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NWA: Jim Crockett Promotions 1988

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OOC: This won't be as detailed as many of the things in here. It is honestly more for me to just keep track of what I'm doing more than anything in my game. There may also be times where it is updated very few and far between. I just got back into these games as something to wind me down after whatever busy stuff I do in my real life so this really is mostly for fun. Updates will be in bullet point format for shows as well as "Wrestling Observer" reports.





Wrestling Observer for Week 1 February 1988:


NWA Notes:

-In a major shake up Jim Crockett Jr negotiated and chose to bring in "Cowboy" Bill Watts to book for the foreseeable future.


-It appears Dusty Rhodes will continue to have a role, possibly more to keep his morale up than anything however.


-Lots of changes are expected and many have already been set in place.


-The promotion will now run 4 Pay Per Views a year as the March, June and September Clash of the Champions will now air on Pay Per View. As well as the December Clash has been dropped instead moving Starrcade from its traditional November slot to the second week of December airing on a Saturday allowing a full 6 weeks between Halloween Havoc and Starrcade.


-Ric Flair vs Sting has already been announced as in a cage for the NWA World Title at the March Clash of the Champions in all the promotional material. The feeling is that Watts is coming in during this angle but he wants to "hotshot" it as best he can without causing a major issue as he has another direction.


-To tie into the above point, Watts is very high on Arn Anderson and feels he could be utilized at a higher level. Its no secret that both Arn and Tully have talked to WWF recently, its also no secret that Ric Flair hasn't been quiet in his demand to do whatever can be done to keep them from leaving. We will see how that plays out with this shake up.


-So far Watts has sent feelers out to current AWA Heavyweight Champion, Curt Hennig, Chris Adams, Scott Steiner who is the younger brother of Rick Steiner and Terry Funk. Its expected that Hennig and Adams will be brought in with a bang, hoping to make them upper card players as soon as possible if negotiations go according to plan. Steiner is being brought in due to his tremendous look and athleticism as well as the hope that he will improve quickly with the roster he'd be traveling with as well as keeping his brother's moral up. Funk is an odd situation, last I've heard he's being offered a 6 month deal and to be presented as a very occasional iconic sort of act. Something tells me there is a plan in place possibly to put over a young talent.


-Watts and Crockett also had a meeting recently with Stu and Bruce Hart as they were interested in a talent trade type relationship. There seems to be high interest in Brian Pillman, Owen Hart and Gama Singh.

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Seeing as that this is a dynasty from my Main Event mod, I'll be following as well. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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