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Baby's First C-Verse game

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So it occured to me whilst ruining WCW one day that I had never played the Cornellverse data since back in TEW 2004. I'm one of those folks who needs the real world data to play. But no more, I yell, drawing a strange look from my cat. I will play the C-verse and learn to love it. It is the data the game is meant to play, and reading about it on here has intrigued me. So on I go.


In case it wasn't obvious, this will not be an in character dynasty.


I import my usual ego-avatar and get my user talents set up to my liking. Negotiating and Creativity at 10, Motivating at 5, and no Diplomacy or Leadership. I like a fun backstage environment.


Now to choose a company. I enjoy the smaller promotions as a rule, so the big dogs are culled from the list. ZEN catches my eye for a moment, but then I decided out of nowhere to try a Japanese company. Warrior Engine XXV jumped right out and said howdy, so I jumped right into the booker's chair and took her for a spin.


I know little about the deathmatch style or Japanese wrestling in general, so this ought to be educational and entertaining for me. After poking around, setting up a show, and skipping ahead a day I get my owner's goals. Nothing major, don't drop below Small, no old folks, no MMA or mat wrestlers. I can handle that easy enough. I didn't know what to expect since the game informed me that Ryu Kajahara, my boss, was a psycho. Then he adds to get more popular in the upcoming year a few days later. Ok then. Wonder if he's going to keep doing that.


But never mind that. Let's get a show going!


After my first locker room incident.


Washi Heat no-showed his road agent's meeting. I gave him a warning, and he blew me off. Lovely. Who needs respect anyway?


WEXXV Last Final Attack

aka Redundant Title of Redundancy

Sold Out crowd of a thousand


All matches are hardcore unless otherwise noted.


Zeshin Makoika vs Taheiji Konoe vs Bull Wrecker


The autobooker set this up for me. I just told them to warm up the crowd. They did, I guess. Zeshin went over, and Taheiji learned a bit. Bonus! (D-)


Matsudaira Morioka vs Battle Sakata


Autobooker number two. Matsudaira went over, Sakata got better. Quality didn't though. (E+)


Darin Walker w/Seishiro Hiraga vs Washi Heat


WARNING: Angering your boss is bad for your career. I don't plan on using my avatar much, but I stomped Washi for six minutes just to piss him off. It worked, as I get a bit better in the process. My only regret is his refusal to take a sick bump. Not that I'm vengeful or anything. Hiraga did well for me, which is good since I was sloppy, being barely trained and all. Should have booked me more protected. (E+)


Washi whined about hardcore matches not suiting him. Hint: DON'T WORK IN A GARBAGE PROMOTION.




Koichi Kajiwara vs Mamoru Nagahama


Maybe seventeen mintues was a mistake here. They both were worn down by the end, and the crowd got upset at the length of the match. Just a time killer, really. Everyone's learning nicely tonight, though. Koichi won. Good on him.(E+)


The Berzerkers vs American Psychos


The Berzerkers don't work well together. Good thing the Psychos went over, then. (D-)


Gareth Wayne came out to hype up his match against Hiroshi Morisue, the champ. He is no longer allowed to improv on the fly. I don't like seeing complete disaster in the agent's note. (E)


Warrior's Heart title match

Barbed Wire Match

Gareth Wayne vs Hiroshi Morisue


He did much better in the match. Crowd woke up for it too, finally. Blood and barbed wire will do it, I guess. Gareth went over to take the title, which I didn't bother booking. No regrets. (D)


Final Score: D


Notes: This'll work, as it boosts our popularity at home. As always, one good match is all you need. And we had a few, so points to me for accidental decent booking. Also, why do we have a deathmatch title if no one will work a deathmatch?


I gave props to our main eventers for a good show, and tore into Washi in the post-game speech. For fun, y'know?


Matsudaira asked to take it easy on him, as he's a bit sore. Since we don't work again for a month, this should be easy enough.


Washi's mad too. I wonder why.


Despite losing, Hiroshi's momentum skyrocketed to a B. That's nice of him. Shame I took the title off, I guess. Now he can chase, though, so that works.


So far, so good. This experiment may be more fun than I thought. Tune in next time to see if I fired Washi yet.

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Thanks for the kind words.


I went and picked up a couple new folks to play with, looking for liberal folks so I can get some sick bump action going on. Because I'm freaky like that. Someone needs to do the deathmatch after all, and I'm too broken down and old, even in game.


Anyway, the first guy is Weird Waldo Odlaw, a Canadian gentleman who looks like Wolverine if he just got out of bed after a bender his healing factor couldn't handle. Not very good, but willing to die for his art. Sweet.


Ieshige Nishio is the other, a former Chaos Demon apparently who spent a little time here a few years back. Better than Waldo, and more intimidating. Still crap, and old enough that I can't expect much improvement. Midcarder jobber until his body collapses, I guess.


Not much to do until February. Tick, tick, tick....


The Japanese indy scene is kind of crowded. There is six companies involved in the regional battle here, and there are five companies putting on better shows than me. Outstanding. I didn't get knocked down to Small yet, so all may yet be well. I have never been happier that the big fish in this small pond are in the Modern Japan alliance with us. We turned a profit this month, around seven grand and change. I think I'm going to double dip on shows, keep the damage minimal, maybe even get out of the basement here in the bush leagues. I wasn't given any financial goals that I recall, anyway.


Oh hey, there some stables on my roster. Maybe I should have checked that sort of thing, huh? Have to put those to work.


BCG just posted a D+ on their first tour stop this month. So I know how high we have to jump now. We'll see if we have the legs for it. Probably not. At least they're on break next month. We're year round, baby. Modern Japan!


I also have a plan for next show that will blow most of my profits from last month. Want to see?


WEXXV Stages of Impact

SOLD OUT once again


Blood Brothers Championship

The Forlorn Hope vs Naga-Mori


Not the best tag title name, I must say. But who am I to judge, I use the suggested names for events. Unlike like previously booked opener, this one managed to get the crowd going. I might be getting the hang of this booking thing yet. Oh, the match. Good back and forth action between the two teams. But the champions managed to squeak out a win here to keep the beloved title I forgot about until this match. (D)


Munemitsu Senmatsu is here to TALK. He has a match tonight that will define his very career, against the legendary Haruki Kudo from my brothers in GCG. He calls him out to face him like a MAN! The agent said this was underwhelming, making me wonder how good he is when he's on his game talking. ©


Kudo is here, and the crowd goes nuts as he marches down to the ring. But out of the audience comes Mamoru Nagahama and Matsdaira Morioka with chairs in hand to pound the superstar down as Senmatsu smirks down at his broken body. Good times. Unless you're Kudo, I guess. (D)


Washi Heat vs Ieshige Nisho


This was a bad idea. The crowd was pumped, but these two killed that quick. Nishio seemed to half ass through it, which is no good in a debut. He went over Washi anyway, of course. (E+)


King Of Death Matches Championship (though not a deathmatch)

Weird Waldo Odlaw vs Tatsukichi Shichrobei


This sucked as much as the last match, even thought they brought their A game. Sigh. Tatsukichi retains after a hard fought match as my forehead gets intimate with my desktop due to booking this mess. (E+)


Bull Wrecker and Doug Peak are out here to try their own ambush, but Hiroshi is wise to this and jumps them from behind, destroying both men before strolling down to the ring for his match with their stablemate. (D-)


Henry Lee vs Hiroshi Morisue


Lee was not a happy camper after watching his boys get stomped by Hiroshi, and this went about as well for him. Hiroshi gets bored of beating him up after a while and tosses him out of the ring hard enough for him to land on the guard rail with a spine shattering impact. This was an easy win after that spot. Good thing, Lee was getting gassed near the end. Hiroshi wasn't, slacker.(E)


Haruki Kudo vs Munemitsu Senmatsu


Kudo was still banged up by the earlier assault, but was still game enough to cause some trouble. His desperation attacks were easily avoided by Senmatsu, until he got too cocky and slipped into a Kudo Lock. He fought for a bit, but was forced to tap out. Worth every penny. (D+)


Final Rating: D


Notes: DAMN IT I was hoping for a bit better. I dropped the ball on the match order, so I earned it. Still, I need better next show to stand a chance at pulling out of the bottom of the regional battle. Still earned some popularity, of course.


...5SSW put on a C- show. SO much for winning this round. Crap. I may be in the small time for a while yet.


I'll know I've made it when I can type these Japanese names from memory instead of constant double-checking.

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Yeah, 5SSW is pretty full of talent. Not surprised you lost to them. Of course, in my current game, I'm playing a deathmatch fed, and uh... just took a sick bump and broke my ankle. The one person on my roster who would... :)


But good luck, and remember, a D isn't too bad, all things considered.

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Even though I don't follow the Japan scene, I enjoyed your take on write ups. The whole approach as you actually play the game, well... Rocks! It amazes me how something so simple as writing it up for exactly what it is, a game, can be so engrossing. I'm in. Keep this up.



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Yeah, 5SSW is pretty full of talent. Not surprised you lost to them. Of course, in my current game, I'm playing a deathmatch fed, and uh... just took a sick bump and broke my ankle. The one person on my roster who would...


But good luck, and remember, a D isn't too bad, all things considered.


Yeah, 5SSW is stacked, I can't say I'm all that surprised they're beating the snot out of us. I'm more whining about my lack of foresight in picking the deathmatch promotion in a heavily contested area with much better wrestling than I can provide. I'll stick around until my psycho boss cans me though. Or I get bored.


And yeah, a D grade is cool for me. I tend toward local companies, and I've learned to love those ugly brown letters. I just hate losing to the rest of these clowns.


Even though I don't follow the Japan scene, I enjoyed your take on write ups. The whole approach as you actually play the game, well... Rocks! It amazes me how something so simple as writing it up for exactly what it is, a game, can be so engrossing. I'm in. Keep this up.


Thanks for the compliment on the writing style. After a few failed experiments in in-character style writing, I decided my natural voice was stronger. For you at least, it worked, so I'm happy. :)


And I'm not a big Japan guy either. It was part of the decision to pick a Japanese company, to try a new style than my usual booking patterns. We'll have to find out if it works or not as we go along.




So we open with a notice than Dallas McWade's contract is coming to an end. This would be a terrible thing to hear, if I had any idea he even worked for me. Upon investigation, it turns out he's a good, popular big guy who could be of use to me. It's like Christmas or something. Guess I ought to resign him and put him to work. He'll be staring at the lights next show just in case though.


Oh, he's out grown me, it seems as I go to resign him. Well, I guess there's nothing I can do about it, right?


Heh. We'll see.


WEXXV Crown of Fire 2013

In front of 845 people who payed to see a white guy put on a Japanese wrestling program


Dallas McWade vs Darin Walker w/Seishiro Hiraga

Loser leaves town while being laughed at by small children match


Because everyone wants to see that, really.


I promised myself I'd only wrestle when people anger me, I really did. I didn't know so many people would anger me like this. Of course, this was no contest, except for me taking a sick bump. Got to show the boys I'm willing to do the hard work too. I pin him after hitting him with a stuffed bear. But it was a BIG one. (E)


After the match I beat him up some more. The crowd hated it, but I didn't do it for them. (F)


So after I leave and Dallas starts limping to the back, selling that bear-induced injury, Hiroshi comes out and stomps on him some more. The crowd was much happier about this. Hehehe. Good luck in your next job, Dally. (D-)


Naga-Mori vs Weird Waldo Odlaw and Taheiji Konoe.


Seems like every show I meet guys I didn't know worked here. I really ought to pay better attention. Not that it mattered in the end, as Nagahama choked Odlaw out for the victory, maybe setting up a title match if I don't forget about it later. (E+)


Ieshige Nishio vs Zeshin Makoika


Most of the matches featured here in WEXXV have terrible wrestling. This was no exception. The crowd as nice and warm for this one, even if Nishio had a case of the Mondays working tonight. He won anyway, because I can't be bothered to pick winners. (D-)


Toyokuni Hardcore vs Henry Lee


I'm not going to lie, I picked Mr. Hardcore because his name made me think of a used car dealer promotion I saw on TV the other day. Henry Lee is one of my favorite Nick Cave songs. Such is how careers are made people. In other news, Toyokuni won. Henry Lee continues to show the stamina of the Ultimate Warrior on three pack a day cigarette habit. (D-)


Doug Peak vs Hiroshi Morisue


I really have little to add here. No jokes, or complaints. Hiroshi went over clean in a decent match. His beard is pleased with it's meal. (D-)


Warrior's Heart Championship

Munemitsu Senmatsu vs Gareth Wayne


Gareth is not championship material, I think. Perhaps Hiroshi was carrying him this whole time. Maybe he doesn't know how to work main event style. Either way, his title will belong to someone else soon. But not tonight. Wayne retains for now. (E+)


Final Rating - E+


Notes: BRAGGLEFRAGGLEGOBBADAMMMM. Gareth Wayne has failed me for the last time. *Force Choke*


I was overused it seems. I refuse to have my lifestyle judged by a computer.


Sadly, the post-game speech won't let me insult Dallas three times, so I settle for once, praise Hiroshi, and tell Gareth to stop sucking.


We did go up in popularity, so it could have been worse. I survived my sick bump, after all. So these sissies need to man up and kill themselves for my amusement too.


Next time - the results from the two show month. Expect it to have gone poorly. I do!

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