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CVerse: Starting Fresh Mod

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So I have taken it upon myself to lets not say make a mod but edit the Cverse. My project goal is for every promotion to have 0 workers, 0 prestige, 0 popularity, and only $10,000.


The point of this mod? To see which promotion can excel fastest and get to an elite level first. See which workers can get popularity first and how much their skills matter in terms of a push with popularity all being the same.


As of this writing I have manged to do:


- All promotions closed are reopened

- All promotions changed to 0 prestige/popularity

- All promotions given $10,000 at start.

- All promotions start with F- momentum



What still needs to be done:


- Contracts from each promotion need to be removed so all Workers before Free Agents.


- All workers need popularity dropped to 0(since the big names wont sign with a small company)




Anything else you guys would like to see just post it here. If interested in helping out message me and I will send you a copy of my current work.

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