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Chikara: We Are Our Own Creative Genius

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14th February 2013



Jason Gory vs Ophidian



The self-professed 'new face of wrestling' Jason Gory made his debut in Chikara but was in re-group mode just seconds into the match when Ophidian took him down and began trying to lock him into the Death Clutch. Gory escaped and later took control of the match with his daredevil offence, one move which changed the course of the match was a Gut Buster from Gory to Ophidian from the top rope, a winded Ophidian laid down helplessly as Gory landed a 450 splash for the win.


Winner: Jason Gory in 8:13 Grade: 37


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assail & combatANT vs The Colony IV



Last night at All the Agents and Superhuman Crew, combatANT made his return by costing Soldier Ant his match with assailANT, it was later announced on the Chikara website he has in fact re-signed and Leonard Chikarason saw no better way to welcome him back than putting him in this tag team match. The match had a very slow pace with each of the teams trying to out strength and outperform each other with lock ups and ground attacks. The match then caught on fire near the end, combatANT caught Soldier with a flush Swinging Neckbreaker but failed in his attempt to follow up with a standing Moonsault. Green Ant was the legal man after Soldier rolled out the ring and he proceeded to land a Diving Splash on combat from the top and then lock him in a Cloverleaf submission hold, assail was fighting off an attack from Soldier Ant and couldn't save him, combat was forced to tap out.


Winner: The Colony IV in 9:51 Grade: 46


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Max Smashmaster and Gran Akuma vs Incoherence



Gran Akuma looked to turn around his fortunes after a loss last night, this time in tag team action, Incoherence were the much more experienced team and it showed throughout the match. Max Smashmaster had received a lot of punishment when he was able to land a 'smashing' clothesline on Hallowicked, Akuma angrily got in the ring when Smashmaster rolled out. Akuma tried to put the match away with a reverse Piledriver but Hallowicked escaped and hit him with a Superkick. Frightmare got in the action and positioned Akuma for a Frankensteiner, following the move Akuma was in a bad way but he refused to exit the ring to allow Smashmaster back in and it resulted in him taking a Kneecolepsy from Frightmare which was enough to get the win.


Winner: Incoherence in 9:40 Grade: 44


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Mark Angelosetti came to the ring following the match:


"Sorry to interrupt your little celebration guys, but there is a bigger problem at hand, i am the Young Lions Cup holder, i am the future of Chikara but yet for some reason i am left of this weekend of Pay Per Views? I want an explanation and i am not leaving without one!"


Instead of Leonard Chikarason, Mike Quackenbush comes to the ring:


"Mark i don't see why you’re out here wasting these peoples and my time, they paid to see wrestling not to see some goofy american footballer wannabe, so you want an explanation? Here's the explanation, you’re not on the show, because you suck"


Angelosetti furiously paces around the ring before charging and smashing Quackenbush with a tackle, Quackenbush rolls out the ring in pain while Angelosetti leaves the arena.


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Jigsaw vs Johnny Gargano



This battle was one of the most exciting matches of the night, two wrestlers who look to be the present and future of Chikara. Jigsaw controlled the opening with Arm-drags and Dropkicks which he played to the crowd well. Gargano managed to counter a move and launch Jigsaw face first on the top rope, Gargano then grounded his offence using a rotation of submission moves including Body-scissors and a Boston Crab which look to take a long term effect on Jigsaw as the match continued. Jigsaw escaped soon later and wowed the fans with a Suicide Dive, Jigsaw took a while to get Gargano back in the ring and that time is what Gargano needed to recover. Jigsaw slid into the ring and walked into a Full Nelson STO from which he couldn't kick out off.


Winner: Johnny Gargano in 14:03 Grade: 52


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F.I.S.T II vs 3.0



The deciding factor in their match the previous night, Johnny Gargano wasn't competing this time and 3.0 had a chance against what many call the weaker two from F.I.S.T. Chuck Taylor controlled much of the ground based attacks but also joined Icarus for many aerial attacks. Many thought Taylor had finished Mathews when he landed a Turnbuckle Powerbomb but Mathews rolled out the ring, making Parker the legal man. Taylor still hadn't realized Parker was legal and was focused on Mathews, Parker then finished Taylor with the Lungblower for the win.


Winner: 3.0 in 12:55 Grade: 45


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Delirious vs Mike Quackenbush



Quackenbush came to the ring with a heavily taped mid-section and was clearly still feeling the effects of the attack from Mark Angelosetti earlier in the night. Delirious took advantage of this and worked on the sternum of Quackenbush throughout the match with many kicks and also repeatedly throwing Quackenbush into the turnbuckles and ringside steps. Later in the match Quackenbush started a fightback and looked to quickly end Delirious with submissions due to him not being able to maintain powerful offence. Quackenbush attempted to lock him in the Chikara Special and later a Cross-Arm Breaker but both times he was stopped by Delirious attacking his injured mid-section. Quackenbush gained enough momentum from the fans to get to his feet and he went for a Brainbuster but Delirious escaped with a stiff knee, Delirious then tightly locked him in a Bear Hug, Quackenbush held on for a short period of time but had to give up.


Winner: Delirious in 14:59 Grade: 59


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After a shot intermission a quite recognizable theme song plays, it was a modified version of one used by William Regal when he won King of the Ring. Out comes Kenny King, OMG King is in Chikara! Still appearing regularly on TNA television but tonight he is here in Chikara Pro Wrestling. He walks to the ring with a crown on his head and then grabs a microphone:


"Say hello to your new King, the newest blockbuster signing for Chikara, i was brought in here to make this place greatness, to make this place worthy of a King. And well i'm on the subject of being King, a King needs to be the focal point, all eyes need to be on him and therefor for that to happen i need to be Champion"


Leonard Chikarason comes out to answer King:


"It is great news that the investors have brought you in and you most certainly are going to make this place greatness, but around here we don't give out anything you have to earn it!


Eddie Kingston the Grand Champion interrupts, he looks pissed at the disrespect Kenny King is showing Chikara:


"Look Kenny, you don't just walk into a promotion that was built of the blood, sweat and tears of the best professional wrestlers in the world and demand to be number 1, like Leonard said around here you earn it. Right now i'm number one because i have the Championship, and that's not going to change. Tonight i will beat Tim Donst and then if you want to prove your worthy of stepping in the same ring as me, you'll be next!"


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Eddie Kingston vs Tim Donst



Tim Donst came out for the main event, Kingston, already in the ring watched as Donst and Kenny King shook hands as they passed on the entrance way. Kingston and Donst locked up, and battled in a battle of ground offence, despite Kingston's size advantage, Donst won most of the battles which frustrated Kingston. They then came together again for another battle when Kingston instead drove Donst into the corner and slapped his chest a bright red.


Kingston followed up with a big boot in the corner. Donst had time to recover after a spike DDT on Kingston, he went up top for Double Ax Handle but was caught and thrown in a Capture Suplex. Kingston attempted to lock on a Cloverleaf but a stiff knee to the face prevented him. Donst hit the first big move and nearly finished Kingston with an Olympic Slam but Kingston escaped at a two count.


Donst locked Kingston in a Half Nelson Choke and Kingston quickly began fading, he luckily managed to roll backwards into a cover which allowed him to escape the hold. Donst tried to keep the offence going but walked into a Spinning Backfist which almost finished him off. Kingston tried for a Lifting DDT, but Donst countered it into his second Olympic Slam and then quickly locked on another Half Nelson Choke. Kingston tried fighting out of the hold for a few minutes but he was trapped dead center in the ring, the referee declared the match over when Kingston's arm hit the mat three times in a row.


Winner: Tim Donst in 22:03 Grade: 49


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Overall Grade: 52

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Chikara Update


Current Point Standings


Chikara Grand Championship



Delirious: 1 Point

Johnny Gargano: 1 Point

Rich Swann: 1 Point

Frightmare: 1 Point

assailANT: 1 Point

Jason Gory: 1 Point



Chikara Campeon de Parejas



Los Ice Creams: 1 Point

F.I.S.T IV (Johnny Gargano & Chuck Taylor): 1 Point

The Colony IV (Soldier Ant & Green Ant): 1 Point

Incoherence: 1 Point

3.0: 1 Point



Predictions After 2 Show(s):

Jaded: 7/14

smurphy1014: 6/14

Timber: 4/7

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