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Guest Booker Presents: Saving WCW From Failure - Starrcade 1998 Aftermath

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Sean Oliver's backstory:


"World Championship Wrestling, formerly JCP in the NWA had a long and prestigious history, when taken over by Ted Turner the company went national and then international due to his unlimited finances and Eric Bischoff's day to day running of the company as he brought in mega names and came up with ground breaking storylines like the New World Order. Everyone has their own opinion on why the company eventually failed and was sold but the ratings show that 1999 was the pivotal year in the Monday night wars as Nitro's ratings rapidly declined and RAW's got to a height never seen in wrestling before or likely ever again. Today we start the journey of The Creative Genius as he re-books WCW in an attempt to ensure the company will not fail. Coming off Starrcade 1998 and into 1999 WCW hasn't began going into turmoil yet, they are losing to the WWF in the ratings war but the battle is still close but they don't have the hot storylines and stacked roster of meaningful talent they did a year earlier, these two points are the main objectives for the Creative Genius as he now attempts to get the ratings war back in WCW's favor and have good, logical storylines in places by the end of the year".


Sean Oliver & Creative Genius briefly go over the roster, champions and current storylines that were in place:




Main Event -
Bret Hart
Diamond Dallas Page
Hollywood Hogan
Kevin Nash
Lex Luger
Randy Savage
Ric Flair
Roddy Piper
Scott Hall
The Giant


Upper Midcard -
Bam Bam Bigelow
Booker T
Buff Bagwell
Chris Benoit
Chris Jericho
Curt Hennig
Rick Steiner
Scott Steiner
Stevie Ray


Midcard -
Barry Windham
Billy Kidman
Brian Adams
Dean Malenko
Disco Inferno
Ernest Miller
Fit Finlay
Hugh Morrus
Kenny Kaos
Norman Smiley
Perry Saturn
Rey Mysterio Jr
The Barbarian


Lower Midcard -
Chavo Guerrero Jr
Horace Hogan
Juventud Guerrera
LA Parka
Prince Iaukea


Opener -
Evan Karagias
Hector Garza
Kaz Hayashi
Sick Boy
Mikey Whipwreck


Occasional Wrestler -
Dave Taylor
David Flair
Jim Duggan
Jim Neidhart
V.K Wallstreet
Steve McMichael





nWo Hollywood:
Hulk Hogan, Scott Steiner, Eric Bischoff, Horace Hogan, Curt Hennig, Buff Bagwell, Brian Adams, The Giant


nWo Wolfpac:
Kevin Nash, Randy Savage, Lex Luger, Sting, Konnan, Miss Elizabeth


Four Horseman:
Ric Flair, Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, Steve McMichael, Arn Anderson


The First Family:
Jimmy Hart, Hugh Morrus, The Barbarian, Meng






WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Starting Champion
- Kevin Nash


WCW United States Championship

Starting Champion
- Bret Hart


WCW Tag Team Championships

Starting Champion
- Rick Steiner & Kenny Kaos


WCW Television Championship

Starting Champion
- Konnan


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Starting Champion
- Billy Kidman
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Monday Nitro Episode 1: Coming Soon

Monday Nitro Episode 2: Coming Soon

Monday Nitro Episode 3: Coming Soon

Monday Nitro Episode 4: Coming Soon

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Probably just converted one of the TEW10 mods.


I'd love to do that, but it's not as easy as it sounds, at least if we want it to work well. I mean, converting the files is easy, but after the conversion is done I imagine there is a ton of things that need to be fixed, because several TEW13 features need to be adjusted for a database that was from TEW2010 and didn't had those features yet, so I assume it has to be a long process if we want the game to be running well.

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I'd love to do that, but it's not as easy as it sounds, at least if we want it to work well. I mean, converting the files is easy, but after the conversion is done I imagine there is a ton of things that need to be fixed, because several TEW13 features need to be adjusted for a database that was from TEW2010 and didn't had those features yet, so I assume it has to be a long process if we want the game to be running well.


Yes i did convert the 2010 mod, since I've had the game i was hoping a late 90's mod will be released but right now the closest to that is either 96 or 2001, i heard Genadi's working on Montreal aftermath which should be good but i really wanted to play this game so a few days ago i just started updating it. Luckily there isn't any huge features which prevent converting a mod but it still takes time as you have to work your way every part of the database and update it and then obviously testing helps find any faults like Ken Shamrock's, Mark Henry's and Bob Holly's starting wage was 83,333 for the WWF which needed correcting.

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Chapter 1: Shuffling the Pack




Sean Oliver & Creative Genius talk about how WCW booked Nitro in January 99:


Sean Oliver:
“Straight from Starrcade WCW had a very controversial couple of weeks which led to the WWF start to further the gap in the ratings war, what went wrong for WCW at this point?”


Creative Genius:
“One unforgivable thing was the night after Starrcade they did nothing to explain the screwjob or further the story, rather they waited to the following week and did the whole finger poke of doom garbage which cost the company big in the long run. For a long time leading up to this point there was so much inconsistency with the two main stables Hollywood and Wolfpac that no one really knew who to cheer and who to boo, Hogan had been out the way for the later part of ’98 so Scott Steiner took the reins of the nWo Hollwood, this led to tension between him and The Giant over who should run the stable but there was no pay off, Hogan just returned and the tension was dropped as Hogan was once again the leader when in reality it should of led to The Giant turning face again (not that he didn't do that a thousand times in the late 90’s). Nash was running the Wolfpac which was the babyface stable but Sting wasn't about much due to him taking time off, Savage also took time off but when he was appearing he seemed better suited to be in the Hollywood stable due to him still portraying a heel. Scott Hall had done a good job as the ‘lone wolf’ heel and after the surprise in the main event of Starrcade he should have been in line for a good singles run when the nWo grouped together. Bischoff & Hennig, despite being attached to the Hollywood group had been feuding with Flair in which was a great angle over the presidency of WCW, the night after Starrcade when Flair beat Bischoff for total control was great, the angle could of lasted a few months longer with Bischoff getting his cronies to try and get his job back unfortunately it ended up being all about the debut of David Flair, not saying he shouldn't have been involved but he shouldn't have played such a big part in my opinion”.




Creative Genius looks at the storylines that were in place and decides which ones he is going to continue progressing:


nWo Hollywood/nWo Wolfpac/Goldberg War:
Since the Wolfpac and Hollywood stables were formed there has been a war brewing, despite the stables clashing several times there hasn't been an on-going rivalry put in place yet. Goldberg has been placed in the middle of the two factions now for several months, managing to fight of challengers from both factions to keep his World Title until Kevin Nash defeated him in the main event of Starrcade '98 following interference.


Ric Flair/Eric Bischoff battle for power:
The battle between the nWo and WCW has been on going since late 1996, Eric Bischoff has been one of the main figure heads of the nWo to this point and Flair has been on his case for many months now. The rivalry has turned into a battle for the presidency of WCW, after beating Flair at Starrcade, Bischoff is still president but the rivalry looks to be far from over.


Scott Hall trying to win back his friendships:
Following a drunk gimmick, Scott Hall lost his closest friend Kevin Nash and was denied a place in the nWo Wolfpac, he has been trying to win back his friendship for many months now and most recently helped Nash win the World title at Starrcade.




Sean Oliver:
“Now that we've seen your point of view on what happened after Starrcade, I think it’s about time to get to booking. What do you want to achieve in the first month leading up to Souled Out”.


Creative Genius:
“First of we've got to ‘reshuffle the pack’, no one cares or even knows who they are meant to care about in the nWo Hollywood or in the Wolfpac, there needs to be clear divides in the good guys and the bad guys so that by the time Souled Out comes along the two sides can start to go at it. Sting and Savage, they cannot be taking time off at this point, bonuses, drugs, alcohol, anything you need to give them, do it. At this point we are setting up the sides and two big names like that need to be there, especially Sting because you need top baby faces to fight of the numbers game of the nWo, in reality they tried to have Goldberg fight of all of the nWo and it just made the fans get bored of him, who wants to see one good guy beat all of the bad guys at once, that’s what killed the angle, the bad guys need to look strong because of the numbers advantage and then eventually the top good guys come together and beat them. Over time I want to have a fresher and younger main event scene and I have plans for many superstars I want to get to the top in this re-booking so my secondary target for the first month is to get a younger name working a top feud”.


Primary target –
Have the babyface side and the heel side clearly set out by the end of January


Secondary target –
Have a younger wrestler working in a top feud by the end of January
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I'll be the first to admit that I normally only read dynasties set in the Cornellverse. That said, I'm ALL over this one. I was around my Freshman year of High School by this point & was in FULL swing as it pertains to being a wrestling fan. Switching back and forth every Monday night, I was one of those TV viewers that both companies were fighting for; making my choice of WHICH show I'd watch that night depending upon how the night was going. With this in mind, around this time, the WWF really did start pulling away (as WCW was starting to, even for a younger viewer, fall apart).


I'm looking forward to what you can do here, Creative Genius! Let's hope you are.

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WCW Monday Nitro Wk 1 January 1999





Hello everyone, I'm Tony Schiavonne joined by Bobby Heenan and Mike Tenay as we are here to guide you through three hours of the number one wrestling programme today, WCW Monday Nitro! We're kicking the show off in a big way tonight, down to ring with mean Gene as we are awaiting the arrival of Ric Flair.



I tell you what, after Eric Bischoff and his boys from the nWo Hollywood one upped Flair last night at Starrcade I'd put money on the nature boy being slightly pissed off to say the very least.



Gene Okerlund:
I'm joined here by the nature boy, the man himself Ric Flair, coming off that travesty last night in which Eric Bischoff beat you following a whole hell of a lot of interference, what is next for you Ric Flair?


Ric Flair:
Last night after suffering the most embarrassing defeat of my career, the nature boy decided it was time to call it quits. I rang my wife and said that’s it, it’s over, I rang Arn Anderson, told him it’s over and then I read an interview on WCW.com where Eric Bischoff said he’s put the nature boy down and I decided it’s not over by a long shot baby!


So I came here tonight on my private jet, straight down to Alabama to lay down the final challenge, you got it right Bischoff last night you beat me, so right now you’re the man and that’s why I’m here one more match, right here tonight, you beat me and you can have the satisfaction of knowing you ended the career of Ric Flair.. I beat you and you are removed from your position of president of WCW and the jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling dealing, son of a gun, the nature boy Ric Flair becomes the president of World Championship Wrestling.


Eric Bischoff comes down to the ring


Eric Bischoff:
Ric I think all the alcohol you've been drinking over the years has finally caught up with you, last night I shocked the world when I beat you and made you look a shell of your former self, I could do it again anytime I want and your willing to put your career on the line? I accept.


Ric Flair:
That's what I thought you son of a b****, just a word of warning, when I'm the president of WCW I'm going to enjoy making your life a living hell like you've done to me.



http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/Glacier_zpsb0c348d2.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/MikeyWhipwreck_zps62a1a2bd.jpg


Winner: Glacier after 3:55 following a Cryonic Kick



Gene Okerlund:
Here we go, were about to get some answers ladies and gentlemen, big sexy Kevin Nash! Kevin you've finally made it to the top of the wrestling ladder, World Heavyweight Champion although there is plenty of controversy surrounding the win, how does it feel?


Kevin Nash:
Gene right now my concern is not with being the World champion it’s getting to the bottom of what happened last night at Starrcade, first off Goldberg does deserve a rematch, it’s only fair and if he’s here tonight than I’d happily take him on so we can find out who truly is the better man. Secondly, I don’t why and I don’t know how Scott Hall pulled of what he did last night and if he thinks it impressed me it didn’t, the biggest match of my life and he took what would have been the biggest win of my career and turned it into a screwjob victory, just so you know Scott, when I find you, you’re going to pay.



Well there we go things certainly seem to be heating up between Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. Just a reminder that we still have Scott Hall scheduled to appear on Nitro tonight and don't miss this epic main event in a rematch from Starrcade as Kevin Nash takes on Goldberg for the World Heavyweight Championship.



http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/ErnestMiller_zps838fb845.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/TheSandman2_zpse04f3ab9.jpg


Winner: Ernest Miller after 5:12 following the Feliner



http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/BillyKidman_zps2c3c7503.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/LaParka_zps060ba252.jpg


Winner: Billy Kidman after 5:11 after a Shooting Star Press



Backstage Ric Flair is with Arn Anderson and the rest of the Four Horseman as they wish him luck going into battle with Eric Bischoff later. Flair tells them if he becomes president of WCW he won't be able to lead the Four Horseman as he will have to focus on turning around the mess Bischoff has made, he tells Arn to start scouting new talent to join the Four Horseman but tells them he will always be ready to fight by their side.



Great unity shown by the Four Horseman heading into tonight's main event, the question on everyone's minds now will be who could replace Ric Flair if he does indeed become president of WCW tonight?



http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/ChrisBenoit4_zps2419f3d7.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/ScottyRiggs_zps832bf8bc.jpg


Winner: Chris Benoit after 6:21 after a Dragon Suplex



Gene Okerlund:
The moment we have all been waiting for, the lone wolf Scott Hall is about to join me and will hopefully answer question regarding him ruining the main event of Starrcade 1998, you sir have a lot of explaining to do Hall!


Scott Hall:
Look Chico, don’t act tough to the lone wolf Scott Hall I did what I had to last night and all you fans can dream and laugh about how Goldberg is going to get his hands on me but the truth is the man isn't getting anywhere near me, I may have been the lone wolf around here but that doesn't mean I don’t have contacts and them contacts told me exactly what to do last night and they are going to make sure no one lays a hand on Scott Hall.



Scott Hall giving nothing away there, still not letting the fans know why he attacked Goldberg with some sort of stun gun last week and something tells me Scott Hall isn't the only man behind this and these 'contacts' may be revealed very soon.



Gene Okerlund:
I'm joined by Chris Jericho who has been given a second chance at the Television title after failing.....


Jericho cut Gene of mid-sentence


Chris Jericho:
I have been the victim of a whole lot of conspiracy’s as of late in WCW and just when I think everything was fine once again I am screwed, Konnan didn’t deserve to beat me at Starrcade, he knows it, I know it. Chris Jericho is the best athlete on the WCW roster I am better than any wrestler, legend, commentator, no one is in my league. My bodyguard Ralphus has told me he will get mean on anyone who gets in the way of Chris Jericho reaching the top of WCW and that journey starts tonight with all my Jerichoholics witnessing me winning back the WCW Television title.



http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/ChrisJericho4_zpsd13148b9.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/Konnan_zpsa5fc69ae.jpg


Winner: And still Television Champion Konnan in 9:23 via submission to the Tequila Sunrise




Oh my god everyone it's time, we are about to be joined by wrestling royalty and the future president of the United States of America, Hollywood Hogan. Rumors have been surfing all week that Hogan would be making his final WCW appearance tonight and it's time to send it down to mean Gene in the ring.


Gene Okerlund:
This is WCW Monday Nitro and I'm in the ring live with Hollywood Hogan, big news coming this week from the Jay Leno show that Hogan will be running for presidency of America this upcoming year...


Hogan cuts of mean Gene to quickly address the fans in attendance


Hollywood Hogan:
The next president of America is in your presence so I think you stupid Alabama fans should shut the hell up.


Gene Okerlund:
Hollywood what are your plans going forward with this political run and what does it mean for your wrestling career?


Hollywood Hogan:
Well mean Gene, it looks like the world of wrestling still revolves around Hollywood Hogan brother and tonight I was going to start my campaign to be the next president of America and officially retire from wrestling but it seems Hollywood Hogan is being blamed by the fans for what happened last night, let me assure all the assholes who came on that ‘wcw cam’ and said they thought I was behind the Scott Hall attack that they are wrong, Hollywood Hogan is too busy handling my presidential campaign to waste my time associating with WCW and forming a plan against Goldberg or Kevin Nash. So now that I've cleared things up I would like to thank god and most importantly I would like to thank myself for being the best damn wrestler in the history of wrestling, I took over wrestling many years ago and now it’s time to take over America, good bye and god bless Hollywood Hogan is done.


Hogan leaves the ring and then exits the arena in a limousine that picks him up backstage




http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/PrinceIaukea2_zps1f0e3a6b.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/Raven_zps28c3209e.jpg


Winner: Raven after 5:56 after a Piledriver



Backstage Bret Hart is asked about Hollywood Hogan returning to lead nWo Hollywood only to announce his retirement tonight.


Bret Hart:
I don’t know what’s going on with Hogan at the minute, one day he is here the next he’s gone but right now it looks like he’s gone for good so I’m not focusing on nWo Hollywood right now I’m focusing on Diamond Dallas Page. Page you want a piece of the best there is, the best there was and the bets there ever will be? Come get some.



That's a focused and intense Bret Hart, ready to battle, if it were up to me he would be the next leader of nWo Hollywood.



http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/BretHart4_zps1404087a.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/ReyMysterioJr8_zps7fc5052e.jpg


Winner: Bret Hart in 12:07 via submission with the Sharpshooter



http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/EricBischoffnwo_zps82d4e641.jpg VS http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/TheCreativeGenius/Wrestlers/RicFLair7_zps7e1bf3f6.jpg


Winner: Ric Flair in 9:11 via submission with the Figure Four Leg-Lock



Kevin Nash made his entrance for the main event, shortly after Goldberg came out, just after his ear shattering pyro went off Hollywood Hogan attacked him on the ramp with a steel chair, the fans were shocked after Hogan made a retirement speech earlier on in the night. Hogan rolled Goldberg into the ring but when he entered he came face to face with Kevin Nash, the two had a long stare down as the crowd built in anticipation until Kevin Nash dropped and elbow on Goldberg who was laying down still hurt from the attack from Hogan. Hogan and Nash then hugged and pointed to the back... Scott Hall came out with the stun gun in hand and began using it and drowning the life out of Goldberg. Hogan grabbed a microphone and declared "the band is back together baby and once again you all fell for it!", Nash then took the microphone "the only difference is this time we don't have to start recruiting we already have the strength in numbers, there is no more nWo Hollywood and nWo Wolpac this is the New World Order and it's for life brother". Hogan once again took the microphone "We're sorry to disappoint some of you in the back but you might not have made the cut as we are only accepting the best into the 'new' nWo". Bret Hart, Randy Savage, Scott Steiner, The Giant and Buff Bagwell were all called to the ring and the elite 8 came together and called themselves the nWo Elite.



This is sickening not only is the nWo back together it's stronger than ever, I don't think there has ever been a one group with 8 of the top wrestlers in the company all working together. I think that's all we've go time for folks, Ric Flair is the new president of WCW! The nWo Elite has been formed and god damn it I don't think anyone is going to be able to bring them down, do not miss next weeks Nitro!


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