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WCW 1994: The Art Of War

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World Championship Wrestling (7/94)

Style: Sports Entertainment

Size: National

Location: South East

Shows: WCW Saturday Night: Taped Thursday, Shown Saturday at 6:05 PM on TBS

WCW Main Event: Taped Friday, Shown Sundays at 7:05 on TBS


Promotion Pacts

Asistencia Asesoria y Administracion: Working agreement

New Japan Pro-Wrestling: Working agreement

World Wrestling Federation: War



Ted Turner


Head Booker:

Eric Bischoff


Road Agents:

Dusty Rhodes

Jody Hamilton

Pez Whatley



Brady Boone

Mickey Jay

Nick Patrick

Randy Anderson


Current Champions:

WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Ric Flair

WCW United States Champion: Steve Austin

WCW World Tag Team Champions: Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan

World Television Champion: Lord Steven Regal


Main Event:

Hulk Hogan

Jim Duggan

Ric Flair

Ricky Steamboat

Steve Austin


Terry Funk

The Guardian Angel



Upper Midcard:

Arn Anderson

Brian Knobbs

Brian Pillman

Cactus Jack

Dustin Rhodes

Johnny B. Badd

Kevin Sullivan


Ron Simmons



Bobby Eaton

Booker T

Brian Armstrong

Diamond Dallas Page

Jean-Paul Levesque

Jerry Sags

Lord Steven Regal

Marcus Bagwell

Paul Orndorff

Scott Stud

Shanghai Pierce

Steve Keirn

Stevie Ray

The Patriot


Lower Midcard:

Alex Wright

Bunkhouse Buck

Erik Watts

Paul Roma

Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker

Sgt. Craig Pittman

Terry Taylor



Brad Armstrong

Dave Sullivan

Joey Maggs

Lt. James Earl Wright

Tex Slazenger


Enhancement Talent:

Bobby Walker

Mark Starr

The Gambler


Occasional Wrestler:

Larry Zbyszko


Tag Teams

Bad Attitude (Bobby Eaton and Steve Keirn)

Bunkhouse Buck and Terry Funk

Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan

Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray)

Pretty Wonderful (Paul Roma and Paul Orndorff)

Stars 'n' Stripes (The Patriot and Marcus Bagwell)

Tex Slazenger and Shanghai Pierce

The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags)

The State Patrol (Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker and Lt. James Earl Wright)

The Sullivans (Dave Sullivan and Kevin Sullivan)



Col. Robert Parker

Diamond Doll

Harley Race

Jimmy Hart

Sensuous Sherri

Sir William

Teddy Long

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Taped this Thursday night from the Pyramid Arena in Memphis, TN. Broadcast via TBS on Saturday at 6:05 PM EST...

WCW presents...

WCW Saturday Night...


Main Event


Non Title Match:

'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair w/Sensuous Sherri v. 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan





'Beautiful' Bobby Eaton v. Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat



Meng w/Col. Robert Parker v. 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes



WCW World Tag Team Titles

Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan w/Dave Sullivan© v. Harlem Heat



WCW World Television Title

Lord Steven Regal w/Sir William© v. 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright





Hulk Hogan and Sting meet face-to-face for the first time. What will happen when these two popular megastars look each other in the eyes for the first time?


Predictions, critiques, comments, card ratings encouraged!

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Saturday, week 1, July 1994


Live from the Pyramid Arena, Memphis, TN.

Broadcast via TBS at 6:05...

WCW presents...


The show opens with an event that was taped Earlier Tonight. How do we know? Because it's written in block letters at the bottom of the screen. We follow over the shoulder of the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair as he walks down a backstage hallway. He turns a corner and nearly runs into the broad chest of Jim Duggan. Jim raises the 2X4.

Ric Flair: "Whoa there, big man."

Jim Duggan: "HOOOOOO! Listen here, tough guy, in just a few weeks you are going to lose that World title to Hulk Hogan. But I want you in the ring tonight."

Ric Flair: "Do you really think you can walk that aisle, Hacksaw? You and me tonight. Whoooooo!"

Jim Duggan: "HOOOOO!"

Ric Flair: "WHOOOOO!"

Jim Duggan: "HOOOOO!"

Ric Flair: "WHOOOOO!"

Jim Duggan: "HOOOOO!"

Jim Duggan threatens Ric Flair with the 2X4 again and Flair turns and walks away.


Match 1: WCW World Television Title

Lord Steven Regal w/Sir William© v. 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright

The opening match sees the young 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright come dancing down to the ring to face off with the tough television champion. The match is a mishmash of styles between the two with Wright using his high flying abilities but they are off-set by the technical expertise of Regal. Regal is also not above cheating to keep his title, as shown by the interference of Sir William at ringside. Close to the ten minute mark, Regal takes control for the rest of the contest. He brings Wright to the mat with a european uppercut and then lifts him up for an Exploder Suplex. Regal makes the cover and three seconds later he has a defense of his title.

Lord Steven Regal p. Alex Wright=C-


Jean-Paul Levesque

We move from the ringside area to a video clip which takes place in the backstage area. We see a very beautiful woman picking at the food at the catering table. She is approached by Jean-Paul Levesque, who taps her on the shoulder. She turns around to look at him.

Jean-Paul Levesque: "I am going to do you a favor and allow you to escort me out tonight."

Unknown Woman: "No thank you."

Jean-Paul Levesque: "Excuse me? I'm guessing you didn't hear me."

Levesque grabs her by the arm but he is stopped by the sudden appearance of Brian Pillman. Pillman forces the release and shoves Levesque backward. Levesque stares at Pillman for a moment before walking away. Pillman checks on the woman.

Brian Pillman: "Are you alright, Beulah?"

Beulah: "Yes, thanks. Can we go now?"

Brian Pillman: "Of course."

Pillman and Beulah go hand-in-hand and walk away from the catering table.


Pretty Wonderful

We move to the ringside area where Gene Okerlund is standing by to conduct an interview with the top contenders to the WCW World Tag Team Titles: Paul Roma and Paul Orndorff, known as Pretty Wonderful.

Gene Okerlund: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to what promises to be an exciting evening of action right here on WCW Saturday Night. Mean Gene Okerlund here alongside Paul Roma and Paul Orndorff. Gentlemen, in a couple of weeks you will be going to Bash At The Beach to face the winner of the match tonight between Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan and Harlem Heat. Do you have any preferences on who you will be facing?"

Paul Orndorff: "Are you kidding me, Gene? I know you're not good looking but I figured you might be smart. It doesn't matter who we face at Bash At The Beach. Whether it's those ugly Cactus and Kevin or Harlem Heat, the result is going to be the same. Pretty Wonderful is walking away with the belts. I guarantee it."

Paul Roma: "We have been in the presence of ugly for long enough, Mr. Wonderful. Let's get out of here."

Paul Orndorff raises a hand-mirror, checking on himself before the two men walk away. And we return to the ring.


Match 2: WCW World Tag Team Titles

Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan w/Dave Sullivan© v. Harlem Heat

Our second match of the evening is our second title match. The match is a pure all-out brawl between these two teams. Jack and Sullivan go straight-ahead early on against Booker T and Stevie Ray but this early aggression leads to Sullivan getting isolated by the brother tag team. Booker scores a near fall on Sullivan following an Axe Kick but it's broken up by Cactus Jack. A distraction by Dave Sullivan allows his 'brother' to make the tag in to Cactus Jack. Jack goes wild on both members of Harlem Heat, sending himself and Stevie Ray over the top rope with a Cactus Clothesline. Back in the ring, he catches Booker T with the Double Arm DDT and makes the cover, securing the win for the champs!

Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan p. Harlem Heat=B-


Ric Flair and Arn Anderson

We transition from the ring to another backstage segment. This one involves the face to face confrontation between two life-long friends Ric Flair and Arn Anderson.

Ric Flair: "Arn, be straight with me, what are you doing with Dustin?"

Arn Anderson: "He's a good kid, Ric. Tougher than you might think. Definitely tougher than his daddy."

Ric Flair: "But an Anderson teaming with a Rhodes? Really Arn?"

Arn Anderson: "You don't tell me what to do anymore, Ric. Don't cross this line."

Anderson walks away from Flair with Flair staring at his back and shaking his head.


Face To Face

We move back to the ring where 'Man Called Sting' is in the middle of playing over the P.A. system. Sting makes his way out, high-fiving the fans who stand against the guardrail. He steps inside the ring and raises a microphone.

Sting: "Without further adue, let me introduce the man who needs no introduction. He is known worldwide. He is the Immortal Hulk Hogan!"

The crowd explodes with cheers as 'American Made' begins to play. Along with Jimmy Hart and Mr. T, here comes Hulk Hogan! The crowd begins a 'Hogan, Hogan, Hogan' chant as the man in the red and yellow walks down to the ring and steps inside. He rips off his shirt, tossing the shreds into the audience.

Hulk Hogan: "Thank you for that introduction, Sting. This has been a long time coming, my friend."

Hogan extends his hand and Sting shakes! The crowd goes wild.

Sting: "Hulk, welcome to WCW. It is amazing to have a man of your caliber here in the building. All the little Hulkamaniacs and all the little Stingers are here together for this momentous occasion!"

Hulk Hogan: "Thank you, brother. It's great to have WCW running on the power of Hulkamania. We're headed right to the stratosphere, dude. And that path takes me one on one with that stinky dude Ric Flair. He's someone that I know that you're familiar with, brother. I want to thank you for the tips you've given me so far."

Sting: "No problem, my friend. Ric Flair is someone that I and the little Stingers are definitely familiar with. There's something else that I am familiar with too. That's the WCW World Heavyweight title belt. You have your shot at Bash At The Beach. The contract is already signed but I would be lying if I said I didn't want the belt around my waist."

Hulk Hogan: "Brother, if you didn't want the title, then you belong in another business. After my match with Ric Flair, it would be an honor to defend the title against someone with honor like you."

Sting and Hulk shake hands again and the two men pose for the crowd here in Memphis, Tennessee!


Match 3

Meng w/Col. Robert Parker v. 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes

An extremely short match between these two tough brawlers. Rhodes plays a little cat and mouse with Meng early on, making Meng chase him, trying to wear out the larger bodyguard of the Stud Stable. The match takes a turn in the favor of 'The Natural' when he gets Meng down with several arm drags and then an armbar. Col. Robert Parker waves to the back and out comes Terry Funk! Funk enters the ring without pause and slams Rhodes in the head with a steel chair right in front of the referee! This causes an immediate disqualification only four and a half minutes in.

Dustin Rhodes b. Meng=D+


Parking Lot Brawl

We are taken to the parking lot of the Pyramid Arena where The Guardian Angel is...walking! He turns a corner and gets blindsided by one of the large forearms of Vader! Harley Race is there, shouting instructions to Vader, as the large man throws forearms and punches to The Guardian Angel! Angel tries to cover up and Vader throws a knee to the gut. Vader whips The Guardian Angel into the pillar, NO! It's reversed! Vader's back hits the pillar with a thud! The Guardian Angel moves in, throwing punches to the skull of Vader and that is when security rushes in. The large security members step in to break these two large men up. We head back to the ring.


Match 4

'Beautiful' Bobby Eaton v. Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat

Two veterans in the ring for this match as Ricky Steamboat is gearing up for a United States title shot against Steve Austin at Bash At The Beach. We were treated to a great technical display of wrestling in this match as they traded hold for hold. Eaton scored a near fall when he rolled up Steamboat near the corner and placed his feet on the ropes. But the referee saw the feet and stopped the count. The argument between Eaton and referee Randy Anderson gives Steamboat the opportunity to recover. The Dragon takes down Eaton with an armdrag and then a dropkick, bringing Eaton back down to the mat. A Superplex scores a near fall for Steamboat. As Eaton lies on the mat, Steamboat climbs the turnbuckles -- Diving Crossbody! Steamboat hooks the legs: One, Two, Three!

Ricky Steamboat p. Bobby Eaton=B-



As the match ends, we move to Gene Okerlund standing at the podium near ringside. He is joined quickly by the man who just won the match: Ricky Steamboat.

Gene Okerlund: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Don't forget to call the WCW Hotline to get all the latest news and rumors around the wrestling world. I am joined here by Ricky Steamboat. Ricky, congratulations on a hard-fought win here tonight against the veteran Bobby Eaton. But in a few weeks you will be taking on the WCW United States Champion Steve Austin. Your thoughts as we are just a few weeks away?"

Ricky Steamboat: "Gene, I'm going to do the same thing that I've always done. I'm going to step into the ring, wrestle hard and when the match is over, I hope that I will walk out as the new champion."

The interview is interrupted with the arrival of Steve Austin to the podium. Austin holds up the WCW United States title belt, nearly shoving it in the face of Steamboat!

Steve Austin: "There is the difference between you and me, son. You 'hope' that you're going to win at the Bash but I KNOW that I am going to walk away with this belt. I am better than every single wrestler in WCW. That includes Hulk Hogan and that includes you."

Ricky Steamboat: "It only takes one time, Steve."

Steamboat turns to walk away from the confrontation but he is blindsided by a belt shot from Austin. Austin slams Steamboat's face against the floor, rubbing his face back and forth! He picks up Steamboat and whips him into the podium! Steamboat flips over the podium and falls to the floor. Austin smiles down at him, making the 'camera' motion as though he is filming this moment. 'Stunning' Steve Austin laughs and walks away with his title belt.




Match 6: Non Title

'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair w/Sensuous Sherri v. 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan

Our main event contest begins with a big dose of a 'USA' chant from the crowd as directed by Jim Duggan. The match is actually a classic brawl from Duggan's standpoint and more technical wrestling and cheating from the side of Flair. Both men go at it tooth and nail in this bout and there are several near falls early on. Duggan shows his power when he whips Flair into the turnbuckle, sending Flair flipping up and over and onto the apron. Duggan downs Flair with a clothesline, sending him off the apron. Flair talks with Sensuous Sherri outside the ring and begins walking toward the back.


Tony Schiavone: "Oh no! Ric Flair is walking to the back, ruining a great main event. Wait, no he isn't!"


Jim Duggan chases Ric Flair down before he can exit and brings him back to the ring. Duggan sets up Flair with a body slam and then moves into the corner, waiting for Flair to get up. Duggan lowers into a three point stance but gets distracted when Sensuous Sherri climbs onto the apron. Sherri distracts both Duggan and referee Nick Patrick. Flair slowly gets to his feet and catches Duggan with a low blow from behind! Flair immediately goes to work on the knee of Duggan with a shinbreaker. Several minutes and a kneedrop later and Flair hooks the Figure 4 Leglock on! Within a minute, Duggan has no choice but to submit.

Ric Flair b. Jim Duggan=B


Not Done Yet...Yes You Are

The bell sounds but Ric Flair does NOT release the Figure 4 Leglock. Jim Duggan cries out in pain, reaching his hands out to try and break the hold himself but Ric Flair is the Master of the Figure 4! Nick Patrick tries to step in and get the hold broken but Flair refuses to release it! The crowd begins chanting for 'Hogan' to come down and make the save.


Hulk Hogan does NOT disappoint them! The man known as Immortal comes running down to the ring. He dodges the advance of Sensuous Sherri, entering the ring just as Flair breaks the hold. Ric Flair rises up and comes face to face with Hulk Hogan! Flair cries out, shaking his head and holding his hands out in front of his face. As Hogan curls up a fist, Flair drops down and exits the ring. He grabs the WCW World Heavyweight title belt and stares at Hogan as the show comes to a close and WCW Saturday Night goes off the air.



Announcer: Tony Schiavone

Color Commentator: Bobby Heenan

Attendance: 15,000 (sellout)

TV Rating: 5.15

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Sunday, Week 1, July 1994


Taped from Jefferson County Fairgrounds, Jefferson City, TN.

WCW presents...

WCW Main Event!


Match 1

Erik Watts p. The Gambler with a Powerslam.=D


A recap video comes on recapping the brawl between Guardian Angel and Vader on WCW Saturday Night. It took several security members in the backstage area to break the two men apart.


Match 2

Brian Armstrong p. Alex Wright after a Shake, Rattle And Roll.=D+


Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan give a pre-taped interview where they talk about their upcoming match with Pretty Wonderful at Bash At The Beach. The two men argue over who is going to get the pinfall with Dave Sullivan playing the mediator. But Pretty Wonderful is going to look ugly at the end of the match. Bang Bang!


Match 3

Pretty Wonderful d. Brad Armstrong and Scott Stud following a Sleeperhold submission.=C-


Another WCW Saturday Night recap! This one recaps the interview segment between Sting and Hulk Hogan. The two men shake hands at the end and seem to have an alliance that has grown to watch each other's backs.


Match 4

Jim Duggan p. Ron Simmons following a Running Clothesline Tackle.=C+


A final WCW Saturday Night recap to close the show. This one recaps last night's main event contest between Jim Duggan and Ric Flair. Flair picks up the victory and following the match he refuses to release the Figure 4. But out from the back comes Hulk Hogan to make the save!


Overall: C+

Attendance: 2,000 (Sellout)

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Taped this Thursday night from the Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio, TX. Broadcast via TBS on Saturday at 6:05 PM EST...

WCW presents...

WCW Saturday Night...


Main Event


'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair and 'Stunning' Steve Austin w/Sensuous Sherri v. Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat and 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan





Terry Funk w/Meng and Col. Robert Parker v. 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes



'The Man They Call' Vader w/Harley Race v. Marty Jannetty



'Flyin' Brian Pillman w/Beulah v. Rob Van Dam



Pretty Wonderful v. The Lightning Express



WCW World Television Title

Lord Steven Regal w/Sir William© v. Terry Taylor





Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair go face to face to open the show. What happens when these two icons look each other eye to eye a little over a week before their match at Bash At The Beach?


Predictions, critiques, comments, card ratings encouraged!

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'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair and 'Stunning' Steve Austin w/Sensuous Sherri v. Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat and 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan

Were it Dragon and Hogan, I'd go the other way on it. But it's got Duggan there, so heels take it.


Terry Funk w/Meng and Col. Robert Parker v. 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes

I'm gonna go with numbers game on this one.


'The Man They Call' Vader w/Harley Race v. Marty Jannetty

Hopefully you haven't gotten hit with the chemistry fairy as badly as I did in my game; in order to have good ratings, I had to split Vader and Race.


'Flyin' Brian Pillman w/Beulah v. Rob Van Dam

Brian seems to have a ready-made feud with JPL oncoming.


Pretty Wonderful v. The Lightning Express

Poor Brad, such talent in someone who's gonna be on job duty.


WCW World Television Title

Lord Steven Regal w/Sir William© v. Terry Taylor

Taylor is pretty good JTTS fodder.


Digging some of the acquisitions, Beulah seems to have a good place on the roster while Horner, RVD, and Marty can help fill in some midcard gaps if anyone else shuffles around the card.

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'The Man They Call' Vader w/Harley Race v. Marty Jannetty

Hopefully you haven't gotten hit with the chemistry fairy as badly as I did in my game; in order to have good ratings, I had to split Vader and Race.


No bad chemistry between Vader and Harley Race, luckily. I am sure that hurt some future plans for your diary. I do have two awful chemistry notes. One between Diamond Dallas Page and Erik Watts, who met in the pre-show of WCW Saturday Night. The other is between Meng and Dustin Rhodes.


Pretty Wonderful v. The Lightning Express

Poor Brad, such talent in someone who's gonna be on job duty.


Brad is definitely someone with all the talent in the world, though, with an 'Armstrong curse.' ;) I don't plan on The Lightning Express to be just jobbers all the time, though. Will they job this week? Tune in and find out.


Digging some of the acquisitions, Beulah seems to have a good place on the roster while Horner, RVD, and Marty can help fill in some midcard gaps if anyone else shuffles around the card.


Glad you're appreciating some of the roster acquisitions. Beulah is an ex of Brian Pillman in real life so I thought they made an interesting pairing. Rob Van Dam is definitely an up-and-comer here. Tim Horner and Marty Jannetty are veterans that can help train up some of the younger guys. I have a little bit of love for Marty Jannetty as he is the 'forgotten' Rocker.

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Saturday, week 2, July 1994


Live from the Freeman Coliseum, San Antonio, TX.

Broadcast via TBS at 6:05...

WCW presents...


The show opens inside the arena with the 10,000 rabid WCW fans going absolutely wild as they each try to be on camera right here on the Superstation. The camera pans around until the sound of music playing makes the camera focus on the doorway of the entrance of the WCW Saturday Night set. The doors open and out comes the WCW World Champion Ric Flair! The crowd's cheers turn to boos as Flair panders to the audience while walking down the aisle. He climbs the stairs and steps inside the ring, doing a strut and releasing a Whoooooo to the crowd, some of whom echo it back. (Hypocrites that were just booing two seconds ago). Flair has a mic.


Ric Flair: "There's a party going on in San Antonio tonight! Whoooooo! And it's all because the current reigning and defending WCW World Champion is in the building. This is the only belt in professional wrestling that matters and I am the only Champion who is worthy of carrying such a prestigious title. My name is Ric Flair and I am the greatest thing going today. Now, I do believe that there have been some mistakes made on the marquee tonight. You see, there are people backstage, namely one Nick Bockwinkle, who believe that Hulk Hogan is going to come out here and confront Ric Flair. Well, I'll tell you this much, Hulk Hogan is too much of a coward to..."


Flair's promo is interrupted by the sound of 'He's AmmmEEERRRIIIICANNNN MAAAAAAAADE!" The crowd just about blows the roof off the joint as out from the back comes the man known as The Immortal. The Real American Hulk Hogan walks out, cupping his hand to his ear to draw in even more cheers. Yeah, he does a good job of pandering to the crowd. He points toward Ric Flair as he stands at ringside and within moments the man with 'Stars and Stripes running through his veins' has entered the ring with a microphone of his own.


Hulk Hogan: "Now, what were you saying about me, jack? Did you really think that with these ten thousand Hulkamaniacs in this audience I'd really be afraid to confront you, dude?"


Ric Flair: "First of all, Hulk, don't you EVER interrupt Ric Flair when he's speaking. When you do that, you're interrupting the true legend in this business. Second of all, my name is not jack and I'm not a dude or your brother. You can save that talk for Vince's promotion up north. You see, I know you made a good living up north there beating guys like Yokozuna or Ted Dibiase but they're not Ric Flair. There is no one in this business that can compare to Ric Flair. When we step inside the ring at Bash At The Beach you're going to see what it's like to compare WCW to that other promotion."


Hulk Hogan: "That's why I came here, Ric. I wanted to prove myself against the best of the best. I wanted to prove that Hulkamania can still run wild where the big boys play. And when it comes down to it, brother, you just are not as powerful as these pythons I have. You're not as strong as all these Hulkamaniacs that are feeding my power. So at Bash At The Beach, brother, you're gonna find out what everyone else has found out. You're gonna find out whatcha gonna do...!"


Flair approaches Hogan as he is talking and throws a chop to that large chest of Hogan. Big mistake! Hogan no-sells the chop. Another chop! Another no-sell! Hogan points to Flair and prepares to throw a punch but the Nature Boy ducks down and quickly exits the ring. Flair yells at Hogan off-microphone that he'll see him at the Bash At The Beach. Hogan stands in the ring as his music plays and poses for the crowd. He gets a good ovation with his whole cupping the ear move.


Match 1: WCW World Television Title

Lord Steven Regal w/Sir William© v. Terry Taylor

Our opening contest features the technical expertise of the WCW World Television Champion Lord Steven Regal against the experience of the veteran Terry Taylor. This was classic face/heel fashion with Regal using cheating and his manager outside the ring, while Taylor did his best to stick to the rules. Though we have all seen Taylor break a rule or two in the past. Outside the ring, Regal throws Taylor against the guardrail and throws a couple of European Uppercuts. He throws Taylor back in the ring and then catches him with the Exploder Suplex. Instead of going for the pinfall, however, Regal wraps him up in a hold known as the Regal Stretch. Within moments, Taylor is submitting.

Lord Steven Regal d. Terry Taylor=D+


Every Dog Has His Day

We move from the ring to a hype video announcing a wrestler that will soon be making his return to WCW. The man is none other than 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith! Clips of his feuds with Sid Vicious and Big Van Vader are shown in the video to hype this man's return. He is shown hitting the Running Powerslam from multiple angles. At the end of the video, the text simply reads that he is coming soon to WCW, giving no real clue as to when he will be making his return.


Match 2

Pretty Wonderful v. The Lightning Express

The Lightning Express make their return to the WCW tag team ranks with little fanfare as they take on the duo of Paul Orndorff and Paul Roma, known as Pretty Wonderful. Tim Horner and Brad Armstrong are fast and high flying but they only get in a few cursory moves against the top contenders to the tag team titles. The match is mostly a show-off match for Orndorff and Roma. Orndorff catches Horner with a Piledriver and then in comes Roma. Roma strikes with a cross-face submission hold and Horner has no choice but to submit.

Pretty Wonderful d. The Lightning Express=C-


I'm Sooooo Pretty, Mean Gene!

The interview area is set up with the WCW Saturday Night logo behind it. And standing there, as you can guess, is Mean Gene Okerlund. This time his guest is none other than the number one contender to the World Television title: Johnny B. Badd!


Gene Okerlund: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Mean Gene Okerlund here with my guest at this time: Johnny B. Badd. Johnny, in just a little over a week, you will be facing off with Lord Steven Regal for the WCW World Television title. Your thoughts on this main event matchup?"


Johnny B. Badd: "Mean Gene, thank you for having me this evening. As you know, I am a B A Double D Badd man even though I haven't wrestled yet this month here on Saturday Night. But that's going to change when I win the TV title from that english priss Lord Steven Regal. Shouldn't that belt, like every other, be on an American? Especially one as pretty as me? Regal, you better get ready because I am tough, I'm a bad man and I'm pretty!"


Johnny does a few shadow boxing punches as he stands beside Mean Gene. Gene simply sends things back to the ring for our next matchup.


Match 3

'Flyin' Brian Pillman w/Beulah v. Rob Van Dam

This matchup features two of the top high flying wrestlers in the world as Flyin' Brian takes on the man formerly known as Robby V in WCW. But the announcers want everyone to forget that even existed as he is talked about making his debut here on WCW Saturday Night. Beulah stands at ringside cheerleading for her 'man' Brian Pillman. The match is a high flying clinic with Van Dam possibly showboating a little too much, as when he hits a corkscrew leg drop he bows to the crowd and to Beulah. This gives Pillman the opportunity to recover. Flyin' Brian reverses a waistlock and sends RVD flying with a german suplex. Brian goes outside the ring and waits for RVD to rise and nearing the seven minute mark he strikes with the Air Pillman! Beulah applauds at ringside as Brian makes the cover and gets the one two three count.

Brian Pillman p. Rob Van Dam=D+


Revenge Attack

Following the sound of the bell, Beulah enters the ring to celebrate with Brian Pillman. He gets his arm raised by his girl, only to be blindsided by Jean-Paul Levesque! The crowd boos the french aristocrat as he puts the boots to the popular wrestler. Levesque strikes with a running high knee and then puts Pillman back down on the mat with a Pedigree! Beulah looks upset and Levesque smirks up at her, asking her off-microphone if this is the type of man she wants. Beulah just goes down to check on Pillman and Levesque shakes his head, exiting the ring and heading to the back.


Meet Me In The Ring

As Beulah checks on Pillman in the ring, we are taken to the backstage area where we follow over the shoulder of 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes. Rhodes pauses in front of a door but instead of opening it he gets blindsided by an attack by Terry Funk! Funk has a branding iron and he strikes Rhodes on the head until he is busted open! Rhodes is down and Funk just snickers.


Terry Funk: "Good luck tonight."


Funk walks off as medicial officials arrive on the scene to check on the condition of Dustin Rhodes. Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan wonder out loud if Dustin will be able to wrestle tonight.


Match 4

'The Man They Call' Vader w/Harley Race v. Marty Jannetty

Our next contest in the ring features the dominating monster known as Vader and the debuting Marty Jannetty. Tony Schiavone lets everyone know that Marty is always ready to 'rock,' though in this case he might wish he had a partner to tag out to. For the nearly eight minutes of this match, Vader thoroughly dominates Jannetty. The beast gets Jannetty trapped in a corner and strikes with thunderous forearm blows as Jannetty tries to cover up. Harley Race smiles at ringside at the dominance by his charge. Race tells Vader to finish him and Vader complies with a Vader Bomb in the corner and then a release power bomb. He drops to one knee and places a hand on the chest of Jannetty, getting the three count in a rather humiliating fashion.

Vader p. Marty Jannetty=B


We're Not Done...Not By A Long Shot

As Harley Race enters the ring, another man enters the ring as well. This man is The Guardian Angel! The crowd cheers as he enters the ring and begins exchanging blows with Vader! Surprisingly, The Guardian Angel brings Vader down to the mat and throws heavy, hard-hitting punches. Security comes running down to ringside, sliding in and trying to seperate these two large men. They will meet in a little over a week one on one at Bash At The Beach!


Training Like Rocky

A video begins to play as the security team members work on bringing The Guardian Angel and Vader to the back. The video is focused on none other than the Immortal Hulk Hogan. It is set to the song 'Eye Of The Tiger' by Survivor and features Hogan doing things like punching a side of beef and jogging with the crowd running all around him. The video is an obvious take on the Rocky character of the self-titled series of movies. But it serves to show just how popular of a figure Hulk Hogan really is.


Match 5

Terry Funk w/Meng and Col. Robert Parker v. 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes

Terry Funk, Meng and Col. Robert Parker come out first, looking self-assured that Dustin Rhodes is NOT going to show up this evening. In what is definitely a surprise for Funk, Rhodes comes out with a large bandage on the side of his head where Funk struck with the branding iron. Rhodes enters the ring and Funk is on him like a wild dog. Funk focuses on the bandage like it has a bull's eye written on it and the blood starts to flow again. This match was about twelve and a half minutes of fighting, rather than wrestling. The two men, or rather four men, waged a war on each other with several near falls by both men and a lot of outside interference throughout the contest.


Tony Schiavone: "What is he doing down here? Aren't the odds stacked in Terry Funk's favor enough as it is?"


The 'he' that Tony Schiavone is referring to is none other than Bunkhouse Buck. He moves into the corner with Col. Robert Parker and Meng just in time to see Rhodes begin his comeback. He reversed an irish whip in the corner and then catches Funk with a sleeperhold! The crowd bursts into cheers when it looks like Funk might be going to sleep. Funk may have suffered a submission loss here if not for the interference of the Stud Stable, specifically Bunkhouse Buck. Col. Robert Parker has the watchful eye of the 'blind' referee and Buck strikes Rhodes with the branding iron. Buck is quick to exit the ring and Funk recovers, sliding Rhodes into the Funk Spinning Toe Hold. As the referee turns around, he sees and hears Rhodes give up, awarding the victory to Terry Funk.

Terry Funk b. Dustin Rhodes=C+


One More Makes Three

The bell sounding means that the Stud Stable can enter the ring and they do so, surrounding the fallen Dustin Rhodes and then beginning to put the boots to him. Terry Funk, Meng, Bunkhouse Buck and Col. Robert Parker look ready to break the leg of the young Rhodes when the cavalry comes in. Rhodes' partner Arn Anderson comes running down and slides in the ring, throwing punches wildly. Anderson is not alone, though.


Tony Schiavone: "Is that who I think it is, Brain?"


This 'he' is none other than the WCW return of Barry Windham! The former tag team partner of Dustin Rhodes comes in to his rescue, joining Arn Anderson in throwing punches against the members of The Stud Stable. Windham and Meng go eye-to-eye in the ring with Meng removing his sunglasses and staring in the eyes of Barry Windham. Windham takes this moment to kick Meng in the solar plexus before tossing him out of the ring. Windham, Anderson and Rhodes claim some form of victory here tonight.


Mystery Attack

Once again we are taken to the backstage area and this time we hear someone shouting in pain in the background. It doesn't take long for the camera to zoom in on the pain-ridden face of the WCW Franchise Sting! Sting is grabbing his knee, the same one he has had reconstructive surgery on. Hulk Hogan arrives on the scene, demanding to know what happened to his friend. The paramedics say they don't know but Hogan tells them that he is going with his friend to the hospital to watch his back. Not that he did a great job of that tonight.


Match 6

'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair and 'Stunning' Steve Austin w/Sensuous Sherri v. Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat and 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan

This leads us to our main event and tag team action. Sensuous Sherri stands at ringside as all four men get their moment to shine in this match. One of Steamboat's moments comes early when he is exchanging chops with Flair. Steamboat gets the better of things and sends Flair outside to regroup. Flair and Austin work together like a team during this match, moreso than Steamboat and Duggan and it shows in frequent tags and keeping Steamboat in the corner of the 'bad' guys. Flair and Austin use every dirty tactic, including goading Duggan into the ring to distract the official. Sherri interferes from outside the ring while the referee is distracted. Austin strikes Steamboat with the Stun Gun but only gets a two count when Duggan comes in and breaks up the pinfall. The momentum shift is in the making a few minutes later when a double clothesline by Steamboat and Austin brings both men to the mat. Both men are crawling toward their corners with the crowd solidly behind the Dragon.


Tony Schiavone: "Whoever tags in their partner at this stage of the game will have a huge advantage, Brain. We haven't seen Hacksaw in the ring in awhile."


Bobby Heenan: "Come on Austin! Tag in the Nature Boy! Tag in the Champ!"


Austin does make the tag to Flair but moments later Steamboat tags in Duggan. Duggan is a house on fire with punches and clotheslines on both Flair and Austin. Duggan sends Flair to the turnbuckles and Flair flips up and over, running along the mat. He climbs the turnbuckles but is met by a Duggan body slam! Duggan waits for Flair to get up and then sends him back down with a back body drop! Steamboat and Austin both enter the ring and make a beeline for each other, exchanging punches and chops. Duggan moves to the second turnbuckle and then -- falls?!?! A quick replay shows Sherri pushing him off the second corner. Duggan lands on his knee and immediately clutches it in pain. Within a few minutes, Flair gets to his feet and takes Duggan to school with the shinbreaker, a kneedrop and ultimately the Figure 4 Leglock. Flair uses the ropes to gain more leverage on the hold and the crowd boos as this forces the man with the 2X4 to give up two weeks in a row.

Ric Flair and Steve Austin b. Ricky Steamboat and Jim Duggan=B


Sending A Message

The bell sounds and much like last week Ric Flair does NOT want to let go of the Figure 4 Leglock. New/Returning referee Tommy Young tries to force the break but instead he gets clobbered from the side by Sensuous Sherri. Sherri grabs Tommy Young and tosses him out of the ring. The crowd begins a 'Hogan' chant but Hulk Hogan is not even in the building right now as he went to the hospital to be with Sting. Flair finally releases the Figure 4 Leglock as soon as he sees Ricky Steamboat enter the ring. Steamboat had gotten the advantage on his brawl with Steve Austin outside the ring. Flair begs off of Steamboat but, as Steamboat plays to the crowd, Flair hits him with a low blow! The crowd boos as Steamboat drops to his knees and Flair releases a Whooooooo, standing to his feet. Austin re-enters the ring with both belts, sliding Flair his belt before he strikes Steamboat over the head with the United States title belt! Steamboat and Duggan remain out in the ring as Austin and Flair stand side by side. As the show goes off the air, both Steve Austin and Ric Flair raise four fingers in the air. We're out of time! We'll see you next time!



Announcer: Tony Schiavone

Color Commentator: Bobby Heenan

Attendance: 10,000 (sellout)

TV Rating: 5.25

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Sunday, Week 2, July 1994


Taped from Joplin Memorial Hall, Joplin, MO.

WCW presents...

WCW Main Event!


Match 1

Pretty Wonderful b. The Southern Boys following a crossface submission.=C-


A WCW Saturday Night recap comes next showing how Sting was found mysteriously attacked backstage. Hulk Hogan appears on the scene and goes with Sting to the hospital.


Match 2

Rob Van Dam p. Tex Slazenger following a Van Terminator.=D


A pre-taped interview comes next with 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes. He talks briefly about his upcoming match against The Stud Stable at Bash At The Beach. But before then he is challenging Ric Flair to a match on WCW Saturday Night. He is going to prove himself against the WCW World Heavyweight Champion.


Match 3

Bunkhouse Buck p. Joey Maggs following a piledriver.=D-


Another WCW Saturday Night recap! This one recaps the return of Barry Windham to WCW. Windham makes the save alongside Arn Anderson when Dustin Rhodes is being assaulted by The Stud Stable.


Match 4

Stars 'N' Stripes p. Bad Attitude following a Top Rope Elbow.=D+


A final WCW Saturday Night recap to close the show. This one recaps last night's main event contest between the teams of Steve Austin and Ric Flair and Jim Duggan and Ricky Steamboat. Austin and Flair pick up the win by submission and then beat down Steamboat and Duggan. The show ends with Austin and Flair raising four fingers.


Overall: C-

Attendance: 2,000 (Sellout)

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Taped this Thursday night from the Manley Field House in Syracuse, NY. Broadcast via TBS on Saturday at 6:05 PM EST...

WCW presents...

WCW Saturday Night...


Main Event


Non Title Match

'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair v. 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes





'The All-American' Ron Simmons v. 'The Enforcer' 'Double A' Arn Anderson



Non Title Match

The Nasty Boys v. Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan w/Dave Sullivan



Brian Armstrong v. The Guardian Angel





Last week, Sting was assaulted by an unknown assailant. This week, Sting looks to return to the ring and call out his attacker. Who will it be and why? Stay tuned to WCW to find out!


Predictions, critiques, comments, card ratings encouraged!

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Saturday, week 3, July 1994


Live from the Manley Field House, Syracuse, NY.

Broadcast via TBS at 6:05...

WCW presents...


This week the show opens with 'Man Called Sting' playing in the background. The fans in the audience are going wild as Sting limps his way toward the ring. He is obviously feeling the effects of the attack last week but he has enough in him to high five the fans along the way. He climbs into the ring and has a microphone in hand.


Sting: "Last week, I was attacked by some unknown 'Mystery' assailant. I was jumped from behind and all I know is that someone is going to pay for what happened to me. So I am giving this mystery man a chance to come out right now and face the music. Come on. You think you're so tough? You had it in you to attack me last week so why don't you come face to face with me this week, huh?"


Though he is injured, Sting is looking for a fight. He has his fists clenched at his side and he's staring at the entrance ramp. He continues to stare as no one comes to claim the attack. Instead, a mysterious voice fills the arena, obviously digitally edited to hide who this wrestler is.


Mystery Man: "Henh-heh, listen to the big bad tough guy now. Listen to the little painted up faced tough guy known as Sting. It's awful cute listening to what you have to say right now given that a couple of weeks ago you were kissing Hulk Hogan's butt. Tonight is not the night that I reveal who I am. We'll save that for Bash At The Beach. However, I did get a little present for you, Sting. I signed up someone for you to let out all that tough guy aggression on tonight. I hope you enjoy it."


Without warning, 'Prime Time' Brian Lee enters the ring behind Sting and chop blocks at the knee, bringing Sting down to the mat. Sting holds his knee and Brian Lee begins stomping the WCW Franchise. Referee Tommy Young hits the ring and we have a match!


Match 1

'Prime Time' Brian Lee v. Sting

Our opening contest is an impromptu match between Lee and Sting with Lee having an immediate advantage due to the pre-match attack. The match was a brawl with Sting having to fight his way from the bottom throughout the majority of the match, giving Lee a good rub. Lee sets Sting up for the Prime Time Slam but Sting fights his way out of it, fighting on one good leg. Within moments of nearly being brought down with the Prime Time Slam, Sting sends Lee into the corner and strikes him with a Stinger Splash! Sting grabs his own knee when he comes down, grimacing in pain. After a moment of pain, Sting grabs Lee by the legs and hooks on the Scorpion Deathlock! Lee has no choice but to give up.

Sting d. Brian Lee=C+


America Forever

We move from the ring to a pre-taped interview. This one features Jim Duggan and the team known as Stars 'N' Stripes: Marcus Bagwell and The Patriot.


Jim Duggan: "HOOOOOOO! Listen up, tough guys! America is a huge country and we need many people to watch the backs of the true blue Americans. This is the reason that Marcus, The Patriot and I have decided to form our own group: The All-Americans. We are going to watch the backs of all the Americans here and abroad."


The Patriot: "That's right, Hacksaw. It's time for some good old-fashioned American know-how to be brought right here to WCW."


Marcus poses for the camera for a moment and then a USA chant begins throughout the three of them as the cameras fade out from there.


Flyin' High

We go from there to the interview area that is set up near ringside. Standing by is Mean Gene Okerlund along with Flyin' Brian and Beulah.


Gene Okerlund: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We are less than twenty four hours away from the start of Bash At The Beach. I am joined at this time by a man who has a very important match on that card: Flyin' Brian and his girlfriend Beulah. Brian, in around one day, you will be stepping inside the ring with the French Aristocrat Jean-Paul Levesque. What do you have to say?"


Flyin' Brian: "That prissy little Frenchman made a big mistake when he tried to get with this beautiful woman Beulah. Jean or Paul or whatever you call yourself, it won't matter when the two of us are inside the ring. When we are inside the ring, nothing will matter except for Flyin' Brian coming away with a victory."


Brian takes the hand of Beulah and the two of them walk away as we head back to the ring for our next contest.


Match 2

Brian Armstrong v. The Guardian Angel

Our second contest of the evening features a lot of brawling between the second generation wrestler and the Guardian Angel. Though, if truth be told, The Guardian Angel was the one in control for the majority of the match. He caught Armstrong with a brainbuster and then a big splash on the mat. Armstrong was sent reeling with some punches and a Guardian Angel Slam is what put him away for the one, two, three.

The Guardian Angel p. Brian Armstrong=C-


24 Hours Until You Walk That Aisle

As the crowd applauds for the victory by The Guardian Angel, we move down to the interview area where the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair is standing by with Gene Okerlund.


Gene Okerlund: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome here to WCW Saturday Night. Make sure you call the WCW Hotline to get all the latest news one day before Bash At The Beach. I'm here with..."


Ric Flair: "Gene-o, just stand there and hold the microphone. I've got a few things to say. Take a good look at this title belt around my waist. A wise man once said that comparing this belt to the belt up north is like comparing ice cream to horse manure. Thank you for that one, Bobby. In less than 24 hours, we are going to be live at Bash At The Beach. In less than 24 hours, Hulk Hogan, the man known as Immortal, is going to have to walk that aisle. In less than 24 hours we are going to know who the man is here in WCW. Hulk, you might have won a lot of titles in that company up north, but those title wins, those victories mean absolutely nothing. Whooooo! Because now you're here where the big boys play and I'll tell you something I've told everyone else: to be the man, you have to beat the man. Brother, I AM the MAN. Whoooooooo!"


Flair does a strut along the interview area, looking focused. But then he steps back to Gene Okerlund.


Ric Flair: "But tonight Dustin Rhodes you are going to walk that aisle against the WCW World Champion. You can ask your daddy what happens when you walk that aisle against the Nature Boy. I am the greatest thing going today and, Dustin, you may not like that. But you better learn to love it. Whoooooo!"


Flair runs his fingers through his hair and then smiles, walking off to the back as Gene sends us back to the ring for our next match.


Match 3: Non Title

The Nasty Boys v. Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan w/Dave Sullivan

Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan come down toward the ring arguing with each other about who is going to start and who is going to get the pinfall. The Nasty Boys give a quick attack early on and this match is a vicious brawl between both teams with heavy hitting on either side. The crowd gets behind Cactus and Kevin, with Dave urging them on at ringside. Dave, of course, is on crutches still from an injury suffered at the hands of The Nasty Boys. The ending comes when Kevin Sullivan tags himself in and hits the Double Stomp on Jerry Sags. Sullivan makes the cover and picks up the victory.

Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan p. The Nasty Boys=C


Eliminate The Distractions

As Cactus Jack comes into the ring to argue with Kevin Sullivan, Pretty Wonderful appear from out of nowhere going after Dave Sullivan! The crowd boos as Paul Roma and Paul Orndorff strike the knee of Dave Sullivan, taking him to the floor. Kevin sees his 'brother' down on the floor and exits the ring, ignoring the arguments of Cactus Jack. Pretty Wonderful exit through the crowd, not wanting any part of Kevin Sullivan right now but in less than 24 hours they will be facing Kevin and his partner Cactus Jack.


Who's The Man???

We move from ringside to the interview set where Gene Okerlund is standing by with Harley Race and the man they call Vader!


Gene Okerlund: "Harley Race, in less than 24 hours, your man Vader will be taking on The Guardian Angel at Bash At The Beach. Do you have any final comments as we head toward this momentous match?"


Harley Race: "Guardian Angel, the time is ticking on your long and storied career inside a WCW ring. Tomorrow night, you step into the ring with this man, this monster Vader. You have made a very big mistake in accepting this match. It doesn't matter what you call yourself. You can name yourself after the Guardian Angels or even better the Red Cross because you're going to need the blood transfusion after Bash At The Beach. Right, Vader?"


Vader: "Who's the man? Vader IS THE MAN! I fear no man and I FEEL no pain! Guardian Angel, you're just a mere mortal man. At Bash At The Beach, you're not going to survive."


Harley pats Vader's shoulder and the two walk off as Gene, once again, sends us back to the ring.


Match 4

'The All-American' Ron Simmons v. 'The Enforcer' 'Double A' Arn Anderson

This match features an all-out effort between two veterans of the ring. Both men put on a clinic inside and outside the wrestling ring for around thirteen minutes. Simmons scores a few near falls in this match but Anderson dodges a flying shoulderblock attempt and catches Simmons with a kick to the gut. Anderson drops Simmons with a DDT and makes the cover, getting the pinfall victory over the All-American.

Arn Anderson p. Ron Simmons=C


Simply Stunning

We move from the ring and a frustrated Ron Simmons back to the interview area where Gene Okerlund, once again, is standing by. This time he is with the WCW United States Champion Steve Austin.


Gene Okerlund: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We are nearly to the end of the evening but I am here with the WCW United States Champion 'Stunning' Steve Austin. Steve, in one day, you will be stepping into the ring with Ricky Steamboat. Your thoughts as we move closer to that moment?"


Steve Austin: "Smile, Gene, you're on camera. You're on Austin-Vision and that is going to show the tale of a Dragon-Slayer tomorrow night at Bash At The Beach. Ricky Steamboat, they call you one of the most dangerous wrestlers in the world today. But I am the most dangerous wrestler in WCW. I am the United States Champion and you're not. You're just a piece of trash, a piece of gum that I have to scrape off the bottom of my wrestling boot. At Bash At The Beach tomorrow night things are going to be absolutely stunning and that's the bottom line, idiot."


Gene Okerlund: "What about the four fingers you held up with Ric Flair last week? This couldn't be the return of you know who, could it?"


Austin looks like he is going to reply. Instead, he just raises four fingers and then walks off as Gene just shrugs and sends us back to the ring for our main event contest.




Match 5: Non Title

'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair v. 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes

A classic brawl between these two men as we prepare for Bash At The Beach. Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan spend the early goings of the match running down the match listing for Bash At The Beach. Rhodes takes control at the early going of the match, slapping Flair across the face and then ending up with several rest-holds, using armbars and hammerlocks on the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. The momentum shifts when Flair moves from the corner as Rhodes goes for an avalanche. Flair hits a chop-block on Rhodes and begins taking over, focusing on the knee of the young Rhodes.


Tony Schiavone: "Bobby, what are these guys doing out here?"


Bobby Heenan: "Scouting their future opponent, of course."


Of course, those men are referring to the arrival of Col. Robert Parker and the Stud Stable, who come down to ringside and 'watch' what is going on. Soon after their arrival, Flair sends Rhodes outside the ring and then distracts the official as The Stud Stable go right after Rhodes. They send him into the ring post before the arrival of the cavalry: Arn Anderson and Barry Windham hit ringside, going right after the members of The Stud Stable! The brawl begins around ringside as Rhodes barely beats the ten count. The damage was done, though. Within a few minutes, Flair strikes Rhodes with a diving knee drop and then hooks on the Figure 4 Leglock. Rhodes struggles in the hold but eventually has to give up.

Ric Flair b. Dustin Rhodes=B+


Wild Brawl

Ric Flair does NOT want to release the Figure 4 Leglock that he has on Dustin Rhodes even as the bell sounds. The brawl outside the ring continues between Arn Anderson and Barry Windham and The Stud Stable! 'American Made' cues up suddenly and rushing from the back comes Hulk Hogan! Hogan forces Flair to break the Figure 4 but Flair comes back with chops to the granite-like chest of Hogan. Hogan ignores the chops and Flair backs off. Hogan sends Flair to the corner and Flair flips over the top, landing on the apron. Hogan clotheslines Flair to the floor below. Hogan rips off the Hulkamania t-shirt in the ring. Outside the ring, Flair uses the guardrail to get to his feet and comes face to face with Arn Anderson! The two raise fists before they recognize who they are facing off with. Flair turns and walks away from Anderson, raising the WCW World Heavyweight title belt as the show comes to a close with Hogan posing in the ring.



Announcer: Tony Schiavone

Color Commentator: Bobby Heenan

Attendance: 10,000 (sellout)

TV Rating: 5.18

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Sunday, Week 3, July 1994


Taped from Mobile Civic Center, Mobile, AL.

WCW presents...

WCW Main Event!


Match 1

Brian Lee p. Chris Jericho following a Prime Time Slam.=C+


Dustin Rhodes, Arn Anderson and Barry Windham cut a pre-taped promo where they hype the upcoming six man tag match with The Stud Stable. Anderson tells Rhodes that he is going to see the old Arn Anderson in action to combat the antics of The Stud Stable. Windham seems a little worried about that.


Match 2

Johnny B. Badd p. Sir William with a Shooting Star Press.=C


A recap of WCW Saturday Night where Sting calls out the Mystery Man that attacked him. The Mystery Man's Voice comes over the loudspeaker, saying he will reveal himself at Bash At The Beach. He sends Brian Lee after Sting!


Match 3

Cactus Jack p. Brian Armstrong following a Double Arm DDT.=C


Another music video promoting WCW's newest signing. This newest signing is the British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith He is shown giving the Running Powerslam to various opponents.


Match 4

Stars 'N' Stripes p. Harlem Heat following a Top Rope Elbow.=C


A final WCW Saturday Night recap to close the show. This one recaps last night's main event contest between the teams of Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes. Then the brawl between eight different wrestlers is shown with Hulk Hogan standing in the ring posing as we fade to Bash At The Beach.


Overall: C+

Attendance: 2,000 (Sellout)

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Live this Sunday night from the Orlando Arena in Orlando, FL. Broadcast via PPV beginning at 7:00 PM EST...

WCW presents...

WCW Bash At The Beach...


Main Event


WCW World Heavyweight Title

'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair© v. 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan w/Jimmy Hart





WCW World Tag Team Titles

Pretty Wonderful v. Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan w/Dave Sullivan©



WCW United States Title

Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat v. 'Stunning' Steve Austin©



'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith returns v. 'The All-American' Ron Simmons




The Stud Stable w/Col. Robert Parker v. 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham and 'The Enforcer' 'Double A' Arn Anderson



Rob Van Dam v. 'Prime Time' Brian Lee



'The Man They Call' Vader w/Harley Race v. The Guardian Angel



Jean-Paul Levesque v. 'Flyin' Brian Pillman w/Beulah



WCW World Television Title

Lord Steven Regal w/Sir William© v. Johnny B. Badd





The Mystery Man who attacked Sting said he would reveal himself at Bash At The Beach. Just who attacked Sting and why? Find out at Bash At The Beach!


Predictions, critiques, comments, card ratings encouraged!


Quick Picks:

WCW World Television Title

Lord Steven Regal w/Sir William© v. Johnny B. Badd



Jean-Paul Levesque v. 'Flyin' Brian Pillman w/Beulah



'The Man They Call' Vader w/Harley Race v. The Guardian Angel



Rob Van Dam v. 'Prime Time' Brian Lee



The Stud Stable w/Col. Robert Parker v. 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham and 'The Enforcer' 'Double A' Arn Anderson



'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith returns v. 'The All-American' Ron Simmons



WCW United States Title

Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat v. 'Stunning' Steve Austin©



WCW World Tag Team Titles

Pretty Wonderful v. Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan w/Dave Sullivan©



WCW World Heavyweight Title

'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair© v. 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan w/Jimmy Hart



Who Attacked Sting?


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WCW World Television Title

Lord Steven Regal w/Sir William© v. Johnny B. Badd

Comment: JBB works kinda best as a JTTS.


Jean-Paul Levesque v. 'Flyin' Brian Pillman w/Beulah

Comment: Don't think this one's over by a long shot.


'The Man They Call' Vader w/Harley Race v. The Guardian Angel

Comment: I do love some Ray Traylor, but Vader is just that awesome.


Rob Van Dam v. 'Prime Time' Brian Lee

Comment: Lee may have debuted to more fanfare, but RVD has a much bigger upside.


The Stud Stable w/Col. Robert Parker v. 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham and 'The Enforcer' 'Double A' Arn Anderson

Comment: I could almost see you going like IRL and having Arn do the turn.


'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith returns v. 'The All-American' Ron Simmons

Comment: Debut win.


WCW United States Title

Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat v. 'Stunning' Steve Austin©

Comment: I like how you're potentially looking at Austin as a Horseman. If Flair must drop the belt, Austin retaining keeps them strong as a potential unit.


WCW World Tag Team Titles

Pretty Wonderful v. Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan w/Dave Sullivan©

Comment: PW kinda....suck.


WCW World Heavyweight Title

'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair© v. 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan w/Jimmy Hart

Comment: Hogan at least gets a win here.


Who Attacked Sting?

Comment: With the debut of Brian Lee, I'm gonna say Shane Douglas.

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Thank you for the predictions, Beejus. I just wanted to toss out an update on this project. I have been busy with other in real life things and have not yet been able to write out Bash At The Beach. However, I do plan and hope to get the show out this week so you've got some time to predict if you choose to do so.
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Sunday, week 3, July 1994


Live from the Orlando Arena, Orlando, FL.

Broadcast via Pay-Per-View at 7:00 PM EST...

WCW presents...



Match 1: WCW World Television Title Match

Lord Steven Regal w/Sir William© v. Johnny B. Badd

Fireworks explode for the entrance of the challenger Johnny B. Badd to kick off Bash At The Beach. Badd uses the Badd Blaster to shoot confetti into the crowd as he comes out. The crowd boos the entrance of the WCW World Television Champion Lord Steven Regal, along with Sir William. This match is technical expertise versus speed as Badd looks to create an up-tempo contest, while Regal focuses on the mat work. Badd looks to become the new TV Champion late in the match when he heads up to the top turnbuckle for the Wild Thing but Sir William climbs on the apron and distracts him. The distraction works, allowing Regal time to recover. Regal brings Badd off the top turnbuckle with a Superplex and transitions immediately into the Regal Stretch. Within moments, Badd has no choice but to submit.

Lord Steven Regal d. Johnny B. Badd to retain the WCW World Television Title=B


Match 2

Jean-Paul Levesque v. 'Flyin' Brian Pillman w/Beulah

A pretty good match between two men who really don't like each other. Both men look to impress the beautiful Beulah, who stands at ringside in the corner of 'Flyin' Brian. JPL has the advantage in the power department and he maintains an advantage throughout the match over the smaller Pillman. JPL plays to Beulah several times throughout the match, flexing and calling out to her to come and get him. JPL sets up Pillman for the Pedigree but Pillman gets some crowd sound and lifts JPL up and over. Beulah cheers at ringside as Pillman gains momentum. Pillman takes down JPL with a snap DDT and then heads outside the ring, setting up for the Air Pillman. Pillman springboards off the ropes but JPL ducks the clothesline. JPL turns quickly and punts Pillman between the legs with a kick! The crowd boos the blatant low blow and the referee calls for the bell.

Brian Pillman d. Jean-Paul Levesque=B-


Don't Hurt My Man

Jean-Paul Levesque grabs Brian Pillman as the bell sounds and catches him with a couple of kneelifts. The crowd boos loudly as JPL pulls Pillman in between his legs, setting him up for the Pedigree. Beulah enters the ring and begins pleading with JPL not to hurt Pillman. JPL smiles and then drops Pillman with the Pedigree! He turns his nose up slightly toward Beulah as she drops down and covers Pillman with her body. He laughs and then walks off as Beulah checks on her man.


Match 3

'The Man They Call' Vader w/Harley Race v. The Guardian Angel

The Guardian Angel takes to the ring first for this match and he looks completely serious and all business. Vader comes out with Harley Race jawing at the fans. The match begins before the bell when Vader assaults The Guardian Angel in a corner. This is a strong brawl with both men seeing times of advantage. The heavy hits came all nearly 15 minutes of this match. There was a liberal dose of interference from Harley Race, including a kick to the ribs outside the ring. This kick leads to a Vader release power bomb on The Guardian Angel. He picks him back up and wraps his arms around him with a bear hug. The Guardian Angel struggles in the hold but eventually succumbs to the pain with his arm being raised and dropped three times.

Vader d. The Guardian Angel=B


I'm Ready...Brother

We move from the ring to a backstage locker room where Gene Okerlund is standing by with the top contender here in WCW: Hulk Hogan.


Gene Okerlund: "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, mean Gene Okerlund standing by with The Immortal Hulk Hogan. Hulk, one of the biggest matches ever in the history of WCW is tonight. You are on one side of the ring and Ric Flair is on the other. Your thoughts?"


Hulk Hogan: "Well, let me tell you something, brother. Tonight, as I was walking to the building, I felt the power of the Hulkamaniacs. I could see the looks in all their eyes as they waited to enter the building. I could see the hope and the strength in the eyes of my fans, brother. I cannot let them down. I will not let them down, brother. Tonight, Ric Flair, you're going to walk in with the WCW World title belt but you're leaving the building feeling lighter. You're leaving the building knowing what you're gonna do, brother. Whatcha gonna do when the power of Hulk Hogan and all the Hulkamaniacs runs wild over you?!?!?!"


Hogan flexes for the crowd in attendance as we head back to the ring for our next match.


Match 4

Rob Van Dam v. 'Prime Time' Brian Lee

Our next contest did not get a whole lot of a crowd reaction as two newcomers to WCW do battle. RVD works to try to make the contest up-tempo and keep away from the grasp of 'Prime Time.' But once Lee catches RVD with a sidewalk slam it's just the beginning of the end. Lee catches RVD with a Prime Time Slam and then lifts him up on his shoulders, dropping him with the Cancellation! The crowd groans in pain and Lee makes the cover, getting the three count.

Brian Lee d. Rob Van Dam=C


Where's Arn Anderson?

We move from the ring to the backstage area where Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham are shown...walking! Rhodes pushes open a door and peeks inside, shaking his head as he doesn't seem to see what he is looking for. He turns toward Windham.


Dustin Rhodes: "Where is he, Barry?"


Barry Windham: "I don't know. He didn't answer my phone calls last week."


Rhodes and Windham are obviously looking for their partner Arn Anderson. They continue to walk down the hallways as we head back to the ringside area.


Mystery Solved

Instead of a match, we get 'Man Called Sting' playing in the background and out from the back dressed in street clothes is Sting! Sting still has the facepaint on and he gives a few high fives to the fans on his way into the ring. Once inside, he raises a microphone.


Sting: "Alright, alright, alright. We're here in Orlando, Florida! It's Bash At The Beach! It's Hulk Hogan versus Ric Flair! But more importantly for the Stinger, I get to find out just who has been setting up these attacks on me backstage. You said you would reveal yourself at the Bash. I'm here. Now, let's find out who you are."


Sting seems definitely pumped up, pacing around the ring and waiting. He releases a howl for the fans, taking a few steps back toward the back ropes, stretching. Then the music begins to play.


Tony Schiavone: "Ladies and gentlemen, that music is absolutely unmistakable. It can only be one man and I am absolutely shocked! This is the biggest surprise in WCW history!"


The music is the bagpipes blowing and out from the back walks 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper! Even Sting looks stunned as he stands in the ring and watches the Rowdy Scotsman walk down to ringside and then climb the stairs and enter the ring in his signature kilt and black leather jacket. Piper gives a smile across toward Sting and he has a microphone of his own.


Roddy Piper: "Surprise, surprise, surprise Mr. Stinger. It is okay if I call you, Sting, right? I thought so. But you wanted to know just who has been attacking you, right? Well, henh, you're looking at the man himself. Rowdy Roddy Piper. Now you may be asking yourself why? Why is Roddy Piper attacking the franchise of WCW? We don't exactly have any history. It's not even like I dislike you as a person. You're probably a swell guy when you're not going 'Ow, ow, my knee, it hurts.'"


Sting: "So get on with it, Piper. Why the attacks? Why not just come and stand face to face with me?"


Roddy Piper: "I'm getting to that. Don't be impatient. You see, what I am trying to do, actually, is to get you fired back up. I am trying to get you to look at things from a different angle, a different point of view, if you will. You see, there's a new guy here in WCW. He goes by the name of Hulk Hogan. I've got a lot of history with that guy. But it seems to me like he's come in here and taken your spot. Not your dog, Spot, but your spot here in WCW. He wants to be the new big name, the new franchise of WCW. I am here to make sure you see the light. I am here to make sure that Hulk Hogan does NOT bring this company down. I am here to make sure that you retain your rightful spot."


Sting: "My spot, huh? Well, I think this company is big enough for Hulk and myself. But it may not be big enough for you and me."


The two men go nose-to-nose for a moment and Piper throws the first shot. He punches Sting but Sting punches him right back! The two exchange punches back and forth with Sting gaining an advantage. One punch sends Piper to the mat but Piper leans in and clips the knee of Sting! Sting goes down, holding that knee and Piper throws a few kicks to the knee, laughing and shaking his head. Security and officials come down to break things up between the two but the battlelines have definitely been drawn.


Match 5

The Stud Stable w/Col. Robert Parker v. 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham and 'The Enforcer' 'Double A' Arn Anderson

Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham obviously find Arn Anderson before the match starts as the three men come down to the ring together to face off with The Stud Stable members: Terry Funk, Bunkhouse Buck and Meng. All six of these men are brawlers so this was definitely not a technical catch as catch can style of match. There were a lot of punches and kicks and body slams throughout the contest, that did not see Arn Anderson tagged in once. Barry Windham was a recipient of a hot tag in the match just as Ric Flair and Steve Austin come down to ringside. Arn Anderson leaps off the apron and joins Flair and Austin at ringside, resulting in boos from the crowd. The movement distracts both Rhodes and Windham, leading to Terry Funk gaining an advantage in the ring. Funk catches Windham with the Texas Piledriver and makes the cover, getting the three count for the Stud Stable.

The Stud Stable d. Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham and Arn Anderson=C+


The Old Arn Anderson

As soon as the bell sounds, Dustin Rhodes confronts Arn Anderson at ringside. Anderson floors him with a left hand! The crowd boos as Anderson, Ric Flair and Steve Austin go after Rhodes like a pack of wild dogs. Punches and kicks are the name of the game. With Rhodes down, Anderson enters the ring and seems to help Barry Windham to his feet before bringing him down with a clothesline! The crowd is definitely not on the side of Anderson, who shoots Windham to the ropes -- Anderson Spinebuster! An Anderson family trademark leaves Barry Windham down in the center of the ring. Flair and Austin join Anderson in the ring and the three men hold up four fingers. Could we be seeing the return of the Four Horsemen here in WCW?


Match 6

'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith returns v. 'The All-American' Ron Simmons

Next, we have the WCW return of the man known as 'The British Bulldog!' The crowd stands on their feet, cheering for the British superstar as he enters the ring to face off with the All-American Ron Simmons. The former FSU star is not the type of wrestler to go down quietly and gets in quite a bit of offense. He scores a two count on DBS with a thrust spinebuster, looking altogether frustrated with not being able to get the three count. This frustration leads to him making a mistake and DBS capitalizes. The British Bulldog catches Simmons with a series of clotheslines and then lifts Simmons onto his shoulder -- Running Powerslam! Smith turns it into a cover, scoring a three count in his WCW return and leaving a very frustrated Ron Simmons, who can't seem to score a break.

Davey Boy Smith p. Ron Simmons=B


Dragon Versus Dragon Slayer

A hype video plays on this pay-per-view to show the history between Ricky Steamboat and Steve Austin. As of late, this feud has really started to heat up. Now that Austin is part of the Four Horsemen, things are really elevated.


Match 7: WCW United States Title Match

Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat v. 'Stunning' Steve Austin©

Our second title match of the evening features two men who know all about wrestling inside and out. Steamboat starts things off strong, firing off chops to the chest of Austin, along with a picture perfect dropkick that scores a two count on the United States Champion. The match continues in this manner with Steamboat in control, using a few restholds, showing that this match is going to be going on for awhile. Around the fifteen minute mark, Steamboat heads to the top turnbuckle and goes for the Flying Cross Body but Austin ducks away and Steamboat catches nothing but the canvas. Austin rolls Steamboat into an inside cradle and the referee begins to count: 1... 2... Kickout!


This match continues past the twenty minute mark with both men obviously growing tired and frustrated at not being able to secure the win. Arn Anderson walks out from the back and positions himself at ringside, securely in the corner of Steve Austin. The two men in the ring catch each other with a double clothesline and both men go down in the center of the ring. The referee begins a ten count and gets to eight before Steamboat reaches his feet. He fires chops to Austin's chest. The crowd claps their hands, giving Steamboat this second wind against the U.S. Champ! Steamboat lifts Austin onto his shoulders, electric chair drop! Austin hits the mat hard and Steamboat lifts to his feet. He heads to the top turnbuckle, perching there and waiting. Austin grabs the attention of the referee as Arn Anderson climbs on the apron. Anderson grabs Steamboat and shoves him off the turnbuckle! The crowd boos and Austin quickly moves in, sliding his feet on the ropes as he rolls up Steamboat. The referee drops down to count: 1... 2... 3!

Steve Austin p. Ricky Steamboat to retain the WCW United States Title=B-


To Be The Man...

The crowd is definitely unhappy about the victory by Steve Austin. But we move from the ringside area to a backstage locker room area where the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair is standing by, ready to talk.


Ric Flair: "Hulk Hogan, you can count the minutes down right now until you step in the ring and go face to face with me, the man. You can talk about your little Hulkamaniacs and how you do it for the kids. Well, brother, I don't do it for the kids. I do it for all the women ages 18 years and older. Whooooo. Tonight, there's gonna be a party in Orlando and it's going to be done Horsemen style because that's the only way the Nature Boy knows how to party. The limousine is all gassed up, the women are waiting and the champagne is on ice. Now all I need is to walk that aisle. Because, you see, Hulk Hogan, to be the man, you have to beat the man and you will NEVER, EVER be the man. Whoooooo!"


Flair does a little strut, looking as confident as he ever has. He smiles into the camera and then we head back to ringside.


Match 8: WCW World Tag Team Titles Match

Pretty Wonderful v. Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan w/Dave Sullivan©

Our next to last match of the evening features the WCW World Tag Team Titles on the line as the insane tag team champions take on the arrogant challengers in Pretty Wonderful. Jack and Sullivan go toe to toe immediately with Pretty Wonderful as Dave Sullivan looks on at ringside, still holding the crutches as Pretty Wonderful set him back last night in their attack on WCW Saturday Night. Pretty Wonderful take command of the match mid-way through, focusing their attention on Cactus Jack. Quick tags are the nature of this contest on the Pretty Wonderful side and they begin to toy with Jack, slapping him around at times in the ring and then outside the ring as well. Orndorff strikes Dave Sullivan outside the ring, leading to Kevin Sullivan vacating the apron and ring to help his 'brother' to the back. Jack gains an advantage in the ring but has no one to tag as Sullivan is backstage! Jack continues that advantage, though, until Sullivan returns. Jack drops Roma with a gutwrench suplex and then looks toward the corner where Sullivan is asking for a tag. Jack thinks about it for a moment and then tags in Sullivan! Roma tags in Orndorff! Sullivan goes after Orndorff but then gets turned around by Cactus Jack! Jack boots Sullivan in the gut and then strikes him with a Double Arm DDT! The crowd boos loudly as Cactus Jack does the 'Bang, Bang' motion, exiting the ring. Orndorff lifts Sullivan and tucks him between his legs -- Piledriver! Mr. Wonderful makes the cover and we have new WCW World Tag Team Champions in three seconds.

Pretty Wonderful p. Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan to win the WCW World Tag Team Titles=C


Icon Versus Icon

A video plays, showing the history between WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair and the arrival of Hulk Hogan! The conract signing is shown and the confrontations between these two men are recapped as we head into the biggest match in pro wrestling history, according to Tony Schiavone.


Match 9: WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair© v. 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan w/Jimmy Hart

This is the moment that everyone has been waiting for. The match between two Icons of the business. 'American Made' brings the challenger Hulk Hogan down to the ring alongside his manager Jimmy Hart. The crowd goes wild for the red and yellow as Hogan rips apart his t-shirt when he enters the ring. 'American Made' fades to '2001: A Space Odyssey' and the crowd boos as Ric Flair walks down to the ring in all of his splendor. 'The Nature Boy' enters the ring and comes face to face with his opponent for this evening.


Tony Schiavone: "This is the moment we have all been waiting for. The greatest match in WCW history tonight!"


The bell sounds and Flair immediately goes to chop the chest of Hogan but Hogan no-sells the chops! He flexes and Flair takes a few steps back, using the ropes to keep Hogan at bay. A lock-up at the center of the ring leads to Hogan pushing Flair back in the corner. Hogan looks for a clean break but Flair throws punches and chops to try to gain the advantage. Flair goes to the eyes of Hogan and that's enough to slow down the Immortal one. Almost immediately, Flair goes to the knee of Hogan, beginning the work on that leg. The next few minutes are spent with a focus of Ric Flair on the knee of Hulk Hogan. Flair drapes it across the bottom rope and then stomps on it, releasing a 'Whooooo' that is echoed by some fans and booed by others. Flair sends Hogan outside the ring where Jimmy Hart steps over, yelling at Hogan to 'get up.' There is a near count-out at this point but Hogan makes it back in before the ten count. Flair moves Hogan into a corner and lights up his chest with more of those knife-edge chops! He whips Hogan into the corner, NO! It's reversed! Flair flips up and over the corner and runs along the apron, climbing to the top turnbuckle. Hogan catches him on the turnbuckle and body slams him to the mat but then he grabs a hold of his knee, wincing in pain. He sucks it up and brings Flair down with multiple clotheslines and then makes the cover. The fans count along with the referee: 1... 2... Kickout!


Tony Schiavone: "We were half a count away from crowning a new World Heavyweight Champion! But what is THIS NONSENSE?!?!"


What Tony is referring to is the arrival of Arn Anderson down at ringside. Double A stands down in the corner of Ric Flair, cheering on his 'best friend.' Hogan maintains the advantage in the ring, though he is fighting on one leg. At around the fifteen minute mark of a truly back and forth match, Hogan goes for the Axe Bomber, a lariat he uses in Japan but Flair pulls the referee in the way! Referee Tommy Young is taken down by the hold and Hogan is stunned. Flair chop blocks the knee of Hogan and then Arn Anderson enters the ring. Anderson picks up Hogan and whips him to the ropes -- Double A Spinebuster! Anderson motions that the match is over and exits the ring. Flair makes a quick cover as Anderson revives the referee. This couldn't be, could it? The referee begins the count: 1... 2... Shoulder Up! Somehow, someway Hogan got the shoulder up! Flair shakes his head and bounces off the ropes landing a diving kneedrop! He swings around quickly and grabs the legs of Hogan, twisting him into the Figure 4 Leglock! Half the crowd cheers and half the crowd boos as Hogan's face twists in pain! Tommy Young asks Hogan if he wants to give up but Hogan shakes his head! He refuses to give up! The hold is locked in for two minutes before Hogan falls backward, shoulders landing on the mat: 1... 2... Shoulders Up!


Tony Schiavone: "Look, Bobby! He's getting pumped!"


Bobby Heenan: "NO! NO! NO!"


Hogan gets that look on his face as he 'Hulks Up' while in the Figure 4 Leglock! He uses the power of Hulkamania to turn the Figure 4 over, reversing the pressure! Flair releases the hold and then comes back to Hogan, throwing punches and chops that Hogan no-sells! Hogan shakes his head, his entire body vibrating as he moves to his feet. Flair throws another punch but Hogan does the point, waving his finger in the face of the Nature Boy. Flair goes for a punch but it's blocked! Hogan with a punch! Another! Another! Another! He whips Flair across the ring and back into a big boot! Hogan cups his ear, getting a louder ovation from the crowd. Arn Anderson jumps on the apron and is punched right off. Hogan bounces off the ropes and hits the big leg drop! Hogan makes the cover, hooking the leg. The referee drops down to count: 1... 2... 3!

Hulk Hogan p. Ric Flair to win the WCW World Heavyweight Title=B


We Have A New WCW World Heavyweight Champion!

Red, white and blue balloons and confetti explode from the ceiling of the Orlando Arena as the bell sounds and Hulk Hogan rises to his feet! Referee Tommy Young is handed the belt and he gives it over to the Hulkster! Jimmy Hart leaps into the ring to celebrate the victory with Hulk Hogan! Hogan raises the belt and then hands it over to Hart so he can flex for the crowd. The show ends with Hulk Hogan flexing and celebrating this major victory.


Bobby Heenan: "This is the darkest day in WCW's history!"


Tony Schiavone: "Really, Bobby? I think and all our WCW fans think that this is the greatest night in WCW! Congratulations Hulk! We'll see you this Saturday on Saturday Night!"

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Taped this Thursday night from the Asheville Civic Center in Asheville, NC. Broadcast via TBS on Saturday at 6:05 PM EST...

WCW presents...

WCW Saturday Night...


Main Event


Non Title Match

'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan w/Jimmy Hart© v. Terry Funk w/Col. Robert Parker





Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat v. 'The Enforcer' 'Double A' Arn Anderson



Brian Armstrong v. 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan



'Beautiful' Bobby Eaton v. Johnny B. Badd



'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith v. 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair





Sting found out at Bash At The Beach just who was attacking him in Roddy Piper. He was attacked on that hurt knee but will be in the building this week on WCW Saturday Night! What will he have to say to Roddy Piper?


Predictions, critiques, comments, card ratings encouraged!


Quick Picks:


'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith v. 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair



'Beautiful' Bobby Eaton v. Johnny B. Badd



Brian Armstrong v. 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan



Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat v. 'The Enforcer' 'Double A' Arn Anderson



Non Title Match:

'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan w/Jimmy Hart© v. Terry Funk w/Col. Robert Parker


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