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From the Ashes of the Mid Atlantic

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The Sam Keith Invitational


Friday Week 4, July 2018


In front of 3,679 fans in Centerpiece Bridge (Mid Atlantic)



Milton David--Cherry Bomb--Lisa Bowen


Welcome to the 2018 Sam Keith Invitational!


It's the 8th anniversary of the event, and we're celebrating with a stacked card. Aaron Andrews, Steven Parker, and Davis Wayne will take on the Mid Atlantic Mafia, American Patriot and Youngman will test their skills in a battle of new versus old, and the Invitational itself will be decided in a four-way match between Tag Team Champions The Pitbulls, The Dynamite Express, The Marvelous Ones, and The American Cobras.


The only shadow hanging over the event is the status of our main event. KC Glenn is still reeling from an ankle injury caused by Death Angel and his cronies, Hellion and Antithesis. The trainers in the back have still yet to determine if he'll actually be cleared to wrestle tonight for the Mid Atlantic Championship.


We'll have more on that as the show progresses, but for now, we've got a special treat. Making a rare public appearance, my boss and this event's namesake, Sam Keith, is coming to the ring right now!





Sam Keith, Hall of Immortals member and owner of Mid Atlantic Wrestling, strolled out to the ring, but not without the noticeable limp he'd began to exhibit late in his in-ring career. The grizzled veteran retired seven years ago, but he still looked out of place wearing a suit in the ring as opposed to his trademark black wrestling tights. Keith waited for the raucous crowd to simmer down before he began to speak.


Seven years ago, I took over MAW for my old friend Rip Chord. Six years before that, he started the company. Thirteen years total MAW's been around. That's a long damn time. A lot of time for change. Evolution. I didn't see that at first. For the past seven years, I've been running MAW just like it's always been run. I sign someone, set the kid loose, and watch him get snatched up. The sad reality is that MAW's gotten too big for that. We can't survive losing our stars anymore. So it's with a...a heavy heart that I say that tonight, in front of all of our most loyal fans, that this will be MAW's last show.


A ripple effect shot through the crowd as Keith's last sentence reached each rows ears. Some fan's dropped their jaws, others shook their heads, while others still reacted angrily, shouting at Keith for his perceived failure to keep MAW afloat.


Now I've talked to Rip, and he didn't agree at first, but he finally conceded. After tonight, MAW is dead. The mission was a success. We trained some of the best wrestlers in the world working for the biggest companies in the world. Next Thursday when you tune in to National Pride Television to watch MAW Legends, you'll be staring at something else entirely.


In its place, NPTV will air...another wrestling show.


This time the entire crowd rained boos down on Keith. Their favorite company had been replaced without a warning.


Don't get too riled up, now. I think you'll like the replacement. I really do. See, in MAW Legend's place, NPTV will be airing a new show, one that I think you'll find really damn similar. Next Thursday will see the birth of the evolution of Mid Atlantic Wrestling: World Honor Wrestling, owned and operated by Sam Keith!


It took the crowd a moment to register this announcement, but their boos quickly changed to excited cheering.


No longer will we be the company the others see as a training ground. That's done. World Honor Wrestling will not train the best wrestlers for the best companies in the world. World Honor Wrestling will employ the best wrestler and BE the best company in the world! From the ashes of the Mid Atlantic, World Honor Wrestling rises like a phoenix, burning brighter than anything that bastard Jerry Eisen in SWF or Dean Daniels and his joke squad in USPW could ever dream of.


But tonight, we celebrate thirteen years of Mid Atlantic Wrestling, the little company that could. MAW goes out in style, and we show off exactly what we always have: the best damn young wrestlers in the world putting on the best damn matches in the world.





Have either of you heard anything about this?


Not before now, but I'm sure we'll probably here more than enough after the show is over!






American Patriot w/ Miss America vs Youngman


The first contest of the evening pitted former three time Mid Atlantic Champion American Patriot against a former Tag Team Champion, American Champion, and Sam Keith Invitational winner in Youngman. Youngman had previously issued a challenge to Patriot, having gone on a bit of a skid. The challenge seemed to reinvigorate Youngman, who won several tag team matches with Dark Eagle II, inspiring Patriot to agree to the matchup.


The match itself did not disappoint. Patriot, world renowned for his ability to hit harder than just about anyone as well as an uncanny ability to drop opponents on their heads, fought furiously, doing all he could to plow through Youngman.


Youngman, however, had done his homework coming into this one. Using his vast mat skills, he used the tactic of grinding Patriot out on the mat, working over his well-documented damaged knee. Eventually, he was able to slap on a figure four leg lock that resulted in Patriot screaming out in pain. But with Miss America cheering him on from the outside, Patriot powered through, rolling over onto his stomach and reversing the submission, putting immense pain on Youngman, who relinquished the hold. When they stood, Patriot regained all momentum, and used his patented American Suplex (Backdrop Driver) to put Youngman down for good.


After the ref counted the three count, Patriot helped Youngman to his feet. After a tense moment, Youngman extended his hand, a gesture which Patriot accepted. With the crowd cheering both men, Patriot grabbed Youngman's wrist and held his arms aloft with his own.


Patriot wins, 79





What a match!


It's the best we've had so far this year, in my book.


That's a matter of a opinion. Some of the Mid Atlantic Championship wars have been fantastic.








Miller Fforde © vs Donte Dunn vs Deever Arnold vs Ray Snow vs Antithesis for the American Championship


Fforde's sixth title defense may prove to be his toughest, as he defends against four of the toughest, most dynamic wrestlers not yet in the main event.


Reckless dives, the sort of which would be ill advised on a "Don't Try This At Home" video, were here in abundance. No one could ever quite find themselves alone for long enough to get the finish until the champion, primarily known for his dynamic athleticism, used his brain a little.


As Snow and Dunn brawled outside, Fforde called for a tandem dive to the outside with Deever. The always eager Deever agreed, and the two took off at full speed toward Dunn and Snow. Only, Fforde didn't jump. He stopped himself short and watched Deever crash to the earth on top of Snow and Dunn. Now alone with The Reckoning's silent creep, Antithesis, Fforde went to work, finally finishing the bastard off with a FFC (Flapjack Cutter) to score the win and retain the belt.


Fforde retains, 43.






Fforde's always been an impressive athlete, but he's really developed into championship material with his increased ring savvy.


Honestly, I didn't know who to pick. With that many competitors there are too many variables to consider. When in doubt, bet on the champ, I guess.










The Marvelous Ones vs The Dynamite Express vs The American Cobras vs The Pitbulls for the Sam Keith Invitationa


All four teams fought hard to qualify for this year's Sam Keith Invitational, and that was particularly evident when taking a look at their accomplishments. The Dynamite Express has previously won the invitational and are also five time tag team champions, The American Cobras are former tag champs, The Marvelous Ones could very well be the next tag champs, and the lastly The Pitbulls are the current champions.


With four dangerous teams competing under traditional four-way tag rules in which one member of each team will be in the ring at once, this was sure to be a frenetic and chaotic match. The environment proved particularly troublesome for tag champ Wolfsbaine, whose facemask protecting his broken nose did little to protect him from the hard shots that everyone sent his way. Indeed, the current champs proved to be the prime target of everyone, as their arrogant behavior in recent weeks has seemed to anger nearly everyone in the division.


The Dynamite Express and The American Cobras never seemed to let up, but it ended up being newcomers The Marvelous Ones who stood out from the rest of the pack. With their trademark brawling game, Apollo and Billy Crash took control of the match as it began to break down in the late going.


Apollo found himself alone with Matty Faith as the rest of the competitors brawled outside the ring. Outside, Billy Crash was getting the best of Wolfsbaine until the hard-hitting youngster took the low road out of desperation and delivered a thunderous punt square into Crash's crotch. As Crash collapsed, Wolfsbaine hurried to the corner and grabbed hold of Apollo's boot, halting the youngster who was calling for Faith to get to his feet. Faith did just that and nailed the distracted Apollo with a Leap of Faith (Avalanche) and pinned the youngster with his feet on the ropes to secure the win for his team!


The Pitbulls win the Invitational, 67




With the match in the bag, Cherry Bomb climbed into the ring to interview the winners. In her hands she held the dual belts the Invitational winners were awarded.


Congratulations, Matty, Wolfs--


Faith and Wolfsbaine snatched the belts from her hands.




That's right! We did it!


Umm, yes, you did, but not without a little bit of controversy at the end.






Well, if you look at the footage, you cheated to win. A low blow and using your feet on the ropes to pin Apollo.


I don't remember that.


I'll need to check the tapes, honestly. That doesn't sound like us at all.


I can play it back right now, you--


No need, we'll watch it tomorrow! Right now we need to celebrate!




The two held the belts aloft as the made a quick exit from the ring, and Cherry was left shaking her head.



Some hard hitting journalism there, Cherry.


Shut up, Lisa.


Ladies, please, there's no need to argue.


Shut up, Milton.






Backstage, El Mitico paced back and forth outside the trainer's office. After a moment, KC Glenn emerged from within, a distraught look on his face and a limp caused by his right ankle.


Well? What did he say?


He didn't...he didn't clear me. He says if I compete tonight and get hurt, then there's nothing he can do. I'll lose my medical benefits and have to pay out of pocket.


Then don't compete. You're still the number one contender!


Glenn shook his head.


Not if I forfeit. I start from the bottom again if I do that. I already lost to Angel two months in a row.


You'll get your spot back. Right now, you don't need to worry about a title shot; you need to focus on your career, your health.


I don't know, man...


Glenn breathed in deeply and exhaled.


I've gotta think. There's still an hour or so to decide. I'll...let you know when I decide what to do.


Glenn, still limping, headed off, leaving his friend El Mitico watching after him with a worried expression wrought on his face.



Glenn's got a serious problem on his hands.


I'll say. I faced the same problem when I injured myself in USPW. I chose to retire, but I was 36, not 26 like Glenn.








El Mitico, Elliot Thomas & The Working Class Heroes vs Dark Eagle II, Brett Biggins & The Ring Generals


Mitico only had a short time to worry over his friend, since his match was next. Opposite him stood the newly debuted Dark Eagle II, and former tag champ Brett Biggins and Sam Keith Invitational winners and also former tag champs The Ring Generals.


On his side, however, stood the always dangerous Elliot Thomas and budding tag team The Working Class Heroes.


The match itself proved to be relatively even until Ralph Liotta got caught with a slick looking move from The Ring Generals that saw Marv flapjack Dean into the air only to come down with a driving elbow. From there, Liotta was a target that everyone took turns beating on. His partners wouldn't stand for it when their opponents began to use dirty techniques like blind tags, however.


Bradley Blaze, Elliot Thomas, and Mitico quickly shot across the ring, knocking Marv, Dean, and Dark Eagle from their perches. Blaze and Thomas followed them to ringside, but Mitico stayed in, targeting Biggins. Biggins charged Mitico, who tossed him handily overhead, but Biggins was nimble enough to land with his feet on the top turnbuckle. Thinking himself safe, Biggins smirked, until El Mitico followed him up top, that is, tossing him back to Earth with a huge German Suplex that send Biggins head over heels. Mitico dragged Liotta on top of Biggins and counted along with the ref as he counted to three.


Mitico, Thomas, and The Working Class Heroes win, 61



What a move!


I think Biggins might be dead...


Mitico certainly put him down for the count and then some with that German suplex.








Aaron Andrews, Steven Parker & Davis Wayne vs The Mid Atlantic Mafia


Spencer Spade shocked everyone when he revealed himself as the leader of The Mid Atlantic Mafia, who in turn shocked everyone when they returned to MAW by dismantling Aaron Andrews and Steven Parker. The trio went on to make Andrews's and Parker's lives a living hell, and only when Davis Wayne came to their aid were the odds evened up. All of that led up to this match, which will hopefully decide which team is truly better once and for all.


The Mafia started off hot, using quick tags to work over their opponents, but Andrews and Parker, both former MAW Champions, were able to turn the tables multiple times with the help of the up and comer, Davis Wayne. The trio worked surprisingly well together, and eventually, they slowly gained the advantage until they finally looked like they were on the verge of winning.


Which they did. Only, not in the manner of which they planned. While Andrews beat on Jenkins, Riley McManus slid into the ring with a steel chair and plastered Andrews with it across the head. The chair shot drew an immediate disqualification, and Wayne and Parker hit the ring. Unfortunately for them, Spade did as well, brandishing a chair of his own, which he used to level the both of them.


Andrews, Parker, and Wayne win by DQ, 73


The Mid Atlantic Mafia continued to beat on the trio before them well after the bell rang, swinging their chairs until their opponents were nothing more than beaten and bruised bloody messes that needed to be helped to the back. As the trainers helped them to the back, Spade snatched up a mic.


I bet that ended differently than you hoped, huh? Well, get used to it. Even though we're going nationwide next week, The Mid Atlantic Mafia will stay strong. Don't like us? Too bad. We'll beat all your favorite wrestlers, and we'll smile while we do it. It's not like we'll be seeing Aaron Andrews or Steven Parker any time soon, so they sure as hell aren't going to stop us. The Mafia is here, people, and we're playing by mafia rules.



That's a scary trio right there.


As scary as the one coming out now?


Death Angel, Hellion, and Antithesis? No one is.







Death Angel walked down to the ring, the hulking monster Hellion and the exceptionally creepy Antithesis stalking behind him. Amidst an ominous fog and under red spotlights, Angel slid into the ring and grabbed a microphone.


The hero...has fallen. But not in the final dramatic and climactic battle that you all crave. The hero fell in the way that all "heroes" do. His death came from the overwhelming force of darkness that fell upon him weeks ago, slowly eating away at and killing him until his time came tonight. Your favorite warrior has declined to take his place in battle, and rightly so.


Now, I've achieved my goal. I've killed Mid Atlantic Wrestling. The only thing to do now is to kill World Honor Wrestling as well. The darkness will spread, and the darkness will--




KC Glenn's music blasted through the speakers, and the number contender stormed out to the stage, limping and seething with rage. Antithesis immediately exited the ring and charged him, but was met with a rude welcoming as Glenn snapped out his good leg and blasted him with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band superkick!


In the ring, Death Angel smirked. Hellion snarled, but reluctantly left the ring, roaring at Glenn as he made his way to the ring.





KC Glenn vs Death Angel © for the Mid Atlantic Championship


Over the course of their MAW, this pair have met an astounding 23 times in one form or another, and have never disappointed in any of their matches. Despite that, this match outdid them all. In fact, it out did ever match Mid Atlantic Wrestling has ever put on.


Obviously, for such a technically superb wrestler like Death Angel, Glenn's ankle was an exceptionally easy target, but Glenn was able to make the best of a bad situation and switch his plan of attack up accordingly. Despite being an exceptional high flyer, Glenn was able to tap into his already acclaimed wheelhouse and bring out a fantastic brawling/technical style that he hasn't shown yet in his five year career in MAW.


By shaking his gameplan up, Glenn destroyed the concentration of Death Angel, a man very familiar with his in ring work, especially considering that he's beaten him twice in the past two months. But this time was different, and that was evident to everyone as Death Angel slowly began to fight on his heels.


Hellion recognized this and made his presence known, charging into the ring and aiming to bring about a DQ finish by attacking Glenn, but he was quickly cut short when Glenn Tuned Up the Sunshine Band on him! The temporary distraction allowed Angel the opportunity to clamber up to the top rope. He waited for Glenn to turn around, and when he did, dove forward, driving his elbow right into--Sunshine Band! Glenn kicked Angel's head into the third row!


But in doing so, Glenn crumpled to the mat, clutching his ankle. The crowd were all on their feet, begging Glenn to crawl toward Angel, to cover him and win the championship! Inch by inch, Glenn did so, taking a painstakingly long time to reach the Angel. Exhausted, Glenn draped one arm over Angel's chest, and the referee slapped the mat, one...two...THREE!




KC Glenn does it! He ensures that Mid Atlantic Wrestling does not go out with Death Angel as its champion!




KC Glenn wins the Mid Atlantic Championship, 82





Total: 76

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UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Grid Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Shading Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light List Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Grid Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Shading Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light List Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Grid Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="19" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Subtle Emphasis"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="21" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Intense Emphasis"/> <w:LsdException 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Guest codey
Thanks for the kind words, ya'll! It feels really good heading back to MAW...er, WHW for a fresh start. That, and I've always really wanted to do a future game, and I figured five years in with 2013's dynamic changes would be just enough.
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Guest codey



A Shakeup in the Mid Atlantic


For those of you unable to Friday night's Sam Keith Classic, you may be in for a surprise when you tune into National Pride TV Thursday night to watch MAW Legends. The show, which has been growing in popularity across the country, has been completely revamped to reflect the a major shift in MAW management.


The company, famously founded by Rip Chord in 2005, has outgrown its humble beginnings as a regional hit in the Mid Atlantic, and a name change to World Honor Wrestling will mark its shift to a more "big league" image and company attitude following their exit from the Confederation of the Territories. Many in the alliance, including FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling and New York City Wrestling, see the move as hostile act, believing that WHW is seeking to poach their talent and use the alliance as a stepping stone to something more.


While those accusations are unfounded at this time, WHW would be wise to look into hiring more over talent from varied regions to help build their popularity in certain areas of the country.


In other news:
  • WHW has renegotiated a deal for 26 more episodes of their trademark Legends show. While the show has garnered increasing ratings each month, the deal is said to be identical to the one previously signed due to the decline of the wrestling industry and the American Economy.

  • MAW went out in style, with the highest rated show we've ever given them. Our reasons weren't nostalgic whatsoever, as the show finished with the highest rated match we've ever seen from the company in Death Angel vs KC Glenn, a fantastically entertaining semi-main event in The Mid Atlantic Mafia vs Aaron Andrews, Steven Parker, and Davis Wayne, and the perfect opener featuring American Patriot vs Youngman.

  • In sadder news, The Amazing Caballero Bros., hired upon their professional debut in September 2017 just before turning 17, will be released when their contracts run out in August. The duo, with an outstanding record of 0-43, were brought in with the express purpose of training them to see how the would develop. The hope is that the Christian Faith-run KANZEN promotion in Hawaii will hire to continue their development.

  • The Mid Atlantic Boot Camp, which will keep its regional name, has produced its latest graduate, a big, burly heavyweight with a passion for motorcycles and placing his knee in opponent's skulls. Like most graduates of the dojo, he has signed a short term contract, but the buzz about him is that he's a talent that's almost too good to pass up, and WHW will extend it if he proves useful.

  • The latest Legends card has been published for ticket buyers, and can be found here:

The American People (American Dragon, Eagle, and Patriot) vs Eddie Chandler, Simon Ice, and Ray Snow

Josh Jones vs Derrick Kerr vs Dark Eagle II

Elliot Thomas vs Dusty Ducont

KC Glenn & El Mitico vs The Mid Atlantic Mafia (McManus & Jenkins)

Get your picks in!

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The American People (American Dragon, Eagle, and Patriot) vs Eddie Chandler, Simon Ice, and Ray Snow

Josh Jones vs Derrick Kerr vs Dark Eagle II

Elliot Thomas vs Dusty Ducont

KC Glenn & El Mitico vs The Mid Atlantic Mafia (McManus & Jenkins)

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The American People (American Dragon, Eagle, and Patriot) vs Eddie Chandler, Simon Ice, and Ray Snow

Josh Jones vs Derrick Kerr vs Dark Eagle II

Elliot Thomas vs Dusty Ducont

KC Glenn & El Mitico vs The Mid Atlantic Mafia (McManus & Jenkins)

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The American People (American Dragon, Eagle, and Patriot) vs Eddie Chandler, Simon Ice, and Ray Snow

Josh Jones vs Derrick Kerr vs Dark Eagle II

Elliot Thomas vs Dusty Ducont

KC Glenn & El Mitico vs The Mid Atlantic Mafia (McManus & Jenkins)

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Guest codey



Thursday Week 1, August 2018

In front of 1,000 fans in The Ministry (Tri State)




Milton David--Cherry Bomb--Lisa Bowen


Ladies and gentleman, your eyes do not deceive you; this is not Mid Atlantic Wrestling you're tuned into. No, this is better, this is evolution, this is World...Honor...Wrestling!


No longer will MAW be your scheduled viewing every Thursday night, replaced with WHW. And to usher in this new era--


--Is a multi-time champion here, along with his group of masked patriots!






The American People w/ Miss America vs Eddie Chandler, Simon Ice, and Ray Snow


The frigid pairing of Ice and Snow along with the aging-but-always-game veteran Chandler were on their heels from the start, as The American People functioned like a well oiled, well rounded machine. Eagle flew, Dragon torqued and twisted limbs, and Patriot simply crushed their opposition en route to a lopsided victory after a Soaring Eagle (Moonsault) from Eagle led to the 1, 2, 3 on Ice.


The American People win, 46


Miss America got in the ring with the group to celebrate as they hugged to the sounds of their theme music. After a short moment, though, an off-key voice began singing along to the music from somewhere in the arena.




The lights shut off, and the big screen crackled, revealing an image cast in an eerie red light. It was set somewhere backstage.





Finally, Death Angel walked into the shot, Hellion and Antithesis in his wake.


But the devil...blessed...me...


Angel cackled.


Patriot! It's good to see you again. The two of us, we had some good...great times before all of these...changes. You bled, I bled, I broke your arm. Really good stuff. But that's in the past. That's behind us. This is a new beginning. You get a fresh start. We all do!


Angel lost that grin he often wore, sometimes described as a ****-eating grin by whoever didn't like him at the time.


And that's the problem. We started over. We have to go back. We have to do it again. I have to beat you. You may not want this, but you'll do it.


Angel cackled.


Because if you don't, I'll do more than break your arm. I'll end you.






The lights here still aren't on, but I think we have audio...


What is that freak going to do?


I think we're going to commercial now.


Can we get production out here?






Derrick Kerr vs Josh Jones vs Dark Eagle II


During the commercial break, the lights were turned back on, and the show returned to normal.


The next match featured new Mid Atlantic Boot Camp Derrick Kerr make his debut in a triple threat with Josh Jones and Dark Eagle II.


Kerr came out dressed in jean pants with knee pads on THE OUTSIDE, as well as a traditional biker's cut. When he removed it, he revealed a heavily muscled and tattooed torso.


This match showcased two things: One: Kerr can throw a mean punch, and look damn good doing it. Two: experience and wiliness is enough to win 90% of the time. Despite being outmuscled and outsized by Kerr, Jones and Eagle were able to effectively neutralize him through techniques they learned in their native Canada and Japan, respectively. After a double dropkick sent Kerr tumbling from the ring, Eagle turned his attention to Jones and drilled him into the mat with an Eagle Shock (Fisherman Driver) to score the win.


Eagle wins, 40.





I wrestled a show in Japan once where I saw the original Dark Eagle. If his talent was anything to go off of, this guy is going to be a huge star someday.


I agree, but I'd like to see more of Kerr in the future. This kid impressed tonight!


It just goes to show that we're producing the best young talent in the world today.






In an interview segment taped earlier in the day, Cherry Bomb stood by with The Marvelous Ones, Apollo and Billy Crash.


Guys, you're both fairly new here, but you've made quite an impact in your short time here. So much so that a lot of people are saying that you're the rightful winners of the Sam Keith Classic. not The Pitbulls. Do you have any thoughts on last week's match?


Look, we know we were cheated, you know we were cheated, the fans know we were cheated. We went in there with three former tag team champs, and we put ourselves above them.


We don't like whining and complaining, but we want revenge. We can't get the Sam Keith Classic until next year, which I promise we will, but we can go after the Tag Team Championship. So Matty, Wolf, this is an official challenge. You, us, Battle of the Mid Atlantic, for the--




Matty Faith strolled into the shot, his arm draped around Dharma Gregg's shoulders.


Sup bros.


Dharma pulled away from him.


Don't say another word, Matthew. You made yourself look dumb enough last week.


Apollo, Crash, just who do you think you are? You challenge my clients, the greatest tag team in the world, to a match, when they've just beaten you?


Cheated to beat us, Dharma.


Evened the tables, more like. My clients only bent the rules slightly counteract the manner in which you coldly and cruelly attacked an injured man. Did you know that Wolfsbaine's nose is so badly broken that the doctors have suggested he sit out for two months? Months, not weeks. But he's boldly and bravely gone against their orders to appear at our biggest events, The Battle of the Mid Atlantic included.


And no, that is not saying that he'll be there to face YOU. That's an honor you have to earn. If you impress us, then we'll consider it.


Hell yeah.


Gregg shook her head.


Come on Matty, we've got press appearances to attend to.


As Gregg and Faith walked off, peering down their noses at everyone they passed, Apollo and Crash simply shook their heads.


They want us to "earn" a shot, we'll earn a shot.






Some would say that they've already earned their shots.


And some people would be idiots. You don't get a title shot coming off of a loss, no matter how close it was. I managed The Dynamite Express and the legendary Awesomeness, Milton, I know these things.






Elliot Thomas vs Dusty Ducont


Ducont, far and away the biggest wrestler to step into a WHW ring since the days of Findlay, has developed a persona as MAW's resident bully. Reveling in his place as a big fish in WHW's pond, he's consistently attacked, cheated, and taunted his much smaller competitors.


Elliot Thomas, however, has built a career out of being the perennial underdog, and wasn't about to let Ducont's size advantage scare him.


He should have been, though.


Ducont wasted no time in going after Thomas. Thomas managed a meager bit of offense after baseball sliding under his legs, but Ducont was not to be denied, and finished him with a powerbomb that very well could have put Thomas through the ring. To add insult to injury, Ducont put his feet unnecessarily on the ropes, placing his full 380 pound frame on top of Thomas as the ref counted to three.


Ducont wins, 53





That's just unnecessary.


His opponents should learn to stop him, then. You get certain privileges when you win.






In yet another pre-recorded interview segment, Cherry Bomb now stood opposite WHW American Miller Fforde.


First off, congratulations on another successful title defense, Miller.


Miller smiled.


Thanks, Cherry.


Now, a lot of people said it was a fluke when you won the belt. They say that because it was in a triple threat match, that the better wrestler--El Mitico, in this case--wasn't able to focus fully and you won through opportunism only.


Miller laughed.


Yeah, I've heard that, and it honestly just makes me laugh. Look, when I first got here, I teamed up Keith Vegas, and people called us a lost cause. They said we shouldn't be here. Then we won the tag titles off The Dynamite Express, and we started calling ourselves The Lost Cause just to stick it to the doubters. Then I took a break for a while, and when I came back, so did the doubters. They said I was nothing without Keith, that I couldn't hack it in singles competition. Well, I won this belt, and I've defended it six times now, so what does that say?


It says you're good.




Youngman walked on set, extending his hand. Warily, Miller took it and shook it.


Congratulations, by the way.


Did you want something?


Just to tell you that at Battle, I'll be looking to take that belt off of your hands. I have to win the six way next week first, but let's be honest, that's just a formality. Unlike the rest of the world, I'm not underestimating you, and I can see that no one else in that match is good enough to beat you. I'm the only that's got a shot.


Youngman slapped the belt on Miller's shoulder.


Should be a good match. I'm looking forward to it.


Youngman left the set without another word.


He's confident.


Miller's face was set in stone.


He's got good reason to be.






After that, I've got Youngman pegged to win the match next week. He inspires confidence.


I already had him picked to win. He's been on a bit of a skid lately, but a return to the division he once ruled over is a good move for him.






KC Glenn & El Mitico vs The Mid Atlantic Mafia w/ Spencer Spade


When Spencer Spade joined his friends at ringside, the newly crowned WHW Champion KC Glenn and his pal Mitico knew that it was bad sign. The two ultra talented and ultra fast friends tried to end the match fast and often, setting a pace that the technically minded MAM pair struggled to keep up. They were able to isolate Mitico eventually, though, putting the luchador through the ringer before he sprang back, slapping on a surprise cross armbreaker that saw Jenkins tapping in seconds.


Glenn and Mitico win, 52


With the win in the bag, Mitico quickly bailed and Glenn joined him as McManus and Spade stormed the ring. They backed up the ring as Spade grabbed a microphone.


Where you going boys? We were just about to have some fun! Now you've gone and tried to ruin that. Well, I just can't allow that. Boys, bring 'em back down here.




Dusty Ducont and The Architect came storming out of the back, blindsiding Glenn and Mitico with a pair of lariats to the back of their heads that knocked them silly. At Spade's urging, they hauled them back into the ring, where Jenkins and McManus went to work putting the boots to the two of them. Ducont and Architect joined them in short order as Spade watched.


Alright, boys, playtimes over. Put 'em to bed.


With that, CJ and McManus pulled Glenn to his feet and put him right back down with an Atlantic Dive (Powerbomb/lungblower combo), and Ducont delivered his second powerbomb of the night to Mitico, followed by Architect locking his trademark ankle lock on the lucha star. He eventually relented , and joined CJ, Ducont, and McManus in standing behind Spade as he lorded over the fallen WHW Champion.


Ladies and gentleman, what you see before you is the most complete organization wrestling has ever seen. With just myself, CJ, and Riley, we were able to topple the great Aaron Andrews, Steven Parker, and Davis Wayne all in one night. I guarantee you won't see them for a while. They're too busy licking their wounds. And now? Now we've got the biggest monster in this company's illustrious history as well as the smartest man to ever grace this ring. The Mid Atlantic Mafia is here to revolutionize wrestling. We're here to make money and look good doing, and, judging by the past week alone, there's not anything anyone can do to stop it.


This is the WHW Champion, people. The best! The greatest! Seemingly unbeatable!


Spade sneered.


And here he lies at my feet, just like everyone else. He's not the best wrestler in the world. He's not even the best wrestler in this company. I am! I am better than anyone you've ever seen. I've always known it, and now, you will too.




Total: 55

Rating: 0.05


This has been a presentation of...


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Guest codey

Booking a diary with weekly shows is actually fun when they're only an hour long!




That's right folks, the Mid Atlantic page no longer exists here on TEW.com. In its place we've added its replacement, the newly christened replacement, World Honor Wrestling. The changeover was simple for us, with just a few logo changes and naming slip ups here and there, but it looks like MAW...err, WHW, is really trying to establish this as a reboot for new viewers.


They've immediately established The Mid Atlantic Mafia as the dominant heel stable with the addition of Ducont and The Architect, taking the place of The Reckoning. Death Angel still remains a compelling villain, though, and they look to capitalize that by returning to his old rivalry with the company's powerhouse redneck superhero, American Patriot, for the new viewers that the name change may have stirred up.


KC Glenn, who, for whatever reason, has taken years to catch on as a true bona fide main eventer, has jumped from heel stable feud right into another. The problem here is that the Mafia and Glenn have been booked so strongly that it will be interesting to see how exactly this all plays out in order to keep everyone going strong.


In other news, the next card for WHW Legends has been released! As always, the card is subject to change (Hello, Sayeed Ali and your broken neck. You too, Quentin Queen), but we're interested to see what your picks are. Leave them in the comments below!


Deever Arnold vs Donte Dunn vs Youngman vs Ray Snow vs Dark Eagle II vs Eddie Chandler

The Marvelous Ones (Apollo & Crash) vs The Bully Street Brawlers (Copperhead & Deuce Deadline)

American Patriot vs Brett Biggins

Spencer Spade vs ??? (It's an open challenge!)


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Deever Arnold vs Donte Dunn vs Youngman vs Ray Snow vs Dark Eagle II vs Eddie Chandler

The Marvelous Ones (Apollo & Crash) vs The Bully Street Brawlers (Copperhead & Deuce Deadline)

American Patriot vs Brett Biggins

Spencer Spade vs ??? (It's an open challenge!)

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Deever Arnold vs Donte Dunn vs Youngman vs Ray Snow vs Dark Eagle II vs Eddie Chandler - Thank goodness he isn't named Ernest in this diary...

The Marvelous Ones (Apollo & Crash) vs The Bully Street Brawlers (Copperhead & Deuce Deadline) - Going with the ones I'm familiar with.

American Patriot vs Brett Biggins - Dozer > the older, more botch-prone Biggins brother.

Spencer Spade vs ??? (It's an open challenge!) - Let his journey continue!

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Guest codey
Deever Arnold vs Donte Dunn vs Youngman vs Ray Snow vs Dark Eagle II vs Eddie Chandler - Thank goodness he isn't named Ernest in this diary...

The Marvelous Ones (Apollo & Crash) vs The Bully Street Brawlers (Copperhead & Deuce Deadline) - Going with the ones I'm familiar with.

American Patriot vs Brett Biggins - Never liked A-Mach in the SWF, but I don't dislike him as much as those damned Botch,er...Biggz Boyz, particularly Brett...

Spencer Spade vs ??? (It's an open challenge!) - Let his journey continue!


I hate the name Ernest, too. It's a manager's name, not meant for a badass like Youngman, so I always cut the first name.


American Patriot isn't Machine, though (I do like Machine as a midcarder though.) He's actually Bulldozer Brandon Smith. American Patriot has been his masked persona in MAW/WHW. If you started with TEW 2013, he began TEW 2010 as the MAW Champion and a former RCI winner. He's also, other than his safety stat, a pretty damn good strong style wrestler.

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I hate the name Ernest, too. It's a manager's name, not meant for a badass like Youngman, so I always cut the first name.


American Patriot isn't Machine, though (I do like Machine as a midcarder though.) He's actually Bulldozer Brandon Smith. American Patriot has been his masked persona in MAW/WHW. If you started with TEW 2013, he began TEW 2010 as the MAW Champion and a former RCI winner. He's also, other than his safety stat, a pretty damn good strong style wrestler.


D'oh! Thanks for the correction...I was thinking it might be Dozer, but the render's pose looked similar to one alt I'd seen for American Machine. But I also like Dozer as a brawler, so I'm sticking with my prediction.

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Deever Arnold vs Donte Dunn vs Youngman vs Ray Snow vs Dark Eagle II vs Eddie Chandler

The Marvelous Ones (Apollo & Crash) vs The Bully Street Brawlers (Copperhead & Deuce Deadline)

American Patriot vs Brett Biggins

Spencer Spade vs ??? (It's an open challenge!)

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Deever Arnold vs Donte Dunn vs Youngman vs Ray Snow vs Dark Eagle II vs Eddie Chandler

The Marvelous Ones (Apollo & Crash) vs The Bully Street Brawlers (Copperhead & Deuce Deadline)

American Patriot vs Brett Biggins

Spencer Spade vs ??? (It's an open challenge!) I just can't resist the ???

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Deever Arnold vs Donte Dunn vs Youngman vs Ray Snow vs Dark Eagle II vs Eddie Chandler

The Marvelous Ones (Apollo & Crash) vs The Bully Street Brawlers (Copperhead & Deuce Deadline)

American Patriot vs Brett Biggins

Spencer Spade vs ??? (It's an open challenge!)

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Deever Arnold vs Donte Dunn vs Youngman vs Ray Snow vs Dark Eagle II vs Eddie Chandler

The Marvelous Ones (Apollo & Crash) vs The Bully Street Brawlers (Copperhead & Deuce Deadline)

American Patriot vs Brett Biggins

Spencer Spade vs ??? (It's an open challenge!)

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Deever Arnold vs Donte Dunn vs Youngman vs Ray Snow vs Dark Eagle II vs Eddie Chandler

The Marvelous Ones (Apollo & Crash) vs The Bully Street Brawlers (Copperhead & Deuce Deadline)

American Patriot vs Brett Biggins

Spencer Spade vs ??? (It's an open challenge!)

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Deever Arnold vs Donte Dunn vs Youngman vs Ray Snow vs Dark Eagle II vs Eddie Chandler

The Marvelous Ones (Apollo & Crash) vs The Bully Street Brawlers (Copperhead & Deuce Deadline)

American Patriot vs Brett Biggins

Spencer Spade vs ??? (It's an open challenge!)

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Deever Arnold vs Donte Dunn vs Youngman vs Ray Snow vs Dark Eagle II vs Eddie Chandler

The Marvelous Ones (Apollo & Crash) vs The Bully Street Brawlers (Copperhead & Deuce Deadline)

American Patriot vs Brett Biggins

Spencer Spade vs ??? (It's an open challenge!) Could be El Mitico Jr.

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Thursday Week 2, August 2018

In front of 2,000 fans in Perry Hall (Great Lakes)



Milton David--Cherry Bomb--Lisa Bowen


Welcome to WHW Legends! I'm Milton David, alongside, as always, the lovely pair Lisa Bowen and Cherry Bomb.


Shut it, fatso, the first match is starting.







Deever Arnold vs Donte Dunn vs Youngman vs Ray Snow vs Dark Eagle II vs Eddie Chandler


Indeed, as Youngman made his way to the ring his five opponents were already in the ring, waiting for the bell to sound the start of the match.


Packing six men into one ring is always sure to be a recipe for chaos, and this match was no exception. That said, Dunn, Eagle, and Youngman really established themselves as frontrunners in the early going. As the match wound down, Dunn took a risk, coming off the top rope in an attempt to crash down on Youngman with a cross body block, but Youngman was able to catch him, twist him, and bring his back down across his knee in a spectacular display. Immediately after, he followed up with a Headshot (running knee strike) that crunched into Ray Snow's face, leading to the win.


Youngman wins, 40


Youngman, breathing heavily, grabbed a mic after the win.


See? Inevitable. Fforde, we meet at Battle. It's going to be hard match for both of us. In the interest of being a good sportsman, good luck. Not that that's what it comes down to. It's all about skill, and we've both got that in spades.

Youngman's being uncharacteristically respectful lately.


Maybe his recent misfortunes have made him reconsider his approach?


Hate to say it, but Milton may be on to something.






The Marvelous Ones vs The Bully Street Brawlers


The Brawlers, a pair of tough customers from the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp, are no pushovers. Even though they're in the loser's column more often than not, they're always a threat, and usually keep the fight even until the end.


Not this time.


Billy Crash and Apollo really went to work here, and Copperhead and Deuce never got a chance to get going at all. In under five minutes, Crash belted Copperhead with his Kentucky Derby finisher (Corner Yakuza Kick) to score the win.


Marvelous Ones win, 37


Ooooh, impressive!




Dharma Gregg and Matty Faith stepped out onto the stage, interrupting Apollo and Crash's celebration.


Not! If you two want a title shot, you're going to have to do a lot better than that. Your opponents have, what, negative three wins this year?


Dharma shrugged while Matty lifted his own mic to his lips.


Yeah, that just ain't gonna--


Shut up, Matty.


She rubbed the bridge of her nose.


I'm just saying. Next week, step up the competition a little.


I hate to say it, but Dharma's right. As impressive as they looked, The Marvelous Ones's competition didn't exactly present much of a challenge.


Of course she's right, Dharma's following in my footsteps as the premier tag team manager of this promotion. If she was wrong, then I would have to step back in and reclaim my spot. But she's not, so...yeah.






Next up, American Patriot stomped out to the ring, Miss America close at his side. He grabbed a microphone immediately upon stepping into the ring.


Last week, Death Angel interrupted and made a mockery of the Star Spangled Banner. Where I come from, that ain't something you do. Matter of fact, where I come from, that type of thing'lll get you an ass whoopin'!


The crowd cheered.


Now for those of you who don't know, me and Angel, well, we got ourselves a long history of ass whoopins between the two of us. I'd kick his ass, he'd kick mine, we'd do it all over again. I thought we were done with it.


Patriot shook his head.


But then the little bastard had to go and challenge me last week. I don't know why, so don't ask me. But the thing is, last week the mic I tried to use to respond didn't work, and the one I tried after that didn't work either, so I couldn't answer. So this here, tonight? This is my answer.


Angel, you wanna try and make a statement off of me, you're welcome to try. But boy, you should know better than that. I ain't goin' down easy, and you sure as hell ain't gonna do a damn thing to my arm this time around.




American Patriot w/ Miss America vs Brett Biggins


Biggins, as always, presented a challenge. The veteran, though aging and not quite as quick as he once was, hasn't forgotten the tricks of the trade that made he and his brother a combined five time tag team champions in both WHW and SWF as well as Puerto Rican Champion in FCW and PWMAX Champion.


The difference here was that Patriot has yet to lose his step, and the man that has won every single title and tournament in WHW aside from the American Championship really took it to Biggins, battering him with stiff strikes and his trademark suplexes.


In the end, Patriot ducked under a wild Biggins haymaker and delivered a spiking American Suplex (Backdrop Driver) that he bridged to score the 1-2-3.


Patriot wins, 57.





Static appeared on the big screen in place of the replay of the finish, and as it came into focus it revealed Death Angel, Hellion, and Antithesis: The Reckoning.


The trio stood outside in almost pitch black darkness, the only light coming from candles that they each held. Well, Hellion's looked like a tiny Bic lighter in his massive hand.


Bravo, bravo! I demand...an encore. Or not. Your opponent doesn't seem...up to it.


Angel let out a high pitched giggle.


But you...


He shook his finger violently toward Patriot.


...You performed admirably. Such power! Such force! Such...


Angel growled his last words.


False bravado.


You never even hinted at the worry in the bag of your mind. The parasite burrowing crawling through your ear and burrowing into your brain. Tell me, where are your two little friends? The ones you dress up like yourself?


Patriot grabbed a microphone, and, finding that it didn't work, spiked it into the mat.


Oh, I forgot. It's my turn to speak.


You want to know where they are, am I right? Well...


Antithesis bent down and put his candle to the ground. All around them, a circle of flam quickly went up, in the center of which an unconscious American Dragon and Eagle lay.


They're safe for now. But next week? I don't know.


I will break you. And I start by breaking them. I'll see you soon.


This is kidnap!


Kidnap? This is wrestling!






Spencer Spade, with the Mafia at his back, strolled out to the ring next. A few fans tried to let him know how they felt about him, but Spade ignored them for the most part. A sideways glance from Ducont was all it took to shut them up, after all. Once in the ring, Spade grabbed a mic.


Here in WHW, the main event slot is usually reserved for the champ. I say usually because, obviously, I'm not the champ. Yet. Don't worry, my time will come, and soon. But for now, I offer, for your viewing pleasure, a preview of what you'll see on a weekly basis once I win the gold.


Spade swept his free arm toward the top of the ramp.


Anyone in the back that wants a shot at me can come out here right now! Anyone. And if you're worried about getting beaten too badly, don't worry. I'll take it easy on you.


After a moment, The Dynamite Express's music blasted through the speakers, and Syd Collier, dressed to compete in his trunks, stepped out with Cam Jones, dressed in jeans and a leather jacket.


You? Really?


Spade shrugged.


Alright. I did say anyone, I guess.




Syd Collier w/ Cam Jones vs Spencer Spade


The big story here was the threat of The Mafia presented throughout the entire match. There were almost enough men outside the ring for a lumberjack match, and just enough to distract the ref while others took potshots at Collier.


Jones did his best to mitigate the damage they dealt on the outside, but he could only be in one place at once. In the end, it proved to be too much for Collier, who, despite putting up an admirable fight, fell to a Supreme Stunner (Rope Assisted Cutter) after Ducont dealt him a huge lariat on the outside and bundled him back into the ring.


Spade wins, 61.


Cam Jones entered the ring to check on his partner, and the Mafia followed quickly after. Unprovoked, the four underlings swarmed Jones as Spade watched on, smiling. Just as CJ and McManus were setting him up for an Atlantic Dive, KC Glenn rushed out onto the stage and the crowd went nuts.




The champ sprinted down to the ring, springboarded in, and delivered a dropkick to both The Architect and CJ. He quickly sprung to his feet, ducked under a clothesline from Spade, and flew at McManus, knocking him over the ropes with a vicious elbow. Without losing a step, he spun around and delivered a lightning fast Sunshine Band Superkick to Ducont, downing the big man in a single shot.


Spade lunged at Glenn, but Jones intercepted him, and took a DDT for his troubles. The momentary distraction allowed Glenn to take a running start and perform a spectactular over the ropes dive to McManus on the outside. When he popped to his feet to his feet just after, though, he was met by Spade, hurtling himself through the ropes and diving into him.


In a rage, Spade hoisted Glenn up, shoved him roughly into the ring, and then dragged him out until only his feet rested on the apron. From here, he dropped violently to his back, knocking Glenn silly with a Supreme Stunner.


"Give me a mic," Spade could be heard shouting as his underlings regained their composure. Once he had one in hand, he crouched over Glenn's motionless form.


Spade: This is how the story goes. This is how it begins, how it ends, how it progresses, and how it climaxes. Me, standing triumphant, over you. It's not the most dramatic story. There aren't any twists and turns or surprises to thrill the fans, but that's not how things work in real life. In real life, the better man always wins. KC Glenn, you're good, I'll admit it. But me? I'm better.


Spade stood up and addressed the fans.


Spade: The man laying unconscious at my feet is filled with potential. The kind of potential that could make him the best wrestler there's ever been. But like they always say, potential is useless if you can't realize it, and KC Glenn is too damned stupid to know what to do with it. I'm talking about a man that decided that it was a good idea to attack five men alone in a misguided attempt at vengeance. Even Mitico knew that it was a bad idea. Why do you think he's not out here? He's sitting in the back, barely able to walk.


Spade: This man doesn't deserve to be champion. I do. WHW management sees that. They can't deny me any longer. That's why at Battle of the Mid Atlantic, I'll finally get my chance to achieve greatness. I know it'll be a tough match, but at the end of the night this is the image you'll see. KC Glenn, unconscious, and me, the WHW Champion. Because like I said, the better man always wins.

Total: 63

Rating: 0.06


This has been a presentation of...


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