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Booking FCW... Caribbean style

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[indent]"That'll be twenty-two dollars señor.", he said with a bright, Colgate-smile.

I was fairly sure that the taxi driver was duping me as the drive from the airport was definitely not that far, but I still paid him without hesitation.
After the long journey that I had gone through already, I was just happy to have finally reached my destination.

"Damn, it's so hot here", was the first thing I mumbled when I got out of the taxi. Sweat was pouring down my face as I grabbed my suitcase.
Some of the local people had a strange look on their faces when I passed by them. With all the tourism in this region, I expected that they would have seen skinny, pale, sweaty thirty-something guys on a daily basis here. But apparently something about me caught their eye...
I couldn't be bothered with their stares though. The only thing I could think was "What am I doing here?"

My name is Flavio Dujaune.
Back home I used to be a software programmer for a small business, while I worked as a freelance reporter for the local newspaper on the side so that I could keep paying my rent. Besides doing some fantasy booking on a simulator called TEW, I had no experience whatsoever.
And yet here I am, the new headbooker for an actual wrestling promotion…

A month ago I had applied for the position in a drunken haze. Never in a million years had I expected to get the job, but a few days ago I got a call from the big man[/i]. After exchanging some pleasantries, we talked strategy and vision. And at the end he invited me to fly over to his office to sign the freaking contract. He seemed desperate and I was afraid to find out why. But I took the plunge, this is the chance of a lifetime… isn't it?

"Gymnasium Aguada", the name on the little piece of paper I had in my hand corresponded to the letters painted on the old building I was standing in front of.
I started to have second thoughts again. I was at the right place, but was I the right man?
But then something strange happened: as I put down my suitcase to take off my sunglasses, a very attractive Mulatto woman passed by and I could swear she was trying to seduce me with her eyes. I turned around to check her out and then the stunning view and athmosphere hit me: I saw a pearly white beach filled with beautiful people, exotic music was playing somewhere in the background and a magnificent climate to top things off… this is paradise!!

With that thought all doubts dropped off my shoulders. I put my sunglasses back on and opened the door of the gymnasium. "I'm in Puerto Rico baby, yeah!"




NOTE: [i]Hey guys, this is my first ever dynasty for TEW. Heck, this is even the first ever game I've played in TEW13, so there are bound to be mistakes made.
Despite the lame backstory and faulty spelling, I hope you will enjoy my take on FCW... Caribbean style! :cool:



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Meeting the boss


I took a last deep breath before I knocked on the door.


Loud voice
– “Yes, come in.”


I opened the door of the office and walked in confidently. The man sitting behind the desk got up quickly to welcome me.

He was even bigger then I imagined and while sporting a skintight t-shirt and bermuda shorts, he didn’t really look the part.

But this was indeed Puerto Rican Power, owner of FCW and a legend in Puerto Rico.



The big man

Puerto Rican Power


PR Power
– “Aha, my new head booker is here! Rico, I’ll talk to you later my man.”


Then I noticed there was another person in the office: a slender man sitting across the desk.

He got up to leave and gave me a bit of a dirty look as he passed by me while he nodded. His face looked familiar though.


PR Power
– “That was Rico Santana, our road agent. He has become a bit of a grizzled veteran over the years, but don’t worry. There is no one in the company that I trust more than him.”


That’s when I remembered: I saw Santana wrestling a few times on SWF TV when I was younger.

He didn’t achieve much in his short career there, but apparently he still left an impact on my memory.



The road agent

Rico Santana


PR Power
– “Have a seat, have a seat… do you mind if I call you Flavio?”


– “Not at all mister… ?”


PR Power
– “Just call me Puerto Rican Power please, or just boss.”


The big man started a roaring laugh. I should have known he wasn’t going to give me his real name.

PR Power is known to be very kayfabe-minded and doesn’t like to break character… even backstage amongst his employees.


PR Power
– “So, welcome in Puerto Rico! You must be wondering why you got the job here at FCW, no?”


I nodded quietly. In fact it was on my mind for days now, but I didn’t want to seem to anxious.


PR Power
– “I’ll level with you. Things in FCW have been going down the drain ever since, … ever since Shawn died.”


PR Power became quiet. He was off course talking about Shawn Gonzalez who helped founding FCW back in 2007 and who was one of his closest friends.

Gonzalez died in a scuba diving accident about a year ago now and FCW has never gotten over his loss.

They did try to push for a comeback by giving Shawn’s brother Carlos the spotlight, but he didn’t handle it very well.




Shawn Gonzalez


PR Power
– “Just to make things clear, I don’t hold a grudge against previous booker Handsome Stranger whatsoever. But we talked about it several times and agreed that it would be best if he focused on his own wrestling career. He did make some bad decisions for sure, but who hasn’t. Fact of the matter is that we need some fresh air in FCW, someone with a new vision on things. So I put out the job application and to be honest… you were the only applicant. Renowned bookers didn’t want to touch us with a stick for some reason. I hope that doesn’t scare you too much.”


– “No sir, I’ll do my best to get FCW on the map again.”


I kept strong, but have to admit that I needed to swallow after PR Power’s explanation.

I had read about the lower attendances and lacklustre FCW-shows, but didn’t realize it was this bad.

The boss smiled.


PR Power
– “That’s what I wanted to hear. And even though you have little to no experience for the job, I have full confidence in you. That’s why I’m giving you a 6 month try-out. In that period I encourage you to do whatever you feel that’s needed to get us back out there. But remember that I’m still the boss, and I have final say. I have a few ground rules though: first of all I don’t want you to get any guys over 42. I‘d hate for any old geezers hogging the spotlight of our younger talent…. Only I can do that.”


He laughed at his own comment. I chuckled a bit as well.

PR Power is on the wrong side of forty himself but he still remains the biggest name in the company by far.

PR Power
– “Secondly we had some bad publicity as off late. Apparently some reporter found out that Rudy Velasquez did some jail time for armed robbery when he was 17 and we got shot down for it somehow. That’s why I’d like to make sure that you don’t take in any more people that have criminal records. Or extend any of our current contracts either.”


I had read the article about Velasquez and although the internet community was buzzing for a while, I still thought PR Power’s decision not to extend his contract over this was a bit rash. Then it hit me that Carlos Gonzalez also had some trouble with the law in the past.

If I remembered correctly he was arrested in 2002 outside of a Miami strip club for possession of cocaine and marijuana with intention to sell and spent a few years in jail.



The brother

Carlos Gonzalez


– “Doesn’t that mean that we would have to let Carlos Gonzalez go as well?”


PR Power
– “I’m afraid so. But so be it. We have to admit that he only got the job in FCW because of Shawn, who was also head booker at the time. After his death we gave Carlos the ball, but he dropped it big time…”


PR Power got up from his desk and walked over to a cabinet where he stored his liquor. Without asking what I wanted he poured in two glasses of whisky and he put one down in front of me. Then he smiled.

PR Power
– “That, and he is also a bit of a douchebag.”


NOTE: For reference here are the actual owner goals PR Power gave me:


When time expires, FCW must have improved upon its company ranking of #27

FCW cannot fall into debt at any point

You can't hire any wrestler over the age of 42

You cannot hire or extend the contract of anybody who is known to have problems with the law

You can't hire any wrestler who is classed as a Spot Monkey

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The Faces









  • Billy Russell
    (Puerto Rican Champion)

  • Bradford Peverell

  • Bradley Blaze

  • Carlos Gonzalez

  • Island Boy Apollo
    (Tag Team Champion)

  • Kid San Juan
    (Tag Team Champion)

  • Kirk Jameson
    w/ Maryam Vega

  • Mainstream Hernandez

  • Matt Hocking

  • Puerto Rican Power

  • The Sensational Singh



The Heels








  • Ernest Youngman

  • Handsome Stranger

  • Hector Galindo

  • Hell's Bouncer

  • Jesus Chavez

  • King Kong Kennedy

  • Leper Messiah

  • Ox Mastadon

  • Rob Reynolds

  • Rudy Velasquez
    (People's Champion)

  • Titan
    w/ Carl Batch

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  • 1 month later...

Updating the site


“There, that’s it”, I sighed after I pressed the update-button on my laptop. It was 3 am, I was sleepy and I had just finished posting preview to my first PPV FCW Freedom Fighters on the company website.


Yeah, I was as surprised as you are to hear that FCW had its own website.

Heck, even PR Power didn’t seem to know they had it when I asked him if it would be a good idea to post previews and results of our shows on the internet, to attract more people.

Up until today all announcements were done by putting up some posters in the town and publishing a small advertisement in the local newspaper.


Apparently Rico Santana used to be the webmaster so he gave me his little black booklet that contained a web address, login and password while mumbling the words “Here ya go, computer guy.” I couldn’t help but think that he didn’t like me…


As I first opened the site it was clear to me why it didn’t appeal to the big audience.

It was a simple HTML site containing exactly one page, with a big logo at the top and an even bigger picture of a menacing PR Power in the middle.

Very impressive Rico.



Anyway, I updated the layout, posted the FCW roster (see previous update) and now uploaded the official preview to Freedom Fighters.

I was pretty excited about the line-up, as PR Power gave me pretty much all creative freedom I needed.

There were off course some loose ends that the previous booker left me, but nothing I couldn’t work with.


A few days left before my first show, can you feel the buzz!?!


NOTE: I'm back



I became ill a few days after the last update and haven't had the motivation to continue this project since.

But after reading some of the great dynasties here (especially the stories of 3rdStringPG and Eisen-verse) I wanted to give it another shot!

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Rudy Velasquez © vs Kirk Jameson

People's Championship match


http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/RudyVelasquez_zps3388ea70.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/KirkJameson_zps07c2b980.jpg


Back in October, Rudy Velasquez beat Kirk Jameson to win the People's Championship.

At FREEDOM Fighters, Jameson will get the rematch he eagerly awaited.

Is the young "Marksman" ready to regain the title, or will Velasquez prevail again?


Island Boy Apollo vs King Kong Kennedy


http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/IslandBoyApollo_zps163cbc35.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/KingKongKennedy_zps8a2bc4db.jpg


In a battle between one half of the tag team champions and one half of the number one contenders,

fan favourite Island Boy Apollo will take on the massive King Kong Kennedy.

Who can gain the most steam going into the battle for the tag team title?


10-man Battle Royal

Number 1 Contender People's Championship


http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/CarlosGonzalez_zps53dc0c0e.jpg http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/MainstreamHernandez_zpseb91b6d3.jpg http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/Titan_zps0df8ea3d.jpg http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/KashmirSingh_alt1_zps4b751654.jpg http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/HectorGalindo_zpse3f91900.jpg

http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/JesusChavez_zps2423f9ed.jpg http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/RobReynolds_zps94a39da6.jpg http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/OxMastadon_zps51945533.jpg http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/KidSanJuan_zps38298c3d.jpg http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/MattHocking_zps72e190e2.jpg


A ten men battle royal will decide the next number one contender for the People's Championship.

Anything can happen as soon as the mayhem starts, so who will come out victorious?

Will it be Carlos Gonzalez, who's still trying to prove he can follow in the footsteps of his popular brother Shawn.

Or will it be one of the massive giants Titan or Ox Mastadon?

The charismatic Mainstream Hernandez perhaps?

Champion Rudy Velasquez was also able to put his two associates Jesus Chavez and Hector Galindo in the match as some kind of insurance policy.

In case he loses his title, the Latino Kings will still be in the running for the gold.

And if he retains, he could be heading for a non-match against one of his friends. Or do they have their own agenda?


Little Bill Lebowski vs ???


http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/LittleBillLebowski_zps7ccc918d.jpg VS ???


The veteran Little Bill Lebowski has been given a chance to fight for a FCW contract.

Who will he face at FREEDOM Fighters and more importantly, will he succeed?


Leper Messiah vs Bradford Peverell


http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/LeperMessiah_zps7b95b720.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/BradfordPeverell_zps0ac39041.jpg


The psychotic Leper Messiah is not a man you want to mess with,

but FCW's own Bradford Peverell is never afraid of a good fight.

What will happen when these two opposites collide in the middle of the ring?


Billy Russell © vs Handsome Stranger vs Puerto Rican Power

Puerto Rican Championship match


http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/BillyRussell_zps1049215f.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/HandsomeStranger_zpsb296bfc2.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/PuertoRicanPower_zps67fa35f9.jpg


The three biggest stars in FCW will meet head-to-head in our main event,

when MMA bad ass Billy Russell defends his title against the experienced Handsome Stranger and mr. FCW Puerto Rican Power.

Who will walk out of FREEDOM Fighters with the title around his waist?


Quick Pick


Rudy Velasquez © vs Kirk Jameson


Island Boy Apollo vs King Kong Kennedy


Battle Royal (Carlos Gonzalez, Mainstream Hernandez, Titan, Sensational Singh, Hector Galindo,

Jesus Chavez, Rob Reynolds, Ox Mastadon, Kid San Juan, Matt Hocking)


Little Bill Lebowski vs ???


Leper Messiah vs Bradford Peverell


Billy Russell © vs Handsome Stranger vs Puerto Rican Power

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LOVE the idea of a new FCW project! Looking forward to this one. :D


Rudy Velasquez ©
vs Kirk Jameson


Kirk is a great prospect but he's not winning this early on. The age-old 'babyface chasing the belt' scenario could go well here.


Island Boy Apollo vs
King Kong Kennedy


I could see you having Apollo win; that's possible. That said, it's best that the #1 contender (even if only half of it) comes away with the win here. Maybe a cheap win?


Battle Royal (Carlos Gonzalez, Mainstream Hernandez, Titan,
Sensational Singh
, Hector Galindo,

Jesus Chavez, Rob Reynolds, Ox Mastadon, Kid San Juan, Matt Hocking)


Personal choice here. Singh could be a great character to push for FCW out of the gate.


Little Bill Lebowski vs




Leper Messiah
vs Bradford Peverell


Leper Messiah gets his first victim...


Billy Russell ©
vs Handsome Stranger vs Puerto Rican Power


Handsome Stranger won't win. That's obvious. That said, since both PRP & Russell are both babyfaces, chances are the champ walks out with the belt. To have PRP beat Russell could create some animosity & force one of them to turn.

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Rudy Velasquez © vs Kirk Jameson


Island Boy Apollo vs King Kong Kennedy


Battle Royal (Carlos Gonzalez, Mainstream Hernandez, Titan, Sensational Singh, Hector Galindo, Jesus Chavez, Rob Reynolds, Ox Mastadon, Kid San Juan, Matt Hocking)


Little Bill Lebowski vs ???


Leper Messiah vs Bradford Peverell


Billy Russell © vs Handsome Stranger vs Puerto Rican Power

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Rudy Velasquez © vs Kirk Jameson

Jameson needs building up first


Island Boy Apollo vs King Kong Kennedy



Battle Royal (Carlos Gonzalez, Mainstream Hernandez, Titan, Sensational Singh, Hector Galindo, Jesus Chavez, Rob Reynolds, Ox Mastadon, Kid San Juan, Matt Hocking)

Best worker in there by a mile


Little Bill Lebowski vs ???

Always back the mystery man


Leper Messiah vs Bradford Peverell

Like Jameson, I always think Peverell needs building up first


Billy Russell © vs Handsome Stranger vs Puerto Rican Power

Tough one...I'll go with PRP as he's super over

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Rudy Velasquez © vs Kirk Jameson

Island Boy Apollo vs King Kong Kennedy


Battle Royal (Carlos Gonzalez, Mainstream Hernandez, Titan, Sensational Singh, Hector Galindo,

Jesus Chavez, Rob Reynolds, Ox Mastadon, Kid San Juan, Matt Hocking)


Little Bill Lebowski vs ???


Leper Messiah vs Bradford Peverell


Billy Russell © vs Handsome Stranger vs Puerto Rican Power

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Rudy Velasquez © vs Kirk Jameson


Island Boy Apollo vs King Kong Kennedy


Battle Royal (Carlos Gonzalez, Mainstream Hernandez, Titan, Sensational Singh, Hector Galindo,

Jesus Chavez, Rob Reynolds, Ox Mastadon, Kid San Juan, Matt Hocking)


Little Bill Lebowski vs ???


Leper Messiah vs Bradford Peverell


Billy Russell © vs Handsome Stranger vs Puerto Rican Power

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First show backstage


The day of my first show has come and I’m nervous as hell when I walk into gymnasium Aguada a few hours before it all begins.


PR Power wasn’t in his office, but I did find him in the ring working out a bit. I wanted to go over a few things with him, but he didn’t seem to interested.

All in all I was pretty happy with how the show was built so I didn't bother him any further.

I had already met the wrestlers that would work the show a few days earlier, and everyone seemed excited about the new breeze of fresh air that was going through the locker room.


To keep everyone happy, I made a few (low-budget) changes in the backstage like providing some catering, a chiropractor and a masseuse and this raised the morale nicely.

But this positive atmosphere could turn very quickly if my first show would be a fiasco, so I was still a bit careful.

Slowly but steadily the workers came in. They weren’t required to be in the arena so early, but everyone seemed to be motivated to make this show work.


As I walked past the catering stand, I saw King Kong Kennedy and Ox Mastadon stuffing their faces.



Ox spotted me and gave out a loud “Great food, bookerman”.

Kennedy had just put a large piece of sandwich in his mouth and could only grunt with approval, while giving me a big thumbs up.

I smiled and nodded. I knew these guys would appreciate some food.


Further down the aisle I saw Matt Hocking walking along with the masseuse.

He seemed a bit too happy, smiling from ear to ear as she took him by his hand and dragged him into the room to get him prepped.

It was clear that the youngster was hoping for a happy ending to the massage but he was in for a surprise.

Antonietta the masseuse was born Anthony the masseur and although you can't tell, (s)he is still a few surgeries short of changing gender completely.

Hey I’m no idiot: I know the reputation of these wrestlers and how hard it is to find good masseuses.



The hours passed and after I gave everyone their final instructions, Bradley Blaze ran up to me.

Bradley was one of two youngsters that I signed (alongside Ernest Youngman) as I knew he was a great prospect in ring and a great influence outside of it. Apparently he took a quick peek in the gymnasium right before the event was about to begin and he seemed very excited.


“It’s a full house Flavio, 1000 sold tickets and every seat is taken. This is great”, he shouted, “This is going to be a great evening!”



I grinned and thought to myself “I hope so”, keeping my fingers crossed secretely.


But there is no way back now, it’s showtime!
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A big thanks to everyone that has commented/predicted so far!!

I didn't know there was so much love for FCW ;)


I still need to write the event and am also trying to figure out a good way to format it, but I can tell you that I already played for 4 months and the game is progressing good!


Next update should be the event itself, so if anyone wants to predict: please feel free to do so!


Any other comments/suggestions are welcome as well off course :)

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[some mellow Caribbean music fills the arena only to be interrupted by a loud, banging pyro. Heavy guitars take over the tune and the FCW FREEDOM Fighters logo is being shown on the big screen while the crowd starts cheering.]


Lee Bambino:
Welcome to FREEDOM Fighters everybody. The first event of the year and boy do we have a show for you. My name is Lee Bambino and sitting alongside me is Cueball Lynch.

Cueball Lynch:
That’s right Bambino, and I have a feeling this is going to be a night to remember. We’ll finally get the charismatic champion this company deserves in Handsome Stranger, instead of that nitwit Billy Russell.

Lee Bambino:
I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Russell has faced several challengers in the past and is still standing strong as ever. But I have to agree with you, he is in for a massive task today as he will not only face Handsome Stranger but also the resident hero, Puerto Rican Power!

Cueball Lynch:
Yuck, don’t get me started on him. I’m sick and tired of that hack hogging the spotlight!

Lee Bambino:
Well you are in for a treat then, because PR Power is on his way to the ring.

Cueball Lynch:
Oh brother, not this again…



[The crowd gets to its feet as a pimped-up version of the Puerto Rican national anthem starts to play. Out walks Puerto Rican Power, Puerto Rican flag in one hand and high fiving to the fans with the other. As he gets in the ring, he attaches the flag to a turnbuckle and then pauses for a moment to stare into the ecstatic audience with a big smile. He’s milking his entrance but they love every minute of it. Then he picks up a microphone and starts talking with his well-known forceful voice.]


PR Power:
Hola Puerto Rico! ...
[He pauses as the crowd starts cheering again]
… Welcome to FCW FREEDOM Fighters!!...
[The crowd goes absolutely mad]
… I know you all came out here to see me kick some a$$ tonight. It’s been almost a year now since I lost the Puerto Rican Championship and I want it back. So Russell, Stranger… there is no point in waiting any longer. Let’s settle this right here, right now! ...
[With that comment, he throws the microphone out of the ring and looks ready to go. The fans are absolutely loving this off course]


[A Paso Doble-style song starts to play and out steps Handsome Stranger. He is getting booed by the full audience, but doesn’t seem to care one bit. Even worse, he is gloating for a minute and then starts waving his hands as to tell them to be calm. This doesn’t work so he starts talking with his thick, Spanish accent.]



Handsome Stranger:
Easy people, easy. I know you are all excited to see me, the next Puerto Rican champion, in the flesh. But you need to remain patient…
[Crowd boos profusely while Handsome Stranger chuckles and points to Puerto Rican Power while walking a bit towards the ring]
… Just like you need to remain patient, hombre. I’m not ready to fight just yet, but don’t worry… I’ll show you later on tonight why I am the man that deserves the Puerto Rican Championship.
[PR Power is shown mouthing some swearwords at Stranger and grabs onto the ropes, while inviting his foe in the ring. Stranger just smiles and shakes his head.]
You know…


[stranger’s sentence is interrupted by the glaring heavy metal music that accompanies the champion Billy Russell, who steps out with an intense look on his face.]



Billy Russell:
You know what? I’m sick and tired of you two talking and talking and talking. I came here to fight and if one of you wants this title…
[He points to the belt he is carrying over his shoulder]
… Then come and get it.
[The crowd explodes with enthusiasm, although the cheers are no way near as loud as they were for PR Power. The three protagonists stare at each other for a minute and since no one seems to flinch Russell goes to the back again.]



Lee Bambino:
Oh my… as if the situation wasn’t explosive enough. Who knows what’ll happen when these three get into the same ring?

Cueball Lynch:
I don’t know but it was clear who the sensible one is here, as those two other knuckleheads wanted to fight unprepared.

Lee Bambino:
We’ll see later tonight if that’ll be enough to win the big one!




[A hype video starts to play, setting the stage for the title match between Rudy Velasquez and Kirk Jameson. It shows highlights of the match where Velasquez won the People’s Championship from Jameson, after hitting him with a heavy steel chain while Hector Galindo was distracting the referee. Then it skips through some promos of both wrestlers.]




Lee Bambino:
Kirk was robbed of his title 3 months ago. You got to root for the guy to win it back.

Cueball Lynch:
Why the hell would I want to do that for? He couldn’t beat Velasquez last time, and what makes you think this time will be any different?


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission

FCW People’s Championship


Ryan Holland

Jesus Chavez and Hector Galindo w/ Rudy Velasquez

Maryam Vega w/ Kirk Jameson


• Kirk Jameson is all business as he walks to the ring, with a very focused look on his face. His valet Maryam Vega is quite the opposite, smiling to the fans, high fiving everyone at ringside and generally looking like a bubbly, ditzy blonde that’s just happy to be there.

• Some generic Hispanic rap music starts to play and Velasquez comes out with his posse, Hector Galindo and Jesus Chavez. Galindo jumping around like an idiot, crotch-chopping at the camera. Chavez walking confidently and tough, while holding the very same chain that was used the last time. Velasquez has hung the championship carelessly around his neck and is waving gangster signs at the audience while Jameson stares a hole in them from the apron.

• Uncharacteristically, Jameson attacks Velasquez as soon as he enters the ring with heavy fists and sends the champion reeling. It’s not long before he drops to the outside to regroup, while Chavez pads his back and Galindo screams insults at Jameson.

• Velasquez regains control after a sneaky eye poke, and punishes Jameson for a while in the corner. In a classic heel-move he then goes to distract the ref, while Galindo chokes Jameson behind his back.



• After Jameson avoids a running clothesline he is able to retaliate with a clothesline of his own. He then grounds the champion with an arm bar and several knees to the arm, obviously targeting Velasquez’ limb. He is looking a bit clueless on how to continue though, so he just keeps punishing the arm.

• Jameson is soon distracted again however when he notices Chavez is approaching the helpless Maryam Vega on the outside. He hits the big man with a double axe handle from the top rope to save the damsel in distress, but when he re-enters the ring he is met with a kick to the gut by Velasquez.



• The champ starts beating on the challenger with hard kicks and elbows, along with the occasional arm drag. Velasquez is selling the damage done to his arm well though and when he tries to suplex Jameson, his arm buckles and both men are dropped to the mat.

• Referee Ryan Holland starts counting both men out. At the count of 6 Jameson is the first to regain his composure and he gets to his feet. He then signals to the audience that’s it’s time to lock Velasquez in his finisher, the Kirk-Hold (a Crippler Crossface).

• Velasquez is still unaware of the treat and is slowly starting to move, but then his associate Hector Galindo gets up on the apron. He is distracting the referee and in the meantime Chavez is entering the ring with the chain in hand.

• Jameson was anticipating this apparently and dropkicks the big man to the outside. But when he turns around to face Velasquez again, the champion is back to his feet and hits a lightning quick Street Cutter on his challenger. He then falls on top of him for the standard three count.


Rudy Velasquez via pinfall

“Street Cutter” (Diamond Cutter) after interference from Jesus Chavez and Hector Galindo


This is Rudy Velasquez’ 2nd successful defense of the FCW People’s Championship



Cueball Lynch:
Hahaha, I told you so. Jameson didn’t stand a chance.

Lee Bambino:
Not against three men, but he had the champion beat. If not for Chavez and Galindo, I’m sure we would have had a new champion!

Cueball Lynch:
Keep on dreaming Bambino.



[The Latino Kings stand tall in the ring, celebrating the title defense of their leader Rudy Velasquez. Velasquez himself looks a bit weathered and leans on big man Chavez to keep standing up straight. He is still holding the arm Jameson was working on, but that doesn’t keep him from yelling some Spanish insults into the camera. Galindo climbed the turnbuckle with both arms over his head, obviously very happy with his involvement.]



Lee Bambino:
Up next we have one half of the tag team champions facing off against one half of the number one contenders.

Cueball Lynch:
Oh, I’m looking forward to this. Monkey Boy Apollo is going to get squashed by Kennedy.

Lee Bambino:
I wouldn’t disregard Island Boy Apollo that easily, Cueball!


Island Boy Apollo vs. King Kong Kennedy


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Ryan Holland



• The energetic Island Boy Apollo runs to the ring in dashing fashion, while the crowd cheers him on. With his face paint and toned muscular look, the young Puerto Rican looks like a real superstar in the making. The massive King Kong Kennedy moves to the squared circle in a very slow, plodding manner while mouthing off to the fans. He is clearly not the fan favorite in this encounter.

• Despite being a bit taller, the young Apollo has a definite size disadvantage. But he still engages in a struggle of power with the bulking Kennedy. He is even able to push King Kong back, which elevates the crowd and angers the big man. Kennedy immediately tries to retaliate with a clothesline, but Apollo ducks underneath and hits a big right hand as his opponent turns around.

• Apollo keeps hitting those hard punches and Kennedy is reeling but doesn’t go down. On the contrary, he is able to counter the onslaught with a thunderous clothesline. He then keeps Apollo down with a series of massive elbow drops and foot stomps.

• Kennedy picks Apollo up by the hair and hits a series of power moves, including a powerslam that rocks the ring.

• Apollo is then swung into the corner and Kennedy is ready for his signature “Kennedy Krush”. Apollo moves out of the way right in time though, leaving the big man to connect with the turnbuckle in a hard fashion.

• With Kennedy staggering, Apollo reacts quickly and he rolls up his opponent for the three count.


Island Boy Apollo via pinfall

Quick roll up after Kennedy missed the “Kennedy Krush” (Running Splash in corner)



Lee Bambino:
Oh yeah, in your face Cueball! Island Boy Apollo is victorious.

Cueball Lynch:
You got to be kidding me… Look at him standing there; I’m sure he can’t even spell his own name anymore after getting the beating of a lifetime. Although, I don’t think he could spell his name before the match either.

Lee Bambino:
Laugh all you want. This is a big win for Apollo, heading into the clash for the championship.


Participants Battle Royal


[A video montage is shown to hype the upcoming battle royal, which will decide the number one contender for the People’s Championship. Pre-taped interviews of some of the participants are edited together.]


[An intense looking Carlos Gonzalez is up first, staring straight into the camera lens from a close range.]



Carlos Gonzalez:
I need this win, I need it! I need to bring back glory to the name Gonzalez, and tonight is the night I start doing that. Viva la familia!!


[Carl Batch is shown next, with the towering Titan standing in background, snorting as menacing as he can.]



Carl Batch:
I hate to spoil the surprise for you all, but there is only one way this thing can pan out. You see, when you throw together 9 little fish in a pond with the big bad shark, you just know there’s going to be a massacre. The winner of this match and your next People’s champion…

[Titan steps to the foreground and grunts loudly:]


[With that statement he steps out of the frame. Carl Batch is simply smiling and adjusts his hat while casually saying:]

Carl Batch:
That’s right.


[We then get a visual of a wrestler’s back. He’s wearing a bright orange robe and sporting a bright set of bleached blond hair. He quickly spins around to reveal:]



Sensational Singh:
Woooooo! That’s right, the Sensational Singh is here and I’m here to stay so don’t be fooled by what anyone else is saying. I’m winning this battle royal the only way I know how to win… sensational style!


[Next up we get Mainstream Hernandez, smiling brightly like we are used to from the fun-loving babyface.]



Mainstream Hernandez:
I’m sure everyone is saying the same thing. Here I am, and I’m going to win, and yadda yadda yadda.
[He adjusts his sunglasses so his eyes are visible and changes his tone to be a lot more serious for a minute]
Well here I am, I’m going to win and you know what? I’m going to have fun doing it.


[Two thirds of the Latino Kings are up next, as we see Hector Galindo and Jesus Chavez standing side by side. Galindo does the talking while Chavez just stands there clenching his fists together and smiling menacing.]



Hector Galindo:
Hola esse, by now our man Rudy should have already made short work out of that punk Jameson. So when either Jesus or I win this battle royal, we can relax with the belt around our waists. This is almost too easy.


[The final montage is that of Ox Mastadon, who isn’t saying anything but just walking through the hall with an angry but smug look on his face.]





Lee Bambino:
Oh my, did you see the look on that kisser? Ox Mastadon is obviously confident about his chances tonight.

Cueball Lynch:
Off course he is. Who do you think is able to lift his 462 lbs over the top rope? He’s an absolute monster!

Lee Bambino:
Well let’s hope someone can, else we’ll see Mastadon in the running for both the Tag Team and People’s Championship. We’re going to need bigger belts!

Cueball Lynch:
Did you just call Ox fat? I’ll let him know how you feel after the show.

Lee Bambino:
Please don’t…

Cueball Lynch:
Either way, my money is on Titan. Did you see how intense he was just now? And with the guidance of Carl Batch, he’s bound to have a solid game plan.

Lee Bambino:
The battle royal is next!





[Hispanic rap music starts to play and out comes the People’s Champion Rudy Velasquez.]


Lee Bambino:
Now what?


[Velasquez walks over to the commentary table, gives Cueball a high five and completely ignores Bambino. He then puts on a headset.]


Cueball Lynch:
Hey champ, are you joining us?

Rudy Velasquez:
Yeah papi, I’m here to scout the competition and see one of my boys win this thing.





10-Man Battle Royal

(Matt Hocking, Kid San Juan, Carlos Gonzalez, Rob Reynolds, Titan,

Hector Galindo, Jesus Chavez, Sensational Singh, Ox Mastadon, Mainstream Hernandez)


10-man Battle Royal

Number 1 contendership for People’s Championship


Ryan Holland



• The action picks up immediately, with big Ox Mastadon pummeling Matt Hocking, Kid San Juan and Mainstream Hernandez with big blows. Rob Reynolds and Carlos Gonzalez are tangling on the other side, with neither man gaining the upper hand. Sensational Singh is being double teamed by the Latino Kings, who have a distinct advantage in this match. Titan however is watching from a distance, standing calmly in a corner. He is picking his moment it seems.

• Mastadon is causing mayhem early on, almost eliminating Kid San Juan with a thunderous clothesline. But the small highflier was able to hang onto the ropes. The Latino Kings then turn their attention to the big man, acknowledging that he is in fact the biggest problem in the ring. An unorthodox alliance is formed by the Latino Kings, Mainstream Hernandez and Sensational Singh and with all four man combined they are able to lift Mastadon up and over the top rope.
Ox Mastadon eliminated at 1:40.

• The alliance is short lived as Chavez immediately clotheslines Mainstream Hernandez over the top rope as well. But as Chavez turns his back, Hernandez is able to hang on with a catlike maneuver. Singh and Galindo start trading blows as well.

• On the other side of the ring, Reynolds is punishing Gonzalez with several stiff kicks to the chest. He then runs up to him to hit a running impact maneuver, but Gonzalez moves out of the way and is able to guide Reynolds over the top rope.
Rob Reynolds eliminated at 2:18.

• Matt Hocking is the next victim of the Latino Kings, as they double team him in the corner. He tries to battle back, but in the end he is press slammed to the outside by the powerful Chavez.
Matt Hocking eliminated at 3:04.

• With three eliminations already done, Titan is finally starting to get mixed into the action. First he delivers a hard clothesline to Sensational Singh and then he drops Mainstream Hernandez with a stiff elbow. Kid San Juan sees his chance and hits a double ax handle from the top rope onto Titan’s back. The big man is hardly fazed, turns around and slams the young superstar with a huge Titanic Choke Slam (his finishing maneuver). Kid is easy pickings then and Titan drops the young superstar over the top rope.
Kid San Juan eliminated at 5:12.

• The action stops for a minute and the ring is divided in two groups. On one side Sensational Singh, Mainstream Hernandez and Carlos Gonzalez (the good guys). On the other Titan and the Latino Kings (the heels).

• The moment of rest doesn’t last long however as Titan drops Singh and Hernandez with a hard double clothesline. Chavez is hitting a series of hard right hands on Gonzalez while Galindo is looking on. Gonzalez is fighting back though and sends the bigger man reeling with a spinning heel kick. He then starts to fold Chavez over the top rope, but he forgets about the other Latino King. Galindo shows up behind him and lifts Gonzalez to the outside.
Carlos Gonzalez eliminated at 7:40.

• Meanwhile Titan is wreaking havoc. He manhandles Mainstream Gonzalez and flings him over the top rope like a ragdoll. But once again Gonzalez is hanging on with a tremendous reflex. Singh then jumps onto Titan’s back and tries to get him in a sleeper hold. But the big man rams himself back first into the turnbuckle, dropping Singh like a fly.

• With both faces lying on the mat, Galindo taps Titan on his shoulder and seems to be talking tactics with the giant. He seems to signal that he and Chavez will take care of Singh, while Titan should finish off Hernandez. Titan nods in agreement with an evil smile on his face and turns to the fallen Hernandez again.

• Chavez picks up Singh by the hair and slings him into the corner. He follows up quickly with a hard elbow to the face. Chavez moves aside and Galindo comes flying in with a high knee. Singh looks like he is in trouble. Chavez slings him into the ropes again and tries to hit a hard clothesline but Singh instinctively ducks and then knocks into Galindo who was standing behind his associate. Both men go down after the impact. Chavez is surprised about what just happened and as he walks over to Singh, he gets hit with a desperate low blow by the Sensational one. Singh then pulls the bend-over Latino over the top rope by his pants, in a shocking elimination.
Jesus Chavez eliminated at 9:45.

• We are down to our final four: Titan, Mainstream Hernandez, Sensational Singh and Hector Galindo. The first name on the list is the only one that’s standing at the moment, as he is punishing Hernandez with some big boots to the back. He then picks up Hernandez and slings him towards the ropes, obviously looking to eliminate him. But Hernandez is again able to hang on tight to the ropes and briefly smiles at Titan for his efforts. This enrages the giant and he comes up running towards Hernandez with a big boot. The fun-loving babyface ducks the foot and quickly flips over Titan’s other leg, making the big man hit the floor on the outside.
Titan eliminated at 10:57.

• Titan is going absolutely mad outside of the ring, kicking the steps and ringside barriers. He then steps back into the ring and grabs the unsuspecting Hernandez by the neck, turning him around and choke slamming him over the top rope.
Mainstream Hernandez eliminated at 11:30.

• Titan continues to destroy the poor Mainstream Hernandez on the outside, even bodyslamming him onto the lightly padded floor. The onslaught is stopped when several backstage workers came to separate the two.

• We are down to the final two now, but both Galindo and Singh are still down on the mat. The Latino King is the first one to get to his feet and he looks down at his foe with a smile on his face. Galindo goes up to the top rope and is looking to hit his finishing maneuver, The Sky is Falling (Shooting Star Press). But as he jumps of the top, Singh quickly rolls aside causing Galindo to his the mat face first. Singh was playing possum! Galindo gets up, holding his teeth and walks right into a Sensational Singh-dropkick which sends the Latino King over the top rope. Singh wins!
Hector Galindo eliminated at 13:02.


Sensational Singh via elimination

Dropkick after Galindo missed “The Sky is Falling” (Shooting Star Press)


Sensational Singh, Hector Galindo, Mainstream Hernandez and Titan

Sensational Singh is the new number one contender for the FCW People’s Championship



Lee Bambino:
Oh my God, did you see that? Sensational Singh picks up a sensational win here!


[Velasquez, who has been ripping into Singh and Hernandez on commentary the entire time, is livid and throws down his headset. He then stands up and is mouthing insults to the celebrating Sensational Singh]


Lee Bambino:
Anything can happen in FCW, this just proves it again. Way to go Singh, you deserve it!

Cueball Lynch:
Ah shut up Bambino. Let me tell you something that’ll never happen: That little snot Bill Lebowski getting a contract tonight.

Lee Bambino:
We’ll just see about that. Little Bill Lebowski is up next. If he wins, he’ll get a contract right here at FCW. But who will he be facing?



Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Ryan Holland



• The little sparkplug-like brawler is racing back and forth in the ring, anxious to see who he will need to face. Then a big pyro goes off and out comes…



Lee Bambino:
Oh no, oh no… He’s back??

Cueball Lynch:
Hahaha, this is great. Bye bye Lebowski!


• Hell’s Bouncer steps over the top rope with ease and stops right there, staring at Lebowski with a blank, but menacing look in his eyes. It’s obvious that the little guy is terrified, but nonetheless he attacks his bigger foe with quick jabbing combinations to the gut. Hell’s Bouncer doesn’t seem impressed, as he simply pushes Lebowski away by his head. Little Bill goes flying all the way across the ring.

• Lebowski shakes off the cobwebs and goes for the attack again. This time he is met with a big boot to the face.

• Things are pretty straightforward after that, as Hell’s Bouncer absolutely destroys his opponent with several power moves. Bouncer moves across the ring very slowly, not breaking a sweat.

• When Hell’s Bouncer has had enough, he picks up Lebowski and drops him with a stiff Damnation Drop.


Hell’s Bouncer via pinfall

“Damnation Drop” (Crucifix Power Bomb)


Sensational Singh, Hector Galindo, Mainstream Hernandez and Titan

Sensational Singh is the new number one contender for the FCW People’s Championship



Cueball Lynch:
What a massacre. You have got to love that!

Lee Bambino:
We haven’t seen Hell’s Bouncer for a few months now, but he seems to be back… more evil then we have ever seen him.



[Hell’s Bouncer doesn’t seem satisfied just yet and he picks up Lebowski by the arm and slams him down with several massive powerslams. He finishes Bill off by hitting a second Damnation Drop, which almost broke the little guy in half. He then leaves the ring, slightly smirking but still with that blank stare in his eyes.]



Lee Bambino:
That was uncalled for!

Cueball Lynch:
Well I guess Lebowski isn’t going to get a contract after all.
[He laughs maniacally.]




[The tall, rangy Bradford Peverell is shown backstage, looking very hyped up for his upcoming match against Leper Messiah.]


Bradford Peverell:
Listen up you freak… I’m not sure why you challenged me to this match and quite frankly I don’t care to find out. The only thing I know for sure is that when you get in the ring with me, you’re going to EAT THIS!


[While yelling those last words, he hits the air with a vicious left-handed punch, obviously mimicking his signature “Dream Left Hook”. The crowd cheers him on, as they would love to see Messiah get knocked out tonight.]




[The camera cuts to a dark, basement-like area. The creepy silence is broken by a soft voice off screen.]


Leper Messiah:
Bradford, Bradford… Keep your composure... [He sighs deeply]… The reason of my challenge is simple: I need to know. I need to know if you are the one I need, I need to know if you have what it takes to be the final piece in my puzzle.
[With that Messiah pops into the picture, laughing like a mad man. He switches his soft voice to a maniacal scream]
… Only one way to find out!!



Lee Bambino:
What a creep, what a weirdo…

Cueball Lynch:
You’re right, but you need to stop quoting Radiohead.

Lee Bambino:
Apparently Leper Messiah challenged Peverell? Did you know that? And what’s that puzzle he’s talking about??

Cueball Lynch:
I have no idea… I just know that Peverell is an idiot for accepting that challenge. This is no ordinary man he’s facing.

Lee Bambino:
Peverell is not one to back down to anyone. Peverell vs. Messiah is next!



Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Ryan Holland



• The crowd is pretty excited for this one as Peverell enters the ring. He starts shadow boxing for a moment and then raises his hands, receiving a nice pop from the Puerto Rican audience. The reception for Leper Messiah is completely different as he is booed by everyone in the arena. The camera picks out some younger fans at ringside, who look terrified as the bulking Messiah passes them.

• Messiah takes his time to take off his long black trench coat and looks into the audience with wide, mad man-eyes. Leper then starts a sudden attack on Peverell, but he was expecting this and hits the bigger man with a series of quick jabs to the chin. Leper falls into the corner where the camera takes him in close-up as he smilingly mouths “Ouch”.

• The action is divided pretty well between both fighters after that, with both gaining the upper hand for a certain amount of time. Peverell keeps true to his amateur boxer-background, hitting Leper with a number of big punches, including one of his signature moves “A Little Trick I learned in London”, a European Uppercut that would have knocked a lesser man’s lights out.

• Leper Messiah on the other hand resorts to power moves, with the occasional sneaky choke in the middle. He often breaks off his attacks to ask the beaten down Peverell if he is indeed the one Leper needs.

• With Peverell locked in a big bear hug, Ryan Holland goes to check if he is still conscious. His arm goes down once, twice but like a standard scenario he keeps it up at the third attempt. Peverell then starts hitting the big man with heavy knocks on the head until he lets go. Leper runs into the ropes, looking to hit Peverell with a heavy clothesline but he ducks underneath and hits Messiah with a hard clothesline himself on the rebound.

• Peverell then starts firing himself up and looks ready to hit the Dream Left Hook as soon as his opponent gets up. Leper Messiah sees the threat just in time though and rolls out of the ring. He’s irate and starts throwing chairs into the ring, while referee Ryan Holland reprimands him for it.

• Leper then signals he has had enough and starts walking to the backstage while mumbling “He’s not the one, he’s not the one, he’s not the one…” He seems very disappointed by this discovery. Bradford Peverell remains standing in the ring with a surprised look on his face, and is declared the winner as Holland counts out Leper Messiah.


Bradford Peverell by count-out

Leper Messiah intentionally walks out of the match



Lee Bambino:
What the hell was that all about?

Cueball Lynch:
Beats me. Leper Messiah just seems to behave stranger and stranger every time we see him.

Lee Bambino:
Cueball, we don’t agree often but I’ll give you that. Leper Messiah is one strange cookie.

I have a feeling we haven’t seen the last of him and his search for
the one

Cueball Lynch:
Maybe you are the one he’s looking for, who knows?

Lee Bambino:
Oh God no…
[swallows heavily]



[A short hype video is shown to put the spotlight on our main event Triple threat match. As if the crowd isn’t pumped up enough. All three men are highlighted in the video, showcasing them as very dangerous competitors.]



Lee Bambino:
Oh boy, this is going to be a good one. Will Billy Russell be able to hang onto his title while facing two of his biggest challengers so far? Or will Puerto Rican Power win the belt for a record fourth time?

Cueball Lynch:
Don’t count on it Bambino, with Handsome Stranger in the mix it’s clear who’s going to win it tonight.

Lee Bambino:
We’ll see… right now!



Standard Triple Threat Match; First Pinfall/Submission

FCW Puerto Rican Championship


Ryan Holland



• All three wrestlers get a long entrance, although the reception is divided to say the least. As the suave Handsome Stranger enters the ring, the crowd is booing as hard as they can. The Mexican isn’t bothered and climbs the turnbuckle with his arms in the air. He then gestures across his hips and stomach, obviously implying that this is where the belt will be at the end of the night.

• The crowd explodes a first time as the pimped up version of the Puerto Rican national anthem starts to play, and the big Puerto Rican Power steps out. He’s feeding of the cheers and enjoys every second of it. As he enters the ring, he plays the crowd by flexing his muscles.

• The champion enters the fray last and gets a pretty good ovation as well. He’s all business as he walks to the ring, giving out some high fives to the fans but meanwhile still keeping his eyes focused on the ring. As he enters the squared circle he turns around and holds up his belt with one hand, while the crowd cheers on.

• Early on Russell and PR Power are double teaming Handsome Stranger, to the approval of the crowd. They first hit some double team moves and PR Power hits his patented Puerto Rican Powerslam. PR Power then goes for the pin, but off course Russell was not going to allow that and he stomps the big challenger on the back.

• With Stranger down and out, the two babyfaces engage in a hard fought battle, with each of them hitting some of their best moves on the other. The action is then halted for a little while as Russell locks PR Power in a figure four leg lock, giving both men time to catch their breath.

• Handsome Stranger, now revived again, drops a double axe handle on Russell to break the hold and immediately attempts a quick pinfall… no success of course.

• Stranger and Russell battle for a while and are then taken out with a double clothesline from PR Power. He’s playing to the crowd again, as he is an absolute hero in Puerto Rico.

• PR Power is now in control as he throws Russell from the ring and goes to town on Handsome Stranger. He traps the Mexican in the corner and goes for the classic ten punches to the head, while the crowd counts along. He then arm drags Stranger across the ring. As he gets up woozily, PR Power hits his signature finisher “San Juan Rush” (running lariat), which almost decapitates his opponent.

• As PR Power tries to go for the pin, Russell enters the ring again and he hits the big man with his finishing maneuver “Grounded Knee Flurry”. PR Power rolls out of the ring instinctively to avoid getting pinned. As the fallen down Handsome Stranger is starting to move again, Russell locks in his patented “Twisting Arm Lock”. The Mexican is squirming for a good 30 seconds before he has no other choice then tapping out. Billy Russell retains the gold!


Billy Russell via submission

“Twisting Arm Lock” on Handsome Stranger


This is Billy Russell’s 5th successful defense of the FCW Puerto Rican Championship.



Lee Bambino:
He did it; Billy Russell is still the FCW Puerto Rican champion!

Cueball Lynch:
What a travesty! Handsome Stranger was mugged by those two, this isn’t fair.

Lee Bambino:
You just bet it’s fair Cueball, your boy tapped out to the champ. Oh wait, what’s happening now?



[billy Russell is celebrating his win with the crowd, when behind him Puerto Rican Power is getting back in the ring. He is still holding his head after that vicious knee he received as he walks over to the champion. He tugs him by the shoulder, turning him around and the two engage in an intense stare down. Then Puerto Rican Power takes Russell’s arm and holds it up above his head, signifying that he is indeed the winner tonight. The crowd pops one last time and as PR Power leaves the ring, the image fades out with a celebrating Billy Russell, kissing his championship belt.]






911 (out of 1000)
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No one got every match outcome correctly, so the show wasn't completely predictable... which is a good thing, right? :cool:


ohiodevil 5/6

ampulator 5/6

Eisen-Verse 4/6

3rdstringPG 3/6

Occasional_Z 2/6



I also want to apologize to Eisen-Verse for blatantly stealing the layout for the shows. I just find it to be so easy on the eyes, especially as all parts of the event are broken down perfectly.

Hope you don't mind EV? :o

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I used to be a more regular diary reader and it's something I'm currently trying to get back into. This was one of the diaries I chose to read (I liked that it is a different promotion) and I was very impressed with the first show. :)


I also want to apologize to Eisen-Verse for blatantly stealing the layout for the shows. I just find it to be so easy on the eyes, especially as all parts of the event are broken down perfectly.

Hope you don't mind EV? :o


Don't worry about that, I'm sure E-V won't mind. The show looked very clean and easy to read, which creates a great first impression when flicking through various diaries.

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No one got every match outcome correctly, so the show wasn't completely predictable... which is a good thing, right? :cool:


ohiodevil 5/6

ampulator 5/6

Eisen-Verse 4/6

3rdstringPG 3/6

Occasional_Z 2/6



I also want to apologize to Eisen-Verse for blatantly stealing the layout for the shows. I just find it to be so easy on the eyes, especially as all parts of the event are broken down perfectly.

Hope you don't mind EV? :o


I don't care at all! :)


It really is an easy way to layout a show. Very easy to follow; matches and angles have a distinct look. So yea, what Sebs said, I have no problem with you using it.


Great show as well. Awesome to see Singh come away with the win!

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I used to be a more regular diary reader and it's something I'm currently trying to get back into. This was one of the diaries I chose to read (I liked that it is a different promotion) and I was very impressed with the first show. :)


Don't worry about that, I'm sure E-V won't mind. The show looked very clean and easy to read, which creates a great first impression when flicking through various diaries.


I'm honoured that you picked my diary as one of the stories to read.

FCW is indeed a promotion that's hardly touched upon in the dynasties here, although I find them highly entertaining to book.


I hope you enjoyed the show and keep reading, there's plenty more to come :)


I don't care at all! :)


It really is an easy way to layout a show. Very easy to follow; matches and angles have a distinct look. So yea, what Sebs said, I have no problem with you using it.


Great show as well. Awesome to see Singh come away with the win!


Thanks for the kind words E-V!

Although the layout is pretty much the same, I'm nowhere near your level of booking and/or writing, but I had a lot of fun working out the first show... and I think that's what matters most :D


Keep on reading to see if Singh can follow up on his victory and get the strap!


I dig the E-V style! Anybody that follows it has a reader in me! KUTGW!


Another E-V style fan, thanks for reading!

I'll do my best to KUTGW :cool:

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After FREEDOM Fighters


My first show was over, and I think it went well. In fact, I know it went well!

The gymnasium wasn’t sold out completely (like Bradley Blaze mistakenly thought), but it was still a very good turnout. The audience was very enthusiastic throughout the event and were very hot for the main event. I guess they were tired of the old ‘PR Power versus a generic big hoss’-main events that were shoved down their throat the last few months?


I had watched the triple threat main event on the monitor backstage along with the boys and I was pretty happy with how it had turned out.


As PR Power, Handsome Stranger and Billy Russell walked into the dressing room, everyone seemed genuinely excited and the other workers gave a small applause for our main event guys. I was a bit touched by this moment to be honest.



PR Power:
What a rush!! That was a great show everybody, well done!!


The boss then spotted me, walked over to me and gave me a big, bone-crushing hug.


PR Power:
“I think we are back Flavio, I really do!”


After a good 30 seconds he finally let me go and then shouted out to the guys.


PR Power:
“Get dressed, we’re going out to celebrate!”




A few hours (and a lot of beers) later, we were hanging out in La Cantina, one of the most popular pubs nearby the gymnasium.

The atmosphere was excellent, I was sitting at a table with (amongst others) Sensational Singh and Ox Mastadon who are two of the nicest and funniest guys around I think. Especially Singh can crack you up with his witty one-liners. Or is it the thick Bombay accent that he has, that makes everything sound just a little bit juicier, I don’t know.


All of a sudden a roaring voice could be heard above the music.


“What do you mean no?!? Don’t you know who I am??”


I turned around to see what was going on and saw Titan standing at the bar. He was holding the hand of a beautiful young lady, who was obviously not interested.



He let her go hard-handedly and then knocked over a few empty glasses that were on the nearby table before staggering out of the door.

As I learned later he had been trying to hit on the young woman all night long, but she had turned him down despite his claims of being the star of the show and FCW in general.

I already heard some stories about him being quite the jerk backstage, and I guess this was just a sign that those rumours were indeed true.


Ox Mastadon:
“Titan is just an idiot, don’t mind him Flavio.”


I smiled and nodded as I got up to go to the bathroom, where I bumped into Kirk Jameson, who obviously had downed a few beers to many.



He started sulking.


Kirk Jameson:
“I’m really sorry about the show Flavio, I really am…”


“What do you mean Kirk?”


Kirk Jameson:
“Don’t try to act like you didn’t see me choke out there…”


I remembered that there was a moment halfway during Kirk’s match with Rudy Velasquez where he didn’t seem to know exactly how to proceed. It didn’t look too good at the time, but I had forgotten about it already.


Kirk Jameson:
“I was so excited when you told me to go out there and call my match with Rudy in the ring, but in the end I choked… Was it the pressure of the audience, I don’t know… But sorry man.”


“Don’t mention it Kirk, I’m sure most of the audience didn’t even notice. Heck, I didn’t even think about it anymore until just now. If you’re more comfortable with a scripted match for now, then that’s ok for me.”


Kirk Jameson:
“Thanks man, I appreciate that… I really do.”


Jameson then stumbled back to the table he was seated while I finished my business in the bathroom.


When I got back out, PR Power got up and called out:


PR Power:
“OK guys, the next round is on me!!”


The noise in the bar settled down as everyone seemed surprised about his shout out. We were under the impression that he was picking up the full bill of tonight…

A very drunk Matt Hocking spoke the words we all thought:



Matt Hocking:
“I thought you were buying all night dude?”


… OK, the words we all thought, except the ‘dude’-part.


PR Power:
“Who, me? Are you kidding?”


Just as I thought I was working for a cheap bastard, PR Power started laughing loudly.


PR Power:
“Off course I’m buying all night!! Keep those drinks coming!”


It was a good night in Puerto Rico… and boy was I glad I didn’t have to work the next day!
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FCW The Fight for FREEDOM


Hell's Bouncer vs Matt Hocking


http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/HellsBouncer_zps81902988.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/MattHocking_zps72e190e2.jpg


Last month Hell's Bouncer made his comeback, with a vicious beatdown of free agent Little Bill Lebowski, who was looking to earn a contract.

At The Fight for FREEDOM he will face FCW's own fan favorite Matt Hocking.

Is Hocking able to upset the massive giant, or will Bouncer make his next victim?


Kid San Juan vs Ox Mastadon


http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/KidSanJuan_zps38298c3d.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/OxMastadon_zps51945533.jpg


At FREEDOM Fighters Island Boy Apollo snuck a win over King Kong Kennedy.

This month their tag team partners Kid San Juan and Ox Mastadon square off.

Will Mastadon be able to even the score, or will the Kid give The Puerto Rican Boys another big win before their tag team confrontation?


Carlos Gonzalez vs Rob Reynolds


http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/CarlosGonzalez_zps53dc0c0e.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/RobReynolds_zps94a39da6.jpg


When Gonzalez eliminated Reynolds at last month's Battle Royal, some bad blood started boiling between both.

This month Reynolds will get his chance for revenge.

But Gonzalez will not go down lightly, as he is still searching to bring honor and glory back to the name Gonzalez.


Rudy Velasquez, Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez vs Sensational Singh, Kirk Jameson & Mainstream Hernandez


http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/RudyVelasquez_zps3388ea70.jpg http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/HectorGalindo_zpse3f91900.jpg http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/JesusChavez_zps2423f9ed.jpg


http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/KashmirSingh_alt1_zps4b751654.jpg http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/KirkJameson_zps07c2b980.jpg http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/MainstreamHernandez_zpseb91b6d3.jpg


Number one contender for the People's Championship, Sensational Singh will team up with his Sweet 'n Sour-teammate Kirk Jameson and Mainstream Hernandez to take on the trio of the Latino Kings, including People's champion Rudy Velasquez.

A win for Singh would definitely damage the image of the champion, but can they overcome the dastardly Latino threesome?


Billy Russell & Puerto Rican Power vs Handsome Stranger & ???


http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/BillyRussell_zps1049215f.jpg http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/PuertoRicanPower_zps67fa35f9.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/HandsomeStranger_zpsb296bfc2.jpg http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q740/flaviooooo/Small/who_zps07238489.jpg


After being beaten in the threeway for the championship last month, Handsome Stranger promised to bring in some extra help tonight.

Nobody knows who he will have by his side, but they will certainly have their work cut out for them as they face champion Billy Russell and local hero PR Power in the main event.


Quick Pick


Hell's Bouncer vs Matt Hocking


Kid San Juan vs Ox Mastadon


Carlos Gonzalez vs Rob Reynolds


Rudy Velasquez, Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez vs Sensational Singh, Kirk Jameson & Mainstream Hernandez


Billy Russell & Puerto Rican Power vs Handsome Stranger & ???


BONUS: Who is Handsome Stranger's tagteam partner?

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