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WWF/E: Smackdown vs. Raw (2002)

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Carrying on from the real life draft. No changes to who was picked for each brand. The draft Raw and following Smackdown followed reality. Now I start as the brand split officially begins as of the first Raw of April.
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I'm thinking about trying to do this as having the shows posted (where possible, if not as close to as possible) on the "correct" days. So Raw would be posted on a Monday, Smackdown on a Thursday and PPVs on Sundays. Which should be possible with the style I'm going for. Probably easier in theory than practise but I'll give it a go, I might change my mind.



Flair's Post-Split Raw #1:

Flair's Post-Split Raw #2:


McMahon's Post-Split Smackdown #1:

McMahon's Post-Split Smackdown #2:


WWF Backlash:

WWE Judgment Day:

WWE King of the Ring:

WWE Vengeance:

WWE Summerslam:



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WWF Raw!


April, Week 1, 2002 –
WWF Raw!

Live from the Pepsi Arena - Albany, New York!


[The show begins with opening pyro. The camera pans around to a new set and new logo. The commentators introduce an “all new” WWF Raw as we go to a new opening title sequence!]


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[After that the music of WWF Raw owner Ric Flair plays and he makes his way to the ring. He takes a microphone into the ring with him.]


Flair says that tonight is history in the making, as last week he drafted the greatest roster in history for his WWF Raw brand. He says a new era of professional wrestling begins tonight and will start with big business, including trying to bring Steve Austin to Raw and the business he is about to get on to...


To do that he says he wants to bring out the man who holds professional sports most prestigious championship – Triple H.


[Triple H's music doesn't play, instead it's that of nWo. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and X-Pac come to the ring. Nash takes a microphone.]


Nash tells “Ric” to hold up. He says that the nWo would also like to speak to Triple H, he suggests Flair gets out of the ring and let “the big boys play”


[Flair looks annoyed by the interruption and fires back.]


He says he's had a lot of run ins with Hall, Nash and X-Pac in the past. He says that tonight is different because he owns their asses.


[Flair is riled up and gets in Nash's face. Nash smirks and turns to X-Pac and Hall, then back to Flair.]


Nash says he didn't think he'd have to give the “old man” a history and explains that The nWo aren't like the rest of the roster. He says that The nWo can't be controlled and Flair can't tell them what to do. Nash says The nWo only do what's best for them.


[Flair takes a second, before smiling and replying.]


Flair says that may be true, but what he can do is put them in matches. He says on tonight's historic broadcast of Raw Triple H will be in action. He tells The nWo to choose between them who will face him.


[X-Pac takes the microphone from Nash.]


X-Pac tells Flair that that suits the nWo fine.


[X-Pac pats Hall on the chest and gives him the microphone. Before Hall can talk Flair interrupts.]


Flair adds that to make sure none of the nWo get involved in the match there will be a special guest referee... him!


[The nWo then go in for a huddle. They talk for a moment before then turn around as Hall holds the microphone.


He tells Flair that will be perfect and says “the bad guy” will see him and Triple H later tonight.


[The nWo walk up the ramp as Flair tries to address the crowd again. Before he can speak Kevin Nash interrupts him, from the top of the ramp. Despite having a microphone he is still shouting.]


He tells Ric that he has just injected the
into WWF Raw!


[The nWo then walk back through the entrance way. Flair can then speak uninterrupted.]


Flair says now that is dealt with he can announce that later tonight Triple H will be presented with a brand new WWF Undisputed Championship


[Flair then leaves the ring and goes up the ramp, the commentators comment on the new Championship and the main event, speculating that Flair will have trouble controlling “the poison”.


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[After the break Flair is walking in the back when he is stopped by Paul Heyman.]


Heyman tells Flair he is lucky to have Brock Lesnar on his brand. He says Flair's only mistake was not picking him earlier. Heyman doesn't let Flair speak instead telling him that Brock will prove exactly what he means later tonight.


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Rob Van Dam vs. William Regal


The first match of the new WWF Raw brand was a champion vs. champion match, albeit non-title. At the start of the match William Regal was checked for Brass Knucks. The referee found nothing and as he checked Van Dam, Regal took them out from under his armpit and hit them in the turnbuckle. RVD whispered in the referees ear and when Regal wasn't looking the referee removed them.


The match got under way and was a back and forth match which ended when Regal went to get his Brass Knucks from the turnbuckle. When they weren't there he turned straight into a Springboard Side Kick from RVD. RVD then hit the Rolling Thunder and went up to the top for a 5 Star Frog Splash for the victory.


Rob Van Dam


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After the match Vince McMahon sneaks into the ring.


He takes a microphone and tells RVD if he wants to throw his WWF Raw contract in the trash there is a place for him on Smackdown.


[RVD isn't interested and makes it clear he isn't interested by leaving the ring.]


Vince says he wants to call out Steve Austin to sign the contract he has in the hand.


[Ric Flair comes to the top of the ramp.]



Vince says he will not move and nobody is big enough to get rid of him.


[He spoke too soon however as Big Show comes out carries Vince up the ramp.]


[After a commercial break Vince is at the exit with The Big Show.]


Vince tells Big Show he will get a trade for him together.


[big Show instead slams the door in Vince's face.]


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[Elsewhere Bradshaw is sat in the APA office with a beer, drinking alone. He looks lonely without Faarooq, who was drafted to Smackdown.


As he takes another drink the nWo walk into the office.]


Nash tells Bradshaw that this office now belongs to the nWo. Bradshaw gets up and tells Nash to get out.


[instead all 3 of the nWo attack Bradshaw, X-Pac opens the door in the middle of the room and Nash throws Bradshaw out of it. Hall then throws a spray can to X-Pac and they begin to “redecorate” the APA office with the nWo markings.]


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Raven vs. Bubba Ray Dudley – WWF Hardcore Championship Match


As expected from these two this was a hardcore brawl with weapons being brought into play throughout the match. The match ended when Bubba sprayed a fire extinguisher in Raven's face and hit a Bubba Bomb for the finish.


Winner (and new WWF Hardcore Champion): Bubba Ray Dudley


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Trish and Terri are arguing in the back. Trish tells Terri that she has been acting different since appearing on the WWF Diva's Magazine cover.


Jazz walks over and says that those two are arguing about something that doesn't matter. She says her Women's Championship matters and suggests Trish and Terri fight it out tonight to see who can earn a shot.


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[Elsewhere Bradshaw is seen looking annoyed while walking around the backstage area. He grabs a box and throws it on the ground. The box lands in the path of Kane who stops in his tracks and looks up.

Bradshaw and Kane look at each other and begin to go face to face when Ric Flair walks in to get between them.]


Flair tells them to calm down and says since Bradshaw is in a bad mood he can put it to good use by facing X-Pac tonight...


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[The Coach then interviews Debra.]


He asks her if she knows what Austin's decision will be. She says her husband hasn't made his mind up yet...


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Spike Dudley vs. Goldust


This match was quite short and saw Goldust in control for the most part, overpowering Spike Dudley throughout. The ending came when Goldust went for an Atomic Drop but Spike blocked him elbowing him in the head and hitting a Dudley Dog out of nowhere for the victory. Goldust couldn't believe his loss!


Spike Dudley


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[After the match Dudley celebrates on the top rope. Goldust attacks him from behind. Goldust sets Spike up for the Shattered Dreams when Tommy Dreamer runs down with a chair and hits Goldust with it.

Dreamer then hits Goldust with a DDT and holds Spike's hand up in victory.


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Vince McMahon is outside the building on his phone. He tells the person he is talking to that by the end of the night he
sign Steve Austin to Smackdown!


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[Ric Flair comes to the ring for the second time in the night with a new Championship belt.]




Flair then introduces the current WWF Undisputed Champion Triple H....


[Once again somebody else's music plays this time that of The Undertaker. He makes his way to the ring and squares up to Flair.]


The Undertaker tells Flair that while he beat him at WrestleMania 18, he beat Triple H the year before. He says that he won't stand back and watch Flair give Triple H the WWF Undisputed Champion. The Undertaker says he thinks Flair is trying to disrespect him. He tells Flair that he warned him before that he would makes his life hell if he picked him and he intends to do so.


[The Undertaker then takes off his jacket. Before he can step to Flair, the music of Triple H hits and he gets in between Flair and The Undertaker, going face to face with Taker.]


Triple H says times have changed since The Undertaker beat Triple H, and says he could kick Taker ass any time.


The Undertaker challenges Triple H to a match at Backlash for the championship, but Triple H doesn't want to wait. The Undertaker says Backlash will be fine.


[Taker then takes the Championship from Ric Flair and puts it on Triple H's shoulder.]


Taker warns Triple H to hold onto it while he can.


[The Undertaker then leaves.]


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The Hardy Boyz vs. Steven Richards & Justin Credible


A fairly short match in which The Hardy Boyz defeated Credible and Richards, showing much greater cohesiveness as a team. Credible and Richards often tagged themselves in slapping their partner on the back. The Hardy Boyz won when Richards was hit with a combo of a Twist of Fate and a Swanton Bomb.


The Hardy Boyz


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[After the match, accompanied by his agent Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar came to the ring and attacked the Hardy Boys. The Hardy Boyz tried to fight him off but he overpowered them. Jeff Hardy went for a hurricanrana but Lesnar turned it into a Triple Powerbomb and left them laying.]


Heyman took a microphone and told the audience they are looking at “The Next Big Thing” in professional wrestling!


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[in the back Triple H is seen getting ready for his match when Kevin Nash walks in.]


Nash tells Triple H that him and the nWo shouldn't be fighting. He says that they don't have to do what Flair says, he reminds Triple H how it used to be with the nWo and DX rebelling against the people in control. He says Hall, Nash, X-Pac and Triple H can “run this place like the old days.” He suggests that Triple H is going soft.


[Triple H stands up.]


He tells Nash we'll see how soft he is in the ring tonight.


[Triple H then leaves the room as Nash begins to smile.]


As Triple H leaves Nash shouts “think about it Hunter.”


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Bradshaw vs. X-Pac


X-Pac was accompanied to the ring by Scott Hall (who had taken one of Bradshaw's beers from the new “nWo office”) and his presence was felt throughout the match as he continually distracted Bradshaw. At one point Bradshaw set up for the Clothesline From Hell but X-Pac rolled out of the ring.


As the referee tried to get him back into the ring, X-Pac feigned injury and Hall got up on the apron. When Bradshaw turned around Hall sprayed beer into Bradshaw's eyes and X-Pac quickly got up (JR called out the fakery, while Lawler suggested a miraculous recovery) and hit the X-Factor for the victory.




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[After the match Scott Hall got in the ring and intimidated the referee. X-Pac and Hall began putting boots into Bradshaw and Hall got out a spray can.


Before they could spray him there was an explosion at the four corners of the ring and Kane ran down. Hall managed to get away as Kane went straight for X-Pac. X-Pac tried to get away but instead ate a Chokeslam. Hall carried Pac up the ramp.


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[Vince McMahon is now in the parking lot. He is still on the phone.]


Vince McMahon is now in the parking lot. He tells whoever he is talking to that he
get in the building AND sign Steve Austin to Smackdown!


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[After that Ric Flair came out and announced that the match between Trish Stratus would be a Bikini Paddle on a Pole match.]


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Trish Stratus vs. Terri


This match never actually got under way as before it could Molly Holly came out and attacked both women, taking the paddle herself and hitting it over Trish's head.


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[steve Austin enters Ric Flair's office. He tells Ric that he wants him to let Vince McMahon in the building, saying he wants to see and hear from both Flair and McMahon before signing a contract. Flair picks up his phone and tells Security to let Vince McMahon into the building as soon as the main event is over.]


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Triple H vs. Scott Hall




[before the match can even start Kevin Nash gets in the ring with a microphone and calls for a time-out. He has something black in his hand.]


He says that Nash, Hall, X-Pac and Triple H go way back and should not be fighting.


[Flair tries to get Nash out of the ring but X-Pac stands in front of him, telling him to shut up.]


Nash says that Triple H is powerful on his own but could be better. He says that if instead of fighting, Triple H should stand shoulder to shoulder with them and make the nWo unstoppable.


[Nash stretches his hand out and gives Triple H the thing in his hand. Triple H rolls it out and sees that it's an nWo T-Shirt.]


Jim Ross on commentary is outraged by Nash taking over the main event and says Triple H will be making a mistake if he joins the nWo. Jerry Lawler likes the idea.


[After looking at the T-Shirt for a while Triple H screws it up and throws it out of the ring. He then clotheslines X-Pac over the top rope and Nash bails.]


The match began as Nash and X-Pac regrouped on the outside. Triple H took the match straight to Scott Hall but before long Nash and X-Pac were getting involved and Ric Flair, having had enough of trying to control them called for the bell when Nash pulled Triple H out of the ring by the leg.


Triple H


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[After the match Kevin Nash and X-Pac got in the ring and attacked Ric Flair.

Nash went to the outside and picked up the nWo T-Shirt and went under the ring... he brought out a sledge hammer!


As Triple H got in the ring Kevin Nash held the hammer to his neck and told him not to move a muscle. Hall and X-Pac picked up Flair and held him in place. Nash gave Triple H the sledgehammer and draped the nWo T-Shirt over the ring ropes.]


Nash then encouraged Triple H to “take Flair's head off” telling him “it isn't too late, Hunter”.


[Triple H walked up to Ric Flair who begged for mercy but instead hit Scott Hall with the sledgehammer in the gut. He did the same to X-Pac and delivered a Pedigree to him as Hall and Nash backed off up the ramp.]


Nash took a microphone and pointed to the nWo shirt on the ropes. He repeated "it's not top late, Hunter" as he backed up the ramp.


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[After the break the commentators say that Flair has been taken to the back and is being seen to by doctor's before the Steve Austin contract signing. The music of Vince McMahon hits and he makes his way to the ring.]


Vince McMahon makes fun of Ric Flair and says that he has a clear path to signing Steve Austin with no-one in the way. He says he will 'sell' Smackdown to Austin anyway. Vince says he invented Sports Entertainment and has the business savey that Austin is looking for. He says he made pay-per-view famous and invites Austin out to sign his contract. He adds finally that wherever Vince is, success follows.


[instead Ric Flair's music hits. He comes to the ring with his own microphone.]


Flair tells Vince McMahon 'his' nWo aren't enough to keep him down and he doesn't need to 'sell' himself to Austin because the Raw brand does that on it's own. Vince tells the reason for that is because Flair has given up as he knows Austin with sign with Smackdown.


[As he says this Steve Austin's music hits and he makes his way to the ring.]


When in the ring, Vince McMahon compliments Steve Austin on his choice of T-Shirt. Austin says some of his greatest moments have been on Raw. He says that working with Ric Flair would be new and fresh. Austin says that he has had such great success under Vince McMahon that he is going with him to Smackdown!


[Austin shakes hands with both Vince and Flair, telling Flair there is no hard feeling. Vince McMahon begins to act smugly, smiling at Flair who tells him he always hated him. Austin reads the contract]


As Austin is about to sign he stops and tells Vince there's just one thing... APRIL FOOLS!


[McMahon's face drops and Austin hits him with a Stunner. Ric Flair then grabs a case of beers and celebrates with Austin. He gives Stone Cold a beer and knee drops his own can.


Flair gets up and does a celebratory Whoooo! in Austin's face. Austin's face drops and he gives Ric Flair a Stunner too!


Austin takes the WWF Raw contract and signs it. Officially becoming a member of the Raw Brand.


As he does, Vince McMahon gets up and Austin hits him with another stunner! Austin drinks some more beers to end the show.
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WWF Smackdown!


April, Week 1, 2002 –
WWF Smackdown

Live From the Blue Cross Arena – Rochester, New York!


[The show begins with a new title sequence.]


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[Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring with a microphone in his hand.]


He says that tonight is the beginning of a new wrestling war. He says that in this war there must be ground rules. Rules that ensure that Smackdown comes out on top. He says he wants to make something clear and that is that as of tonight, Smackdown belongs to him. He says if anyone steps out of line on “his show” there will be hell to pay.


[As he continues, he is interrupted by the music of The Rock.]


He tells Vince McMahon that his name may be on the deeds but Smackdown is not his show. He says that Smackdown is The Rock's show. He says Vince might call the shots but he should know his role and shut his mouth.


[Vince is annoyed by this.]


The Rock says he knows there is already a bunch of guys in the locker room who believe that this is McMahon's show and so have stuck their heads up Vince McMahon's ass! The Rock says that Smackdown is The Rock's show but as of tonight he is officially giving it to the people. He says that Smackdown will be known as “The People's Show”, as the people's show he encourages “The People” to let Vince know whether they think he's an “asshole or not”...


[They do.]


Vince tells the crowd to “shut up!”


[They don't.]


The Rock says that Vince McMahon has a group of bitches in the back who will do what he tells them to. The Rock tells Vince to tell one of them to come to the ring for the main event, later tonight.


[Vince's angry look changes to a smirk.]


He tells The Rock that he has just the guy, and tells him that The Rock should be careful what he wished for...


The Rock says he can't wait to see which jabroni Vince sends out for him to beat.


[The Rock goes to leave, but Vince grabs his arm.]


Vince tells The Rock there is no chance in hell he wins tonight...


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In the back Albert is talking to Scotty 2 Hotty about their tag team championship match. Scotty says this is the first match of the first Smackdown of the new era. He says that they can win the championship!

As they talk Rikishi walks by – he wishes Scotty and Albert luck...


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Billy & Chuck w/ Rico vs. Albert & Scotty 2 Hotty

WWF Tag Team Championships


Throughout the match Rico continually got involved, until Albert began chasing him. He chased him into the ring but ducked out meaning Albert ran into and knocked down Scotty 2 Hotty. Billy dropkicked Albert out of the ring and hit a Fam-Ass-Er for the victory.


Billy & Chuck


[After the match Albert gets in the ring and looks angry. Scotty tries to talk to him but Albert ignores him. Albert continues to ignore Scotty until he pushes him to the ground and walks off.]



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[Vince McMahon is seen walking into his office. He finally smiles, and closes the door behind him. Vince sit down and lets out a sigh of relief. As he gets ready to relax there is a knock on the door and Vince sighs.]


He tells the person to come in and it's Christian.

Christian says that if Vince needs somebody to beat The Rock tonight then he is his man. Vince says he's got somebody else in mind. He tells Christian he does have match tonight.


[Vince's phone then rings and he dismisses Christian.]


Vince tells whoever is on the other side that he is “working on it” and says “it'd run much smoother if Flair would see me face to face”.


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[Test makes his way to the ring for his match. Funaki is in the ring but he takes a microphone.]

He says this is a new era in the WWF. He says this is a new Smackdown and he this is a new Test. He asks if anybody on Smackdown is ready to face the Test?


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Test vs. Funaki


Test made quick work of Funaki throwing him around the ring before finishing it with a Running Big Boot to the side of the head.




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[in the back Jericho walks up to The Rock.]


Jericho tells The Rock that if he wanted a challenge tonight, he should have requested a match against him. The Rock tells Jericho that if he puckers his lips up enough Vince might just choose him. Jericho tells The Rock that he has beaten The Rock in the past and could do it again. He tells The Rock he's lucky Jericho is focussed on other things tonight...


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[in the back Scotty 2 Hotty is looking for Albert. He goes into the locker room and finds him.]

Scotty asks Albert what that was about earlier. Albert gets in Scotty's face and tells him he's sick of being a laughing stock.


[Albert then walks out of the room.]


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Elsewhere Kurt Angle is talking to Diamond Dallas Page. He is telling him how it is unfair that Vince risked him going to Raw by picking The Rock first. DDP tells Angle to look at it positively, he says that this is his chance to prove to Vince that he is the best.


[Edge then walks in.]


Edge tells Angle the reason he wasn't picked first is because Vince was sick of him following him around like a bad smell.


Angle replies that nobody wanted Edge because he sucks.


Edge challenges Angle to a match tonight but Angle says that Diamond Dallas Page would be more than happy to face him instead.


[Angle then leaves the locker room.]


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Tajiri © w/ Torrie Wilson vs. Billy Kidman

WWF Cruiserweight Championship


The second championship match of the night was a quick fast paced match that went back and forth with both coming close to victory throughout. The ending to the match came when Torrie at ringside threw the championship into the ring and then distracted the referee.


Tajiri got the championship but dropped it and Billy Kidman took the chance to hit him with a Tornado DDT onto the championship for the victory.


Billy Kidman


[After the match Torrie Wilson tries to apologise to Tajiri but he is annoyed at her.]


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In the back Vince McMahon is stood with Hardcore Holly. Vince tells Holly that Maven lost the Hardcore Championship which means Vince wasted a pick. He tells Holly to go out and teach him a lesson tonight.


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Christian vs. Faarooq


Christian finds out his opponent is Faarooq who was in a bad mood having been split up from his partner Bradshaw. For that reason he hit Christian hard throughout the match. Christian continued to try and get back in the match and did eventually win it, albeit with a roll up while grabbing a handful of tights.




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In the back Al Snow tells Maven how tough Hardcore Holly is. He says Maven will take a beating tonight but he must keep fighting to win.


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[Hulk Hogan then makes his way to the ring with brand new music. He is wearing Red & Yellow for the first time since his return to the WWF.]


He has a microphone and says that Raw gets the first Championship shot but whoever wins between The Undertaker and Triple H he'll be looking to take on. Hogan says that he has been drafted to Smackdown and will continue to make history like he did at WrestleMania 1, WrestleMania 3 and against The Rock at WrestleMania 18.


Hogan says he's back in the Red & Yellow and as long as the fans believe in him “Hulkamania can run wild!” once again on Smackdown!


[The music of Chris Jericho then hits and he makes his way to the ring.]


Jericho makes fun of Hogan thinking that he will be the next WWF Undisputed Champion. Jericho says that everybody knows he should be the next number one contender. He tells Hogan that Hulkamania will not run wild because this is a new Smackdown where Chris Jericho is the franchise player. He says Hulkamania is long since dead.


Hogan says that Jericho talks a good game but questions whether he can back it up when all the “Hulkamaniacs“ are on Hulk Hogan's side. He says that earlier tonight The Rock said Smackdown was the people's show. Hulk says he agrees and asks “the people” if they want to see Jericho back his words up.


[Jericho tries to silence the crowd, but it doesn't work.]


Hogan says the fans want it and challenges Jericho to a match there and them.


[Jericho takes his jacket of and Hulk rips open his shirt. Jericho then backs off and walks up the ramp.]


Jericho tells Hogan he doesn't want to embarrass him and tells him that if he want to leave with any dignity he should pick fights with people his own age.


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[in the back Vince is watching a screen in his office when D-Von Dudley walks in.]


D-Von says he is annoyed that he and his brother Bubba have been split up.


Vince McMahon says that is Ric Flair's fault... he then says he always thought of D-Von as the driving force behind the team and says he believes he can be a star on his own. He tells D-Von to come back to him when he's mentally prepared to be a superstar.


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Hardcore Holly vs. Maven w/ Al Snow


Maven took a brutal beating throughout this match. Holly was relentless in the match and continued the beat down until Maven was barely able to stand. Maven showed great heart but couldn't kick out following an Alabama Slam.


Hardcore Holly


[After the match as the referee held Holly's hand up he stood over Maven and laid boots into him.

Al Snow ran into the ring and got between them but Hardcore Holly pushed him in the face, knocking him to the ground, before leaving up the ramp.]



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Hulk Hogan is talking in the back to The Rock. He says The Rock hit on something great when he spoke about “The People's Show” earlier. Hogan says it's their job to make sure that people see that Smackdown isn't about Vince or individuals ego but about the whole brand.


The Rock tells Hogan he's going to give the people what they want tonight by kicking somebodies "Candy Ass”. Hogan wishes him luck.


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[it is hyped that next week WWF Undisputed Champion Triple H will be on the show...]


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In the back Christian walks up to Test and tells him he was impressed with what he did to Funaki out there tonight – he says “maybe Test... is the best” and laughs.


[Test stares at him until Christian puts his hand out to Test. They shake hands and Christian pats Test on the back...]


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Diamond Dallas Page vs. Edge


A straight forward back and forth match which ended when Edge hit Diamond Dallas Page with a spear having pushed him away from an attempted Diamond Cutter.




[After the match, Kurt Angle ran to the ring as Edge celebrated and hit him with an Olympic Slam – Angle then backed up the ramp laughing at Edge.]


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[The Rock comes out for his match and cuts a promo.]


He asks which ass kisser that Vince drafted last Monday will come out to face him.


[instead Vince McMahon himself comes out.]


He says that it isn't anyone he drafted, but somebody who he brought back – he then introduces “the returning – Eddie Guerrero!”



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The Rock vs. Eddie Guerrero


The match begins with The Rock giving Eddie Guerrero a trial by fire as he attempted to adjust to his WWF return. The Rock took control of much of the match as Vince shouted from the top of the ramp for Eddie to “get him”!


As the match went on he seemed to improve but The Rock continued to “lay the Smackdown” on Guerrero. He looked close to winning following a Rock Bottom until Vince pulled the referee from the ring.


The referee told Vince to back off, so Vince threatened to fire him. As this happened Eddie Guerrero got a chair – as he used it the referee turned around and against Vince's orders called for the DQ.


The Rock


[After the match, Guerrero continues to lay into The Rock with the chair.]


Vince then tells Guerrero to get a table.


[He does and sets it up in the ring. He tells Guerrero to go to the top ropes and Vince drags The Rock onto the table. Guerrero then hit The Rock with a Frog Splash through the table. Vince then grabbed Guerrero's arm and raised it above his head...]
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Nice read, enjoyed that you made the nWo look dangerous. I was rooting for Triple H to join the nWo as soon as i saw that match announced ... Hopefully he still see's the light (or Black and White). Hopefully DDP isn't just kicked to the curb and you have plans for him ..
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You have a great roster here bro, and I'll certainly be keeping up with it :D will you be doing predictions?!




I'll be doing predictions on PPVs. Also when I get into the swing of having matches pre-booked through storylines I probably will.


nice show


Thanks :)


Nice read, enjoyed that you made the nWo look dangerous. I was rooting for Triple H to join the nWo as soon as i saw that match announced ... Hopefully he still see's the light (or Black and White). Hopefully DDP isn't just kicked to the curb and you have plans for him ..


The idea of Triple H in the nWo is a cool one, we'll have to wait and see :D


I feel like this time has it really good with it being the last time we've seen the nWo, so I really don't want to waste their presence since it was quite a unique scenario at the time, with all the guys (including the nWo) that they had. As for 'The Real People's Champion' I'm sure we'll fin something for him ;)

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This is an interesting period in the WWF's history, and you're doing a good job with it so far. Your style is crisp and easy to read.


That was a great way to bring Eddie back, thrusting him right into the main event scene. Also, I hope you stick with just the Undisputed title atop both shows. I've never been a fan of two world champions in the same company, even when they actually were two seperate brands (it makes even LESS sense today.)

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This is an interesting period in the WWF's history, and you're doing a good job with it so far. Your style is crisp and easy to read.


That was a great way to bring Eddie back, thrusting him right into the main event scene. Also, I hope you stick with just the Undisputed title atop both shows. I've never been a fan of two world champions in the same company, even when they actually were two separate brands (it makes even LESS sense today.)


Thanks, I'm really pleased Eddie hadn't officially returned at this point because I have a (what I consider :p) good role for him on Smackdown in the coming months.


I won't tell my plans about the World Championship but the fact that in real life, within 6 months(?) of the brand split there was a new World Championship and only maybe 9 months after it was unified in the first place bugged me.


Great first shows, they're very easy to read like TFC said, i'm definitely a reader. Good luck.


Thanks, I'm pleased they are easy to get through, it's something I'll be making sure to continue.

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WWF Raw!


April, Week 2, 2002 –
WWF Raw!

Live from the American West Arena – Phoenix, Arizona


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[The show begins with a pan of the crowd before the music of, the Raw brand's newest signing, Stone Cold Steve Austin hits and he makes his way to the ring.]


When in the ring, Austin takes a microphone and says that last week he signed with the WWF Raw brand.


[The fans asks “What?”]


He says he said he signed with the WWF Raw brand last week... he says that he said he signed with the WWF Raw brand last week!


Austin says that last week he also saw The Undertaker get a title shot from Triple H and the nWo running around like they own the place.


[He is about to continue when the music of the nWo hits and they make their way to the ring.]


[The nWo enter the ring and Nash steps up to Austin with Hall and X-Pac to either side of him.]


Nash tells Austin that last week was
about the nWo. He tells Hall “to get the shirt”.


[Hall takes out a nWo t-shirt and passes it to Nash.]


Nash offers Stone Cold a place in the nWo. Hall takes the microphone and tells Austin that he has one chance and he's either with them or against them.


[Austin takes the shirt from Nash, but throws it down. Kicking Nash in the gut and hitting hit with a Stunner. Hall throws a punch at Austin who blocks it and hits him with a punch knocking him out of the ring, as X-Pac rolls under the bottom rope.]


Austin tells the nWo to come back and fight him.


[They continue to back up the ramp when Ric Flair comes out.]


Flair tells Austin that he will face X-Pac later tonight!



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Bubba Ray Dudley © vs. Raven

WWF Hardcore Championship


A similar match to last week's with plenty of weapons being used throughout. The difference in this match there was no winner as when both men were down Tommy Dreamer came out with his own referee...


Bubba Ray Dudley © vs. Tommy Dreamer

WWF Hardcore Championship


Dreamer clocked Raven over the head with a Trash Can Lid and then did the same to Bubba Ray. He then hit a DDT on Bubba Ray to become the new Hardcore Champion.


Tommy Dreamer


Tommy Dreamer © vs. Raven

WWF Hardcore Championship


As Dreamer had his hand raised Raven grabbed him and turned him around hitting him with a DDT and pinning him for the Championship.




[As Raven backed up the ramp with the Championship laughing at Dreamer and Bubba Ray, Spike Dudley came from behind with a third referee...


Raven © vs. Spike Dudley

WWF Hardcore Championship


Spike came from behind and rolled up to win the Hardcore Championship


Spike Dudley



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[in the back Trish Stratus is stood with The Coach.]


She tells him she has challenged Molly Holly to a match tonight, she says Molly Holly “pissed [her] off” last week.



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William Regal is being interviewed by Terri. He tells her that he doesn't want to spend all his time on Raw wrestling deviants like Rob Van Dam and freaks like The Big Show. He tells Ric Flair that he has been speaking to Vince McMahon and wants Ric Flair to talk to McMahon about a trade. He says if Flair won't do something about it he'll have to force the issue...



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William Regal © vs. Big Show

WWF European Championship


Before the match the referee found some Brass Knucks that Regal had dropped on the mat. As the referee picked them up Regal took some more out and hid them in the turnbuckle. As the Regal then applauded the referee for taking away the first lot, Big Show took them out from the turnbuckle and put them on the outside of the ring.


After the bell rung, the match started with Regal trying to avoid the Big Show, only for Show to grab him and take control of the match. Most of the rest of the match was Big Show beating Regal down until Regal decided he'd had enough.


Regal then hit Big Show with a blatant low blow and backed up the ramp, collecting his European Championship and getting counted out.


Big Show (Count Out)


<div style=" border: 4px solid black";">


[After the break Regal is walking in the back with his European Champion. Flair stops him in his tracks.]

Flair tells Regal that if he wants to be drafted to Smackdown and take his European Championship with him he better tell Vince to come up with a good trade.


Regal tells Flair he'll do just that and 'bids farewell' to the WWF Raw brand.



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[in the back the nWo are in their “office” playing cards and drinking the APA's beers.]


X-Pac throws his cards down and says it's boring. X-Pac says that tonight the nWo make an example of Steve Austin.


Hall says that if Austin doesn't want to be with them, he'll remain against them.


Nash says he'll be back for X-Pac's match later tonight, but he's got some business with Triple H to deal with, he says by the end of the night the nWo will have Triple H on side...



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[bradshaw is then seen in the back. He walks up to Kane.]


Bradshaw thanks Kane for helping him out last week when Hall and X-Pac attacked him.


Kane tells Bradshaw that they're going to take back the APA's locker room.



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Booker T vs. Jeff Hardy


Booker T and Jeff Hardy went back and forth with a competitive match. Booker T was the first to take control but by the end of the match Jeff Hardy made a comeback after Booker missed the Scissors Kick. Jeff Hardy won the match with a Swanton Bomb.


Jeff Hardy


[After the match Matt Hardy got in the ring.]

On behalf of The Hardy Boyz, Matt Hardy calls out Brock Lesnar.


[He gets no response and The Hardy Boyz leave the ring.]



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[Triple H is in his locker room in the back when Kevin Nash walks in.]

Nash talks about Triple H defending about his WWF Undisputed Championship at Backlash against The Undertaker. Nash tells Triple H that despite what he did last week the offer is still open to join the nWo.


Triple H gets up, telling Kevin Nash he is not interested.


Nash tells Triple H that he may have his pride, but at Backlash all he has to do is signal to the nWo.


[Nash then puts his hand up in the nWo/Kliq “Wolf-head” hand signal, showing Triple H what he needs to do.]


Nash tells Triple H if it gets tough with The Undertaker he knows what to do. As he leaves Nash tells Triple H "we've got your back, make the right decision".



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[Elsewhere, in the nWo “office” Scott Hall and X-Pac are drinking. As they laugh and joke Bradshaw and Kane enter the office (Bradshaw through the door, Kane not.)]

[Kane flips the table and he and Bradshaw start brawling with Hall and X-Pac, chucking them out of the office. Hall and X-Pac try to get back in but are run off by Bradshaw and Kane.]



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[The second hour of Raw begins with the music of The Undertaker...]

[The Undertaker makes his way to the ring and takes a microphone from ringside.]


The Undertaker talks about how he is going to take the WWF Undisputed Championship at Backlash. He says he beat Triple H before at WrestleMania 17 but agrees with Triple H that time have changed.


The Undertaker says it's different because Ric Flair is in charge and Triple H is his golden boy. He says at WrestleMania 18 he beat Ric Flair. He says he beat Ric Flair so badly that Flair won't be returning to wrestling again. He says he may just do the same to Triple H at Backlash. The Undertaker says nothing will stop him when it comes to taking the WWF Undisputed Championship from Triple H.


He then says he heard Hulk Hogan on Smackdown say that he wanted a shot at the championship. Undertaker tells Hogan that when he is Champion Hulk Hogan can have a shot at his championship any time he wants!


The Undertaker says that when he wins the WWF Undisputed Championship he will be the Champion of Champions and nobody can deny that he is the best in the business.


[Ric Flair's music hits and he come to the top of the ramp.]


Flair says that The Undertaker's talk will only mean something if he can beat Triple H. Flair says that if The Undertaker is interested in becoming the Champion of Champions then he can face a current WWF Champion next week.


The Undertaker laughs and says he can beat anybody who Ric throws at him.


Flair introduces The Undertaker's opponent next week... the Intercontinental Champion... Rob Van Dam!

[Rob Van Dam then runs into the ring and The Undertaker throws a right hand at Van Dam, which Van Dam ducks. Van Dam bounced off the ropes and hits The Undertaker with a running cross-body. The Undertaker catches Van Dam and lifts him onto his shoulder. Van Dam slipps down the back and a leg sweep knocked The Undertaker off his feet.


Van Dam went to the top rope and signalled for a Five Star Frog Splash. Before Van Dam could hit the move, The Undertaker slid out of the ring and back up the ramp, shouting to Van Dam in the ring.]



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In the back Spike Dudley is about to be interviewed by The Coach when Goldust attacks him from the side.

Goldust, with a referee starts to lay into Spike Dudley. As he does, Bubba Ray comes in and hits Goldust from behind.

Despite Spike being prone, Bubba Ray helps him to his feet. Bubba and Spike then look at each other. Bubba softly pushes Spike and walks off. Spike smiles.



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Kane vs. Mr. Perfect


Kane made fairly quick work of Mr. Perfect, overpowering him throughout the match and finishing him off with a huge Chokeslam for the victory.




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In the back Paul Heyman tells Brock Lesnar that as long as he follows Paul Heyman's lead he will arrive tonight. He tells Brock that the crowd don't respect him but they will have no choice to soon.



<div style=" border: 1px solid gold";"><div style=" border: 4px solid black";">

[Paul Heyman comes to the ring in a Yankee's Cap. He is joined by Brock Lesnar. Once in the ring he takes a microphone.]

Paul Heyman says last week he called Brock Lesnar “The Next Big Thing”. He says that people have put that down to simple hyperbole. Heyman says when it come to “Next Big Things” he has quite the history. He says he stood side by side with The Undertaker as he developed into becoming the deadman. He says he discovered the man who went on to become the biggest star in the industry... Stone Cold Steve Austin.


He reminds the fans that he was the architect of a concept called “ECW” which revolutionised the business and spawned “WWF Attitude”. He says this illustrates beyond doubt that he can spot the “Next Big Thing”. He says that it isn't just a moniker or a tagline, Brock Lesnar really is
Next Big Thing!


Heyman tells the audience that Brock Lesnar is a former NCAA Heavyweight Champion and will become a WWF Champion “before [our] very eyes”. He says Brock is indestructible, invulnerable and invincible. He says he will remind the fans just what Lesnar can do with a video package.


[The video package shows Brock Lesnar taking out Spike Dudley and The Hardy Boyz as well as others.]


[before Paul Heyman can continue speaking The Hardy Boyz run down to the ring.

Lesnar fights them off and throws them out of the ring. The Hardy Boyz then come back with a chair each and hit Lesnar, knocking him over the top rope. Lesnar lands on his feet and backs up the ramp on Heyman's orders, who is holding him back.



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[in the back Kevin Nash walks up to Hall and X-Pac.]


Nash asks X-Pac what happened to their office. Hall tells Nash that Kane and Bradshaw took it back. Nash says Hall and X-Pac shouldn't have let that happen. X-Pac says it only happen because Nash went away. Hall calms the situation saying tonight is about teaching a lesson to Stone Cold, saying they can take the office back any time.



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In the ring before the match Molly Holly said she was “pure and natural” unlike the rest of the WWF Divas.


Molly Holly vs. Trish Stratus


During the match Jazz came down to ringside with the Womens Championship over her shoulder.

This caused a distraction for Trish Stratus when she confronted Jazz, allowing Molly Holly to get the win.


Molly Holly


[After the match there is a stare-down between Molly Holly and Jazz.]



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[back in the APA office Bradshaw is sat with Kane, they both have a beer in their hands and they look like they're having a good time.]


Bradshaw thanks Kane for helping him get the office back.


[Kane picks up his beer and clinks it with Bradshaw's.]



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[Ric Flair is in his office when William Regal walks in...]

Regal tells Flair that he has Vince McMahon's offer in an envelope.


[He passes the envelope to Flair. Flair opens it and looks inside. Flair then takes out and pen and writes on the piece of paper, sealing it back in the envelope.]


Flair tells Regal to take his “counter-offer” to Vince McMahon.


[Regal takes the envelope and leaves the office.]


As he leaves he shouts to Flair that he'll soon be leaving this freak show.


[When outside the office he turns and bumps into Big Show.

Big Show grabs Regal by the neck and pushes him up against the wall.]


Big Show tells Regal that he hasn't left yet and says he'll see him next week...


<div style=" border: 1px solid gold";"><div style=" border: 4px solid darkred";">

Steve Austin vs. X-Pac


With the nWo at ringside Austin needed eyes in the back of his head, and throughout the match this gave X-Pac a couple of windows to take control. Austin continued to fight back and eventually, after knocking Nash and Hall off the apron then ducking a roundhouse kick from X-Pac and he hit the Stunner for the victory.


Steve Austin


[After the match Austin got his arm raised. He then went to the top rope and got some beers, as he got down Nash came in with Hall and hit a Big Boot to the side of Austin's head.

Hall, Nash and a recovering X-Pac laid their boots into Austin until the big bang of Kane's pyro hit and he and Bradshaw ran to the ring.]

[bradshaw and Kane fought off Hall and X-Pac and with Nash they retreated up the ramp.]


Nash took a microphone and said that they won't be able to jump them next week. He said that as a unit the nWo is unstoppable! Nash challenged Austin, Bradshaw and Kane to a 3 on 3 match next week.


[bradshaw, Kane and Austin nodded and signalled for the nWo to 'bring it on'!]

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Confirmed for Smackdown...


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Confirmed matches for Smackdown...


- Christian got the victory last week against Farooq, but did so grabbing a handful of tights. Farooq gets a shot at revenge this Thursday...


- After pushing Scotty 2 Hotty to the ground and telling him he's "had enough", Albert has challenged Scotty 2 Hotty to a match.


- Last week, Hardcore Holly was told by Vince McMahon to "teach Maven a lesson" for losing the Hardcore Championship to a Raw guy. Continuing the assault after the match was too far in Maven's mentor Al Snow's eyes and he stepped in making sure no further harm would come to Maven.


- As Kurt Angle continues to avoid Edge, he faces Chris Jericho who last week told Hulk Hogan that his time was up. Edge requested the match and is known to be a big fan of Hulk Hogan.


- Triple H will be in action, against an opponent of Vince McMahon's choosing, as the WWF Undisputed Champion comes to Smackdown!


1 - Christian vs. Farooq

2 - Albert vs. Scotty 2 Hotty

3 - Al Snow vs. Hardcore Holly

4 - Chris Jericho vs. Edge


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Faarooq - Get him some momentum back, trade wins with Christian.

Albert - S2H is a jobber. So is Albert, but slightly less so.

Hardcore Holly - Which leads to Maven saving the day eventually.

Edge - Going through hell to get to Angle.

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WWF Smackdown!


April, Week 2, 2002 –
WWF Smackdown

Live From the Tucson Convention Center – Tucson, Arizona!


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[The show begins with Eddie Guerrero in a beige suit stood next to Vince McMahon.]

Vince McMahon introduces the newest member of the Smackdown roster Eddie Guerrero!


[He gives Guerrero the microphone.]


Guerrero says that he has made mistakes in the past. He says he thought one of his most recent mistakes had cost him his WWF career. Eddie says that he has been given a second chance and he has one man to thank... Vince McMahon.


[Vince then whispers in Eddie's ear and he nods.]


Guerrero says that Ric Flair didn't call him, Ric Flair wasn't interested but Vince called him because Vince is a great man who cares about members of his roster and recommends that anybody who want to join the WWF joins the Smackdown brand. Guerrero says he must repay Vince for giving him another chance because he owes everything to him. Eddie says for that he will repay Vince be being forever loyal to him.


[Vince once again whispers in his ear, Guerrero screws his face but Vince gives him a stern look. Guerrero sighs.]


Guerrero says that without Vince McMahon he [Guerrero hesitates] ...and his children would have nothing. Guerrero says he would be laying in a ditch, worthless, if it wasn't for Vince McMahon.


[Vince then takes the microphone.]


He says that tonight's Smackdown is going to see Eddie Guerrero take on Triple H. Vince tells Guerrero that it is his job to show Triple H and Ric Flair how dominant the Smackdown brand is. He tells Guerrero that after what he has done for him he had better not let him down...


[As Vince continues the music of Hulk Hogan hits and he makes his way to the ring...]


Hulk Hogan takes a microphone and tells Guerrero that he doesn't have to do whatever Vince tells him to. Hogan says that everybody has made mistakes in the past... even Vince McMahon. Hogan says that Vince McMahon made a mistake when he allowed Raw to get the first WWF Undisputed Championship match. Hogan tells Vince to make him the number one contender for Judgement Day!


Vince McMahon says that he really, really likes the sound of Triple H vs. Hulk Hogan.


Hogan reminds Vince that The Undertaker could take the Championship from Triple H at Backlash.


[Vince begins to nod his head at the idea but before he can say yes the music of Kurt Angle plays and he comes to the ring.]


Angle tells Vince that Hulk Hogan should not get the shot because at WrestleMania Hulk Hogan lost his match, where as Kurt Angle won his match. Angle reminds Vince that he was picked before Hulk Hogan in the draft.


Hogan says Vince that last week The Rock said this is “The People's Show” and asks the “Hulkamaniacs” who they want to see face Triple H.


McMahon says that this is not the people's show, this is


Angle agrees with Vince and tells him that on his show he should want a True American Hero as his WWF Undisputed Champion. Angle reminds everyone that he is an Olympic Gold Medallist. He says that he beat Russians a lot tougher than Nikolai Volkoff.


Vince says that he has had enough and says that instead of Triple H vs. Eddie Guerrero, tonight's main event will be a tag team match featuring Eddie Guerrero teaming with Kurt Angle and Triple H teaming with... Hulk Hogan! Vince then tells everybody to get out of “his ring”.



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Albert vs. Scotty 2 Hotty


Albert made quick work of Scotty 2 Hotty in this match. Overpowering Scotty and showing aggression throughout. Albert won the match when he hit the Baldo Bomb to Scotty.




[Albert continued to attack Scotty 2 Hotty after the match until Rikishi came down to the ring to make the save.

Albert and Rikishi went back and forth until Rikishi clotheslined Albert over the top rope.]


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[Angle and Jericho are in the back.]

Jericho tells Angle he is going to beat the living hell out of Edge tonight.


Angle hopes he does and tell Jericho there is nothing he hates more than a loud mouthed, Canadian with long blonde hair who dressed like a Rockstar.


[Jericho looks confused]


Angle clears it up saying “except you... you're cool”. They agree to have each others backs tonight...



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[Elsewhere Mark Henry is stood with other members of the roster. Henry challenges any member of the roster to a tug of war.]

Test steps up and tells Henry he'll do it.


[They begin the tug of war and Henry is in control. As he pulls Test towards him Test lets go of the rope, leading Henry to fall on his back. The roster members are annoyed at Test giving up but he just walks off.]


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Christian vs. Farooq


Farooq took the match to Christian all the way through with Christian only getting any offence in when he used underhanded tactics. Farooq was firmly in control until Test came down to ringside.

Christian distracted the referee by rolling out of the ring, then grabbing the referee by the shirt. Test hit a Big Boot to the head of Farooq, who was also distracted by what was going on, and left the ring, Christian rolled into the ring and pinned Farooq.




[Following the match Christian and Test continued to beat down Farooq ending with a big boot from Test as Christian held him up.]


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In the locker room, Rico, Billy and Chuck walk up to Maven and say that he is boring and has no style. Rico offers Maven some fashion advice.

At this point Al Snow steps in and tells Rico, Billy & Chuck to back off.


Rico makes fun of Maven needing Al Snow to stick up for him.



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[Jericho is then interviewed in the back.]

He says that tonight he faces Edge, a guy who says Hulk Hogan is his hero and who has welcomed Hogan back to the WWF with open arms. Jericho says he doesn't share Edge's sentiment and therefore is the only one who can see the truth that “Has Been Hogan” has over stayed his welcome.


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Chris Jericho vs. Edge


This was a very even back and forth match with both competitors getting a strong amount of offence in on the other. There was no-one clearly taking control all the way through the match, and it instead ended when Kurt Angle came to the top of the ramp, distracting Edge.

Jericho saw it coming and capitalised, beating Edge with a roll up.


Chris Jericho


[Edge gets up and looks annoyed as Angle and Jericho smile at the top of the ramp. Edge takes a microphone.]


Edge proceeds to challenge Kurt Angle to a match at Backlash!


[Jericho and Angle ignored the request and went to the back.]


<div style=" border: 4px solid black";">

[The second hour begins with Triple H coming out with his WWF Undisputed Championship over his shoulder. Triple H has a microphone.]

He talks about his match against The Undertaker at Backlash. He says that once he beats Undertaker he will come and face anybody who Vince McMahon chooses from the Smackdown roster. He says Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle and Hulk Hogan have all put themselves forward to be the number one contender and says he'll happily face all three.


[At this point the music of Hulk Hogan hits and he makes his way to the ring with a microphone of his own.]

Hogan says that last week the “people” spoke and there was a lot of Hulkamaniacs in the crowd because they decided Hogan should be the number one contender. Hogan says that whoever wins the WWF Undisputed Championship match at Backlash out of Triple H and The Undertaker, he'll be waiting on Smackdown to issue the challenge. Hogan asks the audience if they want to see Hogan take one more run at the WWF Championship.


[As he pauses for reaction the music of Vince McMahon hits.]

Vince tells Hogan once again that this isn't the People's Show, it's Vince McMahon's show. He says that Hogan and Triple H shouldn't be discussing this when they're teaming in tonight's main event. Vince says he wants to make the main event interesting so tells Hogan that if he can beat Chris Jericho at Backlash, in the match Hogan himself requested, he would become the number one contender to the WWF Championship, currently held by his tag team partner tonight.


[Vince left as Hogan and Triple H sized each other up in the rings.]


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[in the back Chris Jericho walks into Vince McMahon's empty office. Jericho sits in McMahon's chair and starts reading the papers on his desk.

The door handle turns and Jericho jumps out of the seat and stands up... Kurt Angle enters the room.]

Angle asks Jericho what he is doing in McMahon's office.


He says he's here to complain. He asks Angle why he is here.


Angle says he is also hear to complain. He says he's here to complain about two inferior athletes getting a shot at the Championship before him.


Jericho says that Has Been Hogan maybe, but he is certainly not an inferior athlete.


Angle says Jericho is right and says he is an American Hero and Jericho is a Canadian Hero and it should be them facing off for the Championship shot.


Jericho says Vince McMahon is losing it...


[As he says that Vince McMahon walks into the office.]

Vince asks them what they're doing in his office.


They both try to speak over each other until Vince tells them to get out.


As they leave they blame each other for Vince telling them to clear off.



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Funaki vs. Tajiri w/ Torrie Wilson


A short match where the aggressive Tajiri laid boots into Funaki until he was unable to get up. As Funaki got to one knee Tajiri hit the Buzzsaw Kick for the victory.




[When the match was over, Tajiri started shouting at Torrie Wilson at ringside.

As he did, Billy Kidman ran down with his Cruiserweight Championship.

Kidman hit Tajiri with a drop kick out of the ring. He then came face to face with Torrie until Tajiri shouts at her and she follows him to the back.]


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[in the back Vince is sat in his office at his desk. He is on the phone.]

Vince tells the person on the other end to tell Ric Flair that he doesn't want to do bad business with Vincent Kennedy McMahon. He tells the person that he wants him on his brand but won't be extorted by Ric Flair.


[As he continues Chris Jericho sneaks into the office. Closing the door behind him after checking there was no-one behind him.]

Vince says “I'll speak to you later, William” and puts the phone down. He asks Jericho what he wants.


Jericho says he respects Vince but thinks he's making a mistake giving him a Number One Contendership match. Jericho says he should automatically be made NOC instead of having to face a has been.


McMahon says that whether he likes it or not he will face Hogan at Backlash. Vince says if Hogan is so bad then he has every faith in Jericho to beat him. He tells Jericho to shut the door on the way out...


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Al Snow vs. Hardcore Holly


This match was a tough brawl which came out of Holly “bullying” Maven last week. Holly's hard hitting style saw him take control but Snow continued to fight through. A momentary lapse in concentration as Hardcore Holly shouted abuse to Maven at ringside was enough for Snow to hit his Snow Plow for the victory.


Al Snow


After the match Al Snow & Maven celebrate Snow's win when Rico comes to the top of the ramp.

He says Maven and Al Snow's lack of fashion sense disgusts him, and challenges them to a match next week on behalf of Billy & Chuck.


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[in the back, Eddie Guerrero is getting ready for the main event when Kurt Angle walks in.]

Angle tells Guerrero to follow his lead out there. Angle says he is an Olympic Gold Medallist. He says he is going to be team captain.


Guerrero tells Angle he may have only just returned but he knows what to do in the ring. He tells Angle he doesn't need any guidance in there.


Angle tells Guerrero he's only relaying what Vince told him. He says if Guerrero doesn't follow his lead Vince will be


[Guerrero sighs and they leave the locker room together]


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[Triple H is also seen getting ready for his match when Hulk Hogan walks into the locker room.]

Hogan says that personal differences aside, if they want to win tonight then they have to have each others back.


Triple H stands up and tells Hogan that he doesn't give a damn about teaming with Hogan and just wants to get it out of the way.



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Triple H & Hulk Hogan vs. Eddie Guerrero & Kurt Angle


Neither of the teams got on with each other in this match and for that reason both teams enjoyed spell of dominance. With Hogan and Triple H out for themselves and Angle trying to boss Guerrero around it made for a chaotic match.

This was made even worse when Chris Jericho came down to the ringside. He went to get the WWF Championship and throw it to Angle who was in the ring with Hogan, when Edge came down and grabbed it off him and put it back on the timekeepers table. They then began to brawl through the crowd until they couldn't be seen.


This left Angle to turn around and be hit with a Big Boot and a Leg Drop from Hogan for the win.


Triple H & Hulk Hogan


[After the match Hogan and Triple H have their arms raised. They then go face to face and Hogan hold his hand out to shake hands with Triple H. Triple H instead turns away and leaves the ring. Hogan then turns round, only to be hit with the WWF Championship by a Chris Jericho who has come back through the crowd. Jericho slides the belt to Triple H on the outside of the ring and they stare off with Jericho telling HHH to "enjoy it while it lasts" as the show ends.]


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WWF Raw!


April, 1, 2002 – WWF Raw!

Live from the Texas A&M University - College Station, Texas!


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[The shows begins with the music of Rob Van Dam. He makes his way to the ring and takes a microphone.]

Van Dam says that it isn't often that he is in the main event. He says it's about time that “Mr. Monday Night” got his chance. RVD says that the fans know that he is the “Whole F'N Show” and tells Flair that when Vince was in charge it was different, but suggests that Flair should do what's good for business and listen to the fans.

RVD tells Ric Flair that the fans know and says he won't be able to deny that Rob Van Dam is the real deal.


[At that point The Undertaker's music hits and he comes to the ring.]

Taker laughs and Van Dam and tells him to not get ahead of himself. He says Rob Van Dam is only a blip and once he's passed him he's going to face Triple H at Backlash. The Undertaker tells Van Dam that it doesn't matter what the fans think and says all that does matter is that he is going to destroy Rob Van Dam tonight to send a message. The Undertaker says he's beaten Rob Van Dam before and will do it again tonight. He tell Van Dam that he is nowhere near his level and should keep his mouth shut.


Van Dam tells The Undertaker that if he's so confident he sees no reason why they should have a preview of the match right now.


[Van Dam puts his hands up ready to fight but The Undertaker drops out of the ring and walks up the ramp.]


Once at the top The Undertaker tells RVD he is making a huge mistake and he'll see why later tonight.


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Spike Dudley vs. Goldust

WWF Hardcore Championship


Before the match Goldust jumped Spike Dudley during his entrance and hit him over the head with a chair. Goldust pinned Dudley to become the champion.




Goldust then backed up the ramp but the referee told him that because the match never began he still has to have the match with Spike Dudley, where he would go into the match as Champion.


Goldust vs. Spike Dudley

WWF Hardcore Championship


Goldust tried to get the quick win and dragged Spike to the ring, getting only a two fall. Goldust continued to beat down Spike coming close and after a Shattered Dreams it seemed Spike was out. As the referee counted 2, Bubba Ray broke up the pinfall.

He hit Goldust with the Bubba Bomb, but instead of pinning him himself, he dragged Spike over him and Spike became the new Hardcore Champion.


Spike Dudley


Bubba then helped Spike to his feet.



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[Rob Van Dam is walking in the back when he is stopped in his tracks by Paul Heyman. Heyman smiles at Van Dam at puts his hand out for a handshake. RVD just looks at Heyman's hand. As Van Dam goes to walk off he is stopped by Brock Lesnar who walks into shot blocking his path.]

Heyman asks Van Dam if he has met his new client. Heyman tells RVD that he has just met the next big thing.


RVD looks at Brock Lesnar and tells “The Next Big Thing” that he has just met “The Whole F'N Show”.


[Van Dam then brushes past Lesnar who turns around to go after him but Heyman grabs his arm stopping him.]



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[Elsewhere Steve Austin is seen walking into the APA “office” where Kane and Bradshaw are sharing a couple of beers.]


Austin tells his partners that he knows that they hate the nWo as much as he does and asks them if they're ready.


Bradshaw says he can't wait to get his hands on Scott Hall and Kane tells Austin that he is ready to kick some black and white ass.


[Austin then takes a beer and walks out of the room.]


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In the back, Molly Holly says that she will continue to purify the Divas tonight by beating Trish Stratus and becoming the Number One Contender.



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Molly Holly vs. Trish Stratus


Molly Holly brought an aggressive approach to the match and although this helped her take control throughout the match, it was her downfall at the end. Holly went to hit a boot to the head of Trish who instead moved out of the way and rolled Molly Holly up for the victory.


Trish Stratus


As Trish backed up the ramp with the referee holding her hand aloft. Jazz came out and hit Trish in the back with the Championship.

Trish dropped to the floor and Jazz stood over her.



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[in the back, X-Pac, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are walking down a corridor.]


X-Pac tells Nash and Hall that in tonight's match he is going to pin Kane in the middle of the ring.


[Hall stops in his tracks and eventually so do X-Pac and Nash.]


Hall tells X-Pac that he's the one getting the pin tonight and he's going to get Austin back for their WrestleMania match.


Nash then tells them both to calm down and says that he is the one taking the pin. He says it's not up for discussion because he is getting the pin to reward himself. He says he's going to reward himself because he says one way or another by the end of Backlash this Sunday the WWF Champion will be in the nWo.


[Nash then walks away, leaving Hall and X-Pac behind.]


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[Ric Flair is in his office when Rob Van Dam walks in.]

Van Dam says that he's ready to be face The Undertaker tonight but he also wants to be “Mr. PPV” this Sunday.


Flair tell Rob Van Dam that he is going to find for Backlash.


Van Dam says tonight when he faces Taker he'll prove that he can only face the best.


[As he is about to continue William Regal walks in, looks at Flair, looks at Van Dam and then puts an envelope on Flair's desk.]

Regal then says goodbye and leaves the office.


[Van Dam leaves behind him.]


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Jeff Hardy vs. Raven


In this match Jeff Hardy was too fast for Raven and despite trying to take out the legs of Jeff Hardy, Raven could not take control. As the match went on Hardy continued to hit his big moves on Raven, until he eventually had him down for a Swanton Bomb.


Jeff hit the Swanton, but as he rolled through and back to his feet he was hit with a clothesline from Brock Lesnar, and the referee called the DQ.


Jeff Hardy


[After the referee had rang the bell Brock continued the beat down of Jeff Hardy until Matt tried to get between them. Matt Hardy tried to run at Lesnar but was taken out with a vicious clothesline.

Jeff then came back and hit Lesnar with a couple of punches but Lesnar swatted him away like a fly and then hit a Belly to Belly Suplex.]


[Lesnar then picked Matt Hardy up and hit him with a Triple Powerbomb. Heyman then pointed at Jeff Hardy.]


While pointing Heyman told Jeff Hardy that Brock Lesnar will see him this Sunday!


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[in the back Kevin Nash goes into Triple H.]

Nash tells Triple H that's he already shown him what to do if he needs their back up. He says Undertaker is looking like a man on a mission and warns him that if he makes the wrong decision he could lose that Championship. He says that bringing “the band back together” suits all of them because they will run this place.


[Nash puts his hand out in the Wolf-Head to Triple H. HHH just stares at Nash's hand before standing up.]


Triple H says that if Nash, Hall or X-Pac get involved in his match this Sunday he will personally dispose of all of them. Triple H says can deal with The Undertaker himself.


[Triple H then leaves the room.]


As he leaves Kevin Nash shouts “like I said – think about it, Hunter.”


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[Rob Van Dam is then seen in the back doing a Van Dam stretch, getting ready for his match against The Undertaker.


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The nWo vs. Steve Austin, Kane & Bradshaw


This match was an all out brawl that the referee struggled to control and so allowed quite a bit of leniency to both pair. The main 'brawls' going on were Hall/Bradshaw, Nash/Austin and Kane/X-Pac. This broke down when behind the referee's back Austin was hit with a chair taking him out.


This allowed the nWo to take control and the match ended with Kevin Nash pinning Bradshaw, following a Razor's Edge from Hall.


The nWo


After the match Ric Flair came out and told the referee that The nWo had cheated. He said he isn't going to make him restart the match but announced that this Sunday Bradshaw and Kane will take on X-Pac and Scott Hall and Kevin Nash will go one on one with Stone Cold Steve Austin!


[Nash was not happy with the announcement and began shouting at Flair who was at the top of the ramp. Flair just did a Woo!, before walking to the back.]


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In the back Booker T is walking around asking where Ric Flair is.


[He is clearly annoyed and Dreamer walks up to him.]

Tommy says that Flair was out in the ring just a minute ago.


[booker T knocks Dreamer to the ground by pushing him in the face. Booker then goes back the way he came.]


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[Elsewhere, Paul Heyman walks into a locker room where Lita is. As soon as she sees him Lita goes towards him shouting abuse at him. At that point Brock Lesnar walks in and Lita backtracks, Brock has a smirk on his face.]


Paul Heyman says he isn't here to fight her and tells her to calm down. He says he has a message. He tells Lita to hell her “boyfriend” that if he has a brain he will not show up on Sunday.


[Lesnar and Heyman then leave the locker room.]



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[before the match Regal came out and stopped on the ramp.]

He said to Big Show that he doesn't need to do this match for the reason that he has been drafted the superior Smackdown Brand.


[At this point Ric Flair came out.]

Flair asked Regal where he got that information from. Flair told Regal as far as Flair is concerned Vince McMahon has not given him a reasonable trade and Regal will be staying on Raw. Flair told Regal to get to the ring or he would strip him of the European Championship and suspend him.


[Regal eventually, reluctantly made his way to the ring.]


Big Show vs. William Regal


Once Big Show finally took control of the match he enjoyed control throughout. This was until the end. Due to the impromptu start to the match, the referee never checked Regal for Brass Knuckles. After a few minutes, Regal who'd had enough pulled them out and hit Big Show in front of the referee, who had no choice but to disqualify William Regal.


Big Show


Regal then walk up the ramp, arguing with fans as he did.


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In the back, Ric Flair tells Regal that he is sick of Regal doing whatever he wants. He says Regal will have to defend his Championship on pay-per-view against The Big Show.


Regal says he has already defending it against Big Show and so Flair can't force him to defend it.


Flair says he can and will, but admits Big Show has had a shot.


Regal tells Flair he'll “see [him] next week”.


Flair corrects him saying that he will still defend the championship but will do so in a Champion vs. Champion match against... Rob Van Dam!


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[The Undertaker is then seen in the back getting ready for his match. Kevin Nash walks into the locker room.]

Nash says that this Sunday is The Undertaker's chance to become the WWF Undisputed Champion. He tells The Undertaker that he can't throw that away. He tells The Undertaker that if he agrees to join the nWo they will make sure that he gets that championship.


Nash says that while he goes way back with Triple H he has no loyalty to anybody besides those who ride with him in the nWo.


[Nash holds an nWo T-Shirt to The Undertaker. Taker takes the shirt and throws it onto a chair.]


Taker tells Nash that just like his match up next, he's going to beat Triple H on his own this Sunday and become Champion.


[The Undertaker then leaves the locker. As he does Big Show enters. Big Show goes face to face with Kevin Nash. Nash then glances down to the nWo T-Shirt on the chair. Big Show also looks down before staring at Nash again, who then leaves the room.]



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[Austin is then seen in the back being attended to by medics having been hit with a chair in the back of the head. Austin is trying to get out of the medics room to get the nWo butt is being held back.

As Austin is about to get away Bradshaw steps in and tells Austin to save it for when it matters – this Sunday!]



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Kevin Nash then does an interview alone in the back. He says after what Hulk Hogan did at WrestleMania and what Flair has done since, Backlash will be the Backlash of the nWo. Nash says that they ran rough shot over WCW for years and says after this Sunday's pay-per-view they will be back in control at the top of the WWF.


Nash says that what they did to WCW will look nothing compared to the state they leave the WWF in.


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The Undertaker vs. Rob Van Dam


This was a hard fought match, in which the commentators put over to what extent Rob Van Dam pushed the number one contender, even coming close to victory on a couple of occasions.


Van Dam gave a valiant effort in the match, kicking out of 2 Chokeslams and fighting through to worry The Undertaker to a point he almost considered walking out. Van Dam eventually took control and looked set for to hit the 5 Star Frog Splash when William Regal came out.

This momentary distraction allowed The Undertaker to get up and grab Rob Van Dam off the top rope and carried him to the middle of the ring before dropping him with a Last Ride. This took it out of The Undertaker and he crawled over to Van Dam for the victory.


The Undertaker


After the match, Undertaker was about to leave the ring when he turned back around. He went back to the ring and picked Rob Van Dam up by his Ponytail. The Undertaker then hit an uppercut to Rob Van Dam knocking him back down. Taker went to the outside and pulled the monitors and cover off the announcers table.


The Undertaker then dragged an unconscious Rob Van Dam to the table. Rob Van Dam then dragged himself up grabbing Undertaker's pants. Taker look at Van Dam and hit him with a stiff right hand. He then put RVD's head between his legs as he signalled for another Last Ride. As he did Triple H ran down, and The Undertaker threw Van Dam to the side.

Triple H then went back and forth brawling. With The Undertaker being tired from his match Triple H took control of the brawl. They continued to fight and they brawled up the ramp. As they did Ric Flair came out and got security to break Taker and Triple H up.

Flair said that if Triple H and The Undertaker want to tear each other apart then he will make this Sunday's main event a No Holds Barred match.

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