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User Created Promotions

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As my game world has started to lack enough working companies to hold my interest, i thought i'd ask for input, and see if anyone out there who has created their own companies minds sharing their info/settings for said companies so i can try and make my game a little more competitive
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Here's a database with my custom promotions (22 total): [Download Link]


I left all of the CEOs in case you need them, but only a couple are mentioned by name in the company descriptions.


Some of them are just edited versions of default promotions (I only made them in the first place because I wanted to replace the defaults to freshen things up a bit) and you'll notice the similarities right away. Some are pretty original though, and even the ones that are obviously based on default promotions tend to have enough differences that they're worth a glance. Also, I've been meaning to rewrite a lot of the descriptions, because the majority are lazily written and a few are basically unchanged from their defaults. I just haven't found the time. Hopefully you can still get some use out of them.


All of the logos and banners are in the User Created Promotion Graphics thread.

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