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WCW '94: War of the Thrones

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And Jaysin... who's Jeff Farmer? ;)


No, literally... I don't have Jeff Farmer in my WCW.


And hey, 1,000 posts! Holy crap! Thanks for everyone who's stuck by me for so long, and here's to many more! To the war's end!


Chris Harris then? :p I can't think of any other fake "Stings". OH! Barry Windham was a fake Sting once... haha


Congrats on 1,000 posts!

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WCW Television: December 1st-3rd, 1995



WCW [Pro] Wrestling

Airs December 1st, 1995

Commentary: Tony Schiavone, “The Professor” Mike Tenay, and Sonny Onoo

Show Runtime: One Hour

WCW Soundstage at the Disney MGM attendance: 3,319

Rating: C+


Rick Rude opens the show by interrupting Tony Schiavone. Rude says that he will be watching all WCW programming just like all of you fans should, as he is looking for some new talent to teach his vaunted skills to, adding that people need to watch Worldwide on Sunday to see him as the special guest on the panel. (C-)

Steve Armstrong d. Alex Porteau with a sunset flip (D-)

Mike Tenay had a pre-taped interview with Theodore R. Long and his Heavenly Bodies, Long hyping that people better not forget about them, because they could jump up and take anything they want “just like that, playa.” (D+)

Tracy Smothers d. Sgt. Buddy Parker after a Jaw Jacker (D)

Gene Okerlund is with the Wonderful Destruction Crew, and Orndorff says that he will win tonight, and is so sure that Meng can stay backstage. (C+)

A pre-taped interview from Vader, who says that Hollywood Hogan and WCW need to stop worrying so much about Sting and worry more about the man who destroyed him on Nitro, “The Monster” Vader! (B)

Syxx d. Scott Armstrong with a low blow and facebuster ©

Gene Okerlund speaks with Chris Candido and Tammy Lynn, Candido telling Eddy Guerrero to butt out of their personal life, as Tammy calls him disgusting! (D+)

Hype: The Armstrong Brothers put the US Tag Team titles on the line against Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera on WCW Worldwide! (D)

Chris Candido d. Paul Orndorff after Steve Austin slips in and hits Orndorff with the Stunner (C+)

Meng comes out to stand in the way of Austin doing more damage, but Austin doesn’t charge him; instead giving him a beer and telling Meng that he “doesn’t need that sack ‘a crap” Orndorff! (B)



WCW Saturday Night

Airs December 2nd, 1995

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and “The Professor” Mike Tenay

Show Runtime: One Hour

Rating: B+

This show increased our popularity in 14 regions.



The locker room discusses Sting:

Gene Okerlund opens the show talking to “The Total Package” Lex Luger and WCW World Tag Team champions the Steiner Brothers. After discussing Owen Hart and Arn Anderson (whom Luger will be facing in the main event) with Rick and Scott saying they will be in Lex’s corner tonight to make sure the Horsemen don’t try anything. Gene then brings up Sting, and all three men’s faces grow dark. Rick, Scott, and Lex all take turns saying that as weird as Sting had been acting as of late, they never thought they would see him join up with the Kings of Wrestling. (B-)

Ric Flair and Arn Anderson are in front of a green screen, Flair starts off asking “Sting? Who cares about Sting?” He then goes off about Dustin Rhodes, who he says is trying to “be one of the big boys” but will find out at Starrcade that it takes more than just talking the talk to sit at the adult’s table. Arn says that the only thing he worries about Sting is that it will be on the mind of his opponent tonight, and that gives “The Enforcer” an advantage. (B)

“The Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman talks very briefly, saying that Sting joining the Kings of Wrestling like that would be a huge surprise, but that “This whole thing is a load of bulls-” before his segment gets cut off. (B-)

The Kings of Wrestling get a chance to respond as well, as Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff gloat while Sting and The Giant stand behind them. Sting stares blankly ahead, as The Giant stands with his arms folded over his chest. Hogan says that no one was as surprised as he was that “The Stinger” finally came to his senses, but it was only a matter of time, because the KoW is where the power lies. Bischoff adds that there is no force on heaven or earth that can stop the Kings of Wrestling now, and they will continue to rule the wrestling world for a long, long time. The cameraman starts to zoom in on Sting’s face, but The Giant notices it, and palms the camera lens, ending the interview. (B+)

Two Bulls in a China Shop: Scott Steiner and Owen Hart find one another backstage, and we find them being swarmed by security before things can turn physical. The word comes through to Tony and Mike that both men are being ejected from the arena! (B-)

Next Week on WCW Saturday Night: the main event next week will feature “The Blackjack” Barry Windham taking on “Macho Man” Randy Savage in a huge matchup that you definitely won’t want to miss! (B)



Dean Malenko d. Art Barr with the Texas Cloverleaf to retain the WCW Cruiserweight title. (D)

Post-Match: Alex Wright, who had been sitting in on commentary, goes in the ring and asks Dean when he can get a title shot. Malenko tells him that it’s up to the matchmakers, but he will gladly face off with “Das Wunderkind” whenever the match may be signed. (D+)

Roddy Piper d. JPL by pinfall after hitting him with a lead pipe behind the referee’s back. ©

Lex Luger d. Arn Anderson after Rick Steiner causes a distraction. (A)

Post-Match: The lights go out, and when they come back on, Lex Luger is in the ring staring down Sting! Lex starts asking Sting what he’s doing, why he’s joining Hogan now! Sting says nothing. He shows no emotion. And suddenly, he attacks! He smashes Luger with the black baseball bat, beating him down to the ground. Sting then gets a can of black spraypaint, and he paints “KoW” on Luger’s back! What is going on with Sting?! (A*)



WCW Worldwide

Airs December 3rd, 1995

Commentary: “The Professor” Mike Tenay and Gary Michael Cappetta

Worldwide Panel: Tony Schiavone, Gene Okerlund, Nick Bockwinkel, and Rick Rude

Show Runtime: One Hour

Rating: B-


Tony Schiavone and “Mean” Gene Okerlund welcome this week’s special guests Rick Rude and Nick Bockwinkel to the panel for this first week of the all-new WCW Worldwide! (C+)

Note: Nick has changed his gimmick (now that he is no longer an authority figure) to a cocky Executive Consultant, which rated A*.


The panel waste no time discussing what happened this past week regarding Sting. Tony is shocked, and can’t believe that Sting would have done such a thing as join the KoW, while Tenay points out that Sting was at one point aligned with Hot Stuff International back in his younger days. Nick Bockwinkel, as the KoW representative here, applauds Sting for his decisions, saying he was there in the locker room when Sting came to them, and was the first to shake his hand. Rick Rude warns that he knows Sting better than any of them because he’s been in the ring with him at Sting’s height of rage, and that something definitely seems to be wrong with all of this. (B)


The screen flashes as if it were a drawn comic book page, before going to live action as we see Gary Cappetta in front of a building talking to Dr. Karnage along with Nurse Key, who is flanked by Biohazard and Rio the Renegade. Karnage says that his newest plan is foolproof, but first, Gary needs to disappear. Rio growls at him, and Cappetta runs. The scientist reveals that they are at an elementary school, and when the bell sounds, the three walk onto a basketball court where some small children are playing. Karnage, in disguise, speaks to them, saying that he’s a kindly old man out for a walk with his nurse and two (exceptionally large) grandchildren, and they would like some new friends to play with; saying that they have the brand new WCW video game before it even hit store shelves! The kids go along, and Karnage laughs evilly! To be continued… (E+)


Tony sends us to a video package of a few more people talking about Sting. Bobby “The Brain” Heenan says that the Horsemen have always known Sting was an idiot, and if he’s actually joining up with Hogan, then he’s just proven that he was just another ham-n-egger all along. The Steiner Brothers are in shock, saying that Sting was their friend, and they can’t believe that after all this time he would turn his back on WCW like this. Johnny B. Badd says that he isn’t surprised, it’s just like WCW to care more about Sting than about the reformation of Harlem Heat under his tutelage. Ricky Steamboat and Dustin Rhodes echo Rick and Scott’s sentiments, with Dustin saying that he can’t believe that Sting would ever do such a thing without a plan, and that if Sting hasn’t figured out his problems by the time Dustin is finished with Ric Flair, then he’ll have to add his name to the list. Ted DiBiase is the final person to speak about it, he is mad! He tells people not to believe in anything the Kings of Wrestling are saying about this! The feed cuts out on him. What does that mean? (B)


Another comic book-esque picture flashes into live action as The Flying Spyder has tracked down the missing three children to an abandoned warehouse. He enters the building to find the kids all tied up in the corner, with Dr. Karnage threatening to use them as new spare parts for his newest creation! The Spyder swoops into action, and he’s met by The Boulder! Karnage says that the Spyder has entered his trap, as a man in a black skeleton mask and bodysuit enters the scene (who looks suspiciously like Charles Robinson) comes out and rings a bell! Mike Tenay and Gary Cappetta begin calling the action that we see, as The Flying Spyder uses his speed advantage to stay away from the much larger Boulder. The Dungeon of Doom try to spring a trap, as Arkane enters the fray to try and give The Boulder an unfair two-on-one advantage, but a window crash off-screen reveals Surge! Surge takes out Arkane, as the Spyder climbs up on some boxes and leaps off of them, backflipping in mid-air to hit the Boulder with the Web-Shooter Star Press! The mysterious referee counts a three on the Boulder, as Dr. Karnage screams in agony! The heroes seem successful, but Dr. Karnage seems like he has one more trick up his sleeve! To be continued… (E)


In the Disney MGM arena, 2 Cold Scorpio Tumbleweeds his way to a pinfall victory over Cousin Marky. ©


The panel discuss the main event from Nitro, with Gene speaking out and saying what he feels: that Diamond Dallas Page was robbed of the World title by Eric Bischoff! Nick Bockwinkel argues that point, saying that the correct call was made by Executive V.P. “and our great and wonderful boss, Mr. Bischoff”. The two get into a shouting match until Tony Schiavone calms things down, saying that regardless of who is right or wrong, the fact remains that Hollywood Hogan just barely held onto the title, and another shot could come in the future for Page. Rick Rude says that perhaps he should ask Dallas about if he wants a new manager, as he could have done with Kim couldn’t and gotten involved with that earlier, and maybe things would have gone differently for him; “doubtful,” says Bockwinkel. (C+)


The comic book picture comes up again, this time showing The Flying Spyder and Surge as they look toward Dr. Karnage. We go to live action to see that Karnage is calling in reinforcements in Rio the Renegade! Rio charges the duo, but even though he does some brief damage to them, they rally back, and the end result sees he and Karnage rushing out of the building, him screaming that they’ll not foil his plans next time! The Spyder talks to the kids, telling them that it doesn’t matter what someone promises, never get in a car with someone who they or their parents don’t know! The kids agree, and as the Spyder says that he and Surge will get them all back home, he turns around to see that Surge has disappeared into the darkness. He shrugs, and “The End… for now!” comes up on screen. (E)


In a United States Tag Team title match, the Armstrong Brothers defeat Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera. Rey and Juvi had defeated them by count out last month, and this was their title rematch. This was a good match, which ended when BG dodged away from Mysterio’s springboard dropkick, and it hit Guerrera instead. Armstrong rolled Juventud up to get the pinfall and retain the championships. ©


Tony Schiavone closes the show, with “Mean” Gene asking Rick Rude what he thought. Rude says that already this week he has started to learn one thing: some of the people not to offer his services toward. With that, we wrap up for this week of WCW Worldwide, Tony saying he will see you all tomorrow night for WCW Monday Nitro! (B)



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WCW Monday Nitro - December 4th, 1995



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WCW Monday Nitro

December 4th, 1995

Held at: Tarrant County Convention Center in Fort Worth, Texas (Mid-South)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” Ventura

Attendance: 10,000 (sold out!)

Show Runtime: Two Hours

Rating: B+

This show increased our popularity in 24 regions.


Harlem Heat vs. The Road Warriors

Following the opening video, we head right to the ring for tag team action. Johnny B. Badd comes out after the match had started to cause a distraction at certain points of this match to try and give his team a huge victory. Hawk and Animal’s smashmouth, Chicago brawling style match up well against Booker and Stevie’s Harlem street fighting skills, but a third team who make their presence felt are Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett of the New World Order, and they attack the Road Warriors to cause a disqualification.

Match Time: 11:53

Rating: B


“Sweet” Stan, “Beautiful” Bobby, and…

Stan Lane is backstage alongside Bobby Eaton, talking to his client and friend as they walk backstage. Lane is heard saying that this is one of his best ideas, saying that it’s “so good, I’m surprised Jim never thought of it!” He knocks on a door and they enter to find… Terry Taylor! Lane and Taylor shake hands, as Stan says that in all the years the three of them have been in wrestling, the one thing they’ve never done was team up. He dubs them his new “Twilight Express” which references that the duo may be in the twilights of their careers but that just means they have years of experience to call upon. Stan and Bobby agree that Terry needs an appropriate nickname for this new team, and so they dub him “Timeless” Terry Taylor. Tony Schiavone mentions that Stan has set up the debut match for his new team this weekend on WCW Saturday Night!

Rating: C


Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat vs. California Kip w/Jimmy Hart

A great matchup here that really shows two potential things: one is how Kip is definitely a future star in wrestling, or perhaps it shows just how good “The Dragon” is at carrying others. Kip catches Steamboat during a crossbody block attempt and looks ready to plant him with the swinging Silicon Valley Slam, but his attention gets diverted as Steve Austin shoves Jimmy Hart into the ring post! Kip finds himself flipped around and rolled up in a small package, and “The Dragon” picks up the victory!

Steamboat rolls out of the ring as Austin rolls into it, and he drills Kip with the Stunner before drinking over his fallen body!

Match Time: 7:36

Ratings: B / C


Terry Gordy w/Col. Robert Parker vs. The Patriot

The mask-wearing, flag waving fan favorite literally stands no chance here, as an enraged Gordy hits the ring and doesn’t let up on him until he has nailed him with the lariat and made the cover. This definitely pleases Col. Parker, who says to the camera that “gold is coming back to the Stud Stable soon!”

Match Time: 5:20

Rating: C-


Diamonds are Somewhat Triangular

Eric Bischoff comes down to the ring, and he talks about something he’s heard about all week: Diamond Dallas Page. He says that a lot of people have been talking about how Dallas supposedly defeated Hollywood Hogan last week – “fact is, he didn’t.” Eric says that a lot of people have even been calling Page the uncrowned World champ – “a people’s champion, so to speak,” but Eric says that while Dallas may not have won the World Heavyweight championship last week on Nitro, he does have one title to his name: the United States title. Bischoff asks DDP to come to the stage, and when he does, Eric says that he wants to personally tell him that last week, he put himself on the KoW’s map, and that’s a place he doesn’t want to be. “That US title means a lot, and it will mean a lot to the KoW. And that is why at Starrcade, you will be made an example of just how dominant the Kings of Wrestling are, when you compete in a triangle match for that US title against ‘Mr. Wonderful’ Paul Orndorff… and Meng!” The odds are definitely stacked against Page, but will the dissention we’ve seen between the former World Tag Team champions cause their downfall at Starrcade?

Notes: Eric struggled a little off-script.

Rating: C


Sting vs. Hysteria

Sting is out here wearing his Kings of Wrestling shirt, which Tony says just “doesn’t look right.” Hysteria never stood a chance here as Sting hits the ring and literally takes him from pillar to post. Sting hits all of his signature maneuvers, from a big standing dropkick to the Stinger Splash to locking in the Scorpion Deathlock to get the submission.

Match Time: 4:37

Rating: D


The Body Shop

Jesse “The Body” Ventura heads backstage to the set of his Body Shop this week, and he brings in his guest, a smiling Eric Bischoff. Eric asks everyone if they just saw what happened out there, and questions why anyone has to ask him anything about Sting when they just saw him out there, in living color, wearing a KoW t-shirt, doing the KoW’s bidding. He says that Sting was just playing a little prank on them at the end of last week’s Nitro, doing that disappearing trick. As we close in on the end of the first hour of Nitro (meaning Raw is about to start) Jesse says that there’s someone who has evidence to the contrary, and he brings in Ted DiBiase! DiBiase says that Eric personally cut off Ted’s segment on Worldwide so he couldn’t tell everyone the truth, but we’re live on Nitro, and there’s no way you can cut the mic this time! DiBiase says that at the same time that Eric and his buddies were out there having fun, laughing at WCW, he saw Sting arriving at the arena! Ted says that this means Sting did not get his match last week, and so this week, he will! Eric says that DiBiase can’t do that, but Ted says that his attorney, Richard Stevenson, drew up the contract personally that if Sting appeared last week, he got a number one contender’s match, and that if the show had run out of time, he got the match the following week! So DiBiase says that all Sting has to do is show up tonight, and he will get his shot to be in the main event of Starrcade! As Ted leaves, Eric says that’s fine, but if it doesn’t happen this week, then it doesn’t happen!

Rating: B-


Rick Martel vs. “Lionheart” Chris Jericho

As commentary put over as what will be a great technical affair here between two great, Canadian athletes, Jericho attacks Martel in the aisle before the bell. He sends him into the barricade, locking him in the Liontamer on the floor until officials come out and break it up. Jericho’s celebration is as if he had actually had and won the match, though it never officially had gotten underway.

Rating: D+


WCW Hotline Exclusive

“Mean” Gene Okerlund is back at the WCW Hotline area, talking about how if you call in this week, he will be talking about a big signing who has recently joined World Championship Wrestling! Gene then brings in his guest at this time, Ron Simmons, who he says has a match set up at Starrcade to take on Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat in a six-man tag team matchup. Okerlund asks if Ron has sent out any feelers for two partners, and Simmons says that he’ll do Gene one better – he can introduce two men who have accepted his proposal to be in the match, even without having seen them in action together yet, Ron has asked Bobby Eaton and Terry Taylor to join him! The new Twilight Express enter the scene, and everyone is pleased by the development, saying that they will be victorious at Starrcade!

Rating: C


“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Scott Armstrong

Just a squash. Savage’s fury is unmatched here, as he runs through Scott in no time flat, before blasting him with the Flying Elbow and getting the victory.

Match Time: 5:29

Rating: C-


Not So Blond Anymore

Steve Austin is having his own party backstage, drinking in the corner as he watches Nitro. He is approached by Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett, who appear to be laughing. Austin asks if they have some sort of problem, when Hall asks if Austin’s head is cold now that he doesn’t have all that long, flowing hair anymore. Austin snickers in derision, ignoring them, but the New World Order members keep at him. Brian Pillman finally comes upon the situation before it becomes a situation, breaking things up, but Austin stands up. He tells Brian that he doesn’t need or want his protection, and that if “his boys” have something they want to start, he’ll be happy to finish it! Pillman shoves Jeff and Scott out of the room, telling Austin that he’s been the reason the nWo haven’t come after him, and that Austin and Sting are the only ones who have that luxury, before leaving. Austin shakes his head, before going back to his drinking.

Notes: Austin was superb off-script here, and performed good.

Rating: C+


An Interested Onlooker

We scan around the arena, and Rick Rude can be seen sitting in the crowd, taking notes. Tony and Jesse talk about Rude’s search for some new talent, and wonder if he may have found someone during Nitro tonight.

Rating: C+


“The Dog-Faced Gremlin” Rick Steiner vs. “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan

The crowd is abuzz with this one, as Flair has been rebuilding himself in their minds over the past few months with his great winning ways. Steiner is always a crowd favorite, and he throws Flair around in the early moments of this match with slams and suplexes. Heenan plays his role by distracting Rick, but that only works once until brother Scott comes down to ringside. Flair takes over though, and he holds the advantage through a commercial break before Scott starts slamming his fists on the ring apron to rally the fans behind Rick. From backstage, however, Arn Anderson and Owen Hart strike, attacking Scott at ringside! Rick turns his attention for a second, and he gets chopblocked by Flair. Ric stacks up Steiner, putting his feet on the ropes for good measure to get the pinfall.

Eddy Guerrero joins his Horseman stablemates, and the foursome look ready to do some damage to the Steiner Brothers when Dustin Rhodes charges the ring! “The Natural” starts fighting the good fight, trying to help, but he starts falling to the numbers game as well. Just then, the lights black out… and they come back on to see Sting in the ring! He cleans house with his baseball bat, before pointing it around toward Dustin, Rick, and Scott. Tony says that this is definitely the real deal!

Jesse says there’s something going on backstage, and we go back to see Vader charging the ring from backstage! Brian Pillman steps in and tries to stop him, but “The Monster” tosses Brian aside! Vader is heading to the ring, and we will bring you this after this commercial break!

Match Time: 15:50

Ratings: B / C+ / B-


He’s Here!

The stage is set for our main event, as Sting stayed in the ring during the commercial, and “The Monster” Vader is charging the ring! Vader is ready to defend his Starrcade title shot, and he swats the baseball bat away from Sting before going nose-to-nose with him! Vader piefaces Sting, rubbing off some of his dark face paint, and Sting fires back with a right hand! The match is on, and Vader takes over by using his size and strength advantage. Unlike most of their matches in the past, though, Sting doesn’t just fight back, he fights hard, clawing Vader’s eyes so hard he rips off his mask! Vader is fighting for a title match here, but Sting fights for the title match he has been denied all year long, and his new attitude may not endear him to many, but it certainly proves effective several times here. Vader is forced to resort to shoving Sting away, but that’s when Lex Luger emerges from backstage! Vader screams at Luger, but Sting grabs Vader and drills him with an inverted DDT! He makes the cover – and Sting wins the match! Sting has won, and he will get a World’s Heavyweight title match at Starrcade!

Vader rolls out of the ring, throwing chairs around, as Luger enters the ring. Sting points his bat toward Luger, until Hollywood Hogan comes out to the aisle. Hogan stares on, shaking his head toward the scene in the ring. Lex asks Sting what side he’s on, until the lights go out. When they come back on, Sting is gone, leaving Luger and Hogan as the only ones standing in the arena… and Tony wondering why Sting just avoided the question.

Match Time: 11:36

Ratings: A / A



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WCW Television: December 8th-10th, 1995



WCW [Pro] Wrestling

Airs December 8th, 1995

Commentary: Tony Schiavone, “The Professor” Mike Tenay, and Sonny Onoo

Show Runtime: One Hour

WCW Soundstage at the Disney MGM attendance: 3,329

Rating: C+


Diamond Dallas Page has a promo, where he says that Eric Bischoff called him “The People’s Champion” on Nitro, and he’s cool with that. He says that Paul Orndorff and Meng are two very tough contenders, but he will fight for the people who cheer him on at Starrcade until somebody feels the bang! (C+)

Dean Malenko and Alex Wright d. Ultimo Dragon and Lance Storm when Wright pins Storm with the German Suplex ©

Wright again pesters Malenko for a Cruiserweight title shot, but Dean again tells him to take it to management (D)

The Ruthless Roundtable (Lord Steven Regal, Earl William Clayton, and Finlay) d. The Hillbilly Cousins and Sgt. Buddy Parker with Regal makes Denny submit to the Regal Stretch (C-)

Chris Jericho cuts a promo before his match where he says that Rick Martel “had a little problem getting to the ring” on Nitro, but tells him that if he sums up all the guts he has, maybe Martel could find his way into the ring with “The Lionheart” yet! Tony notes that Jericho is, of course, very big and boastful when the person he’s talking about isn’t in the building. (C+)

Chris Jericho d. Juventud Guerrera with the Liontamer following distractions from the Armstrong Brothers (C-)

The Steiner Brothers d. Nuevo Gringos Locos with the Steinerizer on Art Barr to retain the World Tag Team championships (B-)

Gene Okerlund meets up to the champions post-match, and they cut a promo on Arn Anderson and Owen Hart; Rick saying that he had Flair right where he wanted him until they stepped in the way on Nitro, and Scott says that there will be a receipt for them attacking him come Starrcade! (B)



WCW Saturday Night

Airs December 9th, 1995

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and “The Professor” Mike Tenay

Show Runtime: One Hour

Rating: B

This show increased our popularity in 2 regions, lowered in 11.



Hollywood Hogan, Randy Savage, The Giant, Eric Bischoff, and Sting are pre-taped, with Hogan doing most of the talking. He says that “the fake Sting” on Nitro was a fluke, and that there’s no way he actually will have to defend against him at Starrcade. Savage talks about Cactus Jack, saying that WCW has made their match a ladder match to determine the number one contendership following Starrcade, and he says that he will be happy to both destroy Jack and earn himself a title match; Hogan and Bischoff give him odd looks at that statement. (A)

The New World Order are shown, with Hall and Jarrett making fun of the Road Warriors after their performance on Nitro. Vader is in full table flip mode after having lost his title match at Starrcade, screaming that he wants Luger! Hall makes a joke about Steve Austin and his “cueball” but Pillman jumps in on that, saying that Hall’s focus should be Hawk and Animal; Austin is off-limits. (B-)



The Twilight Express d. The Oddballs when Eaton hits Pittman with the Alabama Jam (D+)

Smash and Devon King d. The Hillbilly Cousins after Smash blasts Marky with a foreign object (C-)

Post-match: King questions Smash, as he cheated to win when he didn’t need to, but Smash blows him off, telling King to go get him a soda © … … which gives a chance for Steve Austin to step in and assault Devon! ©

Brian Pillman squashes Hysteria after the Loaded Gun DDT (B-)

Randy Savage d. Barry Windham with the Flying Elbow (B)

Post-match: Cactus Jack, who was doing commentary during the previous match, gets into a staredown with Randy Savage (B+)



WCW Worldwide

Airs December 10th, 1995

Commentary: “The Professor” Mike Tenay and Gary Michael Cappetta

Worldwide Panel: Tony Schiavone, Gene Okerlund, Rick Rude, and Ted DiBiase

Show Runtime: One Hour

Rating: C+


Tony Schiavone welcomes us to this episode of WCW Worldwide, and introduces our panel this week as “Mean” Gene Okerlund, Rick Rude, and former WCW Stockholder, Ted DiBiase. They waste no time in talking about Sting, who has finally been granted and won his WCW World title matchup at Starrcade against Hollywood Hogan! DiBiase says that he wanted so badly to give Sting his title match the entire year, but his hands were tied. He says that he finally had to give up his power in order to make sure justice was served for “The Stinger” but when he takes that title back from the KoW, it’ll be all worth it. Rick Rude says that all this time, he only wanted to see Sting rise up and take what he wanted, that’s why he sent people after Sting earlier this year. Gene asks Rick if his client search includes Sting, but Rude says that Sting wouldn’t need him in his corner. (B-)


“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes talks in a pre-taped segment, where he talks about life as a second generation wrestler. He says that he grew up watching his father on television instead of seeing him at his birthday party, or when he learned how to ride a bicycle. He says that instead, he saw his dad winning World titles and beating up the Four Horsemen. “Some things don’t change, when it comes to Rhodes and Horsemen,” he says, but this time he wants it to be the other way around. He wants his father, “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes, in his corner when he defeats the final Horseman, Ric Flair, at Starrcade next Sunday night in St. Louis! Dustin improvised well during this segment, and his gimmick changes to a wholesome blue collar character, which rated A. (B)


Steve Armstrong is pretty game for having a match, but when his opponent is The Giant, he doesn’t last long before being planted with the Chokeslam. (D-)


The comic book type screen shows up like last week, and we see The Flying Spyder and Surge meeting on a rooftop. A big screen on the side of a building lights up to interrupt their meeting, and Dr. Karnage is on it. He says that he is tired of them foiling his plans, and tells them that at Starrcade, he and his men officially challenge the Spyder and Surge to meet them in the ring for a tag team match! Spyder and Surge discuss it, before finally agreeing to the match. Karnage then adds that he’s happy for two things right now; one, that they will meet his challenge, where they will meet their imminent doom, and two, that the triangulation lock has found them – just then, Biohazard, Rio the Renegade, The Boulder, and Arkane come out of nowhere and attack the two heroes! Surge finally drops a smoke pellet, and the duo get away, leaving the four monsters standing there coughing, but victorious at this moment. (D-)


Nitro’s upcoming main event is hyped, as the Kings of Wrestling will be in six-man tag team action against Lex Luger, Cactus Jack, and a partner not yet named! (B)


Disco Inferno just can’t find a way to dance his way to victory over Rey Mysterio Jr., who wins via a quick cradle pin. (C-)


Footage shows Chris Candido and Tammy Lynn out on the town, when someone stops them to snap a picture of the happy couple. Suddenly Candido is attacked from behind by Eddy Guerrero! Eddy lays Chris out, until Tammy steps in and starts protecting her man. Guerrero tells her that Candido is a chump, and isn’t good enough for her like Eddy is! Eddy continues to stomp on Candido, until he finally makes Tammy agree to some demands. The demand is that at Starrcade, Eddy will face Chris, and if Guerrero wins, he will go out with Tammy! The cameraman, revealed to be Bobby Heenan now, and Eddy take off together, as Tammy and Chris’s date night is pretty well ruined by the World TV champion! (D+)


A graphic shows that on the final WCW Saturday Night before Starrcade, Arn Anderson and Owen Hart will face off against The Texas Blackjacks, Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham! (B-)


“Hot Rod” Roddy Piper squares off against Ricky Morton in a long, good match. Despite a great fight, Piper puts Morton away with his patented sleeperhold. ©


We go back to the panel one more time, as they run down the Starrcade card, which you can find by ordering your very own WCW Starrcade 1995 official program, saying that there is only one week to go until the show and that if any matches are added, you will hear about them on the WCW Hotline! Tony signs off for he, Gene, Rick, and Ted; until next week, so long everybody! (C+)



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WCW Hotline: December 1995, Week 3



WCW Hotline

3rd Week of December 1995

Option 1: Starrcade Control Center!

Option 2: WCW music negotiations!

Option 3: Worker leaving WCW!

Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Option 5: Last week’s ratings!

Option 6: Monday Night Waste!

Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Option 8: Mean Gene’s rumor corner!

Option 9: A gift from the WCW Catalog!


Option 1: Starrcade Control Center!

Starrcade will be the best three and a half hours in wrestling! Sting will finally get his World championship match that he has fought for over a year; Rick and Scott Steiner take on Arn Anderson and Owen Hart; Chris Candido was forced to put a night with his girl Tammy Lynn on the line against Eddy Guerrero’s World TV title; “The Monster” Vader is out for revenge on “The Total Package” Lex Luger; the New World Order takes on the Road Warriors; a ladder match between Cactus Jack and Randy Savage; six man action; and a triangle match for the US title! Will more be added to the card? Find out by watching WCW Nitro, and call in to your local cable company to be a part of Starrcade ’95!


Option 2: WCW music negotiations!

Some words have come out that WCW feel they are paying too much to keep laying out for licensed entrance music. Management have been looking inwardly for someone to compose some production music for much of the roster, with only a sparse amount of major players still going to have licensed music.


Option 3: Worker leaving WCW!

Hakushi has quietly left WCW. Management say that there were no hard feelings, that WCW had intended to use him to his full potential, but various factors kept that from happening. Several people have said that if the timing were right in the future, Hakushi could again find himself at home in the WCW locker room.


Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Six days until WCW presents Starrcade 1995, and we have a huge six-man main event live on Nitro! Will Sting be on hand, and will he answer any of the burning questions we’ve all had about him? Come and see where the big boys play at 7pm on TNT, 10pm on TSN, and Tuesday nights on Eurosport!


Option 5: Last week’s Neilson ratings!

This week, Nitro once again destroyed Raw in the ratings, as Nitro drew a strong 7.94 rating on TNT, compared to Raw’s 4.47 on USA. Nitro on TSN had a 1.83 rating, and a 3.61 on Eurosport. WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event had a 6.57 rating. WCW Saturday Night drew a 6.33 rating on TBS; WCW Pro went up to a 0.49 rating; and WCW Worldwide did a 0.63.


Option 6: Eric Bischoff presents: Monday Night Waste!

So after last week where The Undertaker proved he was better than Bret Hart, this week Bam Bam Bigelow proved he’s the best by defeating Undertaker. So by the transitive property, that means Bam Bam is better than Bret, right? Is there anyone Bret Hart won’t lose to on the WWF roster?


Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Only one night before Starrcade, WCW Saturday Night is still star-studded! Arn Anderson and Owen Hart will take on The Texas Blackjacks in our main event, one you won’t want to miss! Make sure you’ve set your dial to TBS at 6:05 PM ET!


Option 8: “Mean Gene” Okerlund’s rumor corner!

My sources have found a signed contract for someone we have not seen on WCW television in some time! I understand that none other than Woman has rejoined World Championship Wrestling. What are her goals this time in WCW? Only time will tell when she will decide to make her impact in WCW!


Option 9: A special gift from the WCW Catalog!

Get your very own program for WCW Starrcade 1995 by ordering the show now, then sending in your cable bill with proof of purchase!




So I never posted a Hotline for week 2... oops <_< You really didn't miss anything in it. It's been a pretty slow news month, really. Shows have really been the most important thing.

Anyways, I want to point out that I intend on posting the final Nitro before Starrcade, and then the prediction card will go up. There are two more matches to be announced, which I don't feel are small enough to be announced anywhere but on major television. Only one week (in-game) until Starrcade '95!

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This buildup for Starrcade has been fantastic. Even though I always felt Hogan/Sting made way too much sense for you to do anything else, you did a great job of creating some intrigue and second-guessing with the twists and turns you threw in along the way.


The stuff between Austin and the NWO looks very promising. Long-term, I fully expect this to lead up to a blood feud between Austin and Pillman, which would be all kinds of amazing.


Vader is (rightly) furious. Somebody is gonna get massacred at Starrcade, but I'm not sure who. "Sting", perhaps?

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WCW Monday Nitro - December 11th, 1995



<iframe width="350" height="263" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cXXWw8AneQw?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

WCW Monday Nitro

December 11th, 1995

Held at: Omaha Civic Auditorium in Omaha, Nebraska (Mid-West)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” Ventura

Attendance: 9,300 (sold out!)

Show Runtime: Two Hours

Rating: B+

This show increased our popularity in 14 regions.


Last Week on Monday Nitro

Tony Schiavone, Jesse “The Body” Ventura, and “Mean” Gene Okerlund talk over some clips from last week, showing Sting winning the Starrcade title match from Vader; followed by the questioning by Lex Luger, and the staredown with Hollywood Hogan. In live action, Tony questions if Sting is on the level or if the KoW really have gotten to “The Stinger” and are all playing the crowd and WCW for fools. He says that hopefully tonight, before Starrcade, they can perhaps get some answers.

Rating: C+


Rick Martel vs. Johnny B. Badd

Martel and Badd put on a wrestling clinic in this one, with each man looking to one-up the other until they can score a big win in this opening contest. Martel ends up forced to drop the Quebec Crab before locking it in however, as “Lionheart” Chris Jericho comes out to the aisle with a microphone, taunting Rick for his “inferior crab and inferior career” compared to the youngster’s Liontamer and future. Badd gets to his feet and blasts Martel with the Diss That Don’t Miss, getting a pinfall – albeit with a little assistance.

Match Time: 8:25

Rating: B-


“The Natural” Speaks About Starrcade

Out to the ring comes “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes. He gets a microphone from Gary and talks about how Starrcade is only six days away, and he can’t wait to show everyone that if you try hard and work for what you want, you can achieve anything – and he wants to show the Four Horsemen that no one is unbeatable! He says that his goal all year long has been about getting respect, and that means respect from the fans, from the Horsemen, and especially from his father, Dusty Rhodes. He once again says that he wants his father in his corner at Starrcade, but even if he doesn’t come, Dustin still intends on showing Ric Flair that there is no absolute; that you can indeed defeat all four Horsemen!

Notes: Dustin showed masterful interactions with the crowd, playing them to a T. The only bad note that this segment got was that it was short.

Rating: B+


The Brush with Greatness is Long Over

“Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman comes out to the ring, and he says that all across the country, anytime fans stop him in airports or restaurants, all they ask him about is Steve Austin! Brian says that he’s tired of people asking him about Austin, they’ve done that ever since the Hollywood Blonds! Brian says that if Austin doesn’t care that he’s saving his life, then maybe he should just take it himself! Steve Austin comes out from the dressing room as well, and he tells Brian that maybe people wouldn’t ask him so much about Austin if Brian didn’t base his whole damn career off of his back! Austin tells him that nobody ever asks him about Brian Pillman, because all they ever do is want to drink with Austin. That sends Brian into a frenzy, saying that the protection from the New World Order that he offered Austin was because he felt he was a part of the cause, but maybe he’s part of the problem; and as such, at Starrcade, he’s going to solve that problem! Austin tells him that if Brian wants to get his ass handed to him by Austin one more time, on a big stage, then so be it; and that’s the bottom line! Pillman tells him that this brush with greatness will be the last one, and the crowd are crazy for this newly announced match for Starrcade ‘95!

Rating: B-


“The Rocker” Marty Jannetty vs. Syxx

Two of the best cruiserweight athletes in the world go at it here on Nitro! This is a very good back-and-forth matchup, which sees Marty go for the Rocker Dropper but Syxx is able to backdrop Jannetty out of it and catch him with a facebuster to score what many could deem an upset victory!

Match Time: 7:03

Rating: C


A Wonderful Plan

We go to fan camera footage from earlier this evening, which Tony Schiavone says that Eric Bischoff is forcing them to play. It shows Diamond Dallas Page arriving at the arena tonight, but he is confronted in the parking lot by “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff. Paul tells Page that he needs to polish that title up for the waist of “Mr. Wonderful” because it will be adorning his body at this time next week. DDP squares up to Orndorff, telling him to back off because he has a match to get ready for tonight, but Meng comes out of left field and attacks! He tackles Page against his own car, and as Meng holds him in the Tongan Deathgrip, security finally come in and stop this. As Meng and Orndorff are being pushed away, Page can be heard screaming in pain about his ribs. We go back to Tony and Jesse, and “The Body” lets fans know that Page has been taken off the card tonight, but that thus far the champion has said he will be at Starrcade to defend his title. Tony says that on Worldwide this Sunday, they will give an official report on DDP’s condition.

Rating: C


California Kip and Devon King w/Jimmy Hart vs. Scott and Steve Armstrong

Tony and Jesse mention that Steve Armstrong had a good win on WCW Pro not long ago, and that he has told them he wants to get into some winning ways in the future. But that doesn’t happen here, as Kip pins Scott following the Silicon Valley Slam in good time. King is happy to celebrate another win, two weeks in a row now.

Match Time: 7:08

Rating: D+


Event Center

“Mean” Gene Okerlund and Rick Rude present the Starrcade Event Center, where they talk about some of the matches going on this Sunday night. They mention two of the biggest matches which will involve the New World Order, those being Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett teaming up to take on the Road Warriors, and Lex Luger facing off with “The Monster” Vader. We then go to pre-taped comments from both camps; “The Total Package” and the Road Warriors talk about how they are going to put the nWo to rest and show them that good things only come to those who work for it; while the New World Order members laugh off their advice, saying that it’s time to put the “old boys” out to pasture. Vader is especially interesting here, as he warns Luger that since he stuck his nose in Vader’s business last week, he’s going to rip his nose off his face and shove it down his throat!

Rating: C+


Hostile Takeover

Eric Bischoff comes to the ring, and he welcomes everyone to the second half of WCW Monday Nitro! He thanks them all for being such a beautiful audience, and says that he cannot wait until later tonight when the KoW decimate whatever three hacks WCW have decided to put up against “the mega icons of wrestling” of Hollywood Hogan, “Macho Man” Randy Savage, and The Giant! Ted DiBiase interrupts, with Eric asking why DiBiase keeps bothering him when he has no power anymore. DiBiase says that he always has the power, because “Trillionaire Ted has the right price!” and laughing. DiBiase says that justice will prevail at Starrcade this Sunday, but not only in the World Heavyweight title match but also a very special guest making a huge announcement. DiBiase then introduces Ted Turner, who actually appears in the aisle with him! Turner stands there while DiBiase does the talking, nodding along with him as DiBiase says that even though Eric is still very much the WCW Executive Vice President, he isn’t going to be allowed to just run all over WCW anymore, because they are going to reinstitute the WCW Board of Directors! And their representative will be making an appearance at Starrcade this Sunday! Bischoff is highly upset, as he kicks the bottom rope in anger, it’s as if his whole world is coming down around him!

Rating: B-


A Giant Challenge

The Giant is seen backstage, as he appears to be getting ready to compete in the main event six-man tag match tonight. Suddenly a loud, screaming roar is heard from off-screen, and in charges Terry Funk! Funk isn’t alone, as he is brandishing his old branding iron, and he swings it at The Giant! Giant is taken off-guard, and he starts backpedaling! Funk doesn’t stop until Giant goes through a door – and it’s the exit to the building! Terry closes the door, and it looks as though Giant won’t be a factor in the match tonight! After a commercial break, Funk has found his way to Cactus Jack, and the two are approached by Gene Okerlund. Terry says that The Giant thought he could just run the old man off, but nobody says it’s over for Terry Funk unless his name is Terry Funk! “The Funker” says that against everyone’s better advice, he has officially challenged The Giant to a match at Starrcade, and he says that when the smoke clears, he’s going to either be victorious or deceased! Cactus says that he was one of the people who tried to tell Terry not to take the match, but nobody stops a “middle aged and crazy Funker” just like Randy Savage won’t stop Cactus Jack from finally climbing the ladder of success here in WCW. Jack says that he will grab that contract above the ring at Starrcade, and as one of the men who have been in this company for almost six years now, he will be proud to represent WCW as its number one contender, and maybe even its champion – bang bang!

Notes: Cactus really came across well here.

Ratings: C / B-


Finlay w/Baron Tomas vs. Chris Candido w/Tammy Lynn

This is a quick match in order to make sure that the crowd had a chance for a bathroom break before the main events happened. Finlay gets to look pretty good here, but Candido doesn’t go down easily, and he escapes an attempted inverted piledriver and locks on a small package to score an upset victory against his much more dangerous foe! Tony notes that Chris looks good here on his way to Starrcade to wrestle for the World’s TV title.

Match Time: 4:44

Rating: D+


The Rock ‘n Roll Express vs. The New World Order (Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett)

When you absolutely need a two guys over as a team right now, call Ricky and Robert. They bounce around for Hall and Jarrett like pinballs, putting over the nWo’s chances of taking home a victory at Starrcade against Hawk and Animal. Jesse does make sure to point out that as decorated as they are, the Rock ‘n Roll are NOT the Road Warriors. Who knows, maybe the Express could be worth some more success in the future; but that day is not this day, as Morton falls victim to Hall yanking his throat across the top rope illegally from the outside, and Jarrett hits him with a piledriver to pick up the victory.

Match Time: 12:19

Rating: B


Horsemen Hype

We have a pre-taped interview from the Four Horsemen. Owen talks first, saying that when he was brought into the group, it promised that the new Horsemen were the elite – and what will prove that they are the best in the world is getting the gold around their waists, taking them away from “those mangy mutts” the Steiner Brothers. Anderson adds to that, saying that he’s had a lot of different tag team partners before, but none with the pedigree of Owen Hart, and with that in mind, he has no doubts that the Horsemen will not be successful in their match. Eddy talks next, saying that he may be fighting for his gold, “but also for looooooove!” He says that when he defeats Candido, Tammy will definitely want to taste all the “Latino Heat” and she will never even want to look at “that spud” ever again. Bobby claps and nods along with all of them, adding that the most elite group in all of wrestling history are the Four Horsemen, and they will show the world that Starrcade is Horsemen Country no matter where they are. That leaves one more person to speak, and “The Nature Boy” is slightly subdued to start. He says that he has been at Starrcade more often than not, and just like the first one was “A Flair for the Gold” in 1995 it will be all about “The Nature Boy”. He says that nobody defeats all four of the Horsemen, and he’s not about to let that go to a Rhodes especially! Ric says that this is not the 80’s where Dusty can come in and lay them all out with elbows to the forehead – this is the Horsemen of the 90’s, and they will reign supreme over Starrcade and lead WCW into the millennium! And, he says, if Dustin somehow gets the stars to align and he somehow defeats “The Nature Boy” then Flair will personally invite “The Natural” to the ring and he will shake his hand! Bobby tries to tell him not to make promises like that, but he’s silenced by a loud “whoooo”, and the five men hold up the Four Horsemen symbol as we go to commercial break.

Notes: Bobby really helped Arn, Owen, and Eddy here. Arn’s performance was good, and Owen really looked good as well.

Rating: C


The Kings of Wrestling (Hollywood Hogan, Randy Savage, and Roddy Piper) vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger, Cactus Jack, and Terry Funk

Gary Michael Cappetta gives a long introduction for all six men in this match, which is made even bigger by the substitution of Roddy Piper instead of The Giant. The self-proclaimed three biggest icons in wrestling take it to their opponents, but the youthful exuberance of Cactus Jack comes out in spades as he takes over on Savage, punching him down in the corner, and then charging Piper and hitting with a big Cactus clothesline to take both of them out of the ring! Lex and Terry then turn to Hogan, each slamming the World champion to the mat, before the WCW team regroup in the ring and the Kings of Wrestling find themselves on the outside looking in! Piper and Savage plot on one side of the ring as Hogan taunts fans around ringside, and the match begins as Savage against Luger. “Macho Man” doesn’t fare very well for the opening moments, as Luger tags out to Funk and then back to Luger, but he stays away from Jack when he tags in, which makes Tony wonder if we aren’t seeing a more subdued Randy Savage tonight, as he tags in Roddy. Piper and Jack jockey around for position, and the experience edge of Piper draws Cactus into the wrong corner, where Hollywood chokes him with the tag rope behind Tommy Young’s back! Now Savage climbs back into the ring, and he throws strong punches on Jack’s face and midsection. Hollywood enters the ring, and with a host of body slams he really takes over the match for the KoW side. Cactus takes a lot of punishment, but we all know that is what he’s almost best at doing; he finally catches Savage coming in with a double axe handle by punching him in the stomach, and as Hogan tags into the match, Cactus tags out to Funk! Terry and Hogan charge one another, and Funk takes Hogan down with a drop toe hold that he never saw coming! Luger enters the fray when Piper does, taking him down with a body slam! On the outside of the ring, Steve Austin appears and charges Piper, telling him that he hadn’t forgotten him as he drills him with a steel chair! Tommy Young didn’t see any of it, and Austin is gone just as quickly as he had appeared. Savage is able to take Cactus out of the picture though as well, hitting him with an axe handle smash from the ring apron to the floor! Luger and Savage brawl on the outside, and Hogan goes into his tights. He blasts Funk with a foreign object, then drills Terry with the big legdrop and covers, getting Tommy’s attention in order to score the pinfall amidst a chorus of boos!

Match Time: 15:52

Ratings: B / B


Silence is Deafening

Hollywood Hogan celebrates his victory in the ring, as fans boo him loudly. He plays some air guitar on the World title belt, but everyone’s attention quickly goes off of Hogan as we move up to the rafters – and Sting is there, with the other Sting in a KoW shirt hanging from the rafter by a harness! The symbolism is clear; that wasn’t and isn’t the real Sting! Tony and Jesse are in awe at this, and Sting points his bat toward the ring and Hogan! Sting takes up a microphone (an odd thing to see from him anymore) and he says that everyone has thrown him under the bus ever since Hogan arrived in WCW, and he’s sick of it! He says that if this is all they can do for their “franchise” then screw WCW; Sting says that he never would have turned WCW or the fans away in the past, but now he’s ready.

“Every other time I won the World Heavyweight title, or any title for that matter, I always did it for the betterment of WCW and my ‘Little Stingers’. But this time, when I win the World championship this Sunday at Starrcade, I’m going to do it for Sting – and you all only have yourselves to blame for it.”

With those strong words, Sting drops the microphone and points his black baseball bat toward Hollywood in the ring, who is pointing back at Sting and threatening him, and Tony Schiavone tells everyone that Sting is a changed man, and there are huge changes coming in WCW; and the only way to be a part of them is to call your cable company now and order Starrcade 1995 this Sunday!

Ratings: B+ / A




Thanks everyone who left me some comments lately, and a HUGE thanks to the 18 people who voted me for DOTM this month! WOW! I didn't even know that many people were reading! TFC and Anderz, I agree that there seemed to be a lot of Sting going on, but I think the real Sting just solved the problem of WCW's confusion with the situation! And TFC, I won't do this often, but I will reveal in here that honestly, Hogan-Sting II was never in the books until just recently. I fully intended on swerving you all by having it be someone completely different; but instead, that part of the story will be playing out in other ways now.

And I'm glad to hear from Skippy about how liked the comic book segments were, I had a blast writing them! I hope everyone else enjoyed them just as much, and I really hope everyone likes the format I'm using with Nitro as it's own post, and then the C-to-B+ shows all being their own post.

Well, now that all the matches for Starrcade have been announced, my next post is going to be the program, so I hope everyone gets in their predictions soon because good gawds am I ever excited to get this show booked and written! Now obviously I do still have the B shows to come yet, but that will be over the weekend, whereas Starrcade will obviously take a little longer than that!

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WCW Starrcade 1995 official program



WCW Starrcade 1995!

LIVE on pay-per-view on Sunday, December 17th, 1995, from the Kiel Center in St. Louis, Missouri!

Three and a Half hours of the greatest wrestling action you’ll find in the entire world!



A World Heavyweight title match one year in the making!

After a tumultuous year of being banned from competing for the World’s championship, taking on a new attitude, and finally defeating Vader, Sting is getting his World Heavyweight championship match! But as much as Sting has wanted this match for the whole year, he steps into the ring against Hollywood Hogan, unquestionably one of the greatest icons in all of professional wrestling. Hogan has risen to the occasion every time he has had to defend the World title, and this could be no different. The only way to see what happens first is to either be in the Kiel Center, or order it live on pay-per-view!



One Final Horseman stands in the way, or will Dustin get put out to pasture?

Over a year and a half ago, “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes was under the tutelage of Arn Anderson and Ric Flair. At the Great American Bash, Flair and Anderson worked together to put Dusty Rhodes on the shelf, but then snubbed Dustin, saying he was never good enough to be a Horseman. Dustin has since been systematically dismantling the new Horsemen; first defeating Eddy Guerrero, then Owen Hart, and finally Arn Anderson himself at Halloween Havoc. Ric Flair has gone on his own tear on Dustin’s backup, defeating Barry Windham and Ricky Steamboat, before putting Magnum TA out of action. The Horsemen have said that nobody defeats all four Horsemen, but only one now remains; can Dustin do the unthinkable? Dustin, however, has played his own mind game with Flair, by saying that he wants his father, Dusty Rhodes, “The American Dream” in his corner at Starrcade. Will Dusty be there for his son? The only way to find out is to watch Starrcade ’95 live on pay-per-view!



A blood feud that now comes with some added glory!

Cactus Jack and “Macho Man” Randy Savage had led a brutal war across the country, leaving dented steel chairs and destruction in their wake! Many have pointed out that Jack has won the majority of this feud, a fact that has only driven Savage even madder than usual! This time around, the winner will retrieve a dangling contract from above the ring via a steel ladder, which will name the new number one contender for the World Heavyweight championship! A win here would solidify Cactus Jack as the man who came up from nothing to hold everything in WCW, but a win for “The Macho Man” will re-establish his brand as one of the top dogs in wrestling! Which man will be crazy enough to go for the glory? See all the action live and in living color on pay-per-view!




The brawl to end them all!

The Road Warriors became unlikely targets of the New World Order a few months ago, and Lex Luger joined in the battle to even the odds somewhat. Intensities raged further when the Road Warriors said that they would destroy the nWo members at Starrcade, and also when Vader won the World title contendership. Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett have now taken it upon themselves to run the Road Warriors out of wrestling. Lex Luger then played a small role in helping Sting to win the title shot from Vader, and “The Monster” is ready to destroy! Which side will come out victorious at Starrcade in these two brawls? Find out what will happen live on pay-per-view!



Hollywood has never burned hotter!

The famed Hollywood Blonds have been on the same side almost as often as they’ve been on opposing sides. They once again find themselves opposing one another, as “The Loose Cannon” took offense to Austin not caring about the protected status he gave him from Brian’s New World Order. These two are known for being driven, but which one will drive the other to the breaking point? Find out only at Starrcade ‘95!


Also in action:


A triangle match for the United States Heavyweight title! Will the Kings of Wrestling achieve some more gold?



The World Tag Team championships to be defended against the famed Horsemen!



Terry Funk has seen it all and beaten it all, but he steps into the ring against the biggest man in all of wrestling! Will Funk be able to stand up to The Giant?!



The World Television title and a night with Tammy Lynn are both on the line!


Johnny B. Badd and his Harlem Heat have had a war against Ron Simmons – and with the new Twilight Express on his side, Ron looks to war back!


The Dungeon of Doom look to exterminate Surge and The Flying Spyder! What surprise does Dr. Karnage have in store for the two superheroes?


Also: the spokesman for the WCW Board of Directors will be named!


Card subject to change


Fan Scorecard:

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting



WCW World’s Title #1 Contender Ladder Match

“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack



“Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes



“The Monster” Vader vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger



“Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin



Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett vs. The Road Warriors



WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

Arn Anderson and Owen Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers



WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff vs. Meng vs. Diamond Dallas Page



WCW World Television Championship vs. A Date with Tammy Lynn

“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Candido



The Giant vs. Terry Funk



Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat vs. Ron Simmons and The Twilight Express



Biohazard and Rio the Renegade vs. Surge and The Flying Spyder



1. What match will open the show?

2. Will Dusty Rhodes be in Dustin’s corner?

3. Who will be named the new WCW Commissioner?

Hints: The commissioner is someone who has been seen in WCW in this diary before, and is not Ted DiBiase.


15 points! Best of luck to all who enter!

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Fan Scorecard:

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting

Comments: There is a way that I see this one going, I got a hint. I hope that I'm right.


WCW World’s Title #1 Contender Ladder Match

“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack

Comments: If Hogs is retaining then I think that Cactus might be his next challenger.


“Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes

Comments: Dustin proves that he can't think on big match situations once more and proves Naitch right after Big Papa turns on him.


“The Monster” Vader vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger

Comments: The nWo establishes itself on Starrcade as every member but the leader wins his match.


“Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin

Comments: Austin takes another step on his road to the top. I love this match up so much I want to cry.


Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett vs. The Road Warriors

Comments: See my comment above on Vader vs. Luger.


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

Arn Anderson and Owen Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers



WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff vs. Meng vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Comments: Really cannot see Meng winning and although you love Mr. Wonderful, I'm not sure if you'll really get the strap out of the People's Champion yet.


WCW World Television Championship vs. A Date with Tammy Lynn

“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Candido

Comments: Chris is too early on his unmasking to have Tammy get a date with anyone else and it will be great for him to be the TV champion.


The Giant vs. Terry Funk

Comments: Easiest pick of the night.


Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat vs. Ron Simmons and The Twilight Express

Comments: They have the most to win if they get the win here.


Biohazard and Rio the Renegade vs. Surge and The Flying Spyder



1. What match will open the show? Eddie vs. Candido.

2. Will Dusty Rhodes be in Dustin’s corner? Yes, but he will turn on him and Flair will gloat that Dustin was dumb as shit once again.

3. Who will be named the new WCW Commissioner? Jesse Ventura.

Hints: The commissioner is someone who has been seen in WCW in this diary before, and is not Ted DiBiase.

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Fan Scorecard:

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting



WCW World’s Title #1 Contender Ladder Match

“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack



“Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes


“The Monster” Vader vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger



“Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin


Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett vs. The Road Warriors



WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

Arn Anderson and Owen Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers



WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff vs. Meng vs. Diamond Dallas Page



WCW World Television Championship vs. A Date with Tammy Lynn

“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Candido



The Giant vs. Terry Funk



Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat vs. Ron Simmons and The Twilight Express


Biohazard and Rio the Renegade vs. Surge and The Flying Spyder



1. What match will open the show? US Title Match

2. Will Dusty Rhodes be in Dustin’s corner? Yes

3. Who will be named the new WCW Commissioner? Sylvester Stallone

Hints: The commissioner is someone who has been seen in WCW in this diary before, and is not Ted DiBiase.


15 points! Best of luck to all who enter!

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting

Comments: THE STINGER will take this, before the KOW take over the TELEVISION CHANNEL


WCW World’s Title #1 Contender Ladder Match

“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack

Comments: OH YEAH! Savage is too over, and Mr. Cactus isn't over enough to take control.


“Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes

Comments: I can't see Flair putting over Dustin... yet. It'll be a messed up finish, possibly for Dusty Rhodes.


“The Monster” Vader vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger

Comments: I think "THE MONSTER" will be up against the "THE STINGER" soon enough, and THE TURTLE PACKAGE just isn't very good at all, actually he sucks.


“Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin

Comments: Austin gets the victory here, and goes up against the rest of the NWO


Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett vs. The Road Warriors

Comments: I don't think the N-W-O is going down that easy


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

Arn Anderson and Owen Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers

Comments: I think the Horsemen go 1-of-2... and the 1 will be in the other corner.


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff vs. Meng vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Comments: I feel this is a "Diamond Cutter" Match, a sort of, you know, signature match even though it isn't.


WCW World Television Championship vs. A Date with Tammy Lynn

“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Candido

Comments: Mr. Guerrero will take the date ... and really start a blood feud here on TV


The Giant vs. Terry Funk

Comments: Well, at least, The Giant will get over.


Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat vs. Ron Simmons and The Twilight Express

Comments: Going with Booker here


Biohazard and Rio the Renegade vs. Surge and The Flying Spyder

Comments: Too early to bet against THE DUNGEON OF DOOM, MY SON


1. What match will open the show? Guerrero/Candido in true WCW fashion.

2. Will Dusty Rhodes be in Dustin’s corner? Yes.

3. Who will be named the new WCW Commissioner? SURPRISE! It's "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

Hints: The commissioner is someone who has been seen in WCW in this diary before, and is not Ted DiBiase.


15 points! Best of luck to all who enter!

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Not going to do my predictions just yet as I'm right about to get something to eat, but I have to comment on that show.


Wow. Just wow. What a phenomenal final Nitro before the granddaddy of them all. That closing segment especially, with Sting essentially telling WCW to go screw itself, was brilliant. I'm guessing we may see the debut of the 'crow' look at Starrcade now to truly symbolize Sting's change of heart.


And TFC, I won't do this often, but I will reveal in here that honestly, Hogan-Sting II was never in the books until just recently. I fully intended on swerving you all by having it be someone completely different; but instead, that part of the story will be playing out in other ways now.

That is fascinating to me, because I honestly had been anticipating this main event ever since Sting was banned from receiving a title shot for a year. Doubly so when he beat Hogan in a non title match at last year's Starrcade. I'm assuming that Hogan/Vader was never in the cards and it was someone else you were intending to use here (Cactus? Austin? DDP?), but I guess we'll never know for sure.

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting

Comments: I hope he wins


WCW World’s Title #1 Contender Ladder Match

“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack

Comments: Sting's first opponent, some troubles in KOW with Hogan wanting rematch but Savage wont give it up


“Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes

Comments: Dusty costs Ric the match


“The Monster” Vader vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger



“Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin

Comments: It will continue the feud that is


Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett vs. The Road Warriors

Comments: NWO clean sweep


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

Arn Anderson and Owen Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers



WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff vs. Meng vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Comments: I really want DDP to win


WCW World Television Championship vs. A Date with Tammy Lynn

“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Candido

Comments: Tammy and Eddy <3


The Giant vs. Terry Funk



Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat vs. Ron Simmons and The Twilight Express

Comments: Need a win


Biohazard and Rio the Renegade vs. Surge and The Flying Spyder



1. What match will open the show? Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat Match

2. Will Dusty Rhodes be in Dustin’s corner? YES!

3. Who will be named the new WCW Commissioner? Bobby Heenan

Hints: The commissioner is someone who has been seen in WCW in this diary before, and is not Ted DiBiase.

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting

Comments: Sting is my all time favorite wrestler and the reason I became a wrestling fan. All bias aside though, it'd be an amazing story if the Stinger wins here.


WCW World’s Title #1 Contender Ladder Match

“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack

Comments: I love Savage, but Jack is the future.


“Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes

Comments: See above


“The Monster” Vader vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger

Comments: I am a fan of Luger, but Vader is a far superior worker.


“Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin

Comments: Austin is going to rise!


Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett vs. The Road Warriors

Comments: 4 Life!


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

Arn Anderson and Owen Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers

Comments: It's hard to pick against the Steiners, but man I love Arn and Owen.


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff vs. Meng vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Comments: Surely basing this off who I like more.


WCW World Television Championship vs. A Date with Tammy Lynn

“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Candido

Comments: Eddy being a scoundrel is some of the best stuff ever.


The Giant vs. Terry Funk

Comments: Maybe the Funker will teach Paul a thing or two, but The Giant isn't losing to an old timer.


Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat vs. Ron Simmons and The Twilight Express

Comments: I loathe Mero almost as much as I love Harlem Heat...


Biohazard and Rio the Renegade vs. Surge and The Flying Spyder



1. What match will open the show? Eddy vs Candido

2. Will Dusty Rhodes be in Dustin’s corner? Yes

3. Who will be named the new WCW Commissioner? Bobby Heenan

Hints: The commissioner is someone who has been seen in WCW in this diary before, and is not Ted DiBiase.

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Fan Scorecard:

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting

Comments: I just don't see it. If Sting wins the belt, then what? He's a far better title chaser than champion, look at how long the narrative has lasted and how great it's been. Sting has alienated all his friends, or rather, they've alienated him but the point still stands; he's on his own. Let me say this much: if Sting does win it, he will drop it almost instantly to Vader. But I think Hogan retains, albeit through nefarious means and Sting continues chasing.


WCW World’s Title #1 Contender Ladder Match

“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack

Comments: Sting vs. Savage is not exactly a mouthwatering prospect. Hogan vs. Savage... eh, it's been done. Hogan vs. Cactus makes some kind of logical sense, it's happened before but I think Cactus deserves a rematch.

“Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes

Comments: I'm very 50-50 on this one. Logic dictates Flair since beating all the Horsemen would be a massive rub for Dustin, and truth be told, I don't see him getting a mega push.


“The Monster” Vader vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger

Comments: )Probably the easiest match on the card to predict. I'll be so angry if this ends in a Vader DQ now. :p


“Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin

Comments: I get the feeling we're just getting started with this one.


Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett vs. The Road Warriors

Comments: Clean sweep for the nWo.


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

Arn Anderson and Owen Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers

Comments: I imagine Hall & Jarrett are next in line, so it makes logical sense that they would face The Steiners.


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff vs. Meng vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Comments: Orndorff and Meng can't co-operate, especially not in a match like this. DDP takes the win and the Wonderful Destruction Crew self-destruct.


WCW World Television Championship vs. A Date with Tammy Lynn

“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Candido

Comments: A tough one. I'll go with Eddy so the Horsemen at least have some success tonight.


The Giant vs. Terry Funk

Comments: Yeah.


Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat vs. Ron Simmons and The Twilight Express

Comments: More upside.


Biohazard and Rio the Renegade vs. Surge and The Flying Spyder

Comments: Yeah.


1. What match will open the show? Eddy vs. Candido would start the show off right.

2. Will Dusty Rhodes be in Dustin’s corner? NO, SWERVE!

3. Who will be named the new WCW Commissioner? Rick Rude

Hints: The commissioner is someone who has been seen in WCW in this diary before, and is not Ted DiBiase.

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This is the stacked card of stacked cards.


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting

Comments: That promo from Sting about winning the title for himself put doubt in my mind that Sting would pull it off. It almost seems like a forgone conclusion that Sting would win the belt. But it's one of those situations where Sting HAS to win.


WCW World’s Title #1 Contender Ladder Match

“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack

Comments: Part of me wants to call it a draw. I could go either way, but you have been pushing Savage's dissension for months. Savage wins. Makes Hogan jealous. BAM! Mega Powers collide one more time! That and Savage has gotten fewer singles victories so he could use this one. The ladder match may be up Jack's alley, but I think you'll use that pull one over.


“Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes

Comments: If Sting is doing it for himself, this may have to be the big inspirational win of the night. Dusty walks out to protect Dustin from the other Horsemen, but Dustin gets one over on Flair clean.


“The Monster” Vader vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger

Comments: I'm giving it to Vader, because nWo should be getting victories and Vader is too legit.


“Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin

Comments: Austin is getting the victory here, but Pillman will get a win for himself later so he can face Sting for the title.


Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett vs. The Road Warriors



WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

Arn Anderson and Owen Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers

Comments: I think it is about time for Hart to get some gold.


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff vs. Meng vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Comments: Orndorff is going to feel the BANG!


WCW World Television Championship vs. A Date with Tammy Lynn

“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Candido

Comments: I imagine shenangians. I don't think Guerrero is ready to drop the title, but I don't think Candido and Tammy are ready to split either. Candido will win by DQ.


The Giant vs. Terry Funk

Comments: Funk is going to take whoopin' and put Paul Wight over.


Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat vs. Ron Simmons and The Twilight Express

Comments: This could go either way in my head. Throughout this diary, I've expected something awesome from Simmons, but not much has gone on with him. Johnny B. Badd has exceeded all expectations since the beginning. Combine that with him teaming with the refreshed Harlem Heat and I think they are going to stomp Twilight Express. Honestly, I don't know why Simmons picked them for partners.


Biohazard and Rio the Renegade vs. Surge and The Flying Spyder

Comments: They're superheroes! Of course, they win!


1. What match will open the show? Normally I would say the Television title match, but with the stipulation I would a tad more inclined to put it later in the show. But I say start strong with the Tag Team Championship match.

2. Will Dusty Rhodes be in Dustin’s corner? Not at the beginning, but he will show up eventually.

3. Who will be named the new WCW Commissioner? I am wondering where Rick Rude will get involved, but he doesn't strike me as an Authority Figure. So I'll shoot myself in the foot and say Sir William. <_<

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting

Comments: Hogan has held the strap for a while time for the Stinger to Deathdrop his title reign


WCW World’s Title #1 Contender Ladder Match

“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack

Comments: Sting wins in the main so I have to give him the next biggest heel to have a feud with and Savage will have great matches with Sting.


“Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes

Comments: I think The Naitch will regret saying he'll shake The Naturals hand


“The Monster” Vader vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger

Comments: The powerhouse of the New World Order comes out looking like a million bucks.


“Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin

Comments: I think the Loose Cannon needs the W more here Austin can be made in a loss like he was in WWE in the alternate timeline.


Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett vs. The Road Warriors

Comments: The New World Order gain this victory to look stronger than ever


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

Arn Anderson and Owen Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers

Comments: Horsemen gain the Tag Team Titles


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff vs. Meng vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Comments: Page shines on the biggest stage in the biggest hole


WCW World Television Championship vs. A Date with Tammy Lynn

“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Candido

Comments: The Heat is On


The Giant vs. Terry Funk

Comments: The Monster destroys the Crazy Old Funker


Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat vs. Ron Simmons and The Twilight Express

Comments: The Badd Man and Harlem's Heat conquer Simmons and the ole Twilight Express


Biohazard and Rio the Renegade vs. Surge and The Flying Spyder

Comments: Da Flying Spyder and Surge do the thing


1. What match will open the show: Guerrero vs Candido

2. Will Dusty Rhodes be in Dustin’s corner: Yes

3. Who will be named the new WCW Commissioner:Ricky "Dicky" Rude

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This is a terrific card, man! Definitely a worthy Starrcade.




WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting

Comments: Going with Sting to finally end Hogan's reign, though I'm far from confident about it. Hogan could pull off a cheap win but with this being Starrcade and all I'm going with the Stinger.


WCW World’s Title #1 Contender Ladder Match

“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack

Comments: Given that I've got Sting winning the title it makes the most sense for Macho to get the win here.


“Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes

Comments: This would be such a huge win for Dustin and I would love to see it happen, but just as with Hogan/Sting I am far from confident about this pick.


“The Monster” Vader vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger

Comments: I think Vader will take this one.


“Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin

Comments:This is about as close to 50/50 for me as it could possibly get so I'm just gonna go with Austin.


Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett vs. The Road Warriors

Comments:The New World Order picking up the win here would make them look great. It might not necessarily be clean, but I think they'll beat the Road Warriors.


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

Arn Anderson and Owen Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers

Comments: I think the Steiners will pick up the win here.


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff vs. Meng vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Comments: I don't think Page is dropping the belt just yet.


WCW World Television Championship vs. A Date with Tammy Lynn

“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Candido

Comments: Personal preference more than anything else here. Should be one hell of a match though.


The Giant vs. Terry Funk

Comments: Maybe Funk will win by DQ, but I'm going with the Giant.


Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat vs. Ron Simmons and The Twilight Express

Comments: I love me some Harlem Heat.


Biohazard and Rio the Renegade vs. Surge and The Flying Spyder



1. What match will open the show? Tag Team Title match

2. Will Dusty Rhodes be in Dustin’s corner? Yes

3. Who will be named the new WCW Commissioner? Rick Rude

Hints: The commissioner is someone who has been seen in WCW in this diary before, and is not Ted DiBiase.

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting

Comments: With the NWO coming up, and the KOW kinda having tension, I think Hogan drops it. Sting's excellent challenger, and I think can make a real good champ


WCW World’s Title #1 Contender Ladder Match

“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack

Comments: Feeling some interference here, maybe from the Giant? Savage/Sting with some Hogan tension would be good


“Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes

Comments: In an upset


“The Monster” Vader vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger

Comments: Destroy Luger, please


“Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin

Comments: As about everyone has said, this one's just getting started

Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett vs. The Road Warriors

Comments: NWO's gotta go over tonight


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

Arn Anderson and Owen Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers

Comments: Really like this team. I wouldn't be surprised if the Horsemen eventually turn face to face off against the NWO


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff vs. Meng vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Comments: Injury Angle? Check. Triple Threat with 2 on 1 heel advantage? Check. DDP's got this one


WCW World Television Championship vs. A Date with Tammy Lynn

“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Candido

Comments: Enjoy the date, Tammy

The Giant vs. Terry Funk

Comments: Poor Terry


Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat vs. Ron Simmons and The Twilight Express

Comments: Just a hunch. I have a feeling that you have to solidify this new Badd/Heat alliance


Biohazard and Rio the Renegade vs. Surge and The Flying Spyder

Comments: This feels incredibly campy compared to the rest of the card, imo.


1. What match will open the show? US Title Match

2. Will Dusty Rhodes be in Dustin’s corner? Yes

3. Who will be named the new WCW Commissioner? Teddy Long?

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting

Comments: I'm really torn on this one, and just may come back and change it before the show. I just have a hunch that Sting is leaving empty-handed. With the way this storyline has gone, this just doesn't feel like the right time for him to be taking the title.


WCW World’s Title #1 Contender Ladder Match

“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack

Comments: Since I have a Hogan win, I'm booking this match with that in mind. A Savage/Hogan feud and tension in the KOW is possible, but Cactus stepping up to battle the Hulkster seems like the safer bet.


“Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes

Comments: Could go either way, but with the way this match has been built, I really feel like Dustin has to win here if he's ever going to become a true main event player. But maybe you don't intend for him to rise that high.


“The Monster” Vader vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger

Comments: Vader is going to be on the warpath after losing his title shot. Lexy's going to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


“Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin

Comments: So much for my "long term" talk! :D Still, given that this has really only come together over the past couple of weeks, this feels very much like the beginning of a long program. Assuming I'm right about that, a cheap win for Brian sounds like the way to go.


Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett vs. The Road Warriors

Comments: Part of me thinks Hall and Jarrett win here to give a boost to the NWO, but the Roadies just feel like they have more value as a tag team.


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

Arn Anderson and Owen Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers

Comments: Double A is the consummate tag team wrestler, and I can see he and Owen making for a great combo. Plus the Horsemen could always use more gold.


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff vs. Meng vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Comments: I would be SHOCKED if Paula won the title, especially considering the way his story with Meng seems to be headed.


WCW World Television Championship vs. A Date with Tammy Lynn

“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Candido

Comments: I can see the logic in a Candido win, but I prefer Eddie, plus the stipulation presents some interesting possibilities.


The Giant vs. Terry Funk

Comments: Easiest pick of the night. Sorry, Funker.


Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat vs. Ron Simmons and The Twilight Express

Comments: Johnny and the Heat have a lot more upside.


Biohazard and Rio the Renegade vs. Surge and The Flying Spyder

Comments: I'm going to imagine that this match will feature the "KA-POW!" effects like on the old Batman TV show.


1. What match will open the show? TV title

2. Will Dusty Rhodes be in Dustin’s corner? Not technically

3. Who will be named the new WCW Commissioner? Magnum TA

Hints: The commissioner is someone who has been seen in WCW in this diary before, and is not Ted DiBiase.

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting



WCW World’s Title #1 Contender Ladder Match

“Macho Man” Randy Savage vs. Cactus Jack



“Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes



“The Monster” Vader vs. “The Total Package” Lex Luger



“Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman vs. Steve Austin



Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett vs. The Road Warriors



WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

Arn Anderson and Owen Hart vs. The Steiner Brothers



WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff vs. Meng vs. Diamond Dallas Page



WCW World Television Championship vs. A Date with Tammy Lynn

“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Candido



The Giant vs. Terry Funk



Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat vs. Ron Simmons and The Twilight Express



Biohazard and Rio the Renegade vs. Surge and The Flying Spyder



1. What match will open the show? Biohazard and Renegade Vs Surge and Spyder

2. Will Dusty Rhodes be in Dustin’s corner? No

3. Who will be named the new WCW Commissioner? Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

Hints: The commissioner is someone who has been seen in WCW in this diary before, and is not Ted DiBiase.


15 points! Best of luck to all who enter!

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