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MACW 1983: WarGames

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End of Jan 1983 Review.


Top Ten Companies

1. New Japan/ Regional Booker:Hisashi Shinma

2. All Japan/ Regional Booker: Giant Baba

3. MACW/Cult - The company rose three spots Booker: John Cornell

4.WCCW/Regional Booker: Gary Hart

5.AWA/Regional: Greg Gagne

6.GCW/Cult Booker: Ole Anderson

7.CWF/Regional Booker: Dusty Rhodes

8.WWF/Regional Booker: George Scott

9.CMLL/Regional Booker: Francisco Lutteroth

10.SWCW/Regional Booker: Wahoo McDaniel


Georgia and Mid-Atlantic jumped to Cult at the same time. So it's going to be interesting to see how things work out. For all the WWF marks don't worry. If the other runs prove right the WWF will start jumping up the ranks quick in couple of months.



Are you guys able to see all the pictures?

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Right off the news wire it seems the Gagnes are posing for a showdown with the NWA. They have recently signed to exclusive contracts Kevin Sullivan and Paul Orndorff. What plans the AWA has for these two men are yet unknown to PWI Radio.

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PWI has learned Mid-Atlantic has been taken off the air for the next couple of weeks. Because of failed contract talks with the network. They will be touring the country with PPV deal with closed circuit U.S. which will allow them to show the world SuperBrawl.


Plus in news that will shock the world with tensions growing inside the NWA Central States Wrestling has shown hostilities towards Jim Crockett Promotions. Reasons why for these hostilities are unknown to us at this date.



The AWA has also shown hostilities towards Jim Crockett Promotions. This may have something to do with National Wrestling Alliance promoters agreeing to make Jim Crockett Promotions the main promotion in the NWA. Which Jim Crockett Promotions would like to be known as National Wrestling Alliance the NWA for short.


It has came to our knowledge that this move is to bolster the company and the alliance in the undeclared war with the AWA and WWF. The Von Erichs, The Freebirds, Jake Roberts, Dusty Rhodes Junkyard Dog, Butch Reed, and Captain Lou Albano has signed with the company. Curt Henning, Bobby Heenan, and Nick Bockwinkel are also rumored to be in talks with the company.





Number One Contenders Match

Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood vs The Briscos


Six Man Tag Team Match

The Von Erichs vs The Freebirds


NWA United States Tag Team Title Match

The Fabulous Ones© vs The Midnight Express


NWA Television Title Match

Tully Blanchard© vs Dory Funk Jr.


Bob Orton Jr. & Dick Slater vs Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo


NWA World Tag Team Title Match

Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle © vs Junkyard Dog & Butch Reed


NWA United States Title Match

Greg Valentine© vs Tommy Rich


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Roddy Piper vs Ric Flair ©


Plus much more

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Bob Caudle:Welcome fans to SuperBrawl. Tonight we have a excellent show for you fans. Here come Jim Crockett Jr. out to talk with us. Welcome Jim, you told me earlier you had something important to tell the fans.


Jim Crockett Jr.: Yes, I do tonight is the first night of a new era for Jim Crockett Promotions and the NWA. The biggest names in this sport will be apart of the new NWA. Plus we have not been on the air for the last two weeks because of a deal we have made. Next Sunday we will premiere NWA Sunday Night's Main Event showing on ESPN. The number one sports network in the world. Thank you Bob and fans we hope you enjoy the show.


Bob Caudle: Well thank you Jim. Lets go the ring for our first match of the night.


The Hart Foundation vs The Rock 'n' Roll Express

This match got the fans hot. Quick tags by both teams showcasing their skills. Ricky Morton was battered and bruised as The Hitman and Anvil tried to keep him away from his partner. When Robert finally got in the ring he was like a house on fire. Jimmy Hart distracted the ref so Anvil could use the megaphone. Only Robert ducked out of the way dropkicking Bret Hart to get the win.Rock 'n' Roll Express wins Rating 90


The United States Tag Team Championship Match

The Midnight Express vs Fabulous Ones©

Fans were ready for these two teams to hook up. Jim Cornette was screaming instructions at Bobby and Dennis the whole match. They were doing good until Stan Lane got a hold of Jimmy's tennis racket and knocked Bobby Eaton out cold. Fabulous Ones win Rating 77


Bob Caudle: Well fans two exciting tag team matches already to start the night off and we just started.


Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo vs Bob Orton Jr. & Dick Slater

Well this wasn't a wrestling match. This was a brawl the ref had a hard time keeping control of this match. Dick Slater drove Mike Rotundo's head into the mat with a leaping piledriver for the pin. Slater & Orton win Rating 83



Dory Funk Jr. vs Tully Blanchard©

Two second generation stars do battle for the T.V. title in this one. It was a fantastic match the fans got behind Tully in this match. Dory came close of taking the title but when Tully hit the slingshot suplex he was able to get the pin.Tully Blanchard wins Rating 83


Number One Contenders Match

Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood vs The Briscos

This was a great match with a great crowd split between these two fan favorite teams. Battling for a shot at the NWA World Tag Team Champions. Ricky Steamboat get the win after he pinned Jerry Brisco. Winners Youngblood and Steamboat Rating 88


The Freebirds vs The Von Erichs

Everyone knows of this feud being imported straight from Texas. Bloody brawl ensued as all six man wage war on each other. The Von Erichs was tearing the Freebirds a new one when suddenly the tide turned in the Freebirds favor. When Terry Gordy slammed a chair repeatedly over David Von Erich's head. The Freebirds win Rating 79


Bob Caudle: I can't believe the wild brawl we just saw. These men hate each other. An you could tell it in that ring. hold on David Von Erich is making his way over here. David I think you need to get your head checked blood is flowing from you head.


David Von Erich:I came here not to war with you. I came here for the NWA World Championship, but(pause) IF YOU WANT A WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEN BY GOD WAR IT WILL BE WHEREVER YOU ARE I OR MY BROTHERS WILL BE THERE. TO BEAT THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF YOU!!


BOB CAUDLE: Fans let's get back to the ring.



Junkyard Dog & Butch Reed vs Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle ©

This match was showing off the power of JYD and Butch Reed. As they powered through the World Tag Champs. It seemed if we were about to get new champions when Sgt. Slaughter hit his patented Slaughter canon. Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle WinnersRating 82


NWA United States Heavyweight Championship Match

Tommy Rich vs Greg Valentine

Greg Valentine and Tommy Rich set the stage in this match. It seemed if they wanted to steal the show. The way they were battling each other in the ring. The crowd was sizzling as the battled back and forth trying to get the victory. Only to see Greg Valentine get the win with a figure four leglock. Greg Valentine wins. Rating 90



Rowdy Roddy Piper vs "Nature Boy " Ric Flair ©

This one started hot Roddy pounding Flair in the corner with fists. Flair fall to the ground and Piper rubs his face in the ground, Flair scrambles to the outside, but Piper chases him back into the ring. Flair nails him in the groin and gets on top pounding on Piper. Then Hot Rod gets on top giving Flair just as good as he got. The fans are going nuts as these two men battle it out. Flair gets the advantage with a high knee, he tries to hook in the figure four but Piper counters. Piper hooks his own figure four, but Flair counters. Flair and Piper are at hammer and tong battling each other in and outside of the ring. Flair whips Piper into the ropes Roddy hits him with a swinging neckbreaker. Piper goes for the pin 1....2... Flair gets a shoulder up. Flair staggers blood is turning his face into a crimson mask. Piper hooks in the sleeper Flair is trying to reach the ropes. He barely makes but Piper pulls him into the ring.

Piper smashes a knee in his head as Flair lays on the ground. Piper picks him up and he throws Flair in the ropes. Flair kicks him in the face gets behind Piper rolls him up in small cradle. 1...2...3 . Ric Flair WinsRating 99




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Jay Youngblood:Tonight on Sunday Night's Main Event me and Ricky get at shot at the World Tag Titles. Slaughter I can break your feared cobra clutch and I don't just know one way but two ways to do it.






Ricky Steamboat: Sgt. Slaughter and Don Kernodle tonight the uncrown World Tag Team Champions will be the World Tag Team Champions after tonight when we win. Your reign shall end tonight that you can bet on it.







Sgt. Slaughter We are the greatest tag team in history. We have beaten everyone that even has name recognition as a tag team around the world. So Jay Youngbum you have never broken my cobra clutch. This time I am going to break your neck. You broke a cobra clutch not mine.






Don Kernodle: You might like calling yourselves the uncrown champions, but you will never be able to call yourselves the World champions. Because after tonight you will walk in and be stretchered out when we are done with you two.

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Stan Lane: Come Sunday Rock 'n' Roll Express you will challenge us for these U.S. Tag Team titles. We are going bring our best and hopefully you do the same.







Steve Keirn: This isn't the first time we locked up Morton and Gibson. I know it will not be the last time either that we meet in the ring. Sunday Night these belts will stay with the Fabulous Ones because your good but your not good enough to beat us.









Robert Gibson: You know Ricky people don't know about the Rock 'n' Roll Express we have been around this sport for couple of years now. I started off when I was 17 and I think you did too. We have been teaming for a year now, Fabulous Ones we haven't held gold together but come Sunday we going to take the United States Tag Team Titles from you.







Ricky Morton: This Sunday Fabs we will take your belts and after that Hart Foundation we got unfinished business. So you and that annoying Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart better not interfere in our match this Sunday.

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Super Brawl was a tremendous card. Flair vs Piper could very well be the match of the year


I loved the card myself. I was shocked about the Rock 'n Roll Express and Hart Foundation match. I didn't know it was going to turn out that good. Tommy Rich is really surprising me with the matches he is giving me. Flair and Piper are hell of feud it's my number one feud going. It became the number 2 match in my history. Ric Flair and Jack Brisco hold the number one spot.


Thanks for your comment. I see people are reading but I don't know if people are liking this or not. Still trying to nail down a style for this dynasty . I think I might have found it too. Tonight or tomorrow I will post the NWA Sunday Night's Main Event card

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John Cornell: Welcome fans to the NWA Sunday's Night Main Event here on ESPN.


Bob Caudle: We have a fantastic show tonight for our premier episode. It seemed every wrestler wanted to be on this card.


John Cornell: I was talking to Jim Crockett Jr. and David Crockett earlier today and they said since it was announced we be on ESPN. Every wrestler around the world wanted to be on the number one sports network in the world.



Bob Caudle: Let's send it to Rich Landrum who is in the dressing room with the uncrown world tag team champions.


Rich Landrum: Thank you Bob, I am standing here with Jay Youngblood and Ricky Steamboat. Tonight Jay and Ricky you got a shot at the World Tag Team Champions Sergeant Slaughter and Don Kernodle.


Jay YoungbloodTonight we going to finally take down Sergeant Slaughter and Don Kernodle. You get me in the Cobra Clutch tonight Slaughter and I will counter it


Ricky Steamboat Slaughter and Kernodle them belts are coming home to where they belong around our waists tonight.

Rating 73




Rock 'n' Roll Express vs The Fabulous Ones ©


This battle of fan favorites really started off the show right. As these two teams battled for the gold that was on the line. It was a even battle throughout the whole match until a double dropkick by Morton and Gibson was hit on Stan Lane. Ricky Morton would get the pin at 12:09. Rock and Roll Express win Rating 84



NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match

Dusty Rhodes vs Greg Valentine ©


It was a match with little hoopla but it still delivered. As Dusty and Valentine went hammer and tong at each other for the entire match. An brutal affair that saw both men bloodied and bruised by the end. In the closing moments with the ref distracted Wahoo McDaniel came to the ring and smashed Greg Valentine with the U.S. title right across the head. Dusty not seeing what happened pinned Valentine and got the 1...2...3. Dusty Rhodes win Rating 89



Sgt. Slaughter: Hahaha, do you fools really believe you can beat us. We have I have already whipped your tails across this country and tonight will be no different.


Don KernodleSteamboat and Youngblood this ends tonight. Were going to beat you so bad your mommas are going to think your strangers.



NWA World Tag Team Title Match

Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood vs Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle ©


This was a pier six brawl before the bell even rang. As these two teams went after each other. Blood flowed like water running down their faces as they beat upon each other. Slaughter tried his best to get Youngblood in the cobra clutch only to fail every time. Ricky Steamboat jumped off the top rope down on the floor to strike Don Kernodle, but Don was fast and slammed a steel chair into the still airborne Steamboat. Getting him disqualified and losing the match. Steamboat and Youngblood win by DQ. Rating 90



Slaughter and Kernodle was furious over the decision and brutally beat down the winners. Leaving Steamboat and Youngblood in bloody heaps in the ring. The fans were silent shock as they witness this brutal attack. Rating 78





KERRY Von Erich vs Ric Flair ©


Ric Flair and Kerry Von Erich paced themselves in this one. The youngest Von Erich had already fought Flair on couple of occasions all in Texas. This was his first shot inside the new NWA. It was a pretty even affair as time went on Von Erich latched on the iron claw and many thought it would be the end of the match. Flair was able to get out of it with well place shot to the groin. Kerry head was bashed into the cage by Flair a few times. Kerry hit the discus punch on Flair suddenly. Terry Gordy came down to the ring and began insulting Kerry. Kerry in a confused stated head for the door trying to get out of the cage. Terry opened the cage door for Kerry Von Erich. Then with all of his strength he slammed the cage door into Kerry Von Erich head. He fell back into the ring and Flair seeing his opponent down went for the pin 1..2..3. Ric Flair win Rating 92



Ric Flair took his title and quickly exited the ring. When David and Kevin Von Erich came down and started brawling with Terry Gordy. Michael Hayes and Buddy Roberts came rushing down to the ring to aid their fellow Freebird brother. NWA Sunday Night's Main Event faded to black as the Von Erichs and Freebirds brawled outside the cage. Rating 54





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Bob Caudle: Welcome fans to NWA Main Event tonight is star studded occasion for us. We our only few weeks away from the Final Conflict pay per view. Lets get to the ring and four on four match.



The Von Erichs & Junkyard Dog vs The Freebirds & Dory Funk Jr.

In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Dory Funk Jr., Buddy Roberts and The Fabulous Freebirds defeated Kevin Von Erich, Junkyard Dog and David & Kerry Von Erich in 18:06 when Terry Gordy defeated Kerry Von Erich by pinfall with a Powerbomb. Rating 80



Bob Caudle: That was a great match. Our next match will be the Rock "n" Roll Express defending for the first time United States Tag Team Titles against The Islanders managed by Captain Lou Albano.


NWA United States Tag Team Title Match

The Islanders w/ Captain Lou Albano vs Rock and Roll Express ©

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Rock and Roll Express defeated The Islanders in 11:35 when Ricky Morton defeated Samu by pinfall with a Missile Dropkick. Rock and Roll Express make defence number 1 of their NWA United States Tag Team titles. Rating 68


Sgt. Slaughter: How dare that ref give that match to them two punks. We should of been the victors.



Don Kernodle: We told you we send you out of that ring on a stretcher and we did. That was your last chance at these belts.


Sgt.Slaughter:Never again will you challenge for these belts Steamboat and Youngblood never again. Rating 70



John Cornell: Well I guess.. wait a minute here comes Jim Crockett Jr. out here.



Jim Crockett Jr.: After reviewing the match last week between Steamboat, Youngblood, Slaughter, and Kernodle. It's the NWA board of directors decision that at Final Conflict they will be a third match between these two teams. Plus because of the nature of how the last two matches have ended it will be in a Steel Cage.



John Cornell: Well that should upset the Tag Team Champions.Rating 72



Bobby Heenan: Tonight Nick Bockwinkel versus Tommy Rich have been signed. Tommy Rich has been crying that Ric Flair has been ducking him for the World Heavyweight Championship. Well tonight Tommy Rich you get in the ring with Nick Bockwinkel a man who will beat you 1..2..3. An after that we will set our goals on this fat slob that calls himself the American Dream Dusty Rhodes. Rating 80



The U.S. Express vs The Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, The Midnight Express defeated The U.S. Express in 11:53 when Dennis Condrey defeated Barry Windham by pinfall with a Piledriver. Rating 80


Dusty Rhodes: Tonight if you will is great night for wrestling and for the American Dream. I get to team up with Roddy Piper and Wahoo to go after three snakes in the grass. Terry...


Bobby Heenan: I don't want any trouble out of you .I just want you to know at Final Conflict Harley Race will be taking that United States Title from you. Rating 86


Nick Bockwinkel vs Tommy Rich

In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Nick Bockwinkel defeated Tommy Rich in 18:09 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Rating 86



Ric Flair,Greg Valentine, and Terry Funk vs Dusty Rhodes, Roddy Piper, and Wahoo McDaniel


In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Ric Flair, Greg Valentine and Terry Funk defeated Wahoo McDaniel, Roddy Piper and Dusty Rhodes in 17:46 when Greg Valentine defeated Dusty Rhodes by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock. Rating 96



NWA Main Event Rating 91

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We have the latest news coming out of the world of professional wrestling. Sgt. Slaughter and Don Kernodle were furious over the announced match for Final Conflict. Slaughter and Kernodle demanded if they were to put the titles than a stipulation had to be added. If Steamboat and Youngblood lose they will never team together again.


Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood quickly agreed to the terms of the deal, but said since the name of the Pay Per View was Final Conflict. Why not have it who ever loses inside the cage can't ever be a tag team again.


Slaughter and Kernodle were leery at first to agree to that added stipulation but when Jim Crockett Jr. threaten to strip them of the tag team titles if they didn't agree. Slaughter and Kernodle reluctantly agreed to it. So at Final Conflict the NWA World Tag Team titles will be on the line in a steel cage plus who ever loses will never be able to tag together forever.

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Bob Caudle:Fans tonight is the night we see the end of one of the best feuds this company has ever seen. When the cage door locks and the World Tag Team Champions face off against the uncrown champions. So fans I hope your ready for a great night of action.


Greg Valentine & Paul Jones vs Tommy Rich & Mark Youngblood

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Greg Valentine and Paul Jones defeated Tommy Rich and Mark Youngblood in 17:40 when Greg Valentine defeated Mark Youngblood by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock. Rating 82



The U.S. Express vs The Midnight Express w/ Jim CornetteIn a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, The Midnight Express defeated The U.S. Express in 12:16 when Bobby Eaton defeated Mike Rotundo by pinfall with an Alabama Jam. Rating 83


Jim Cornette: Well first off let me say they are way too many expresses in this company. Tonight though the true express the Midnight Express prevailed we are the greatest tag team in this sport. Rock 'n' Roll you got something that my guys want real bad them U..S. belts. We are firing on all cylinders and soon we will be bringing them belts where they always have belonged.



Junkyard Dog & Butch Reed & Brisco Brothers vs The Funks & Dick Slater & Bob Orton Jr.

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Butch Reed, Junkyard Dog and The Funk Brothers defeated Bob Orton Jr. & Dick Slater and The Brisco Brothers in 18:24 when Junkyard Dog defeated Bob Orton Jr. by pinfall with a Piledriver. Rating 80



Arn Anderson & Curt Henning vs Tim Horner & Brad Armstrong In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Arn Anderson and Curt Hennig defeated Brad Armstrong & Horner in 12:13 when Arn Anderson defeated Brad Armstrong by submission.

Rating 72



Jimmy Hart: Tonight Koko Ware and Bobby Fulton your the first stepping stone in the Hart Foundation road for the gold. Hahahaha!!!



Koko Ware & Bobby Fulton vs Hart Foundation w/ Jimmy Hart

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, The Hart Foundation defeated Koko B. Ware and Bobby Fulton in 11:33 when Jim Neidhart defeated Bobby Fulton by pinfall with an Anvil Flatnner. Rating 72


Jake Roberts vs Jimmy Valiant

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Jake Roberts defeated Jimmy Valiant in 11:40 by submission.

Rating 77


The Fabulous Ones vs The Islanders w/ Captain Lou Albano

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, The Fabulous Ones defeated The Islanders in 12:16 when Steve Keirn defeated Samu by submission. Rating 85


Bob Caudle: Well fans are first title match is coming up next. The Rock 'n' Express will be defending United States Tag Team Titles against the always tough Long Riders Bill and Scott Irwin.


NWA United States Tag Team Title Match:

The Long Riders vs The Rock "n" Roll Express ©

In a bout that featured great action but non-existent crowd heat, Rock and Roll Express defeated The Long Riders in 12:01 when Robert Gibson defeated Bill Irwin by pinfall with a Rocker Dropper. Rock and Roll Express make defence number 2 of their NWA United States Tag Team titles. Rating 81


The Freebirds vs The Von Erichs

In a bout that featured great action but non-existent crowd heat, The Von Erichs (David Von Erich, Kerry Von Erich and Kevin Von Erich) defeated The Fabulous Freebirds (Terry Gordy, Michael Hayes and Buddy Roberts) in 18:05 when Kevin Von Erich defeated Buddy Roberts by pinfall with a Diving Crossbody. Rating 83


NWA T.V. Title Match

Nick Bockwinkel w/ Bobby Heenan vs Tully Blanchard ©

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Nick Bockwinkel drew with Tully Blanchard in 18:00 when the time limit expired. Rating 76


NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match:

Harley Race w/ Bobby Heenan vs Dusty Rhodes ©

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Dusty Rhodes defeated Harley Race in 17:49 by pinfall with a Bionic Elbow. Dusty Rhodes makes defence number 1 of his NWA United States Heavyweight title. Rating 84



Bob Caudle: Here it is folks the match everyone has been waiting on tonight. NWA World Tag Team Title match in steel cage.


John Cornell: If that wouldn't get you hyped up to see this match. The added stipulation who ever loses will never be allowed to tag together again. So tonight is the last time we will see one of these tag teams ever team together.


Bob Caudle: That alone makes this night special to me John. Well I hear the music lets send to the ring.



NWA World Tag Team Title Match:

Jay Youngblood & Ricky Steamboat vs Sgt.Slaughter & Don Kernodle ©


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Steamboat & Youngblood defeated Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle in a Cage match in 18:06 when Jay Youngblood defeated Sgt. Slaughter by submission. Steamboat & Youngblood win the NWA World Tag Team titles. Rating 84



Bob Caudle: These fans are going crazy as we have new World Tag Team champions the uncrowned champs have been finally crowned.



NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:

"Hot Rod Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair ©


In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Ric Flair defeated Roddy Piper in 30:19 by pinfall. During the match we also had Greg Valentine turn on Flair when he came into the ring and bashed Ric Flair with a cane. Ric Flair makes defence number 9 of his NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating 98



NWA Final Conflict Rating 93 PPV Buy Rate 0.44

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PWI Radio




The AWA, WWF, and Central States are now at war with the flagship promotion of the NWA Jim Crockett Promotions. The weird part of this is the fact that Central States and Jim Crockett Promotions are in the National Wrestling Alliance will this split the NWA if they have to choose sides.


The AWA has now moved to Cult. Two JCP employees have been contacted so far Dick Slater and Don Kernodle.

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John Cornell: Welcome to my office Don what do you need?


Don Kernodle:I come in here to tell you I am heading up to Minnesota to work for Verne Gagne in the AWA.


John Cornell: Well to tell you the truth you will be missed. You always gave me your best effort. You and Slaughter had a great run as tag team champions. I am glad I was able to work with you.


Don Kernodle:Thank you for being so understanding mister Cornell.

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Bob Caudle: Fans welcome this week we have a great show in store for you tonight



Bobby Heenan: Dusty Rhodes your days are numbered. Nick Bockwinkel, Harley Race, and myself have came to a agreement. That it is time for Dusty Rhodes to retire. So this ain't about no championships it's about putting you out of wrestling for good. Rating 81


Ric Flair and Greg Valentine brawl until officials can break it up. Rating 90


Dick Slater vs Don Kernodle

Slater whip the hell out of Don Kernodle throughtout this match. Rating 44


Dusty Rhodes: Let me say this I am the American Dream. The son of plumber as blue collar as you can be. I have floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee. Rocked the Hammer with the Bionic Elbow to be crowned the United States Champion. Harley Race, Nick Bockwinkel, and that weasel that's running around here I am the American Dream and like this great country of ours you may knock me down , but you will never knock me out. Rating 100


Terry Funk: Tonight I am going to take that dog and hang his carcass from the nearest tree. Rating 68


Funks vs JYD & Butch Reed


All four of these men came out swinging pounding each other. Terry Funk took the win when he drove Junkyard Dog head into the mat with a piledriver. Rating 79


After the match Terry Funk grabbed Junkyard Dog's steel chain he began pounding JYD in the head with it. Butch Reed grabbed a chair to help out his partner, but was low blow by Dory Funk Jr. who took the chair and began bashing it over Butch Reed's head. Terry Funk dragged JYD over to side of the ring flipping him over it. JYD has the steel chain wrapped around his neck. His hanging JYD my God. Several wrestlers came from the back to stop this madness. Rating 80


Bob Caudle: My God I can't believe what we just witnessed. I can tell you this fans they will be heavy fines levied for the actions of the Funks.


Sgt. Slaughter vs Wahoo McDaniel


This was brutal match as both men punched, kicked, and just plainly battered each other. Wahoo won after he clotheslined Slaughter and pin him. Rating 88


Ric Flair vs Arn Anderson


Ric Flair took this young man to school. Toying with Arn at first, but when the youngest Anderson came close to pinning Flair. Flair turned up the heat at got the victory. Rating 80


Greg Valentine comes into the ring and brawls with Ric Flair both men was still battling as the show went off the air. Rating 93



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JCP HQ Charlotte, NC



John Cornell: Are you freaking serious!!! You would literally get your tail whipped from one end of the arena to the other by Terry Gordy!!! How dare you start a fight in my locker room. This your last chance one more screw up and your out of the company.


Ken Wayne: I am sorry Mister Cornell. I will not let it happen again sir.


John Cornell:Get the hell out of my office.

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Bob Caudle: Fans we have great night of action. Right now we going to head to the ring to get the action started.


The U.S. Express vs The Nightmares

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, The U.S. Express defeated The Nightmares in 11:31 when Mike Rotundo defeated Ken Wayne by pinfall with a Flying Lariat.Rating 72



The Von Erichs & The Fabs vs Freebirds & The Islanders

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Kevin Von Erich, David & Kerry Von Erich and The Fabulous Ones defeated Terry Gordy, The Fabulous Freebirds II and The Islanders in 18:23 when Stan Lane defeated Samu by pinfall with a Savate Kick. Rating 76


Nick Bockwinkel & Harley Race & The Midnight Express & Jake Roberts vs Ric Flair & Wahoo McDaniel & Tommy Rich & Roddy Piper & Tully Blanchard

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, Wahoo McDaniel, Tully Blanchard and Tommy Rich defeated Nick Bockwinkel, Harley Race, Dennis Condrey, Bobby Eaton and Jake Roberts in 16:08 when Tommy Rich defeated Bobby Eaton by pinfall with a Lou Thesz Press. Rating 92


Malenko Brothers vs Koko Ware and Bobby Fulton

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Fulton & Birdman defeated Malenko Brothers in 6:05 when Bobby Fulton defeated Dean Malenko by pinfall with a Flying Body Press. Rating 52


NWA World Tag Team Title Match:

The Funks vs Steamboat & Youngblood

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Steamboat & Youngblood defeated The Funk Brothers in 16:02 when Ricky Steamboat defeated Dory Funk Jr. by pinfall with a Flying Karate Chop. Steamboat & Youngblood make defence number 1 of their NWA World Tag Team titles. Rating 89


Gary Hart: Sergeant Slaughter I watched you last week. I saw how you handled Wahoo McDaniel. It seems to me without the World Tag Team Titles anymore around your waist. Your partner high tailing it out of the promotion. You are man without a direction or purpose.


Sgt. Slaughter: Gary Hart I am not for sell.


Gary Hart : I can give you direction and purpose and I can give you whole lot of money to join Hart International.


Sgt. Slaughter: Your dismissed. (Sgt. Slaughter walks away from the podium.)


Bob Caudle: Well I think that was your answer Gary Hart.


Gary Hart: No, I don't think so because he never said yes or no. Rating 65


Sgt. Slaughter vs Jimmy Valiant

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Sgt. Slaughter defeated Jimmy Valiant in 15:45 by submission with a Cobra Clutch. Rating 77


Ric Flair: Greg Valentine you see this!!! You broke my nose!!! I am going to break your legs. You want a shot you claim for my World Title you got and I promise to make sure that you never will forget one simple thing. You don't cross the dirtiest player in the game. Rating 100


NWA United States Tag Team Title Match

Arn Anderson & Curt Henning vs Rock "n" Roll Express©

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Rock and Roll Express defeated Double A & Hennig in 12:25 when Ricky Morton defeated Arn Anderson by pinfall with a Missile Dropkick. Rock and Roll Express make defence number 3 of their NWA United States Tag Team titles. Rating 76


NWA United States Title Match:

Dusty Rhodes © vs Greg Valentine

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Dusty Rhodes defeated Greg Valentine in 16:23 by pinfall with a Bionic Elbow. Dusty Rhodes makes defence number 2 of his NWA United States Heavyweight title. Rating 92


Race and Bockwinkel attack Dusty Rhodes in the ring, and leave him down and out. Rating 78




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I have to give it to the AWA they know how to book talent. Verne Gagne pays 5,000 dollars to get Jimmy Valiant from the NWA only to job him out to Sonny Rogers who is opening act for the company.

The Boogie Woogie Man had scored matches in the 70's or 80's for the NWA. He didn't deserved to be jobbed to no opening act especially when your using him as a midcarder for God sakes.


Don Kernodle faired little better getting a win against Kenny Jay.


Paul Orndorff - Losing to midcarders and lower midcarders while there using him as a Upper Midcarder.


Billy Robinson and Bobby Duncum your last two AWA Heavyweight Champions. Yeah great champions my foot. Don't get me wrong Robinson and Duncum are good wrestlers but I just don't picture them as Top Level Talent to build a company around especially when you start a war with Jim Crockett Promotions or NWA whatever you want call the promotion down in Charlotte it doesn't matter their still whipping you in the ratings.


If the NWA didn't have a roster that to be honest is jam packed with talent from top to bottom. I would tell them go sign Paul Orndorff and Kevin Sullivan. Here the thing is Don Kernodle and Jimmy Valiant was allowed to walk not because the booking team didn't want to keep them . No it was purely because the NWA roster is so big they couldn't use them on a consistence basis.

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Bob Caudle: Tonight will be the final show until the first annual Crockett Cup a two day event that is suppose to set the bar even higher for other promotions to reach. Ric Flair will defend the NWA World Heavyweight Championship against his former friend Greg "The Hammer" Valentine. That will be a very explosive match fans that you will not want to miss.


Fulton & Ware vs The Russians

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, The Russians defeated Fulton & Birdman in 12:06 when Ivan Koloff defeated Koko B. Ware by pinfall with a Russian Sickle. Rating 62


The Iron Sheik vs Brad Armstrong

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, The Iron Sheik defeated Brad Armstrong in 11:46 by submission with a Boston Crab. Rating 56


Bob Caudle: Sergeant Slaughter I must ask you a question last week Gary Hart came out here and offered you a contract to join him in his Hart International Inc.


Sgt. Slaughter: I don't give a damn about your question Caudle. Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood I am... what the hell do you want?


Gary Hart: I can give you what your searching for. You just have to join Hart International Inc. plus me the generous man that I am this suitcase full of cash.


Sgt.Slaughter:(Sgt. Slaughter stands still. Looking at Gary Hart and his suitcase full of cash.) Dismissed!! (After saying that he walks away) Rating 56


Barry Windham vs Greg Valentine

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Greg Valentine defeated Barry Windham in 12:25 by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock. Rating 79


Barry Windham is in the ring still when Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff , and Ivan Koloff come out and enter the ring. After some back-and-forth insults they attack, laying Windham out. Rotundo and Rich come out from the back, hit the ring, and clean house, saving Windham. Rating 46


Bob Caudle: Welcome champ.


Ric Flair: Looks like the Russians and a Iranian have came to the NWA.


Bob Caudle: Yes it does Ric.


Ric Flair: Well I am out here to talk about one man, not them, not Harley Race who later tonight I will be defending the World Title against. No I want to talk about the man who did this to me. Greg Valentine who broke my nose at Final Conflict. Crockett Cup will be the night that I show the world why I am the best in this sport and why you can't hold a candle to me. Rating 90


Dusty Rhodes: Last week you jumped me after I got done with my match. Harley Race and Nick Bockwinkel I got surprise for you at Crockett Cup. Yes I will be in the tournament and I know you two will be too. You better hope we don't meet in that ring because me and my partner got a score to settle with you. Rating 64


The Von Erichs , JYD, and Butch Reed vs The Freebirds and The Funks

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Terry Gordy, The Fabulous Freebirds II and The Funk Brothers defeated Kerry Von Erich, David Von Erich, Junkyard Dog, Butch Reed and Kevin Von Erich in 16:07 when Terry Funk defeated Kevin Von Erich by pinfall with a Piledriver. Rating 75


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:

Harley Race vs Ric Flair ©

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Ric Flair defeated Harley Race in 32:18 by pinfall. Ric Flair makes defence number 11 of his NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating 86


Ric Flair is in the ring celebrating his victory. Harley Race and Nick Bockwinkel attack, laying Flair out two-on-one. Dusty Rhodes comes out from the back, hits the ring, and cleans house, saving Flair. Rating 84



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Bob Caudle: Fans tonight will be a special night here on NWA Main Event to get ready for the Crockett Cup all the matches will be tag team matches tonight. So fans I hope your ready for a great night of action. As many of the great tag teams in this tournament will be in action tonight.


The U.S. Express vs Arn Anderson & Curt Henning

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, The U.S. Express defeated Double A & Hennig in 12:26 when Barry Windham defeated Curt Hennig by pinfall with a Flying Lariat. Rating 82


Wahoo McDaniel & Tommy Rich vs The Funks

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Wahoo McDaniel and Tommy Rich defeated The Funk Brothers in 15:39 when Wahoo McDaniel defeated Terry Funk by pinfall with a Tomahawk Chop. Rating 91


Mark Youngblood & Koko Ware vs The Hart Foundation

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, The Hart Foundation defeated Mark Youngblood and Koko B. Ware in 12:01 when Bret Hart defeated Koko B. Ware by submission with a Sharpshooter. Rating 78


Terry Gordy & Nick Bockwinkel vs Tully Blanchard & Tito Santana

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Terry Gordy and Nick Bockwinkel defeated Tully Blanchard and Tito Santana in 12:17 when Nick Bockwinkel defeated Tito Santana by submission with an Oriental Sleeper. During the match we also had Tully Blanchard turn on Santana. Rating 65


The Nightmares vs Kerry & Kevin Von Erich

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Kevin & Kerry Von Erich defeated The Nightmares in 12:22 when Kerry Von Erich defeated Ken Wayne by pinfall with a Discus Punch. Rating 63


Rock 'n' Roll Express vs The Freebirds

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Rock and Roll Express defeated The Fabulous Freebirds II in 12:18 when Ricky Morton defeated Michael Hayes by pinfall with a Missile Dropkick. Rock and Roll Express make defence number 4 of their NWA United States Tag Team titles. Rating 82


The Russians vs Steamboat & Youngblood

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Steamboat & Youngblood defeated The Russians in 12:26 when Ricky Steamboat defeated Ivan Koloff by pinfall with a Flying Karate Chop. Steamboat & Youngblood make defence number 2 of their NWA World Tag Team titles Rating 77


The Midnight Express vs The Fabulous Ones

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, The Midnight Express defeated The Fabulous Ones in 12:07 when Bobby Eaton defeated Stan Lane by pinfall with an Alabama Jam. Rating 90


Bobby Heenan: Dusty Rhodes you think you can lie and tell us you have a surprise for us at Crockett Cup. What your going to bring that has been Dick Murdoch in? You going bring in Blackjack Mulligan as a partner? I doubt either man want to have anything to do with you or deal with the greatest World Champions of all time. Your going to be broken and all alone after the Crockett Cup. Rating 80


Harley Race vs Dusty Rhodes

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Harley Race drew with Dusty Rhodes in 16:00 when the time limit expired. Rating 90



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Here we are going try this again. prediction contest for Crockett Cup it is a two day event. The first show will be posted tomorrow afternoon. Then I will do prediction contest fro Crockett Cup day 2. Winner of the contest gets to name next month's pay per view which is in the month of May.

First Round

1. Malenko Brothers vs Kerry and David Von Erich



2. The Nightmares vs The Rock "n" Roll Express



3. Bobby Fulton & Koko Ware vs Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard



4. The Fabulous Ones vs The Hart Foundation



5. The Russians vs The U.S. Express



6. Steamboat & Youngblood vs The Fabulous Freebirds (Gordy & Hayes)



7. The Midnight Express vs Brad Armstrong & Tim Horner



8. The Funks vs The Islanders



Non-Tournament Matches:

1 David Von Erich vs Buddy Roberts



2.Junkyard Dog vs Harley Race



3. Dusty Rhodes vs Nick Bockwinkel U.S. Title Match



4. Roddy Piper vs Sgt. Slaughter



5. Greg Valentine vs Ric Flair NWA World Title Match



6. Butch Reed v Jake Roberts v Tito Santana v Iron Sheik v Mark Youngblood v Tommy Rich


Crockett Cup Rounds 2,3, and 4 will be held at Crockett Cup day 2.

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1. Malenko Brothers vs Kerry and David Von Erich



2. The Nightmares vs The Rock "n" Roll Express



3. Bobby Fulton & Koko Ware vs Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard



4. The Fabulous Ones vs The Hart Foundation

REALLY tough one, but I've put down a lot of face wins so far, so heels here.



5. The Russians vs The U.S. Express



6. Steamboat & Youngblood vs The Fabulous Freebirds (Gordy & Hayes)



7. The Midnight Express vs Brad Armstrong & Tim Horner



8. The Funks vs The Islanders



Non-Tournament Matches:

1 David Von Erich vs Buddy Roberts



2.Junkyard Dog vs Harley Race



3. Dusty Rhodes vs Nick Bockwinkel U.S. Title Match



4. Roddy Piper vs Sgt. Slaughter



5. Greg Valentine vs Ric Flair NWA World Title Match



6. Butch Reed v Jake Roberts v Tito Santana v Iron Sheik v Mark Youngblood v Tommy Rich

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Bob Caudle: Welcome fans to the first annual Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup. This promises to be a night that we won't forget. We have a stacked card on hand for tonight.


John Cornell: Yes, we do Bob tonight is the first night of the Crockett Cup. We will only be seeing the first round of the tournament tonight. As tomorrow will be the second day of the event. Yes fans this tournament is so big we had to split in two days.



Bob Caudle: Plus we have several non tournament matches on hand many that would headline arenas across this country. So fans let's get started with our first match The Malenkos vs Kerry and Kevin Von Erich.


Joe and Dean Malenko vs Kerry and Kevin Von Erich

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Kevin & Kerry Von Erich defeated Malenko Brothers in 15:51 when Kerry Von Erich defeated Dean Malenko by submission with an Iron Claw. Rating 75


Bob Caudle: That was a great match as the Von Erichs were able to get the win and advance to the second round of the tournament. Our second match tonight will be United States Tag Team Champions The Rock "n" Roll Express versus the masked tag team known as The Nightmares.



The Rock "n" Roll Express vs The Nightmares

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Rock and Roll Express defeated The Nightmares in 12:12 when Ricky Morton defeated Danny Davis by pinfall with a Missile Dropkick. Rating 74


Bob Caudle:The Rock "n" Roll Express take the win. Morton and Gibson are looking good. I see great things in the future for these two young men.


John Cornell: I agree with you Bob these two men are a great foundation to build the tag team division around. Well I think the Nightmares might need a manager to help get their careers on track. How about Jimmy Hart?


Bob Caudle: I doubt Jimmy Hart would leave the Hart Foundation for the Nightmares. Let's get to the third match of the night Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard with Bobby Heenan versus a young upcoming tag team Koko Ware and Bobby Fulton.


John Cornell: Interesting facts about this team of Blanchard and Anderson. Originally this was suppose to be Arn Anderson and Curt Henning in this match, but Curt Henning had pressing matters in Oregon to deal with at the last minute. An this is not the first time Blanchard and Anderson has teamed together. Over in Mid-South these two men have partnered up for a few matches.


Bob Caudle: Bobby Heenan is hoping this tag team can win against Ware and Fulton.


John Cornell: You know he does. He wants the cup for his center piece on his mantle and the quarter of million dollars that goes to the winners of the tournament.


Bobby Fulton and Koko Ware vs Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard w/ Bobby Heenan

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard defeated Fulton & Birdman in 11:48 when Tully Blanchard defeated Bobby Fulton by pinfall with a Slingshot Suplex. Rating 80


Bob Caudle A very impressive match by both teams. Ware and Fulton are showing with some more seasoning they could be very well be force to reckon with in the tag team division.


John Cornell: I must agree with you on this Bob. I have been impressed with this young team since the first time they have teamed together. They always give the fans good matches. Blanchard and Anderson advances to the second round.


Bob Caudle: Well the Hart Foundation with Jimmy Hart is coming up next against The Fabulous Ones. Well you can tell the hatred these two teams have for each other.


John Cornell: I agree fully with that Bob. Stan Lane and Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart almost had a near a brawl earlier today that officials had to get involved to keep these two men from killing each other.



The Fabulous Ones vs The Hart Foundation w/ Jimmy Hart

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, The Fabulous Ones defeated The Hart Foundation in 12:22 when Steve Keirn defeated Jim Neidhart by pinfall. Rating 86


Bob Caudle: The Fabulous Ones pull this off great match by both these teams.


Jimmy Hart: I want a rematch right now. The Fabs cheated The Hart Foundation out of that match.


John Cornell: I didn't see no cheating Jimmy. At least not on the Fabs part that is.


Jimmy Hart: You two need glasses if you didn't see the Hart Foundation being robbed. An that ref was in on it too I want him to be suspended for bias officiating.


John Cornell: Now come on Jimmy, you know that Randy Anderson wasn't being bias The Hart Foundation just wasn't good enough today.


Jimmy Hart: Why I am talking to the two of you? Both of you and this whole Alliance are bias against The Hart Foundation the number one team in professional wrestling today baby. (Jimmy Hart walks off from the announce table)


Bob Caudle: Let's get to our next match in the tournament. The Russians versus Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo.



Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo vs The Russians w/ Gary Hart

In a bout that featured great action but non-existent crowd heat, The U.S. Express defeated The Russians in 12:25 when Barry Windham defeated Ivan Koloff by pinfall with a Flying Lariat. Rating 83


John Cornell: Talk about your shocking wins this one sure surprised me. Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo was able to pull out the victory against the Russians.


Bob Caudle: I like Windham and Rotundo both but, I really thought they were going to be over matched by Nikolai Volkoff and Ivan Koloff. Gary Hart doesn't seem to pleased either. Fans I hope your enjoying tonight's action don't forget tomorrow Day 2 of the Crockett Cup will be on pay per view.


John Cornell:Let's get ready for our next match in the tournament NWA World Tag Team Champions Jay Youngblood and Ricky Steamboat against the Fabulous Freebirds Terry Gordy and Michael Hayes.



Jay Youngblood & Ricky Steamboat vs The Fabulous Freebirds

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Steamboat & Youngblood defeated The Fabulous Freebirds in 11:32 when Ricky Steamboat defeated Michael Hayes by pinfall with a Flying Karate Chop. Terry Gordy was attacked by Kerry Von Erich with a steel chair. Rating 81


Bob Caudle: Steamboat and Youngblood win this one in a great match.


Michael Hayes:Did you see that Bob Caudle? Did you? Kerry Von Erich your going to pay for making us lose that match.


Terry Gordy: Nobody!! I mean nobody. Takes shots at the Freebirds. You cost us the match and the Cup. Von Erichs Texas, the Carolinas, and wherever else we find a Von Erich your blood is going to flow like a river... a river of blood.. a river of Von Erich blood.


The Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette vs Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, The Midnight Express defeated Brad Armstrong & Horner in 12:22 when Bobby Eaton defeated Brad Armstrong by pinfall with an Alabama Jam. Rating 76


The Funks vs The Islanders w/ Captain Lou Albano

In a bout that featured great action but non-existent crowd heat, The Funk Brothers defeated The Islanders in 16:06 when Dory Funk Jr. defeated Samu by submission with a Texas Cloverleaf. Rating 77


Bob Caudle: Well the last two teams have been decided. The Midnight Express with that mama's boy Jim Cornette. Has advanced to the second round. Plus the Funk brothers just defeated The Islanders. So we have the second round around matches to announce later on.


John Cornell: Well our next match will be a six man all for one match.





Butch Reed vs Jake Roberts vs Tommy Rich vs Mark Youngblood vs Tito Santana vs The Iron Sheik w/ Gary Hart

In a bout that featured great action but non-existent crowd heat, Tommy Rich defeated Jake Roberts, Mark Youngblood, The Iron Sheik, Tito Santana and Butch Reed in 16:03 when Tommy Rich defeated Butch Reed by pinfall with a Lou Thesz Press. Rating 76


Bob Caudle: Tommy Rich looked good in this match. Let's go to the ring for next match Buddy Roberts against David Von Erich.


Buddy Roberts vs David Von Erich

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, David Von Erich defeated Buddy Roberts in 15:55 by submission with an Iron Claw. Rating 78


Dusty Rhodes vs Nick Bockwinkel

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Dusty Rhodes defeated Nick Bockwinkel in 29:40 by pinfall with a Bionic Elbow. Dusty Rhodes makes defence number 3 of his NWA United States Heavyweight title. Rating 90


Junkyard Dog vs Harley Race

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Harley Race defeated Junkyard Dog in 15:40 by pinfall with a Piledriver.


Sgt. Slaughter vs Roddy Piper

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Roddy Piper defeated Sgt. Slaughter in 25:23 by submission. Rating 89


Bob Caudle: Right now Greg "The Hammer" Valentine gets the shot that he betrayed a man who always had his back for. NWA World Heavyweight Champion "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair.


John Cornell: It's time for the Main Event of the night. Let's go to the ring.


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:

Greg Valentine vs Ric Flair ©

In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Ric Flair defeated Greg Valentine in 30:10 by pinfall. Ric Flair makes defence number 12 of his NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating 97



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Well Beejus you win by default. 10 out 14. So you get to name the next pay per view. Thank you for predicting.


Here is the second round:


1. Kerry and Kevin Von Erich vs Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson w/ Bobby Heenan

2. The Fabulous Ones vs The Rock "n" Roll Express

3. Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo vs The Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette

4. The Funks vs Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood

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