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Hey I just bought the first Wrestling Spirit, and I doubt there's too many people who read this forum anymore.. But in the event their is, does some one know of a guide? I just want to read up on the whole process, or what I need to focus on as I proceed.


I seem to be growing my character at a decent rate, but I'm starting 0-3 and I know the beginning of a career should be like that and all, and perhaps that's just what happens. But at the same time I want to make sure I'm not doing something way wrong.


Amazing game either way.

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Hey I just bought the first Wrestling Spirit, and I doubt there's too many people who read this forum anymore.. But in the event their is, does some one know of a guide? I just want to read up on the whole process, or what I need to focus on as I proceed.


I seem to be growing my character at a decent rate, but I'm starting 0-3 and I know the beginning of a career should be like that and all, and perhaps that's just what happens. But at the same time I want to make sure I'm not doing something way wrong.


Amazing game either way.


Did you look at the move set evaluator in-game? It helped me create a perfect build for my wrestler, and he's 18-0. What are your match tactics? You might be trying to pull some high levels as soon as you can. Are you using moves that you can't perform yet?

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