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Liberty States Wrestling (A Real World All Women's Promotion)

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I will be posting the first event tomorrow night.

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LST Guilty Pleasure 2013


Here is the card if anybody wants to guess some predictions


Leah and Evie vs Shanna and Jessie Belle

Ashley vs Lacey

Candice vs Lizzy

Emma vs Anya

Shantelle vs Shaul (LST Northwest Title Match)

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The one thing I need to know is how do I post pictures on here? I have tried and I was told I was not allowed. If someone can help me out, I promise this will be much more enjoyable for everybody.

You need to have a minimum number of posts on the forum before you are authorized to post pictures or links. I forget the exact number but I believe it's pretty low.

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<p>Leah and Evie vs Shanna and Jessie Belle</p><p>

<strong>Ashley</strong> vs Lacey </p><p>

<strong>Candice</strong> vs Lizzy</p><p>

<strong>Emma</strong> vs Anya</p><p>

<strong>Shantelle</strong> vs Shaul (LST Northwest Title Match)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Good luck, Dynasties are tough but can be a lot of fun.</p>

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LSW Guilty Pleasure 2013


What: LSW Guilty Pleasure 2013

Where: Local Arena (North West)

When: Saturday, Week 2, July

Attendance: 14




Shanna and Jessie Belle vs Leah and Evie


The show opened up with four of our young, up and coming wrestlers competing in a tag team match. Leah currently has a "Happy Go Lucky" gimmick which seems to be well received by the crowd. Evie has an Old School Face gimmick, but the crowd seems be turning on her already.


Jessie Belle comes from a rich family and she is supported by her daddy, which makes her think the crowd is not worth her time. She constantly yells at the crowd, trying to them to jar with her, which seems to be working. Shanna is playing up her Chosen One gimmick, thinking she is the one who is going to usher in a new age of women's professional wrestling to the masses.


The first match in LSW history goes down without much fanfare, but it does warm up the crowd. Jessie Belle, happy go lucky as she is, was talking with the crowd while Shanna locks in a submission hold on Evie, who taps out after struggling to make the ropes.


Winners: Shanna and Jessie Belle

Rating: 26


Frank Iadevaia walks down to the ring, but he is not showing much charisma. Most know he is the owner of a company without much money and is just there to play the authority figure.



Frank: I know that all of you here are excited to see ME! I am the owner of Liberty States Wrestling and I am going to be making you, THE FANS, happy. It takes a lot to run a wrestling company. I mean, I am on the phone constantly, trying to make new deals, trying to get some new wrestlers, and of course, designing our first ever championship, the North West Title. Tonight, in this very ring, you, the FANS, are going to see this title won by one of our female competitors.


(The fans in the crowd are dead quiet during this entire segment, as much as Frank is trying to get them to react)


Frank: Tonight, Shantelle will be taking on Shaul for the North West title!!


(Frank waits for the fans to react, which they do not)


Frank: Thank you!


(Frank leaves the ring to horrible music and the fans really just do not care about him at all)


Rating: 21



Lacey vs Ashley


Ashley was cut from NXT a couple of months ago and has found it hard to find work. She walks to the ring confident knowing that she has the beauty and the brains to get to the top of LSW. The fans have taken to her already she see seems to be a crowd favorite.


Lacey has a past in independent wrestling so the fans were expecting her egomaniac as she walked through the curtain. She jawed with the crowd a lot, as per usual, before finally getting into the ring.


The match, unfortunately, did not live up to the fans reaction to the two, but it did provide a surprise ending with Lacey taking the win cleanly with an Implant DDT.


Winner: Lacey

Rating: 20



Backstage, where see Ashley Ann Vickers standing next to Lizzy.


Ashley Ann Vickers: Lizzy, you have asked for this time tonight to talk about your opponent, Candice. Is there something you would like to say to her right now?


Lizzy: I know that this company is pretty new and I wanted to let everybody know what a stupid signing it was to bring in Candice. She is the most BORING person I have ever met in my entire life. It makes no sense to me why she is even in this industry, where you have to have good looks AND be a good time...I mean have a fun time. She is neither one of those.


Ashley: How long have you known Candice that you have come up with these assumptions about a person, who I think, is a very nice, fun person?


Lizzy: It doesn't matter how long I've known her. I just know that she will not bring any fans here to LSW and should be cut as soon as possible and tonight, when I pin her to the mat for three seconds and win, everybody watching will know this as well


(Lizzy walks out of camera shot with Ashley looking a bit stunned)


Rating: 29



Lizzy vs Candice


Lizzy walks out to the ring first, carrying a mirror, admiring herself in the mirror. She is a total narcissist. She tries to show the fans that she is a "good time" but they are openly mocking her. She doesn't care, thinking she is the best thing ever. It's really pissing off the fans.


Candice comes through the curtain high fiving the fans and gets in the ring. She is totally the girl next door and even though the fans don't "love" it, she isn't being rejected by them.


The match shows off Candice's abilities, but Lizzy uses every moment she has to stare at herself in the mirror. The end comes when Lizzy blows some dust in Candices eyes and rolls her up from behind, holding the tights for the pinfall.


Winner: Lizzy

Rating: 24



After the match is over, Lizzy's music begins and she starts dancing for the crowd, the entire time looking in the mirror. Candice is helped to the back while Lizzy continues to dance.


Rating: 56



Emma vs Anya


The next match starts right after Lizzy gets to the back as Emma comes through the curtains to a lot of fan fare. The fans seem excited to see her, but are also wondering why she up and left NXT to help a start up company. She is playing Happy-Go-Lucky character, sort of like the one she played in NXT. It is well received.


Anya walks through the curtain dressed in a short dress and pretends she is walking the runway. The fans haven't ever seem a glamour model like her before and as she gets in the ring, she tears off her dress to reveal her wrestling outfit.


It was a shame that Anya was cut because her and Emma had a decent match, which Emma won by submission to a Muta Lock.


Winner: Emma

Rating: 27



The match is over and Emma is on the ring ropes celebrating when Anya gets up and attacks her from behind. She puts Emma in a full nelson before slamming her down with a full nelson slam. Anya is standing over a fallen Emma and poses for the crowd before walking like a runway model to the back.


Rating: 31



Shaul vs Shantelle


The lights lower for the main event as the title is brought down to ring side. Shaul's music starts and she walks through the curtain. She walks to the ring acting like she is a universal heartthrob, and even though she is quite attractive, the fans boo her mercilessly.


Finally, Shantelle comes to the ring to a lot of fanfare. She was over in TNA and it shows as she is over here as well. She high fives the fans and hugs her dad, who is announced as a former world champion. She has a lot of family tradition to live up to.


It was announced that this was a "Last Man Standing - Pinfall" match before the bell rang. Both women fought hard, both scoring several pinfalls over one another. The end came when Shantelle hit a german suplex onto a chair, getting the pinfall, and Shaul not moving for the entire ten count.


Winner: Shantelle (First ever North West Champion)

Rating: 27



After the match Shantelle is presened with the North West Title and she starts to celebrate as confetti falls from the rafters. She celebrates with the fans before high fiving the fans and heading to the back.


Rating: 40


Final Show Rating: 34

**Increased our Popularity and Importance to 1 in the North West**

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LSW Broken Revolutions


LSW Broken Revolutions

Saturday, Week 2, August


Main Event - LSW North West Title Match

Shantelle vs Anya


Co-Main Event

Emma and Candice vs Shaul and Lizzy



Ashley vs Shanna

Leah vs Jessie Belle



Lacey vs Evie

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="bjh852" data-cite="bjh852" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36634" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Frank Iadevaia walks down to the ring, but he is not showing much charisma. Most know he is the owner of a company without much money and is just there to play the authority figure.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Frank: I know that all of you here are excited to see ME! I am the owner of Liberty States Wrestling and I am going to be making you, THE FANS, happy. It takes a lot to run a wrestling company. I mean, I am on the phone constantly, trying to make new deals, trying to get some new wrestlers, and of course, designing our first ever championship, the North West Title. Tonight, in this very ring, you, the FANS, are going to see this title won by one of our female competitors.</p><p> </p><p> (The fans in the crowd are dead quiet during this entire segment, as much as Frank is trying to get them to react)</p><p> </p><p> Frank: Tonight, Shantelle will be taking on Shaul for the North West title!!</p><p> </p><p> (Frank waits for the fans to react, which they do not)</p><p> </p><p> Frank: Thank you!</p><p> </p><p> (Frank leaves the ring to horrible music and the fans really just do not care about him at all)</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> For some reason, I found this bit enormously entertaining.</p><p> </p><p> Good first show. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p>
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LSW Broken Revolutions


What: LSW Broken Revolutions

Where: Local Arena (North West)

When: Saturday, Week 2, August

Attendance: 16 (Up 2 from last month




Evie vs Lacey


The crowd is filing in (slowly) as some opening music is heard and Evie walks out from behind the curtain. The crowd still isn't that excited to see her, but she slaps the hands of the fans who put them out. Evie hops up onto the apron, waves once more to the crowd, before ducking into the ring.


The lights dim and the music of Lacey starts to blast through the arena. She walks out to boos, but gets much more of a reaction then Evie. She points to herself constantly saying "I am the most beautiful, talented, and original wrestler in this whole organization." She enters the ring and pushes Evie in the face before saying "You got nothing on me little girl."


Unfortunately, the crowd could care less and not even the entire crowd of 16, who had arrived by the end of the match, saw Lacey nail Evie with an Implant DDT, roll her over, and hook the leg for the pin.


Winner: Lacey via Implant DDT in 5:59

Rating: 21


The opening music for the actual show begins and the music of Shanna blasts over the speakers. She walks out from behind the curtain with a microphone in tow.



Shanna: I am here! Your Savior has arrived in LSW and she is goooood. (Shanna continues to walk down to the ring) I am a benevolent deity who will shine down riches and praises on YOU! Tonight (Shanna starts to walk up the steps) my rise to the throne has already been etched in stone and it truly begins tonight. (Shanna steps through the ropes) I know a lot of you are fans of Ashley, but she is not me...She might be smart, beautiful, and athletic, but what else does she actually give you. (Shanna gets up on the turnbuckle) I, Shanna, can give you all of your wishes and dreams. Just believe in me...and Shanna will provide. (Shanna drops the mic and raises her arms, her head, and closes her eyes, acting as if the fans were cheering her, but mostly boos rang throughout the arena.)


Rating: 28



Shanna vs Ashley


Shanna is standing in the ring when Ashley's music begins to play throughout the arena. Ashley comes through the curtain and poses for the crowd. The crowd reacts well to her as she comes to the ring looking directly at Shanna the entire time. Shanna is confident, but it looks like that even though Ashley is placed higher on the card, she has doubts.


As for the match, the crowd really got into it and cheered every time Ashley made a comeback. Unfortunately for her, she missed a cross body block and Shanna was able to hit the "Perfection Injection" and pin Ashley cleanly in the middle of the ring.


Winner: Shanna via Perfection Injection in 7:10

Rating: 19



After the match is over, Ashley is slowing getting out of the ring, holding her head. Out of nowhere, Lacey returns through the crowd and attacks her. Lacey throws her into the ring steps and begins to taunt her loudly. Shanna watches from the entrance way, not doing anything. Lacey ends up ripping the mats up from behind the ring and hitting an Implant DDT on Ashley, knocking her unconscious. Blood is gushing from Ashley's head and Ashley Ann Vickers runs over and asks for help from the back. Shanna turns around coolly as Lacey begins to walk up the ramp.


Rating: 32



We head to the back while Ashley is getting attended to. Emma is shown walking out of the dressing room when from around the corner Anya hits a running boot, knocking Emma senseless. Anya stands over Emma, flipping her hair back before saying "That's how you put boots on the runway." The fans were not impressed with this segment as the one before was so brutal, this attack did not go over well at all.


Rating: 9




Jessie Belle vs Leah


Another match is about to start as Jessie Belle comes out from the back. You can hear her complaining about the state of the arena and that she is going to make a call to her father to get this placed cleaned up if they are going to be here month after month. She enters the ring and avoids talking to any of the fans saying she is too good for any of them because she comes from "Oil Money."


Leah comes out from the back, bouncing up and down happy as ever. She runs around the ring high-fiving and hugging a few people around the ring. The fans love her and she jumps up onto the ring apron and gets into the ring.


The match is a pretty good one for the two as Leah constantly tried to make friends instead of fighting. Jessie Belle kept trying to get away from Leah. After they finally locked up, the match heated up, but the end came with Leah hit the Flying Dutchman and scored the pin fall. It was an unfortunate match for Leah as she was off of her game and the match lacked because of it.


Winner: Leah via Flying Dutchman in 7:17

Rating: 17





We go to the back one more time where Candice was checking on Emma after her attack.


Candice: Why did she attack you in the first place?


Emma: I think she is mad that I beat her last month and wants to prove a point.


Candice: That's so petty when you think about it. I lost to Lizzy last month because she cheated, but you don't see me making a big fuss about it.


(As on cue, Lizzy and Shaul come into the frame)


Lizzy: You're not making a fuss because I pinned you fair and square...and square as in you are one. Emma, why do you even hang out with the most boring people? Shaul and I are going out later tonight. Why don't you ditch her and come hang out where the real party is?


(Lizzy and Shaul high five each other, thinking that Lizzy has totally burned Candice)


Emma: Let's fight


(The three are kind of taken back by the way Emma just blurted it out awkwardly, but Candice saves her)


Candice: Uh, yeah! How about you two versus us? We can do it whenever you want and we will show you just how much "fun" we can be.


(Frank Iadevaia comes into frame and the crowd lets out a large sigh)


Frank: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ladies! If there is going to be a fight, you know the owner (winks at the camera) needs to be involved in the match making process. You see (talking condescendingly) I have been on the phones all month to bring in some new talent, but in order to do that, we need to make more money. The only way we can make more money is if we bring in more fans (Waves to the camera. The fans shake their heads in the arena). So as the owner, I am making this match for RIGHT NOW! After all, the fans (snaps his fingers and points to the camera) come first.


Frank leaves the camera as the four athletes go their separate ways


Rating: 29




Emma and Candice vs Shaul and Lizzy


The music for Shaul starts to blast through the arena when Shaul and Lizzy walk through the curtain to a bunch of boos. Lizzy has her mirror like normal and is checking herself out. Shaul takes the mirror away from her and tries to show the fans how pretty she is. Lizzy takes it back away from her and walks down the ramp, getting in the ring, and checking her hair one last time.


Emma's music starts to play next as the two fan favorites walk through the curtain to cheers. The nod their heads and run down to the ring, sliding underneath the ropes, making the heels retreat to the floor. They go to opposite corners and pose for the crowd before jumping down to the canvas and start talking strategy.


The match went pretty well as the heel team seemed to have excellent chemistry with each other. Most of the match was the beating of Candice while trying to get a hot tag to Emma. The end came when Lizzy was standing at the head of Candice, blocking her way to Emma, and mocking her veraciously. Out of no where Candice put Lizzy into a small cradle and took the surprise win for her team.


Winners: Emma and Candice when Candice pinned Lizzy with a surprise roll up in 8:01

Rating: 21




Following the match, Shaul and Emma ended up leaving ringside and Lizzy and Candice are standing toe to toe in the ring jawing at each other. Lizzy walks over and grabs her mirror and tries to hit Candice. Candice ducks once, but Lizzy brings it back quickly and smashes her in the face. A prone Candice is then stripped down to her underwear by Lizzy who takes her clothes and laughs the whole way up the ramp. Candice tries to cover herself up as she lays in the ring holding her head.


Rating: 41




Anya vs Shantelle (LSW North West Title Match)


The lights dim as Candice goes to the back. Anya's music begins to play over the sound system as she walks out in another slim dress. She walks to the ring like runway model, stopping at times to pose before getting into the ring. She stops in the middle of the ring and poses before she starts to motion for the championship belt around her waist.


Shantelle's music blares throughout the arena. Shantelle comes through the curtain holding the championship way above her head. She points to the crowd before walking down to the ring the belt over her shoulder. Anya backs up into the corner as Shantelle steps through the ropes, gets up on the turnbuckle and raising the belt above her head. She jumps down to the apron and hands the belt over to the referee.


The crowd was hot during the match, but the match did not deliver at the same level. The end came when Shaul ran down to the ring and started to attack Shantelle on the outside, causing a DQ finish. Shaul through Shantelle through the ropes and hit a Gory Bomb on the champion.


Winner: Shantelle via DQ in 13:17 (1st title defense)

Rating: 29




The match is over and Shaul goes to the outside of the ring. She grabs the belt away from the corner man and gets back into the ring as Shantelle is trying to get back to her feet. Shaul looks at the belt and as soon as Shantelle gets to her feet and turns around, blasts her with the belt to her face.


Shantelle is knocked out on the ground as the crowd boos mercilessly. Shaul puts the belt around her waists and yells "This looks better on me doesn't it?" The crowd continues to boo her as she holds the title above her head. Before she leaves the ring she drops it onto Shantelle's face. "That will be mine soon." She exits the ring as the show ends.


Rating: 29

Final Rating: 31

**Increased our Popularity and Importance to 2 in the North West**

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