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Hall of Fame 2013 Voting Phase

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The Nomination phase is over and now we come to the Voting phase. The Voting Phase goes like this:


1. Each person gets 3 votes to be placed in my pm box. Only those sent to my pm box will be counted.

2. Only those listed on the Contenders list at the bottom of this post are eligible.

3. These 3 votes are to be placed in order: 1, 2, 3.

4. Vote listed at 1 gets 3 points, vote listed at 2 gets 2 points, vote listed at 3 gets 1 point.

5. Self-Votes are NOT allowed.

6. Those who are already in the Hall of Fame get one extra point per vote. So their 1 vote gets 4 points, their 2 vote gets 3 points, their 3 vote gets 2 points.

7. Feel free to post publicly in this thread who your votes have gone to and why people should vote for them.

8. Hall of Famers already are as follows: Monkeypox, Scapino1974, Tristram, Adam Ryland, Nevermore, Tigerkinney, KeefMoon, J Silver, James Casey, BigPapa42, Marcel Fromage, Reaper, Dragonmack, Eisen-verse, Self, Phantom Stranger, jhd1, The Final Countdown, angeldelayette and NoNeck.

9. Any further questions, feel free to ask on this thread or in my pm box.

10. I will not be updating this thread with the numbers as I want it to be a surprise for the most part who gets in.

11. 3 people will be voted in at the deadline.

12. The contenders are listed in alphabetical order.

13. This will run for one month, until November 11 at 12 Noon PST.




1. 20LEgend

2. Beejus

3. Infinitywpi

4. Jingo

5. michgcs

6. MichiganHero

7. MJStark

8. Oldschool

9. The Lloyd

10. Wildfire1324

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