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Poll - New Mod - YOU Choose #PeoplePower!

Poll - New Mod - YOU Choose #PeoplePower!  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. Poll - New Mod - YOU Choose #PeoplePower!

    • Big 3
    • 2013 Territorial System
    • Attitude Role Reversal
    • The Aftermath
    • The War Continues
    • TNA vs WWE
    • MNW2

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Hi all


I've been heavily thinking of, and planning to, create a mod (most likely alternate reality) for a while now. My pet project was a real world 2013 territorial system one - where the great territories of the late 80s and the NWA system still existed. As some of you know by seeing the shortlived hype thread I had created a 15 page history from 1989 - 2013 of what happened, why the system still existed, who the territories were and how they got to 2013 and who the stars of the times were. However, I started a job as a corporate lawyer at the start of September and so I haven't had the time to execute it fully. The reality is is that while I had everything from stats to roles and companies planned, for such a complex system, there were still too many questions I had to pull this off on my schedule.


So what I've done here is list the several ideas I've had for mods. Some are more detailed than others but I'd like to see which you think is the best (and vote on it) and suggest your ideas for it. Based on the results I'll pursue whichever is most popular and open. So here goes:


1) THE BIG 3 - 2013 - the idea here is that WCW lived - Fusient Media Ventures purchased them in 2001 and we are now in 2013, real time. One of two scenarios here - (i) ECW also lives and so ECW's roster comprises much of ROH's (which of course does not exist) and some of WWF's more "indie" talent and WCW had taken, in 2001-2003, some of the bigger stars that ended up being WWF in reality (e.g. maybe Eric Bischoff signed John Cena in 2001 and based the new WCW around him). Also, much of TNA's Mid South/Mid Atlantic/South Eastern talent e.g. Storm, Styles etc would be on WCW's roster. Or (ii) ECW does not exist but TNA does, whilst the WCW roster would probably comprise several wrestlers who are now in the WWF (I prefer option 1 as 2 would seem like almost lazily porting TNA and then just splitting WWF in half and calling one half WCW).


2) 2013 Territorial System - 2013 - I'll put the link to the original hype thread here as it's easier that way. Advantage - I think it's a kick ass idea and I already have a detailed plan to the point that I know who every territory's stars are and who's pushed and even some cool starting storylines. It's also pretty cool - for example, Nick Nemeth (Dolph Ziggler) was pushed as WWF's premier star, not Cena, based on Nemeth's looks, skills etc...it's a lot of fun. Disadvantage - the actual execution of this, the conversion of the hugely detailed idea onto a concrete and coherent mod is very very difficult. All sorts of issues e.g. how do you have a proper NWA World Title which is defended on different territories. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=525659


3) Attitude Role Reversal - 1996 - it was a very popular idea when I posted it and I had discussed starting it with NWAvsWWF but we haven't talked about it in 2 months and I expect he, like me, is very busy. Anyway here's the link - I'd be happy to kick this off myself if it's popular enough. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=525414


4) The Aftermath - c.2002-3 - the Monday Night War is over. But WCW won. They won the bidding war for Brock Lesnar and after a huge program between Lesnar v Goldberg, combined with the departure of The Rock to Hollywood and Steve Austin injuries, WCW smashed through the competition and their ratings skyrocketed to unprecedented levels. They won the war. Now one of three things can happen here - (i) prior to going out of business at the hands of the international juggernaut WCW, WWF and ECW have merged (company head is Vince, booker is Heyman) to create EWF. It's a cult company focused heavily on the New England/Tristate/Midwest area. Now they try the ascent back. (ii) WWF is a shell - they've lost their TV deals, they're a small cult, their stars' popularity has nose dived and Rock has left for Hollywood. Much like the WCW lives Genadi mods, you face a huge uphill battle here trying to win with a screwed over WWF. (iii) WWF and ECW are out of business. Their talent are all unemployed. What ensues now is 3 new companies are created - Heyman creates the Trist ate based one, Vince creates titan wrestling in New England and Shane creates a Mid West “Motor City Wrestling Federation” - all the ex-WWF talent is unemployed, the companies are shells and it is a free for all competition.


5) The War Continues - c.2003-2005 - Who says that the War needed to end in spring 2001? The Monday Night War continued and still does in this scenario - WCW never went out of business because Eric B completely took over the company and went as “Attitude” as Attitude can get to compete with ECW’s Hardcore TV and WWF’s Attitude; ECW didn’t bomb on TNN...instead they thrived and are a strong Cult. WWF DID shoot to the top with Rocky and Austin. You now have a Big 3 with a war continuing. All 3 companies have advantages and disadvantages - ECW have a great pool of young talent but very low money and are still cult. WCW have a very well-rounded roster from younger stars like Styles and Daniels to hugely over veterans like Hogan, Sting and Goldberg but a toxic backstage. WWF are international size with tons of momentum but Austin is on the physical decline and Rock is part-time. This could be fun because the young talent WCW had from 1996-2001 - everyone from earlier talent like Jericho and Mysterio to later talent like Styles, O’Haire and Kanyon - you now get to push them.

6) TNA vs WWE - January 2010 - so this is probably the only real world reality mod that hasn’t been properly and freshly done for TEW13. I’d do it so it starts on Monday January 4th 2010, that legendary date. From that point, TNA has signed Hardy; and Anderson; and Burke. Now you book it how it should be booked. I’ll Derek B scale the mod. I wouldn’t mind doing this as I really want to play it but I really do prefer Alt Reality.


7) MNW2 - May 2010 - The Monday Night War 2. As with 6), it is based on the TNA v WWE Monday Night War. Except this time it WAS a success for TNA. 1 and a half years on and TNA succeeded - NOT won - but did well. They’re still a “cult”, but a very very strong cult on the cusp of national status. WWF has a much stronger national presence, is clearly #1 and has the international presence it had in real life. However this was, at least for me, a terrible point in WWE’s product, probably made better by TNA and Jeff Hardy’s horrible showing at the time. Perfect time as the pipe bomb hasn’t happened yet so you don’t have a ready made star in CM Punk. Orton is on the down, Batista is long gone, Chris Jericho is long gone, Punk isn’t yet a made man, Edge has retired, Taker/HHH/HBK aren’t full time wrestlers anymore. All you have is Cena. Lots of opportunities here for some fun alternate reality - TNA and WWE can have realistic finances but WWE could have some big contracts expiring...or TNA players can take TNA national quickly and sign up free agents like Jericho and Batista. Alternatively, the gameworld storyline can be that the Carters PROPERLY invested in TNA much like Turner did in WCW. The net result is that TNA is almost in exactly the same position WCW was in 1995. Except you do it right. And AJ, Roode and Storm are still 34, Joe is 32, Aries is 33...you don’t have the sentiment that you do in a 2013 mod where you feel that you can’t properly push these guys as your franchise as they’re too old.

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<p>Decision?</p><p> </p><p>

Hi all</p><p> </p><p>

Thank you to everyone who has been voting. It's good to see. </p><p> </p><p>

I know that there's a week and a half yet to go but in 2 and a half weeks I'm going to Barcelona. After that I'm busy with business/work and then am in Amsterdam for a lot of December. Point being - this mod has to be done NOW in the next 2 weeks or at least substantially finished to make a release this calendar year. </p><p> </p><p>

Whilst the territorial system mod has decent voting, it seems clear that the winner is going to be the real world 2010 TNA vs WWE. With everyone's permission, as this is a democracy (<img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />) I will request that we end this thread/close it/close voting and go for the landslide winning TNA vs WWE. </p><p> </p><p>

For those that voted for the next two most popular votes (territorial system 2013 and "Monday Night War 2") - by doing TNA vs WWE, the latter can easily be made around Xmas time by me as the basis will be there.</p><p> </p><p>

Territorial - it WILL happen one day soon. I promise. I've spent too much time planning it for it not to be executed. Right now however, even if it was in the lead, I simply don't have the time for something of this detail to get done.</p><p> </p><p>

As for <strong>TNA vs WWE</strong> - in my opinion, the best course of action here is to use a 2010 current mod (someone, I believe Smasher 1311) sent me a March 2010 mod. Also I'm sure TEW2010 has some. Point being, I think the best course of action is to take such a mod so that I have the rosters intact; then check the rosters to ensure they're correct; and then go to work rescaling/editing/re-modding everything to make it tight and to make it DEREK B friendly!</p><p> </p><p>

Then, if I can work with someone on getting a picture file, we're home and dry and this can potentially be wrapped up very soon. Thoughts? Recommendations?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LuckIsForLosers" data-cite="LuckIsForLosers" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36937" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>As for <strong>TNA vs WWE</strong> - in my opinion, the best course of action here is to use a 2010 current mod (someone, I believe Smasher 1311) sent me a March 2010 mod. Also I'm sure TEW2010 has some. Point being, I think the best course of action is to take such a mod so that I have the rosters intact; then check the rosters to ensure they're correct; and then go to work rescaling/editing/re-modding everything to make it tight and to make it DEREK B friendly!<p> </p><p> Then, if I can work with someone on getting a picture file, we're home and dry and this can potentially be wrapped up very soon. Thoughts? Recommendations?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Can't wait! I'd love to play during this time period.</p>
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