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1991: Rising Storms

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I keep looking at the people in the Free Agency and just wow, WCW is going to overtake WWF way sooner when I get my actual game going. Waltman? Hall? Austin? HHH? Lynn? RVD?




Yeah the talent and future stars at this time were great.


Waltman, RVD, Lynn, and Brian Pillman could be your Cruiserweight Division.


Austin was money even in the early 90s. HHH to me has always been a little over rated. He is a solid worker but was never really great. Just my own personal opinion.


How would you use Scott Hall in 91? Would you team him with DDP and Nash or would you let him run as a singles star?

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It doesn't open until May of 1993, but Cleveland All Pro Wrestling was a promotion founded by JT Lightning and people like Matt Borne, Billy Gunn, Harley Race, Tommy Rich, Edge and Christian before WWF, and a ton of bigger name wrestlers were in CAPW a lot in the early days. It was an old school promotion and ran up until JT Lightning died. Lightning is the one who trained Johnny Gargano and Michael Hutter(Derrick Bateman in WWE) and a lot of the better indie talent in the Great Lakes and Tri State region. Plus, JT's daughter is Colin Delaney's girlfriend in real life :p


I don't know if that's enough to warrant CAPW(or JT Lightning) being in the mod, but I'd figure I'd give it a go.

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OK, since I'll be doing my DFW-based add-on data for this mod as well just as I did for Hive's COTT mod, I wanted to get some general feedback from everyone after playing a game(that's on-going as I really enjoy Hive's mod) with the add-on data. Most of the workers, I had set to only based in the USA(or a limited number of foreign areas) since most of them weren't known for going international, save for maybe the occasional one time appearance. However, hardly any of them were getting hired by anyone. The small amount of indy promotions in the mod was most likely a factor as well, along with their popularity. So as an experiment, I went into the in-game editor and set the guys to work all areas. Not even two days later, one of the workers is now working for two companies in Mexico, so now he's finally got some work.


So what I want feedback on: Should I go ahead and set all the workers to work everywhere so that there's a better chance of them getting hired and improving their skills? I do plan on putting in some fictitious organizations to help round out the indy scene as well(with justtxyank's blessing). How much money should I be giving said companies? I don't want them going on a spending spree and trying to get the absolute biggest names ever, but at the same time, I don't want them going belly up a year later. Lastly, should I up the workers' popularity a bit?

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Okay, finally got my arse in gear to download my first historical mod for TEW13, this one, tar for work. Decided to sim game for couple of years to see how things play out like and just have a quick question, with things like relationships, alter ego's, tag teams etc...... they are set up in advance of their real life formations, is this to be worked on in future versions of mod or is this sort of common practice within historical mods?


I do wonder on some of the overness ratings of wrestlers whom at this time were fairly unknown on a wider scale, Rob Van Dam for example starts with D's across States and Japan, is this a case of the worker was imported from a later mod and forgotten to be adjusted? Or to more guarantee he'll be signed to a larger promotion? As realistically he, as example, would have been wrestling in small/regional indies for just under a year upon mod start date, no mention of trips to Japan yet in wiki page (a place where only the truth lies, of course), so seems off that he starts the way he does, imo.


Anyway tar again for effort, if any info from my save could be useful I'd happily post anything from game to help with efforts. Random info; Jumbo Tsuruta won wrestler of the year in 91 & 92, company of year went to AJPW in 91 & 92, whilst match of the year went to Tsuruta/Misawa (AJPW - A) in 91 and to Flair/Taker (WWF - A) in 92.

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So here's what I need still:

1) Someone with some knowledge of Mexico to help me sort out rosters. I've used some lucha databases to get them close I think, but I'd like someone to take a look at it.


If you still need help with this you could try e-mailing The Cubs Fan who runs an awesome lucha blog: http://www.thecubsfan.com/cmll/ it might be worth a shot to get good Mexico data.

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Think I found another error...Killer Kowalski's Pro Wrestling School dojo is set to "Privately Owned" instead of being linked to his IWF promotion.


Also, Triple H didn't debut in pro wrestling for Kowalski until 1992 but he's in the game as a free agent and a 3 year pro.


Relationships seem a bit off for some people as well. Triple H is best friends with HBK (yet at this time they wouldn't have even met) Same with him and the rest of the Kliq. Might just be something to look at.

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Probably tomorrow. I've already cleaned up the relationship file and fixed everything mentioned in this thread.


awesome cant wait...............if anyone is interested in starting a multiplayer game send me a pm preferably with intent of starting a dynasty ala the 94 triangle match

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Rising Storms 2.0 Release



RisingStorms 2.0 Database

nGo Update #2

Complete nGo Pack


Install Notes: You will need the latest version of nGo to work with this database.


If you previously downloaded nGo and update #1 with my first release, you will only need to download update #2 above.


If you have not previously downloaded nGo at all, you can use the above Complete nGo Pack which includes both update #1 and #2.


If you have nGo from Hive's mod but have NOT downloaded an update from this thread you need to get update #1 and #2 (can be found on first page).


Release Notes

-Fixed sizes to match the default size listings

-Added multiple new promotions to the US scene

-Added multiple new workers, many new female workers for US scene

-Redid the location file, largely from scratch

-Added a few new angles to the angle pack

-Added new agers

-Reworked popularity levels across the board

-Modified Relationship File

-Reworked TV networks

-Added NWA Tag Title History

-Corrected WWF, WCW rosters with gimmicks, face/heel, etc.

-Reworked tour name file from scratch

-Reworked gimmick file

-Reworked gimmick and performance ratings for workers


Current Version Notes

Workers: 1920

Agers: 568

Tag Teams: 471

Narratives: 25

Locations: 677

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I had only been into wrestling a year at this point so I think I'm going to reboot the entire world from my earliest memory - erase it and start with Earthquake going over Warrior for the WWF Title. No Slaughter reign in 1991 in this reboot!


Looks good so far from what I've seen so thanks for all your hard work in getting this together.

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Please continue to post minor (or major) issues you find as I will continue updating this data. I have no plans at this time to make another mod so I will do more versions of this one.


I've already found a few minor issues that I thought I fixed. I must have done it on another machine and forgot to transfer the database. These can be fixed though individually if they matter to you:


1) Terry Taylor's physical needs to go up.

2) Jesse Ventura had not signed with WCW

3) Tracy Smothers needs to be a face

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