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MACW 1983: WarGames

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Bob Caudle: Welcome fans to Crockett Cup Day Two. Tonight we will crown the first ever Crockett Cup champions. Two of the greatest world champions in the history of this sport will meet for the first time for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Ric Flair the World Champion defends against the challenger former AWA World Champion Nick Bockwinkel. An six man tag team match The Fabulous Freebirds against Junkyard Dog, David Von Erich, and Butch Reed. Fans tonight your getting your money's worth. Plus a 20 man battle royal. This card is stacked from top to bottom fans. Let's get straight to the action as our first match of the second round is about to start.


Kerry and Kevin Von Erich vs Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson w/ Bobby Heenan

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard defeated Kevin & Kerry Von Erich in 19:47 when Tully Blanchard defeated Kevin Von Erich by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock. Rating 88


Bob Caudle:Great match I am impressed with the team of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard.


John Cornell: I have to agree with you on that Bob. These two men were thrown together at the last minute by Bobby Heenan. Now they are in the semifinals of the Crockett Cup. Before we get to the next match in the tournament with have Sgt. Slaughter facing Tommy Rich.


Sgt. Slaughter vs Tommy Rich

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Tommy Rich defeated Sgt. Slaughter in 18:01 by pinfall with a Lou Thesz Press. During the match we also had The Iron Sheik turn on Sgt. Slaughter. Rating 82


Sgt.Slaughter: I was born an American citizen. My father died in this country here.(pause) I tell you what you write it down in your book. (pause) This country belongs to the free. (pause) Iran is not part of my repetundae. When I watch television Iron Sheik when we put a man on the moon and you can't even come close. That make me proud to be an AMERICAN!!When I see young children walk across this free earth that makes me a proud AMERICAN!! When I see the wrestling fans it don't matter what color they are makes me proud to be an AMERICAN!! Iron Sheik I am AMERICAN!! I am America, I am free, I am life, I am liberty and THANK GOD I DON'T HAVE TO LIVE IN A COUNTRY LIKE YOU DO!!(pause) One time a lot of people died in a lot of countries to make this country free. Iron Sheik, Gary Hart, and them Russians here's my answer to your offer I am coming and hell is coming with me. Rating 63


John Cornell: Well Gary Hart and Hart International cohorts better run for the hills after that interview. Because Sgt. Slaughter is coming to take you down.


Bob Caudle: Well fans lets get to our next match in the tournament the Rock"n" Roll Express versus The Fabulous Ones.


The Rock "n" Roll Express vs The Fabulous Ones

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Rock and Roll Express defeated The Fabulous Ones in 14:59 when Robert Gibson defeated Steve Keirn by pinfall with a Rocker Dropper. Rating 96


Jake "The Snake" Roberts: The thing about being the very best is if your the star in your mind. If your not the very best in your own mind than your going to be a loser in the ring. This nothing personal Tito Santana. This is a business I am here for the money. I am not you Tito Santana, I don't care for the fans. Damien here doesn't care for the fans. I am only here to beat you up and get the money. Damien well he is here to sink his teeth into you and draw your blood. Rating 59




Tito Santana: Jake "The Snake" Roberts tonight we meet here at Crockett Cup Day Two. I am going to show you why I am here. Your my first step in going after the Television Title held by Tully Blanchard. Trust me Jake I am not looking pass you and if you bring that snake in the ring I am going to cook him for dinner. Arriba!! Rating 77


Jake " The Snake" Roberts vs Tito Santana

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Jake Roberts defeated Tito Santana in 11:44 by submission. Rating 79


Jake Roberts goes the corner. Grabs his bag and pulls out Damien he lays the python on a prone Tito Santana Rating 69


Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo vs The Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, The Midnight Express defeated The U.S. Express in 14:54 when Bobby Eaton defeated Mike Rotundo by pinfall with an Alabama Jam. Rating 84


The Fabulous Freebirds vs David Von Erich, Junkyard Dog, and Butch Reed

In a bout that featured great action but non-existent crowd heat, The Fabulous Freebirds (Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy and Buddy Roberts) defeated Junkyard Dog, David Von Erich and Butch Reed in 18:27 when Terry Gordy beat up Junkyard Dog so badly that the referee had to stop the match. Rating 82


Junkyard Dog is laying on the ground trying to get up when Michael Hayes comes over and starts whipping him with a belt. Butch Reed rushes to JYD aid only to have Buddy Roberts blindside him with a steel chair to the back of the head. Terry Gordy and David Von Erich are battling outside of the ring. When Terry slams David's head into a ring post. Then Gordy picks him up and piledrives him on the concrete floor. David Von Erich is laying motionless on the ground. When Gordy decides to pick him and do it once more. As David's lifeless body lays on the ground Gordy is raising his hands in victory. Buddy Roberts grabs something from under the ring it looks like a spike. He hands it to Michael Hayes and in turn Michael Hayes drives the spike into Junkyard Dog's eye. The Dog is bleeding from his eye and screaming in pain as Michael Hayes is slamming that spike in that eye over and over.

Finally Kerry and Kevin Von Erich come running out from the dressing room with chairs in hand to clear the ring. Rating 58


Bob Caudle: My God!!! the Fabulous Freebirds may have killed David Von Erich and blinded Junkyard Dog. These fans are silent as they watch the medics taking care of Butch Reed, Junkyard Dog and the motionless David Von Erich.


Kerry Von Erich: FABULOUS FREEBIRDS!!! THERE WILL BE NO WHERE TO HIDE!!(pause) Not after this...Not after trying to kill my brother... Not after viciously I will say going after Junkyard Dog's eyes. Last night you said Von Erich blood would flow like a river. Well Freebirds this war will not end until me and my brothers have put the three of you six feet under the ground.


Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood vs The Funk Brothers

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Steamboat & Youngblood defeated The Funk Brothers in 21:53 when Ricky Steamboat defeated Dory Funk Jr. by pinfall with a Flying Karate Chop. Rating 93


Harley Race: I guarantee you Mister Dusty Rhodes I am going to beat you down. I don't care how long I have to go. I don't care how far I got to go or what I have to do get the job done. Ending your career will be Harley Race's pleasure. I am the ultimate wrestler in wrestling today. I am going to continue to be until I say I am ready not to be. In order to prove that I got to get by one individual. I don't mean to come out hollering and shouting but when I get thinking about Dusty Rhodes. That's the way it comes out Dusty Rhodes your mine. Rating 93


The Rock "n" Roll Express vs Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard w/ Bobby Heenan

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard defeated Rock and Roll Express in 18:28 when Tully Blanchard defeated Robert Gibson by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock. Rating 98


John Cornell: Well I think we may have just witnessed one of the greatest tag team matches in the history of this company or maybe in the history of wrestling. I am truly speechless after that match.


Bob Caudle:I would have to agree. The team of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard advance to the finals after that tremendous match we have just witnessed.




20 Man Battle Royal

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Greg Valentine won a battle royal in 19:50. The other members of the 'final four' were Roddy Piper, Wahoo McDaniel and Bret Hart, with Roddy Piper being the final elimination. Roddy Piper got the most eliminations over the course of the match. Rating 81


Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood vs The Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Steamboat & Youngblood defeated The Midnight Express in 17:39 when Ricky Steamboat defeated Dennis Condrey by pinfall with a Flying Karate Chop. Rating 94


Bob Caudle: I can't believe the night we are having I really can't, it seems everyone is trying to one up the other match.


John Cornell: It is brilliant night for this company I must say. The finals are now set for the first annual Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup. Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood versus Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson.


Bob Caudle: Well you know Bobby Heenan has to be excited his team may walk away with the Crockett Cup plus Nick Bockwinkel is about to face Ric Flair for the NWA World Championship. What do you think Heenan's reaction would be if Nick Bockwinkel won the World Title tonight and his team of Anderson and Blanchard wins the Crockett Cup ?


John Cornell: He rarely shuts up now.. We could never get him shut up if that happens.


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Nick Bockwinkel vs Ric Flair ©

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Ric Flair defeated Nick Bockwinkel in 29:33 by submission. Ric Flair makes defence number 13 of his NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating 99


Bob Caudle: I think this question must be asked. Is there any man in professional wrestling that can take the NWA World Title from Ric Flair?


John Cornell: I think no one can right at this time. He is right now this company number one man and he has some of the best matches of the year. I can already count including this one three match of the year caliber matches. Ric Flair is by far the best in the business today.


Bob Caudle: Well next up is the last match of the night. The finals of the Crockett Cup who will win? Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood versus Tully Blanchard and the youngest of the Andersons Arn Anderson.


Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup Finals

Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood vs Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson w/ Bobby Heenan

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard defeated Steamboat & Youngblood in 17:32 when Tully Blanchard defeated Jay Youngblood by pinfall with a Slingshot Suplex. Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard win the NWA Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup titles Rating 90



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I am shocked by the ratings for the matches as you guys might be. The Rock "n" Roll Express have been giving me some great matches. I never thought they could pull 96 and 98 especially this early in their careers. That also goes for the Midnight Express and Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson plus the Fabulous Ones. Tully Blanchard is a Main Eventer in the game I am using for this dynasty. Hence why Jay Youngblood and Ricky Steamboat didn't get pissed when they won. Thank you to all the people that are reading this I appreciate it very much.
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I am shocked by the ratings for the matches as you guys might be. The Rock "n" Roll Express have been giving me some great matches. I never thought they could pull 96 and 98 especially this early in their careers. That also goes for the Midnight Express and Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson plus the Fabulous Ones. Tully Blanchard is a Main Eventer in the game I am using for this dynasty. Hence why Jay Youngblood and Ricky Steamboat didn't get pissed when they won. Thank you to all the people that are reading this I appreciate it very much.


You've been flying thru some action the last couple days. Sorry I didn't get to sign on earlier to cast my ballot but difficult task on the road.


First) It is hard to imagine a Freebird-Von Erich match with no heat from the crowd!! Those teams have not won over the fanbase in the Carolinas the way they did in Texas

2) your commment about the match ratings for the young teams. Most mods have them rated based on where they will be (future based ratings for young guys starting out) That may help explain it somewhat.

3) Interesting how you are bringing "future" WWF angles to the Mid-Atlantic a few years early. I always thought Slaughter would go over big in the Carolinas as a face (Cherry Point Marine base there, Camp Lejeune, Paris Island, etc -- I guess they were playing off his drill sgt role being "heelish" but I could see those Marine recruits rally behind one of their own just the way you are doing. Having Heenan come in to manage the Brain Busters even before they were Horsemen. I think you won the talent war with AWA if you have Bockwinkle and Heenan and they took Valiant and Kernodle. lol

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You've been flying thru some action the last couple days. Sorry I didn't get to sign on earlier to cast my ballot but difficult task on the road.


First) It is hard to imagine a Freebird-Von Erich match with no heat from the crowd!! Those teams have not won over the fanbase in the Carolinas the way they did in Texas

2) your commment about the match ratings for the young teams. Most mods have them rated based on where they will be (future based ratings for young guys starting out) That may help explain it somewhat.

3) Interesting how you are bringing "future" WWF angles to the Mid-Atlantic a few years early. I always thought Slaughter would go over big in the Carolinas as a face (Cherry Point Marine base there, Camp Lejeune, Paris Island, etc -- I guess they were playing off his drill sgt role being "heelish" but I could see those Marine recruits rally behind one of their own just the way you are doing. Having Heenan come in to manage the Brain Busters even before they were Horsemen. I think you won the talent war with AWA if you have Bockwinkle and Heenan and they took Valiant and Kernodle. lol


1.Yes having the Von Erichs and Freebirds not hot in the Carolinas is kind of upsetting.

2. Well I am using the mod I made for this game. It's called War to Settle the Score.

3. I always wanted to bring in Nikolai Volkoff in to JCP to team with Ivan Koloff. Never liked Don Kernodle angle that JCP did in 1984 where he turned on his country. I have plans for the Russians and a certain Russian that debuts very early in 1984. The Iron Sheik and Sgt. Slaughter I always liked and I am taking your advice and teaming him with some other guys who fought The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff in the WWF. So he can help make them Main Eventers.

4. Tully and Arn it was originally going to be Curt Henning and Arn Anderson. Having Tully Blanchard working as a single star with no attachments to The Heenan Family. Only because the day I booked the show on Curt Henning decided to work for the AWA. So decided to hook up Arn and Tully. Actually Tully isn't officially a member of the Heenan Family. He is also not being managed by Bobby Heenan or anyone else at this point and time.

5. Oh the original winners was going to be Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood but having Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson win does set up few scenarios.

6. Well your right I am kicking the hell out of the AWA. Nick Bockwinkel, Bobby Heenan, and Curt Henning are the three people I went after when the AWA decided to declare war on me. Harley Race I went after because I need him for my future plans. At this point in time I could be like Vince in real life and decimate the AWA, Central States, and WWF. Only I am not that cruel and I want to keep the territories alive. Von Erichs, Freebirds, JYD, Butch Reed, Dusty Rhodes, and Wahoo McDaniel are on P.P.A. contracts. To be honest only select few are on written.

7. Three people are about to show up in this dynasty. two of the guys work as a tag team. The other guy is a singles wrestler the one Dusty Rhodes was talking about bringing in to help fight Nick Bockwinkel and Harley Race. One hint it sure not Magnum T.A.

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Coming soon.... War of the Territories is heating up and Jim Crockett Promotions roster is growing. One of the biggest names in the sport will make his debut at the next show. Updates on the conditions of Junkyard Dog, Butch Reed, and The Yellow Rose of Texas David Von Erich. Kerry Von Erich and Kevin Von Erich will be at the show. So will The Fabulous Freebirds what will happen next...in this bloody war that was started in Texas and has been brought to the Carolinas. So fans don't miss the next show it should be explosive.
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Bob Caudle: Welcome to NWA Main Event the number one show on television. We have a great show fans and if you missed any of the action from the Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup we will be releasing both days in box set to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Jim Crockett Promotions. Come May 2nd so pick up your copy on Tuesday. Let's go to the ring for our first night of action.



The Funks vs Kevin and Kerry Von Erich. Kerry Von Erich was on fire to start the match whipping both the funks by himself. Only to have the tide turn at last second when Dory Funk Jr. rolled up Kerry with a quick school boy roll up. Rating 92


Kevin Von Erich: My brother David is still in the hospital after the vicious assault by them Thugbirds last week. Junkyard Dog might never be able to see his little daughter ever again, because of them so called Fabulous Thugbirds did to his eyes at the Crockett Cup. Butch Reed's has a severe concussion which doctors are saying he may never wrestle again.


Kerry Von Erich: So see you may have ended three good men careers at the Crockett Cup. Well Freebirds let me tell you something. Kevin and I are still here. We will avenge my brother and our friends. So war is declared and let me tell you Kevin and I are going to whip your asses from Texas all the way back to Georgia and smiling the whole time.


The Fabulous Freebirds come in and hit the ring attacking the two remaining Von Erich brothers. Busting Kerry and Kevin up pretty good. Jim Crockett Jr. grabs a microphone and tells them to stop or he will fine and suspend the Fabulous Freebirds for a whole year .


Jim Crockett Jr.: I have had enough of this Freebirds. This is getting out of hand here. You might an try to kill and maim each other down over in Texas but this is the Carolinas and Jim Crockett Promotions. Your lucky as hell your not going to jail for what you did last week. We have a big show coming up in May called NWA Mayhem. After talking to Fritz Von Erich and the rest of the NWA Board of Directors we have came up with a decision. When we do NWA Mayhem all five of you will have a match and this match will have two rings plus a four sided steel cage with a roof on it. Since all having been saying your in war. The name of this match will be called Wargames. Rating 65


Bob Caudle: Well here is Jim Cornette.


Jim Cornette:Let me tell something Rock "n" Roll you making a lot noise about this United States Tag Team Championship Belts. We may not be able to get rid of you because your so stupid you don't know when you been beat. At NWA Mayhem the greatest tag team in the business are coming for you and them belts. Steamboat and Youngblood after were done with Rock "n" Roll we are coming for the NWA World Tag Team Belts. Rating 82



Bobby Heenan: I have right here the best tag team in this sport. Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson. They prove themselves last weekend when they won the Crockett Cup. Beating the soon to be Ex World Tag Team Champions in the finals.


Tully Blanchard: I am already the NWA Television Champion. An when we meet at NWA Mayhem Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood I will hold two of the major titles in the NWA.


Arn Anderson: We beat the hell out of you to win the cup. My last name is Anderson and tag team gold will be around our waists at NWA Mayhem. Rating 85



Sgt. Slaughter: Iron Sheik and the Russians I am coming to kick you all the way back to Iran and Russia. The United States...The Iron Sheik comes out and begins to attack Sgt. Slaughter beating him down. Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo comes to Sgt. Slaughter's aide. Rating 63


NWA United States Championship Title Match

Greg Valentine vs Dusty Rhodes ©

Greg Valentine and Dusty Rhodes start off slow. Getting the crowd into the match. They brawl inside the ring and outside of the ring. Harley Race came down to the ring provoking Dusty Rhodes. Dusty turns his attention towards Harley Race and gets rolled up from behind by Valentine for the 1...2..3. Greg Valentine wins the United States Championship for the 3rd time. Rating 78


After the match Dusty is pissed he grabs the microphone when Bockwinkel and Race climb in the ring and begins to beat the hell out of him. The fans erupt with cheers as Hulk Hogan runs out and makes the save. Rating 85


NWA World Heavyweight Championship Title Match

Ricky Steamboat vs Ric Flair ©

Flair and Steamboat showed great chemistry and the crowd was sizzling as these two combatants battled in the squared circle. Ric Flair won by submission at 19:22 Rating 88

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Bob Caudle: Welcome fans we have great night of wrestling in store for you here on NWA Main Event.


Lou Albano: These men are hungry they want to destroy the Rock "n" Roll Express and take the titles. Rating 44



NWA U.S. Tag Team Title Match

The Islanders w/ Lou Albano vs Rock "n" Roll Express ©

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Rock and Roll Express defeated The Islanders in 12:22 when Ricky Morton defeated Samu by pinfall with a Missile Dropkick. Rock and Roll Express make defence number 5 of their NWA United States Tag Team titles. Rating 78


Ricky Morton: We love you too baby. Let me tell you what it is all about. Bob The Midnight Express and Jim Cornette come out here and say their going to take these belts. NWA Mayhem these titles on line Midnight Express you ain't got a chance in hell taking our belts. Rating 66


Tito Santana vs Dean Malenko

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Tito Santana defeated Dean Malenko in 5:35 by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock. Rating 56


Jake "The Snake" Roberts: The devil is in the details Tito Santana. Damien wants another taste of blood. Soon you walk into the snake pit and never walk out alive. Rating 51


Hulk Hogan vs Danny Davis

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Hulk Hogan defeated Danny Davis in 5:52 by pinfall with an Axe Bomber. Rating 57


Hulk Hogan: You know Bob it has been signed. Hulk Hogan and Dusty Rhodes against Harley Race and Nick Bockwinkel. I have warred with the Heenan Family before and now I am here in the NWA. An what do I find Bobby Heenan that weasel trying to end The American Dream's career. So Dusty called me up brother and told me to come on down to help him battle these two old dogs and weasel. I am here to make impression and nowhere better to start than with the Heenan Family. Rating 70


Ricky Steamboat: Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson you beat us. It will not happen again. Rating 74



Curt Henning vs Bobby Fulton

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Curt Hennig defeated Bobby Fulton in 12:27 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. Rating 64


The Funks vs Ric Flair and Roddy Piper

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Ric Flair and Roddy Piper defeated The Funk Brothers in 15:48 when Ric Flair defeated Terry Funk by pinfall. Rating 95




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Bob Caudle: Tonight fans we have excellent lineup for you fans. This should be exciting show.



Barry Windham vs Barry Darsow

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Barry Windham defeated Barry Darsow in 6:02 by pinfall with a Flying Lariat. Rating 68


Dusty Rhodes & Hulk Hogan vs The Bounty Hunters

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Hulk Hogan and Dusty Rhodes defeated The Bounty Hunters in 6:10 when Dusty Rhodes defeated Jerry Novak by submission with a Figure-Four Leg Lock. Rating 66


A music video is shown to promote The Road Warriors. Rating 56


Chief Thundercloud vs Curt Henning

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Curt Hennig defeated Chief Thundercloud in 6:18 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. Rating 60


The camera catches Jay Youngblood talking to a pretty young woman blantantly flirting with her. Bob Caudle wonders out loud who the mystery woman is because he had never seen her before. Rating 70


NWA Television Title Match

Jay Youngblood vs Tully Blanchard ©

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Tully Blanchard defeated Jay Youngblood in 16:13 by pinfall with a Slingshot Suplex. Tully Blanchard makes defence number 7 of his NWA Television title. Rating 74


Tully Blanchard:Ladies and gentleman Tully Blanchard is a winner and always will be a winner. Tonight Jay Youngblood you were off your game. I am never off my game that's why I am the best. That's why Bobby Heenan called me and said Mister Blanchard can you please team with Arn Anderson in the Crockett Cup. An what did we do... win the whole thing.smirks I would like to announce the nationwide search for the Perfect Ten. She must be a woman of class. Because you see Tully Blanchard is all class. Rating 99


Jimmy Garvin w/ Sunshine vs Koko Ware

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Jimmy Garvin defeated Koko B. Ware in 6:03 by pinfall with a 911. Rating 73


Jimmy Garvin: I am looking for a drunken Indian. He heard I was on the show and ran off. One day we will meet Wahoo. Rating 68


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:

Nikolai Volkoff w/ Gary Hart vs Ric Flair ©

In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Ric Flair defeated Nikolai Volkoff in 19:01 by submission. Ric Flair makes defence number 15 of his NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating 93




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Bob Caudle: Welcome to NWA Main Event we have a great show for you fans here on ESPN the number one sports network in the world.


NWA U.S. Tag Team Title Match

The Bounty Hunters vs The Rock "n" Roll Express ©

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Rock and Roll Express defeated The Bounty Hunters in 12:26 when Robert Gibson defeated Jerry Novak by pinfall with a Rocker Dropper. Rock and Roll Express make defence number 6 of their NWA United States Tag Team titles. Rating 73



Ron Simmons & Scott Casey vs The Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, The Midnight Express defeated Ron Simmons and Scott Casey in 11:53 when Bobby Eaton defeated Scott Casey by pinfall with an Alabama Jam. Rating 76


Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood is walking down the hallway when the same beautiful woman from last week asks for their autographs because she is a huge fan of them. Rating 84


Brett Sawyer & Dynamite Kid vs The Hart Foundation w/ Jimmy Hart

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, The Hart Foundation defeated Brett Sawyer and Dynamite Kid in 11:35 when Bret Hart defeated Dynamite Kid by submission with a Sharpshooter. Rating 77


The Russians vs Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Steamboat & Youngblood defeated The Russians in 15:31 when Ricky Steamboat defeated Nikolai Volkoff by pinfall with a Flying Karate Chop. Steamboat & Youngblood make defence number 3 of their NWA World Tag Team titles Rating 88



The beautiful fan is seen again she is talking to Jay Youngblood. They laugh together and she grabs his hand leads him away from the camera. Rating 71


A music video is shown to promote The Road Warriors. Rating 44


Tully Blanchard: The lady who wins the Perfect Ten will be by my side day and night. She will travel all over the world. Make more money than she can even dream. She will be known around the world as the Perfect Ten the most beautiful woman ever. So send your pictures and letters to me Tully Blanchard and I will choose the woman every man dreams of and every woman aspires to be. Rating 100


Wahoo McDaniel vs Don Kent

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Wahoo McDaniel defeated Don Kent in 12:01 by pinfall with a Tomahawk Chop. Rating 76


Wahoo McDaniel: Last week that snot nosed kid Jimmy Garvin was ranting about me. Well I am here tonight where is he? Somewhere else hiding keep running your mouth kid and I promise to shut up for good. Rating 88


Ricky Steamboat is walking in the back when suddenly Arn and Tully start beating him down. Ricky looks badly injured as Jay Youngblood comes running out from a closet to help him out. Rating 92


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:

Norvell Austin vs Ric Flair ©

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Ric Flair defeated Norvell Austin in 16:02 by pinfall. Ric Flair makes defence number 16 of his NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating 79


Ric Flair is celebrating his victory in the ring. Terry Funk runs in and attacks, beating Flair down into the mat.Rating 95



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Bob Caudle: Welcome fans to NWA Main Event here on ESPN. Wait minute that's the girl who has been seen with Jay Youngblood in the last couple of weeks. Is she stalking Youngblood and Steamboat? Rating: 68








The Hart Foundation vs Youngbloods

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Hart Foundation defeated The Youngbloods in 11:59 when Bret Hart defeated Jay Youngblood by submission with a Sharpshooter. Rating 73


The Road Warriors vs Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo

In a bout that featured great action but non-existent crowd heat, The Road Warriors defeated The U.S. Express in 11:34 when Road Warrior Animal defeated Mike Rotundo by pinfall with a Top Rope Powerslam. Rating 82



Dusty Rhodes: They say American Dream how can you trust the man many knew as Thunder Lips or Sterling Golden. Well I tell you baby. Because the man hates the Weasel Bobby "The Brian" Heenan just as much as I do. Harley Race you have been holding me down... But you see I am going rise up and beat you down like I always have. The Hulkster and The American Dream a legendary team for legendary event NWA Mayhem going up against two legends in this sport. The match is going to be epic.


Hulk Hogan: Soon destiny is coming together. The Dream Team against two who you could call the Kings of Wrestling. Harley Race and Nick Bockwinkel in epic encounter brother. All I can say is Bockwinkel and Race whatcha gonna do when the Hulkster and American Dream is running wild on you? Rating 100


David Von Erich: I am here Freebirds. I am not dead. I am not out of wrestling. My neck ain't broke. Only thing you did was make the Von Erichs and Junkyard Dog highly pissed off. At NWA Mayhem in the match beyond Wargames we got our five men.


Junkyard Dog:This Junkyard Dog here. These last few weeks I have been doing some thinking. This is the third time you see... that you have blinded me. Well this dog is going to show you Freebirds I got a lot fight in me. NWA Mayhem Wargames the line has been drawn another battle in this ongoing war. Rating 64




Jake Roberts vs Scott Casey

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Jake Roberts defeated Scott Casey in 11:33 by pinfall. Rating 68


Tito Santana: Nobody likes fools. Jake Roberts I am coming to take beat you down for 1..2..3 Rating 68


NWA Television Title Match:

Tito Santana vs Tully Blanchard©

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Tully Blanchard defeated Tito Santana in 15:45 by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock. Tully Blanchard makes defence number 8 of his NWA Television title. Rating 80


Bobby Heenan:Chico Santana loses again. That guy will never be a champion he chokes when the big money matches happens. Enough about him though...Let's talk about Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood. Two who hold something these two men want.


Arn Anderson: Last week, we showed you boys it wasn't safe to be alone. Where's Rickey, huh Jay? Oh yeah we sent him to the hospital. You stand in our way and I am telling you this. You will get beaten half to death.


Tully Blanchard:I think Jay needs to stop chasing every woman who bats her eyelashes at him and start focusing on reality. Because Anderson and Blanchard are coming for your titles. We showed once we can beat you and at NWA Mayhem were going take what you battled so long and hard for in a blink of eye. I am getting letters and pictures from thousands of ladies but, I haven't found that Perfect Ten yet. Rating 79






Fan Question: Who is the mystery woman? The first picture is of her. Give you a hint she is one of the most famous women in wrestling history. You guys get it right than I will let you decide the name of the June PPV.

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Is it Woman? She's the only one I can think of, it can't be Elizabeth or Missy Hyatt.


If your checking TGA for debuts than lets just say not every worker actual debut in wrestling is correct. I know at least one isn't that would be who the mystery girl is.:)


At NWA Mayhem the mystery woman will be revealed.

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Bob Caudle:Tonight fans we have a great card in store for you. An for the first time ever Hulk Hogan will challenge Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. David Von Erich will be in action for the first time tonight since his accident and he will be facing Terry Gordy.





Tully Blanchard:Coming at NWA Mayhem after millions and I do mean millions of women sent in their letters and pictures of why they are a Perfect Ten I have found the absolute Perfect Ten and she will debut at NWA Mayhem. She is every man's desire the envy of every woman alive today because she will be with Tully Blanchard. Rating 100



Ric Flair:TERRY FUNK!!! You think you can jump me and get away with well let me tell you something come NWA Mayhem I am going to make you scream I submit when I am done with you. Hulk Hogan tonight we walk in that ring. I am going sure you learn a very hard lesson you don't mess with me. Because to be the man, you got to beat the man. An Hogan I am the man and your not ready to be a World Champion. You may never be one either... WOOO!!! Rating 100


David Von Erich vs Terry Gordy

In a bout that featured great action and a sizzling crowd, David Von Erich defeated Terry Gordy in 15:43 by submission with an Iron Claw. Rating 81


Jim Cornette: We have been chasing the Rock "n" Roll for long time and chasing after them titles. Now finally we get our shot Beautiful Bobby and Loverboy Dennis are going to take them belts from you. An Mama Cornette will be very happy with us maybe even throw us a party to celebrate. At NWA Mayhem will be the last time Rock "n" Roll Express you walk down the aisle with them belts. Rating 87


Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, & Curt Henning vs Ricky Steamboat, Jay Youngblood, & Roddy Piper

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Roddy Piper and Steamboat & Youngblood defeated Curt Hennig and Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard in 24:42 when Jay Youngblood defeated Arn Anderson by submission. Rating 86


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:

Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair ©

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Ric Flair defeated Hulk Hogan in 20:39 by submission. Ric Flair makes defence number 17 of his NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating 90


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PRESHOW:In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Mark Youngblood won a battle royal in 25:29. The other members of the 'final four' were Brett Sawyer, Scott Casey and Curt Hennig, with Brett Sawyer being the final elimination. Mark Youngblood got the most eliminations over the course of the match. Rating 64




Tully Blanchard:I drive the best cars. I wine and dine at the best restaurants in the world. I stay at the best hotels in the world. I like the finer things in life and tonight. I am going to show the world the only woman in this world that can stand at my side the ultimate woman the one and only Perfect Ten....



Tully Blanchard is excited as the Perfect Ten walks out of the back. He takes her hand and spins her around. Showing all the fans how beautiful she is and she is the Perfect Ten.


Tully Blanchard:Oh wait a minute you guys I have seen her before huh? Tully has a big smirk on his face. You see Jay and Ricky your biggest fan is the Perfect Ten.


Perfect Ten: Tonight is a big night for me and it will be a big night for us. Jay Youngblood your just a boy while Tully here is all man. Rating 82


Bob Caudle:I just can't believe that young woman who has been hanging around Jay and Ricky would turn out to be Tully Blanchard's Perfect Ten. Well fans welcome to NWA Mayhem here at Charlotte Colosseum with a great card on hand. Let's get to our first match of the night.


Koko Ware & Bobby Fulton vs The Road Warriors

In a match that had some good action, and good crowd heat, The Road Warriors defeated Fulton & Birdman in 12:28 when Road Warrior Animal defeated Koko B. Ware by pinfall with a Power Bomb. Rating 76




The Islanders vs The Fabulous OnesIn a bout that featured great action getting the crowd hot The Fabulous Ones defeated The Islanders in 14:53 when Stan Lane defeated Samu by pinfall with a Savate Kick. Rating 85


Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo & Brad Armstrong vs Ivan Koloff & Nikolai Volkoff & Barry Darsow Rating 77

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Brad Armstrong and The U.S. Express defeated Barry Darsow and The Russians in 12:09 when Barry Windham defeated Barry Darsow by pinfall with a Flying Lariat. Rating 77


The Hart Foundation vs The British Bulldogs

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, The Hart Foundation defeated British Bulldogs in 11:50 when Bret Hart defeated Dynamite Kid by submission with a Sharpshooter. Rating 71


Sgt. Slaughter vs The Iron Sheik

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Sgt. Slaughter defeated The Iron Sheik in 15:35 by disqualification. Rating 71


Jake Roberts vs Tito Santana

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Jake Roberts defeated Tito Santana in 11:48 by submission. Rating 80



The Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette vs The Rock "n" Roll Express ©

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a hot crowd, The Midnight Express defeated Rock and Roll Express in 19:37 when Bobby Eaton defeated Robert Gibson by pinfall with an Alabama Jam. The Midnight Express win the NWA United States Tag Team titles. Rating 90


Roddy Piper vs Harley Race

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Roddy Piper defeated Harley Race in 23:30 by pinfall. Rating 96


Nick Bockwinkel vs Hulk Hogan

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Nick Bockwinkel defeated Hulk Hogan in 22:18 by submission with an Oriental Sleeper. Rating 78



Tommy Rich vs Greg Valentine ©

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Greg Valentine defeated Tommy Rich in 24:02 by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock. Greg Valentine makes defence number 1 of his NWA United States Heavyweight title. Rating 93


Wahoo McDaniel vs Dory Funk Jr.

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Wahoo McDaniel defeated Dory Funk Jr. in 19:38 by pinfall with a Tomahawk Chop. Rating 94


Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard w/ Bobby Heenan & The Perfect Ten vs Jay Youngblood & Ricky Steamboat ©

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard drew with Steamboat & Youngblood in 24:28 following a double disqualification. Rating 98


WarGames: The Match Beyond

The Von Erichs & Junkyard Dog & Butch Reed vs The Fabulous Freebirds & Jimmy Garvin & Norvell Austin

In a bout that featured great action and a sizzling crowd, David Von Erich, Kerry Von Erich, Kevin Von Erich, Butch Reed and Junkyard Dog defeated Michael Hayes, Buddy Roberts, Terry Gordy, Jimmy Garvin and Norvell Austin in a 5 vs 5 War Games match in 30:14 when David Von Erich defeated Norvell Austin by submission with an Iron Claw.

Rating 81


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:

Terry Funk vs Ric Flair©

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Ric Flair defeated Terry Funk in 34:56 by pinfall. Ric Flair makes defence number 18 of his NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating 99




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<p>Jim Crockett Promotions in real life was very profitable at this time. In this game I have gotten Jim Crockett Promotions hot in Mid-Atlantic and the South East Regions. So I make a lot of money and only handful are on written. Most of the biggest names minus Flair, Piper, Valentine, and Bockwinkel are on P.P.A. contracts. I want the territories to survive. Plus I am using Jim Crockett Promotions as pretty much the flagship of the NWA. Dusty Rhodes wasn't at NWA Mayhem because he still is booking Florida for Eddie Graham and he had a show that night. </p><p> </p><p>

Hulk Hogan starting spreading rumors about Flair. So if he starts acting up I will kick him out the door. It be risk I am willing to take because as you said I have the best in the country. Only person I don't have on contract is Randy Savage who I am letting get a little bigger of name in Memphis before I snatch him up.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="olympia" data-cite="olympia" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35763" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>job hogan down to all your big stars before you terminate him. see how long it takes for him to rebuild his image</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> LOL that's funny. I signed Hogan only to piss Verne Gagne off so more. I don't have any plans of dropping the NWA World Title on him that's for sure. </p><p> </p><p> I already have the NWA World Title up to May 1984 planned out and Hogan is not even close of being in the Title picture. I wish I could say that about the United States Championship, but with Flair as a Face, I need a heel to hold the number two title for now. That's why Greg Valentine took the title back from Dusty Rhodes. I am trying to save the Hart Foundation and The Fabulous Ones their momentum is in the dumps bad. Brad Armstrong is a protégé of Nick Bockwinkel so I may do something with that I am not sure yet. </p><p> </p><p> I have a great roster a lot great young talent plus some of the best veterans in the business.</p>
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Jim Cornette: I told you Rock "n" Roll Express we would take your titles from you and we did. Mama was very happy for us. Now tonight we defend them for the first time. Rock "n" Roll Express I told you couldn't beat us you never will. Ladies and gentleman I introduce the United States Tag Team Champions Beautiful Bobby and Loverboy Dennis the Midnight Express. Rating 40


NWA U.S. Tag Team Title Match:

Bill Dromo & Brett Sawyer vs The Midnight Express © w/ Jim Cornette

In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Midnight Express defeated Bill Dromo and Brett Sawyer in 12:12 when Bobby Eaton defeated Bill Dromo by pinfall with an Alabama Jam. The Midnight Express make defence number 1 of their NWA United States Tag Team titles. Rating 69


Harley Race:Wahoo I can remember back in the day when you were the man here in Jim Crockett Promotions. Tonight we meet in a match to see who will battle Ric Flair for that NWA World Title at WrestleWar . I am a six time World Champion and tonight you Wahoo stand in my way for my Seventh. I am going to beat you and than Flair I am coming for my Ten Pounds of Gold. Rating 79


Bob Caudle: Strong words from Harley Race fans for Wahoo who I believe is up to the challenge of facing Ric Flair again. Let's get to the ring for our next match.


NWA T.V. Title Match:

Dusty Rhodes vs Tully Blanchard ©

In a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Tully Blanchard defeated Dusty Rhodes in 16:41 by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock. Tully Blanchard makes defence number 9 of his NWA Television title. Rating 78


Bobby Heenan:We were robbed at NWA Mayhem by a crooked Ref. Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson are the rightful World Tag Team Champions. I want to put a challenge out for a rematch Youngblood and Steamboat for WrestleWar. Are you too chicken to face the true World Tag Team Champions? Rating 70


Bob Caudle:Bobby Heenan seems like he wants to be real busy for WrestleWar. I wonder what Youngblood and Steamboat answer will be fans? Next match the Freebirds will be in action defending the NWA Six Man Tag Team Titles.


NWA Six Man Tag Team Title Match:

Hulk Hogan & Scott Casey & Tom Pritchard vs The Fabulous Freebirds ©

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, The Fabulous Freebirds (Terry Gordy, Michael Hayes and Buddy Roberts) defeated Hulk Hogan, Scott Casey and Tom Prichard in 12:08 when Terry Gordy defeated Tom Prichard by pinfall with an Oriental Spike. Michael Hayes and Buddy Roberts & Terry Gordy make defence number 1 of their NWA World Six-Man Tag Team titles. Rating 70


After the bell sounds the Von Erichs hiit the ring attacking the Fabulous Freebirds. All six men try to maim the other team as they show the war is far from over. Rating 53


Bob Caudle: Fans our next match is the Main Event of the night Harley Race vs Wahoo McDaniel. Battling to see who will face The World Champion at WresteWar.


Wahoo McDaniel vs Harley Race w/ Bobby Heenan

In a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Harley Race defeated Wahoo McDaniel in 18:56 by pinfall with a Piledriver after Jimmy Garvin comes down to the ring and begins to taunt Wahoo. Rating 80


Ric Flair:Harley Race congratulations that you won but like everyone else since I won this title you will be defeated by me. Terry Funk we just started our battle and trust me....Wooo!! I am going to show you why I am the Greatest World Champion of all time. Rating 82




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Bob Caudle: We have a great night of action for you fans tonight. Three championships will be on the line tonight. Plus much, much, more so don't turn the channel.



The Funks vs Rickey Steamboat & Jay Youngblood ©In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Steamboat & Youngblood defeated The Funk Brothers in 16:05 when Ricky Steamboat defeated Dory Funk Jr. by pinfall with a Flying Karate Chop. Steamboat & Youngblood make defence number 5 of their NWA World Tag Team titles. Rating 91


Norvell Austin & Ken Wayne vs Rock "n" Roll Express

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Rock and Roll Express defeated Norvell Austin and Ken Wayne in 11:51 when Ricky Morton defeated Norvell Austin by pinfall with a Missile Dropkick. Rating 76


Bobby Fulton & Brett Sawyer vs The Hart Foundation w/ Jimmy Hart

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Hart Foundation defeated Bobby Fulton and Brett Sawyer in 12:10 when Bret Hart defeated Brett Sawyer by submission with a Sharpshooter. Rating 66



Tom Pritchard & Dynamite Kid vs The Midnight Express ©w/ Jim Cornette

In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Midnight Express defeated Dynamite Kid and Tom Prichard in 11:53 when Bobby Eaton defeated Dynamite Kid by pinfall with an Alabama Jam. The Midnight Express make defence number 2 of their NWA United States Tag Team titles. Rating 75


Wahoo McDaniel: Jimmy Garvin I want to be a World Champion and you screwed out of my chance last week. So one day you and that woman you got running around with I am going to get my hands on both you and make you pay. Rating 87


Dean Malenko vs Wahoo McDaniel

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Wahoo McDaniel defeated Dean Malenko in 12:26 by pinfall with a Tomahawk Chop. Rating 81


Bob Caudle: This has just came in at WrestleWar 83 Ric Flair vs Harley Race. Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood. Dusty Rhodes and Hulk Hogan vs Nick Bockwinkel and Curt Henning. Plus more matches will be signed.


Bobby Heenan: Very soon, Ric Flair. You have step in the ring with this man Harley Race. An true King of Wrestling one of the toughest men this profession has ever seen. You have been a good champion, but you can't beat the soon to be seven time World Heavyweight Champion Harley Race.


Harley Race: I am a man among men Ric Flair. I came here for two things. Dusty Rhodes every time we are suppose to step in the ring you keep hiding like a coward. Afraid I am going to beat you again and again. The Heenan Family will end your career sooner or later. Ending Dusty Rhodes career and soon become the World Heavyweight Champion for the Seventh time. Rating 88



Roddy Piper: Greg Valentine you hold something very precious and I want it. We have battled several times over the last couple of years. Hmmm. The Hot Rod and the Hammer for the United States Championship at WrestleWar '83 if your willing to step in Piper's Pit per se..hahahaha.. Rating 96


Don Kent vs Roddy Piper

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Roddy Piper defeated Don Kent in 11:36 by submission. Rating 78


Greg Valentine comes out of nowhere and slams the U.S. Title right into Roddy Piper's face.He picks up Piper's head and slams his face into the mat. Rating 87


David & Kerry Von Erich vs The Islanders w/ Captain Lou Albano

In a match that had some good action and average heat, David & Kerry Von Erich defeated The Islanders in 12:29 when David Von Erich defeated Samu by submission with an Iron Claw. Rating 70



Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Ric Flair©

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Ric Flair defeated Jake Roberts in 15:34 by pinfall. Ric Flair makes defence number 19 of his NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating 89


Ric Flair: WOOO!!! Harley Race I don't have to tell you my schedule as World Champion. You have done it six different times, Many great athletes in this great sport of ours have tried to beat me and take this belt from me. Tommy Rich, Ole Anderson, Wahoo McDaniel, Jack Brisco, Dusty Rhodes, Nick Bockwinkel, Hulk Hogan, Dory Funk Jr. , Terry Funk, The Von Erich Brothers, Roddy Piper, and Greg Valentine. The list is as very long and it's the best in this business. I have always came out on top. I am the best athlete going today in any sport. At WrestleWar '83 Harley Race to be the man you got to beat the man. WOOOO!!! I am the man and I am the measuring stick that every wrestler in this sport compares themselves too. I am the one and only World Heavyweight Champion. Don't ever forget it. WOOO!!!! Rating 96




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Bob Caudle: Welcome fans to NWA Main Event the flagship of the National Wrestling Alliance right here on ESPN. I have right now Jim Cornette at my side.


Jim Cornette: Thank you Bob, a travesty has occurred. NWA Board of Directors think that the Rock "n" Roll Express deserve a shot at these titles at WrestleWar '83. Morton and Gibson I know you think you got a chance but I can already tell you the Midnight Express is going win again. Rating 78


The Fabulous Freebirds vs Rock "n" Roll Express

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Rock and Roll Express defeated The Fabulous Freebirds in 12:18 when Robert Gibson defeated Michael Hayes by pinfall with a Rocker Dropper. Rating 90


Ric Flair: It is so hard to be humble.. When your looking like Ric Flair. The difference between me and these so called stars are I got the custom clothes these big Rolex watches. I got everything going on I am the best looking man alive. I am alligator and Rolex watches from head to toe. You see girls I am everything you want. Tully Blanchard tonight you try to be like the man, but your not the man. An Elizabeth... just ask and I will take you to Space Mountain WOOOO!!!! Harley Race very soon we meet and I will show why I am the man. Rating 100


Dusty Rhodes: Somewhere and somehow Nick Bockwinkel and Curt Henning The Hulkster and The American Dream is going to come out beating you. Weasel you better stay away or I am going to get my hands on you. Rating 86


NWA U.S. Title Match:

Barry Windham vs Greg Valentine ©

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Greg Valentine defeated Barry Windham in 15:59 by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock after blatantly cheating. Greg Valentine makes defence number 2 of his NWA United States Heavyweight title. Rating 77


Greg Valentine won the match but he ain't through yet. He begins to pound on the side of the head of Barry Windham. Trying to bust Barry Windham's head wide up with a foreign object. When out from the locker room comes Roddy Piper with steel chair swinging like a mad man at Greg Valentine's head. Rating 91


Roddy Piper:Greg Valentine I am going to you show what the Hot Rod is all about. Coming Soon we meet and I promise it's brutal match because I am going to leave you in the ring all alone. Take your belt and become the United States Champion once more. Rating 97


Brad Armstrong vs Nick Bockwinkel

In a bout that featured great action but non-existent crowd heat, Nick Bockwinkel defeated Brad Armstrong in 11:38 by submission with an Oriental Sleeper. Rating 78


Bobby Heenan: Hulk Hogan you left the AWA to come chasing after us. Well the Heenan Family goal is to end Dusty Rhodes's career and we will end yours as well.


Nick Bockwinkel: Okay I will tell you want Hulk Hogan and Dusty Rhodes is capable of I like to stand out here very rational and very soft spoken tone, but it is impossible. It is impossible because what these two men are capable of what they have shown and demonstrated to every one in this country. That they are capable of being a little wacko. We are talking about wrestling it may have pass Jim Crockett Jr. and NWA Board of Directors minds these men have no place in wrestling. They have proven time and time again, but yet they have me and Curt Henning stepping in the ring at WrestleWar '83 to face these two men. Wrestling the oldest sport in the world. Wrestling two men who combine lack the skills of the greenest rookie in this sport. Dusty Rhodes the Heenan Family will end your career real soon. Rating 73


Tully Blanchard: Ric Flair I am a man who enjoys the finer things in life. Tonight, I am already the Television Champion and after I show you who is the better man tonight. I will be the World Champion and trust me tonight will be a great night.


Elizabeth: Ladies, you think Tully Blanchard is great in the ring, you haven't seen nothing yet. Ric Flair I am already with a man who takes me to Space Mountain all night long. I don't need a wannabe Tully Blanchard when I have the real thing right here with me.


Tully Blanchard:(Laughs) Jay Youngblood and Ricky Steamboat your reign as champions will end very soon. The Heenan Family will only be missing two titles after Arn and me take belts from you at WrestleWar '83. Rating 80


David Von Erich vs Harley Race

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Harley Race defeated David Von Erich in 17:24 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Rating 87


NWA World Heavyweight Title Mtch:

Tully Blanchard w/ Elizabeth vs Ric Flair ©

In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Ric Flair defeated Tully Blanchard in 20:26 by pinfall. Ric Flair makes defence number 20 of his NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating 99



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Bob Caudle:Welcome fans to the Charlotte Colosseum this is WrestleWar '83. Tonight is going to be a great night. Many of the matches on this card would headline arenas all over the country. An fans we here at Jim Crockett Promotions have brought these great matches on one card as the flagship of the NWA.


NWA Six Man Tag Team Title Match:

The Fabulous Freebirds © vs The Von Erichs

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, The Von Erichs (Kerry Von Erich, Kevin Von Erich and David Von Erich) drew with The Fabulous Freebirds (Terry Gordy, Michael Hayes and Buddy Roberts) in 19:52 following a double count out. Rating 81


Bobby Fulton & Tom Prichard vs The Hart Foundation w/ Jimmy Hart

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, The Hart Foundation defeated Bobby Fulton and Tom Prichard in 11:37 when Bret Hart defeated Tom Prichard by submission with a Sharpshooter. Rating 79


Dynamite Kid & Tito Santana vs Norvell Austin & Barry Darsow

In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Dynamite Kid and Tito Santana defeated Norvell Austin and Barry Darsow in 11:46 when Dynamite Kid defeated Barry Darsow by pinfall with a Superplex. Rating 71


Butch Reed vs Dory Funk Jr.

In a bout that featured great action but non-existent crowd heat, Butch Reed defeated Dory Funk Jr. in 11:39 by pinfall with a Shoulder Tackle. Rating 74


The Fabulous Ones vs The Road Warriors

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, The Fabulous Ones defeated The Road Warriors in 11:38 when Steve Keirn defeated Road Warrior Animal by submission. Rating 81


Bob Caudle: Our next match will be Indian Strap Match Wahoo McDaniel will finally get some revenge on Jimmy Garvin.


Wahoo McDaniel vs Jimmy Garvin w/ Sunshine

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Wahoo McDaniel defeated Jimmy Garvin in a Strap match in 18:21 when Wahoo McDaniel was the first to touch all the corners. Rating 87


Sgt.Slaughter & Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo vs Hart International Inc.

In a bout that featured great action but non-existent crowd heat, Sgt. Slaughter and The U.S. Express defeated Hart International Inc. (The Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff and Ivan Koloff) in 16:05 when Sgt. Slaughter defeated Nikolai Volkoff by submission with a Cobra Clutch. Rating82


NWA United States Tag Team Title Match:

The Rock "n" Roll Express vs The Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette ©

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, The Midnight Express defeated Rock and Roll Express in 20:11 when Dennis Condrey defeated Ricky Morton by pinfall with a Piledriver. The Midnight Express make defence number 3 of their NWA United States Tag Team titles. Raing 92


Dusty Rhodes & Hulk Hogan vs Nick Bockwinkel & Curt Henning w/ Bobby Heenan

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Dusty Rhodes and Hulk Hogan defeated Nick Bockwinkel and Curt Hennig in 17:36 when Dusty Rhodes defeated Curt Hennig by pinfall with a Bionic Elbow. Rating 80


Tommy Rich vs Jake Roberts

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Tommy Rich defeated Jake Roberts in 18:23 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Rating 86


NWA World Tag Team Title Match:

Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood vs Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard w/ Bobby Heenan

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and a good crowd, Steamboat & Youngblood defeated Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard in 19:53 when Jay Youngblood defeated Arn Anderson by pinfall with a quick roll up. Steamboat & Youngblood make defence number 6 of their NWA World Tag Team titles. Rating 92


NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match:

Roddy Piper vs Greg Valentine ©

In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Roddy Piper defeated Greg Valentine in 22:16 by submission. Roddy Piper wins the NWA United States Heavyweight title. Rating 92


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match:

Harley Race w/ Bobby Heenan vs Ric Flair ©

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Harley Race defeated Ric Flair in 30:28 by pinfall with a Piledriver after Bobby Heenan interfered. Harley Race wins the NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating 86



Harley Race and Bobby Heenan celebrate as both men celebrate the crowning of a new World Champion. Rating 86


Ric Flair: Harley Race and Bobby Heenan... You stole my title tonight!! I will not rest until I get the NWA World Heavyweight Title back. Harley Race I am going to hunt you down from New York, Los Angeles, St. Louis, or Kansas City. I will be there and I will be World Champion for the Second Time!! Rating 100




WrestleWar '83 Rating 86 P.P.V. BUY RATE 0.76

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