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WCW: A modern re-birth, to shock the wrestling world.

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I just realised I messed up when copying my results template. This week's Nitro got a B-, not a B. I edited the post accordingly.


Also, since I didn't post an update yesterday, I'm doing two today. Next one'll be up in a few hours, so get your picks in if you wanna. Also working on the Spring Stampede promo vid. Does anyone watch these? They take a few hours to make so I hope someone's watching them!

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  • Replies 125
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Jimmy Yang vs Psicosis

The American Wolves vs Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid

Antonio Banks vs Jushin Liger

Chris Mordetzky and CIMA vs Matt Hardy and Tajiri


La Parka vs Shane Helms

Brian Kendrick vs Carly Colon

Jay Lethal vs Super Crazy

Juventud Guerrera vs Koji Kanemoto vs Low Ki

Petey Williams, Teddy Hart and Harry Smith vs Alex Shelley, Colt Cabana and Roderick Strong

Rhino and Scott Steiner vs Shelton Benjamin and Booker T


Also, I've watched both of the promos you've done. They look good!

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Jimmy Yang vs Psicosis

The American Wolves vs Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid

Antonio Banks vs Jushin Liger

Chris Mordetzky and CIMA vs Matt Hardy and Tajiri


La Parka vs Shane Helms

Brian Kendrick vs Carly Colon

Jay Lethal vs Super Crazy

Juventud Guerrera vs Koji Kanemoto vs Low Ki

Petey Williams, Teddy Hart and Harry Smith vs Alex Shelley, Colt Cabana and Roderick Strong

Rhino and Scott Steiner vs Shelton Benjamin and Booker T


And Txyank beat me to it, he's right. Post show matches always suck when it comes to grades.


Don't use them to form opinions like that.

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Jimmy Yang vs Psicosis

The American Wolves vs Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid

Antonio Banks vs Jushin Liger

Chris Mordetzky and CIMA vs Matt Hardy and Tajiri


La Parka vs Shane Helms

Something sketchy involving Hennigan.


Brian Kendrick vs Carly Colon

No real reason.


Jay Lethal vs Super Crazy

Never liked Super Crazy.


Juventud Guerrera vs Koji Kanemoto vs Low Ki

Most potential of these.


Petey Williams, Teddy Hart and Harry Smith vs Alex Shelley, Colt Cabana and Roderick Strong

I don't know why I'm picking this, maybe a DQ.


Rhino and Scott Steiner vs Shelton Benjamin and Booker T

Champs for the win! Some sort of Batista involvement.

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Jimmy Yang vs Psicosis

The American Wolves vs Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid

Antonio Banks vs Jushin Liger

Chris Mordetzky and CIMA vs Matt Hardy and Tajiri


La Parka vs Shane Helms

Brian Kendrick vs Carly Colon

Jay Lethal vs Super Crazy

Juventud Guerrera vs Koji Kanemoto vs Low Ki

Petey Williams, Teddy Hart and Harry Smith vs Alex Shelley, Colt Cabana and Roderick Strong

Rhino and Scott Steiner vs Shelton Benjamin and Booker T

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WCW Nitro. Monday, Week 3 of March, 2013.

Cow Palace, San Francisco, California

Attendance: 12,953 (SELL OUT)



Dark Matches:



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Jimmy_Yang.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Nicho_el_Millionairo.jpg

Jimmy Yang vs Psicosis


Jimmy Yang defeats Psicosis after hitting the Yang Time from the top rope. (C-)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/UltimoDragon.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Dragon_Kid.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Davey_Richards.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Eddie_Edwards22.jpg

Dragon Kid and Ultimo Dragon vs The American Wolves


The American Wolves defeat Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid. Davey Richards get the pin on Dragon Kid after he taps to the Cloverleaf. Very good dark match. (C+)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Antonio_Banks2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Jushin_Liger.jpg

Antonio Banks vs Jushin Liger


Antonio Banks defeats Jushin Liger after a Playmaker in a short match. (C-)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/chris_mordetzky.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/CIMA.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/MattHardy2.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Yoshihiro_Tajiri.jpg

Chris Mordetzky and CIMA vs Matt Hardy and Tajiri



Matt Hardy and Tajiri defeat Chris Mordetzky and CIMA. Hardy gets the pinfall on CIMA after the Twist of Fate. ©



Main Card:





Nitro kicks off with #1 contender to the WCW title, Kevin Steen standing in the ring with a mic. Steen says he's sick of not being thought of as a threat in this company. He says he hasn't fought his way to two title shots by just being lucky and promises that Booker T will take him seriously by Spring Stampede. (B)





Booker T's music hits and he comes to the ramp with a mic in-hand. Booker says he'll take Steen seriously when he gives him a reasion to take him seriously, and that if he wants his shot at Spring Stampede; it's on. Booker tells him next week, they sign the contract, before his music hits again and Nitro heads to commercial. (B+)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/LaParka2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/GregoryHelmsAAF4.jpg

La Parka vs Shane Helms


Shane Helms defeats La Parka. Near the end of the match, Helms goes ringside to get a chair, but the referee takes it away from him. As the ref is putting it away, Helms grabs brass knuckles from his pocket and lays La Parka out with them for the pinfall. (D+)





Backstage, Alex Shelley, Colt Cabana and Roderick Strong are hanging out in their dressing room. Colt tells his tag partner, Roderick it's good to have him back, and to make sure he keeps himself safe from now on. Strong says he knows what he's doing and for Colt and Shelley to just focus on their match tonight. A frustrated Strong walks off. ©





Elsewhere backstage, Bobby Lashley is doing an interview on his debut in WCW. Mid interview, out of no-where Rhino gores Lashley through the backdrop behind him. Rhino walks off, leaving Lashley writhing in pain and Tony and DDP wondering what provoked the attack. (D+)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/CarlyColon4.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/BrianKendrick5.jpg

Carly Colon vs Brian Kendrick

Carly Colon defeats Brian Kendrick after a roll up pin using the tights. Both guys came out of this one looking good. Solid match. (C+)





Backstage, Bill Goldberg finds Scott Hall by himself and approaches him. Goldberg asks Hall to settle Kevin Nash down, as Goldberg needs to protect his young talent. Hall scoffs at Goldberg, tosses his toothpick at him and walks off laughing as the camera turns to show a pissed off Goldberg. (C+)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Jay_Lethal3.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/SuperCrazy1.jpg

Jay Lethal vs Super Crazy


Jay Lethal defeats Super Crazy. Lethal gets the pinfall after hitting the Lethal Injection. Super Crazy was off his game and the match suffered as a result. (D+)





Backstage, Shelton Benjamin is getting ready for his main event tag match. His tag partner, Booker T, walks in holding his World title over his shoulder. Booker tells Shelton it's been a while seen they've last seen each other, but they've gotta come together tonight to take on a team like Rhino and Steiner. Shelton says he's ready, gives Booker a fist bump, and goes back to getting ready. (B)






Paul London and Brian Kendrick barge into Ric Flair's office. A furious Kendrick demands a title shot after Carly cheated to beat him in their match. Flair tells them no one demands anything from him and that people needs to earn things around here. He says next week, they can have a shot against The American Wolves, with the winners facing Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero for the Tag Titles at Spring Stampede. ©



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/JuventudGuerrera.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Koji_Kanemoto.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Low_Ki3.jpg

Juventud Guerrera vs Koji Kanemoto vs Low Ki


Koji Kanemoto defeats Juventud Guerrera and Low Ki. Kanemoto gets the pinfall in a surprising victory after rolling up a distracted Juvi while Low Ki fails to make the break-up in time. Although given decent time for the workers to put on a good match, botches plagued the bout for a below average reception. (D+)





Backstage, Team Canada prepare for their upcoming six-man tag match in their dressing room. Roddy Piper leads the hype-up by screaming motivation at his proteges. The team put their hands in the middle, and on three, yell "Canada!" before walking to the ring for their match. (C-)





In a hallway backstage, Shane Helms pulls John Hennigan aside and tells the Cruiserweight champ that he's done what he asked of him by taking out La Parka. Hennigan pats Helms on the shoulder and says "great job" before attempting to walk away. Helms stops Hennigan and asks when he's getting "his shot". Hennigan tells him to just wait, and the two walk away. (B-)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/AlexShelley5.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Roderick_Strong.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Colt_Cabana2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Petey_Williams3.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Harry_Smith.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Teddy_Hart.jpg

Alex Shelley, Roderick Strong and Colt Cabana vs Team Canada (Petey Williams, Harry Smith and Teddy Hart)


Team Canada defeats Shelley, Strong and Cabana. Hart gets the pinfall on Colt Cabana after Roddy Piper interferes while the referee is distracted by a ringside brawl, and hits Cabana with the Canadian flag-pole. ©





After the six-man tag match, while Team Canada and their opponents brawl, Kevin Nash runs through the crowd to attack Roderick Strong. Nash eventually gets the upper hand, and powerbombs Strong through the announce table. Goldberg runs out from the back to break things up, but it's too late, as Nash escapes through the crowd. (B-)





In the back, Scott Steiner is being interviewed. He says Batista is only a stepping stone on his path to a re-match with Booker T and his World title. He says the first stepping stone is tonight's main event, and he promises that he and Rhino will stand tall at the end of the night. He smacks the mic away and walks off. (B+)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Rhyno.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/ScottSteiner2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Shelton_Benjamin.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Booker_T3.jpg

Rhino and Scott Steiner vs Shelton Benjamin and Booker T


Booker T and Shelton Benjamin defeat Scott Steiner and Rhino. Near the end of the match, Kevin Steen runs to the ring during a ref bump, after Booker T has Rhino out cold with a scissor kick, and attacks Booker from behind. Steiner eventually joins in and the two stomp on Booker, until Batista runs down to break it up. Batista hits a Spinebuster on Steen, and eventually hits the Batista Bomb on Steiner, which allows the legal man, Shelton Benjamin, to get the pinfall for the victory. (C+)





Kevin Steen eventually gets up, only to eat a Batista Bomb of his own, while Scott Steiner gets up and receives a Scissor Kick from Booker. Booker and Batista back up with their arms in the air until they bump into each other. Batista stares Batista down and lifts his arm in a taunting celebration. Booker leans down, grabs his World title and lifts it up in celebration as well. Nitro ends as Booker T and Batista stare down. (B+)


Show Rating: B-





Nitro Predictions:


StealthGD: 8/10

odan: 7/10

shawn michaels 82: 5/10

RKOwnage: 4/9 (accidentally picked both workers in one match)

DanMTheMan: 4/10








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Wrestling Observer Newsletter

by Dave Meltzer


Week 4 of March, 2013








- WCW is said to be very unhappy with the in-ring portion of last week's Nitro. In a speech after the show, a few midcard workers such as Super Crazy, Juventud Guerrera and La Parka were called out for not making the most of the opportunity they've been given. WCW feels they've devoted a large chunk of their show to the mid/undercard and the show after they pull in their best rating yet, many of those undercard workers dropped the ball on them.


- WCW is said to be stacking next week's Nitro to make sure the momentum keeps flowing the right way for them.


- WWE Raw bumped up a ratings point to 2.6 this week, while WCW Nitro jumped up one themselves, to 1.3. TNA Impact stood still at 1.2, which marks the first time WCW has beaten TNA in the ratings. WCW, although not happy with the matches on the show, is very pleased with the rating.


- Kevin Steen is starting to show signs of getting over in WCW after a couple months in the company. Viewership was at it's highest on Monday during his segments with Booker T. The company may pull the trigger on him some time this year.


- Word is WCW is looking to bring a former popular WWE worker to manage Rhino. It is expected this manager will explain Rhino's attack next week but no word yet on who it is.






WCW Nitro Announced Matches:



Dark Matches:



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/chris_mordetzky.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/MarkJindrak4.jpg

Chris Mordetzky vs Jindrak



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Colt_Cabana2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/RobConway3.jpg

Colt Cabana vs Rob Conway



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/CarlyColon4.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Chavo_Guerrero_Jr.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/UltimoDragon.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Dragon_Kid.jpg

Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero vs Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid

(WCW World Tag Team Titles)


http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Roderick_Strong.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/SeanMorley.jpg

Roderick Strong vs Sean Morley



Main Card:



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/AlexShelley5.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Harry_Smith.jpg

Alex Shelley © vs Harry Smith

(WCW Television Title)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Paul_London.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/BrianKendrick5.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Davey_Richards.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Eddie_Edwards22.jpg

Londrick vs The American Wolves

(#1 Contendership of WCW Tag Team Titles)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/JohnMorrison4.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Koji_Kanemoto.jpg

John Hennigan © vs Koji Kanemoto

(WCW Cruiserweight Title)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Jay_Lethal3.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/LaParka2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Nicho_el_Millionairo.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/GregoryHelmsAAF4.jpg

Jay Lethal vs La Parka vs Psicosis vs Shane Helms

(Battle Royale for a shot at the Cruiserweight Title at Spring Stampede)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/MattHardy2.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Yoshihiro_Tajiri.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Shelton_Benjamin.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Antonio_Banks2.jpg

Matt Hardy and Tajiri vs Shelton Benjamin and Antonio Banks



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Dave_Batista.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/ScottSteiner2.jpg

Batista vs Scott Steiner

(#1 Contendership of WCW World Heavyweight Title)



Quick Picks:


Chris Mordetzky vs Jindrak

Colt Cabana vs Rob Conway

Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero © vs Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid (WCW Tag Titles)

Roderick Strong vs Sean Morley


Alex Shelley vs Harry Smith (WCW Television Title)

Londrick vs The American Wolves (#1 Contendership of WCW Tag Team Titles)

John Hennigan vs Koji Kanemoto (WCW Cruiserweight Title)

Jay Lethal vs La Parka vs Psicosis vs Shane Helms (#1 Contendership of WCW Cruiserweight Title)

Matt Hardy and Tajiri vs Shelton Benjamin and Antonio Banks

Batista vs Scott Steiner (#1 Contendership of WCW World Heavyweigh Title)



Get your picks in!







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Chris Mordetzky vs Jindrak

Colt Cabana vs Rob Conway

Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero © vs Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid (WCW Tag Titles)

Roderick Strong vs Sean Morley


Alex Shelley vs Harry Smith (WCW Television Title)

Londrick vs The American Wolves (#1 Contendership of WCW Tag Team Titles)

John Hennigan vs Koji Kanemoto (WCW Cruiserweight Title)

Jay Lethal vs La Parka vs Psicosis vs Shane Helms (#1 Contendership of WCW Cruiserweight Title)

Matt Hardy and Tajiri vs Shelton Benjamin and Antonio Banks

Batista vs Scott Steiner (#1 Contendership of WCW World Heavyweigh Title)

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2 quick questions:


1: what mod are you using?


2: how did you set your ratings? How much is worth a unit for ppv and tv? Cause you seem to be really simulating the nielsen ratings well and i would like to set my ratings that way. Can you share how you set your values for tv and ppv, please'


I'm using Cpt. Charisma’s January 2013 Real World.


About the ratings, I actually didn't adjust them in-game. I took WWE's first rating from the game and their first rating of 2013 in real life, and divided the in-game rating by the real-life rating. Then, using the number I get, I divide all future results by that number, round off to the nearest decimal, and there's my rating! (Yes, I am a nerd.)


e: And I do this for TNA, WWE and WCW, obviously. So although WWE gets like, 10-12 area in ratings in the game, and WCW gets 5-7 area, I scale it down manually to be more realistic.

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I'm using Cpt. Charisma’s January 2013 Real World.


About the ratings, I actually didn't adjust them in-game. I took WWE's first rating from the game and their first rating of 2013 in real life, and divided the in-game rating by the real-life rating. Then, using the number I get, I divide all future results by that number, round off to the nearest decimal, and there's my rating! (Yes, I am a nerd.)


e: And I do this for TNA, WWE and WCW, obviously. So although WWE gets like, 10-12 area in ratings in the game, and WCW gets 5-7 area, I scale it down manually to be more realistic.




That's actually very cool. Do you know how many viewers does a nielsen rating point represents in the real world?




Chris Mordetzky vs Jindrak

Colt Cabana vs Rob Conway

Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero © vs Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid (WCW Tag Titles)

Roderick Strong vs Sean Morley


Alex Shelley vs Harry Smith (WCW Television Title)

Londrick vs The American Wolves (#1 Contendership of WCW Tag Team Titles)

John Hennigan vs Koji Kanemoto (WCW Cruiserweight Title)

Jay Lethal vs La Parka vs Psicosis vs Shane Helms (#1 Contendership of WCW Cruiserweight Title)

Matt Hardy and Tajiri vs Shelton Benjamin and Antonio Banks

Batista vs Scott Steiner (#1 Contendership of WCW World Heavyweigh Title)




Ps: I assume i will get a prize if indeed i got it right with Warrior.

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That's actually very cool. Do you know how many viewers does a nielsen rating point represents in the real world?


Apparently it doesn't work that way; A show's rating is based on the percentage of household TV's tuned in during any given time during the show.



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WCW Nitro. Monday, Week 3 of March, 2013.

BI-LO Center, Greenvile, South Carolina

Attendance: 12,365



Dark Matches:



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/chris_mordetzky.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/MarkJindrak4.jpg

Chris Mordetzky vs Jindrak


Chris Mordetzky defeats Jindrak after he hits his new finisher, "The Grandmaster", a variation of the Fisherman's Suplex DDT. (D)


http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Colt_Cabana2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/RobConway3.jpg

Colt Cabana vs Rob Conway


Colt Cabana defeats Rob Conway after hitting the Colt .45. ©



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/CarlyColon4.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Chavo_Guerrero_Jr.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/UltimoDragon.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Dragon_Kid.jpg

Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero vs Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid

(WCW World Tag Team Titles)


Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero defeat Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid to retain the WCW Tag Team Titles. Chavo gets the pin on Ultimo Dragon after a frog splash. ©



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Roderick_Strong.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/SeanMorley.jpg

Roderick Strong vs Sean Morley


Roderick Strong defeats Sean Morley after hitting the End of Heartache. ©



Main Card:





WCW Nitro opens up with another impressive pyrotechnics display, as Tony Schiavone and DDP recap what's happened in recent weeks leading up to tonight's show, and hypes tonight's contract singing between Kevin Steen and Booker T. (C+)





Standing in the ring with a microphone is Scott Steiner. He says Batista crossed a line last night interfering in his match. Steiner tells Batista to come out right now, accept his challenge and put his #1 contender's status on the line in a one-on-one match tonight. A confident Batista strolls out, and accepts the match as the crowd cheers and Nitro heads to commercial. (B+)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/AlexShelley5.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Harry_Smith.jpg

Alex Shelley © vs Harry Smith

(WCW Television Title)


Alex Shelley defeats Harry Smith. Alex Shelley hits the Sliced Bread on Harry Smith after Teddy Hart, who accompanied Smith to ringside, hits his own cousin by accident instead of Shelley while trying to run interference. Great opener with good heat. (C+).



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/AlexShelley5.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Colt_Cabana2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Petey_Williams3.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Harry_Smith.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Teddy_Hart.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Roddy_Piper.jpg


After the match, Teddy Hart and Harry Smith begin to beat Alex Shelley down and are ultimately joined by Petey Williams, with Roddy Piper behind him. Eventually, Colt Cabana runs down to make the save and Team Canada bails out of the ring. Piper grabs a mic and challenges Shelley and Williams and a partner of their choosing to a 3-on-3 match at Spring Stampede. Shelley and Cabana look at each other and nod as the crowd cheers. (C+)





Backstage, Shelton Benjamin is doing an interview, hyping his tag match later in the night. Benjamin enters a tirade about how he's still undefeated in WCW and isn't giving up his title without a fight, until Ted DiBiase, most recently seen trying to offer Shelton Benjamin his managerial services, shows up and finishes Shelton's promo for him, hyping him up as the next big thing in WCW. Shelton is confused, but still looks somewhat impressed by DiBiase's speaking as the cameras cut away. (C+)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Paul_London.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/BrianKendrick5.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Davey_Richards.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Eddie_Edwards22.jpg

Londrick vs The American Wolves

(#1 Contendership of WCW Tag Team Titles)


The American Wolves; Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards, defeat Londrick to become the #1 Contender's to the WCW Tag Team Titles. Eddie Edwards gets the pin on Paul London after a distracted London, who is watching Richards and Kendrick brawl on the outside, gets roll up by Edwards while he uses the ropes for leverage. Great match, everyone came out of this looking good. (B)





Roderick Strong is backstage in an office with Bill Goldberg. Strong is bandaged up, obviously still injured from the attacks of Kevin Nash. Goldberg tells Strong he's going to to take care of everything, but Strong tells him not to worry about. Goldberg stops Strong, tells him he has a plan, and emphatically tells him that "it ends tonight". ©





Elsewhere backstage, Bobby Lashley is leaving his dressing room when he's attacked once more by Rhino. This time, however Lashley gets the upper hand and the attack ends with Lashley powerbombimb Rhino through a catering table. (C-)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/JohnMorrison4.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Koji_Kanemoto.jpg

John Hennigan © vs Koji Kanemoto

(WCW Cruiserweight Title)


John Hennigan defeats Koji Kanemoto to retain his WCW Cruiserweight Title. The end of the match comes when Shane Helms distracts the referee, allowing an interfering Low Ki to knock Kanemoto out with a headkick, getting revenge for his suprise loss against him a week ago, and Hennigan picks up the pinfall. (C-)





Back from commercial, Jimi Hendrix's "Voodoo Child" hits the speakers and WCW part-owner Hulk Hogan comes down to the ring. Hulk grabs a mic and addresses the fans with the news of he and Eric Bischoff making a signing two weeks ago, that, when announced, will shock the wrestling world. Hulk tries to go into further detailed but is interrupted by the lights going off, followed by green, pink and yellow pyros shooting from the ringposts. The explosions cause Hogan to stumble out of the ring, before quickly making his way to the back. (B-)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Jay_Lethal3.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/LaParka2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Nicho_el_Millionairo.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/GregoryHelmsAAF4.jpg

Jay Lethal vs La Parka vs Psicosis vs Shane Helms

(Battle Royale for a shot at the Cruiserweight Title at Spring Stampede)

Jay Lethal and Shane Helms draw when both workers' feet the floor at the same time. La Parka is eliminated first by Shane Helms, and Psicosis is eliminated second by Jay Lethal. While trying to eliminate each other, Helms and Lethal both fall over the rope simultaneously. (D+)





After the match, Jay Lethal and Shane Helms argue about who's feet touched the floor first. One referee thinks Lethal hit first, while the other thinks it was Helms. While Lethal is pleading his case to the other referee, Helms takes him out from behind with a dropkick into the barricade. Helms leaves as the crowd boos. (D)





Back from commercial, Bill Goldberg is standing in the ring with a microphone. Goldberg tells Kevin Nash to come out right now and settle their differences. Nash comes out from the back and gets in the ring with Goldberg. Goldberg tells Nash that WCW won't stand for his actions anymore, and that WCW is before off without him, just like they were over a decade ago. Nash smacks Goldberg, who just laughs at him. A confused Nash turns around just in time to get a chairshot to the head from Roderick Strong, who has just run down the ramp. Strong and Goldberg stand tall in the ring as Nitro heads to another break. (C+)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/MattHardy2.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Yoshihiro_Tajiri.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Shelton_Benjamin.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Antonio_Banks2.jpg

Matt Hardy and Tajiri vs Shelton Benjamin and Antonio Banks

Shelton Benjamin and Antonio Banks defeat Matt Hardy and Tajiri via DQ. Tajiri and Matt Hardy are disqualified when Tajiri sprays green mist in the face of Antonio Banks. (C-)





With Matt Hardy having recently eaten a Superkick from Shelton Benjamin, and Antonio Banks out after being misted, Tajiri kicks Shelton in the back of the head as the referee raises Benjamin's hand. Tajiri kicks him some more while he's on the ground before the referee breaks up the attack. Tajiri takes a long look at Shelton's US title before leaving. ©



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Booker_T3.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Kevin_Steen.jpg w/ http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/AdamPearce.jpg


Back from break, Kevin Steen is standing in the ring with a tall man in a suit, and a table with some documents and a briefcase on it. Steen introduces the man as his lawyer, and invites Booker T to come down to the ring to make their match at Spring Stampede official. Booker T comes out with his WCW World Heavyweight Title to a big ovation. Upon getting in the ring, Booker is all business, and doesn't say a word before signing the contract. Steen then signs the contract and hands it to his lawyer to put into his briefcase for safekeeping before getting into a staredown with Booker T in the center of the ring. With no provocation, Kevin Steen's lawyer takes his metal briefcase and hits Booker T from behind with it. He and Steen begin to stomp Booker and toss him out of the ring before he grabs a mic. Steen tells Booker that the man isn't his lawyer, and that the contract wasn't for a regular match at Spring Stampede, it was for a street fight! Steen tosses the mic and leaves with his co-conspirator. (B)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Dave_Batista.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/ScottSteiner2.jpg

Batista vs Scott Steiner

(#1 Contendership of WCW World Heavyweight Title)


Batista and Scott Steiner fight to a draw after both workers are counted out when they begin to brawl in the crowd. (C-)





After the double count-out is announced, both workers continue in the crowd and and ramp area until WCW commissioner Ric Flair comes out. Flair tells Steiner and Batista to cut it out immediately. He says they made a mockery of his show tonight by not fighting to a finish. He tells them that because of this, the man Hulk Hogan announced as his newest signing will face both workers in a triple threat match, with the winner fighting for the WCW Title in the main event of Starrcade...but Steiner and Batista won't find out who that is until Spring Stampede! (B)



Show Rating: C+




Nitro Predictions:


shawn michaels 82: 7/8

odan: 5/8






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Wrestling Observer Newsletter

by Dave Meltzer


Week 1 of April, 2013








- WCW is said to be upset with how this week's show went over. Although it pulled in another good rating, a few segments brought the overall mood of the show down and Steiner/Batista didn't go over as well as the company had hoped.


- WWE Raw and WCW Nitro both dropped one point each to 2.5 and 1.2 respectively, while TNA Impact stayed at 1.2.


- WCW's financials for March have come out, and the company lost 150k on the month. This is down significantly from a 2.5 million dollar loss in January and a 1 million dollar loss in February. The company is poised to turn a profit for the first time in April.


- Cody Rhodes and Richie Steamboat have extended their contracts with WWE, while Hulk Hogan and Mark Jindrak have extended their contracts with WCW.


- WWE WrestleMania happened this weekened, and the show ended up being their worst critically received pay-per-view of the year for the company so far. The Rock failed to appear in a match, leading many to believe he was injured, which obviously hurt the buyrate.


- WCW Spring Stampede's announced card so far is Kevin Steen vs Booker T for the WCW World Title, Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero vs The American Wolves for the WCW Tag Titles, Harry Smith, Teddy Hart and Petey Williams vs Alex Shelley, Colt Cabana and a partner of their choosing, Roderick Strong vs Kevin Nash, and Scott Steiner vs Batista vs a mystery opponent for the #1 Contendership of the World Title.







WCW Nitro Announced Matches:



Dark Matches:



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/ChrisHarris2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Colt_Cabana2.jpg

Chris Harris vs Colt Cabana



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/CIMA.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/UltimoDragon.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Jigsaw2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Nicho_el_Millionairo.jpg

CIMA vs Dragon Kid vs Jigsaw vs Psicosis



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Koji_Kanemoto.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Sonjay_Dutt.jpg

Koji Kanemoto vs Sonjay Dutt



Main Card:



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Jay_Lethal3.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/GregoryHelmsAAF4.jpg

Jay Lethal vs Shane Helms

(#1 Contendership of WCW Cruiserweight Title)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/AlexShelley5.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Low_Ki3.jpg

Alex Shelley © vs Low Ki

(WCW Television Title)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/BrianKendrick5.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Davey_Richards.jpg

Brian Kendrick vs Davey Richards

(#1 Contendership of WCW Tag Team Titles; Londrick or The American Wolves must win 2 singles matches against each other to face Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero for the Tag Titles in a 2-on-2 match, if the tag teams split the singles matches, the match becomes 2-on-2-on-2)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/MattHardy2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Yoshihiro_Tajiri.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/chris_mordetzky.jpg

Matt Hardy vs Tajiri vs Chris Masters

(#1 Contendership of WCW US Title)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Paul_London.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Eddie_Edwards22.jpg

Paul London vs Eddie Edwards

(#1 Contendership of WCW Tag Team Titles; Londrick or The American Wolves must win 2 singles matches against each other to face Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero for the Tag Titles in a 2-on-2 match, if the tag teams split the singles matches, the match becomes 2-on-2-on-2)


http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Dave_Batista.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Booker_T3.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Kevin_Steen.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/ScottSteiner2.jpg

Batista and Booker T vs Scott Steiner and Kevin Steen



Quick Picks:


Chris Harris vs Colt Cabana

CIMA vs Dragon Kid vs Jigsaw vs Psicosis

Koji Kanemoto vs Sonjay Dutt


Jay Lethal vs Shane Helms

Alex Shelley vs Low Ki

Brian Kendrick vs Davey Richards

Chris Mordetzky vs Matt Hardy vs Tajiri

Eddie Edwards vs Paul London

Batista and Booker T vs Scott Steiner and Kevin Steen



Get your picks in!







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Chris Harris vs Colt Cabana

CIMA vs Dragon Kid vs Jigsaw vs Psicosis

Koji Kanemoto vs Sonjay Dutt


Jay Lethal vs Shane Helms

tripple treath

Alex Shelley vs Low Ki

Brian Kendrick vs Davey Richards

Chris Mordetzky vs Matt Hardy vs Tajiri

Eddie Edwards vs Paul London

Batista and Booker T vs Scott Steiner and Kevin Steen

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WCW Nitro. Monday, Week 4 of March, 2013.

DCU Center, Worchester, Massachusetts

Attendance: 14,119



Dark Matches:



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/ChrisHarris2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Colt_Cabana2.jpg

Chris Harris vs Colt Cabana


Colt Cabana defeats Chris Harris after hitting the Colt .45. ©



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/CIMA.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/UltimoDragon.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Jigsaw2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Nicho_el_Millionairo.jpg

CIMA vs Dragon Kid vs Jigsaw vs Psicosis


Psicosis defeats CIMA, Dragon Kid and Jigsaw after hitting the Psycho Stunner on CIMA. (D)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Koji_Kanemoto.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Sonjay_Dutt.jpg

Koji Kanemoto vs Sonjay Dutt


Koji Kanemoto defeats Sonjay Dutt after hitting the Tiger Suplex for the pinfall. (C-)



Main Card:





WCW Nitro opens up with the usual pyro display and the familiar sounds of Tony Schiavone and DDP hyping the night's events, most notably; Kevin Steen and Scott Steiner vs Booker T and Batista.(C+)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Jay_Lethal3.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/GregoryHelmsAAF4.jpg

Jay Lethal vs Shane Helms

(#1 Contendership of WCW Cruiserweight Title)


Shane Helms defeats Jay Lethal. Helms get the pinfall after distracting the referee, allowing John Hennigan to nail Lethal with the Cruiserweight Title. (C-)





After the match, Helms and Hennigan celebrate in front of an upset crowd until WCW commissioner, Ric Flair, comes out to set things straight. He tells Helms he can't cheat his way to a win, before announcing that the Cruiserweight Title match at Spring Stampede will now be a Triple Threat match involving both Helms and Lethal. ©





Back from commercial, Brian Kendrick and Paul London burst into Ric Flair's office, who's barely had time to settle back in. An irate Londrick demand that if Flair is handing out title shots, he give them on at the Tag Titles because the American Wolves cheated in their match last week. Flair says he has a way to settle it and tells the guys to "Go get ready". ©



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/AlexShelley5.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Low_Ki3.jpg

Alex Shelley © vs Low Ki

(WCW Television Title)


Alex Shelley defeats Low Ki to retain the WCW TV Title. Near the end of the match, during a ref bump, Petey Williams comes to the ring and hits a Canadian Destroyer on Shelley. Low Ki is poised to get the victory and steal the title, when Koji Kanemoto runs down and gets revenge on Low Ki by knocking him out with a headkick. Shelley covers Ki up for the pinfall. (C-)





After the match, Mr. Fuji gets on the mic and announces that Ric Flair has told him Koji Kanemoto vs Low Ki is on for Spring Stampede. This announcement didn't get the reaction the company had hoped. (D-)





Backstage, Bobby Lashley is doing an interview when he's interrupted by Percy Pringle, who announces he's the man behind Rhino's attacks, and that it was his idea to take Lashley out, in order for Rhino's stock in the company to rise. Pringle taunts Lashley some more before offering him a match against Rhino at Spring Stampede. Lashley accepts, causing Pringle to maniacally laugh until Rhino comes out of nowhere for a gore. Pringle and Rhino walk off, leaving Lashley in a heap. ©



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/BrianKendrick5.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Davey_Richards.jpg

Brian Kendrick vs Davey Richards

(#1 Contendership of WCW Tag Team Titles; Londrick or The American Wolves must win 2 singles matches against each other to face Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero for the Tag Titles in a 2-on-2 match, if the tag teams split the singles matches, the match becomes 2-on-2-on-2)


Davey Richards defeats Brian Kendrick after Kendrick taps to the Cloverleaf in a good match. (B-)





Backstage, Harry Smith and Teddy Hart bump into Colt Cabana and Alex Shelley. It doesn't take long for the brawl to start, with Colt and Shelley taking the upper hand until Petey Williams arrives out of nowhere to sway things in Team Canada's favour. The three Canadians beat on Colt and Shelley until Antonio Banks, who was hanging out nearby, runs into the melee to make the save. He helps Colt and Shelley up and the six men face off as the announcers wonder if this could be the match-up on Sunday! (C-)





Elsewhere backstage, Booker T walks into Batista's dressing room. Booker says he knows they have history and don't get along, but tonight is about one thing; getting the W. He asks Batista if he can dig that. Batista nods and say he can dig it, but the two still have an intense staredown until Booker walks away. (B+)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/MattHardy2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Yoshihiro_Tajiri.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/chris_mordetzky.jpg

Matt Hardy vs Tajiri vs Chris Masters

(#1 Contendership of WCW US Title)


Matt Hardy defeats Tajiri and Chris Masters. The end of the match comes when Tajiri hits the Buzzsaw kick on Chris Masters, only to turn around to a Twist of Fate from Matt Hardy, causing him to roll out of the ring. Hardy covers Masters for the win. ©





After the match, Matt Hardy grabs a mic and calls Shelton Benjamin out. Shelton comes out with his manager, Ted DiBiase, and Matt motions that Shelton's belt is soon to be his. Shelton just confidently raises his belt over his head as the crowd cheers. It'll be Shelton vs Matt Hardy for the US title at Spring Stampede!(C+)





Backstage, Kevin Steen and Scott Steiner meet up in advance of their match with Booker T and Batista. Steen tells Steiner that winning tonight is just the first step. Then, after he becomes WCW champion at Spring Stampede, and Steiner becomes #1 Contender, and only then, will they worry about each other. Steiner says he's fine with that and the two have a staredown of their own for a second until Steiner leaves. (B-)


http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Paul_London.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Eddie_Edwards22.jpg

Paul London vs Eddie Edwards

(#1 Contendership of WCW Tag Team Titles; Londrick or The American Wolves must win 2 singles matches against each other to face Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero for the Tag Titles in a 2-on-2 match, if the tag teams split the singles matches, the match becomes 2-on-2-on-2)


Paul London defeats Eddie Edwards after reversing the Achilles Lock into a victory-roll for a somewhat surprising victory. (D+)




Back from commercial, Kevin Nash makes his way down to the ring. He grabs a mic and immediately calls out Goldberg and Roderick Strong for what they did to him last week. Nash promises he only wants to settle their differences like men, which prompts Goldberg and Strong to reluctantly come down the ramp. ©





Before they can even reach the ring, Scott Hall comes out with a chair and hits both from behind. Hall has a few more shots for Goldberg as Nash makes his way over to Strong. Nash eventually gets Strong up and gives him a sickening Jackknife Powerbomb onto the rampway, but the officials come down and break it up immediately after. (B)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Dave_Batista.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Booker_T3.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Kevin_Steen.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/ScottSteiner2.jpg

Batista and Booker T vs Scott Steiner and Kevin Steen


Batista and Booker T defeat Scott Steiner and Kevin Steen via DQ. Scott Steiner gets his team disqualified by taking Batista out with a chair in the middle of the ring. Solid main event. (B-)





Steiner and Steen keep the beatdown going on Booker and Batista until the referees force them out of the ring. They triumphantly stroll up the ramp with their hands in the air as the crowd boos and Tony and DDP wonder if will be the same scene at the end of Spring Stampede?. (B+)


Show Rating: B-








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Wrestling Observer Newsletter

by Dave Meltzer


Weekend Edition: Week 1 of April, 2013








- WCW is reportedly much happier with this week's in ring product than last's, most notably the Davey Richards/Brian Kendrick match. WCW plans to get Davey Richards into a major angle sooner, rather than later.


- WWE Raw stayed at a 2.5 rating this week, while both WCW Nitro and TNA Impact jumped up to 1.3 each. This is great news for WCW, who, three months ago, were getting about a third of WWE's audience compared to the more than half they get today.


- WCW has called up the following workers from PPW on a try-out basis: Adam Cole, Kazuchika Okada, Jimmy Jacobs, Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson and Ricochet.


- WCW has made another slew of signings. The following are headed to PPW, WCW's development territory: Flip Kendrick, Lince Dorado, Azrieal (WCW plans to bring him up very soon), Brandon Gatson, Takuya Sugi and Jason Lyte.


The following are appearing in dark matches on a try-out basis for the three months before being re-leased, kept on or sent to PPW; Masato Yoshini, Brett DiBiase, Josh Daniels, Averno, Volador Jr and Michael Elgin, Jack Evans.


The following workers were signed to WCW's main roster: Kota Ibushi, Prince Devitt, Sami Callahan, Shinsuke Nakamura and Hiroshi Tanahashi.









WCW Spring Stampede Announced Matches:


Dark Matches:



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/MarkJindrak4.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/BobHollyAAF3.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/UltimoDragon.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Dragon_Kid.jpg

The Bullies vs Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/CIMA.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Jushin_Liger-1.jpg

CIMA vs Jushin Liger



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/The_Amazing_Red.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/LaParka2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Mark_Briscoe.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Jay_Briscoe.jpg

The Amazing Red and La Parka vs The Briscoes



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Kenny_Omega.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Yoshihiro_Tajiri.jpg

Kenny Omega vs Tajiri



Main Card:



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Jay_Lethal3.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/JohnMorrison4.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/GregoryHelmsAAF4.jpg

Jay Lethal vs John Hennigan © vs Shane Helms

(WCW Cruiserweight Title)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Koji_Kanemoto.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Low_Ki3.jpg

Koji Kanemoto vs Low Ki



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Bobby_Lashley.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Rhyno.jpg

Bobby Lashley vs Rhino



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/CarlyColon4.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Chavo_Guerrero_Jr.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Davey_Richards.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Eddie_Edwards22.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/UltimoDragon.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Dragon_Kid.jpg

Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero vs The American Wolves vs Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid

(WCW World Tag Team Titles)




http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/AlexShelley5.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Colt_Cabana2.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Antonio_Banks2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Petey_Williams3.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Harry_Smith.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Teddy_Hart.jpg

Shelley, Cabana and Banks vs Team Canada



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/MattHardy2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Shelton_Benjamin.jpg

Matt Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin

(WCW United States Title)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Dave_Batista.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/ScottSteiner2.jpg vs ?

Batista vs Scott Steiner vs Mystery Opponent

(Winner will face WCW Champion in main event of Starrcade)


http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/kevin_nash5.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Roderick_Strong.jpg

Kevin Nash vs Roderick Strong



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Booker_T3.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Kevin_Steen.jpg

Booker T vs Kevin Steen

(Street Fight for WCW World Heavyweight Title)



Quick Picks:


The Bullies vs Ultimo Dragon & Dragon Kid

CIMA vs Jushin Liger

The Amazin Red and La Parka vs The Briscoes

Kenny Omega vs Tajiri


John Hennigan vs Jay Lethal vs Shane Helms (WCW Cruiserweight Title)

Koji Kanemoto vs Low Ki

Bobby Lashley vs Rhino

Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero vs Londrick vs The American Wolves (WCW Tag Team Titles)

Alex Shelley, Colt Cabana and Antonio Banks vs Team Canada

Matt Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin (WCW US Title)

Kevin Nash vs Roderick Strong

Batista vs Scott Steiner vs Mystery opponent (Winner will face WCW Champion in Main Event of Starrcade)

Booker T vs Kevin Steen (Street fight for the WCW World Title)



Get your picks in!







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The Bullies vs Ultimo Dragon & Dragon Kid

CIMA vs Jushin Liger

The Amazin Red and La Parka vs The Briscoes

La Parka is the man.

Kenny Omega vs Tajiri


John Hennigan vs Jay Lethal vs Shane Helms (WCW Cruiserweight Title)

Koji Kanemoto vs Low Ki

Bobby Lashley vs Rhino

Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero vs Londrick vs The American Wolves (WCW Tag Team Titles)

Alex Shelley, Colt Cabana and Antonio Banks vs Team Canada

Matt Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin (WCW US Title)

Kevin Nash vs Roderick Strong

Batista vs Scott Steiner vs Mystery opponent (Winner will face WCW Champion in Main Event of Starrcade)

Booker T vs Kevin Steen (Street fight for the WCW World Title)

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The Bullies vs Ultimo Dragon & Dragon Kid

CIMA vs Jushin Liger

The Amazin Red and La Parka vs The Briscoes

Kenny Omega vs Tajiri


John Hennigan vs Jay Lethal vs Shane Helms (WCW Cruiserweight Title)

Koji Kanemoto vs Low Ki

Bobby Lashley vs Rhino

Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero vs Londrick vs The American Wolves (WCW Tag Team Titles)

Alex Shelley, Colt Cabana and Antonio Banks vs Team Canada

Matt Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin (WCW US Title)

Kevin Nash vs Roderick Strong

Batista vs Scott Steiner vs Mystery opponent (Winner will face WCW Champion in Main Event of Starrcade)

Booker T vs Kevin Steen (Street fight for the WCW World Title)

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I'm working on another promo vid, but I'm taking my time on it since I'm trying to learn more about video editing (just started), so I'll hold off on one until Starrcade.


Anyways, Spring Stampede results will be up either late tonight or early tomorrow so get your picks in! This is where the narrative of this whole dynasty really kicks off, so get ready for a few surprises in these results ;)

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WCW Spring Stampede. Sunday, Week 1 April, 2013.

Barclay's Center, Brooklyn, New York

Attendance: 18,824



Dark Matches:



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/MarkJindrak4.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/BobHollyAAF3.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/UltimoDragon.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Dragon_Kid.jpg

The Bullies vs Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid

Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid defeats The Bullies after Ultimo Dragon hits a moonsault on Bob Holly for the victory in a short match. ©



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/CIMA.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Jushin_Liger-1.jpg

CIMA vs Jushin Liger


Jushin Liger defeats CIMA after hitting the Liger Bomb for a pinfall. (D+)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/The_Amazing_Red.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/LaParka2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Mark_Briscoe.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Jay_Briscoe.jpg

The Amazing Red and La Parka vs The Briscoes


The Briscoes defeat the Amazing Red and La Parka after Mark hits the Shooting Star Press on La Parka. (C+)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Kenny_Omega.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Yoshihiro_Tajiri.jpg

Kenny Omega vs Tajiri


Tajiri defeats Kenny Omega after a Buzzsaw kick. (C-)



Main Card:






WCW Spring Stampede opens up in Brooklyn, New York with an impressive pyrotechnics display. Tony Schiavone and Diamond Dallas Page run down the biggest matches of the evening including Batista vs Scott Steiner vs a mystery opponent and Booker T vs Kevin Steen for the WCW Title. (C+)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Jay_Lethal3.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/JohnMorrison4.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/GregoryHelmsAAF4.jpg

Jay Lethal vs John Hennigan © vs Shane Helms

(WCW Cruiserweight Title)


John Hennigan defeats Jay Lethal and Shane Helms to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Title. Near the end of the match, Helms turns on Hennigan by punching him and knocking him out of the ring. Helms turns around to receive a Lethal Injection from Jay Lethal, who then tries to cover Helms for the pin, but Hennigan makes it back into the ring in time to dropkick Lethal outside and pick up the pin himself. Very good, high flying opener! (B-)





Backstage, Kevin Steen is hanging out with his henchmen from the contract signing, who we now know is named Adam Pearce. He rants at Pearce about what he plans to do tonight and that no one can stop him, but it sounds like he's trying to convince himself more than anybody. He says he plans to leave Booker staring at the ceiling, just like he did on Nitro, and storms off. (B)





Elsewhere backstage, Colt Cabana, Alex Shelley and Antonio Banks are hanging out in their dressing room. Shelley and Cabana thank Banks for saving them on Nitro and for filling in the six-man tag for them, confirming Banks will be the sixth man. Banks downplays the thanks, and tells Shelley and Cabana to just make sure they get the job done tonight. The three men walk off, ready for their match. ©



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Koji_Kanemoto.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Low_Ki3.jpg

Koji Kanemoto vs Low Ki


Low Ki defeats Koji Kanemoto with a top-rope stomp to the throat in a decent match, however the crowd still hasn't bought in to Koji Kanemoto and it brought the match down. (D)





Backstage, Paul London and Brian Kendrick are getting ready for their match. They throw inspirational words at each other, talking about their long road back to a major organization, before Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards walks into the dressing room. Richards calls them pathetic and tells them not even to bother getting ready for the match because they're not on the level of them or the current champs. Edwards laughs as the American Wolves walk away, leaving a sour looking Londrick behind. (C+)





Backstage, Ted DiBiase and Shelton Benjamin are being interviewed. DiBiase jumps into a fiery rant about how Matt Hardy isn't on Shelton's level. He says no one has gotten the better of Shelton Benjamin in his first three months here and a wash-up like Hardy isn't going to change that. DiBiase says after tonight, Shelton will continue to be the Gold Standard.



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Bobby_Lashley.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Rhyno.jpg

Bobby Lashley vs Rhino


Bobby Lashley defeats Rhino. The two used their chemistry to their advantage to put on a surprisingly entertaining match. Rhino misses a gore into the ringpost, and turns around to receive a Dominator from Lashley for the pinfall. (B-)





Elsewhere backstage, Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero polish their WCW Tag Team Titles. Chavo continues to stress the importance of retaining their titles for when their "hermano" gets here tomorrow on Nitro. They walk off for their match as Tony and DDP are left wondering who their "hermano" is. (B-)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/CarlyColon4.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Chavo_Guerrero_Jr.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Davey_Richards.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Eddie_Edwards22.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Paul_London.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/BrianKendrick5.jpg

Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero vs The American Wolves vs Londrick

(WCW World Tag Team Titles)


Carly Colon and Chavo Guerrero defeat the American Wolves and the team of Londrick. Paul London hits an Asai Moonsault on the outside to Carly, Davey and Eddie, leaving Brian Kendrick in the ring to watch the chaos. Unfortunately for him, his legal opponent, Chavo Guerrero, rolls him up for behind to get the pinfall victory. The match was a bit of a letdown considering the reception previous encounters between these tag teams got. ©





Backstage, Goldberg is in Roderick Strong's dressing room, hyping him up for his match against Kevin Nash. Goldberg tells Strong this is the biggest night of his career, and if he ever wants to become a World Champion like him, then it all starts here, by seizing the opportunity. A pumped up Strong walks off, ready. (C+)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/AlexShelley5.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Colt_Cabana2.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Antonio_Banks2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Petey_Williams3.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Harry_Smith.jpghttp://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Teddy_Hart.jpg

Shelley, Cabana and Banks vs Team Canada


Alex Shelley, Colt Cabana and Antonio Banks defeat Team Canada. Roddy Piper tries to interfere during a ref bump, but eats a Colt 45. from Cabana for his efforts. Harry Smith and and Petey Williams come in to save Piper, while Antonio Banks join in for a 2v2 brawl outside, Hart, thinking everything is under control, turns around to a Sliced Bread from Alex Shelley, who picks up the pinfall. ©





Backstage, Scott Hall is hyping Kevin Nash up for his first real match back in WCW. Nash stresses the importance of "sticking to the plan" to Hall, who says he's got everything covered. The two share a sly, evil smile before walking off for the match.


http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/MattHardy2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Shelton_Benjamin.jpg

Matt Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin

(WCW United States Title)


Shelton Benjamin defeats Matt Hardy clean after a Superkick in a decent back and forth match. ©





Before the Triple Threat match, Scott Steiner gets on the mic and voices his displeasure with a third man being added, who he couldn't even prepare for. Steiner tries to override Ric Flair by grabbing the referee and attempting to intimidate him into starting the match as a 1 on 1.





This is ultimately interrupted by Ric Flair, who comes to the ring with a ramp. Flair says he promised when WCW came back that they would shock the world and sent ripples through the wrestling world that would be felt by everyone. He says there's no secret why this company was started; to kill WWE. After referring to their rival promotion for the first time during a broadcast, Flair continues by saying it starts today. He says he has committed an act of war against WWE by signing on of their top stars: The man to lead the charge, who Flair says he is using to officially start the war against WWE; BRYAN DANIELSON!


http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Dave_Batista.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/ScottSteiner2.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Daniel_Bryan3.jpg

Batista vs Scott Steiner vs Daniel Bryan

(Winner will face WCW Champion in main event of Starrcade)

Bryan Danielsondefeats Scott Steiner and Batista to become the #1 Contender to the WCW World Heavyweight Title. Danielson, who had been laid out on the outside for quite some time, uses the NO-DQ nature of Triple Threat matches to low blow Batista and shove him out of the ring, after Batista had hit the Batista Bomb on Scott Steiner, and pick up the pinfall on Steiner. (C+)





Backstage, Booker T is being interviewed about his feeling on his title match, and Bryan Danielson debuting in a match where he earns a shot to potentially face Booker in the main event of Starrcade. Booker stars by saying Kevin Steen was right; he doesn't respect him, as a person. But he does respect him in the ring, so he'd be stupid to look past him to anyone else, including Bryan Danielson, but he lets it be known there's no way he's not leaving here tonight as WCW champion. Can you dig it, sucka? (B)


http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/kevin_nash5.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Roderick_Strong.jpg

Kevin Nash vs Roderick Strong


Roderick Strong defeats Kevin Nash. During a ref bump, Nash calls in Scott Hall to help him beat down Strong. The two get him to the ground and relentlessly stomp him until Bill Goldberg runs down the ramp. Hall bails out of the ring, as he is in no physical condition to stick around for a beating, so Goldberg goes right after Nash. The two trade blows, and Kevin Nash tries to Irish Whip Goldberg, but he reverses it and Spears Nash for his troubles. Nash then eats a Jackhammer from Goldberg and Strong crawls over Nash for the pin as the referee comes to in a big upset victory! ©





Hulk Hogan comes down to the ring look serious, with a mic in his hand. Hogan says he tried to avoid his demons for too long, but eventually demons catch up with you. He says tonight, he has to face the man that almost killed Hulkamania, the man that ended his historic run in WWE. The fans know who he is talking about, and it's all but confirmed when the music hits; (B-)





Warrior's music hits and he runs to the ring, making his first appearance in WCW in close to two decades. Warrior gets face to face with Hogan before posing with the crowd some more and grabbing a mic. Warrior says as much as they've been through, there's no reason they both can't coexist in WCW. He extends his hand to Hogan, who mulls it over, before eventually shaking it. As the two celebrate for the crowd, Hogan cheap shots Warrior from behind. He stops him a few times before delivering his trademark legdrop and leaving. (B+)



http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Booker_T3.jpg vs http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/xpaulocaustx/Kevin_Steen.jpg

Booker T vs Kevin Steen

(Street Fight for WCW World Heavyweight Title)


Booker T defeats Kevin Steen to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Title. Near the end of the match, Adam Pearce tries to hit Booker T with his own World Title, but hits Kevin Steen instead. Booker hits the Book End on Pearce, before hitting a scissor kick on Steen for the win.(B-)





After the match, Bryan Danielson comes down to the ring to face off with retaining champion, Booker T. Danielson raises his arms at points to the Starrcade banner hanging from the rafters, inferring he'll be the winner that evening, while Booker T raises his WCW World Title and points to the banner, inferring the very same. Spring Stampede fades off the air. (B+)



Show Rating: B








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(Wrestling Observer will be up after next Nitro)







WCW Nitro Announced Matches:




The Briscoes vs The Young Bucks (Nick Jackson and Matt Jackson)

Jushin Liger vs Ricochet

CIMA vs Mr. Aguila

Adam Cole vs Low Ki

Colt Cabana vs Kazuchika Okada

Bobby Lashley vs Rob Conway


Main Card:


Kevin Steen vs Roderick Strong

Alex Shelley vs Petey Williams (WCW Television Title)

Shane Helms vs Debuting Worker? (#1 Contendership of WCW Cruiserweight Title)

Dragon Kid and Ultimo Dragon vs Teddy Hardy and Harry Smith

Shelton Benjamin vs Tajiri (WCW United States Title)

Scott Stener & Partner of his choice vs Batista & Partner of his choice


Plus Bryan Danielson addresses why he left WWE!


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