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Paul Heyman - An Extreme Surprise

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Paul Heyman on the ECW plans for the invasion angle (April 2001)

Once he laid out the plans I knew it wasn't for me, hopefully the angle works out for the best but ECW seemed to be an after thought in the big picture


After the closure of ECW several of my guys jumped ship, Jerry Lynn and Rhyno most notably also with the acquisition of WCW, Vince now had a bunch of former ECW stars heading into this upcoming Invasion angle. The Dudleys, Chris Jericho, Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, Al Snow in fact a lot of their talent had been involved with ECW in some shape or form over the years. Shortly after Vince took over both company's he started planning the Invasion, I was involved in many of these talks as he wanted me to spear head the ECW side while Shane McMahon would lead WCW, I proposed many ideas but Vince had his plan laid out and wanted to stick with it. Not saying I could do better but due to my biasness towards ECW I wanted them to look a little stronger and not be the third company behind WCW and WWF. I came up with the idea of all three brands waging war on each other with WCW having guys like Flair, Sting and Hogan leading them, the WWF having The Rock, Kurt Angle and The Undertaker and Steve Austin defecting to ECW to lead alongside Rey Mysterio Jr and Rob Van Dam. My ideas were quickly brushed aside as Vince made it clear he couldn't include Nash, Hall, Hogan, Sting, Flair or Goldberg, that threw a huge wrench in the plans and made the invasion almost pointless, he then wanted WCW and ECW to merge together so they would be a viable threat to the WWF. In my eyes I just couldn't see it coming together and right then and there I knew I couldn't be apart of the invasion angle.


There was definite tension between me and Vince in the short time I was with with the WWF, I respect the man but almost all of my plans were either laughed off or changed heavily to fit his mindset. Another reason I couldn't sign up to be part of the storyline was the lack of real ECW talent involved, I mentioned above most wrestlers had came across ECW at some point but how can you plan to properly reach out to the full ECW audience without names like Sabu, Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk is beyond me. I finished up my duties as a colour commentator at Wrestlemania which was a blast and almost made me wanted to stay on but doing that would be selling out to the ECW fans which got me here in the first place.
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Paul Heyman on Vince deciding against bringing Rob Van Dam in (April 2001)

Total arrogance, Vince laughed off my claims that RVD could be a top guy in the WWF if used correctly and I hope it comes back to haunt him.


I've never seen eye to eye with Vince on talent as both of us have totally different perceptions of what a top star should be but come on anyone who passes on the chance to sign Rob Van Dam is f****** crazy, when he told me he didn't sign him because he thought Van Dam better suited being a babyface and the invasion angle had WCW and ECW as heels I nearly asked him what he had been smoking. Van Dam was heel for quite some time in ECW and was just fine, sure he may be a better babyface but that will just make it all the better when he finally turns!


The day after I left I received many calls from friends and former ECW workers now in the WWF who feared for their jobs in the WWF due to me leaving. The dirt sheets had got work on me departure and had already started reports that Vince was thinking about getting rid of the ECW group as they had little value without the leader. I reached out to Vince via e-mail and told him if they were able to adjust the angle to not only what I wanted but what the people would enjoy more than I would reconsider.


People like Jericho and The Dudleys had been there for a while now but new talent like Lance Storm, Rhyno and Lynn really were scared about how they would be treated and how they would be booked. I sat up all night thinking about all the talent Vince isn't using or is going to waste and it drove me mad, Vince still hadn't replied to my e-mail so I decided that tomorrow I would pay him a visit at the WWF headquarters.

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Please... keep... this... going!


I'm loving every second of what you're writing thus far. The idea of Paul Heyman backing away from the WWF machine & rekindling what he had lost is interesting. I wonder how you'll tell the story for Heyman's perspective as, when ECW closed down, I think I remember him saying that it had ran it's course. Not to mention, a lot of the ECW talent wasn't all that 'happy' with him due to how business had been handled backstage.


Either way though, the idea of a Heyman-led company post-ECW sounds amazing.

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Please... keep... this... going!


I'm loving every second of what you're writing thus far. The idea of Paul Heyman backing away from the WWF machine & rekindling what he had lost is interesting. I wonder how you'll tell the story for Heyman's perspective as, when ECW closed down, I think I remember him saying that it had ran it's course. Not to mention, a lot of the ECW talent wasn't all that 'happy' with him due to how business had been handled backstage.


Either way though, the idea of a Heyman-led company post-ECW sounds amazing.


Cheers for the support Eisen-Verse, just a little idea I had a while back and finally started making a diary out of it

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Paul Heyman on Vince McMahon's opinion of ECW during the Monday Night Wars (January 2000)

ECW is more than guys hitting each other with chairs and falling into tables, it takes more passion and drive than the WWF does to be successful, Vince doesn't see it that way and therefor continues to look down on us.


I decided to set up a meeting with Vince through his assistant instead of just showing up unannounced and I knew going into this that by the end of the meeting we’d either be at each other’s necks arguing or be on the same page. Vince told me there was no way he could change the plan now as he had Diamond Dallas Page debut last night and the invasion was already underway. He said he went against using ECW in the end and any ECW talent already wrestling in the WWF like the Dudleys and Justin Credible would continue their current storylines and any recently signed ones will wait until after the WCW invasion to debut. In a way I felt glad he wasn't burying them but at the same time he was keeping them on the side line for the next 6 months to a year, I left the meeting wishing there was something I could do to change what was going to happen but soon realised if they’re contracted to the WWF I can no longer help.


Reports were speculating online that Vince had offered Tommy Dreamer and Rob Van Dam contracts, to say I was p***** off reading this was an understatement. I recommended these two the minute I walked in the door of the WWF and after Vince decides he’s not going to use ECW in his big invasion storyline he decides he’ll sign them. Knowing Vince he’s only doing it to prove me wrong about RVD and will probably repackage him as a cartoon hero rip off like robin hood, I mean he’s already planning to do the same with Shane Helms.


Again I was up all night thinking about how differently things could have been in this upcoming invasion but more importantly how different things could be if ECW never went bankrupt, I would re-start the company today if I could, I mean a lot of the talent are free agents, the copyrights and video library were never brought but the only problem is funding, I couldn’t do what I did last time, I owed some of them wrestlers hundreds of thousands of dollars and it was unfair of me to make them work without getting paid. A sleepless night led me to stay up and watch television and that’s when I saw this…..





Coming soon to your television screens, The Fight Network; All THE FIGHTS ALL THE TIME. Keep up to date with all the latest boxing, MMA, kickboxing, wrestling and all the news from the fighting side of sport.
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Good start, I remember being so excited when I realised that ECW was invading the WWF (I had noticed that the guys making the save for Kane and Jericho? were former ECW guys) and needless to say was disappointed it flopped. I'm interested to see how you go with Heyman.
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Good start, I remember being so excited when I realised that ECW was invading the WWF (I had noticed that the guys making the save for Kane and Jericho? were former ECW guys) and needless to say was disappointed it flopped. I'm interested to see how you go with Heyman.


Thanks Heel, the whole invasion angle sucked but the ECW part of it definitely was the worst bit, they were all pretty much jobbers to the WWF until RVD got his big push, only good part was seeing Heyman on television every week. The backstory for Heyman is pretty much planned out but there are many things which will change depending on the feel of how things are going, hopefully should be interesting.

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Knowing Vince he’s only doing it to prove me wrong about RVD and will probably repackage him as a cartoon hero rip off like robin hood, I mean he’s already planning to do the same with Shane Helms.


I loved this. ha.


So true though. If there's one thing that Vince loves to do it's to take a success from another company and ultimately bury them under the rubble. It always seemed like such terrible business BUT it's also rather genius to make the WWF/E look like it's far-and-away better than ANY other company.


It'll be interesting to see what comes of all of this. Also, how you plan on doing your results (when shows come around).

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I loved this. ha.


So true though. If there's one thing that Vince loves to do it's to take a success from another company and ultimately bury them under the rubble. It always seemed like such terrible business BUT it's also rather genius to make the WWF/E look like it's far-and-away better than ANY other company.


It'll be interesting to see what comes of all of this. Also, how you plan on doing your results (when shows come around).


I suppose it does make his promotion look strongest and I guess that's just Vince, to be honest I didn't mind the hurricane gimmick as it got him over but preferred him as Shane Helms in the cruiserweight division and think that gimmick could have been used for someone less talented to get them over. I'm currently building up the pictures for the write ups now and am still undecided on how i will present the shows, i do really like your style of write ups as it gives a lot of information and is also nicely presented so hoping to do something along those lines.

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Paul Heyman on ECW going bankrupt (February 2001)

Everyone has an opinion on this matter but the truth is ECW would still be in business today if we were able to get back on national television and anyone who says any different doesn't know what they’re talking about.


Just like most of the internet wrestling fans, I was interested. A network that focuses on combat sports and to be honest the only one out of the list that could be featured daily or weekly is wrestling, MMA and Boxing only do events every so often so really this network would heavily cater towards wrestling and wrestling fans. I had to find out more so looked online for any information about the network. I found out that the network is being ran by a group of sports fans who all have invested much time and money into getting the network ready to go live and getting the programming for the network all sorted.


Information taken from The Fight Network website




Coming soon to satellite in USA, Canada and Britain the premier destination for 24/7 combat sports news, analysis, interviews and action! The Fight Network is scheduled for launch in April 2001 and boasts the best action in wrestling, MMA, Boxing, Kick Boxing and many other combat sports.


Wrestling page of The Fight Network website


Professional wrestling is and has been for many years one of the most athletic and exciting sports around featuring some of the most talented athletes on earth. The Fight Network will bring you the best wrestling today with monthly shows from Stampede Wrestling (Canada), AAA (Mexico), All Star Wrestling (UK) and IWA Mid-South (America) and special look into the promotions as well as access to their video library's containing many years of action packed wrestling.


As I read on I had a smile of optimism on my face, firstly I was excited for the network but also I realised they didn't have a leading promotion to market the wrestling side around, a network like this needed a weekly show that they could expand off the popularity of that show. Ideas were floating through my head all night but my optimism was probably stupidity, for all I know they have probably approached the WWF about weekly content already (sigh).
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Really like the premise so far, looking forward to seeing where you take this.


Thanks & it could lead to so many different options but I've finally decided where it's leading, could be a few twists in the tale a long the way though.


Good work so far man, not sure whether I'd prefer heyman to start a new company or revive ECW after the backstory, either should be good though


You'll find out soon enough:p


I thought I'd also chime in with an "enjoying this so far" post. It's a great pro-wrestling timeline point to be working in, so I'm intrigued to see where you go with this.


Cheers and thanks for reading seb, hope you enjoy what's coming up.

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Gabe Sapolsky on Heyman in the WWF (April 2001)

I knew from the start he would end up leaving, didn't think it would be so soon, Paul isn't meant to be the one taking orders he should be the giving them, he would do anything to go back one year and run ECW again.


The next day I spoke to Gabe Sapolsky for the first time in a while, he was my protégé in ECW and took the closure very hard, he couldn't believe something we all worked so hard to build could just end like that. He hasn't had any work since ECW and has been deciding on whether to stay in the business or not. We had lunch and I showed him The Fight Network, I told him to imagine how well a wrestling programme could grow using that network, broadcasted internationally and then once the show reaches a certain level you can start adding other shows or ‘B’ shows as the WWF likes to call them. I told Gabe that this network would have saved ECW, Gabe knows me pretty well and as soon as I said that he knew I was suggesting some sort of ECW revival. Despite being positive Gabe told me he didn’t think it could work, “a lot of good talent is now with the WWF, and besides that we would run into the same financial problems we had first time around” he told me, this was one of my few concerns and it seems we would definitely need funding to kick of a project like this. I then laid out a different plan, one he seemed to like more… buying the ECW tape library and creating an ECW untold story DVD, the fan base is still there and if presented correctly we could make a big profit, from there we would have more than enough money to do an ECW final show to get closure and give the fans one final chance to enjoy Extreme Championship Wrestling. Gabe like the idea a lot more as he believed running a full time promotion would only lead to financial problems and he had faith that the ECW audience would not only turn out to see ECW one last time but also by the DVD for the memories. All good ideas come with a fault and he then asked how we would get the funding for the DVD, I told him not to worry and that I would figure it out, I could see in his eyes for the first time ever he doubted whether I could pull this off.


I left the restaurant with that plan set in stone, I would find a way how to get that ECW DVD and final show out there, little did Gabe know I was already thinking ahead to after the final show, if the fans would turn out for the final show and buy the DVD then they would surely be loyal enough to get ECW going full time again, right? After I got home I knew there was only one way I could get the funding, Vince McMahon would rather go to his grave then give me money and if he knew I was planning a ECW DVD and reunion after making him pull ECW out of his storylines then I would be in my grave right now. The Fight Network….

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Bubba Ray Dudley on Paul Heyman's motivational talks (April 2001)

Paul knew how to inspire anyone, he knew how to make you not only be wiling but want to give your life for ECW, one of his talks or one of his speeches and you would be forever brain washed.


The next day was the first step in what I'm hoping will be a long road to redemption, I met with Fight Network president Mike Garrow, straight away I could see his respect for me and for what I'd done with ECW, he told me he and some of the other investors were hardcore ECW fans and even came to a few of the shows. He seemed to have a great passion for wrestling and although he liked the other sports I got the feeling he wanted this network of his to feature plenty of wrestling. During the meeting I mentioned the plan for an ECW dvd and how it could possibly lead to a final show for the company, he loved the idea and then realised why I had arranged the meeting with him, he asked me how much I needed to fund the project and from the production company I spoke to it was suggested to be around forty five thousand dollars, Mike seemed deeply sorry but said with the launch of the network coming up he and the other investors, no matter how hard they tried couldn't come close to that figure, I understood him and wished him the best of luck with his network, he turned to me before I left and said he might be able to get half the necessary funding with the promise that it would be paid back to him no matter the sales of the dvd, the news shocked me and brought and gave me hope.. I told him I would get back to him as soon as possible.


As I left the meeting I was almost positive that somehow I could raise the other 20,000 necessary. When I got home I spoke to Tommy Dreamer, still a close friend of mine and the heart and soul of ECW, I needed him to be involved in the project to add legitimacy to the dvd. Tommy is still considering an offer from the WWF but I told him of the plan for the dvd and without hesitation he told me he was in, I left out the part about the final ECW show as I didn't want to pressure him into making a decision regarding the WWF, although if it goes ahead it would be a damn shame if Tommy wasn't involved. Me and Tommy began throwing out ideas of how we would raise the 20,000 but to little luck so far, our talk was cut short by Tommy having to get ready for an NWA Wildside appearance, Tommy then asked had I brought the ECW tape library back yet, to which I had to answer no and add it to the list of things that need funding. Several hours later Tommy rang me for the second time and said he had transferred the money he made the past week doing indy appearances to my bank account and that first thing tomorrow morning I was to go get the ECW tape library back. Tommy has and always will be the biggest ECW fan and after what he has just done for me and the company me and him helped build he will forever be my best friend, part one of the ECW revival was complete, the ECW video library was back in the hands of Paul Heyman.

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Wrestlezone.com (May 2001)

Paul Heyman today announced the news that he along with the former production crew at ECW are teaming up with The Fight Network to release 'ECW The Untold Story' which will feature some of ECW's top stars speakign about the company in depth, addressing all the controversial moments and bringing the fans in on what was their home for many years. The DVD will also feature the top ten ECW matches of all time chosen by the you the fans as well as highlights of many others. So far information on the funding for the dvd has not been revealed and neither has the release date.


From agreeing the deal with The Fight Network, to Tommy Dreamer coming on board with the project, to then buying the tape library, every thing was moving so fast and before I knew it we were releasing information on the upcoming dvd to the internet, we hadn't even began digging through the tape library yet or starting filming the sit down interviews or even made a start on raising $20,000. At least know we had the drive to make sure this all happens, the online wrestling community blew up after hearing the news and every ECW fan of the past was excited about the dvd.


When I got home I received a call from a familiar voice, it was none other than Vincent Kennedy McMahon, I knew what he wanted before he even said it but I let him cockily inquire about the dvd as if the news had just been mentioned throughout conversation in the day, but I could tell he wasn't happy about it. I told him since I've took a break from on screen wrestling for now it was a project of mine for the upcoming months, Vince didn't give a crap about my reasons he was pissed at the fact that he was again considering including ECW in the invasion (since so far the angle has been a flop) and now he feels I'm trying to stop him. "I could go get that video library tomorrow if I wanted Paul, and I'm thinking about bringing ECW into the invasion to spice things up so I may very well do that, then you wouldn't have much of a dvd would you?" Vince said, "actually Vince I brought that back yesterday for the project" I replied and then smirked to my self, Vince clearly wasn't happy at that and now definitely felt like I did it as a personal attack on him. He also brought up that Tommy Dreamer had declined his offer to be a part of the invasion storyline and questioned whether I had anything to do with it, I told him he would be featured in the dvd but that I hadn't told him to drop out of the WWF deal, I could tell Vince didn't believe me and after a final attempt of getting me to re-sign with the WWF for the invasion, he even threw in that he would make the ECW Untold Story dvd, but again I declined, Vince wished me luck with the dvd but told me not one of his superstars would be a part of it. There was no way I was letting Vince get his hands on the project and no way I was going back to the WWF, unfortunately after what just happened it looks like both me and Tommy Dreamer will never get the chance again, Vince was legitimately pissed off.
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Quickly moving on from that tense phone call with Vince, the next week would be a very busy one, starting off with a fund raising activity, a highspots shoot interview.




Preview clip A taken from


It is my pleasure to be joined here by former ECW owner and on screen figure as well as the short lived WWF announcer Paul Heyman, thanks for joining us Paul


It's my pleasure


Before jumping into the past, I would like to start with recent news that you are co producing an ECW wrestling documentary/dvd, how did this all come about?


Well the moment ECW closed it's doors it was under consideration but with Vince McMahon possibly looking to include ECW in his programming it was pushed back. Soon later I as well as some other ECW dropped out of the WWF or they just didn't sign with the company and I felt that it was okay for me to set up this project along with The Fight Network.


I see you mentioned the invasion angle that is currently taking place in the WWF at the minute, in my opinion it could really use the ECW to add to it, what are your thoughts on the storyline so far?


I haven't been watching regularly but from what I have seen I agree with most of the fans that it has been a let down so far, the sides are not evenly stacked with only Booker T and DDP as big names for WCW, Buff Bagwell has disappeared recently and they are yet to sing one of the 5 or 6 big names people are waiting for so they don't have much going for them. I don't think ECW would add much to the invasion, already you have Lance Storm and Mike Awesome with WCW, The Dudleys and Justin Credible on the WWF so that doesn't leave much for ECW unless they somehow merged together.


Rob Van Dam, Rey Mysterio Jr and Tommy Dreamer have all been linked with the WWF recently, all former ECW stars and could certainly spice up the angle don't you think?


Well they are all former ECW wrestlers, I believe Mysterio is more linked with WCW than ECW. If they do sign I wish them all luck but in my honest opinion I don't think Vince would know how to utilize ECW stars like Dreamer or RVD and I think once this angle is over you will see many ECW faces cut by the WWF due to them not having any good ideas for them.


ECW officially went bankrupted in January 2001 but the company was in a terrible financial state for a long time, pretty much ever since they were dropped by TNN, do you regret continuing the company for so long in such a bad position which led to wrestler being unpaid for months.


I most definitely don't regret anything to do with ECW, I was trying to get back on a well known network the second we were dropped by TNN but it was near impossible. Also I don't regret giving the fans a real alternative to the WWF, by this point WCW had became a low rent version of the WWF just with crap storylines, we were something different and I never wanted to take that away from the wrestling fans. I do, however regret that it ruined my relationships with many ECW wrestlers who were great friends of mine up until we went into financial turmoil but I was willing to risk that to keep ECW alive.


Catch the rest of the interview only available at
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