson, TN - Oman Arena; Fri. - May 17 - Frankfort, KY - Frankfort Convention Center; Sat. - May 18 - Bowling Green, KY - Anderson Arena; Fri. - June 7 - Boston, MA - Agganis Arena @ Boston Univ.; Sat. - June 8 - Springfield, MA - Massmutual Center; Fri. - June 21 - Manchester, NH - Verizon Wireless Arena; Sat. - June 22 - Kingston, RI - Ryan Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Video aired form last week of the confrontation between Wahoo McDaniel, Harley Race and mgr. JJ Dillon.


VIDEO (edited):


WM: "Anyone who watched the match between me and Roddy Piper at 'Spring Mayhem' knows...they know...that I should have won the match! I beat Roddy Piper from pillar-to-post! I had him on the brink of defeat! Victory should have been mine and would have been mine...had someone done their job!"


Wahoo turned and glared at Harley. Race seemed taken aback by Wahoo's statement.


HR: "What are you talking about?! You're the one who got pinned, Wahoo!"


WM: "Harley! You had a job to do in the match and you botched it! I can't believe you are an 8-time World Champion! You can't seem to handle the simplest duties handed to you!"


Race and Wahoo then got nose-to-nose with each other and were having words off-mic when JJ stepped in to separate the pair.


JJ: "Harley! Go stand in the corner!"


HR: "What?!"


JJ: "You heard me, Harley! Go stand in the corner...now!"


Race glared at JJ and Wahoo stepped in front of JJ and pointed for Race to go stand in the corner.


HR: "JJ!!!"


JJ: "Just do it, Harley!"


Race looked on in disbelief and then Race, after a brief staredown with Wahoo, did as he was told and went and stood against the buckles.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Race, Dillon and Wahoo.


LN: "Gentlemen, we just witnessed video from last week of a confrontation between all three of you. JJ, are there really no serious problems in JJ Dillon Enterprises right now?"


JJ: "I am getting quite tired of answering this question. But, I'll say it again. There are no serious problems in the ranks of JJ Dillon Enterprises. Occasionally, even guys on the same team will butt heads in a dispute. What you saw last week was just a minor dispute between guys on the same team. It is over now. We are all on the same page. Things couldn't be better in JJ Dillon Enterprises."


LN: "Wahoo, what are your thoughts on tagging up with Harley Race tonight against the powerhouse team of Lord Humongous and the Missing Link?"


WM: "Larry, I can tell you that I will carry my share of the load in this match with Lord Humongous and Missing Link. The question is, can Harley uphold his end of the bargain and do his job?"


HR: "What the hell kind of question is that, Wahoo?! I can more than carry my weight in the match!"


WM: "Well, you didn't carry your weight and do your job at 'Spring Mayhem' in my match with Roddy Piper for the UWL World Title. You couldn't complete the simple task you were given! How can I feel confident having you as my tag team partner tonight?! Why should I believe that you can uphold your end of the bargain against a team like Lord Humongous and Missing Link?!"


HR: "I can match-up with anybody, Wahoo! You're the one who lost to Roddy Piper! Quit blaming me for your failure!"


WM: "Why you..."


Wahoo lunged forward and grabbed Race and the two started struggling with each other. JJ stepped in and separated the pair.


JJ: "We've got a huge match coming up here! Save the violence for our opponents! Let's go! Larry Nelson! There are no major problems! None!"


JJ and his men left the interview area as Nelson sent it back to ringside.)


Match 3

Harley Race & Wahoo McDaniel (w/ JJ) vs. Lord Humongous & Missing Link (w/ Dark Journey)


(Race, Wahoo and JJ came to the ring to strong boos. JJ was in a suit.


After a brief pause, the music-only version of 'Breaking The Law' by Judas Priest blared over the p.a. system. Out on the entrance stage came Lord Humongous, Missing Link and mgr. Dark Journey to a loud ovation. The trio made their way to the ring.


Once at ringside, Link slammed his hard head against the ring post three times. Lord got up on the apron, pounded his chest with his right fist and then pointed at Wahoo and Harley. Link got in the ring and stomped around as Lord stepped over the top rope into the ring.


Short, explosive match that saw Race and Wahoo give the bizarre pair a battle. JJ never interfered. A pin try on Wahoo by Humongous was broken up with a stomp to the back by Race.


At the end of the match, Link and Race were the legal men in the ring. Race was on the offensive and picked up Link and dropped him throat-fist across the top rope. Link crashed to the mat and was holding his throat by the ropes. Race then grabbed the top rope and stomped on Link's chest. Ref counted and Race let go of the top rope at the count of four. Race grabbed Link and bodyslammed him into position for a turnbuckle move. Race mounted the middle buckle and came off with a diving headbutt. Big mistake. Race's head slammed into Link's head and it was Race who got the worst of it. Race down on the mat holding his head. Link made it to his feet just as the dazed Race was getting up. Link moved in and blistered Race with a rapid-fire series of headbutts with his rock hard head. Link then hoisted Race in the air, spun around and nailed Race with the high angle spinebuster (aka, Alabama slam) and covered Race and hooked the leg. 1... Wahoo got into the ring to break up the pin try but Lord hit the ring and nailed Wahoo with a big running clothesline that sent Wahoo hurtling over the top rope and down to the floor. ...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered.


Journey got into the ring. Ref raised Lord's hand in victory but Link was hesitant to give the ref his hand until Journey told Link it was OK. Link cautiously held out his hand and the ref raised it and Link then quickly pulled his hand away from the ref. Lord and Link left the ring and dropped to the floor. Journey climbed out on the apron and jumped into Lord's arms and he caught her around the hips and lowered her to her feet on the floor. The victorious trio then headed to the back.


Harley still laying on the mat in another mental universe. Wahoo recovered on the floor and was furious and went over and started having words with JJ. Wahoo pointed an accusatory finger at Harley and JJ nodded in agreement to what Wahoo was saying. JJ then signaled for Wahoo to leave the ringside area. Wahoo and JJ left and headed back up the aisle, leaving the just recovering Harley on his own in the ring. Ref helped the unsteady Race to his feet. Race showed his gratitude by shoving the ref away. Race looked around and saw JJ and Wahoo were gone. Race stood in the ring with a look of disbelief on his face. Race then shook his head 'no' and then made his way to the floor and walked slowly to the back.


WINNER: Lord & Link - Pinfall - Link pinned Race with the High Angle Spinebuster - 5:20)


(Announcers discussed the win by Lord and Link. Also discussed the obviously escalating problems between Wahoo, Harley and JJ even though JJ insists there are no serious problems in JJ Dillon Enterprises. Hyped still to come: Greg Valentine returns from his 60-day suspension; former UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari makes her first appearance since losing the title and her undefeated streak at 'Spring Mayhem'; David Schultz vs. Lex Luger; Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall; and more! Said an i'view w/ DDP was next!)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall i'viewed DDP.


DDP came to the ring in street clothes to the strains of the music-only version of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'. DDP got a good ovation coming to the ring. DDP slapped hands with fans when coming down the aisle.


Once in the ring, DDP made the Diamond sign and did the 'Bang!' gesture.


LM: "Dallas Page, you are coming off a controversial loss to Father Dutch in the confessional match at 'Spring Mayhem'. Earlier tonight, we heard Father Dutch out here saying that you're still a sinner and that your only path to righteousness would be an excrutiating one. Are you thinking of accepting Father Dutch's offer for his version of salvation?"


DDP: "Surely ye jest, Lee Marshall? There is no way on God's green earth that I would ever repent of anything before Father Dutch or any of his loopy congregants. That man is totally off his rocker. I want no part of his version of religion. He's a con. He's power mad. He's abusive. And he cloaks it all in the smokescreen of saving souls. I think Father Dutch knows exactly what he is doing. He just likes to control people. He's trying to gain as many followers as possible that he can completely control in every facet of their lives. That's what Father Dutch is all about.


"I was stunned when I was attacked by Jim Neidhart, whose now called by the ridiculous name the Sacred Anvil. I knew Neidhart was a wild and crazy guy. But I never thought he would fall for the line of bullcrap from a guy like Father Dutch. Neidhart, or Sacred Anvil, cost me the confessional match. I'm gonna continue my fight against Father Dutch and all of his congregation. I want another match with Father Dutch. I want payback for what he and his stooges did to me at 'Spring Mayhem'."


Father Dutch, Grog and Sacred Anvil all walked out on the entrance stage. FD had a mic. They were booed.


FD: "Dallas Page! Sinner! So, you want another match with me?! You say that you want to pay me back for what was done to you by us at 'Spring Mayhem'! Open your eyes, Page! Can't you see what I tried to do for you in our confessional match! I was trying to get you to pay attention to your wicked ways by beating you within an inch of your life! I wanted you to see what your sinful life had wrought! But, there you stand in the ring, still stupid and stiff-necked, resistant to the truth! I am all for another match with you! Because maybe when I destroy you this time, you will have the awakening you need to make the necessary changes in your life to begin your journey down the path to righteousness and start following the ultimate purveyor of the truth...me!"


DDP: "We can have a match right now, Father Dutch! Get your less-than-holy ass in this ring!"


Crowd popped.


FD: "I would love to come down there right now and set you straight. But the Almighty has told me to wait. Our next confessional match will take place on His..."


Pres. Watts walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. Nil repsonse from the crowd.


BW: "Father Dutch, a higher power will indeed determine when the next match will take place between you and Dallas Page. And that higher power is me."


FD: "President Watts! Do not blaspheme in front of a holy man like me! You are a..."


BW: "Can the Elmer Gantry-like religious chatter, Father Dutch! Next week on 'Slam!', you will be facing Dallas Page in another match! And it won't be a confessional match! No! You guys are gonna square off in a...falls count anywhere match! God Bless!"


Crowd cheered as Father Dutch brooded on the stage with his congregants as a charged up DDP looked on from the ring.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making the Falls Count Anywhere match between DDP and Father Dutch for next week's show. Hyped still to come: Greg Valentine returns from his 60-day suspension; David Schultz vs. Lex Luger; Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall; and more! Said former UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari makes her first appearance since losing the title and her undefeated streak at 'Spring Mayhem' next!)


(Pics aired of Madusa defeating Tina Ferrari to become the new UWL Women's World Champion at the 'Spring Mayhem' PPV.)


(In-ring: The return of Tina Ferrari.


'Invincible' by Pat Benatar played over the p.a. system. Ferrari came out on the entrance stage to very loud boos. She was in a black mini-skirt, black tank top and black heels. The tiara was gone. She had a mic. She power-walked to the ring and had a look of determination on her face. Once in the ring, Tina soaked in the boos for a moment.


Tina: "At 'Spring Mayhem', the end came for me. My 26-month undefeated streak in the UWL...gone. My 14-month UWL Women's World Title reign...gone. All of it gone in three seconds. To say it was devastating for me would be an understatement. Losing doesn't happen to Tina Ferrari. I don't know how to cope with losing because I'm not a loser like all you people. My life has been nothing but win, win, win. Three seconds have changed my life in ways I could have never imagined. I've been a loser for three seconds in my entire life. For you people, being a winner for three seconds would be the highlight of your existence.


"I've now had to figure out how to deal with this and move forward. I must re-build everything. I will begin a new winning streak. I will be the UWL Women's World Champion again. And I'm looking to start both in my very next match. I need President Watts to come down here."


Pres. Watts made his way to the ring. Fans appeared to be getting annoyed just seeing him. He had a mic.


BW: "I think I know what you want, Tina..."


Tina: "If you think it's you, President Watts, you're sadly mistaken."


BW: "I'll let that smart-ass remark pass for right now. UWL Women's World Champion Madusa. Please come to the ring."


The song 'American Woman' played over the p.a. system and out came Madusa to a solid ovation. Madusa was in street clothes and had the title slung over her shoulder. She slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. She also had a mic. Madusa acknowledged the crowd once in the ring.


BW: "Tina, it's obvious that you want to trigger the re-match clause in your contract and face Madusa again for the title."


Tina: "You've got that right! I want that re-match with Madusa, ASAP! This time you're going down, sister! I'm winning that belt back and starting a new undefeated streak!"


Madusa: "Tina! I promised that I would beat you and end your undefeated streak and Women's World Title reign and I did it! I feel real confident right now! I know I can beat you again! And the only thing you'll have going for you after our next clash is a two match losing streak!"


Tina: "Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! I don't lose two in a row! Especially to someone like you, Madusa! That belt's already as good as regained by me! Hope you've enjoyed your blip on the radar championship run! You're lucky to have even gotten that!"


Madusa: "We'll see how lucky the next time we meet! I didn't need luck to beat you at 'Spring Mayhem'! I knew I could win and I did it! This belt says so!"


BW: "Ladies, and I use that term very loosely for you, Tina, this is what we're gonna do. Tina Ferrari has a re-match clause in her contract. She wants to trigger it. And the re-match will take place next week on 'Slam!' Tina Ferrari! Madusa! Get ready to hook 'em up!"


Fans cheered as Tina and Madusa engaged in a staredown to end the segment.)


(Announcers talked about Tina getting her Women's World Title next week on the program. Hyped still to come: Greg Valentine returns from his 60-day suspension; David Schultz vs. Lex Luger; and more! Said Patera vs. Hall was next!)


(Video aired from last week of Schultz beating Patera with outside help from fellow Firm member Scott Hall.)


Match 4

Scott Hall (The Firm) vs. Ken Patera


(Patera came to the ring to a strong ovation.


Hall came out alone with his tag belt around his waist. Hall got to the end of the ramp and turned and signaled for somebody to come out. It was Kevin Nash. Mixed crowd reaction for the pair as they came to the ring. Nash didn't have his tag title with him.


Patera and Hall slugged it out. During the match, out on the floor Nash dropped Patera with a running clothesline while Hall distracted the ref in the ring. Nash pulled Patera up and nailed Patera with a couple of punches to the head and then threw Patera back in the ring. Hall had some pin tries but couldn't put Patera away. At another point in the match, Hall and Patera had collided and Patera went down next to the ropes. As the ref checked on Hall, Nash drug Patera's head and shoulders out on the apron and nailed Patera with some more punches to the head.


At the end of the match, Hall was on the offensive. Hall worked over Patera with slaps upside the head and then dropped Patera with a discus punch. Hall snapped up Patera and grabbed Patera around the waist and drove Patera back-first into the buckles. Patera staggered out of the corner and Hall quickly mounted the middle buckle and dropped Patera with a diving bulldog. Hall for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Patera kicked out. Crowd buzzing. Hall grabbed Patera, whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Ken coming off by the throat. Hall prepared to chokeslam Patera but Patera stunned Hall with a series of elbow strikes to the side of the head, breaking Hall's grip. Patera whipped Hall into the ropes and caught Hall coming off with the Russian hammer. Crowd popped. Nash grabbed Hall's tag belt off the timekeeper's table. Patera circled behind Hall waiting for Hall to start making his way to his feet.


Ref looking on at Patera and Hall as Nash climbed into the ring and prepared to strike Patera from behind with the belt. Crowd erupted as Lord Humongous hit the ring, blew past everyone and violently tackled Nash and the two tumbled through the top and middle rope down to the floor. Crowd eating it up. With Nash out of the way, Hall slowly made it to his feet. Patera moved in and locked Hall into the full nelson and blasted Hall with his full nelson slam finisher. Patera covered Hall and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Fans loving it. Ref raised Patera's hand in victory.


Nash made it to his feet on the floor and got up facing away from Lord Humongous. Nash turned around and saw Lord and jumped back. Lord pounded on his chest and then pointed at Nash. Nash and Humongous now glared at each other. UWL security came charging out and got between Lord and Nash before anything could happen between them. Fans booed security. Security grabbed Lord and Lord responded by throwing them off. Nash yelling at Lord as security kept Nash at bay. More security came to ringside. Lord gestured for Nash to come at him. Hall had recovered in the ring and jumped down to the floor in front of Lord. Hall shoved Lord. Lord went to move on Hall but security grabbed Lord. Hall kicked Lord in the nether regions. Nash broke free from security and jumped on Lord and started flailing away on Lord. Security tried to get a hold of the situation and pull the men apart. Missing Link came charging down to ringside. Security went to restrain Link. Lord broke free of security again and started firing back on Nash. Hall joined Nash. Link fought through security and nailed Hall with a headbutt that staggered Hall. Security finally able to separate Nash and Lord. A wall of security now separated the two teams. Crowd into it. Some guy in the front row with curly hair and wearing the funny nose and glasses threw popcorn at the wrestlers and security. Link and Lord were looking on as Nash was yelling at Lord and Link as Hall was regaining his bearings from the headbutt by Link. Lord pointed at Nash again. Link started slamming his own head on the apron. Security was finally able to hustle Hall and Nash around the ring and back up the aisle. Remaining security was on the floor holding Lord and Link back from going after them. As they were being herded up the aisle, Nash turned, pointed and yelled back at Lord and Link. Hall said nothing as he was holding his head and suffering a terrible headache courtesy of Missing Link. Security working on calming down an angry Lord and Link at ringside. Dark Journey came down to ringside and was able to calm her two men down and lead them back up the aisle to the cheers of the fans.


WINNER: Patera - Pinfall - Full Nelson Slam - 9:26)


(Announcers discussed Patera gaining a measure of revenge against his former Firm mates by beating Scott Hall. Also discussed the post-match altercation between Lord Humongous and Missing Link against Hall and Nash. Hyped still to come: David Schultz vs. Lex Luger; and more! Said Greg Valentine's return from his 60-day suspension is coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Lex Luger.


Asked about tonight's match-up with David Schultz, where if Schultz wins he gets a UWL World Title match against champ Roddy Piper next week.


Lex: "I can think of nothing sweeter than beating a member of The Firm and costing him his chance at winning the World Title! Right now, Hall and Nash of The Firm hold the World Tag Team Titles! We UWL wrestlers must...MUST...do everything in our power to keep The Firm from winning all the championships here! If The Firm ever succeeds in their goal of holding all the gold, then they will seek to implement the final part of their master plan! And that's the complete takeover of the UWL! We cannot allow that to happen! There's too much at stake here! And it goes well beyond the wrestlers!


"You've got the livelihoods of all the people who work for the UWL to think about here! Whether they work in the front office or the production trucks! Whether they set up the ring or work security! Whether they work backstage or pick up the trash! Every single UWL employee is threatened by The Firm's grandiose plans! Tonight, I'm gonna do my damndest to make sure David Schultz doesn't even get a whiff of a World Title shot next week against Roddy Piper!")


(Video aired from the 2/19 'Slam!' of Pres. watts suspending Greg Valentine for 60 days.


VIDEO (edited):


BW: "First, as you all know, Greg Valentine failed to regain the UWL World Title two nights ago at 'Winter Warfare' against Roddy Piper in a Dog Collars and Chain match."


Crowd cheered.


BW: "Later in the evening, as an angry Valentine was walking out of a bar, a couple of people heckled the loser of the World Title match. Valentine responded by physically assaulting the pair. I want it made perfectly clear right now! As President, I will not tolerate any UWL wrestler attacking anyone in a situation where they weren't physically provoked first! Only words were hurled at Valentine! And Greg Valentine crossed a serious line when he laid his hands on those people.


"So, because of Greg Valentine's actions Sunday night...I have decided to suspend Valentine for 60 days without pay and fine him $100,000 dollars!"


Crowd cheered.)


(In-ring: Gary Hart was standing in the middle of the ring in a suit with mic in hand. He was getting some boos, but it wasn't overwhelming.


Hart: "Good evening. I'm manager Gary Hart. For the last two months, the UWL has been without one its biggest stars because of a 60-day suspension imposed upon him unfairly by President Watts. This man was suspended for the crime of defending himself against druken louts outside a bar in Morgantown, West Virginia, after the 'Winter Warfare' pay-per-view. But now he's back. And he is gonna be better than ever. I give you...Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!"


Valentine now had entrance music as the music-only version of 'All Along The Watchtower' by Jimi Hendrix filled the arena. Crowd now loudly booed as Valentine, dressed in a black short-sleeve shirt, gray slacks and black dress shoes came out on the entrance stage. He had a mic. Valentine made his way to the ring as the boos continued.


Once in the ring, Valentine and Hart embraced and then Valentine stood and soaked in the love from the crowd.


GV: "I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack! Haha!"


More boos.


GV: "For the past two months, I have been forced to stay away from the sport that I love because I'm so good at it! As Gary mentioned, President Watts suspended me, without pay I might add, because I used my God-given right of self-defense against a couple of hecklers after the 'Winter Warfare' show! It was an unfair suspension! But, the good news for all of you is that I didn't let it get me down! Instead, I used my time away from the UWL wisely! I trained harder than I've ever trained in my life! I watched and studied videos of the different wrestlers in the company! I had 60 days to make myself even better than I was before I was unjustly suspended! Again, suspended without pay!


"I'm in better shape now than I've ever been both mentally and physically! 'The Hammer' is ready to conquer the world...again! Knowing Watts, he'll start me back down at the bottom rung of the ladder! I'll have to work my way back into title contention! And you can take this to the bank! I will succeed! In the very near future I will be back at the top of the mountain! Watts, he can throw any obstacle in my way that he wants! He's not gonna stop me because I'm too focused! I'm too determined! President Watts, he thinks..."


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out on the entrance stage came Pres. Watts with mic in hand. Very little crowd response for his appearance.


Once the music stopped, fans started chanting: 'Go home Bill Watts!' followed by rhythmic clapping.


BW: "Greg..."


Chants and clapping grew louder.


BW: "I will go home...as soon as the show is over."


Chanting and clapping continued.


BW: "Greg Valentine. First of all, I want to correct something both you and your manager Gary Hart said earlier. You were not suspended for 60 days because you defended yourself from a physical attack. If that were the case I would have never suspended you...without pay. You went out of your way to assault a couple of hecklers. That's why you were suspended. Truth does not seem to be a strongsuit with you two."


GV: "It's all in one's perception, Bill."


BW: "There's perception and then there's the facts, Greg. The facts back up why you were suspended."


Hart: "President Watts, did you come out here for some reason other than to besmirch the fine character of Mr. Valentine and myself?"


BW: "Why, yes I did, Gary. Greg, I have a gift for you on the occasion of your return."


GV: "What is it? Are you resigning as President of the UWL?"


BW: "Unfortunately for you, no. Instead, the gift is a match. A match you will be wrestling on next week's show."


GV: "That's my kind of gift! Who's the unlucky victim gonna be?!"


BW: "He's been a friend of mine for a long time. And you'll find out who it is next week when you face him."


GV: "Not gonna tell us, huh? That's all right! If he's a friend of yours then I doubt I'll break much of a sweat putting him down for the count!"


BW: "Greg, I would tread lightly there. It may just be him who's putting you down for the count. Get ready to hook 'em up with my friend!"


Greg and Hart looked at each other as Watts exited the stage. Hart and Valentine then had an intense off-mic conversation as the segemnt ended.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 4-21 thru 4-27.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Rick Steiner (President's Champion)


2 - Wahoo McDaniel


3 - David Schultz


4 - Hugh Morrus (TV Champion)


5 - Arn Anderson


* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


(Announcers hyped next week's huge edition of 'Slam!':


UWL WORLD TITLE*: Roddy Piper © vs. David Schultz (The Firm)

(* Match will take place only if Schultz beats Luger tonight in the main event.)


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE RE-MATCH: Madusa © vs. Tina Ferrari




'BAD BOY' CHAMPIONSHIP: 'Bad Boy' Brunzell © vs. Brian Blair


Hugh Morrus (TVC) & Rick Steiner (PC) vs. The Anderson Brothers


JUST ANNOUNCED: Greg Valentine vs. ???


UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling - Tuesdays - FX - 9:30pm E/P!)


(Announcers said Schultz vs. Luger was next with Schultz getting a World Title shot next week if he defeats Luger.)


Match 5 (If Schultz wins he gets a UWL World Title shot next week!)

David Schultz (The Firm) (w/ Ted DiBiase) vs. Lex Luger


(Schultz and Firm Director DiBiase made their way to the ring to the song 'Money'. The received a mixed crowd reaction.


Luger came to the ring to a solid ovation. Luger slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.


Luger took 60% of the match, but Schultz was able to repel Luger's chances at victory. DiBiase never interfered.


At the end of the match, Schultz was on the offensive. Schultz had dropped Luger with a clothesline and then Schultz went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. Schultz came off the top buckle as Luger got to his feet and attempted to hit Luger with an elbow to the head but Luger instead caught Schultz in a bearhug. Schultz struggled briefly in the hold before escaping by clapping his arms against the sides of Luger's head. Schultz then hit Luger with a couple of punches before Luger fought back and brief punch exchange ensued. Schultz got the advantage with a quick knee to Luger's gut. Schultz went to whip Lex into the ropes but Lex reversed and sent Schultz into the ropes and caught Schultz coming off with a powerslam. Luger got to his feet, yelled and signaled it was time for the rack.


Suddenly, Adrian Adonis came out from under the ring just like he did at 'Spring Mayhem' during the DiBiase-Luger match.


Stack: "Adonis was out here with The Firm earlier tonight! How in the world did he get under the ring?!"


Adonis climbed up on the apron. Luger turned and saw him. Luger went over and had a few words with Adonis and then Adonis punched Luger in the jaw. Luger looked on angrily at Adonis and then tore into Adonis with a serious punch assault of his own. Luger hammered away on Adonis as the ref tried to separate the pair. Luger then grabbed Adonis by the shirt and was shaking Adonis violently as Schultz made it to his feet behind Luger. Schultz came up behind Luger and bashed him with a forearm smash across the back. Luger let go of Adonis. Adonis dropped down to the floor. Schultz grabbed Luger and nailed Luger with the Redneck Death Drop (aka, Scorpion Death Drop). Schultz covered Luger and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised Schultz's hand in victory as DiBiase got in the ring and also raised Schultz's hand victoriously as a happy, though hurting a little, Adonis applauded from the floor as the program faded to black.


WINNER: Schultz - Pinfall - Redneck Death Drop - 7:42)




Dark Match

Dusty Rhodes (The Firm) vs. DDP

(WINNER: DDP - Pinfall - Diamond Cutter - 10:21)

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Apr. 26 - Jackson, MS - MS Coliseum - Att: 4,496


Apr. 27 - Biloxi, MS - MS Coast Coliseum - Att: 4,721


Results (Same in each city):


UWL WORLD TITLE: Roddy Piper © def. Wahoo McDaniel via submission with the Ankle Lock


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Hall & Nash © of The Firm and Lord Humongous & Missing Link fought to a No Contest


PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Rick Steiner © def. Rip Oliver via pinfall with the 'Steiner Driver' (aka, Death Valley Driver)


UWL TV TITLE: Hugh Morrus © def. 'Superstar' Graham via pinfall with the Moonsault


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Madusa © def. Luna via pinfall with the German Suplex into a Bridgeout


Rick Rude, David Schultz & Dusty Rhodes of The Firm def. Lex Luger, Arn Anderson & Ken Patera via pinfall when Rhodes pinned Patera with the 'Stardust Driver' (aka, inverted piledriver) after interference by Rude


Adrian Adonis of The Firm def. Brian Blair via pinfall with the Reverse STO

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>ON THE NEXT</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>

UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">Roddy Piper defends the UWL World Title against David Schultz of The Firm!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

PLUS!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- Madusa defends the UWL Women's World Title against former champ Tina Ferrari</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- Greg Valentine has his first match since returning from his 60-day suspension and it's against a mystery opponent</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- President's Champion Rick Steiner and TV Champion Hugh Morrus bttle the Anderson Brothers</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- 'Bad Boy' Brunzell defends his self-proclaimed 'Bad Boy Championship' against former tag team partner Brian Blair</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

AND MORE!!!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;">Ep. 119 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday.</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers and ran down the program: UWL World Title: Roddy Piper © vs. David Schultz (The Firm); UWL Women's World Title Re-Match: Madusa © vs. Tina Ferrari; Falls Count Anywhere: DDP vs. Father Dutch; Greg Valentine vs. ???; Rick Steiner (PC) & Hugh Morrus (TVC) vs. The Anderson Bros.; an interview w/ JJ Dillon, Harley Race and Wahoo McDaniel; and more!)


(Video aired from last week where 'Bad Boy' Brunzell declared his construction paper title an official UWL championship called the 'Bad Boy Championship' and Pres. Watts came out and said he'd acknowledge the belt and ordered Brunzell to defend it this week against former tag team partner Brian Blair.)


Match 1 ('Bad Boy Championship')

'Bad Boy' Brunzell © vs. Brian Blair


(Blair came to the ring first to a modest ovation.


'Bay Boys' by the Miami Sound Machine played over the p.a. system. Brunzell came out to fairly strong boos. He was wearing his derby hat, black t-shirt with 'Bad Boy' written across the front, black tights with 'Bad Boy' written across the rear, black and white ring boots with 'BBB' on the outside of each boot and he had his 'Bad Boy Championship' taped around his waist.


Brunzell got in the ring and removed the title and walked around the ring holding it up for the fans to see. Brunzell then walked over and held the title up in Blair's face and said something and Blair started cracking up. Fans started the 'Jim!' chants and Brunzell handed his title off to the ref and then walked around in the ring with his ears covered.


Ref looked at the finely constructed title, started laughing at it and then held it up for the fans to see. Ref then walked over and handed the title to ring announcer Lee Marshall, who was standing on the apron. Marshall was laughing. Brunzell walked over and grabbed the mic out of Marshall's hand.


BBB: "Marshall! You're creating a serious credibility problem for me as a bad boy! You'd better stop laughing at me or I'll...I'll knock your block off! You got me?!"


Marshall was howling now.


BBB: "You'd better not tear my championship belt, pal! And, Brian Blair! Tonight is the night that you finally realize that I've become grade-A bad boy meat! I'm gonna stomp a mudhole in your fanny and remain the 'Bad Boy Champion'!"


Blair asked Brunzell for the mic. Brunzell seemed stunned by the request but did as asked and handed the mic over.


Blair: "Jim..."


Brunzell leaned into the mic.


BBB: "Its' 'Bad Boy' now! 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'! 'Bad Boy'!"


Blair: "Look, I've got to level with you. You are the dorkiest bad boy in the history of wrestling. Everyone's laughing at you, man. You really need to drop the gimmick, broth..."


Brunzell sucker punched Blair. Brunzell's derby hat flew off and Blair dropped the mic. Ref called for the bell to start the match. Brunzell nailed Blair with more punches and then whipped Blair into the ropes and caught Blair coming off with a flying dropkick that sent Blair crashing to the mat. Brunzell yanked off his t-shirt and threw it out of the ring.


Brunzell took the match early until Blair fought back and gained control. The match then became a back-and-forth battle. Brunzell tried to pin Blair while holding the tights at one point but Blair was able to kick Brunzell off just before the ref's hand slapped the mat a third time.


At the end of the match, Brunzell nailed Blair with an inverted headlock neckbreaker and went for the cover. 1...2... Blair kicked out. Brunzell snapped up Blair and whipped Blair into the buckles. Brunzell nailed Blair in the corner with a running high knee to the chest. Blair staggered out of the corner and went down. Brunzell picked up Blair and prepared to nail Blair with his slingshot suplex finisher but Blair twice blocked the move and suplexed Brunzell instead. Blair then backed up and came at the downed Brunzell with a knee drop attempt to the head but Brunzell rolled olut of the way and Blair slammed knee-first into the mat. Both men made it to their feet and Brunzell hammered away on Blair, whipped Blair into the ropes and caught Blair coming off with a flying dropkick. Blair crashed to the mat. Brunzell went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Blair got to his feet. Brunzell came off the top buckle and Blair stunned Brunzell with a dropkick. Crowd popped as Brunzell crashed to the mat. Both men made it to their feet and Brunzell was facing away from Blair. When Brunzell turned around, Blair nailed Brunzell with his codebreaker finisher. Blair covered Brunzell and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered.


Ref went over and took the 'Bad Boy Championship' made out of construction paper from Marshall and then said a few words to Marshall.


Marshall: "Ladies and Gentlemen! In a time of 5 minutes, 13 seconds, your winner...and NEW 'Bad Boy Champion'...Brian Blair!"


Crowd was cheering as the ref raised Blair's hand in victory and handed the title to Blair. Brunzell had recovered and grabbed the title out of the unsuspecting Blair's hands. Brunzell ripped the construction paper-made title to pieces and tossed them in the air and left the ring and went over and took the r.a. mic from Marshall.


BBB: "The 'Bad Boy Championship' is now officially retired!"


Brunzell tossed down the mic and headed back up the aisle as the crowd chanted 'Jim!' at him. Brunzell covered his ears on his walk of shame as Blair stood laughing in the ring at the absurdity of the whole thing. Fans cheered for Blair as he briefly played to the crowd before leaving.


WINNER: Blair - Pinfall - Codebreaker - 5:13)


(Announcers discussed Blair defeating Brunzell and winning the 'Bad Boy Championship' and Brunzell tearing up the title after the match and declaring it 'retired'. Hyped still to come: UWL World Title: Roddy Piper © vs. David Schultz (The Firm); UWL Women's World Title Re-Match: Madusa © vs. Tina Ferrari; Fall Count Anywhere: DDP vs. Father Dutch; Greg Valentine vs. ???; an interview w/ JJ Dillon, Harley Race and Wahoo McDaniel; and more! Said Rick Steiner (PC) & Hugh Morrus (TVC) vs. The Anderson Brothers was next!)


Match 2 (Non-Title)

Rick Steiner (PC) & Hugh Morrus (TVC) vs. The Anderson Brothers


(Ole, Gene and Lars Anderson came to the ring to a decent amount of boos. All three were in their ring attire.


After a brief pause, 'Welcome To The Jungle' played over the p.a. system and out came President's Champion Rick Steiner and TV Champion Hugh Morrus to a good ovation. Both men had their titles on around their waists.


Steiner started barking in the aisle and Hugh followed suit. They slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. The pair then ran around ringside barking and slapping hands with fans and the fans barked back. Once in the ring, the pair continued barking and fans barked right along with them.


Announcers pointed out that only two Anderson brothers could wrestle in the match and it was not known which two it would be.


The three Andersons stood in their corner talking amongst themselves and the ref went over and asked which two were wrestling. The three talked a little more and Lars stepped out of the ring and dropped to the floor.


Match was a back-and-forth battle between the two teams. Andersons took some shortcuts during the match and at one point out on the floor, Lars rammed Steiner shoulder first into the ring post. Andersons worked over Steiner's left arm during the match in an effort to try and force an eventual submission. Andersons cut off the ring and wouldn't allow Steiner to tag Hugh and kept working over his left arm. Steiner, however, would eventually escape the Andersons' clutches and make the hot tag to Hugh.


At the end of the match, Hugh and Gene were the legal men in the ring. Gene had just gained the advantage and worked over Hugh a little and then went to whip Hugh into the ropes but Hugh reversed and went to nail Gene with his flying headbutt to the chest but Gene fell out of the way and Hugh crashed to the mat. Hugh rolled over on his back. Gene grabbed Hugh by the legs and went to lock Hugh up in the sharpshooter. After a brief struggle, Gene turned Hugh over into the sharpshooter. Hugh struggled not to submit in the hold and started inching over to his corner. Gene kept the hold locked in as Hugh fought through the pain to get to his corner. Hugh got close enough to his corner and Steiner was able to reach down and tag Hugh. Steiner hit the ring and went to hit the ropes but Ole came over on the apron and drove a knee into Rick's back. Rick went down. Ref signaled to Gene that a tag had been made. Gene let go of Hugh and snapped Rick up and nailed Rick with some punches and then slammed Rick's left arm into the ring bolt that connects the top turnbuckle to the ring post. Rick hurting.


Gene then grabbed Rick's left arm and drove a series of punishing elbows into Rick's left shoulder area. Gene then started violently yanking on the left arm. Rick in pain and grabbing at his left arm. Rick then suddenly started fighting back with punches to Gene's head with his right hand. Gene staggered. Steiner then whipped Gene into the ropes and caught Gene coming off with a Steiner Line. Gene got up and Rick dropped Gene with another Steiner Line. Gene went down again. Gene got up and Rick nailed Gene with some right handed punches to the head that drove Gene next to the ropes near his corner. Just as Rick was about to whip Gene into the ropes, Ole lunged over and slap tagged Gene on the shoulder. Ref saw the tag. Rick whipped Gene into the ropes and caught Gene coming off with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Rick grabbed his left arm as Ole came up behind Rick, spun Rick around and blasted Rick with the Divorce Court. Lars went over and grabbed Hugh by the ankles and yanked Hugh down off the apron to the floor just as Ole was locking Rick in the cross armbreaker. Gene had rolled out onto the apron. Lars put the boots to the downed Hugh. Steiner struggled in the hold for several seconds before finally tapping out. Ole held onto the hold after the ref called for the bell for a few seconds before letting go.


Ole got to his feet and the ref raised his hnd in victory as Lars and a now recovered Gene made their way into the ring. Hugh laying on the floor. Ole proceeded to stomp away on Rick's left arm as the ref ordered the trio out of the ring. Ole stopped and he and his brothers left the ring to boos as Rick was laying on the mat holding his left arm.


WINNER: Ole & Gene - Submission - Ole made Steiner submit to the Cross Armbreaker - 8:34)


(Announcers discussed Ole and Gene Anderson beating Steiner and Morrus. Said the Falls Count Anywhere Match: DDP vs. Father Dutch was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'Deja Vu Presents: Thunderstruck' PPV - Sunday - June 9 - Seattle, WA - Key Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers intro'd video from last week of Greg Valentine's return after a 60-day suspension.


VIDEO (edited):


Hart: "Good evening. I'm manager Gary Hart. For the last two months, the UWL has been without one its biggest stars because of a 60-day suspension imposed upon him unfairly by President Watts. But now he's back. And he is gonna be better than ever. I give you...Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!"


Valentine now had entrance music as the music-only version of 'All Along The Watchtower' by Jimi Hendrix filled the arena. Crowd now loudly booed as Valentine, dressed in a black short-sleeve shirt, gray slacks and black dress shoes came out on the entrance stage. He had a mic. Valentine made his way to the ring as the boos continued.


Once in the ring, Valentine and Hart embraced and then Valentine stood and soaked in the love from the crowd.


GV: "I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack! Haha!"


More boos.


GV: "For the past two months, I have been forced to stay away from the sport that I love because I'm so good at it! As Gary mentioned, President Watts suspended me, without pay I might add, because I used my God-given right of self-defense against a couple of hecklers after the 'Winter Warfare' show! It was an unfair suspension!


"I'm in better shape now than I've ever been both mentally and physically! 'The Hammer' is ready to conquer the world...again! Knowing Watts, he'll start me back down at the bottom rung of the ladder! I'll have to work my way back into title contention! And you can take this to the bank! I will succeed! In the very near future I will be back at the top of the mountain!"


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out on the entrance stage came Pres. Watts with mic in hand. Very little crowd response for his appearance.


BW: "Greg, I have a gift for you on the occasion of your return."


GV: "What is it? Are you resigning as President of the UWL?"


BW: "Unfortunately for you, no. Instead, the gift is a match. A match you will be wrestling on next week's show."


GV: "That's my kind of gift! Who's the unlucky victim gonna be?!"


BW: "He's been a friend of mine for a long time. And you'll find out who it is next week when you face him."


GV: "Not gonna tell us, huh? That's all right! If he's a friend of yours then I doubt I'll break much of a sweat putting him down for the count!"


BW: "Greg, I would tread lightly there. It may just be him who's putting you down for the count. Get ready to hook 'em up with my pal!"


Greg and Hart looked at each other as Watts exited the stage. Hart and Valentine then had an intense off-mic conversation as the segment ended.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Greg Valentine and mgr. Gary Hart.


LN: "Greg, are you at all worried about facing a mystery opponent tonight that has been chosen by President Watts and who Watts has said is a friend of his?"


GV: "To quote that great philosopher Alfred E. Neuman: 'What? Me, worry?' I'm not worried at all about this mystery man that President Watts has chosen to face me in my return to the ring after an unjust 60-day suspension! The man I face tonight is gonna be my first unfortunate victim as I work my way back to the top of the UWL! Watts says that this guy is a buddy of his?! That's even better! I'm really gonna enjoy tearing this guy apart! Watts may think he's pulled a fast one by springing this match on me! But, the only thing he's really done is offered his friend up as a sacrificial lamb to 'The Hammer'! Nice job, Bill! Way to treat a friend! Hahaha!"


Hart: "Greg Valentine could have sat around and watched TV and gotten fat like most of these fans out here. But he chose to stay focused. He trained hard in the gym and in the ring. He studied videos of all the wrestlers on the UWL roster. He's in better shape than he was at the time of his suspension. You think he was hard to beat before? Wait until you see the even better version of Greg Valentine starting tonight.")


(Announcers discussed the Valentine match coming up later tonight with a mystery opponent. Said the Falls Count Anywhere Match: DDP vs. Father Dutch was next!)


(Video aired from last week where Pres. Watts made DDP vs. Father Dutch for this week's 'Slam!')


Match 3 (Falls Count Anywhere)

DDP vs. Father Dutch


(Gregorian chants filled the arena and out came Father Dutch to strong boos. He was alone. He was in his priest's attire.


After a brief pause, the music-only version of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' played and the crowd popped as DDP came out on the entrance stage. DDP walked down to the end of the ramp, made the Diamond sign and did the 'Bang!' gesture as pyro went off on the stage.


DDP charged to the ring and got in and he and FD started brawling immediately. Ref called for the bell.


Fight was fought in and around the ring. Pins were attempted on the floor and in the ring. Out on the floor, DDP had bashed FD's head into one of the TV monitors rendering FD bloody. FD returned the favor a couple of minutes later by bloodying DDP with some chain-laden punches to the head.


At the end of the match, FD and DDP were brawling in the aisleway. It was an even affair and both men gave as well as they got. FD suddenly pulled away from DDP and started backing up up the aisle. DDP followed FD and tackled FD down to the floor and was on top of FD pounding the hell out of the pseudo-priest. Just then, two men came running around the corner of the entrance stage on the floor. They were dressed like UWL security and were wearing UWL baseball caps (just $22.95 + S&H!) and sunglasses. Problem was, one of them was wearing a silver and black mask! It was Grog and the Sacred Anvil (wrestler formerly known as Jim Neidhart)! They jumped on DDP and started beating the hell out of him. FD got up off the floor and joined in the beating.


Crowd popped when Brian Blair, now in street clothes, and Buzz Sawyer came charging out. The pair flew down the rampway and started slugging it out with trio. It was a rugby-like tangle of bodies with fists and feet flying everywhere. Eventually, Sawyer and Blair were battling with Anvil and Grog. They fought off to the side of the entrance stage. DDP and FD were now battling alone on the rampway. FD caught DDP with a kick to the groin. DDP tumbled down the ramp to the floor. FD put the boots to the downed DDP. FD then went over and grabbed an empty steel chair that was sitting on the floor next to the stage. FD folded up the chair and placed it at the top of the ramp. FD picked DDP up and hoisted DDP over his shoudler.


Stack: "Is Father Dutch gonna powerslam Page on that chair on the ramp?!"


Pedicino: "If he does, Page is finished!"


Grog, Anvil, Blair and Sawyer had brawled to the back. FD started walking up the rampway and was preparing to slam DDP on the chair when DDP suddenly wriggled free and dropped down behind FD. FD spun around...WHAM!...DDP nailed FD with a Diamond Cutter on the ramp. Crowd erupted. DDP covered FD. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered. A sore DDP slowly made it to his feet as FD was laying on the ramp. Ref went over and raised DDP's hand in victory. DDP walked up to the entrance stage and turned around and raised his arms victoriously in the air before heading to the back.


WINNER: DDP - Pinfall - Diamond Cutter on the Ramp - 8:11)


(Announcers discussed DDP beating FD in the Falls Count Anywhere match and the Sacred Anvil and Grog coming out and attacking DDP and Buzz Sawyer and Brian Blair making the save for DDP. Hyped still to come: UWL World Title: Roddy Piper © vs. David Schultz (The Firm); UWL Women's World Title Re-Match: Madusa © vs. Tina Ferrari; Greg Valentine vs. ???; and more! Said an i'view with Wahoo McDaniel, Harley Race and JJ Dillon was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - May 10 - Johnson City, TN - Freedom Hall; Sat. - May 11 - Jackson, TN - Oman Arena; Fri. - May 17 - Frankfort, KY - Frankfort Convention Center; Sat. - May 18 - Bowling Green, KY - Anderson Arena; Fri. - June 7 - Boston, MA - Agganis Arena @ Boston Univ.; Sat. - June 8 - Springfield, MA - Massmutual Center; Fri. - June 21 - Manchester, NH - Verizon Wireless Arena; Sat. - June 22 - Kingston, RI - Ryan Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson interviewed Tina Ferrari.


She was in her ring attire but minus the trademark tiara.


LN: "Tina, the 26-month undefeated streak is over. You can't get that streak back. But, you can regain the UWL Women's World Title tonight. Your thoughts heading into this match?"


Tina: "Let's get one thing straight, Larry the Lush! I'm starting a brand new undefeated streak tonight! And it's gonna be a lot longer than the 26-month streak I had until it was snatched from me by Madusa! And there's no better way to start the new streak than by winning back my UWL Women's World Title! Madusa! I really hope you've enjoyed the last couple of weeks! I held the title for 14 glorious months! You're only gonna hold it for 16 measly days! That belt is coming home and home is around the waist of the greatest female wrestler of all-time, Tina Ferrari!"


LN: "I notice that you haven't mentioned carrying the spirit of Mildred Burke within you recently. Why is that?"


Tina: "The spirit of Mildred was not there when I needed her at 'Spring Mayhem'! She had become one fickle spirit! So I kicked her spirit to the curb! If any other wrestlers out there want to take on the spirit of Mildred, she is now available!"


LN: "Good luck tonight, Tina."


Tina: "Luck's gonna have nothing to do with me taking down Madusa and regaining my rightful place at the top again!")


(In-ring: JJ Dillon, Harley Race and Wahoo McDaniel came to the ring.


Race and Wahoo came to the ring in street clothes and JJ was wearing a suit. All three had mics. They were roundly booed.


While coming to the ring, video aired from last week of Race and Wahoo losing a tag team match to Lord Humongous and Missing Link when Race was pinned by Link and Wahoo was furious and had words with JJ about it at ringside and then JJ and Wahoo left and headed to the back, leaving Race alone in the ring and Race, after coming to his senses, looking around for JJ and Wahoo and then heading to the back alone.


JJ: "There are those out there who say there are problems brewing in the ranks of JJ Dillon Enterprises! Those people are liars, plain and simple! Like in any group, there are going to be some disagreements from time to time! Wahoo and Harley have butted heads on occasion over some differences! But, and you have my word on this, these are not major problems that are on the verge of tearing JJ Dillon Enterprises apart! I have never managed a stronger pair of wrestlers in my career! The records of these men in this sport speak for themselves! We are all on the same page!


"So, while some of you want to see JJ Dillon Enterprises implode, guess what?! It's not going to happen! We still have our goals that we're shooting for and we will achieve those goals! For the chattering classes, go ahead and print your outrageous stories to try and sell your magazines or to try and get eyeballs to look at your website! Serious internal problems are not an issue here! I won't allow them!"


WM: "Last week, we didn't lose to Lord Humongous and the Missing Link. Harley lost to Lord Humongous and the Missing Link!"


HR: "Wait just a minute..."


JJ: "Harley! You'll get your turn! Let Wahoo finish speaking! Wahoo, continue."


Race looked at JJ in disbelief but kept his mouth shut.


WM: "As I was saying, if Harley Race would have done his job last week, we would have won our tag team match! But, just like at 'Spring Mayhem', Harley can't complete the simplest task given to him! Harley, you need to shape up, mister! You need to get your head on straight and start doing what's best for JJ Dillon Enterprises! You're killing us right now!"


HR: "I have never been talked to or treated like this in all my years in this business! Even when I was breaking in and was in the opening match making only a few bucks a night, no one ever treated me this way! JJ, you need to take the blinders off and realize that big problems are boiling up to the surface between me and Wahoo! And JJ, you also need to treat me better!"


JJ: "Harley, I've treated you great in all the time you've been managed by me! You get paid well! You are..."


HR: "I also seem to get left behind in the ring after a loss! What gives, JJ?!"


WM: "Maybe you were left in the ring last week because there was no excuse for you losing that match! The loss was all on you! Do your damn job..."


Race dropped his mic and grabbed Wahoo by the shirt. Before things could go any further, JJ stepped in to separate the pair. Race picked up his mic.


JJ: "There's no need for this! I just stated we don't have any serious problems and we don't! Got me, Harley?!"


HR: "Yeah."


JJ: "Good. Now let's move on to something else..."


HR: "Hey! Why didn't you reprimand Wahoo as well?!"


JJ: "You grabbed Wahoo, Harley! You started it!"


HR: "The guy was standing there trashing me! I couldn't let that slide!"


WM: "Looks like you don't have a choice but to let it slide!"


Wahoo and Race started having words with each other face to face as JJ tried to settle things down again. Interim Pres. Wally Karbo walked out on the entrance stage.


Karbo: "Gentlemen! Look over here, please."


The trio stopped and turned and looked over at Karbo.


Karbo: "As the acting UWL President for the next two weeks since President Watts is away on other business, I have the power to make matches. And on 'Slam!' next Tuesday, it's gonna be Wahoo McDaniel and Harley Race...vs. the Nasty Boys!"


Fair amount of cheers for the news.


WM: "We should win that one, Harley, if you just do what you're supposed to do."


Race and Wahoo started arguing off-mic again and JJ tried to get them to calm down as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the obviously growing tension in the camp of JJ Dillon Enterprises. Hyped still to come: UWL World Title: Roddy Piper © vs. David Schultz (The Firm); UWL Women's World Title Re-Match: Madusa © vs. Tina Ferrari; and more! Said Greg Valentine vs. ??? was coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Madusa. Madusa was in her ring attire and wearing the title.


LN: "Madusa, Tina Ferrari was out here earlier and said she's gonna regain the UWL Women's World Title and start a new undefeated streak. What are your thoughts heading into this match tonight?"


Madusa: "Larry, Tina Ferrari is a woman who will do anything to get back to where she was. It's tough enough to win a title. But, it's even tougher to defend one. She will bring the fight to me in this match. It's obvious that losing is something she doesn't know how to handle. For her own sanity, she's got to become the champion again and start another undefeated streak because in her mind there is no other alternative. She's cagey and she's crafty. She's also a great wrestler. But I'm determined to go out there tonight and make sure the only streak she has when the match is over is a two-match losing streak. We'll see how she deals with that.")


(Video aired for the UWL 'Top 5' for the week of 4-28 through 5-4.


* Top 5 determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Rick Steiner (President's Champion)


2 - David Schultz


3 - Wahoo McDaniel


4 - Hugh Morrus (TV Champion)


5 - Ken Patera


* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


Match 4

Greg Valentine (w/ Gary Hart) vs. ???


(Announcers pointed out that the wrestler that Valentine will be facing is a friend of Pres. Watts. Also pointed out that Watts was not at the show tonight and Wally Karbo had taken over the presidential duties on an interim basis for the next two week because Watts had to attend to other business.


Music-only version of 'All Along The Watchtower' by Hendrix played over the p.a. system and out came Valentine and Hart. Greg was in his ring attire and Hart was in a suit. They were strongly booed. Once in the ring, Hart had a few words for Greg and then left the ring and went to the floor.


After a brief pause, the Univ. of Oklahoma fight song started playing over the p.a. system.


Out on the stage walked Greg's opponent. He was wearing a red Sooners' football jersey, red tights and red and white boots with the skull and crossbones on the outside of each boot. He received a decent ovation coming to the ring. Valentine seemed somewhat suprised to see this man.


Pedicino: "It's Steve 'Dr. Death' Williams!"


Williams slapped hands with some fans on the way to the ring and then got up on the apron. Williams turned to acknowledge the crowd. Big mistake. Valentine charged up behind Williams and clobbered Willaims with a forearm smash to the back. Valentine then grabbed Williams and leaned him back over the top rope and blasted away on Williams with a series of rapid-fire forearm smashes to the chest. Valentine rammed Williams head into the ring bolt that connects the top turnbuckle with the ring post. Williams toppled off the apron and crashed to the floor. Ref called for the bell and waved his arms signaling that there was no match.


Valentine left the ring and dropped to the floor and grabbed Williams and threw Williams violently into the ringside barricade. Williams went down in a heap. Valentine then put the boots to the downed Williams and then grabbed Williams and threw him into the ring. Ref again waved off the match and called for the bell once more. Willaims down in the ring. Hart had grabbed a chair from under the ring and slid it into the ring. Valentine grabbed the chair and went over and proceeded to drive the top part of the chair into Williams' left ankle a few times. Williams hurting. Ref tried ordering Greg to stop but Greg feigned like he was gonna hit the ref with the chair and the ref bailed to the floor. Greg tossed the chair. Crowd buzzing. Valentine then locked Williams up in the figure four. Williams in tremendous pain. Greg started rocking back and forth violently to apply more pressure to the hold.


Williams then let out a pained, terrible scream and tried to grab at his left ankle area but Valentine wouldn't let go of the hold. Crowd popped when Arn Anderson, in his ring attire, came charging to the ring. Arn hit the ring as Greg released the hold. As Greg got up, Arn jumped on Greg and started hammering away on him with punches. Valentine fought back and the two were slugging it out in the ring. UWL security and EMT's came rushing to the ring. Williams still laid out in great pain and grabbing at his left ankle area. Williams was picked up on a mic.


Williams (in a pained voice): "My ankle! My ankle!"


Security was able to separate Arn and Greg and Greg left the ring and dropped to the floor and joined Hart. Arn wanted more of Greg but security was keeping him at bay as EMT's climbed into the ring. Valentine and Hart started to head back up the aisle as the fans booed and garbage was tossed in their direction.


DECISON: No Contest - Match never started)


(Coming back from the commercial break, EMT's had stabalized Williams' lower left leg and were placing him on a board and preparing to slide him onto a stretcher. Camera shot of the announcers.


Stack: "During the break, I was able to ask one of the EMT's if they knew what happened. He said they think Valentine probably broke Williams' ankle."


Crowd applauded Williams as he was wheeled back up the aisle.


Announcers discussed what they had just witnessed a little more. Said the UWL Women's World Title match was coming up. Then sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed interim Pres. Wally Karbo.


LN: "Wally, after what we just witnessed between Greg Valentine and Steve Williams, what will the punishment be for Valentine?"


WK: "Larry, I haven't been able to get a hold of President Watts by phone yet. I can only say that we'll have more information on this developing situation after I talk with Bill. We just hope Steve is okay and it's nothing serious."


LN: "OK. You had another announcement you originally wanted to make before the Williams-Valentine matter. What is that?"


WK: "Since Ole Anderson beat President's Champion Rick Steiner earlier tonight in the tag team match between the Anderson brothers and Steiner and Hugh Morrus, I have talked with members of the UWL Championship Committee and we have decided that Rick Steiner will defend the President's Championship against Ole Anderson on 'Slam!' next Tuesday."


LN: "Thank you, interim President Karbo. Now, would you please welcome my guests at this time. They are Director Ted DiBiase and David Schultz of The Firm."


Schultz and DiBiase walked into the interview area.


LN: "David Schultz, tonight you face Roddy Piper for the UWL World Championship. This is a huge match for The Firm as a group..."


DS: "You bet this is a huge match for The Firm, Larry Nelson! The UWL World Title could finally be coming to where it belongs! And that's with The Firm! Roddy Piper! Son, you've got your work cut out for you tonight! Beating you and winning that World Title would be a huge blow to the UWL side in our war! I get the World Title, then The Firm owns the crown jewel of professional wrestling! Combine that with the fact that we already have the World Tag Team Titles in our possession and that we'll eventually win the TV Title and President's Championship, we've taken a monster step towards attaining the ultimate prize...which is the complete takeover of the UWL!"


LN: "Ted, your thoughts about the match tonight?"


Ted: "David Schultz really said all that needs to be said! The bottom line is this! Schultz beats Roddy Piper, then we control...CONTROL...the UWL World Title! It doesn't get any bigger or better than that as far as titles go in this sport! The Firm knows it still has work to do to achieve all of its goals! But those goals will be accomplished! To get the World Title in our possession tonight would speed things up on the road to victory for us! Roddy Piper! You're going down to defeat! And it's a defeat that will send shockwaves through the entire UWL! The only question that will need to be answered after tonight is: can the UWL recover from this hit and still be able to put up any type of strong resistance against us from here on out!")


Match 5 (UWL Women's World Title)

Madusa © vs. Tina Ferrari


('Invincible' by Pat Benatar played over the p.a. system and out came Tina Ferrari. She was in a Ric Flair-like blue and white flowing robe. No tiara. Announcers pointed out that Tina mentioned earlier that the spirit of Mildred no longer resided within her. She was mainly booed but had her small core of fans.


After a brief pause, 'American Woman' played over the p.a. system. Madusa came out to a solid ovation. She had the title around her waist. Madusa slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring and acknowledged the crowd once in the ring.


Ref took the title and held it up for all to see. Ref handed the belt off to r.a. Lee Marshall. Ref called the women out to the middle of the ring and laid down the ground rules and patted both women down as Tina and Madusa stared each other down. Ref then sent the women to their respective corners.


Ref called for the bell and it was on.


Back-and-forth battle early on with neither woman gaining a firm advantage. At one point, Tina tried to pin Madusa with her feet on the middle rope but Madusa was able to escape defeat. Madusa eventually took control of the match.


At the end of the match, Madusa whipped Tina into the ropes and bent down and looked to catch Tina coming off with a backdrop but Tina instead kicked Madusa in the chest. Madusa shot up and stumbled back and Tina dropped Madusa with a running clothesline. Madusa crashed to the mat. Tina picked up Madusa and bodyslammed her into position for a turnbuckle move. Tina went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a frog splash on Madusa that connected. Tina bounced off of Madusa but Tina quickly recovered and covered Madusa and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-1/2... Madusa got a shoulder up. Crowd buzzing. Tina grabbed Madusa and whipped Madusa into the turnbuckles and followed Madusa in and blasted Madusa with a step-up enzuigiri. Madusa stumbled out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Tina circled around behind Madusa. Madusa made it to her feet. Tina grabbed Madusa from behind and around the waist. Tina held Madusa for a second and then blasted Madusa with Madusa's own finisher, the German suplex into a bridgeout. Tina for the pin. 1...2...2-7/8... Madusa kicked out. Crowd popped. Tina picked up Madusa and prepared to bodyslam the champ when Madusa stunned Tina by catching her in a small package. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans erupted.


Ref went over by the ropes and took the title and had words with r.a. Lee Marshall, who was standing on the apron.


Tina absolutely shocked as Madusa made it to her feet and the ref came over and handed Madusa the title and raised her hand in victory to the delight of the crowd.


Marshall: "Ladies and Gentlemen! In a time of 7 minutes, 24 seconds, your winner...and STILL UWL Women's World Champion...Madusa!"


Ferrari walked over and grabbed the mic out of Marshall's hand. She was furious and glaring at Madusa.


Tina: "This is not happening! I do not lose two matches in a row! That does not happen to Tina Ferrari! I'm the best, not Madusa! I can't believe this! I don't know how to deal with being a loser like all the little people out here! This is not reality! My reality is one of nothing but wins and being the champion forever! But now I have no choice! I... I...quit!"


Crowd popped as Tina slammed the mic down on the canvas, blew past a stunned Madusa and stormed out of the ring to the floor. Tina looked with wide-eyed disbelief at the crowd, many of whom were waving goodbye to her. Tina then made her way back up the aisle.


Ref raised Madusa's hand a second time and Madusa held the belt over her head as the fans cheered more for her.


WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - Small Package - 7:24)


(Announcers discussed Madusa retaining the title against Tina and Tina apparently quitting. Said the UWL World Title Match: Piper © vs. Schultz (The Firm) was coming up!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed UWL World Champion Roddy Piper in the locker room.


Piper was wearing his t-shirt, kilt, and had the title around his waist.


LN: "Roddy, you're coming off the big win over your former friend Wahoo McDaniel and now are thrown in the fire once again, this time against David Schultz of The Firm with the title on the line. Are you worried about possible outside interference by other members of The Firm?"


RP: "Larry, David Schultz and I have known each other a long time. A lot of fans probably don't know that. And it's obvious that we've both changed a lot. I've become a better person and a better wrestler and am now the World Champion. And David Schultz is a bigger son-of-a-bitch than ever before."


Crowd in the arena popped as they watched the i'view on the JumboTron.


RP: "The Firm bills itself as the elite of wrestling. If they mean the elite thugs of wrestling, then I would tend to agree with them. Everything must be done by the UWL to keep the World Title out of the hands of The Firm. We are at war. And The Firm winning this belt would be a major victory for them and a huge stepping-stone in their plans to one day dominate the UWL. Since The Firm has shown a propensity time and time again to interfere in matches where Firm wrestlers are involved, I have no doubt they'll try something in our match tonight. Director Ted DiBiase isn't always planning; he's always scheming. That won't change here. So, with that in mind, all UWL wrestlers, whether loved or hated, need to be keeping an eye on this match. If they try to do something then our side must respond. There's no way..."


LN: "Look out!"


Rick Rude charged into the locker room and attacked Roddy Piper the two started exchanging blows and Piper got the upper hand and slammed Rude's head into the wall. Rude dropped to the floor. Hall, Nash and Rhodes came in and went over to Rude. Luger, Arn and Patera then came in. Members of The Firm started yelling at Piper as Luger, Arn and Ken held Piper at bay. After a few more words were exchanged between the groups, the UWL trio was able to hustle Piper out of the locker room as Rude was helped to his feet by Rhodes. Nelson sent it back to ringside.)


(Announcers discussed the Piper interview and Rude attacking Piper and Piper leaving Rude laying and members of The Firm coming to Rude's defense and UWL'ers Luger, Arn and Ken coming to Piper's defense.)


(Announcers then hyped for next week on 'Slam!':


JUST SIGNED: Arn Anderson vs. Greg Valentine


Harely Race & Wahoo McDaniel vs. The Nasty Boys


President's Championship: Rick Steiner © vs. Ole Anderson


A status report on Steve 'Dr. Death' Williams


Has Tina Ferrari really quit?!




UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling - Tuesdays - FX - 9:30pm E/P)


Match 6 (UWL World Title Match)

Roddy Piper © vs. David Schultz (w/ Ted DiBiase) (The Firm)


(Schultz and DiBiase came to the ring to 'Money' by Pink Floyd. DiBiase was in a suit. They received a mixed crowd reaction.


After a brief pause, bagpipe music filled the arena. Fans popped big-time as Piper came out on the entrance stage. Piper slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Once in the ring, Piper briefly played to the crowd.


Announcers said that they will stay with the match to its conclusion.


Ref took the title from Piper and held it up for all to see and then handed it off to r.a. Marshall.


Ref then called Piper and Schultz out to the middle of the ring. DiBiase stood with Schultz. As Piper and Schultz glared at each other, ref laid down the ground rules and patted both men down and then sent each man to their respective corners.


Ref called for the bell and it was on.


After the two slugged it out early, Piper took control of the match. Piper tried to put Schultz away a couple of times but Schultz escaped defeat each time. Schultz eventually gained the advantage thanks to a rake of Piper's eyes. At one point, Schultz drove Piper out of the ring to the floor with a clothesline. Out on the floor, DiBiase quickly removed his tie and strangled Piper with it as Schultz distracted the ref. DiBiase threw Piper back in the ring. Match had fans on the edges of their seats. Schultz had his chances to win but couldn't put Piper away. The match ultimately settled into a see-saw affair. At one point, Piper locked Schultz into the ankle lock, but Schultz was able to quickly scoot the top part of his body under the ropes to force a break.


At the end of the match, Piper was on the offensive. Piper whipped Schultz into the corner and followed Schultz in with a clothesline. Schultz staggered out of the corner and Piper nailed Schultz with a facebuster. Adrian Adonis, in street clothes, charged to the ring. Piper saw Adonis as Adonis climbed into the ring. Luger charged down the aisle, hit the ring and tackled Adonis from behind. Crowd exploded. Adonis rolled over and Luger got on top of Adonis and started popping Adonis in the head with punches. Ref distracted by Luger and Adonis. Adonis was able to throw Luger off and roll out of the ring and drop to the floor and Luger followed Adonis out. As Piper and the ref took that in, DiBiase slid into the ring and placed something in Schultz's right hand. DiBiase quickly bailed and Schultz was still down. Luger and Adonis battled into the aisle.


Piper went over and reached down and grabbed Schultz and started to pull him to his feet. Schultz sprung up and stunned Piper with a foreign object-laden punch. Piper crashed to the mat. DiBiase distracted the ref while yelling at him from the floor as Schultz slid the object into his right knee pad behind the ref's back. DiBiase suddenly stopped arguing with the ref. Crowd on edge. Schultz grabbed the stunned Piper and nailed Piper with his Redneck Death Drop (Aka, Scorpion Death Drop) finisher. Schultz covered Piper and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-9/10... Piper got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. DiBiase pounded the mat in frustration. Luger and Adonis had fought to the back. Schultz popped the downed Piper in the head with some punches. Schultz then went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Piper got to his feet. Schultz came off the buckle and attempted to nail Piper with an elbow smash to the head but Piper caught Schultz around the waist and drove Schultz back first into the buckles. Piper hammered away with a series of boxing-style punches to the head and body of Schultz. Piper then blasted Schultz with a running bulldog.


DiBiase climbed up on the apron. Ref turned and ordered Ted off the apron. Piper went over and grabbed DiBiase and was shaking Ted. Schultz recovered and charged up behind Piper and went to nail Piper from behind but Piper moved at the last second and Schultz slammed into DiBiase. Crowd erupted. DiBiase crashed to the floor. Schultz staggered back in the ring and crashed to the mat. Piper grabbed Schultz's left ankle and turned Schultz over into the ankle lock. Schultz struggled in the hold and tried to make the ropes but the pain was just too much and Schultz tapped out. Ref called for the bell. Crowd the loudest of the night so far.


Ref went over and talked to r.a. Marshall and took the title. Ref handed the belt to Piper and raised his hand in victory. Schultz had rolled out on the apron. Piper raised the belt in the air and was celebrating with fans when Rude, in street clothes, came charging to the ring. Rude slid in the ring and came up behind Piper and bashed Piper across the back with a forearm smash. Piper dropped the title. Rude nailed Piper with some punches and then blasted Piper with the Rude Awakening. DiBiase had recovered and was now in the ring. An angry Rude looked down at the champ as an unhappy DiBiase looked on as the program faded to black.


WINNER: Piper - Submission - Ankle Lock - 13:18)




Dark Match

Arn Anderson, Lex Luger & Ken Patera vs. Hall & Nash (WTTC) & Dusty Rhodes (w/o DiBiase)

(WINNER: Arn, Lex, Ken - Pinfall - Arn pinned Hall with a roll-up from behind after Adonis' interference backfired - 17:45)

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Last week, Steve 'Dr. Death' Williams was the mystery opponent who was supposed to wrestle Greg Valentine in Valentine's first match back from his 60-day suspension, but Valentine attacked Williams before the match and broke Williams' ankle. This week, Greg Valentine will be wrestling his first match back against Arn Anderson!




- An interview with UWL World Champion Roddy Piper


- Wahoo McDaniel & Harley Race vs. The Nasty Boys


- An update on the status of Steve Williams


- DDP vs. Rip Oliver


- The Firm makes an appearance


- An update on the status of Tina Ferrari: Has she really quit the UWL?


- Dusty Rhodes of The Firm sees action against Buzz Sawyer


- President's Championship: Rick Steiner © vs. Ole Anderson




Ep. 120 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers and ran down the program: Arn Anderson vs. Greg Valentine; a video message from Pres. Bill Watts concerning Greg Valentine's assault on Steve Williams last week; an update on Steve 'Dr. Death' Williams; UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; The Nasty Boys vs. Wahoo McDaniel & Harley Race; Rip Oliver vs. DDP; President's Championship: Rick Steiner © vs. Ole Anderson; an update on whether Tina Ferrari really did quit the UWL last week; Dusty Rhodes vs. Buzz Sawyer; and more.)


(Video aired from two weeks ago of the end of the Hall-Patera match and the confrontation between Hall and Nash of The Firm and Lord Humongous and Missing Link.




Patera whipped Hall into the ropes and caught Hall coming off with the Russian Hammer. Crowd popped. Nash grabbed Hall's tag belt off the timekeeper's table. Patera circled behind Hall waiting for Hall to start making his way to his feet.


Ref looking on at Patera and Hall as Nash got up on the apron and started climbing into the ring and prepared to strike Patera from behind with the belt. Crowd erupted as Lord Humongous tore down to the ring. As Nash got into the ring, Lord hit the ring, blew past everyone and violently tackled Nash and the two tumbled through the top and middle ropes down to the floor. Crowd eating it up. With Nash out of the way, Hall slowly made it to his feet. Patera moved in and locked Hall into the full nelson and blasted Hall with his full nelson slam finisher. Patera covered Hall and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Fans loving it. Ref raised Patera's hand in victory.


Nash made it to his feet on the floor and got up facing away from Lord Humongous. Nash turned around and saw Lord and jumped back. Lord pounded on his chest and then pointed at Nash. Nash and Humongous now glared at each other. UWL security came charging out and got between Lord and Nash before anything could happen between them. Fans booed security. Security grabbed Lord and Lord responded by throwing them off. Nash yelling at Lord as security kept Nash at bay. More security came to ringside. Lord gestured for Nash to come at him. Hall had recovered in the ring and jumped down to the floor in front of Lord. Hall shoved Lord. Lord went to move on Hall but security grabbed Lord. Hall kicked Lord in the nether regions. Nash broke free from security and jumped on Lord and started flailing away on him. Security tried to get a hold of the situation and pull the men apart. Missing Link came charging down to ringside. Security went to retain Link. Lord broke free of security again and started firing back on Nash. Hall joined Nash. Link fought through security and nailed Hall with a headbutt that staggered Hall. Security finally able to separate Nash and Lord. A wall of security now separated the two teams. Crowd into it. Some guy in the front row with curly hair and wearing the funny nose and glasses threw popcorn at the wrestlers and security. Link and Lord were looking on as Nash was yelling at Lord and Link as Hall was regaining his bearings from the headbutt by Link. Lord pointed at Nash again as Link started slamming his own head on the apron. Security was finally able to hustle Hall and Nash around the ring and back up the aisle. Remaining security was on the floor holding Lord and Link back from going after them. As they were being herded up the aisle, Nash turned, pointed and yelled back at Lord and Link. Hall said nothing as he was holding his head and suffering a terrible headache courtesy of Missing Link. Security working on calming down an angry Lord and Link at ringside. Dark Journey came down to ringside and was able to calm her two men down and lead them back up the aisle to the cheers of the fans.)


('Money' by Pink Floyd played over the p.a. system and all seven members of The Firm came to the ring. They received a mixed crowd reax. DiBiase and two other members had mics.


The group got in the ring and soaked in the crowd reaction for a moment before speaking.


Nash: "Lord Humongous and Missing Link! You wanna mess with Hall and Nash, huh?! That's fine with us! Bring it on! We're not scared of you two neanderthals! You wanna tangle with the World Tag Team Champions, we'll fight you guys anywhere and anytime! You name the date and place and Hall and Nash will be there! As the video replay that just aired showed, the match was between Hall and Ken Patera! But, you guys had to stick your nose in Firm business! And as other UWL wrestlers can tell you, that's not a good idea by any stretch of the imagination! Feel free to join the body count, Link and Humongous! Because when Hall and Nash get through with you two evolutionary mishaps, you guys will be reduced to nothing more than green scum on the pond from which man emerged!"


Hall: "Hey yo! Man, Missing Link and Lord Humongous! You guys may intimidate some wrestlers out there! But you don't intimidate us! You want a war with us?! Alright! You've started it! But Hall and Nash will finish it! That's all you need to know! Who knows if those guys are even fully human?! I mean, one guy calls himself The Missing Link, man! His name implies that either he's not all there in the DNA department or he's what...half-monster and half-human?! Who in their right mind gets off on slamming their own head into a chair or on the ring post?! That's not normal! And Lord Humongous! Is the guy's face so hideous that it will cause instant death if we see it?! Here's a guy who walks around wearing a hockey mask from the Ken Dryden-era of hockey! Does Humongous even know what millenium we're living in now?! Those guys, they may be big and tough and all that! But they're also not the sharpest knives in the drawer! Those guys have tangled with the wrong tag team! And they're gonna realize that the next time we lock horns with 'em! It will even be understandable for their pea-sized brains to comprehend that they made a huge mistake messing with us!"


Rhodes: "Ladies and Gentleman! 'Stardust' is back in action tonight, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabyyyyyyyyyyyy! I know you've missed seeing me in action recently! But, the thrill is back! You're all gonna feel a tingle go up and down your leg once I step through these ropes and dispatch another enemy of The Firm! We are just amping things up, daddy! You can feel a seismic shift coming real soon! And it's gonna be in The Firm's favor! We're keepin' our eyes on the prize! We may have some setbacks along the way! But we are gonna win in the end! And I'm gonna love being part of the group that one day is gonna have complete dictatorial control over the UWL! It's comin'! And y'all need to be ready for it!"


Rude: "Roddy Piper! You may have won your match last week against David Schultz! But it was a painful victory for you! The entire Firm has set its sights on you and the UWL World Title! You won a battle, Piper; but you're gonna lose the war, both personally and as a member of the UWL! We're willing to suffer a few casualites in our efforts to wrench the World Championship from your grasp! We'll do whatever we have to do! We will make sacrifices! But The Firm will one day be the owners of the UWL World Title! And Piper, you're gonna pay a severe price at our hands on our way to obtaining the gold!"


Adonis: "It seems that Mr. Lex Luger wants a fight with Mr. Adonis. Great. I'm all in. Touche', Lex, in coming to the defense of your UWL crony Roddy Piper last week. Bravo. (Adonis clapped.) It was well done. I didn't see it coming. You made me realize, Lex, that you're not just a dumb, musclehead pretty boy afterall. You've got some fight in you. I still don't believe that you'd hold up all that well walking through Hell's Kitchen after sundown. Next to my fellow Firm-ites, those guys in the Kitchen are the toughest SOB's walking the planet. But, I think we could have a real interesting scuffle. You want a match with me, Luger? Just sign on the dotted line. I'm more than ready to show you that brains and skill trump muscles and power."


Ted: "Last week, The Firm didn't accomplish a huge goal. Roddy Piper is still walking around as the UWL World Champion. But The Firm is more than one person! It's the elite group in this sport! Piper, you may knock off one of us, but you've still got several other members of the group to deal with! And as was pointed out by Rick Rude, The Firm won't rest until we have control of the big belt! And that day will come! I promise you that day is coming sooner than anyone wants to believe! If it takes wearing Piper down with a non-stop assault from all of us then that's what we'll do! We will beat Piper down until the day comes when he can longer win the battle with us! He will be so battle-weary that there will be no way on God's green earth that he can keep the championship from falling into The Firm's hands! And when we get the World Title, we will have taken a gigantic step towards our naked grab for complete control of the UWL! Hahahaha!")


'Money' played over the p.a. system and The Firm briefly played to the crowd in the ring before heading to the back to a mixed crowd reax.)


(Announcers discussed The Firm promos. Hyped still to come: Arn Anderson vs. Greg Valentine; A video message from Pres. Bill Watts concerning Greg Valentine's assault on Steve Williams last week; an update on Steve 'Dr. Death' Williams; UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; The Nasty Boys vs. Wahoo McDaniel & Harley Race; Rip Oliver vs. DDP; an update on whether Tina Ferrari really did quit the UWL last week; Dusty Rhodes vs. Buzz Sawyer; and more. Said the President's Championship match was next!)


Match 1 (President's Championship)

Rick Steiner © vs. Ole Anderson


(Ole made his way to the ring first to pretty strong boos. He was alone. As Ole came to the ring, video aired from last week of Ole making Steiner tap out to the cross armbreaker to give Ole and Gene their win against Steiner and TV Champ Hugh Morrus.


After a brief pause, 'Welcome To The Jungle' blared over the p.a. system. Rick Steiner came out to a strong ovation. He had the title on around his waist. Steiner slapped hands with fans and barked on the way to the ring. Steiner then ran around ringside barking and slapping more hands and the crowd barked back.


Steiner then got in the ring and started running and barking some more and Ole jumped Steiner from behind. Ref called for the bell to start the match.


Ole dominated early, but Steiner battled back with pitbull-like tenacity and fought his way back into the match. Rick took control for a brief period before Ole regained the advantage and started working over Steiner's left arm.


At the end of the match, Ole was able to hit Rick with the Divorce Court and apply his cross armbreaker finisher. After a brief struggle, Steiner was able to move close enough to the ropes and get his hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Ole got up and stomped on Rick's left arm. As Steiner got up, Ole grabbed Steiner's left arm and started pounding on Steiner's left shoulder area. Steiner mustered the strength to fire back on Ole with a punch to the face with his free hand. Ole then struck Steiner in the left shoulder again with his right fist. The two then engaged in a brief punch exchange with Ole punching Steiner in the left shoulder and Steiner popping Ole in the face. Steiner then got the upper hand and nailed Ole with a few uncontested punches. The punches stunned Ole and freed Steiner from Ole's grasp. Steiner then whipped Ole into the ropes and caught Ole coming off with a belly-to-belly overhead suplex. Ole down. Steiner grabbed his left arm as it was hurting from where Ole had tortured it. Steiner in pain as Ole made it to his feet. Steiner moved in and hoisted Ole across his shoulders. Steiner fought through the pain and managed to nail Ole with his Steiner Driver (aka, Death Valley Driver). Ole down and Steiner was sitting up and grabbed his left arm as he felt the effects from hitting Ole with devastating move. Steiner managed to cover Ole and hook the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered. Ref went over and took the title from r.a. Lee Marshall and had a few words for Marhsall.


Ref went over and handed Steiner the belt and raised Steiner's hand in victory. Steiner held his left arm close to his side and carried the belt with his right hand as he exited the ring.


WINNER: Steiner - Pinfall - Steiner Driver - 7:22)


(Announcers discussed Steiner retaining the President's Championship against Ole. Hyped still to come: Arn Anderson vs. Greg Valentine; A video message from Pres. Bill Watts concerning Greg Valentine's assault on Steve Williams last week; an update on Steve 'Dr. Death' Williams; UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; The Nasty Boys vs. Wahoo McDaniel & Harley Race; Rip Oliver vs. DDP; Dusty Rhodes vs. Buzz Sawyer; and more. Said an update on Tina Ferrari is coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'Deja Vu Presents: Thunderstruck' - Sunday - June 9 - Seattle, WA - Key Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers intro'd video from last week of the end of Madusa defending the UWL Women's World Title in a re-match against former champ Tina Ferrari and Ferrari quitting after the match.




Tina grabbed Madusa from behind and around the waist. Tina held Madusa for a second and then blasted Madusa with Madusa's own finisher, the German suplex into a bridgeout. Tina for the pin. 1...2...2-7/8... Madusa kicked out. Crowd popped. Tina picked up Madusa and prepared to bodyslam the champ when Madusa stunned Tina by catching her in a small package. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans erupted.


Tina absolutely shocked as Madusa made it to her feet and the ref came over and handed Madusa the title and raised her hand in victory to the delight of the crowd.


Ferrari walked over and grabbed the mic out of Marshall's hand. She was furious and glaring at Madusa.


Tina: "This is not happening! I do not lose two matches in a row! That does not happen to Tina Ferrari! I'm the best, not Madusa! I can't believe this! I don't know how to deal with being a loser like all the little people out here! This is not reality! My reality is one of nothing but wins and being the champion forever! But now I have no choice! I... I...quit!"


Crowd popped as Tina slammed the mic down on the canvas, blew past a stunned Madusa and stormed out of the ring to the floor. Tina looked with wide-eyed disbelief at the crowd, many of whom were waving goodbye to her. Tina then made her way up the aisle.)


(UPDATE: Announcers discussed the status of Ferrari.


Pedicino: "Steve, no one in the UWL has been able to contact or find Ferrari all week. She's been texted, e-mailed, called; no response whatsoever from the former Women's Champ. A UWL official went to her home in California and she wasn't there and has only been seen a couple of times by the neighbors since she announced she she was quitting."


Stack: " What has happened to her? UWL officials will keep trying to contact her. But right now, nothing from Tina. This is still an unfolding situation and we'll keep you fans updated here and on uwlslam.com with any new developments.")


(Announcers then said Race and Wahoo vs. The Nasty Boys was coming up!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson interviewed JJ Dillon Enterprises.


LN: "JJ, everyone is wondering what's going on between Harley, Wahoo and yourself. Are you sure there are no real problems brewing in the camp of JJ Dillon Enterprises?"


JJ: "Larry, how many times do I have to say this? There are no serious problems in the ranks of JJ Dillon Enterprises. The sensationalist media is trying to make it appear there are big problems between us when nothing could be further from the truth. Sensationalism sells. What you have seen recently are just some minor tiffs that can happen within any group. I stress the word 'minor'. We're still on the same page when it comes to doing what's best for us as a unit. And the fans are gonna see that tonight when Wahoo and Harley wrestle the Nasty Boys."


LN: "Wahoo, are you confident heading into the match tonight with the Nasty Boys?"


WM: "I'm confident that we'll win tonight...if Harley does his job. If that doesn't happen then we could be in big trouble."


HR: "I'm getting sick and tired of this! Wahoo, what if you're the one who doesn't carry his share of the load in the match?!"


JJ: "Harley, you need to calm down and..."


HR: "Shut up, JJ! You've so totally buried your nose in Wahoo's rear end..."


WM: "Don't talk like that to JJ! We're supposed to be a team! I know that I'll carry my share of the load in our match tonight! It's you who's dropped the ball on every occasion lately!"


HR: "I'll say what I want to who I want, Wahoo! Ever since you signed with JJ Dillon Enterprises, you've been nothing but a diva! You think everything should be built around you and everyone should kiss your ass and cater to you! If we're a team, then we need to start working like a team!"


WM: "No, Harley! You need to be more of a team player if we're gonna succeed! And don't ever call me a diva again! You hear me?! I'm a star and deserve to be treated like one!"


HR: "And I'm not a star?! 8-time World Champion! That's a star for you! And JJ, you need to quit being Wahoo's enabler!"


WM: "How dare you..."


JJ: "We've got a big match coming up with the Nasty Boys right now. Let's go. Again, this is all nothing more than minor differences of opinion."


JJ walked out of the interview area with Wahoo while Harley looked on for a moment before following them out.)


Match 2

Wahoo McDaniel & Harley Race (w/ JJ Dillon) vs. The Nasty Boys


(Wahoo, Race and JJ came to the ring to pretty strong boos. Harley was walking behind JJ and Wahoo, who were walking together.


Nasty Boys came out to a decent ovation.


Match was a back-and-forth battle between four veterans of the tag team wars. Dillon never interfered.


At the end of the match, Wahoo and Knobs were the legal men in the ring. Wahoo had gained a brief advantage. Wahoo had just come off the top turnbuckle and nailed Knobs with a chop to the head. Knobs crashed to the mat. Wahoo snapped Knobs up and whipped Knobs into the ropes and looked to catch Knobs coming off with his big chop finisher but Knobs ducked the move and came back plastered Wahoo with a flying lariat. Wahoo crashed to the mat. Knobs tagged in Sags. Knobs and Sags grabbed Wahoo, whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off with the flapjack. Wahoo crashed face first into the mat and then rolled over on his back. Knobs went to his corner and had his back turned to the ring and was urging on the crowd as Sags covered Wahoo. Race climbed into the ring and mounted the middle buckle. Ref counted. 1..2... Race came off the middle buckle and looked to blast Sags with his diving headbutt but Sags rolled out of the way and Race smashed heads with Wahoo. Race rolled over next to the ropes holding his head. Sags re-covered Wahoo and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered. Ref raised the Nasty's hands in victory and the team briefly celebrated in the ring.


As Harley recovered on the apron, JJ was furious and was yelling at Harley and poking harley in the chest. Race rolled off the apron and dropped to his feet on the floor. JJ was still yelling at Race. Race grabbed JJ by the lapels of his jacket. Wahoo recovered and saw what was happening and immediately left the ring. Wahoo came up behind Race grabbed Race by the shoulder and spun Race around. Race and Wahoo were nose-to-nose and having words with each other. JJ stepped in and looked to defuse the situation. As the two men were gently being separated by JJ, Wahoo caught Race with a cheap shot to the jaw. Race was stunned but didn't go down. Wahoo and JJ then left the ringside area and headed to the back as Race stood holding his jaw at ringside and shook his head in disbelief and then headed to the back alone.


WINNER: Nasty Boys - Pinfall - Sags pinned Wahoo after Race's interference backfired - 6:40)


(Announcers discussed the Nasty Boys defeating Wahoo & Harley and then JJ Dillon Enterprises having more problems with each other after the match. Hyped still to come: Arn Anderson vs. Greg Valentine; A video message from Pres. Bill Watts concerning Greg Valentine's assault on Steve Williams last week; an update on Steve 'Dr. Death' Williams; UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; Rip Oliver vs. DDP; and more. Said Dusty Rhodes vs. Buzz Sawyer was next!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - May 10 - Johnson City, TN - Freedom Hall; Sat. - May 11 - Jackson, TN - Oman Arena; Fri. - May 17 - Frankfort, KY - Frankfort Convention Center; Sat. - May 18 - Bowling Green, KY - Anderson Arena; Fri. - June 7 - Boston, MA - Agganis Arena @ Boston Univ.; Sat. - June 8 - Springfield, MA - Massmutual Center; Fri. - June 21 - Manchester, NH - Verizon Wireless Arena; Sat. - June 22 - Kingston, RI - Ryan Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


Match 3

Dusty Rhodes (w/ DiBiase) (The Firm) vs. Buzz Sawyer


(Sawyer came to the ring to the song 'Delirious' by ZZ Top. He got a fair ovation coming to the ring. He slapped and bit the hands of some fans on the way to the ring. Once in the ring, Buzz ran around the ring barking and the crowd barked back.


'La Grange', also by ZZ Top, played and Dusty Rhodes and Ted DiBiase came to the ring to a mixed crowd reax. Dusty was wearing his top hat, black satin ring jacket with 'Dusty' written in red cursive lettering on the back, black tights and his white cowboy-style wrestling boots. Ted was in a suit.


Buzz gave Dusty a battle. DiBiase never interfered.


At the end of the match, Buzz was on the offensive. Buzz whipped Dusty into the ropes and caught Dusty coming off with a flying dropkick. Dusty crashed to the mat. Buzz then bodyslammed Dusty into position for a turnbuckle move. Buzz went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. Buzz came off with a big elbow but Dusty rolled out of the way and Buzz crashed to the mat. Both men down. Both men made it to their feet and Dusty moved in and stunned Buzz with a bionic elbow to the head. Dusty then blasted Buzz with a rapid-fire series of bionic elbows to the head and then grabbed Buzz and hoisted Buzz upside down and blasted Buzz with the 'Stardust Driver' (aka, inverted piledriver). Dusty covered Buzz and didn't bother to hook the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised Dusty's hand in victory. DiBiase got in the ring and congratulated his man.


WINNER: Rhodes - Pinfall - Stardust Driver - 4:21)


(Announcers discussed Dusty defeating Buzz. Hyped still to come: Arn Anderson vs. Greg Valentine; A video message from Pres. Bill Watts concerning Greg Valentine's assault on Steve Williams last week; UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; Rip Oliver vs. DDP; and more. Said an update on Steve 'Dr. Death' Williams was coming up!)


(Video aired for a special 2-1/2 hour edition of 'Slam!' on Tuesday, May 21, with a special start time of 8:30pm E/P on FX!)


(Video aired from the Falls Count Anywhere match last week where DDP beat Father Dutch in a bloody battle and Grog and the Sacred Anvil attacked DDP during the match and Brian Blair and Buzz Sawyer came to DDP's aid.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson interviewed DDP.


Asked DDP about Blair and Sawyer coming to his aid last week and tonight's match with Rip Oliver.


DDP: "Larry, last week's match with Father Dutch was brutal. And when his unholy henchmen decided to get involved, I thought I was in serious trouble. Thank God for Buzz Sawyer and Brian Blair. Without them, I would have suffered a serious beating at the hands of Father Dutch, Grog and the Sacred Anvil and possibly lost the match. They saved my bacon, man. But this holy war isn't over. It's now a 3-on-3 situation. Father Dutch, if you and your congregants want a match with DDP and the Crusaders, ask and ye shall receive, brother.


"I've got a tough match coming up with Rip Oliver. Rip apparently hasn't been a happy man since he lost the TV Title to Hugh Morrus at 'Spring Mayhem'. I aim to prolong his agony tonight.")


(Video aired from last week of the Greg Valentine vs. ??? match. The mystery opponent turned out to be Pres. Watts' long-time friend Steve Williams. Video showed Valentine violently assaulting Williams beofre the match, driving the top part of a chair into Williams' left ankle and seriously injuring Williams' ankle in the figure four leglock and Arn Anderson coming to Williams' aid and Arn battling Valentine briefly in the ring. Video ended showing Williams being stretchered off to the back.)




Pedicino: "Unfortunately, the initial reports we received after the show went off the air last week were correct. Greg Valentine did break Steve Williams' ankle with the figure four. Williams is recovering at home right now. Healing time for the ankle is expected to take 6 to 8 weeks. Steve, you're in our thoughts and prayers. You just concentrate on getting better right now."


Stack: "President Watts really pulled a shocker last week when the mystery opponent he'd chosen for Greg Valentine was Steve 'Dr. Death' Williams. Watts and Williams have had a long-time professional and personal relationship. We'll be hearing from Watts about the incident a little later on tonight in pre-recorded comments. President Watts was not at 'Slam!' last week and he's not here this week because he's taking care of some personal business. We do know that he will be here next week. And I think that there could be some real fireworks between him and Valentine. Knowing Watts, he won't take this matter lying down. He'll have a response that Mr. Valentine and Mr. hart may not like."


Pedicino: "Indeed. It's gonna be interesting to see how this all plays out in the coming weeks.")


(Announcers said Oliver vs. DDP was next!)


Match 4

DDP vs. Rip Oliver


(Oliver came to the ring first to strong boos.


Music-only version of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' played over the p.a. system. DDP came out to a good ovation. DDP got to the bottom of the ramp, made the Diamond sign and then did the 'Bang!' gesture as pyro went off on the stage.


A lot of action crammed into a short match as both men gave it their all.


At the end of the match, Oliver was on the offensive. Oliver worked over DDP and then nailed DDP with the sitout rear mat slam. The back of DDP's head slammed into the mat. Oliver then assumed the position. A dazed DDP made it to his feet and Oliver went to finish DDP off with his superkick finisher but DDP ducked the kick and blasted Oliver with the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere. Crowd popped as Oliver crashed to the mat by the ropes, rolled out on the apron and dropped to the floor.


Just then, Father Dutch, the Sacred Anvil and Grog came down to the ring. FD was in his priest's attire. Anvil was in his Mormon missionary-style duds. Grog was wearing his silver and black mask with a cross in the center above the eyes and silver and black tights with silver crosses on the outside of each leg. DDP noticed the trio. The three men hopped on three different sides of the apron. DDP was prepared to fight them all. Fans cheered as Blair, in street clothes, and Buzz, still in his ring attire, made their way to the ring. Grog and Anvil dropped to the floor and started brawling with Blair and Sawyer at ringside. FD got in the ring and charged at DDP and swung wildly at him. DDP ducked the move and DDP kicked FD in the gut and obliterated FD with a Diamond Cutter. Fans going wild. FD down in the ring. Ref tried to get the downed FD out of the ring. Oliver had recovered on the floor and climbed back in the ring as DDP made the Diamond sign for the crowd. DDP then turned around...WHAM!... Oliver popped DDP with his superkick finisher. DDP crashed to the mat. Oliver covered DDP and hooked the leg as the ref turned and saw Oliver covering DDP. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised Oliver's hand in victory.


Fighting between Blair and Sawyer against Grog and the Sacred Anvil petered out on the floor and Blair and Sawyer climbed into the ring to check on DDP. Grog and Sacred Anvil went over to where FD had just gotten to his feet on the floor. Oliver had left the scene with a win. DDP made it to his feet on his own and he, Buzz and Blair looked down at the unholy trio. Neidhart was pointing at DDP and laughing at him as FD and crew headed for the aisleway. DDP was gesturing for the men to get in the ring and fight as Buzz and Blair stood at the ready. But, FD, Grog and Anvil just looked on in the aisleway before heading to the back.


WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - 5:47)


(Announcers discussed Oliver beating DDP thanks to some 'other worldy' help from Father Dutch and his congregants. Hyped still to come: Arn Anderson vs. Greg Valentine; UWL World Champion Roddy Piper is here; and more. Said the special video message from Pres. Watts was coming up.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Arn Anderson.


Asked Arn about coming to Steve Williams' aid last week when Valentine broke Williams' ankle and his match tonight with Valentine.


AA: "I knew when Greg Valentine returned from his 60-day suspension that he would go looking for trouble. And he's found that trouble. I'm not Greg Valentine's only problem right now. Steve Williams will be back. He's double tough and there's no way he'll let a broken ankle keep him away from returning and getting his hands on Valentine. When he heals, Valentine's gonna have some serious hell to pay. Valentine's also gonna have to deal with President Watts. He's in hot water on so many fronts that I would hate to be Greg Valentine right now.


"I'm dedicating this match to Steve Williams. I can't let 'Doc' down. I have got to win and I have also got to unleash some serious pain on Greg Valentine in the process.")


(Announcers intro'd the special pre-recorded video message from Pres. Watts responding to Valentine breaking Steve Williams' ankle last week before the match could even start between the two. Watts has been away on personal business the last two weeks and UWL official Wally Karbo has acted as the interim President in Watts' absence.




Watts was standing in a hotel room. The video was filmed on a hand-held video cam.


BW (cool but angry): "Last week, my good friend Steve Williams suffered a gruesome injury at the hands of Greg Valentine. Steve is healing up right now. But that healing process is going to take time. These last couple of weeks, I haven't been able to be at the 'Slam!' shows because of other business I've had to attend to. Right now, I am very angry. And you know who I'm angry at. Greg Valentine, I've got some news for you, mister. I will be returning to 'Slam!' next week. You and me are gonna have a meeting. And it's not gonna be too pleasant for one of us, Greg. I'll let you guess which one of us that is. I'll see you next Tuesday, Valentine.")


(Announcers discussed the Watts video response and hyped Watts confronting Valentine next week on 'Slam!' Hyped still to come: Arn Anderson vs. Greg Valentine. Said an i'view with UWL World Champion Roddy Piper was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL Top 5' for the week of 5-5 thru 5-11.


The top 5 is determined by the UWL Championship Committee.




1 - Rick Steiner (President's Champion)*


2 - Wahoo McDaniel


3 - Dallas Page


4 - David Schultz


5 - Hugh Morrus (TV Champion)


* The President's Champion is automatically deemed the #1 contender.)


(Video aired from the end of last week's World Title match between Piper © and David Schultz of The Firm where Piper was laid out by Rick Rude with the Rude Awakening as the program ended.)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall i'viewed UWL World Champion Roddy Piper.


Piper, in his ring attire and with the title around his waist, came to the ring to bagpipe music and a strong ovation. Piper slapped hands with some fans along the way. Piper got in the ring and briefly played to the crowd.


LM: "Roddy, we all saw what happened after you successfully defended the World Title against The Firm's David Schultz, when fellow Firm member Rick Rude left you laying with a Rude Awakening. The Firm was out here ealier tonight and said they are now targeting you and are gonna win that World Title from you no matter what it takes. Are you concerned about this? I mean, these guys pose a serious threat and they have shown that they can back up what they say."


RP: "Lee Marshall! I welcome The Firm coming after me! One thing that you have to give The Firm credit for is they don't disguise their goals in the UWL! One of their biggest goals is to win the UWL World Title! I'm not gonna run from them! I'm not gonna hide from them! I refuse to be intimidated by them! I took down David Schultz last week! They look at it as a temporary setback! Every other guy in that group is gonna be hot on my heels! You deal with The Firm by dealing with The Firm! You can't avoid them! So let's get it on!


"But, there's one particular member of The Firm I want to zero in on right now! And that's Rick Rude! Rude, you don't have to ask for a match me because I'm demanding a match with you! You want to play games and sneak attack me! Fine! I'll get my revenge by pummeling the hell out of you in this ring! The fight has to be brought to every member of The Firm! No matter..."


Rick Rude walked out on the entrance stage in street clothes with mic in hand. He got a mixed crowd reax.


Rude: "Roddy Piper! You want a match with the 'Ravishing One'?! You're on, pal! We are gonna wage such an intense war against you that we won't let up on your carcass even after we've taken the World Title from you! Now, I have two requests, champ!"


RP: "And what is that?!"


Rude: "Let's have our match next week here on 'Slam!'!"


RP: "I'm all for it! And your next request?!"


Rude: "You put up the World Title in the match!"


RP: "You are on, Rude! I'll put the title on the line against you or any other member of your outfit! I'm a fighter! And fighting The Firm and frustrating their attempts to win the top title in all of wrestling brings me great joy! If a member of The Firm is ever gonna win this belt from me...he'd better know that he's in for the fight of his life! I'll make it as hard for any of you as possible! You'll practically have to pry this belt from my hands with the Jaws of Life! Winning titles and losing titles is the reality of this business! But, the last people I ever want to see this title in hands of is any member of The Firm!"


Rude: "Well, looks like those Jaws of Life could be making an appearance next week! You will not be able to withstand the assault unleahsed upon you by The Firm forever! We want the UWL World Title! And we're gonna get it!!"


Interim Pres. Wally karbo walked out on the entrnace stage with mic in hand. Virtually no response to Wally from the crowd.


Rude: "What do you want, Wally?!"


WK: "Roddy Piper. Rick Rude. I just called President Watts and informed him of the situation that was developing between you two. He told me to tell you that he has OK'd a match between you two for next week. However, he's going to have discussions with the championship committee in the next few days to determine if the title will be on the line in the match. A decision will be rendered at the beginning of 'Slam!' next week."


RP: "Waldo! You lean on President Watts a little bit this week and let him know I want the match to be a championship match!"


Rude: "Piper, next Tuesday could be a historic day! It could be the day that The Firm seizes strong control in this war when you lose the World Title to a member of The Firm!"


The two did the long-distance staredown as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the Piper interview and confrontation with Rude and a match being made between the two next week, though we don't know if it will be a title match until next week. Said Arn Anderson vs. Greg Valentine was coming up!)


(Video aired for a special 2-1/2 hour edition of 'Slam!' on Tuesday, May 21, starting at a special time: 8:30pm E/P on FX!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson interviewed Greg Valentine and manager Gary Hart.


Asked about breaking Steve Williams' ankle last week and the match tonight with Arn Anderson.


GV: "Last week was my return to action after my unfair 60-day suspension! To say I came back with a bang would be an understatement! It's really a shame that President Watts couldn't be here last week to see his buddy, Steve Williams, have his ankle broken by yours truly! Steve Williams made a major mistake as soon as he got to the ring! He turned his back on me! You don't do that to Greg Valentine, because as Steve Williams learned, you can suffer some ugly ramifications because of it!


"Watts! You thought you were gonna shock me by springing Steve Williams on me as an opponent! But it was me who shocked everyone and it was me who had the last laugh! Watts says he will be back next week and we're gonna have a meeting and it won't be a good thing for me! Oh! I'm so scared! President Watts is coming! I'd better prepare to grovel before him! Hahaha! What's Watts gonna do to me, huh?! I'm looking forward to my meeting with the President!


"As for tonight, I heard that Arn Anderson has dedicated his match with me to Steve Williams! Well, maybe I can help things along and make it a true dedication by breaking Arn's ankle in the figure four as well! If we're lucky, Arn will also squeal that phrase popularized by Williams last week: 'My ankle! My ankle!' Hahaha!"


Hart: "What we saw last Tuesday was that Greg Valentine is taking no prisoners in his return to the UWL. While President Watts will say that Steve Wiliams was victimized by Greg, the man who's at fault for all this is...President Watts. He brought all this on himself. Steve Williams wouldn't have a broken ankle today if it wasn't for Watts getting cute and calling up his friend Williams and asking him if he'd be the suprise opponent for Valentine. Steve, if you're watching this, you really need to pick better friends. If this keeps up, Watts will one day get you run over by an 18-wheeler.


"Tonight, Arn Anderson has a chance to join Williams in the Ankle Break Hotel. As both Greg and I have said the last few weeks, he has come back in better shape than he's ever been in and he's determined to make it back to the top. And a victory over Arn Anderson will show that Greg Valentine is back with a vengeance and the rest of the UWL will be put on notice that it's 'hammer time' again.")


(Announcers hyped for next week on 'Slam!':


- Roddy Piper (WC) vs. Rick Rude (The Firm) - Pres. Watts will announce if the match will be for the UWL World Title at the start of next week's 'Slam!'


- Pres. Watts confronts Greg Valentine


- Madusa (WC) vs. Luna


- The in-ring debut of Adrian Adonis (The Firm)


- Lord Humongous & Missing Link see action




UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling - Tuesdays - 9:30pm E/P - FX)


Match 5

Arn Anderson vs. Greg Valentine (w/ Gary Hart)


(Arn came to the ring first to a strong ovation.


'All Along The Watchtower' by Hendrix played and out came Valentine and Hart to strong boos. Hart was in a suit.


Ref called for the bell and the men came out of their corners and cricled one another. Valentine swept at Arn's left leg with his hand but Arn evaded the move. The two men continued to cautiously circle one another and the two went to lock-up in a collar-and-elbow tie-up but Greg stunned Arn by grabbing Arn's left leg causing Arn to lose his balance and crash to the mat. Greg went to immediately apply the figure four but Arn caught Greg in a small package for the pin try. 1... Greg kicked out. The two men got to their feet and Greg went to punch Arn but Arn blocked the punch try and blasted Greg with a series of punches to the head. Arn whipped Greg into the buckles and followed Greg in and nailed Greg with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to the mid-section. Arn then whipped Greg into the opposite buckles and Greg flipped up over the top buckle and landed on his feet on the apron. Greg charged down the apron and Arn blasted Greg with a clothesline that sent Greg crashing to the floor as the fans popped. Hart over to check on Greg. Ref ordered Arn back and started the 20-count. Arn wanted Greg back in the ring and came over by the ropes but the ref again ordered Arn to step back. Ref started the count again as Valentine got to his feet on the floor and had some words with Hart. Greg got up on the apron and Arn came over. Greg ordered the ref to make Arn step back so he could get in the ring. greg stalled out on the apron and feigned getting in and Arn came over and Greg pulled out onto the apron again. Ref ordered Arn to step back and Arn had words for the ref and Greg stunned Arn with couple of shoulder blocks. Greg then grabbed Arn and went to suplex Arn out of the ring and down to the floor but Arn twice blocked the move and suplexed Greg back into the ring.


Arn then backed up and came at Greg and looked to nail Greg with a knee drop to the head but Greg rolled out of the way and Arn crashed into the match. Both men down. Greg got to his feet as Arn was getting up and Greg nailed Arn with a series of elbows to the back of Arn's neck. Valentine then stunned Arn with a swinging neckbreaker. Greg for the pin. 1...2.. Arn kicked out. Greg grabbed Arn and whipped Arn into the buckles and Greg followed Arn in with a clothesline. Arn stumbled out of the corner next to the ropes. Greg leaned Arn back against the ropes and smashed Arn with a series of stiff, deliberate forearm smashes to the chest. Arn grabbing at his chest and hunched over. Greg pounded Arn with a series of froearms to the upper back that dropped Arn to a knee. Greg raked his boot laces across Arn's eyes. Greg grabbed Arn and slammed his head into the top buckle. Arn walked out of the corner and Greg grabbed Arn and whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn coming off with an elbow to the chest. Arn crashed to the mat. Greg dropped an elbow across Arn's chest and went for the cover. 1...2... Arn kicked out. Greg grabbed Arn and went to whip Arn into the buckles but Arn reversed and sent Greg crashing into the buckles. Greg walked out of the corner and was greeted with a clothesline from Arn. Greg down. Arn grabbed Greg and whipped Greg into the opposite buckles and follwed Greg in, mounted the middle buckle and pounded away on Greg with head shots. Arn stopped and dropped off the buckle and Greg staggered out of the corner and crashed face first to the mat. Arn pulled Greg up, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with the spinebuster. Crowd popped. Arn made the throat-slitting gesture.


Gary Hart jumped up on the apron. Ref went over and ordered Hart off. Arn saw Hart on the apron and went over and started having words with Hart. Valentine recovered and came up behind Arn and low-blowed Double A. Arn went down and Hart dropped off the apron. Greg grabbed the hurting Arn, whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn coming off with a low dropkick to Arn's lower left leg area. Arn went back down and was know grabbing his leg rather than his nuts. Greg grabbed the leg and violently twisted Arn's left ankle area a few times. Arn in a bad way.


Stack: "It looks like Valentine's gonna try and repeat last week against Steve Williams!"


Greg then dragged Arn over to the ring post, dropped to the floor and pulled Arn's legs out around the post. Instead of looking to do damage to the left knee area by slamming it into the post, Greg slammed Arn's left ankle into the post three times.


Pedicino: "He's definitely going for another ankle break!"


Arn scooted away from the post as Greg got back in the ring. Arn was grabbing at his left ankle but Greg killed that by stomping on Arn. Greg then grabbed the leg, yanked on it a few times and then locked Arn in the figure four. Crowd buzzing. Arn in pure agony as Valentine applied great pressure to the hold. Greg started rocking back and forth violently in an effort to break Arn's ankle. Arn writhing in pain but not giving up. Arn was inching his way towards the ropes. Greg kept the hold firmly locked in. Arn started weakening from the pain and dropped his back to the mat. 1...2... Arn sat up and you could see it was painful. Arn finally scooted close enough to the ropes to get his hands on the bottom rope and force a break in the hold. Arn slowly and painfully made it to his feet with the help of the ropes. Greg moved in and he and Arn tangled up next to the ropes. Ref tried to order a break. Arn shifted and Greg was now next to the ropes as Arn bought some time with the tie-up. As the ref tried to get the pair away from the ropes, Hart snuck over, grabbed Arn by the ankle and pulled Arn's leg out from him. Arn crashed to the mat. Valentine rolled Arn up for the pin while placing his feet on the middle rope for leverage. 1...2... Arn got a shoulder up. Greg went for the pin again and once more placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage. 1...2... Ref saw it and ordered a break. Greg went over and started having words with the ref. Greg then shoved the ref. The ref then shoved Greg back and Greg turned just as Arn had gotten to his feet. Arn stunned Greg with a kick to the gut and then a DDT. Crowd popped. Arn slowly over for the cover. 1...2... Greg kicked out. The two men got to their feet and Greg moved in on Arn but Arn stunned Greg with a left to the jaw. Arn then reached down and grabbed Greg's left leg and pulled Greg's legs out from under him. Greg tried to beg off as Arn yanked on Greg's left leg a few times and then locked Greg in the figure four. Fans popped like microwave popcorn with butter and light salt. Now, Greg's the one feeling the pain.


Greg trying to get to the ropes. Arn started rocking back and forth violently like Greg did when he had Arn in the hold. Greg in dire hurt. Greg raised his hand like he was going to tap but didn't. As the ref looked over at Arn, Hart reached in the ring, grabbed Greg's hands and tried to pull Greg near the ropes. Ref saw it and ordered Hart to let go which Hart did. Greg struggled a little more and finally made it close enough to the ropes and got his hands on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Both men now have a bad wheel as they slowly, painfully made it to their feet. The two men moved in on each other and exchanged punches and Arn got the better of it and went to whip Greg into the ropes but Greg reversed and caught Arn coming off with a kick to the gut that double Arn over. Greg then went to lock Arn into the hold for the Hammerhead (aka, Pedigree), but Arn once again grabbed Greg's legs and pulled them out from under him and Greg went down. Arn then catapaulted Greg into the corner. Greg's head slammed into the top buckle and Greg staggered backwards out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Arn covered Greg for the pin. 1...2...2-1/2... Greg kicked out. Arn then grabbed Greg and hoisted Greg in the air for a suplex, but Arn's left ankle appeared to give out on him and toppled to the mat with Valentine on top of him. Greg for the cover. 1...2...2-7/8... Arn got a shoulder up. Crowd on the edges of their seats. Greg got to his feet as Arn was getting up. Greg popped Arn with some punches and then went to whip Arn into the ropes but Arn reversed and caught Greg coming off with a spinebuster. Crowd exploded. Hart looking very uneasy at ringside. Arn again made the throat-slitting gesture. Arn grabbed Greg and, fighting through the pain, Arn was able to hoist Greg up and nail Greg with his gourdbuster finisher. Greg rolled over on his back. Arn painfully covered Greg and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans ate it up. Shot of a disappointed Hart at ringside. Arn rolled off of Greg and, with the help of the ref, made it to his feet. Ref raised Arn's hand in victory as the program went off the air.


WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - Gourdbuster - 16:11)




Dark Match (Non-Title: Indian Strap Match)

Roddy Piper (WC) vs. Wahoo McDaniel (w/ JJ)

(WINNER: Piper - Touched all four corners in succession - 9:55 - Both men bled.)

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The Universal Wrestling League (UWL) has signed three new wrestlers.


'Gorgeous' Jimmy Garvin has signed a 1-year deal for $264,000.00. It is expected that Jimmy Garvin will be put together with Ron Garvin, who will drop the 'Bounty Hunter' gimmick, and they will resurrect their 'Garvin brothers' tag team. Like the Anderson brothers, the Garvin brothers are not really brothers.


The other signing is the tag team of 'Playboy' Buddy Rose and 'Pretty Boy' Doug Somers. The pair inked a 1-year deal for $216,000.00 each. Rose and Somers are best known for their series of legendary tag team matches with the Midnight Rockers (Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty) in the AWA.


Rose and Somers will most certainly be brought in as a heel tag team. It's not known if the Garvin brothers will be faces or heels.


The start dates for the three new signees is not known.


"We signed Garvin, Rose and Somers to shore up our tag team division," said UWL VP of Talent Chris McClain. "All three are solid workers and should add a lot of excitement to the tag team scene in the UWL."

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Thanks for the feedback. I just didn't think there was too far to go with a construction paper title, so I had Jimbo shred it.


'Paper Champion' :p


Didn't you do the AWA in the 2010 Dynasty section? That was good stuff.


Got some new adventures planned for 'Bad Boy' Brunzell starting this summer. Don't miss it!

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May 10 - Johnson City, TN - Freedom Hall - Att: 3,661


May 11 - Jackson, TN - Oman Arena - Att: 2,003*


(* Smallest house show crowd in UWL history.)


RESULTS (Same in each city):


UWL WORLD TITLE: Roddy Piper (WC) def. Wahoo McDaniel via submission with the Ankle Lock


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Hall & Nash (WTTC) (The Firm) fought to a No Contest with Lord Humongous & Missing Link


PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Rick Steiner (PC) def. Rip Oliver with the 'Steiner Driver' (aka, Death Valley Driver)


TV TITLE: Hugh Morrus (TVC) def. 'Superstar' Graham via pinfall with the Moonsault


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Madusa (WC) def. Luna via pinfall with the Missle Dropkick


Rick Rude, David Schultz & Dusty Rhodes (The Firm) def. Lex Luger, Arn Anderson & Ken Patera when Rhodes pinned Patera with the 'Stardust Driver' (aka, Inverted Piledriver)


Adrian Adonis (The Firm) def. Brian Blair via pinfall with the Reverse STO

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