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A couple of questions from a new player

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Heyo folks,


Bought WMMA3 a week back and am enjoying it thoroughly.. I did get WMMA1 when it came out, but the game kind of scared the cream cheese out of me at that time! Far too many things to look at on screen and too many details to take into consideration. I played at that point for about 2 hours before pushing it into a dark corner of the pc.


After watching a couple of youtube vids of people playing WMMA3, how they went about making a card and the general approach to the game ( not to mention reading up some of the most useful info on a couple of guides on these forums ) I made the plunge and bought this third incarnation of the game.


Bashing it out as XCC and have been going for only about 15 months so far but I've managed to put on some shows that scored a fantastic rating.


First question I was wanting to ask was in regards to 'homegrown stars'... It describes the fighter has to hail from the same area as the company; Does it simply refer to the fighter being from that country, or does it go more specific and want the fighter to be from the same region in the country? ( IE, XCC being located in California so does it also want fighters from California, or can they simply be American? )


And question 2 was in regards to the 5000 dollar blocking from your boss, which I've seen other people suffering from. Our Mr Ryland posted that this hassle was fixed in a patch, but was it the patch from a week or so back? ...Or is my company still too young, and my position within the company therefore still too weak, to actually be allowed to go higher than a 5000 dollar offer? ( ... cause its kind of nasty to have recently failed in negotiations with Philip Ziskie considering he is my greatest star at present... ).


I think that was about all I wanted to ask I believe. Cheers in advance for any help.

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<p>If you take a look at the 'popularity' screen, you'll see the game is divided into regions. The country a fighter is in is only used for filtering purposes. So the fighter needs to be from any European country if playing SIGMA, any state if playing XCC (like in your case). </p><p> </p><p>

As for the so-called bug: you can always just turn off boss intervention I believe. Or is it the issue with the . being replaced by , ?</p>

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<p>With homegrown stars I'd thought that it only wanted the potential star to be from the same country that the fed is based in, but just wasnt sure if it wanted to be so specific as to also be from the same region.</p><p> </p><p>

..If it only requires the same country then most cool. There is a lot more standard american fighters than there are californian specific, so I can breathe a sigh of relief.</p><p> </p><p>

And I had downloaded the 1.1 temp patch last night so I'll see how it goes. I figured the 5k signing limit may also apply because I havent been involved in the XCC for very long, and although they're turning a neat little profit, they arent yet bringing in the big bucks from a PPV deal, so I'd thought the boss was somewhat justified in not letting me open the coffers to keep 1 fighter. ..If I can possibly now re-negotiate and score him after all ( figuratively speaking ) then more power to the XCC and may the top dogs be toppled in time!</p><p> </p><p>

On another line of thought, when a fighter retires and his 'character card' gets reused as a rookie fighter does he simply get given the exact same stats and details or does it dynamically reshuffle his abilities and truly turn him into a different fighter altogether?</p><p>

...Just curious...</p>

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On another line of thought, when a fighter retires and his 'character card' gets reused as a rookie fighter does he simply get given the exact same stats and details or does it dynamically reshuffle his abilities and truly turn him into a different fighter altogether?

...Just curious...


Skills are randomly generated based on templates. If you add/edit a fighter in the main editor you'll see a 'Template' button at the bottom. Pretty sure the same system is used (behind the curtain) to make regens. The game gives them a random style and chooses a level of skill (from 1 to 10), and sort-of-randomly generates their abilities based on that information. If you go to the 'Eras' section in the main editor, you can change some settings that will effect the quality and type of regens you'll get. The in-game editor has some of those options, but not all.


Details like nationality, height/weight, race and hometown will be the same as the fighter that retired or died. I'm 99% sure that if you change some of that stuff on the regen, the next incarnation of the fighter will use the details from the 2nd guy instead of the original.



Sorry, the short answer is 'yeah, it's random'. :p

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