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Totally Texas Wrestling!

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Remember the 80s? Remember WCCW and its glory? Remember the Von Erichs? Remember how Texas was considered a hot-spot? Well now all I see around me in Texas are a bunch of people trying to be an 80s territory. People who want to wrestle the same style the 80s harboured. However it is now 2006 and Texas along with the rest of the indys in the Midsouth regoin need to carry on. I and my trustees have talked to the very best in the business about producing a TV Show, Media and to put on the best wrestling product in the world. I realize we have a lot of people trying to get us out of Texas but Texas needs a change and I am the man to do it. I also realize a lot of Texas and Southern Indy workes have refused and I mean refused to sign on with us. However it will never be too late for any name in Texas to try to find a home in the new best wrestling fed in Texas. I have the feeling that with the combined power of our roster and our creative team that we will successfully take over the Midsouth scene. I would like to introduce your commentators for Totally Texas Wrestlings TV Show Totally Texas Titans! The man to my left you know as Kevin Von Erich. The man to my right is of course Texas wrestling legend Terry Funk. As TTW Wrestlings founder and owner I would like to thank each and everyone of you at this press conference today and announce our official deal with Fox Sports Southwest. We hope to of course one day expand our empire into other networks. I would also like to announce that Hotstuff Hernandez and Fast Eddie are the first Texas workers to sign on. TTW will have 4 Titles. Each with its own specific function. The first title is known as the Totally Texas Title it will be our World Title. The second title is of course the Totally Texas Tag Team Titles and will be used for our tag team division. The third title is the Totally Texas Tornado Title and it is our Title for up and coming high flying and technical workers. Finnally our fourth title is the Totally Texas Tyranny Title which is a title for the hardcore and brawling style workers. I believe that with a little bit of heart and a lot of work TTW can easily be the best fed in the Midsouth. That is my aim to happen before the end of 2006! My name is Josh Montgomery TTW Owner and CEO! (Monday January 1st 2006 TTW Press Conference. The first TTW Show will be Friday Febuary 5th 2006.) Here is the TTW Roster: A lot of my signings are based off of agreements made with other companies. Main Event: Jimmy Yang Low Ki Steve Corino Al Snow Sean Morley Uppermidcard: Homicide Sonny Siaki CW Anderson Teddy Hart Jack Evans BJ Whitmer Midcard: Kevin Steen Jody Fleisch Adam Pearce Hotstuff Hernandez Dan Maff Lowermidcard: Sexxxy Eddy The Arsenal Fast Eddie Openers: Antonio Banks Excess 69 Enhancement: Evil Ninja 2 Announcers for TTW TV: Kevin Von Erich Terry Funk Tag Teams: Eddie Inc: Fast Eddie and Sexxxy Eddy Maff and Whitmer More Tag Teams to be announced in March when the Tag Team Tournament is. Now its time what everyone has been waiting for TTW Episode 1! Dodge Arena Hidalgo, TX Kevin Steen vs. Excess 69 vs. Sexxxy Eddy Great way to start off our first show by having three of Canadas finest in a match. Steen nailed Excess with a Package Driver for the win! Rating: C- Time: 14 Minutes Sonny Siaki, Teddy Hart, Sean Morley and Siaki are all shown backstage. Terry Funk tells them all they will be in the Main Event tonight in a 4 way match for the TTW Title. Rating: B Time: 3 Minutes First Blood Match Dan Maff vs. Homicide Homicide and Maff had a brutal outing in this match. Maff lost the match due to Homicide nailing a Cop Killah on a Barbed Wire Board Rating: C Time: 21 Minutes Dan Maff begs for Homicides forgiveness after the match but Homicide gives him a Shining Wizard and leaves. Rating: C- Time: 1 Minute Sonny Siaki hypes up the upcoming 4 way match Rating: B Time: 1 Minute Sean Morley then cut a promo about his match. Rating: B Time: 1 Minute Jack Evans vs. Jody Fleisch Great Match that went to a 20 minute time limit draw. Rating: C Time: 22 Minutes Morley vs. Yang vs. Hart vs. Siaki Sean Morley picks up the win with a Fisherman Suplex to Siaki in a great match. Rating: B- Time: 20 Minutes Final: C+ It hurt our popularity overall Thoughts on our first show and what can make my shows better. I am using a Cutting Edge promotion. Preview For Next Show: If Low Ki and Corino are back from Japan Low Ki vs. Jack Evans vs. Teddy Hart vs. Kevin Steen vs. ??? Sean Morley vs. Sonny Siaki Eddie Inc vs. Excess 69 and The Arsenal Two huge aquisitions debut against each other
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Roderick Strong, Matt Sydal and Paul London have all began talking to TTW Wrestling. Many hope for them to be on the next show! Many people are expecting the aquisition match to be huge. In fact it has been given a special 30 minute time limit. Changes are currently being made to the card. Dan Maff and Homicide have both signed contracts to enter a best of Seven Series. Maff and Cide's fued will be bloody and it will be the epitome of harcore here in TTW! The final match will be for the TTTyranny Title! TTW Wrestling Week 2 Febuary Friday 2006 Lubbock Municipal Colisuem Dan Maff vs. Homicide (Table Match) Homicide picks up the first win in the Best of Seven Series by giving Maff a Powerbomb through a table! Rating: B- Time: 14 Minutes Hype Video for next weeks Ladder Match between Maff and Cide Rating: C- Time: 1 Minute Homicide cuts a promo about how he was raised on the street and how lifes been rough to him, but he is going to be even rougher on Maff. Rating: C Time: 2 Minutes Roderick Strong vs. Jack Evans vs. Teddy Hart vs. Kevin Steen vs. Paul London vs. Matt Sydal (For the TTTornado Title) Hart picks up an upset win with the tights held on London Rating: B- Time: 21 Minute Hart talks backstage about how London does not deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as him Rating: C Time: 2 Minutes Sean Morley and Sonny Siaki are held apart from a brawl backstage Rating: B- Time: 2 Minutes Sonny Siaki talks about himself being the next big Somoan Breakout star. Rating: B Time: 3 Minutes Sean Morley vs. Sonny Siaki Morley hits a SuperPerfect Plex on Siaki for the win! Rating: B Time: 16 Minutes Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries Danielson wins with a Dragon Suplex onto Aries in a good Main Event Rating: B- Time: 29 Minutes Attendance: 5000 PEOPLE! Final Rating: B-. It somehow hurt our popularity :S Great news WWE has offered contracts to just about half of MY FRIGGIN ROSTER! GRR! Next Weeks Card: Sean Morley vs. Bryan Danielson! Austin Aries vs. Kevin Steen Dan Maff vs. Cide Ladder Teddy Hart against Paul London in London's farewell match (He signed with the WWE what a retard) Kevin Steen against the Arsenal against Excess 69 Hardcore Match Steve Corino in an interview in JAPAN where he is touring until the end of the month has openly challenged Kevin Von Erich's integrity. He says Kevin has no clue how to help run a fed and it showed through his dads actions. Kevin is said to be irate about this. Could Kevin step in the ring one more time and show this youngster up? Low Ki is said to be furious that TTW did not wait for him to get back to compete for any of the titles. Ki has demanded a TTW Tornado Title Shot. Will Hart accept? Sonny Siaki and Jimmy Yang have challenged Sean Morley and Jack Evans to tag team warfare next week!
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TTTitans TV Episode 3: Show starts off with hype video for Teddy Hart vs. Paul London Rating: B- Time: 1 Minute Teddy Hart (Champion) vs. Paul London The two in this competition made sure not to dissapoint in London final TTW Match. Hart got the win with a Shooting Star Press on London. Hart and London then shook hands while the fans chanted "Please dont go". Rating: B- Time: 19 Minutes Excess 69 vs. Kevin Steen vs. The Arsenal This match really dissapointed the crowd after the great opener. Steen wins with the Package Driver Rating: D Time: 16 Minutes Austin Aries vs. Matt Sydal Aries and Sydal had a decent match out there nothing special. However they could put on a better match with some storyline involved so the TTW Writers are looking into it. Aries wins with a 450 Splash Rating: C+ Time: 16 Minutes Sean Morley cuts a promo about his match with Danielson. Rating: B+ Time: 2 Minutes Danielson vs. Morley Great match with a bunch of psychology and big moves. Danielson went for the an airplane spin to try and finish the match but Morley got out of it and hit the Fisherman Plex. Time: 16 Minutes Rating: B- Dan Maff vs. Homicide (Ladder) Maff wins in another bloody match. Rating: C+ Time: 19 Minutes Final: C Hurt our popularity again. DAMNIT Next weeks Show: Sean Morley vs. Sonny Siaki Jack Evans vs. Teddy Hart Austin Aries, Jimmy Yang and Kevin Steen vs. Roderick Strong, Matt Sydal and ??? Maff vs. Homicide (Cage) A lot of the TTW undercard is upset about not being used. So TTW is going to run a non-televised event on Tuesdays sometime in March to see how well the Undercard can do. WWE has made an offer to World Champion Sean Morley. Right after they fired him great. TTW has made an offer to Devon Storm and Jay Lethal. Low Ki has signed a WWE contract. TTW Episode 4 Sonny Siaki is shown beating down Sean Morley backstage. He then picks up Sean's belt and shows it off before leaving. Rating: B- Time: 3 Minutes Jack Evans vs. Teddy Hart Teddy wins with a Shooting Star Press on Evans in another great Title defense. Rating: B Time: 18 Minutes Maff vs. Homicide (Cage) Maff wins with Super Burning Hammer! Homicide then beats down Maff after the match Rating: C+ Time: 25 Minutes Sonny Siaki cuts a promo about Sean Morley and his upcoming Title Match Rating: B Time: 2 Minutes Sean Morley then cuts a promo. Rating: B+ Time: 2 Minutes Sonny Siaki vs. Sean Morley Siaki wins with the Siakilypse to capture the Title. Rating: B Time: 19 Minutes Low Ki cuts a promo about the six man match. Rating: B Time: 2 Minutes Kevin Steen, Austin Aries and Jimmy Yang vs. Rod Strong, Matt Sydal and Low Ki Sydal wins with a Belly to Belly Sault to Aries Rating: C+ Time: 19 Minutes Final: B- WHAT AM I DOING WRONG MY POPULARITY IS HURT AGAIN!
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TTW has changed its style to Hardcore! TTW Titans Episode 5 Preview: Dan Maff vs. Homicide Hardcore Teddy Hart vs. Jimmy Yang Tag Team Tournament Begins! Sonny Siaki vs. Devon Storm in a Non Title Match! Steve Corino has signed on with WWE. Congratulations to his new Company. He will be missed. Next week is the first showing of our undercard in a special 1 hr show. It will be a nontelevised event but I am sure it will help out TTW's popularity. The card will be as follows: Teddy Hart vs. Kevin Steen Jack Evans and Roderick Strong vs. The Arsenal and Excess 69 Adam Pearce vs. ??? Tickets only $5!
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TTW Episode 5: (First day of hardcore style) Hotstuff Hernandez and Adam Pearce cut a promo about being misused in TTW. They say there first victims will be Eddie Inc. Rating: C+ Time: 1 Minute Eddie Inc (Fast Eddie and Sexxxy Eddie) vs. Adam Pearce and Hotstuff Hernandez Hotstuff powerbombs Sexxxy Eddy ontop of Fast Eddie for the double pin win. Rating: C- Time: 8 Minutes Teddy Hart promo about match with Jimmy Yang. Rating: B- Time: 2 Minutes Jimmy Yang vs. Teddy Hart Hart wins with a Shooting Star Press Rating: C+ Time: 13 Minutes Homicide attacks Dan Maff backstage and cuts a quick promo. Rating: C Time: 2 Minutes Sonny Siaki cuts a promo about match with Devon Crowbar Storm Rating: B Time: 2 Minutes Austin Aries and Roderick Strong vs. Matt Sydal and Jack Evans Aries picks up the win with a 450 Splash to Sydal. Rating: C Time: 11 Minutes Homicide cuts a promo Rating: C+ Time: 2 Minutes Homocide vs. Dan Maff (Hardcore) Homicide wins with a Cop Killah through a Table Score: 2-1 Rating: C Time: 19 Minutes Jimmy Yang talks to Terry Funk requesting to be referee in the Main Event Rating: B- Time: 2 Minutes Austin Aries and Matt Sydal are held apart from fighting backstage. Rating: C- Time: 2 Minutes Steve Corino vs. Low Ki (Farewell Match) Draw due to Double Count Out. Rating: B+ Time: 11 Minutes Sonny Siaki vs. Devon Storm Siaki picks up the win in this non title match. Siaki cheated to win by using An INTERNATIONAL OBJECT. Rating: C+ Time: 15 Minutes Rating: C+ STILL HURT MY POPULARITY WHAT AM I DOING WRONG!
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Did you edit your overall popularity before you started...If so, your expectations may be tough to meet in regards to the talent on your roster...Just a thought Also, I cant believe how many wrestlers are leaving and signing elsewhere. I'm almost 3 months in my game and only people I've had leave are ones whose contracts are expiring... Anyways I'm enjoying....keep up...and good luck
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Thanks man. Yea the popularity is at a B in the Midsouth Region. My nexy show is the undercard show and it will be in a small arena. After that I am going to look into some stars to bring in on special occasions. Also look into Terry Funk stepping into the Maff/Cide fued in one way or another. I cannot find what to do with my IWS guys. Pearce is looking to start up a stable because hes probably my best on the rise heel. Sydal/Aries should be getting bigger soon. Siaki needs someone to fued with like Jimmy Yang.
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That probably why your strugling to increase your popularity, because your expectations to begin with are so high...You have alot to live up to already! The IWS guys seem a bit out of place here...never can go wrong with Terry Funk getting involved in anything I too am thinking about bringing in some bigger names, if I can afford them, should help with the popularity aspect
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TTW House Show Tuesday Week 2 March 2006: Arena: Ector County Colisuem Attendance: 2,698 Teddy Hart vs. Kevin Steen Hary and Steen put on a decent opener. Steen is a decent talent who needs a push to get away from a lot of the other IWS Guys. Hart wins with a Powerbomb off the top rope. Rating: C+ Time: 17 Minutes Jay Lethal, Jack Evans and Roderick Strong are all backstage talking to Terry Funk. They all want shots at Hart's Title. Funk agrees to make a Round Robin Tournament next week and the week after that the winner gets a shot at Harts Title. Rating: C+ Time: 2 Minutes Teddy Hart Hype Video Rating: B- Time: 1 Minute Jack Evans and Roderick Strong vs. Excess 69 and The Arsenal Good match in which Rod and Jack had a little bit of an "Out do you" fued going on. Strong wins with a CX 03 to Arsenal. Rating: C+ Time: 12 Minutes Adam Pearce cuts a promo about his match with the "mystery man". Rating: B- Time: 2 Minutes Kip James vs. Adam Pearce Kip wins with a Famasser. Pearce put up one hell of a fight and afterwards Hotstuff attacked Kip. Rating: C+ Time: 20 Minutes A 5 Minute Music Video is shown hyping the debut of Sean O'Haire on FRIDAY! Rating: B Time: 5 Minutes Homicide cuts a promo about Dan Maff. Rating: B- Time: 1 Minute Rating: C+ Decent Show still hurting popularity. Dont know why. Oh well. I guess it will slowly decrease until my stars start to get over. DDP and O'Haire and Kip James have been brought in to put over my guys. Expect Kip and DDP To team against Hotstuff and Adam Pearce. O'Haire no clue....
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TTW Wrestling is proud to announce that on the last Sunday of the Month of March TTW will be having its first ever huge 3 hour event. Due to technicalities it will not be shown on TV but it will be in a big arena and anyone whos anyone who follows Texas Wrestling will be there. Already signed for this event is 2 vs. 2 vs. 2 vs. 2 Ladder Match for the TTTag Team Titles. Teddy Hart defends his title against the Round Robin Tournament Winner Maff vs. Cide Final Encounter for the TTTryany Title Kevin Steen vs. The Arsenal Barbed Wire Match Sonny Siaki defends his world title Tickets will be $25 a piece and this will surely be an epic event. TTTV Episode 6: Sonny Siaki cuts an interview saying that the winner of a 5 Way match will be the number 1 contender. The result of eliminatoin will also determine the contenders. The match will feature Bryan Danielson, Jimmy Yang, The Debuting Sean O'Haire, BJ Whitmer, CW Anderson. He says he will defend his title going from 5th contender to number 1 at the TTW Supercard on the Last sunday this month. Rating: C+ Time: 1 Minute Kevin Steen and Kip James (The Canadian with a Gun) vs. Antonio Banks and Evil Ninja # 2 If Kip James can do anything for a roster he proved it here tonight by stepping in the ring with these three unknowns. Kip seems destined to help build the star that is Kevin Steen. Rating: C+ Time: 9 Minutes Kip and Kevin cut a promo backstage about Adam Pearce and Hotstuff Hernandez. Rating: C+ Time: 3 Minutes Dan Maff vs. Homicide (Texas Death Match) Maff wins after a Piledriver off the top rope onto a steel chair. Another bloody match in the series 3-2. Rating: C+ Time: 18 Minutes A bloody Homicide cuts a promo about his match with Maff. He says his final match with Maff will be the first time the indy's see it. It will be a HELL IN THE CELL! Rating: C+ Time: 1 Minute Jack Evans vs. Roderick Strong Strong and Evans had a showstealer in a good TV match. Evans wins with the Stuntin 101. Rating: B- Time: 11 Minutes Evans cuts a promo about his match with Lethal up next Rating: C+ Time: 2 Minute Lethal vs. Evans Lethal wins with the Lethal Injection. Rating: C+ Time: 14 Minutes Rod hypes up his match with Lethal next Rating: C+ Time: 2 Minutes Strong vs. Lethal Strong wins with a CX02 making the score 1-1-1. There will now be a 4 way match at the Supercard. Rating: C+ Time: 11 Minutes Anderson vs. Danielson vs. Whitmer vs. Yang vs. O'Haire Order: 1. CW Anderson 2. Whitmer 3. Danielson 4. O' Haire Winnner: Jimmy Yang Rating: B- Time: 18 Minutes C
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From TTWrestling.com For those who missed the great 5 way match on the last episode of TTW TV. Sean O'Haire hit Danielson with a Chair to get the cheap win over Danielson. Danielson has challenged O'Haire to a match and O'Haire has accepted. Thats why at the TTW Supercard you will see for the first time ever Bryan Danielson vs. Sean O'Haire in a 30 minute Iron-Man Match TTW House Show Number 2 (Tuesday Week 3 March 2005) Kevin Steen, Jack Evans, Matt Sydal and Teddy Hart vs. Rod Strong, Austin Aries, Jay Lethal and Adam Pearce Sydal pulls up a surprise win with a 360 Moonsault to Aries. Rating: C+ Time: 20 Minutes Sydal and Aries brawl to the back. Rating: C- Time: 2 Minutes Terry Funk announces that at the Supercard Show it will be Austin Aries vs. Matt Sydal. Rating: C- Time: 1 Minute Hotstuff Hernandez vs. Kip James Kip picks up the win in this match where he seeked revenge. Rating:B- Time: 6 Minutes Maff and Cide are shown being held apart in a convenient store Rating: C- Time: 1 Minute Homicide vs. Maff (Submission) Maff wins over Cide by putting Cide's head in a chair and repeatedly stomping it before appyling a crossface. Rating: C+ Time: 12 Minutes A video is shown of the TTW Press Conference whenever Danielson challenged O'Haire. Rating: C Time: 1 Minute Sonny Siaki vs. CW Anderson Eh decent match but you cannot expect the best kind of matches on a House Show. Siaki wins with a Spinebuster. Rating: C+ Time: 17 Minutes Final: C Attendance: 1,510 Sean O'Haire has been offered a WW****INGE Contract. I however am going to put a stop to it if at all possible. TTWTV Episode 7: Sean O'Haire is shown in the ring. He admits he sold out. He says he did it with pride though as WWE is more than TTW will ever be. He said WWE promised him an instant push which is much more than TTW would ever give him. Bryan Danielson says that Sean is a ***** and cannot handle the TTW style. Danielson begins to approach O'Haire until O'Haire says he will do the Iron Man Match tonight! Rating: B Time: 4 Minutes Maff and Whitmer vs. Homicide and ??? (Hardcore) This match was made as a prematch of sorts to the Hell in a Cell at Supercard Show. The man ended up being TERRY FUNK! Funk and Cide win with a Spike Piledriver through a table. Rating: B- Time: 18 Minutes A mysterious masked man is backstage. Teddy Hart is walking to his car about to get into it and grab his gear when the man attacks Hart and leaves him in a pool of blood. The man reveals himself as Low-Ki. Ki then makes a challenge to Siaki and Hart saying he is the only man deserving a title on the whole roster. He then picks up Hart and gives him a Ki Krusher. Rating: C+ Time: 2 Minutes A familar face is shown backstage. He says tonight TTW has been blessed with his talent. He says tonight he will show CW Anderson how the Strong Style is done. With a taste of Joeism! Thats right the champ is now here in TTW. Rating: B- Time: 2 Minutes CW Anderson accepts Joes Strong Style Challenge Rating: C+ Time: 2 Minutes CW Anderson vs. Samoa Joe Joe picks up the win with a Muscle Buster in the Strong Style Challenge Rating: C+ Time: 14 Minutes Kevin Von Erich says at the Supercard he will have a huge announcement Rating: B Time: 1 Minute Adam Pearce is in the ring. He mouths The Canadian with a Gun (Kip James and Kevin Steen). Kip comes out on stage and charges the ring but before it happens Hotstuff, Fast Eddie and CW Anderson attack Kip. Adam and Hotstuff pay CW and Eddie and then laugh at Kip. Rating: C Time: 3 Minutes Sydal cuts a promo about the supercard match. Rating: C Time: 1 Minute Hotstuff Hernandez vs. Kevin Steen Hernandez killed Steen in this match. Not really much to it. Rating: C Time: 10 Minutes Bryan Danielson vs. Sean O'Haire Final Score: 4-2. O' Haire won when Low Ki came in and kicked O' Haire while Dragon had the Mutilation locked in during the final minute. Dragon then picked up O'Haire for an airplane spin but Ki came in and slapped O'Haire. The match ended with Ki and O'Haire facing off until they both smiled and attack Danielson as if they had it planned for Ki to DQ Danielson Rating: B Time: 32 Minutes Sonny Siaki says that he will personally take care of Low Ki next week on TTW TV. Rating: B+ Time: 2 Minutes Final: B- Attendance: 5,000 House Show Preview: Danielson makes an important announcement regarding Low-Kis cheap shot last week. Samoa Joe vs. Sean O'Haire in O'Haires goodbye match. Kevin Steen vs. Matt Sydal Hotstuff Hernandez, Adam Pearce, Fast Eddie and CW Anderson vs. Kip James, Kevin Steen, Diamond Dallas Page and Bryan Danielson Fast Eddie vs. The Arsenal
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A video off of TTWrestling.com Bryan Danielson *Is shown*: Low Ki Low Ki Low Ki my old arch nemesis Low Ki. You thought that Ring of Honor had slapped my mind. Oh no friend it has only just begun. Thats why at Supercard Supershow I challenge you to a 2/3 falls match.
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TTW House Show 3: Matt Sydal vs. Kevin Steen Sydal and Steen put on a average opener in which Sydal wins with the Dragoncarana. Rating: C- Time: 11 Minutes DDP, Bryan Danielson, Kip James, and Kevin Steen are shown talking about there upcoming 8 man tag match. Rating: C+ Time: 2 Minutes Low Ki is shown backstage and says he accepts Bryans challenge. Rating: B- Time: 4 Minutes Kip, Kevin, DDP and Danielson vs. Hotstuff, Jody Fleisch, CW and Pearce Kip James gets the win over Hotstuff after a top rope Famasser. Rating: B- Time: 16 Minutes Fast Eddie vs. the Arsenal Eddie wins with a Fallaway Moonsault Time 8 Minutes Rating: C- Samoa Joe vs. Sean O'Haire Joe beats O'Haire via Kojina Klutch in O'Haires last TTW Match. Rating: B- Time: 18 Minutes Final: C Needs more angles and interviews
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TTW Wrestling has signed 2 New Tag Teams off of the Indy Circuit. Scott Lost and Chris Bosh of PWG Fame and the Maximo Brothers. However neither of them are the MYSTERY Team in Sundays 4 Way Match. Colt Cabana has come to terms with TTW expect his first TTW match this Sunday.
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TTW Totally Texas TV Episode 8: Terry Funk announces as a treat for those in the arena unable to make it to Supercard Sunday up next you will see Teddy Hart vs. Yoshiri Tajiri in a 30 minute Iron Man Match! Rating: B Time: 1 Minute Teddy Hart vs. Tajiri Tajiri had a really great standout match here with Teddy as him and Teddy went toe-to-toe the whole time. Teddy finnaly pulled out a pinfall though in the remaining minute with a Sunset Flip to retain his title. Teddy is starting to really get over as the next Generation of the Hart Family. Rating: A Time: 32 Minutes Adam Pearce is cutting a promo in the ring. He says him and Hotstuff are going to be the first TTTag Champions. Kevin Steen and Kip James come out and say not if they can help it. Right before Kevin and Kip get to the ring CW Anderson, Hotstuff and Jody Fleisch come out and attack Kevin and Kip. Rating: C Time: 2 Minutes Kip and Kevin talk to Terry Funk and Terry agrees to let Kip and Kevin take on CW and Jody tonight. Rating: C+ Time: 4 Minutes CW Anderson and Jody Fleisch hype up there match backstage. Rating: C Time: 2 Minutes CW and Jody vs. Kip and Kevin Kevin Steen and Kip cleaned house the whole match and yes there even was the famous Kip James hot tag. Kevin wins with a Package Piledriver to Jody. Rating: B- Time: 13 Minutes Sonny Siaki hypes up his match against Ki Rating: B Time: 1 Minute Ki hypes up match against Siaki Rating: B Time: 1 Minute Ki vs. SiaKI This match was brutal stiff and had no clear winner as it went to a thirty minute time limit draw. Rating: C+ Time: 32 Minutes Danielson cuts a promo about his 2/3 falls match Sunday with Ki. Rating: C+ Time: 2 Minutes Final: B-. Still hurting popularity... Teddy Hart vs. Tajirir will definitely have a rematch though. Be expecting a LOT of new talent to appear at the TTW Supercard Show! Preview for the upcoming Supercard Show: Length: 4 Hours Matches: Debut Match Showcase: Mike Sanders vs. Colt Cabana Six Man Tag: Scott Lost and Chris Bosh and Joey Ryan vs. Fast Eddie and the Maximos Lucha Libre vs. Americano LA Park vs. DDP Lightwieght Dream Match: The Debuting Chris Daniels vs. Tajiri Kerry Von Erich makes his announcement Tag Team Mayhem: CW And Jody vs. Antonio Banks and Sexxxy Eddy vs. Evil Ninja 2 and Samoa Joe Barbed Wire Match: The Arsenal vs. Excess 69 Grudge Match: Austin Aries vs. Matt Sydal Totally Texas Tag Team Title Match: ??? vs. Pearce and Hotstuff vs. Strong and Aries vs. Kevin and Kip 4 Way TTTornado Match: Jay Lethal vs. Roderick Strong vs. Teddy Hart vs. Jack Evans 2/3 Falls Match: Bryan Danielson vs. Low Ki World Title Match: Sonny Siaki vs. Jimmy Yang Hell in a Cell Match: Final Battle in Best of Seven Dan Maff vs. Homicide Tickets on sale now! I will be putting a lot of time into writing the show for the TTW Supercard Show. If any of these matches are cut its because of time restraints. I hope this show is as big as I hope it to be.
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TTW Texas Supercard Sunday: Kevin Von Erich announces that up next he is coming out of retirement and will be wrestling on a semi regular basis. Rating: B- Time: 1 Minute Kevin Von Erich and the Maximos vs. Antonio Banks, Chris Bosh and The Arsenal Kevin gets the win by nailing the Arsenal with a VON ERICH CLAW!!! Rating: C+ Time: 13 Minutes Mike Sanders cuts a promo about his match with Colt Cabana. Rating: B+ Time: 3 Minutes Mike Sanders vs. Colt Cabana Cabana and Sanders had a fun charisma filled match. Sanders wins with a 3.0 to Cabana. Rating: C+ Time: 16 Minutes Colt Cabana offers Sanders a handshake after the match but Sanders just walks away and laughs. Rating: C+ Time: 1 Minute Hype Video: Chris Daniels vs. Tajiri Rating: B- Time: 5 Minutes Daniels vs. Tajiri Tajiri picks up a win with a Moonsault Press to Daniels. Rating: B Time: 21 Minutes Sydal cuts a promo about his match with Aries Rating: C- Time: 2 Minutes Sydal vs. Aries Sydal picks up the upset win with a Belly To Belly Moonsault Rating: B- Time: 19 Minutes The Briscoes vs. Adam Pearce and Hotstuff vs. Kip James and Kevin Steen vs. Strong and Aries The Briscoes were the mystery tag team who ended up winning the match and the TTTag Team Titles. Rating: B- Time: 29 Minutes Hart vs. Evans vs. Strong vs. Lethal (Lightwieght Title Elimination Match) Strong was the first one eliminated. Hart ended up winning with a Hart Attack to Lethal. Rating: B- Time: 29 Minutes Danielson vs. Ki (2/3 Falls) Long, brutal and bloody describes this one. Danielson wins with the Arms Across America. Rating: B- Time: 42 Minutes LA Park vs. DDP American vs. Lucha Libre Match. LA Park won with a Sky Twister Press to DDP. Rating: A Time: 11 Minutes Siaki vs. Yang (World Title) Siaki got the win with a Siakilypse Rating: B+ Time: 18 Minutes Homicide vs. Maff (Steel Cell: 3-3) Cide wins with a Cop Killah ontop of the Cell. Maff had to be carried out on a gurdy after it Rating: C+ Time: 26 Minutes Homicide celebrated in the crowd afer the match. Rating: C+ Time: 1 Minute Final: C- Attendance: 5,737 Not as good as hoped but still a good solid Supershow...
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WoW! Kevin Von Erich coming out of retirement only got a B- in Texas Alot of your ending s are surprising to me Sydal beating Aries, Sanders beating Cabana, even tajiri beating Daniels...I guess I'm just too much of an ROH mark... Good show though...I enjoy following along
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Thanks man. Yea a lot of my endings surprise me too lol. The Von Erich thing is bull but then again I did not get the Kevin Von Erich from my mod. I imported him from DOTT. I am a Mike Sanders mark and personally it set up a fued between Sanders and Cabana. Tajiri beating Daniels is just a thing with Tajiri being in my mind one of the best Jr. Heavyweights in the world. Tajiri and Hart fueding is inevitable after the A Rating on there match. La Parka and DDP would be great to fued if they could show up on Fridays at my TV Show. Oh well... Sydal beating Aries is just a thing where Sydal pulls a huge upset win. Then Aries and Sydal keep fueding. Siaki God Bless him being the world champ has gotten lost in the shuffle but I think I can help him get out. TTW House Show Preview: Rematch: Evans vs. Hart vs. Strong vs. Lethal Samoa Joe interview Kevin Von Erich vs. Diamond Dallas Page Kip James, Kevin Steen and the Maximos vs. The Briscoes, Adam Pearce and Hotstuff Hernandez Episode 9 Preview: Teddy Hart and The Mystery Number 1 Contender vs. Sonny Siaki and Yoshiro Tajiri Dan Maff situation update. Jimmy Yang and Austin Aries vs. Matt Sydal and Jack Evans More to come!
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TTW House Show: Young County Arena 2000 in Attendance Samoa Joe hypes up a match with Mike the Miz Mizanin. Rating: B- Time: 1 Minute Hype Video for the Title Rematch between Hart, Evans, Lethal and Strong. Rating: C- Time: 2 Minutes Hart vs. Lethal vs. Evans vs. Strong Teddy Hart ends up winning the rematch. Yoshiro Tajiri came onto the stage and looked at the match for a while and then left. Rating:C+ Time: 18 Minutes Mike Mizanin hypes up his match with Joe. Rating: C Time: 1 Minute Joe vs. the Miz Joe basically went in there and got the job done letting Miz hit little to no offense. Miz got in a Standing SSP and a quick 2 count. Joe wins with the Kojina Klutch. Rating: C+ Time: 6 Minutes Hype Video for DDP vs. Kevin Von Erich Rating: B Time: 1 Minute Von Erich vs. DDP Decent match. Colt Cabana and Mike Sanders were both in the announcing booth with Terry Funk in this match. Von Erich wins with THE CLAW! Rating: B- Time: 13 Minutes Steen and James and the Maximos vs. Hotstuff, Pearce and the Briscoes Kevin Steen gets the win with the Package Piledriver. Rating: C+ Time: 19 Minutes Overall: C Adam Pearce has sustained a major concussion. He will be out for a period of 400 days! We will be paying Adam the whole time he is injured. We wish the best of luck to Adam over the next year! TTW Episode 9: Hotstuff Hernandez vs. Excess 69 Hotstuff came out and cut a promo about Adam. He said he had Adam's blessing to continue expanding the Pearce Empire. He said he would bring Gold home for Adam to look at while he was out. Rating: C- Time: 5 Minutes Tajiri and Sonny Siaki cut a promo about the mystery partner that Teddy Hart has brought in. Rating: C+ Time: 4 Minutes Teddy Hart cuts a promo about his match and his partner. He says nobody will ever guess who his partner is... Rating: C+ Time: 3 Minutes Yang and Aries cut a promo about the Tag Match Rating: C Time: 2 Minutes Austin Aries and Jimmy Yang vs. Matt Sydal and Jack Evans GREAT Tag Team Action. Yang got the pinfall on Evans after the Yang Time. Evans and Yang had a flip contest before the match but Evans served him with a Breakdance move. Sydal and Aries basically brawled the whole time. Rating: B- Time: 19 Minutes Hotstuff Hernandez jumps Samoa Joe backstage. Rating: C Time: 1 Minute Samoa Joe vs. Xavier Joe came out in bandages but was able to put away the other ex ROH Champ with the Klutch. Rating: C+ Time: 17 Minutes Joe cuts a promo about Hotstuff Rating: C+ Time: 1 Minute Cabana and Sanders are shown backstage. They again argue over who the best color commentator is. Cabana volunteers to Commentate the next match and Sanders can have the Main Event. The two stare each other down. Rating: B- Time: 3 Minutes Homicide vs. Rod Strong Commentators: Von Erich, Funk and Cabana Good match with stiff action. Dan Maff has been reported to have a broke neck from his Cop Killah on the top of the cell at Supercard Sunday. BJ Whitmer came in and attacked Homicide after the match. Homicide won with a Cop Killah Rating: C+ Time: 12 Minutes Siaki peaks into Teddy Harts locker room and sees the mystery man before saying Holy **** and finding Tajiri Rating: B Time: 2 Minutes Teddy Hart and ?? ???? vs. Siaki and Tajiri AFI's Miseria Cantare hit as CM PUNK made his way to the ring. CMP was the mystery partner! Nobody in the arena believed it. Punk got on the mic and said that TTW was the place to be and not the E! Punk won with a Pepsi Plunge to Siaki! Rating: B Time: 20 Minutes B- Hurt our popularity! :( Next week preview: House Show: Tajiri vs. CM Punk Sydal and Homicide vs. BJ Whitmer and Austin Aries LA Park vs. Kevin Von Erich TV Episode: Sonny Siaki vs. Teddy Hart (NON Title Match) The Maximos vs. Kip James and Kevin Steen The Briscoes vs. The Japcan Connection (Jimmy Yang and Jack Evans)
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