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WWF 2001: Road To The InVasion

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The date: May 23. The year: 2001. This was the day that the "Monday Night Wars" finally ended, in which the World Wrestling Federation and Vince McMahon had finally won. It was all over...and for the cost of only $3 Million. Various of the superstars contracted by WCW were brought over to the WWF, but the huge names of WCW (Goldberg, Ric Flair, Sting, Scott Steiner) were contracted through AOL Time Warner, not WCW, so they were not brought out by the WWF.


The next Monday, May 26, the WCW held their final show, Monday Nitro's "Night of Champions", headlined by Booker T defeating Scott Steiner for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and Sting defeating Ric Flair. On that episode of Nitro, to everyone's surprise, Shane McMahon entered the WCW ring and proceeded to inform his father, WWF Chairman Vince McMahon, that a McMahon did, in fact, own WCW, but not Vince. It was Shane, and he told his father that he would not allow Vince to close out WCW and that Shane would do anything in his power to make sure that WCW would rise again.


What did Shane McMahon mean at the final Nitro? What could he have planned to help keep WCW alive? Only time would tell...


WWF Backlash, April 29, 2001

Allstate Arena

Rosemont, Illinois


WWF World Heavyweight, Intercontinental and Tag Team Championship

Steve Austin© & Triple H© w/Debra and Stephanie McMahon d. Undertaker & Kane©


WWF European Championship - Triple Threat Match

Matt Hardy© w/Lita d. Christian and Eddie Guerrero


Last Man Standing Match

Shane McMahon d. Big Show


Ultimate Submission Match

Chris Benoit d. Kurt Angle


Duchess of Queensbury Rules Match

William Regal d. Chris Jericho


WWF Hardcore Championship

Rhyno© d. Raven


Six Man Tag Team Match

X-Factor (X-Pac, Justin Credible & Albert) d. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray, D-Von & Spike)


WWF Champions

WWF World Heavyweight Champion: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

WWF World Tag Team Champions: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin & Triple H

WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H

WWF European Champion: Matt Hardy

WWF Hardcore Champion: Rhyno

WWF Lightheavyweight Champion: Jerry Lynn

WWF Women's Champion: Chyna



Monday, Week 1, May 2001

Madison Square Garden, New York, New York

Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle

Chris Benoit vs. Test w/Trish Stratus

Bradshaw & Faarooq vs. X-Pac & Justin Credible

Matt Hardy© vs. Perry Saturn (WWF European Championship)

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(Before RAW is WAR went on the air, the live crowd got a bonus match, as they saw Hardcore Holly & Crash pick up a tag team victory over the Right To Censor's Goodfather & Val Venis.)


WWF RAW is WAR (Monday, Week 1, May 2001)

Madison Square Garden

New York, NY

We kick off RAW is WAR from Madison Square Garden in New York City with the aftermath of Backlash, which saw the WWF Champion "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and the Intercontinental Champion Triple H defeat the Brothers of Destruction, Undertaker & Kane, to win the WWF World Tag Team Championship, making both men double champions. RAW opened with the WWF World Champion "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and his wife, Debra. Austin tells the crowd that they can boo all they want, because The Two Man Power Trip now holds all the gold and holds up both the WWF Championship and World Tag Team Championship, raining in more boos from the MSG crowd. Austin states that he was glad to be rid of The Rock and now, The Undertaker & Kane are finished. He then proclaims that it doesn't matter who in the back believes they deserve a shot at his WWF Championship, as he could beat anyone in the back. Making it sound like a challenge, Austin's call was answered, as The Undertaker walked out onto the stage. Undertaker tells Austin that he and Triple H did defeat the Brothers of Destruction, but the main thing the Power Trip forgot to do...take Undertaker & Kane out. Undertaker states that he was still here, and that Austin was in his yard. Undertaker says that he doesn't care and it doesn't matter that Austin has the backing of Vince McMahon, because he WILL be getting a shot at that WWF Championship...tonight. Austin tells Undertaker that he isn't wrestling, tonight, because he's the Champ, and doesn't have to. So, if Undertaker THINKS he deserves a shot at the WWF Championship, he'll have to find a way to earn that shot. Undertaker says that he'll see Austin...and WILL be getting that title shot.


WWF European Championship

Matt Hardy© w/Lita vs. Perry Saturn w/Terri


Our first match had Matt Hardy defending the European Championship against Perry Saturn. The match starts out with Lita and Terri staring each other down, which triggers Saturn to attack Hardy. The first part of the match was Saturn beating the crap out of Hardy, proving to everyone that he wanted the gold around his waist. Saturn started to put Hardy into various holds to wear down his body, but Hardy started to fight back and hit Saturn with his high flying arsenal. With victory in sight, Hardy signaled for the Twist of Fate. Terri noticed it and distracted the ref. Lita ran over and grabbed Terri, getting a slap to the face from Terri in return, starting a catfight between the women. This distraction allowed, of all people, Edge to run to the ring and hit Matt Hardy with a spear out of no where. Edge slipped out of the ring and Saturn took that chance to pin Hardy and win his 2nd European Championship.

Winner, and new European Champion: Perry Saturn


Backstage, we see the WWF Commissioner William Regal in his office. Regal looks up to see the man he defeated at Backlash, Chris Jericho. Regal asks Jericho how he is feeling after a big defeat at the hands of the Commissioner. Jericho says that Regal can rub it in all he wants, but come Judgement Day, he won't be singing those praises, as he'll return the favor. Regal laughs and says that Jericho won't even get the chance, because he's booked in a match, tonight, against Kurt Angle and he has decided to add a stipulation to that match. If, for any reason, Jericho loses that match, he will be fired from the World Wrestling Federation. Regal even states he has ran it by Vince McMahon and Stephanie. Jericho says that's fine, because he knows he can beat Angle, and after he does and he gets his hands on Regal, he'll never be the same...a-gain.


Tag Team Match

The A.P.A. (Bradshaw & Faarooq) vs. X-Factor (X-Pac & Justin Credible) w/Albert


A tag team match pitting the APA against X-Pac & Justin Credible was up next, as both teams attempt to jocky for position for a future shot at the Tag Team Titles. With Albert on the outside, both Bradshaw & Faarooq had to keep their eyes on him, as well. Coming of a win at Judgement Day, though, X-Factor seemed to be riding high on momentum. The second the bell rang, though, it all went down as Justin Credible was forced to face off with the much bigger Faarooq. Even with Albert at ringside, it didn't help X-Pac & Credible, at all. Other than the basic heel tactics and attempted beatdown on Faarooq, the second he tagged in Bradshaw, Bradshaw hit both X-Pac and Justin Credible with the Clothesline From Hell for the win.

Winners: The A.P.A. (Bradshaw & Faarooq)


After a commercial break, we are treated to a video of the owner of WCW, and the man who defeated Big Show at Backlash, Shane McMahon. He states that even though WCW is no longer on TV, he tells everyone that WCW is NOT dead. No matter what Vince says or does, WCW will rise, again. At this moment, he's not sure how or when, but mark his words...it will happen. He tells Vince to stay on alert.


Backstage, we join the WWF Intercontinental Champion and one half of the World Tag Team Champions, Triple H, and his wife, Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie says that last night was a great night for the Power Trip and for her husband, Triple H, not only still walking out of Backlash with the Intercontinental Championship, but as one half of the World Tag Team Champions. She says that on Smackdown, Triple H will face Kane in non-title action and that Kane will, once again, feel the power and destruction of Triple H. Triple H warns Kane that after Smackdown, neither he or the Undertaker will EVER get another shot at Triple H and Stone Cold's championships.


Singles Match

Chris Benoit vs. Test w/Trish Stratus


Up next, we are treated to some pure Canadian action, pitting Test (with the lovely Trish Stratus) against Chris Benoit, who is coming off of a Ultimate Submission Match win over Kurt Angle. Even after a extreme match with Angle 24 hours prior, Benoit's stamina still was on high and started his attack on Test. Plenty of chops to Test's chest start to turn it beat red and Test rolls out of the ring to recover from the chops. After recovering, Test rolled back into the ring, but straight into suplexes from Test. After two suplexes and a belly to belly, Test rolled out of the ring, yet again. Before Test gets back into the ring, Benoit sees Kurt Angle walk out onto the stage, distracting Benoit, which allows Test to get back into the ring and attack Benoit. Test started hitting Benoit with power moves to try and take him out. While Angle smiled on the ramp, Test attempted a Pump Handle Slam to take Benoit out, but when Test attempted to bring Benoit down for the slam, Benoit slipped behind Test, grabbed his arm and strapped him down to the mat into the Cripper Crossface for the win.

Winner: Chris Benoit


After the match, Benoit pointed at Angle and did his cut throat gesture. Angle has a mic and tells Benoit to soak up the win against Test, because come Judgement Day, everything that Benoit had built up with his win against Angle at Backlash, will be nothing. It's true, it's damn true.


Backstage, Edge & Christian are cracking jokes about costing Matt Hardy the European Championship. While joking, they run into former Commissioner Mick Foley. Mick tells E&C that he is at Madison Square Garden, because he was invited by Linda McMahon, and is allowed to make a match. He decides that what Edge did to Matt Hardy was just wrong, so he has decided to sign a match for Judgement Day. Edge & Christian will battle The Hardy Boyz, in which the winners will become the #1 Contenders for the WWF World Tag Team Championship.


Singles Match

Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle (If Jericho loses, he will be fired)


In our main event, Chris Jericho faces Kurt Angle and if Jericho loses, by order of WWF Commissioner William Regal, Jericho will be fired from the World Wrestling Federation. The start of the match had alot of stalling by Angle, attempting to get into Jericho's head. After taunting the crowd, Jericho went to the outside and grabbed Angle and threw him back into the ring. Jericho started stomping away on Angle, before Angle grabbed the ropes, forcing Jericho to back off. When he did, Angle ran at Jericho and hit him with a fireman's carry and started doing various holds. Every time Jericho tried to reverse a move, Angle threw him back down and put Jericho into another hold. After a few minutes of this, Angle attempted a german suplex, which Jericho back flipped out of. Jericho hit a german of his own and followed up with a few dropkicks. With Angle dazed, Jericho hit him with a bulldog, setting him up for the Lionsault. Before he could hit it, William Regal walked toward the ring, getting Jericho's attention. Angle attempted a sneak attack on Jericho, before Jericho reversed it, floored Angle again and hit him with the Lionsault and the pin to keep his job.

Winner: Chris Jericho


After the bell, Regal hit Jericho from behind and proceeded to beat him down. When Angle came to, he did the same, until the music of Chris Benoit hit and he ran to the ring, chasing off both Angle and Regal. Looks like both of these feuds could be getting dirty in the following weeks.


After the final commercial break, the WWF World Tag Team Champions The Power Trip (with Debra and Stephanie McMahon, as well) were in the ring to address the crowd about their victory at Backlash for the Tag Team Championship. Austin announces that they have done something that only two other men in WWF history have done. Not since Nash and Michaels in the mid-90's have two men held the top three championships. Triple H tells Austin, though, that unlike Nash and Michaels, they weren't going to lose these belts to anybody, regardless of who steps up to the belt. Hunter states that he will destroy Kane on Smackdown and finish the Brothers of Destruction and move on to the next losers who step up to the plate, because as long as they have the gold...and ol' Daddy McMahon...they have the power. On cue, Kane's fire came up from the ring posts, scaring off both Debra and Stephanie McMahon, leaving Austin and Triple H ready for both Undertaker & Kane. The lights go out, and as the lights turn back on, Undertaker & Kane are attacking Austin and Triple H. After a couple of minutes, the Power Trip finally get away. Undertaker grabs a mic and tells Austin that a match HAS been set. Next week, on RAW, he will get a match against Austin and if he wins, he will challenge for the WWF Championship at Judgement Day. He tells Austin to get ready, because he's about to make him famous. The Brothers of Destruction pander to the crowd as RAW is WAR goes off the air.


Smackdown Preview

The Palace of Auburn Hills

Auburn Hills, MI

Kane vs. Triple H w/Stephanie McMahon

Raven vs. Big Show

Hardy Boyz w/Lita vs. The Goodfather & Val Venis w/Steven Richards

Molly Holly vs. Ivory w/Steven Richards

Rhyno© vs. Al Snow (WWF Hardcore Championship)


Sunday Night HeAT Preview

Dudley Boyz vs. X-Pac & Albert

Spike Dudley vs. Justin Credible

Jacqueline vs. Trish Stratus

Kaientai (Taka & Funaki) vs. Jerry Lynn & "Grand Master Sexay" Brian Christopher

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WWF Smackdown (Taped Tuesday, Week 1, May 2001)

The Palace Of Auburn Hills

Auburn Hills, Michigan

In front of 23,427 people, we are in Auburn Hills, Michigan for Smackdown. With the main event being set as Kane taking on one half of the World Tag Team Champions and the Intercontinental Champion Triple H, and both Stone Cold and the Undertaker in the house, as well, what could happen? Well, to start off, we might get an answer, as the World Wrestling Federation Champion and the other half of the World Tag Team Champions "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, joined by wife Debra, and "The Game" Triple H, with wife Stephanie McMahon, walk to the ring, raining in the boos from the Auburn Hills crowd. Austin spoke first, telling the crowd that Undertaker was delusional on RAW is WAR, thinking that a win over Austin next week on RAW was going to happen. Austin did speak with Vince McMahon and that match WILL take place and yes, if SOMEHOW Undertaker does win, he will challenge for the WWF Championship at Judgement Day, but Stone Cold reassures the crowd that that will NOT happen. EH EH! The Undertaker will be taken care of on Monday night the same way The Rock was taken care of the night after WrestleMania. Triple H chimes in, saying that Kane should do the same thing Paul Bearer did and just leave. He has the same chance of beating Triple H as Taker does of beating Austin. Both Kane and Undertaker need to figure out that the Two Man Power Trip runs the WWF, not the Brothers of Destruction. Triple H finishes off that Kane has no chance in hell, later tonight, because The Game is just that damn good.


WWF Hardcore Championship

Rhyno© vs. Al Snow


First match of the night pitted Rhyno defending his Hardcore Championship against Al Snow, a 5-time Hardcore Champion. The match started when Rhyno walked down the ramp. Al decided to attack Rhyno from behind to get the advantage. Al didn't let up on Rhyno and even Rhyno's power couldn't turn this attack around. Rhyno finally got to the ring and climbed in. Al went under the ring and grabbed a few weapons to take Rhyno out with. Al threw in the ring a chair, a garbage can filled with various weapons and, yes, even his bowling ball. He climbed in, only to be met with Rhyno's revenge and some stomping. Rhyno grabbed Snow and threw him into the ropes, but when Snow held on, Rhyno attempted the Gore, only to be met with a steel chair shot to the head. Al used this opportunity to set Rhyno up for the bowling ball shot. When Al went to the opposite corner to grab the bowling ball, he turned around...straight into a Gore. Rhyno pinned Al Snow to retain the championship.


Winner, and STILL Hardcore Champion: Rhyno


We quickly cut backstage to see the Hardy Boyz brawling with Edge & Christian. Matt keeps yelling at Edge that he'll pay for costing him the European Championship. Lita yells at the Hardyz to stop and to go get ready for their tag team match later on. Lita breaks up the brawling, for now.


Singles Match

Molly Holly vs. Ivory w/Steven Richards


The quest to see who would face Chyna for the Women's Championship began with Molly Holly taking on former Women's Champion Ivory. Steven Richards decided to help Ivory in her quest to regain the Women's Championship after being left lying in the ring last month after a Last Ride from The Undertaker (Goodfather & Val Venis continue to work as a team). Molly managed to get just a little of offense in, as it looked like this match was booked to get some heat behind both Richards and Ivory in the post-Right To Censor days. Ivory ended up picking up the win with her "Poison Ivy" finisher.


Winner: Ivory


After the match, Michael Cole and Tazz recap Shane McMahon buying WCW from under Vince McMahon's nose and decide to replay Shane's video from RAW.

After a commercial break, we are treated to a video of the owner of WCW, and the man who defeated Big Show at Backlash, Shane McMahon. He states that even though WCW is no longer on TV, he tells everyone that WCW is NOT dead. No matter what Vince says or does, WCW will rise, again. At this moment, he's not sure how or when, but mark his words...it will happen. He tells Vince to stay on alert.


Tag Team Match

The Hardy Boyz w/Lita vs. The Goodfather & Val Venis


Up next was some tag team action as the Hardy Boyz took on two former Right To Censor members in the Goodfather and Val Venis. With the Right To Censor finished, should be no time before both Goodfather and Venis return to their old ways, but right now, they have to fight off the Hardyz, who are fight with anger after the brawl with Edge & Christian and Edge costing Matt Hardy the European Championship to Perry Saturn. That anger got to Matt, who was overwhelmed by the bigger and stronger Goodfather, who hit Matt with a huge inverted shoulderbreaker. After that, frequent tags between Goodfather and Val Venis kept the fatigued Matt Hardy in the match, as both Jeff and Lita watched on, knowing they couldn't help. When Val attempted a spinout powerbomb, Matt slipped away and hit Val with an inverted DDT. Matt crawled to his corner and tagged in Jeff, who ran over to Goodfather, knocking him off the apron. Jeff went back to Val and hit him with the sitout jawbreaker, followed by his "Nuts Galore" leg drop. Goodfather attempted to get back into the ring, but was met with a dropkick by Matt. Jeff climbed the turnbuckle, hit Val with the Swanton Bomb and picked up the victory.


Winners: The Hardy Boyz


After the match, we cut to a video, this time made by the Chairman of the World Wrestling Federation, Vince McMahon. It's directed at Shane, saying that it doesn't matter what Shane says or attempts to do, because as long as Vince is breathing and is running the WWF, Shane won't even get anywhere near him, let alone get into the building. Extra security had been placed all around the arena and any arena the WWF would be at in the near future and if Shane attempted to get into any of them, he would be arrested. Vince assured everyone that he was, and is, VERY capable of having one of his children go to jail. He tells Shane that if he doesn't believe him, just try it.


Singles Match

Raven vs. Big Show


Next match on Smackdown was between two former WCW stars in Raven and the Big Show. Big Show was coming off of the Last Man Standing loss to Shane McMahon at Backlash, and Raven losing the Hardcore Championship to Rhyno. Raven stated after entering the ring before the match started that Rhyno should watch his back at any and every moment, because if it wasn't him going after the Hardcore Championship, it would be someone else. Before Raven could get another word out, Big Show made his entrance and he didn't look to happy. Michael Cole informed everyone that even though the Big Show was in this match, he wasn't 100% from Backlash and was possibly taking a risk with his health. Tazz told Cole that Big Show doesn't worry about risks. Remember, he's the largest athlete in the world. The fatigue didn't show much in the match, as Big Show started strong with clotheslines and big chops to Raven's chest. Raven fought back, hitting Big Show with a few jabs and following up with a clothesline. Raven hit Big Show with a dropkick to the knees, bringing the big man down to one knee. Raven signaled for the Even Flow DDT, but Big Show picked him up and dropped him on his stomach. When Raven got up, Big Show headbutted him, which sent Raven to the ropes, and when he returned, Big Show finished him off with a Chokeslam.


Winner: Big Show


We cut to the Commissioner's office, where William Regal is drinking some tea. After a sip, he looks at the camera and says he has some words for Chris Jericho. He told Jericho that he was lucky to survive Kurt Angle on RAW, but come Judgement Day, he wouldn't be. This time around, he would have some little surprises in store for Mr. Jericho. What they were, well, he would have to find out. As for Chris Benoit interfering in his business with Jericho, he said no matter. Come RAW next week, he was placing him in a tag team match against Kurt Angle, in which both men would pick their own partner. With that on Benoit's brain, there would be nothing he could do to "protect" Chris Jericho. Regal finishes off with that come RAW, Jericho will be lying in the ring, because of William Regal. You can bet on that, sunshine.


Jonathan Coachman is backstage in an interview with the group known as "X-Factor", the group of X-Pac, Justin Credible and Albert. The Coach begins to ask them a question, before Albert tells him to beat it. X-Pac states that he is feat up with being excluded from RAW and Smackdown, only being placed on Sunday Night HeAT (despite his tag team match on RAW), and now, he and Albert have to face the Dudley Boyz, while Justin Credible had to face Spike Dudley. He says what does X-Factor have to do to gain some respect in the locker room? Do they have to start beating people down, because with Albert around, that was totally possible. Credible grabs the mic and warns Spike to not even show up on HeAT, because he was going to kick Spike's lights out. Come HeAT, the world will know that X-Factor ain't nothing to mess with.


Non-title Singles Match

Kane vs. Triple H© w/Stephanie McMahon


It was main event time, with Kane taking on the Intercontinental Champion (and one half of the World Tag Team Champions) Triple H. Before the match started, Triple H told Kane that he would gain him a little of a...prize, per say, if he could defeat Triple H, tonight. He told Kane if he wins, he would defend his Intercontinental Championship against Kane at Judgement Day. When the match started, Kane started to overpower Triple H with various punches, uppercuts and throat thrusts. Triple H was forced to roll out of the ring to catch his breathe, but Kane followed, determined to win this match and get his shot at the Intercontinental Championship at Judgement Day. Kane grabbed Triple H and threw him back in the ring. Before he could get back into the ring, Stephanie McMahon started to yell at Kane, distracting him. Kane rolled back in the ring, only to be met with a big clothesline from Triple H. Triple H started to wear down Kane with sleeper holds and various leg locks to take Kane's vertical base away. Triple H set up Kane for the spinebuster by throwing him off the ropes, but Kane reversed it with a running DDT. Kane made it to his feet, first, and when Triple H got up, Kane hit him with the Chokeslam. Kane went for the pin, until Stephanie distracted the ref. On cue, Stone Cold ran down the ramp, into the ring and hit Kane with the Stunner. Austin rolled out and began taunting Kane, until Undertaker's music hit. Undertaker came down the ramp and chased Stone Cold off, but Kane was already down. Triple H rolled over to Kane, put his arm over him and got the pin and the win. After the match, Stephanie got in the ring and celebrated with Triple H, glad Kane would not receive his Intercontinental Championship match as Smackdown went off the air.


Winner: Triple H


Sunday Night HeAT Results

Jerry Lynn & "Grand Master Sexay" Brian Christopher d. Kaientai

Trish Stratus w/Test d. Jacqueline

Justin Credible d. Spike Dudley

The Dudley Boyz d. X-Pac & Albert


WWF RAW is WAR Preview

TD Garden

Boston, Massachusetts

The Undertaker vs. "Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/Debra

Chris Benoit & ????? vs. Kurt Angle & ?????

Rhyno© vs. Hardcore Holly (WWF Hardcore Championship)

Billy Gunn vs. William Regal

Chyna & Lita vs. Ivory & Trish Stratus w/Steven Richards & Test

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