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GSW: War in the West

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So here is a little story for you all to hear. It starts thirty-six years ago in one of the rougher parts of Los Angeles. There was a family that had a father in prison and a mother working two jobs and trying to raise three kids while keeping them out of trouble. As good as a mother she was the latter never fully happened.


In particular the youngest was a bright boy with a good head on his shoulders. He was ambitious and wanted to somehow make things better for his mother and older siblings. Even with that noble goal he soon ended up in a gang along with his brothers and it cost him a few years of his life as he ended up doing some time for armed robbery.


During the time behind bars that young man got himself a plan. He found his true calling as he was moved by the sound of hip-hop and soon started to find his own rhythm. Lyrics were written and stored away until the time he was finally released on parole. He did not return to his ganger life, but instead started appearing in small clubs through the area to test out the songs he wrote. He found a few friends and they helped him get noticed.


Those small club deals turned into larger venues and in turn eventually a record contract was offered to the man. A man that had street cred, but now reinventing himself as the urban star Brother Grimm. While he started to dress well and show off the money he was making his lyrics still remained true to his experiences when growing up. He only remained with the larger label until he had enough money to start his own. Thus an empire was born.


Brother Grimm signed several small time talents that reminded him of himself and started producing their music and getting their names out. He was making good money from his own releases and everything was good. He didn't really need anything else, but in the end he wanted more.


Throughout his life Brother Grimm always enjoyed wrestling and was a known star to be found backstage at shows ranging from TCW to SWF. It wouldn't be rare for him to even be seen sitting in the front row of a smaller time promotion like CZCW cheering. The man had charisma and he had a love for the sport. This would make him a perfect man to target for help when it came to a new promotion opening.


The year was 2011 and Gil Thomas was looking to create a promotion that was hard hitting and appealed to the more urban populace of California. He had a booker with experience as well, managing to lure Nemesis to come back to wrestling and handle getting everything set up. What he needed was someone that would draw the fans in early and help make things successful.


Brother Grimm was brought in and it was supposed to be a company owned by Gil, but run by the ideas of Grimm and Nemesis. This worked out well from the start and the company was something that was rather new. Gil gave them a good budget to hire veterans as well as find new talent and Brother Grimm used his contacts to find talent as well as bring a few friends in to become members of the roster.


Things went well through the first year, but in the spring of 2012 things began to sour. Nemesis started to become more and more power hungry and several of Grimm's ideas were shot down and the men that would support his ideas would find themselves jobbing to those that were Nemesis ass kissers. His attempts to talk sense into Gil fell upon deaf ears and the owner seemed to side with Nemesis as well. After all he has been in the business for over twenty years while Grimm had no prior experience when joining up.


Things blew up in September when in the middle of the show things went to hell. Grimm came out and cut a scathing promo before asking those who were tired of Nemesis' shit join him in the ring. That is when he and several roster members walked out and left the crowd wondering if this was a work or reality. They would soon find out it was very real.


Grimm kicked IPW out of his club and barred them from ever coming back the next day. There were promises he would show them what a true urban hardcore promotion should be and even made the near impossible promise to have things ready by next month!


Through contacts, money and the urge to give the middle finger to IPW Grimm managed to open Grimm SoCal Wrestling in mid October 2012. It featured the talents that had walked out on IPW along with several new ones found from around the independent scene. It wasn't an amazing show, but it garnered support of IPW fans that lost interest once Grimm and his posse had left so they started with something of a fanbase at least. It was successful enough to have two more shows held and they had a bit of momentum going into 2013.


So now now that you know of the past.....let me bring ya to the present.




I'm Brother Grimm and I don't like being disrespected! I worked hard to help that company out and all I got was repeated slaps to the face from a man that knows nothing of the business and a washed up wrestler with an ego bigger than the state of California. Those bitches wanted to mess with me? Well they don't know what they have coming.


Those first few months? It was to get our name out and just attract some fans. Now that I know I can bring people in and have success it is time to go to war. I don't want to control the West Coast. I am in still friends with Cliff and we even got ourselves a little working agreement going now. AAA? Those bitches can do whatever they want. But IPW? It will be a war on them. I will make Gil Thomas and Nemesis regret what they did.


I got a plan and you are about to see the first shots fired this January. Good thing you got all that money. I will be laughing when it all runs out and I am still kicking your bitch asses around. Come get some!



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Clifford Caves: Aw yeah. It is the new year and we are just a few days away from the first GSW show of 2013. Whatcha think MC Motormouth?


MC Motormouth: Shit, son. This is going to be crazy because I got news for ya. My bud and our boss, Brother Grimm, told me he has a big announcement that will shake GSW to the core!


CC: Yeah? Well don't hold back on me. What did he tell you?


MCM: That is all he told me! When I tried to ask he just smiled and walked away. I can tell you what. He won't disappoint when making a promise like that.


CC: No doubt, MC. Well shit, guess we better go over the card for our fans so they know what to expect.


Match #1




CC: The Long Beach Crew look to continue their winning ways as they take on two young talents in Cheech Kong and Top Dolla. I gotta go with the established team, MC.


MCM: Shit, hard to argue when Cali Slick and Aces High have been pretty dominant. It can't be long before they get a shot at the tag titles.


CC: They have been on a roll and haven't lost yet so I am sure another win hear puts them as top contenders.


Match #2




CC: We got Busta Capp taking on one of the new boys that will be showing up this show. Slim V may be new here, but Busta better not consider this an easy walk in the woods. Slim V is a dangerous man that was up in Canada winning titles for a few years before coming out our way.


MCM: I doubt Busta will underestimate. Kandii will keep him focused and we are talking about a man that almost became our first GSW American champion.


CC: I am looking forward to it, MC. Slim has himself some arm candy that goes by the name Osiris so who knows. Maybe we get a bit of a catfight on the side.


MCM: Hell yes, nigga.


Match #3




CC: Next up we got Hard 1 up against Boneyard. Boneyard has been destroying everyone in his path, but Hard 1 is a veteran. I am sure this isn't his first giant to take on.


MCM: Brother Grimm unleashed Boneyard onto GSW and I haven't seen anyone close to stopping him. Hard 1 is about to get ****ed up.


CC: He better be bringing some weapons and shit with him to ringside to take down that big boy.


Match #4




CC: Don't suppose you know who Devyn Retribution will be facing that night, MC?


MCM: No idea, Cliff. Grimm wouldn't tell me shit. All I know is he is a new guy and he is supposed to be scary as hell.


CC: Not just a surprise announcement, but a surprise new signing. The boss is on a roll it seems. Guess that leaves us with the title matches to talk about.


Match #5




GSW West Coast




CC: This one surprises me, MC. Dropkix must have impressed the boss because he gets a shot at the GSW West Coast title which is held by Sanchez Villano.


MCM: Shit, I don't think he can take the title. Sanchez has been pretty dominant his first two defenses and I don't see this one going much differently.


CC: I like the kid, but Dropkix has a lot to learn and it might be awhile before I think he can get himself some bling like the GSW West Coast title.


Match #6




GSW Tag Team Championship




CC: It is put up or shut up time for Brown Pride. They haven't even been in the ring yet and they act like they own the place. Ever since Dead Men Walking won the tag titles they have been attacked by Brown Pride who keep promising to take what is rightfully theirs.


MCM: I think they are barking up the wrong tree. Dead Men Walking are both crazy niggas I wouldn't want to be on the bad side of. They might leave here in a body bag.


CC: If Dead Men Walking don't kill them the fans might. They have not endeared themselves to the crowd at all.


MCM: No shit.


Match #7




GSW American Championship




CC: We got two fan favorites here. Fro Sure puts up his title against Deaf Touch.


MCM: This might be the most competitive and hard to guess match. Fro Sure has looked good, but Deaf Touch is someone that I believe can take the title from him. I am pumped for this one, Cliff. This shit will be awesome.


CC: I am in agreement, MC. The boss must have a big announcement if he is going to make it after these two tear down the club. The crowd will be wild by the time this is done.


MCM: Just five days away, Cliff. Are you ready? I am ****ing excited at this point. The boss has balls too because he is sending a message to our friends over at you know where.


CC: When I saw when it was being advertised as 'Nemesis' I about shit, MC. I guess that about wraps things up kids. Come out and see us this Friday or watch it on our website where we will be streaming it for a modest fee!


MCM: Peace out, niggas!


*All Matches are contested under GSW rules unless stated otherwise.


**GSW Rules mean most foreign objects will be legal and there will be no disqualifications and no count outs.


Quick Match Key for Nemesis


GSW American Championship


Fro Sure © vs Deaf Touch


GSW Tag Team Championship


Dead Men Walking © vs Brown Pride


GSW West Coast Championship


Sanchez Villano © vs Dropkix


Long Beach Crew vs Cheech Kong and Top Dolla


Slim V vs Busta Capp


Devyn Retribution vs ???


Boneyard vs Hard-1


Bonus: What will Brother Grimm's big announcement be?


OOC: Credit to MJStark for the swass looking GSW titles.

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GSW American Championship


Fro Sure © vs Deaf Touch


GSW Tag Team Championship


Dead Men Walking © vs Brown Pride


GSW West Coast Championship


Sanchez Villano © vs Dropkix


Long Beach Crew vs Cheech Kong and Top Dolla


Slim V vs Busta Capp


Devyn Retribution vs ???


Boneyard vs Hard-1

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GSW American Championship


Fro Sure © vs Deaf Touch

I don't think the champ will lose, but I like Deaf Touch's character more


GSW Tag Team Championship


Dead Men Walking © vs Brown Pride

Dead Men Walking look like some scary dudes


GSW West Coast Championship


Sanchez Villano © vs Dropkix

My man, Dropkix


Long Beach Crew vs Cheech Kong and Top Dolla

Gotta go with the established team


Slim V vs Busta Capp

Loved Slim in 4C, but I don't think he'll fare well in the US


Devyn Retribution vs ???

Mystery man, always root for him


Boneyard vs Hard-1

I really want to pick the veteran, but Boneyard would probably beat me up if I did


Bonus: What will Brother Grimm's big announcement be? Signing of Cerberus

Only guy I can really think of that is big and scary

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Quick Match Key for Nemesis


GSW American Championship

Fro Sure © vs Deaf Touch


GSW Tag Team Championship

Dead Men Walking © vs Brown Pride


GSW West Coast Championship

Sanchez Villano © vs Dropkix


Long Beach Crew vs Cheech Kong and Top Dolla


Slim V vs Busta Capp


Devyn Retribution vs ???


Boneyard vs Hard-1


Bonus: What will Brother Grimm's big announcement be? No idea, sorry ;)

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Quick Match Key for Nemesis


GSW American Championship


Fro Sure © vs Deaf Touch


GSW Tag Team Championship


Dead Men Walking (c) vs Brown Pride


GSW West Coast Championship


Sanchez Villano © vs Dropkix


Long Beach Crew vs Cheech Kong and Top Dolla


Slim V vs Busta Capp


Devyn Retribution vs ???


Boneyard vs Hard-1

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The show was on soon and the final things were being ironed out. Rumple Roper had everyone gathered to go over the match outcomes and what he wanted each man to do in their match. This gave me plenty of time to sit in my office and talk with what will be the first big shot fired towards IPW.


It has been hard to keep the secret from everyone. The contract signing was rather hush hush and I even had a friend that has no real association with GSW to book the hotel and pick him up. Somehow I managed to get him to the warehouse and into my office without incident. I did not want the dirt sheets ruining this. It may seem like a small thing, but those who follow GSW and IPW will not be spoiled. I will show them even in this modern day you can pull off a few surprises.


And the plan almost got ruined at the last moment.




MC: "Boss, I got a.....Holy shit!"


MC Motormouth is a good friend and one of the few that can get away busting into my office like this. He didn't even finish what he had to say because of seeing who I was talking to. Before he could say anything else and raised a finger to my lips and pointed towards the door with the other hand. MC nodded quickly and shut the door before anyone else dare take a peek.


MC: "I'm so sorry. I just wantd to say everyone was...was ready and we were waiting for you....but...but how the hell did you..."


BG: "Not a word. I trust you on this. Everyone else will know in about two hours. I expect you to not give anything away."


MC knows I am a laid back guy normally, but when I want something to be big he knows not to do anything to make me angry. He got the job because he was a friend and he is pretty good at what he does, but if he somehow ruins my plan I won't hesitate to find a replacement quickly.


MC: R...right. Well I will tell the guys you will be out in a minute."


He spares a look towards the other man in the room briefly and just smiles big before exiting and murmuring 'Goddamn brilliant, Grimm' under his breath. I soon rose from my chair and grinned a bit towards my prize signing. The first of a few I have planned to rock this promotion and help us drive IPW into the ground.


BG: "I got a show to run. You know what to do when the time is right."



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GSW: Nemesis


The Warehouse: 70 Attending






CC: The Warehouse is poppin' right now and we are kicking off the year of 2013 in style here at Grimm SoCal Wrestling!


MCM: Hell yeah. Brother Grimm has set up some exciting and violent ass matches and the crowd is hot tonight. He promises it will be a night we never forget.


CC: Brother Grimm doesn't throw out promises often so it must be big. I can't wait, MC.


MCM: We got a lot to go through until we get there. Looks like we are gettin' started right now because Brown Pride is on the way to the ring.






Mostly boos fill the warehouse as the two members of Brown Pride saunter on down to the ring. MexiCain gets himself a microphone before getting in the ring proper and addresses the fans.


MexiCain: "Boo all you want. We finally are getting the respect we deserve. Dead Men Walking? You two will just be dead men by the time we are done with you. You all better just accept we will be your new tag team champions! Bring out the dead!"


More boos are aimed at the pair as they look towards the entranceway and motion for the champs to come out.


Rating: 31


MCM: They are some cocky ass bitches for two guys that have spent the past three months sneaking attacking people and not backing it up into the ring.


CC: It is put up or shut up time now. Here come the champs and they aren't going to play nice.






GSW Tag Team Championsip




Brown Pride VS Dead Men Walking ©


Brown Pride jump the champs when they are getting in the ring and take an early advantage. It is a messy brawl where most men are being booed and Mobstar might be the only one the fans are really behind since the only time cheers can be heard is when he is on the offensive. Dead Men Walking also show great tag work and their time together has made for an excellent flow to their work while Brown Pride has potential, but need more time to work together. The only real weapon that gets involved this match is a table that is set up on the outside that ends up being used to remove MexiCain from the match when he gets tossed outside and through it by Gravedigga. Dead Men Walking then get LatiNoFear isolated and put him away with a powerbomb by Mobstar followed by a flying leg drop from Gravedigga.


Winners and Still Champions: Dead Men Walking (Defenses: 2)


Rating: 37


MCM: Shit yeah! Brown Pride finally get put in their place.


CC: The champs are a well oiled machine, but at the same time I don't they can just put this behind them. I don't see Brown Pride letting this be the end.


MCM: At least it shuts them up and shuts them down for a short big. Let me enjoy this moment, Cliff.


CC: Well you don't have too much time. We got ano....holy shit.


MCM: ....that is one mean ass looking honky.






Mean Ass Honky with Pretty Ass Girl VS Devyn Retribution


The audience doesn't know what to think of the menacing fellow in military garb that stalks to the ring. The announcer doesn't even have a name for him or the lovely young woman that is with him. Devyn Retribution also seems uncertain to get in the ring once he is announced and carefully gets in. Once the bell rings he goes onto the attack, but his attacks have little effect. The unknown man goes on the offensive and starts to beat down Devyn and the fans actually start to get behind him and cheer along with the woman that escorted him to the ring. Devyn finally manages to stun the man with a bottle a fan throws to him. It shatters when bashed against his head, but it doesn't even take the man down. A beatdown ensues and Devyn ends up receiving an Air Raid Crash for his efforts.


Winner: Mean Ass Honky


Rating: 29


MCM: Who the hell is that guy and I want to know where the hell Grimm found him.


CC: I have no idea on both counts. The fans seem to like him and that fine ass girl with him.


MCM: Shit, he made a statement no matter who he is. You see him take a bottle to the head? It didn't do shit to him.


CC: I have a feeling we will be seeing more of him soon. Maybe we will get a name.






Hard-1 is on the way to the ring for his match, but he gets only a few steps out before Boneyard comes running up behind him and lays him out with a sick chair shot. He follows it up with several more that leave Hard-1 a bloody mess. Boneyard proceeds to pick him up and carry him to the ring.


Rating: 41


MCM: What the **** was that?


CC: Boneyard looks to be making the ref start the match now. Hard-1 got jumped and isn't even moving.


MCM: What a big nigga like Boneyard need to do something like that for? Hard-1 actually scares him something?






Hard-1 VS Boneyard


Boneyard instantly goes for the pin and somehow Hard-1 kicks out. The behemoth looks livid and confused at the same time that Hard-1 still has some energy left. He goes on the attack again and he is stalled for a moment when Hard-1 gives a hard kick right between Boneyard's legs which stops him and allows the wounded veteran to roll out of the ring. He is handed a chair and he looks to try and get payback on the big man. It is a valiant attempt at a comeback, but he is too weak from the beatdown earlier. Boneyard has recovered by the time Hard-1 gets back in the ring and he swats the chair away and throws Hard-1 in the corner. Big avalanche followed by a powerslam gives the monster a win.


Winner: Boneyard


Rating: 30


CC: Damn shame that couldn't have been a more even match. Hard-1 never had much of a chance from the start.


MCM: He is one tough nigga though. He took a beating and still managed to kick out after all those chair shots. He never backed down. I am sure he will be looking for revenge.






Long Beach Crew VS Cheech Kong and Top Dolla


Much like the last tag match experience seems to be the key and Long Beach Crew control the match for the most part. Also like the last tag match it seems the fans for the most part don't like any of these guys and Cali Slick seems to be the only one the crowd gets behind. A chain gets involved as Cali Slick uses it to choke out Top Dolla after busting him open with it. Cheech tries to help, but Aces High found himself a baseball bat and takes it to the knees of Cheech. Dolla is tossed out and Cheech is allowed to stagger to his feet only to be taken down by a combination shoulder block to the back of the knees by Cali Slick and a flying forearm from Aces High.


Winners: Long Beach Crew


Rating: 34


MCM: Another win for the Long Beach Crew. They are on a crash course right towards the champs.


CC: That will be a bloody battle to say the least. Both teams are undefeated here in GSW so far. It is only fair if they get a shot at Dead Men Walking at this point.


MCM: Make this shit happen, Grimm. I know you can hear this.






GSW West Coast Championship




Sanchez Villano © VS Drop Kix


Villano seems more intent on jawjacking with the fans to start instead of worrying about Kix. This results in him turning around to see Kix jumping over the top rope landing right on top of the large Latino. Drop Kix is going off on Sanchez with several stiff strikes and he finds clobbers him with a chair that he pulls out from under the ring. He climbs up to the top turnbuckle when Villano is down and goes for a senton, but the champ rolls out in time and Drop Kix lands hard on the outside. Sanchez manages to recover first and he uses his strength to overpower his opponent and he finishes Drop Kix off with a vicious lariat that almost takes his head off.


Winner and Still Champion: Sanchez Villano (Defenses: 2)


Rating: 28


MCM: A good try, but Sanchez one strong ****er.


CC: Drop Kix was doing everything he could to take him out early. He just made one mistake and the champ capitalized.


MCM: He didn't even need his buddy EZ at ringside to help. Looks like our champs are two for two so far. Fro Sure must be feeling good.


CC: We are closing in on that one, MC. All we got before then is to see how this homeboy from Canada does against Busta Capp.






Slim V with Osiris VS Busta Capp with Kandii


The crowd actually seems to be behind Slim V despite him being an unknown. Busta is possibly getting the most heat of the night and it isn't the good kind. It is a pretty standard brawl with both men getting in good offense and the crowd really pops when the ladies start to get into a catfight. Slim V makes the mistake of trying to break it up and gets blindsided by Busta who nails him with a baseball bat across the back of the head. A few more strikes takes the Canadian out of the match and Busta Capp gets the win and many more boos.


Winner: Busta Capp


Rating: 26


MCM: Hell yes! Got to see a good old catfight ta go with the match. Good lead in to our main event.


CC: I have to say I like what I saw from Slim V. Between him and that big man from earlier it looks like Grimm made some good signings. The crowd even likes both.


MCM: They didn't seem too happy Busta won. That is for sure.






Fro Sure comes to the ring as the fans cheer. He probably has had the single best pop of the night as he high fives several people and gives fistbumps to several more. Once done playing to the crowd he grabs a mic and climbs into the ring.


Fro Sure: "Warehouse people, what the hell is uuuuuuup? Fro Sure ready to break another one down and put his title on the line tonight. Deaf Touch? You my homeboy, but tonight we are on opposite sides of the ring. Don't think I will go easy on ya. I know ya won't go easy on me as well. Come on out boy and let us rock this biiiitch!"


Rating: 42


MCM: The champ is pumped and ready to go. This will be a good one.


CC: I have been waiting for this one all night. These two are always a treat to watch. This is the first time they have faced off as well here in GSW.






GSW American Championship




Fro Sure © VS Deaf Touch


The two hug to start off the match then things get down to business. Both men seem to know one another well because both do well to counter quite a few move attempts from their opponent early on. It is a back and forth affair that is getting the crowd worked up the entire time as both men exchange close pinfall after close pinfall. The action even falls outside for a time and the pair brawl all around through the crowd and into the back areas of The Warehouse before coming back around and ending up back into the ring. A miscue from Deaf Tough is his undoing in the end and it allows Fro Sure to nail him in the corner with a Yakuza Kick and finish him off with a Northern Lights suplex.


Winner and Still Champion: Fro Sure (Defenses: 3)


Rating: 45 (MOTN)


MCM: Hell of a match, Cliff. Those two know how to fight.


CC: No doubt, MC. Good sports too. Fro Sure is helping D....what the hell is this?


MCM: What the **** is that?






Fro Sure is helping Deaf Touch to his feet when Mexico's Finest comes out through the crowd and sneak attacks both men. He lays waste to both men that have already been worn out by their long match and easily disposes of both by press slamming them over the top rope and to the outside one at a time. He shouts something about being disrespected and being left without a match as the crowd boos.


Rating: 34


MCM: You son of a bitch! Get out of that ring!


CC: Mexico's Finest decides to **** with everyone's mood and he takes out both Deaf Touch and Fro Sure.


MCM: Grimm doesn't like people ****ing with his main event. Even if it is over I don't know if this is the best idea that Mexico's Finest has had.


CC: He always has used his muscle over his brains, MC.


MCM: ****er better get out of the ring, because Grimm is coming out to give his announcement.






Staff manages to get Mexico's Finest to finally leave and others help Fro Sure and Deaf Touch to the back. Brother Grimm emerges dressed to look his best and has a bit of a smirk on his face. Along with him is someone else wearing a heavy jacket with the hood pulled to where it is hard to make out his face. He follows Grimm to the ring and they both climb in. Grimm takes a microphone while the man with him keeps his head down as the owner speaks.


BG: "Mexico's Finest? You can't ruin my mood right now, but be sure you will get a nice little present for what you just did. To all the fans gathered here you get to see something tonight that you will always remember. This year I take GSW to another level. This year I start to show what happens when I get disrespected by someone. I don't have to name names, because everyone knows who I am talking about. I am even sure you bitches are watching right now. At least I hope you do, because I know this man has something to say to a certain booker across town."


Grimm nods to the man who pulls his hood back. The rather rowdy crowd actually goes rather silent once the face of the man is seen. Many out of confusion and many more out of shock.


CC: Are you ****ing kidding me? Is that who I think it is?


MCM: **** yes!




Ash Campbell just grins and he looks around the crowd for a few moments before he speaks.


AC: "I know many of you might not know me. For those who don't let me introduce myself. I am Ash Campbell. If that doesn't sound familiar still then let me enlighten you. That second rate company over across town? The head booker is my father. A man that has always let his ego control him. A man that took something that could have been the biggest company in the world and ran it into the ground so bad he had to disappear.


You think that sort of thing would humble a man. I certainly thought it did. When I heard he was going out west to give something a try and in turn accept help from others I figured things would go well. It only took about a year for things to go back to how they always were.


You see 'John', you never could do anything right. You took a good company and you split it just because you wanted to run things your way. You fail as a booker and you failed as a father. This is why I am here tonight in The Warehouse. I hope you are watching, because I want you to see what your ego has done. You already made one company go out of business. It looks like history is about to repeat itself. I will bury you and give the Campbell name some respect."


The crowd is still in a bit of shock, but many are cheering by the time Ash quiets down and hands the microphone back to Brother Grimm.


BG: "Nemesis, prepare yourself. You wanted to **** with me? I will make your life a living hell. If you think you are pissed now? Just wait. I will make it worse. I'm going to make you and your company my bitch!"


With that being said he tosses the mic aside and the crowd starts to cheer.


Rating: 49


CC: Holy shit! Ash Campbell is with us now? Nemesis must be frothing at the mouth right now!


MCM: Brother Grimm has done it. He just punked the hell out of that bitch. He said he isn't even done. What the hell else could he do?


CC: I don't know! We will have to see next month. Shit, I might need that time just to let this all sink in.


MCM: Peace out my niggas!




Final Rating: 42


IPW's Writing On the Wall: 40


Winner: GSW

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Nice show Voeltzwagon!


A nice climax as well with Campbell's signing, although it should have been "obvious" I really didn't see it coming


Keep it up!


I have to admit I am surprised no one else had acted it, but GSW overall hasn't gotten too much attention even though all the diaries involving it have had great ideas. Glad you enjoyed it and hope I can give a few more surprises even if some may be obvious once the diary moves on.

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The first show of the year is in the books and I was pleased to see the results so far. The new signings all seem to be doing just fine with the rest of the talent backstage and I was pleasantly surprised at how much the crowd got behind The Silencer despite that being his first time in a ring. Him and Dharma should work well together. He has the look and she is a good talker. Slim V I had no worries about fitting in. If I could get his old 187 running mates a bit cheaper I would have them all join up. Even for the price Sayeed Ali is still one I have my eye on. Hardcore Killah would be a good veteran presence, but I am not sure if he has many years left in him. Maybe it is best to just allow Slim V shine on his own.


The hiring of Ash Campbell did just what I hoped it would do. It surprised and confused fans and it has the fans of smaller companies like GSW and IPW all talking. I can only imagine how pissed off Nemesis is. If he thinks I am done there he is sorely mistaken. He doesn't even realize I am right under his nose coaxing two talents away from him. One more because I like his style, but the other will put a big dent in the talent pool he has over there.


With the two I am working at stealing away I will have a total of four new talents next show. The other two were both out of work for the most part and weren't too pricey. It also gives Slim V two fellow Canadians to hang out with. One is a veteran that I am unsure if his gimmick will get over with since it doesn't fit well with our style, but he will work the hardcore style that the company demands and it will be nice to have another veteran along with Hard-1 to help out the younger guys. The other I think is looking forward to working for GSW. It is allowing him to go back to his hardcore roots. I think in a year or two he could be one of our top guys. In the ring I think he is already better than most, but he needs some time to get more popular in our area since he was primarily in Canada and the East coast his first several years in the business.


I still have a checklist of things to do. Talent wise I think I will slow on hirings for a bit. I want to work with the current crop of signings and see who I will keep and who I will cut. I have have hammered out a working agreement with CZCW so I can get some of my boys extra work and exposure while bringing some talents over to help improve my shows as well. I am thinking of doing the same for 4C. Maybe I can talk to Slim V about that since he knows most of the people over there. What might help me beat out IPW in the long run is I am willing to work with others. John always did like to piss everyone off and do things on his own. I am fine with finding friends in the business.


January was a good show for us, but I know we can do better. We will do better. It seems that we are going in a step in the right direction. It already seems the reveal of Ash and the promise of a war between two companies from across town has increased interest on our side at least. Ticket sales already have exceeded those of the last show and are still going. I am thinking we might be close to double of our last show when all is said and done. John and Gil are totally going to get proper ****ed.



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I agree. Great job signing Campbell, who's a personal favorite of mine among the second-generation workers. (As you'll see in my SWF diary! :p ) That should really get Nemesis angry, as Brother Grimm has noted...


Hope to be able to predict the next show! There's simply too many good diaries going around these days that I often miss out on a couple...

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I agree. Great job signing Campbell, who's a personal favorite of mine among the second-generation workers. (As you'll see in my SWF diary! :p ) That should really get Nemesis angry, as Brother Grimm has noted...


Hope to be able to predict the next show! There's simply too many good diaries going around these days that I often miss out on a couple...


I know what you mean on the good diary thing. I had to take a small break due to RL stuff and it was hard to just keep up with all the ones I read let alone try to pose something until this past week. I still have save files for my Bad Boys, TKW and Remo's Path saves so they might be revisited if I get more time to run multi diaries again. For now I figured I would act on an idea I had rolling about for awhile. And feel free to predict next time! I think I am going to do some sort of prize every six months or something in game. In fact.....next post up in a short bit!

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CC: What a first month for GSW, MC. Nemesis has to be frustrated to no end. His own son is now with us.


MC: And you said it best. It was just the first month. What the hell might our homeboy Brother Grimm have in store next?


CC: He gave us an impressive looking talent in Slim V, a monster of a new talent and Ash Campbell. It's going to be hard to top that.


MC: Brother does love a challenge. Looks like this February we will be having our next show which he is calling All Out War.


CC: If it is a war we got the first battle one. What about this next month? Let us see what we got on tap.


Match #1




Notorious VS Devyn Drop


CC: Devyn Retribution and Drop Kix have decided to combine forces and become a tag team in an attempt to help one another. It looks like they get quite a challenge for their first match.


MC: Brother Grimm done made a deal with CZCW and our first experience of the Coastal Zone competitors are the dangerous tag team known as Notorious. I think these two could fit in well with us normally.


CC: They are used to guys that flip and flop about. Lets see them get into a good brawl with some of our boys. Do us proud, Drop Kix and Devyn Retribution.


Match #2




The Silencer VS Slim V


CC: We finally got a name for our new big boy here in GSW. Looks like the honky goes by The Silencer. If his girl looks familiar it is apparently Dharma Gregg.


MC: That name...oh shit! She was one of those strip club wrestlers. Looks like during her time away she found herself quite the interesting travel partner.


CC: Wonder what their deal is. I would like ta find out more about them.


MC: Well we got another one of our new guys going against him this time around. Slim V tasted defeat last time. Can he bounce back? Gonna be hard, Cliff.


Match #3




Ash Campbell VS Hard-1


MC: Hard-1 was shit beat by Boneyard last month. He wanted a rematch, but Brother Grimm had another idea. Instead he gets to be the first man to face against Ash Campbell.


CC: I don't know if I like this or not. Hard-1 isn't exactly the most stable of guys and if he is mad he isn't getting his match he might take it out on Ash.


MC: Then Ash better be ready. Grimm brought him in not to just here to annoy our buddy Nemesis. Ash is a GSW boy now so he needs to be prepared.


Match #4




Deaf Touch VS A ****ing Zombie


MC: What the **** is this? A ****ing zombie? Zombies ain't real, Cliff.


CC: I don't know much about this. Grimm brought him in and Deaf Touch follows up his loss in last months main event by taking on uh....a zombie.


MC: This is a bit ****ed up....shit.


Match #5




Mexico's Finest VS Boneyard


CC: I think we found out why Hard-1 didn't get his match with Boneyard.


MC: Mexico's Finest decided to **** with Deaf Touch and Fro Sure and also delay Grimm's reveal. Now it is do or die time. If he can win he gets a shot at Fro Sure. If he loses? That bitch be gone.


CC: I don't think he would be missed by many. His attacks have targeted pretty much everyone on the roster the past few months. Now he has to deal with Grimm's personal bodyguard, Boneyard.


MC: **** him up, big guy.


Match #6




E-Z VS Busta Capp


MC: Didn't see E-Z last month. Not even in the corner of his buddy Sanchez. It seems he is back and he is ready to take on Busta Capp.


CC: Kandii will be there as always. Keep an eye on her because she is always ready to help her man win.


MC: Bitch better be careful, though. I don't think E-Z minds hitting a woman.


Match #7




GSW West Coast Championship




Sanchez Villano © VS ???


CC: Any ideas who he is facing, MC? You are Grimm's close buddy.


MC: **** if I know. He is good at keeping a secret if he wants. I know he apparently was supposedly a mean dude that SWF even had an eye on at one point.


CC: That right? Well he will need to be tough as hell if he wants that title. Sanchez has been pretty dominant and he has overpowered most that have went after him.


MC: He has to be good if he is getting a title shot like this. Even Ash isn't getting a freebie and he was a big signing.


Match #8




GSW Tag Team Championship




Dead Men Walking © VS Long Beach Crew


CC: I am looking forward to this. These two teams were bound to clash. Neither have lost here in GSW yet and they both had some bloody brawls previously.


MC: I think we can see the first title change in GSW here. Long Beach Crew have experience and they have beaten Dead Men Walking before. This shit will be crazy.


CC: A potential show stealer. I am ready for this.


Match #9




GSW American Championship




Fro Sure © VS ???


CC: I am unsure if I like mysterious Brother Grimm so much. I usually liked known what niggas were beating eachother up.


MC: Well we get paid to announce, Cliff. We do our job or we get replaced. This nigga better be good if he gets a free shot at our top dog.


CC: So we got a ****ing zombie and two niggas we don't know about. On top of that the two we don't know about get free title shots. Well I will trust the boss! If you want to see who they are tune in!


MC: Peace out, niggas!




Key for GSW: All Out War


American Championship: Fro Sure © vs ???


Tag Team Championship: Dead Men Walking © vs Long Beach Crew


West Coast Championship: Sanchez Villano © vs ???


E-Z vs Busta Capp


Slim V vs The Silencer


Deaf Touch vs A ****ing Zombie


Notorious vs Devyn Drop


Ash Campbell vs Hard - 1


Do or Die: Mexico's Finest vs Boneyard


And Predictions so far:


CageRage: 7/7


flaviooooo: 7/7


Huntman: 5/7


Midnightnick: 7/7

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I'm the only one that is 5/7.





American Championship: Fro Sure © vs ???

Tempting to go with ??? here, but I don't think the champ will lose to ???


Tag Team Championship: Dead Men Walking © vs Long Beach Crew

I think this could be a big win for DMW


West Coast Championship: Sanchez Villano © vs ???

Normally I'd go with a champ, but I'm feeling edgy today


E-Z vs Busta Capp

BUSTA CAPP IN HIS ASS i'm so sorry for that pun


Slim V vs The Silencer

I actually think I should go with Slim, but I'm sure I'll regret this


Deaf Touch vs A ****ing Zombie

Zombie is too old to become big in the promotion


Notorious vs Devyn Drop

Drop Kix is my dogggg


Ash Campbell vs Hard - 1

This sure will be a hard one


Do or Die: Mexico's Finest vs Boneyard

Boneyard may be scary, but Mexico's Finest looks scarier

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American Championship: Fro Sure © vs ???


Tag Team Championship: Dead Men Walking © vs Long Beach Crew


West Coast Championship: Sanchez Villano © vs ???


E-Z vs Busta Capp


Slim V vs The Silencer


Deaf Touch vs A ****ing Zombie


Notorious vs Devyn Drop


Ash Campbell vs Hard - 1


Do or Die: Mexico's Finest vs Boneyard

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American Championship: Fro Sure © vs ???


Tag Team Championship: Dead Men Walking © vs Long Beach Crew


West Coast Championship: Sanchez Villano © vs ???


E-Z vs Busta Capp


Slim V vs The Silencer


Deaf Touch vs A ****ing Zombie


Notorious vs Devyn Drop


Ash Campbell vs Hard - 1


Do or Die: Mexico's Finest vs Boneyard

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Key for GSW: All Out War


American Championship: Fro Sure © vs ???

When Fro Sure is losing the belt, it'll be with some buildup


Tag Team Championship: Dead Men Walking © vs Long Beach Crew

Both teams stay undefeated for now


West Coast Championship: Sanchez Villano © vs ???

New champ!


E-Z vs Busta Capp

Busta Capp looks like a gangsta rapper, E-Z looks like a doofus :)


Slim V vs The Silencer

Silencer stays strong


Deaf Touch vs A ****ing Zombie

Zombie is has no pop in US... plus he's a Zombie for god's sake :D


Notorious vs Devyn Drop

Tough one, as I think Devyn Drop are jobbers... but the other guys are not yours..


Ash Campbell vs Hard - 1

Ash comes in with a win


Do or Die: Mexico's Finest vs Boneyard

Bye Bye Mexico's Finest, it was not nice knowing you

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Key for GSW: All Out War


American Championship: Fro Sure © vs ???


Tag Team Championship: Dead Men Walking © vs Long Beach Crew


West Coast Championship: Sanchez Villano © vs ???


E-Z vs Busta Capp


Slim V vs The Silencer


Deaf Touch vs A ****ing Zombie


Notorious vs Devyn Drop


Ash Campbell vs Hard - 1


Do or Die: Mexico's Finest vs Boneyard

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GSW: All Out War


The Warehouse: 165 Attending






CC: Welcome to The Warehouse for another night full of action and violence.


MCM: Another month of crazy ass mofos ready to throw down. We are about to party GSW style my niggas.


CC: Brother Grimm has some surprises tonight including a ****ing zombie, Mexico's Finest fighting for not only a title shot, but his contract as well.


MCM: We got Ash Campbell taking on one tough nigga in Hard-1 and then two titles where the champs don't even know who their opponent is.


CC: The kind of excitement only GSW can bring. If you are too much get your ass out of here and go across town.


MCM: They got more pussies over there than those bitches at AAA.


CC: You one one cold nigga, MC, but you are right. Time to get this show started.






Devyn Drop VS Notorious


Devyn and Drop Kix are obviously not used to teaming yet and showing several mistakes at the start that Notorious capitalize on. The visiting tag team look right at home against the rowdy fans that are booing them and they jaw jack with them a bit too much. The heckling is something they must not be used to and in turn it allows the younger duo to make a comeback. Devyn Drop aren't above using some of the items around ringside to their advantage. They tie up Barrera with some electrical cables they find under the ring to take him out of the match. They double team Rivera inside the ring before finally finishing him off as Drop Kix dropkicks him right into Devyn who follows up with a backstabber type move to put him away.


Winners: Devyn Drop


Rating: 25


MCM: Hell yeah, go back to the Coastal Zone and lick yo wounds, bitches.


CC: I would say a bit of a surprise. Notorious must have been used to less vocal fans.


MCM: I say **** em. GSW one, CZCW 0.


CC: Oh shit, big man on the loose.






The man now known simply as The Silencer approaches the ring with a serious scowl on his face. A smiling Dharma Gregg walks with him arm in arm before pulling away to retrieve a microphone. They both enter the ring where The Silencer quietly stands at attention in the center of the ring while Dharma speaks.


DG: I am sure you all wonder why were are here. The two of us aren't exactly the type of people you would be at home. You are right. We aren't at home here. We are here for other reasons.


She pauses then looks to The Silencer and she smiles at him while he remains at attention and only keeps that scowl, though it does somewhat fade when he looks at the young woman.


DG: This man served our country with honor and he stopped many evil deeds being committed. Instead of enjoying a quiet life he has decided to continue to do what he feels like he was born to do. We have come to GSW because this is a place where many heinous acts occur. Just look at the men attacked while they were defenseless or tired from a match they just finished. I don't have the power to stop them, but he does.


She points towards The Silencer as she finishes that last sentence and he just gently nods as if agreeing with what she says and he begins to remove his military jacket.


DG: He is not just here to compete. He is here to protect. All of you in back heed my words. Be careful what you do because you may just find yourself silenced if you do not cease your cowardly ways.


Rating: 52


MCM: Shit, does he think he is some sort of superhero or shit?


CC: I think he is a man that I don't want to mess with, but we got a lot of tough people in back. He might learn just because he was military doesn't mean he can just do what he wants.


MCM: Dharma better watch her back too. He can fend for himself, but if she talks too much shit she may disappear.


CC: Sho nuff.






The Silencer with Dharma Gregg VS

with Osiris


Slim V doesn't seem intimidated by the bigger opponent and he goes right after The Silencer. His tactic isn't perhaps the most sound or best of ideas because he starts to get clobbered badly after getting overpowered. Osiris tries to get involved a few times, but Dharma actually does well at stopping here and when Osiris goes to strike she soon is reminded Dharma isn't exactly helpless and she throws Osiris to the ground and begins to beat on her to the fans delight. Slim V continues to have his comeback attempts quashed and he is soon the victim of an Air Raid Crash.


Winner: The Silencer


Rating: 37


MCM: Well shit. Maybe that woman can fend for herself somewhat.


CC: Well against another bitch mebbe, but I still wouldn't think she wants to tangle with most of the boys in back.


MCM: Slim V on the other hand must be wondering if he made the right decision to try and be a big dog here. Two matches and two losses so far.






Ash Campbell VS Hard-1


The big surprise from last month gets his first taste of action in a GSW ring and he is put to the test. Hard-1 is giving him a GSW welcome by a rather big ass kicking to start the match. Ash gets tossed out of the ring and draped over the barricade before Hard-1 gets on the apron and leaps off to deliver a legdrop that makes all the fans nearby wince from seeing Ash almost decapitated.


It takes a few more minutes, but Ash does finally start to fight back and he manages to get a moment to try and recover when he ducks out of the way of a charge on the outside and he grabs Hard-1 by the pants to tug him straight into the ring post and daze the veteran. The match starts to become a much more even affair now as both men slug it out and a particularly stiff elbow actually opens Ash Campbell up. It seems to put the younger competitor into a bit of a rage and he starts to unload on Hard-1 and gain the advantage. He eventually hefts up the veteran and nails him with a Package Piledriver and scores a pin.


Winner: Ash Campbell


Rating: 42


MCM: Shit, I had wondered if the kid would be tough, but he came out on top even after getting pretty ****ed up.


CC: Hard-1 is never an easy fight.


MCM: Unless he is sneak attacked by Boneyard.


CC: ****, even then he fought back some. I will give kudos to Campbell here. Welcome to GSW.






GSW West Coast Championship




Sanchez Villano © VS ???


Sanchez gets in the ring and he just seems a bit annoyed when no one comes out when the announcer asks for the opponent to step forward. He fails to notice the man that slips into the ring and assaults him from behind with a hockey stick.




The announcer bails while the stick wielding madman calls for the bell to start the match. Another swat breaks the stick over Sanchez' back and he gets tossed into the corner. Sanchez tries to overpower the other man, but he seems to have run into someone that can match him and he is fighting as hard as he can to try and get the upper hand. The assailant is just overwhelming him with stiff strikes and he has a wild look in his eyes like a man that is out of control.


Sanchez finally manages to elude a charge and he tries to slip out of the ring. He only has a moment before the man just dives out between the ropes and tackles him to the ground and continues his assault. The fans are actually getting quite into the match as the pair brawl on the outside and eventually Sanchez is subdued enough to be rolled back into the ring proper. The madman picks up the weakened champ and powerbombs the champ right into the turnbuckles before pulling him to the center of the ring and going for the pin. Three slaps to the mat later there is a new champion.


Winner and New Champion: ???


Rating: 36


MCM: Who the **** is that crazy ****er?


CC: Another surprise from Grimm. Oh shit, he has a mic.






That wild look still hasn't left the eyes of the new champion. He holds the GSW West Coast title up high in one hand and speaks into the microphone.


???: For those who do not know me....I am a man that was feared because of my violent streak. I have seen more blood than some surgeons and I thrived in the most dangerous of places. I have been stapled, I have been bounced off of thumbtacks. I have picked glass from light tubes out of my skin for hours.


He pauses and shakes his head. He climbs onto the middle turnbuckle as he sets the title over the top rope and he leans forward to leer at the fans.


???: Then I made a mistake. I forgot who I am. I saw the bright lights of SWF and it distracted me. It made me more docile. It made me weak. I let the idea of being a big star make me push away the staple guns....the thumbtacks....the glass....


His breathing grows heavier and then he just lets out a small giggle, one that soon becomes a loud laughter before he suddenly stops and just looks around at the rather perplexed crowd.


???: No more....I have been freed! I now remember who I am. I am a sadistic son of a bitch that loves the sight of blood. I REMEMBER WHO I AM! I AM JERRY MARTIN!


Jerry tosses the microphone away and he brings the title up to his mouth to chew on it and let it dangle from his teeth as exits the ring, bouncing about and giggling the entire way.


Rating: 38


CC: What the **** was that?


MCM: Shit, we already got enough crazy people here. That honky might have everyone beat.


CC: Well crazy or not, Jerry Martin is the first man in this company to take a title from a champ.


MCM: Shit, we might not have a title. Crazy ass bitch might eat that shit.






VS A ****ing Zombie


This zombie doesn't seem to be the shambling type. It must be more of a 28 Days Later fan because he moves quick and he tries to overpower Deaf Touch. Deaf Touch ends up being crafty and eludes the rather clumsy strikes of the zombie. He uses his speed and quick strikes to knock the zombie down, but the damn thing keeps getting back up. Deaf Touch finally resorts to a chair to try and stop it and even then it takes a hard blow to the top of the zombie's head to stagger it and finally make it stay down long enough for Deaf Touch to get the pin.


Winner: Deaf Touch


Rating: 35


MCM: That ****ing zombie is tough.


CC: Well I am pretty sure zombies don't feel pain, MC.


MCM: You can go ask if that is true, Cliff. I think I will stay away from that one.






Mexico's Finest VS Boneyard


This is not a pretty much, but it does involve the two most imposing members of the roster. Despite that the fans aren't very impressed and they do well to make themselves heard. It is a slug fest with no real finesse and the fans are at least treated to a relatively short match. Mexico's Finest is a tough and scary man, but even he has trouble with the massive Boneyard who nails Mexico's Finest with a corner avalanche then a big splash right in the middle of the ring.


Winner: Boneyard


Rating: 24


MCM: And that is what happens when you **** with Grimm. See ya!


CC: It was a gamble that didn't end up with a good outcome for Mexico's Finest. Instead of a title shot he is now unemployed.


MCM: Good riddance if you as me.






GSW Tag Team Championship




Dead Men Walking © VS Long Beach Crew


The two teams have been rivals since their IPW days and they encounter one another for the first time in GSW. Mobstar throws a trashcan full of weapons into the ring when the champs make their way in and things break down quickly. The referee pretty much stands back. Both teams can pull of impressive moves at times, but it seems their hatred for one another has left them pretty much swinging at one another with whatever they can find.


Gravedigga and Cali Slick start to even brawl into the crowd leaving Mobstar and Aces High in the ring. Aces High is starting to get the advantage when a man runs down to the ring and he waves his hands about to distract Aces High.




The fans are booing big time at the sight of Anslem Briggs and Aces High is confused why someone from IPW would be at ringside. He starts to go after the man, but Mobstar has recovered enough to grab Aces from behind and turn him around to meet a fist right to the jaw. Said fist has brass knuckles on it and Aces High just crumples to the ground. Anslem looks pleased as he backs away and watches the champs retain.


Winners and Still Champions: Dead Men Walking (Defenses: 3)


Rating: 42


MCM: What the **** is Anslem Briggs doing here? Why the **** is he helping the champs?


CC: This isn't making sense, MC. He works for the enemy....I think he does at least.


MCM: This isn't how things were supposed ta go down. **** the champs are good and all, but this match got ****ed by Anslem if you ask me.


CC: I don't think this will be the last time these two clash, MC.






with Kandii VS E-Z


A strange match given the crowd actually gets behind E-Z and starts and the boos get deafening when Busta Capp gets on offense. The two actually match up well and it ends up being a rather even fight. Busta does start to go on a roll after several minutes and he lets the fans know what the thinks of their boos by giving them all the finger. He should concentrate more on E-Z because while he is busy ****ing with the fans he gets pulled into a schoolboy and gets pinned.


Winner: E-Z


Rating: 25


MCM: Well....shit. E-Z is a tough guy, but Busta is one of our top dogs. I didn't expect that to happen at all.


CC: He let the crowd get to him like Notorious did earlier. E-Z just capitalized.


MCM: Busta doesn't look happy at all.






Fro Sure has arrived much to the fan's delight and he does his usual running around the ring fist bumping everyone before grabbing himself a microphone.


FS: Warehouse, what is uuuuuup? So it looks like Fro Sure has himself a surprise tonight. Brother Grimm seems full of that shit these days. Sanchez got a surprise like that and he lost. I won't allow that to happen to me. I got this belt for a reason. I almost thought I would be facing our new golden boy, but it looks like that isn't the case. So come on. Where my opponent at? I walked in the champ tonight and hell if I won't walk out. Whatcha got for me, Grimm?


Rating: 45


CC: Bold as ever.


MCM: He's our champ and he never has ducked a fight. Why would he start now?


CC: Well....here comes the boss. Looks like Brother Grimm has something to say.






Grimm steps out, but doesn't come to the ring. He remains at the entrance ramp overlooking the crowd and towards Fro Sure.


BG: I promised a war was starting. I promised that I would make those who wronged me regret it. Last month was the opening shot and I am far from easing up. It must eat at John that his son is working for me. It will eat him even more when he sees this. I hope you have a good show coming up, John. I am sure the title match will be great.


He just gives a sly grin and he looks over to a slightly confused looking Fro Sure.


BG: Fro, this is a old friend of ours. Why don't you make him feel welcome? I am sure you both have a lot of catching up to do.


With that being said, Brother Grimm steps aside and a face that hasn't been seen in The Warehouse for a few months steps out as the crowd hushes once again with surprise.




Rating: 40


CC: Holy shit!


MCM: Frantic Ali!? That nigga is IPW's champion.


CC: He's here in GSW and he is going right after the champ!






GSW American Championship




Fro Sure © VS Frantic Ali


The crowd starts to recover from the surprise of seeing Frantic Ali show up as the surprise challenger and they start to go wild when he hits the ring and goes after a still stunned Fro Sure. The champ is quick to recover and the two start to go into high gear. It is a match where both men are breaking out everything in their arsenal. Even the moves they rarely use start to make an appearance as a pleased Brother Grimm looks on for a few moments before disappearing into the back.


The crowd is treated to both men eventually spilling out of the ring and soon fighting through those gathered. They have refrained from pulling weapons on one another, but they are more than fine than slamming one another into any columns, walls, and such they come across. By the time they do manage to get the action back to the ring Ali has a cut on his forehead and Fro Sure is bleeding from the nose from a stiff elbow he took. They are starting to wear down and looking for that one move to put the other away. Or in this case it would be one missed move for Frantic Ali. Fro Sure manages to dive and avoid a corner charge and by the time Ali turns about he eats a Yakuza Kick to the face. The dazed challenger is then nailed with the Northern Lights suplex and doesn't manage to break the pin.


Winner and Still Champion: Fro Sure (Defenses: 4)


Rating: 52 (MoTN)


CC: The champ did it! Fro Sure retains!


MCM: Frantic Ali tried his damndest, but the nigga got beat.


CC: But that isn't the big part of all this, MC. Grimm scores another one over those bitches across town. GSW grows stronger.


MCM: This is a wild year and we are only two months in. I don't know if my heart can take it, Cliff.


CC: Well try to rest up. Who knows what we will see next month. See you all next time.


MCM: Peace out, niggas!




Final Rating: 46


IPW's Xtreme Overdose: 44


Winner: GSW

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Great show again!!


**** IPW :cool:


After rereading things this morning it did come out better than I initially thought! I had a power outage hit right as I was nearing the end of the write up and I was down and out for 5 hours. Thankfully saved the notepad file I had to where I just had to rewrite from Fro Sure's promo on and add a few song links to the post. At that point it was about 2am and I was tired and cranky so I was a bit more critical than I am now that I got some sleep.


As for the second part? **** IPW......aside from smwilliams' version. That one gets props.

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The show was good, better than the last, but yet not perfect. Ali, Martin and Toronto Zombie do add more ring savvy talents for the younger guys to learn from, but I still have a lot of talent that need to get better. For now I will hold off on hiring anyone more. The roster is starting to get a bit large for someone our size and now I can try to bring in workers from other companies to help make our big matches look better.


I managed to get a deal with 4C so now that gives me two companies to use talent from. Notorious didn't do as well as I had hoped. I am bringing in a slightly bigger name from CZCW next show to see how that works. He is a good talker and a great ring worker. I am down to deciding if he challenges Fro Sure for the title or if I feel like just letting him take on one of our better talents like Ash, Ali or maybe even Deaf Touch.


Martin can stay in the midcard and make the West Coast title viable I hope. He can work with the younger guys. Toronto Zombie knows he won't rise up and is fine with helping improve. He will work more on preshows than anything I think. Slim V is getting a good reaction and despite losing both his bouts the fans seem to be getting behind him. My biggest surprise is still The Silencer's reaction. He's one I want to be careful with. Let things slowly develop since he is starting a bit late in his career.


I am also pleased that many of my talents seem to remain loyal to me. After getting Anslem and Ali on board I was told by many people that they got calls from Nemesis. Every single one of them told him no. It seems he did find a capable replacement for Ali, but it isn't a long term one. Jack Griffith showed up and even managed to pull a decent match out of BB Colossus of all people and take their vacated title. He was ravaged by booze and drugs and is so much older than Ali, though. I can handle him being in IPW.


The final bits of business for the month were resigning a few talents. Busta Capp is a loyal guy and can work as a decent midcarder so I decided to keep him on board. Dropkix still has alot of work, but he is young and didn't ask for much of a raise to stay on. E-Z was the last one I had to resign and I wanted to keep him to help with the tag division. It is also the same reason why Villano dropped the title. It gives us five teams that can be regulars now and we can cycle through them without matches getting too stale for the fans. That and I have considered keeping Top Dolla and Cheech Kong as a part time tag team as well to help with things.


I am far from done, but now I must really concentrate on making something memorable than just surprises. I must think of some sort of story to keep people talking. Hmmm.....maybe I have something.



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CC: It's that time again. Time to talk about some good old GSW violence coming your way.


MCM: Last month IPW lost their champion to us and Anslem Briggs maybe jumped ship too? He seems to have his eye on Dead Men Walking


CC: He never really said anything. I still don't know what that nigga is up to.


MCM: Hell, I don't know. I couldn't get a straight answer from Grimm about it either.


CC: Our March event will be known as Games of War because the boys across town are running a show the same night I hear. I think Grimm is getting under someone's skin.


MCM: Shit, let them do that. They only gonna get embarrassed again.


CC: So what do we got on tap for our event?


Match #1




Long Beach Crew VS Brown Pride


CC: Brown Pride lost their title challenge and they ran off to lick their wounds like a bitch, but now they are back.


MCM: They are taking on Long Beach Crew who can't be happy about their own title match loss last month. Anslem Briggs may have cost them and they might be looking for a good way to vent their frustrations, Cliff.


CC: Good, let them vent on these two. Brown Pride causes us nothing but trouble anyways.


Match #2




Ash Campbell VS Slim V


CC: Ash got introduced properly to our brand of violence when he took on Hard-1 last month. Now he is getting in the ring with Slim V.


MCM: Slim V is still looking for his first win. Nigga is tough and I think he will get it soon enough....but against Ash? Shit, I don't know, Cliff.


CC: Anything can happen in GSW, MC. Look at the last two months?


MCM: That be true.


Match #3




Devyn Drop VS Mexican Hardcore Killers


CC: Devyn Drop did us proud last month. They beat those CZCW boys Notorious.


MCM: This is a bit different, Cliff. Sanchez is a former champ and E-Z got himself a win over one of our big dogs, Busta Capp. Put em together? Shiiiiit.


CC: Depends on what shape Villano is in I guess. That crazy honky Jerry Martin did do a number on him.


Match #4




Deaf Touch VS Hard-1


CC: This one is tough for me, MC. Deaf Touch is one tough nigga, but the more I see Hard-1 lose the more I think he is gonna snap and kill a nigga.


MCM: Two losses to start the year for him and perhaps three at this rate. This one can get ugly.


CC: Maybe the bloodiest match of the night if Hard-1 gets carried away....more so than normal that is.


Match #5




Frantic Ali VS American Elemental


CC: What the **** is this? We got some masked nigga coming from CZCW now?


MCM: Masked boy here is a decorated champ overseas and pretty new to CZCW from what I am told. Does he know what the hell he is getting into?


CC: Shit, I dunno. I know nothing about the guy. I know enough about Ali that I know he won't give two shits about how decorated this guy is.


MCM: Grimm seems excited about this one too. I guess it will be good since I rarely see my brotha excited and show it.


Match #6




GSW West Coast Championship




Jerry Martin © VS Top Dolla


MCM: There is crazy and then there is shit nuts. Top Dolla is one crazy ****er, but Jerry Martin is shit nuts.


CC: Never seen Villano beat like that before. Only way Martin loses that belt is if he misplaces I think.


MCM: If he even still has it. I still think he might have ate the damn thing or something.


Match #7




GSW American Championship




Fro Sure © VS Mobstar


CC: Mobstar already got tag gold. Now he gets a shot at our big title.


MCM: Will Gravedigga be in his corner? Shit, will Anslem be in his corner? Odds might be stacked against the champ.


CC: Fro Sure is used to challenges. He wouldn't be champ if he wasn't.


MCM: Yeah, but the numbers game might be too much even for a tough nigga like him.


CC: We'll see! You all can see too by coming out to The Warehouse or paying a modest fee on our website to watch our stream. See you niggas later!


MCM: Peace out!




Key for GSW: Games of War


GSW American Championship


Fro Sure © vs Mobstar


GSW West Coast Championship


Jerry Martin © vs Top Dolla


Frantic Ali vs American Elemental


Long Beach Crew vs Brown Pride


Deaf Touch vs Hard One


Devyn Drop vs Mexican Hardcore Killers


Ash Campbell vs Slim V


Prediction Scores So Far:


CageRage: 13/16


flaviooooo: 13/16


Huntman: 12/16


Midnightnick: 12/16


3rdStringPG: 8/9


I think E-Z getting one over Busta threw everyone for a loop this time around. Thinking of doing a prize every six months to start and more than likely it will be a way to influence storylines or maybe give someone a push. I will figure it out by the time June's show is over! Thanks to all so far that have been reading and predicting.

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