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Triple H: The King of Kings

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<p><strong>Ryback</strong> vs. Jack Swagger</p><p>

<strong>Damien Sandow</strong> vs. Christian</p><p>

<strong>Antonio Cesaro</strong> vs. The Miz (non title)</p><p>

<strong>Seth Rollins</strong> vs. Evan Bourne</p><p>

<strong>CM Punk</strong> vs. ???</p>

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  • Replies 61
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<p><strong>Ryback</strong> vs. Jack Swagger</p><p>

<strong>Damien Sandow</strong> vs. Christian</p><p>

Antonio Cesaro vs. <strong>The Miz</strong> (non title)</p><p>

<strong>Seth Rollins</strong> vs. Evan Bourne</p><p>

<strong>CM Punk</strong> vs. ???</p>

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<p><strong>Ryback</strong> vs. Jack Swagger</p><p>

<strong>Damien Sandow</strong> vs. Christian</p><p>

Antonio Cesaro vs. <strong>The Miz</strong> (non title)</p><p>

<strong>Seth Rollins</strong> vs. Evan Bourne</p><p>

<em>Interesting match-up</em></p><p>

CM Punk vs. <strong>???</strong></p><p>

<em>Always go with ???</em></p>

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<p><strong>Ryback</strong> vs. Jack Swagger</p><p>

<strong>Damien Sandow</strong> vs. Christian</p><p>

<strong>Antonio Cesaro</strong> vs. The Miz (non title)</p><p>

<strong>Seth Rollins</strong> vs. Evan Bourne</p><p>

CM Punk vs. <strong>???</strong></p>

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WWE Raw Live on USA network

Monday, Week 3 April 2013 New Orleans, LA

Duration: 2 hours

Commentary Team: Michael Cole & Jerry “The King” Lawler




This week’s edition of Raw begins with a sore looking John Cena already in the ring, ready to talk.



Cena: Last week should have been a great one for me, Wrestlemania...success...a match I’m really proud of and the squashing of a beef with the Rock.

Instead, the Shield beat me up...I fell for their ambush and when Ryback tried to help, he himself was attacked. That is something that I am not proud of; now I’m aching for revenge...my back felt the concrete via a triple powerbomb and its eating me up inside!

Tonight I want the Shield, not just one member but the complete set...and I’ve got myself a willing partner to take them on. RYBACK!!



FEED ME MORE! Ryback’s music sounds and the man himself joins John Cena in the ring.



Ryback: Payback for Ryback!


Cena: Feed him more Mr. Regal, make the match.


General Manager William Regals distinctive music plays and the Englishman appears on the stage, wearing a grey suit he’s ready to talk.




Regal: John, I’d like to make the match tonight but I’m afraid it is not possible. Now I’d like to see these plebs get what they deserve but you have not been cleared to wrestle. Concussion is a serious issue these days and I will not risk you just to settle a vendetta, however I have arranged for you to be ringside when Seth Rollins takes on Evan Bourne tonight.


Cena: I may not be cleared but Ryback is...




Regal: Now Mr. Cena and the Ryback, I appreciate the way you are feeling and I will give the big man a match but not against a member of the Shield. That comes later, when you are both 100% to ensure we get a fair fight...tonight we see the Ryback against a returning Jack Swagger!

Mr. Swagger has been absent for a long time and provides an excellent matchup in my mind for you Mr. the Ryback.




Michael Cole: Tonight a huge match up, it’s Ryback versus Jack Swagger!


Rybacks music plays as the big man marches around the ring hyping the crowd, a less than happy looking Cena throws his hat to a fan as the camera fades for our first break.



Match #1

One fall to a finish

Ryback vs. Jack Swagger


http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/RyanReeves04_zpsb9622a66.jpg vs. http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/JakeHager06_zpse94fef01.jpg


A decent opener with excellent crowd interaction for Ryback as the crowd loves chanting “feed me more!” Swagger is overwhelmed by a surging Ryback to start with until he uses his amateur wrestling background to out skill the bigger man. The always dangerous Swagger soon has Ryback in his dreaded ankle lock however the big bruiser is able to roll out sending the All American American into the corner. Ryback hits a stalling Suplex, and then waits until Swagger stumbles to his feat before hitting Shellshock for the win.


Winner: Ryback

Fan buzz: C


Ryback marches around the ring repeating his catchphrase before turning to the camera and screaming “FEED ME SHEILD!” The crowd chants along, although a few jokesters chant “Goldberg”.


We see a replay of the opening video from Smackdown last Friday which shows the events of Wrestlemania 29 while playing triumphant music during the Cena/Rock handshake. It then turns to grim music as the Raw ending attack by the Shield on John Cena and Ryback is shown with Michael Cole’s commentary broadcast in a faded tone. The difference with this video is a static filled fade to a handy cam shot of the four members of the Shield looking on menacingly.




We come back from the break and our GM William Regal is in the ring, he is waiting to address CM Punk.


Regal: Last week I said that tonight on Raw I’d address that twerp CM Punk and his behaviour of late. Mr. Punk if you will now join me in this ring, so I can discipline you face to face.

CM Punks music hits but no CM Punk and it’s only after Regal says “Hurry up, we don’t have all day young man” that Paul Heyman comes out 2 full minutes into “Cult of personality” holding the WWE Title high above his head. Punk himself appears during the guitar solo some 3 minutes into his theme, grinning smugly and chewing gum.




Regal: About time you bloody well turned up you pillock! And Mr. Heyman I don’t remember asking you to accompany Mr. Punk.


Heyman: As you well know sir, CM Punk is my client and along with Brock Lesnar We cut to a fan holding a sign saying “Bork Laser!” for some reason

It is my duty to accompany them to the ring...and not only to the ring, basically anytime they are on company business.


Regal: That’s all well and good if you’ll keep quiet then. Now Mr. Punk I was going to inform you of my disgust regarding the way that you retained the most prestigious championship in professional wrestling.

Punk: You can say “title” William; remember Vinny Mac is still a hospital ridden semi vegetable after Brock Lesnar’s F5 to hell the night after the Royal Rumble. He won’t be able to chew you out for using the non approved sporting term.

Regal: Mr. Punk I’ll remind you that I am the general manager of Raw, please don’t disrespect me by interrupting.


Punk rolls his eyes at that comment


Regal continues: Like I was saying, my intention was to voice my displeasure with you regarding Wrestlemania but later on during Raw last week this happened:


Regal gestures towards the titantron as we see a replay of Miz TV last week


“Miz: Who do you think should be the next contender for your title?


Punk: I don’t really care, Ryback and Cena have both used up all their chances and I’m tired of them, no re runs here. Hell, I might just take Extreme Rules off and watch it in a skybox with Colt Cabana...who is NXT champion by the way.


Miz: Backing out of a fight hey, no shock. What about tonight when William Regal promised to show you what happens to quote “naughty boys”, what are your thoughts on that?


Punk: It doesn’t matter because day in and day out since I came here I’ve proven that I am the best wrestler in the world PERIOD, not just the best at what I do...the best at everything. I AM the wrestling Messiah and nobody can beat me for this “title”.


Miz: Really...Really....Really +Punk’s face displays disdain+ I don’t recall facing you for a championship match, I really think I can mizmerize you and give you the shock of your life!


Punk: (smirking) What, with your terrible figure four? Your shoddy Ric Flair impersonation? You know you just prove that “the nature boy” has gone senile, The Miz as his protégé how pathetic!

I don’t even know why I’m wasting my time here, standing in this ring listening to you dribble crap.


With those words CM Punk slugs Miz in the face with the championship belt before adding a few stomps in for good measure


Punk: No catch phrases here, Missionary Mike. Just the best... PERIOD.”


We go back live as CM Punk looks like a cat who got the cream, Paul Heyman is smiling with a look so evil only he could pull it off.


Regal: What kind of a man do you think I’d be if I didn’t punish you for that? That was a work of a diabolical villain that beat down...


CM Punk: An ironic statement from you don’t you think Willy boy?


Regal: I do admit to being a villain sometimes but more of a cheeky one, your actions young man cannot be tolerated.

Punk: Get to the point will you, how much is the fine? Or are you going to kick me out of the building? A punishment that is as thoughtless and overdone as a John Cena title shot?


The crowd pops for that last statement


Regal: (smiling) Worse sunshine, tonight in the main event you’ll go one on one with a man near and dear to me...a man who you have history with and not just in this company. A clever man like yourself should be able to know who I am referring to...tonight CM Punk will go one on one with Daniel Bryan!


Heyman: Mr. Regal, I was under the impression that my client would not be wrestling here tonight...let alone against Daniel Bryan.


Regal: (angry) I don’t bloody well care what impression you had, everyman who has medical clearance should expect to wrestle on my show. Now If you have a problem with my verdict, I will quite gladly now change into my ring attire and I will join Mr. Bryan in the main event and battle Mr. Punk and yourself!


Heyman: (worried) That will not be necessary Mr. Regal, my client CM Punk will face Daniel Bryan tonight in the main event.


Regal: Good, now you are both dismissed.




Next up we have singles action featuring Damien Sandow and Christian in a match made on Smackdown last Friday.



One fall to a finish

Christian vs. Damien Sandow

http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/JayReso06_zps12d71edf.jpg vs. http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/AaronHaddad01_zps114ec852.jpg


Neither mans tag team partner joins them at ringside for this match, which was a challenge from the pompous Damien Sandow to one half of the tag team champions Christian. The crowd seemed to enjoy this match and got behind Christian while Sandow played his part as villain well. The Duke of decency started well using his above average cunning to out fox the veteran Christian. The decision to showboat however was not cunning as it allowed Christian to get control of the match, with Sandow set up for the killswitch there is a buzz in the crowd as Cody Rhodes leaps onto the ring apron. Christian made the mistake of trying to swat at the interfering Rhodes only to walk into the Terminus upon refocusing on Sandow.


Winner: Damien Sandow

Fan Buzz: C


As the Rhodes Scholars celebrate we go backstage as Scott Stanford is with John Morrison.



Stanford: Last week on Raw you lost a hard fought United States championship match against the Swiss Antonio Cesaro, how do you intend to bounce back?


Morrison: Good question Scott, I intend to bounce back by heading to Smackdown this Friday night and challenging Wade Barrett to a match. Not for that night as I know he is already scheduled but either on Raw or Smackdown next week.


Stanford: Why the Intercontinental Champion?


Morrison: Last week on Smackdown Barrett had some choice words for the parkour prince, referring to me as a failure. This Friday if Wade has any “bollocks” we will meet in the ring, I’m not asking for a title shot... just a match.


Stanford: I hope you get it.





One fall to a finish non title.

Antonio Cesaro vs. The Miz

http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/ClaudioCastagnoli11_zps781ac68a.jpg vs. http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/MikeMizanin45_zpsda343f31.jpg


The crowd still don’t see Miz as a sympathetic figure yet so they never fully got behind him, favouring the devious Swiss Cesaro. The commentary team focused on CM Punks attack on the Miz last week claiming he’d only just passed the doctors test to be cleared tonight. Noticeably not 100% it was made worse for the Awesome one with the United States champion’s power offence. When all looked lost for the Miz, he dug down deep showing the qualities of a good fan favourite and firing up. Cesaro went for a desperation clothesline only to be countered into a Mizard of Oz which led to a figure four leg lock a manoeuvre that got some boos. Cesaro, being a smart wrestler and not wanting to risk injury tapped out almost immediately giving Miz the win.


Winner: The Miz

Fan buzz: C


Following the match, Miz grabbed a microphone:


Miz: Last week CM Punk attacked me for no good reason, what kind of a man does that?

Instead of attacking me, just give me a title shot and if I lose you shut me up.

The Miz is cut off before he can continue by the music of Brock Lesnar, much to his shock


Cole: What’s Lesnar doing here? Last week Paul Heyman claimed he was taking a vacation!


While Miz is focused on the ramp waiting for Lesnar to appear he is struck from behind by none other than CM Punk, who had come through the crowd. Punk kicks Miz below the belt before laying him out with a GTS, he then grabs the microphone formerly in Miz’s possession.


CM Punk: Best...in...the...world! 512 days strong, who’s awesome now Mizanin?


Punk tosses the microphone down and with his trademark smug look leaves the ring as we go to break.




Back from the break we get the same weird promo that aired on Smackdown:


A majestic Colt gallops through the country side as a voiceover praises the animal, after some brief static which features the “Cult of Personality” line from CM Punks theme we see the words coming soon appear on the screen.



After the promo John Cena’s music hits and the man himself makes his way to the announce desk to join the commentary team, the crowd is split 50/50 for his entrance. We now get the music and entrance of Evan Bourne, as his match against Seth Rollins is next.


Before The Shields music plays they appear on the titantron, Dean Ambrose does the talking:



Ambrose: John, you don’t need to be out there watching for injustice...that’s our job. Seth is more than able to handle Evan Bourne himself so you won’t see us out at ringside, but if you obstruct justice and interfere in this match and you will be taken care of.


One fall to a finish

Evan Bourne vs. Seth Rollins

http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/MattSydal10_zps56d47040.jpg vs. http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/TylerBlack19_zpse156908f.jpg


A good match with two young guns that the crowd enjoyed, John Cena’s presence at ringside there was an air of tension with people wondering if the Shield would appear. There was good byplay between Rollins and Cena which resulted in Bourne taking advantage with some high flying offense each time Rollins jawed with the Cenation Leader. However the Shield members overall momentum and hunger to win started to give him a bigger edge than the man just a few weeks back from injury. Rollins was able to hit the Skywalker and went in for the cover 1...2...hold on, with an evil smile Rollins breaks up the pin himself, preferring to add insult to injury by hitting an additional Phoenix Splash before getting the win.


Winner: Seth Rollins

Fan buzz: C+


Post match Cena took issue with the excessive way in which the match ended, to which Rollins just shrugged and smiled before making his way to the back.




Back from the break Matt Striker is backstage with the trio of Dolph Ziggler, AJ Lee and Big E Langston. Striker is soon shooed away by AJ and the physical threat of Big E, Ms. Lee takes the microphone.



AJ: Last week my man Dolph beat that wannabe rockstar Chris Jericho, bouncing back from his casket match against Undertaker...who cheated by the way!


Cole: Cheated?? How do you cheat in a casket match?


AJ continuing: Last week I easily beat Alicia Fox and I will continue to beat these “Divas” because as we all know, I’m the best woman to ever lace up a set of boots in the WWE!

I will not stop until I get what I deserve...the WWE Divas title, even if I have to beat every girl on the roster.

AJ then passes the microphone to Ziggler


Ziggler: This week on Smackdown after I beat Randy Orton and Sheamus in my tag team match I’m going to back it up on Raw by facing AND beating William Regal’s golden boy Daniel Bryan.

AJ my love, you mentioned not stopping until you get what you deserve, holds up his Money in the Bank case I will not stop until I am the World Heavyweight Champion...wait I won’t even stop then...I might even aim for the WWE Championship too! The Ziggler dynasty will rule the WWE for years to come because I am the best thing going today, I AM the show off.


Big E leans in to get close to the mic


Big E: Remember our names, because you won’t forget our talents.



Ziggler and AJ both look at Langston, however it’s unclear if they are bemused by his words or annoyed by the fact that he took the focus away from them for a second.


We now go to the Commentary team, who have news from General Manager Regal.


Cole: Folks, news just in from the desk of our General Manager William Regal...tonight after our main event match up featuring Daniel Bryan and WWE Champion CM Punk, Mr. Regal will address the WWE Universe regarding Extreme Rules.


Lawler: In classic fashion News regarding Extreme Rules! I can’t wait!



We then switch to the titantron where we see Daniel Bryans entrance video accompanied by his theme music. The former World Heavyweight Champion makes his way down to the ring as the broadcast goes to break.




After the break we see a short video advertising Mick Foley who will be live on Raw next week!




One fall to a finish

CM Punk w/ Paul Heyman vs. Daniel Bryan


http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/Punktitle_zps22246012.jpg w/ http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/Heymanmanager_zps6353838a.jpg vs. http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/BryanDanielson35_zpsc0047fcd.jpg


This was match of the night, while not as good as some might expect...possibly due to it being free tv these two wrestlers put on a clinic. The crowd also had great interaction, driven mostly by Paul Heymans work at ringside. While he hasn’t been the Daniel Bryan of old lately, tonight CM Punk was put on the backfoot by the “submission specialist” from the get go. If anybody watching had not seen a suplex they saw multiple variations in this match including a delayed vertical from Punk and a northern lights Suplex from Bryan, which got a two count on the bridge. The man formerly known as American Dragon still isn’t the man who won the Observers most outstanding wrestler 5 years straight and Punk took advantage getting on a role hitting a tiger Suplex, followed by the Randy Savage tribute elbow. The WWE champion then finished the match with the Anaconda Vise, earning the tap out victory much to Paul Heymans delight.


Winner: CM Punk

Fan buzz: B+


Post match Punk was seen to say "Is that the best you have Regal?"




Back from the last break of the broadcast William Regal is in the ring, we are set to hear from the GM a third time tonight.



Regal: For the past few months we have seen those cretins known as the Shield run rampant over the WWE. As General Manager it is my job to ensure that comes to an end... and on May 19th 2013 in St. Louis, Missouri I intend to see an end to it.


The main event of that show will be two members of The Shield...any two members mind you, against the Ryback and...John Cena!


The crowd cheers for that announcement


Regal continuing: Of course befitting the Pay Per View name the match will be Extreme Rules, meaning any instrument of villainous intent is legal and encouraged.


Regal Puts the microphone up to continue but is interrupted by the music of the Shield and not long after the cameras spot them making their way through the crowd to ringside. Our Raw GM isn’t a man to back down and he prepares to engage in fisticuffs by removing his suit jacket, rolling up his sleeves and making fists with a trademark scowl.


Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns and Graves each choose a side of the ring and move in for the kill, our commentary team fear the worst for the GM but before any contact is made the crowd roars and we see John Cena and Ryback speed to ringside to save Regal. This is enough to send the bad guys running back into the crowd and Raw ends switching between the Cena, Ryback duo in the ring and a re-grouping Shield.



Overall fan buzz: B+ (Wrestling observer: The feedback from viewers has been awesome, the show is getting fantastic reviews)




Sorry about the lateness of the show, I did expect to have this up monday but I've been busy with work and a few other things.

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RKOwnage: 5/5

NWAvsWWF: 5/5

Rickymex: 4/5

michgcs: 4/5

Jaysin: 3/5

The Final Countdown: 3/5

The Lloyd: 3/5

Mike7429: 3/5



Jaysin: 12/15

The Lloyd: 11/15

Rickymex: 9/10

Mike7429: 7/10

The Final Countdown: 7/10

RKOwnage: 9/10

michgcs: 8/10

NWAvsWWF: 5/5

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WWE Superstars Quick Report


A pre tape is shown featuring Ted Dibiase and the Great Khali, it led to them deciding to form a tag team... “Big Money” as Khali referred to them in comical fashion.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Big Money defeated Tensai and Johnny “Fandango” Curtis in 7:50 when The Great Khali defeated Tensai by submission with a Vice Grip.


A short promo video is shown featuring The Miz.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Kane defeated Heath Slater in 6:08 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Sheamus defeated Primo in 5:40 by pinfall with a Crucifix Powerbomb.





4 Weeks to go


John Cena & Ryback vs. The Shield (Extreme Rules)

CM Punk © vs. ??? (WWE Championship match)










Wednesday morning update


WWE has announced two matches so far for Extreme rules, although one is announced on Smackdown judging by the taping reports.


The Teddy Long WWE.com scouting article from last week seems to have some truth to it with Skyler Moon debuting on Smackdown against Natalya in what I’m told was a decent Diva match. Also El Generico, working under his NXT name of Furia Rojo has been facing Amir Daivari on house shows.


Speaking of WWE house shows Ryan Nemeth (brother of Nick) has been doing interview spots before intermission, introducing himself as Ryan Ziggler rather than his developmental name of Briley Pierce.


WWE has reportedly signed new talent to its developmental system, with the big news being Cody Hall (Son of Scott) has signed. Bret Idol a Booker T student, Nick Price a Lance Storm student, Johnny Yuma a California Indy talent and Christina Crawford signing again were the other names.


TNA news now and I’m hearing reports of staff being bemused by the newfound politics of Dixie Carter, no specific incidents as yet but troubling news.


The NOAH showdown tour continued last night, the main event 6 man tag was fantastic while Kawada was the star of the show.


I'm still getting positive reports from this past saturdays ROH TV show with Charlie Haas vs. Eddie Edwards headlining, check it out if you can.




Smackdown non spoiler match listing


Kofi Kingston vs. Cody Rhodes

Natalya vs. Skyler Moon

John Morrison vs. Alexander Rusev

Epico vs. Rey Mysterio

Randy Orton & Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler & Wade Barrett




Great show as ever #HEEL :) keep it up


Thank you.

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Kofi Kingston vs. Cody Rhodes

I don't like Kofi :D

Natalya vs. Skyler Moon

John Morrison vs. Alexander Rusev

JoMo's got a ton of potential, even though he's not exactly a young guy

Epico vs. Rey Mysterio

Randy Orton & Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler & Wade Barrett

Not so much fans of these guys, but I think they get the wins


I'm digging the posters, too, #HEEL. Nice work.

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WWE Friday Night Smackdown! (Taped Tuesday) on SyFy

Friday, Week 3 April 2013 Chattanooga, TN

Duration: 2 hours

Commentary Team: Josh Matthews & John “Bradshaw” Layfield





We start this week’s edition of Smackdown with General Manager Booker T in the ring; he is ready to make an announcement.




Booker: Las week on Smackdown we had Big Show and Mark Henry make a statement by beating Chris Jericho and Alberto del Rio.

This week we see Randy Orton and Sheamus team up to face Dolph Ziggler and Wade Barrett in a match that will count towards making my mind up about who the number one contender will be for Extreme Rules.


Also tonight John Morrison makes a return to Smackdown, next week I’ve got him down to face Wade Barrett in a non title match as requested. However as a warm up tonight John Morrison will go one on one with the big Bulgarian Alexander Rusev!


The crowd doesn’t get excited for this, although a small “Morrison” chant does break out.


Booker continuing: Also next week we will see the finals of the Tag Team #1 contender mini tournament with Team Hell No! facing The Prime Time Players to see who faces our Champions the Boom Squad!


The crowd does get excited for this


Booker: Tonight Rey Mysterio will be in action and...


Booker is stopped mid sentence by the music of the Big Show, the world’s largest athlete is followed to the ring by another former World Champion Mark Henry.




Show: Booker, can the paint by numbers GM shtick please.


Henry: Big Show and I have a problem with you, which means that you have a big problem.


Show: A “giant” problem.


Henry: We beat Chris Jericho and the World Heavyweight Champion del Rio and you don’t give either of us a shot at the belt?


Booker: I want to evaluate the talent to get the best match possible for Smackdown.


Show: Look, we all know what is going to happen here...the title shot will go to Sheamus, Orton or some other favourite. So here is what’s going to happen: May 19th at Extreme Rules we will have a six man tag team match up.


Henry: We know you and Teddy love tag team matches.


Show: Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler and I will face any three guys that you pick Booker. Who knows maybe after we finish beating the pulp out of your guys’ maybe we get a title shot?


Booker: You know what Big Show, you got yourself a deal! One of your opponents will be the World Heavyweight Champion Alberto del Rio while the other two men will be revealed at a later date.


Henry: It doesn’t matter who the other guys are anyway Booker, they will all enter the Hall of Pain!




We come back from the break to a highlight video of the World Heavyweight Champion Alberto del Rio; it ends with a graphic stating that del Rio will be returning to Smackdown next week.



One fall to a finish

Kofi Kingston vs. Cody Rhodes w/ Damien Sandow


http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/KofiKingston06_zpsa5ed5cba.jpg vs. http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/CodyRhodes29_zps68658348.jpg w/ http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/AaronHaddad01_zps114ec852.jpg


In a good TV match with some good action Kofi Kingston was able to pick up a big win for the tag champs in this mini feud with the Rhodes Scholars. The end came when Damien Sandow shouting advice at Rhodes proved too much and the Moustachioed Rhodes turned to yell at his tag partner, which made him a prime target for a Trouble in Paradise from Kofi.


Winner: Kofi Kingston

Fan Buzz: C


As Kofi celebrates we go backstage where Zack Ryder and his valet Becki are in the locker room.




Ryder: I can’t BE-leeve next week my fellow Long Islander Mick Foley is going to be on Raw, I can’t wait, it’s going to be sick bro!


Becki: Our fellow Long Islander on Raw, what a great opportunity to tweet our peeps a picture of three Likable Long Islanders.


Ryder: Totally.


Matthews: (on commentary) This Monday on Raw we’ll see Mick Foley!




We come back from the break and Matt Striker is backstage with Airborne Adrenaline: Evan Bourne and Justin Gabriel.




Striker: I’m here with Evan Bourne and Justin Gabriel, guys last week on Smackdown you lost to the Prime Time Players. How do you intend to get back on the tag team map?

Before Bourne can answer a big shadow appears over the tag team, the camera pans back and we see it’s the Big Show here to crash the party.




Striker: (scared) Ahh Show, do you have something to say?


Big Show pie faces Striker before clobbering Evan Bourne and throwing an attacking Gabriel through the interview set. The world’s largest athlete then grabs Strikers spilled microphone.

Show: No matter who you choose Booker, The World’s Largest Athlete can take them on himself.


Big Show throws the microphone down and walks away, the camera pulls back and surveys the devastation caused by the giant.



Divas action next featuring the debut of Skyler Moon, a short video package plays showing her work in developmental.


One fall to a finish

Natalya vs. Skyler Moon


http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/NattieNeidhart10_zps8ccc5553.jpg vs. http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/Buggy02_zps53b64cf7.jpg


In a match that had good action for a debut match but not much crowd interaction, Natalya spoiled the Skyler Moon debut party by putting on a clinic. The finish came when Natalya reversed a Moon comeback into a German Suplex with a bridge to pick up the pinfall victory.


Winner: Natalya

Fan Buzz: D-


Next up we see an official plug for Mick Foleys appearance on Raw this coming Monday.





One fall to a finish

Alexander Rusev w/ Aksana vs. John Morrison

http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/MiroslavBarnyashev_zps3f2c8cb1.jpg w/ http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/ZivileRaudoniene17_zpsbec14660.jpg vs. http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/JohnHennigan01_zps277e3c5e.jpg


In a match where John Morrison did a good job of working with the big Bulgarian, although with not much crowd interaction until the finish; John Morrison picked up the victory. Rusev did how a few impressive throws and strength moves but the flashy Morrison hit the Starship Pain for the pin in an impressive effort.


Winner: John Morrison

Fan Buzz: C


Backstage Ted DiBiase is watching match highlights on a television in the locker room when he is attacked by a rampaging Mark Henry. The World’s Strongest Man picks up DiBiase and slams him against the lockers before hitting a huge Worlds Strongest Slam on the floor. Before he leaves Henry yells: “Welcome to the Hall of Pain”.





One fall to a finish

Rey Mysterio w/ Sin Cara vs. Epico w/ Rosa Mendes


http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/ReyMysterio05_zpsa0ce78e9.jpg w/ http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/Mistico07_zps7bf1633a.jpg vs. http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/OrlandoColon06_zps9c13d514.jpg w/ http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/MilenaRoucka19_zps02e02020.jpg


This match had excellent action and decent crowd interaction, with some good high paced offence on show. Rey Mysterio picked up the win with a 619 into a Dropping the dime but Epico put on a good showing. Mysterio had almost lost earlier but he survived a two count after a back stabber from the Puerto Rican.


Winner: Rey Mysterio

Fan buzz: C+


After the match a shadowy figure appears on the titantron, while in the shadows it appears he is wearing a fedora. The figure says one word: “Infierno” before the titantron switches back to what was happening in the ring: Mysterio and Sin Cara clearly puzzled about what had happened.




Back from the break we get a recap of Raw strongly concentrating on John Cena/Ryback and the Shield.



Next we go backstage to the repaired interview area where Scott Stanford is with Randy Orton and Sheamus.



Stanford: I’m Scott Stanford here with Randy Orton and Sheamus just before their big main event match up. It’s a big match tonight isn’t it?


Orton: It will be a big match tonight, if we win I think it would put the both of us into title contention.


Stanford: Since we found out tonight that at Extreme Rules there will be no World Heavyweight championship match, do you consider a win here as a chance to appear on the pay per view facing Big Show, Mark Henry and Dolph Ziggler?


Sheamus: I think a win here would give both Randy and I the chance to be included it that match but the World Championship is my main focus.


Stanford: Do you think that both of you being so focus on the World Championship could cause tension between you?


Sheamus: I think these words my Uncle Enoch used to say are a good answer to your question Fella “A good friend is like a four leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have" I sure don’t want to end my friendship with Randy by letting the pursuit of Gold get in the way.


Orton doesn’t add anything but displays a look that says he might well let the pursuit of Gold get in the way.


Stanford: Thanks for the time gentlemen.




One fall to a finish

Randy Orton & Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett & Dolph Ziggler w/ AJ & Big E

http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/RandyOrton20_zps5f65f29e.jpghttp://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/StephenFarrelly15_zps82764d8a.jpg vs. http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/StuBennett21_zpsc3775b1b.jpghttp://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/NickNemeth19_zps2096a250.jpg w/ http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/AprilJeanette62_zps14fdb081.jpghttp://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o704/JobberHeel/Dynasty/EttoreEwen_zps33ae7f0f.jpg


This match had great action and great interaction from the crowd, helped by the associates of Dolph Ziggler at ringside and a weird uneasiness between Orton & Sheamus. Although AJ and Big E tried to get involved it was a missed Brogue Kick which Ziggler turned into a quick cradle that got the 1,2,3. An impressive showing from Barrett and Ziggler and a good performance from Orton and Sheamus not including the mistake that led to the end of the match up.

Winners: Wade Barrett & Dolph Ziggler

Fan Buzz: B-


While Ziggler and Barrett are celebrating Sheamus looks stunned, Randy Orton who is behind the Irishman has an angry look on his face. This look quickly fades as Sheamus turns around and offers his apologies, the commentary team sign off and Smackdown goes off the air.



Overall fan buzz: B (Wrestling observer: The feedback from viewers has been excellent, they really struck gold with this show. The MVP of the show was Dolph Ziggler.)



You may have noticed that I've changed how I have structured the match write ups, I felt the old way wasn't all that clear. Let me know what you think.

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Great show #HEEL. Always enjoy your shows. Match write ups were very clear, i find less is more when im reading. Which is odd, because i write a lot in mine :/ especially my Wrestlemania matches which I'm writing up now...


Loved the 'Inferno' video package... a new masked wrestler perhaps? :)

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WWE Saturday Morning Slam Quick Report


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Brodus Clay defeated Khosrow Daivari in 7:53 by pinfall with a Running Cross Body.


A fun music video featuring the high flying careers of Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara played.


In an extremely short match, Kaitlyn defeated Tamina Snuka in 2:50 by pinfall with a Flatliner. Kaitlyn makes defence number 5 of her WWE Diva's title.


A short skit featuring John Cena embarrassing John Bradshaw Layfield in a kid friendly manner.





Raw Match Listing


John Cena vs. Big E Langston

Naomi vs. AJ Lee

Antonio Cesaro vs. Sin Cara

Dolph Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan

Chris Jericho vs. Wade Barrett





RKOwnage: 5/5

The Final Countdown: 4/5

Rickymex: 4/5

Pig.: 4/5

Mike7429: 4/5

Creative Genius: 4/5

michgcs: 3/5

The Lloyd: 3/5


RKOwnage: 14/15

The Lloyd: 14/20

Rickymex: 13/15

Jaysin: 12/15

Mike7429: 11/15

The Final Countdown: 11/15

michgcs: 11/15

NWAvsWWF: 5/5

Pig.: 4/5

Creative Genius: 4/5


RKOwnage the big winner for this show, moving up to the top of the standings.





Great show #HEEL. Always enjoy your shows. Match write ups were very clear, i find less is more when im reading. Which is odd, because i write a lot in mine :/ especially my Wrestlemania matches which I'm writing up now...


Loved the 'Inferno' video package... a new masked wrestler perhaps? :)

Thanks, I felt my match write ups were too fragmented or stop start, however the way I am doing it now allows for a better flow.


With the video package, I'm keeping kayfabe right now with all the details ;)


I'm digging the posters, too, #HEEL. Nice work.


Thanks, It's simple because my photoshop skills are too but the aim is to advertise the main players on the card.

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Announced matches for Extreme Rules


John Cena & Ryback vs. The Shield

CM Punk vs. ??? (WWE Championship match)

The Big Show, Mark Henry & Dolph Ziggler vs. Alberto del Rio, ??? & ???






Sunday morning update


- WWE has announced that the Raw after Extreme Rules will be an “Old School Raw” going back to 3 hours for this special.


- WWE developmental worker CJ Parker has left NXT after his contract expired; apparently he had not done enough to impress the trainers.


- I’m still getting e-mails about Impact this past Thursday with most expressing surprise at Kurt Angle’s ability to get a 3 star match out of Oleg the Russian (AKA: Vladimir Koslov). With one fan e-mailing “I give this match a B rating and found this more surprising than Jeff Jarrett returning in a X-division championship match against RVD”


- Shelton Benjamin extended his deal with ROH putting to bed rumours of a return to WWE.


- Brutus Beefcake has left TNA developmental territory OVW as of this past Friday, walking out after winning the OVW Heavyweight title a month ago. A tournament to crown a new champion will begin at the next TV tapings.


- Sabu has left DG: USA after fulfilling his contracted dates, the former ECW star is still contracted to Juggalo Championship Wrestling as their Champion.


- Toshiaki Kawada has left NOAH with immediate effect; this leaves their head booker position available also.


- Fit Finlay returned to in ring action at the NYCW “Live from New York” tapings, working with Joe Hennig against Percy Watson and Jimmy Yang in the Main Event (Which was match of the night).


- Two new tag teams in WWE have appeared over the past week, Great Khali and Ted DiBiase Jr have started tagging as “Big Money” debuting on Superstars. Alex Koslov has been called up from developmental and is tagging with Alexander Rusev on this week’s house show loop managed by Aksana. His new WWE name is Valentin Orlov, a variation on his developmental name of Peter Orlov and I’m told his name is a reference to James Bond characters.

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Unfortunately, thanks to (I think) a memory error caused by my virus checker, my save game seems to have been corrupted. The back up works but is a few weeks behind, so there may be a delay as I bring the game back up to speed. It shouldn't be long as I've saved the shows as seperate word files but I thought I'd keep my readers up to date with the goings on.


It does give everybody time to get their picks in for Raw:


Raw Match Listing


John Cena vs. Big E Langston

Naomi vs. AJ Lee

Antonio Cesaro vs. Sin Cara

Dolph Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan

Chris Jericho vs. Wade Barrett


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