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best programming language for management games

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Well, you have to keep in mind that the vast majority of management sim design and coding is really arithmetic iterated on a database.


So technically you're going to see advantages in performance pretty much linearly with performance in database applications.


That said, C/C++ are hard to beat for performance.


Java's hard to beat for ease of coding without sacrificing (in my opinion) performance or capability like you do with Basic and other "beginner" programming languages. C# is Microsoft's proprietary version of Java, basically, and I find myself using it a lot because it's so easy to code in, and has a lot of eye candy for Windows.


If you're not happy with those choices, there are others, but they generally only get harder, not easier. If you want to be different (Lord knows I do) then you can always try Haskell, which iterates very well, scales to multiple CPUs pretty well, etc. It's my preferred programming language when I want to enjoy the problem solving of programming, rather than necessarily getting a product out rapidly, with eye candy.


If that were my goal, of course I'd use an IDE with one of the first four languages I listed (C/C++/Java/C#) depending on how I was feeling at the time. Probably wouldn't use C, though--it's not exactly easy to code for, and I don't think I'm a skilled enough coder to wring out enough extra performance to make the headaches worthwhile.

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Probably best to design the game first, work out your requirements along with your resources (include skills etc) and then decide what will work for you.


Would be upsetting to get half way through something and find out some features you imagined are impossible.

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