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[C-Verse XL] Lone Star Wrestling

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Okay so to give a little back story I used to book for a company in Ohio called Akron Pro Wrestling which me and my friend Jeff started back in 2007. Me him and a couple of people started ACW one day when we all were sitting in a bar complaining about the SWF and how it was so different from the wrestling we grew up watching. So we decided we would start our own company at first we had about 12 guys friends of friends stuff like that but we were getting pretty good success. We were running a show and I took a backdrop and landed wrong I ended up slipping three discs in my back pretty ending my wrestling career. So I decided to start announcing and booking instead.

After about two years of good success Harry Chadwick was in Akron on business and he decided to come backstage and introduce himself to me and said he had been hearing good things about me and my style and told me to call if I was ever looking for a job a couple months later Jeff ran off with all of our money I paid the guys out of my own pocket for one last show and called Mr.Chadwick and he told me to met him in New Orleans for mardi gras and I drove down and he gave me some goals like We would have to gain popularity I couldn't sign any MMA guys or guys that are out of there minds. I agreed and he said besides that I had full reign over the roster as long as keep him posted and he told me I would start at the begging of the year so the current storylines run there course and I accepted and that was that and now I'm sitting in my office in Houston at 3:00 A.M. looking at the roster and so the story begins...

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Main Event

Ford Gumble-Face

Jack Griffith-Heel


Silver Dollar-Heel



Tex Tagan-Heel

The Coyote-Heel

Whiskey Jack-Heel

White Hat-Face



Mad Dog-Heel

Outlaw Wes Revell-Heel

Southern Justice-Heel

Whistling Bear-Face






Bradley Blaze-Face



Alexis Lee Littlefeather-Face



Alan Price-Face



Kurt Lovenkrantz-Face



Harry Chadwick-Face

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Thank you buddy first time trying this so if you have some advice feel free to let it fly


OK. I hate to hijack people's threads normally but since you asked...


For writing diaries:

Keep it short and simple. Summarise - don't go into exhaustive detail. Big blocks of text (even a long paragraph) will stop anyone reading it.


Have a clear picture of each character - but keep them simple too. Think of 3 key characteristics for each person on your roster.


Don't 'save' stories and events for the future. Do it now. All of the good stuff. Slow builds are great on TV - not here


Make it clear who's a goody and a buddy and what they all want. Be obvious. people will be reading several diaries so they wont have time or ability to keep your subtle twists in mind. Not that LSW is subtle anyway


Presentation should be simple and clean. Pics are always good. Dont go for the Sistene Chapel's roof - just make it easy to read. Think presentation of a kids book. Blocky, clean, easy.


Set a timetable and keep to it. If you find yourself slipping and resenting 'having to' write then don't fight it. Give it some time away and either quit or start something else.


Don't be desperate for feedback. You're not going to get hundreds of posts of feedback and insight. Don't worry about that. Eisenverse and JSilver and everyone else had the same experience.


For playing with LSW:

Keep to 2-3 main characters. You haven't got room to develop more at the top. The company was designed to be a tussle between Ford Gumble and Jack Griffith with everyone else getting involved in different ways and maybe a few lower storylines bubbling under. Preacher is the wildcard to keep it interesting.


Turnover. Keep contracts to 6 months max (bar maybe 1-2 workers). Allow at least 50% to expire. You want a steady stream of people to come in and look tough then either get beaten out of town by your stars or to send your stars down the card themselves.


One ME storyline. One midcard storyline. Several segments per show spent on the former. Don't try to include more big ones - there's not room.


Be silly. They've got a really strong face/heel divide. And they don't want no dirty dawg getting away without a good ol' fashioned ass-whuppin'.

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This what happened to LSW in the first month Before Black Gold


Un-related news

Victoria Stone-McFly & Sean McFly Divorce



Never had that happen before


New Signings to LSW


Brady Prince


Buck Graham


Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Main Event-Heel

Xavier Reckless




Ace Youngblood


Manager-Alexis Lee Littlefoot

Kenny O'Quinn

Colour Commentator-Heel

The Boston Bomber

Road Agent

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LSW: Black Gold 1 Show Card Predictions who ever gets the most right gets to decide who/team I'll try to sign next.



Silver Dollar vs. The Coyote


Tex Tagan vs. Whiskey Jack


LSW:Black Gold 1


Bradley Blaze vs. Cerberus


Mad Dog vs. Southern Justice


Tag Team Championship

Reckless Antix vs. The Crazy Injuns vs. The Maryland Alliance


Southern Heavyweight Championship

Outlaw Wes Revell vs. White Hat


#1 Contenders Match for U.S. Belt

Bulldozer Brandon smith vs. Preacher


United States Heavyweight Championship

Ford Gumble vs. Jack Griffith

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I have no idea who half these guys are. Which is AWESOME! Go C-VerseXL!


Silver Dollar vs. The Coyote

Tex Tagan vs. Whiskey Jack


Bradley Blaze vs. Cerberus

Mad Dog vs. Southern Justice

Reckless Antix vs. The Crazy Injuns vs. The Maryland Alliance


Outlaw Wes Revell vs. White Hat

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Preacher

Ford Gumble vs. Jack Griffith

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As I pulled up to the Bar in Colorado Springs where the show is happening I was getting my bag when Todd one of the Ring crew members and said that Xavier Reckless was getting into with Cerberus. I got backstage just in time to stop Cerberus from decking Xavier I grabbed Cerberus and got him into my office and asked what the hell was going on, he told me that Xavier had put icy hot and itching powder in his boots and bag. I called Xavier in and told him that I knew that it was all in good fun but he needs to cut it out he shrugs it off and walks out.



Silver Dollar vs. The Coyote

In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, The Coyote defeated Silver Dollar in 12:11 by pinfall with a Spinebuster.


Tex Tagan vs. Whiskey Jack

In an extremely poor match, Whisky Jack defeated Tex Tagan in 8:40 by pinfall with a Face First Suplex.


LSW: Black Gold 1




Bradley Blaze vs. Cerberus

In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Cerberus defeated Bradley Blaze in 10:55 by submission.


Mad Dog vs. Southern Justice

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Mad Dog defeated Southern Justice in 10:11 by pinfall.


LSW Tag Team Championship


Reckless Antix vs. The Crazy Injuns vs. The Maryland Alliance

In an extremely poor match, The Crazy Injuns defeated Reckless Antix and The Maryland Alliance in 13:43; the order of elimination was Reckless Antix first, and then The Maryland Alliance. The Crazy Injuns win the LSW Tag Team titles.


The match is over, and Reckless Antix are left down. The Crazy Injuns are celebrating, but then stop and see that their opponents are still on the ground. They attack, and beat both Reckless and Antix into the canvas.

Southern Heavyweight Championship


Outlaw Wes Revell vs. White Hat

In an extremely poor match, Outlaw Wes Revell defeated White Hat in 12:57 by submission after blatantly cheating. Outlaw Wes Revell wins the LSW Southern Heavyweight title.


The match is over, and White Hat is left down. Outlaw Wes Revell is celebrating, but then stops and sees his opponent still on the ground. He attacks, and beats him into the canvas.


#1 Contender for United States Championship


Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. The Preacher

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Preacher defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 13:34 by disqualification.


United States Heavyweight Championship


Ford Gumble vs. Jack Griffith

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Ford Gumble defeated Jack Griffith in 16:25 by pinfall with a Savate Kick. Ford Gumble wins the LSW United States Heavyweight title.


Having picked up the victory, Ford Gumble goes out into the crowd to celebrate with his people.

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LSW: Escape From the Jerrydome


Cerberus vs. White Hat


Mad Dog vs. Buck Graham


Southern Justice vs. Whiskey Jack


Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Coyote


#1 For US Heavyweight

Silver Dollar vs. Jack Griffith


#1 Southern Heavyweight

Brady Prince vs. Tex Tagan


Tag Team Heavyweight

The Crazy Injuns vs. Reckless Antix


Southern Heavyweight

Bradley Blaze vs. O.W.R.


US Heavyweight

Ford Gumble vs. Preacher

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Well Croquemitaine won with 3/8 you get to Pick a team a worker or name an event just let me know.

WooHoo!!! I am the... only one who entered...


Whatever, I still win. :D


I went with "name an event" and I went one better and made a logo for it:



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I'll try to get more than three right this time...


LSW: Escape From the Jerrydome


Cerberus vs. White Hat


Mad Dog vs. Buck Graham


Southern Justice vs. Whiskey Jack


Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Coyote


Silver Dollar vs. Jack Griffith


Brady Prince vs. Tex Tagan


The Crazy Injuns vs. Reckless Antix


Bradley Blaze vs. O.W.R.


Ford Gumble vs. Preacher



I think Bulldozer needs a new nickname for LSW. Like Bullrider Brandon Smith or Buffalo Brandon Smith or something like that.

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good job and thanks for the logo will defently use it i was also thinking about smith's nickname and will think of a better one i'm also sad to say that the computer i was using for tew is currently it should be fine but incase i'll just use this Dynasty to rebbok so the next thing i hear i'll let you guys know thanks and go predict
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LSW: Escape From the Jerrydome


Cerberus vs. White Hat


Mad Dog vs. Buck Graham


Southern Justice vs. Whiskey Jack


Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Coyote


#1 For US Heavyweight

Silver Dollar vs. Jack Griffith


#1 Southern Heavyweight

Brady Prince vs. Tex Tagan


Tag Team Heavyweight

The Crazy Injuns vs. Reckless Antix


Southern Heavyweight

Bradley Blaze vs. O.W.R.


US Heavyweight

Ford Gumble vs. Preacher

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WooHoo!!! I am the... only one who entered...


Whatever, I still win. :D


I went with "name an event" and I went one better and made a logo for it:




Been AWOl for a bit and sad to see this go. Hope it makes a comeback as I'd forgotten how much I like the company. Snakebit is a great name Croque. :p


*Fingers crossed*


BTW: a couple of pics that were supposed to go with the company if people are interested or hadnt got them:


Southern Justice



I use this for Jack Griffiths



Mad Dog



White Hat



Silver Dollar


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