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[HYPE] What Dreams Are Made Of (2013 Territorial System)

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It is July 2013. The National Wrestling Alliance has been going strong for 65 years. Talent is at the highest level it has been at since the glory days of 2002. Eric Bischoff, Ric Flair, Shane McMahon, Vince McMahon, Paul Heyman and Rocky Maivia run the most prominent wrestling companies in the United States, while Bret Hart runs Canada. Real life angles and "shoots" are the order of the day as wrestling fans are being served up doses of reality - for the first time in years, decades, wrestling fans are questioning whether angles they are seeing on their TV screens are in fact real.


So everything is good right? Calm?....


No - there is dissension in the air. Eric Bischoff and his American Wrestling Association have seceded from the NWA already. Now people are worried. Speculating. That a move that could rip apart wrestling is in the formulation. People claim that a ten year plan is about to come into fruition - brought down by his enemies in 1993 and forced to close his doors, Vince McMahon's power play is in motion. The powerful World Wrestling Federation is about to declare the almighty war that the 1990s promised...or are they?


This is a period of dreams - one dreams of destroying the Alliance; one dreams of leaving the Alliance; several dream of dominating the Alliance; hundreds dream of championing the Alliance; millions dream of seeing the war that will make or break the Alliance. Pick your poison and take control to find out what these dreams are made of...

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<p>By way of explanation - I have been really interested in an alternate reality mod - one that is based on the NWA and the territorial system still existing in the present day. I've decided to make one now and it will be my first ever mod. Based on this fact, combined with the fact that implementing such a system will be very difficult and require a ton of reshuffling, I'm sure this will be a huge challenge. If it doesn't work it will be a bust - if it comes off however it will be awesome. Either way, I guess one has to try...</p><p> </p><p>

I must stress - this will NOT include Japan/Europe/Australia/UK - Fleisch has kindly given me permission to use his wonderful RWC as a base and I will be importing NJPW, AJPW and a couple of Mexican companies just in case people want to fiddle around and make it a global game. But the whole thing is intended to be played, within the alliance, in the USA and/or Canada - that's the plan and if you're a Japanese/Mexican/Other fan, I'm sorry, but I don't know enough about these areas and even if I did, I struggle to see how it could all work within a territorial system. </p><p> </p><p>

So I've made a 13 page Microsoft Word document that documents, in a broad overview format, the history from the early 90s to present day of this alternate wrestling world - the reason for this is so that people can see the origin of the game's companies, their respective products, how they got to the present day and their current and past stars. I reckon that for something this far off reality and so unparallel to reality biographies alone won't paint a cohesive picture. </p><p> </p><p>

I'll need advice and support on this being my first MOD but for now I guess I have 4 questions for you all:</p><p> </p><p>

1) As players of a territory system, how would you like the Alliance settings made? Which boxes would you want ticked in the Alliance section of the MOD for the NWA and how would you want it to work? I think I WILL restrict it to each company being able to only hold shows in their own region as to me that's the whole point of the territorial system and it will allow complying players to build an unmovable presence in their own regions...while allowing disgruntled players to leave the Alliance and attempt what Vince did in real life. Each company I have put in occupies a different section of the TWE American region plan so that's possible.</p><p> </p><p>

2) Contracts - would you like to see them as written, exclusive PPA, PPA or a mix (e.g. a promotions very top stars will be written, others will be PPA)? </p><p> </p><p>

3) The NWA Title - of course in real life, in the 80s and before, the prestigious NWA World Title (the top world title in my game) was the title that mattered. It was defended by the NWA Champion in his territories but also elsewhere at the promotions of other NWA members - e.g. when Ric Flair was the NWA World Champion at MACW, he'd defend his title there against their top stars, but also travel to defend his title in Canada at the Tunneys' territory, or in Stampede, or elsewhere in the USA e.g. in WCCW, St Louis' Sam Muchnick promotion, Kansas with Harley Race, in Florida with Dusty Rhodes etc. The issue in TEW is that ultimately the title cannot be allocated to the Alliance - it must be allocated to a promotion (in the mod it is held by Austin Aries in Shane McMahon's Detroit Territory, the Motor Wrestling Federation). So how can we recreate that territorial system feel whereby the NWA Title can move promotion to promotion? If the shared talent option in the Alliance settings is ticked, does this mean that you can trade a talent to the promotion that has the NWA Title and have a worker from another promotion beat them for it?</p><p> </p><p>

4) In reference to question 3 - would you like to see the other promotions have an alternate world title (of a significantly lowered prestige of course)? Because if they don't have the NWA Title, they'd need a top title in THEIR promotions right?</p><p> </p><p>


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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LuckIsForLosers" data-cite="LuckIsForLosers" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36812" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>By way of explanation - I have been really interested in an alternate reality mod - one that is based on the NWA and the territorial system still existing in the present day. I've decided to make one now and it will be my first ever mod. Based on this fact, combined with the fact that implementing such a system will be very difficult and require a ton of reshuffling, I'm sure this will be a huge challenge. If it doesn't work it will be a bust - if it comes off however it will be awesome. Either way, I guess one has to try...<p> </p><p> I must stress - this will NOT include Japan/Europe/Australia/UK - Fleisch has kindly given me permission to use his wonderful RWC as a base and I will be importing NJPW, AJPW and a couple of Mexican companies just in case people want to fiddle around and make it a global game. But the whole thing is intended to be played, within the alliance, in the USA and/or Canada - that's the plan and if you're a Japanese/Mexican/Other fan, I'm sorry, but I don't know enough about these areas and even if I did, I struggle to see how it could all work within a territorial system. </p><p> </p><p> So I've made a 13 page Microsoft Word document that documents, in a broad overview format, the history from the early 90s to present day of this alternate wrestling world - the reason for this is so that people can see the origin of the game's companies, their respective products, how they got to the present day and their current and past stars. I reckon that for something this far off reality and so unparallel to reality biographies alone won't paint a cohesive picture. </p><p> </p><p> I'll need advice and support on this being my first MOD but for now I guess I have 4 questions for you all:</p><p> </p><p> 1) As players of a territory system, how would you like the Alliance settings made? Which boxes would you want ticked in the Alliance section of the MOD for the NWA and how would you want it to work? I think I WILL restrict it to each company being able to only hold shows in their own region as to me that's the whole point of the territorial system and it will allow complying players to build an unmovable presence in their own regions...while allowing disgruntled players to leave the Alliance and attempt what Vince did in real life. Each company I have put in occupies a different section of the TWE American region plan so that's possible.</p><p> </p><p> 2) Contracts - would you like to see them as written, exclusive PPA, PPA or a mix (e.g. a promotions very top stars will be written, others will be PPA)? </p><p> </p><p> 3) The NWA Title - of course in real life, in the 80s and before, the prestigious NWA World Title (the top world title in my game) was the title that mattered. It was defended by the NWA Champion in his territories but also elsewhere at the promotions of other NWA members - e.g. when Ric Flair was the NWA World Champion at MACW, he'd defend his title there against their top stars, but also travel to defend his title in Canada at the Tunneys' territory, or in Stampede, or elsewhere in the USA e.g. in WCCW, St Louis' Sam Muchnick promotion, Kansas with Harley Race, in Florida with Dusty Rhodes etc. The issue in TEW is that ultimately the title cannot be allocated to the Alliance - it must be allocated to a promotion (in the mod it is held by Austin Aries in Shane McMahon's Detroit Territory, the Motor Wrestling Federation). So how can we recreate that territorial system feel whereby the NWA Title can move promotion to promotion? If the shared talent option in the Alliance settings is ticked, does this mean that you can trade a talent to the promotion that has the NWA Title and have a worker from another promotion beat them for it?</p><p> </p><p> 4) In reference to question 3 - would you like to see the other promotions have an alternate world title (of a significantly lowered prestige of course)? Because if they don't have the NWA Title, they'd need a top title in THEIR promotions right?</p><p> </p><p> Thanks</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> 1) I think in terms of the Alliance setting, have trades is a must, not sure if I like the idea of restricting it to home region. Since there is national tv and ppvs, I'm not sure if they could realistically stick to just one region. But at the same time, I am not an expert on the game mechanics, I just don't want any big cult or higher promotions ending up losing popularity in regions they don't go to for events.</p><p> </p><p> 2) I would give national or higher companies written, they would occasionally end up having a match somewhere else because of the trading within the alliance. Cult companies should have some on written, the rest on exclusive PPA or PPA depending on status within company. I think that at cult, a lower midcarder and lower should have PPA and be free to work with other companies within the Alliance.</p><p> </p><p> 3+4) I think each territory should have their own Main Event tittle. The NWA World Championship should in my mind be in the biggest company within the alliance. I know you can't trade championship belts, I am unsure about champions being traded. I would say that players themselves can move the NWA belt around in editing to whichever territory they want. Maybe have Austin Aries work for the top 3 territories?</p><p> </p><p> I am very interested in the concept. Wondering about deceased wrestlers, such as Owen Hart, Eddie Guerrero, Davey Boy Smith, Umaga etc...are they going to be in this mod? Would like to hear more about the alternate world. How many territories are there? How many promotions are not in the Alliance?</p>
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