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I have been playing around with this game for the past week, learning the in's and outs. I was curious, what affects a match rating? I know the performance rating a fighter has can be deceiving but a bunch of fights I have put on have got poor or awful ratings even though there seems to be good action in the fight and the fighters had decent performance ratings.


I was just curious if there was something to keep and eye out for when trying to put on fights that will receive a decent or higher rating. If there is a thread that answers this please direct me to it, I tried Google and the help file but couldn't find a specific answer

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<p>I've found good matches happen more often if there is a mismatch and one side wins in a convincing manner early in the fight.</p><p> </p><p>

Poor matches are usually the result of two fighters being too close in skill to each other and ending up with 3 (or 5) rounds of both sides failing to connect with their strikes and takedowns.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm a relative noob to the series though, so maybe someone else can help you out more.</p>

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The fighters' skills aren't directly relevant, fights are rated entirely on what happened in the cage, then modified by the hype level. Close, exciting fights full of action will do well, one-sided demolitions, very short fights, or ones with lots of stalling or non-action will not.
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<p>Indeed. Stage beatdowns for easy "Great" ratings. If you want "Fantastic", you're going to have to hire exciting fighters (the ones that use <strong>exotic attacks</strong>) to get consistent ratings like that.</p><p> </p><p>

Also: a lot depends on your <strong>product setting</strong>s. K-1 rules are significantly more exciting to watch. Long 15min rounds take away from the excitement most of the time.</p><p> </p><p>

"Excellent" fights don't happen often obviously. Sometimes the stars align and you get to witness an excellent fight. I think a lot of it depends on the <strong>'heart</strong>' rating.</p>

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