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WCW Monday Nitro - October 30th, 1995



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Monday, October 30th, 1995

Held at: Crisler Arena in Ann Arbor, Michigan (Great Lakes)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” Ventura

Attendance: 13,184

Show Runtime: One Hour (Five minute overrun)

Rating: B

There are no comments to be made about this show.


The show opens with pre-recorded comments from WCW World champion Hollywood Hogan, who is along with WCW Vice President Eric Bischoff and The Giant. Hogan talks about how he “gave Sting the business” at Halloween Havoc, conveniently ignoring that Sting was completely unfazed by the attack with the baseball bat and Hogan ran away from him like the proverbial “scalded dog”.

Notes: Hogan improvised well, but Bischoff came off very underwhelming.

Rating: B


From there we go to Tony Schiavone, Jesse “The Body” Ventura, and “Mean” Gene Okerlund at the commentary booth. They recap a few of the events of Halloween Havoc, and then discuss the huge main event tonight, pitting “The Total Package” Lex Luger against “Macho Man” Randy Savage in what Jesse dubs a never-before-seen dream match… whether it really is or not is up to debate. Gene also talks about the big Halloween party going on backstage tonight, saying that he will be on hand to give updates on all the fun.

Notes: Tony had some masterful crowd interactions here, and Gene really worked the crowd well; but Jesse was very poor, because it really seems like whether the “dream match” thing is true or not, we didn’t fact check it at all.

Rating: C+


Ichii Yazaki makes an appearance on Nitro in action, as he takes on former World Tag Team champion “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff. This is a rather quick match, but the drama is high as both Jimmy Hart and Orndorff point accusing fingers at The Queen for being at ringside with Yazaki. That nearly gives the young masked star the victory with a series of quick roll-ups, but once “Mr. Wonderful” gets his head on straight, there’s no stopping him. He grounds the youngster and drills him with a jumping piledriver for the three count.

Match Time: 6:35

Rating: D+


“Mean” Gene is now back at the big Nitro Halloween Party, and there are a slew of wrestlers in the room. We see Terry Funk dressed as a Confederate soldier talking to Barry Windham as a cowboy, Alex Wright is dancing to the music while dressed as a robot, Bobby Eaton along with Stan Lane eats chips while dressed as… well, Bobby is dressed like Stan, and Stan is dressed as Bobby, swapping their old Midnight Express gears. Ricky Steamboat, dressed as Bruce Lee of course, is showing Rick Martel some karate chop moves, while Martel is dressed in a big, fancy getup. Gene inquires to Martel as to what or who is he dressed as, and Martel (through a pair of false fangs) says that he’s dressed as Louis de Pointe du Lac, Brad Pitt’s character from Interview with a Vampire… though, he says, everyone knows that Rick Martel looks better than Brad Pitt! Gene makes his way into a far corner of the room, where he finds Steve Austin, who is dressed as…… Steve Austin. Austin is sitting on top of his beer cooler, drinking as he quietly surveys the party. Okerlund asks if Austin is being antisocial for a reason, but Steve just tells him that he is enjoying his own party with a few of his best friends – Bud, Jack, and Jim.

Notes: Martel didn’t improvise very well, likely the teeth being the culprit.

Rating: B


We then go to an office building, where we see WCW’s Majority Stockholder Ted DiBiase. Ted is counting some cash as Richard Stevenson sits in the background scanning over paperwork, when he is approached by WCW Commissioner Nick Bockwinkel. Bockwinkel says that he’s here to talk serious business; the two have been in a power vortex for too long now. He says that he wants to solve this the only place two “old dogs” like the two of them know how – in the ring. He proposes that the two find representatives to challenge one another at Clash of the Champions, and the winning side will continue to hold power in WCW. DiBiase laughs, saying that he gladly accepts, because it will be much nicer working against only Bischoff as opposed to both Bischoff and Bockwinkel. He says that on Saturday Night, they will announce their representatives.

Rating: B


Lex Luger and The Road Warriors roar out to the ring, and Luger grabs a microphone to address the audience. He calls out the New World Order, saying that while he’s been busy trying to take the World title from the Kings of Wrestling, his friends Hawk and Animal have been having problems with another group: the nWo. Luger says that the three of them united are a force no men can beat, and with that in mind he challenges them to a match! The New World Order come down to the ring, laughing about the challenge, as Pillman takes a microphone. He says that a match like this will be bigger than any other match they can dream of, and that’s why they accept – however, it appears that just as Lex and his “Chicago chuckleheads” have always been a few cards short of a full deck, they also are a man down from an eight man tag. Luger says that Brian doesn’t have to worry about that, because at Clash of the Champions next week, they will announce their fourth tag team partner, and they will show the nWo that men like Lex, Hawk, and Animal will never die!

Notes: Luger improvised well, but Brian really enjoyed the freedom of being off-script.

Rating: B-


“The KoW’s Guardian Angel” Bubba Rogers is out for a short match, and he makes quick work of another big man, Cousin Marky. Hillbilly Jim does some good work at riling the fans up, but Jimmy Hart keeps Rogers on track, right into a Bubba Slam for the victory.

Match Time: 6:44

Rating: C-


Gene is with us again from the party, and this time we see Ron Simmons (dressed as Malcolm X), Juventud Guerrera (as Zorro, with the black eye mask covering his regular mask), Diamond Dallas Page (dressed as Tarzan), and the Steiner Brothers, who are dressed as Frankenstein’s Monster (Scott) and the Wolfman (Rick). Rick is barking at everyone, not playing outside of his standard character, but Scott talks to Gene. He says that it’s been a long time coming that he and his brother regained their WCW World Tag Team belts, and now that they have them, it won’t always be fun and games like it is tonight. Gene leaves Scott to go over and find JPL, who appears to be dressed in just a long coat. Gene asks him what he’s got under the coat, and JPL says that he’s dressed as a flasher – does Gene really want to see what’s under here? Okerlund says no and leaves, but the camera stays with JPL as he opens his coat… and begins pouring some liquid into the punchbowl.

Notes: JPL improvised well, but Scott was pretty poor. Gene enjoyed the freedom though.

Rating: B-


Tony throws us to the ring, where we find “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair. Flair appears of two minds in this promo, as he starts out in full Flair form, bragging and boasting about defeating Antonio Inoki last night “so bad that he ripped up his green card and won’t show his face in America again!” About halfway in, however, Ric turns his attention to Dustin Rhodes, and that’s when he gets calm and very well-spoken; he says that Dustin has defeated three of the Four Horsemen. “Didn’t think you’d make it by ‘Double A’ but kid, you did it.” He offers Rhodes his congratulations for his huge victory last night – but warns him that getting what he wants will be the worst decision that he’s ever made.

Notes: Flair enjoyed the freedom of not having a script here and just speaking with emotion, and he performed well because of it.

Rating: B-


It’s main event time, as Lex Luger takes on “Macho Man” Randy Savage. The crowd are hot for this one, watching these two great legends of the sport go at it, and the action is great – though Lex is somewhat off his game tonight. They put on a formula match, which ends when Savage pulls an object out of his tights and knocks Luger’s lights out with it, before hitting the flying elbow for the tainted victory. Jesse points out that like the methods or not, all matches on Nitro tonight were won by KoW members.

Match Time: 9:54

Rating: B


Back to the party again; we’ve added Marty Jannetty (dressed as Motley Crue member Nikki Sixx) and Terry Taylor (dressed not as a rooster thankfully; he’s just wearing a suit) to the festivities. Eric Bischoff walks in, and he gets right into JPL’s face, saying that he saw him putting something in the punch, and that is unacceptable behavior! JPL tries to shrug it off, but Eric won’t take that as an answer, but Bischoff gets spun around – and Steve Austin grabs a pie from the table and smashes it into Eric’s face! This becomes a food fight, and Gene gets out of there before he gets any on his coat.

Notes: JPL was poor, but Eric improvised well.

Rating: B-


With the fun stuff out of the way, Cactus Jack comes out with a solemn look on his face. He says that he may be out of line here, but he would like to talk to Sting. Jack says that a few years ago, he and Sting had a great match here in WCW, and he admits that personally, despite losing, it’s still one of his favorite matches he’s ever participated in. But something is wrong, he says; he talks about how over the past few months, he hasn’t seen that Sting come out here. That Sting he had an incredible match against, the Sting who the crowd would rally behind because through everything, they knew that he was the franchise of WCW. Cactus clarifies that he isn’t saying this in the same way that Rick Rude has been saying it – more like how only someone who’s a little mad himself can see others going down that same path of madness. Jack says that he doesn’t want Sting to lose his way, and that’s why if someone needs to pick up the banner of WCW, he will be happy to pick it up – and hand it back to Sting as soon as he feels he’s ready for it again. The crowd boos loudly however, when Randy Savage sneaks out of nowhere and attacks! Tony questions if Savage had even left the ringside area, and then Roddy Piper comes out and joins in on the assault. The two on one attack leaves Cactus on the mat, and they are about to use spraypaint to “mark” Cactus’s back. But from the rafters, Sting rappels in, saving Cactus from the humiliation (and also saving all the fans from seeing Jack’s shirt ripped off… hiyoo) but not from the attack itself. The crowd cheers him anyways, it’s Jesse Ventura who points that fact out, and we leave this episode of Nitro with that hanging in the air – why didn’t Sting save Cactus earlier if he was there the whole time?

Notes: Cactus really worked the crowd well, letting his emotions speak for him and performing well at it.

Ratings: A / B



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WCW Television: November 4th/5th, 1995


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“This week on WCW Saturday Night!

Three championships are on the line, the World Television, United States Heavyweight, and United States Tag Team titles will be up for grabs tonight; also, Marty Jannetty will try to rock “The Nature Boy” to the mat, and Booker T will take on the “Hot Rod” Roddy Piper! All tonight on WCW Saturday Night!”


Taped Thursday, November 2nd, 1995

Held at: Wolstein Center in Cleveland, Ohio (Great Lakes)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Terry Funk

Attendance: 13,397

Show Runtime: Two Hours

Rating: B

This show increased our popularity in 4 regions, but lost it in 11.



“Latino Heat” Eddy Guerrero d. “Youth Warrior” Juventud Guerrera to retain the WCW TV title. ©

Rey Mysterio Jr. d. Earl William Clayton despite a distraction from Syxx. (D+)

Jeff Jarrett d. Scott Armstrong with a figure four leglock. (D+)

The Armstrong Brothers d. The Hillbilly Cousins to retain the US Tag Team titles. ©

Diamond Dallas Page d. Smash to retain the US Heavyweight title, despite a disadvantage (see below). (B-)

Terry Gordy d. Sgt. Buddy Parker with the Asiatic Spike. (D+)

Ric Flair d. Marty Jannetty with the figure four leglock. (B-)

Roddy Piper d. Booker T after a distraction from Stevie Ray. (B)




Gene Okerlund talks to Chris Jericho, who again runs down Sting, saying he’s too afraid to face him in the ring. Gene says that he’s being told that Jericho is to show up at Clash of the Champions, but isn’t informed as to why. (B-)

Roddy Piper and Randy Savage laugh about Cactus Jack, and they hype that the Clash will play host to contract signings for the two’s separate matches against Austin and Jack at WrestleWar. (B+)

Gene Okerlund interviews Meng and “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff. Orndorff does the talking, saying that the Wonderful Destruction Crew can get the titles back… as long as Meng keeps his head in the game, unlike at Halloween Havoc. (C+)

Hollywood Hogan surprises everyone by appearing, and he yells at The Queen for her “split interests”. He says that if she really wants things to be this way, then he will take on Ichii Yazaki at Clash of the Champions – non-title, because he isn’t worth a title match – and if Hogan wins, he takes the mask off of him! If Yazaki wins, he might get a title shot! Hogan also says that Cactus Jack is sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong, and on Monday Nitro, he’s going to show him the power of the KoW as well! (B-)



Ric Flair and the Horsemen call out Dustin Rhodes, who comes out alongside Barry Windham and Ricky Steamboat. Flair says the same thing he did on Nitro, but adds that whereas Dustin has been defeating Horsemen, Ric has little to show for his side of the coin. Therefore, he is making two separate challenges – one for the Clash against Barry Windham, and one for WrestleWar against Ricky Steamboat! Dustin says that if Flair really feels he needs to take on his friends in order for them to have a match, then they accept! (B)

Nick Bockwinkel and Ted DiBiase meet in a neutral area, and Ted announces that his representative will be his own attorney, Richard Stevenson! Nick laughs off the idea, announcing his representative as the young Devon King, saying that even at half training, he will win this for the KoW! ©

The Steiner Brothers are in the ring to celebrate their big World Tag Team championship victory, saying that they will be happy to take on all comers. (B-) One comer emerges from the back, and that’s “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson; Anderson says that he is happy for Rick and Scott, given they came back earlier this year and now they’ve gotten what they came here for. He says that however, what comes hard to win can be easy to lose once the target is on your back – and with that, Owen and Eddy attack from behind! The Horsemen lay out the Steiners! (B-)

Diamond Dallas Page is on his way to the ring when California Kip gets his attention – and then Bubba Rogers and Smash assault him again! Page has to face Smash next, and he starts the match at a disadvantage! (C+)

Nitro recap video: Cactus Jack talks to Sting, but gets attacked by Randy Savage and Roddy Piper until Sting makes the (late) save. (B)

After the main event, Ron Simmons charges out to stop Stevie Ray and Johnny B. Badd from doing any damage to Booker T. ©


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WCW Main Event

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Gary Michael Cappetta

Rating: C+


Nitro recap video: Cactus Jack talks to Sting, but gets attacked by Randy Savage and Roddy Piper until Sting makes the (late) save. (B+)

“Das Wunderkind” Alex Wright d. Hakushi (D)

Storyline recap video: Hollywood Hogan and Ichii Yazaki are both being managed by The Queen, and Hogan doesn’t like it; he challenges Yazaki for Clash of the Champions! ©

Nuevo Gringos Locos d. Hysteria and Sgt. Buddy Parker (D)

Rio the Renegade assaults The Flying Spyder, and Dr. Karnage challenges the Spyder to fight Rio at Clash of the Champions! (E+)

Nitro/SN recap video: Nick Bockwinkel and Ted DiBiase agree to a match, announce their representatives on Saturday Night. (C-)

SN recap video: The Steiner Brothers get assaulted by Arn Anderson and Owen Hart, who make it known that they want the World Tag Team titles. (C+)

California Kip d. Ricky Morton (C-)

Mike Tenay interviews Kip after the match, and he says that he can’t wait to have the US title around his waist! ©



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So does Queen have to stop managing Yazaki if he loses, or is it just his mask at stake?


The Halloween party was some good cheesy fun. Personally I think you should've made Terry Taylor put on a Gobbledygooker knockoff costume, just to make sure he's associated with two of the most godawful gimmicks of that era. :p


The Cactus Jack/Sting angle was very well written. You've managed to keep this Sting saga interesting throughout.

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So does Queen have to stop managing Yazaki if he loses, or is it just his mask at stake?


The Halloween party was some good cheesy fun. Personally I think you should've made Terry Taylor put on a Gobbledygooker knockoff costume, just to make sure he's associated with two of the most godawful gimmicks of that era. :p


The Cactus Jack/Sting angle was very well written. You've managed to keep this Sting saga interesting throughout.


Yeah, Hogan vs Yazaki, Queen vs mask.


lol... yeah, I thought the Halloween party was fun. Something that WCW would have put on TV for sure.


Thanks, I really like the way that the angle has played out. It really has encompassed most of WCW, who I feel are rather rudderless in this war without the usual person who steers the ship.

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WCW Hotline: November 1995, Week 2



WCW Hotline

2nd Week of November 1995

Option 1: Clash of the Champions Control Center!

Option 2: WCW contract news!

Option 3: WCW television news!

Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Option 5: Last week’s ratings!

Option 6: Monday Night Waste!

Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Option 8: Mean Gene’s rumor corner!

Option 9: A gift from the WCW Catalog!


Option 1: Clash of the Champions Control Center!

The card has been finalized following this past week’s WCW Saturday Night, and if you can’t be in Trump Plaza, you need to call your cable company and order right now!


Option 2: WCW contract news!

Meng has signed a new contract extension to WCW, which should keep him terrorizing the company for a few more years.


Option 3: WCW television news!

The ink is all but dry on the contracts to renew both Monday Nitro on TNT and Saturday Night on TBS, as well as Nitro expanding to the “old country”, as we send the new flagship of pro wrestling to the Eurosport channel in order to broadcast to both Europe and the British Isles!


Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

A huge World Heavyweight title match will take place as Hollywood Hogan faces off against the deranged wild man, Cactus Jack! Also, Diamond Dallas Page will try to eliminate one of his problems as he faces off against big Bubba Rogers! Come and see where the big boys play at 7pm on TNT, 10pm on TSN!


Option 5: Last week’s Neilson ratings!

Halloween Nitro nearly broke the meter, as it drew a 7.99 rating on TNT! It also rose on TSN to 1.90. Meanwhile, a paltry Raw saw a declined 4.47 rating on USA. WCW Saturday Night drew 6.13 on TBS, and WCW Main Event saw a 0.63 rating.


Option 6: Eric Bischoff presents: Monday Night Waste!

Boy, the Rosemon Horizon in Chicago saw quite the interesting episode of Raw this past week. It’s 1991 all over again, as Jim Warrior gets dropped on his head by the corpse of Mean Mark Callous. Meanwhile, Monday Nitro this week will feature an exclusive World Heavyweight championship match! You know what you want to watch!


Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

You will be the first to see all the fallout from Clash of the Champions this Saturday on TBS! Make sure you’ve got it tuned to TBS at 6:05 PM ET!


Option 8: “Mean Gene” Okerlund’s rumor corner!

The WWF must be jealous that we have two “A” shows going on within a week. Despite previous plans to change that, the rumblings that the WWF have signed a brand new contract with ABC has WCW rethinking those plans in a hurry! This fall network season is getting more and more heated as it continues!


Option 9: A special gift from the WCW Catalog!

Get your very own Clash of the Champions official program by pressing zero to call the WCW Hotline now!




I'll be posting the CotC prediction card following Nitro, which will probably be in a few days. The way I'm doing things this month is that the winner for November will be between both CotC and WrestleWar, which is on week 3.


Glad to see everyone excited for King vs Richardson! :)

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<p>WCW Monday Nitro - November 7th, 1995</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i1325.photobucket.com/albums/u628/beejus1/wcw-95/nitro.jpg</span><p> <iframe width="350" height="263" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cXXWw8AneQw?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p> <em>“Last week on </em><em><strong>WCW Monday Nitro!</strong></em><em> </em></p><p><em> The Halloween spirit was strong in WCW, but other emotions ran high as Cactus Jack had strong words for Sting! Sting made the save, but only after the attack was completed. Has “The Franchise of WCW” truly turned his back on us all?!”</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;"><em>Monday, November 7th, 1995</em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><em> Held at: Philadelphia Civic Center in Philadelphia, PA (Tri-State)</em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><em> Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” Ventura</em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><em> Attendance: 12,037 (Sold Out!)</em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><em> Show Runtime: One Hour</em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><em> Rating: B</em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><em> This show increased our popularity in 5 regions.</em></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35691" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>Cactus Jack</strong> opens the show tonight on his own in a darkly lit room. He talks softly about how it seems to have taken about seven years, and now he’s finally being given a chance – a chance to try and gain the WCW World Heavyweight title. He says that it’s just how any boyhood dream can end, holding the championship high with the crowd cheering you on. Jack then turns to a vicious level, shrieking that he hopes Hollywood Hogan doesn’t have any big movie roles coming up, because when you take on Cactus Jack, you leave both physically and mentally disfigured! He changes his tune to Hogan’s running mate, Randy Savage; saying that “The Macho Man” is already pretty mentally disfigured, but he isn’t nearly as physically maimed as Cactus Jack. He says that if Savage keeps on this path, then he could lose some teeth or lose an ear, because Cactus isn’t crazy like Brian Pillman, and he isn’t crazy like Randy Savage – he’s crazy for WCW, and he will do whatever it takes to end this whole thing – whether he has to do it on his own, or if someone is going to rappel in from the ceiling on time.</p><p> <em>Notes: Jack’s improvisation was masterful, we simply let him run with it and he did amazing. He came out of this looking very good.</em></p><p><em> Rating: A</em></p><p> </p><p> Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” Ventura open the show following the Nitro video and pyro, talking about how huge it is to see a World title match tonight between Hollywood Hogan and Cactus Jack! Tony talks about what a huge chance this is for Jack, and Jesse says that someone as hungry and young as Cactus is just what Hogan typically avoids – he won’t be surprised to see Hogan disfigured like what Cactus talked about earlier.</p><p> <em>Notes: Tony struggled a little off-script, but Jesse improvised well; he seemed to be letting personal experience speak.</em></p><p><em> Rating: C+</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>WCW United States Heavyweight Championship</strong></p><p><strong> Diamond Dallas Page vs. “The KoW’s Guardian Angel” Bubba Rogers w/Jimmy Hart</strong></p><p> Ton and Jesse talk about how they wonder just how badly Rogers is trying to win the title here, figuring he likely has been given orders to just weaken Page up for tomorrow night’s title defense against California Kip. Bubba does exactly that, working DDP over with a lot of hard strikes and smashes; but just as the champion starts to battle back into it, Kip himself rushes into the ring and begins attacking him, drawing a disqualification that Bubba doesn’t seem all that pleased about. As the KoW contingent leave the ring, DDP gets a microphone and tells him that as Kip and his buddies have enjoyed having one another’s backs so much, he’s going to have a surprise in his corner tomorrow night, and lady luck will most definitely be shining on Diamond Dallas Page at Trump Plaza!</p><p> <em>Match Time: 7:20</em></p><p><em> Notes: DDP enjoyed the freedom to be off-script.</em></p><p><em> Ratings: C / C+</em></p><p> </p><p> “Mean” Gene is out to discuss the WCW Hotline, when the <strong>New World Order</strong> approach him. Scott Hall immediately puts attention on himself by throwing an arm around Gene’s shoulders and giving a loud “Hey, yo” into the microphone. Gene brushes him off, saying that someone “like Hall” shouldn’t be allowed to put his hands on anyone, let alone him. Scott seems disappointed, but says that some “mangs” he wants to get his hands on will be “Lex Loser” and “the Road Rashers”. Jarrett speaks, saying that people like Luger, Hawk, and Animal have been on top for far too long; it’s time for a new crop of better, stronger, and more good looking athletes to take their place, and that’s why they are the New World Order. Gene interjects that Lex and the Road Warriors are still at the top of their game, dare he say still in their primes; they shouldn’t have to move over if they are still on top! The crowd cheers that loudly, but Brian Pillman silences them by coldly telling Okerlund that he couldn’t be any more wrong; “The Loose Cannon” says that those three have had their primes long ago, and the only reason they are still on top is because WCW keeps putting them there overtop of far more deserving, far more talented wrestlers like the nWo. Pillman says that there is no man who has been in WCW or given more for WCW than he has – and it took an entire uprising to get noticed by management. Brian closes by saying that it doesn’t matter who they choose tomorrow night as their partner for WrestleWar, because the new world is coming whether they like it or not.</p><p> <em>Notes: Gene worked the crowd very well, while Hall and Jarrett performed well off-script.</em></p><p><em> Rating: B</em></p><p> </p><p> We head to pre-taped comments from the two sides of the power struggle matchup at Clash of the Champions. First we see Nick Bockwinkel, who is talking to Devon King. He says that now is not the time to be star struck, this is the time to show that he belongs in the Kings of Wrestling. He tells King that he has been getting trained by Bubba and Smash for months now, and now, in the final leg of his training, he needs to be put to the test with one of the all-time greats – and in walks “Macho Man” Randy Savage! Savage immediately decks King, putting him on his back but not out. Devon gets to his feet, and Savage just starts tearing into him, while Bockwinkel starts yelling to him that this is going to help him. Meanwhile, we go to “Mean” Gene, alongside Ted DiBiase and Richard Stevenson. Richard says that he’s been studying all the wrestling knowledge that DiBiase has imparted upon him, studying almost as vigorously as he studies the law. He says that he knows the rules of WCW wrestling like the back of his hand now, and DiBiase tells him that knowing the rules is most of the battle – and the rest of it, Richard has learned from DiBiase himself, along with a few of his old friends, over the past few months. Tony comments the two very different ways that these two men have been prepared, but it’s apparently been a process that is months in the making for both of these young guns, who will get their chance to shine against one another in Trump Plaza at the Clash of the Champions!</p><p> <em>Ratings: B / C+</em></p><p> </p><p> Another pre-taped interview, this time a promo from <strong>Hollywood Hogan</strong>. Hogan is alongside The Giant, The Queen, and Eric Bischoff. The World champion does all the talking, saying that it’s coming time to put an end to two things: first, the rumors that he’s afraid of Sting. He says that Sting can quietly hang out in the shadows all he wants, because he has no friends to talk to anyways. He then turns his attention to the Clash of the Champions, saying that he will put an end to this whole thing with “that kid”, Queen telling him that “his name is Ichii” but Hogan ignores her; Eric pulling her aside roughly to angrily talk to her in whispers. Hollywood says that he lays down the law, and the law says that what Hollywood says, goes. He says that he’s so confident that he won’t even break a sweat in this match that he will only accept victory by pinfall or submission against Yazaki; but no matter what, he will “squash this bug and take his mask and show the world how ugly his face is”. The Queen looks sour behind him, as we head out to the ring.</p><p> <em>Notes: Hogan struggled a little here, seeming to drift from one subject to the next. Queen also didn’t come out of this looking good.</em></p><p><em> Rating: C+</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Lance Storm, Syxx, and Psychosis w/Larry Zbyszo vs. “Youth Warrior” Juventud Guerrera, “Das Wunderkind” Alex Wright, and Rey Mysterio Jr.</strong></p><p><strong> Guest Commentary: Sonny Onoo with Ultimo Dragon</strong></p><p> A good, yet short high flying extravaganza is put on here. The Cruiserweight champion stands watching at ringside, as Onoo says that he is out here to scout. In an odd turn of events, Onoo and Tony seem to have a good banter as they call this match. Of all the random pairings to find chemistry between… anyways, this one quickly devolves into a melee of flying bodies, before Storm falls victim to a surprise German suplex from German Alex Wright, leading to the pinfall. Tony says that this could put “Das Wunderkind” in line for a future title shot, but Onoo tries to deny it.</p><p> <em>Match Time: 7:57</em></p><p><em> Rating: C</em></p><p> </p><p> “Mean” Gene brings out his guests at this time, <strong>“The Total Package” Lex Luger</strong> and <strong>the Road Warriors</strong>. These three, who have almost formed an unofficial stable as of late, have been impressive together, and they are here to respond to what the New World Order had to say about them earlier. Lex says that he feels sorry that Brian Pillman feels that way about how WCW has treated him in the past; but that he and his friends have little incentive to move aside from WCW while they are on top of their games. He tells them that he had that phase of his career as well, where he just wanted to shove the top guys away, but warns them that doing so can step on the wrong toes – and that’s exactly what he and his New World Order are doing. Gene tries to pry for the man they will announce as their fourth partner tomorrow at Clash of the Champions, Gene outright asking if Luger is wanting Sting to come to his aid; but the mention of Sting puts a sour look on Lex’s face, and the three walk away from him.</p><p> <em>Notes: Luger performed well, but Gene didn’t do well here for once. Maybe he was getting tired by this time of night.</em></p><p><em> Rating: B</em></p><p> </p><p> A graphic announces that one of the Steiner Brothers will square off with either Arn Anderson or Owen Hart at Clash of the Champions, and the winner will get to determine a stipulation for the teams’ matchup at WrestleWar!</p><p> <em>Rating: C+</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>WCW World Heavyweight Championship</strong></p><p><strong> Hollywood Hogan w/The Queen vs. Cactus Jack</strong></p><p> Jack’s big match sees him take the fight right to Hogan, who stalls for time as often as he can. Hollywood frustrates his unstable opponent, who makes a mistake at just the wrong time and leads to the champion taking over. Hogan loses his focus when Ichii Yazaki comes down to ringside, and he starts to leave with The Queen again! This time, however, Hogan gets out of the ring and stops it from happening, verbally berating both of them that “she’s under my contract, so get out of here!” You would think this could possibly lead to a count out, but before it happens Randy Savage comes off the top with a double axe handle on Jack, which leads to Tommy Young calling for the disqualification. As Jack and Savage brawl away into the night, Hogan and Queen are at ringside arguing. He keeps telling her that her contract is to him, not to WCW, and that means she stays at his side, and there’s nothing anybody can do about it; she fires back that Ichii will do it for her at the Clash. Hogan tells her to carry his title out of here, but she won’t take it. He looks ready to knock some sense into her, but that’s when Yazaki comes flying into Hogan with a suicide dive! Yazaki and Queen head off toward the backstage area while Hollywood is dazed.</p><p> <em>Match Time: 11:07</em></p><p><em> Notes: Hogan improvised his yelling at Queen well, and looked excellent; but Queen and Yazaki were a tad underwhelming.</em></p><p><em> Ratings: B+ / C</em></p><p> </p><p> Amongst all the chaos in and around the ring, the camera catches something at random… and as most cameras are surveying the brawls and arguments that surround the arena, one camera scans upwards, and we see <strong>Sting</strong> emotionlessly watching on from up in the rafters. He twirls his black baseball bat in a circle, and turns his back, walking away, as the show fades to black.</p><p> <em>Rating: B</em></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1325.photobucket.com/albums/u628/beejus1/wcw-95/logo.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p>
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<p>WCW Clash of the Champions #29 official program!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35691" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-size:8px;">Do note that I just posted the final Nitro before the Clash, meaning that Clash of the Champions will be done NEXT. I will give roughly the rest of this week for predictions to come in for it.</span></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1325.photobucket.com/albums/u628/beejus1/wcw-95/cotc.jpg</span><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>WCW Clash of the Champions XXIX!</strong></span></p><p> <span style="font-size:14px;"><em>LIVE on pay-per-view Tuesday, November 8th, 1995, from the famed Trump Plaza in Atlantic City!</em></span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Can Love Conquer All?</strong></p><p> <em>Young star Ichii Yazaki gets the match of a lifetime as he takes on Hollywood Hogan for the services of The Queen… but if he loses, he must lose his mask!</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Former Friends, Forever Enemies!</strong></p><p> <em>“The Blackjack” Barry Windham goes head-to-head with a man he knows all too well, “Nature Boy” Ric Flair!</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Two huge contract signings!</strong></p><p> <em>Will the combustible elements explode as “Hot Rod” Roddy Piper and Steve Austin, as well as “Macho Man” Randy Savage and Cactus Jack, come face to face to sign for matches at WrestleWar?!</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Two Rookies Battle Over Power!</strong></p><p> <em>In the ultimate of Gentlemen’s Agreements, Nick Bockwinkel turns to young Devon King and Ted DiBiase turns to Richard Stevenson to determine which of the two will retain their power in WCW!</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Who will be champion of the United States?</strong></p><p> <em>California Kip wants to get some gold around his waist again, as he tries to wrest it away from Diamond Dallas Page! But what will be DDP’s secret surprise?</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>One Steiner against One Horseman!</strong></p><p> <em>One of the World Tag Team champion Steiner Brothers will take on either Arn Anderson or Owen Hart, to determine which team gets to choose a stipulation for a tag title match at WrestleWar!</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>A Super-Powered Slugfest!</strong></p><p> <em>Crazy Rio the Renegade wants to squash The Flying Spyder! Will the rest of the Dungeon of Doom come into play, and will the mysterious Surge help save the day if they do?</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Rumor Corner is going wild!</strong></p><p> <em>“Lionheart” Chris Jericho will be on hand for a special announcement that WCW executives will deliver via “Mean” Gene Okerlund! Also, who will team up with Lex Luger and the Road Warriors to take on the New World Order at WrestleWar?!</em></p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="font-size:8px;">Card subject to change</span></em><em> </em></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35691" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Fan Scoresheet</span> <em><span style="font-size:8px;">(Comments not necessary, but always appreciated!)</span></em><p> </p><p> Barry Windham w/Magnum TA vs. Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan</p><p> Comments: </p><p> </p><p> Mask vs. Love</p><p> Ichii Yazaki vs. Hollywood Hogan</p><p> Comments: </p><p> </p><p> WCW Stockholder Shares vs. WCW Commissionership</p><p> Richard Stevenson w/Ted DiBiase vs. Devon King w/Jimmy Hart</p><p> Comments: </p><p> </p><p> WCW United States Heavyweight Championship</p><p> Diamond Dallas Page vs. California Kip w/Jimmy Hart</p><p> Comments: </p><p> </p><p> Rick or Scott Steiner vs. Arn Anderson or Owen Hart</p><p> Comments: </p><p> </p><p> The Flying Spyder vs. Rio the Renegade w/Dr. Karnage</p><p> Comments: </p><p> </p><p> Will the Roddy Piper/Steve Austin contract signing become a brawl? </p><p> Will the Randy Savage/Cactus Jack contract signing become a brawl?</p><p> What will Gene Okerlund have to tell Chris Jericho? </p><p> Will any matches not take place as advertised?</p><p> Which Steiner Brother be in the match?</p><p> Which Horseman will be in the match?</p><p> <em>12 points to be had, and they will lead into the WrestleWar prediction contest!</em></p><p> </p><p> Fun Fan Signs: </p><p> </p><p> (As the contest is taking place over two shows, there are no tiebreakers this month.)</p></div></blockquote>
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<p>Barry Windham w/Magnum TA vs. <strong>Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan</strong></p><p>

Comments: Flair VS Dustin at Starrcade </p><p> </p><p>

Mask vs. Love</p><p>

<strong>Ichii Yazaki</strong> vs. Hollywood Hogan</p><p>

Comments: Sting interferes</p><p> </p><p>

WCW Stockholder Shares vs. WCW Commissionership</p><p>

<strong>Richard Stevenson w/Ted DiBiase</strong> vs. Devon King w/Jimmy Hart</p><p>

Comments: Devon leaves the KoW</p><p> </p><p>

WCW United States Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong> vs. California Kip w/Jimmy Hart</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Rick or Scott Steiner vs. <strong>Arn Anderson or Owen Hart</strong></p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Flying Spyder</strong> vs. Rio the Renegade w/Dr. Karnage</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Will the Roddy Piper/Steve Austin contract signing become a brawl? <strong>Yes</strong></p><p>

Will the Randy Savage/Cactus Jack contract signing become a brawl? <strong>Yes</strong></p><p>

What will Gene Okerlund have to tell Chris Jericho?<strong> Rick Rude is fired?</strong></p><p>

Will any matches not take place as advertised? No</p><p>

Which Steiner Brother be in the match? Scott</p><p>

Which Horseman will be in the match? Arn</p><p> </p><p>

12 points to be had, and they will lead into the WrestleWar prediction contest!</p><p> </p><p>

Fun Fan Signs: Ichii <3 Queen; It's Showtime!; Kip will feel the BANG!; Stevenson & King will steal the show</p>

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<p>Fan Scoresheet (Comments not necessary, but always appreciated!)</p><p> </p><p>

Barry Windham w/Magnum TA vs. <strong>Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan</strong></p><p>

Comments: <em>Flair/Rhodes is bound to happen</em></p><p> </p><p>

Mask vs. Love</p><p>

Ichii Yazaki vs. <strong>Hollywood Hogan</strong></p><p>

Comments:<em>I don't know about this one, man. I want Ichii to win, but Hogan has creative control(right?)</em></p><p> </p><p>

WCW Stockholder Shares vs. WCW Commissionership</p><p>

<strong>Richard Stevenson w/Ted DiBiase </strong>vs. Devon King w/Jimmy Hart</p><p>

Comments: <em>Stevenson takes this one, but I have a feeling he may be turning soon</em></p><p> </p><p>

WCW United States Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Diamond Dallas Page </strong>vs. California Kip w/Jimmy Hart</p><p>

Comments:<em>Easy one for me</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rick or Scott Steiner</strong> vs. Arn Anderson or Owen Hart</p><p>

Comments: <em>Just a hunch</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Flying Spyder</strong> vs. Rio the Renegade w/Dr. Karnage</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Will the Roddy Piper/Steve Austin contract signing become a brawl? <strong>Yes</strong></p><p>

Will the Randy Savage/Cactus Jack contract signing become a brawl? <strong>No</strong></p><p>

What will Gene Okerlund have to tell Chris Jericho? <strong>That shirt really looks nice on him</strong></p><p>

Will any matches not take place as advertised? <strong>Yes</strong></p><p>

Which Steiner Brother be in the match? <strong>Scott</strong></p><p>

Which Horseman will be in the match? <strong>Arn</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Fun Fan Signs:</p><p>

<strong>Devon King is the King of the Devons</strong></p>

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<p>Barry Windham w/Magnum TA vs. <strong>Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan</strong></p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Mask vs. Love</p><p>

Ichii Yazaki vs. <strong>Hollywood Hogan</strong></p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

WCW Stockholder Shares vs. WCW Commissionership</p><p>

<strong>Richard Stevenson w/Ted DiBiase</strong> vs. Devon King w/Jimmy Hart</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

WCW United States Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong> vs. California Kip w/Jimmy Hart</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Rick or Scott Steiner vs. <strong>Arn Anderson or Owen Hart</strong></p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Flying Spyder</strong> vs. Rio the Renegade w/Dr. Karnage</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Will the Roddy Piper/Steve Austin contract signing become a brawl? <strong>Nope</strong></p><p>

Will the Randy Savage/Cactus Jack contract signing become a brawl? <strong>Yep</strong></p><p>

What will Gene Okerlund have to tell Chris Jericho? <strong>next opponent</strong> </p><p>

Will any matches not take place as advertised? <strong>Nope</strong></p><p>

Which Steiner Brother be in the match? <strong>Scott</strong></p><p>

Which Horseman will be in the match? <strong>Owen</strong></p><p>

12 points to be had, and they will lead into the WrestleWar prediction contest!</p><p> </p><p>

Fun Fan Signs:</p><p>


Take it of</strong></p>

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<p>Fan Scoresheet (Comments not necessary, but always appreciated!)</p><p> </p><p>

Barry Windham w/Magnum TA vs. <strong>Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan</strong></p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Mask vs. Love</p><p>

Ichii Yazaki vs. <strong>Hollywood Hogan</strong></p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

WCW Stockholder Shares vs. WCW Commissionership</p><p>

Richard Stevenson w/Ted DiBiase vs. <strong>Devon King w/Jimmy Hart</strong></p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

WCW United States Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong> vs. California Kip w/Jimmy Hart</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Rick or Scott Steiner vs.<strong> Arn Anderson or Owen Hart</strong></p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Flying Spyder</strong> vs. Rio the Renegade w/Dr. Karnage</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Will the Roddy Piper/Steve Austin contract signing become a brawl? <em>Oh,Hell yeah!</em></p><p>

Will the Randy Savage/Cactus Jack contract signing become a brawl?<em>No</em></p><p>

What will Gene Okerlund have to tell Chris Jericho? <em>His WrestleWar opponent</em></p><p>

Will any matches not take place as advertised? <em>No</em></p><p>

Which Steiner Brother be in the match? <em>Rick</em></p><p>

Which Horseman will be in the match?<em>Arn</em></p><p>

12 points to be had, and they will lead into the WrestleWar prediction contest!</p><p> </p><p>

Fun Fan Signs: </p><p>

<strong>Devon- It's good to be a King!</strong></p>

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<p>Barry Windham w/Magnum TA vs. <strong>Ric Flair</strong> w/Bobby Heenan</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Mask vs. Love</p><p>

<strong>Ichii Yazaki</strong> vs. Hollywood Hogan</p><p>

Comments: There's a very specific way I see this match unfolding, but I'm not going to spill it here just in case I'm right.</p><p> </p><p>

WCW Stockholder Shares vs. WCW Commissionership</p><p>

<strong>Richard Stevenson</strong> w/Ted DiBiase vs. Devon King w/Jimmy Hart</p><p>

Comments: Stevie Kick!</p><p> </p><p>

WCW United States Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong> vs. California Kip w/Jimmy Hart</p><p>

Comments: Stupid Kip.</p><p> </p><p>

Rick or<strong> Scott Steiner</strong> vs. Arn Anderson or Owen Hart</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Flying Spyder</strong> vs. Rio the Renegade w/Dr. Karnage</p><p>

Comments: More campy goodness in the undercard.</p><p> </p><p>

Will the Roddy Piper/Steve Austin contract signing become a brawl? <strong>No</strong></p><p>

Will the Randy Savage/Cactus Jack contract signing become a brawl? <strong>Yes</strong></p><p>

What will Gene Okerlund have to tell Chris Jericho? <strong>No more Rude</strong></p><p>

Will any matches not take place as advertised? <strong>Yes</strong></p><p>

Which Steiner Brother be in the match? <strong>Scott</strong></p><p>

Which Horseman will be in the match? <strong>Owen</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Fun Fan Signs: <strong>Beauty and the Ichii</strong></p><p><strong>

Does whatever a spyder can!</strong></p><p><strong>

Roddy wears a skirt!</strong></p>

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<p>Barry Windham w/Magnum TA vs. <strong>Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan</strong></p><p>

Comments: All things considered, I just don't see Naitch losing here.</p><p> </p><p>

Mask vs. Love</p><p>

Ichii Yazaki vs. <strong>Hollywood Hogan</strong></p><p>

Comments: Same as above, though Yazaki winning would be a huge, potentially career making upset. Also, I don't imagine Hogan being too thrilled taking the loss here.</p><p> </p><p>

WCW Stockholder Shares vs. WCW Commissionership</p><p>

<strong>Richard Stevenson w/Ted DiBiase</strong> vs. Devon King w/Jimmy Hart</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

WCW United States Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong> vs. California Kip w/Jimmy Hart</p><p>

Comments: I'm thinking/hoping that Page holds on to the title for a long time.</p><p> </p><p>

Rick or Scott Steiner vs.<strong> Arn Anderson or Owen Hart</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Flying Spyder</strong> vs. Rio the Renegade w/Dr. Karnage</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Will the Roddy Piper/Steve Austin contract signing become a brawl? <strong>I would think so, yes.</strong></p><p>

Will the Randy Savage/Cactus Jack contract signing become a brawl? <strong>This one too, yes.</strong></p><p>

What will Gene Okerlund have to tell Chris Jericho? <strong>Going to go with his Wrestlewar opponent.</strong></p><p>

Will any matches not take place as advertised? <strong>No</strong></p><p>

Which Steiner Brother be in the match? <strong>Rick</strong></p><p>

Which Horseman will be in the match? <strong>Owen</strong></p><p>

12 points to be had, and they will lead into the WrestleWar prediction contest!</p><p> </p><p>

Fun Fan Signs:</p>

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Fan Scoresheet (Comments not necessary, but always appreciated!)


Barry Windham w/Magnum TA vs. Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan

Comments: Yeah, Naitch can't lose here.


Mask vs. Love

Ichii Yazaki vs. Hollywood Hogan

Comments: I cannot wait to see who is Yazaki.


WCW Stockholder Shares vs. WCW Commissionership

Richard Stevenson w/Ted DiBiase vs. Devon King w/Jimmy Hart

Comments: Stevenson wins here, somehow.


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs. California Kip w/Jimmy Hart

Comments: It's a bit early for DDP to lose the belt.


Scott Steiner vs. Owen Hart

Comments: Owen beats Scotty here after some problems with Ricky, with the Horsemen gaining a shot at the Steiners.


The Flying Spyder vs. Rio the Renegade w/Dr. Karnage



Will the Roddy Piper/Steve Austin contract signing become a brawl? No.

Will the Randy Savage/Cactus Jack contract signing become a brawl? Yes sir.

What will Gene Okerlund have to tell Chris Jericho? That something happened with Dicky Rude.

Will any matches not take place as advertised? No.

Which Steiner Brother be in the match? Scotty Steiner.

Which Horseman will be in the match? Owen Hart.

12 points to be had, and they will lead into the WrestleWar prediction contest!



''A can of whoop-ass plus Hot Rod = Shut up and take my money!''

''Surge, don't be so Hardy with the Dungeon!''



(As the contest is taking place over two shows, there are no tiebreakers this month.)

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Barry Windham w/Magnum TA vs. Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan

Comments: Shenanigans gives Flair the win and keeps him strong for Dustin Rhodes.


Mask vs. Love

Ichii Yazaki vs. Hollywood Hogan

Comments: Yazaki will have to unmask as he continues to struggle for his love for the Queen.


WCW Stockholder Shares vs. WCW Commissionership

Richard Stevenson w/Ted DiBiase vs. Devon King w/Jimmy Hart

Comments: Good way to get Devon King over. Ted DiBiase could always start up his own stable again with Richard Stevenson being one of the founding members.


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs. California Kip w/Jimmy Hart

Comments: DDP's push continues, though I don't expect the feud to end here. I could see Kip winning the US Title in another showdown to keep it going.


Rick or Scott Steiner vs. Arn Anderson or Owen Hart

Comments: Chance to showcase the young guns of both sides, but the match will be thrown out. See below on the question about one of the matches not taking place.


The Flying Spyder vs. Rio the Renegade w/Dr. Karnage

Comments: Heel gets the win to keep the story interesting.


Will the Roddy Piper/Steve Austin contract signing become a brawl? Oh hell yeah! Wait, wrong wrestling universe... Sorry...

Will the Randy Savage/Cactus Jack contract signing become a brawl? No, with the announcers selling the surprise of it not devolving into a brawl.

What will Gene Okerlund have to tell Chris Jericho? He's all out of Slim Jims.

Will any matches not take place as advertised? The Steiner/Horsemen match

Which Steiner Brother be in the match? Scott Steiner

Which Horseman will be in the match? Owen Hart

12 points to be had, and they will lead into the WrestleWar prediction contest!


Fun Fan Signs: KIP OVERCOOKED MY BURGER! (reference to the old Kip's Big Boy food chain, for those wondering)

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Barry Windham w/Magnum TA vs. Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan



Mask vs. Love

Ichii Yazaki vs. Hollywood Hogan



WCW Stockholder Shares vs. WCW Commissionership

Richard Stevenson w/Ted DiBiase vs. Devon King w/Jimmy Hart



WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs. California Kip w/Jimmy Hart



Rick or Scott Steiner vs. Arn Anderson or Owen Hart



The Flying Spyder vs. Rio the Renegade w/Dr. Karnage



Will the Roddy Piper/Steve Austin contract signing become a brawl? Yes

Will the Randy Savage/Cactus Jack contract signing become a brawl? Yes

What will Gene Okerlund have to tell Chris Jericho? His next opponent

Will any matches not take place as advertised? No

Which Steiner Brother be in the match? Scott

Which Horseman will be in the match? Owen Hart

12 points to be had, and they will lead into the WrestleWar prediction contest!


Fun Fan Signs: This is KoW country!

Marvel is gonna sue someone!

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WCW Clash of the Champions #29



<iframe width="420" height="236" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/qFVykGQk_Jc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Tuesday, November 8th, 1995

Held at: Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, New Jersey (Tri-State)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and Jesse “The Body” Ventura

Attendance: 18,165 (Sold Out!)

PPV Buyrate: 4.12

Show Runtime: Two Hours and Five Minutes

Rating: B

This show increased our popularity in 24 regions.




WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs. California Kip w/Jimmy Hart

Time Limit: 45:00

Referee: Nick Patrick


The show begins with the United States Heavyweight title match, which is our only title match tonight, as champion Diamond Dallas Page defends against the man who wants to bring gold to the Kings of Wrestling, California Kip. Tony cues in that Kip has used both Smash and Bubba Rogers to continually beat Page down as of late, but DDP says he has a surprise tonight. Jesse laughs at a sign in the crowd that says “KIP OVERCOOKED MY BURGER!” Jimmy Hart is by Kip’s side, and he does all he can to try and influence this match, interjecting at any chance he gets. Jimmy also gets into an argument with a fan in the front row, who’s sign says that “Kip will feel the BANG!” Kip controls a lot of the match, thanks to “The Mouth of the South” – but DDP, fighting champion that he is, does not give in lightly. Finally Jimmy Hart drops all pretense and jumps up on the apron, prepared to swing his megaphone and nail DDP with it from behind. But………




He gets tripped by Kim Doll! Jimmy knocks his face off the apron, and Kip comes over to yell at her. He gets pulled around, right into the Diamond Cutter! Kip is practically comatose on the mat, and DDP gets the pinfall and retains his title, as Kimberly applauds from ringside!


Winner in 9:21 and still United States champion: Diamond Dallas Page

Rating: B





“The Dog Faced Gremlin” Rick Steiner vs. Owen Hart w/Bobby Heenan

Time Limit: 30:00

Referee: Randy “Pee Wee” Anderson


“The Dog-Faced Gremlin” takes part in this match, and Owen Hart attacks him before the bell. Jesse points out that Owen could go all night long in this one if he chooses, which is probably why the Horsemen chose him to take part in this match; but Tony says that perhaps they felt Hart needed to prove himself again, as he and Eddy both have been in the Horsemen’s doghouse the last few months after losing to Dustin Rhodes. Rick fights back and takes it to Owen, hitting him with suplexes and power offense that rocks Hart to his core. The end of the match sees Rick going for a Steinerline, but Owen ducks it and snatches a quick roll-up, putting his feet on the ropes for extra effectiveness to steal the win.


The match is over but Rick doesn’t seem to want to accept it, throwing punches at Owen. Hart fights back, as the bell is sounded to try and bring an end to this. Owen gets some assistance when Arn Anderson sneaks in and turns this into a two-on-one assault – and this could have been really bad if not for Scott Steiner and Barry Windham running down the aisle to the rescue! With three-on-two odds, the Horsemen decide to vacate the area; but the ball is in their court, as Owen’s win means they get to choose the stipulation for a World Tag Team championship match at WrestleWar.


Winner in 10:44: Owen Hart

Rating: C+ / B-




“Mean” Gene Okerlund comes down to the ring, and he says that it’s time for one of the two big contract signings this evening! He brings out Steve Austin as well as “Hot Rod” Roddy Piper. On his way to the ring, Piper rips away a fan’s sign that says “Roddy wears a skirt!” The two stay on opposite sides of a table in the center of the ring, and each man talks about how great it will be to finally put the other away in a one-on-one matchup. They go nose-to-nose briefly, but in the end, they simply sign their names and leave the ring separately, Austin taking time to pose on the corners for the fans. One fan’s sign in the crowd says “A can of whoop-ass plus Hot Rod = Shut up and take my money!”


Notes: Gene worked the crowd very well here.

Rating: B+




Johnny B. Badd and Stevie Ray, along with the Badd Girl, come marching to the ring. Badd says that it’s a travesty that men like he and Stevie had to pay for their own time to come out here on pay-per-view, when they should be on the card already. He starts to preach somewhat about how WCW have been holding “men like them” down, but they get interrupted by Ron Simmons and Booker T! “The All-American” does the talking, as he says that he’s been sick and tired long ago of Johnny and the crap he’s been spewing the past month. He tells Badd that he’s gone too far now, doing what he can to split up a family, one of the potential greatest tag teams in wrestling in Harlem Heat. Ron says that he has spoken to Booker here a lot as of late, and they’ve decided that the only way they are going to get through to Johnny and Stevie is to do what they do best – fight! Booker T is still pretty conflicted about meeting his brother in the ring, but he says that if that’s what he has to do to get through his thick skull, that’s what he’s gonna have to do. Stevie tells his brother that it wasn’t he or Johnny’s fault that Harlem Heat have separated right now – pointing the blame at Ron Simmons for trying to poison Booker’s mind with promises of greatness that will never be just handed to him! Badd says that as much as he wished it wouldn’t come to all this, because the men need to stick together rather than be torn apart, they accept the challenge for WrestleWar! Ron seems pleased about this, but Booker just shakes his head and walks backstage, not pleased about facing his brother!


Rating: B-





Rio the Renegade w/Dr. Karnage vs. The Flying Spyder

Time Limit: 30:00

Referee: Charles Robinson


This one is a very quick match, just to get over our undercard superhero storyline some more. The Spyder is game, putting up a great fight; or as one fan’s sign says, he “Does whatever a spyder can!” but the Dungeon of Doom gets involved when Biohazard throws our hero off the top rope, sending him crashing to the mat. Rio runs over and hits a big splash, getting the surprising pinfall.


Biohazard and Rio stand over the fallen Spyder, and Dr. Karnage starts yelling at them to finish the job! Biohazard starts lifting Spyder into a bearhug position, but suddenly the ring erupts with smoke! Tony and Jesse are completely confused, but as the smoke dissipates, both of the creations are down on the mat, with Surge standing over them! A sign in the crowd rises quickly that says “SURGE WILL NEVER SAY DIE!” The fan holds up another sign, but it gets confiscated pretty quickly because spoilers. He looks down upon the Spyder, but does nothing to help or hurt him. One fan seems to think this won’t end well for WCW itself, as his sign says that “Marvel is gonna sue somebody!” Let’s just say that we hope not.


Winner in 6:07: Rio the Renegade

Rating: D- / F+




We now go to a special meeting, with press and everything. Lex Luger is wearing a suit and everything, though the Road Warriors behind him are dressed as classy as you can expect two bikers in facepaint to be. Luger steps up to the podium, and he thanks everyone for being here for the announcement of their partner for WrestleWar. He gets ready to announce the partner, who he talks about as having been one of the very many people who came to them and offered his services because he was tired of seeing the New World Order trying to run over everyone in the company, but a commotion in the back of the room is the New World Order en masse to interrupt the proceedings! Brian Pillman yells at Luger, as security bristles, ready to step in if necessary. He says that it doesn’t matter who they have as their partner, because they have the most overlooked man in WCW (himself), the best big man in the business (Vader), one of the greatest second generation athletes in the history of wrestling (Jarrett), and a man who will be a World champion anywhere he damn well pleases (Hall) coming full speed ahead for Lex, his brutes, and whoever was stupid enough to jump on their side! Luger replies that he’s glad Brian is so overconfident in their team; he says that while he wished he would have heard from Sting by now, unfortunately Sting didn’t step forward. Pillman says that is because Sting wouldn’t fight against “his spiritual brethren” but that just makes Luger mad! Lex says that the man who did step forward will show that the nWo won’t have just a team of brutes coming at them, because one of the best technical wrestlers in pro wrestling is on their side, and that’s Rick Martel! Martel comes out from behind the curtain, and Brian loses it! He starts kicking and throwing chairs around, and he shoves security away from him as he says that Martel just made the biggest – and possibly the very last – mistake of his entire career by putting himself in the crosshairs of the nWo! The groups leave without incident, as Tony and Jesse talk about what a huge match that will be, only at WrestleWar! Behind Tony, you can see a fan who’s sign says “Play a tune Double J!”


Rating: C+




“Macho Man” Randy Savage is in the ring before his future opponent or “Mean” Gene is, and he is riling the crowds up by talking about how no matter who or what throws themselves at the Kings of Wrestling, “like I’ve always said, the cream will always rise to the top!” A sign in the crowd says that “This is KoW country!” which makes Savage smile. Cactus Jack makes his way out, and he looks like he just wants to get this contract signing over with so that he can get his hands on Savage. But Randy tells him “not so fast, no-no,” telling Jack that there’s something he may have not thought of until right in this split second. Suddenly Jack is assaulted by The Giant! The massive behemoth lays clubbing forearms down upon Cactus’s back and neck, before smashing him with a vicious, eight foot high chokeslam! Savage pulls him away, laughing at Jack… who is slowly but surely getting back to his feet in the ring, looking pained but definitely not put down!


Notes: Savage did some masterful crowd interactions here. Even as a heel, it’s tough not to love the guy.

Rating: B





WCW Stocks vs. WCW Commissionership

Richard Stevenson vs. Devon King

Time Limit: 45:00

Referee: Randy “Pee Wee” Anderson


One fan’s sign believes that “Stevenson and King will steal the show” and it’s possible that they will. The battle for power here in WCW comes down to this match, and both of these men are eager to prove themselves for their sides. Both of them Tony starts to call inexperienced wrestlers, but Jesse corrects him, saying that if they hadn’t proven themselves to some extent, Bockwinkel and DiBiase would have chosen someone else; he says that they may not have much experience wrestling in WCW, but they have to be fully trained in the art of professional wrestling to be here. Tony has nothing to add to that, so he just calls the match, as King takes over with something he must have learned from Smash: clubbing forearms. Stevenson gets himself caught in a headlock, but he is able to get to the ropes and break it. These two actually do a great job of making it look like amateur hour in there, using basic grapples and strikes on one another, but the story behind the match makes it mean so much more. Richard fights back with some open handed strikes, but falls victim to a hard powerslam that nearly ends this match! Devon again nearly picks up the victory for the KoW following a diving headbutt, but Stevenson is too close to the ropes again as he puts his foot over the rope! King decides it’s time to finish things off, as he slams Richard down in the center of the ring, and he hits the ropes – hitting an atomic legdrop, just like his hero, Hollywood Hogan! Signs praising him go up in the crowd that say “Devon King is the King of the Devons!” and “Devon – It’s good to be a King!” But a commotion keeps him from making the cover… Randy Anderson is not watching as Brian Pillman has emerged from out of the crowd! “The Loose Cannon” seems like he wants to jump into the ring, but he doesn’t, as Tony is completely confused as to why he’s out here. You can almost hear Jesse roll his eyes, as he points out that Brian is “The Loose Cannon” which means only he knows what he’s going to do next. Brian doesn’t actually get into the ring though, instead throwing harmless things like empty water bottles and toilet paper rolls into the ring. Devon is about as confused as Schiavone is at all of this, and that lack of focus leads him directly into a big savate kick from Stevenson – and King trips on one of the water bottles! He goes down to the mat, and Richard jumps on top, and Randy Anderson counts one! two! three! Pillman starts jumping around ecstatically, pointing up towards the rafters – perhaps as a nod to Sting? – before going backstage.


The match over, Devon shakes his head in disappointment and goes backstage; but Ted DiBiase steps into the ring and raises the hand of his representative, who is overwhelmed with joy at winning his first WCW match! DiBiase is all smiles for his lawyer, as a fan in the crowd holds up a sign that says “nDo: new DiBiase order” but Jesse Ventura is potentially the harbinger of future doom, as he points out to Tony that while this puts Nick Bockwinkel out of power, it does nothing to WCW’s executive vice president Eric Bischoff, who had nothing in this agreement; and also, what this will mean for “The Loose Cannon”.


Winner in 13:36: Richard Stevenson

Rating: C+ / B-






Mask vs. Queen

Hollywood Hogan vs. Ichii Yazaki

Time Limit: 45:00

Referee: Mark Curtis


The Queen sits in a neutral corner during this match, happening to sit in front of a sign that says “Ichii <3 Queen” as well as “Beauty and the Ichii”, as Yazaki tries to use some hit-and-run tactics on the larger Hogan. Hollywood catches him and laughs off his offense though, but he doesn’t laugh so loudly when Yazaki marches forward and slaps Hogan across the face! Hogan’s eyes go wide, as he grabs the youngster and shoves him across the ring – but Ichii comes off the ropes and hits a dropkick that staggers the champion! Yazaki goes for a quick roll-up, but Hogan easily kicks out of that. Hollywood hits a big punch straight to the masked face of Yazaki, and that seems to rock him completely off his game. Hogan takes over, using body slams and even a gorilla press slam that you don’t often see out of Hogan. Hollywood is definitely overconfident, as he goes over to The Queen and starts yelling at her that he’s going to rip the mask off. She tells him to pay attention to the match, and when he doesn’t turn around, Yazaki comes in with a barrage of punches and kicks! Yazaki starts getting in quick pinfall combinations, from small packages to schoolboy rollups, seemingly anything that he can think of, but he just never seems to have the strength to keep the champion down. Yazaki ducks under a clothesline and tries to catch Hogan with a quick drop toe hold, but Hogan stops, lifts him up and hurls him to the mat by the throat. Yazaki gets back to his feet, but a big running clothesline puts him down on the mat. Hogan again goes over to yell at Queen… and this time, Yazaki goes for a frankensteiner! He almost gets Hollywood over – but it’s blocked, and Hogan turns it into a vicious powerbomb! Hogan now starts toying with his fallen opponent, unlacing the mask and threatening to take it off of him. One fan in the front row seems to really want to see that, as his sign says “Ichii, Take it off!” Referee Mark Curtis is trying to stop him, saying that he has to win the match first, but Hollywood pays him no mind. The person who puts an end to this ends up being The Queen, who enters the ring from behind Hogan – and he kicks him below the belt from behind!!! The crowd go crazy, as she pulls a piece of paper out of her pocket. Jesse says that he thinks that must be her contract with Hogan, and she rips it into pieces, throwing the pages down onto Hogan’s fallen body. She helps Yazaki to his feet and rips the mask off before laying a big kiss onto him! The crowd cheer wildly, as the two leave the ring together, arm in arm, as Tony and Jesse wonder just what all this will mean – saying that if people tune into Saturday Night this weekend, we will try to have some words from these two.































Oh, did you want to see the new, happy couple? Well, here you go.




Winner in 12:06 by Disqualification: Hollywood Hogan

Notes: The Queen’s turn went pretty well, but Yazaki seemed to underperform in the segment of their celebration afterwards.

Rating: B- / C





“Blackjack” Barry Windham w/Magnum TA vs. “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan

Time Limit: 30:00

Referee: Tommy Young


After the emotional rollercoaster a few minutes ago, we close the show with a great technical matchup between two men who know one another all too well. Magnum TA keeps Bobby Heenan completely out of sorts so that he doesn’t interfere in this one, but let’s be honest here; this match is a Ric Flair showcase, and as good as Barry Windham is, there is no stopping a focused “Nature Boy”. Flair locks in the figure four leglock after a match full of doing all he can to take out Barry’s knee, and as he holds him in the maneuver, he keeps screaming at him to “Tell Dustin! Tell Dustin how it feels!” until Windham finally has to concede the match.


Flair doesn’t release the hold right away, continually yelling at Windham about Dustin Rhodes, and eventually “The Natural” emerges from the back! He rushes toward the ring to try and put a stop to this – but the trap is sprung! Arn Anderson and Owen Hart strike just before Dustin could get to the ring, and Ric shoves a beaten and potentially injured Windham out of the way as the Horsemen tandem throw Rhodes in. This quickly becomes a three-on-one mugging, as Tony calls it. It looks as though they are going to take out the leg of Rhodes. The deed is almost done, until Magnum steps up into the ring! He brandishes his cane, but even when Owen takes a hit from it, Anderson catches it, and Flair jacks TA’s jaw with a sharp right punch! Tony screams that we need help out here, but nobody is able to get out here as the Horsemen hold Magnum in place while Flair brings Magnum’s own cane down across his knee! As “The Nature Boy” locks Magnum TA in the figure four leglock, security finally get out into the ring, and start trying to hold everyone apart. Dustin finally tries to get back into it as the Horsemen leave the ring, their damage done… and Rhodes’s mentor screaming in pain on the mat.


Winner in 17:05: Ric Flair

Rating: B / C+




We close the show with “Mean” Gene Okerlund coming out to close off all the chaos, saying that he cannot believe the actions of the Four Horsemen tonight! He says that he will indeed be speaking to the now unmasked Ichii Yazaki and The Queen this weekend on WCW Saturday Night, as well as trying to get some words from Dustin Rhodes and his friends – but he refuses to speak to the Horsemen at this time. He also praises WCW’s sponsor of Domino’s Pizza, urging fans that “If your delivery takes over thirty minutes, then call the WCW Hotline for a slice – of knowledge!” Gene then brings out his guest at this time, “Lionheart” Chris Jericho! Jericho comes out amidst a smattering of boos, alongside Rick Rude. Rude stands alongside the cocky Jericho, who welcomes everyone to “Jericho is the Champions”. He blows some kisses toward the crowd as Okerlund reiterates that he was told some huge news that he is to relay to Chris Jericho. Gene says that due to the way Chris Jericho has been continually taunting Sting, and especially after Halloween Havoc, WCW officials have officially signed a match for WrestleWar: Chris Jericho will take on Sting! Jericho laughs it off, saying that there’s no way that Sting will come and face Jericho “after the way I handled him at Halloween Havoc!” Gene cuts Chis off though, and he says that Sting will in fact take on Chris Jericho at WrestleWar because if not, Sting will risk termination from World Championship Wrestling! Jericho again laughs it off, saying that Sting will not be appearing at WrestleWar, because he won’t even come out to face Jericho when it is not a match – let alone when it IS a sanctioned WCW matchup!


It’s at that point, that Rick Rude disappears from the stage – and out of the blackness, Sting is the man standing behind Jericho! A sign goes up in the crowd that reads “It’s Showtime!” and Jericho doesn’t even know it! “Lionheart” is still laughing off this potential match, until he turns to say something to Rude – and he gets face-to-face with Sting! Jericho screams and runs away as if he were in shark filled waters, not even stopping to see what happened to Rude! The pay-per-view closes with Sting standing at the top of the ramp, and he points his black baseball bat toward the ring, almost as if accepting the match! Tony screams that we are all out of time, and he hopes that everyone joins us on November 19th for WrestleWar!


Notes: Gene had the crowd going with some masterful interactions, and Sting looked excellent, but Jericho didn’t look very good in either part of this segment.

Ratings: B / C




November Prediction Contest So Far

TheBigBad1013: 10/12

Satyr24: 9/12

Smasher1311: 9/12

Warhawk8492: 7/12

CPBHBK: 6/12

TeflonBilly: 6/12

The Final Countdown: 6/12

Matt Shannon: 5/12

crackerjack: 4/12


I'm glad to see you all put in predictions, I plan to put up the next one shortly. Likely after the next Saturday Night, because most of the matches for WrestleWar are already announced. BigBad is in the lead, but that can change once more points will be put on the board! Thanks for watching!

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Beej great job, the Ichii mystery was finally revealed and now Candido and Queen can live happily ever after in WCW. The match between Ichii and Hogan was very well written along with the ending with Queen hitting Hogan in his king jewels. Richard VS King was just great with Pillman coming out and throwing all the trash in the ring and then Richard hitting a Superkick and having King slip on a water bottle. Also Kim Doll helping Page retain the title was enjoyable, and finally I really liked the ending with Sting scarring Jericho shitless.


So all in all great show my friend.

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WCW Television: November 12th/13th, 1995


<iframe width="320" height="240" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/62ZdaPycJP8?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Taped on Thursday, November 10th, 1995

Held at: Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, New York (Tri-State)

Commentary: Tony Schiavone and “The Professor” Mike Tenay

Attendance: 11, 215(Sold Out!)

Show Runtime: Two Hours

Rating: B

This show increased our popularity in 2 regions, but lost in 11.



The show is barely underway when “Macho Man” Randy Savage comes to the announcer’s booth and gets in the face of Terry Funk. He says that he heard Funk was running his mouth about Savage not doing the contract signing at the Clash, and says that perhaps Terry needs an attitude adjustment, “courtesy of the Kings of Wrestling”. Just then, The Giant attacks from behind, laying into Funk with hard right hands! Terry tries to fight back, but The Giant is too much for him, and he Chokeslams Funk on the table in the booth! (B+)

After a quick break, Tony and Mike Tenay talk about how personal Savage is making this for Cactus Jack now, and says that Jack could be likely to tear into “The Macho Man” come WrestleWar! (C-)

We then go backstage, where we see Terry Funk being stretchered out of the arena, as Tony wonders if we will ever see him in WCW again after this brutal assault. (B)

Following his match, Chris Jericho gets on the microphone and lays into Sting, saying that he wasn’t afraid “only startled” and says that he doesn’t know where Rick Rude is, but at WrestleWar, he’s going to prove that Jericho is the new, true Franchise of WCW! (B-)

Lex Luger, the Road Warriors, and Rick Martel talk about the New World Order, as Martel says that he joined the fight because he feels they are going about this all the wrong way. Luger tells Rick that they couldn’t have found a more deserving partner, and the Road Warriors say that at WrestleWar, it’s going to be a rush to “dine on danger and snack on death” with Luger and Martel at their side. (C+)


Recap Videos

Clash recap: After Sting disposes of Rick Rude, Chris Jericho gets run off (C+)

Clash recap: Diamond Dallas Page’s secret weapon, Kimberly, helps him retain his US title ©

Clash recap: Hollywood Hogan is turned on by his Queen, who officially sides with Ichii Yazaki (B-)

Clash recap: Lex Luger and the Road Warriors unveil Rick Martel as their mystery partner (B)

Clash recap: Roddy Piper and Steve Austin have a standard contract signing, but Randy Savage uses The Giant to assault Cactus Jack (B+)



Gene Okerlund interviews Diamond Dallas Page and Kimberly Page: “Reunited, and GOOD GAWD it feels so good!” The US champion says that Kip tried to cheat him out of his title, but “that monkey boy” just couldn’t take his eyes off of “the best woman in WCW, so he felt the BANG!” (B-)

Gene Okerlund interviews Chris Candido and Tammy Lynn: having shed their previous personas, the duo are all smiles. Gene asks how Tammy was able to get out of her contract, and she brings in the man who helped them when nobody else could: Richard Stevenson, attorney at law. Richard says that as Hogan’s manager, Tammy had access to the contract for the match, and using Hogan’s own words against him (that he would only accept a win by pinfall or submission) that meant the match was thrown out, and a special clause she inserted into the contract said that in the event of a disqualification, “Mr. Yazaki would be forced to unmask, but Mr. Hogan would be forced to void the contract of Ms. Lynn.” (C-) Eric Bischoff interrupts the happy couple, saying that he’s sick of seeing all these people think they can run roughshod over the KoW – he books Candido to face Smash tonight, and next week Stevenson will take on Meng! Tammy’s new “Girl Next Door (Wholesome)” gimmick rated an A. (D+)

Gene Okerlund interviews Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham, and Ricky Steamboat: the three are distraught at the loss of Magnum TA to the hands of the Four Horsemen (Gene saying that WCW refused to show footage of the attack in respect to the WCW Hall of Famer) but Dustin says that he knows just how to get back at the group… fans will have to order WrestleWar to know what he means! Dustin also helps to put over the challenge laid out from “The Dragon” to Ric Flair, who says he will teach “The Nature Boy” a lesson in respect like it was 1989 all over again! (B-)



Chris Jericho d. Juventud Guerrera in 5:41 with the Liontamer (C-)

Terry Gordy d. Dean Malenko in 5:54 with a Lariat (C-)

The Giant d. Marty Jannetty in 4:55 with the Chokeslam (D-)

JPL d. Syxx after a Pedigree at 10:19 ©

Chris Candido d. Smash with a quick roll-up in 7:03 ©

Roddy Piper and Randy Savage d. The Rock ‘n Roll Express with Piper’s Sleeperhold at 16:15 (B-)


<iframe width="220" height="124" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/AahYei4Zuw0?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

WCW Main Event

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Gary Michael Cappetta

Rating: C+


Clash recap video: Hollywood Hogan is turned on by his Queen, who officially sides with Ichii Yazaki (B-)

Round table discussion between Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, Gene Okerlund, and Jesse Ventura sees the four discuss the Clash of the Champions; namely the Four Horsemen putting Magnum TA out of action. Jesse is the only one to commend them for it, the others condemn them. They also discuss The Giant destroying Terry Funk on Saturday Night, calling the KoW’s actions “nothing short of heinous”. ©

Psychosis d. Scott Armstrong (D)

The Armstrong Brothers d. The Patriot and Sgt. Buddy Parker to retain the US Tag Team titles (D+)

BG Armstrong takes Mike Tenay’s microphone and says that they are sick of being left out around here, and they’re getting ready to take matters into their own hands to do something about it if they don’t start getting some respect in WCW! (D)

“Das Wunderkind” Alex Wright d. Earl William Clayton (D+)

Clash and Saturday Night recap video: Sting scares Chris Jericho, who then talks smack while Sting isn’t in the building at Saturday Night. (C+)

Barry Windham d. 2 Cold Scorpio (B)

Mike Tenay and Gary Cappetta discuss tomorrow night’s Nitro main event, which will see Steve Austin take on “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff! (D+)





Okay, so here's the dealio. I am going to post a Hotline tonight yet, and then the new prediction contest is going up for WrestleWar. Hope you all enjoyed this post-Clash episode of WCW Saturday Night!
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WCW Hotline: November 1995, Week 3



WCW Hotline

3rd Week of November 1995

Option 1: WrestleWar Control Center!

Option 2: Unmasked!

Option 3: Clash of the Champions backstage!

Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Option 5: Last week’s ratings!

Option 6: Monday Night Waste!

Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Option 8: Mean Gene’s rumor corner!

Option 9: A gift from the WCW Catalog!


Option 1: WrestleWar Control Center!

A special announcement has been made in regards to WrestleWar and the World Tag Team title match. Due to actions caused by the Four Horsemen, Arn Anderson and Owen Hart will NOT be granted a title match as had been previously promised; instead, Arn Anderson, Owen Hart, and Eddy Guerrero will be placed in a six-man tag team match against the Steiner Brothers and Barry Windham! The card has been announced, and make sure to get your copy of the official program under option 9!


Option 2: Unmasked!


Now that you see it, they do look a bit alike, don't they?


Option 3: Backstage from Clash of the Champions!

Before the show, ring announcer Gary Michael Cappetta had the locker room in stitches with some impressions of his fellow co-workers. Harley Race reportedly drew everyone together afterwards, and he complimented Diamond Dallas Page for his good performance, praised Hollywood Hogan for his great performance, and gave Owen Hart a hug. Owen was quite happy with this, and the other two seemed pleased.


Option 4: WCW Monday Nitro preview!

Word has it that Cactus Jack has a HUGE challenge he wants to unveil upon “Macho Man” Randy Savage after the attack he perpetrated on Jack’s mentor, Terry Funk! Also, Steve Austin takes on “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff, and we will hear from the World Heavyweight champion, Hollywood Hogan, regarding what happened at Clash of the Champions! Come and see where the big boys play at 7pm on TNT, 10pm on TSN, and coming soon Tuesday nights on Eurosport for our Britan and Europe fans!


Option 5: Last week’s Neilson ratings!

Nitro retained its incredible rating of 7.99 on TNT, but lowered slightly to a 1.82 on TSN. Monday Night Raw was a lackluster 4.58. Saturday Night raised to a nice 6.29 on TBS, as well as a 0.88 on DSF. Also, WCW Main Event garnered a 0.61 rating.


Option 6: Eric Bischoff presents: Monday Night Waste!

Wow, guys… do you actually know who “Sparky Plugg” is? Well you will know him this week, because he just put on a horrible main event match GAINING A VICTORY over World champion Burger King! Elsewhere on the card, Bam Bam and Jim Warrior defeated Vinnie Vegas and the Heartburn Kid. Hey, wanna see Bret Hart or Yokozuna wrestle? Then too bad you weren’t in attendance, because they were only in squash matches in the pre-show. The hottest hour in pro wrestling will soon be expanding to two hours, and then you won’t have to see any of this crap, as you can just set your dial for Monday Nitro!


Option 7: WCW Saturday Night preview!

Two matches have been announced for this Saturday. Eric Bischoff wants to punish Richard Stevenson, and he is going to make use of the bodyguard Meng to do it! Also, since Rick and Scott Steiner will not be defending their titles at WrestleWar now, they must take on Theodore R. Long’s Heavenly Bodies with the titles on the line! Make sure you’ve set your dial to TBS at 6:05 PM ET!


Option 8: “Mean Gene” Okerlund’s rumor corner!

Could Johnny B. Badd’s rumblings be making a bigger impact than we think? Grumblings backstage have said that he has been talking to anyone who will listen about joining his cause! Will anyone actually jump into this group?


Option 9: A special gift from the WCW Catalog!

Dial zero now to get your very own copy of the WCW WrestleWar 1995 official program!
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