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WWF 1994: Growing Pains

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WWF 1994: Growing Pains


The days of the 1980s and Hulkamania are gone. Hulk Hogan himself has signed with the competitor, World Championship Wrestling. The World Wrestling Federation's attendance has fallen drastically over the past seven years, with Wrestlemania III drawing over 93,000 rabid fans to the Pontiac Silverdome. At Wrestlemania X, taking place at Madison Square Garden, the WWF only drew 18,000 fans. The company seems to have taken a massive step back in terms of both business success and quality of shows.


However, there are some silver linings. With the majority of the great stars from the 1980s no longer being with the company or having greatly reduced their roles, there is a less crowded stage to create new massive stars within the company. Wrestlers like Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Diesel, The Undertaker, and more are on track to rise to become legends on par with the Hogans and the Ultimate Warriors of the past.


We begin in July of 1994. Bret Hart holds the WWF Championship. His brother, Owen, has recently been crowned King of the Ring after winning four matches in one night. Ted DiBiase has been leading around a man he claims to be The Undertaker, but Paul Bearer is extremely skeptical. Diesel, the Intercontinental Champion, seems to be ready to break through to the next level along with his tag team partner Shawn Michaels while experiencing friction with Razor Ramon. Things are heating up as one of WWF's most prestigious pay-per-views, Summerslam, is approaching rapidly.


These are the days of the "New Generation" in the World Wrestling Federation. Will they be able to restore the WWF to its former glory of the 1980s, or will the increasingly competitive Eric Bischoff and his World Championship Wrestling take over the business in the mid-1990s?


I'm gonna be controlling WWF while my brother controls WCW in our game, so I'll be keeping somewhat of an eye on WCW as well.


Thanks to Hive for the mod and allowing me to use the picture pack!

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Current Champions


WWF World Heavyweight Champion


Bret Hart


Date Won: March 1994

Previous Champions:

1. Yokozuna (2)

2. Hulk Hogan (5)

3. Yokozuna



WWF Intercontinental Champion




Date Won: April 1994

Previous Champions:

1. Razor Ramon

2. Shawn Michaels (2)

3. Marty Jannetty



WWF World Tag Team Champions


The Million Dollar Team (Bam Bam Bigelow and IRS)


Date Won: August 1994

Previous Champions:

1. The Headshrinkers

2. The Quebecers (3)

3. Men on a Mission



WWF Women's Champion


Alundra Blayze


Date Won: December 1993

Previous Champions:

1. Rockin' Robin

2. Sherri Martel

3. The Fabulous Moolah (3)



WWF King of the Ring


Owen Hart


Date Won: June 1994

Previous Champions:

1. Bret Hart (2)

2. Bret Hart

3. Tito Santana


Current Roster (as of October 1, 1994)





Main Event

Bret Hart ©

Lex Luger

Razor Ramon

The Undertaker

Diesel ©

Jerry Lawler

Owen Hart

Shawn Michaels

Sid Vicious




Upper Midcard

Bart Gunn

Billy Gunn


The British Bulldog

Bam Bam Bigelow ©


I.R.S. ©

Jeff Jarrett

Jim Neidhart

The Barbarian



1-2-3 Kid

Bushwhacker Luke

Doink the Clown


Jacques Rougeau

Ricky Morton

Robert Gibson


Tony Norris (yet to debut)


Adam Bomb

Johnny Polo

JW Storm



Rick Martel

Rob Van Dam

The Warlord

Tom Prichard


Lower Midcard

AC Conner

Bushwhacker Butch

Bastion Booger

Jimmy Del Ray

John Layfield (yet to debut)

PJ Walker


Steven Dunn

The Gladiator (yet to debut)

Timothy Well



Barry Horowitz

Jeff Hardy

Mike Maraldo

Rich Myers

Abe Schwartz

George South

The Black Phantom


Enhancement Talent

Matt Hardy

Scott Taylor


Women's Division

Alundra Blayze ©

Jacqueline Moore (yet to debut)

Luna Vachon




Chief Jay Strongbow

JJ Dillon

Lou Albano

Paul Bearer

Bruce Pritchard

Danny Davis

Harvey Wippleman

Jim Cornette

Lord Alfred Hayes

Mr. Fuji

Ted DiBiase

Vic Venom


Tag Teams

The Bushwhackers (Luke and Butch)

The Headshrinkers (Fatu and Samu)

The Hardy Boys (Jeff and Matt Hardy)

The Natural Disasters (Earthquake and Typhoon)

The Rock 'n' Roll Express (Robert Gibson and Ricky Morton)

The Smoking Gunns (Billy Gunn and Bart Gunn)

Bushido (Kwang and Shinobi)

Diesel and Shawn Michaels

Excellence (Rob Van Dam and PJ Walker)

The Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy Del Ray and Tom Prichard)

The New Hart Foundation (Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart)

The Powers of Pain (The Barbarian and The Gladiator)

The Quebecers (Jacques and Pierre)

Well Dunn (Timothy Well and Steven Dunn)


Next: Table of Contents

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RAW Preview: Monday, Week 1, July 1994



Monday Night RAWWeek 1, 1994

Hartford Civic Center, Hartford, Connecticut


(Dark Match) The Black Phantom vs. Sparky Plugg


(Dark Match) Jim Neidhart vs. Virgil


Kwang vs. 1-2-3 Kid


The Smoking Gunns vs. The Million Dollar Corporation (Bam Bam and I.R.S.)


Razor Ramon vs. Crush


Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Lex Luger and Tatanka


Feel free to predict winners or leave any comments, I should have the show up relatively soon.

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Nice start. Quick thing though, Wrestlemania III was at the Pontiac Silverdome. Madison Square Garden can only hold about 20,000.


(Dark Match) The Black Phantom vs. Sparky Plugg


(Dark Match) Jim Neidhart vs. Virgil


Kwang vs. 1-2-3 Kid


The Smoking Gunns vs. The Million Dollar Corporation (Bam Bam and I.R.S.)


Razor Ramon vs. Crush


Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Lex Luger and Tatanka

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Love this era.


(Dark Match) The Black Phantom vs. Sparky Plugg


(Dark Match) Jim Neidhart vs. Virgil


Kwang vs. 1-2-3 Kid


The Smoking Gunns vs. The Million Dollar Corporation (Bam Bam and I.R.S.)


Razor Ramon vs. Crush


Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Lex Luger and Tatanka

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(Dark Match) The Black Phantom vs. Sparky Plugg - Forgot who the Black Phantom is, but I hate the Sparky Plugg gimmick, so...


(Dark Match) Jim Neidhart vs. Virgil - Virgil was a jobber when he turned face on the Million Dollar Corporation...


Kwang vs. 1-2-3 Kid - 1-2-3 wins by DQ following Harvey Wippleman interference.


The Smoking Gunns vs. The Million Dollar Corporation (Bam Bam and I.R.S.) - The kayfabe cowboys will have to pay their taxes...


Razor Ramon vs. Crush - Going for "The Bad Guy" in this battle of tall 300-pounders.


Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Lex Luger and Tatanka - I guess this sets up the "Lex sold out" storyline, as Lex and Tatanka fail to communicate properly as a team?

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(Dark Match) The Black Phantom vs. Sparky Plugg


(Dark Match) Jim Neidhart vs. Virgil


Kwang vs. 1-2-3 Kid


The Smoking Gunns vs. The Million Dollar Corporation (Bam Bam and I.R.S.)


Razor Ramon vs. Crush


Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Lex Luger and Tatanka

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(Dark Match) The Black Phantom vs. Sparky Plugg


(Dark Match) Jim Neidhart vs. Virgil


Kwang vs. 1-2-3 Kid


The Smoking Gunns vs. The Million Dollar Corporation (Bam Bam and I.R.S.)


Razor Ramon vs. Crush


Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Lex Luger and Tatanka

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RAW: Monday, Week 1, July 1994



Monday Night RAWWeek 1, 1994

Hartford Civic Center, Hartford, Connecticut


An introduction video plays highlighting the best superstars the WWF has to offer. As this fades out, Jim Ross and Vince McMahon welcome everyone to the show, and the theme music of Shawn Michaels hits.


Michaels walks to the ring with the Intercontinental Champion, Diesel, and the fans begin to boo. The pair enter the ring and Michaels retrieves a microphone. He goes on to talk about how he is getting sick and tired of Razor Ramon. He asks how many times that he and Diesel have to beat him down before he will get out of their hair. Michaels says that Razor is no better than the dirtbags who live in the New England area. He hates New England and its fans. He says they're a losing city that simply hasn't felt the taste of a win since 1918, when the Boston Red Sox won the World Series. Shawn continues to trash Connecticut and the surrounding area until Lex Luger's music interrupts him.


Lex Luger walks out and gets into the ring wearing his red, white, and blue trunks. He grabs a microphone of his own. He stands in with Michaels and Diesel, talking about how New England is the heart of the United States and all of the country's patriotism has been bred in the region. He says he is sick and tired of Michaels and Diesel thinking they run the show, and he challenges the pair to a tag team match later on in the night with his partner, Tatanka. Michaels and Diesel laugh. Shawn looks at him, laughs, and accepts. Diesel steps up and gets into Luger's face, before bumping him with his shoulder and walking out of the ring with Michaels.





Kwang vs. 1-2-3 Kid


The match started off with a bit of quick action, with Kwang hitting a series of chops and thrusts, and the Kid hitting a big dropkick in the early going. The match ebbed and flowed for the first four minutes until Kwang landed a powerful clothesline, knocking the Kid out for a period of time. Kwang then took control, beating the Kid down for about two minutes, before the Kid came back with a huge spinning heel kick following an Irish whip.


The finish came when Kwang was looking for a suplex, but the 1-2-3 Kid landed behind him, rolled him up, and got the pinfall!





A video airs showing the past destruction of Yokozuna on the World Wrestling Federation. It caps his dominance and shows his greatest moments, talking about his near-year long WWF Championship reign. It finally shows an image from his reign, with him and Mr. Fuji standing, gazing at the WWF Title.





The camera pans backstage, where Ted DiBiase stands with his Undertaker. With Todd Pettengill interviewing, DiBiase speaks about Paul Bearer's delusions that there is another Undertaker. He addresses Bearer's claims that DiBiase has an impostor taking the place of the real Undertaker. He says that Bearer simply does not understand that everyone's got a price. The power of money is much more enticing than an old man with a gold jar. DiBiase ends the interview by saying that The Undertaker, under the guidance of DiBiase himself, will once again rise to the top of the World Wrestling Federation.





After a commercial break, DiBiase's Million Dollar Corporation hits the ring, with Bam Bam Bigelow and I.R.S. walking out from the back for tag team action.


The Smoking Gunns vs. The Million Dollar Corporation (Bam Bam and I.R.S.)


When the bell rang, Bart Gunn ran directly at Bam Bam and received a clothesline for his effort. The match was not a long one, with Bam Bam and I.R.S. being in control for most of it. I.R.S. was on the receiving end of a few punches to the gut by Billy Gunn, who ended his combination with a suplex. The two men laid on the canvas for a bit, with I.R.S. being able to crawl over to the corner and tag in Bam Bam. Bart was tagged in as well and was able to get the upper-hand, landing a few punches on Bam Bam. Bigelow was knocked off balance and Bart nailed a standing dropkick. He went for the cover and got a 2 count. He picks up Bam Bam and whips him into the corner. On his way into the corner, Bam Bam tags IRS.


The finish came when IRS got into the ring and was beat up on by Bart Gunn for a minute or so. Billy and Bart landed a double Russian legsweep after Billy was tagged in, with Billy going for the cover. Bam Bam re-entered the ring and tore Billy off of IRS. Bam Bam landed a huge powerslam on Billy, at which point Bart came in and was clotheslined. Bam Bam continued to beat on Billy Gunn, hitting him with a big splash before the referee called for a disqualification.


The Million Dollar Corporation continued to beat up on the Gunns until they felt like quitting. They walked out to heat from the crowd.





Backstage, Randy Savage stands by sitting in his locker room. He has his hands in his hands, mumbling to himself. He begins to talk about how people think that his best days are behind him. He slowly gets louder and more pronounced, talking about how people don't know the real Macho Man Randy Savage. He wants to wrestle. He wants to get back in the game. And he's going to come through and reclaim the WWF Championship. Savage ascends into his always dramatic, loud voice and gives a couple of "Oooh yeah"s, before getting very close to the camera to smile and nod before walking off.





Razor Ramon vs. Crush


The next matchup of the night consisted of "The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon and Crush. The two massive men had a solid brawl, with Crush gaining the upper hand early. They locked up and he applied a headlock, before getting whipped into the ropes by Razor and hitting him with a clothesline. With the momentum rolling in his favor, Crush began to try to wear Razor down. He hit him with a body slam before dropping an elbow which yielded a one count from the referee.


Later on in the match, Razor began to swing some momentum. He fought back with punches and hit a back body drop on Crush. The Bad Guy lifted Crush up and went to drop him with a DDT, but Crush was able to stop it and hit a suplex on Razor. With both of them down, the referee began to count. At the count of seven, both men stood up and exchanged blows.


The end of the match came when Razor whipped Crush into the ropes. Crush came back looking for a running clothesline, but Razor ducked. Ramon kicked him in the gut and called for the Razor's Edge. He was able to lift Crush up and nail his finishing move for the win!





As has been the case for the previous period in the WWF, Owen Hart takes the microphone and begins to rant about his brother Bret. He talks about how he wants a shot at his belt at Summerslam and that The Rocket deserves it more than anyone else. He says that back at Wrestlemania, he cleanly pinned his older brother in a one-on-one match and the fact that he never received a shot at Bret's title is ridiculous. He challenges his brother to accept his request for a title match at Summerslam. He says he knows that Bret will back down because he is afraid of the King of Harts and that Bret knows that Wrestlemania X will repeat itself if Owen gets a shot at the belt. Heated, Owen walks off the screen.





Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Lex Luger and Tatanka


With the teams' entrances, the fans clearly showed their partisanship toward Luger and Tatanka, giving them a great ovation as opposed to Michaels and Diesel. The match itself was predominantly a matchup of power. Luger and Diesel brawled a bit to start it off, with Diesel gaining the upper hand. He tagged in Shawn, who began to target the legs of Lex. Luger was able to score some shots on Shawn before putting him in a bearhug. The referee sensed that Michaels was fading and dropped his arm three times. On the third time, Michaels kept it up and raked Luger's eye for him to break the hold, regaining momentum.


Later on in the match, Tatanka was rekindling his 1993 rivalry with Michaels in the ring, exchanging blows with his former enemy. Tatanka landed a variety of chops to the chest of Michaels, who began to have his upper torso turned red. Tatanka knocked him into the corner and began to wail on him again with Michaels' back directly against the turnbuckle. With the momentum seemingly heading his way, Tatanka went to lift Michaels up for his signature Samoan Drop.


The end of the match came when Diesel distracted the referee. Tatanka placed Michaels down from the Samoan Drop position and walked over to him just as Luger pulled Diesel off the ropes to the ground. However, Tatanka turned around directly into Sweet Chin Music and the pin!





Following the match, Luger looked shocked at what had transpired. At that moment, Diesel attacked him from behind. Luger was thrown into the steel steps and rendered unconscious. In the ring, Michaels and Diesel stomped out Tatanka before Diesel put him between his legs and went to lift him up for the Jacknife. At that moment, Bret Hart stormed down the aisle and attacked both Michaels and Diesel. This was extremely interesting because Hart was able to fight against both men. He chased them out of the ring and began to kneel alongside the injured Tatanka. Luger writhed around the outside as Bret stared down Michaels and Diesel to end the show!








(Dark Match) The Black Phantom vs. Sparky Plugg

- Sparky won with a roll-up at the seven minute mark.


(Dark Match) Jim Neidhart vs. Virgil

- Virgil was dominated from start to finish, getting flattened by the Anvil in about six minutes.


Kwang vs. 1-2-3 Kid


The Smoking Gunns vs. The Million Dollar Corporation (Bam Bam and I.R.S.)

- by DQ


Razor Ramon vs. Crush


Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Lex Luger and Tatanka



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Superstars Preview: Saturday, Week 1, July 1994



WWF SuperstarsWeek 1, 1994

Ocean City, Maryland


Matt Hardy vs. Rick Martel


Adam Bomb vs. Jim Powers


Bob Backlund vs. Pierre w/Johnny Polo


WWF Tag Team Championships

The Headshrinkers © vs. Men on a Mission


Heartbreak Hotel featuring Ted DiBiase and a surprise second guest


Extra points for the surprise guest.

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<p>Matt Hardy vs. <strong>Rick Martel</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Adam Bomb</strong> vs. Jim Powers</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bob Backlund</strong> vs. Pierre w/Johnny Polo</p><p> </p><p>

WWF Tag Team Championships</p><p>

<strong>The Headshrinkers</strong> © vs. Men on a Mission</p><p> </p><p>

Heartbreak Hotel featuring Ted DiBiase and a surprise second guest <strong>Lex Luger</strong></p>

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Superstars: Saturday, Week 1, July 1994



WWF SuperstarsSaturday, Week 1, 1994

Ocean City, Maryland


The episode begins with another introduction video, similar to Raw's. Introducing the audience to the show are Vince McMahon and Jerry "The King" Lawler.


Matt Hardy vs. Rick Martel


"The Model" Rick Martel's music hits and the veteran walks out looking as arrogant as ever. Looking to return to his former glory, he got into the ring to a fair amount of heat, across from an unknown talent named Matt Hardy who had already entered the ring. The referee called for the bell.


This match was fairly fast-paced, with Hardy scoring a couple of shots early. Martel would answer back with a couple of punches of his own and an Irish whip. Hardy countered with a quick clothesline, knocking the Model to the ground. As he quickly stood up, Hardy hit a standing dropkick, sending him to the floor once again! Hardy covered and scored a one count. He lifted up Martel, who fought back and hit a snap suplex on the newcomer! It was all Martel from there.


After a scoop slam, a backbreaker, and a gutwrench suplex, Rick Martel cinched in the Boston Crab for the victory!



Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The color commentary gave the match a boost.



The camera panned backstage to Todd Pettengill standing by with "The Bad Guy," Razor Ramon, fresh off of a victory over Crush on this week's Monday Night Raw.


Pettengill asked Razor about the actions of Diesel and whether or not he would continue to pursue the WWF Intercontinental Championship. Razor, oozing charisma as always, spoke about the big man in a way that gave the impression that Razor would never back down. Ramon says that he wants Diesel to defend his Intercontinental Championship at Summerslam!


Razor: Hey yo, Diesel...you better think long and hard about this challenge, man. Because once you step in the ring with The Bad Guy, there ain't no way that you walk out of Summerslam with that title belt!



Notes: None



Adam Bomb vs. Jim Powers


Jim Powers and Adam Bomb both made their entrances, and the crowd was still feeling good from the prior Razor Ramon challenge. The commentators spent the majority of the match talking about the prior segment and its ramifications on the WWF Intercontinental Title picture. While Adam Bomb picked apart his opponent with the slimy Harvey Wippleman at ringside, McMahon and Lawler hyped up the question as to Diesel's response to the Bad Guy.


After a dominant squash match, Adam Bomb landed the Atom Smasher, pulverizing Powers and grabbing the victory!



Notes: Harvey Wippleman did good work at ringside.



Following a commercial break, Bret "The Hitman" Hart's music hit and he came out to the ring to a rabid arena. Bret stepped into the ring and immediately grabbed a microphone. He stood in the ring and began to address his brother, Owen.


Bret talks about how his brother is disgruntled due to Bret's success and that Owen wants to break out of his older brother's shadow. Bret thinks that Owen should take a look at himself in the mirror and tell himself to keep fighting. The harder he works, the better he will be. Bret proceeds to answer his brother's challenge:


Bret Hart: Owen, you're my brother, you are my own flesh and blood, and there is nothing I hate more in this world than fighting my own family. However, you absolutely did beat me cleanly back at Wrestlemania, and because of that, I'm going to accept your challenge for Summerslam for my WWF Championship!



Notes: None



Bob Backlund vs. Pierre (w/Johnny Polo)


After the superstars had made their entrances, they got into it in the ring. Backlund, whose age seems to be catching up to him, faced off against the muscular French-Canadian, Pierre. They would lock up and Backlund gained the upperhand with a headlock. He used his techniques and basics to overpower Pierre. While Backlund's style was not as powerful as Pierre's the crafty veteran was able to use leverage to control the matchup.


Late in the match, Pierre had been in control for a couple of minutes. He landed a dropkick on Backlund and covered. After a kick-out, Backlund got up and began to take control. He kicked Pierre in the gut and landed a double underhook suplex! At this point, Johnny Polo jumped up onto the apron. Backlund came over to him to knock him off, but turned around into Pierre running toward him. Backlund ducked as Pierre knocked Polo off of the apron and was locked into the Crossface Chickenwing to end the match!



Notes: Johnny Polo did some good work at ringside.



Backstage, Paul Bearer was spotted in a graveyard slowly stroking the golden urn that holds the power of the Undertaker. The camera zooms in as Bearer's shrill voice grows louder and louder. Seemingly excited, Bearer turns to look at the camera and talks directly at "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase. He claims the Undertaker that DiBiase has under his control is, in fact, NOT the real Undertaker, and that Bearer has contacted him. He repeatedly laughs and gets excited, offering the following challenge:


Paul Bearer: Heeee will be coming for YOUUU, Million Dollar Man! I have contacted him! He will riiiiise agaaaaiiiin! At the first ever In Your House pay-per-view in two weeks, he will appear! Ted DiBiase, bring your Undertaker to the ring at In Your House, and he will rest in peace! OHHHHH YESSSSS!


The camera fades out as Bearer begins to cackle maniacally, repeatedly shrieking "The dead man is alive!"



Notes: Paul Bearer looked poorly.



WWF Tag Team Championships

The Headshrinkers © vs. Men on a Mission


Our main event of the evening consisted of Fatu and Samu, along with Afa against Mo and Mabel, the Men on a Mission. The two teams entered the ring and a massive main event was set to begin!


Samu started off against Mabel, and the two locked up. The savage, weighing nearly 300 pounds, was dwarfed by the 400+ pound Mabel, who dominated the early going. Making their first title defense after defeating the Quebecers, Samu and Fatu found themselves in a hole early. Mabel controlled it early until Samu began to fight back with throat thrusts. After hitting a couple of running shoulder blocks to knock Mabel to the ground, he tagged in Fatu.


The match progressed with momentum passing from one side to the other. Later on in the match, Mabel went for a jumping big splash on Samu, who rolled out of the way! After a cover, Mabel kicked out at two. He got to his feet and ran at Mabel, who side stepped him and threw him out of the ring! Mabel followed him as Fatu came to protect his fallen partner on the outside. As he ran around to stop the attack, Mo caught him with a clothesline, flooring him. Mabel tossed Samu into the ring post, drawing the ire of the fans. Having been fan favorites, the fans saw this as uncharacteristic of the Men on a Mission.


The end followed shortly after, with Mabel and Mo decimating the Headshrinkers on the outside, laying them out and sending a message. Mabel landed a splash on Samu on the outside, while Mo hit one of his own onto Fatu! Afa could only stand by and watch as his Headshrinkers were taken out by the Men on a Mission, who stood over their fallen opponents before walking out to a shocked crowd!



Notes: Fatu and Afa are a good pairing.



After the shocking turn of events that had just occurred, the ring was set up for the Heartbreak Hotel, the talk show hosted by the "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels. Michaels stood in the ring and took cheap shots at the crowd before introducing his guest, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase.


DiBiase came out to heat, wearing his signature black and gold glittery tuxedo. The fans gave him their negative opinions of him as he walked into the ring and shook hands with Shawn. Michaels began his interview by referring to the fact that The Million Dollar Man had requested to have a mystery guest on the show here tonight. DiBiase responded by saying that yes, he did make that request. The reason for this request was that he will be announcing the newest member of the Million Dollar Corporation. He hereby introduces...


Lex Luger's music hits and the crowd does not react. They simply wait for "The Patriot" to come out and explain himself. There was a long, long wait before Luger finally appeared at the start of the aisle. With a microphone in hand as he entered the ring, Luger was about to start talking when Tatanka ran out from the back and snatched the mic away from him.


Tatanka began to talk about how he knew Luger had a deal with DiBiase and that he felt betrayed. As Luger denied the accusations, DiBiase claimed that Tatanka was jealous of Luger and the success that The Million Dollar Man had set him up to achieve. Tatanka fired back, saying that his only problem with Luger is his betrayal. Luger finally grabs the microphone back.


Luger pleads his case, saying that he is NOT the new member of the Million Dollar Corporation because he never reached a deal with DiBiase. Meanwhile, Shawn Michaels used inflammatory comments to egg on the conflict that was occurring. Luger got annoyed and left, with Tatanka standing in the ring as DiBiase told him that everyone's got a price. And that Tatanka is going to pay. At this moment, Michaels began to taunt Tatanka about getting hit with the Sweet Chin Music the past week, and this prompted Tatanka to knock him down with a punch! Michaels rolled out of the ring and DiBiase frantically exited as Tatanka pumped himself up in the ring, pointing at Michaels and DiBiase, who both retreated to end the show!



Notes: None





Quick Results

Matt Hardy vs. Rick Martel


Adam Bomb vs. Jim Powers


Bob Backlund vs. Pierre w/Johnny Polo


WWF Tag Team Championships

The Headshrinkers © vs. Men on a Mission

- wrestled to a no contest (double countout)


Hey guys, any feedback on the style would be great. I'm still trying to iron out how I want to make these shows look. If there's any extra info that you guys would want, I'm very open to suggestions. Thanks.


Also, yes I am aware that In Your House is starting about a year early. I decided to bring some of them in for my less important main events.

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RAW Preview: Monday, Week 2, July 1994



Monday Night RAWWeek 2, 1994

Key Arena, Seattle, Washington


Following up the action that took place on last week's WWF Superstars of Wrestling, we will be hearing responses to a couple of challenges that were issued that night!


We will also see Yokozuna's return to action in a colossal clash with the near-400 pound Typhoon! Which of these two monsters will walk away with the victory?


Lex Luger will square off against the ninja, Kwang as the second match on the card. In an interesting non-title matchup, Bret "The Hitman" Hart will square off against "Double J," Jeff Jarrett!


Finally, to go along with the challenge that he submitted on Superstars, Razor Ramon has requested a tag team match against both Diesel and "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels! However, he will not be announcing his tag team partner until the match is actually set to begin. Who will this mystery partner be, and will he help "The Bad Guy" in his cause to regain his lost gold?


Quick Match Preview

(Dark Match) The Black Phantom vs. Barry Horowitz


(Dark Match) Crush and Adam Bomb vs. The Executioners (Duane Gill and Barry Hardy)


Yokozuna vs. Typhoon


Lex Luger vs. Kwang


Non-Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Jeff Jarrett


Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon and a mystery partner


Once again, extra points for the mystery partner!


Prediction Contest Leaderboard

Beejus 6/6 (100%)

soxfan93 5/6 (83%)

3rdStringPG 5/6 (83%)

NWAvsWWF 5/6 (83%)

franticloser 8/10 (80%)

Minarin 4/5 (80%)

Jaysin 4/6 (67%)

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Quick Match Preview

(Dark Match) The Black Phantom vs. Barry Horowitz


(Dark Match) Crush and Adam Bomb vs. The Executioners (Duane Gill and Barry Hardy)


Yokozuna vs. Typhoon


Lex Luger vs. Kwang


Non-Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Jeff Jarrett


Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon and a mystery partner draw

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(Dark Match) The Black Phantom vs. Barry Horowitz


(Dark Match) Crush and Adam Bomb vs. The Executioners (Duane Gill and Barry Hardy)


Yokozuna vs. Typhoon


Lex Luger vs. Kwang


Non-Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Jeff Jarrett


Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon and a mystery partner - I agree with franticloser, a draw is probably the best result here. Maybe an SE finish with a few run-ins, including Luger attacking Michaels.

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Dark Match) The Black Phantom vs. Barry Horowitz


(Dark Match) Crush and Adam Bomb vs. The Executioners (Duane Gill and Barry Hardy)


Yokozuna vs. Typhoon


Lex Luger vs. Kwang


Non-Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Jeff Jarrett


Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon and a mystery partner

Calling a draw/SE finish

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(Dark Match) The Black Phantom vs. Barry Horowitz


(Dark Match) Crush and Adam Bomb vs. The Executioners (Duane Gill and Barry Hardy)


Yokozuna vs. Typhoon


Lex Luger vs. Kwang


Non-Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Jeff Jarrett


Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon and a mystery partner


Mystery partner - Marty Jannetty

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(Dark Match) The Black Phantom vs. Barry Horowitz

Gangrel prevails. Barry Horowitz turns into a Walking Dead Zombie 20 minutes later.


(Dark Match) Crush and Adam Bomb vs. The Executioners (Duane Gill and Barry Hardy)

Brian Adams, Bryan Clarke and Chris Kanyon should seriously all form a stable together called: Whats The Difference??


Yokozuna vs. Typhoon

Match of the year.


Lex Luger vs. Kwang

Oh wait, take back what I just said.... this'll definitely give it a run for the money.


Non-Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Jeff Jarrett

Should be a good one for real. Perhaps a schmoz finish involving Owen.


Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon and a mystery partner

Mystery Partner: Golden Tate.

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(Dark Match) The Black Phantom vs. Barry Horowitz


(Dark Match) Crush and Adam Bomb vs. The Executioners (Duane Gill and Barry Hardy)


Yokozuna vs. Typhoon


Lex Luger vs. Kwang


Non-Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Jeff Jarrett


Diesel and Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon and a mystery partner

Going with Tatanka as mystery partner, just based on last week's Heartbreak Hotel ending. And then he'll cost them the match because of the outstanding feud with Luger/M$C.

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