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(RtL) Fluffy, the Straight Edge Emo

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<p><strong>Match 3</strong>: vs New York Red</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Match Thoughts</strong>: We're one and one. The big blow off match is after this one, so whoever wins here will have the mental advantage going into it. It's a must win.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>During Match Happenings:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*11:11 Me and Red are fairly even in our skills, but he is a bit better at avoiding my moves. As we wear each other down, I'm more worn down than he is and he gets into the big moves. After taking a Powerbomb, I break up a Stunner. That certainly would have ended it. (12% vs 45%)</p><p> </p><p>

*11:47 Red hits a Powerbomb with a pin and I barely kick out at 2, he immediately goes for a Face Crusher but I break it up. I'm running on fumes here. (3% vs 45%)</p><p> </p><p>

*13:15 I break up another Face Crusher attempt and put him down with a Swinging Neckbreaker. I stomp him a few times and then pick him up from behind. A German Suplex with a bridge picks up a very shocking victory! (CoW was 210 lol)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After Match Thoughts</strong>: I pulled that out of my butt. Now onto the match that really counts, the fued ender. It's all or nothing.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Verdict</strong>: It was competitive, but this match lacked any real spark or energy and will soon be forgotten. Overall Rating: **</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final Match</strong>: vs New York Red (IN A STEEL CAGE!)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Match Thoughts</strong>: My first cage match. Can't say I'm not a bit nervous. Chants of "Red's gonna kill you!" fill the crowd.</p><p>


During Match Happenings</strong>:</p><p> </p><p>

*8:59 We start out even like usual. But something magical is happening in THIS match. Once I wore him down enough, I started knocking him down so I could rake his face on the cage over and over and over again. His face is a bloody mess now. (69% vs 32%)</p><p> </p><p>

*9:21 I shoot the Straight Edge Sign and then hit the Drunk Driver for the first time in my career. Now Red is gushing blood like a fire hydrant. (69% vs 25%)</p><p> </p><p>

*12:32 Red blocks up my first attempt at a Razor Blade but I drive him on his bloody head with an FDT, pick him back up and hit the Razor Blade! I climb the cage, making it all the way to the top but before I can get to the other side to climb down, Red grabs my foot and pulls me down. (49% vs 0%)</p><p> </p><p>

*13:45 I go for a Fisherman Suplex but it's broken up, I slip out of Red's Headlock Takedown and hit the Fisherman Suplex. Red is so out of it he can't even reach his feet by the time I'm over the cage and down to the floor.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After Match Thoughts</strong>: That was a hard fought fued, I lost one match along the way but I won the Cage match and won 3 out of the 4 matches we were in. Take that, Red.</p><p>


Verdict</strong>: This was a perfectly acceptable but perfectly dull bout that will soon be forgotten. Overall Rating: ** (What more do you people want?!)</p>

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<p><strong>Independent Tagging</strong> (once again)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match #1</strong>: Smooth as Fluff vs Lucas Danger and Arthur Dexter Bradley</p><p>


Pre Match Thoughts</strong>: Two very skilled indy wrestlers. Austin probably wishes he had a better partner right about now. </p><p>


During Match Happenings:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*4:30 Me and ADB start out. I try to keep up with him, but Bradley is a skilled high flier and I'm flipping and flopping all over the ring without my consent. The high point is when I'm trapped in the corner and he comes at me with intent to dropkick me and I rush up and clothline him. Other than that, I'm demolished. I do manage to tag out to Smooth before I'm hit with a finisher. (45%/100% vs 100%/79%)</p><p> </p><p>

*5:52 Austin nails ADB with a sick DDT and busts him open. I'm taking credit for it, the little offense I got in, I was focusing on his head. All a part of our strategy. (45%/98% vs 100%/62%)</p><p> </p><p>

*7:08 The attack on the dead of ADB continues as Austin hits a Western Brainbuster Suplex. (45%/98% vs 100%/18%)</p><p> </p><p>

*7:25 Austin goes for a Raised Bow and Arrow but ADB breaks it up and gets the... wait for it... HOT TAG!! (45%/96% vs 100%/18%)</p><p> </p><p>

*10:57 Danger dominates Austin just as hard as Austin was dominating ADB. Danger hits moves from the top, in the corner, and lands several ground strikes. Austin is finally able to move out of the way of a legdrop and makes the TAG CALIENTE! (49%/43% vs 94%/18%)</p><p> </p><p>

*16:11 I get in the ring and I abuse Danger like he just cheated on my girlfriend! I unload with all sorts of strikes and holds. Several series of stomps wear him down. I hit a couple Swinging Neckbreakers. Danger goes for a Spear but I counter it with an STO! (43%/43% vs 15%/18%)</p><p> </p><p>

*16:39 Danger tries to tag out but I grab him from behind, spin him around, and throw him down with a Bridging Fisherman Suplex. The ref counts to three, and I just totally took out Lucas Danger like he was nothing.</p><p>


After Match Thoughts</strong>: Funny how every tag match lately has seen me be better against one opponent and Austin better against the other. Our strategy to ruin ADB's head worked to perfection, but it was my relentless ground strikes to Danger that won the match.</p><p>


Verdict</strong>: This match had a few good moments, but for the most part it was painfully average and will not linger in the memory. Overall Rating: **</p><p> </p><p>

(Raised Striking from 220 to 230)</p><p>


Match #2</strong>: vs Zachary Inc and Mercutio Sleep</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Match Thoughts:</strong> Zachary Inc won't be too much of a problem. Big slow guys have given me trouble in the past (hello Land Mass) but Austin can take him. Mercutio Sleep however is going to be the bigger problem. He is good at basically everything.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>During Match Happenings:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*4:18 Me and Zachary start out. It's my technical skill vs his strength. We stay pretty even, each getting in our shots. Zachary tags out first, bringing in Mercutio. I'll be tagging too at first oppurtunity. (74%/100% vs 80%/100%)</p><p> </p><p>

*5:42 Sleep hits a Belly to Belly Suplex first thing when he goes in. Before I know it, he has me begging for mercy. Feeling that he has control, Sleep plays to the crowd. Using it to my advantage, I get up and run to my corner getting Austin in. (45%/100% vs 80%/97%)</p><p> </p><p>

*10:47 Austin and Sleep go at it like two titans of the ring. Both show off some of their more crowd pleasing moves including dueling Spinning Arm Drags. Sleep tags out. If Austin needs me, I'll be slumped in the corner licking my wounds. (45%/64% vs 83%/67%)</p><p> </p><p>

*13:08 Austin tries to use his speed to take out Zachary but he gets caught and driven down with a Powerbomb Pin. Austin kicks out after a one count. (45%/33% vs 74%/67%)</p><p> </p><p>

*13:58 Zachary nails Austin with a Piledriver then stalks him until he stands and goes for a Double Arm DDT to finish him. Austin breaks it up and gets the tag to me. I'm not feeling much better, but I'll give it a shot. (49%/22% vs 63%/67%)</p><p> </p><p>

*15:31 I get Zachary down and I literally do nothing but stomp on his lifeless body for two straight minutes. Starting to feel out of breath I wait for him to stand and go for a Side Headlock, but Zachary shows some rare agility and slips out the back. He immediately tags out to Sleep. Just what I needed. (49%/22% vs 48%/69%)</p><p> </p><p>

*17:29 Sleep beats down on me and tries to finish it with an Inverted Snap DDT but I break it up and tag Austin in.(23%/23% vs 48%/58%)</p><p> </p><p>

*19:40 Austin comes in and goes toe to toe with Sleep again. Austin gets Sleep down and locks in a Stump Puller. Sleep struggles for a long time, reaching for the rope but it's too far away and he has no option but to tap! BIG upset victory!</p><p>


After Match Thoughts</strong>: We were lucky to get that win. Neither me nor Austin were more than a single big move from counting the lights. A win is a win though.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Verdict</strong>: A run-of-the-mill competitive bout. Overall Rating: **</p>

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<p><strong>Match #3</strong>: vs Oriel Desjardins and Doctor Michael O'Haire</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Match Thoughts</strong>: Oriel is a big scary looking guy, but he is a teddy bear (pretty lame regen), O'Haire on the other hand is a veteran with actual skill. We'll want to keep him on the apron.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>During Match Happenings</strong>:</p><p> </p><p>

*3:18 Austin starts out with Oriel and pulls no punches, or kicks, or holds, or throws. Basically he destroys him in a matter of three minutes. Austin goes for the kill with a Stump Puller but Oriel doens't tap. After a failed attempt at a Tornado DDT, Oriel tags out to O'Haire, saviing the match. (100%/98% vs 27%/100%)</p><p> </p><p>

*9:08 Austin tears into O'Haire just as hard. Hitting move after move. After failing to hit a Full Nelson Legsweep, Austin instead takes O'Haire down with a Running Bulldog. O'Haire is now busted open! (100%/85% vs 27%/37%)</p><p> </p><p>

*11:31 Austin continues to beat down on O'Haire but he can not finish him off. The time comes and I tag myself in. (100%/65% vs 27%/9%)</p><p> </p><p>

*12:04 I come in hit a DDT. Picking O'Haire up from behind I try to finish the match with a German Suplex but it's broken up and he runs to his corner to bring Oriel back in. (100%/65% vs 33%/2%)</p><p> </p><p>

*13:43 Oriel tires to corner whip me but I reverse it. The blind ref doesn't move and Oriel collides with him. Great, just great. (83%/65% vs 18%/2%)</p><p> </p><p>

*16:24 I try to finish Oriel off several times but he keeps getting out of my moves. He's wearing me down every time I miss or get a move broken up. Oriel tags out first though. I need to figure out if I should tag out too, or just go for the kill? (42%/65% vs 0%/8%)</p><p> </p><p>

*16:53 O'Haire tries to Powerbomb me but I fall on top and get a 2 count.</p><p> </p><p>

*18:23 I'm unable to finish O'Haire off, and he is really starting to hurt me. O'Haire goes for the finish with a Sleeper but I slip out of it and tag Austin in. This match is over. (9%/68% vs 0%/0%)</p><p> </p><p>

*19:10 Austin goes for the Smooth Hold, but O'Haire breaks out of it. But Austin hits O'Haire with a Super Kick. 1.. 2.. kick out! (9%/68% vs 0%/0%)</p><p> </p><p>

*21:10 Austin finally finishes the match, catching O'Haire with the Smooth Hold. O'Haire is quick to tag out.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After Match Thoughts</strong>: Austin took both of them down pretty quick but they showed alot of heart in making it a match. I tried to be the hero but once again I'm reminded that I am the weak link of our team.</p><p>


Verdict</strong>: That was a prefectly acceptable but perfectly dull bout that will soon be forgotten. Overall Rating: ** (WTF?! I did the highest possible move every time like people said to do and I still got **??)</p><p> </p><p>

(Striking raised from 230 to 240)</p><p> </p><p>


Last Match</strong>: vs Beale Pelletier and Crash Lewis</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Match Thoughts</strong>: Beale is the worst wrestler I've faced so far. He looks like some guy they found in line for tickets and they were like 'Hey, wanna fill a spot tonite?'. Crash ain't much either, beat him before.</p><p>


During Match Happenings</strong>:</p><p> </p><p>

*3:14 I start off with Crash. I have a pretty easy time taking him down. I'm not the biggest guy, or even close to it, but Crash is so washed up that I'm able to take alot of his strikes and just shrug them off and keep going. He eventually has to tag out to Beale. I'm not the least bit worried. (90%/100% vs 100%/53%)</p><p> </p><p>

*5:14 I beat down on Beale a little, as he offers little in defense. However, as soon as he gets on the offensive he starts inflicting a good deal of punishment. A clothesline sends me crashing to the floor, allowing Beale to tag Crash back in. (72%/100% vs ??/62%) (I didn't catch what health Beale was at)</p><p> </p><p>

*7:03 Once Crash is back in, I regain control. After taking a momentary beating, Beale is tagged back in. Their tag tactics leave alot to be desired. (72%/100% vs 81%/37%)</p><p> </p><p>

*9:39 I've dominated both Beale and Crash but the toll has been taken. I'm about to lose, so I rake Beale's face and tag Austin in. (36%/100% vs 15%/37%)</p><p> </p><p>

*10:13 Beale hits a headbutt on Austin and tags out to Crash. Alot of tagging on their part, but not much offense. </p><p> </p><p>

*11:18 Austin locks in a Straightjacket Surfboard, but Crash refuses to tap. Austin brings Crash down with a Pancake Facebuster pinning combonation and gets the 3!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After Match Thoughts</strong>: Two easy tag bouts in a row, and a perfect month for Smooth as Fluff. Yeah, it's mostly due to Austin Smooth but I'm reaping the benefits.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Verdict</strong>: It perhaps could have been a little more competitive, but other than that this was a decent, watchable bout. Overall Rating: **</p>

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<p><strong>Tag Mash Up</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match #1</strong>: Fluffy and Remmy Honeymen vs El Medico and Mercy Michaels</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Match Thoughts</strong>: To prove, or try to, that I am not the weak link (Daniel Bryan anyone?) I am going to tag with random partners this month. My partner for this match is just as capable as Austin Smooth. Our opponents are equally as skilled. If I want to show how good I am, this will be a good launching point.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>During Match Happenings</strong>:</p><p> </p><p>

*3:14 Remmy and Medico start things out. Remmy assumes control almost right away and mainly keeps Medico with his back turned, landing blows to his back and using hammerlocks to disable him. (100%/98% vs 71%/100%)</p><p> </p><p>

*10:00 Remmy assumes control of Michaels. They go back and forth. Michaels goes for ALOT of corner whips, none of which Remmy can manage to reverse. Eventually, Remmy decides to tag me in. I guess if I want to prove myself I have to actually get in the ring huh? (100%/70% vs 71%/57%)</p><p> </p><p>

*11:34 I FDT Michaels straight into the mat and then pick him up from behind and hit an Inverted Reverse DDT. I flash the Straight Edge Sign as go for the Razor Blade as he stands. It's broken up. Darn, couldn't be that easy. (100%/70% vs 71%/25%)</p><p> </p><p>

*17:09 Michaels quickly tags in Medico. Me and Medico go all over the ring beating on each other. I have a hard time avoiding his moves, but mine are doing alot more damage than his. I go for a Drunk Driver but he falls on top of me and I kick out easily at 2. (78%/70% vs (36%/25%)</p><p> </p><p>

*19:13 After a Running Swinging Neckbreaker, I flash the Straight Edge Sign again and go for another Drunk Driver, Medico just falls on top again and this time I kick out at 1. Medico leaps to his corner for the tag. (78%/70% vs 10%/28%)</p><p> </p><p>

*19:41 Michaels runs in and goes for a Seated Face Plant, I break it up and grab ahold of him tossing him like a rag doll with a Fisherman Suplex. Surprisingly it's enough for the 3 count!</p><p>


After Match Thoughts</strong>: Let's call it a month and say I'm successful? No? Alright. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Verdict</strong>: A thoroughly one-sided bout whose lack of competitiveness robbed it of any drama. Overall Rating: * (Don't care anymore)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match 2</strong>: w/Mercutio Sleep vs Crash Lewis and Mercy Michaels</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Match Thoughts</strong>: Are you kidding me? Michaels has a worse partner and I get Mercutio Sleep as mine? *dies laughing*</p><p>


During Match Happenings:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*4:35 Mercutio starts out and picks a very bad time to have an off night. Michaels is on the other side and he is dominating Sleep like he IS asleep. I'm yelling as loud as I can for him to tag me in, and finally Mercutio is able to. (100%/46% vs 100%/89%)</p><p> </p><p>

*8:25 Michaels must be pissed off that I pinned him last match, because he is beating me down too. He was not this determined a week ago. A nice exchange happens when an FDT attempt is broken up, Micheals goes for a DDT which I break up, I then finally plant him with the FDT. (51%/46% vs 100%/68%)</p><p> </p><p>

*14:52 I have a more level playing field facing Crash Lewis, who is tagged in shortly after the FDT. After an exchange of a dozen powerful but missed/avoided moves, Crash tags back out to Michaels. I need to tag out too if I get a chance. (39%/46% vs 38%/66%)</p><p> </p><p>

*16:58 Just when I think it's hopeless, Michaels has cooled down and isn't the same madman on a mission he was in the beginning. I think about staying in and finishing the job, but I do the smart thing and get Mercutio back in. I can't risk taking the pinfall. (30%/51% vs 38%/41%)</p><p> </p><p>

*19:21 Mercutio breaks up a piledriver, hits an inverted DDT then hits the Go To Sleep (not to be confused with the CM Punk version). Somehow, Michaels kicks out at 2! (30%/34% vs 38%/4%)</p><p> </p><p>

*19:32 Mercutio waits for Michaels to stand back up from the Go To Sleep and BAM! hits a Super Kick. The three count is elementry. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After Match Thoughts</strong>: A much harder match than I anticipated. Michaels REALLY didn't want to lose to me twice, and to his credit it wasn't me who pinned him this time.</p><p>


Verdict</strong>: This was your standard, everyday, ten-a-penny average wrestling match. Perfectly acceptable, but hardly memorable. Overall Rating: ** (Who grades these needs to get out more)</p><p> </p><p>

(Raised Striking from 240 to 250)</p><p> </p><p>

(Sneak peek for next match. Of all the twists and turns, Mercy Michaels is my next partner. And Greg Levesque is joined by... Mercutio Sleep! Dun dun dun!)</p>

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<p><strong>Match 3</strong>: w/Mercy Michaels vs Greg Levesque and Mercutio Sleep</p><p>


Pre Match Thoughts</strong>: Yeah, you saw that right. I'm teaming with Mercy Michaels and now Mercutio is my opponent. Luckily poor wimpy Greg is also on the other side. Oh yeah.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>During Match Happenings:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*6:28 Me and Mercutio start out. We exchange weak strikes and holds, feeling each other out. Surprisingly, I come out ahead. Once I get him down, I lay in the stomps like there is no tomorrow. I lock in a Sleeper Hold from behind which Mercutio doesn't tap to, but I knock him down with a Chop Block. Mercutio gets back up and gets the tag to Greg (HOT TAG) (89%/100% vs 100%/45%)</p><p> </p><p>

*10:52 Greg comes in with thoughts of taking over, but I quickly remove that thought forceably from his head with my fist and my foot. It isn't long before i'm laying boots to him as well. I've been in the ring for over 10 minutes though, so I tag out to Michaels. He can do my dirty work for a while. (71%/100% vs 47%/45%)</p><p> </p><p>

*11:47 Michaels lays boots to the grounded Levesque and then picks him up and Spears him back down! Michaels picks him back up, but Greg fights out of it and tags Mercutio back in. (71%/100% vs 16%/47%)</p><p> </p><p>

*15:!5 Michaels is outmatched by Mercutio, to my dismay. Michaels is good on offense but he lacks the ability to dodge or block or break ANYTHING that Mercutio is throwing at him. I reach out and tag myself in as the two of them are backed up into our corner. (76%/57% vs 16%/38%)</p><p> </p><p>

*19:19 Me and Mercutio exchange moves for a few minutes. I try to get to my corner to get Michaels back in, but can't gain enough of an advantage to do so. Mercutio misses a Springboard Clothline and I hit the Drunk Driver. I pick him up and go for the Razor Blade but it's blocked. Undetered, I go for it a second time and it hits! The 3 count is elementry.</p><p>


After Match Thoughts:</strong> I spent most of the match in the ring and took my team to victory. If that doesn't prove I'm worth I don't know what will.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Verdict:</strong> This match had a few good moments, but for the most part it was painfully average and will not linger in the memory. Overall Raring: **</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Last Match</strong>: w/Crash Lewis vs Fearless Blue and Mercy Michaels</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Match Thoughts:</strong> I guess this is an unofficial fued with Mercy Michaels. A perfect month for me is in some serious jeopardy right now. My partner is someone I've pinned a few times and Michaels is back on the opponent side. Argh.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>During Match Happenings:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*4:16 What better way to end a fued I didn't know I was in than for me and Mercy Michaels to stand toe to toe to start this match. As things have gone so far, I gain a small advantage over him. Once on the mat, I stomp the hell out of him and he retreats and tags out to Fearless Blue. I'm shaking in my boots. (89%/100% vs 100%/72%)</p><p> </p><p>

*6:12 Never underestimate your opponent. Blue comes in like a cat in heat and starts hitting me from all angles. He comes off the top with a Double Axehandle. He throws me into the corner on two occasions and delivers blows. He goes for a sunset flip but I fall on top and get a one count. Usually I'd tag out, but my partner is Crash Lewis. (64%/100% vs 100%/72%)</p><p> </p><p>

*10:13 Blue dropkicks me to the outside and then climbs the ropes and hits a Double Axehandle. Blue continues to beat on me outisde and hits a Legdrop Bulldog before re-entering the ring. I start to stand up dazed. The ref is counting me out... but I'm able to get in at 9. (lucky roll saved me) (11%/100% vs 86%/72%)</p><p> </p><p>

*14:10 Crash does about as good as I figured he would. Blue is able to dropkick him to the outside too, fortunately Crash doesn't allow himself to get beaten down while outside. They get back in the ring and Blue decides to allow Michaels back in. (11%/68% vs 72%/77%)</p><p> </p><p>

*16:41 Crash holds his own against Michaels. I yell at him to put the boots to him and Crash responds well. Michaels decides he's had enough and Blue is back in the ring already. (11%/54% vs 74%/46%)</p><p> </p><p>

*17:34 Blue goes to the well again with the Sunset Flip and Crash copies my counter and just sits on top of him. Blue kicks out at two. (11%/39% vs 74%/46%)</p><p> </p><p>

*20:34 Blue goes for several more Sunset Flips, a couple connect and the rest don't. Either way, Crash is never close to being pinned for the three count. Blue starts going for his Legdrop Bulldog finisher but Crash blocks it each time. Crash is finally able to tag me in after hitting a DDT. I'm still tired and my head hurts, but I still give my team the best chance of victory. (18%/9% vs 50%/46%)</p><p> </p><p>

*22:10 I hit a FDT right away and begin kicking the hell out of Blue. Blue makes it to his feet and I try for a Fisherman's Suplex but it's blocked. I hit a Running Clothesline than flash the Straight Edge Sign before successfully grabbing Blue and landing the Fisherman's Suplex, bridging and getting the three count! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After Match Thoughts</strong>: What a comeback! I had doubts it was even possible to pull this out but I did. Despite stiff competition, despite a partner who was NO help, despite having no energy left, despite having the headache from hell, I triumphed. I think I can go back to Smooth as Fluff as an equal partner.</p><p>


Verdict:</strong> A good match, it was very competitive but perhaps the wrestlers could have kicked it up a gear or two. Overall Rating: (gasp!) ***</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

(Next Storyline is Brothers in Arms. Me and Austin Smooth are going to face 4 random tag teams in hardcore matches. Should be fun.)</p>

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<p><strong>Brothers in Arms</strong></p><p>


Match #1</strong>: Smooth as Fluff vs Trauma and El Mitico Jr. (Hardcore match)</p><p>


Pre Match Thoughts:</strong> Two familiar faces across the ring from us. Both are competent but I have faith in our team. Plus, I can use a chair. That's always good.</p><p>


During Match Happenings</strong>:</p><p> </p><p>

*2:05 No time to grab a chair, I'm getting my butt handed direct to me by Trauma. I'm unable to move or block any of his standing strikes. And despite a rare speed advantage, I'm having trouble moving out of the way of his ground strikes. A quick tag to Austin saves me from further punishment. (66%/100% vs 95%/100%)</p><p> </p><p>

*6:19 When did Trauma become Tommy Cornel? Smooth fares no better against him than I did. In fact, Austin can't even get to our courner to tag me back in for nearly 4 minutes. Trauma is still looking fresh as when the match started. Us, not so much. (69%/32% vs 84%/100%)</p><p> </p><p>

*7:38 I come in and get in the first real offense of the match. Working my way behind Trauma, I hit him in the back and the back of the head, transition back to the front and then go for a Fireman's Carry, but he blocks the attempt and tags out. Hopefully Mitico is having an off nite. (69%/32% vs 74%/100%)</p><p> </p><p>

*10:49 Mitico is not having an off nite. He runs circles around me. After hitting a Knee Plant DDT, I kick out at 2 but Mitico goes straight into a Double Underhook Piledriver, I break it up. (24%/32% vs 74%/95%)</p><p> </p><p>

*12:12 I try to get in a little offense so I can get to the corner and tag out but Mitico is relentless trying to finish me off. I break out of several finishers but it's a Lucha Piledriver that connects and I'm down for a 3 count.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After Match Thoughts</strong>: Well, the hardcore portion of the match never took place. Neither me nor Austin got enough offense in to even attempt to grab a chair or a table. Every dog has their day, Trauma and Mitico were two *itches tonite.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Verdict</strong>: This was a dull and lifeless bout that never got out of first gear. Overall Rating: *</p><p> </p><p>

(Raised Striking from 250 to 260)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match 2:</strong> vs Achilles the Mighty and Toronto Zombie</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Match Thoughts:</strong> Two very strong competitors, litterally. We'll want to use our speed to counter that and avoid a second straight loss.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>During Match Happenings</strong>:</p><p> </p><p>

*4:15 Achillies gets the better of me. I try to avoid his strength advantage but he throws me around like a rag doll. For some reason, he tags out first. (64%/100% vs 80%/100%)</p><p> </p><p>

*6:44 Toronto Zombie uses his strength on me as well. I'm able to land a few good shots in though and I get Austin in the match for the first match. (47%/100% vs 80%/84%)</p><p> </p><p>

*7:56 Smooth goes on the offensive right away and Zombie stumbles away and tags Achillies back in. (47%/99% vs 80%/63%)</p><p> </p><p>

*11:29 Achillies dominates Smooth with strong strikes like Discus Clothlines. Austin is able to tag me back in. I don't know if that's good or not.(50%/46% vs 75%/63%)</p><p> </p><p>

*13:53 Achillies puts me down with a Lucha Piledriver. I'm sensing a theme this month.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After Match Thoughts:</strong> I'm used to this singles competition but Smooth as Fluff has not faced this level of humiliation before. And we haven't even used the hardcore rules to it's logical end yet.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Verdict:</strong> This was a perfectly acceptable but perfectly dull bout that will soon be forgotten. Overall Rating: **</p>

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<p><strong>Match 3</strong>: vs Penfold Perditiion and Cal Sanders (Hardcore Match)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Match Thoughts</strong>: Two hardcore tag matches, two losses. Neither had anything hardcore in it. Maybe it's time to change that.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>During Match Happenings:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*5:04 The bell rings and I climb outside and throw a chair into the ring, setting the tone. Cal catches me as I re-enter and tries to take control, but after a few moves I regain it and do some damage of my own. Cal is the better man in the beginning though and when we find ourselves spilling to the outside, I use a snap suplex to get a break and enter the ring to tag Austin in. (57%/100% vs 100%/77%)</p><p> </p><p>

*5:47 We finally get hardcore as Austin lands a Back Suplex on Cal onto the chair inside the ring. (57%/100% vs 100%/64%)</p><p> </p><p>

*6:19 Cal tries to tag out after Austin misses a Running Kneedrop but Austin gets up quickly and stops him with a DDT. Austin makes a mistake and goes straight for a Flip Legdrop and Cal moves again, this time tagging in Penfold. (57%/96% vs 100%/53%)</p><p> </p><p>

*8:33 Penfold makes the critical mistake of throwing Austin into the corner. Smooth easily avoids a clothlesline and delivers more than a dozen corner strikes before setting up the chair in the ring and attempting a Clothlesline by jumping off of it. Penfold counters the move into a Running Shoulder Block and the momentum changes hands. (57%/88% vs 79%/53%)</p><p> </p><p>

*9:33 Penfold hits a Powerslam (Not calling it a Power Bodyslam) on Austin right on top of the chair! (57%/69% vs 75%/53%)</p><p> </p><p>

*10:43 Austin goes for a DDT onto the chair but it's broken up. Penfold grabs Austin for a Powerslam onto the chair but Austin slips out of it. Austin goes for a Flipping Neckdrop onto the chair but it's blocked. Austin finally breaks up the sequence by taking the big man down with a Chop Block. (57%/68% vs 59%/53%)</p><p> </p><p>

*11:33 Austin hits Penfold with a Russian Legsweep onto the chair. The use of the chair overall is definately in our favor. (57%/68% vs 42%/53%)</p><p> </p><p>

*13:11 Austin tries to finish Penfold off with multiple moves onto the chair but the well is running dry and Penfold escapes out of all of them. Austin retreats and tags me back in. I'm a little fresher, but Penfold is a big tree to chop down. Good thing the chair is still in the ring. (60%/47% vs 42%/53%)</p><p> </p><p>

*16:23 Penfold tags out almost right away and Cal is rearing to go. He hits me with a DDT onto the chair and then begins beating me within an inch of my life. He sets up a Twisting Face Crusher onto the chair for the win, but I block the attempt and tag out. (18%/48% vs 40%/42%)</p><p> </p><p>

*16:42 Austin climes the ropes, Cal stands up, and Austin jumps off with a Flying Forearm Strike but it's countered by Cal with a Dropkick. (18%/45% vs 40%/42%)</p><p> </p><p>

*18:42 Cal hits Austin with a Kneeplant DDT after Austin blocked an attempt for a Double Underhook Face Crusher onto the chair. Cal covers but Austin kicks out at 2 and a half. (18%/6% vs 42%/32%)</p><p> </p><p>

*19:32 Austin goes for a Fist Drop which Cal counters with a Small Package. Austin kicks out at 2. Cal uses the oppurtunity to tag Penfold back in. (18%/5% vs 44%/17%)</p><p> </p><p>

*20:38 Austin hits a Falling Facedrop onto the chair and tries to lock in a Stump Puller but Penfold breaks it up. (18%/5% vs 24%/17%)</p><p> </p><p>

*21:33 Penfold goes for a Powerbomb onto the chair but Austin slips out and hits a DDT onto the chair, then tags me back in. It is truely anyone's contest. (22%/0% vs 13%/17%)</p><p> </p><p>

*22:36 I'm weilding the chair like I want to decapitate Penfold. Several attempts to strike him on the ground or standing in the head are avoided. I do get in one shot to his back. Having no choice, Penfold tags in Cal. (22%/0% vs 0%/20%)</p><p> </p><p>

*24:28 I hit Cal with a FDT onto the chair and pick him up for the Razor Blade. It's broken up however. (2%/0% vs 0%/0%)</p><p> </p><p>

*24:58 I hit a Fisherman's Suplex and bridge but Cal kicks out after 2. This is getting very intense, not to mention frustrating. (2%/0% vs 0%/0%)</p><p> </p><p>

*29:01 Me and Cal trade escaped and avoided moves, every once in a while we hit something but it's never anything damaging enough to finish the match. Cal tags first, bringing in Penfold. An attempt at a Powerbomb onto the chair is slipped out of and I tag Austin in. (0%/3% vs 0%/0%)</p><p> </p><p>

*29:49 Austin comes in and immediately locks in a Stump Puller. Penfold struggles but has to tap out.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After Match Thoughts:</strong> A very intentse and painful match. I never knew who was going to win until the tap out happened. After losing two straight matches, it felt good to win again. I'll be feeling this in the morning though.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Verdict</strong>: A good match. It was very competitive but perhaps the wrestlers could have kicked it up a gear or two. Overall Rating: *** (Woot!)</p><p> </p><p>


Final Match</strong>: vs Mercutio Sleep and Patric David (Hardcore of course)</p><p>


Pre Match Thoughts</strong>: We need to break even this month. Petric is a newcomer and isn't very good yet. Mercutio I know all too well. We'll try our best to keep David in the ring and wield us some chairs.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>During Match Happenings:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*7:15 Austin and Mercutio start off. It's an even back and forth match. Mercutio takes the early advantage with standing strikes that are just quick enough that Austin can't get away. But Austin gets more offense in later by using his agility to move out of the way of moves and resthold Mercutio into oblivion. Austin is dropkicked outside but gets an edge and enters the ring to tag me in. (100%/61% vs 71%/100%)</p><p> </p><p>

*8:20 Mercutio tags out almost right away. The guy who's career we're about to wreck enters the ring. (92%/61% vs 67%/100%)</p><p> </p><p>

*11:37 I beat David to a pulp with little trouble. After taking a Drunk Driver onto the chair (irl that could KILL someone), I flash the Straight Edge Sign in preperation for the Razor Blade but David breaks it up and tags out to Mercutio. So close! (86%/61% vs 69%/6%)</p><p> </p><p>

*15:37 I hit Mercutio with a FDT onto the chair and also a Back Suplex on a chair. Having taken Sleep and David down with it, I throw the chair out of the ring so it can't be used against us. (61%/61% vs 16%/6%)</p><p> </p><p>

*16:52 Mercutio wants to tag out and I stand there and let him. David comes in and I lock in a Stump Puller, pick him up, hit the Razor Blade, and pin him for a 3 count. Easiest win we've had in a while.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After Match Thoughts</strong>: Two wins, two losses. We could have really done better, we have in the past. Winning the last two in a row was nice though.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Verdict:</strong> This match had a few good moments, but for the most part it was painfully average and will not linger in the memory. Overall Rating: **</p>

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<p><strong>Working the Independent Scene</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match #1</strong>: vs Sgt. Bubba Lee West (joy)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Match Thoughts</strong>: So I decided to end the year on my own and try to inprove my reputation. My first opponent this month is the Sarge. I've lost to him in singles action twice already. The last time was 10 months ago however, so I'm not (too) scared.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>During Match Happenings:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*6:45 I think it's safe to say Bubba is still the superior wrestler at this point. He dominates early on, giving me no chance to avoid or block anything he throws at me. His only mistakes happens when he tosses me into the corner as that's one place I always seem to be strong in. I get in several shots to The Sarge after avoiding his barrage but once we're back in the middle of the ring he gets me down and lands many blows as I lay there in pain. (49% vs 83%)</p><p> </p><p>

*9:22 Bubba continues to control the match but I get a big break when he runs at me to Clothesline me to the outside and I counter with a Shin Splitter (custom trademark shin kick) and then give him another for good measure before hitting the FDT. (41% vs 59%)</p><p> </p><p>

*9:54 Bubba stuns me with a punch and then goes for a Spear to end it, but I counter with a Shoot-in Double Leg Takedown. I'm holding on, just need the one chance to hit the Razor Blade and I can claim victory. (39% vs 57%)</p><p> </p><p>

*13:09 Bubba wears me down and goes for the Clothesline to the Outside, this time it lands and I go sailing out. We duke it out on the floor and I manage to gain control, I go for a FDT to try to get a countout victory but it's broken up. Bubba goes for a Stump Piledriver at the count of 8 and I break it up. We both dive headfirst into the ring at the count of 9 1/2! I'm the first to re-act hitting an FDT and then shooting a Straight Edge Sign in preperation for the Razor Blade, Bubba is aware enough to charge at me while I'm taunting and regains control of the match up. (22% vs 19%)</p><p> </p><p>

*15:12 Bubba gets me back outside again, this time with a Flying Lariat Clothlines. He doesn't follow me out though, trying to get the count out victory. I roll in at 7, and Bubba is waiting for me. He connects with his Cannon Fodder and I'm counting lights for the 3.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After Match Thoughts</strong>: I took The Sarge to the limit. A loss is never good, but I fought hard and it could have gone either way. Let's hope there's a tomato can next in my way so I can kick him.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Verdict</strong>: A run-of-the-mill competitive bout. Overall Rating: **</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match 2</strong>: vs Howard Runnels</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Match Thoughts</strong>: Hello Howard. Welcome the business. That's right, I'm facing someone in their debut match. At 6'7" and 298 lbs, he's quite the sight. But I can see the fear in his eyes. (stats are awful lol)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>During Match Happenings:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*6:26 I'm standing toe to toe with the big guy. My eleven months of experience is a small advantage against his none. He's a little slow, which means for once I'm the speedy guy. His defense is decent though, I'm not getting in large bursts of offense standing, only on the ground. (69% vs 51%)</p><p> </p><p>

*10:31 Still very even. I'm getting in offense on the ground and when I can work my way behind him. Howard is getting alot of offense in when we are face to face. Both of us are ready to be pinned, it's a matter of who can get their finisher first. (22% vs 14%)</p><p> </p><p>

*11:30 I'm busted open by a DDT by Howard. I'm terrified that I'm about to lose to a total newbie. (12% vs 8%)</p><p> </p><p>

*13:51 A Razor Blade is blocked, I kick Howard in the gut but he no sells and gives me a Strong Open Hand Slap. I avoid an elbow drop and I stomp the holy hell out of him. After picking him up, I talk trash right in his face then hit the Razor Blade for a 3 count. And that's that.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After Match Thoughts:</strong> I'm glad to get a win on my own, even if I did almost lose to a complete nimrod.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Verdict</strong>: A run-of-the-mill competitive bout. Overall Rating: **</p><p> </p><p>

(Raised Speed from 250 to 260)</p>

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<p><strong>Match 3</strong>: vs Mark Smart</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Match Thoughts</strong>: I've only faced Smart once and it was in a tag match that involved my old nemisis, Land Mass. He is not overly great, but very competent so if I work hard I should give him a good match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>During Match Happenings:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*3:23 Smart is proving to have a great amount of defense. Nothing I'm throwing is landing, whether it be strikes or holds. He isn't hurting me alot, but without offense of my own I feel vunerable. (83% vs 96%)</p><p> </p><p>

*6:20 My struggle to land blows continues, I get in a few shots to the back of Smart's head while I have him behind but it's the biggest part of my offense this whole match. You can't beat what you can't catch. Smart is really wearing me down now, and he is landing more complicated and crowd pleasing moves to me while I lay prone on the ground. (53% vs 84%)</p><p> </p><p>

*10:27 The tide is turning. I managed to hit an FDT and I lay boots to Smart as if he was a burning piece of trash. Then I pick him up from behind and drive him on the back of his neck with a Back Suplex. (36% vs 51%)</p><p> </p><p>

*15:08 After hitting my 5th FDT of the night, I pick Smart up and hit the Drunk Driver. Flashing the Straight Edge Sign, I go for the Razor Blade as Smart stands but it's blocked. I simply FDT him for a 6th time and once again cross my arms together in the Straight Edge Sign, this time I hit the Razor Blade but Smart kicks out at 2 and 9/10ths. (28% vs 0%)</p><p> </p><p>

*15:28 Not giving up, I pick Smart up and hit a 2nd Razor Blade. This time he can't kick out.</p><p>


After Match Thoughts</strong>: I don't have the right skills to start strong, but I have the intelligence and the guts to finish strong. I never (?) had any doubt I would win this match. Onward to the final match of my rookie year!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Verdict</strong>: This was a perfectly acceptable but perfectly dull bout that will soon be forgotten. Overall Rating: **</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final Match of my Rookie Year:</strong> vs Fearless Blue</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Pre Match Thoughts</strong>: I've beaten Blue twice in tag matches. The last time was recently and I pinned him myself after a Fisherman's Suplex. Blue is a backyard wrestler, as am I. I've improved this last year, he hasn't. He's mine.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>During Match Happenings:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*4:10 Right away I show my dominance by taking a punch from the little man and not batting an eyelash. I hit several strikes but really take control of the match by getting behind him and repeatedly hitting him in the back of the head with punches. Blue jumped off the top rope with a Double Axehandle but a counter it easily into a Sleeper Hold. it's much too soon though and Blue of course doesn't tap nor pass out. (86% vs 75%)</p><p> </p><p>

*8:29 Blue tries to pull a Fluffy and make a comeback. His big chance comes when he hits a dropkick that makes me tumble to the outside. Blue beats down on me until the count of 8 when he runs into the ring. I make it in at 9 and a half. (41% vs 52%)</p><p> </p><p>

*10:32 Blue hits two Double Axehandles off the top rope and lands a few ground moves to boot. It isn't enough to keep me down. First I grab him into a Hammerlock, lands a couple blows to the back of his head, then finish the match by everyone's surprise but my own with a German Suplex for a 3 count.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After Match Thoughts</strong>: The year ends on a high note. Blue had some flashy moves and even had a near win through nafarious ways but in the end I beat him convincingly.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Verdict</strong>: A poor match, mired in mediocrity. Overall Rating: *</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>End of Year For 2014</strong></p><p>


Storylines</strong>: 5 successes, 5 failures, 2 neutral</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Win-Loss Record:</strong> 34 wins, 14 losses.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Best Match:</strong> ***, Loss to New York Red in my debut match.</p><p> </p><p>

No Awards, no Power 500.</p><p> </p><p>

(Raised Striking from 270 to 280)</p><p> </p><p>

(Too bad I had to face Sgt. Bubba Lee West to begin December because I won my last 3 matches to end the year.)</p>

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